April-June 2024


by Phil Enlow

A Very Important Word

by Phil Enlow

The Power of Persevering Prayer

by Andrew Murray

MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles

Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! It’s hard to believe that June is here already! By the time most of you receive this our annual convention, June 19-22, will have come and gone. We are looking forward to sharing it with all who are able to come and looking to the Lord to come, lead, and provide as He will. He is faithful!

The lead article is a very slightly edited version of the transcript of a message preached about 12 years ago. It is a subject that is always relevant, yet seems specially so at present.

This world is a battlefield. But the most important battles do not involve earthly armies but rather the armies of heaven against Satan’s forces that dominate this present world.

God’s people need to be in tune with heaven so that we can, as He leads, participate in what He is doing instead of fighting our own selfish earthly battles. Instead of looking to God to be on our side, we need to be on His!

Clearly, one of the keys in spiritual warfare is prayer, hence the article by Andrew Murray on the Power of Prevailing Prayer. True prayer that prevails is not powered by human energy but by the Holy Spirit. Thus, once again, it is crucial that we are operating in harmony with His purposes as He reveals them. When we operate in His will and purpose, and Spirit-powered prayer is flowing through us, there are eternal results. Satan is not afraid of us but he is surely afraid of God in us!

The other article is based on the subject of a message preached several years ago. There was a touch of humor in it yet the principle set forth is crucial for a healthy Christian life.

Everywhere in scripture we are encouraged to have our eyes upon Christ and His promises and not on our everyday circumstances. Faith has to get beyond merely acknowledging truth but rather living it out. There will always be obstacles to be overcome. Yet, in spite of every kind of difficulty that threatens faith, we can live in victory if we understand God’s ways.

It’s a crazy world out there and getting worse by the day. That should not be a surprise to God’s people. But I trust that we understand that God has a purpose in it all and is faithful!

Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow