
Midnight Cry Messenger

MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles


Library of Articles

1995 Update

A Glimpse of Our Destiny

A Most Divine Sandwich

A Time to Choose

A Time to Prepare

Abiding in the Vine

The Abomination of Desolation

Afflictions of the Righteous

All Israel

Amazing Grace

Approaches to God

Are You a Slave to Alcohol?

As It Was in Noah’s Day

The Author of Confusion

The Awakening

The Awakening and the Restoration


Baptism Unto Christ

The Battle is the Lord’s

The Battle of the Ages

Be Ready

Be Ready (from Sudden Death Overtime)

Be The Clay

Becoming Sons of God

The Beginning of Knowledge

The Binding of Satan

Birth Control

Bringing Many Sons Unto Glory

By Invitation Only

Cain and Abel

Called According to His Purpose

Can You Recognize the Anointing?

Capital Punishment

Casting Out Devils

Choosing a Mate

Chosen in Him

Christ’s Coming

Christians in the Night

The Church, Christ’s Body

The Coming of Christ

Commands and Promises


Conformation and Transformation

Counting the Cost

The Critical Need

The Curse of Religion

Days of Noah

Death, Part One

Death, Part Two



Demoniac World

Demons and Insanity

Different Kinds of Men

Divine Order

Divorce and Remarriage

Does God Speak To You? Part 1

Does God Speak To You? Part 2

Does God Speak To You? Part 3

Egypt, the Wilderness, and Canaan

The End

The End of All Times

Evening Time Light


The Evidence of His Spirit

False Prophets

False Teaching

Fate of the Wicked

Fear Not, Only Believe

Fear Not, Thou Worm Jacob

Fear Not, You Worm

The Fight of Faith

First Love


A Foundation Laid in Zion

Genesis: A Personal Journey

Genesis: In Conclusion

Genesis: Thus Far ...

Genesis: What Does the Bible Actually Teach?

Getting Ready

The Glory of God

The God of This World

God’s Chosen People, Part 1

God’s Chosen People, Part 2

God’s Chosen People, Part 3

God’s Chosen People, Part 4

God’s Chosen People, Part 5

God’s Invitation

God’s Kingdom in This World

God’s Last Move

God’s Order in the Home

God’s Original Intention

God’s Plan For The Church

God’s Remnant

God’s Sheep

God’s Wrath

The Gospel: Coming to Faith

The Gospel: God’s Answer to Man’s Need

The Gospel: Man’s Need

Great Deception

The Great Falling Away

A Great Mystery, Part 1

A Great Mystery, Part 2

The Great Supper

Great Tribulation

Growing in Knowledge

Hear Ye Him

His Habitation

Holy Boldness


Homosexuality and the Bible

The Honeymoon

How Can We Know?

How Cults Are Born

How Do We Examine Ourselves?

How Long, Oh Lord?

How To Overcome

Husbands Love Your Wives

I Never Heard This Before

Immortal Soul?


Immortality: The Gospel

Implications of the Lordship of Christ

Is The Earth Old?

Is The United Nations The Beast of Daniel and Revelation?

Is Your Jesus Too Small?


Jesus and Creation

The Judgment of God

The Judgment of the Jewish Nation

The Judy Clevenger Story

The Keys of the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God

Lessons From a Streetcar

Lessons From the Early Church

The Lie

Life Out of Death

Light and Darkness

The Loosing of Satan


Love, Witness, Hope, Purpose

The Man of Sin

Man’s Final Rebellion

Marriage and Divorce

The Midnight Cry

The Ministry

Ministry of Angels, Part 1

Ministry of Angels, Part 2

Ministry of Women

Miraculous Lying Signs and Wonders

The Missing Ingredient

My Perspective on Bro. Thomas

My Religious Background

Mystery Babylon

The Mystery of Iniquity

The Mystery of the Kingdom

The Myth of Sex

The Name of the Lord

The Necessity of War

New Heavens

New Testament Church


No Private Religion

Noah and the Flood

Non-Miraculous Lying Signs and Wonders

One Man Pastor

Oppression and Possession

Oneness: How Important?

Origin and Fall

Our Great High Priest

Overcoming the Beast

Participating in His Purpose


People Who Know Their God

Perfect in One


The Person and Work of Christ

Pilgrim's Progress Excerpt

The Preaching of the Cross

Preparation for the Gospel

The Process of Becoming Immortal

The Proper Order

The Purpose of the Keys

The Race Set Before Us

Redeemed from the Curse

The Reign of Christ

Repentance and Forgiveness

Resurrection and Judgment

Revelation 20 and the Thousand Years

Revival? or Satanic Counterfeit?

Revival? or Satanic Counterfeit? Part 2

The Rod of God

Satanic Kingdom

The Seal of the Spirit


Seeds of the Kingdom


Sexual Perversion

Shipwrecked Marriages and How to Prevent Them

Sign Seekers

The Sin Unto Death

The Solid Rock

The Spirit He Gave Us

The Spirit of Antichrist

Standing Firm in the Faith

Sweet Sound

A Tale of Two World-Views

Temptation and Deception

The Test of Fellowship

The Test of Obedience

Things That Are Not

Things the Devil Knows

This Present Darkness

There is a River

The Thousand Year Mystery

Three Types of Men

Through Paths of Dryness and Desertion

The Time Will Come

Tongues: My Testimony

Tongues Should Be Tested

The True Heart of Worship

True Repentance

The True Significance of Pentecost


The Truth About Ourselves ... and Why It Matters

Two Kinds of Life

The Two Seeds

The Two-Stage Theory of the Second Coming of Christ

Unfaithfulness: Why Married Couples Cheat

The Valley of Decision

A Very Important Word

A Vision of Judgment

The Visitation

Walk While Ye Have the Light

We Lack Nothing

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

What About Hell?

What About Science?

What About The Devil?

What About The Jews?

What Are These Keys?

What Did Jesus Say?

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 1

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 2

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 3

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 4

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 5

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 5a

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 5b

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 6

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 7

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 8

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 9

What Does Deception Look Like? Part 10

What is Happening?

What Now?

Where is Your Faith?

Who Are You?

Who is a Jew?

Why Do Professing Christians Differ?

Why Examine Yourselves?

Why I Believe As I Do

Why Paul Was Concerned

Why People Believe They Are OK

Will All Israel Be Saved?

Ye May Know

Your Adversary

Your Kingdom Come