Brother C. Parker Thomas

Born in 1919 in northern Florida, USA, Bro. Thomas was put through a difficult “school” by the God who would later reveal Himself to him. Due to a broken home his childhood consisted of being “bounced around” from one place to another. No doubt this contributed to his public school education being cut short. In addition to his having no real home, the Great Depression came along and made life difficult as it did for so many.

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About Us

A very natural question arises when people browse our website: they want to know what denomination we are and what our doctrinal statement is. These are common and almost expected ways religious groups have of identifying and categorizing themselves. Perhaps the following will serve as an answer to that type of question.

To quote from the “outgo” of our radio and television broadcasts: “We are not affiliated with any denomination but seek only, under the headship of Christ, to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Our hearts are open to all of God’s elect remnant who desire to be ready for the soon return of our Lord.”

You will find it difficult, if not impossible, to fit us into any religious category. Our “doctrinal statement” is the Bible. We actively acknowledge Christ as the Head of His Body, the Church and look to Him to feed the sheep from the Word as we have need.

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The following four assemblies were founded directly under the guidance of Brother C. Parker Thomas. They are listed for the benefit of those who may wish to visit with us.

Midnight Cry Ministry Church - Jacksonville, FL
Ramona Park Church - Lake City, FL
Bible Tabernacle Church - Southern Pines, NC
Calvary Spring Community Church - Lexington, SC