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September 29, 2019 - No. 1408
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September 22, 2019 - No. 1407
“Our Hope of Glory” Conclusion
September 22, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1407 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, good morning! I must confess this is one morning when I would be very happy if we had recorded the men’s meeting and simply played it back. The Lord blessed and an awful lot of what’s been on my heart was expressed there.
And I believe it’s from the burden of the Lord’s heart. He wants us to know something more of the reality of what He’s given to us, rather than us living on theology and theory, to the degree that we may. But I believe with all my heart, the Lord is coming forth in a way to stir up a hunger in His people.
You know, I had that burden Wednesday night that we needed Him and His presence, that it’s not enough to come and go through the form of what we do. And that’s all right, singing and worshipping and reading our Bibles and all that stuff is wonderful, but if the Lord’s not in the middle of it, it’s just a form. And we need Him.
( congregational amens ).
And I feel—I keenly feel my need this morning. And all I’m gonna do is just say, Lord, You’re gonna have to help me, You’re gonna have to help the people. That’s what this is for. If the Lord’s laid anything on my heart, it’s not for me, it’s for you, and it’s for everyone that may hear it.
But anyway, I’m gonna turn to a familiar scripture, as a jumping off point, in one of my favorite books, Colossians. Colossians was written by Paul the Apostle at a point in his life when he was in prison. He had suffered for the Lord. He had paid a high price to do what he did. And…but there he was.
He had heard about this church. It’s the one he’d never been to. It was founded by somebody who was in his circle of acquaintance in the ministry. But, anyway, he had heard of their faith and there just came into his heart a real burden to share the essence of what it meant to serve the Lord and encourage them, to instruct them.
But there’s one expression, toward the end of chapter 1 that just seems to come back to my mind, repeatedly. And, it’s found in…well, let’s see. Praise God! I’ll back up to verse 25. “I have become its servant…” the church, he’s talking about, “…by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness…” (NIV).
Then he refers to that as, “…the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” That’s the essence of what it means to be a part of God’s Kingdom, to be a part of His Church.
You know, the world is full of stuff…of organizations called churches. But I believe with all my heart, God has a Church. I’m not trying to say, we’re ‘it.’ I’m just trying to say, God has a people in the earth. And what distinguishes His work from everything else is this simple fact. It’s not Christ out there. It’s not the Christ of history, not the Christ who will come. It’s not the Christ of a book, although He is all of those things. It’s a Christ that literally comes into the heart of an individual.
Without that, that’s…that will be the dividing line of history. When everyone stands before the judgment seat of Christ, everyone will be divided by this issue. Everyone that Christ has literally come into their life, to take up residence, not just in the mind, but in the heart, to come in as Savior but also as Lord, as all that He is, everyone who has been begotten, literally, born by God’s Spirit, they will be standing on one side and they will be standing there in glory! There will be a brightness. There will be a purity that not one of us could ever think about deserving or achieving.
But everyone else, and it’s going to include a lot of religious people, will be standing there and some of them will be saying, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?” (KJV). We’ve preached! Think about…think about what He’s saying there. There are preachers, who’ve given their lives to talking about Jesus, who will stand there and say, Lord, didn’t we preach in Your name? Haven’t we done many wonderful works in Your name? Haven’t we done all this stuff? We’ve performed miracles! Lord, what’s the deal here?
And He said, “…depart from me, ye that work iniquity….” The original word is lawlessness. There’s a spirit of self that’s on the throne. This is not somebody who’s surrendered the heart to the lordship of Jesus Christ. This is somebody who has embraced religion, but they’ve never had Jesus Christ come in and possess their hearts. And he said, “…depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” “I never knew you.”
Boy, this is the essence of being the Church. And I believe with all my heart, God wants to bring us to a fresh reality of this.
( congregational response ).
The Kingdom of God is a supernatural thing! And that’s what He means it to be. I mean, you go back to the beginning. All that Adam and Eve received from God, in the beginning, was created life. It had no power in and of itself to endure. And they had a choice before them, didn’t they? Am I going to go my own rebellious way and seek my own godhood, take charge of this life that I have been given and use it for my benefit and for my, whatever? Am I gonna be in charge, or am I gonna surrender my life to Him?
And they made the choice that they made and this world has been plunged into darkness ever since. And the reality is, the life that became so corrupted by sin can never be changed! That’s what’s amazing! There is only one solution to this life and that’s to die!
That’s what’s wrong. There’s…I mean, you can’t come, for example, you can’t come to this church, or any church for that matter, and simply…come to church, talk about Jesus, sing about Jesus, and live a good life and expect to be received on that day. It’s not about that.
( congregational amens ).
Every one of us has been reduced to exactly the same level and the same level of need. I don’t care whether you came out of a gutter of sin. There will be people who will hear this, at some point, who are in prison for murder, and other terrible crimes. You are no worse…you have no greater need than I do! I was born into a world of sinners. I have a nature that I don’t care what I do, it will absolutely resist God. It will fight to the last breath for its own will and its own way.
I’ll tell you what, this is the issue that absolutely divides humankind. Jesus had some pretty pointed things to say about that, didn’t He? He said, he that loves his life, or he that will preserve his life, what’s the end result of that?
( congregational response ).
He’s gonna lose it! I mean, this world is full of people who value this life above everything and what they think they can get out of it, fulfilling their desires, pursuing their dreams—earthly dreams, and when they come to the end, what will they have? Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
I mean, suppose you could suddenly become the king of the world, in some fashion. You own every diamond, you own every piece of gold, you own every bit of wealth there is, any pleasure that comes into your heart and your mind, you have instant access to it, you can do whatever you want to gratify whatever desire arises.
In the first place, you’re gonna be chock-full of empty! Look at the people that this week have committed suicide, and they’re talking about suicide being an epidemic. What’s the problem? People are trying so hard to get what they think they want out of this life, gratifying its desires, and they’re winding up feeling the emptiness to the point where they say there’s no use going on, the best choice that I can make is to end my life.
And some of them are wealthy people who had seemed to have it all. And people would look up to them and say, oh, if I could only be like them. And yet, there they are, demonstrating the emptiness of this life.
But suppose you could come to the end of your life, and have it all and not even feel that. Somehow, you’re so immune to reality that you think you’ve got it all. Your life is gonna end!
God had a reason, when He created this world. You know, it’s something we’ve said so many times lately, and the Lord must want to emphasize it, God had a purpose in eternity to build a family, but it’s not gonna be a family peopled by folks who are possessed of human nature as we know it. These are gonna be people who are absolutely changed, born, literally living by His life! That’s what’s really at…that’s the issue with the Kingdom of God!
It’s interesting that Paul, earlier in this very passage, he describes a lot of the background that leads into that summary statement of, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” And he talks about how we have been delivered “…from the power of darkness.”
This world doesn’t know, for the most part, what in the world is going on or why things are the way they are. There is a kingdom ruled over by God’s enemy, the Devil. It’s real. His emissaries, demons, are real. We are seeing the effects in our society of the loosing of Satan—the last loosing before the end of all things. And we are…I’ll tell you, it takes divine power to deliver people. But there is power in Him!
( congregational amens ).
He has already won the victory at the cross. Thank God! But it’s a real war. It’s a real battle. Boy, there’s a lot of stuff…like I say, I could’ve just played this from the men’s meeting this morning. But Praise God! That was an encouragement. The Lord’s trying to remind me that…trying to encourage me because I’m…I’ll tell you, the Devil has battled this.
I’m in this battle with you. If you’re fighting battles in your mind and your heart right today, yeah, so am I. But the Lord is putting us through battles for a reason. He wants us to know that the enemy is real. He wants us to know that the issues are real. He wants us to know that we need Him. We need deliverance from what we are naturally. But He also wants to drive us to call upon Him and to open our hearts to the reality of who He is. He reigns!
( congregational response ).
He lives! He reigns! How little do we enter into that! What a low level of life that we accept as normal and natural and we’re just doing fine. Oh, God! It’s like I’ve said several times lately, the greatest danger I see and I can imagine if Brother Thomas were here he’d be saying a lot of the same things—the greatest danger is that we will simply take our history and the truths that the Lord has made real to us, and that they will simply become doctrine. They will simply become tradition. We will seek to indoctrinate the next generation in all of these wonderful things that we have learned, and imagine that they’re just gonna embrace them with their minds and go on and carry on and do ‘church’ just like we have taught them to do. My God, we need Christ!
( congregational amens ).
We need His living presence! It’s not Christ out there. It’s not Christ of history, like I’ve said, or Christ of doctrine. It’s a Christ in us! He literally lives in a people! Praise God! You know, in the Old Testament, God was doing a work of preparation, wasn’t He? He never meant for that to be the end game.
He gave them laws to follow, but He gave them laws knowing full well that they could not possible live up to them. But along with those laws, He gave them sacrifices. And so, when they failed and when they sinned they had a way to go to God and it was a sacrifice that involved death.
Oh, do you see the lessons that He was teaching in that? How sin…the consequence of sin is death! That’s the only answer. When something becomes truly infected with this disease called sin, there’s only one cure, and that’s death! But oh, there came One into the world—there came One, the very Son of God.
And again, you look back in this passage and you see who this was. Look at 15: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (NIV).
I mean, it goes on and on with who this is. This is amazing. This is the One who absolutely spoke the stars into existence. And here we were, worthy only to die and be destroyed, and just a blot on the universe. And yet, He came.
And He didn’t come as some grand monarch. He came as a little baby, born of human flesh, and He experienced everything that you and I experience. But by the grace of God, He never gave in to the principle of sin.
And so that time came when He, the Lamb of God, assumed the guilt for every sin, every lie you’ve ever told! Every evil thought, every evil word, every evil motive, every evil deed that’s ever proceeded from your life and your being, every one that’s ever happened in the world, He took it upon Himself, as though, I accept the guilt. I’m guilty, I plead guilty of all of it.
This is Somebody pretty amazing! And yet, He took it upon Himself. And they killed Him in the most painful, humiliating way possible. And they put Him in a grave and the demons danced. And three days later they shrieked as they realized what had happened, that God had turned what looked like absolute defeat into complete victory.
And it was through that that you and I have hope today. We don’t have hope because we’re anything. We’re nothing! I don’t care who you are today. We have the same need before God but we have the same Savior.
( congregational amens ).
You know, one thing kept coming back to my mind as I was thinking about when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a man who was schooled in the Jews’ religion. They had taken the laws that God had given them and turned them into a man-made religion of self-righteousness. They imagined that if they did things the way they had learned to do them and followed their traditions that God would think highly of them and accept them.
And Jesus made the point very clear, you have to be born again. I don’t care what you do. I don’t care what religion you practice. I don’t care how you live your life, in one sense. I mean, obviously, we care, but you understand what I’m saying. It’s not a matter of how you live your life, it’s a matter of what kind of life you have. You have to be born again!
You can take flesh, somebody that’s simply born into Adam’s family and you can make him as religious as you want to! All you’ve got is a religious sinner, who’s gonna die in the end.
Oh, Nicodemus couldn’t understand that. You’ve got to be born again. You’ve got to have a literal birth, a miracle of God, because God’s new covenant is not about laws and do’s and don’ts and religious practices and all of that. It’s about a new heart and a new spirit that only God can put in us.
Do you know what the price of that is? See, Jesus doesn’t come in to enhance your earthly life. He doesn’t come in to fulfill your dream—your earthly dreams. He comes in as a replacement. You know the entry ‘rite,’ if you want to call it that, but the outward expression of somebody coming to Christ? You look in the New Testament. What was it? When somebody came to Christ, what did they do?
( congregational response ).
They were baptized! They didn’t have altars. They were baptized. What did that mean? What does baptism mean?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, it’s death, isn’t it? When I go into the water, I am literally laying down my life. I am giving it up. I’m saying, Lord, I embrace what Jesus did in my place on that cross. I deserve to die. I deserve what He got. And I am willingly laying down my life, but I’m doing so based upon your promise, the hope of His promise…what we were just singing about. The hope of His promise, that if I lay down my life and call upon the name of the Lord, that You will come and give me the life that came forth out of that tomb.
That’s been Your dream. That’s been Your plan from the beginning is to share Yourself with me! All that You are, the joy, the power, the freedom, all of that to come in and to literally live in me! That’s what it means to be His child! That’s what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ.
Oh, the greatest danger for younger generations is to grow up and learn the truths, learn the doctrines, learn how to sing, but all you’ve got is up here. And you never come to the point where you realize what it means!
There’s one thing that really jumped out at me, among others, but one particular thing that jumps out at me right now is that Paul calls this a mystery. The NLT uses the word ‘secret.’ This is the kind of knowledge of what he’s talking about. You cannot posses this knowledge by…I don’t care who you are, how smart you are, how diligent you are to search out truth. If you’re simply going and looking for it with natural intelligence, you will never, ever discover this.
( congregational amens ).
It is so contrary to human nature to think that I live because I die, that I am…in myself I am a worthless sinner deserving death. But in Christ, I am loved as His child because I have received His life in my place…in its place.
I’ll tell you, it’s like I said recently, the Devil had no clue what was going on, what he’d got himself into when he crucified the Lord. He thought he was winning. But I’ll tell you, what does the scripture say? That, if they had known, if they’d understood these things, “…they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (NIV). You see why it was kept a mystery? This is truth that can only be revealed by God’s Spirit.
And one thing that is interesting to me in Paul’s words of exhortation to these people. Look…go back and…let’s see, back in verse 9, there’s a thought here that needs to be expressed. Paul says…he’s writing to believers here, by the way. “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
Now this is Christians he’s talking about. And basically, Paul is saying, I know you don’t really understand what you need to understand. You don’t fully appreciate what God has given you when He gave you His Son. And so, my prayer for you is, God, open your understanding.
Well, my God, if that’s true of Christians, how much more true is it of people that have never come to this! You can’t explain people into this. We need…my God, we need to pray that God will bring every person for whom this is not true, Christ is not your life…that God will bring you to such a point of conviction where you will know what you are! You will know who He is! You will know what’s needed and you’ll be moved by the grace of God to lay down your life and embrace His!
There’s got to be that point in time, whether it’s dramatic or quiet, there’s got to be a point of real divine revelation that goes to the heart! You think about Paul as the poster child of this. This was a guy who was so given to his religion that he used that as a pretext to go out and persecute Christians! That’s how blind he was! That’s how much of a mystery what he later came to understand was to Paul. Paul had no clue what was going on and what he was really doing until he met Jesus, rather dramatically, in his case.
But how does he describe that? He describes that as the revelation of the mystery, “…of the knowledge of…God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (KJV). And where did it come to? Was it just his mind? Did somebody sit him down and say, let me explain this doctrine to you? No! This was something that God used to penetrate his heart!
September 15, 2019 - No. 1406
“Our Hope of Glory” Part One
September 15, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1406 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, good morning! I must confess this is one morning when I would be very happy if we had recorded the men’s meeting and simply played it back. The Lord blessed and an awful lot of what’s been on my heart was expressed there.
And I believe it’s from the burden of the Lord’s heart. He wants us to know something more of the reality of what He’s given to us, rather than us living on theology and theory, to the degree that we may. But I believe with all my heart, the Lord is coming forth in a way to stir up a hunger in His people.
You know, I had that burden Wednesday night that we needed Him and His presence, that it’s not enough to come and go through the form of what we do. And that’s all right, singing and worshipping and reading our Bibles and all that stuff is wonderful, but if the Lord’s not in the middle of it, it’s just a form. And we need Him.
( congregational amens ).
And I feel—I keenly feel my need this morning. And all I’m gonna do is just say, Lord, You’re gonna have to help me, You’re gonna have to help the people. That’s what this is for. If the Lord’s laid anything on my heart, it’s not for me, it’s for you, and it’s for everyone that may hear it.
But anyway, I’m gonna turn to a familiar scripture, as a jumping off point, in one of my favorite books, Colossians. Colossians was written by Paul the Apostle at a point in his life when he was in prison. He had suffered for the Lord. He had paid a high price to do what he did. And…but there he was.
He had heard about this church. It’s the one he’d never been to. It was founded by somebody who was in his circle of acquaintance in the ministry. But, anyway, he had heard of their faith and there just came into his heart a real burden to share the essence of what it meant to serve the Lord and encourage them, to instruct them.
But there’s one expression, toward the end of chapter 1 that just seems to come back to my mind, repeatedly. And, it’s found in…well, let’s see. Praise God! I’ll back up to verse 25. “I have become its servant…” the church, he’s talking about, “…by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness…” (NIV).
Then he refers to that as, “…the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” That’s the essence of what it means to be a part of God’s Kingdom, to be a part of His Church.
You know, the world is full of stuff…of organizations called churches. But I believe with all my heart, God has a Church. I’m not trying to say, we’re ‘it.’ I’m just trying to say, God has a people in the earth. And what distinguishes His work from everything else is this simple fact. It’s not Christ out there. It’s not the Christ of history, not the Christ who will come. It’s not the Christ of a book, although He is all of those things. It’s a Christ that literally comes into the heart of an individual.
Without that, that’s…that will be the dividing line of history. When everyone stands before the judgment seat of Christ, everyone will be divided by this issue. Everyone that Christ has literally come into their life, to take up residence, not just in the mind, but in the heart, to come in as Savior but also as Lord, as all that He is, everyone who has been begotten, literally, born by God’s Spirit, they will be standing on one side and they will be standing there in glory! There will be a brightness. There will be a purity that not one of us could ever think about deserving or achieving.
But everyone else, and it’s going to include a lot of religious people, will be standing there and some of them will be saying, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?” (KJV). We’ve preached! Think about…think about what He’s saying there. There are preachers, who’ve given their lives to talking about Jesus, who will stand there and say, Lord, didn’t we preach in Your name? Haven’t we done many wonderful works in Your name? Haven’t we done all this stuff? We’ve performed miracles! Lord, what’s the deal here?
And He said, “…depart from me, ye that work iniquity….” The original word is lawlessness. There’s a spirit of self that’s on the throne. This is not somebody who’s surrendered the heart to the lordship of Jesus Christ. This is somebody who has embraced religion, but they’ve never had Jesus Christ come in and possess their hearts. And he said, “…depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” “I never knew you.”
Boy, this is the essence of being the Church. And I believe with all my heart, God wants to bring us to a fresh reality of this.
( congregational response ).
The Kingdom of God is a supernatural thing! And that’s what He means it to be. I mean, you go back to the beginning. All that Adam and Eve received from God, in the beginning, was created life. It had no power in and of itself to endure. And they had a choice before them, didn’t they? Am I going to go my own rebellious way and seek my own godhood, take charge of this life that I have been given and use it for my benefit and for my, whatever? Am I gonna be in charge, or am I gonna surrender my life to Him?
And they made the choice that they made and this world has been plunged into darkness ever since. And the reality is, the life that became so corrupted by sin can never be changed! That’s what’s amazing! There is only one solution to this life and that’s to die!
That’s what’s wrong. There’s…I mean, you can’t come, for example, you can’t come to this church, or any church for that matter, and simply…come to church, talk about Jesus, sing about Jesus, and live a good life and expect to be received on that day. It’s not about that.
( congregational amens ).
Every one of us has been reduced to exactly the same level and the same level of need. I don’t care whether you came out of a gutter of sin. There will be people who will hear this, at some point, who are in prison for murder, and other terrible crimes. You are no worse…you have no greater need than I do! I was born into a world of sinners. I have a nature that I don’t care what I do, it will absolutely resist God. It will fight to the last breath for its own will and its own way.
I’ll tell you what, this is the issue that absolutely divides humankind. Jesus had some pretty pointed things to say about that, didn’t He? He said, he that loves his life, or he that will preserve his life, what’s the end result of that?
( congregational response ).
He’s gonna lose it! I mean, this world is full of people who value this life above everything and what they think they can get out of it, fulfilling their desires, pursuing their dreams—earthly dreams, and when they come to the end, what will they have? Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
I mean, suppose you could suddenly become the king of the world, in some fashion. You own every diamond, you own every piece of gold, you own every bit of wealth there is, any pleasure that comes into your heart and your mind, you have instant access to it, you can do whatever you want to gratify whatever desire arises.
In the first place, you’re gonna be chock-full of empty! Look at the people that this week have committed suicide, and they’re talking about suicide being an epidemic. What’s the problem? People are trying so hard to get what they think they want out of this life, gratifying its desires, and they’re winding up feeling the emptiness to the point where they say there’s no use going on, the best choice that I can make is to end my life.
And some of them are wealthy people who had seemed to have it all. And people would look up to them and say, oh, if I could only be like them. And yet, there they are, demonstrating the emptiness of this life.
But suppose you could come to the end of your life, and have it all and not even feel that. Somehow, you’re so immune to reality that you think you’ve got it all. Your life is gonna end!
God had a reason, when He created this world. You know, it’s something we’ve said so many times lately, and the Lord must want to emphasize it, God had a purpose in eternity to build a family, but it’s not gonna be a family peopled by folks who are possessed of human nature as we know it. These are gonna be people who are absolutely changed, born, literally living by His life! That’s what’s really at…that’s the issue with the Kingdom of God!
It’s interesting that Paul, earlier in this very passage, he describes a lot of the background that leads into that summary statement of, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” And he talks about how we have been delivered “…from the power of darkness.”
This world doesn’t know, for the most part, what in the world is going on or why things are the way they are. There is a kingdom ruled over by God’s enemy, the Devil. It’s real. His emissaries, demons, are real. We are seeing the effects in our society of the loosing of Satan—the last loosing before the end of all things. And we are…I’ll tell you, it takes divine power to deliver people. But there is power in Him!
( congregational amens ).
He has already won the victory at the cross. Thank God! But it’s a real war. It’s a real battle. Boy, there’s a lot of stuff…like I say, I could’ve just played this from the men’s meeting this morning. But Praise God! That was an encouragement. The Lord’s trying to remind me that…trying to encourage me because I’m…I’ll tell you, the Devil has battled this.
I’m in this battle with you. If you’re fighting battles in your mind and your heart right today, yeah, so am I. But the Lord is putting us through battles for a reason. He wants us to know that the enemy is real. He wants us to know that the issues are real. He wants us to know that we need Him. We need deliverance from what we are naturally. But He also wants to drive us to call upon Him and to open our hearts to the reality of who He is. He reigns!
( congregational response ).
He lives! He reigns! How little do we enter into that! What a low level of life that we accept as normal and natural and we’re just doing fine. Oh, God! It’s like I’ve said several times lately, the greatest danger I see and I can imagine if Brother Thomas were here he’d be saying a lot of the same things—the greatest danger is that we will simply take our history and the truths that the Lord has made real to us, and that they will simply become doctrine. They will simply become tradition. We will seek to indoctrinate the next generation in all of these wonderful things that we have learned, and imagine that they’re just gonna embrace them with their minds and go on and carry on and do ‘church’ just like we have taught them to do. My God, we need Christ!
( congregational amens ).
We need His living presence! It’s not Christ out there. It’s not Christ of history, like I’ve said, or Christ of doctrine. It’s a Christ in us! He literally lives in a people! Praise God! You know, in the Old Testament, God was doing a work of preparation, wasn’t He? He never meant for that to be the end game.
He gave them laws to follow, but He gave them laws knowing full well that they could not possible live up to them. But along with those laws, He gave them sacrifices. And so, when they failed and when they sinned they had a way to go to God and it was a sacrifice that involved death.
Oh, do you see the lessons that He was teaching in that? How sin…the consequence of sin is death! That’s the only answer. When something becomes truly infected with this disease called sin, there’s only one cure, and that’s death! But oh, there came One into the world—there came One, the very Son of God.
And again, you look back in this passage and you see who this was. Look at 15: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (NIV).
I mean, it goes on and on with who this is. This is amazing. This is the One who absolutely spoke the stars into existence. And here we were, worthy only to die and be destroyed, and just a blot on the universe. And yet, He came.
And He didn’t come as some grand monarch. He came as a little baby, born of human flesh, and He experienced everything that you and I experience. But by the grace of God, He never gave in to the principle of sin.
And so that time came when He, the Lamb of God, assumed the guilt for every sin, every lie you’ve ever told! Every evil thought, every evil word, every evil motive, every evil deed that’s ever proceeded from your life and your being, every one that’s ever happened in the world, He took it upon Himself, as though, I accept the guilt. I’m guilty, I plead guilty of all of it.
This is Somebody pretty amazing! And yet, He took it upon Himself. And they killed Him in the most painful, humiliating way possible. And they put Him in a grave and the demons danced. And three days later they shrieked as they realized what had happened, that God had turned what looked like absolute defeat into complete victory.
And it was through that that you and I have hope today. We don’t have hope because we’re anything. We’re nothing! I don’t care who you are today. We have the same need before God but we have the same Savior.
( congregational amens ).
You know, one thing kept coming back to my mind as I was thinking about when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a man who was schooled in the Jews’ religion. They had taken the laws that God had given them and turned them into a man-made religion of self-righteousness. They imagined that if they did things the way they had learned to do them and followed their traditions that God would think highly of them and accept them.
And Jesus made the point very clear, you have to be born again. I don’t care what you do. I don’t care what religion you practice. I don’t care how you live your life, in one sense. I mean, obviously, we care, but you understand what I’m saying. It’s not a matter of how you live your life, it’s a matter of what kind of life you have. You have to be born again!
You can take flesh, somebody that’s simply born into Adam’s family and you can make him as religious as you want to! All you’ve got is a religious sinner, who’s gonna die in the end.
Oh, Nicodemus couldn’t understand that. You’ve got to be born again. You’ve got to have a literal birth, a miracle of God, because God’s new covenant is not about laws and do’s and don’ts and religious practices and all of that. It’s about a new heart and a new spirit that only God can put in us.
Do you know what the price of that is? See, Jesus doesn’t come in to enhance your earthly life. He doesn’t come in to fulfill your dream—your earthly dreams. He comes in as a replacement. You know the entry ‘rite,’ if you want to call it that, but the outward expression of somebody coming to Christ? You look in the New Testament. What was it? When somebody came to Christ, what did they do?
( congregational response ).
They were baptized! They didn’t have altars. They were baptized. What did that mean? What does baptism mean?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, it’s death, isn’t it? When I go into the water, I am literally laying down my life. I am giving it up. I’m saying, Lord, I embrace what Jesus did in my place on that cross. I deserve to die. I deserve what He got. And I am willingly laying down my life, but I’m doing so based upon your promise, the hope of His promise…what we were just singing about. The hope of His promise, that if I lay down my life and call upon the name of the Lord, that You will come and give me the life that came forth out of that tomb.
That’s been Your dream. That’s been Your plan from the beginning is to share Yourself with me! All that You are, the joy, the power, the freedom, all of that to come in and to literally live in me! That’s what it means to be His child! That’s what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ.
Oh, the greatest danger for younger generations is to grow up and learn the truths, learn the doctrines, learn how to sing, but all you’ve got is up here. And you never come to the point where you realize what it means!
There’s one thing that really jumped out at me, among others, but one particular thing that jumps out at me right now is that Paul calls this a mystery. The NLT uses the word ‘secret.’ This is the kind of knowledge of what he’s talking about. You cannot posses this knowledge by…I don’t care who you are, how smart you are, how diligent you are to search out truth. If you’re simply going and looking for it with natural intelligence, you will never, ever discover this.
( congregational amens ).
It is so contrary to human nature to think that I live because I die, that I am…in myself I am a worthless sinner deserving death. But in Christ, I am loved as His child because I have received His life in my place…in its place.
I’ll tell you, it’s like I said recently, the Devil had no clue what was going on, what he’d got himself into when he crucified the Lord. He thought he was winning. But I’ll tell you, what does the scripture say? That, if they had known, if they’d understood these things, “…they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (NIV). You see why it was kept a mystery? This is truth that can only be revealed by God’s Spirit.
And one thing that is interesting to me in Paul’s words of exhortation to these people. Look…go back and…let’s see, back in verse 9, there’s a thought here that needs to be expressed. Paul says…he’s writing to believers here, by the way. “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
Now this is Christians he’s talking about. And basically, Paul is saying, I know you don’t really understand what you need to understand. You don’t fully appreciate what God has given you when He gave you His Son. And so, my prayer for you is, God, open your understanding.
Well, my God, if that’s true of Christians, how much more true is it of people that have never come to this! You can’t explain people into this. We need…my God, we need to pray that God will bring every person for whom this is not true, Christ is not your life…that God will bring you to such a point of conviction where you will know what you are! You will know who He is! You will know what’s needed and you’ll be moved by the grace of God to lay down your life and embrace His!
There’s got to be that point in time, whether it’s dramatic or quiet, there’s got to be a point of real divine revelation that goes to the heart! You think about Paul as the poster child of this. This was a guy who was so given to his religion that he used that as a pretext to go out and persecute Christians! That’s how blind he was! That’s how much of a mystery what he later came to understand was to Paul. Paul had no clue what was going on and what he was really doing until he met Jesus, rather dramatically, in his case.
But how does he describe that? He describes that as the revelation of the mystery, “…of the knowledge of…God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (KJV). And where did it come to? Was it just his mind? Did somebody sit him down and say, let me explain this doctrine to you? No! This was something that God used to penetrate his heart!
September 8, 2019 - No. 1405
“He Must Reign” Conclusion
September 8, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1405 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (NIV). There’s nobody who has greater authority, except the Father Himself. It says that later on.
So, here is the One who has been raised to that position. He has authority over every devil that bothers you and me. He has authority over every government, everything is being allowed to unfold as it will. He is not gonna sit there and dictate to lost men and fallen men what they do. He’s gonna allow them to make the choices that they’re making. But I’ll tell you, we serve a God who is in charge.
Didn’t Nebuchadnezzar find that out? Yeah. He thought he was Mr. Big Shot, until he found out that there’s a God in heaven who reigns, who rules, “…in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth.” (KJV). No one can…basically, no one can tell Him what to do. He has the plan and He knows what He’s gonna do.
But now that authority has been turned over to Jesus Christ. Remember He said, I’ll build my church? And the gates of hell will not prevail. You see this warfare that has been going on ever since, where God has been, where Christ has been extending His authority.
That’s why we need Him! That’s why anything we do in the way of building a church is worthless if He’s not the builder of it. Every bit of life and power and authority over all the things that afflict us, everything that would oppose us, it comes straight through Jesus Christ, the very life, the river of God!
“There’s a River”. Didn’t we sing that? Yeah. There’s a river that is flowing from heaven! It has life in it! It has power in it! It has everything that you and I need today. Do you need anything? I do. Yeah. It’s available.
But God wants us to come and operate in that place where Jesus Christ is Lord in actual practice, every single day of our lives, and when we come together. But anyway, this is what this life is about. Then the end will come when He hands over the Kingdom to God. Now, the last enemy is what?
( congregational response ).
Okay, so when is that? According to scriptures, when is death conquered? Look over to the end of the chapter. It says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep…” (NIV). We will not all die, that is. “…But we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” Which trumpet?
( congregational response ).
Last one. No more trumpets after that, nothing after that. The last trumpet. “For the trumpet will sound…” nothing secret about this either, by the way, “…the dead will be raised imperishable.” That is, without the possibility of dying…nothing wrong with these bodies, with the bodies that we’ll have then.
They will absolutely not be subject to any decay or death. “…And we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal….” That is…mortal means, what? Subject to death, right? Okay, that which is subject to death will clothe itself with something that is not subject to death. That’s what’s gonna happen there.
“When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallowed up in victory.” So when is death defeated? That’s the last enemy, isn’t it? No more enemies after that. That happens when He comes, doesn’t it?
Do you see, yet another witness in scripture that we’re coming to singular day when Christ is gonna come and everything will end. That will be the final capstone of His victory, when every one of His own has been called out. What else is there to do? Every single one will be raised…we’ll either go from here or we’ll come from there, and we’ll meet together in the air. And I’ll tell you, we’re gonna ever be with the Lord, as it says in other places. Thank God! That’s where we’re going.
So, do you see the picture? On the one hand, we have the sentence passed at the cross. It was a sentence against every enemy that opposes us, that would stop us from inheriting everything God has provided. Then we have an age, in which first of all, the Devil has been bound…not completely…you know, a lot of people think when the Devil is bound or when he’s thrown in that pit, he’s gone. Everything is peaceable and wonderful.
No! It is a specific restriction upon Satan against what he tries, what he does when he’s loosed. What does he do when he’s loosed? Look at Revelation 20 sometime. I’m not gonna go there right now. When he’s loosed, he gathers the people of the world together against Christians and against the Lord. He hasn’t been able to do that.
But I’ll tell you, we’re seeing, as I say, we’re in the era now. We’re in the time period now where that’s gonna happen. When God…when it’s ready.
But we’re in that interim here, where Christ is reigning. A lot of people think of the reign of Christ and think, oh, He’s gonna come down and He’s going to set up a government in Jerusalem and this world is gonna be wonderful. Christ ascended to a throne and the evidence that He was there was the Day of Pentecost when He poured out His Spirit and 3,000 people came to faith in Jesus Christ. And they became one people, in heart and soul and mind.
You want to know some evidence that Jesus Christ is on the throne? There it was, right in front of them. And it continued from there as His authority began to reach out in the Gospel and the Word began to be sown in hearts out across the globe. And it’s happened ever since.
You know, I appreciate what Tim was saying about the believers of India, I’ll just drop this in here, and how we need to pray for our enemies. Jim, you were there on this particular visit. It was our first visit. We met…it wasn’t that, it was the second one. Anyway, I have met people who were in the Camp of Rebels. They were the ones that were out doing all the bad stuff and they were the terrorists…they were the ones against Christians, they were the ones who were dangerous. I have met some of them who were saved and wound up in the ministry.
I’ll tell you, that’s one of my prayers, too. When I pray for them in India, I say, God, don’t just stop and protect them. God, let the Gospel advance. Let your authority penetrate into those hearts of darkness and save some of those very people who are railing against You right now. I’ve heard many, many testimonies of people who were either in India there, or in other parts of the Islamic world, where there were people who were terrorists who became preachers.
God knows how to reach His people. The gates of hell will not prevail to stop Him from saving one that He has determined to save. Thank God! So, absolutely, let’s pray. Let’s ask God…let’s just not pray this defensive, oh God, protect us. Let’s pray, God, let the Kingdom advance!
The Devil is not in charge. It feels like it sometimes, but we need to operate with a mindset, with an understanding that Jesus Christ reigns right now! It doesn’t mean, as we’re singing the song, that everything’s gonna be wonderful according to human standards, where nothing bad is ever gonna happen. But I’ll tell you, we serve a God for whom, “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (KJV).
God has a purpose that is a whole lot bigger than you and me having a comfortable, earthbound life here. Thank God, He can help us, and He can get us through, and His grace will carry us through. But there is a reign of Christ! Oh God, may He reign in our hearts!
( congregational amens ).
May that reign not just be some vague, theological thing we believe, but may it extend right down into the minutia of our lives, every single day. Lord Jesus, reign. Oh God, help me to operate and live my life under Your leadership. Lord, help me experience what Your reign is about.
Now what does he say here? Let’s go back to the earlier part…or the middle part of the chapter there. All right, “For he must reign…” verse 25. (NIV). “For He must reign…” How long is this reign gonna last? “…Until he has put all his enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
We talked about that part. But what about this under His feet? You know, we used to hear Brother Thomas make a point, and I appreciate it. Christ’s feet…I mean, there’s a symbolism there where…a conqueror would conquer somebody and they would be under his feet as though he could step on them.
But I’ll tell you, there’s something more in this. We talked last week about how those who are united to Christ become more than just, in some vague way, associated with Him. We are ‘joined’ to Him. We are members of Christ. When God uses the term Christ, He does not use it only of Jesus Christ, He uses it of Christ, plus every member of the Body of Christ.
( congregational response ).
So when you talk about the feet, you’re talking about Christ. You’re talking about people who are joined to Him. Now, some of you might feel like, if you’re in Christ at all, you are the underside of His little toenail, or maybe the bottom of His feet. But I’ll tell you, in the purpose of God, God has not forgotten you and will not!
If you are His, I don’t care how weak and despised and lowly you may think you are in your own mind…and if you think that, stop listening to the voice that tells you that. But you are special to Him and He will not leave you behind! The job is not done until Satan is under your feet! He must reign until all His enemies are under His feet. If you’re part of His feet, that’s the destiny.
Folks, if we don’t think in those terms, we’re gonna go down under the circumstance, under the passing circumstances of life. We’re gonna live in a state of despair and wondering, can I possibly make it, how is this gonna happen? Like everything is in doubt. But we need to operate from a position of strength.
Every once in a while, we have sung over the years, “Come on Over to the Winning Side.” Yeah. Christ’s side is the side that has already won! As I said, the Supreme Court of the universe has passed sentence. So the battles that are being fought are being fought with the authority of heaven behind them and with the power of heaven behind them.
And what God is doing in our individual lives is learning how…it is teaching us. Not only that fact, so we’ll sit there and feel good about ourselves, but teaching us how to enter into and participate in what He is doing in our lives.
How many of you need to participate more and experience more of that? That’s what God is doing. But oh, I thank God for this over-riding picture of a Savior who accomplished everything at the cross! My sins oppose me! He blotted them out! He took my guilt. My old nature opposes me. I have enemies within. That’s why Satan has access to me to the extent that I listen to that and cooperate with that. I’ve got an enemy! I’ve got enemies right in here!
But we have somebody who took me to the cross. And He took you to the cross. And we were judged…sentenced. Do you know sentence was passed against everyone here? Every single one of us, sentence was passed at the cross. You are worthy of death. But there was One who went there in your place and in mine, died the death that you and I deserved to die.
But I’ll tell you, when we become united with Him, we are united with Him in that death. We are basically embracing the sentence of heaven against ourselves, against our old nature. And we are opening up ourselves to receive the life that came out of that tomb. That’s what the cross and the victory of Christ is all about. Thank God!
But those are some of the enemies that I deal with. How about you? I deal with this. But from what position do I deal with it? Is this, oh God, I’ve got to do this. Somehow, some way, I’ve got to obey Your laws, keep Your commandments. Does that work ever for anybody?
You know, an old illustration of that, that I guess has been used many times over the years, and I ran into it just reading something last night: the laws of God that tell us how we’re supposed to be, what kind of people we’re supposed to be. That’s like a mirror.
Now, I can look in the mirror and see how dirty my face is. But how many of you have ever had that mirror cleanse you? See, that’s not the purpose of a mirror. The mirror is to tell me my need.
That’s what the Law of God is all about. It shows me my need, it does not deal with my need. Only Christ in the new life that is stronger than that can deal with my need. And that’s what the Gospel is about.
It’s not just about showing me my need and saying, okay, come on, straighten up and fly right. It’s about saying, you are in hopeless situation. You need My life. You need Christ to come in and possess your heart and your life and give you that new heart and life. And in the strength of that you can begin to participate in the victory that was won there at the cross.
I’ll tell you, when Christ…Christ is reigning right now. Every time you and I will look to Him when we’re in a place of need, and instead of just yielding to the way we’ve always thought and the way we’ve always done, we’re looking and saying, oh God, help me! Lord…I give this to You, I cannot handle this. Lord, I need You to come. I need You to live in me in this and give me strength that I just simply don’t have.
But Lord, I’m not just begging, I’m expecting. I’m expecting because this is what the Gospel is about. This is exactly the thing You tell me to do…is to stand in the victory that You have already won and begin to trust in You, and take authority over these things that want rule over you.
Is not Christ reigning when that happens? I mean, He doesn’t need to reign for himself, He’s there. What is His reign about if it’s not about us? And those who have gone on and are there with Him in glory, in His presence, the victory is over for them too. There are no more enemies there. All the enemies are here. This is where the battle needs to be fought, everyday in our lives.
But, oh God, do we need to operate from a position of strength and victory. Or do we operate from a position of…I don’t know how all this is going to work out, this is hopeless.
And functionally, that’s where a lot of us get sometimes, don’t we? And Lord…I just sense, when I was thinking about all of this, the Lord wants us to know what He’s done, and what He’s doing, and the certainty of the outcome! If we get that, if that becomes the dominating worldview, if you will…that’s a fancy word about how people see the world and see themselves in it. But if that becomes our lens through which we look at life, then I’ll tell you, we can operate from a position of victory, and face our enemies, and say, wait a minute.
This is not…we can face the enemies exactly the way that David faced Goliath. He didn’t see that as something personal. He said, you’re not fighting me, you’re fighting God! You’re the one who’s in trouble.
And I’ll tell you, there are devils that will scream in your ear and in mine. But all they have got to work with is lies, and fear, intimidation…trying to blow themselves up and make themselves appear as though they have the upper hand, when the reality is, the smallest child who trusts in Christ has power over the biggest devil!
Say that again. The smallest child who trusts in Jesus has power over the strongest devil. Lucifer himself cannot stand against a child in whom Jesus lives and reigns! My God, we need to understand that and operate as though that’s really true, because it is true!
Is this…well, like the old saying, am I preaching to you out of Sears and Roebuck Catalog…of course, it doesn’t exist anymore. But, some of you older ones remember that. But am I just preaching…is this just fairy tale stuff? Or is this what the Word of God teaches? Is this real? Did it really happen? Do we have reason be have confidence that it happened? Yes! Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
( congregational response ).
He ascended to heaven and all the evidence that He’s there happened on the Day of Pentecost. Folks, this is the world we live in. We are heading down toward the climax of the ages and the promise is that every enemy will be under His feet when that day happens. So you and I should have confidence in Christ this day, to stand and to look to Him, to look to God and to have confidence that He has won the victory and that’s gonna happen for us.
“For he has put everything under His feet.” I’m back in 1st Corinthians 15. Now when it says, He has put everything under His feet, you have two pronouns there, don’t you? Who are they? Who is He talking about? The Father has put everything under the feet of the Son. So you have a hierarchy of authority here. The Father is supreme, the Son is under Him. He, the Father, has put everything under His feet!
“Now when it says that everything has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.” So obviously, Christ is over everything else, except the Father. He doesn’t rule over the Father. The Father is supreme.
Now this is interesting. “When He has done this…” When He has finished the job and He’s handed over the Kingdom…He’s done all…everything is done! All the enemies are gone, all the people of God are completely transformed and ready to live in a brand-new universe! “When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.”
That’s incredible! You see the order there, don’t you? But think of a world in which we’ll be walking around, and there’s Jesus! He’s our elder brother, He’s there. He’s walking with us. Now, He’ll always have the preeminence. He’ll always be honored for who He is.
But I mean, He’s not gonna be just off in heaven somewhere. He’s gonna be right there with us. We’re gonna walk with Him and fellowship with Him and all of us together will be worshipping the Heavenly Father, for all that He’s done. And all the kindness, all the things that God has in His heart toward us, that flow out of His heart of love, there’ll be no end to any of that. What a picture this is of where we’re headed. Folks, is this worth everything?
( congregational response ).
Is there anything in this world worth clinging to? No, let it go. This is what life is about. We serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who sits upon a throne. And I’ll tell you, it’s not gonna be long before that’s gonna be evident to everyone.
Don’t you look at the darkness of the world and say, oh, it’s hopeless. Oh, I’m too bad, I’m this, I’m that. We need to have our eyes on Jesus, “…the author and finisher of our faith.” (KJV). And I just praise Him today, for all that He has promised and all that He is doing and all that He will do! Praise God!
September 1, 2019 - No. 1404
“He Must Reign” Part One
September 1, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1404 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is the occasion where Jesus asks the disciples about the opinion of the people who were hearing Him and encountering Him as He went around and ministered. Who do they say I am? And, so they report that people said, You’re Jeremiah or Isaiah or one of the prophets…John the Baptist come back to life.
And, of course, the question then becomes, “But…who do you say I am?” (NIV). And the answer is, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Simon was the one who answered. And Jesus replied in verse 17, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man….”
That’s a key. That’s the foundation of everything. If we’re gonna know anything of the things of God, it’s gonna have to be revealed. We just don’t have the smarts to figure it out. God has hidden these things, Jesus says, “…from the wise and prudent…” (KJV).
The ones who give themselves to the intellectual pursuit of truth, they have no chance to find it by going that route. We need to have an open heart that listens and desires the voice of God when He speaks. But He is willing to reveal. I mean, didn’t Jesus say, He’d hidden these things from the wise and the prudent and revealed them…
( congregational response ).
…To babes, yeah. So you don’t have to be super smart. God reaches down to what mankind considers the lowest of the low. Thank God! I’m glad, because He reached me. Thank the Lord.
But anyway, it wasn’t, “…revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter…” (NIV). Now, the word Peter means a stone, so He’s kind of making a play on his name a little bit.
“And on this rock, I will build my church…” the rock of revelation…but I guess the starting point I wanted to do follows this. “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
Now, Jesus, this is the point I’ve made a number of times, particularly when I’ve been overseas. Jesus did not say, you will build My church. It’s not like He’s handed us a whole bunch of instructions and said, you go build Me a church. He said, I’ll build it. Whatever is built, if it’s not the active intervention and the leadership of Christ, literally on the scene by the Spirit doing it, what is it?
What does the psalmist say? “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” (KJV). I believe with all my heart God longs for us, to a greater degree…and thank God for what He’s done here, but, longs for us always, never to lose sight of this. He’s never told us to build Him a church, or to maintain it and just sort of keep up the traditions. There has got to be the active leadership of Christ. And that is key. It’s crucial to everything that He’s doing and that the Father has put in His hands to do.
Of course, He doesn’t say, I will build ‘your’ church, either. You know, we don’t go to Him and make Him our servant to do what we want.
And worse yet is, He didn’t say, you will build your church. That’s, sadly, what’s happened in so much of what is called Christianity today. Men have built them a church and used the name of Christ to further their own aims and ambitions.
But I’ll tell you, there is something that God started and it started in His heart, and He gave His Son the job of building Him a church, a congregation of people…not just a…we think of organizations…but need to see it as the entire assembly of God’s people who have been called out a world of darkness.
They have received the life of Jesus Christ literally. It has flowed through them into hearts of people who have opened their hearts to Him. They have been called out, separated from a world that is headed for catastrophe, and they are being prepared for eternal glory. Thank God for what He has set out to do. And thank God that He has promised to do it, hasn’t He?
But He also says, and the gates of hell, “…the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (NIV). Now I’ll tell you, it’s interesting to me…we were at prayer meeting the other night and I mostly sat and listened, but I was interested in the number of people who talked about spiritual warfare and the battles that we fight. That seemed to be a theme that was recurring in much of the sharing and many of the testimonies that were given.
Folks, if you don’t know it now, we are being opposed at every point. The progress of what Christ is doing in the earth is absolutely one in which we face entrenched opposition. It’s a warfare. And, we need to understand that and we need to learn how to participate in it.
But anyway, it’s interesting how some of this unfolds. I want to give a…ask the Lord to pull together some scriptures that He’s kind of quickened to me over the last few days and see if I can make sense of it, because I want us to get a big picture, but I also want it to begin to distill down to where we live, because we need to understand that. We need to have a context in which to think, in which to react.
If you imagine that living for God is all up to you, then you’ve got a burden on your hands and you’re gonna be struggling. If we understand the provision of God, then it becomes one of leaning upon Him and learning how to live out His life, a whole different dynamic. So God does want us to understand both levels. How do we live and what’s the big picture in which we live?
One interesting little scripture…and it grew out of an incident where…I believe this is in Luke 11. You can be turning there while I’m talking. But, you know, Jesus was known for casting out devils. And so, there was an entrenched religious establishment that just didn’t believe, in fact, Jesus said, they ‘wouldn’t’ believe. There was a resistance of their wills to even listen to Him or consider that this might be who He said He was, the Son of God, who’s doing things because God was doing it through Him.
And so, they began to accuse Him. He’s in league with the Devil. That’s how He’s doing this. He’s fooling us all by conspiring with the Devil to make devils go out so we’ll think He has some divine power.
And so, Jesus says, “Any kingdom…” verse 17, “…divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebub. Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.” Boy, there’s a throwing down the gauntlet there.
Now this is the interesting thing that I was wanting to focus on. Jesus says, “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up the spoils.”
Now, you know, I mentioned in a recent service how the work of God is really a divine invasion. This world, because of Lucifer and because of the fall of Adam and Eve agreeing with him and yielding to his temptation, this world became one in which sin and death ruled. It was in rebellion against God.
But God’s original purpose to have a people was never abandoned. And so, God from the beginning had planned this invasion in which He was going to overpower Satan and reach in to the farthest reaches of his kingdom and draw out a people who had no power…we have no power in ourselves.
If God did not intervene in any of our lives, there’s not one of us who would even think about God! I’ll tell you, we serve an awesome, powerful God, who has come at the highest possible cost, the cost of the life of His Son laid down on the cross. Praise God!
But He has come on a rescue mission. And, this is a pretty good description of what happened when Jesus went to the cross. Satan was trusting in the power of sin that we could never overcome, and God met him right…through His Son, met him right at that point and took away the armor in which he trusted.
Satan has no more power to accuse one who has put their faith in Jesus Christ because He assumed our guilt, and bore my sin and yours on that tree! Praise God! So, the very thing that Satan would use to the greatest degree to keep power over us was absolutely taken away.
Now, Satan doesn’t want you to know that, doesn’t want us to know that. But I’ll tell you, the more we understand what took place at the cross, the more we are gonna be able to enter into the victory that was won there. Thank God!
But there’s a…I believe there is a…I don’t want to go off in another direction, but I’ll tell you, there’s something here. You know, we read later on about the binding of Satan, and how he was cast into the pit? This is when it happened. Satan was absolutely overpowered and the thing that he has longed to do for over 2,000 years now, has been to unite the world under his dominion, completely…their thinking, everything about their lives dominated by him and united against God. He has been unable to do that. Always there has been something that has come along and kept conflict, and kept the human race separated.
We’re seeing now the threads of how God has removed the restraint against that. And so, we’re seeing where the world is going and we are headed ultimately toward a one-world government under…of some sort, under Lucifer. I’ll tell you…but, for all of this time, God absolutely has destroyed his ability to do that and interfered with that, why? So that God could reach in and overpower the gates of hell that would have kept in the victims. Satan has been unable to stop him. Thank God! Thank God for what He has done.
And, you know, my mind has gone to many favorite scriptures, but I want to see if we can tie them together in our thinking here. Look at John chapter 12, again one of my favorites. Because Jesus is getting ready to go to the cross, but He’s also giving a little bit of insight into the significance of what’s about to take place.
And so, there’s a voice that comes from heaven. Jesus said, Father, glorify My name…anyway…” Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” And the crowd hears this sound and they think it’s thundering or something, but there’s been a voice from heaven. God has literally come on the scene and spoken in an audible way.
Jesus said, verse 30, “This voice was for your benefit, not mine.” He knew what was going on. But listen to what He says. “Now is the time for judgment on this world, now the prince of this world will be driven out.” You see the connection with what He’s talking about, how God had to do something to literally put the restraint upon Lucifer as to what he was allowed to do in the world, so God could reach in and get hold of His?
Can you imagine what this world would’ve been like if God had just stepped back and said, okay? It would’ve been hell on earth. Satan would have absolute dominion. As I say, nobody would seek after God. That’s not our nature. God has to do the seeking. Thank God that He has.
But, “…Now the prince of this world will be driven out…when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” Now what I see in this is that God was passing a divine sentence. This is the supreme court of the universe considering the world.
Now what does He mean by the world? The rocks and the trees? No, He’s talking about the order, the spiritual order of things. He’s talking about the people. He’s talking about the devil who is called the god of this world. He’s talking about all of this that operates in this world, in this planet.
He’s saying, I’m gonna bring every bit of that before the bar of My justice and I am gonna render judgment. I am gonna demonstrate in a very graphic way exactly what I think about it. I’m gonna pass sentence.
Now the carrying out of that sentence is a process, but the sentence is passed and, thank God, there is no appeal! Satan has lost. He stands condemned! He knows that he stands condemned, and that there’s nothing he can do to turn that around, and all he wants to do in his anger is to take everybody he can with him.
Thank God for the promise of God that, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” Thank God! And so, what we have seen is the unfolding of this sentence.
How many of you remember now, I’ll just refer briefly now to part of the scripture in Revelation 12? It talks about the coming…it uses a lot of symbolic language, but it pictures the coming of Christ into the world and how Satan tried to destroy Him, not through the cross, but earlier. He tried to kill Him when He was a baby.
And then we find, ultimately, that God raised Him to a throne, caught Him away to a throne. What does it say right after that? Can anybody remember that? “And there was war in heaven.” Do you know the sentence of God precipitated a battle and the angels of heaven were united against the powers of darkness and it said, they were joined in battle and they were cast down into the earth?
And what did He say at the end of that? “Now is come salvation…and the kingdom of our God, and…of his Christ.” (KJV). Praise God! The groundwork was laid. There was a sentence that was passed and there was an angelic war that took place and Satan was cast out into the earth, and all that was necessary for you and me to be saved, as weak and unworthy as we are, the groundwork was laid through Jesus Christ. Thank God! And the war has been continuing on ever since, in one sense. But oh, thank God, we know how it comes out, don’t we?
( congregational response ).
Praise the Lord! I want to turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 15. Let’s pray the Lord will help me make sense of this and not gallop through like I tend to do sometimes. That’s the challenge, you know. Sometimes, I’ll think about these things and they just click and they click, and…but I’ve got to make them plain for everybody.
But anyway, Paul was confronting an issue, one of many, in the church of Corinth when some people were saying, there’s no resurrection. And, of course, he talks about that and how ridiculous that is. If there’s no resurrection, what in the world are we living for? I mean, what’s the point of serving Christ when all we’re doing is suffering for it, and there’s no reward?
But anyway, let’s see where we want to break in. Verse 17 kind of concludes that argument. It says. “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile…” — it’s worthless — “…You are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.” In other words, those who have died.
“If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But….” Here’s one of my favorite words. “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”
I’ll tell you, God has a plan to bring forth a people out of this world, and a people for whom death, even physical death in this world, is not the end, but it simply is a stepping stone towards a resurrection to a life from which there is no death. Praise God!
Christ and His coming forth from the tomb was God’s witness to what lies as the destiny of everyone who has followed Jesus Christ. That is our destiny. That’s my destiny today. I might drop dead, but I’ll tell you, Jesus Christ is alive and because He’s alive, so will I be! Thank God! There’s no devil in hell that can stop that, not because I’m worthy of anything, but because of what He has done.
All right, so He is the firstfruits. He’s the guarantee of those who have fallen asleep. So now, he says, “For since death came through a man…” — that was Adam — “…the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”
Now the way the wording there is, it almost makes it sound like, yeah, everybody’s gonna be saved. Well, that isn’t what it’s talking about. I’ll tell you, we’re all in Adam and we’re all gonna die, physically. But, not everybody’s in Christ. See there is a relationship that needs to be established. Those who are in Christ, they will be alive. Praise God!
“…So in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.” So that’s gonna be the…boy, that’s gonna be graduation day for everybody.
( congregational response ).
Praise God! You can look at other scriptures. That’s not where I want to spend my time, but I’ll tell you, the moment Jesus Christ comes, those who are coming with Him, they’re gonna be changed, they’re gonna receive brand new bodies.
We, who are still alive…whoever is still alive and remain, we’re gonna be transformed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Angels are gonna come and take us by the hand, lead us up to be with Him forever and ever. That will be the day when everything comes together. And I’ll tell you, there’s some wonderful truth in this about that. So, “…Then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come…” Folks, when does the end come?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah, it’s when He comes and there’s plenty of evidence here to support that. “Then the end will come when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
All right, so you go back to the cross and we have a sentence passed by the court of heaven. The decision has already been made. There is no appeal. But what we see happening throughout this age is the carrying out of that sentence, where Christ has literally been placed upon a throne.
Now it’s not a chair sitting somewhere, but it’s a position of authority. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” There’s nobody who has greater authority, except the Father Himself. It says that later on. So, here is the One who has been raised to that position.
He has authority over every devil that bothers you and me. He has authority over every government, everything is being allowed to unfold as it will. He is not gonna sit there and dictate to lost men and fallen men what they do. He’s gonna allow them to make the choices that they’re making. But I’ll tell you, we serve a God who is in charge.
Didn’t Nebuchadnezzar find that out? Yeah. He thought he was Mr. Big Shot, until he found out that there’s a God in heaven who reigns, who rules, “…in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth.” No one can…basically, no one can tell Him what to do. He has the plan and He knows what He’s gonna do.
But now that authority has been turned over to Jesus Christ. Remember He said, I’ll build my church? And the gates of hell will not prevail. You see this warfare that has been going on ever since, where God has been, where Christ has been extending His authority. That’s why we need Him!
That’s why anything we do in the way of building a church is worthless if He’s not the builder of it. Every bit of life and power and authority over all the things that afflict us, everything that would oppose us, it comes straight through Jesus Christ, the very life, the river of God!
“There’s a River”. Didn’t we sing that? Yeah. There’s a river that is flowing from heaven! It has life in it! It has power in it! It has everything that you and I need today. Do you need anything? I do. Yeah. It’s available.
August 25, 2019 - No. 1403
“Holy Boldness” Conclusion
August 25, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1403 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: How many of you think that God wants us to have that kind of a boldness with Him? I’ll tell you, God wasn’t offended by this. This is really what God was looking for, was that sense of, I have got to have You! If I don’t have You, I am a goner! I want You above all else, God! I need You!
And there’s this holy boldness to say, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” And God blessed him! Isn’t there a lesson in that? There’s a boldness that you and I need to have with God. Oh, how timidly we approach Him. Oh, pretty please, God. Pretty please, help me with this. And then, if we don’t have feelings within a certain time, oh well, I guess I’m not one of the ones. I guess it’s not for me. I just…oh, me. 1,001 different ways we get turned aside.
I tell you, the obstacle is not God. God’s gonna allow all kinds of things to come our way. In this case, it was fear. But whatever it is, God is looking for people who are gonna have that kind of a spirit. And He doesn’t despise that. That’s what He’s looking for from you and from me today is a heart that not only says thank God for this grand, wonderful, perfect provision for salvation. Thank God for it. But I will not rest until I possess that.
Don’t look at me that way! Am I telling you the truth? Is this truth, or do we just sort of, I’m not so sure about that? What does God think about me? Who am I to talk to God like that? I tell you, God’s not the problem. God is looking for people who are bold enough to say, that is mine.
I don’t come because I deserve this. That issue’s gone. I’m not just trying to command God to come and serve me. This is not about me and what I want in the world, and I’m just gonna command God to come and be my servant. This is me wanting to be His, wanting to enter into what He has provided and be unwilling to say no and unwilling to be turned aside.
I tell you, God loves that kind of a person. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” (NV). There’s plenty of times when God will allow circumstances. He will allow time. He will allow the devil to talk to us. He will allow every…and all of our nature will rise up and say, no. You can’t have this. I will not let go.
That’s the time when we need to learn how to take a stand in our spirits and say, I will not let go. I will not back down from what I am asking, because there it is in the Word of God. God has said it’s mine. It’s my inheritance. I will not simply walk away from it and say, oh, well. This is good enough.
I’m not gonna ask how many people have done that. I’d have to be the first one to raise my hand. Oh, God has given us so much. I know there’s people here who have done what I’ve talked about. You backed down. You get excited about something, and you’re gonna claim it, claim the promise and stand on it. Then, it kind of fizzles out over the next few days, and you’re right back where you were.
But I know that there’s people here who have taken a stand in your spirit, and you kept standing. You kept standing, and you kept standing, and God answered, didn’t He? That’s what God is looking for.
If we’re gonna grow as a people, if we’re gonna experience what we sing about, we’re gonna experience these changes in our hearts and in our lives, this is the pathway. God’s done His part.
I realize we can’t tackle it all at once. Thank God. But I know the…I mean, we sang about God leading us on a pathway, God leading us through this life. Thank God, He does.
I tell you, He’s gonna lead us to places of battle. He’s gonna lead us to places where we’re gonna have to take a stand in our hearts and say, wait a minute. I know what the issues are here. I know where I stand because of what Jesus has done. That’s my hope. It’s not in me. And I will not be deterred from laying hold of what He has provided for me whether it comes easy or it comes hard. Thank God!
Sometimes, He gives us things that are very smooth and very easy. Other times, there is a pitched battle that has to be fought. But oh, what we gain in that victory and how faith grows and becomes stronger. That’s what God is looking to build in every single one of us.
I tell you, the church throughout all of it’s history has just lived in this marginal life, marginal level of life in terms of laying hold of the provisions of God. I believe, in this last hour, God is going to bring His people to a higher place, don’t you?
I had to argue with the Lord. I said, who am I to preach this? I need this more than this worse than they do. Somebody’s got to stand up here and speak the truth. And I’m trusting it’s not me. I’m trusting that God is getting something in this. His heart is toward you right now. He cares about your life. He cares about the issues that bother you, that hold you captive. He cares about every little thing, and He’s gonna lead us.
But oh, we need to recognize when He leads us to a mountain, He doesn’t mean for us to just throw up our hands and stay where we’re at but begin to challenge that and say, wait a minute. Who are thou great mountain before…you know, Zerubbabel. That was one prophesy in one of the prophets. You’ll become a plain.
We have the right, not because we are anything, not because we can do anything in ourselves. But we have the right to stand upon the promise of God and expect to see it fulfilled in our lives. The more we will learn to live like that, the more we’re gonna experience what Jesus died to give us.
You’ve got to go back to the beginning. That’s the only way to become a Christian to begin with. We’re gonna have to stand against whatever obstacles arise from our putting our…laying down our lives, turning from sin and trusting in Him as our Savior. We’re gonna have to fight through those things to get to that. We’re gonna have to do exactly the same thing the rest of the way home. But I’ll tell you, we have a God that’s gonna be with us in every single battle. Praise God!
There’s so many places in the scripture where you see that kind of a spirit. Abraham who was, you know, went out that one day to…God told him to make a sacrifice, and he did all the prescribed stuff, and time went by. What happened? The birds came, fresh meat. Sure. The birds came. What did he do? Said oh, well. God didn’t mean what He said. I’m just gonna have to go back to the way things were. No, he beat off the birds, didn’t he?
How many of you have had to beat off birds to get some place spiritual? Yeah, birds are gonna come. The question is what do we do when they come? Do we have that sense in us that this is a cosmic battle? This is something where I am, I’m trying to serve God, and He is greater than everything, but I am gonna have to fight my way through.
Of course, the picture of the Israelites we’ve used so many times. They had the promise of the land. It was there. Not only did they hear about it, when they went there, the spies went over, and they brought back a bunch of grapes that was so big, it took two men to carry it.
So, now they’re in a position of being able to taste and see yes, this is exactly what God said it was. It’s an awesome place. It’s worth anything to possess it. God has said we can do this, and that was the spirit of Caleb and Joshua. We’re…lets go up at once. We’re well able.
Well, on what ground could you say such a ridiculous thing? Do we have hope here because our army is greater, more experienced? Are we more? Are we smarter, or are we what? No! There’s only one answer. God is behind us.
And the whole rest of the nation threw up their hands at the sight, at the thought about the giants, and the giants trumped God. Well, how many giants in our lives, for all practical purposes, trump God and trump His promises?
I don’t want to say that to condemn. I believe God wants us to wake up and think straight and be encouraged. God doesn’t condemn His people, but He sure does know how to admonish and encourage us, point us in the right direction.
You know, I thought about so many things, I guess. I thought about, you know, something Brother Thomas used to say a lot about faith. Many of you will remember. He said faith starts where it’s at, and it starts where it’s not with what it doesn’t have. It starts where it’s at with what it has and without what it doesn’t have. Anyway, that’s the general thought. It just starts.
And wherever any of us is today, this is all God is looking for. We could look at this and say, oh, my God. I should be down the road, and just can’t even imagine getting there. Well, lets just start here. Where are you at? What’s the pressing issue? What is the thing?
Sometimes for me, it’s the ‘want to’ that I need help with. Yeah, but I tell you, we have a God who can help our want to. He knows how to bring us to a sense of need and teach us and bring us up against something time and time again until we cry out and we say, oh, God, this cannot go on. And I’m sick and tired of giving in and blaming You in effect.
Isn’t that what we’re really doing? If we’re making any kind of excuse for ourselves, we’re saying, God, You just haven’t given me enough. It’s Your fault. It’s not His fault. He holds out His hand, and He says, you take the step, and I’ll be with you.
You know, when they went into the land, the strategy was different, every city, every town. But every place the Israelites stood upon the promise of God and went against the giants, God backed them up, and they won a complete victory. Every place they backed down in fear, and they just didn’t have what it took, when they got in the battle down and just didn’t believe God, they were defeated.
Many of the tribes wound up, had heathen people living among them, and it became a snare. You know that happens in our lives? This is the territory God’s wanting me to conquer. This is the land, not a piece of geography. This is the land that needs conquering. God is looking to replace me with Jesus to live in here and to help me to be the kind of a person that He wants me to be.
Man, I need Him every day. I have no hope of that happening unless He has mercy upon me. His provision is there. What is my attitude when I come against a need, when I say, oh, there we go again? It’s hopeless. It’s…I’ve been here before. Dadadadada. All those kinds of stupid things that we say.
We say, oh, God, You have provided the answer, and His name is Jesus. And I am not gonna back down. I am not gonna let go until You help me in this area.
I tell you, do we have a God who values brassiness? That’s not exactly the word, but you know what I’m talking about. This is not where I’m ordering God around. This is somebody where…this is a case where I’m coming to Him because He has the answer to my need. I know it’s mine because of His Word and His promises, and I am not backing down. I’m not leaving without it. And if it takes six months of praying, I’m gonna stand.
How many times are told that in the scriptures? Having done all give up, right? No, having done all, stand. You’re gonna meet the devil who comes with, you know, like a roaring lion. Stand against him. He’ll help every one of us. Take hold of this side of the truth.
What a perfect example we have in Philippians 2, one of my favorite scriptures, where he says to, “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” There is a effort that we put forth, but we put forth that effort in the understanding that is God who works in me to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Always, when I…when my will and my heart are aligned with God to do what He wants, to seek what He desires, and I engage that faith, am I on my own? Does He send me into the battle and say, well, good luck? He immediately comes on the scene, and there is an inflow of divine help and divine life. That’s the Christian life.
And I sense in my own life, and I’m betting I’m not alone, betting that’s why the Lord allowed some of this, there are areas where you and I need to start getting bold. We need to start saying, God, I will not let You go unless You bless me. You haven’t promised this in Your Word, and I’m sick and tired of just sitting here and just singing about it and not experiencing it.
We sing that wonderful song HE IS ALL I NEED. He’s all I need. ALL THAT I NEED, that’s the second verse. Yeah. Does that sound familiar? Maybe I’ll hope that He’ll, you know. I WILL TAKE HIM NOW. That sounds pretty positive to me, doesn’t it? I’m gonna engage my will here. This is a kind of exercise of will God loves. That’s what He’s looking for from me, from everyone of us.
God’s not just gonna dump His blessings on people who don’t care or people who just sort of just hang back in unbelief, fear and all of that. God is gonna let those things happen so we can overcome them, and in overcoming them, we become what He wants us to be, and His life flows.
God is looking for His people to have a holy boldness. I don’t know what else to say. Anybody here need that? Anybody here need some more holy boldness in your life? You really think God just says it’s okay? You can just kind of muddle along, and we’ll take care of it someday, somehow, some way?
God has given us everything in Christ. There is a part that we play in laying hold of that and actually possessing it. And God is waiting on us many times, and we’re waiting on Him. One issue at a time, you and I face this or face that or face the other.
We need to learn, I say we need learn to go to God with that kind of holy boldness and say, Lord, this is what You said. I will not let You go until You bless me and help me in this area. I’m gonna stand here, and I’m not gonna back down because I don’t get the answer, I don’t have a feeling in five minutes. I’m gonna stand, and I’m gonna put my faith and my hope and my trust in Your promise.
And I believe with all my heart that that’s my only hope. I’m all in, Lord. I need grace. Every part of my being is in on this one. I just need You, and He will continue this work in every single one of us. There’s more territory for us to take, folks.
( congregational amens ).
It’s not God’s fault. On the other hand, I don’t want to get condemned and think, oh, I need to be way down the…no. I need to be here, taking, putting one foot in front of another, doing what Paul said, pressing toward the mark.
( congregational amens ).
Forgetting what’s behind, thank God we can do that. But reaching forth to what is before, putting one…that’s the lifestyle that God has called us to.
But I tell you, we can press forward in confidence, can’t we? Do you think Paul went to the Lord and said, well, pretty please, Lord? Won’t you take pity on me? I’m so poor, and I try so hard. Or did he rather say God, I know what Your will is, and the devil and my flesh are fighting against it, and I will not yield to them. I am laying hold of what You have promised me.
That’s what…there’s gonna be opposition. That’s why we use the word press, but we have a God who will honor holy boldness. Praise God!
August 18, 2019 - No. 1402
“Holy Boldness” Part One
August 18, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1402 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise the Lord! Good to see everybody this morning. I appreciate the spirit of praise, and thank God it’s not just something where we can come together and sing and feel good, there’s a reason behind it.
( congregational response ).
Praise the Lord! Well, last week we focused on Colossians 2 and 3 and the title of the message was — I think it wound up being, “All and in All,” and it focused on Christ and the fact that what we have is not religion but a Person. The answer to everything is not policies and procedures and all those kinds of things, but it’s a Person.
And, my mind went back to one of the scriptures, though. There’s a point that I feel like is critical. I certainly came up, in my own life this week, when I came face to face with a need and immediately there was a thought that came to me and it was connected with this passage and it’s in Colossians chapter 2. One of the scriptures we focused on, but there’s one aspect of it, like I say, that we did not.
In verse 6, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (NIV). So, the one point that I have often made out of this verse is that the principle by which we are saved in the first place is the principle by which we live. It’s not two different things.
There’s this constant sense where I need something I don’t have, and the answer is in Christ. Everything that I need is in Him. But there’s a…language is a funny thing. There are no two languages where there is a word that has the exact equivalent in another language. There is a range of meaning within this culture of a certain word that’s used and you take it over here and you’d have to translate it sort of one way or another and it doesn’t quite capture the whole meaning.
And one of the words that jumped out at me, as I said, this week was the word ‘received.’ And, in English, the word ‘received’ almost has a passive connotation. It’s like, I’m sitting there and I get a package and I receive it and I sign for it and all of that, but there’s not a lot of action on my part. I’m sort of passive to it.
And there’s a lot of the Gospel that’s preached today that’s a little bit like that. It’s so simplistic that I just ‘accept’ it, I just receive it and that’s about all there is to it, almost.
But there is an action part of this that is…that we can easily overlook and we can get stuck in the mode where we’re asserting all that Christ is but not benefitting as we should and we’re stuck in our individual lives in certain areas. And I won’t ask for a show of hands how many people who are in that place where you’re sort of stuck. I mean, you know there are things that Christ has provided but somehow we’re not…you’re not enjoying that.
And I certainly would have to raise my hands, because it is a journey and we do face things all along and issues all along where we need that change that we were singing about this morning. The Lord’s changing us, isn’t He? Thank God, He is! Thank God He will continue that work until that day. And the end of it is a certainty for everyone that has genuinely given their heart to Him.
But there is…most of the time, if you were to trace that Greek word through the New Testament, it does not say ‘receive,’ it says ‘take.’ Now that’s quite a difference, isn’t it? If I just receive something, that’s one thing, but if I…I’m just really…I’m asserting my part, there’s a part that I play where I am reaching out and I am ‘taking’ that.
And that’s what I felt like, in my own experience, that was lacking…that there was an area where I wasn’t taking. Christ was offering. It was available, it was there, but I wasn’t really, aggressively taking. And that is an aspect of truth that I…we need that balance.
Thank God for everything God has done! He has provided everything and not only did He provide it, but He came seeking us. He came convicting us so that we would have a heart-level belief, a conviction that we need Him and that He’s the answer, because that’s the only foundation for approaching Him and coming to Him. There’s nothing in us that would ever do that. So, it’s God. But, there’s a point at which He looks for a response!
You know, I think I mentioned before, and I don’t remember if it was last week or not, but there are some that so emphasize the sovereignty of God, that it’s almost like we have very little responsibility, and others that so emphasize the response of man that it’s like God is a beggar, trying to sign us up for some better plan for our life.
But there is an awesome provision of God that is sovereign! He is in charge! The question is not whether He’s sovereign, the question is how does He use that sovereignty? And He uses that to appeal to men, to convict them, but to bring us to a point of real surrender. But it’s more than just an acquiescence, where we just say, okay, I give in. I’ll tell you, we’ve got things to overcome.
And I thought of a number of scriptures and I just want to kind of go through some of these and balance this truth out, or at least enlarge upon it, show what that meaning of that word really is. Receive, again, is more than just a passive thing.
How about Matthew chapter 11? Matthew chapter 11 is a passage where Jesus was asked about John the Baptist, who was the forerunner, who came announcing that He was coming. And Jesus said this, was very interesting, in verse 12 of chapter 11 of Matthew. “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.”
Well now, one thing that we mentioned last week is certainly contained in that, and that’s the fact that what God is doing in the world is a divine invasion. That could easily have been the title. But there is an invasion that God is doing that is forceful and it’s mighty and it’s invading the Devil’s territory, to rescue people for Eternity!
But that’s not the whole of it, is it? Because it says, “…forceful men lay hold of it.” There is an effort, there is an opposition, anytime you and I would try to move toward the Kingdom of God. I know you know that, if you know the Lord at all. You know that this doesn’t come without opposition.
And the question is what do we do about that? Do we just sort of say, oh, it’s not for me, or a thousand and one responses that would cause us to stop short of what God has provided, fully, when He wants us to put forth some genuine effort, and yet…oh, I’m getting ahead of myself here, but thank God, it’s not a self-effort, but there’s an effort! There is an absolute reaching forth that has to be…where our will has to be geared up and there’s an insistence about it!
You know, one picture that came back to my mind is one I’ve mentioned before and that’s from Pilgrim’s Progress. You remember early in the journey where Christian was headed for the Celestial City, he came to the House of the Interpreter. And the purpose of that was to learn some spiritual truth, and this was prior to his actually encountering the Cross, and losing his burden.
But he learned some things. One of the things that he learned…the interpreter showed him a beautiful castle. And everyone in that castle was happy and healthy and rejoicing, and it just looked like a wonderful place to be.
And outside of that castle were a number of very strong soldiers who were standing there with swords to oppose anybody who would try to get in that castle. And there was a company of men who acted like, I’d sure like to be in there, but they looked at this opposition and they just…they were afraid. They backed off. They wouldn’t go.
And then he saw one man go up to a table where someone was writing down the names of those who were going in, and gave him his name, put on his armor and he just took off. One man against all of these, and he just valiantly fought his way through and then was received into the castle.
Folks, that’s a better picture of salvation than a lot that’s preached! I’ll tell you, if anybody gets saved, it’s gonna be against a whole lot of stuff that’s going on in here. You’ve got enemies in here that will not yield, that don’t want to surrender, that you want to bargain with God! There are a thousand and one things that will stop you from really entering the Kingdom of God. We’re gonna have to…we’re gonna have to be able to push through that.
There’s gonna have to be a willingness, not just to passively say, okay Lord, put the salvation in my back pocket, a ticket to heaven and I’ll go on with my life. This is something…this is an all or nothing kind of thing.
And I’ll tell you, you won’t get to that place until you realize the stakes…that this is an all or nothing question! We are either going to be destroyed or we’re going to live forever with Him and the price of salvation is our life!
And you are gonna have the Devil whispering in your ear a thousand and one things that will cause you to say, wait a minute, what about this, what about that? And we’re gonna have to be willing to push through. And so, just even coming to Christ, this is not some simple, little, okay, God, I’ll go along with you, kind of thing. God is looking for people who are dead serious.
You remember the parable of the sower? You had some that the seed had no effect on their hearts and their minds. They just were so seared, so hardened. But there were two other categories of people upon whose lives and upon whose hearts the seed of the Word of God fell.
One of them, the soil was shallow. Boy, does that picture a lot of the American church. I mean, the idea of forgiveness of sins, being a friend of God, getting to go to Heaven one day…yeah, why not? I’ll go along. I’ll be willing to go to church and take up that lifestyle and all of that. Yeah, who doesn’t want a deal like that?
And…but what happens? The problem is underneath it’s rocky! There are issues in the heart that have never been touched, never been confronted. Self is still on the throne! The principle of sin still rules and it doesn’t take but the right circumstances for them to say, wait a minute, I didn’t sign up for this.
You know, I’ve said many times, when persecution comes to this country, how many people will still identify with Christ? It’s gonna change a lot, isn’t it? That’s what’s happening in India, right now. They’re undergoing a very particular persecution and it’s growing, but we can stand with our brothers there.
But you know, it’s having good fruit. God always advances His kingdom in the face of whatever the Devil throws. We’re asleep here! We don’t know what’s going on. You know, if you have any awareness at all, you can see the forces of darkness gathering and all it takes is the right circumstances and things are gonna change dramatically!
But God’s getting His people ready. He doesn’t call upon us to fear. But anyway, there is a battle to fight to get into the kingdom.
And I mentioned the parable of the sower. The other one was somebody who…yeah, they accepted the Word. That was great and they started to produce something, but then the cares of this world took over. They were more interested in this world. That was the real priority—the true priority of their life was what they could get out of this world, their life in it, all the issues connected with it. The Kingdom of God was not the center!
Folks, for God’s people God’s kingdom is the bottom line! And you’re gonna have a fight on your hands if you enter this kingdom. But I’ll tell you, the glorious thing is when we fight, when we agree and say, yes Lord, I want this with all of my heart, you’re gonna find out that God will come along and help you. You’re gonna find out it’s not up to your strength at all. All of a sudden, God comes on the scene!
That’s what grace is about. It’s by grace that we are saved! God has to help us. But when our wills align with His truth and with His provision and His purpose, and we set our hearts to do what He says, He will come on the scene and we’re gonna find out we’re not alone.
( congregational amens ).
That’s real salvation. That’s the principle by which people come in. Now, I thought about another scripture that is closely connected with this, and I think it’s in Luke 13, if I remember correctly. Yeah, this is one we used to hear a lot and need to not forget that it’s in the book!
Jesus was going from village to village, verse 22, “…teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked him, Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” Well, He didn’t directly answer it, but indirectly He did. He said, “He said to them, Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”
Now how do you put that together with just accepting Jesus or receiving Him? I mean, I realize there’s a…sometimes that can describe something that is genuine. Thank God for every time it does! But oh, there’s so much deeper truth in that. Because, here are people who actually are making some kind of effort. They see the Kingdom of God, to some degree, and they’re trying to enter it and they want to enter it, but they’re not able to.
Why in the world? Is God trying to keep them out? Does anybody here think that God is just trying to block the door and say, no, you can’t come in? I don’t care how hard you try, you’re not. No! That’s not it!
What’s the issue? The issue is there’s something they’re not willing to let go! At some point, there is a choice that has to be made regarding the Kingdom of God and something in their life. I mean, I’m sure everybody by now has thought about the rich, young ruler, a classic example. Here was a young man who was zealous for serving God with everything he knew, which was the Jew’s religion and the Law of Moses, and he kept it from the time he was a boy. He was scrupulous about it. He was zealous toward God and all of that.
And so, he comes and said, I’ve done all the things that you’ve talked about. Oh, what else do I lack? And Jesus said, sell what you have, give it to the poor and come and take up your cross and follow Me. Now, that’s not a general command to everybody, but that was the god of his life, wasn’t it? That was the issue. There was a narrow door there and he couldn’t bring his love of his wealth.
I mean, God’s not against people having money if He has them and has their hearts. God has all kinds of people. Thank God! But for this man, this was his god. And when that was put that way, you are either going to be in the Kingdom of God or you’re gonna have your wealth, he went away sadly, didn’t he? So, this is a pretty good description of somebody who wanted to enter but wasn’t able.
Folks, we’re gonna have to come…God’s gonna put His finger on issues in every single life! And I say that to ones growing up here. God is gonna put His finger on the issues of your life. It may be some ambition. It may be some desire for a mate. It could be a thousand and one things that your life and your affections get fixed on. But I’ll tell you, if we come to Christ, those things are gonna be laid on the altar. He is going to be Lord!
But do you see this balance that you see in the scriptures, between the fact that we come to a place of surrender, which sounds very passive, on the one hand, but there’s also this battle, this fight, to get to lay hold of that? I’m gonna have to put forth everything that I’ve got into this battle. I want that more than I want my next breath. That’s what it really comes down to to enter into the Kingdom of God.
But I find, in my own life, and I don’t think I’m alone in this, that there are so many times when I’ll come up against a need, and I know, theologically and scripturally, what the answer is. I mean, I wouldn’t dare say, God, you didn’t prepare me for this. You didn’t provide for this. There’s no real answer for this. I’m just stuck being who I am. This is who I am. That’s all there is to it. I’m stuck.
I mean, how many think that’s the case? We all know it isn’t. Either God has provided everything we need in Christ or He hasn’t. So, if He has provided everything and we’re not walking in that, where is the issue? Is it with God?
( congregational response ).
It’s with me, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
God is looking for people who are gonna be on board with Him, completely, and looking to Him and trusting in Him and not only knowing that I have a need, but being bold enough…you see, there’s got to be an assertiveness on my part.
And that was the kind of reaction I had to something. I said, wait a minute! You know, I’m sitting here being a victim. I’m sitting here putting up with something when God has already told me what the answer is. I need to get up on my hind legs and say, wait a minute! I insist upon obtaining what Christ has provided for me! It belongs to me!
God is looking for a greater boldness and assertiveness, in His people, to lay hold of what He has already paid such a high price to give us! That’s the heart of the burden that I felt this morning. And I see God saying, I’ve done everything for you and here you sit. God help me to come to that place where I have that boldness!
I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who values boldness. He values that kind of a heart that says I will not accept anything less! In some ways, I’m galloping through this, but that’s all right. I’ll tell you, God…the central thought is such a simple one. But I just pray that God will get it through our thick skulls, what He’s wanting from us today!
He doesn’t want us to go and say, oh, that was wonderful truth! Praise God! And then go back to our lives like they are and not be changed by it. God wants to change me! He wants to change you! But you and I have a part to play. Are we gonna seek Him? Are we going to believe Him? Are we gonna actually stand on the promises, or as my dad used to say, just sit on the premises?
( laughter ).
And that’s what a lot of Christians do. Instead of standing on the promises, they’re sitting on the premises, sleeping, when the Lord has done so much. He’s given everything for us! Praise God! We rightly worship Him! He alone is worthy of our worship!
But you know, one of the scriptures that came back to me, and I guess we can turn to it so you’ll know where it’s at. It’s in Genesis 32, I believe. Remember, Jacob was one of the patriarchs and he was a character. He did a lot of things his own way and the Lord worked in spite of it. How many are glad the Lord works in spite of us?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! He reaches us when we’re in a condition of great need and He begins to mold our hearts and our minds and He brings us out of all kinds of things. Jacob was somebody who believed in the Covenant. I mean he valued the Covenant and he valued the birthright that would have caused him to be able to step into the benefits of that Covenant with God, the covenant relationship.
His older brother, Esau, didn’t care! Because, one day he got really hungry and he traded his birthright for a bowl of soup, or a bowl of beans or whatever it was. And so, he despised that birthright.
So, in spite of the fact that Jacob cheated him out of it, what you see in him is a heart that says, I want that! That matters to me. And God began to mold that and meet with him. And he had to flee from his brother and go to another country, and wound up getting married, and acquiring flocks and herds, and he starts back.
In the process, God reveals Himself to him in greater and greater way and says, I’ll go…don’t be afraid, I’m with you. And now he’s coming back to meet Esau, though. And he remembers how it was when they parted. Esau was trying to kill me. And then he hears Esau is coming with 400 men. Whoa! And he reacts just like you and I would.
So, he does everything he could think of to do. He separates his family into two groups and he sends gifts ahead and he just does everything he can naturally think of to do to try to mollify his brother’s anger at him. And then he’s left alone, isn’t he?
And it says, in verse 24, is it? “So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, Let me go, for it is daybreak.”
And this is the reply, “But Jacob replied, I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Think of the boldness! Think of the brassy, I will not let you go! I’ve got to have…that was driven by need!
But here is a man who is…he’s talking to God! I don’t know if this is Christ or an angel, but whatever it was, he was not dealing with just a man. He was dealing with something more than that. And yet he has the gall, if you want to put it that way, to say, “I will not let you go….”
How many of you think that God wants us to have that kind of a boldness with Him? I’ll tell you, God wasn’t offended by this. This is really what God was looking for, was that sense of, I have got to have You! If I don’t have You, I am a goner! I want You above all else, God! I need You! And there’s this holy boldness to say, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” And God blessed him!
August 11, 2019 - No. 1401
“All and In All” Conclusion
August 11, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1401 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: How can I live the Christian life? There’s only One who’s ever lived it! But the secret is, God’s plan is that He live in us…and so, He gets to live the Christian life through us as we learn how to believe and how to yield and how to actually live it out. Now granted, it’s a process, and we struggle and buck against it, and don’t believe it and have a thousand and one points of resistance. But I’ll tell you, there is a God who is going to win this battle!
( congregational amens ).
We need just to be surrendering and believing. That’s what Paul wanted people to understand. Why is life so hard? Why does God seem to be against me? Well, He wants to kill you so He can replace you with Christ.
( congregational response ).
Now, if we understand that we can kind of go along…we can, oh yeah, I get it, Praise God! See, just like what Paul went through. Oh God, get this devil off of me, this is miserable! I can’t serve you like this! And God said, My strength is made perfect in weakness. And so Paul said, oh…you mean I was, it was too much of me, huh? Too much of my own effort. That was the problem and so now, oh, I get it, oh.
You see where understanding comes in. We need to get what God’s plan is. It’s not like your life here, not like the way you thought, any point in your life. It’s a whole new paradigm, if you will. This is God’s plan from eternity to eternity. And He is calling us out of the people of the world and setting us on a course that leads to glory. Praise God!
So, “We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect…” or complete, “…in Christ.” (NIV).
Interesting little tidbit he drops in here in the last verse of chapter 1. “To this end I labor….” Ah ha! You got works in there. I’ve got to do something. But listen to how he finishes that verse. “To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.”
Do you see the divine…what’s the word? Anyway…partnership, I guess is one way to put it. Isn’t that what Jesus did? He said, the Father works, hitherto I work. He didn’t say, well, here’s some good things to do. God’s told me what kind of things He likes so I’m gonna go out and do them. There’s a lot of that. Folks, we need to find out what God’s actually doing.
( congregational response ).
And if we will learn from Him and walk close with Him, He can begin to teach us and help us and show us things to do. But when we do them, if we’re doing them the way God wants it, then it’s going to be Him in us doing it. It’s like the electric drill illustration that I’ve used so many times. I may have to be the one to stick the drill out there and pull the handle, or the trigger, I guess it is, whatever you call it. You can tell I’m a carpenter, can’t you?
( laughter ).
I’m the one that’s gonna take the drill in my hand and put it out there and pull the trigger, but I don’t have the power. I’m gonna have to be connected with a source of power if any drilling is gonna happen. And that’s how the Gospel and the Kingdom of God works, is where we learn to be workers together with Him and learn how to yield ourselves to Him so that the things that He desires that we do, not just in works as we think of them, but in our relationships, in fulfilling the things that He tells us that He wants…the kind of people He wants us to be.
How can we do that, except learning how? Oh Lord, this is what You’ve called me to do. I have no power to do this. But I believe in You. I’m trusting in You. I am looking to You. Oh God, and by faith, I’m gonna go ahead and do it, but I’m doing it with a certain kind of understanding and expectation. I get that You know I can’t do this in myself. So, I’m not gonna fool myself into thinking, oh, You expect me to something You know I can’t do. He knows we can’t in ourselves. But I’ll tell you, when we step out in faith and do what He has called us to do, God will be in it and help us to do it and it will be Him doing it.
( congregational amens ).
We are not left to our own resources. Thank God! But anyway, He wants to encourage…my purpose is that you be encouraged and so forth, united in love and have all this understanding, because Jesus has got all the treasures of wisdom of knowledge.
Now do you see, part of the reason for this reference, is that in their culture, again, you had these false religious ideas that were threatening to influence people, even in the church. They were influencing in certain ways. And so Paul wanted to shoot that in the head and say, look, don’t you go looking for your answers someplace else. They’re in Christ. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Him.
So now, one of the keys to the Christian life, I believe, is in verse 6. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him….” Well right there, that shoots legalism in the head. There are a lot of Christian, so called legalists, or so-called Christians I guess I should say, who think they were saved by faith and kept by works! Okay, I’ve blotted out your sins now go straighten up and fly right.
But how did I get into my relationship with God? How did that happen? Did I do something? Did I somehow qualify myself? No! He said, God’s qualified us, earlier. How does that happen that I come into a relationship with a holy God? All I can do is just surrender and believe.
So how do I live? Surrender and believe…at every point of need. Right then, my need is my sins are standing between me and a holy God and I don’t have any life! So, I’m coming to You to meet that need!
But now, throughout my life I’m gonna be running into one need after another…where I cannot handle this, I can’t handle that. I see how You want me to be towards somebody and I just can’t forgive them, I can’t have the attitude I ought to have. Or I’m trying to do something for You and I’m just struggling because I’m so afraid that I just can’t do it. Whatever it is. How do we live for Him except by reaching up for Him and looking to the source God that has given to us.
And look at the next word. It says “…continue to live in him, rooted….” Do you see the imagery of that? Where does a tree get its nourishment? Where does it get its nourishment?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. When the wind blows and conditions get difficult, what happens? How does a healthy tree deal with that?
( congregational response ).
Sink those roots deeper! Why? Because that’s where the nourishment comes from. And what the Lord is saying through Paul is, at every point when I allow the wind to blow in your life, I’ve planted you in the richest soil in the universe. My life is in that soil. It’s the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever your need is…this is an opportunity, not a problem.
( congregational amens ).
This is a moment of opportunity when I want you to, by faith, sink your roots in Me, believe that I am actually enough to help you in this situation and to meet this need, even where there’s a time element involved. That’s part of the challenge many times. But I’ll tell you, God…how many people here, right now, you see, you understand God’s trying to work in your life to get your roots deeper?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, if you know Him, that’s what He’s doing in your life. I’ll tell you, I feel that every single day. God is wanting me to get out of myself in so many ways, when I see ‘self’ trying to get in there and muck it up. But I’ll tell you, He is working and He’s changing our hearts.
And He’s doing it because He wants this invasion, not just to be parts of our lives so we can come together and encourage each other. That’s great. He wants to fill your life. He wants to fill my life. He wants to empower us to be the Body of Christ. He wants to be able to come and fill this place and then through it to be changing other peoples’ lives. There’s a greater expression of the heart of God and the life that is in Jesus that He wants to invade with that life!
( congregational response ).
It’ll fill everything one day. If Christ is in you, that’s in you right now. But oh how much of what is in us is covered up by us? And God’s gonna get rid of that stuff. He is going to change our hearts and our lives until this place can be filled with His life in a greater way than it’s perhaps ever been. I’ll tell you…is some magic gonna happen when we…if the Lord just shows up today, is some magic gonna happen and boom?!
( snapping fingers ).
We’re suddenly gonna be grown-up believers? I’ll tell you, God has a plan where He’s gonna bring every one of us to full sonship. I don’t know the time frame. I don’t know all of how He’s gonna do it. But I’ll tell you, He’s going to do it!
( congregational amens ).
He’s going to use the experiences we have down here and I believe people that have gone on, they’re still learning. There are people that have died in all kinds of spiritual conditions of immaturity. I believe God’s still teaching them. I’ll give you one scripture that kind of indicates that. “…He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it…” (KJV). How long?
( congregational response ).
Well now, Paul wrote that to people that have been dead for almost two thousand years. It sounds to me like there’s something still going on! See, God knows exactly how to bring together everything on that day. And, there’s gonna be a day when it will be brought together under the headship of Jesus Christ. And like I say, everything else will be gone. Oh Lord, hasten that day!
So…he talks about being, “…rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.” (NIV).
Now, he stops and deals for a moment with the problem that he had heard about in that community. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” Whoa!
The first time I ever heard Brother Thomas preach in person…Lord have mercy, we talk about how time has gone by, it’s been over 49 years now. He had just moved to Jacksonville, I think the end of 1968. And like the second week, second Tuesday, must have been…anyway, very early in January, he came back for a visit on a weekday night, week night. And, we were visiting from Asheboro and he preached on this scripture…Complete in Him. I still remember that message. That was powerful…just lifting up the person of Christ.
Folks, we have ways that we don’t even…we’re not even conscious of, of looking to some other source for our help. Because my problem is not simply how to navigate this world. My problem, not problem, the challenge to which God has called me…the pressing forward that we were singing about, is not your success in this life, it’s for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
( congregational amens ).
It has to do with the transformation of the inside so that I am more like Him and less like me!
( congregational amens ).
Where I am drawing my energy from Him for the details of my life instead of from me. Oh, we have so many other answers. I’ll tell you, the psychologists and the psychiatrists do not have the knowledge! They do not have the answers! They don’t even understand the question! If Jesus fills this, He’ll take care of those issues!
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, we just need to come to Him and throw ourselves on the mercy of God through the promise of the Gospel and the hope of the Gospel. We don’t need to be getting our answers from this world, we need Jesus Christ!
( congregational amens ).
He is the answer to everything! And you look at the issues that he begins to deal with, and how he talks about how Jesus…you know he dealt with the guilt of our sins but, he also dealt with His power to control us. He did it by putting me to death! But He wants me to get that, understand it and start living it out, by faith! That’s the only way I can do it because I still feel all that stuff.
But God wants us to understand, and I believe that if we’ll ask Him…how many believe that God wants to hold this back from us and not help us? No! Can we not go to Him and say, Lord, I see this in the Word but I don’t understand it enough. Help me. Help me to understand. Help me to grasp so that I can act in faith and react in faith and not just simply give in when my nature wants me to go a certain way.
Lord, You have already dealt with that. And not only that, You dealt with this devil that wants to come and oppress me, because he does it with everybody. Every single one of us is going to experience times when the Devil will just come and attack our minds and our spirits, and try to bring us down with lies and oppression.
But you know, we’re gonna have to learn as we go, that Jesus absolutely spoiled principalities and powers! This translation says, he disarmed them. I’ll tell you, the Devil has power over humanity because of sin! Because their nature agrees with it, he’s got power.
But when God dealt with the guilt and the power of sin and put it away, what does Satan have left? Lies is all he’s got left! And if we’ll learn to go by what the Word of God says and stand in the victory of Jesus Christ, He is gonna be the answer in those times of oppression. We can lift our hearts to Him and look to Him, and realize that we are complete in Him!
( congregational amens ).
Most of the time, I don’t feel very complete. Do you? But I’ll tell you, the fact still remains, this is God’s answer for your need and mine today. And I praise Him! I praise Him for what He’s done! I’ll tell you, this is a truth!
One of the things I remember Brother Thomas emphasizing, and he was thinking about certain kinds of theological teaching when he said it, but there are people who actually sort of, without perhaps intending to, will diminish Jesus and make Him kind of small and weak.
How do they do that? Well, Jesus can help us get our sins forgiven and become, you know, born again and set for the Kingdom of God. But now, if you want real power, go for the Holy Ghost. You know, many of you have heard a lot of that teaching. Oh, that’s where the power is! Now we need to get out of this weak, little place we are. We’re Christians, okay, that’s wonderful. But now you’ve got to come into this place of power. I’ll tell you, every bit of it comes from Jesus!
( congregational amens ).
His name is above every name! Paul does not lift up the Holy Spirit! Paul lifts up Jesus, who comes by the Spirit and empowers His people, every virtue, everything that God has for you! His only answer for your need this morning is the name of Jesus Christ.
( congregational amens ).
And virtue and provision that is in Him. The riches of God are there. If that’s not enough for you, there’s no answer.
( congregational amens ).
There’s no other answer God has. If there was some other answer, it would be drawing upon human ability, wouldn’t it? Something of this old creation, it would be looking to that for the answer. My answer does not come from anything that has to do with this world. My answer comes from heaven.
Jesus died! I died! My sins were buried in that tomb. He rose against all the efforts of hell to keep Him there. No devil could hold Him down. He has a name that’s above every name! All the glory He had with the Father before the world was, has been restored to Him.
Do you know He’s a man? You know, He’s still a man. He’s a glorified man. He is a picture of what God is gonna be doing for every single one of us. Oh, how amazing it is that God could take a glorified man and literally spread his life out. Do you know, He can do that through us, in various ways right here?
( congregational response ).
How can you and I affect somebody else? We’re just people. But I’ll tell you, to the extent God works in and through us, His Spirit can flow out and change somebody’s heart—that invasion that is going on can continue to happen. That’s what God is after right here. I believe with all my heart God is gathering a people that He is going to bring into the simplicity of what He’s talking about.
You know, I mentioned a scripture that I believe is also very, very central…and perhaps this is a way to sum it up. But it’s down here at the end of verse 11, when Paul has emphasized the fact that it’s not your earthly heritage that matters. It’s not whose family you were born in, what race you were born into, what earthly division of any kind you were born into. This is something brand new.
God is reaching into every corner of the globe and He’s bringing together a people who will be united in Christ. That’s the foundation we stand upon. And in that, Christ is all and is in all! Praise God!
First of all, Christ is everything! Again, all the answers you need, and I need this morning, are in Him. Go to Him! Seek Him! Reach up to Him! Believe His promise! Believe the provision of God!
Don’t you sense that in Paul’s spirit? Oh, he says, I get it. I know what life is like. I’m in chains myself. I go through tough times. I have times when the Devil works on me. I know what you’re going through. These things do happen to everybody that’s in this world.
But I’ll tell you, God wants us at every point to lift up our eyes. Not to just to say, oh, He’s great. But to lift up our eyes in faith…to believe He means you. What good would it do for Paul to tell us these glorious things and say, oh I forgot, He doesn’t mean you, Ron?
( laughter ).
( congregation inaudible ).
( laughing ).
Yeah. But isn’t that how the Devil works? He’s gonna inject some little thing that sort of nullifies it, the fine print in the scripture. There’s no fine print! Christ is all!
( congregational amens ).
End of story! Everything God has for you is in Him and that’s where we go to get everything that we need.
( congregational amens ).
But the key is not just that He’s out there somewhere dumping it on me, He’s in here! This is what unites us. This is what separates the people of God from the people of the world. It’s not that we’re anything. We are nothing! But it’s who He is.
( congregational response ).
And being connected to Him by the Spirit, is everything! That is the hope that you and I have for glory today. And so all of this, you see, is the foundation upon which He builds. You say, okay, now, start saying, ‘no,’ to all this bad stuff in your nature and start living out the love and the peace and the fellowship of the Spirit, and start behaving like this in your home and all these things. Man, every…how many have trouble with any of that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. So what do you do about it? Well, that’s just the way I am. Or, I’m proud, I’m me, I’m gonna be me. No. My God! We go to Him in faith and say, Lord, this isn’t how You meant for me to be. And I have no power. I don’t have any more power to fix this than I could save myself in the beginning. I couldn’t forgive my sins. I couldn’t impart new life. All I can do is come to You for the salvation that I need today. Wasn’t that said earlier?
( congregational response ).
But it’s there! And I’ll say it again. Do you believe that God gave us this and then puts in some sneaky little fine print so that it really doesn’t help us? Or do you think He means for us to look, to lift up our eyes from everything that happens in our lives, and say, Lord, You have the answer and Jesus is my answer! And I am reaching up to Him for the strength, the wisdom, the virtue, whatever the need is! You are my life!
Doesn’t He say that? “When Christ, who is your life, appears…” Praise God! “…Then you also will appear with him in glory.” Back in the early part of chapter 3.
I’ll tell you, we have a hope that is beyond imagining. But every single bit of it comes from one source and His name is Jesus! He is over…in the plan and purpose of God, He is over the universe. Folks, He’s up to the job of helping you and me navigate this life. Our problems are not problems to Him. They’re just unbelief problems for us.
And God wants us to lift up our eyes and just put our hope and faith in Him. Walk the same way we came to Christ. And I’ll tell you, we’re gonna see God come in great ways in our lives. I don’t believe God has emphasized this in our midst this morning…what the other brethren said…I don’t believe He’s emphasized this just to make noise and so we can say, oh, that was a good service.
This is meant to make a difference in your life and mine, today and tomorrow and the next day, and right on from now on. God is pointing us toward our goal and saying, get your eyes off of yourself and your problems. Get them on the goal. Cooperate with the program. I’ve given you everything you need. His name is Jesus! You are complete in Him.
And I’ll tell you, we’re gonna have a God who will honor His word in your life. I don’t care where you’re at and what you think about yourself. God is able to save the worst of the worst! If that’s what you think you are, God’s able to save you.
( congregational response ).
And what a glorious thing it’s gonna be when we stand there in that day. I’ll tell you, the picture you see in Revelation of saints with crowns and they’re casting their crowns down at His feet. Don’t you think we’re going to think that way? We’re gonna be there and we’re gonna realize, I didn’t do anything! I didn’t do anything to deserve this! All I did was surrender and open my heart to the provision of an awesome God who loves me beyond imagining, who has opened heaven’s door to me. To Him be all the glory!
( congregational amens ).
To His name be all the glory! Praise God! Throughout all eternity He will have the preeminence among us.
( congregational amens ).
But we will walk together with Him and He will be our brother in this incredible new creation. That’s what’s unfolding, folks. I want to be a part of that and understand it so I can cooperate in a better way. But Jesus is all and He is in all! To Him be the glory!
August 6, 2019 - No. 1400
“All and In All” Part One
August 4, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1400 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! I appreciate the Lord just kind of taking over and guiding things this morning because He’s the One that needs to do it, isn’t He?
And, the Lord, if you haven’t discovered this by now, the Lord has ways of showing us how much we need Him and how little we can do on our own. Anybody else notice that? Yeah, but it’s His goodness, because anything that originates in us is not gonna be of any value, is it? Not in things that matter. We just need Him and we need Him to come this morning and help us.
I particularly feel my weakness, but again, that’s a good thing. Paul gloried in his, didn’t he? Yeah, and his reason was that he wanted the power…he wanted ‘His’ power to rest upon him. Well, that’s my desire this morning, and so I just put this in the Lord’s hands.
You know, Wednesday night I spoke for a little bit and the emphasis was on unity, but my mind went to the book of Colossians. And, I guess the main reason at the time was because that was kind of portraying where unity goes and how it’s expressed in a group of people and their interrelationships.
But my mind has kind of stayed with Colossians. And, I’m just praying the Lord will guide me through this because it’s like I’m seeing this picture of the whole thing and there’s a whole lot more in there than you can deal with in a message. But anyway, I’m just trusting the Lord will help me to focus on what He wants to be said this morning because it’s very much in harmony with what we’ve heard so far, and just how central it is that we look to the Lord and not to ourselves.
Paul, at this particular time, was in prison and it’s addressed…the letter says, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother…” (NIV). So Timothy was evidently with him and sharing in what was said. But obviously the main…the thoughts that are there are the thoughts of Paul.
And Paul had never been to this particular place. He didn’t know the people by face. He was simply…he’d heard about them and he was thankful, and prayerful because of hearing about their faith.
You know, in this time…the Lord was beginning the invasion, if you will. That’s one way to put it. This world was turned over to humanity and humanity turned it over to the Devil, and this creation has been corrupted ever since. And God has always, from the beginning, planned an invasion that would result in an eternal kingdom that would survive all of this.
And so he began the invasion through His Son, and all that He did. And then the message of what His Son had accomplished was beginning to be spread throughout the Roman Empire, in particular. This particular city is in, what is today, Turkey. It doesn’t exist anymore, but it did then.
And there was another messenger, another, was it…Praise God, Epaphras, I believe it was, who was the man who was responsible for founding the church. And Paul had a burden for these people that they really get it, because the Gospel…and I believe it’s been way over simplified, in our day especially.
The Gospel to most people is all about believing in Jesus and having your sins forgiven…I guess I’ve said this many times, but…and then basically having your ticket punched to go to heaven one day. And then one day we’ll be there and it’ll be wonderful and all of that. But I’ll tell you, there has got to be a transformation if you and I are gonna be fit for heaven.
And so, we see on the one hand in the Gospel that, thank God…my sins have been blotted out. They separated me from a holy God. I couldn’t possibly have a relationship with Him without something happening about my sins. But He sent His Son to bear my sins, to assume my guilt and assume my punishment. And so, legally I can go free. He is free to forgive me if I will just turn from my sins and give my heart and my life to Him!
What a message that is…of hope, for people who look around and struggle through this world. I mean, you think about the struggles that we have. What about people who don’t know the Lord? Folks, this is a miserable world. Yeah, there are some who have a certain amount of pleasure out of it, but it is one long struggle ended by death, and there’s no power to change that. Boy, I’ll tell you what, the hope of the Gospel is amazing!
And the hope held out in the Gospel, again, is not simply that my sins will be forgiven and I’ll get to go there someday. It’s that when I get there, I will be a glorious being like the Son of God. I will be a child of God, glowing, filled with the life of God!
So, Paul, of course, is dealing with, how do you get from point A to point B? All right, now you’ve heard the Gospel, and his prayer as he expresses early in this is that I want you to understand. You’ve got a lot of things you don’t know. You’re coming to the table here with a whole lot of ideas that are from the world, and you imbibe them from your local culture.
And one of the things that was a factor in Colossae, in the city there, was that there was kind of an angel cult, I’ve heard it called, where basically, they worshiped angels. They had drunk in philosophies and things that the Devil had planted in there as, here’s the answer to life. You need to get wisdom from somebody who’s been there and has a higher view and they can tell you how to navigate this life and come out on top.
And so, here these people were coming out of heathen darkness and worldly thinking, worldly philosophy, and so, the burden of his heart was, God has called you to this. I want you to understand what He has called you to and how you get from this glorious beginning to the hope that He has planted in your heart that one day you will stand there in His likeness. How do we get there? How does God accomplish that invasion?
And you know, you look at a lot of his, especially Paul’s prison epistles when he had nothing to do but write letters, there’s a pattern, isn’t there? You look in the early parts of several of his books and you will find Paul elucidating, lifting up and…expounding, I guess, is the word I’m looking for…expounding the Gospel and what it really means of what God has done for us.
And then he will move from that gradually into, okay, now here’s how we’re supposed to live. Okay, you have this…you’re a husband, you’re a wife, you’re a master and a slave, in that day, and there are children involved…how do you relate to one another in the Body of Christ. There are all of these behavioral, social values, if you will, that come into play.
And so much of the Gospel, that is called the Gospel, is basically, believe in Jesus and then try to be good. And Mike expressed it very well, that…if you try to ‘do’ Christianity…a lot of people think they’re doing it, but this is not the Gospel. God did not call us to ‘do’ Christianity, as though it’s a lifestyle and a behavioral change kind of thing.
You can teach yourself and train yourself to behave like somebody who is really wonderful, but that doesn’t change anything in here. The Gospel is all about that brand new heart. It is a new heart and a new spirit. It is everyone knowing Him.
And so, Paul wanted…these fellow, these young believers to really understand the process. It’s not just that we want to get to these…how we should live and treat one another things, it’s how do we do that? What’s the secret of growing in Him. What is the whole process? Because it’s not just navigating our way through the world, man, this is an upward journey. We are pressing on toward a mark that God has set before us. We are traversing a path that He has marked out for us.
( congregational amens ).
Very individual, very personal, yet it jives together…weaves together into this glorious, eternal purpose that He has for us. And you can just hear Paul just exalting in the glory of it.
And, you know, the one thing that is central to the book of Colossians is the Person of Christ! It’s 100 percent about Jesus! There is no other answer! It’s not, here’s now you’re supposed to live, now get with it and get with the program! It’s Jesus is the answer to every single issue that Paul brings up.
And so, there’s a reason why he lifts up the Person of Jesus. You know, it’s awfully easy for us, reading about him as a man, to be thankful that He was humble and gentle and cared about people and performed miracles and did all the wonderful things that He did, but I’ll tell you, that isn’t where He started. He goes back way before the foundation of the world and Paul wants to lift that up. Praise God!
Let’s see where we pick this up. Well, I’m just gonna read some of this in chapter 1. I don’t want to get bogged down because I want to get to the central thought. But anyway, Paul expresses his prayer in verse 9. “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you….”
That’s interesting. Paul’s not just conveying information, is he? He understands that this is a spiritual battle, not simply a mental one. There needs to be spiritual energy generated and he understood that prayer is literally bringing us into a relationship with God where life can flow through us out through our lips and actually go out and make a difference. Praise God!
Do you understand what prayer is about? That’s a subject all on its own. But, here’s Paul, not just instructing them, as though, okay, I’ll give you the information and that’s good. But I’ll tell you, I’m praying. I understand that in order for this change to happen in your heart and your life, God is gonna have to intervene. God is going to have to give you an understanding heart and mind so that you can begin to grasp these things that He wants you to know.
And asking, “…God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom…” not some other kind, “…spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this….” Now where’s he going with this? “…And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way.”
So you see the connection with having this genuine understanding of how the kingdom of God works and our place in it, and where we get the resources to do what we do. This is central to our being able to live out what he talks about at the end when he starts getting into how we behave. Praise God! Have you ever tried to live the Christian life on your own? It doesn’t work very well.
So anyway, “…please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…” So it is a process. “…Being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might….” Are you weak this morning? Has God made you aware of a weakness in your life? Yeah, I’ll put both hands up.
But you know…I’m gonna say this again. God does that for a very specific reason and it’s a good one! He shows us our weakness in a thousand and one different, very personal ways, but He does it so that that we will stop trusting in ourselves and get how the kingdom of God works.
He has everything that we need! Everything we need is in Him. He standing there…I mean, He’s seated at the right hand of the throne of God and He has everything. Praise God!
“…Strengthened…according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.” How do we get it? It’s gonna have to be Him, isn’t it? “…And joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.”
Oh, Paul just can’t hardly get the words out, can he? They’re so rich, there’s so much that he’s trying to convey. You can feel the heartbeat just pouring out this incredible picture that he wanted…us to get and them as readers.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness….” Do you know if you’ve come to Christ, I don’t care if you’ve come from the gutter or the palace…outside of Christ, you live under the dominion of darkness. There is a god of this world. He has an army of wicked spirits. They are the real power behind this world and this world system, its way of thinking, its way of doing.
And every single person born into Adam’s race has a nature that agrees with that spirit and with that power. And there is simply no way to escape except God intervenes and it’s a supernatural rescue out of the power of darkness. Folks, you can’t just sort of turn over a new leaf and be a Christian. You’re gonna have to surrender to the saving power of Jesus Christ. That’s God’s answer for every single situation, every single need.
Okay, He’s “…rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Praise God! Now one of the things that I see Paul doing here, he is wanting us… he’s gonna lift up Christ as the answer to everything and that’s basically what he’s saying.
I don’t care what your need is this morning. The answer is Jesus! But in order to properly appreciate that answer, we need to see who He is. Let’s talk about who we’re talking about here.
“He is the image of the invisible God.” You know…there are other scriptures that say this same thing. God is invisible. No one has ever seen Him. No one ever will see Him. He is an omnipresent Spirit. He is not part of the universe. He exists apart from it, outside of it, within it. I mean, there’s no place you can go where He isn’t. This is an amazing Being, a Spirit Being.
But this Spirit Being has a Son. This Son is the very image. You want to know what God, what that unseen Spirit is like, you look at Jesus Christ, because the character, every attribute of God is there in His Son, and He’s lifted Him up! He is, “…the firstborn over all creation.” Okay? Listen to what he says here because this goes back to the beginning.
It says, “For by him….” Now you get the Persons involved here. This is the Father creating things, but how does He do it? Through the Son. It’s “…by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Whoa! There’s not a star in the most distant galaxy that can just take off and do its own thing apart from the authority of this One that we are here to worship today. This is the Son of the Living God. He spoke galaxies into existence. You think your little problems are too great for Him? Ron, do you think you’re the one that He can’t save?
Well, I think every one of us has probably had that feeling at some point. We’ve had that emotion, that voice telling us that that’s the case. I’ll tell you, we have Somebody who is able to save completely. We have somebody who has been elevated to the throne of the universe.
I’m gonna just refer to a scripture that I referred to the other day and I guess it fits in with this, but it’s in Ephesians. Just back up a few pages. Ephesians chapter 4. It talks about Him descending into the earth. I don’t want to spend a lot of time on this. But it talked about Him descending into the earth and then ascending into heaven. But why did He do that? Why did God bring Him up there?
There’s a particular reason. “…The very one who ascended higher than all the heavens…” Verse 10, I believe it is. “…In order to fill the whole universe.”
You know I mentioned that God is involved right now in an invasion. This universe that exists right now has been corrupted by sin. The first step, of course, was for His Son to take care of the sin problem and to obey the Law and to take our guilt upon Himself and put it away. And in Him, God judged the world, when He went into the ground, having come off that cross.
But when He came forth, a new creation was born. When He ascended to the throne, it was for the purpose of being able to be a channel through which the Spirit of God could invade everything. So, where are we at now? We don’t see that yet, do we? We don’t see all things under His feet, under our feet.
What we do see, however, is Christ beginning to invade individual lives. If you have ever been brought by the power of the Gospel to the point of repentance of your sins and putting your faith in Jesus Christ and inviting Him to come and take your heart and your life, God just invaded. God invaded some part of this old creation and He’s transforming it gradually into part of the new creation.
And I’ll tell you, when He gets through with all of His sons and daughters, all of us brought to that place where we stand there in Glory, then it will be time to destroy everything else that you see and create a new heaven and a new earth.
Where is that life gonna come from? That’s the same life that’s in Jesus, that is in you, has been born in you and me is going to invade everything! Can you imagine a world just full of God and His power and His glory and His peace and His majesty…I mean, things we can’t even imagine right now. Praise God, that’s what’s happening!
But you and I are in that first stage right now, where God is invading and changing our hearts and our lives. Oh my, if we just could see and get a bigger glimpse of who this is, we’d run to Him. We wouldn’t wait. We wouldn’t worry about, am I good enough, have I done enough, will He hear me, does He care, does He have what it takes? I mean, a thousand and one voices will scream in your head and tell you how bad you are and how hopeless your case is, but I’ll tell you, Paul’s message to every single issue in our lives is to point us to Jesus Christ…
( congregational amens ).
…As the answer. Thank God.
All things were created. “He is before all things, and in him…” back in Colossians, “…all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church.” I’ll tell you, a body shares the same life, doesn’t it? So that’s what makes the church. It’s not organizations and doctrines, and all this stuff that we have here. This is church-ianity.
But I’ll tell you, in the midst of this, there is a remnant of people who actually have been born of His Spirit. That’s the Body of Christ. But He wants that to find expression in a local area, a local place. That’s what this is about here.
So, “He is before all things…he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
Oh, do we have a message to preach today! I’ll tell you, there’s only one thing that will cause someone to miss this and that is the hardening of the heart and resisting the call and the pull of God’s Spirit upon the heart. Oh, anybody who hears this, if God is convicting you that these words are true, and Jesus is who He said He is, and your situation, apart from Him is what God says it is, man, you better cry out to Him. God will hear your cry!
But He will not bless you in rebellion and in a life of self-will, wanting to do it your way! God is gonna reach your heart and bring you to that place of surrender. That’s the place Jesus occupied, isn’t it? He didn’t do His own will. He did what the Father showed Him to do.
Okay, and he talks about how we’ve been reconciled and how we need to stand firm in the hope of the Gospel…I’m skipping through here for the sake of time. But anyway, I want to come down…he talks about how…praise God! He refers to the Gospel as the mystery that has been kept hidden from the ages!
You know, this highlights something God says through Paul in another place. There’s no way the philosophers of this world can figure it out. Why do we take their wisdom? Why do we give any ear to the wisdom of this world? They don’t know. They don’t have the answers! Praise God! We need what God can only reveal, and only to the heart of the one who listens and hears His voice. There is wisdom that the world cannot possess. I don’t care what they do. Praise the Lord!
So anyway, Paul is talking about the mystery…and I’ll tell you, do you know what the mystery is? It says, “…the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints.” Now it’s time to let people in on the secret of what’s been going on, what His real purpose is. “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is…” What? “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
I don’t care who you are, again, whether you come from the gutter or the palace, God has one answer! If Christ is in you, in the sense in which he’s talking about here, He has come to live, He has birthed that brand-new life in you, then this is your hope! If He is not in there, I don’t care what religion you practice or how you live your life, you will perish with this world. This is the dividing line of the human race! It’s Christ in you! That’s the foundation of anybody having a hope of Glory. Praise God!
July 28, 2019 - No. 1399
“Comfort For God’s People” Conclusion
July 28, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1399 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is…this could be you. If you know Him, this is you. You’re not alone. Stuff is not out of control. You have Somebody who knows how to…who’s not only gonna lead us through all of this stuff, but He does it with His arms around us, folks!
This is an amazing God. He gathers the lambs in His arms. The lambs are the small, weak ones. Are you small and weak? This is how He feels about you! Put your name in there! Let’s stop making this general theology and start making it personal, because that’s what it has to become!
( congregational response ).
We’re not just given truth so we can memorize it in our heads and practice a religion! God wants a people that He knows intimately. He wants us to come to know Him. He wants us to know about…not just about Him, but as Ricky said the other night, but to know Him. Praise God!
“He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.” (NIV). What imagery. I know He’s a Spirit who fills all eternity, but He speaks in a language we can understand. He’s not just…come on, you stupid lamb. I’ve got to take you and do something with you. This is, I love you. I know where you’re at. I know the things that are weighing down on your heart and your mind and your life. I care. Oh, if you could just lift up your eyes and see beyond all of this and understand how much I love you.
Look at the Cross every time you think about that. Does that mean anything…that God would send His Son to open the only possible way you and I could have a relationship with this great God? What He’s done for us is beyond reckoning, beyond imagining. But now, we’re in the journey.
“He tends his flock like a shepherd: he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” What a picture that is of the amazing character of our God.
But now, you start getting the other dimension. “Who has measured the waters….” Because it’s wonderful to have somebody who’s right there with us in the middle of the storm, but what about the storm? Is He a victim too? Is He trying to weather the storm Himself? Or is He greater than all of that?
See, this is the picture. We have a God who’s great enough to be over everything so that nothing gets out of His control and beyond His purpose. He uses things. He uses difficult things, but nothing gets out of His purpose. And yet, He’s so intimate and tender. “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand….” What imagery. I mean, you know, He’s a lot greater than that, but you go to the ocean. Let’s see how much we got here.
( laughing ).
Wow. “…Or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?” Let’s see how much space we’ve got up here. “Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket…” Okay…this earth here, let’s see what we’re gonna do about it. “…Or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?” So, right there you’ve got a greatness with respect to earth anyway. I mean, this is Somebody who’s bigger than all of it, has everything under His control.
But now, “Who has understood the mind of the Lord….” We know He’s powerful enough. Is He smart enough? That’s what he’s getting into. “Who has understood the mind of the Lord….” That’s the problem. People have ideas about how things ought to be and how He ought to behave Himself if He’s really God.
I’ll tell you, who are we to sit there and try to explain God or try to imagine that we are able to sit in judgement of God? We just got here, and we got here with minds that are corrupted by a rebellious spirit against Him. Oh…I’ll tell you, God has made foolish the wisdom of this world. He just goes right by that. People can think all they want to, they’ll never discover truth, and yet, He can reveal it to a child who just opens their heart, and it can become real. They can possess knowledge that the smartest person in this world doesn’t know anything about, if they’ll just say, Lord, I believe. Open my heart. What a God we have!
But, “Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counselor?” Did God have to go to somebody and say, hey, help Me out here. I’ve got a problem on My hands. I need you to explain it to Me and give Me some counsel so I can do this job better. No! He doesn’t need any of that. He has all wisdom, all knowledge, everything!
If He…think of what David said. We’ve quoted this many times. And it isn’t just the fact that He knows everything. It’s that His thoughts to me, His thoughts about me, with all that’s wrong with me, are more than the grains of sand on all the seashores. You think maybe we ought to me thinking about Him a little bit more and live with a greater consciousness and a greater rest?
This is not a God who wants to just run things and anybody who wants to come along, okay, but I’m just sort of half…I’m upset about it, about how bad you are. This is a God who so longs to have a relationship with us. He’s dealing with us. He is seeking to influence our lives. He’s seeking to work with us constantly, 24/7. He is thinking about you, and planning for you, and watching over you, and allowing you to make mistakes and allowing you and me to make choices. But I’ll tell you, there’s a God who’s constantly working.
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, He’s got a job on His hands, doesn’t He? We are something else for the Lord to conquer and change. But you know, what a God we have. You think about what it said in the days of Noah. Here was the whole world except for Noah and his family. Some of them weren’t so good. And nobody cared about God anymore. Everybody just wanted to do their own thing and rebel against God and follow their own lusts. And the word was that God said, “My spirit shall not always strive with man.” (KJV).
But think what He’s saying there. In spite of the condition, God was still striving. God was still making an effort to reach people’s hearts in spite of the way they were going. There came a day where He said, all right, I’m gonna take my hands off. That’s what’s ahead for this world. Right now, God is still striving.
But I’ll tell you, He has to do a lot of striving with me! What in the world is it like for somebody who’s is just constantly going like this? No, I’ve got a better idea. No, it’s not this way. They are always gainsaying God. They’ve got their own ideas, and that’s what they go by. They’re listening to the voices of the world.
Folks, I want to humble myself and say, God, I don’t [know] anything as I ought to know it. Lord, open my understanding. Open my heart to just humble myself when You talk to me, and to have a heart that’s ready to listen. It’s not like, I’ll listen as long as You don’t talk about that. I’ll listen if You don’t touch this area of my life. Well, let’s bargain here a little bit. Let’s get together and have a negotiation, negotiated truce. There’s no truce. It’s surrender.
( congregational amens ).
But it’s surrender to the greatest love that ever could possibly exist. Oh, my God, what an amazing God we have. But here he is, “Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him…” (NIV). Did the Lord have to say, I just don’t understand, somebody, help me out here?
“…And who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding?” That question is ridiculous, isn’t it? But doesn’t it make us think and remind us that this is a God who knows every detail?
Go on and see what he says. “Surely the nations are like a drop in the bucket.” They don’t seem that way to us, do they? “They are regarded as dust on the scales.” Okay, before we weigh something, we better clean the scale off.
( blowing ).
Blow a little dust so it doesn’t affect the outcome of whatever you’re trying to weigh. Dust on a scale, wow! “He weighs the islands as though they were fine dust. Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires.” Now, Lebanon is known for its cedars and great forests of beautiful trees. So, it was something they could understand. That’s not sufficient. “…Nor its animals enough for burnt offerings. Before Him all the nations are as nothing. They are regarded by him as worthless and less than nothing.”
Let’s go into all the parliaments of the world and the palaces and the presidential homes and just explain this to them. You’re worthless. Your nation is worth nothing. Folks, we better humble ourselves and realize how it is. I mean, men rise up, and they do all these things, and they imagine themselves to be somebody great. And then, they pass off the scene, and we build memorials to them. And then a few generations later, the memorials get torn down because it’s not politically correct anymore.
( laughter ).
I mean, what vanity!
( congregational response ).
What emptiness this world is! Why should we live for its values and its aims? Oh, God! They’re nothing, worthless, less than nothing! To whom then? You know, light of all this, who are you gonna compare Him to. “To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? As for an idol, a craftsman casts it.”
I mean, this was the culture of their particular day! We need a god! Okay, let’s go to the craftsman and have him create this image. Oh, great god, save me. I need better crops. I need to be healed. But really, is human society any smarter today just because we don’t do it exactly that way? We still worship the works of our hands. We still glory in the achievements of man and all the things that he’s able to come up with.
“What image will you compare him to? As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it. A man too poor to present such an offering selects wood that will not rot.” Okay, I can’t afford one of these nice idols so, here’s a chunk of wood. Make me an idol. Oh, God, what vanity. “He looks for a skilled craftsman to set up an idol that will not topple.”
( laughing ).
Aren’t you glad your God doesn’t fall over?
( laughter ).
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He brings princes to naught…” or to nothing, “and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them…”
( blowing ).
“…And they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff. To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal? says the Holy One.” Now is when he gets to greatness and the immensity. It goes way beyond just okay, I got…earth is nothing to me. It’s like dust in my scales. “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Wow!
“Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O…” Bible Tabernacle, I mean, “…O Israel, My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God?” See, that’s the problem. We live in a world where it doesn’t look like this is the case. We’re gonna have to have eyes that are able to see beyond what’s going on in the world, what’s going on in our lives! We’re gonna have to see that there is a God who is working all things out after the counsel of His own will, and it’s gonna be right in the end.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! How many times have we seen people go out? I guess, Ricky’s a pretty good example. But I mean, we’ve seen people start out in the church here and go out and seemingly be gone. But somewhere along the line, there was a seed that was planted…and that seed didn’t die! At the right time, God worked it out when everybody else had just walked away and said, there’s no hope. I’ll tell you, God knows what He’s doing, and God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we could ask or think or imagine.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! That’s what He’s looking for from us, is that…but we don’t want to be like this, do we? Complain…imagine that we’re just being overlooked? Oh, if…see, we’re wanting our nest to be feathered. We’re wanting that comfort. We’re wanting that security. There’s no security in this world. Our security is in the Lord, and He is not going to let you and me sit there and vegetate in a nest waiting to go to Heaven one day. He’s going to be working in us, but He will be carrying us like lambs in His arms every bit of the way if we could see it.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! So why do you say these things? “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary….” So now, you’re bringing another aspect of this into play. This is what we often emphasize in this passage. Now, you know, that’s great that He can do all this stuff, but we imagine that He’s a little bit like us in that…He gets tired.
But this God doesn’t get tired. There’s no lack of energy. He doesn’t have…He’s not bound by the laws of physics. He created those for this, for this place and this creation. He is outside of that. He never loses energy. He’s always fresh. He doesn’t have a bad day as Chip used to say. Praise God!
“He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.” No one can understand the depth of His understanding. “He gives strength to the weary…” Oh, aren’t you glad? Anybody here need that this morning, besides me? “…And increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord….”
Those who wait on the Lord…the different translations that are essentially saying God, You’re the One I’m looking to. I’m in the middle of a world I don’t understand. I see stuff I don’t understand. It feels like it’s out of control. There’s a part of me that wants to complain and question. But oh, God, I want to see beyond that. Give me eyes. Help me to hear Your voice. Help me to hunger to hear Your voice, because how lovely is the voice of Lord? Yeah.
God wants to have a relationship with you and with me in the middle of all that. But it’s a relationship where we see Him not as that Rule-Maker in the sky trying to make our lives miserable…take away our freedom, but a God who wants to set us free from the tyranny of self-will that drives us to become slaves to earthly appetites and earthly aims. He wants to lift us out of that. He wants us to realize the incredible sense of concern and care. I appreciate, so much, His mercy toward us.
“But those who hope in the Lord….” There’s this sense…I mean, you think about it. What are you hoping in? Practically, from a functional standpoint, what are we hoping in? A lot of times, it’s me and what I can do. I’ve got situations…got to fix it…got to do. Got to make it right so God will love me.
I mean, we’ve got so many messed up ways of looking at ourselves and at life. Oh God, help us. I don’t want my hope to be in me. Here’s one thing I was thinking of as my mind went to this this morning. Why do we get tired? I mean, the kind of tiredness that He’s talking about here where we get spiritually tired. Why do we get tired?
( congregational response ).
That’s exactly it. We’re operating in our own energy. And God is trying to lift us out of that feeling that I’ve got to do it. I’ve got to fix it. Oh, God’s not acting, so I’ve got to act. No, we’ve got to hope in the Lord. We’ve got to see beyond. We’ve got to see a God who knows how to weave the tangled threads of this whole world together.
He got you and me here, didn’t He, after centuries and thousands of years of incredibly complex events? He got you and me here. He manages the universe. He still sees when the sparrow falls, and He counts the hairs of my head. I guess He can handle it.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! What an awesome God we have. So, the Lord here is encouraging His people, realizing they’re sitting there under a, essentially, a heathen emperor who is calling himself the king of Israel. And there’s a handful of people feeling beleaguered and wondering, is there any hope? Is God’s plan just gone begging? Will it happen? Have we just so messed up that He’s gonna throw us in the trash can, and it’s gonna be all over?
He said, no. I’m preserving a very small remnant. I’ve preserved them now, and I’m gonna preserve them all the way. Remember what He told Elijah when he thought he was all alone? The Lord said, I have reserved for Myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. That was in Israel long before they were dispersed among the nations. Even back then in that wicked country, God preserved a remnant! God has got a remnant today in the earth. Praise God!
“…Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” That’s where this passage usually winds up, and I need that, don’t you?
But I wanted us to see it in a larger context and a larger sense. I’m like you. I find myself buried in the moment, buried in the problems of life, buried in the issues, looking inward, finding needs in me, wondering why won’t they ever change, why doesn’t, why this, why that?
I’ll tell you, God wants us to lift up our eyes and see that He is doing something that is eternal. Even in the middle of such moments, God is in control! He is not unaware! He is not someone to whom we cannot look in such an hour. He’s not someone whose love we have to earn.
We can come to Him when we are in need! Is that not what the scripture says in Hebrews 4? We’ve got a throne. You know, if we have disputes on earth, you go to court. Maybe it gets to the Supreme Court. We can go to the Supreme Court of the universe in a moment. And we can know that we’re received if we come based upon what Jesus did and not come presenting our righteousness as though we’ve earned the right to be there!
I haven’t earned any such right. Jesus earned it for me. I can go there, and I don’t have to go there and work myself up to a certain spiritual level so now I get to go there. I go when I’m in need.
And what I’m going for, I’m not going for justice. The justice of the situation already fell on Jesus. That’s been satisfied. I’m going for mercy. See, right there, it’s not about deserving it. Do you feel like you don’t deserve anything from God? The truth is, you’re in a good place, because you don’t.
But God delights in mercy. There’s nothing that gives His heart a greater thrill than to be able to show mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it! Oh, look what I get to do. Here’s somebody who’s in this low place. I can lift them up, and they’re gonna be something great later, not because they’re anything, but because I have the power to change them.
He’s got the power to change anybody in here. There’s nobody that’s beyond His reach, beyond His power. If He can manage the universe, He can manage you!
( congregational amens ).
And if He cares about the sparrow, He cares about you and He cares about me. Oh, praise God! Don’t you want to just trust Him today? Let’s not lose sight of the greatness of His understanding and this incredible picture of a God who manages the universe. But at the same time, let’s not lose the picture of a shepherd who holds lambs in His arms, the small ones, the weak ones, the unworthy ones, who just calls on…calls on us to make choices every day to put our hope in Him and our trust in Him. My God! I want to serve somebody like this, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
I want to serve Him because I love Him, because He loves me. This is a love relationship that He longs to have with every single one of you.
( congregational amens ).
Come out of the shadows! You don’t have to live in those prisons anymore! He invites His people to come, and to come to Him and to see Him for who He is. Don’t let the Devil paint a picture of God that’s not real. This is the picture that God wants you and me to have today. He is one awesome God and His love is beyond imagining. To Him be the glory. Praise God!
July 21, 2019 - No. 1398
“Comfort For God’s People” Part One
July 21, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1398 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Turn, if you will, to Isaiah chapter 40, a very familiar scripture, as are so many. But I don’t know, I just sense the Lord wanting to enlarge our vision, enlarge our sense of who He is and our place in His purpose. I certainly need it in myself.
You know, we are people of habit. We tend to build nests. We tend to order our lives in such a way that they are comfortable and predictable. And we don’t really like things that get us out of that mode, but yet, here we are.
We know from the scriptures, we know just from our own experience that life is not like that. It’s not meant to be like that, and we’re here on a journey. God has a larger purpose that has to do with a whole lot more than this world, that what He does in this world is simply a part of something that’s larger. And so, while we’re trying to be comfortable, the Lord’s trying to get us to move.
And I want to be in that mode where I can hear His voice. And the very songs that have been sung…Lord, mold me, change me…basically, we’re saying, change me.
( congregational response ).
I mean, any of these songs where we’re wanting to hear God’s voice, we’re wanting to be used, we’re asking to be changed. God’s not gonna just take us like we are and do great things. He’s going to mold us and make us into images of people that He can use, because, as we come into this world, we’re not at all in harmony with His will or mind or anything about Him. He’s got to do some amazing changes.
And I know the further I go with the Lord, the more I realize how much work He’s got to do yet, let alone all that’s happened over the years that I wasn’t even aware of going into it. So, we’ve got an awesome God, folks!
( congregational amens ).
You know, this…I was thinking…my mind went to the end of it where it’s so familiar, the concepts at the end of it, where we’re told to wait on the Lord and all of that, but my mind kept drifting back to the earlier parts of the passage. And I believe they’re relevant to setting up all that He wants to say.
And I thought about a little of the historical context of this, because Isaiah prophesied throughout the reigns of several kings. And Israel was not doing so great. I mean, they had…Hezekiah was one of them, so they had a little bit of a reprieve there, but things were basically heading downhill.
The northern kingdom of Israel that had split…after Solomon. The northern kingdom, as far as I remember at this point, they were gone. They had been literally dispersed among the nations. They didn’t exist anymore. And so, you had the southern kingdom that had a few good kings here and there, but the main guy that was the king during Isaiah’s reign was Manasseh.
And how many remember what kind of a king he was? Man, he was the wickedest king that they ever had. He was more wicked, the Lord indicated, than the kings and the peoples they had dispossessed in coming into the land!
Now you think about that. God had withheld judgment for centuries upon wicked people in the land of Canaan and He meted out that judgment when the Israelites came. He said, “…the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.” (KJV). But there came a day when judgment came. And now, here’s a king of Israel, supposedly God’s people, and he is more wicked than they were!
You know, judgment was coming. There was no question about that. Even though Josiah followed and there was a wonderful reprieve, there was a wonderful revival, it still didn’t stop the downward trajectory. It only postponed it.
I think our world is like that. I pray God will postpone it in the sense that I want Him to reach everybody that can be reached. I want Him to do everything in us that He wants to do. I want to be part of the purpose that He has in the end of the age and I believe that’s what God wants.
You know, I had this thought as I was riding over here this morning and I just found myself praying, Lord, help us! Get us out of tradition! We’ve been here long enough that we know how to do church.
And somebody expressed this in the men’s meeting this morning, the same thought that I had. How easy it is for us to just get in a rut and do stuff and go through the motions and, I think it was Ben, and the…all of a sudden, the life’s gone out of it, and we don’t even realize it sometimes! We need Him to shake us up! We need Him to cause us to move, to lead us in paths we have not traveled.
( congregational amens ).
There needs to always be that sense of newness. We didn’t come to this point just to, okay, now we’ve got our religion, we can settle back and just practice it and then everything’s gonna be good. We are on, as I said, a journey and we have somebody who has planned out something from all eternity. Thank God that He has!
And you know, I’ll just drop this in because it’s a matter of considerable theological debate. I don’t want to get into it, but some people emphasize the free will of man as though God’s just kind of dumped us down here and we can make our own choices. We can accept God’s plan or reject it, and it’s really an overemphasis, I believe, on the free will of man. Folks, we’re not free! As we come into this world, we are slaves of sin, blinded by the god of this world and we have no hope unless God intervenes!
( congregational amens ).
And unless God reaches out His hand, there’s no power that we have to do anything. But, it’s when He reaches, when He calls, that we can answer. When He reaches, we can take His hand. So, the overemphasis, if you will, on the will of man is just that. It’s error.
But the problem is people jump in the other ditch. And that’s where everything has all been decided ahead of time by God. And if you take it to its logical conclusion, the human race is divided up into people for whom salvation is inevitable and for whom it’s impossible.
Well, there’s a middle ground, folks. We have a God who’s great enough to have this great, eternal purpose to have a family. Isn’t that what His purpose is?
( congregational response ).
You know, didn’t He say, for whom he has foreknown? See, He knew about you and He knew about me long before…back in eternity. He knew your name. He knew everything about you and He has a plan. But, whom he has foreknown, he’s also did predestinated to be, what? Conformed to the image of His dear Son. Who’s that? That’s Jesus. That he, Jesus, “…might be the firstborn among…” (NIV).
( congregational response ).
“…Many brothers.” That’s what it is. And brother, again, is a non-gender term in this usage, where we are all going to be the children of God, everyone that has come to faith in Jesus Christ. God has an eternal purpose and what He’s doing right now is preparing us for that.
And so…but I see, between these theological wars that go on among some, man, there is an incredible middle ground where God is able to take our…to give us a certain amount of freedom. He’s not trying to raise an army of robots here. This isn’t a cult where one man does…or one being does all the thinking and we just…we march around like zombies.
This is a…not a cult, this is a kingdom where God is raising up sons who have…who share His heart! He doesn’t have to try to compel us to do things against our will. He wants to mold our will so that it’s the same as His and we take joy in joining Him in His purposes.
And I’ll tell you, we have a God who cares about individuals, who’s made you different from every other being that has ever existed! No one has ever been exactly like you and He knows you and He made you for a reason!
What a God we have, who can take the tangled threads of history and weave them together to bring you and me to this occasion today! And yet, He’s not just way off there somewhere, but He’s right here, intimately interested in every single life! What an amazing God, who can do such things! And I guess some of that is what drew my mind to this passage.
And I was thinking about the greatness of how He describes His power and the immensity of His power and understanding. But you know, you’ve got to go back to the beginning of this and realize…realizing the historical context. God was trying to encourage the remnant of His people.
You remember how at the beginning of Isaiah, the prophet said, “Except the LORD…had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been…” like Sodom and Gomorrah. (KJV). What does he mean? We’d have been destroyed! There’d been nothing left! But there was a people that God preserved all the way down through Israel’s sad, sordid history, and God had promises and a plan that involved them but that same plan has involved…has expanded to involve us.
You remember how he described the fact that there was a…that He was a Shepherd and He’d come for His sheep? And He’d come for the “…lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But He also said, “…other sheep I have, which are not of this fold…” What does He say about them? “…Them also I must bring…and there shall be….” If you listen to some theology today there will be two folds and one shepherd. No! One fold! One shepherd!
( congregational amens ).
One kingdom! Praise God! One Lord over all who’s working out something that is from eternity to eternity. I want to be part of that, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
That’s what God wants for every one of us, to enter into the freedom of what He has planned from eternity.
And oh, listen to the character of this God, though. The first two words of chapter 40, “Comfort, comfort my people…” (NIV). You suppose they needed a little bit of comfort? You suppose they looked at the situation that existed in Israel and they had neighbors who were worshipping idols, they had babies who were literally being sacrificed to the heathen god, Molech, outside Jerusalem! God’s chosen people, right?
And there they are, sacrificing babies, burning them to death to sacrifice to a heathen god, and they’re sitting here wondering, where is God in all of this? Why doesn’t He stop it? That’s the question of a lot of unbelievers. Why does God allow all this terrible stuff?
Well, I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who does allow men to make choices, but He is absolutely in control, working out a plan that involves those who are willing to humble themselves and give themselves into His hands.
It’s not that we rise up through some goodness of ourselves, we say, yes, Lord, I’ll agree with your plan. This is, oh, God, I abandon all hope in my plan. Lord, I give my heart to You, I give myself to You! I have nothing to offer You but brokenness, but You take it and make it what You will! Praise God!
And so, His first words, as I say, are, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” Your God. Isn’t that awesome. Not just some vague God somewhere. Your God! He’s your God this morning.
“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem….” Wow! Again, think of the context and He’s saying, speak tenderly! There’s a people, in the midst of all of this mess, and it’s true today, despite the world and the condition, the direction we see it headed, pell-mell towards utter darkness, utter delusion, yet we see that there is a people that God wants to reach out to and His voice is to them.
“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.” Now, you think about the things that we find as we go along in our journey that are wrong with us. Have you discovered one or two needs in your heart and your life as we go along…maybe just one or two?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! And yet here’s a God, who knowing all of that, still speaks tenderly! There is a sense of, I know where you’re at, I also know my plans and they’re, “…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” as He says in Jeremiah. Praise God!
“Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. A voice of one calling: In the desert prepare the way for the Lord.”
You see what’s going on here? God’s saying, something’s coming. Things will not always be like they are. I want you to have hope. And the thing is the people to whom this prophecy was given, they had to wait, didn’t they? This was hundreds of years before any of this was fulfilled and yet, God was saying, look, don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world. I’ve got plans that are bigger than that. I care about you. I have not forgotten you. I’m with you and I want you to live with understanding.
What was the line of the song? I was just amazed at some of the songs we sang. Lord, help me to see through Your eyes. How many of you need more of that? Yeah! Oh God, help me to see my own life through Your eyes.
Now, a lot of folks, who are of a legalistic bent, and we all are to some degree, don’t want that exactly because, oh, God, I already know enough. I don’t want to see all the bad stuff. But there’s something beyond just seeing need. God does not just sit there and say, there’s the bad thing, there’s the bad thing. I’m mad at you about this. God, help us to get beyond that kind of thinking about God and realize the incredible love that He has!
( congregational amens ).
How many of you’ve gone through times in your life when God blessed you and maybe even used you, and then later on, all of a sudden, you run up against some major issue in your life that God shines the light on and says, okay, now it’s time, let’s deal with this? Yeah! I saw one tentative hand, couple of them there. But I believe many of you could raise your hands if you’ve known the Lord any amount of time.
And I want you to stop and think about that. Did God just suddenly discover that? So, here He is back here, you’re in a state of immaturity and ignorance, and yet God, in His grace and His love and His mercy was using and blessing you in that immature state. Now, I thank God He doesn’t leave us there! But does that not reveal something about His heart toward us?
( congregational amens ).
That He’s not simply measuring us by a standard and saying, when you meet my standard, then I will love you? My God!
Oh, we have this mentality as human beings that love has to be deserved! Boy, this afflicts children! But it afflicts us all in various ways. Because, if we don’t experience what we think…oh, it must be my fault, I must not be lovable! Folks, as far as God is concerned, we are not lovable, but He is love and He loves us as we are, and has the power to change us into the image of His dear Son so that we can fellowship with Him for all eternity!
My God, the love…I mean, it’s something…we can say it, but I think only on that day will we begin to really fathom the incredible depth of God’s love that can look past…my God, how quick we are to judge one another! To have negative thoughts, and negative feelings, and how merciful God is! Oh, I don’t like the way they do that! And here God loves them and has received them. My God! Do you see just a little glimpse of what God is wanting to…enlarge our vision and make us more like Him?
So anyway, “A voice of one calling…” This is looking forward to the time of John the Baptist, right before Jesus came on the scene. “…In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain…” that is, flat. “…And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
Ooh! Do we sense the power and the greatness of a God who can speak like this? You think the Devil just might have wanted to stop this? Yeah, he tried, didn’t he? He sent Herod to try to kill all the children in Bethlehem ‘cause he heard there’d been a king born there. And the Lord warned them, got them out of there. I’ll tell you, the Devil cannot stop what God has purposed!
( congregational amens ).
We would lose a lot of our fear and our anxiety and our struggle and our striving if we’d just get a glimpse of the greatness of the God into whose hands we have committed our lives! Praise God! I want to find a greater rest, don’t you? A greater faith and a confidence in Him!
But oh, I’ll tell you, some folks are mountains, aren’t they? Oh, they think more highly of themselves than they ought to. But it’s other people that are just so beat down by life, by society, by the way things happen in their lives. Oh, my God, He longs to lift them up! He longs to bring them up and to make them realize, you matter to Me! You may not matter to anybody else on this planet, but you matter to Me! Does that mean anything? That means everything! That gives value to every human being.
Folks, we need to understand the greatness of our God. But I’ll tell you, He’s got a purpose where He’s gonna bring us all to the right place, because pride will lift some up and other things will drag others down. Let’s get this thing where we’re all supposed to be. Praise God!
“A voice says, ‘Cry out.’ And I said, ‘What shall I cry?’” And you hear the prophets, sitting there and he hears this voice, cry out! And he’s sitting there, what shall I cry? Well, what’s the message? “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”
Oh, do we need to have a sense of perspective about this life and how brief and short and meaningless, in one sense, that it is! I don’t care what men are allowed to do! If you’re sitting there looking at the world and saying, where is God, why does He allow all these terrible things to happen?
Oh, I’ll tell you what, we’re gonna see, we’re gonna understand one day, that God has given man just enough rope to hang himself. We are making choices every single day. I want to make the right choices, don’t you? I want my eyes to be lifted up to the point where I can start agreeing with God, because…did I say this earlier or did I just think it?
But God said through David that He didn’t want us to be like the horse or the mule. See, that just tells you right there: God’s not looking for clones and zombies. He’s looking for grown-up sons and daughters who are like Him and cooperate with Him freely.
You can use a mule to plant your…to plow your field. You’re probably gonna have to use some kind of primitive method of communicating and sometimes it’s gonna be a little bit rough. You can’t take the mule aside and say, listen, we’ve got a field to plow here, we’ve got a farm to run. I want to take you in and show you on my computer how our finances are doing and…you can’t explain to them what’s going on. You’ve simply got to use them.
God doesn’t want people that He’s got to whop upside the head to get them to do anything! He wants us to have listening ears. He wants us to have listening hearts so that we can hear His voice and willingly say, yes! You know, you can hear His voice and back off and say, no! That’s where our choices come in, and I guarantee every one of us here has made choices, at times, to not quite listen and humble ourselves to when God speaks. Has consequences, doesn’t it?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! And yet, God is so incredibly powerful and wonderful that He knows how to weave those consequences to accomplish what His ultimate goal is. But folks, I want to make better choices, to begin with. I want to be somebody who gets this, who understands, who’s not like a horse or mule.
And I’m afraid, like everybody else, I’m that way. God has to do things and has to let me fall on my face, before I suddenly…oh, yeah! I know what I did. Stupid! Again! When am I gonna get it? And yet, God’s mercy is right there to pick up His children and to love them.
Oh, I’ll tell you what! Listen to what He says, going forward here. “You who bring good tidings…” good news, that is, “…to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout….” God wants His message to be heard in the earth, because there are people who have ears to hear it.
I believe there’s a good number of people here who have ears, but I pray that if you don’t, that God will open your ears. If you turn your heart in the slightest, if you feel the slightest inclination to find out about God and to learn about Him, you open your heart and you cry out to Him and say, oh God, I want to hear Your voice. I want to understand. I want to know You. He will hear your cry!
July 14, 2019 - No. 1397
“Ready for a Dark Hour” Conclusion
July 14, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1397 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Folks, we going to, every one of us, be in situations that we’re gonna have that knowledge. You can’t just pull out a book, what am I supposed to do? This is something that becomes ingrained in us, when we recognize the battles of our lives are not our battles. They’re God’s battles.
And if we’ll humble ourselves in His hand and trust Him, God’s gonna put you through the lion and the bear situations, so that when Goliath comes, you’ll be able to look back and say, I know God. I know Him because of what I have been through.
He taught me how to trust Him. He taught me what was really going on. I had a vision of circumstances that’s different from everybody else who might have reacted in that situation. I’ve learned from God Himself, by humbling myself.
We talked a little bit the other night about Peter, and how he came to be the powerful apostle that he was, man full of zeal, full of natural strength, always quick. But there was a lesson that Peter needed to learn.
Now think about the time in which he learned this. Was it not an hour of darkness? Yeah, it was an hour of darkness. And Peter professed the right thing, but he didn’t know that his own strength was not enough! And so he said, I will never desert you! I will never deny you! And Jesus said, yes you will. Satan has desired to test you and basically he had permission to do it. But wasn’t it an awesome thing…when you think about what was going on. What was Satan’s desire?
( congregational response ).
Destroy Him. Destroy Peter. Destroy His influence. Take away his confidence. Cause him to just walk away defeated. What was God’s objective in allowing all of this? God wanted a man who would be in a position to strengthen his brothers. He said, when you’re converted, strengthen your brothers.
Why could Peter strengthen his brothers? Why wasn’t all the rest of them who didn’t do this? Why wasn’t it their job? He had been through something that caused him to know something about God that they had never experienced: God’s love and His mercy and His acceptance, recognition!
God was the one who knew what Peter was made of! Peter didn’t know it. But God brought him through something deep, and as a result of that, and his humbling himself, and learning God’s grace is enough, God forgives. He doesn’t throw me out because I’ve trusted myself.
And I know, I know now I can’t trust myself. And so now he’s able to write, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (NIV). He’s able to write all the words of encouragement that he gave to his brothers and to all the saints to whom he wrote.
What did it take for Peter to be able to do that? What did it take for Peter to be able to stand in an hour of darkness, when he faced death? He knew his God. How did he know Him? He had been there and done that and God had tested him at every point in his life. And he’d seen, not his own strength, but God’s faithfulness—God’s faithfulness! How many of us know these things, in our heads? But how many of us have areas of our lives where there’s need right now?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Yeah. Well, God knows about that. He’s not mad at us. He loves us. He knows. He’s patient. Thank God, He’s patient. He’s got a lot to be patient with in me. But I’ll tell you, He is so faithful.
And of course, we know, we’ve heard so many times of the purpose of God in the wilderness. I led you this way to teach you, and all of that. But here’s a point that…as soon as I sat down last week, this thought came to me and I didn’t get up to give it out again. But, we have this idea, if you’re in school…school to us is kind of a duty. You might enjoy it or you might not. But either way, it’s something that you kind of have to conform to a schedule and whatever the regimen is to be in school.
So we think as school as one thing and life as another. I get out of school and now I’m free to be me. I’m free to do fun things. I’m free to do what I want to do instead of what they tell me to do.
Here’s the thought that I had: in terms of the Kingdom of God, school is ‘always’ in session. The Kingdom of God is not classroom learning. It is learning to know God in life, over and over again. But here’s the thing. You know, where we might look at school as a boring duty, what did Jesus say about it? “Come to me…take my yoke…learn from me…and you will find…” What? “…Rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
I’ll tell you, God wants us to know that this walking with Him and learning from Him is not meant to be drudgery. It’s not a burden. It’s not a duty. It’s not works. It’s not law and obedience, in that sense. It’s simply the privilege of walking with Him.
What was it that enabled Noah to stand in his day? Did he suddenly wake up one day and say, oh, wait a minute, I better, I better, you know, listen to God. It says that Noah…what did he do before this? He walked with God!
What does that mean? He walked with Him! The ordinary stuff that he had to do every single day, he was conscious of God and looked to God for the needs that he discovered in his circumstances, but also in himself. He walked with God. He got to know Him. And so when it came time for the flood, God had somebody that He could talk to. “…Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” (KJV).
I’ll tell you, God is gonna have a people…He has a people. But right now is the time for God’s people to be ready, because being ready is not waiting for the hour of difficulty and struggle and strife and challenge. Being ready is learning from Him right now.
I pray that God will help me, and you, because darkness is coming. Darkness is coming on the earth. And as I say, this principle, the principle I’m talking about today would apply regardless of the circumstances. But is not darkness coming? Did not God talk about an hour that was coming that would be like none other in the history of the world?
Now you think about how God allows the Devil to do certain things in certain times. What about what Jesus said when He was arrested? “But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.” (NIV). God had ordained that He would step back and allow the Devil to do whatever he wanted and he inflicted upon Jesus the most ignominious, painful, humiliating death that they could imagine. And the Devil thought he’d won.
But all the Devil did was fulfill the very purpose of God that enables us to be here today! Thank God! Because when He died, He took my sins with Him. He took me with Him! When He came forth He brought forth a brand new me! Thank God! So we see that even when God allows darkness to happen, it’s for a great, eternal purpose. And I’ll tell you, the darkness that will end this age will be for eternal glory. It’s going to absolutely be the instrument of God finishing His purpose.
I want to be ready for that hour. I don’t know when, and what, and all the details of that, but I know it’s coming, don’t you? Do we not see the spirit of the age…they talk about globalism. It’s not about nations anymore. The elites are pulling as hard as they can to build a global society.
Who do you think is behind that? Doesn’t this sound a whole lot like the Tower of Babel? Let’s unite mankind lest we be scattered across the earth…let’s build a tower, reach up to heaven. We’re gonna have our own religion. We’re gonna have our own society. We’re gonna solve humanity’s future. We don’t need all that Christian stuff. That’s the spirit of the age. Darkness is coming. It is being engineered and God is allowing it. We are in that age.
But here’s the thing, that I really didn’t get to last week. And I just want to kind of touch on it. Because it’s not just that there’s an hour of darkness, it’s not just that there’s a people who know their God, but it’s the people who become people of action. Where others are compromised, where others immediately fall away…or they run and hide because they’re afraid, I’ll tell you, there’s gonna be a people who know their God.
And what it means is they’re gonna see what’s really going on. They’re gonna understand. They’re not gonna say, God, where are You, I don’t get this. They’re going to say, I know exactly why we’re here. I know that God is the one who has foretold what is happening and I’m not dismayed by it. I know that God is gonna bring His people through. Jesus said, I’ll be with you to the end of the age. And He didn’t lie!
And He said there’s gonna be a day when He’s gonna come in triumph, and destroy this world. And I’ll tell you, that’s gonna happen. So even though we’ve got to go through this time, when it looks like the Devil will have won…and he seemingly is exterminating Christians, right and left, it will be an hour in which Christ will triumph. He will rule and reign.
Did we not sing that this morning? Is He not ruling even when those are the circumstances? Yes, God will finish His purpose in the earth! But He’s gonna have a people who will be able to act at that time.
Now what does that mean? What is ‘doing’? “…The people who do know their God shall be strong, and do…” (KJV). What is it? Well one…certainly one of it, one of those things is just standing when others fall. Didn’t Jesus warn about a time when iniquity would abound and, “…the love of most will grow cold, but he stands firm to the end will be saved.” (NIV).
I’ll tell you, there’s gonna come a time when we’re gonna find out who really knows the Lord and who doesn’t. It’s hard to tell in America today. Man, there’s so many people that profess, oh yeah, I love Jesus. And I’ll tell you what, I pray that…I believe there’s a good number that do.
But I’ll tell you what, what’s going on in the world today…there is a darkness that is already descended in many countries. But I believe with all my heart, there are far more real Christians outside of the United States than there are here. There are large, strong movements of the Gospel, calling people out of the highways and hedges of the other parts of the world. There are real harvests going on in the midst of deep darkness and persecution.
Do you think America is gonna escape? I’ll tell you, we have a sleeping church, quote-unquote in America. But we’re gonna find out. But when do you get ready for that? Now! That’s what this is about. You don’t wait ‘til something happens. The people who knew their God, they knew Him when it was nice—when the weather nice and the circumstances were good. They were faithful then. That’s what it takes.
But I’ll tell you, this spirit, this ability to endure to the end doesn’t come from you and your strength. It comes from Him. It comes from Christ in us, the hope of glory! We learn that we can’t do it and we learn to rely upon Him. We learn about His faithfulness in every circumstance. We learn it now. And so when the challenge comes, we’re equipped. Not because of who we are, but because of who He is and His faithfulness.
But I was thinking about this, when Christ comes, what’s He’s gonna come for? A bride…a confused, divided, weak compromised people? Or is He gonna come for a bride who has made herself ready as He says in Revelation 19. There is a process by which that’s going to happen.
How many times have we read Ephesians 4? See, I’m not even opening my Bible. You all know these scriptures. But Ephesians 4, and the process by which he describes how it happens. And so many times the emphasis is on the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists, I guess was the other one. And all these great ministries…they’re gonna get us ready.
I’ll tell you, what is their job? Why does God give gifts like that? It’s to get you ready. It’s not to do all the work, it’s to get the saints ready to participate in the work. Now participation doesn’t necessarily mean standing up here. But it does mean finding your place in the Kingdom of God, and living and walking with God even if it’s like Sophie, the washer woman.
You know God and you’re living for Him right where you’re at. That’s what God is wanting. But God wants every member of the Body of Christ to become a channel of life to the rest! How do we reach the fulness of the measure of Christ? It says, every part participates, every part is active, every part is doing its part.
I’ll tell you, do you think that just maybe God will use the darkness to purge and purify His people, and finish the job that He has set out to do? That’s part of it. How does He equip us for that? Will information do it? No, God is gonna to have to build real changes in our lives and it’s while you’re doing the ordinary stuff that you don’t even think about right now as having any relevance to this. That’s where God is gonna teach you and me the lessons that will enable us to rise to the occasion and be His people in an hour of darkness. That’s where God’s going with this.
I’ll tell you…I want to get that, because God has promised that He is going to have a church without spot, without wrinkle, without blemish, or any such thing. Only God can do that. But I want to see past what happens in this world. I want to see that God is going to use this. I want to be somebody who can rise up and say, I refuse to be dismayed by what the Devil is being allowed to do. I know God is in charge. I know that He is gonna help His people in this hour.
And one of the other things that we mention from time to time, is what about the simple fact of being light in the darkness. When there comes a time of great darkness…we’re seeing it in other parts of the world right now, many times, that’s the key to a harvest! God will use the darkness to wake up some people to say, hey, wait a minute, my life here is miserable! I see where the world is going! Everything I’ve lived for is worthless! Oh, God! And suddenly you have a heart that’s prepared.
Where are they going to find out about Him? From compromised people who just give in to the world and go with the flow? Or with people who simply know and love God. Not people who point their finger and say, what’s the matter with you, straighten up and fly right. But people who say, I know where you’re at. God has brought me out! He’s given me a reason to live! He’s given me life! He forgave my sins! I’m not better than you, but I lift up a Savior who is!
There’s going to be people who absolutely will be able to stand in such an hour and God’s going to use you. He’s gonna use the ordinary people. It’s not going to be the great evangelist who stands before thousands. It’s going to be the ordinary people who just live their life and have something different. It will shine like a light the darker it gets.
But only Christ can give us that power. Only He can change us! Only He can form those qualities in our lives, and only as we humble ourselves to His hand in ordinary stuff. May God help us!
And one thing that we’re gonna see a lot of, I’m persuaded, before it’s over, we’re going to see a need for dying grace. You think about the apostles, every single one of them, except John, died a martyr’s death. I’ll tell you, it takes something to able to stand there when they’re saying, bow or we’re gonna put you to death…and say, Jesus is Lord. I gladly lay down my life for Him. He gave His life for me. I lay it down.
You think about the three Hebrew children. You think about Daniel and the place they were put, and how they had such a confidence toward God, they said, I don’t care what the circumstances are, God is God! If I die, I die! If I live, I live! It doesn’t matter!
Paul could say that, no matter whether I live or die, I’m the Lord’s. But I’ll tell you, those prophets, apostles rather, who wrote such stirring words, words of encouragement, and instruction to God’s people, there came a time when they had to put up or shut up. They had a time when they were standing before the rulers of that day.
Paul had a time when he stood before Nero and made his final testimony of faith in Christ, and his head was taken off with the sword. I’ll tell you, you don’t just come into that casually, as a casual, Sunday-morning Christian. God has to work those qualities in our lives and He is doing it right now. He may be preparing somebody right here to lay down your life as a testimony to a dying world that Jesus is Lord.
How do you get to that point, where you have that kind of strength? Man, we’ve got to start learning now. We’ve got to say, God’s teaching me every single day. I’m in school and I want to learn.
I’ll tell you, what did Jesus say to one of the churches? I think it was Sardis. I didn’t look this one up, but if you look at the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3, one of them was in a particular place of persecution where the authorities were trying to exterminate them and what was the instruction? Go hide in the cave? That might be the case in some instances. But God said this, faithful…Jesus said, His words, “…be…faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (KJV).
Man, it takes something more than human strength to be able to say that. God has to work that in a human being, to have that kind of confidence that God is in charge. He’s worth serving no matter what happens down here, because it’ll happen. Satan is going to be allowed to take over and when he does, do you think he’s gonna be happy with us?
Do you think the holocaust was something? I don’t want to just be sensational about this. But I’ll tell you, there’s darkness coming, but God is faithfully working in you and me, every day, right now, to get us ready. And I want to be one of those that listens to His voice, that learns.
Jesus gave us a principle about the Kingdom of God. He said this: he that’s faithful in little, will be faithful in much. Now, do you begin to see the relevance of ordinary life? How easy is it for us to let little things slip and slide…I don’t have to be really totally honest about this. I can let that slide. I don’t have to do a serious job of this. It’s not important.
Everything is important in the economy of God. If God has put something in front of us to do, what does He say? Do it with your might. Demonstrate a heart that says, God, You have put me here and I’m trusting in You, and I’m going to do what’s right come what may.
I’ll tell you, there’s a God who sees a heart that will be faithful in the little things. Who do you think He’s gonna give the responsibility to when it matters? If you’re one of those that thinks you can just slip and slide by and not pay a lot of attention right now and be careless, and you’re gonna be fine with the real test comes, you’re deceived.
I’ll tell you, God is faithfully working, isn’t He? And I don’t want this to sound like it’s a scary kind of thing. God doesn’t mean it to be that. But the reality is, we’re living for God in world that hates Him. The god of this world would love nothing more than to exterminate you and me from this planet and take over.
I don’t know what all God is going to allow him to do, but I’ll tell you what, everything God allows the Devil to do will wind up for glory for us, for everyone that puts their trust in Him and is willing to learn.
But I guess it all comes back to the simple things. God, help us to be faithful in little. God, help us to live with a God-consciousness that says, God, where You have put me is where I need to be. Help me to learn to love You. Help me to learn how to trust You, to know You in a practical way.
You’re going to bring me face to face with needs about myself that I’d rather not know about, rather not face. But You’re doing it so that I will be able to bring those to You, and I’m gonna learn something about You as You meet my need that I didn’t know any other way. I knew it by theory, but now I know it, I’ve been there. I’m gonna have a knowledge of You that’s gonna carry me in darker and darker times.
God is preparing His people right now. Jesus’ word continually about the end of the age, is what? Be ready. He doesn’t say, wait ‘til stuff happens and ‘get’ ready. He says, ‘be’ ready. This is the hour when God is working.
So, if your life seems ordinary, boring, you wish it were different, what did the Lord say? “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God….” We need to start seeing our lives through God’s eyes and learning how to rest in Him and cooperate with Him, because God is going to have a people. I want to be one of those people, don’t you? It’s not in me to be that. But God is faithful, isn’t He? He’s gonna get us ready. So, Praise God!
July 7, 2019 - No. 1396
“Ready for a Dark Hour” Part One
July 7, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1396 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I don’t know, I’ve just had a sense that the Lord wants to prepare us, that things won’t always be the way they are. Even if that weren’t true, though, the truths that I have on my heart are still true and they are things that we need to know about, we need to live in the light of.
And…I took off last week on Daniel’s prophecy that we have referred to a number of times in the past, and I’ll just refer to it in Daniel 11. This where he prophesied of a dark time in Israel’s future, when a heathen king would come in and just be angry because he had just suffered some military disappointment, and he would decide that he was going to destroy this terrible worship of Jehovah. And he came in and slaughtered a hog on the altar of the temple and basically took over and just…it was just a seeming triumph for evil, for darkness.
And, of course, Daniel prophesied that many would fall under this. There would be a lot of compromise, there would be a lot of people who just wouldn’t be able to stand up to it, but he said, the people who know their God will be strong, and in the King James, do exploits and other translations different things. But the original Hebrew doesn’t have any idea of what they do, it just says that they do. Basically, they are people of action as opposed to all the rest who kind of fell under the pressure of what was happening.
How many of you believe that God wants us to be a people, regardless of the hour in which we live, who are able to act when He wants us to act? We’re not compromised, we’re not afraid, we’re not living in compromise or fear. And I believe that’s something in the heart of God.
And so, how do you get to that point? And so, the first part of this is the focus on the fact of knowing God. And it’s something we’ve talked about a number of times lately, but I seem to…I sense in my own life and in all of our lives, I believe God wants us to have a deeper perspective on what it takes to get to this point.
And one of the points that needs to be made is that this is not a “switch” that you “turn on” when times get hard. Either somebody already knows God and then they arrive at a time where that strength is called upon, or they get there and they’re not ready.
Folks, God is not wanting us to live in a compromised, careless, sleepy way and then suddenly expect that when times get difficult and when the challenge comes, we’re gonna be ready for that. God is working right now in every one of us to make us what He wants us to be.
And, one example that came to my mind — I didn’t use this last week — but the foolish virgins. As far as they were concerned, they were ready, weren’t they? But they had somehow just never really gotten what it was all about and so the time came when the Bridegroom came, they weren’t ready. And so, they were shut out. They had to go try to do something…but those who were ready went in.
There’s a sense throughout scripture, regardless of what the circumstance is, the principle of being ready long before anything happens is there, isn’t it? Ready for the coming of the Lord, ready for the things that are gonna happen.
Noah was ready, wasn’t he, when the time came for the judgment of the flood? Others throughout scripture, there’s this sense that God is always working in His people and there will come times when what He has been doing will be the foundation for doing something.
Folks, we don’t have what it takes. Absolutely, we do not have what it takes. We might think we do. We might think, oh, I know about all that stuff so I’m good. But there is a work that has to be done by…that only God can do. And it has to be done at the heart level, or we do not have what we need.
But oh, I thank God for His faithfulness! I thank God, who knows the way that we take, who knows how to prepare His people. God’s working in hearts and lives. And He’s bringing us to a place where we ‘know’ Him.
And you know, one of the things I did emphasize and I think we need to recognize this and repeat it until we get it: this is not just for special people. You see, what God has for His people is not just for, well, yes, that applies to the ones who are gonna stand up in the front and they’re gonna be the preachers, the apostles, the prophets, whatever. They’re the important people and they’re the ones who really need to know God. We’re just gonna hang on their coattails, I guess, is the way we sort of unconsciously think about it.
Folks, I’ll tell you something about the New Covenant: ‘all’ will know Him. That’s what it’s about. There was a sense in which in the Old Testament there were people who knew God and had a particular calling and people went to God through those people. That’s not the way it is now. God wants every single person to ‘know’ Him!
And I’ll tell you, what God is doing is making a minister out of every single member of the Body of Christ. There are no unimportant people…what God has purposed to do in His church, in the world involves every single person in the Body of Christ.
And you see this unfolded, and yet, how easy is it for us to sort of exempt ourselves and think, oh, that’s for the special people. You know, when we read about these wonderful stories, we find it hard to relate to them because we don’t have this exalted call. We’re not called to be a prophet. We’re not called to be a king. We’re not called to lead people across the Red Sea, so I guess we’re just part of the herd.
Folks, there ain’t no herd. This is something where every…God has a purpose for your life, right here, today. You matter. You might think your life is ordinary and I’ll get to that in a second. You know, let’s go ahead and get to that, because this is a point we’ve made several times lately and I just want to make it more clear.
This involves all of life. We tend to think of spiritual activity as one thing and ordinary life as another. And so, we come to the services, we fellowship with the people, we pray and we read the Bible. That’s when we get to know God. Then the rest is just kind of…that’s life, as though that’s irrelevant.
Folks, every part of life is important because getting to know God is not simply coming to a knowledge of information. It’s not about information. It’s about coming to ‘know’ Him! And the only way we can truly know Him is when we are brought face to face with needs in our lives, where we have a choice. We can just fall under it. We can look for a human solution or we can do what God wants us to do, turn to Him with our hearts and say, oh God, this is when I need You.
We just sang the song. Well, how appropriate. This is when I need You, Lord. You have created in me a sense of need because of something I’m experiencing in my everyday life. And so, I come to You to discover what it is that You are able…how You are able to bring me through this and change me! Not just get me through circumstantially, but change my heart through this.
You know, we tend to think of ordinary activities as just ordinary. What about your housekeeping? Oh well, that’s just…you know, boring, stuff I’ve got to do. It’s duty. There’s nothing spiritual about it.
I just…remember the story Brother Thomas told and I guess he repeated that many times and I’ve probably referred to it, about the lady he encountered who was just convinced that she had a ministry of God and she was just so frustrated that she couldn’t do it! And the situation was that she was living in a dirty trailer that she wasn’t taking care of. The dishes were piled high. It was dirty. Her kids were not well kept.
And Brother Thomas said, yeah, you have a calling from God. Clean your house, wash your dishes…put decent clothes…clean their clothes and put decent clothes on the kids and wipe their noses! You have a calling from God!
But most people don’t see it that way. If you’ve been put in that place, God wants you to learn about Him in that! That’s not an impediment. That’s not just a side track that is irrelevant to your spiritual life. That’s where God has you and that matters! Oh my, does it matter!
You tell Susanna Wesley that being a housewife and mother is unimportant. And then you ask John and Charles Wesley, her sons, about the influence that their godly mother had upon them…they touched the world, folks, in their day. And it all came out of the fountain of a faithful mother who worshiped God and instilled in them a sense of God and His salvation.
I’ll tell you, if God has put you in a place of keeping a household, that matters and every little detail of it matters! You might sit there and be bored to death and…oh, I’ve got to do the laundry, oh, I’ve got to clean! I’ll tell you, you look to God in those times. You fellowship with Him. You learn patience. You learn faithfulness. You learn honesty. You learn all the virtues that come with being a godly person.
You don’t learn them in school. You don’t learn them in the big stuff, the important stuff, as we think of it. You learn them in the everyday, ordinary things of life. Job…oh, that job! Oh, if I could just get a different job then my problems would be solved. God, help us to learn how to find His place in the beginning, and then to humble ourselves and say, God, You’ve got me where I’m at. Help me to be faithful!
Help me to learn the things that I need to learn! I’m gonna discover things in this place that I may not even like. It may seem mundane, ordinary, unimportant! How could this be relevant to the Kingdom of God and yet, God put you there so that you could confront, not stuff, but stuff in you!
This is the problem. The problem is not our circumstances. The problem is here and how we react to our circumstances. And if we will humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, He will help us to rejoice!
My mind goes back to a rather famous lady in the early days of the movement I once was a part of. And I’ve referred to her before, Sophie, the washer woman. I mean, here was an uneducated lady who made her living washing clothes in New York City! Poor woman…I mean, by every earthly standard, she was just one of the unwashed masses, if you would, just unimportant person.
Yet, she so radiated the Life of Christ that she touched untold numbers of people. They saw Him in her and her joy in spite of her circumstances. She bloomed where she was planted. But she didn’t treat the ordinary stuff of life as though it was ordinary and separate from her spiritual life. Housekeeping, job, school…any aspect of ordinary life.
How about failure? Everybody here just loves that one. When you really run up against yourself and you’re sure that you can handle this and you find out you can’t, and you blow up and things come out of you that you’d rather not admit were there. Does that matter?
It’s not that we seek that or just yield to that. But I’ll tell you, doing the best we can do, we’re gonna run into those circumstances. Does that matter? Is that important? Yeah, it is. Do we learn something about God at those times?
( congregational response ).
Can we have a real knowledge of God that does not take that into account? What is God like when we mess up really bad? What is He like when we lose our temper for the umpteenth time in a row and we’re struggling with that? Whatever it is, when we’re struggling with this one besetting sin…oh, God help me! Is that when…do you think maybe that’s when we learn about God? Do you think that’s when we come to know Him? Yeah. That’s at the heart of it. Surely God can help us right here.
But I’ll tell you, and there is life, I believe His Spirit is here. There’s life that is going out. But it takes more than information to change us, to make us the kind of people that Daniel is describing, the people who know their God and are people of action in a time of darkness. May God help us not to have this attitude toward life that all this ordinary stuff…I’m just so frustrated with it, I don’t want to mess with it. I want to find a different way. Oh God, get me out of it!
God’s got you in it! And He’s got you in it because He loves you, and He’s doing things in your life that He can’t do any other way. I’ll tell you, do you believe that God has a path marked out for us? We’ve used that so many times in Hebrews chapter 12. Yeah, God has a purpose for your life in His Kingdom.
Now you might not be the one who’s lifted up in the eyes of men, but you matter. Your life has a place and if you don’t fill it, there’s something missing. God wants to do something in your life just as much as He did in the lives of these famous people that we read about. May God help us.
You know, Paul, for example, said something that he had learned. He said I have learned…we use this scripture, this scripture was used recently. I have learned in every circumstance to be content.
Do you suppose he learned something about God? Yeah. “My God shall supply all your need…” (KJV). Well, how did he know that? Go to Bible School, sit in a seminar? No! God put him in places of deprivation where there was a need! He put him in places where he had plenty. He had to learn how to keep his spiritual equilibrium and his confidence toward God in those circumstances, and he learned it by experience.
There is no school in God’s Kingdom apart from the school of hard knocks. We’d love it to be some other way. We’d love to be comfortable and simply learn it up here and suppose that we’re ready for a time like this. Folks, it doesn’t work that way.
But another thing about knowing God that I think really matters is that this is not an attainment. Now, yes, these people knew God, but there’s never a time where, okay, now I know God and it’s all…it’s the end of the journey in the sense that I know all I need to know. Paul said, there’s one thing I do…and that was that he pressed forward.
And, his aim was that I may know Him. And what he meant by that is, I want to experience Him in every aspect of my life! I want to experience His provision when I run into the needs that I will inevitably run into in my life.
And here he was an apostle writing…the greatest apostle, no doubt, in the New Testament, writing to believers to encourage them and he doesn’t say, I have gotten to the place where I know God, now you get there, too. He says, I don’t count myself to have laid hold of all this, but this is a pattern of my life. I have set myself to learn from Him, to yield to Him, to come to a greater, deeper knowledge because there’s always more.
We never get to the end in this life. I’ll tell you, when we come to the hour when our toes are turned up and we’re ready to go along to be with Keith and the Lord…praise God! But you’ll be still learning! We will still be learning even as we cross that river, we will be learning from God and need Him. We will need Him every step of the way.
And so Paul describes the pattern of his own life. I am learning, I am continuing to come to know Him in a deeper way. That’s how you should live, because, watch out, there are people who just simply live their lives for what they can get down here. They’re simply gratifying earthly desires. That’s where their heart is. But that’s not what God has called us to. He’s called…they hate the cross. They don’t see what God has done for us in the cross. It’s a place where can die to that so that we can live to something that’s eternal. God has got to work that in us. There is no shortcut. Praise God!
So, getting to be a people who know God when it counts, when it matters, is something that happens in every single day life, as we look to God for the simple things. Have you lost your keys? Does God care about all the simple stuff? Does He care about the laundry that has to be folded? Does He care about the dishes that need to be washed?
Does He care about the job that you’re bored with? It’s the same thing every day. Does He care about traffic? Does He care about all the other stuff, ordinary stuff? Does He care about your school work…and you having a sense of…well, you’re dedicated to it? I mean, you’re willing to submit yourself to it. You’re willing to do your best, to learn, to honor God where you’re at? Do you care about that or is that something you have to get out of the way so you can get to the important stuff?
God has us at any moment in our life where He wants us and He does it because He loves us, because He knows what’s going on. He knows where He’s taking us. He knows why. Folks, that’s why all things ‘do’ work together, “…for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (NIV).
I just sense…don’t you? I mean, isn’t that where we’re headed? Is the world getting better? Is it gonna get better? Are we gonna just all have a nice, comfortable life and live it out and everything’s gonna be peachy? No, there’s gonna be stuff happen. I’ll tell you, it’s gonna get worse.
But I’ll tell you, God uses life to prepare His people for the calling that they have. Now obviously, in the scriptures we tend to focus on the big, important people. But I want us, starting with me…I want us to recognize, even when we talk about these people, that these principles apply to us.
Now how did Joseph get to be the second in the land of Egypt? That was an awesome calling that God had for him. How did he get there? Did he go to government school? Did he go to some…hey, this is how you enhance your natural abilities? You’ve got all this ability, now we need to teach you how to use it to do the job.
No. God had him sent by his brothers, his own brothers…betrayed, sold as a slave to a foreign, heathen land, where they worshiped idols. And he becomes a slave in an important household there.
So what does he do? Does he just gets bitter and say, boy, I don’t know…this God…I don’t know about Him? Maybe those dreams I had…that was just a bunch of junk. I’m bitter at my brothers. I’m just gonna…no! There’s was something about him that had integrity.
And we’re talking about years here. We’re talking about a lot of time. This is where you get up in the morning…okay, what’s my day like? Well, his day consisted of organizing the affairs of an Egyptian household. He had to direct the affairs of other slaves and provide for the food and make sure everything was there, so the master…all he had to do was sit down and eat. He was busy with ordinary stuff. There was nothing spiritual, quote-unquote, about what he was doing, but he did it with integrity, didn’t he? He continued to do what he was supposed to do.
And then, of course, we know that, the…what happened with the wife there and how he got falsely accused and thrown into prison. These are thing we’ve talked about many times. But, how often do we hear this and not really identify with it, because we’re not one of those ‘important’ people.
Yeah, you are. In God’s economy every single one of you is important. Every one of you matters. He cares about you. And the circumstances He puts you in matter just as much to His overall plan as the circumstances He put Joseph in.
And so, Joseph took the opportunity there, not to get bitter, not to question God, not to give into all of the kinds of things that we would have given into. And, again, we’re talking years! We’re talking years of trying to deal with other prisoners, but yet, his character was such that the prison warden, whoever was in charge of the whole thing, put him over the prisoners. They recognized somebody who had integrity.
How easy is it to blow off the ordinary stuff as though that doesn’t matter? But, oh, if God gave me something important to do, I’d rise to the occasion. No, you wouldn’t. Your character and mine is formed in the ordinary stuff of everyday life. And our readiness to be His people in a time of challenge is formed by that everyday life.
And so it was with Joseph. And in God’s time — he tried to engineer his own deliverance, as we remember — but, in God’s time he was placed in that high position and he was ready. He didn’t even take vengeance on his brothers. I mean, what grace! You think about how unnatural that is!
You can’t say, oh, he was just a different kind of person. No! He was made of the same stuff as you and me. It took a work of the grace of God to fix that man’s heart to where he could react the way God wanted him to react. And there was no other way except as a slave and as a prisoner. I’ll tell you, God’s ways are not our ways.
Moses…man of great accomplishment, man who could stand up and command attention with his voice…you think that made him ready? That was all human ability. God had to bring him to a place where he was described as the meekest man on the face of the earth. Guy wouldn’t even stand up for himself.
I mean, how many of you, if somebody really got on to you would just take it, wouldn’t answer back? God got him to that place. Do you suppose maybe he learned a few things by having to humble himself?
And it wasn’t important stuff. He wasn’t out there taking theology lessons. He was keeping sheep. He was a shepherd in Midian and that’s all he imagined the rest of his life was gonna be. I’m just gonna live out my life, and when God called him, he said, here am I, send somebody else! But God had him ready to be the greatest prophet of the Old Testament. And God used him mightily.
June 30, 2019 - No. 1395
All Music
June 23, 2019 - No. 1394
“Stop Trying, Start Trusting” Conclusion
June 23, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1394 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is life that cannot be corrupted, cannot die! My God, we live in such a low, unbelieving realm. We strive and we struggle every day. God wants to lift us out of that.
“…He cannot die again; death no longer mastery over Him. The death He died, He died to sin once for all.” (NIV). There was an utter rejection of everything this world stood for, the very principle of sin. I am done with that!
I’ll tell you, we don’t need the victory over sin, we need…He didn’t just deal with sin, He dealt with us. He put me to death on the Cross with Him. That’s what it means to be united with Him! I can’t just sit there at a distance and say, thank You for what You did for me. You died for my sins. It’s me joining Him on the Cross, willingly laying down my life in the hope and the promise of what He has…the new life that He has given me. And on that ground, we live going forward. That’s what God is looking for. That’s what He’s talking about here.
All right so, “…he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.” But listen to what he says. “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin….” How many of you stop there? Okay, I’m dead to sin. I’m dead to sin. I’m dead. What are we doing? That’s just anxious striving, trying to talk ourselves, trying to psyche ourselves into something, instead of recognizing it’s a fact!
But listen to where he goes on. He doesn’t stop there, does He? He says, “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God….” And what the Lord has begun to, just begun, I think, to see, to help me to see in a measure, is when I feel, when I hear one of the voices of my old masters — we’ve all got them — they begin to holler, anxiety, fear is certainly one of them — when they begin to rise up, I don’t have to suddenly, oh my God, there it is again, I’ve got to do something about it!
I say, I don’t have to listen to you. Lord, I praise You for what You’ve done! Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for the new life. I will not strive against these things that He has already defeated! Think about that.
How many of you remember Brother Thomas, in the context of salvation, rightly so, talking about the fact that we’ve got to come to a place where we stop trying, and we start trusting? I mean, if you’re trying to be saved, you might as well give it up. He has provided the entire package!
We have to but to come as we are and say, oh, God, I yield myself to You. I come bringing nothing but brokenness and need. But I come because that’s who it’s for. Lord, I just give myself to You, and I put my hope…let me ask you this. How did your sins get forgiven? I mean, I know the foundation of it is what He did. But how did you partake of that?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah, it comes down to a simple principle of faith. Ultimately, I have to come to a place where I realize He did that for me, and I have every right to lay hold of that and claim that, and on the foundation of that, God forgave my sins, and He took my guilt away.
But do you not see that by the same principle this is also something we have the right to? Somehow…again, I look back in my own experience. Somehow, I…it’s almost like I put these things in different categories. I think some of the teaching I heard probably affected that, probably caused that a little bit or contributed to it, where, okay, forgiveness of sins is a simple wonderful thing where I just stop trying to be righteous in God’s eyes, and I embrace the promise and the hope that He’s given to me. But deeper life, that’s a different thing. I’ve got to really…I’ve got to anxiously strive for that.
Do you see what’s going on here? God wants us to come to a place where we realize we are fighting battles that have already been won! That voice that wants to rise up and rule over you and take you down, and just keep you in bondage and wrap chains of darkness around you and keep you where you’re at, that battle was fought 2,000 years ago. If you died, why are we fighting these things? I mean this sounds crazy, but is that not what he’s talking about here?
Look at verse 11, “In the same way…” as He went, what He did, “…count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God.” That sounds like faith to me. That sounds like believing in something that He did for me that is mine! I don’t have to qualify myself. I don’t have to raise myself up to some spiritual height.
It’s not just for the Hudson Taylors of the world. This is for every Christian. We have the right to stand in His victory and recognize that when those voices come — and they will — we have every right to look them in the eye and say, I’m dead to you. That’s history. I don’t have to listen to you.
But do we stop…and to do it…one of the things that I’ve found myself saying over and over again, and I’m sure I will say it over and over many times, because of just habits of listening, it’s that I am not gonna strive with you. I refuse to fuss and fight and strive about this. This battle has been won, because always before, that was my reaction. Oh, my God, I’ve got to do something.
And all of a sudden, the Lord is saying, no, you don’t. Jesus did it! Will you put your faith in that? Will you embrace the reality that I came into your heart and your life? I have given you new life! You can live that by faith in Me.
I know this is a lot to swallow. You’re gonna have to think about this one. My words alone cannot convey this. But I just…I had a taste, time after time the last few days. And it’s not a matter of trying to work up a feeling. But I’ve had the old voices just try to take hold and try to bring me down and just fill me with that anxiety which is one of my big ones. My mother was that way, and I’ve got a lot of her in me.
The Lord’s helping me to recognize some of those things, and to say, wait a minute. I will not stay on this hamster wheel one more minute. I will not fight a battle Jesus fought 2,000 years ago and won! I died with Him! I don’t have to listen to that master anymore!
See, there are battles, but they’re not battles of self-effort and striving, and trying to be this wonderful spiritual person! It’s letting go and recognizing that I will never achieve that. That’s why I have a Savior. It’s not in me to be any of that.
But you know, I’ve got Somebody in me who’s kind of good at living the Christian life. Praise God! I don’t have to worry about Him. I mean, He’s already fought that. How would it be if you were facing some big challenge, and all of a sudden, Jesus in all His glory is standing right next to you with His arm around you? Would you feel just a bit more confident?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. But the reality is He’s not just there, He’s in every one of us. Everything that He is He shares with us. There is a victory. There is a joy. There is a peace that He longs to pour into us! And here we are trying so hard to be what we think He wants us to be, instead of letting Him just be Himself. I can’t help but go back to what Jesus said. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you…”
( congregational response ).
Rest! How many of your Christian lives are marked by rest? You know, the founder of the group I was a part of wrote some tremendous hymns based on what he had learned. And I think one of the hymns was, “Himself.” I wish I could remember all the words, but one part of it, one small part of it has come back to me several times in the last day or two. And it was this. “Once ‘twas anxious striving. Now ‘tis perfect rest.”
How can I rest? Look at all that’s wrong with me. Yeah, but Jesus put me to death, and He is here. I don’t stop trying to be all upset and all worried about all these things that I’m not. I just embrace what He is in the face of that. I recognize that I died. I don’t have to obey that master anymore.
If we listen to him and yield to him, he will continue to hold sway over us. He says that later in this passage. “….To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey.” (KJV).
But you see the ugly game the devil’s playing with every one of God’s people. Oh, God, help us to realize what it means to have Jesus living on the inside. Think about—think about who He is. Has He changed? I mean, yes. He’s in a different place. He’s in glory. He went up there.
Why did He go up there, by the way? What does Ephesians 4 tell us about…He ascended on high. Why? So that He could fill everything. God has put…it’s a mystery. I can’t explain it. But I’ll tell you what, the same Jesus who walked the shores of Galilee is here. And every one of His children, He lives inside.
The same Jesus who had power over the waves, the winds and the waves, the same Jesus who raised people from the dead, who came back to life Himself, the same Jesus who had compassion on the weak and the weary, everyone who was struggling, He didn’t look down like the Pharisees did at the sinners! They felt a heart that reached out to them in love!
Do you not know that Jesus who is with you now feels that way toward you? What did David learn about the Lord? How precious are Your thoughts toward me? They’re more…they’re like the sand by the seashore. Oh, my. Do you not realize how deeply Jesus is thinking about you every single day and how that is marked by His love and His compassion and His desire to share Himself with us?
Do you think He gets glory out of our struggles and our unbelief? I’ll tell you, I’ve got a lot of unbelief to repent of. But I’m so glad. See, there’s where the blood comes in. Thank God. I don’t have to live under the condemnation of that. He knows where I’m at.
There’s no magic experience where I can suddenly catapult over to here and be right where some of these great saints were. But I’ll tell you what, God can take us forward if we will realize how we get there. It’s not by anxious striving. It’s by believing in what He has done for us.
Here’s a couple of simple illustrations. How do you get air out of a glass? Oh, we’ve got to get a pump. Oh, my God! We’ve got to seal it up and get a vacuum pump and make sure we get all of that air out of there so there’s room for water. I mean, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Yeah. You pour water in, the air goes. I don’t need to get the bad stuff out. I need more of Jesus in.
( congregational response ).
I’ll tell you, if you’ve got devils this morning, you don’t need just to get rid of your devils. What did Jesus say about that? When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and he can’t find it. What does he say? All right, I’ll go back and look to my…and he comes back, and his house is empty…all cleaned up, religiously reformed, but nobody is living there. And so, he takes seven of his buddies and comes in, and it’s worse than it was before.
I’ll tell you, we need Jesus. We need our hearts and our lives opened to Him. Come to Him and just realize who it is that we’re surrendering to…the love that you’ve been looking for all your life, you’ll find it in Him, the peace, the joy. It’s not something we have conjure up or feel all the time. It isn’t about those things at all. But I’ll tell you, we can meet the challenges that come against our faith. We can meet them with the grace and the work that God has already done for us.
You know, I thought of another illustration like the glass. You know, where there are a lot of hard wood trees, more where I grew up, the leaves die in the fall, and a lot of them fall, and some of them blow down. But inevitably, there are some of them that hang around until spring. Now, suppose there’s a man who gets all excited and upset and says spring is coming. We’ve got to make room for these leaves. Oh, come on! Get the ladders out! Let’s pull all these old leaves off. Yeah, we laugh. It’s stupid. How do the leaves go?
( congregational response ).
The new growth! Just automatically, there’re gone! That’s what I see the focus of the scriptures on. It’s not like, oh, God, I feel this need. I’ve got to somehow do something about it. Inevitably, if we approach it that way, it’s gonna be us striving. It is gonna be anxious striving, instead of just meeting that and say, you Devil, you were defeated at the Cross. I don’t have to listen to you.
And we turn, and we invite Him to fill us, and we thank Him, and we praise Him for what He has done. And instead of trying to not be this, we just lay hold of that and say, Lord, I thank You. Fill me with Your love, Your peace…all the qualities that You’re wanting to build in me.
The Christian life is not one of ‘not doing’ bad things. If that’s the focus to any degree in any of our lives, you are doomed to the same kind of failure, as we mentioned, that Paul experienced in Romans, chapter 7. You will be trying to do this on your own. It’s not God’s plan. Jesus comes in, and He changes us from the inside out.
And He changes us, not by principles and tricks and psychological tricks, but by His Presence. He is there! The living Christ lives within! He is really there, and we can really trust Him!
You don’t earn this privilege! Jesus earned it for us on the cross. If He has joined us to Him, we have the same rights to everything that Jesus has and is!
( congregational response ).
Oh, may God help us to lay hold of what He has given to us. And I think the title that probably is more appropriate is “Stop Trying, Start Trusting.” That’s the thing that has come to me over and over and over again.
And I have found myself…I mean, there’s a barrage. Satan’s not gonna quit. Your old masters are not gonna quit. They may bear down harder. But my answer to that thing that wants to rise up and make me anxious and fearful is a whole lot different. I am not gonna strive about this. That is counter intuitive, isn’t it? I refuse to strive about this. Jesus took care of you 2,000 years ago.
But do I stop there? Do we stop there? No, we have every reason to turn and to praise Him and to rest in Him. It’s not trying to work up a feeling. A lot of times we won’t have them, because it’s by faith not by feeling, isn’t it? It’s not just to try to feel a certain thing.
You know, we sing about His arms around us, and that’s a reality, but we don’t have to ‘feel that’ to know that He’s there. Why? Because He promised He’d never leave us nor forsake us, didn’t He? Now, you go off and do your own thing, and He’s gonna have to deal with you about that. He’s not gonna be with you if you want to rob a bank, okay? It’s not Jesus coming and being our servant so we’ll have a successful life in this world.
But I’ll tell you, if we’re serving Him and we’re looking to Him, we have every right to look to Him for every single resource we need! And that’s everything! The sooner we learn that we are nothing and can do nothing, and deserve nothing…and that’s okay, because He is everything. It all comes from Him, and it comes back, flows back to Him.
Oh, I think His heart is so sad so many times when He watches us struggle. Oh, there they go again. They’re trying so hard to be a Christian, when I’ve paid it all. They don’t need different rules to live by. They need just Jesus living on the inside. Oh, that makes all the difference. But the Lord wants us to walk with a confidence in that fact, to stop trying!
What is it that holds you? What is it that continually drags you down and holds you back? Stop trying! You’ll never beat it that way. Start trusting in what God has said He’s done for you.
I’ll go back to this. How did you get your sins forgiven? Is this any different? We are looking to something that happened at the Cross. Thank God the blood was shed, and it covers my sins, and He receives that sacrifice as though I myself had paid for my sins. He becomes not just my sacrifice or my substitute but my representative. But He’s also my representative in laying down my life and being united to Him forever.
Folks, if you’re not there, that needs to be the cry of your heart. Oh, God, I want to be united with Him! I want to be part of what’s gonna last forever and not part of this world. The cross is our door of escape from everything that is coming upon this world.
But oh, what a…it sounds terrible to human beings. It sounds like such a horrible thing to die. But I’ll tell you, to the extent people have done this and let go and let God have His way, what’s been the result? Oh, misery and bondage and religious obligation! No! It’s victory! It’s freedom!
That’s what God wants every one of us to have today. Where you’ve been defeated, He wants you to have, to realize that’s a battle that’s been fought. It might rise up like Goliath, might curse your God and tell you what he’s gonna do. What did David do? He said, the battle is the Lord’s!
How many of you remember some of the circumstances where Brother Thomas and Sister Thomas…the Lord gave them the song, “The battle is the Lord’s and it’s already won.” They were in the middle of a spiritual battle against demons, multiple cases going on at the same time. They were weary, and the Lord gave them that song. “O the battle is the Lord’s and it’s already won. at the cross, at the cross it was done.” And all we have to do is strive and struggle and try…wait a minute. “All you have to do, is believe that it’s true, and the battle is won for you.”
And how many remember what happened when they got to the next place? The battle was over. They didn’t have to do anything. The Lord had already gone before them. Folks, God will help us to lay hold of this. We’re gonna have to change the way we think, the way we react, and it’s gonna have to come into alignment with what God has said.
Is this true, or isn’t it? Did I get this out of the old Sears and Roebuck catalog, or is this God’s truth? I believe it. I believe God wants us to possess it. And I am sick and tired of trying to be a deeper-life Christian, which I have done occasionally in my life. It doesn’t work. But He has given me everything I need to stop trying and start trusting. He did the work. It’s complete! Jesus said, it’s finished! It’s finished. Is it?
( congregational response ).
And can we not lay hold of that? Is there something we need to do to qualify ourselves where we earn it, we deserve it? No. He invites the broken, the needy, the wounded, the helpless to come and find, in Him, everything that we stand in need of. I’ll tell you who’s gonna get the glory.
Praise God!
( congregational response ).
Praise God for what He’s done. So, stop trying, and start trusting.
June 16, 2019 - No. 1393
“Stop Trying, Start Trusting” Part One
June 16, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1393 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I believe with all my heart, the Lord is wanting us to understand more of what He did for us and enter into it. We sing the songs, but wouldn’t it be nice if we actually experienced the things that we sing about?
( congregational response ).
And I believe that’s what the Lord desires, with all of His heart. We are the ones who hold back in striving and unbelief and ignorance, and a whole lot of things, but God is wanting to take us to a stronger, deeper place in Him, where there’s a lot more rest.
And my first thought, when I was thinking about these scriptures, was to title this, “Beyond Forgiveness.” I am not sure that title will stick, but anyway, the thought is simply this, that so much of what the Gospel conveys, or what is called the Gospel, conveys to people is that salvation is basically about our forgiveness of sins, and based on the forgiveness of sins then we go to Heaven one day. And, what is really left out of the Gospel is what’s in between, and God’s provision for that.
And so, I’ll start with a scripture the Lord had quickened to me, in the previous week, and that’s in Romans chapter 6. And I’m just gonna plunge into this because I need so much of this myself and so that tends to make me fearful, but that’s exactly what the Lord doesn’t want, from any of us. He wants us to lean on Him and realize it’s not us to begin with. That’s our problem! We’re trying to live the Christian life. That doesn’t work! How many people know that doesn’t work?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! But the Lord has a different plan. My God, what a horrible Gospel it would be if God said, all right, I’m forgiving your sins, now you muddle through and your life is gonna be characterized by a hamster wheel of struggle and failure, struggle and failure and forgiveness, struggle, failure, forgiveness, struggle, failure, forgiveness. But isn’t that where a lot of us are?
( congregation inaudible ).
I believe God wants to…and of course, a hamster wheel’s in a cage, too, on top of that. So, the Lord has better for us. How many of you believe the Lord has better for us than that?
( congregational amens ).
And want to experience it? Well, the scripture the Lord had quickened to me is found in Romans 6, verse 14. “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.” (NIV). And so the question is not one simply of forgiveness of sins, but is sin our master? Does it call the shots? Are we still slaves to sin, in that when it says, jump, we say, how high? And so, that’s the question.
I mean, doesn’t that get outside of just forgiveness? This is beyond forgiveness. And what the Lord is dealing with, in this whole passage as Paul is unfolding the truths of the Gospel, is not just the question of forgiveness, but how do we actually live for the Lord? By what power do we do it? How does that happen? How is it that we can actually experience what he’s talking about here?
And so, I’ll just kind of skim through the last part of chapter 5, and it’s something we’ve pointed out many times in the past. How did you get to be a sinner?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! You were born into a family of sinners! That’s just their nature we inherit. So, how do we become children of God with Eternal life and victorious? How do we become that?
( congregational response ).
We’re born that way, into the family of God! It is a birth! It is not something that we achieve through some form of self-effort. And, no matter what we call it, I feel that self-effort is at the heart of most of what we call the Christian life. I don’t think you’re different from me. I think that we all suffer from this, in some form or other. But I have become superconscious of it in such a way that I believe the Lord is opening—beginning to open my eyes to things I’ve even preached before, but never really…it was always just out there somewhere.
You know, I grew up in a denomination that emphasized what they call the deeper life. And the founder of that was a man from the late 1800’s and he died in the early 1900’s. But there was a…there was a tremendous move, at that time, of people really entering into something beyond just forgiveness, who learned how to live a free and happy and joyful and victorious life. And so, I grew up with a lot of that emphasis, and trying to enter into it, however, is another story. And that’s where, I think, the breakdown comes.
But there was such a reality taught and experienced by the founder, and, I believe, by many others that I knew, growing up, that there was something more. There are people who actually got to a place where they didn’t struggle like I did! I mean, how many of you struggle to do what you know you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to be? Do you think that’s what God wants? No! It isn’t!
And, the verse that the Lord quickened to me is, “…sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law….” Now, it’s a point we’ve made many times. Well, what is the principle of law? God tells me what to do, what He requires of me, but, He doesn’t give me the power to do it. He expects me to somehow come up with that.
And you know, we think of the Law of Moses as the Ten Commandments and so many other things, and the reality is that if we try to live that way—if we try to live by living up to whatever standard there is in our minds, as this constitutes living for God, if we’re trying to do that and to measure up in some way, we’re under law! It may not be Moses’ Law, but it might be Bible Tabernacle law, whatever you conceive of that to be. It might be a sense of, this is what a Christian is supposed to be so I’ve got to strive to be that.
And that is exactly backwards to what God has given to us in Jesus Christ! The reality is simply this: if we try to do anything based upon requirement that we have to fulfill somehow, all that does is make sin stronger! How many of you know that? What’s the easiest way, many times, to get somebody to do something? Tell them not to!
( laughter ).
Yeah! Why is that? It’s because our nature is fundamentally rebellious! And you know, if there is no law, there’s no knowledge of God. What you have is people simply following their own inclinations. I mean, they do whatever comes naturally.
But then comes the Law and all of a sudden there’s a shining light that brings it out into the light and shines…shows it for what it is. And now, all of a sudden, we’ve got to deal with that. What is the human response? What’s the natural response?
( congregational response ).
Well, it’s not to try harder, it’s to say, I will not do that! I’m gonna do my own thing! There’s a rebellion against that that actually causes sin to get a deeper hold! You know, Paul even says that in 1st Corinthians 15. “…The strength of sin…” he says, “…is the law.” (KJV).
So, I’ll tell you, God’s gonna have to remove that as a basis for our relationship with God. It’s not me living up to a standard, whether it’s the Law of Moses or whether it’s some modern church religion standard. We’re gonna have to have something other than that if we’re gonna have what He has promised!
If we’re gonna be able to sing, He’s my life and He gives me perfect rest and all the wonderful things that we sing, man, it can’t be on the basis of our performance! My performance has never, ever, ever measured up!
So anyway, grace becomes the principle by which we live, and, of course, you follow through in chapter 5, it comes to the end and you have that wonderful scripture where it says, the law…verse 20, “The law was added so that the trespass might increase.” (NIV). In other words, God added the law to make sin…to really bring it out for what it was and make it stronger.
But he says, “But where sin…” abounded or, “…increased, grace increased all the more….” Now, a lot of folks simply take that on a superficial level. Their gospel is one of forgiveness of sins and going to Heaven, and so they think of that as the more I sin, the more grace covers it. God’s always willing to forgive.
Well, praise God, there’s a truth that is there, but there are so many different ways that people can miss what God is saying in this passage. One of them, Paul deals with in the beginning of chapter 6. He says, “What shall we say, then?” What are we gonna say to this? “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?”
You know, a lot of people will look at the Christian life and they will say, God knows that I’m weak. God knows that I can’t live up to it and so what is the point of my striving and trying to be something that He knows I can’t? It’s all taken care of anyway, past, present, future, all of that’s just taken care of, so I can just basically live a sort of a so-so life.
You know, I’ll dial it back a little. I’ll stop murdering people and robbing banks, but I mean, basically, I’m gonna do what I want. And, when I feel a little bit of twinge of conscience I’ll just say, well, sorry, Lord, I ask You to forgive me. How many of you think that’s what God is looking for in the Christian life?
( congregational response ).
No! It’s not a license to sin! We have not been called to be saved ‘in’ our sins, but ‘from’ them! So, is there not a provision in what God has given us so that there can be a victory over it?
Now, some people will go in another direction. They’ll look at that and say, oh, my! There’s an experience we can have, where we enter into full sanctification and we don’t sin anymore! You know, Brother Thomas was exposed to that and he really reacted against it, understandably, because that’s not biblical. There’s no such thing as perfectionism in this life.
But there is a middle ground where God can lead us into places of rest and victory and that’s what he’s dealing with. So, he gives us, in the beginning, a foundation for this, beginning in chapter 6, I’m dealing with. It says, “By no means!” Paul’s answer to this. You don’t just give in to sin because, well, it’s all I can do, it’s the best I can do and He knows it. He’s taken care of it. That’s not the way to look at this at all. That’s not what God is after.
“By no means!” Why? “We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” So, now he’s dealing with something that apparently the Christians to whom he was writing did not know. Perhaps all they knew was the Gospel of forgiveness of sins. Thank God for that! That’s a starting point. That brings us into a…that allows us to have a relationship with a Holy God if our sins are blotted out. But that only deals with half of the problem. That doesn’t help me…okay, now what do I do? Now, how do I go forward?
So, he says this, “…don’t you know….” So, there’s an ignorance here. And I believe with all my heart, there’s an ignorance in us, in this. We know it because the scripture says it but we don’t really lay hold of it. “…Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
Now, what’s he saying there? He’s saying that there’s more to the Cross than simply the blotting out of sin. And that’s where…I think back to my life. So many times I’ve looked at this scripture and I’ve preached it, and I’m conscious today that words alone cannot convey this. God’s gonna have to open eyes, starting with mine.
But I believe He’s given me glimpses and senses of this, that God has given us a place of victory and it’s not based upon my living up to the Christian life. Every bit of it goes back to what He did, for me, in my place, on the Cross! If I died to sin, what am I doing dealing with it, arguing with it, fussing about it, trying to suppress it? Think about that. Did I really die, or didn’t I? You see?
“If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.” So, what he’s talking about here is a union with us and Christ. So, we become a part of Him. Is the head righteous and the hand not? Is my right hand victorious or my left hand not? Do I have a different standing because I’m a different part of the Body, or are we truly one with Him, part of Him? Doesn’t the scripture teach that?
Do you see what God has done for us? He’s made us so much a part of Him that our destiny…I mean, if you are really united with Christ, if you have given Him your heart and your life and you’ve surrendered to Him, you’re part of Him! You may not know it. We may not know it. We may not understand all of the implications of that but we are a part of Him and His life is in us. I’ll tell you, we have a Devil that is lying to us!
Okay? Let’s see, where was I? “If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.” Think of the vine and the branches. Do they have a different life? No! It’s exactly the same life! Praise God!
And if I’m trying to…if I’m a branch and I’m trying to get life out of that vine, do I say, oh, pretty please, oh, please give me…I’m measuring up today, Lord, please give me some of that life so I…no. It’s just there! It flows! We open up. We thank God. We just praise Him. It’s something that’s ours!
That’s what the Lord is trying to get through this thick skull! There are things that are ours that we just don’t know. We live as if they weren’t true. I don’t care how many times we sing them, we live as if this were not true! You agree with me?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! How many of you believe the Lord wants to help us get this? How many of you believe the Lord will do it and will lead us if we’ll look to Him and say, oh God, open my eyes to see what You have done for me at the Cross! Oh, I’ve lived on a faulty foundation of lies. I haven’t understood what You did for me!
Okay? “For we know that our old self was crucified with him…” Folks, this is history—this is history. “…So that the body of sin might be done away with…” Now, what’s the end product of this? So, “…that we should no longer be slaves to sin….”
Do you know that’s the condition of the human family? People think that by doing what they want and what they feel the inclination to do, that they’re being free. What you don’t realize is you have a master. If that’s you, you have a master who is lying to you and telling you that this is what your life is meant to be about, and he will laugh all the way to the grave, and you will find out in the end that death will win and you will stand before God in the Judgment. You have a master. And there is no power in the human family to escape the control of that master.
But listen to what he’s saying here, because this is an area where we so easily miss what God is saying to us and how He wants us to overcome. Nowhere, in the scriptures, are we led to believe that the master we once served will suddenly become silent…that our nature—this old nature that lives in this flesh, will stop wanting what it wants!
How many of you tripped over this? Oh, there’s a place of victory, oh, there’s a place of victory, but this won’t stop shouting! This won’t stop getting in my face! Sin does not die. We die ‘to’ sin.
Now, what’s the difference? Think about…oh, let’s bring it into the modern age. This is not an age of slavery. Well, not too much. But think about a boss, and he gives you instructions as to how to carry out your duties. But suppose one day you die. Well, that boss can holler all he wants to and tell you what he wants…but you’re dead to that. You have left the realm where he rules. You’ve gone somewhere else.
That’s what Christ has done for us! And my problem and yours is that we still listen to those voices, and we still think they have the upper hand! I don’t have the strength. I can’t beat this. I’m this, I’m so weak…and we just live as if we were still slaves when Christ has set us free!
( congregational amens ).
And the Lord’s helping me to just begin to taste this, show me more of a direction, I guess, than anything. It’s that I don’t have to listen to that! Not only that, I don’t have to fight it!
See, here’s another area where we fall down. One of them is that if I were really in a place of victory, I wouldn’t feel these things, I wouldn’t hear this…these things wouldn’t rise up to try to take control. Hogwash! They will!
But the problem is, what do we do when they do that? When we’re trying to say, all right, I’m geared up again, I’m all excited, I’m gonna serve God…man, I’m gonna get it this time. Well, you just joined Paul in Romans 7 is what you did. What did he find out? It doesn’t work!
What we are doing without realizing it, is substituting a self-effort. And I can think of so many times when, in my life, when I heard the message of deeper life, or I would read about somebody…Hudson Taylor would be a prime example. But there were so many others that really seemed to enter into this place where there was this perfect rest, this joy, this peace, this victory, all the time, was with them. They suddenly…the light went on. They entered into this.
And I would read about it and say, oh, God, I want that, help me! But what was I doing but striving? I was anxious. I was striving. Oh, I’ve got to try to lay hold of…I’ve got to try!
You know, we talked a couple of weeks ago about Paul ‘reaching for.’ Reaching is one thing, how we reach is another, because we can reach for things that are of God and do it in our strength as though I have somehow got to produce this. I’ve got to do it. I’ve got to make myself over into this image. I see what I’m supposed to be. I’ve got to do it.
Oh, God! That’s exhausting. The Christian life, as we said last week, is impossible! And if you try to live it in your own strength, it’s gonna be a tough row to hoe! And you’re gonna wind up frustrated and defeated. But that is not God’s plan! That is not God’s plan!
Here’s another trap that we all fall into. It’s when we are focused on what’s wrong…what happens when you’re focused on what’s wrong? Oh, my God! Fear, anxiety, struggle, strife, oh, my God…this thing, it’s happened again! Here I am! Oh, God, I’ve got to beat this. I’ve got to push it down and get rid of it! Oh, I’ve got to get victory over this! Oh, God, why, why?
Do you see what’s going on? One of the things…of course, it’s still self-effort. We’re not taking hold of what He has done for us, but what is our focus? It’s on the problem, isn’t it? You go through this passage and many others and you will find that there is this glorious balance where we’re gonna encounter needs, but God does not just leave us, somehow, dealing with this so we can get to that. We have to immediately turn and say, but, Christ lives in me!
June 9, 2019 - No. 1392
“How Does Change Happen?” Conclusion
June 9, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1392 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: There are changes that are impossible any other way that come when He speaks. Oh, I can talk about this and I sit back and I think about needs in my life, things that are just there. And I wonder, Lord, why are You taking me round and round and round and round that particular mountain? And it’s like the Lord is saying, I have the answer but you’re going to have to come to Me. How do we please God, according Hebrews 11:6?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. “But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is…” the He exists, but also, “…that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (KJV). And we all say, amen!
But what do we do when it comes down to us? Will He reward me if I seek Him? Do you really believe that? Do you really believe God loves you? We sing about all these wonderful things. Have we ever really embraced the reality that it’s personal, and been able to reach out to Him?
And how does God respond when we do seek Him? How does He respond? He speaks. Now I’ve used this example many times and it had to do with John Bunyan coming to faith. There was something in John Bunyan…this was several centuries ago, of course. He’s the author of “Pilgrim’s Progress.” There was something in him that impelled him to seek after God. Now, I wonder what that could be?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well yeah, there was prayer. But I wonder…do you think God might have had a little bit to do with that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. God was in the process of drawing him. The only reason he had that inclination was that God was at work! Folks, I want to tell you, I don’t care where you’re at, if there’s anything in you that has a desire toward God…don’t you get it? That’s God! If God left you to yourself, there is nobody who would seek after God! That’s what Paul said. Everybody sins, no one seeks Him! If God left you to yourself you wouldn’t have another thought about God! You’d just live your life and perish with the world.
But I’ll tell you, if there’s that desire…there’s a God who loves you enough to reach down to your heart and begin to draw you to reach out to Him! Do it with confidence! God loves you and cares about you! He knows about your needs. You’re not some special case that He doesn’t care about.
But John Bunyan had a horrendous battle that had everything to do with the ability that he had later to write the books that he did, and to minister the way that he did. He would go for days at a time with the devil screaming in his ear…every possible argument against him having any confidence or any hope of reaching out toward God!
Look what you did…whatever it is. How many of you know what I’m talking about? You go for periods of time and nothing’s going on but the devil screaming in your ear. And he’s sitting there and saying, resisting it, no, no, no.
What was it that changed that circumstance at every point? Somewhere in that process God spoke. He didn’t go digging through the scriptures and say, I wonder if I can find a proof text. There was a point in time when God suddenly dropped…sometimes it wasn’t more than three or four words. But I’ll tell you, three or four words that come from God…in the moment that come out of the mouth of God!
See? See what I’m talking about? There’s an immediacy…there’s something that’s happening right now! God’s involved! There is a reality of God speaking to my heart. And as soon as that happens, something changed and the devil just had to run! As soon as he latched onto that and said, yes! I agree with that! I believe that! I lay hold of that!
And then it seemed like some other issue…he would get through that crisis and then another one would come and the same process would unfold until eventually he came to a place of just resting, understanding the Gospel and resting.
But do you see what’s going on there? Do you see how embedded habits, embedded ways of thinking in the mind, how the devil draws upon that…and how our nature just kind of by default operates in harmony with those lies? Do you see what God’s up against?
I’ll tell you, the only answer for the things that hold us and the chains that hold us is having God speak to us! How many of you know that God speaks to His children? I’ll tell you one thing that happened this week. I won’t give you any of the details because it applies to every one of us in one way or another. But I was having a battle. Any of you ever have battles?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. And all of a sudden, out of the blue, this thought came, and I knew…it was so evident that it was the Lord. “…Sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Now, I know that, doctrinally. I mean, for heaven’s sake it’s right there in Romans 6. Everybody knows that. But right then it came in a different sense. It was not just some vague statement…this was…this became a promise!
How many of you know that when God speaks there is an implied…if it’s not a specific thing, it’s an implied promise? See, this is what I purposed for you. Sin is not gonna have dominion over you. I haven’t put you in a place where I dump laws upon you that require you to do something that I know you can’t do. What a futile thing that would be. But what I have done is imparted to you power that you do not possess.
But I want you to learn to rely upon that power so that you can become the person that you are not, and I have the power to create in you that which has never existed in your heart and your life. There is some deep stuff here.
And I’ll tell you what my first prayer is…Lord, help me to get this…because it is so easy to sit back and just sink back into the habits of how we are and how we’ve thought. And I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God Who is able to change.
You know, one of the scriptures we ended with last week was from 2nd Peter, chapter 1. Do you remember that one? How God has given us great and precious promises? Why? To what end? Why has He given us all these promises? So, “…that by these…” by these, “…ye might be partakers of the divine nature.”
You see where we need to take something? In other words, when God speaks in those times of battle, there is an opportunity to lay hold of something of power that you and I do not possess! And to say, yes Lord, I believe Your promise! I rely upon it. And I’ll tell you what, how does faith come?
( congregation inaudible ).
And how…yeah, faith comes by hearing. How does hearing…what kind of hearing is he talking about? The Word of God. This is when God actually speaks. Does God speak to you? Does God ever speak to you? Now, one way He does it, is when He anoints the Word.
And I know every person here, who is a believer, you know there have been times in your life where you have been at a point in your journey…I can’t tell you the number of times when I started to walk out of the church and somebody has said, boy, you’ve been following me around this week. How did you know this? Well I don’t, but I know Somebody who does. He’s been following me around! He knows ‘my’ need. That’s usually where all this comes from. It’s not just about you.
Praise God, where was I? I can’t even think of what I was about to say. Well, praise God! Anyway, I’m so thankful that God…oh yeah, well, anyway, I’m so thankful that God knows exactly what we need. It is how God speaks to us. God can speak and He can take a word, He can take a phrase.
How many of you have had this happen? There’s this long message—it might be an hour long, but one phrase just jumps out at you and snags your mind, and you say, wow! I’ve heard that all my life but it suddenly it just gets…it meets the present need!
But how many times have we walked out of the church and let that just sort of leak away and we go on as we are. Why do you think God did that? Do you think He did that so that we would just go on as we are? Or do you think there just might be the possibility that He spoke something that if we would lay hold of, if we would take our stand upon it, and persist upon taking our stand upon what God has said to us, do you think it would make a change?
Not just on the surface, but I mean, it would get down into the depths of our minds, that part of us that just runs us, when we’re not even thinking about it. That is what God is changing. How many of you need to be changed down in here? Yeah. Every one of us acts and reacts the way we do. And yet, you see where He’s going.
I referred to this earlier…building a family of people who live for each other, who love one another…to have all these incredible virtues. They’re not in here, folks, not in me. But I serve a God who is able to speak, who is able to create that which has never existed in me, and He does it by speaking.
But you know, I know many of you know what I’m talking about. This isn’t just from the pulpit, because we don’t live under the Old Testament where the average person has no access, no direct access to God. They’ve got to go to a priest or a prophet or somebody to find out what God wants.
Everybody knows Him personally under the New Covenant. “…They will all know me, from the least…to the greatest.” (NIV). There’s not a person here who cannot go to God and seek Him and look to Him with an expectant heart that will not…at some point God will talk to your heart.
And it won’t just be here, it’ll be out when the battle is raging. It might be a song. It might be a thousand and one things. God knows where you and I are at. It may just be two words. But if they’re two words that come from the mouth of God, they have the power to change everything. They have the power to drive devils away and loose chains! And change us into the image of His son.
But this has to do with what we talked about last week, but how it happens. It happens when God speaks…and we learn to live by what He says. And just like Abraham…Abraham had to go through that year with every possible, natural source of reasoning, all of his human experience said, it ain’t gonna happen. This is impossible. But in the face of that, he believed God!
Do you see where God’s going with all of this and what He’s looking for from us? We make choices, don’t we? We can go right on in a false self-confidence, and just bop along, and we sort of hear His voice, and we blow it off…I’m good, I’m good to go.
But I’ll tell you, God has a way with His children, of bringing us down to a place of need, to where there ain’t no running. There ain’t no dodging it or ducking it. I thank God when He hems me up in a corner and shows me what I am and how much I need Him, because then I’m in a place where I can just stretch forth my hands and say, oh God.
I’m not like Peter when he was young, you girded yourself and you went where you wanted to go. I’m…I just stretch forth my hand, Lord, you’re going to have to gird me. I mean, how many times did Brother Thomas use those…did he use those special examples when he came to a crisis point in his life and God spoke? Sometimes he took a scripture that was just out of context. But it was meaningful because it came from the heart of God.
God wants to speak and to communicate with every person here. You are not some sort of red-headed stepchild—the proverbial red-headed stepchild. I’ll tell you, every one of us that God has imparted any kind of desire for Him, you latch onto that, because it is your…eternity hangs in the balance.
If you don’t know Him…oh my God, reach out! Reach out until He speaks to you in such a way that you know that you’re His. Because I’ll tell you, His Spirit will bear witness with yours that you are His child.
But if you’re His child, understand the process. Understand what it takes for us to change. I need God to speak to me. It’s real simple. But oh, how we just sort of blow by it and don’t get it. We just live out the habits of thinking and doing! And we wonder, why does God make this happen again and again and again, and all I do is feel like a failure? And I either justify it or I’m discouraged because I’ll never change, nothing’s ever changed.
And there’s God waiting to speak creative power into us, to minister faith. When His Spirit comes with that word, there’s faith that’s ministered. If we will lay hold of that, and take God’s side in the debate, and say, yes, Lord, I believe! Sin shall not have dominion over me! That’s Your promise to me. I lean upon that! It’s not in my power but it is in yours! And I’m gonna stand upon that and believe it.
Whatever promise is relevant to your situation that God uses…I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. I mean, the book is just full of promises.
How many of you remember, years ago the Lord gave me that message, “Commands and Promises”? Because if you understand the desperation of our need and how impossible it is for any one of us to be the kind of person God wants…when He tells us to do something, does that not imply that ‘I will be with you to do it’?
I know you can’t do this…now, I want to instruct you, this is the kind of person I want you to be. But don’t ever forget for one second that in order to be that, you are going to have to draw energy and strength from Me because you are under grace and not under Law. That means, instead of demanding something you can’t do, I’m giving you the power to do something you could never do in yourself.
That’s what grace is. That’s the power and the influence of God. God is creating something brand new and He’s creating it in us and He’s creating it day-by-day.
But boy, God wants to get down to the issues of our lives, that make us the person we have always been and change up here, I guess, is the head, is the mind. But God wants to change, not just the surface of what we agree to and think about, but the deep parts that are actually what we are, without even meaning to be or thinking about it. Do you believe God can change that stuff?
( congregation inaudible ).
I mean, think on the natural level, how do you change a habit? You have to replace it with another habit, and that takes an effort, that takes a conscious effort. Well, I’ll tell you, it takes an effort of laying hold of the promises of God and standing upon them until that change happens and it will.
You see what Paul was doing? I’m reaching forth…I’m taking hold of something. I’m taking hold of the voice of God that speaks to me. He knows where I’m at, and He understands that for this process to work, it means I’m gonna have to be living a life where I’m letting go.
When God shows me my nature, and shows me what’s wrong with me, I have the privilege of letting that go. There’s a dying that happens, but it isn’t just all about all that bad stuff and all that stuff that I have to let go, it’s what I gain by reaching forth and laying hold of that which is eternal.
I guess the substance of this is listening for God’s voice, believing for it, trusting God that He is going to bring you to the very place that you need for chains that have held you for all your life to be brought to the surface, brought into the light, but then we reach up and say, oh God, I need You.
And then we listen for His voice. You don’t have to try to conjure something up. Just say, oh God, I’m looking to You. When He speaks, you’ll know it. When He speaks, there will be creative power that will be released into your life, if you will lay hold of that and stop listening to this other. And God can take that power and change this that’s in here. The renewing of your mind—making it new.
How else is this gonna happen? I mean, this is not the study of theology. It’s good to study the Book. It’s good to be familiar with it. It’s good to have a knowledge of what it says, but until God breathes live into it, it’s just words on a page.
But we serve a God who is gonna walk with you and walk with me through the details of our lives, and He is going to be showing us our need, but He’s gonna be speaking to it…life-changing power. If we will lay hold of it, we’re gonna find some chains that start to drop. I’ll guarantee, you’re gonna find things that have held you all your life and God’s gonna set you free. Do you believe it?
( congregational response ).
I know we know enough to affirm that, but under our breath, are we saying, there ain’t no way? Well, let’s start saying, God’s way, God’s voice. I’ll tell you, Somebody who can create this universe by speaking, don’t you think He can make changes in here if we will listen and embrace what He says? I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who can create what He wants to create in our lives if we will believe Him when He speaks. That’s what it comes down to.
( congregational amens ).
So are we gonna just give in, ‘cause this is as good as it gets. This is all…this is as far as I’m gonna go. This is what I am…God knows. He’s put away my sins, that’s good enough. Or are we gonna say, Lord, I’m willing for You to change me. I’m presenting You with my life and I’m willing not to go on being conformed to this, but I need You to transform me.
( congregational amens ).
I get that I can’t do it, but I can certainly ‘be’ transformed. I can be willing to let You do the changing. But how does He do that? He does it by speaking. And when we ingest that and believe it and rely upon it, we’re gonna see God making changes in our lives. And we’re gonna see Him bringing us to the place where the rest of this chapter means a whole lot more than it does right now.
So I praise God, don’t you? God is faithful. God has provided everything we need. And I’ll tell you, the one thing that we cannot live without, “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word…” (KJV). That does what? That proceeds out of His mouth…that immediacy of God speaking right in the moment to the need of that moment. He is faithful. And I want to be more faithful, don’t you? Praise God?
June 2, 2019 - No. 1391
“How Does Change Happen?” Part One
June 2, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1391 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I’ve had thoughts this week, and I’m just trusting the Lord will bring them out the way He wants to. And, I guess in a way it’s connected quite a bit to what we talked about last week.
You know, we used Paul as an example. And Paul was sharing with the believers to whom he was writing, the pattern of his life and what the principle was by which he lived. And, thankfully, it’s an awesome thing where he realized that living up to the Law, as a Jew, as what he had been, a Pharisee, was not going to get it, was not gonna win him any kind of acceptance with God.
Rather, he needed to throw all his trust in that and in himself in the trash and say, “Lord, I am Yours. I see that Jesus has given me everything that I need and so my hope and trust is in Him. And so, I come to a place where I’m willing to forget what’s behind, I’m willing to die and to join Christ in dying to this old life and laying hold of the new.”
But then he talked about how he pressed forward and how he reached. But not just reaching in some vague sense, there was something that he actually took a hold of. There was literally something that he was able to take a hold of that made a difference in his day-to-day life, and yet, it was a journey. I haven’t arrived yet, but this how I’m moving toward the goal to which God has called me.
And, I thought of some scriptures, again, very familiar, but I know that the Lord can take something that’s familiar and bring out something new and fresh. How many know that? How many of you have had circumstances where there’s a scripture you’ve read all your life, and all of a sudden one day it jumps off the page and it means something right where you’re at in your journey?
And so, I guess…I’m back and forth as to where to start, but I’ll go ahead and start in Romans chapter 12. There’s just one thing I want to bring out of this. You know, there are so many different emphases you can make here. But Paul has been laying out the Gospel. Here’s the foundation.
And this is…the foundation we stand upon is, again, what God has done. He’s done something about our guilt. He’s done something about the fact that just dealing with our guilt isn’t enough, we still live under the power of sin. We have no power in ourselves to rise above it, to do any different than we’ve ever done, unless He does something. Unless He comes in and makes us a new person on the inside, empowers us to live a different life, we’re just gonna be the same old person. And so, all that He’s done…and Paul talks about the purpose for which God has called us, basically to transform us, to make us into sons and daughters of the living God who are able to live with Him forever.
It’s something, I guess, we’ve said many times lately, but somehow the Lord, I believe, is emphasizing this. He certainly is to me, because no matter how much we affirm these truths, no matter how much we assert them as beliefs that we hold, unless it makes a practical difference in our everyday lives, what good is it?
See, that’s where God is going with all of this. I believe with all of my heart God wants to help many of us to get off dead-center and to begin to grow and to begin to get victory and begin to be changed, in real practical ways. God’s not satisfied with a people who sit here and practice a religion where we believe all the right stuff. He’s after changing us. And, the scripture here, of course, deals with that.
“Therefore, I urge you…” (NIV). Now ‘therefore’ is based on what? Based on what God has done, based on His mercy, based on all of this that he’s been talking about. Therefore, what’s our place in response? What’s the proper response to this?
You know, a lot of people think the proper response to this is just ‘accept’ salvation, like it’s a free gift with no obligation. And it really comes across that way in some places. But I’ll tell you, what kind of salvation is it when we basically are telling God, I want You to take away the guilt of my sins, but it’s still my life, I’m gonna live it the way I please?
See, that’s not what we’re being saved from, not just the guilt of stuff we’ve done…it’s what we are that needs to be changed. And so, the only appropriate response for someone who has given their heart and their life to Jesus, is what he’s talking about here.
But it’s interesting that he’s writing to Christians. So that reminds us that just because we have opened our hearts and invited Him in doesn’t mean we get it, doesn’t mean we have a full blown understanding. There are still a lot of basic instructions that the Lord has to give us.
And the fact of the matter is that we, even those of us who know the Lord, we’ve actually been born again of His Spirit, far too much we live in the energy of our old nature. We live in accordance with its ways and in accordance with the world, and that’s what he’s dealing with here.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy…” based on what I’ve been telling you for 11 chapters here, “…to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” And so there has to come a conscious, Lord, I’m not only Yours in this vague, general sense, and to go to heaven one day, I am Yours to do what…to make the changes that need to be made in my life. I am presenting my life, and I’m presenting it where there’s a part that has to die.
I mean, a sacrifice is something you kill, isn’t it? And so, what we are recognizing is that this old part of me, the life I have been living, man, there is only one possible solution to that life. And what is that? It’s got to die—it’s got to die, so that this other life can live in its place.
But this is not just a dead sacrifice, where we say, okay, I’m guilty, Lord, kill me. This is, Jesus has died in my place, but I am willing to so identify my heart and my life and my spirit with Him that I lay down my life so that You can change me. And there is something very definite that God desires for every one of us.
Now, there are many aspects of truth here. And you see what the end result of this is when you get into this passage. I want to go back to verse 2…but basically, where he’s going with this is the picture of a people who now, instead of living independent, self-driven, self-seeking lives, now we become a part of a whole. God imparts spiritual abilities to each one, and so we live together in the same sense that my body parts live together and all serve me, presumably.
But you know, in God’s kingdom there’s something so much higher, so much richer that God has planned for us. So, God is taking people who are children of Adam and transforming them, changing them into a people who can actually live, not just for themselves, but for one another, can have gifts of God, supernatural gifts, that God can operate through them for the benefit of the whole.
And we live, not…it’s not all about me, it’s, I belong to You…everything about me belongs to You. I’m not just simply a law unto myself. And so, it also produces some of these other things he talks about, sincere love, hating what’s evil, clinging to what’s good, being devoted to one another in brotherly love. This is verse 9 and following…honoring one another above yourselves and having this zeal and spiritual fervor, patient in affliction.
I mean, all of these spiritual qualities…how any of these come from Adam? None! This is entirely the result of God’s supernatural work in the human heart that is presented to Him, saying, God, I’m on board with this. This is what I desire You to do in me.
And he goes on…live in harmony. “Bless those who persecute you…live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud.” Don’t repay people with evil, all the things that we observe in the world, God is taking us out of that. Okay?
So the question is, how does this happen? Now last week we talked about Paul reaching for something. I believe there’s something in this passage right here that tells us a good deal about the process. How does God actually do what He’s doing in me and in you?
I mean, how many of you here right now, you know…there’s stuff that, you’re not like this. There’s stuff that hangs on and just hangs on and hangs on, and it’s what you are, if you’re gonna be really honest in a practical sense, there’s stuff that’s there.
Well, I’d have to say I’m in the same boat because that’s part of being on the journey. There’s gonna be stuff that God has to deal with. But here’s the key right here, I believe. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world….” Now, what’s he talking about there? Is he talking about the planet we live on?
The word ‘world’ refers to the spiritual order of things on this planet. What happened when Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God, listen to Lucifer, listen to the serpent, and obey him and seek after an independent sort of god-hood? What happened?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah, sin entered in. There was an infection, if you will, of the sin principle in the human family that nobody’s ever been able to escape. There’s no religion that can fix this. There’s nothing that can fix it, but death. And that’s why this is totally beyond us. But, there is a world out there that has its own way of looking at stuff. And, it has its own values, it has all the things that are important to it.
You know, was it John that said, don’t be conformed to the world. “…The lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life…” (KJV). None of this comes from the Father. This is not God’s plan, that we should live driven by inner desires in a very selfish way. That’s what’s made the world like it is. And folks, you and I are far more shaped by the world and the world’s system in which we live than we care to admit.
And, is this world system founded on truth? It’s founded upon lies! And we see it in operation every single day and we are living in, I believe, the last period in the world’s history! And the picture that is painted for us, for example, in 2nd Thessalonians 2, is of a world that reaches a point where they so reject God, so reject truth, so trample on the love of God revealed at the cross, that God says, all right, I’m turning you loose!
And what God turns them loose to believe is called ‘the lie.’ It’s not even ‘a’ lie, it’s ‘the’ lie. It’s the lie that I can be my own god. My best interest is to seek for what I want, to follow my own innate desires. That’s what life is about.
And we are going to see a world that is increasingly devoted to that, locked into that, where people cannot even be reached. That’s the world we’re seeing evolve and it’s gonna come into a society, a world society that is ruled over by the Devil himself.
And I’ll tell you, what’s gonna end it is the coming of Christ. One day…at the time that nobody thinks such a thing is possible, Jesus is going to come back and it’s gonna be curtains for this world.
Folks, I don’t want to be swallowed up with any of this. I want to have the truth. I want to be entirely, exactly what we were just singing…”let the worshipers arise.” Let us be entirely identified with Jesus Christ without shame, without apology because this world is demanding that we bow down and just affirm everybody and everything. But I’ll tell you, there is one name above every name in this world and it’s the name of Jesus Christ!
( congregational amens ).
He alone is worthy of being worshiped as we worshiped him this morning. Praise God! But oh, I’ll tell you what, we are shaped by the environment in which we live. How many times have we talked about young people…because the tendency of every young…young person is to want to be accepted. So how do you achieve this ‘acceptance?’ You compromise, you conform, you accept the values of your peers. You try to please them. You try to go along.
I’ll tell you, if you listen to the wisdom that has come to the people of the world, you will be in bondage, you will be in blindness and you will wonder how you are like you are, if you have any sense at all…how did I get this way? Now I’ll tell you, there’s a powerful force that would absolutely bind every one of us. How many of you know what a habit is?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. I mean, how many of you…let’s use one of our favorite examples. How many of you when you’re going down the road and you get behind a turtle…you stop and think, now, let me think about this situation. How should I understand this and how should I react? What would be the logical choice? How many of you do that? No! However you naturally react, it just happens! How did you get that way?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Following your nature and following your nature and following your nature, and it happens again and again, and you get to the point where you don’t have think about it anymore. You know, we have…our mind is not just this conscious thing where we’re thinking about something and thoughts are going through our heads, there is whole, buried down deep unconscious mind. And I’ll tell you, we have spent our lives burying stuff in there.
Every one of us is different. But every one of us has taken from our experiences, from our environment, from our parents, from our own…from our peers, from the world around us, the media, the movies, you name it, we are being inundated with the world’s wisdom, which of course is wonderful truth, isn’t it? No, it isn’t. And every one of us has stuff in here.
So what that does, many times, is bring us to a place where we can affirm something that the Bible says. But the reality is, when we are in the situation that that verse or that saying in the Bible, where it applies, we don’t do that. Why not? Because we’ve been conformed to this world.
And thing is, a Christian can just mindlessly go on and imagine that this is how life is. I’m just the way I am, as though God can’t even change us. I mean, how many of us from a practical standpoint have gotten to that point in some areas of our lives? I mean, God himself doesn’t have an answer for this one, I’m just stuck this way. I mean, if you put it into words, that’s what we actually believe…we live as if that’s true.
And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants to begin to deal with those deep places of bondage in our lives and remove the chains. But unless He can get down into those deep places, unless He can get down into those areas where habit has just taken a hold and this is our mentality, this is the way we look at life, this is how we react to certain situations! And this is how we justify how we act in certain situations. And it goes on and on and on and on, this mentality that just has been built into us in a practical sense. I’m so thankful God is patient.
( congregational response ).
I mean, if it were you and me looking at us and looking at the…I mean, we’d just throw up our hands and say, it’s hopeless. But I’ll tell you, we serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. And He has declared His intention to change us into the image of His Son. And I believe with all my heart He is doing that.
The process is painful at times, but I’ll tell you, He doesn’t want us simply to be mindless robots. He’s not creating artificial intelligence where He just programs us and we walk and we say hallelujah and all that kind of stuff. God wants people who will take hold of His truth, and it will become so deeply rooted in our hearts and in our spirits that that will become the thing that causes, that governs our actions and our reactions in the world. Do you believe that’s possible?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. And, of course, we all say, yes and then…and then we say, yeah, some way, somehow. And then in a practical sense under our breath, no way. And I believe God wants to take away that ‘no way,’ because I can think of areas in my own heart.
You know the reality is, we would look at somebody who lives under the chains of alcohol, something obvious, and many of us would sort of…well, that’s a shame, God can deliver them. We have faith for them, of course.
And yet, every single one of us has areas of our lives that do not conform to what God is intending to make out of us! It may not be something obvious like that, but I’ll tell you what, there’s not one of us who’s any different! The issue may be different, but the particular manifestation of this old nature is just…I mean, it’s the same. It comes from the same nature!
So, I’ll tell you, there’s not one of us here who has the right to look down on anyone. We stand on the same ground with the same need. And I’ll tell you, if you don’t think so, you hang around. God will have His way of showing you what you are.
Now, thank God, he doesn’t it to destroy our confidence and just grind us down. He does it so that we’ll wake up, humble ourselves, do what He’s talking about here and say, God, I can’t fix this. God, I present myself to you. I need to be changed! And that’s what this is about.
So the beginning point is, we’ve got to recognize that we’ve got a problem. We are full of the world, in one way or another. We’re full of it! We listen to its attitudes. We drink them in, we act them out and they become so ingrained in us, we don’t even have to think about it anymore. We just act and react.
Okay, how in the world is God gonna deal with something like that? I mean, you think about it. That’s a pretty deep challenge. I can’t fix it, that’s for sure. But listen to what he says. “But be transformed…” (NIV). Be transformed!
I’ll make the point, as I’ve often made it before. This does not tell us transform ourselves! God is not in the business of merely giving us information and saying, here’s how you fix it, go for it. This is a process by which we surrender to Him. We trust Him. We open up our hearts to His saving process, and we are the recipients of His action. He’s the only One who has the power to save me! If He won’t do it, I’m lost. I have no hope.
But thank God, for a God who is willing and, “…able to save completely, those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Thank God. Praise God! So this is a passive thing. I occupy the place of someone who is receiving something that God is doing. Okay?
Be transformed…but how is this happening? “…By the renewing of your mind.” Now again, this is not simply teaching us on this superficial level the doctrines we’re supposed to believe. Now, it involves knowing those things. But this is where God has to get down into that part, that unconscious part that actually controls the way we really are. God has to replace those things that have caused us to act in a certain way…maybe when we’re chasing the turtle.
You know, it’s something we can all identify with. But God has to do something that actually changes this, so that our natural, the reaction that we come up with without even thinking about it is the one He wants, instead of the one that has been in there because we just are a child of Adam living in the world.
May 26, 2019 - No. 1390
“When Faith if All You Have” Conclusion
May 26, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1390 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: The reason I feel distress in this circumstance is because there’s something in me that I just, I don’t like this. I…my nature is to trust in this. You put me in a place where I’m used to figuring things out. I’m used to using my abilities to handle situations, and that doesn’t work. You have stripped me from that.
So, what do I do with that? Do I recognize, hey, God is doing me a favor? He’s taking me in a dark place, but in that place, I’m learning something about me that my nature wants to trust in me. Guess what happens when there is any part of our walk in this world in which we are trusting in ourselves?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well, failure, yeah. But trusting in ourselves is very closely linked to our nature which is self-seeking, which is prideful. If I’m successful in handling my stuff, then I feel pretty good about it. I begin to feel like my success is what commends me to God.
You see all these things come into play. And God is putting His finger on that by allowing us to be stripped of that sense that I’ve got this, I’ve got a handle on this. And so, God is doing us a favor, and Paul was wise enough in the Lord to recognize what was really going on.
Of course, I know many of you have probably thought about the thing that David went through. I mean, the last great trial he went through before he began to gain the throne, about the time Saul died, finally, the king that was opposing him. You remember what happened? Things were so bad that he had to go live with the Philistines, and he had been a warrior against the Philistines. And now he’s got to go over, and he’s safer there than he is in Israel!
And a bunch of people are living with him in a city called Ziklag, and war breaks out. And instead of going over and helping the Israelites, he goes to war with the Philistines against Israel…except that four of the five rulers of the Philistines say, wait a minute. Don’t you realize who this is? We’re not going to war with him. If the battle goes the wrong way, he’s gonna switch sides, and we’re gonna be in trouble.
And so now, the Philistine commander says, I trust you, but they won’t, so go home. And the journey home was not a little walk in the park. This was like three days, and when they got there, they were exhausted, of course. They were really…I mean the stress and the build-up of all the emotions was such that now they’re really let down, and what do they find when they get there? Everything is gone! Their whole city has been burned to the ground! Their wives and possessions are gone!
And the first thing they did was to weep until, what? They had no more power to weep. You ever been there? Yeah. You know there’s a time when emotions want to pour out, but we can become so weary even in that, that we run out of gas. Well, that’s where they got. I mean, they were at the bottom of the bottom.
And so, what do the men do? David, we’re with you? No, they were talking about stoning him. That’s not just paddling him. That’s stoning the man to death. That’s what they were talking about. Do you think David was in a low place? The Lord took every natural crutch away from his servant.
But what did David do? He encouraged himself in the Lord. You see what faith does, where God wants to bring us to that place where when He strips everything, then we have to make choices. David made the choice to trust God, effectively, to say, Lord, You have allowed these circumstances. What do You want us to do?
And the Lord took that little exercise of faith. I’m sure he didn’t have any emotions to go with this. This wasn’t where he went out, and God dumped a bucket of honey in his soul, and in the strength of that, he said, let’s go! He was…he had no emotions.
How many of you know what it’s like to be in that place, to make that choice when you have nothing naturally to go on? Yeah. I know what it’s like, and I’ve seen God hear and answer.
I tell you what, God is gonna take you…if you ever amount to anything in the Lord, God is gonna take you through places like that. Don’t you listen to this kind of fairy-tale Christianity where nothing bad ever happens. It will. And God is gonna bring us through if we’ll just put our trust in Him, in faith. If faith is all you’ve got, you’ve got all you need.
( congregational response ).
That’s what it comes down to. But you know, we learn things about God. It’s not just that we learn things about ourselves. Don’t we learn things about God? How many of you have gone through one of those dark nights of the soul? When you’ve come out the other end, you have a deeper appreciation for God who brought you through that, and you learn things about Him that you didn’t know before. Or maybe you knew them up here, but you didn’t know them here [pointing to heart].
You’d heard about stuff like Job did. But you get to the other side and say, now I’ve heard of You by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees You. Now, I get it. Now, I understand.
You think God is about relationship? Sure, He is. God is not just about correct theology. I mean, you know, truth is part of it. But truth that we don’t walk in, that we don’t get, what is that about? God wants us to learn about Him.
And of course, we learn about the enemy too, don’t we? We recognize how he works in different circumstances. And God will bring you through that so that you can talk to somebody else and say, I’ve been where you’re at. You stand. That’s what you need to do.
You know, I thought about something. There are so many other things that, obviously, could be said. None of this is new to us. But for some reason, the Lord wanted this this morning. And the songs we sang kind of confirmed it. You know, if I’d wanted to argue with the Lord…you know, I really had to go against something, because the songs…you know, “Praise Him…When you’re up against a struggle.” I mean, the Lord picked those songs.
How about Colossians 1? There’s a scripture that’s come to me. There are some principles involved in what Paul was praying for the believers there. Now, this is a place Paul had never been. He’d heard about a group of people that had come to the Lord under a ministry that God had sent to them, and so he’s writing to encourage them. And he talks about having learned of their faith.
In verse 9, “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…” (NIV).
The word growing, there, reminds us of the fact that everybody who’s ever been born into the kingdom of God is, effectively, born as a baby, right? Spiritually, there is that correspondence to what happens in the natural.
And what does the Word say? “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word…” (KJV). Why? “…That ye may grow thereby.” In other words, there’s a life here that God has placed within us that needs to grow up.
Most of us don’t want to grow up. We want to lie in a warm, soft place and feel the loving arms around us and just bask in that, and just be able to live our lives and not worry about anything, as though that’s what’s it’s all about. God wants sons and daughters who grow up to be mature in Him!
That’s what…and what he says here, what he’s praying for is the heart of it. It’s knowledge. It’s wisdom! And it’s understanding. And folks, we need all of those. Now knowledge asks…or answers the question of, what? What is true? What do I believe? What can I stand on, because we’re talking about, again, placing your entire trust, your weight, as it were, upon something?
Now, how many of you’ve found out you can’t trust in anything in this world? I mean, that’s not where your ultimate trust is. If your heart is so entwinned in something, God’s gonna fix it to where that’s not gonna hold you up. I mean, like Jesus said, the house may look good until the storm comes. And then, it’s not gonna last.
So, I’ll tell you, part of that knowledge is that we need to know what is true, and God has a way of bringing us to a place where we can look into the Word. We can…we’re gonna have to decide. Am I gonna believe what God says, or am I not? So, what is truth? Does the absence of the sense of God’s presence mean that He is gone?
( congregational inaudible ).
How do we know that? The Word tells us! Our experience as we go along, tells us that His Word remains true! The truthfulness of God’s Word never varies! It never ebbs and flows with our circumstances and our feelings. It never changes. There is an anchor, as we’ve said recently, for the soul. God’s Word never changes.
How many of you remember the story Brother Thomas used to tell about the Jewish couple that came to the Lord…and for three or four days, they were just in euphoria. I mean, it was just…oh, it was so wonderful, so new, to feel forgiven and loved. And all of a sudden, they woke up one day, and there were no feelings!
And I think the wife said something like, was it all a lie? What’s going on? I don’t get it. So, he opens the Bible and says, it still says the same thing. I mean, it’s so simple. But, how much of a challenge is that sometimes?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. It’s a real choice that we’re gonna have to make when this does not seem to be true, and yet, there it is in black and white! God’s Word does not change! When He says, He will be with to the end of the age, does that not mean He will be with us to the end of the age?
( congregational response ).
It doesn’t say, I’ll be with you when you feel it. So you see, we’re gonna have to lay hold…there’s knowledge there. The more our convictions are based upon what God has said, the sturdier, the steadier we’re going to be when those times…when faith is all we have, it’s gonna be less and less of an issue, less and less of a problem. ‘Til we might just be that person that Jesus can walk right on by, ‘cause He knows…they’re steady in the boat. They know. They’re not going by all these little winds of change that come through.
And the fact…does my lack of feeling God’s presence, is He mad at me? Has He stopped loving me? Is that how I know that He loves me, because I get these warm, gooey feelings in my soul? Is that how I know God loves me? Do my emotions control what He does, or do they reflect what He does?
Does that somehow change the cross? I can look at something objective in history and say, I know…Devil, I know God loves me. He sent His Son to the cross to take care of…to erase my guilt before a holy God, to open heaven’s door for me! Praise God! Devil, I will not listen to you!
( congregational amens ).
You think there’s something happening when we are brought to that place, where we lean upon the things that we know to be true, because God has said it, and God cannot lie? The same things we said last week, I guess. I’ll tell you, God wants us to…wants to increase our knowledge, and we’re gonna learn things about God.
But I’ll tell you, in the meantime, when the sun is shining, we need to be saying, hey, I need to get this. I need to receive it into my soul. When I hear something, God’s gonna give me a test on that. There’s gonna be homework. There’s gonna be exams. God wants me to have this, not just here, He wants me to know it.
We do not need second-hand faith in this place, or any place. God wants you and you and you to know Him in your everyday life. And I’ll tell you, what is true remains true regardless of the place that we’re at in our journey. And so I’ll tell you, we need that knowledge. We need to increase.
That’s what Paul was…the burden that he has. I want you to be effective Christians, but there’s stuff you’ve got to know, because if all you think you know is what Satan has put in here, the lies that this world tells, you’re gonna have a hard time with the Christian life. But I’ll tell you, the more we get this, the steadier we’re gonna be in the boat.
But he doesn’t leave it with just knowledge. There are a lot of people that that’s all they want. They want knowledge. They just want the doctrines. They want to get their doctrines right, their knowledge right. It goes beyond that. What’s the next thing he wants?
( congregation inaudible ).
Wisdom. Wisdom answers the question how? Knowledge is what? What do I know? What do I believe? What can I stand on? Wisdom says, how do I…how does this play out in my life? How do I apply what I know to how I live and what happens to me in my life? We need God.
You see, Job’s friends had some knowledge that had been handed down to them. They didn’t have any wisdom to understand what was going on. I’ll tell you, we need God to help us to understand.
And there are going to be times–guaranteed, there are going to be times when we will be in the place David was, when we’ll be looking for those answers, and they won’t be there, at least not for a while. When God’s done the work that He intended to do, through those circumstances, don’t worry, He’ll come on the scene. He’ll help us.
But I’ll tell you, you and I need to know how to apply the wisdom that we know. You could know, for example, that God wants us to live a holy life. And then, you could take that and say, okay, so I’ve got to be holy. I’ve got to…and start making rules. Whose wisdom is that? It’s not based on truth for starters.
But I’ll tell you, I need wisdom to know how to apply the things that God shows me that are true. I need to know how they affect everyday life, because our Christian life is not just what we do in here. It’s how I live out here.
And I’ll tell you…this is one of the things that came to me…how are you when nobody is watching? That’s kind of how we really are, isn’t it? We have a way of portraying ourselves to others and even to ourselves. But I’ll tell you, the wisdom and the knowledge by which we walk is carried out, it’s expressed when nobody is looking.
When you’re a thousand miles away, and nobody knows you, how do you live? What do you do? God wants us to be the same as we are when we’re in here, out there. And He wants to bring us into line with His heart, not just His teachings and His religion. My God, we don’t need that. But He wants to bring us into line with His heart.
And His heart would tell you and me things that are true. They’re not always things we want to hear. Sometimes they’re the truth about us. We don’t want to hear them. But I’ll tell you, I would rather hear an uncomfortable truth than a pleasant lie, and align the wisdom that governs what I do with the truth. I don’t care how much it hurts. I know God loves me. I know that’s a fact that remains. I can lean on that. I know He’s with me. I know He’s for me.
And so…where knowledge answers the question, what, wisdom answers the question, how? What is understanding? That answers the question, why? God wants us to come to a place where we begin to understand the whys. We can get a sense of where God is going with this and so we can start and say, oh, I get it. I was leaning on the arm of flesh, and God saw me in a weakened place, in a place where I was vulnerable to the devil working through me to building up pride, whatever the issue is. He saw me in that place, and He engineered a place in my journey that was gonna deal with that.
And I know why He did, because He wants me to be like Him. And He’s gonna do what it takes. He’s going to be faithful even when I’m not. He’s gonna do things that I will not understand at the time. But I’ll tell you, He wants to bring me to a place of understanding.
As David said, He doesn’t want me to be like a horse or a mule. How many of you are like that? God’s got to wop you upside the head to make you do something. And so, all you’re concerned with is, what do You want me to do? Just tell me. God doesn’t want that kind of relationship with us. He wants us to understand His heart. He wants us to be on board with what He wants.
So, we need knowledge. We need wisdom to know how to apply that to our lives, and we need the understanding of where God’s heart would take us.
And I’ll tell you, there’s a…I don’t know what else needs to be said. There are so many thoughts I’ve had that you could bring into this, and I don’t want to just drag it out. But how many of you believe that this is something that’s real? When faith is all you have…how many think that’s a bad thing? That’s a wonderful thing even when it doesn’t feel like it, even when circumstances are at the bottom. And you think, how could they get any worse?
I mean, how could they get any worse for the three Hebrew children standing there with a roaring fire over there and a king who says, bow or burn? Choices to be made! What am I gonna do? And yet they stood…I’m sure they didn’t have any euphoric emotions at the time. You think they did? Man, I just feel the power! Oh boy! I’ll tell you, the kinds of choices that the heroes of faith, as we call them that…it’s really God’s work in somebody’s heart that’s manifest…manifests His heart. He’s the hero.
( congregational response ).
But if we read about the heroes of faith, I’ll guarantee the choices they made that made the earthshaking difference in their lives and the lives of many others were not made in the heat of euphoric emotion.
See, that’s a mistake that we make when we talk about faith. Faith almost becomes a thing in itself. And if we’re gonna try to put faith under a microscope…do I have it, don’t I have it? You know, if I had it, how would I feel? What about my faith?
Faith is not the object! It’s the ‘object’ of the faith we need to be concerned about. Faith is simply putting confidence in Him! It isn’t putting confidence in our confidence! But we do that. You know, we tend to get very introspective when things aren’t going the way that we think they ought to go. Oh, I’m gonna look inside. What’s wrong? How do I fix it? How do I understand it? How do I wrap my brain around what’s going on and what I’m feeling right now?
Oh, I know I’m supposed to have faith. Okay…we try to work up emotions that go with it and figure, okay, now I’ve got it. I feel a certain thing. I’ll tell you, faith starts as a choice. But faith is not focused on the faith. It’s focused on the object of the faith.
We serve a God, like we said, who cannot lie. His purpose is fixed. His Word is true. And so, the choice becomes am I gonna believe these circumstances, or am I gonna believe that kind of a God? And I am going to make a raw choice to believe in Him.
I’ll tell you, God wants to take every single one of us to a higher place. Joseph was put through places where faith was all he had. What was in God’s heart for him? Bringing him to a throne? Do you think his character would have been formed in such a way that he could have occupied that place of authority and forgiveness of his brothers if God had not put him through all that?
Do you think David would have been the king that he was without going through all this process of having to trust God when it didn’t look like it made any sense? Abraham, everybody…Jesus, who learned, “…obedience by the things which he suffered.” (KJV). He was tempted in every point like as we are.
I just pray that if you’re in that place, or when you’re in that place…we have every reason, instead of examining the circumstances, examining our feelings, to lift up our eyes and say, Lord, I thank You. Lord, I praise You. I want to offer the sacrifice of praise. It means I have to die to do it. It’s a sacrifice for me to say thank You, to praise You, to acknowledge that You are true.
And I’m not gonna do it and sit here and just…okay, I’ve done it for three minutes, and I don’t feel anything. I’m not focused on how I feel about it. I’m just focused on His truthfulness and the fact that I’m trusting Him. And I know that right now, He is there. He’s there because He promised. I don’t care if I feel it–if I ever feel it. I know He’s there. I know He’s real. I’m gonna lean upon that with every bit of my being–every fiber of my being is gonna lean on Him right now!
That’s when God does the work that gets us the place where we can be worth something to Him in the kingdom of God in this world. If you’re one that’s got to have…one that Jesus has got to lean down over you and put His arm around you and whisper in your ear and just constantly give you feedback, He’s not gonna be able to use you very much, is He?
But I’ll tell you, when we become faithful in little, He will entrust more to us. Faithfulness in a little means, among other things, it means doing what’s right. It means trusting God when faith is all we have. And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who looks at that and says, that’s building character in my child! Here is somebody that I can put something in their hands to do and they’ll handle because they’re looking to me and not themselves.
I’ll tell you, we have a God who is faithful. If you’re in that place today, or if you find yourself in that place in the future, and you will if you’re serving God, your emotions will not always support you. But there is a God who has promised never to leave you, never to forsake you.
And so we have the privilege of standing upon something that cannot change. His Word is true. And He will bring us through every valley like that. Even when faith is all we have, we’ll find out it’s all we need, because He is faithful. The Object of that faith is faithful. To Him be the glory. Praise God!
May 19, 2019 - No. 1389
“When Faith if All You Have” Part One
May 19, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1389 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, praise the Lord. I appreciate the Lord’s presence. The thoughts that I’ve had this morning, almost, in the natural, I would have said, well, Lord, here we go again, same ole, same ole. But I don’t believe that’s the case. I believe the Lord has exactly — what’s on His heart is what He knows we need, and certainly there’s been a lot of confirmation with the songs that we’ve sung this morning.
And I guess if I had to characterize the thought that came to me the other day, and I haven’t been able to shake it so I’m just gonna go with it, is very simply this, “When Faith Is All You Have.”
You know, a lot of times the Gospel is preached in such a way that it’s almost like, come to Jesus and your life will be filled with joy and happiness and peace and, it’s just gonna be like sunshine and roses the whole way. And yet those of us who’ve come to the Lord and walked with Him any length of time know it’s not that way.
Thank God, there are times like that when we do experience His joy in this world. But the reality is, there are many, many times in the life of God’s children when He calls upon us to walk by faith. And truly, what Paul says, “…we walk by faith, not by sight.” (KJV). Right?
( congregational response ).
I mean, that’s the reality of it. That’s the principle—that’s the governing principle of the Christian life. It’s not a confidence — it’s where we throw off all confidence in ourselves. I can’t make myself righteous. I can’t fix what’s wrong with me. I cast myself completely upon Him. My hope is transferred from anything in me to Him. And that’s faith and only God gives the ability to do that.
But the reality is, more than we would like to admit, we lean on other things. We want confirmation, don’t we? Do I really have faith? What’s — you know — and so, we’re all the time looking for God to pat us on the back and put His arm around us and say, it’s gonna be okay, and I’m really here, I didn’t lie to you when I said I was gonna be with you. But, psychologically we lean on those things.
And God, like I say, is not that way. I remember — some of you will remember many times, or a number of times, Brother Thomas telling the story, and I honestly don’t know if this was a dream, vision or somebody made up a story to illustrate this. But as I recall the story, some of you can correct me if I’m wrong, there was a man who was observing a scene in which three people were on their knees praying.
And Jesus came up behind the first one and leaned down and just got down on His knees beside him, put His arm around him, was just constantly whispering in his ear and just really spending a lot of time, giving him a lot of attention. And so, finally that ended and Jesus got up and He went to the second one, just laid His hand on his shoulder and went on. The third one He just walked right on by.
And of course, in the estimation of the observer of this scene, boy, he thought the first one was — that was the guy that really had the goods. This is the one who’s really got some standing with God. The Lord is pleased with him. He’s just strong and a wonderful, and it was just the other way around. The one who needed this continual reassurance in some fashion was the one who was weak in their faith. And the one who didn’t need Jesus to do anything, to be able to stand fast and be who he was meant to be. and to constantly put his faith in God, that was the one Jesus didn’t even have to give him that assurance. And, you know, the scripture says, the scripture we’ve used many times, “…without faith…”
( congregational response ).
“…Impossible to please him…he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
So, if God is going to work in His children, He is going to have to work in a way that brings us to a place where we truly are living by faith and not by something else. I mean, you can live by tradition, you can live by rules, you can live by self-effort and a lot of things, emotional feedback. And, if God’s going to grow us up in Him, He’s gonna have to take us beyond that.
But I mean, we have but to look at the scriptures to know that some of God’s choicest saints — I say some, how about all — of God’s champions of the faith, every single one of them was put in many places where they didn’t have anything to go on. Every natural consideration was taken away. Now, it isn’t always that way where it’s so dire. Robert, it’s not about you.
( laughter ).
But it — where the situation is not so extreme where there is nothing! I mean, I personally think of situations where my health was okay, the bills were paid and there’s still something that was really causing me to have to — wait a minute, I don’t have any feedback here. My feelings are dead. If I pray, it just doesn’t feel like anything’s going beyond the ceiling. I just come, and I go through the motions and it just doesn’t — where’s God in all of this? What’s going on?
I mean, I know — I see a lot of heads shaking. I know you know what I’m talking about. And it’s not that, oh, God, I’m about to declare bankruptcy and my health — I’m dying! It’s not — it could be in any area of our life.
But I’ll tell you, we serve a God who knows the path that we take, like Job said: “…He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”
You know, I thought about a scripture that we use many times and I’ll refer to — well, let’s go ahead and read this one in Psalm 13. This wasn’t exactly the text I had in mind, but I didn’t have a particular text anyway, so this will work. But I’ll just use the first part of it right now.
But this is David. This is a man after God’s own heart. This is somebody God singled out and said, you are My king, I have anointed you and I am with you, and you are going to rule My people Israel. Okay, he’s a young man at this point, probably late teens, I’m guessing. I don’t know the exact chronology of this but, he was not a boy. He was a young man.
But he was thirty years old when he came to the throne and then he had a lot of battles. So, between the call and the position that God had for him, there was a lot he had to go through. And one would suppose, by the way some people preach it, that you get on ‘Sunshine Mountain’ and then you just climb and it just gets better and better and more and more exhilarating!
And a lot of people’s religion consists of trying to work up emotions. That is, it’s at least a big part of it. As long as I can work up an emotion and feel good, then I’m good. If my emotions collapse, then “Oh, God, where is God?” as though, that’s the measure.
How do we — you know, we have our own ways of measuring our standing before God and it just doesn’t work! And if that’s the situation we’re in, God is going to put us in a place where that ain’t gonna work. And He’s just gonna stay back. And that’s what happened here, when David, a man after God’s own heart said, “How long, O Lord?” (NIV). How long? “Will you forget me forever?” Now, did the Lord forget him?
( congregation inaudible ).
But David sure felt like that, didn’t he? As far as he was concerned, he was abandoned! Something is wrong! God has gone and left me and I’m in a dire situation and I just can’t — I can’t cope and when I pray about it, He doesn’t hear me! What’s going on? I know nobody here has ever experienced that, right?
“How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have…” Every day! “…Have sorrow in my heart?”
You know, we don’t have a push-button religion. God absolutely doesn’t give us formulas for feeling good! Oh, we would like them! That’s the natural man wants to feel comfort in circumstances and emotions and all of those kinds of things. We want to, we want to have a sense of earthly well-being. And here’s God, setting out to rescue us from a nature that is absolutely addicted to that. It’s addicted to it! Folks, you and I are addicted to feeling good and wanting feedback.
( congregational amens ).
How is God going to deal with that and how is He gonna grow us up and get us to the point where we walk by faith and not by sight if He doesn’t put us in places where we have nothing that we can grab a hold of? And now we’re — faith is all we have. Is that a bad thing? Of course not.
“How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?” I mean, that’s the sense that he had. I’m running for my life here! It looks like I’ve lost the — I’m not just losing, I’ve ‘lost’ the battle. Oh, God! And You won’t answer me. I don’t get this! I don’t understand it.
And so, David’s just pouring out his heart. “Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; my enemy will say, I have overcome him, and my foes will rejoice when I fall.”
Thank God, the rest of this really goes into the answer to this! It shows where David really was. And I’m not gonna deal with that right now, but this is just one of many illustrations in the scriptures that shows that this is not, this is not unusual!
If you’re in a place like that, God doesn’t want you to look and say, what’s going on? I don’t get this. God’s singling me out! Because when we’re in that place, of course we question, of course we wonder, of course we say, oh God, is there a need? Well, there’s nothing wrong with asking Him. But it’s like I’ve said in the past, sometimes we get the feeling that God is so mad at me, He will not even tell me what’s wrong!
( laughter ).
You know, we come up with all kinds of crazy ideas in the face of these kinds of situations. It tends to bring out a lot that’s in us, doesn’t it? And so, one of the dangers at these times is the Devil will do everything in his power to sow something of his wisdom in our hearts. Our hearts are like soil, remember? That’s how we got — came to the Lord in the first place. He sowed the seed of His Word, Word that had life in it. And we open our hearts to that, invite Him to come in and do the work that He has promised. And that seed grows into something, into Eternal life, is what it grows into!
But I’ll tell you, the Devil can plant all kinds of weeds in our lives if we’re not careful! And, you know, weeds of bitterness! My circumstances — God’s not being fair. And how easy it is to project onto God when we’re not doing good and something — He’s not doing things quite right.
You know, Job kind of went through that. In a way — he was so — anyway, I’ll just summarize what he went through. But, the Devil challenged God about Job and so the Lord allowed Job to experience what he did. The terrible loss of his family, his possessions, and, he had no help from anybody around him. His wife said, curse God and die. You’re a fool.
And his friends got their theology books out. They gave out the theological tradition in which they had been raised. Now, this was in the post-flood era. And so, all they knew is, God blesses the righteous and He punishes the wicked! We know it! We had that terrible flood and so many of our ancestors, they’re gone because God judges the wicked! So, if you have suffered adversity and catastrophe, there is only one possible explanation! You have committed a wickedness and God is punishing you! And they went on and on and on and on and on and nothing could dissuade them from that position.
But you know, we struggle to explain things, don’t we? In our own way, we do the same thing. We come up with, everything I know about God tells me it should be this way but it’s this way. Something’s wrong! And Job was so insistent that he hadn’t done anything, that he almost came to the point where, God, I really don’t know about You! I’m walking in everything I’ve ever heard and I’ve tried to serve you the best I know, and I just don’t get this! Is there something about you I don’t know?
And, you know, I see the Lord’s goodness and mercy in that whole story. I guess everybody does. It’s kind of obvious. But, here is Job, who had a degree of knowledge about God. The Devil is given permission to put him in a horrible, terrible trial where nothing seems to work, nothing makes any sense at all. What is he gonna do? And all he can do is just try to wrestle with it like David did. I’m wrestling with what’s happening. I don’t understand it.
And so, he comes to the point, almost, where he’s beginning in his mind, a little bit, I just don’t know if God’s really treating me right.
But you know, there’s an interesting little comment he made that gives me a clue of what God was trying to accomplish in this. He said, “…the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” (KJV). Do you catch from that a little bit of what was behind his serving God? He had such a vivid appreciation, if you will, for the flood and what God had done to punish the wicked, that man, he wasn’t going anywhere near doing wrong. If my family’s having a party, I’m gonna offer a sacrifice. Maybe they sinned.
There’s this fearful — I just see God as this awesome being and if He’s ready to strike me down if I don’t do right. Is that the kind of service that God desires from us? No! It isn’t at all. And I believe with all my heart that God wanted Job to come into a deeper place of knowledge of Him and His goodness and His mercy.
And so, at the end, I believe Job came into a much better place. We know he does, that’s what the scripture says. When God turned this all around and met him and expressed to him the greatness of His understanding — God’s saying, I’ve got something that I’m trying to accomplish here. I know you don’t understand it, but I do. I’ve got this! I know exactly what I’m doing. I know why I’m doing it. And so, Job not only met the Lord in a deep way, he came to a place where he was blessed more than he was in the beginning!
It isn’t that God wants to withhold blessings, even earthly ones, but God is most concerned with my faith, my relationship to Him. That’s the thing! It’s not about this world! It’s about the one to come. It’s about what He’s doing. Everything about me, everything I see, is gonna be gone. Everything that is real, that He has put in here, that’s what will live on. And I’ll tell you, I need something beyond what I have in my own understanding. He needs to take me deeper. Anybody here needs to be taken deeper?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! Do we want to go to a higher place? Folks, this is the way! A lot of people will say, come down and get an experience and you’ll instantly be elevated to another place and then you will just go — it’s just sailing to Heaven, in the glory and the euphoria of this relationship.
Well, thank God, that He can do those kinds of things when it’s appropriate. But I’ll tell you, the things that deepen us in the Lord are like David experienced right here. When He pulls back everything and He allows us to experience this sense of, where is God? everything is gone to Hell in a handbasket, and I can’t seem to reach Him and it doesn’t feel like He cares! I’ll tell you, we’re gonna discover things about ourselves in those times.
You know, I talked about how Satan would sow seeds of bitterness. Why is it this way? Why is somebody else being blessed and I am not? So you see these negative feelings, this accusing God of not treating us right, or being jealous of somebody else, or just, all kinds of negative things can come into your heart and into your life that just amount to rebellion, really. And unbelief, if we really step back and take a look at it.
And I’ll tell you, the Devil is gonna be faithful. I know that many here can testify. You’ve been in dark places. And how did it cause you to look at God? How did it cause you to look at yourself? Did it affect how you looked at things?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah, sure it does. He’s gonna take you down a dark place of depression if you let him. You’ll just — or he’ll take you to a place of unbelief. Maybe I don’t even know God. If I knew God — if everything was right, according to my concept of things, it wouldn’t be like this! I wouldn’t feel like this!
And yet, every saint of God, in the scriptures, went through dark times like that! How do you think Jesus felt when He went into the wilderness? Do you think He went out there to have a euphoric time of alone-time with God? Scripture says He went out there, “…to be tempted by the devil.” (NIV).
And everything — I guess He drank water, but that was it. He was there with the wild beasts and the Devil. And the Devil did everything possible to cause Him to question, to bring Him down, to bring Him, cause Him to be separated and to attack His faith!
Do you think Jesus had emotions? Do you think He felt like His Father was close? I mean, we know on the Cross He said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This is part of serving God, is having times when we feel alone and forsaken. We ‘feel’ alone and forsaken. That’s the thing.
I’ll tell you, I want to, I want to have something, and I want to be brought to the place where I can be like the third man who was praying, where it doesn’t matter what happens. If God wants me to go through a time like that, it’s not gonna change one iota what I do or how I feel about God. You think that’s what God wants from every one of us?
I’ll tell you, there are gonna be times. You think about Joseph in the scriptures. All the promises that he had, and everything from that point on went south, didn’t it? Did he have reason to feel like God’s promises have failed? God has abandoned me. He has allowed my own brothers to sell me as a slave into Egypt! And there I just did the best I could, and my reward was to be lied about and thrown into prison, where they put me in irons!
Now Job didn’t exactly have anything but — Joseph didn’t have anything but faith to go on, did he? And I’ll tell you, what a lesson there is for you and for me in the fact that he did not change what he did or how he did it! He continued to just put one foot in front of another and continue to maintain his integrity, his honor.
But here was a — one of the main characters in the Old Testament story about how God began to build His people and get them ready to be a nation. And God put him through hell, as far as the earthly circumstances were concerned. Do you think God had a purpose in it?
You know, if you’re in the middle of that, you’re thinking, what in the world is going on? What kind of a fool am I to put my faith in God and then this happens?
How many of you know that a lot of the atheists, who are really militant atheists in the world, are atheists because they went through something and instead of humbling themselves, they immediately attacked the very idea of God? If there was a God, He wouldn’t have let something like that — or if there is a God, He’s evil!
But I’ll tell you, we’re not gonna, absolutely, we’re not gonna come into the Kingdom of God without having a faith that’s tried.
( congregational amens ).
We’re gonna have to stand when nothing else makes sense! Certainly, we gave the example last week of Abraham. And we read the story of Abraham like it’s just a few pages. It’s just all strung together and it just flows, it makes sense. But how many years were there? How many years were there when nothing was happening? He wasn’t hearing visions and God wasn’t coming to him in any manifest way. He was just putting one foot in front of another and nothing was happening.
And the scripture even tells us, as we mention so often, it was against hope that he hoped, that he believed, he continued to stand fast. That’s what God is looking for from every one of us. But I’ll tell you, if you’re in that kind of a place today, you better be thankful to God. God is bringing you to a deeper place.
May 12, 2019 - No. 1388
“Things That Are Not” Conclusion
May 12, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1388 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You see the nature of the promises upon which all the heroes of faith rested their hope? It was that creative, fixed Word of God! And that promise of God was allowed in their hearts and their minds to trump everything that would rise up against it, like Abraham, who hoped against hope. Praise God! Praise God!
I’ll tell you what, I want to get to that place in my own heart and my own life where this is real, because we so quickly fall into the same place that Abraham and everybody else did. I mean, I know the bottom line is he was strong in faith, but in the process there were times when he wasn’t so sure. How is this going to happen, Lord? I don’t have a son. And, did the Lord say, oh yeah, I forgot about that, okay, boom!
( snapping fingers ).
You’ve got a son.
There was some waiting, there was some trusting, there was some standing in the face of what did not look like — it didn’t look like God was being faithful. Anybody here know what that’s about?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. You may be in a place right now where you’re struggling with self-doubt and all kinds of things. You’re looking at everything in the world except what God has said. And God is calling me and He’s calling every one of us to lift up our eyes and say, “Wait a minute, God is doing something that is eternal. I rest, not upon what I am. I do not rest upon what I have been, what I have done. I rest upon one thing — two things! His purpose and His promise. And so I stand up and I look the Devil in the eye and say, Devil, you’re right. If you’re talking about me and my virtues, I have none! But my hope is not in me!”
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.” Praise God! Praise God!
I’ll tell you, God has given us the ground that we can stand upon and be confident and restful this morning. And I know that there are people here who are in that place right now where you’re struggling, ‘cause that’s part of it. It doesn’t feel like it. It doesn’t look like it. You wonder, can God even love somebody like me? And the truth is, you’re exactly the kind of person God does love!
( congregational response ).
There’s nothing—there’s nothing that gives God greater joy than to reach down into the gutter of human society and lift somebody up, and give them a place in an eternal kingdom. That’s what it’s all about! I’ll tell you, the cross and the resurrection are an amazing thing, when you see it in the light of creation. There was one creation that perished when Jesus went to the cross. When He came forth from the tomb there was another one that was born.
In the first creation, God did everything else and then He put man in there, and we messed it up. This new creation, the order is flipped. God is producing a family of sons and daughters. When He is done doing what He has promised, purposed and promised to do, we will be ready to step into a creation that was all God intended it to be in the beginning.
Man, this isn’t a, like I say, it’s not a self-help program. This is God declaring what we are. Imagine looking to Abraham and there he is all alone in a strange land, with no kids, and getting old. I have made you a father of many — say, what?
( laughing ).
That would be the reaction if you were a southerner, I guess. You know, you think about other people in the Bible that I think we can identify with in some ways. There was a time in Israel when they were — they had wandered from being faithful to God, like they did so many times during the days of the Judges. And one day an angel — and the guy didn’t know it was an angel at first — but an angel comes to a man named Gideon, who’s minding his own business! He’s just living his life out doing stuff, the everyday stuff. And, this angel addresses him, “…thou mighty man of valour.” (KJV).
( laughing ).
Talking about, say what! But here is God calling something that is not as though it were. Now, was God calling him that because he had greatness locked up in himself and all he needed was the right, the motivation? He needs a good motivational speaker to rise to the occasion and be something. No! This was a man who had nothing! Except he just gave himself to the Lord and said, Lord, Your will be done.
And he went through some challenges to his belief, but the ultimate thing is, all he did was commit himself into Gods hands. And the Lord said, “…Go in the strength you have.” (NIV). And you know, that was enough.
You know, when God goes with us, we don’t have to muster up something. We just have to rest in the Lord and say, “God, I want to be a part of Your purpose. I want to be a part of something that’s eternal. Help me to find that place where what I do matters for eternity.”
Do you believe there’s a God — the God of Gideon is still with us today? The God of Abraham is still with us? That He longs to so work in us that we will live as a part of a new creation more and more, and experience that new creation? What is the — what did Paul say in 2nd Corinthians, I believe it was chapter 5? He says, if any man is in Christ, what is he?
( congregational response ).
He “is” a new creation! There is something that happens when the heart of a human being hears the voice of the Son of God and they humble themselves and say, yes, take my life! Come in! Do — I’ll put it crudely — do Your thing. Forgive me, Lord. Lord, do what You have promised but I surrender my vessel for You to take and do with what You will! I cannot fix me! I cannot make myself ready for what You have promised but I put myself in Your hands for You to do it!
I’ll tell you, when someone does that from the heart, there is something supernatural that happens! Has that happened for you? I pray that God will speak — it could happen for somebody this morning. God’s word is not slack. If you’ve never come to the reality of what this is about, that it’s giving yourself into the hands of Someone who is in the process of creating something that will last forever, if you haven’t got that, I pray that you will!
But I’ll tell you, when you are born of that Spirit, there is a new life! there’s something that happens deep on the inside! And yet, the reality is, even though that has begun and that’s true, we live yet in bodies that are connected with the old creation, don’t we? And that’s where the tension comes in.
That’s how it was with Abraham. Between promise and fulfillment, there is a whole lot of waiting, a whole lot of trying, a whole lot of standing, a whole lot of…. But, somehow, can we not see the purpose and the hand of God? Why would He allow such things to happen if that was not central to His purpose? That’s the heart of how He gets there!
That’s what Dorsey was talking about. Do all things work together for good, or don’t they? Is God a God of purpose? Is He in control, or isn’t He? If we ever catch a glimpse of what God is doing, it will lift our eyes from the circumstances in which we are mired and we’ll see rather the greatness of God and all that He’s doing and we’ll just rejoice and we’ll be able to look forward instead of backward, and around. God calls what is not as though it were!
And you think of all the glorious things that He says about His people. I’ll guarantee you, when we get up in the morning and look in the mirror, there are not many of us that say, yeah, I see that! I get it! I understand why You would say that about me, Lord!
We have to deal with the same reality that everybody in the Word of God whoever put their trust in His promise did. It doesn’t look like it! It doesn’t feel like it! The Devil will be quick to point out our prospects, and he will put every negative connotation that he can! He will point to our history and say, look what you are! You will never be anything different! He will define us by every negative category he can think of!
And if we listen to him, we’re going to live in prison! This creation is a prison from which no man can escape by anything we can do. We need a miracle. We need Someone who has the power to come and speak something into existence that never existed before. And He can do that.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
So He can say that about us. You see, here we are, we muddle through life thinking about, oh, I’m such a mess-up. I’m not this, I’m that. I’m such a failure. I’m so weak. And God is saying, you’re my child. How about 1st Peter? I’m gonna get to Romans 8, I guess, maybe.
( laughing ).
I’m sorry, 1st John, chapter 3, is the one I’m thinking of. I John, chapter 3, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!” Did I earn that? Oh, no way! No way. He conceived a purpose in His heart in all eternity past. He sent His Son to make it so. And He sent His Spirit to reveal that to my heart and to call me to that.
He did that for you, too. He might be doing it for somebody here this morning that has never heard His voice in this way. You’re part of a world that’s dying. Even if it outlasts your life, your life will come to an end in this world. Everything you’ve accomplished will come to nothing, if that’s all there is.
All right, how great is His love, “…that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are!” You see that positive confession there. “The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.”
But, what? Thank God, this is one of those great “buts.” “But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” And Jesus talks about the righteous, when the Lord is done. They will shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father.
Can you imagine, can you picture, even begin to picture, this company of people standing before the Lord, glowing, just like Jesus when He appeared on the mountain, but also to John in Revelation? I mean, there weren’t any sunglasses strong enough. But you know we’re gonna have eyes that can take it. Everything will be perfectly fitted to that new creation. Only God can do this!
And He does it for people who humble themselves and give themselves to Him and to His purpose, and trusts Him to do it and to do it His way, and His time. That’s the place I want to occupy. But what a promise this is!
And, you know, it goes on to say, those who have this hope, what they do? They purify themselves. In other words, we cooperate with Him. It’s not self-effort he’s talking about. But it sure is talking about obedience and cooperation.
But oh, what he’s talking about in Romans 8 carries this theme that’s he’s already introduced in earlier parts of Romans, about who we are and what we are. We’ve received the Spirit of sonship, verse 15, that is — I believe that is. “…Received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs…” — We are heirs—we are heirs — “…Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Do you think any one of us is gonna stand there on that day and look back and say, it wasn’t worth it? Seriously! Man, we’ll say, it was worth everything!
( congregational amens ).
It’s worth everything to know Him. But listen to the place of creation in all this. “The creation waits….” They’re waiting on us. The creation waits! For what? “…In eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.” And I know, you’ve got this manifested son idea. But there is something that’s real, when God is going to unveil what He has been doing.
( congregational response ).
The world has been blind to it, hasn’t been able to see, has not vision of what God is doing, ‘cause it’s hidden inside this flesh. But one day that will be gone. We’ll be changed, made into His image and then He’s going to say, this is what I’ve been doing. This is what it’s about. This is what you said “no” to. You wanted your life. This is what I would have given you. That’s serious stuff, isn’t it?
“For the creation was subjected to frustration…” — it seems that way, doesn’t it, many times — “…Not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope…” — not a hopeless situation, is it? It’s temporary! — “…In hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves….” Now he comes down to us, sitting here this morning. We, “…who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”
That’s the linchpin, that’s the key, that’s when the job is done, when these bodies are changed and they’re no longer our enemies. Now they’re completely made over, exactly like the body that Jesus had when He came out of that tomb. That’s where this is going. Okay?
“For in this hope we are saved.” See, there’s this confident expectation of something that we don’t see right now. “But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”
Again, the ability to hope comes from Him! The ground of our hope comes from His fixed purpose and His unfailing promise, the One that cannot lie. Man, we’ve got every reason in the world to be shouting this morning and to be praising God.
( congregational amens ).
This is real! “…We wait for it patiently.” And boy, we get help along the way, don’t we? “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit….”
Have you ever had times when there’s just something that’s yearning, something that’s crying out, reaching out? God hears that! If your heart is towards Him, He knows that! He is tuned to that frequency every moment of every single day. Man, we have no reason to look anywhere else, except to Him, with confidence.
“He…knows the mind of the spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance…” in agreement, “…with God’s will.” And this is where this comes in. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to…” What? “…His purpose.” It goes right back to the same thing! God has a purpose from all eternity! It’s as good as done.
“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he…” the Son, “… might be the firstborn among many brothers.”
Now listen to how a God who calls things that are not as though they were, listen to how He puts this! “And those He predestined, he also called; those He called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Now for you grammarians, that’s past tense. That’s something God’s done. The experience of that is something that we are walking out, living out, looking for the fulfillment of it. But it is good as if it had already happened. Man, what a place of rest and confidence we have in One whose word cannot fail.
( congregational amens ).
This is a God who can look at you and say the amazing things that He says about you as someone is weak and weary, and with a history, and with all the stuff, all the garbage, all the baggage that we bring to the table. He can look at you and say, “You are My child, I have glorified you. You are My dearly beloved child. You will be just like Me. You will share in My glory. You are My heir.”
How can He do that? What does He see in me that could make that happen? Nothing! But He knows how to speak words that can create in me what has never been. So what is my place? To believe His Word, to receive it into the depths of my heart, to let it find life, to find expression, to do what Paul says, forgetting what is behind. You can’t fix it. Jesus fixed it. Reaching forth to that which is before. I haven’t arrived but I’m going. I’m on a trail. I understand what’s going on. God’s creating something that’s real.
We occasionally sing a song that I guess goes back into antiquity: “I see a new heaven….” Do you see that? “…I see a new earth, God’s glory is filling the whole universe. Gone are the old ways, all things are new. God is creating a new life in you.”
See how that fits together? You see what salvation is about? It’s an act of creation on God’s part. It’s Somebody who has the power to speak things into your life and into mine that we could never manufacture. Our place is to believe it and to stand in faith, to emulate those who stood upon the promises of a God who was able to speak galaxies into existence.
That same God can speak life into our deficiencies and make us what we could never be. He can call us what we are not in terms of our experience. But He can call us that as though we are, because He stands behind His word and He is able and willing to finish what He started. Praise God! I’m so thankful today that my past does not define my future.
( congregational amens ).
My weakness does not define my capabilities. And I could probably make up some other sayings along the same line. But I’ll tell you, we serve a God who is able and willing to do what He said He’s gonna do. His purpose stands. His promise stands. And the character of His words, they have the ability to create in you and me what has never been there before.
So what do you lack? Cry out to Him. Look to Him. Listen to Him. Expect. Quit looking at all the stuff that would drag you down and cause you to feel that lack of confidence in who you are. God wants to lift our eyes. It’s not that we are something, it’s that He is everything!
( congregational amens ).
And His Word. Christ has done it all and He has promised to take us all the way home and He will. And boy, He’s gonna get the glory, isn’t He? We’re gonna stand there and we’re just gonna be blown away with the amazing grace of Somebody who could do away with all this and yet use it in the meantime. He uses the stuff we experience here to help shape us for that.
And we’re only here for a little while. Man, that’s where my eyes need to be, and yours, too. Don’t let the devil bog you down with what’s going on in your life right now. Lift your eyes to the One who is able to call things that are not as though they were — and make it so! Praise God!
May 5, 2019 - No. 1387
“Things That Are Not” Part One
May 5, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1387 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I’ve been sort of meditating the last few days on simple thoughts, and yet, I think profound thoughts that the Lord has kind of allowed me to think, I guess. You know, I believe many of us live, we all live, if we know the Lord, between the tension of what is and what we hope will be and what we’ve been promised the Lord will do.
And, it’s always a challenge to deal with both. The challenge, I guess, is to look at what is and what we feel and all of those kinds of things and still see beyond that. And, I certainly share those same struggles with every one of you, because that’s where the Lord has us. This is part of His way of doing what He is accomplishing.
You know, what we just heard about — here were some negative, difficult, challenging circumstances and yet, we have a brother who sees the Lord in it. And may we all have that kind of a faith and a vision to be able to understand that God knows what He’s doing. Thank God!
I tend to see principles and then see a whole lot of scriptures that feed into that, so I guess that’s how I’m gonna, Lord willing, approach this, by trusting the Lord to put it together. But Romans chapter 4 is a good starting point. And I guess the underlying thought comes from that passage.
And Paul, of course, is unfolding the principles of the Gospel and he’s dealing with, how does a man become right in God’s eyes, reckoning on the fact that we’re all sinners and we all come short, and we have no power in ourselves to please Him or to make ourselves acceptable to Him? How in the world then can a man be right in God’s eyes?
And so he lays out, from the life of Abraham and God’s dealings with Abraham, the principle that really applies throughout history. In spite of the fact that God gave a Law through Moses, this never changed. There’s only one possible way that I, or anybody, can be right in God’s eyes, and that was how Abraham became right. He didn’t do it because he worked for it or earned it or put God under any obligation. Rather, he believed God — very simple.
And so the scripture tells us — I’m kind of summarizing, because I don’t want to wade through all the details necessarily. But, the principle here causes Abraham to be the father of all of God’s children, not simply those who were Jewish, but of everyone, because the principle apply to all. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Jewish or Gentile, we become right in God’s eyes because we believe Him, and that’s it.
And so, let’s just pick it up here, down in verse 16. “Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace…” (NIV). And what is grace? That’s God reaching down to help us, to do for us what we cannot do, to empower us to do what we could never do in ourselves. Okay, so faith is the way…it’s access, but grace is the way it all happens.
“…So that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. As it is written: I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”
And the phrase that just has gone round and round in my mind and my heart the last few days is “things that are not,” because, we who know the Lord have been promised some awesome things, have we not? I mean, think about what we will be! God says, we’re gonna be glorified! I look out here and I don’t see anybody that I have to put sunglasses on because of you, nor do you see that in me. But yet, that’s what God has said.
And so, here I am with my current weakness and all that I feel and see, and all that seems real to me at this moment in history, and yet there’s God’s promise about what I will be. And that’s an amazing thing. But that’s the place that Abraham occupied when God told him that.
And so, here’s a man who has no natural ability to see any of this happen. He’s simply listening to the voice of a God who has made Himself known to him and declared, I will make you a father of nations. If you go back to Genesis 17, He first says, I “will” make you. But then He turns around and says, I “have” made you. Wow! Now you’re not simply dealing with the realm of, okay, there ain’t nothing to this yet, but I’m gonna do it. This is, I have already done it!
And I believe with all my heart God longs for us to come to a place where we understand that everything God has purposed for every one of His own is not something merely that He “will do” in the future, but rather that He has done! It is a fixed thing in God’s heart and God’s mind. I mean, what an amazing God we have who is able to call things that are not as though they were!
And of course, then he goes on to talk about the fact that, “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, So shall your offspring be. Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact….”
You know, it’s a good thing when we face facts, when we’re honest we’re able to come to a place where we recognize there’s no resource in us that can contribute to this. Nothing! The playing field is level! No one has an advantage, when it comes to the things of God, over anyone else.
The fact — if you are born with some kind of earthly advantage, as men reckon such things, the reality is, God’s going to have to destroy the illusion of that in your mind in order to bring you to the place where He can now save you, and do for you what He has promised, because this is not for the strong. This is for the weakest of the weak, the most unworthy of the unworthy. Thank God, for the hope that we have!
Oh, that name Jesus we were singing about this morning! That means “God saves!” That name just isn’t something that God put on His Son and said, okay, I’m different from you, but I’m gonna let it all happen through You! This was His name!
( congregational amens ).
You look at John 17: Jesus was praying and said, You gave Me Your name! Ultimately, that name is from the heart of the Father Himself. It means “God saves!” Praise God! What an awesome God we have to lean upon! God, open our eyes to see beyond today, beyond yesterday, beyond all the things that we are not, because things that are not….
I mean, there are two senses in which things are not. We see what we’re not, and we allow that so easily to hinder us and to discourage us and to cause us to just not believe, not rest, not find comfort and strength in the Lord. We listen to the voice of the enemy! But also, as I said, the things that God has promised that are before us, thank God for what He has declared to be a fact!
Now, you know God’s Word is not like our word. You think about it. We work within the confines of an old creation. Now, men are pretty creative. God made us in His image and we are able to take things that are part of our world and learn about them and manipulate them and build stuff and do things, and all of that. But our resources are limited to what belongs to this creation. I can’t go outside of that.
And I’ll tell you, we are a part of a creation that God has judged! You say, when did He do that? At the cross. That’s part of the meaning of what the cross is about! Jesus was about to go to the cross and He said, “Now is the judgment of this world…” (KJV). I’ll tell you, something was set in motion at the cross. And I don’t care what you do in this world, it will burn up in the end!
Imagine working for a boss and you’re building some great something, some great project that’s visible and physical, and you finally come to the end and you’ve expended your whole life’s energy in this thing and you hand it over to the boss. And he says, well, that’s great! Blow it up. Burn it. If you’re living for this world, that’s what your life will — all the value that you produce, that you think is so great, I don’t care what you do, it will burn up in the end.
( congregational amens ).
We are part of a world that has been cursed! You know, I was thinking about this business of being confined to the old creation. You think about a motivational speaker, what’s he got to work with? You know, think about it. What he’s really trying to do is to change people’s ideas about how they think about themselves and to tap into some supposed greatness that’s in you that just needs to be unlocked so you can be everything you’re supposed to be. But, where do the resources come from? They’re still coming from you! They’re still coming from the old creation.
But we serve Somebody who is not confined by that. And you’re talking about a Word that is able to create what is said! That’s amazing when you think about it. I’ve just meditated on this and I don’t even know how to quite put it into words. But you know one of the things in the “faith chapter” that’s interesting to me is, right near the beginning it says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God….” And the things which we see — I’m having to paraphrase here — the things which we see are, “…not made of things which do appear.” How did God create?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, He spoke it! Did He need raw materials?
( congregational response ).
You know, I’ve sort of put it this way before. I can imagine God saying, or Jesus, as He was the Creator, pointing to His Father and saying, Father, what am I supposed to do? There’s nothing out there! You told me to make this world; what am I gonna make it out of? There’s nothing to work with.
He doesn’t need anything to work with. The Word of God is living and powerful, we’re told. It has the power to create what is spoken! Man, do I need to get that! You see what drives salvation, what drives the work of God and what He is doing? It is a work of creation.
When He went to create in the beginning, He said, “Let there be light.” He didn’t tell His angels to go and round up some materials and mix them together and — no! He just said, let there be, and there was! And everything in creation was brought forth simply by God speaking. That’s all He had to do to create stars!
I mean, this is the God who is alive today. This is the Jesus, by the way, who was the One who spoke those words, the same Jesus that we are called to invite into our lives to take over, He is One who spoke galaxies into existence in the beginning! He was there! I’ll tell you, He is the divine Son of God! Thank God! There is a work of creation that He is capable of.
But we know that what the Kingdom of God is about is not about a religion to practice. We’ve said this so many times. It’s not some self-help program. It’s not a set of rules by which we qualify ourselves to be accepted by God! This is a new…
( congregational response ).
…Creation. This is something that has not existed, but God is bringing into existence! Now, go back to Abraham and you think about all that he — everything in his experience told him, that what God had promised didn’t make any sense. It couldn’t possible happen!
I’m guessing that there’s nobody here that’s ever had that feeling about yourself. When you think about what God has called you to be, you’re just so brimming with confidence, right? You know that you’ve got it in you! God’s called you because He sees good in you and, man, He’s gonna fan it into flame. No! God is going to — God is bringing forth something that has not existed, that has nothing to do with the old creation.
You read through Paul’s letter to the Galatians. I’m just pulling stuff — you’re gonna have to look a lot of this up, and I pray the Lord will help me to burrow down if I need to at any point. But you remember the Book of Galatians. What’s that about? That’s about Paul writing to a group of Gentile believers. They had been brought to the reality that they could be right with God by faith in the promise, faith in what Jesus had done, end of story, not other addition to becoming right with God, but just committing themselves into God’s hands, trusting in His provision. That was it!
So then, after Paul leaves and goes someplace else, some other teachers come in and say, oh, that’s great! You believe in Jesus, but what about the Law of Moses? You’ve got to keep that — and start introducing all these requirements of the Law, these ritual parts of it that you’re supposed to be doing.
And Paul was so angry about this, he wished they’d all go to hell! I mean, that’s plain language. But, I mean, it was — it’s damning error, not truth, it’s damning error! To see that — to tell people that they have to somehow produce something, that Jesus isn’t enough, that what God has done through Jesus is not quite enough! You’ve got to somehow come up with something to add to that and then God will accept you! Oh my!
And so, he comes to the end, though, he makes an interesting point. This idea of creation kind of comes into the picture in a number of his letters. But he’s talking about the virtue, or the lack thereof, of the Law, and he says, basically, that’s worthless! That can’t help you a bit. But the only thing that counts is, what? How many can remember that scripture? The only that counts is “a new creation.”
That’s it! Paul was given a tremendous revelation of what this is about. This is about God bringing forth a brand new creation to replace one that has already been sentenced to destruction! Salvation is about bringing out people “from” this, rather than them suffering the fate of being destroyed with this creation, to be rescued “out of” that, fitted for the new one and prepared for that! That’s what salvation is about! Anything short of that is just religion! I’ll tell you, do we need the Lord?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! This is it. This is not about who we are and what we are and what we can bring to the table. This is about people who just simply hear the voice of God, like Abraham did, by the way. What did He do? He believed God, and of course, his faith manifested itself in obedience, but that obedience did not earn him something, did not obligate God to do something for him. Rather, it demonstrated, yes, I really believe You!
I mean, suppose God had said — well, God did say, leave your family. Go to a land I’ll show you. Yes, God, I believe who You are! But I’m gonna serve You right here. See that’s not really believing God, is it? Believing God is, God, I know You have promised something that I cannot do, but I believe Your promise to me. I believe it and I’m going to commit myself to obeying Your voice. The rest is up to You.
Sounds to me like a restful place, doesn’t it? When we come to the place where we are so, we recognize so much our dependence upon Him, that we’re able to rest….
I mean, so many scriptures that we know, that I hope the Lord can kind of connect the dots in our minds. I referred, a few minutes ago, to the scripture where the Word of God is living and powerful. Do you remember the passage that’s found in? That’s in Hebrews, chapter 4.
And the writer there is dealing with the reality that there is a promise that God has finished something. “I have given you this,” was the promise to the Israelites. I have given you the land, but they didn’t believe it and so they never, that particular generation failed to enter into the promise because of rebellion and unbelief.
So then he goes on to point out that there is yet a promise of God of entering into His rest! Who enters the rest? Who is it that enters that rest? Those who cease from their own works and enter into His rest. How can we do such a thing? Isn’t there work to be done? Where does the work come in? He did it!
The works were finished from the foundation of the world. Yeah, you see what’s going on here? What did Adam and Eve have to do to enjoy the Garden of Eden, until they messed it up? What did they have to do?
( congregation inaudible ).
Enjoy it! Rest in it! God didn’t say, all right, I’ve done up to a point but now you’ve got to finish it. You’ve got to do this — no! They stepped in. That’s what salvation is about. God has done something that is so complete that He longs for us to just stop trying and start trusting.
( congregational amens ).
Putting our lives in His hands, understanding that He is pulling us out of the fire, as it were, and getting us ready for eternity, and doing what none other can do. You know, the writer to the Hebrews — there are a whole lot of things that he brings into the picture. Sit down and read chapter 6 sometime, particularly the last part is what I’ve been thinking about. And, you come to that passage where he talks about a hope!
Now hope has to do with, what? Is that the present? Do I have to hope I have a pulpit and hope I’ve got people to listen? No, there you are. I mean, it has to do with something that’s in the future, hasn’t happened yet. And so, there’s an expectation there. This is not a wishful thinking kind of thing. This is, I have an expectation that something is going to happen. Now, what’s my ground for that? Am I just imagining up all this stuff or do I have real ground for doing it?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. And so, he talks about two different things that are unchangeable, immutable, depending on which translation you’re looking at. They cannot be changed! They’re unchangeable things! You cannot change them! No devil can countermand these things!
And what God is wanting to communicate to you and to me is simply this: there is a solid ground for hope! And it’s not just one thing, it’s two things! And you know what those two things are? Well, he tells you. One of those things is His purpose. God has at some point, in the only language I know how to use, conceived a purpose. This is something that He has determined “will” happen! When He’s done, there will be a perfect, pure creation, no sin, no death, no sorrow, none of the things that corrupt this first creation, and He will have a family to share His love with throughout all eternity! That’s going to happen!
( congregational amens ).
Whether you and I participate in that or not, that’s gonna happen. That’s a fixed purpose that is unchangeable! No devil in hell can change that! That’s why the Devil is so angry, because he knows he is shut out from that forever! You wonder why the world’s in the shape it’s in and getting worse? Just wait. Thank God, God’s purpose, though, is not affected by anything the Devil is allowed to do.
( congregational response )
God’s purpose stands! So that’s one unchangeable thing! But he says there are two! The other thing is His promise! Now, can we trust a promise from Him? He can’t lie! That’s it! You’re talking about Somebody who says something — that Somebody is incapable of telling a lie!
So now you’ve got two things to hang your hat on. One of them is an unchangeable purpose! Now there is a promise to carry out that purpose in specific ways. And so, Abraham stepped out in faith based upon that. God didn’t just say, I “will” make you, He said, I “have” made you! Those two things come together as a promise.
You see why he puts that business about creation in the beginning of chapter 11? You see the nature of the promises upon which all the heroes of faith rested their hope? It was that creative, fixed Word of God! And that promise of God was allowed in their hearts and their minds to trump everything that would rise up against it, like Abraham, who hoped against hope. Praise God!
April 28, 2019 - No. 1386
“Which Thief Are You?” Conclusion
April 28, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1386 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is the dividing line of history. This is the defining moment in history which everybody’s destiny is determined by where they stand in relation to that. And I’ll tell you, His resurrection, as I say, was a victory over death. Here was the greatest enemy, the consequence of my sin is that I die—I’m destined to die! I cannot live with God. I cannot bring this sin that infects me into His kingdom! It has no place! “…Flesh and blood,,,” the scripture says, “…cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” (KJV). Man, something radical has to change!
But Jesus came forth, and He came forth as the Victor, the Conqueror of death itself! As I said, He convinced all of His doubting followers! Do you remember that first Easter morning? There were different encounters with different individual people, but the body of disciples were still, huh, what’s going on? I don’t get this. You know, people said this, I’m confused. I don’t know what’s going on.
And then, Jesus meets, joins up with a couple of disciples not part of the apostles but just two other followers, and they’re headed out to the village of Emmaus. How many of you remember that simple story? They’re walking along, taking about all the stuff that’s happened, and Jesus kind of joins them and says, “What you talking about?”
They said, “Are you a stranger around here? You don’t know what’s been going on? We saw this…we followed this guy, we thought He was the Messiah, we thought He was the One, and they killed Him! And it’s been three days! And then some people have been coming up with these crazy stories! They’ve seen Him! We don’t know what’s going on.”
“O fools, and slow of heart to believe…,” He said. And as they walked, He began to open up the Old Testament scriptures. Boy, would I have loved to — wouldn’t you have loved to listen in on that and have Him take the Old Testament scriptures and open them up? Do you know when they preached the Gospel in the New Testament, they preached it from the Old Testament? The New Testament wasn’t written yet! That’s where we go.
But I’ll tell you, the Gospel is there from Genesis right on through, what is it, Malachi? Anyway, right through the end of the Old Testament. And here’s Jesus taking them right through, showing them exactly what had to happen and why He had to die.
They still didn’t know who He was. So, they come to the house there, and so, He says, “Have a nice day.” And they realized, “Hey, wait a minute. Stay with us. It’s late in the day, we’ve got a house here. Come on in. Let’s eat something together.” So, they sit down to eat, and He breaks the bread and thanks God for it. And all of a sudden, they realize who it is. And instantly, He vanishes from their sight.
You want to know something about this life, this other life? It pays no attention to laws of physics. It’s not bound by all the things that bind us. This is something different. So, man, they’re excited. They go running back in. I don’t know if they ran. It’s several miles, but anyway, they hurried back into Jerusalem. They knocked on the door, because the disciples were in a locked room, and they let them in.
They said, “We’ve seen the Lord,” and locked the door again. All of a sudden, Jesus is in there. And you know, in the state that they were in, oh my God! We’re seeing a ghost! He said, “Don’t be afraid. A ghost doesn’t have flesh and blood like you see me have. He holds out His hands, and they touch Him. They…my God, He’s real! He’s got a body! We see Him just exactly — I mean, He’s right here!
And just to really settle the issue, Jesus said, You got anything to eat?” They gave Him a piece of fish, and He sat there and ate it in front of them. And they’re trying to take this in. And over the next few weeks, Jesus turns a bunch of scared, hiding people into people who are ready to just embrace the power that He was about to send, and stand up to that whole generation with a conviction that nothing could shake!
Every single apostle was martyred for their faith, went to their grave convinced and standing for the simple truth that Jesus was raised from the dead, except John. They tried to kill him, and it didn’t work! The Lord preserved him so he could write the book of Revelation, experience that revelation for us.
And do you know what we’ve read this morning several things that Jesus said prior to the cross. There were many other things, of course, through the Gospels. But I want to make this simple point. Everything Jesus said was completely authenticated by the fact that He rose from the dead. People may hear this and be angry with me, but Muhamad is dead. Confucius is dead. Buddha is dead. Plato is dead. All these people that had these great ideas about what the world is about and how we should live and all those things, but Jesus Christ is alive!
( congregational amens ).
He lives today, and He can be known today! We may not see Him with our natural eyes, but He is alive, and He is real, and every word that He told us is the truth!
( congregational response ).
When He says the one who loves his life will lose it, you can bet your last penny, let alone your dollar, you can bet your last penny that it’s the truth. And I’ll say again, He’s not telling anybody that because He’s condemning, angry, trying to put you under His thumb and make you miserable. It’s because He sees the condition that you’re blind to.
And He longs to reach down and pull you out and lift you up to a place where you’ll say, “Oh my God, I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand. How glad I am I gave You my heart and my life.” Praise God! He authenticated everything that He said.
Here’s something that’s sounds like it’s gonna come out of left field, but, when Jesus died, He wasn’t the only one that died that day, was He? There were two thieves, one on His right and one on His left. And the crowd was down there mocking! “You claim to be the Son of God! If You’re the Son of God, come down from that cross! Who do you think You are?” Just mocking Him.
When they started all of this, both thieves were in agreement with that. And one of them particularly said, “If you’re the Son of God, save Yourself and save us!” You see where His interest was, preserving his life? That was the most important thing to him! I’m about to die here. Fix me up. Save my life. That’s the prime value that I hold.
Somewhere along the line, one of the thieves began to find his spirit touched. The only explanation is that God touched his heart. Nobody has the power to come out of this kind of darkness. If you have any inclination at all towards God, God did that! God’s reaching out to you. You wouldn’t care!
Somehow, that thief began to see things in a different light when he heard Jesus say, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing.” He listened, and he watched, and he saw His reaction to everything. And finally, he rebuked the other thief and said, “We’re dying because we broke the law. We deserve what we’re getting.” Then, he turned to Jesus and said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
And one of the points that’s really come strongly to me was the divide that happened that day. Everybody connected with that event that day was on one side or the other. There is no middle ground. How many of you know that?
( congregational response ).
There’s no middle ground. You are either 100 percent identified with Christ on the cross, including you dying, laying down your life, following Him, or you are part of those who will perish! There simply is no middle ground.
And I’ll tell you, any message that short-circuits that is a deception! I want to stand there that day and say I told people the truth! Where did I hear — a while back about a church that had — when people came, they were invited to say this little prayer. Sorry for all my mistakes. Thank You for salvation and something — that was the essence of it. And they consider them Christians! My God!
Do you have any idea what it takes for God to confront a life, and say, “You need Me! Without Me, you will perish!” And then to come and to realize that it’s not a voice of condemnation, but it’s a voice of love that entreats, that calls, that draws, that offers something at the cost of the Son of God laying down His life.
My God, what’s it gonna be like on that day? Do you think there’s gonna be some middle ground between those who are in glory and those who are marched off? That divide exists now. We don’t always know. That divide is in this room this morning. It’s wherever people may hear this. And all I can pray is that God will do what it takes.
You know, one sort of quirky way I thought about putting this is, there were two thieves there: which thief are you? You’re as guilty as either of them. Are you gonna stand with the mockers, or are you gonna stand with those who surrender? And they willingly lay down their lives because there’s a hope of something beyond all of that, that is as sure as the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ?
I’ll tell you what…when they went out and preached the Good News which is what the Gospel means, when the apostles went forth into that world and preached the Good News, man, it was not some easy-believism. It cost people their lives to follow Jesus. People were persecuted, thrown into prison. Some of them were killed.
That’s still happening today. In fact, there have been more — I believe there were more Christians killed in the 20th century than in all of Christian history combined before that. And the trend is going up. I heard one figure, and I don’t know how reliable, but it’s just an indicator. There’s something like 100,000 Christians that die every year from some form of violence. You see the world we’re going into? We need the Lord.
( congregational amens ).
We need Someone who will carry us through. Whether we live or whether we die, we’re gonna be with the Lord. Now, I’ll tell you, one way or another, your life is gonna end here. We can live it for Him and enjoy what He has for us forever, or we can perish with a dying world.
But their message was an uncompromising one! It was repent! Your attitude needs to be totally reversed about sin! Whatever is wrong, displeasing to God, you can’t say, “Oh, I’m gonna toy with this, I’m gonna hang on to this, I love this! I’ll give up this if You’ll let me have that!”
No! There is a repentance where your heart, your attitude, you see the evil that it is and you say, “God, by Your grace, I turn my heart away from that. I want to — I need to be delivered from this! I need to be forgiven for all the things that I feel guilty for!” And I’ll tell you, you will feel guilty when God confronts you. Don’t run from that!
( congregational response ).
Take that to the cross, because the answer is not to cover it over! You can try to cover it over with alcohol or whatever you want! You’ll never escape the guilt! There is one answer for the guilt that comes when we realize what we really are, and that is to bring it to the cross! And I’ll tell you, when the blood cleanses us from that sin, even the sense of guilt is gone!
( congregational response ).
Thank God! That’s real salvation. Only God’s power can do that! Thank God! It wasn’t just, repent of your sins, it’s to lay down your life. My life doesn’t belong to me anymore. Just as surely as Jesus made a one-way trip to the grave on the cross, when we come to Him, that’s the journey we make. Our life, our heart, every part of us is presented to Him.
Yes, I understand, like Michael was talking about, there’s an outworking of that. We have to learn. We have to grow in all those things. But I’ll tell you, there is a time when we are literally laid down. We’re repenting of our sins, but we’re giving up our life, as well, and saying, “God, it is Your life. You do what You will with it, while I’m here. But You remake me into someone who can live with You forever.”
And I’ll tell you — and you believe the Good News. You believe the promise that God will take your life and give you His gift of eternal life. There is repentance, there is a laying down of life, a surrender, and there is faith.
Where do you think the ability for that comes from? It doesn’t come from me. It comes from God! When God is speaking, when God is dealing, that’s the time when we have the power to do what He commands us to do. And I’ll tell you, we become responsible to do that.
But then, what did they do? When they preached the Gospel, how did that work out? I mean, what was the expression of that? I’m trying to get to something. They were baptized!
Do you understand the connection between baptism and everything we’re talking about this morning? That’s what baptism means! It means I am laying down my life! I am going down under the water! I’m surrendering! This is not just a religious ordinance that I’m practicing! I am — this is what’s in my heart, to lay down my life and to give it to You, but I am doing it in the expectation that when I come up, I will come up with a new life!
I’ll tell you, there is a God — when somebody lays down their life in faith, there’s a response to the Gospel, there is a God who will seal you with His Spirit!
( congregational amens ).
You will be a different person on the inside! Yes, you will have to grow! Yes, we will have many battles! Yes, we will go through many valleys and mountains! But I tell you, there’s a change.
When Jesus was baptized, what happened? The Spirit came on Him and He said, this is My Son. There was an identification of God. This is My Son. I’ll tell you, when somebody really is responding to the Gospel in faith and they’re baptized, God says this is My son. This is My child. He will give you the response to that exercise of faith. This is the Gospel. This is the way they preached it. Is this right or wrong?
( congregational response ).
This is right. I want people to think about this. I’m not gonna try to make something happen. I don’t think they did in the New Testament. I don’t see a place where they gave altar calls and you know, a lot of the things — God can use all those kinds of things. But I’ll tell you, I want God to take His Word and so convict the heart, that people will just cry out to Him until He does what is necessary.
And they will respond and say, “I need to surrender. I need to be baptized.” I want God to do it. I don’t want to try to add my efforts to make something happen. But that’s God’s part. My part is to repent, to lay down my life and believe the Good News and express it in that manner. And God’s part is to give His Spirit. That was the way it happened.
And I’ll just ask a simple question. Which life is yours, earthly or heavenly? Everybody here has some kind of life. We all have the earthly life in our bodies, but you understand what I’m saying. Do you have the heavenly life? Do you have what Jesus is talking about in this passage?
This is what God’s heart is! He longs to share His life, but He’s not gonna share it with sin, with somebody who means to go on like they are and cling to their earthly life, and intends to go on in a life of self will!
That’s what religion — that’s the track that Satan leads people off into a religion. Oh, I’m okay because I’m religious! And their heart’s unchanged. That’s what Jesus said about the Pharisees. Outwardly, you appear righteous, but inwardly, you’re just a bunch of graves with dead men’s bones in them. I don’t want to be that. I want to be real from the inside out. Only God can do that.
Folks, we need God to come in miraculous power. And I’m not talking about signs and wonders, particularly. I’m just talking about — we need God to come and change hearts and lives and do something that is unmistakably His work, because He’s the only One that can do it!
Just coming here and participating in the church isn’t gonna do it! You need to meet — you need to have a personal encounter with the God who raised His Son from the dead. Have you been born again, or are you just religious?
Everyone before the cross, as I said earlier, was in one camp or the other. Everyone! Everyone made a choice that day. I reject Him. He’s a phony. He’s a fraud. He deserves to die. And then some said, I’m with Him—I’m with Him.
Are you with Him? Praise God! There is no middle ground! And look at the last part of what Jesus said. “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light.” (NIV).
We’re living in a world that is falling under what Paul called strong delusion. Strong delusion means you are absolutely certain you are right, and you are totally deceived. When Christ comes, it will be a shock to this world, because they were so sure. That’s the power of darkness from which we need to be delivered.
( congregational amens ).
When God comes, and He begins to convict the heart of the need, that’s the time. There’s light right there shining in your life. But now, there’s a choice that has to be made. What will that choice be? Will I reach out?
I’ll tell you, if this concerns you at all, I pray that there are people who will go and cry out and say, “God, help me. I don’t even get all of this, but I need You. I know that I need You. I feel the sense of my need of You! But oh, God, open my eyes. Help me. Strengthen me. Give me faith. Give me whatever I need.”
There’s a God who will hear that prayer! That’s what He longs to hear! Oh, He’s not a God of anger and wrath. That’s not what He wants. There will be plenty of that for people that say, no, I will not have this — we will not have this Man to rule over us, as Jesus said some people would say.
I’ll tell you, there’s a God who loves you with an amazing love that we can’t even fathom. There’s a Creator who came down and walked among us, sinless, took every bit of your shame and mine, willingly embraced the wrath of God that was justly due for everything you and I have ever done.
Oh, I embrace that. I am what You say I am, Lord. I need You. But I bow, and I put my faith in Your — in what Jesus did and in Your power to change that and to give me a different life. Lord, without that, I will perish.
I pray that everyone here will just rejoice in what God’s done for you, if you know Him. But God has begun this good work. He’s not gonna stop. You put your faith in Him no matter where you’re at in your journey. The same God who has begun that has planted something in you. Do you know the life He gave you can’t die? If He saved you by His Spirit, that life cannot die! We just need to put our faith in Him.
But I’ll tell you, if you’ve never known Him, I just pray that God will just turn you every way but loose until you are sure, because if you’re not sure about this, what else is worth anything? This is the question upon which our destiny hangs. This is why Jesus died. This is why He rose again, to demonstrate God’s power to save, to destroy sin and death that would otherwise rule over us. It’s the only way of escape. Put your faith in Him. Seek Him with all your heart. Praise God!
April 21, 2019 - No. 1385
“Which Thief Are You?” Part One
April 21, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1385 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, Praise God! The Devil’s certainly been fighting me this morning so I hope that’s a good sign, because the Lord has done so much for us and that’s what so many are celebrating today was the victory of the resurrection.
And you know, there’s so much to talk about and I always come to this and say, oh, Lord, what do we talk about this time? And that’s just human reasoning and all that stuff and I just don’t want to, I don’t want to fall into that trap. But I just — I’m gonna give out the thoughts that the Lord’s given me and just trust Him with it.
Because without the resurrection, I mean, without what goes before the resurrection, the resurrection is just a nice history lesson. And, I thank God for the cross and for what it means to us. And we’ve sung so much about that this morning.
And, there’s one passage that’s always kind of intrigued me. It’s just a little bit different, and that’s in John chapter 12. Jesus is speaking, of course, before going to the cross and I believe He gives us some insights into what it’s really about. I mean, we know some of the basic things. We hear them all the time, but there are some truths in here that I pray everybody will get.
And I don’t know, my burden, I guess, as much as anything is for people that don’t really understand all this, that don’t get it. And I’m certainly not an evangelist. But I just trust that God will breathe life into His truth so that this won’t just be a, okay, this is Easter, we’re supposed to talk about the resurrection and go on with our lives. This is something that has Eternal significance. And so, let’s just read the words of Jesus beginning in verse 23.
“Jesus replied…” to something that’d been said, “…the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” (NIV). Boy, isn’t that a good way for us to react to life?
“Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him. Jesus said, This voice was for your benefit, not mine. Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself. He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.
“The crowd spoke up, We have heard from the Law that the Christ will remain forever, so how can you say, The Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man? Then Jesus told them, You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light. When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.”
I’ll tell you, we need divine intervention in our lives! The condition of the general population certainly reveals a whole lot, doesn’t it? They were just blind to what was going on. And, I’m just gonna try to bring some thoughts out of this and other scriptures and, like I say, I’m just trusting the Lord this morning. I feel extra weak, which is probably a good thing. But Lord, You take over this and just have Your way and speak Your truth.
You know, one of the things that really jumped out at me, as I was reading this the other day, was where Jesus began. It said, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” Now think about the context in which He said this. He’s about to go to the cross and He’s saying, I’m gonna be glorified. Do you think maybe, just maybe, He had a pretty good confidence in the Father’s plan? Yeah! Wouldn’t it be good if we could see beyond today and beyond what’s going on and realize that God has an immutable plan, that He is carrying something out that no devil in hell can stop?
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! He’s not saying, oh, I’m gonna be crucified, it’s gonna be terrible. He said, I’m gonna be glorified. He was seeing right past all of this. Wasn’t it — didn’t the scriptures say it was, “for the joy set before him,” that He was able to see that and the cross was just a stepping stone to get to that? It was necessary, but it was only a stepping stone to something that was real.
You know, when Gospel truth comes to someone who has never seen it and never really bowed to it, it sounds an awful lot like a threat. It’s a threat to human nature! It’s a threat to my own will and my own wanting to do what I want to do.
But I’ll tell you another thing, a thought that came to me very distinctly in thinking about all of this was: everything Jesus said was truthful, but the spirit behind it was one of love, a desire to reach out. If He had just never intervened, men would just die, live and die like lost animals. I mean, it would be no more significant than that. But I’ll tell you, God intervened in history, because of our condition and our need. Thank God!
( congregational amens ).
And I’ll tell you, bowing to that is the ultimate freedom, not the ultimate prison. Natural man says, “You’re gonna take away all my joy. You’re gonna constrict me and make me live a religious life. It’s gonna be terrible.” And God says, “I want to set you free.”
How many can say you’ve been on both sides of that, maybe, where you’ve suddenly seen and God’s opened your eyes and when you finally bowed, you said, “Why did I wait so long?” You remember Brother Thomas’ testimony, so many years ago.
But anyway, some of the things that He said…He said this is verse 31, “Now is the time for judgment on this world…,” talking about the significance of the cross. We always think about it in, well, He died for my sins. Yes He did! But I’ll tell you, there was something deeper going on there. God was judging the world! I mean, I understand that the outpouring, I mean, the outworking of that is something that is yet to come in our future, when this world will have its end. But I’ll tell you, you want to know why I can have confidence that that’s true? Because God’s already done it!
( congregational amens ).
God has already judged the world. Now when we talk about the world, what are you talking about? You just talking about the rocks and the trees? You know, we know better than that. But there is a system. There is a government, if you will, that is over this world that is ruled by wicked spirits. They are behind the scenes of everything that exists in this world.
And I realize there are things that are held up as, oh, this is noble. Man’s got so much nobility buried in him. If we could just get rid of the bad stuff, we could rise and conquer the stars. I’ll tell you, there is a world, a system—a spiritual system that is in rebellion against its Creator. And I don’t care what happens, God has already judged that and said, that will not continue! Jesus said, the world will pass away, “…but my words will never pass away.” And I’ll tell you, if you see any hope in this world, you are seeing something that I can’t see. There is no hope!
And I thank God that the end is coming, but I’ll tell you, I see something else. I see the mercy of God! Why has it not happened already? How in the world can God put up with what’s going on in this world? A lot of people wonder about that. How can God — you know, if God can do anything, why doesn’t He just stop all this? I’ll tell you, there’s one reason. Because God is, “…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (KJV).
And I’ll tell you, as long as there is any hope for an individual, God is gonna be reaching out. God is gonna be confronting people saying, I love you. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can give Me your heart and give Me your life and surrender. I’ve got different plans for you.
And I’ll tell you, the principles of this world are sin and rebellion. They are slavery. It’s not just that I follow my natural desires. That would be a basic principle of this world, that life is about just, I have desires and I’m gonna follow them. I’m gonna try to satisfy them. It’s not just that I do that, it’s that they become my master! I become a slave! I cannot stop from being that kind of a person who lives in this kind of a world.
I’ll tell you, this world is a prison house! Well, didn’t we just sing about that? Yeah! “I was in sin’s prison.” And there is an inescapable dominion of spirits of darkness that only the cross and the resurrection can overcome! There is not a man, woman, boy or girl that’s ever been born that can overcome or escape any of this!
How many of you remember, oh, some of the old movies? Ben Hur was one of them I remember. You remember the rowing scene, some of you who have seen that? When the Roman galleys, when they would go to war, what was it that powered their ships?
( congregational response ).
It was slaves who were down in the bow, down in the belly of the ship. And they were, many times, chained in place. All that they could look forward to in life was to row as hard as they could and die, sooner or later. If the ship went down, they went down with it.
And I’ll tell you, that is a picture of life in this world. You have been given a rowing — a place to row and you are chained to that and you’re gonna row, thinking you’re getting somewhere.
I’ll tell you, this is a world that God has judged. The ultimate fate of what is coming upon this world was foreshadowed on the cross. God drew everything — He became the representative of the entire human race! God created a perfect world, and Adam and Eve chose to rebel. I’ll put it this way. Eve was deceived into rebelling. Adam made a choice. She had already made the wrong choice and he made a deliberate choice to follow her instead of God.
I’ll tell you, that’s a terrible thing to do! And because of that, all that’s part of this world, this creation, has been corrupted by that rebellion. There is no solution except for God to exterminate it from His universe! None of this is gonna survive! Thank God!
If you want to know, you want to get a picture of the blindness that sin causes? How about the Lord using the Devil to carry out His plan, and allowing the Devil to think, I’m winning! I’ve been able to crucify the Son of God! Now we can rule! Now the Creator Himself is gone and we can rule!
The scripture says, if the princes of this world — they didn’t understand this — if any of them had understood it — this is 1st Corinthians 2, if you want to look it up. If they had understood this, “…they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (NIV). You want to know how deceptive sin and darkness is? The Devil thought he was winning and he was engineering his own defeat. Boy, I’ll tell you what, I want to be on God’s side, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
That’s a darkness I want to escape! But you know the main thing we think about with the cross, thank God, is deliverance from the guilt of sin! You know, I need — I mean, it’s so obvious, all of the sins that I have committed in my life, what am I gonna do about them?
What are we talking about? “The acts of the sinful nature….” Look at Galatians 5, 19-21. I’m gonna read it but you can look it up when you want to. “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.”
So this is not a exhaustive list, is it? It can go on and on, but all of it is built around gratifying natural desires and impulses, in a very selfish way. I’ll tell you what, every one of us has sins that separate us from God, apart from Christ. And here’s the kicker! Let me ask you this question. Is God just?
( congregational response ).
I mean, how do you find justice? If there is a law, and a judge says, “Well, I know what the law says but I’m gonna change — I’m gonna do something different this time. I feel sorry for you. I’m not gonna apply the law.” Is he just? No! So, how in the world can God be just and we have any hope whatsoever? Is there anybody here hasn’t sinned? No, of course not! So, how in the world can God remain just and we get off? “The soul who sins…”
( congregational response ).
He’ll die! That’s the law! That’s the law! There’s no escape from that principle! God has to punish sin! And it’s not just the — these acts that we talk about. There’s something deeper than that.
I want you to imagine a scene right now. You’re standing before the bar of God’s justice. God’s sitting there in judgment of you. And you are aware that you can’t hide anything. And I want you to think back to the most shameful things. I’m assuming you’ve got a conscience. I want you to think back to the most shameful things that you have ever done in your life, things that maybe nobody else knows about it, but you do. And if they were ever brought out into the open, you would just be filled with — you’d want to crawl in a hole and pull it in after you, as the expression goes.
But now, let’s go beyond that. Maybe you’re not somebody who’s done a lot of these things. You haven’t robbed any banks. You haven’t actually committed adultery with somebody. But what did Jesus say about that? He said the one who’s looked at a woman with lust in his heart, has already committed adultery.
How many of us would want, not just our deeds to be brought before the bar of God’s justice, but all of our thoughts and our intentions, our attitudes? Every time you’ve rebelled against your parents and been angry, or been angry with somebody, or gossiped in a malicious way or, anything you can think of. Or you just let your mind dwell in the wrong places. You went to the wrong places on your computer. I’ll tell you what, we’ve got a lot to deal with.
But now you’re standing there and the Lord reads off this long list of charges. How do you plead? Everybody here would have to say the same thing. “I’m guilty. I deserve to die. Your law declares that I deserve to die.”
But now there’s a different scene that comes along. And now your Creator, who has come down to this earth to become a part of His own creation, to come down in flesh and live His life among men, just like you did…. But there’s one difference in Him. He has never been guilty of the first thing. His life has been one of perfect harmony with His heavenly Father. He’s perfect.
But now, instead of you standing before that bar of God’s justice, He stands there. And God reads that same list of everything that you have ever done that’s been wrong, every shameful act, every shameful thought, all of these things that cause you such deep conviction and shame. They’re all read. But now they’re read against Him, who has done nothing! And God says, how do You plead? He says, I plead guilty. And the sentence is passed, and it’s a sentence of death.
I’ll tell you, that’s a sobering thing. But until we come face to face with that truth in a personal way, what we’re talking about this morning is nothing but a history lesson, something we can say, “Yay Jesus,” and go on about our lives.
But I’ll tell you, the reality of what happened there has to become deeply personal. It’s not just that He died for everybody, in this vague, general sense, but that I stand before the bar of God’s justice as a guilty sinner and that He steps into my place. He embraces my guilt and willingly goes to the cross.
And so, in that way God’s justice is perfectly satisfied. There have been sins committed, there has been One who has embraced the guilt of all of that and He has received that ultimate punishment. All of God’s wrath against all the sins that have ever been committed were poured out on Jesus Christ and He willingly did it!
I’ll tell you, what does that mean to you? Does that mean anything? I’ll tell you what, that’s some sober stuff to think about, isn’t it? Thank God! Thank God! We have a God who is just and yet able to forgive. Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for the cross. Thank Him for the blood.
Has that ever become real to you? I’ll tell you, if it ever becomes more than just a Sunday School lesson to you, it’ll change your life. It’ll change your destiny, ‘cause that’s what this is all about! You’re part of a system that’s gonna perish. I don’t care what you do, I don’t care what men do. I don’t care whether they try to go to the stars. This world is gonna perish! God has already judged it, but He’s already judged your sins and mine. I’ll tell you what, that’s something to think about, isn’t it?
Now one thing that Jesus said that bears some comment, He said back here in verse…is it 25? “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (NIV).
You know, there are three times, I guess, the word “life” is used but most people would not know that there are different words in the Greek. When Jesus talks about your life and my life, He’s using the word soul. He’s using the word for the created life that came in the beginning. God imparted a life, a created life to Adam and Eve. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of, literally, lives, because it’s reproducible. But he had a created life that God gave him and that is what has been hopelessly corrupted!
But what are the words of Jesus? Here are people who are faced with a choice. Am I going to serve Jesus? Am I gonna embrace what He did for me or am I gonna cling to this life that I possess? This is what matters to me. What I want, that’s what matters. The words of Jesus cannot be countermanded! He said, “The man who loves his life will lose it….” There’s no wiggle room in this.
But the other kind of life, when He mentions eternal life, that’s a different word! That is that word, “zoe.” That is God’s life. How many of you know there are different kinds of life? This is a subject — I probably — it keeps coming back to me from time to time and it may be — one of these days it’ll be time to address it, as a doctrinal issue, is this question of what happens? Is the soul immortal?
I don’t happen to believe that it is. I’ll tease you with that much. My Bible says only God is immortal. I’ll tell you, there are gonna be a lot of people, on the Day of Judgment, whose eyes will be opened, finally! They will have no choice. They will see what God has purposed! They will see the righteous standing there, not because they did something, but because they surrendered to what God could do! And they’re standing there in glory and power and freedom and life that will go on forever!
And there they are, guilty in their sins being marched off to a place of destruction! Crying, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, begging for another opportunity when there will be no remedy on that day. But these are the words of Jesus. The one who loves his life — they were clinging to it.
And I’ll tell you, the most — the scariest part of that is when people embrace religion, in some fashion, but they never really let go of their life. Jesus talks about that in Matthew chapter 7, because He says there are two gates and there are two ways. He talks about the false prophets who essentially let people believe—they lead people to believe that they can come in and somehow, in some sense, acknowledge Jesus, even call Him Lord, they use the words the Lord Jesus, but as Jesus says, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?”
And it’s in that context that He talks about people who arrive on that day and say, Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, didn’t we do great works? Lord, we were working for You all our lives. We went to church. We never missed Sunday School, all the things that you’re supposed to be doing as evidence that I’m a follower of Jesus. What was the problem? They never let go of their life!
April 14, 2019 - No. 1384
Coming Into God’s Light: Conclusion
April 14, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1384 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: We are so legalistic in our thinking about God, without meaning to be. We agree it’s not like that but we live as if it were. We live as if, well, I’m not qualified to be over there. I know that’s a wonderful place. But I messed up and I see all these weaknesses in me. I can’t get it right.
But what are we doing? We’re trying to fix ourselves. We’re trying to measure up. We’re trying to live by rules and principles and something to fix ourselves instead of stepping into the light and letting God do what He alone can do in us! He’s not requiring us to stand back and do penance — and we all do it! What a picture this place is.
And I’ll just drop this in here, every verb in verse 7 is that “present continuous.” This is not just an event that he’s talking about here. This is a way of life. And we think about coming as we are, as the moment of salvation, okay, Lord, I really am a sinner, I need a Savior, please save me! This is a way of life where I recognize every moment, I need Him instead of me! That everything about me — if I run in my own strength and what I am, it won’t be right!
And I’ll tell you, if God is going to change me into the image of His Son, which He has declared He will do, there are some changes that have to happen! But you know, there are things about me I don’t really recognize. I don’t want to recognize them.
You know, we sing the song about the secret place. You know, our heart is like a house — I can’t remember all the words — but our heart is like a house and it’s got rooms and I got some rooms where I’ve got stuff hidden there, I don’t want anybody to know about. And there’s this sense of fear. Oh, if God knew what I was really like — duh!
( laughter ).
( laughing ).
I mean, how foolish is that? But emotionally that’s how we are. I just can’t face that. I can’t admit that to myself, let alone to anybody else! How many of you have run into situations where people are, who normally have a certain amount of character and decency about them, do something that’s just really ugly, out of character? And they say, that wasn’t me.
( laughter ).
Well, yes it was. Of course, it was you! You just let something out that was really in there. You let it out to where other people could see it! And what the Lord is wanting to do is let the light shine in the deepest parts of our being, but yet, we can experience that without feeling like dirt!
That’s an incredible thing that He calls us to. How in the world can somebody like me have a relationship with somebody like Him? And of course, there’s only one reason. It’s that Jesus died. And there is a provision that has been made that nothing that is wrong with me needs to cling to me. I don’t need to live in that reality. I can come to Him and I can be washed.
You see, this is not just one of those deals — you know, there’s a song that some of the folks in Florida used to sing about someone who’s messed up and just wasn’t really quite ready to go in and confess it and get forgiven. They felt like they had to stew in it for a while. They had to get their emotions sort of lined up or something. They had to feel like, okay, now I can go. I’ve suffered a suitable period of time here.
That’s not the picture that John is painting here! That’s not the picture the Lord is painting here! He’s saying, there’s a place where you can be loved beyond measure! In spite of what you are, you can walk in the light and I have the freedom to shine the light anywhere I want in your life, in the deepest recesses without you being condemned and without you having to walk around feeling guilty!
( congregational amens ).
Because everything here is a continuous — if we walk, that’s a way of life, in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship, a relationship with one another. But He’s already declared that that’s with the Father and the Son as well. So, all of this is involved.
If we walk in the light continuously, as He is in the Light, we have continuous, that’s a relationship, …” fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us…” (NIV).
We sing the old hymn, “There’s a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emanuel’s veins, and sinners, plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.” The Lord wants to be able to shine His light on anything in our life without us wasting time feeling guilty and shameful, and just having to walk around with our heads hung down and all that kind of stuff. We have this freedom to say, “Yes, Lord! I thank You for the cleansing that You have promised. I receive it by faith. I don’t come to You because I’ve done penance. I don’t come to You because I deserve anything. I come because of the declaration of Your truth and Your Word and your provision.”
We fear the light because of what it will show about us. But light isn’t just about us seeing the truth about ourselves. It’s also about seeing the truth about Him, because the truth about Him is not just that He’s so pure that I couldn’t possibly feel comfortable in His presence. The truth about Him is that He has come down and He has made a perfect provision for you and for me. Every deficiency that I could possibly ever have, He has come and He has met my need.
And He wants me to not to come into the light so that I would just constantly be looking inside and feeling like dirt and feeling, oh God, here we go again! I’m such a mess! He wants us to lift our eyes so that our focus is on Him. That’s the light that He brought into the world. That’s the hope of the gospel.
It isn’t about how bad we are but how good He is! It isn’t about how wrong and needful the needs that we possess, it’s about the amazing grace and love of God that we need to focus our hearts upon! And be confident, not because we deserve anything, but because He has made the provision and promised! That’s the light, part of the light that we need to walk in!
Oh, how we hold back. I’ll guarantee that if we went around the room today, every person who knows what I’m talking about, would be conscious of how much we know that there’s a place over there but I just — I don’t know, maybe someday, somehow. But I’m not quite qualified. I’m not — there’s this and there’s that wrong with me, and I just can’t quite — I don’t know how you put it.
Satan’s work in our minds is so personal. Everyone is gonna have their own version of this. But I’ll tell you, there is a Devil who is scared to death that people will lay hold of such a simple thing, and realize that we can walk with a holy God without fear. Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! The reality is there is nobody within the sound of my voice that’s too hard a case for Him! I don’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve done, the worst of the worst! God’s love is strong enough to reach down to you and to lift you up. It’s the one that’s so proud and sitting in church and thinking they’re one of the good people — they’re the ones that’ll be left out.
Folks, I just want to quit fearing, quit being so proud. And quit laying hold or clinging to an idea of, well, this is what a spiritual person looks like, this is what a spiritual person feels like. I’ve got to put on this spiritual garb here if I’m gonna be that. Oh, I’m tired of doing that, let’s go back — you know.
Well it is! It’s tiring if it’s us trying to put on a front. God wants us to be able to relax in His presence and just be ourselves and let Him change us. Oh, praise God! I know you could — this is not about some spiritual high place in the way that we would tend to think of it, the way the devil would paint it, ‘cause that’s his trick, to keep us from enjoying God.
( congregational response ).
Being able to realize that what He wants: this is Him seeking us; this is not us trying to say, oh God, how can I have a relationship with You? This is God coming and saying, I have made a way! I have provided a place in this dark world, where you can dwell in the light, you can live in it. You don’t just come to church and talk about it, you come — you live it, from the time we walk out of here ‘til the time we walk back in. Well, you can do it while you’re here too.
( laughter ).
But the Lord wants us to have such an on-going relationship that there is a continual — where there are things that are wrong, and there will be — where there are things that are wrong, we can immediately say, “Thank You, Lord. Lord, I confess. But I thank You. In this moment I thank You that there’s that blood that is — that I don’t have to carry this burden around! Every time there’s a burden that comes up, I can lay it right down and walk on in freedom. I don’t have to walk around thinking I’m just so bad, I don’t qualify for anything.” What a key this is, to everything!
Because you think of the blessings that God has provided in that relationship! It’s the flow of His life, by the way. There’s a place where His life flows. If we don’t have that, what do we have? Self-life, self-effort? How’s that working out for you…Dr. Phil?
( laughing ).
( laughter ).
I’ll tell you what, I’m so thankful. I get this glimpse of it. I’ll tell you one of the other barriers to it. We wait for our emotions to get lined up, or we sit there and put a microscope on our emotions. And basically, it kind of goes like this, in some form or other: if it’s true I ought to feel it.
Well, if you’re waiting for your emotions to line up with truth, you got a long wait ahead of you. It ain’t ever gonna happen that way. I’ll tell you what God calls us to do, and when He says, walk in the light, He’s talking about choices we make. And it’s a choice to believe God instead of our inability, because we’ve all got that, that’s all we got.
It’s all we can bring Him: just as I am. “I come broken to be mended.” I mean, we sing that and we feel emotionally good about it, but then, we go out and we think, oh, that’s wonderful for so-and-so and so-and-so, but me, I’m a special case. And we let our emotions drive us away and hinder us.
I’ll tell you, there’s a part of me that’s sick and tired of that. And I just pray God will help me and all of us to be able to step into that place and be confident. I mean, what are we saying if we don’t? God, you’re a liar. I mean, you look down in verse 10, and it’s along that line. “If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.”
If we’re claiming something and we’re living as if something is true and it’s contrary to God’s word, are we not kind of calling Him a liar? And we wonder why the light and the blessing is over there and here we are in the shadows. I’m in but I’m just not really — I’m not “one of them.” I’m not somebody that can be over there in that special place.
Old brother and sister so-and-so, they’re good enough. I mean, they’re special people. But I’m just gonna have to be comfortable in the shadows. Oh God, help us to realize that the weakest of the weak, the most unworthy that you could possibly think of yourself being, you’re the one He came for. You’re the one He loves. You’re the one Jesus died for. You’re the one He invites to come just as you are without a hint of condemnation, and to say, “Lord, I’m gonna choose not to fear and hide from the light. I’m gonna choose to step in because I know You love me.
“I know that there are things in here, they’re the cause of my trouble, they’re the cause of every thing that’s wrong with me. And my only pathway to deliverance is to come into the light and let You work, and just simply be free to be who I am.”
I’ll tell you, we have no idea what God could do if every one of us found the grace to do that. But, I’ll tell you, it takes choosing to believe the word of God rather than how you feel. How many of you know what I’m talking about? Yeah. If we go by how we feel, we will stay in the shadows right on.
Do you wonder why we don’t have more of God? Do you think maybe we live in the shadows too much? Do you think God is calling us? Do you think it’s His heart that’s calling us and not just the ideas of men? I believe God is calling His people because He loves them. He longs for us to be in this place, where we have this relationship.
And it’s wherever we go, we don’t have to put on a spiritual front, a spiritual mask. We just say, Lord, I’m looking to You. Thank You, and direct my paths. You know, that scripture was quoted, “…in all your ways acknowledge Him…” He’ll direct your paths. There’s this sense that I’m called to a relationship with Him. He’s not gonna accommodate me in a sense of self-will. He’s gonna change me so I’m more and more in harmony with Him. Now I’ll tell you, the more and more harmony with Him, the more and more harmony we’re gonna have with one another.
( congregational amens ).
And I’ll tell you, some of our masks, we’re gonna feel a little bit freer about letting people in, because we don’t feel that need to just — oh, I’ve got to be Mr. and Mrs. Perfect or something. I can just be what I am. I can look to God because I know He loves me. That’s the rock upon which I stand. It’s the confidence that He loves me, that He’s not basing His love today for me on my performance, that He knows what I am. He made provision. He knows everything that will ever come out as a result of His light. But His light is also the light of the Gospel and the cross and what that means. That’s what He’s longing for us to be able to lay hold of.
Folks, I pray that God will help us to lay hold of a simple truth like this and see it. I feel like there are moments when I’ve tasted it and just sensed that it’s real, that God longs for me to come there. And what it takes to get there is just choices on our part. Am I gonna listen to the voice that’s always kept me in the shadows, or am I gonna say, wait a minute, that’s from the devil!
I’m not walking in truth when I listen to that. I have the right, not because I have qualified myself, but because He has qualified me through the cross to come to Him, to lay hold of what I need so that I can step into the light just as much as anybody that’s ever done it! I don’t have to obtain to the spiritual heights of Hudson Taylor or somebody else from history that we read about that seemed to have come into this blessed place. It’s for all of us! And I believe God is gonna bring us…if we will start making choices not to listen and choices to agree with the truth. Because light is also truth, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
It’s the truth of what He has offered to us, who He has offered to us, who He is, how He is. And I’ll tell you, coming into the light doesn’t need to mean that I’m — or it should not mean that I’m constantly focused on me. I’ll tell you, we’ve got a whole lot of people that just — they are so self-absorbed.
But we all do it in some degree, where my spiritual welfare is, how am I doing? How am I feeling? What’s happening to me? It’s all about me and my feelings. And we need to just be able to lift up our eyes and say, “My spiritual welfare is based upon Him. He is my rock. I don’t care whether I’m up or down or wherever I’m at, He loves me. That’s the foundation I stand upon. Whatever else happens in my life, how I feel, how I perform — all of that takes second place to the simple fact that He loves me. Jesus died for me. The blood of Jesus Christ still has the same power today to erase my sins and my guilt. I don’t have to live in the shadows!”
( congregational amens ).
May God help us to understand in a measure what coming into the light, walking in it, means. Because I’ll tell you, anything else is not what the Lord has designed. Isn’t it a simple truth? But yet, it’s profound. When you start going in every direction and every spiritual truth kind of funnels into this reality. There’s a place where we have a relationship with God that is based upon the truth about me and the truth about Him. And I can find rest and hope in Him, ‘cause there ain’t none here. But He is faithful. Praise God!
April 7, 2019 - No. 1383
Coming Into God’s Light: Part One
April 7, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1383 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise the Lord! That’s an awesome setup for the things I believe the Lord has helped me to see, in a measure. I’ve had thoughts running around in my head for the last three or four weeks and yet still feel like I can’t hardly put them into words adequately. I appreciate what was just said. That was exactly along the lines — in the songs that were sung.
But the scripture, the passage of scripture that’s just come to me over and over again is in 1st John, the first chapter. And it’s an extremely simple truth and simple language.
You know, I took a couple of years of Greek in college and it’s interesting that right from the very beginning of our first course, we used the first letter of John as kind of our basis. It’s almost like, “see Dick, see Jane, see Jane run, see Spot run,” or whatever. I mean the language is just about that simple.
And it’s because the truth is simple, if we really get down to it. We’re the ones who complicate it, who get ourselves in the way and get our unbelief in the way. But I believe God wants us to come back to some simple things that we walk in more than we do, and that’s starting with me. I confess my need of what I’m talking about this morning.
But you know we have to start where we’re at, every single one of us. We can’t be what we’re not, in one sense, but at the same time, we can certainly do exactly what was just expressed, that we can give ourselves to the Lord, because He’s the Savior. I can’t fix what’s wrong with me, but He can. And that’s what the cross is all about. Praise God!
So, John begins his letter by basically laying down the groundwork for what he’s saying. Because John is not going to be expressing some new philosophy, some better way to live and all of the — some human thing that’s just come on the scene. He’s expressing something that is eternal. He’s expressing truth, reality that goes back to before the beginning of time. He refers to it as the beginning, but goes on forever.
And what he says is this, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” (NIV).
When God sent His Son into the world, it was meant to be an expression of Himself. He’s referred to as the Word, but the Word is a way by which we express something. When God expresses it, it’s not just a bunch of ideas. There is something of His own being that flows forth from it.
And when He came and lived and dwelt in His Son, who had become a man — I mean, people were confronted with God every single day. But the disciples, among others, were those who not only encountered Him but began to have an understanding of who He really was and what it was they were encountering.
I mean, they went through all that they had seen of His miracles, hearing His teachings, just experiencing the blessing of being in His presence, and yet they come to the end, right before He was to be crucified, and Jesus is talking about the Father and — was it Thomas, somebody, anyway, spoke up and said, Lord, show us the Father and we’ll be satisfied.
What did Jesus say? He said, have you been with Me so long, and yet you don’t know Me? “…He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” (KJV). I mean, there was a human encounter with God, the God of the universe, who had come down in mercy to creatures who had no qualifications whatsoever, to be loved by Him, to be accepted by Him. I mean, it was just totally beyond reason that we would have any hope for that kind of a God. And yet, there He was.
And so, what John is about to express is what grows out of that reality. I’ve been there. I’ve touched Him. I have seen Him. I was on the mountain, I saw His glory! I mean, this is not—this is not hand-me-down religion. This is not some human philosophy that has sort of captured my imagination. I want to tell you the truth. I want to tell you how it is. I’m gonna give you something you can build your life upon, that makes meaning—gives meaning to life!
And he said, “The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life…” (NIV). I mean, just that expression alone: we’re familiar with life. We know what life is as opposed to death. But this is a life that doesn’t die. Everything we know about here is corruptible and it dies. Talk about getting old?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! That’s part of being alive in this world. But I’ll tell you, there is a life that doesn’t end, doesn’t get, doesn’t get old, doesn’t have — anyway — it’s perfect! Praise God!
“The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard….” Now he’s getting to the reason for this sharing of this information. This is not simply educating people’s minds, but it is for a reason, for a purpose.
And that reason is, “…so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.”
And I think it’s worthwhile to just focus, for a moment, on the word “fellowship.” We use it in such an incomplete way that doesn’t really express what he’s trying to say here. We talk about having fellowship as though it’s an activity. But an activity like fellowship that isn’t based upon a relationship is just, is nothing at all.
And we have human relationships that we call fellowship but it could be fellowship around a whole lot of things. But this is an ongoing, enduring relationship that he’s talking about here. I want you to come into such a oneness with God that there is a — there’s no barrier anymore. We are absolutely one with Him. We have a fellowship with Him and that also gives us a fellowship one with another.
Now here’s a rather silly illustration. You could have a fellowship of people who like grapes. It’s just something — a taste they share and so they come together periodically and they eat grapes and talk about the different kinds of grapes and then they go their separate ways and live their separate lives.
But there’s another kind of fellowship that Jesus talked about in John chapter 15, didn’t He, where He’s talking about, not people who just like grapes, but people who produce grapes, as it were, uses the illustration of the vine and the branches. Now you’ve got a different situation there. You’ve got a shared life, don’t you? You’ve got an organic connection. You’ve got branches that are equipped to bear grapes. And yet, they still cannot bear grapes by themselves, can they? There has to be a living connection to a source of life that empowers them to produce grapes. That’s a whole different deal.
And you talk about a fellowship of people who are literally connected to a life and are able to produce something that they cannot produce in themselves. That’s what He’s talking about. Folks, if all we have is a fellowship around a tradition, or a set of doctrinal beliefs, or a way of life, or a way of doing church, folks, that’s a dime a dozen in this world.
( congregational response ).
There are people who meet together on that ground. There is only one kind of fellowship that John is talking about and that is the fellowship when God’s life is present. And it’s present with people who share that life and who share it, not only in relationship to Him but in relationship one to another.
It is a supernatural business. It is as supernatural as Jesus, the life of Jesus, who walked the shores of Galilee so long ago, but it was God that was in Him. And so, there was something more than just a man with great teachings, a moral teacher, as some people try to make Him no more than that.
But there is a supernatural thing to which God has called us. And that’s what’s in John’s mind. And I don’t know — somehow I’ve just caught a glimpse of this in a different way and I’ll tell you, I know it’s right because the Devil has fought it like nobody’s business. Just trying to reinforce every lie he has ever embedded in my heart and mind. I know I’m not alone.
Folks, the Devil is scared to death that there will be a people who will come to understand their standing before God, their relationship to Him, the foundation of that relationship, and their relationship one to another, because if that happens, God will dwell in human flesh, and man, he is going to lose some ground in lies and we’re gonna have a people that He can actually use that God can express His life through. That’s what this is about. This is a supernatural deal where a people have a relationship not simply with each other, built around religion and tradition, but a living relationship with God!
And I’ll tell you, it’s more than activity, it’s more than a lot of things. How many of you remember the church in Laodicea? See, there’s no hint in what’s said that they were believing wrong doctrines, that they had embraced some kind of an error. It’s simply they had become so complacent in the practice of their religion that Jesus was no longer really present in the middle of it. They were going through the outward motions of it and yet Jesus was not there.
What did Jesus say? “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” (KJV). If you open to me, I will come in and eat and drink with you and you with me. I mean, there’s an ongoing, literal relationship. I’ve got stuff that I want to share with you. You can’t just get it out of a book or by following a tradition and think that somehow that’s gonna accomplish what I want to accomplish. There’s a living relationship that is real!
( congregational amens ).
And the fellowship, for example, that God is talking about is the same fellowship that all the parts of my body have with one another. Now, one fist might fight another but that would be kind of silly, but I mean, we share, we’re all part of one whole. We share the life that’s in me, whatever, aging as it is.
But nonetheless, you get the picture, because we are the Body of Christ, folks. We share something that is Eternal. And that has got to be front and center with this church, with this work, with everything that we are about, it’s got to be Christ, literally living in the center and in the hearts and lives of His people! A relationship that happens! Praise God!
So this is what John is after. So what does that look like? That’s what he’s going to be developing as he goes on into this. What does it look like?
Well, first of all, he wants to establish something. “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” (NIV). Man, there’s got to be a ground for this fellowship, ‘cause we’re dealing with the Eternal God. We’re dealing with Somebody who is pure beyond pure, Someone in whom there is no darkness at all!
It’s not like He’s a bigger version of us where He’s mostly good but He’s got His bad side. He gets up one day and He doesn’t feel like doing this or doing that. There is nothing — He is absolutely pure!
And I think the implication, right off the bat, is if we are going to have a relationship with Him, it’s gonna be on His terms! He’s not gonna come down and conform to us. You know, there’s a lot of message being preached today that almost paints God as such a friendly, indulgent Santa Claus, who just wants to come down and help us fulfill our dreams, help us live our lives more effectively in the world, do what we want to do with His help. I mean, that’s literally being preached in pulpits this morning.
But God has called us out of a world that is ensnared in darkness, has He not? There is nothing, there is no light in this world apart from Him! This world is in gross darkness! Did not the prophet say that? “…Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people.” (KJV). But His promise was that upon you light is going to arise.
That promise was fulfilled when Jesus came into the world. Look back at what is said in the beginning of John’s Gospel. This is the same writer. Praise God! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” (NIV). So he goes right back to some of the same themes. “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” So you talk about Jesus, you’re talking about our Creator. Okay?
“In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it.” And of course, it talks about John coming as a witness to that light. I’ll tell you, there is a light and it is the very life of God that is the only thing that is light. Light is not simply correct information.
There are plenty of places where — I mean, one of the things that people have fallen into religiously is to equate light with correctness of doctrine. And of course, it’s their particular tradition of doctrine, whether it’s Calvin or whoever it is. And they’ll come together and give you lectures trying to make sure your doctrine is — you’ve dotted every “I” and crossed every “t,” and you’ve got it exactly right, and we’ve got it, we’ve got it, we’ve got it! And it could be totally dead because God’s life is not in it at all!
Folks, that’s not what life is or truth is. Truth is life! You can’t separate the two. If you don’t have the life of God in something, it’s not true—in some fashion, it’s not true, because it doesn’t help. It doesn’t do anything, anymore than you plant a dead seed in the ground and expect it to bring forth something. It doesn’t do it. Oh, I’ll tell you, we need, I need, the Lord! Do you?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! But that’s exactly what John is — that’s the burden of his heart is to share that simple truth. And so, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” That’s just something beyond our imagining.
And how many times have we used the example of Isaiah, who thought he was pretty — prophet of God, given the message to straighten out those bad people over there, until he met the glorified One, who was later to become Jesus. He met Him in His glory and all of a sudden every other — his consciousness of everybody else’s fault and shortcoming just disappeared.
All of a sudden he was in the presence of absolute perfection and purity beyond imagining! He had been saying, woe to this one, woe to that one, now it’s woe to me! I’m undone, I’m ruined. I’m so glad that story didn’t end there! Thank God! The Lord had to bring him to an awareness of that, but He immediately met the need, didn’t He? Praise God!
That’s central to what John is saying here. And so, you’ve got people who make claims, spiritually speaking, there are three different claims that are made in the course of this. One of them comes in verse 6. “If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.”
Now, right off the bat there’s the word that’s really central to everything that he’s talking about. He’s not talking about our religious profession. He’s not talking about what we do and profess on Sunday. He’s talking about our walk. He’s talking about our moment by moment life. What is our life like? Because it’s so easy for us to come and to profess something and to affirm truths that we believe here and we know intellectually that they’re true, but you go and follow us in our life and it’s like there are two different things going on.
I’ll tell you what God is concerned about with me, with you, with every one of us is bringing us into a place where our relationship with Him and with each other absolutely defines everything about our lives all of the time. Every single moment!
And I believe God is seeking to bring us, and bring me, into a greater understanding of that, a greater appreciation for that, ‘cause I’ll tell you, there are some barriers to that. There are some things that are — that keep us, I believe, from that place of blessing that God has for us. I just pray that God will help me to express — I’ve had so many awesome thoughts, over the last few weeks. I guess I probably should have written them down.
But, I don’t know, I just never felt free to try to build a sermon. I want something where God can communicate His heart and He’s the only One that can do that. I certainly have no — I don’t have the power to do that. But I sense His heart wanting to bring us out of a place of weakness, out of a place of relative darkness, if you want to call it that, into a place of greater freedom, greater blessing.
How many of you think this relationship is one where we just constantly feel beat down and worthless? Is that what He wants? Is that His…
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! But I’ll bet a lot of us struggle with that, don’t we? Yeah! See that’s what — but here’s somebody who is a bit clueless. They claim to have fellowship. There’s this, “Yes, I’m His, I’m a servant of God,” but somehow there’s a blindness to the reality that their life doesn’t match up with what they’re claiming.
And so, obviously, what God is concerned about is the fact that it is our walk, it is our daily life, but He wants to bring us to a place where if people see us, not just sitting in a pew here but they see us out somewhere, they’re not seeing us, they’re seeing Him. They’re seeing a reflection of the relationship that we have with Him. I pray God will bring every one of us to a greater place.
But man, there are some awesome promises in this passage. One of them is in verse 7. “But if…” in contrast to walking in darkness, “…But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”
There are songs that we sing. One of them comes to me in particular. “There is a place in God where rest is complete, there is a place in God where we sit at His feet,” and so forth. But I bet if we went around the room, there isn’t a person here, despite the fact the number of times we’ve sung that, who could say, yeah, I’ve really — I’ve got a hold, I’ve finally got a hold of that.
But does that mean the truth that is expressed in that song is wrong, or rather that we have just not quite got a hold of it? And that’s what I sense the Lord trying to bring me to, ‘cause I’ll tell you, coming into the light, the idea of coming into the light is in itself, a pretty scary thing. I mean, it is totally contrary to human nature to want to come into the light. Why?
( congregational response ).
Because it exposes, and we know that we’re not all that we could be. We know there’s many things that are wrong with us and we don’t want to face them, we don’t want them to come out into the light. And so, automatically, as soon as you think about coming into the light, Satan is right there to say, man, you don’t want to do that. You’re — look at you!
I mean, you go right back to the beginning. What was the first reaction of Adam and Eve after they’d sinned? They became conscious that they were naked. And their response was, number one, to cover it, number two, when the Lord came around, they hid! They weren’t gonna come. I mean, they had a relationship that was unbroken. Now, there’s a barrier that’s come in, and it’s fear, it’s pride.
Oh, think about the barrier of that. I mean, there’s something, there’s just something scary about wanting to come into the light. You go back to what Jesus said to Nicodemus. “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light….” Why? They won’t come to the light, “because their deeds were evil.” They don’t want them reproved.
It’s interesting what He follows up with though, that those who come to the light, they come to it that their “…deeds may be made manifest…” (KJV). God’s gonna show up something in that light, and what is that? That I’m a good person? No! That my deeds are brought by God.
( congregational amens ).
This is where God is going with all of this. He wants us to actually be an expression of Him so that what comes out of us is not us but Him!
March 31, 2019 - No. 1382
All Music
March 24, 2019 - No. 1381
Your Kingdom Come: Conclusion
March 24, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1381 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Jesus was a living embodiment of the Kingdom of God in this world. His life was devoted to doing the will of the Father, exactly what He tells us to pray.
But why would He tell us to pray that if that didn’t have personal implications for you and for me? What does God want from me? Does He want me to live a religious life style and claim citizenship in Heaven someday, or does He want me, in a real practical sense, to be an embodiment, if you will, an outpost, if you will, of the Kingdom of God operating in the world so that I’m no longer a citizen of this world?
It doesn’t mean I go live in a monastery somewhere. But it means within the context that God has allowed me to live, directed me to live, whatever you want to say, whether it’s in a home or school or a job or whatever it is, within that context, He wants to live in this world by living in me.
Now, how many of you here — of course, I know the answer to this, and so do you. How many of you here are full blown expressions of the Kingdom of God right now? No takers.
Do you see what we need to be asking God for? We need to be coming to Him and saying, oh God, this body, this earthly life has been purchased through the shedding of the blood of our Savior. You bought me. You own me. But the practical reality is there’s a lot of stuff in here that’s not quite subject to You like it’s supposed to be. Oh God, work in me. I want that rule. It’s not like I want You to fix everything out here. I want You to extend Your rule deeper into my heart and into my life.
See, now it becomes personal. Extend Your will and Your rule, Your loving rule, deep into my heart. You know, I started to quote that passage from Isaiah a while ago, and I stopped short. I guess the Lord stopped me short, I hope. But anyway, I stopped short of the character of that kingdom.
When he said a son is born and all of that, a child is born, what did he say? The government will be upon His shoulders. But then, after that he says, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (KJV). You know what the hallmark of God’s government is when He truly possesses our heart? It’s peace.
That kind of goes along very well with what Jesus said. You know, take My yoke, and learn from Me, and you’ll find rest for your souls. Oh, how human beings think of being subject to somebody else is a bad thing, and yet, here God is trying to introduce the presence of His life that doesn’t grind us down and make us dirt. It sets us free from the things that would do that.
And the reality is, how much peace do you have? How much peace do I have on a practical level? What do people see? Here’s God establishing a kingdom in the earth. He’s not preaching the Gospel with angels. He sent His people to live in among men, and we are meant to be outposts of the Kingdom of God.
What is it that people see when they look at us? Do they just see people who profess a religion and practice it? Do they really sense the peace of God in us? Or are we full of strife, fear, anxiety, lust, greed, dissatisfaction, can’t get along with this one, can’t get along with that one, all these things that come out of human nature? What is it that they see? What practical…I mean, what kind of a spirit do we project when we are out and about?
Oh God, come. Lord, just come and reign in me. Boy, I’ll tell you, don’t you think that we wouldn’t even have to try if we’re out among people and He rules and reigns in here? We’re not even self-conscious or trying to do stuff. Don’t you think that the effect of just our spirit is going to affect people around us?
You know, you can go out and argue doctrine and philosophy and church ideas, all that kind of stuff all you want to. And you can even convert some people to that. What good is that if He is absent? We need the living presence of God in our midst or it’s not the Kingdom of God! It becomes the kingdom of men.
How many churches today that’s all it is? They’re preserving their way, their beliefs, their convictions, their order. Everything is all, man, we’ve got it, we’ve got it, we’ve got it. And like the church of Laodicea, Jesus is outside at best, knocking to get in, because what it’s about is not about all that stuff. It’s about Jesus coming and eating and drinking with us in the spirit, because we are works in progress.
Until everything here is subdued, we’ve got reason to pray this. Lord, I need Your rightful rule over my heart. If there are currents that are not peaceable, if there are currents that pull me in this direction and that direction, and it’s just — there’s strife, there’s conflict, all these things….
Oh God, I need, on an individual level, to be an outpost of Your Kingdom. It’s got to start there. We can’t just pray, oh God, in some vague sense, make it happen. Yeah, this is where it needs to happen.
But then, it’s not just an individualistic thing either. It’s not a separate kind of me running around under Jesus’ authority and disconnected with anything. God is building Him a house, isn’t He? We sing that song. And a house isn’t built out of scattered materials. A house is built with materials that are fastened together in appropriate order.
I’ll tell you, every single person that God has — I’ll deal with a local situation. Every single person in whom God lives, God made you a part of something that is part of His Kingdom. And we need to be an expression of that Kingdom.
Now, I’ll say this. The current issue of the paper was based upon a kind of edited version of a message I preached. My messages need a great deal of editing, rewriting and all that kind of stuff. But anyway, the original title I messed up when I put the paper together. I forgot the title. I just kind of had a brain whatever you call it. And the original title was “God’s Kingdom in the Home.”
And as I was thinking back, I said, you know, that was exactly — that flows exactly into what we’re talking about today, because you and I live in households, don’t we? If God’s kingdom doesn’t work in the household, what good is our profession? We’ve got stuff to pray about. We’ve got stuff to look in the mirror and say, oh God, am I really the subject you want me to be?
And I’m so glad that the answer to all of this is not to fix it and try harder. We have to continually say that, because that’s what human nature does. It’s to cry out and say God, I can’t fix it. But here is my heart. I invite You to come in and shine the light wherever You want to.
I’m glad He doesn’t do it all at once. But shine the light where it needs to be shined. Help me to humble myself when it does and to invite You to come in and be the ruler in that area and just subdue the enemies that are in here, Lord.
You know, one of the scriptures that I’ve thought about — I guess I’ll refer the course of this to a number, but one of them is in 1st Corinthians 15. And the chapter is about the resurrection, but in the process, it talks about Jesus as the One who, of course was, as we said, the first to be raised from the dead, and He’s the pattern and He has the new body now. We’ll get it then. But then, he says, “For he must reign until…” (NIV). What?
( congregational response ).
“…All of his enemies under his feet.” How many of you remember Brother Thomas using that scripture? And I think it is an application of it that’s right. It may not be the whole meaning of it, but it certainly is an application. You might feel like you’re the lowest part of the Kingdom of God. You’re the least worthy. You’re the one that — I don’t even know if I belong. I’m down on the — I’ve got to be on the bottom of His feet. I just hope He doesn’t scrape me off.
( laughter ).
But I’ll tell you, the reign of Jesus, not some future political thing — it’s going on now. The culmination of that reign, as we’ve pointed out many times, is what? The victory of the last enemy. The last enemy is death. When is that conquered?
( congregational response ).
When He comes and when death no longer rules over any of us, because He transforms us to be like His — He gives us a body like His. He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet.
Does that not mean that His reign is happening now, and it’s meant to put our enemies under our feet? Because God has so connected Jesus with His church that when He uses the term Christ, He’s not just referring to Jesus Christ, He’s referring to the whole entity consisting of Christ and every single follower! We share a common life. We’re not the Head, but we are a part.
Every single person here is meant to be an expression of the Kingdom of God within the confines of your world! And the more His government and peace operates in you, there’s gonna be people who will see that. There’s going to be life that will not only make you feel peaceable, but it will flow out of you to others.
And I’ll tell you, there’s a light. There are people that God will open their eyes, and they will see that. Most will be blind, but there will be people who will see it.
Do we have needs in this area? Yeah. What about our homes? What about your home? What kind of a spirit is there? How much do we model what we tell our kids? Do they see the Kingdom of God operating in us? That doesn’t mean we’re gonna be perfect. But I’ll tell you, there’s gonna be a heart that says, oh God, let Your Kingdom come in me. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, with respect to me.
Of course, on a larger scale, it means the body of Christ in a functioning sense. I’ll tell you, you look into the scriptures and you look at how the church began. I’ll tell you, it began with a tremendous infusion of the Kingdom of God, the life, the power that came upon that early church.
And it’s not that we seek the feelings and experiences so much as we seek the King to come and be real with life-changing power. However He wants to express that, that’s His business! He’s the King! But we need the same reality they had that enabled Peter, as I said, to stand up and with great boldness preach!
But you remember what happened after that second sermon we have recorded when the man was healed, had been lame all of his life. They hauled him before the supreme council of the Jewish, the Jews religion, and…how did you do that? Who gave you authority to do this?
There is no other name under heaven given unto men whereby we must be saved. Boy, he looked them in the eye and told them the truth. And they’re looking at the guy, and they can’t say anything so they — but one thing they did do, they beat him and said, don’t you talk about this anymore. So, what did they do?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well yeah, they went out and talked about it, but what did they do first? They went back and reported all this to the people, to the church. What did they do? They said, oh, boohoo! Call your congressman!
( laughter ).
No, they called a prayer meeting, and the first thing they did was to lift up and confess who Jesus was. They confessed the sovereignty of God. They confessed His purpose. We understand, they were saying, why Jesus had to die. They did it, but You ordained it! And now, Lord, behold their threats, and give us boldness!
There’s so much in this. It’s not just, buck it up, guys. This is, we need divine infusion of life and power if we’re gonna be what we’re supposed to be. This is the Kingdom. Oh God, we have been challenged by the kingdom of darkness! Let the Kingdom of God rise in us and be who You are, so that Your purpose is accomplished! Stretch forth Your hand.
And what happened? There was a powerful infusion of life in that assembly of people. They went out, and man, they did the exact opposite of what the authorities said, and they couldn’t do a thing about it. It was just power on power.
Folks, that’s what we’re up against! We can’t debate people into the Kingdom of God! We are going to have to have the power! Paul spoke in one place about — he was writing to the Corinthians, and one of the issues was that there were some people there who were getting a little bit arrogant, and they were talking and they had their own opinions.
And one thing he said, “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” (KJV). It’s not in whose opinion is right, it’s in who’s got the power. I’m gonna come, and we’ll found out who has the power of God, because God is gonna give His power to people that operate under His rule, that are subject to the King and subject to His will and entirely engaged in what He wants. God, help us.
I’ll tell you, God, help us as a people. God, help us as a church. We are in far more danger than we think of simply carrying on the outward form of a legacy than having a measure of what we’re supposed to have.
But how many of you think this is all there is? No. So, what do we do about it? Do we cry out to God and say, God, You have given us so much that we have not even begun to tap into. Oh God, forgive our unbelief. Forgive those parts of us that pull in other directions and just want our way and want to have a comfortable religion where we have just enough to get by, but we really want to live our own lives.
Jesus talked about folks that were like that. He said, you can’t serve two masters. You know, He goes on to talk about the fact that people of the world, they’re all consumed with the things of the world. I need this. I need that. I’ve got to — that’s what drives their life.
He says, don’t you get it? Look at the lilies of the field. You think back to Solomon and all of his glory, the greatest king on the planet. And all of his glory didn’t compare to what God invested in a lily! You think He won’t take care of you? You know, which of you by taking thought can add one hour to his life? If you can’t do this simple thing, why do you worry about the rest? I mean, that’s exactly what he said.
But what did he say to do? “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…” (NIV). Now that’s not going out and trying to collar people and make them like you. I’ll tell you, if they don’t see something that draws them to want to be like you, we better leave them alone. I want people, when they come in here, to feel this is not just people: Jesus is here.
And He’s here because — He’s here to love me and to help me and to meet my needs right where I’m at. This isn’t conforming to a religion. This is meeting Jesus. We’ve got needs in our lives. We’ve got needs in our midst. Is His hand short? Can he no longer do the things that He did in the book of Acts?
It’s not that we’re seeking — again, I want to strike a balance where that doesn’t become the objective. The objective is Him being here, changing hearts and changing lives and changing us, living in us to the point where that’s what people see when they encounter us.
They don’t see a soul that’s just taken up with some conflict, and they’re just out with this one, and there’s no peace in their heart because they’re full of fear. They’re so full of all these things instead of just Jesus, ‘cause if that’s all there is, man, there’s gonna be peace. There’s gonna be peace that passes understanding.
We all experience things that make us anxious. I understand that, so does God. Of course, what is His prescription for that? If you’re anxious, don’t be anxious, but take those requests to the Lord with thanksgiving, and what? “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (KJV).
That’s His desire for you and for me today. This isn’t about going out and feeling good about ourselves and getting a spiritual pat on the back. This about saying, oh God, I need You and I want You. But I also get that You want me to want You, Lord. He’s not looking down His nose and saying what’s the matter with you stupid people? He’s reaching out because He knows we’re stupid.
( laughter ).
He knows we don’t get these things. He knows where we’re at. He’s been here! That’s why the throne is called a “Throne of Grace,” which means He’s very willing to give of Himself out of the riches of His grace to meet us right where we’re at.
And one of the interesting things to me is what He said to His disciples if you look at the Luke 12 version of that business about the lilies and Solomon and seeking first the kingdom. The very next verse says, don’t be afraid, “…little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you…” — to give you — “…the kingdom.”
Folks, this world is perishing under Satan’s dominion. God has opened a way out, but we’re gonna have to come under the dominion and the rule, the loving rule, of the King. And my prayer for myself, my prayer for your individual life, my prayer for your home, for your job, for whatever your sphere of influence is, for this church, is that we will grow in our becoming that outpost of the Kingdom of God that He wants us to be, where the Lord will be sending people to us and causing them to cross our path because He lives in us, and He knows that He can help them! We can’t! But He can.
I’ll tell you, there’s no limit to what He can do with a people that will stop practicing their religion and just come and say, oh God, advance Your kingdom in my life. I need You today. I need You to help me move forward. I understand it’s not gonna happen all at once, but I don’t want to sit here and say, oh, it’s okay, or come bless what I do, because I’m doing the right stuff. It’s…God, I need You to take me and mold me and make me into what You want me to be.
You might even change the stuff that I do, but if it comes from You, that’s okay. So many religious people, and I’m afraid we’re not immune to it, think they have God in a box. We have defined the faith. Here it is. Come join it. God ain’t in your box or mine.
He meets people, not on the ground of our outward observance of whatever we think He’s saying. He meets hearts that are humbled and coming to Him in a contrite fashion and saying, oh God, I don’t know anything. I can’t do anything, but I come based upon Your heart and Your promise and Your provision for me. Just come and rule over this heart, and change me, and help me to live for Your will and not my own so that the spirit that emanates from me, the atmosphere of my life is more and more You and not me.
I’ll tell you, that’s what Jesus was telling us to pray. I’m glad His kingdom will come one day in its ultimate form. But the need right now is for us to take this, make this personal and present tense. Your Kingdom come in me, now. Your will be done on earth…
( congregation inaudible ).
…Yeah, and ‘in’ the earth, that’s right, as it is in heaven. The Lord knows how to take hearts that come to Him that way. Don’t be afraid — don’t be afraid — it’s your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. I pray that God will just take this simple prayer that’s become such a form and help us to realize what we’re really praying, what we need to be praying, and how we need to be aligning our hearts with what He’s saying. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (NIV). And I’ll tell you, He’ll get the glory, won’t He? Praise God!
March 17, 2019 - No. 1380
Your Kingdom Come: Part One
March 17, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1380 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ve had some thoughts recently and, as is so often the case, my thoughts are a little bit like a big basket full of stuff and I’m trusting the Lord will pull His thoughts together. But I was thinking recently about the Lord’s Prayer, and I wanted to focus on one or two thoughts that are in there because I felt like I had a particular focus that the Lord wanted me to see.
You know, it’s awfully easy to just recite that as a form and as words. We’re prone to that as human beings. We always want to bring the things of God down into a human form. And you know, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is…” (NIV). And it sounds like it’s nice sentiment that we’re just sort of affirming.
But I believe with all my heart, there’s a depth in particularly those last words that we don’t really get. There’s something more in this that I believe we need to explore. And I pray the Lord will just take, again, my scattered, weak thoughts and get something out of it.
In the first place, He’s talking about His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. So, this isn’t just something about up there or out there or something apart from where we’re at. This is meant to apply to us, in some fashion, now, because God’s kingdom, in its present form, exists in a world that is hostile, as we’ve said so many times.
There is a kingdom in this world. It’s ruled over by the Devil. It is a kingdom devoted to rebellion, to self-will, to everything that is opposed to God and His ways and His character and it’s responsible for the chaos and the trouble, the death, everything else that’s a part of this world system.
And it’s a very real system and it’s not just simply a philosophy men follow. There’s a power behind it that’s very, very real. It’s an unseen kingdom of real beings that rule over the world.
And everyone who’s born into this world, even if you’re born into a Christian family, you’re born into a world that hates God. It’s a system that will brainwash you, if you let it. It will teach you to be a rebel. It will — everything about the Devil and the way he works is founded upon a lie. It’s founded upon lies and deceit. It’s founded upon the principle of self-will exalted above everything else and every other principle.
It’s founded upon rebellion against our Creator and the effect of his rule and reign in this world is to blind people, is to turn them and turn us all, if he would, into slaves to our own natural appetites in some form or other. If it’s not something obvious like alcohol or drugs, it’ll be pride, it’ll be lust, it’ll be greed. You name it! Human desires are going to become the driving force in us and we will feel like that is the meaning of life. This is how I’m supposed to live. This is my pathway to meaning and happiness. And, without any capacity in the natural for us to see anything or know anything about God or know anything beyond what the Devil wants us to know. It’s a real power.
How many remember the event that’s recorded in Daniel? Now Daniel was a prophet who was allowed to see into the other realm and experience it many times, with visions and encounters with angels. How many of you remember the time when he was praying? He set himself to pray, and he fasted, at least a partial fast. They call it a Daniel fast. But anyway, he fasted and prayed and set himself to pray. For a period of 21 days he kept it up.
There’s a lesson in that. He didn’t give up, did he? He didn’t say, oh well, God’s not gonna answer this. I guess I’ll go on about my business. He prayed and he set himself. And at the end of 21 days an angel shows up and he’s allowed to see this being whom other people wouldn’t be able to see with natural eyes. But his eyes were open and he was able to see it.
And what the angel said was, from the first day you set your heart to pray, your prayer was heard, and I was sent in answer to your prayer, but what happened? You remember what happened? The prince of Persia withstood me for 21 days. And as I recall, there was another angel who came in to help with the battle.
I mean, what’s he talking about there? This is not some human being that stopped an angel. This was a power, a satanic power that ruled over the kingdom of Persia, the empire of Persia of that day. And that devil was not gonna let this angel in. There was a real battle that had to be fought.
Folks, that’s the world we live in. We don’t see what’s going on in the other realm. There are real battles and real powers at work. Folks, we need to be aligned with the one kingdom that will last. It’s very real.
So anyway, that was just a little bit of a glimpse. And we know that it’s because of man’s rebellion that the power was essentially turned over to the Devil because man was given a place of honor and dominion in God’s creation.
And I’m so glad that God wasn’t taken by surprise. He understood where this was going and what was going to happen. But from the beginning, God set Himself — in fact, you remember the prophecy when He came to confront them about their sin and He talked about the serpent? And I forget, I hadn’t even thought about looking this up, but what did He tell the Serpent? He said, you will bruise His heel, the seed of the woman, you’ll bruise His heel, but He will crush your head! Didn’t that happen in Christ?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! The Devil was allowed to actually torture Him, put Him to death, as a man, but the end result was Christ’s foot came down on his head and is there forever! Thank God! He’s here this morning and we need to reckon on that in our lives, and not just sit there and listen to the Devil and be intimidated by him, because he is a defeated foe and we have every right to stand upon what Christ has done, not upon our performance, but upon Him! Thank God!
So anyway, God’s plan from the beginning was to build a kingdom of people who were called out of darkness into light. In fact, does not Paul use that very language in the first chapter of Colossians? He speaks of the believers there as having been rescued from darkness and translated, or transported, whatever, into the kingdom of His dear Son.
So, there was literally — I mean, this is not something where you adopt a religious lifestyle and everything’s okay. This is a real, divine rescue that requires divine power and divine initiative. He has got to take the — He’s got to step into history and rescue you and me, individually. There’s got to come a time when you and I are face to face with Him and the questions of Eternity are put to us and we have to make a choice. Am I gonna serve myself, which is essentially serving the Devil, or am I gonna surrender and become a part of His kingdom?
So anyway, God’s plan, as I say, was to invade his kingdom and it took power. It took God to absolutely rule and overrule everything Satan would do! And so, there came a day when, according to the fulfillment of prophecy, His Son came in human form.
Can you imagine the Creator of the ends of the — the Creator of all things, of the stars, willing to come down and be born as a baby and live a flesh and blood life and be subject to all of the things that you and I are subject to? That’s incredible. But that’s the length to which God has gone to bring His kingdom—His ultimate kingdom to fruition. He sent His Son.
And His Son — one way of looking at His Son would be to say that He was the embodiment of the Kingdom of God! I mean, what do you think about when you think about a kingdom? Well, it’s a realm, isn’t it, in which there’s a certain authority that rules and that authority is called a king, believe it or not. And there are citizens who are the subjects under that authority.
Now, human nature doesn’t like that idea much, unless you’re in a kingdom where you’re one of the privileged ones that kind of benefits because of that rule. But I mean, basically, we are so selfish we don’t want anybody to tell us what to do. We don’t like the idea of anybody having authority over us, in any fashion.
And our experience in this world kind of teaches us that fact because when people get power over other people, what do they tend to do? Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely, is the saying that’s become so common and there’s a lot of truth in that.
But I’ll tell you, when the rule of God comes into play, it’s a whole different deal when we learn the character of the one who rules! Because the thing that defines His character is love and it’s not what we call love as human beings, because love is what make me feel good. It’s something that, oh, I get such a wonderful, warm, glowing feeling out of this thing called love.
I’ll tell you, divine love is not like that. It’s not selfish. It is all about the joy of giving to somebody else for their benefit. It’s pouring out, sacrificially if necessary, for the welfare and the glory, whatever you want to say, the benefit of the person that is the object of that love. Oh my God!
You know, one of the things that comes to me, I guess, in thinking about His kingdom is the prophecy of Isaiah. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (KJV). I mean, God himself invaded.
How did He do that, by the way? Jesus came as a man, but did He simply live a life of independence? Did God kind of give Him an instruction book and say, go for it? No! God was in Him! God is a Spirit. He’s everywhere. But in a most particular way, He lives within the hearts and the spirits and the souls, if you will, of those who are under His rule.
And Jesus Christ gave His life, gave His vessel, entirely for the purpose of allowing His Father to live in Him and through Him, to the point where the words and the deeds that people experienced in the life and the ministry of Jesus were not the words of Jesus, the man, but they were the words of God himself! Jesus didn’t do anything independently.
Of all the people that ever could have, He certainly would have been the one, was qualified, without sin! I mean, what else does it take to qualify? That’s not how God’s kingdom works. God’s kingdom is absolutely a living union with the King! I mean, think about it.
And so, the God of the universe walked around inside Jesus. Oh, the devils knew it! But how many of you remember the message that He carried, particularly in His early ministry? They went from village to village. What did they proclaim? The Kingdom of God is near! This was a proclamation of a kingdom that was about to be launched and there was a ministry of preparation!
John went out and said, repent, the Kingdom of God is near. And then Jesus said — and He sent the disciples the same message. And there was a, I don’t know, there was an expression of the Kingdom of God and it was with power, wasn’t it? It wasn’t just words and ideas. It wasn’t a new philosophy. There was a living presence of God in Him that infused His words with life, His deeds with power.
I mean, you think about the fact that when He was questioned and the Pharisees, some of them figured, well, I know how He casts out devils, He’s in league with the Devil. That’s what’s going on. This is a deception. He’s just trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes and we know what’s right. We’ve got the Law of Moses and we’re the keepers of that law and here’s this guy with a different message! It’s got to be the Devil!
You know, we need to have a heart that says, wait a minute, Lord, we need You to show us. We need you to lead us. If they had had any kind of openness — but you see the power of deception. It’s something — we need deliverance, folks.
( congregational amens ).
We’re not immune to the Devil pulling the wool over our eyes, in varying degrees. We need the Lord! And Jesus’ attitude, as I said, was always to seek the Father! He prayed. He looked to God. He wanted to — He longed to hear His Father’s voice and to know what His Father wanted Him to do.
And He never went out and said, okay, well, I haven’t heard from Him, I guess I’ll just do stuff. There was always this sense, I need Him. My whole purpose in being here is to be a walking, living embodiment of the Kingdom of God.
And so, when Jesus kind of confronted this idea, oh, you’re in league with the Devil, I mean obviously, He pointed out that a kingdom divided against itself won’t stand. What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. The Devil’s not going to cast out the Devil. But he says, “But if I with the finger of God cast out devils…” — then what? — the kingdom of God is near. I mean, this was God bearing testimony.
And you know, you could imagine, and some people actually think this way, that oh, the Kingdom of God is all about signs and wonders. Well, the Kingdom of God can express itself in signs and wonders, but what is the purpose of a sign?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. I mean, if you go down the road and you’re heading to a destination and you run into a sign that points to that destination, do you stop and worship the sign? Is that what your journey is about? Oh, I found the sign! No, the sign is meant to point to something.
So when God expressed His power, whether it was to heal, to raise the dead, to cast out devils, all these wonderful miracles that He performed, what was the purpose of God? Why was He doing all that? It was to point the sign post at who Jesus was so they would listen to His words and believe in who He was and the message that He had brought! It wasn’t so they would glory in signs and wonders and think that’s the measure of everything.
But of course, that is part of it, too. You don’t jump in the other ditch. There’s got to be some living power and some reality if it’s really the Kingdom of God! Praise God. Lord, organize this.
But you know, I just — well, anyway, let’s go through the backdrop of this thing, the general context of the Kingdom of God, because Jesus actually, at one point in His ministry, toward the end, really, pointed to the fact that there were some of you who are standing here, in His company at the time, who, “…shall not taste death, till they have seen the Kingdom of God come with power.”
Now obviously, they died a long time ago. What was He talking about? He was talking about the Day of Pentecost. He was talking about the fact that when Christ ascended to Heaven, when He sent the Holy Spirit down to rest upon and to empower them, He told them don’t go out — I appointed you to be a minister to the nations, carry the Gospel, carry the message but don’t go anywhere until I empower you.
But there came a day when the Kingdom of God descended in their midst! They were filled with power! It was not human energy! It came from Heaven itself and it enabled them to stand there and look the religious leaders in the eyes and say, you killed the Son of God and He’s calling unto you to repent. He is the King! He is the One before whom you will all stand! The One you crucified, God has made Him King!
Well, what was the evidence of that? Obviously, there was an expression of the power and the energy of the Kingdom of God that filled human vessels, though. It wasn’t just something out in the ether. This involved an inhabitation, by the Spirit of God, of human vessels. And so, we see Him, first of all, embodying the kingdom and talking about it.
In fact, the 40 days that He was appearing to them and proving that He was really risen from the dead, what did He talk about? You read the first chapter of the beginning of Acts, He was talking to them about the Kingdom of God. He was teaching and preparing them and helping them to understand, God’s kingdom is about to land!
How many of you remember the question the Pharisees asked Him? I think it’s recorded in Luke 17, if you want to look it up later. But basically, they said — I mean, what was their concept of the Kingdom of God?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. It was political. We’re gonna rise up once again as a nation. We’ll be the greatest among the nations. There’s a Messiah coming who is going to rule from Jerusalem. It’s the same concept that a lot of Christians profess today. They just figure it got put off. But there’s gonna come a time when we will throw off the yoke of Rome and we will be once again the leader among the nations, which they were, under Solomon, for a while.
And so they’re saying, when is this Kingdom of God coming? How many of you remember what Jesus answered? He said, the Kingdom of God does not come with outward show, with observation, not something you’re gonna see. You’re not gonna be able to look at an organization and say, there’s the Kingdom of God, or anything outward.
You’re not gonna be able to see something political. Jesus said to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews.” It’s not political. It’s not earthly.
But what Jesus says, the kingdom of God is — I think this translation says within you. It’s ‘among’ you. It’s not certainly within the Pharisees. But it was here to be among us. Even as Jesus was the embodiment of the Kingdom of God and He walked among men and God’s kingdom was there, in that sense, most people were blind to it, but it was there.
And it’s meant to be that way until the end of this age. God’s kingdom is here! He came on the Day of Pentecost and we are in a period where God is calling people out, making them a part of a Kingdom and then one day — man, where is this going?
What did Jesus say about in that parable, I think it’s in Matthew 13? He talked about the field being the world and Him planting the sons of God in it and the Devil planting his people and one day there was gonna be a harvest. And He even talked about the — I’ve often wondered about this, but I think I see it with a greater clarity, because He says the angels are gonna gather out of His kingdom—out of His kingdom.
Well, the sense in which He’s using the word kingdom there is the fact that He owns it all. He has been made King and Lord over heaven and earth. In that sense, this world is His kingdom! Not the world system, but He’s the One that’s the top authority. And so, from God’s point of view, God has given Him the job of cleaning out His kingdom of all sin, all — everything that’s wrong, everything that’s bad, and there’s gonna come a time when His angels will be sent forth and they’re gonna gather out of His kingdom everything that offends. What’s gonna happen then?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well the end, yeah. But then it says, then the saints of God, or the kingdom, will shine forth in the kingdom of their father. And it’s just — everything that God has been doing that is unseen by human eyes will suddenly burst forth into a living reality.
I mean, you talk about — I mean — here we have — we’ve talked about this recently and I want to keep bringing it up because we need to live in this reality. We need to be so tuned into what God is doing that that’s what drives our life. That’s what defines us. And it’s so easy to just get caught up in life.
But oh, I’ll tell you, Jesus is the first fruits of all that are going — that show us where we’re going. Because, when He came forth from that grave, He came forth with a body that is untouchable by death. It cannot die! It is totally loosed from all of the limitations that we experience in these bodies.
And His promise is that when He comes, every one of His will receive a body just like His! And we will inhabit a world where it does not have any of these ills.
And I’ll tell you, in that sense, the Kingdom of God is yet to come and sometimes the scripture speaks about the Kingdom coming, and that’s what they’re talking about.
But I’ll tell you, the Kingdom is here now! And here’s what drew my attention to this scripture. What sense would it make for Jesus to say, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be — if He’s just talking about something that’s in the eternal future? I mean, that’s gonna happen. Why do we have to pray, oh God, make it happen? How can we pray such a thing, without really getting that God is meaning for that to apply to us in some very personal, present-tense, way?
Now, of course, some folks would pray it in this sense: God, fix the people in my life so they will stop annoying me! Let your kingdom come, let your will be done! Oh, God, all these bad people that are messing with my life! Fix them, Lord, so that I can be free to live my life.
No! I’ll tell you, anybody that thinks that way needs to look in the mirror and have God open your eyes to see that the problem in your life is not the people around you, it’s you! End of story! There is no other answer to that question.
But if I am praying — and I’ll drop this in, too — if we’re looking at this prayer and Jesus gets to the point where we pray about our needs, there’s nothing wrong with that. He’s promised to meet our needs, hasn’t He? All right? And all that deals about temptation.
But all of this other is a preface to that and if we don’t get the context, we will live our lives trying to view God as Santa Claus, to give us what we want or whatever — to fix all our problems instead of understanding His purpose.
And so He begins, of course, with an acknowledgment, our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name. That’s the One I need to honor. I need — in the context of my coming to You for my needs, I need to be talking to You and realizing who You are, and respecting and honoring You for that.
But now, when I’m praying Your Kingdom come, what am I really praying? If I’m not praying Your Kingdom come in me, it’s just words. If His Kingdom does not advance in me, then that is just an empty form.
March 10, 2019 - No. 1379
When God Moves the Hedge: Conclusion
March 10, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1379 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: We are bought with a price! What we have signed on for is not a wonderful, earthly life and heaven, too! What we have signed on for is to lay down our lives for one another and for Him. It belongs to Him, however He wants us to live.
Now, He may allow you to live to be 100, and use you in an earthly journey. He may take somebody else out early. He may take some through great suffering! He may take some through great riches! But everyone has a journey. That was mentioned this morning, we are on a journey. That journey is very individual. And yet, of course, it’s all integrated with one another.
But the underlying reality is, your life and mine, they’re not our own. We have turned them over to Him. And He has the right to take them at any time. Is that a bad thing? If we get it, if we understand that He’s put something in us, the only thing that can ever live or ever survive, it’s there.
And there’s a Devil that He allows to tempt us, that He allows to attack and put us through all kinds of difficulties in this world. He can’t touch this!
Now look where Peter goes. Because it doesn’t sound like it fits. It says “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.” (NIV). Uh-oh. “These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
See, right there, you get this picture. Gold is a wonderful thing but if it’s got a lot of impurities in it, it’s not quite what it should be. So how do you get rid of the impurities? That’s a terrible thing, fire? It’s gonna burn up and destroy stuff! That’s not good! Yeah, it is good in this case, isn’t it? Because what is burned up and destroyed needs to be.
And every time the Lord pulls the hedge back and lets the Devil attack us in some way, regardless of what way it is, His purpose is that something in us should die. All that stuff in me that needs to die, God’s going to use the Devil as an instrument of death.
Just like He did with His own Son. I mean, we see it encapsuled in one event. But Jesus carried His cross daily, didn’t He? And that’s what He’s called us to do. And so all these little things that we wonder, where did that come from, why did this come?
And all this stuff — oh God, I’m tired of all the bad stuff. Instead of saying, God, you have allowed the Devil to do this to do me good, because there’s something in me that You want to kill. And the reason You want to kill it is because it’s an impediment to what You’re trying to do. It’s in my way. It’s part of — it’s something that I am so imprisoned by. I’m hindered by this. I don’t even know it. I’m clinging to something, I don’t even know what’s going on, until all of a sudden it boils out under the right circumstances and I see this thing.
So now what am I going to do? I’ve got a choice, don’t I? I can sit there and stew over what I’m missing and how my life is being messed with! I can blame the Devil or I could even blame God. Or I can say, I can look beyond that and say, I get it, Lord. You love me enough to touch the thing that I don’t want touched. You love me enough to put me in the fire, because what You put in here is the only thing that’s gonna last. Lord, help me to put my focus where it needs to be. Help me to trust You in the middle of this thing.
And here you have one of these amazing things that just don’t seem to fit. “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
Praise God for the fire! I mean, do you see how those things go together? He talks about fire and the difficulties, and yet at the same time that you’re going through some of these things, there is a joy! How is such a thing possible? Is this just wishful thinking? Is this just happy talk? No, this is based upon a reality, an understanding of what God is doing, and why He’s doing what He’s doing.
Do you think maybe we just need this, even though we’ve heard all these things before? There’s nothing new here. But I’ll tell you, we are in a time — you talk about the Devil as being God’s instrument in our lives. That’s true on a personal level. And that’s where I see God wanting to encourage. And that’s part of what I sense.
There are two sides, I guess, to this today. I sense the Lord’s heart wanting to reach out with a word of truth, with a word of encouragement. Don’t you listen to the lies of the enemy who wants to interpret whatever bad thing it is you don’t want to be going through right now, whatever you’ve heard about it, whoever you’re burdened about, and nothing seems to be changing, all these things that we’re weighed down with. Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy! Be encouraged! Lift your vision above all this!
Understand what’s happening! Don’t you get it? Your earthly life is just — it’s a vapor! It’s not gonna last. And all that I’m putting you through has everything to do with getting you ready for something, where you’re going to look back and say, wow! I was so — I can’t believe I was so caught up with this or with that, and so bummed out about that and the other thing. And, I thought my life was over when such and such happened. And all You were doing was setting me free and burning up stuff that could never last anyway.
Oh, I’ll tell you what, child of God, whatever you’re going through today, lift up your heart, lift up your eyes. Understand that there’s a God who would not be allowing the Devil to do what he’s doing if He didn’t love you enough, if He didn’t have the management of it.
You know, there’s a scripture that I guess we’ve referred to many times. I’ll just refer to it, I don’t think we need to turn there. But I believe it’s 1st Corinthians 10, and it talks about, it talks about there’s no temptation that has taken, or seized you, first of all but such as, “…is common to man. And God is faithful.” All right, what does that faithfulness, what form does that faithfulness take? He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you’re able. “But will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (KJV).
There’s a lot of truth buried in that, isn’t there? In the first place, he talks about a temptation that has seized you. Now, think about Job. There’s the perfect example. Job was minding his own business and this just happened to him! He didn’t do anything. It just happened.
This is a picture of how, many times, it’s not because we did something. We’re walking along, doing our own thing and the Lord says, here’s an opportunity. I need to work on that thing. All right, Devil.
And we don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes. We don’t understand. Why would such a thing happen? If I’m serving God, if I’m doing right, shouldn’t I be blessed? But what are we calling blessing? To us, blessing is far too much earthly comfort, ease, smoothness, pleasantness, all those kinds of things. And God wants to bless us with something that’s much more valuable, and much different.
You know, you get into your older years and the further you go the more you’re gonna see, this ain’t where it’s at. Some of you are young and you feel your oats right now. Just wait, we were all there. We know how you feel. But see what’s coming. This life is just — it’s a vapor.
But I’ll tell you, that simple truth is locked up in what he says there. There’s no temptation seized you. This is something, like I said, that just happens, because God allows it. God gives the Devil permission to do something because He wants to accomplish.
And so, the picture I see in this scripture is of God allowing something to happen to accomplish a purpose! It seized you! It’s nothing unusual. You’re not different from everybody else. Don’t listen to that stupid lie. You’re not being singled out because you’re bad, or at least any worse than anybody else. But God is allowing something to happen. But it’s never going to be beyond what you’re able. Now, we better define that just a bit. What is it that we’re able and how are we able?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. We can do all things through Him that strengthens us. You see, there’s always an ability that God gives. He, “…will with the temptation also make a way to escape.” Well, what’s the way of escape? His strength, His grace. Always, there’s this awesome balance between everything that God allows in our lives and the provision of grace that’s available to every single one of us if we’ll lay hold on it.
He is so faithful! Oh my God, the problems we bring upon ourselves are that we focus on the “thing.” God, get rid of “the thing”! God fix it! Oh God, make me feel good, instead of saying, Lord help me to humble myself under Your hand and just accept it, however you dish it out.
Yes, You could heal me, and He does sometimes. But you cannot make a formula out of what God’s gonna do in a given situation. We’re going to have to walk with Him and trust Him and look to Him, and believe that He is going to give us the strength.
Because a lot of times — I’ve certainly made this point many times — this way of escape — we think of escape “from.” But this is an escape “through.” This is not that we might be able to escape it but that we might be able to bear it. In other words, there’s gonna be a strength that will be imparted to this inward man that will give us the courage and the strength to push forward, in spite of what may be continually happening.
God is gonna be — God is doing stuff that is of eternal value. And oh, do we fight it. Oh, do we have our value system so inverted as to what it ought to be. May God help every one of us.
And you could go on and on talking about principles that we know, how God wants to build stronger faith and all of that. And that’s all true. He wants to purify it.
But there is a — there’s another aspect to this. And that is the time in which we live. It’s true in a personal sense. I don’t care where you are in history, God is going to be pulling back the hedge and allowing the Devil to work on us for His eternal purpose.
And I’ve said this before, it must be frustrating to be the Devil. No matter what you do, when it comes to God’s people, it just serves God’s purpose. You can’t win for losing. You leave them alone or whatever, or you try to turn the screws and make life hell for them, do something terrible, and God just turns it right around for deliverance and victory.
Man, if we lay down our lives for Him, how is that bad? How is that bad if we have to get leave here and be with Him? Praise God! The Devil can’t win, can he?
But the other side of this is a larger time. There are times in history when God has literally pulled back the restraint upon the Devil. You see it in the flood. When God finally says, I’m just taking my hands off. And the imagination of every man’s heart was only evil continually. And finally, there was a salvation.
You see it in the end of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, when the people had heard Christ, they had seen Him, they had seen the miracles, they had seen the apostles, and the growth of early church, and they rebelled against it, and said, no, we will not listen! We don’t want Him to rule over us! And the Lord just took His hands off and allowed the Romans to come in and destroy Jerusalem in a terrible…what was it, a two or three year siege. Horrible circumstances…the judgment that fell.
We are at the end of an age, folks. I don’t know where, exactly. But I don’t need a special revelation to tell me what’s going on in the world. But God gave us one so many years ago. The Devil is loose. We are in an hour when the Devil, when the restraint upon the Devil is being taken off progressively.
And, can you not see it? Can you not see what’s going on, especially those of you who are older? You see how things have deteriorated. You have no idea what’s happened in the world. And God has called us to live in such a time.
It’s more than just the individual at some point in history. This is the climax of the age and God is looking for a people who will trust Him, who will serve Him regardless of what comes, who will have such a reality of God in their life, that we will stand.
“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Or grow cold. We’re gonna see the effect of the Lord allowing the Devil to come forth in great power. We’re gonna find out which side everybody’s on. That’s what happens.
Do you remember in Malachi how things were deteriorating spiritually? What did it say? Then those who feared the Lord spoke oft one to another, and a book was written. There’s a record being kept in heaven right now, where everybody stands, how people are responding to truth, whether their trouble caused them to turn to God or not.
And you think about human nature. If God just stands back and lets everybody be blessed — that’s the concept that a lot of people have of blessing, how would that help? All He’d be doing is feeding the cancer. So if the Lord takes His hands off and allows some disaster, oh God, how could a God of love allow such a thing?
How could He not? If He wants to get man’s attention and cause him to realize what’s the reality of the world we live in and how temporary it is! That’s what we’re seeing in this world today. God is reaching out and it’s a last overture to people. There are places in the far reaches of the world where God is reaching people in amazing ways.
But boy, you look at where our nation is at. I’ve said this many times. What’s gonna happen if the Lord really pulls back his arm of protection against — that’s been holding the things back in America? What if He allows things to take over, evil forces to take over and suddenly we’ve got to go underground? How many people that are going to church this morning do you think will still be serving God?
There’s gonna be a trial of every human being on this planet. One way or another, God’s gonna show those that are His and those that are not. That’s what is says in Malachi. Then will you return and you’ll know, “…those who serve God and those who do not.” (NIV).
Folks, the Lord is wanting to encourage us. The things that He’s allowing in our lives right now are building the very things that will enable us stand in such an hour. Do you remember that incident that Daniel prophesied about how evil was gonna just come in and just take over? There was gonna be this terrible desecration of the temple and many were gonna fall. “But the people who do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” (KJV).
There’s only one way that you and I are gonna be able to stand in this kind of hour. We’re gonna need the Lord. And He’s going to be more than enough. What He has put within us will stand everything, will stand the fire. But what He’s wanting from us right now, lift up your heads, be encouraged.
You know, it’s hard not to go to the scripture that Brother Cymbala used the other night when he talked about Paul’s perceptive and all the terrible things, seemingly terrible things, that were going on in his life and how the perplexity, the trouble, all of that. But he said, he showed the perspective of the temporariness of this existence, everything you see.
I mean, do you get this? We talk about it. We know it in a theoretical sense. Everything you see and touch with your senses is gonna burn up. It’s gonna be gone. This bodily existence that we have, it’s going to die, it’s going to — one way or another it’s gonna be gone. If we don’t have something that’s eternal, we’re gonna be gone with it.
So we’ve got two perspectives this morning. One is the personal, where you and I are at in our personal journey. But folks, we exist in a time in history when God is pulling back the restraint. Don’t look to this world for your salvation. Don’t look for things to get better. Look for God to carry us through and to build in us a light and a purity in our faith.
And He’s going to do it by letting stuff happen. We might as well suck it up and realize that’s the simple truth of it. But the God who lets it happen is going to be with us and give us the strength, no matter what it is. He’s going to be with His children. He will never leave us, never forsake us, never put us in a situation we can’t handle by His grace.
And I’ll tell you, one day we are gonna stand there in shining glory, not because we did something or we were strong or we were worthy, but because He is — because of His love and His power and His promise and His mercy.
And He is going to be glorified on that day. That’s what Peter was talking about in the first chapter there. That’s what we look for!
That’s why we can, in the middle of feeling those things and experiencing those things, that’s why we can have joy, because there’s something happening in here that’s real! We can have a perspective that transcends all this junk that we have to experience in this world.
And I’ll tell you, we serve an awesome God, don’t we? Has He pulled back the hedge on you lately? Well, He’s done it because He loves you. And I’ll tell you, the Devil loves to cause us to be discouraged in such times.
But if we could only get it, if we could only understand, instead of being a cause of discouragement, it’s a cause of encouragement! God is allowing the Devil because He loves me enough to do something to help me! If I was the Devil’s, he wouldn’t bother. There’s a lot of stuff that I believe we could sail through and it wouldn’t bother us if we were serving the Devil.
But I’ll tell you what, if you’re gonna step out and serve God — how many times have you come through something where the Lord just blesses it? Oh, that was a great weekend, that was a great — and you come back and, wham! Do you think the Devil’s happy about that?
You think the Lord — but how could the Devil do that if the Lord didn’t say, all right, time for another lesson. But oh, I’m gonna help them. I just want them to look to me. I want them to praise me in the midst of the storm and stand fast. And I’m gonna do something that’s gonna last forever.
And this is gonna turn out for victory, because after all, are we not sheep to be slaughtered? See that’s just another way of the Lord saying the same thing. When you give your life to Him, it belongs to Him. If He wants to take it right this minute, it’s His.
And what would I want to cling on to here? What’s so important here? Oh God, give us a heavenly perspective. If we live, we serve Him. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” What a simple perspective. If I live, okay, I get to serve the Lord. If I die, praise God, I go to be with Him. What an awesome God we serve. Praise God!
March 3, 2019 - No. 1378
When God Moves the Hedge: Part One
March 3, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1378 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ve had a number of thoughts rambling around in my head and I’m just praying the Lord will make some sense out of them. You know, sometimes my mind seems to work in these big picture things and I’m going everywhere into something that you could take a year exploring. And obviously, that’s not always appropriate to take big things, but, I’ve sensed the Lord wanting to encourage His people.
I know there are a lot of things happening in lives and I believe the Lord wants us to have an understanding. And, a lot of times it’s not things that are totally new but we need to see them freshly. We need to see them with a sense of real perspective.
And you know, when you talk about encouraging people, encouragement has to have some sort of foundation, doesn’t it? You can’t just say, hey, be happy. There are reasons, there’s understanding that God wants us to have to enjoy and to have.
And the more we understand, the more we’re able to look at things, for example, the way Paul did. We heard that Wednesday night about how Paul could be sorrowful and yet rejoicing at the same time. And I believe God wants His people to have that kind of perspective, so that no matter what He calls upon us to go through and experience in our lives, we get it, we understand what its place is in God’s economy.
And I guess — you know, I was reading in my Bible reading. I think Ron and I are going through the Bible in chronological order. And so, I was reading the other day in Luke chapter 22, and this was the occasion when Jesus was arrested. And you know how He went to the garden, He talked and taught the disciples quite a bit.
We had that recorded in John, but then He has the occasion where the three hours of agonizing prayer, where He wrestled with what He was facing, and God gave Him strength and basically, the position He kept taking over and over again through all that battle was, God, not My will, but Yours be done. There was a sense in everything that Jesus did that He was a part of the outworking of a divine purpose.
You know, I believe it helps every one of us to see that there is a divine purpose and it isn’t always what we think it ought to be. We have a very earthly point of view. And so, He understood that for Him, the outworking of God’s purpose meant not having a happy earthly life, but giving it up in a tremendous, incredible sacrifice, the signal event of all history.
But there’s an interesting thing that He says to those who come to arrest Him, and I believe it’s in verse 52. “Then Jesus said to the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders, who had come for him, “Am I leading a rebellion, that you have come with swords and clubs? Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.’” (NIV).
You know, there’s just something revealed in that. My mind went in every direction from reading that, because, do you know that there is a time when darkness reigns, when God takes His hands off of Satan and lets him do his thing? Not only that, that’s part of God’s purpose. And I believe we can see it in the big picture, but I believe God wants us to see it at every level, because of where we are in history, but where we are in our individual lives, because this affects us.
And, we see it in the life of Jesus plainly. Why did Jesus go, for example, into the wilderness? Who led Him there? God. Do you think the Devil could have just done what he did, if God hadn’t said, all right, I’m sending you out there to be tested? No. This was part of God’s plan.
And you know, the Scriptures are explicit as to the fact that Jesus was not just who He was, but He was a tested, tried stone. It uses that kind of analogy, that He’s someone who’s solid, someone who’s been there, who’s gone through every possible test. Every kind of temptation that you and I could ever think about facing, He faced.
And He made the right choices. He trusted God with everything and He recognized that He’d been given an earthly life, but this is not where it was at. This is not what He valued.
Folks, this is what we value more than we would like to think. We want our comfort, we want all these things. And here was Jesus called upon from the very beginning to lay down His life, to give up even the living out of His own will and His own comfort, and anything that had to do with My will and My way and My welfare in this world.
And so, He gave it up and then, of course, here we come to this and we see Him being literally turned over to the Devil to be executed. I mean, think about that. God’s taking His hand off and saying, all right, Devil, do your thing. Man, if we could really understand it, I’ll tell you, the Devil is behind every evil thing, but God is the One who has to take His hands off.
And you remember how Jesus warned Peter? He said — what did He tell Peter? He said, Satan has ‘asked’ that he might tempt you. I’m paraphrasing just a little bit. But Satan had to go and get permission from God to tempt him and to put him in the situation that wound up with him experiencing his own failure and ultimately — you can see God doing something wonderful in it, God doing something that is meaningful, that made him a stronger person, made him a better servant of God.
And of course, the great event or the great example, I guess, in the Scripture is Job, isn’t it? I mean, there’s Satan, we don’t know how in the world all this played out, but we do know that there was some kind of communication between God and the Devil about Job.
And who was it that brought up Job? I mean, talk about not wanting to fly under the radar, sneak around and say, hey, I’ve got a good God, I just don’t want to let the Devil know about it. This is God pointing him out, saying, there’s a man who serves Me, who loves Me, who’s faithful.
And the Devil says, yeah, You let me touch everything he’s got and we’ll see what happens. So the Lord said, go for it. In modern parlance, that’s how He would’ve said it.
And anyway, so we see the Devil — we see a little bit of what he’s capable of. He raises up heathen raiders to come and destroy his servants, his herds, one thing after another, there’s a disaster. And not only that, we see him mounting up a huge wind storm! Do you think the Devil can have something to do with the weather? But how did he get to exercise that power against Job’s family.
( congregational response ).
Yeah, God gave him permission to do that. You know, there’s a lot of stuff in our world that doesn’t make sense to anybody whose mind is worldly oriented. But God had a reason. God had a purpose in all of this.
And then, we see Job: he’s lost his family, he’s lost his possessions, he’s lost everything, from an earthly standpoint. And he says, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return…” (KJV). To the ground, I guess…I’m gonna leave the world the same way. God gives. He takes away. “…Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Wow! How many of us would have had that kind of perspective under those circumstances? I mean, we are so geared to our own earthly welfare that if God does something bad, what did I do wrong? Where’s God in all of this? And yet, we see the outworking of something in Job’s life that ultimately brought him to a knowledge of God that was amazing.
And, I sense in my own life, there are things that happened — it’s like we came back from the meeting last week and it seemed like, one after another, so-and-so’s going through this, such-and-such a thing happened, Brian had a heart attack. And one thing after another, we see these needs, these serious needs that come up.
And I know how the Devil works, because he works on me the same way. It’s, oh God, just when I was ready to sit back and, whew. what else, what next? But I’ll tell you, we have Somebody on the throne who knows what He’s doing and He has a different value system than we do.
And so, then of course, the Devil goes back and Job hasn’t fallen, hasn’t denied the Lord, hasn’t taken a wrong position about all this, He says, all right, I get it. You take everything he has, that’s one thing, but you touch him, then we’ll see. So He says, all right you can do whatever you want, just don’t take his life.
And so he brings him into a place where he’s covered with boils from his head to his foot. How many of you have had one boil? It’s not fun, is it? How would you like to have it from your head to your foot? Yeah, so he was pretty miserable and the Devil said, I’ve got to do something more than that. I’ve got to drop some thoughts into his wife’s mind. You foolish man! “Curse God, and die.” Get it over with! I mean, what’s the point of doing all of this? What kind of a God are you serving anyhow?
Where did she get that inspiration? See, it isn’t just the stuff that happens. It’s the thoughts that come with it. It’s the wisdom that comes. And then he sends some theological friends around. And all they’ve got to work with is tradition. They learned their theology. It was a very simplistic thing. If you served God, you’re gonna be blessed. If you are wicked, you’re gonna be cursed. That was their whole deal, so obviously the problem is that he’s done something terrible. He needs to confess it and get rid of it, only he hasn’t. And this doesn’t fit their theology but they won’t give it up.
And ultimately, the Lord comes on the scene and He reveals Himself in a deep way and Job is ultimately more blessed than he was to begin with! And we see that even though he wobbled — he even wished he hadn’t been born. He went through some pretty deep waters, didn’t he? You know, real followers of God can feel some deep things.
You know, one of the things that I see that — and I know many of you see the same thing. There is a way that the Gospel is presented out there that is extremely misleading. ‘Accept Jesus’ — the very language there is not right. There’s something superficial about that. Accept Jesus and He’ll fill your life with peace and joy and happiness and blessing.
And, there’s an element of truth in that, but the way that it’s presented is, all of your problems are gonna go away. Life is gonna be smooth and sweet. God’s gonna be on your side. I mean, what natural man, listening to something like that, isn’t gonna gravitate to that?
And so, you have multitudes joining churches, making decisions, and God’s not even involved in the process many times. I mean, you’ve got somebody preaching by tradition. They have no more wisdom from God, in many cases, some cases at least, than Job’s comforter’s did. They’re giving out what they’ve been taught. Here’s how you get people saved. You tell them about all the wonderful things that are gonna happen. If they give their hearts to Jesus, they’re gonna have peace and joy and happiness and all of that.
And, that’s not how Jesus gave the Gospel, was it? He said, unless you give up your life and take up your cross and follow Me, you can’t be My disciple. Well, they’ll read a Scripture and say, oh yeah, that’s different. You can accept Jesus as Savior and that’s a free gift! Just take it and go! But being a disciple, now that’s a different thing. No, it isn’t. The call of the Gospel is a call of salvation! What is it that we need to be saved from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! And what the Gospel is presented so many times as, it’s a way to get rid of the guilt of the things that I have done. Well, thank God, it is that! That’s what Jesus’ shedding of His blood was for, was to take the punishment, to pay the penalty that I deserved and you deserve.
But man, I need to be saved — I feel like I’m covering the same ground in a way, but I pray that God can make it fresh. What I need to be saved from is me! It doesn’t matter if God gets rid of all of my guilt! What’s going to change if He doesn’t give me a new source of life to live within me and to motivate me to have a different viewpoint?
I’ll tell you, it takes a miracle for that to happen in a human life! And you’re gonna have to come to a point where you reckon on the reality of what you need! I’ll tell you, that’s the greatest need! It’s wonderful to come to a realization of who God is, who Jesus is! But if someone’s gonna be saved, they’re gonna have come to a realization of who they are! There’s gonna have to be a sense of need.
You know, I remember J.P.’s testimony. When God — it wasn’t even in a service, he didn’t come to an altar. It was just — God just faced him. Many of you could say the same thing. There came a time when God faced you with the reality of what you were and what your prospects are having to face God without something changing pretty drastically.
And so, here is God setting out to save a people and His objective is not to enhance earthly life! Thank God, He can bless! But His objective in everything that He does is to deliver me from me, and to engineer things in my life that cause me to make choices, that cause me to face trials and face difficulties.
And you know, I almost think about something like this — they say, oh my God, here we go again, we’re gonna talk about trials. Well, that’s kind of like life, isn’t it? I mean, you think about what it is that we face every single day and how the Devil works in that. But, like I said, here was God sending His Son out to be tempted!
And I guess one of the perspectives that I want to get in my own heart a little clearer is that everything that happens — we think of the big things, like the story of Job, but I want to say that everything that happens, if trouble crosses your path, if temptation crosses your path, where’s it coming from?
( congregational inaudible ).
Well, it’s coming from the Devil, but God is the One who has to take His hands back. You know, what the Devil complained to God about in the beginning of Job was, You’ve got a hedge about him. Thank God! Do you understand that there is a hedge?
( congregational response ).
There’s only — the Devil cannot do anything that is not part of God’s eternal purpose, and it is an ‘eternal’ purpose! It’s not simply to make you feel good and have a successful earthly life. You know, a lot of religion is that, too! What they consider to be church is a place where people come to feel happy, to feel good about themselves and good about God, and then they go on about their life.
My God, there are many times when God’s true servants, come into a church, come into the gathering of the saints and they’re carrying burdens, aren’t they? They’re carrying deep hurts. They’re carrying deep wounds. They’re facing terrible trials and the Devil is faithful to sit there and explain it all to them.
Is he doing that to anybody here right now? Yeah! ‘You want to know why this is happening? You did something.’ Sometimes we can bring things on ourselves, no question about that. But I’ll tell you, what did Job do to bring all that upon himself? Nothing! He was going about his business and wham! All of a sudden the bottom dropped out. I’ll tell you, we have a God who knows how to deal with His children, because God has a purpose.
You know, like I say, I’ve had so many thoughts, if I gave them all out this would go too long. On the other hand, I almost feel like I’m galloping through. But, Lord, help me to get across what I want to say. God’s purpose in allowing the Devil to work on every one of us is certainly to try us.
I mean, we talk about trials. What is a trial? It’s to try us to see what we’ll do. And He’s putting us in a position — how many of you have been in a position that Peter, for example, was in? Where you thought you had achieved a certain level of maturity and spirituality, and God said, okay, we’ll see. And next thing you know, you’re in a place where your level of spirituality kind of doesn’t live up to its standard and next thing you know, you weakness comes right out.
Is that a sign that something terrible is happening or that God’s against you? No! It certainly wasn’t in Peter’s case. God wanted Peter to understand something about Peter! It was after this — you remember how the Lord said, Peter, when you were young you went where you wanted to go! You did what you wanted! Man, you were full of zeal! You wanted to go out and do something for me. And when I told everybody that I was gonna die, you said, I want to die with you! I’ll never — you know, all this boastful, self-confident kind of stuff!
And Peter needed to realize the truth about himself. How could he help anybody else? I mean, if you don’t get that knowledge, if you don’t come to a knowledge of what you are and how deeply you need the Lord — a man who is in that position is gonna stand up here and he’s gonna tell everybody how to do it. And it’s gonna be all about him and his ability, and what’s the matter with you? Why don’t you live up to my standards? Religion is full of that!
And then you have Paul, like we heard the other night. I hope others can perhaps listen to that Jim Cymbala message. But that was wonderful. And how the honesty of somebody like Paul who talked about his own struggles and talked about the difficulties and the challenges that he faced in serving God, and how he was in places of perplexity, didn’t have the answers, didn’t know what to do!
And yet, God put him there! God was the one who moved the hedge and said, Satan, there he is. God is going to put you and me in places where we are over our heads and He means for us to learn something about ourselves and to be willing to be honest and humble ourselves!
Wasn’t Peter the one who said later, “Humble yourselves…under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” Of course, we’re anxious for the ‘up’ part. But we need to realize, God, You know what’s wrong with me. You know what I need to experience.
You know, every one of us, I guess, would love for the Gospel to be a choice between my old life and my new one. Okay, I lay my old life down! Okay, I’m gonna die and go be with Jesus right now. But it doesn’t work that way. God has called — every one that He calls to His own, most of them, to live here, to have to serve God and learn to serve God in the midst of a world that hates Him!
If you understood the spirit of the world, it hates you! It would kill you if it had a chance, if God pulled back the hedge — and He may! Are we gonna be ready as Jesus was, to lay down our lives for Him? I’ll tell you, we’re gonna need His grace.
We’re gonna need to come to a place where we don’t have any confidence in ourselves, as Paul said. I have no confidence in the flesh. Zero! That’s what that means. Zero means nothing. I’m afraid most of us can say that but when it comes to living, we don’t really ‘know’ it. We haven’t quite gotten there yet. We need to understand just how desperately we need a Savior.
And you know, you look at this from God’s point of view. He’s got a world of people who are infected with an incurable moral disease. You talk about cancer. Cancer is nothing compared to sin. But we are born into this world as a cancer in God’s universe! The only answer is for God to come and to rescue us, to put to death that which is of the old world, and this present world, and to impart to us a life that cannot die!
That life is born in the heart of everyone who is truly born again of God’s Spirit, not just becoming religious, but I mean, there is a birth that is literal. I pray if you haven’t come to that place, God will bring you there! Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and laid the foundation for every single one of us.
What did it cost Him? Everything that had to do with this world! It was an utter renunciation of the world, everything it stands for, all of sin! It was, I will freely lay this down because I know what’s coming! That’s what I want. I don’t want this. I don’t need this. And he willingly laid it down.
When Paul went out and ministered, did he have an easy time? God allowed him to go through tremendous things, to experience all kinds of difficulty, opposition of every possible kind, fears within, fears without, anyway fears and fightings in and out. I don’t know which was which, but it wasn’t fun. Beaten, left for dead, imprisoned…all kinds of things that he had to go through.
How did he see this? As terrible…oh God, why would You let such terrible things — I’m trying to serve You — oh, God? He said, no! This is, “…the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings…” (NIV). This is what it costs to see the Kingdom of God built!
February 24, 2019 - No. 1377
Royal Priesthood: Conclusion
February 24, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1377 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: The very thing to which we cling with such fierceness is the very thing from which you and I need to be delivered! And when we are, there’s going to be peace that God — that passes understanding. Praise God! That’s what salvation is all about.
And so, here’s, on the one hand, he’s presenting the inclinations of the old nature. This is how we tend to react with respect to each other. I’ll guarantee in a crowd this size, we’re not free from this — we’re not free from this. I’ll guarantee there’s people you can turn around and see, and you’d say — you’d feel that something rise up.
Folks, we need the Lord, just what we’ve been singing about this morning. We need Him. We need Him to transform our desires, everything! And where are we gonna get that? We’re gonna get it as we listen to His Word and as we agree with it.
As I say, it’s partly information. It’s partly where we see certain, we see a thing a certain way, and God says, no, this is the truth about that. You see the issue as “out there.” I see it as “in here.” You get this right, don’t worry about that. I can take care of all that stuff. But I want you to be free.
In every aspect of life, God has to reinterpret our thinking. Does He not say that we are to present ourselves and be transformed in our minds? Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed, how? In our minds. See, we’ve got to learn to think differently, but where am I gonna get that? God’s gonna have — I’m gonna have to let God talk to me.
Now, we could go to one extreme and say the only way God talks to you is from the pulpit. No, it’s not. God can speak when someone has the anointing and is speaking by the Spirit. Praise God! Don’t despise that. But I’ll tell you, God will meet you and me in every day life right in the face of the need.
Think about what David said how the Lord sets a table before me in, where? In the presence of my enemies! There’s a source of nourishment that God would give me right at the point of my need! Every one of us can open our hearts and have God quicken words that we’ve heard and suddenly, they become real, and they become relevant to the moment in which we live!
And as we drink that in, as we open our hearts and say, yes, Lord, instead of — doing this — as we open our hearts and eat that, drink that, there is strength that comes to that new man, and it grows. And it gets more and more of a — it just becomes more and more in charge. That’s what the Lord wants.
And this is a lifetime thing. You know, as I get older — I know one of these days, I’m gonna get old! But as I get older, I’m very conscious and looking around and seeing so many of our folks and the infirmities of age — and I know many times we would love to say, oh God, just put them on easy street. Let’s just take away every ache, every pain. Let them just float right down to the time when they breathe their last.
God never stops working. As long as we are in these bodies, this war is going to be going on, and God is going to be working in us to give us the victory over the old nature. And I’ll tell you, it goes right on until we breathe our last breath.
When the Lord takes us out of this world, I believe those who are on the other side, they’re being taught, too. They don’t have the conflict anymore, but they can grow in their wisdom and their understanding. You know, there is a work that God has promised to do. How long is that work for?
( congregational response ).
Well, it’s forever, yes, but I’m talking about the one in Philippians 1:6. “…He which hath begun a good work you will perform it…” (KJV). How long?
( congregational response ).
When is that? That’s when He comes. That’s when the work is complete in all of His children, those who are here and those who are there. Everything God has purposed to do is going to come together on one great day when all of a sudden, we will be transformed. Our bodies will be transformed. We won’t have the war anymore. Every part of our being will be completely set free, completely in harmony with the heart of God, the nature of God! Praise God!
Isn’t that going to be amazing? I can’t even imagine, ‘cause there’s so much in me that just fights against all of this. And boy, the devil is going to — he is pulling out all of the stops in this hour. If you’re not given to Christ, you are wide open for Him to come in and just get holds in your life. Unless they’re surrendered, he’s got you. You’re a slave. You’re a prisoner. But I’ll tell you, Christ can set people free if they’ll just come to Him with all their hearts.
So anyway, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation…” (NIV). Thank God! “…Now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” So, I mean, it sounds like such a simple thing. Oh, we need the Word of God!
Do you understand what he’s talking about? Do you understand how the Lord wants to walk with you and with me? Didn’t Jesus say come to Me. You know, take My yoke. Learn from Me. That’s an ongoing — that’s a lifestyle. That’s walking with Him. That’s expecting that we’re not just coming in here to meet Jesus then, going out there and just being apart from Him. He walks with us.
At every moment, we can say, Jesus, I’m in over my head here. How do I handle this in a way that pleases You? Lord, I need Your strength. I need an infusion of Your heart, because I’ve got two lives here that are warring against each other, and I know that Your grace is greater than this. Grace is greater than sin, is it not?
( congregational response ).
See, that’s the whole deal here. Grace is greater, but unless we avail ourselves of that, we could be in places where the devil wins that particular battle. He doesn’t have to. God has made a way. Thank God!
Interesting little thought that came to my heart here in this next part. “As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him.” Now, who’s he talking about there? It’s the Lord, isn’t he? He is the Foundation Stone. He’s the Cornerstone of something that God is building, and it’s eternal. It’s forever. Thank God. Precious to God! Chosen! Rejected by men but chosen by God.
Now, he comes to us. “You also, like living stones, are being built…” Now, that sounds like a process to me, doesn’t it? “…Are being built into…” something, “…into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
So you see a picture of God’s purpose. Now, here he uses the analogy of a temple. I believe Peter was mostly writing to people that were Jews. And in their religious background, they knew all about a building called the Temple that was built out of stones. It was a literal building. You could see it, touch it.
Inside that building you had priests. And the major function of the priest was to offer animal sacrifices. Something died, they offer it to God, and there was a forgiveness. That was part of the old covenant that certainly looked forward. The animal sacrifice didn’t do it, Christ’s coming did. This certainly just looked forward to that.
But I’ll tell you, there was a literal building. These people were familiar with this. They were familiar with the idea of a priesthood in a building offering sacrifices. Peter’s saying, hey, God’s got something new going here. He’s building you into a spiritual house. Each one of you is a stone. You’re part of that. Why are you part of that? God wants to make you into a priest. Every believer is a priest who is able to offer sacrifices to God.
Now, what are those sacrifices? Think about that. What is a sacrifice? Something dies, doesn’t it? Something dies, and it’s offered to God. What do they — in the Old Testament, what does the death of the animal represent? It’s my death. It’s, I’m guilty of sin. The penalty of sin is death. I’m offering this as a substitute. There is something that dies.
But God has called every one of us to come to a place where we make choices in our lives to serve God! Every time that the old nature and the new nature come into conflict, and we by faith in His grace, we say, no, to this old nature, we are offering a sacrifice to God. There’s something that is dying.
Do you see this description of the Christian life? It is a priesthood where we — there is a continual offering of a sacrifice to God. And the sacrifice is us. And God is replacing us with Him. Man, you know, you could look at the obviously in a negative, oh, oh, oh, God. Or you could say, man, that’s what I need. That’s what I come for. I come broken to be mended. I come wounded to be healed. I come with all of these desperate needs! I see, in a measure at least, the depth of my need! I need to be transformed into Your image! You’re the only one that can do it.
But oh, you break that down into the little nitty gritty of every day life, it becomes today, I need to present myself as, “…a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”. (KJV). And so, I come to a day when I might be in pain, or I might be feeling bad about something, anyway, there’s something that’s really adverse, and oh, my nature just wants to live in that, express itself, kick up its heels, be selfish, be all the things that we are all familiar with that rise out of that old nature.
So, what do we do? How about what the writer to the Hebrews talks about in the last chapter, I think it is, where we offer sacrifices of praise, of thanksgiving? What happens when we’re in that situation when we don’t feel like being happy or praising God, or you know, all we want to do is complain, and yet, we find, by the grace of God, that we can say, “Thank You, Lord. Lord, I know You love me. I know You’re allowing me to experience what I’m experiencing because it’s what’s necessary right now in my life. There’s something that You want me to let go of that needs to die. And so, Lord, I bring that thing to You. I will praise You, Lord, in the face of this.”
It’s in the moment! Do you see what’s happening right here? We are offering — we are priests offering a living sacrifice right then and there. Every one of us is a priest, and we do it every day! We look at the priests in the Old Testament, but God has called you and me to be priests every single day! There’s a sacrifice that we can offer Him every day in a thousand and one different ways where we’ve saying, yes, to God, and, no, to the old nature. And God receives glory and praise out of that. We receive a measure of freedom!
And I’ll tell you, when they really came to God in that temple, and they offered the sacrifices, and they — you know what happened on some of those special occasions when they really came, and they bowed before God and did everything He said. God’s presence came down in that temple.
God wants to be more real to every single one of us. He longs to share Himself. It’s not that He’s ever promised that we’re gonna go through the world with this sense of constant exhilaration, and that’s gonna be the measure of our relationship to Him. There are gonna be times we’ll be on the mountain. There will be times when we’re in the valley.
But you know, the real sacrifice, the real participation in this priesthood often comes in those difficult times. It comes when our nature is at its strongest wanting its way, and the battle is joined, and we’re having to say, “Oh God, I need You. I can’t beat this on my own. God, fill me. God, come and deliver me. God, come and just pour in Your grace, and give me the strength! Give me the will, Lord! You said, You promised me that You’re with me. You’re working in me to will and to do! I need both, Lord. I’ve been in this — I’ve experienced the strength of this old man, this old beast in me so much in this area that I don’t even — I don’t even know if I’ve got the will to want it to change, but I need You, Lord.”
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, when God sees a heart that’s doing that, that’s a sacrifice in that moment that you as a priest of the most-high God are offering to Him. I tell you, that’s what it means to be a priest in this context. Isn’t that amazing?
“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…” (NIV). And it’s not just — this is not just an individual private little thing, either. We’re built into a house. We have relationships one with each other! We strengthen each other! The very grace that you and I need often comes through one another!
( congregational response ).
It’s one who’s able to, who’s is in a place where they can draw from God’s grace, God’s infinite storehouse and speak words, the very words that you and I need that will energize the spiritual man, often come through one another.
My God, how do we move, how do we use our lips? How do we use these mouths? God, help us to be a strength one to another. But I’ll tell you, as we do this, there’s going to be a growth, there’s going to be a freedom that God can use.
“For in Scripture it says: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame. Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, the stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, and a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for. But….” Oh, Praise God! Here’s Peter getting his ‘but’ in the right place.
( laughter ).
“But you are a chosen people….” I’ll guarantee we don’t always feel that way, do we? But at your lowest point, you are one of God’s chosen people if He’s reached out and touched your heart. Praise God! “…A royal priesthood….” See, there’s royalty and there’s priesthood all mixed in together. We’re kings and priests, he says in another place.
“…A royal priesthood, a holy nation…” one set apart for God, “…a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” There is a — God is raising up a body of people through whom He can express His life and His message to this generation, to the generation in which they live.
Where is light gonna come from in this dark world? Just out of the ether waves? I’ll tell you, God is gonna live in and through His people. What hinders Him in me, what hinders Him in you is the degree to which the old man is in charge! How can God fulfill His purpose if He doesn’t do something about that? The only way He does it is many times the way we don’t like it. But if we’ll learn to trust Him and to let go and to drink in the supply that He has for us, we have everything we need to stand. Praise God!
All right, “Once you were not a people but now you are the people of God….” Interesting side note here: he says to people who were Jews, now you’re the people of God. I thought they were? Now, you see who God’s people really are. They’re the ones who are Christ’s. If you’re Christ’s, “…then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise,” Paul said.
“…Now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” Thank God! That’s the only hope I have before God. If He gave me justice, I’d be in hell. But He’s chosen to show mercy to an unworthy sinner. Thank God!
“Dear Friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world….” Do you see yourself that way? I’ll tell you, we need to recognize, we’re passing through this world. This world is not our home like the song says. Oh, thank God. There’s a part of me that says, God, just burn it up. Get us out of here. And there’s another part that says, God, don’t do until You’ve finished everything You’re gonna do and reached everybody who can be reached.
And that’s the part that’s gonna win, because God’s not willing that any should perish. The only reason He’s holding off judgment in all the terrible things that we see is because there’s still a work, there’s still a people. I don’t know how long it’s gonna be. I pray for every one of them. But He’s faithful.
“…As aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which…” I’d forgotten this was in here. “…Which war against your soul.” You see about the war? It’s right there in the passage. “…Sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”
I mean, you could go through the whole book, and there are many aspects of truth. Isn’t this interesting, the thoughts? And they really apply to every single one of us even though he uses the word milk. I understand that in other places, milk is for beginners and babies and that he wants — we’re supposed to graduate to stronger meat. I get that part. There’s a growth.
But I don’t care where you’re at in your spiritual walk. If you’re a baby, or if you’re way up here, we need God’s — we need an infusion of God’s life. Jesus said, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” They’re simply not just information! They are a vehicle of God’s life that you and I need desperately!
We’ve got to have a nourishment just as surely as a baby needs physical nourishment to get that life going. We need something that’s coming into our heart and into our life. Talking to Him, spending time with Him, looking to Him, actively bringing the needs of every moment to Him and saying God, I need Your wisdom in this. I need Your provision. I want to act and react the way I’m supposed to. It’s just not in me, Lord. You’re gonna have to help me. But I’m willing—I’m willing, to trust You, Lord.
And I’ll tell you, we can live a life that God will be able to point to us and say, there’s somebody, you need what they have. I want to be somebody like that. I can’t do that apart from His grace. But that’s what God’s doing in every one of our lives.
And I want to be one that learns how to be a priest and understands what that means in the context of the New Covenant. The priesthood hasn’t gone away. It’s just takes a different form. And the sacrifice I offer is myself, so that I can do His will and His work. Now sometimes, that’s simply standing up and saying, no, to the flesh.
Other times, it may be getting up here, or it may be stepping out and doing something for the Lord that our flesh would rather not do. There’s a sacrifice involved in that. There’s offering something to God that means the death of this old nature in order to do His will and be the kind of person He wants us to be.
God has called every person that knows Him and belongs to Him to be a priest. And you and I can offer sacrifices that He will be pleased with every day.
We’re not offering sacrifices to get rid of our sins. Jesus already did that. There’s only one sacrifice. So, isn’t it interesting that even though we’re in a context of a covenant where there is one sacrifice for all, yet here we have priests offering sacrifices? See, it’s not to get rid of sins. This is to gain freedom from the old nature in a practical sense.
And I’ll tell you, we have a God who’s bringing us down a pathway, teaching us every single day and empowering us to be the kind of people He wants us to be, toward one another and toward people out in the world. To Him be the glory. Praise God!
February 17, 2019 - No. 1376
Royal Priesthood: Part One
February 17, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1376 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, it seems like there are some themes that the Lord has really been emphasizing lately, and boy, they sure came out in the men’s meeting this morning. You know, my mind has been all over the place as to what the Lord was interested in this morning but I — my mind kind of settled last evening on a scripture in 1st Peter, and I trust the Lord can make it fresh.
But also, there’s an emphasis there that — there’s a little emphasis that I saw in it that’s a little bit different than I’ve ever quite seen in the passage before. Peter is writing, as so many in the New Testament were, to young believers and who needed to understand what the Gospel, what salvation was all about, because, as we’ve said many times, it’s not simply coming to Jesus and getting your sins forgiven and waiting around and going to heaven one day.
There’s — really, that’s the beginning, isn’t it, is when we really come to Him? When He draws the heart and that transaction is finalized, I mean, we’re His, that’s it, there’s no going back! That’s the beginning of salvation! That’s not the culmination of it. God begins to work in every one of us, every one of His children. And so, we need to learn, since we’re still in this sin cursed world, how to live here, and how to live as His children rather than children of the world. And so, that’s what the whole deal is about.
And so, Peter is instructing them, he’s encouraging them, of course. I’m aiming for chapter 2, in particular, but he talks about how God has worked and how that’s the reason people come to Him in the first place. God begins the work, by His Spirit. He works in a heart and draws and convicts.
And the fact that God has done everything, the fact that God is the chooser, we’re ultimately not the chooser. He is the One who has worked in us and what He’s given us is a solid hope that goes beyond anything you can see or experience in this world.
It’s real, it’s waiting. And even though we have to go through a lot of things down here that are difficult, they’re only working toward His ultimate goal. They’re not working against it.
And so, we have every reason, in the midst of whatever course, whatever place in life we find ourselves, there’s always a source of joy if we’ll look to Him and we’ll trust in Him. We’re never in the place where there is no possibility of rejoicing and being thankful.
And that’s what God longs to share with us, because He’s not wanting to make His children miserable. He’s wanting to set us free from the things that would make us miserable, if we only understood. So, there’s this call, and I don’t want to get bogged down in chapter 1. At the same time, I don’t know how long this will be so, we’ll just see what the Lord has.
But anyway, He says this — let’s say, down in verse 22 of chapter 1. We’ll pick it up there. “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.” (NIV). And so, it’s interesting how Jesus spoke about the fact that those who had heard His word, those who had truly received His word in their hearts, they were pure, weren’t they? They were clean. Didn’t He say that in John 15? Now you are clean. And so, the cleansing only begins the process.
Now we learn to live by Him, knowing that without Him we can do nothing. That’s the message of John 15. But that’s also where He’s going to get to here. But now, having been purified, having this confrontation, if you will, this encounter, is a better word, with God, there is something that He wants to — He wants to live His life through us, doesn’t He?
And that begins with what He says here. This is the one law that supersedes everything else. If you get this right, everything else falls into place. Because God is love and how could we be His children and not experience that, not be vessels that would then find — where that would find expression in our lives? “ … By obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers ….” Obviously, not a love that’s feigned or pretended, just something that’s on the outside, but something that really penetrates to the depth of our being.
I’ll tell you, I believe God is doing that work in our hearts to where we can come in here and look around and instead of finding conflict and reasons to have negative feelings about this one or that one, we can we can say, God, I’m so thankful for You bringing me here and for the love that we share! And Lord, regardless what we may be going through at any given time, Lord I thank you and I can experience your love, right now, for every single one and pray for their welfare. That’s what God is reproducing.
My God, if we have that, we’ve got everything! Praise the Lord! And so, this is all founded though upon something. This is not something that you and I can manufacture out of human nature. Human nature is the exact opposite. “For …. “ See, that’s a because kind of word, isn’t it? “For you have been born again ….”
And so, he goes right back to the heart of what begins salvation. It is a birth. It is the beginning of another life, because we were born with a life, as we said so much recently, and particularly, that hates God. It’s opposed to every aspect of His nature. There’s nothing good. Paul, the self-righteous Jew, had to come to the place — God brought him to the place where he could honestly say that, in me — and he’s talking about his flesh, his old nature — in me dwells — how many good things?
( congregational response ).
None! That takes divine revelation. That takes a humbling. That takes a confrontation with light that we allow to shine into that darkness and we embrace it and say, God, the need is incredible. It’s way beyond anything that I could ever meet. I could never make myself into somebody that could ever live with you in that holy place. It takes divine miracle—a divine miracle.
But it takes a birth. And he says, “ … born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, all men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field ….” I don’t care what you see in this world that looks impressive, at any given moment, it’s just as temporal as grass and flowers.
“ … But the word of the Lord stands forever.” Thank God! And he uses the analogy here of a seed, doesn’t he? Now a seed is something that has an outward part that goes into the ground and dies, but there’s an inward part, there’s a life in every seed, that’s viable. And every seed brings forth after its own kind, whatever life it has. Now if it’s a life of a plant, it can reproduce but we know that doesn’t last. It’s, as we said, it’s temporal.
But there is a seed that needs to be planted in the heart of anyone who would ever come to know God. It’s got to be planted deep in the heart. You remember how Jesus talked about the sower going forth to sow and how he sowed his seed, and some fell on ground that was so hard it just sat there and the birds came and took it away.
Who are the birds? He’s talking about demons, He’s talking about devils. Where there’s no penetration, they can come in there and just get rid of it and you don’t even think about it anymore. It doesn’t make any headway in your life.
But there are others that seem, on the surface, to embrace it but they don’t really, really embrace it with a separation, with a total commitment to it. They’re trying to mix the benefits of that with whatever they perceive to be benefits of this world. The cares of this world choke the Word, in one case. Or, there is a hardness down deep where, on the surface, yeah, I’d love it, I’d love to go to heaven. I want peace and joy and all that stuff. But there’s no breaking up of the inner man, the real depths of the heart is still hard and resistant to anything that God would do.
Folks, if we’re gonna make any headway with God, if anybody is really gonna come to God and be born of that Spirit, you’re gonna have to just let go. We’re gonna have to let go of this life and recognize it for what it is and embrace the new one that He has given us. Thank God!
The blood of Jesus is what cleanses us from the guilt of our sins. That’s what opens the door for salvation. Salvation doesn’t begin until that happens. Just the forgiveness of sins is not salvation. I don’t know if you know that. That’s the beginning of it. It makes it possible for God, then, to change us into His image, into the image of His Son so that we can live with Him forever. So, praise God! This Word, this life has to take root in our hearts, doesn’t it?
And he said, “And this is the word that was preached to you.” So, now you’ve got a new situation, don’t you? Someone has been genuinely born of God and there is this new life. And the way he describes it here, it’s like a baby life. It’s the beginning of life.
And so, now you’ve got a conflict. You remember how Paul describes the flesh and the spirit in Galatians chapter 5, is it, I believe? Where he says these two are “ … contrary the one to the other.” (KJV). Contrary means they’re against. There’s a war going on between which way am I going to go? Am I gonna follow what my flesh and my old nature want me to do and how it wants me to think, or am I going to go God’s way?
And the battle is not just simply me in here and God’s Word out there. That would be like law. You can’t ever save anybody with laws. All that does is show us what’s wrong with us. But now you’ve got something on the inside that wants to go another way, because God put it there. Man, if you and I were left to ourselves, there is not one thing in us that would ever want anything to do with God! We would want our way and we would die —
( congregational amens ).
— Living out that corrupted life! That’s how serious the situation is. And people just don’t really get this, they don’t understand. It’s interesting, the broadcast right now, for last week and this morning, I guess, or today, this week, is from a message last year and I had forgotten about a lot of the details and I just had to get it ready for the — the transcript ready for the website.
And the title of it is, “Taming the Beast.” You remember that one? And every one of us has this ‘beast nature’ in us and it’s real! And if we just sort of bop through life and don’t recognize what’s going on and what’s really so easily in control, we’re just gonna go the wrong way and we’re gonna have a hard time.
It’s interesting — I don’t even think in that message I mentioned some scriptures that really go along with that. What does the scripture talk about — or how does the scripture describe people who hear the truth and reject it and fight against it and die in that condition? “ … Natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed.” (KJV).
That’s the fate that awaits the human race, apart from God, because that’s all people are is natural, brute beasts. They have a beast nature that wants what it wants, lives for self and hates God. There’s no other way to put it, if we’re gonna be honest. You can’t sugarcoat this. This is what I need to be saved from and I’ll tell you, I think a lot of us are discovering the depth of that, in a greater way than we ever have.
And God is doing it because He loves us and because He longs to share the beauties of His life! Because what He longs to share with us is the love, the joy, the peace and all of those fruits that come when His Spirit is in control.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! It’s for us. It’s given to us but we need to — there are things — well, that’s what we said last week. There’s something we need to lay hold of, isn’t there? And there’s something we need to stand in. But that kind of lays the foundation for some very simple things that he’s talking about here, because, as I say — well, let’s just read the next couple of verses.
“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.” (NIV). Now, he’s not talking to unbelievers here. You see the problem? Just coming to Christ doesn’t eliminate all of that. There has to be an ongoing work of the Spirit in which we cooperate in order to gain freedom from these kinds of things.
And notice how wonderfully this dovetails into what he’s just said. Love the brothers sincerely. Have a genuine love. This is the very opposite. These are the kinds of things that come out of the old nature. Now again, you go back to Galatians 5 and you will see a longer list of expressions that are characteristic of that nature. It’s not an exhaustive list, by any means, but you get the picture of where he’s going with this.
These particular things have to do with our relationships one with another. Because if we come together, if we were to come together, and even in our relationships with people outside — see, that’s not an excuse that hey, they’re bad people we can do bad things or have bad attitudes.
“ … Rid yourselves of all malice — “ But they did something terrible, and I’m angry! I’m mad at them! I have this malicious — I hope something — almost like you wouldn’t say it but you hope something bad happens. I mean, there’s a malicious, negative spirit towards somebody.
Deceit. Oh, how endemic that is to human nature, that we just want to — we want to have our way and sometimes we know that it’s not going to be well looked upon by others and so we’re gonna find a way, deceitfully, to have our way. Oh, God! That just comes out of the old nature, doesn’t it?
Hypocrisy is pretending that we’re one thing when we’re really another on the inside.
Envy is looking upon somebody else and you perceive them as having some advantage that you wish you had. It might be possessions or position or you name it. It might look better than you do. Better looking. You know, whatever it is.
Slander. Oh, how people struggle with using their tongues. And slander is actually saying something that isn’t true. But you get the picture of what he’s warning about.
But the thing is, again, if you simply instruct people as to what to do and don’t give them the power to do it, all you’ve done is put them in a worse state than they were to begin with. ‘Cause now they’re living in light that they can’t live up to. God, what a horrible position that is!
So, what he says here really begins to unfold what he’s after. “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” So, now you see what’s going on. You need to grow up. When a little baby is born, it doesn’t do much more than holler at one end and have no responsibility at the other — and drink milk, I guess.
But you see, there is something in the nature of even the smallest infant that knows, I need milk, I need nourishment, I need something. There’s an inborn desire there. And that’s really all we expect, at the beginning. But there is a nourishment that you and I need at every stage of our lives.
He’s focused here on the newer, on the younger ones — but we need something that comes that will actually nourish that new life, actually help it and strengthen it! And so much of what we take in, doesn’t.
But there is — if God’s really done something in your heart, there’s going to be a desire. Now, you can stifle it. You can do all kinds of things that cause you not to do what he says to do here. But I’ll tell you, if you recognize at all, if there’s anything in your heart that says, I want God, I need God, Lord, I recognize these needs in me, I know they’re not right, I’ve got to have something that can make this new life stronger. And what it is — the underlying thing in this spiritual milk is really the Word of God!
( congregational amens ).
Now, the King James actually uses the word, ‘the milk of the word.’ And it’s kind of — it’s there, it’s part of the thought that they render differently in some of these other translations. But that’s what it is. God gives us a source of something and there are two aspects to what God gives us, aren’t there?
What God does not give — or God does not merely give us information. Now, you’ve got a lot of folks out there in religion, who are very good at conveying the information. Our doctrine is pure. This is what we’re supposed to do. These are God’s rules — is what it comes down to, for living. Rules to live by. These are the doctrines we believe.
And you can get every bit of that just right, and miss completely what he’s talking about here, because the other aspect of this nourishment that we need is we need, actually, an infusion of the very life of God! Because if we don’t have the life that comes with the Word, then we don’t have what it takes to live up to it! What good does it do?
And so, on the one hand, you and I need something that runs counter, that corrects, that shines a brilliant light upon the impulses of our nature and the world in which we live, ‘cause if we simply go by the wisdom that comes from the world, the impulses that arise from our nature, we are gonna go the wrong way every single time! And to us, it will seem to be true.
So, what’s the answer to that? We’re gonna have to actually have a source of wisdom that shows us our own situation, and our own life, and the truth of the world around us in God’s eyes. How does God see this situation?
And I want to encourage someone who may be a young believer. You know, you can look at that and say, oh, my God, this is overwhelming! How can — it’s not meant to be overwhelming. Oh, I praise God that we can occupy the place that Paul mentioned, where he said I forget what’s behind, I just reach forth to what’s before. Basically, it’s, I’m taking this a day at a time.
What God is looking for is simply a people who will walk with Him, in the course of their normal, everyday life. Now, I’m assuming that your normal, everyday life does not involve doing something — going a way that you know is wrong. But I mean, there are jobs, there are schools, there are responsibilities, there are households, there are all of these natural, normal things that are part of living in the world.
But in the context of those things, you and I run into problems and issues every single day, that involve problems that come from the outside and responses that come from the inside. And we have a Heavenly Father who knows how to manage our situations so that He can accomplish what He has set out to do.
And I’m thankful that we have a God who is not worried. He’s not a bit worried about His ability to pull this off. As we’ve said many times, He knows what He’s gotten into. He’s not making this up as He goes along. He’s absolutely planned this from the foundation of the world and He understands the process.
He’s not looking for a kindergartener to be able to handle quantum physics. He’s able to deal with a newborn baby in Christ and help them and nurture them and encourage them and help them to be able to learn how to — when they mess up to come and trust in the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse from all sin. That’s what He said. That’s a promise that we have!
( congregational amens ).
That we’re not always gonna do things right. Many times we learn when we mess up, more often than the other way, a lot of times, sadly. But I’ll tell you, God has made provision for every one of us to simply put one foot in front of another.
And He longs to walk with us, to help us with everyday items, everyday things. It’s not just coming in here and hearing lectures. This is a God who wants to walk with you and me and give us the ability, as we walk, as we open our hearts and reach out to Him, He will give us the ability to begin to see things that are in our everyday life, through His eyes.
You know, we said recently, it’s not what happens to us, it’s how we react to it, that’s the issue. Stuff is going to happen, in case you didn’t know it! There’s no place in God’s kingdom — well, in this world, I should say, where you’re not gonna have stuff happen. And God’s gonna see that it happens because He is the only one who knows the depth of our need.
And it was expressed this morning how many times in our lives, somebody who’d known the Lord for a long time, you reach a point in your life when something comes to light and the Lord shines His light on it and it’s been there all along but you didn’t know it! And you thought everything was great. You thought you had reached a spiritual — a level of spirituality and you were just in cruise control, spiritually, and all of a sudden, God said, all right, it’s time. We’ve got to get off this little freeway here and get back in the bushes and let’s find out what the real deal is.
I’ll tell you, God’s not gonna give up on His children! He’s gonna do what it takes to bring us to that place where we can be free from this. That’s the problem. The very thing to which we cling with such fierceness, is the very thing from which you and I need to be delivered!
( congregational amens ).
And when we are, there’s going to be peace that passes understanding. Praise God! That’s what salvation is all about.
February 10, 2019 - No. 1375
True Repentance: Conclusion
February 10, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1375 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Jesus took care of what I did. But oh God, why would I do the things that I do? I know God has got to get down into here and change this! I cannot allow myself to be satisfied with what other people think of me. I’ve got to say, I’ve got a relationship with a holy God who sees the depths of my heart. He doesn’t care about the stuff I do. There’s nothing I can do that will make up for what I am.
And so, David is really recognizing — oh God, I’ve got to get deeply honest, in the depths of my soul. Do you see the difference? This is not a small difference. It’s quiet in here. But it’s hard, but necessary truth.
Because what happens is so easy to happen, is that we can go through a repentance that changes our behavior and our appearance — what we call repentance. And we can adopt a religious way of life — churches are full of this — they’re full of it. And people, to all outward appearance, appear to be great Christians and nothing has ever changed in their heart.
Isn’t that the problem? Jesus said to the Pharisees, you know, you do all these righteous things but nothing — inside, you’re like dead men’s bones. It’s all full of corruption. Nothing has really changed in there. God sees that. It’s not that this is bad stuff, it’s just — God doesn’t care about that. I mean how many of you — well, I’ll wait until something he says later on in this passage.
But anyway, David is at least recognizing, this is not just a mess up in something I did, this comes from something in here, and I need help. I need You to cleanse me in here. I need You to do something in here.
“Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean….” Now, I didn’t take time to look this up again. But I know that hyssop was a plant. I know it was a branch of some kind, whatever it was, they actually used it in the Law. It was actually the piece of — the kind of plant material that they used when they painted the door posts. Remember back in Egypt they had to put blood on the doorposts as a sign to the destroying angel. They applied that with hyssop. And there were other things in the Law. It became kind of a symbol of divine cleansing. And so, David is kind of referring to that.
“Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity”. So again, now he’s talking about the need to be cleansed because I did stuff. How many of you know we need that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. I mean, there’s a scripture over here in 1st John that really majors on that. Just hold your place there. But I mean, just go the beginning of 1st John, verse 6. If we claim — well, it says, “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light….”
Now think about what he’s saying there. Is he talking about externals? No, he’s talking about something that gets right down into the heart, because God sees it all. So walking in the light involves a heart honesty, doesn’t it?
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” Thank God! There’s a provision for that.
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” Boy, self-deception is a, like I say, it’s an easy thing. We need the Lord, we need one another. But here’s the promise, “If we confess our sins….”
Now, confess is not just admit. Think about it this way. I did something and God is, in a sense, the Prosecutor. He’s saying, you did something. Now, I could stand over here and say, but it’s not so bad. I didn’t really do it. You know, try to somehow defend, come up with some kind of a defense that minimizes what I did. Or I could admit, yes, I did.
But I’ll tell you what confession is. Confession is, I’m gonna step over here with God and look at that thing and call it what it is. I am 100 percent in agreement with the Prosecutor and everything He says about it. There is a confession, an agreement. If we confess our sin, we’re taking God’s side against what is wrong in us.
Folks, that’s the only hope we have. I have got to be 100 percent on His side and say, God do what it takes to make me fit to live with You one day, because there’s nothing good in me. That’s what Paul said. If Paul, the apostle, could say with a straight face, “I know that in me (that is in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing….” (KJV). We’ve pointed that out so many times here lately — seems like this has come up.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just….” (NIV). Now, there are two things there. Faithful is, He doesn’t change. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to catch God on a good day?
( congregational response ).
And avoid going to Him because He’s not feeling quite so generous today? No! He is utterly faithful to what He has promised. Man, you want someone you can depend upon, that’s God. Thank God! He doesn’t change! He’s Someone we can go to at all times, and He invites us to come. He invites us to come when we have a need. Man, that’s all the time with me.
But He also says something else here. “…He is faithful and just….” Now ‘just’ has to do with justice. It’s a legal issue, ‘cause remember, it’s not just that I jumped off the building and broke my leg, it’s that I broke a law. Folks, when we sin, we break God’s law. And the law of God says, the one who sins, dies. That’s the law.
And so how in the world — it’s a point we’ve made, but I think a lot of people need to get it, need to really get this in your thinking and understand the ways of God. How can a just God forgive sin? How can He uphold the justice of the law and say, yes, the law is right and I will carry it out — without destroying us?
You see, I have a representative that went to the cross in my place. I went there with someone who took the guilt of all the sins that I have ever committed upon Himself. All of God’s justice was poured out upon Him in my place. And so, God can be just and show me mercy. Thank God!
( congregational amens ).
Oh, if you’re trying to come to God any other way, you don’t get it. God is faithful to His promise but He can be just, if we’ll come to Him with honest hearts.
“…Just and will forgive us our sins and purify….” So now there are two different things — there’s a forgiveness and a purification. I need to be more than just, okay, it’s off the books, you don’t have to worry about that. I need Him to do something in me.
( congregational amens ).
Because the reason I did what I did is because I’ve got a dirty heart. I need some help. I need Him to do some cleansing in the way I think, the way I act, what motivates me. It’s got to get down in the depths of my being, to be real repentance. And I think David was getting this, don’t you?
“Surely you desire truth…” up in verse 6, “…in the inner parts.” You desire an honesty, down in the depths of my heart. And so, he says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God — create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Again, David is not simply wanting God to blot out the guilt of his sin because he’s broken God’s law. This is not an external thing. This is David saying, You’re going to have to get down in my heart. This is where it came from.
Oh God, how could I do such a thing? I did this against You and it came from the depths of my being. God, You’re going to have get in here. This is the same man, by the way, who wrote, “Search me, O God, and know my heart…and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (KJV). It’s a rough quote of it anyway.
But there is that sense of, God, I don’t know what’s here. There’s no way I can know the depths of what’s in here. But I know You love me. I know You’re for me. But Lord, because I love You and I want to be a part — I want to be in the everlasting way. I want the way that leads to home.
David took a detour but — I mean, he had a rougher path to get there, but he got there, didn’t he? He got there because he trusted God and had an honest, open heart. Thank God for that reality. But there is this sense in David that, oh God, You’re going to have to do something down in here so I don’t do stuff like that. I don’t trust me. I need You, Lord, to completely cleanse me from the heart on out.
Create in me: I mean, he recognized, I can’t do this, Lord. There’s a need in my life. I can’t fix it! But, I can call upon You because I know You have the power to do something deep in here that I don’t have, and I’m desperate for You to do what needs doing. God, work in me.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you.”
The thing that I sense in all of this, is not some — this is not superficial, folks. This — I have all ideas, this took a lot of time, a lot of soul-searching, a lot of, God, just show me what’s going on. Show me how to live for You. Show me how to get victory over this thing. Show why I did what I did.
God is looking for that from me, from every one of us. He’s doing it because He loves us. Praise God! His desire for us is positive. It’s not like He’s looking down expecting us to do something we can’t do. He knows we can’t! That’s why it’s called salvation.
But oh, David is looking for not just something for show. This is not something where I can just push the magic button and go back and everything is like it was. In one sense, it never was. David had to learn to serve God in the face of what he’d done. And he did, thank God. God was with him. God helped him. God strengthened him. But man, there was stuff that happened in his life and his kingdom that — on this road they happened, on this one, he’d have been all right. But God worked. I’ll tell you where his spirit is manifest.
How many of you remember what happened when he had to flee from his son Absalom who had mounted a revolution and he had to flee from Jerusalem? And he and his entourage were walking through a valley and a fellow named Shimei shows up. Shimei was from the house of Saul. And boy, did he see an opportunity to give David “down the country.”
And so, there on one side of valley, he’s on the other side throwing stones, throwing up dirt, cursing David, you’re getting what you deserve, you bloody son of whatever, and just cursing him. And boy, David’s men were just incensed — how dare you! Don’t you know who this is? Let me go take off his head! How dare he say such things to the king! And David said, no, let him alone. How many of us would react that way?
( congregation inaudible ).
How many of us would react like this? This is after this sin. This is part of the consequence of that. And instead of getting mad at the guy, he says, God his bid him to do this that He might do me good. Do you see where God had done a work in his heart? On man! That’s powerful stuff.
( congregational amens ).
But there’s a God who could give us that kind of grace if we will open our hearts and want it. God can give us grace not to lash out at people and circumstances but just to simply — well, what does God say in the New Testament? “Humble yourselves, therefore, under…” What? “…God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” (NIV).
So, David just did what he knew to do. He humbled himself under God’s hand and let God work out the details. And when the details weren’t pleasant, he didn’t get mad! And he just said, Lord, I’m in your hands. And I’ll tell you, there was — I mean God could look back, even in spite of what had happened, and say, now there was a man after my heart. He messed up big time. But when I faced him with it, there was a faithfulness in his heart. There was a heart that wanted to come to me and was willing to come to me, and willing to humble himself and just let it play out and go on with me from there.
Like I say, you start down the wrong road and you carry it down a ways, you don’t go back and just — like it didn’t happen. But on the other hand, we can go on with God, can’t we?
( congregational amens ).
Praise the Lord! So anyway, he’s seeing, he’s looking forward to a time when he’s actually going to be able to be a source of help to somebody. But I’ll tell you, this was not a five-minute deal. I don’t know what the time frame was. But for him to be actually able to help somebody else, God had to do a real work in his heart and a lot of it had to do with the things he went through, watching his own sons — there were two different rebellions that I remember.
One of them was his son, Absalom, who actually took the throne and drove him out. Another one was one of the other sons — called all of the king’s sons together and had himself crowned king someplace else, when Solomon was the one that God had chosen. Praise God!
So anyway, he says, “Save me from bloodguilt, O God, the God who saves me, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.”
Now here’s something significant, because God had prescribed things that they were to do when they sinned. There were sacrifices that were prescribed under the law and yet we see throughout the Old Testament, especially in the prophets, that that’s not really what God was looking for. There was an outward expression that was appropriate. But what God was looking for was from the heart.
And so he says, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” You know, what is God looking for when we mess up? Think about that word ‘broken.’ This is not somebody who’s broken because they — and we’ve everyone been there — because we got caught. This is somebody who’s broken because, oh God, no matter what else is involved, this is You and me, and I am broken hearted at what I did. There is a genuine, inward brokenness of the heart. That’s what God is looking for.
Do you remember what He says through the prophet? “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is…” (KJV). What? Broken, contrite heart. And that’s what God is looking for from every single person, is somebody who will be honest with Him in the depths of their being and say, oh God, what I do doesn’t matter so much as what I am. I need You to fix the depths of my soul and to face what I am, help me.
And so, then he says, “The sacrifices of God…” (NIV). What is He really looking for? “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” I’ll tell you what, that’s the way to bring God’s presence. That’s the way to bring God to our hearts and into our lives, to gain His favor, if you will.
And it’s not an act, it’s got to be something that’s from the depths of our being. Oh God, I need you. I just need to step back. I need to look to You. I need to have You fix what’s wrong in here. Help me. Aren’t you glad He knows what we’re made of?
( congregational amens ).
I mean, this is the same one who said, all of my days are written in your book before one of them came to be. God knew the choice that he was going to make and He wove it into His plan for his life. And the very woman that he had married in such a manner, it was her son, Solomon, who became the king! We serve a merciful God, don’t we?
( congregational response ).
But the one thing, the one lesson I guess, in this that I see above all, is that God is not looking for something that is outward. He is looking to do deep works in our hearts. And if we will present our hearts to him He will do it and the results will be good.
He doesn’t come with condemnation. He comes with mercy. In fact, somebody who comes this way, that’s what He loves! He’s drawn to it! He’s pleased with it, not pleased with the thing that was wrong but He’s pleased with the heart that’s just willing to come and say, oh God, I want to be free. I want to be what You want me to be. Do whatever is necessary in the depths of my heart to bring me to that place. Praise God!
For the sacrifices of God — and set in the context of the Old Testament, this is some real insight, because they knew the law, they knew what you did when you sinned! You brought a sacrifice and that was supposed to take care of it. David said, that’s not it! I could do all the outward stuff and look like I was doing exactly what God wanted. But unless You get down in here, it’s not fixed. And I need You to give me an honesty that goes to the depth of my soul, so I get why I’m the way I am, and how much I need You.
And my concern is not my image—what people think of me, propping that up, making — performing for one another. We need the Lord. And we need a humbleness and an honesty. But I’ll tell you, there’s a God who will honor—will honor people who will come to Him on that ground. Man, that’s what He loves, that’s what He can work with.
“In your good pleasure make Zion prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight you; then bulls will be offered on your altars.” So, it’s not that they were doing away with the law, that was still appropriate. But David recognized there had to be something behind that. You do something with our hearts so that when we come to You and do the things that You said to do, then there will be something to it. It won’t be just for outward appearance.
Man, we need something that comes from the heart. I don’t know, that’s just my burden this morning. I see needs in me, I see needs in all of us. But, I don’t want this to sound like a downer. I pray it hasn’t. It’s something to be sober about, when you see a man of God who can get this far out of the way. Then, folks we need to be crying out to God and saying, God, search my heart.
( congregational amens ).
Don’t let me go down these roads. Don’t let me lie to myself. Don’t let me deceive myself, that this is okay and I can get away with sin. You know, we spoke a couple of weeks ago on God’s war against sin. He’s dead serious about it. God help us. But He is. So, on that level it’s a warning, but the other part, it’s an encouragement, that even when we go down the wrong path, God can still redeem, God can still work, God can still weave that into His pattern. For someone that really humbles himself under the mighty hand of God, it doesn’t change the ultimate goal. Thank God, it doesn’t take away hope!
( congregational amens ).
But you know we need to be willing to walk through that time, and trust God, and put ourselves in His hand and say, oh God, open my eyes to see. Don’t let me lie to myself. Don’t let me try to think that I’m this and I’m not. Help me, Lord. He will. He will.
And when He gets done it won’t be you trying to be this or be that, it’ll be Him being what He is in you. And it’ll be beautiful and it’ll be wonderful. And I’ll tell you, I want His presence. I want Him to be the Head of this church. I want Him to be the message of this church. I want Him to be the life of this church!
( congregational amens ).
And I want Him to be the goal…
( congregational response ).
The destiny of this church, for us to grow up in Him in all things! Isn’t that what the scripture says? This is the pathway. It’s a depth and it’s an honesty of heart that comes to God in all circumstances and just says, Lord, do what You’ve got to do. Do what You have to do in my heart. I need You, Lord. And He will and He’ll get the glory. Praise God!
February 3, 2019 - No. 1374
True Repentance: Part One
February 3, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1374 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, praise the Lord! I have some things on my heart this morning, and either this is a burden from the Lord or something, but we’ll see. But I feel like the Lord has laid on my heart something that is needful for all of us, and especially in the religious climate of today.
And it has to do with repentance, and what repentance really is, because we have so much that goes on in religion, where repentance is really kind of an external thing, an outward thing, where we take on religion, we take on certain outward things that people can see, but it never really gets down to where it needs to get.
And repentance, obviously it involves Christians, but it involves everybody that comes to the Lord. There’s no coming to the Lord without repentance. He doesn’t give us eternal life so we can continue to live the life we lived before and then somehow carry that to heaven, it’s a transformation.
And it’s what Josh mentioned this morning. There’s a reconciliation part where the legal issue between us and God is settled because Jesus paid our sin debt. But there is a transformational side of it without which it’s not salvation. And unless He replaces our life with His, all we’re doing is just living our life and that’s no good. And that can be religious. That can be a whole lot of things. And, it’s like the scripture says, we don’t know our own heart.
( congregational amens ).
We don’t know it. “The heart…” the Lord said through Jeremiah, is, “…deceitful above all things…” (KJV). And then He asked the question, “…who can know it?” And I think the implication is that none of us is in a position to know his own heart. We need the Lord! And I’m so thankful that He’s faithful to those that really come to Him from the heart, He’s faithful, isn’t He?
But anyway, the pretty obvious example in the scripture of repentance is David. And we know that the Lord chose him out of Israel because he was a man after God’s own heart. And so what happened to him is, not only an example for us, but it’s a warning for us, because he was a man after God’s own heart.
He was just a young man who kept his father’s sheep, and learned to know God and to worship Him and then had cultivated a certain amount of life with the Lord. And the Lord chose him because Saul had turned away and become self-willed in what he did. He had his own ideas. The Lord told him to do something and he sort of halfway did it, but then he injected his own ideas and his own fear, and other things crowded in. He wasn’t really faithful to the Lord in that.
And so, the Lord chose David and it quickly became obvious to Saul that God’s hand was with David and not with Saul. And so the next thing you knew, Saul was trying to kill David and David spent — I think something like 13 years in a very challenging school — of running for his life, hiding, trying to deal with this situation and that one, and gathering people around him. But forever and a day, he was in danger and struggling just to get by and looking to God.
But you know, God had him in school, didn’t He? This is how we learn about God. We’ve heard this so many times lately. We learn about Him when life is challenging and we’re forced to go to Him. David couldn’t simply rely on his skill as a soldier, which he had. He had, many times, just to simply rely on God.
And there were times when Saul’s army was on one side of the hill and David was on the other. And David was hiding in the back of the cave and Saul’s army was in the front. And finally, he had to actually leave Israel. And, we know all about that part of his life. But, God was shaping David, shaping his character, preparing him for the throne that he was to sit upon.
And then finally, Saul is killed in battle and David is brought into Judah, the tribe of Judah, and becomes their king. And that precipitated a seven and a half year war with the house of Saul in which, finally, after all this time when David was, what, about 30 years old, I believe, suddenly he is accepted and put on the throne in Jerusalem of all of Israel.
And we see him beginning to do the things that he thought he needed to do. He decided to bring the ark back to Jerusalem — didn’t do it the right way and that caused a problem for a while, But nonetheless, there was a disposition of his heart that you do see at every point in his life. Every time he failed, he failed forward. He learned. He grew.
He sought the Lord when he failed to bring the ark back. And finally the Lord revealed to him, you didn’t do it the way I told you to do it in Moses law. You can’t just ignore all that. And so, he brings the ark back to Jerusalem and there’s great rejoicing.
His wife doesn’t think much of it, one of his wives. So, the Lord had to deal with her. But anyway, now the ark is back to Jerusalem and so he prays and he comes to the prophet and said, you know, I live in a house of cedar and God’s house is in a tent. I want to build Him a house. And the Lord sent the prophet Nathan back to him and said, I’ve never dwelt in a house and never asked you to build Me one. But I am going to establish your house after you and bless your seed and your house is gonna last forever.
And, of course, we know it has because Jesus was born of the house of David, wasn’t He? His kingdom is forever. So, in that sense, the lineage of David will never end. So anyway, David praises the Lord and goes on about his business.
And you know, part of the promises to Abraham was that Israel would eventually possess, his descendants would eventually possess, a part of the land in the world. It went from Egypt to the Euphrates River. And so David set about conquering areas that had never really been subdued. And chapter after chapter, you will read about his exploits and how they’d go out to battle against this country and subdue it, and this one, and so on.
He was basically setting up what became Solomon’s early reign, the greatest king in the earth of his day. He basically inherited what David had provided. There was a peaceful kingdom of people who were subdued under Israel. They paid tribute. Israel ruled and reigned and they became the greatest kingdom in the world.
But David was busy doing all of this until one spring — and you know the story, but it’s worth repeating here, because it is a warning to every one of us that we don’t know our hearts and we can’t just get careless. We cannot just sort of assume, hey, I’ve got this, like Josh was talking about walking on the water, hey, I’ve got this. This is cool. I can do what I want.
David became careless and when his army went out to war, he stayed home. He said, you know, I deserve a rest. How many times do we indulge ourselves because we feel like we’re entitled? That’s human nature. We all do it. But anyway, he felt entitled to sit this one out.
And so, one night he was restless, got up out of his bed and from the vantage point of the castle, he saw a woman bathing and she was beautiful. And so he — you remember the story how he sent his servants out — so in that sense, this was not secret, was it? Servants knew. The servants went out and got her and he had a one-night stand with this woman.
And I’m sure in David’s mind this was no big deal — I’m entitled. I’m the king. I can do this. And so anyway, but the Lord saw what was going on, didn’t He? And so, what happened was, of course, that one-night stand turned into a pregnant woman, who sent word to David about that.
And so, he figures, I’ve got to do something. I can’t let this be known that I did this, that I’m responsible. And so, he calls and sends to the army and has Uriah, her husband, brought in. Uriah’s an amazing character. This guy’s not even an Israelite. He’s a Hittite, one of the heathen nations that they had conquered, and yet he had such a respect for God, such a respect for law, he was such a principled individual that you see it play out in his life here. I have an idea we’re gonna see him one day. You know, he was a faithful man, despite what happened to him.
And so, he came back and David says, go home, here are some gifts, go home and spend the night with your wife, but he wouldn’t do it. And his reason was, the armies of God are out in the field, should I go — am I entitled to this little vacation here? And he wouldn’t do it.
And David finally resorted to — I mean, you see how sin takes over, and begins to lead you down a wrong path? David had come to a crossroads, hadn’t he, in his life? And it was either continuing on what he was doing or…he took a little [detour], didn’t he? And Bathsheba was the detour.
And one thing led to another, led to another, led to another, and instead of stopping, he just kept right on going and he was gonna cover it up. And so, he has Uriah back. Uriah won’t go, so David has him for supper. But his real motive was to get the guy drunk. He figures if he gets drunk, his resistance will be down and he’ll do what I hope he’ll do and then my sin will be covered up. So anyway, you know how that didn’t work.
And so, finally David figures my only solution is to get rid of him. And so, he knows that Uriah is such an honorable man that he can actually send a message to the commander by Uriah and Uriah won’t even read it. He’ll be so honorable he won’t even read his own death sentence. And you remember how the message was: put him in the hottest place of the battle where the danger is the greatest and then retire from him so that he will die. There’s nothing really secret about this. His servants knew about it. His commander knew. But I mean, this is a king! And in an absolute monarchy the king’s word goes.
And so, he does it. He sends a report back to David and he tells the guy, if David complains about the dead soldiers, why did you do this? Don’t you know better than to use that strategy? Then he told the guy to say, Uriah, your servant is dead.
And so David got the answer he was looking for and obviously Bathsheba was notified of this. And there was a suitable period of mourning in their culture, and then David took her into the castle as one of his wives. They had multiple wives in those days. And so, she became his wife and bore him a son.
So one thing you notice about this, this is not some little one-day thing, is it? This is something that evolved over a period of time. There was probably a year or so. Because if they went out to war in the spring, they were back at war. So, I mean, there are nine months at least for the child to be conceived and born, and then — we don’t know what the time frame is exactly, but it’s probably close to a year. Let’s just estimate that.
And David is completely — this man who is after God’s own heart is clueless! He has no idea what he’s done! No idea how God feels about it, and he’s just walking in self-deception! Folks, we don’t know our hearts. We need the Lord! We need one another, don’t we?
( congregational response ).
And so, this is David’s condition. And in that sense, it’s a tremendous admonition to us. I thank God there’s a place of forgiveness, don’t you? But, I mean, David was in a serious condition. And so, you remember how God sent the prophet Nathan to David.
And in order to approach the king — I mean, you think about the faith of Nathan. You don’t take a message like this to the king and expect to live, under a monarchy. But Nathan had the faith to go to him and tell him a story.
And the story was, there was a rich man and there was a poor man. The rich man had flocks and herds and was just rolling in possessions. The poor man lived with his wife and family and they one little ewe lamb that they brought up and it was like a daughter to him. They fed it from the table. It was more of a pet than anything else, a member of the family. And so a traveler comes to visit the rich man and instead of going out into his own herds, he goes across the street and gets the poor man’s lamb and takes it and serves it to the traveler.
Well, David’s righteous indignation was boiling over when he heard about this. Man, he was ready to get the guy until Nathan said, you are the man. And the Lord began to tell him what he had done. You had everything. I gave you a kingdom. If there had been more, I would have given it to you. I mean, if you’d asked for more. I’ve given you everything, and yet, you had Uriah murdered so you could have his wife.
And it was a shock to David, I have all ideas it was a tremendous shock to him. And he recognized that he had sinned. But it wasn’t just, you’ve sinned. It was, from now on there’s gonna be trouble. You’ve done this, the sword will never depart from your life.
Folks, when we go down the wrong road, there are consequences, aren’t there? And, that’s what happened with David. There were things that happened in his family. He had rebellions in his own household. He had to flee for his life. There were all kinds of things because God’s name got dragged through the mud because of what he did.
See, folks, we’re representing the Lord, aren’t we? And we need to live like that. And I just pray God will give all of us grace and help us to really check up on our hearts.
But anyway, that brings us to Psalm 51. Because here we see David in a real genuine example of repentance, I mean, this is the model repentance. He really goes into the depths of what repentance really means.
And he begins by saying, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” (NIV). So, from the get-go, he is not appealing to God based on anything he is or he has done. In other words, I have no right to come to You based on — I can’t look at my life and say, I’ve done good things, so therefore — there’s nothing. He comes on the basis of God’s showing mercy, end of story, that’s it! God, You’re a merciful God. I’m just gonna come because I know the kind of a God You are. Please have mercy on me, oh God. Lord, I need You.
“…According to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” According to Your unfailing love…aren’t you glad God’s love is not failing? Wow! I mean, here’s — if this had been us, how would you have reacted to something like this? If somebody — if it had been you? Oh my God! But here’s a God who is pure and holy! There’s nothing at all wrong with Him. Everything about Him is pure and yet David somehow knew that he could come to God even in the depths of this situation.
And it’s evident from his language, he’s not soft-pedaling anything, is he? There’s no basis upon which I can come to You, Lord, except for the fact that You are a merciful God! “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge.”
Now notice up to this point David is dealing with what he has done. Now you understand that are two levels of things going on here. ‘Sins’ are one of them. ‘Sin’ is the other. You understand the difference? Sins that are acts in the real world, they are acts of something. There’s something we do that is against God. Those are acts of sin. Those are sins. But where do they come from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. See, they come from a nature that can only sin. There’s not a single thing you and I can do that is acceptable in the eyes of a holy God. I don’t care what kind of a golden chalice you use to dip in and serve something. If you dip it out of a sewer, it’s still gonna be sewer water.
And so, David has to deal with something else besides just what he’s done. He’s done these terrible things. He recognizes that it’s not just out here and against somebody. There’s nothing except, oh God, it’s You and me. This is between You and me. I have sinned against You, Lord.
I’ll tell you, genuine repentance gets us to the point, every one of us, where nothing else matters. It isn’t what somebody did. It isn’t the circumstances. It isn’t a mistake. Oh, we love, every one of us love to use that. I made a mistake. Well, no. It’s gone way beyond that. There is something that I allowed in my life, that came out of my life and my heart that caused me to do something and that was against God. Period.
And David is shut up. Everything else doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you, when somebody comes to Christ, there may be issues in your life, there may be things you’ve been hurt by, there may be all kinds of issues in your heart and your life, but I’ll tell you, when it gets right down to it, the issue is not gonna be what’s happened to you. The issue is going to be, I am a sinner before a holy God and if I don’t do something about it, I’m gonna be lost and condemned in the end.
This is just You and me, Lord. Nothing else — it doesn’t matter what anybody else has done or ever will do, that’s not the issue. It’s You and me. Oh God, I need mercy, and the only ground upon which I can come.
But David, as I say, up to this point, all he’s dealing with is the external. I ‘did’ stuff. It was against You, Lord. And so he puts that in its proper perspective. But now, he’s going to get to something else. And here he says, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.”
So you see where David’s going here. This isn’t just stuff I did, this is what I am. And he’s realizing, he’s having to face the fact that what I did is not just some little boo-boo. This comes from here. Something’s got to happen in here if I’m gonna really be right with God. I can’t be satisfied to say, oh God, I sinned. Forgive my sin.
See, remember when the prophet, Samuel went to Jesse, David’s father, to anoint a king, and Jesse’s oldest son was brought out before the prophet. And he was tall, handsome, just looked like the perfect — this is surely the guy. What did God say? He says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
And I see in this prayer of David, I see David kind of getting this. Human nature wants to deal with externals. We really want to appear well before one another, don’t we? And it’s awfully easy for every single one of us at some point in our life to feel like, if I can present myself to others in a certain light that everything is okay, and it may not be, because the need that I have, the need everyone of us has — I’ll start with me. It’s not what I do, it’s what I am.
January 27, 2019 - No. 1373
The Power of Life and Death: Conclusion
January 27, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1373 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: God’s Word abides forever! This world will pass away but the Word of the Lord stands forever! See, God has given us something that is a great deal firmer than what we plant our feet upon in this world. And I believe He longs for us to experience that. All that He’s laid up, for all that Christ suffered for that we sang about this morning. Do we really believe that it is ours? And how much of it are we really enjoying?
I wish I could come…I wish I could say there’s an experience and if we’ll just come down here, God will suddenly catapult us to this level where…oh, my God, we’ll just be floating above life and we’ll just be able to speak the word and the seas will part and the mountains will move! But I know that it’s a journey, isn’t it?
( congregational amens ).
It’s a journey where we start we’re at and we say, God, teach me the ways of faith. Teach me how to take what You have said here and to translate it, not just in here, as a conviction, but as a word that I am willing to speak, I’m willing to confess what You have said. I’ll confess it in prayer. I’ll confess it in testimony. And Lord, You can teach me and steer me through all of this and help me to grow and to learn.
Help me to keep it within the boundaries of Your purpose and Your will…not migrate off into left field where I’m trying to use You to fix me, fix life the way I want it. But Lord, I want to be a part, I want to be a participant. I want to take hold of the life that You have given to me. Like Timothy, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life.” (KJV). Praise God!
Do you believe that this is real? Do you believe that God longs to take us to a place where we can do that? You know, most of us are stuck with needs and situations of our own. It’s not like we can go help somebody else almost. I mean, we can speak a good kind word…and that’s fine. But I think a lot of the time we are so struggling with our own needs and our own lives, and actually trying to believe God for them! And here God is wanting us to become so grounded in His Word and confident in Him, that even when we feel a need, we can be like David…I feel the need, Lord, but You’re my God and I’m trusting in you.
And there’s that confession that takes us through, that actually opens up the channel where God’s life can begin to flow in and fix that. Because there is no other solution. If God does not come and fix what’s wrong with us, we can belly ache and complain about it all we want, and struggle and strive, it ain’t gonna change.
But salvation is of the Lord and His Word is either true or it isn’t. If it isn’t true, if all the things that we’ve heard about throughout history, if they aren’t all true, then why are we here? We can assert our beliefs in the doctrines of the faith and the sufficiency of the scriptures, but there is more to it. God wants us to enter into something that will change lives.
You know, there may be people here and you’ve kind of reached a general conviction…yeah, there’s a God, Jesus died for my sins and I need Him and I believe all of that. Maybe you need to come to the point where you’re willing to stand up if necessary, and say, Jesus is my Lord, I put my hope and my trust in Him. Do you think that God will recognize that? I’ll guarantee He would.
( congregational amens ).
But it doesn’t stop there. All that He has for us is obtained through the same principles, not as a formula, you understand what I’m saying. But there has got to be a point where we marry up real convictions that God has spoken into our hearts and we bring them out through our lips and say, here I stand. Devil, this is where I stand! Man, there’s a devil who, if you take up the sword of the Spirit…see, that’s a pretty central thing, isn’t it? How did they overcome him, by the way?
( congregational response )
The blood of the Lamb is what gives me a standing before God. I have a righteousness I didn’t earn. My sins were blotted out because of the blood that was shed there, and my hope is in that, not in me. So I have a right to stand before the Devil, as righteous as God is, because of what He did! But you notice, it doesn’t stop there, does it? It’s by what?
( congregational response ).
The word of their testimony…there is coming forth a confession. And I’ll tell you, the Devil recognizes when someone who has a conviction in the heart and is willing to stand up in the Devil’s face and say, Devil, it is written.
It kind of worked pretty good with Jesus, didn’t it? In the wilderness, that was His answer every time. It was the ability to stand up and use…to confess the Word to the Devil! See, we need to start by confessing it to ourselves…that I believe what God says. We can confess it to the Lord. We can confess it to one another and to use our tongues to edify one another, use our tongues to encourage one another, use our tongues as a vehicle to administer faith one to another!
But I’ll tell you, we could stand up to the Devil himself and look him in the eye and say, God said! I’m not standing before you because I’m anything! I am an object of amazing grace…end of story! That’s the only reason I have the right to stand here is because of amazing grace! But stand I will. I am not gonna look at me under a microscope and find every reason in the book where I can’t have confidence before God.
You look in the Scriptures and you will see how the confessions of Paul as he wrote to believers…I mean, he would write to believers and people that had all kinds of problems, all kinds of needs that he would have to address. But he would say, you are God’s chosen people. You were sanctified. You were the ones He’s called through the hope of the Gospel. You have an eternal hope laid up for you in heaven!
I mean, this is the confession of the realty of the Word of God and where the Gospel is going. It’s not looking at the situation and saying, boy, you bunch of screw-ups. You see, he’s focusing on what God has said, and what God has the ability to bring about! And so, there’s always this exercise of the Word of God.
And I know…obviously he penned those things. But when he was there, he spoke them. He would address…I’m gonna use one example here that we’ve often used and that’s in Colossians 3. He’s been lifting them up and trying to turn them away from some things that would tend to side track them. But anyway, he’s talking about…well, right after he says, “…Christ is all, and is in all. Therefore…” verse 12, “…as God’s chosen people….”
Now, Paul is looking at these human beings that are just like us, that had problems that were…there was a challenge to their faith that was trying to side-track them. He said, you are God’s chosen people. You are holy! You are dearly loved! Now how many of us find it a little difficult sometimes to put ourselves in that category? We can assert this in a very vague general way, but to say…I am one of God’s chosen people, I am holy, I’ve been set apart for Him. I am dearly loved! It’s gotten quiet in here. Yeah. Is this an issue? Yeah, I got one yes. The rest of you are stunned.
( laughter ).
Well, of course it’s an issue! We allow the Devil to paint us into a corner of personal condemnation, of something, that somehow there’s something about me that disqualifies me from being able to use this kind of language. Paul used this kind of language on the Corinthians! And look at what was wrong with them! But he saw the power of the Gospel to address every need, to meet that need, and to bring them all the way through to a place of glory on the other side! I believe in that gospel, don’t you?
( congregational amens ).
I believe in the word of God! My faith is not in me! My faith is in His power to save me. And He’s got a job, but He is up to that job. He is able to save completely those who come to God by Him because He ever lives to make intercession for us. Praise God!
We believe these things and sometimes in here up to a point, and here, up to a point. But oh, I just sense the need in myself to be a lot more positive with what I say. That kind of completes a cycle. Those words have power, if they are ultimately powered by God’s word.
See what happens? God plants His Word in the heart. But that Word isn’t meant to stay in my heart. That word is meant to become the confession and the stand of my lips. And I’ll tell you, it comes into being just as God spoke and it happened. Do you see the pattern it’s following there?
Okay. “…Holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.” So obviously, he’s not basing what he’s saying upon their performance at the moment.
“Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Now listen to this, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly….” So now you’ve got the engine, now you’ve got the power, now you’ve got the source of it all. God has spoken a word. That word has entered into our hearts. It’s done something down here. It’s breathed life, it’s breathed conviction in here! So, what?
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” So, what he’s talking about here, the picture he’s painting, is this word coming out! Do you realize the power that we have? It’s life and death!
( congregational response ).
How much of the time do we speak death to ourselves and to those around us? I’m feeling bad, I’m getting old, I’m…you know. Guilty! Things are bad. Things don’t look good. I’ve got this ache and that pain, and this other thing.
Oh, praise God! I’ll tell you what, those things may be so in the natural, but they don’t determine my destiny. They don’t determine my relationship with God. He loves me. He’s with me. He’s worthy of my praise. He’s worthy of my trust in the middle, as we said earlier, in the middle to the storm.
It’s not that we are looking for a free ride in this world, it’s that we are walking and living by faith! But faith that is not really spoken, that does not govern this tongue, is missing a pretty important ingredient, isn’t it? Because Solomon said, the power of life and death is in the tongue. And it’s kind of gonna be one or the other. And a lot of times we’re speaking more death than we are life. And I just sense the Lord wanted to change my outlook and my attitude.
I look at some of these people like Angus Buchan, and others. And there’s just a joy, there’s an exuberance about the goodness of God, and there’s a positive confession. God is faithful! God will work! God will change lives! Why is that missing in so many places? Why is it missing to the degree that it is in me?
I believe God wants to teach us. I believe He’s more than willing to teach us. This isn’t just for special people. This isn’t just for the special handful. This is the center of God’s purpose!
I’m gonna go to a couple of Scriptures in the Old Testament that were looking forward, and I’m just gonna kind of skate over them because I don’t want to get bogged down and miss what’s…mess up or muddy the water. But I’m gonna look, just briefly, at one thing that was brought out in Isaiah 51. The prophecy in a time of great darkness spiritually in Israel…there was always that small remnant that looked to God. And the Lord was encouraging them. And I’m just gonna kind of summarize.
He says, look to Abraham. God is absolutely still for you. He’s going to take care of business. “Listen to me, my people.” Pay attention! You who have My word in your heart, don’t worry, salvation is coming. I’m on the job. Things are not always going to be as they are. You look around. You see the world that you’re looking at. Everything you see is gonna go up in smoke. But I’m the one who has created all things! I’m in charge and my purpose is going to happen! Verse 11, “The ransomed of the Lord will return,” and so forth.
There’s just this sense of triumph, and don’t react to men, don’t react to what you see in the world. And do we? Certainly not much source of comfort out there. We see our nation circling the drain, maybe starting down. I don’t know where we’re at. But it isn’t good! But my hope is not here! I serve a God who will be here and His people will be here when this is all gone! And God wants us to know, He wants us to be a people who have a confidence in Him that is practical! That’s able to stand up against the darkness that is over-running our world.
But listen to this amazing verse down in 16. “I have put my words in your mouth…” It’s interesting, isn’t it, to put it that way? “I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand.” Now this is where you’ll have translations that will vary and several of them really follow it, I think, a little closer where it says, I’ve done this in order to, I’ve done this to set the heavens in place, to lay the foundations of the earth and, “…say to Zion, You are my people.”
What he’s saying there is, God wants us to be participants in His purpose. A lot of times we’re sitting there struggling with our own little problems, in our own little mind, our own little world, and God wants us to get to such a place of faith and rest and victory that He can turn this around and use us to speak life, use us to speak His words! So we are participates in something that He is doing that’s eternal. Where do we get this from? God puts His words, not just in the heart, but in the mouth.
Look at a Scripture over in Chapter 59. Now we often begin with 60. “Arise, shine, for your light has come…” But look at what happens before that. It talks about the Redeemer coming to Zion. “As for me, this is my covenant with them, says the LORD. My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever.”
See, this is amazing. When you just kind of wrap your mind around this a little bit. God wants, obviously, people of conviction. But if we really have conviction, God wants that to be coming out of our mouths a lot more than it does. So that we’re not saying, yeah, I believe this, but…so that we can pray for one another with a whole lot more positive faith. We can pray, not feeling like, we’re under the circumstances. Under the circumstances, I’m hanging in there!
But we’re not supposed to be ‘under the circumstances,’ we serve a God who is above all circumstances! And even though we may have to endure circumstances at times, we can still have His joy! We can still have a positive outlook and a positive confession, that will help to carry us through all of that and be a testimony to somebody else.
What are we ministers of? There is power of death and life in the tongue. I believe God’s word, but…things are bad, feeling bad, I’m depressed, I’m…you know. Those kinds of things will absolutely attack every single one of us if we will let them.
But what do we believe more? Do we believe Him? I’ll tell you, there’s a power in that Word that He has given to us. It has the same power to create as it had in the initial creation where, “God said, let there be light, and there was light.” And He said, let there be stars, and there were stars. Let there be a world, and there was a world. He didn’t have to do anything else but speak. There was a power that flowed out of His words.
That’s the Word that He speaks to us. And I’ll tell you, every heart that will embrace what He has said, and confess what He has said, it’s going to change us, it’s going to change others. Because I’ll tell you what, there’s another scripture in Isaiah 55 that talks about the Word that goes out of His mouth. What does it say?
( congregational response ).
It will not return empty, void, “…but will accomplish…the purpose for which I sent it.” I know I’m not the only one. I know there’s a reason the Lord has laid this on my heart. I don’t want us to slide into what was described earlier as a form, where we learn how to say all the right things and agree with our minds as to what we believe and all of that, and how we do things.
I want us to have the real thing. I want Him to be the head and the Lord in practice, not just a figurehead that we sometime refer to up there. I want Him to dwell here. I want Him to change hearts and to change lives, starting with mine. And I want my tongue to participate in that more than it does. Instead of being negative and being down and focusing and talking about all the bad stuff, to be able to say, Lord, yes there’s a lot of bad stuff, but You’re on the throne and I praise You. I believe You. I believe Your Word in the face of everything that I’m experiencing.
I’ll tell you, the Devil is gonna challenge every one of you here, starting with me. But we have the right to stand up and look him in the eye…like that song, “He Has Forgiven Me.” We have the right to look the Devil in the eye and with that same kind of confidence, say, this is what God says.
( tapping ).
You say this, but along with Jesus, ‘but the Word of God says…’ And this is where I stand. I’ll tell you, you want the Devil to run? You stand on the blood, you stand on that, and you stand…the last part of that verse in Revelation 12 is, “…they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”
( congregational amens ).
For my life is Yours, whether I live or die in this world, I’m Yours, Lord. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” And I’m willing, not just to quietly confess it, or believe it in my heart, I’m confessing, Jesus is Lord! He is who He says He is! He’s doing what He says He’s gonna do and my hope is Him 100 percent!
Man, I’ll tell you, there’s nothing the Devil can do about that! Because there is a foundation that lasts forever. So, praise God! I just lay this out there and just pray that the Lord will take it for every one of us.
I’ve sensed, just thinking about this, there’s something it’s done to my own spirit to kind of rise up and say, wait a minute! I’m just sitting here letting the Devil beat on my mind and dwelling on circumstances and coasting along and being sort of…you know, just going through the motions, when I need to be rising up and say, praise God, He’s on the throne! “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (ESV). And all the confessions that we know from the Word! But God wants to take us step by step through His word and bring it into reality in our lives. Do you believe that He’s willing to that?
( congregational response ).
Are you willing to confess that He’s willing to do that? Praise God! Praise the Lord!
January 20, 2019 - No. 1372
The Power of Life and Death: Part One
January 20, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1372 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ll start with a verse that’s been referred to over the years…it’s been a while since I remember it being read here and it’s in Proverbs chapter 18. There’s a little wisdom from Solomon that I believe bears on what I’ve been thinking about and it’s in verse 21, and it’s this: “The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (NIV).
And, putting that in its context, you back up one verse. “From the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.” Then it says, “The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit.” So it’s evident to me that Solomon saw a connection between what we say and even practical things in life, ‘cause he’s talking about, we eat the fruit of it. And I think it’s more than just feelings and something intangible. I believe it actually makes a difference in life.
You know, there’s a certain amount of this that has kind of filtered down into the natural realm. You go to hear some of these positive thinkers, how to be a millionaire and that sort of stuff and they’ll talk about how you’re supposed to talk yourself into it. You’re supposed to have these affirmations and…I am really rich, I’m great, I’m this, I’m wonderful, as though that can somehow translate that into reality.
There’s a measure of truth, but that’s obviously not the point of what I believe the Lord wants to share with us. It’s not about getting for self in this world, but it certainly is in participating in what God’s purpose is for us as a people and as individuals. And, I believe with all my heart God wants us to be more conscious, certainly me, of the role of the tongue in faith. You know we were created in God’s image, were we not? When God does something how does He do it?
( congregational response ).
He speaks, doesn’t He? And I believe that that indicates something of the way God does work in and through us…that it’s wonderful to believe something. It’s good, it’s great to have a real conviction and say, yes, I believe every word in this Book. But there’s a way that that gets implemented. There’s a way that that gets, as I say, translated into our lives that I feel like…certainly I can confess that many times I’m stuck in an area of uncertainty and unbelief when it comes to the practical side of it. We pray and we sort of beg God and hope for the best. Am I overstating that?
( congregational inaudible ).
Yeah. And I feel like God wants to bring us to a level of faith where we can pray in faith, we can believe for needs in our lives in faith, we can believe for needs in others. And I believe God can bring a people to the place where when it’s needful and appropriate, they can speak a word and see something miraculous happen.
That’s obviously not the point, ultimately. You know there are some people who have gone to seed on this kind of thing and it’s the ‘name it and claim it’ as though we’re little gods and God wants us to grow up and to be able to speak things into existence, and we can speak ourselves into prosperity in the world and success and all of that stuff.
And it kind of takes hold of a principle and ultimately brings it over into the realm of self, sometimes into the realm of fantasy…where people are gonna go into a…I remember reading in one of Jim Cymbala’s books and he’s talking about folks that convened a conference in a certain city, and man, they were gonna drive the Devil out of that city. And it’s like they had the power to come in there and just go through whatever they went through and man, the Devil was gone. I mean, that’s fantasy.
But you know, I don’t want to jump into the other ditch and say, boy that’s really wrong, therefore, we just sort of live in an area of muddling through in unbelief, and declaring that we believe all this, but not really ever seeing a whole lot. I want to see God at work. I want to Him at work in me. I want to experience the things that He talks about here to a degree that I haven’t.
And I want to be that kind of a people in an hour like this where we have a faith that actually works in the real world. It’s not just that we believe it, but that we actually see it. And, I thought of a number of Scriptures I’m gonna ask the Lord to kind of put them together. But I thought of one that really shows the principle that I believe is involved here and it’s in Romans chapter 10.
Paul is teaching his way through the Gospel and what it is in Romans 10, and he’s talking about the Israelites and how they thought that the relationship with God was established through Law. He gave them laws to obey, they obeyed them, and by that means they were accepted by God. And Paul says that’s not it. That was a schoolmaster at best to teach us, to bring us to the place where we would come through Christ and what He did, and upon that ground alone, we would a place of acceptance before God.
But in…let’s see…verse 6, “But the righteousness that is by faith says: Do not say in your heart, who will ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down) or who will descend into the deep? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart…” Now see, it needs to be in the heart, doesn’t it? But it doesn’t stop there. There are two parts to that.
Now watch where it goes with this. “…That is, the word of faith we are proclaiming,” So something has been proclaimed. It has resulted in a word that has penetrated into the heart. It’s made a difference. It’s brought about an understanding. It’s brought about a conviction that something is true—that this message is true. Not only that, it’s true for me. I need this message. It’s a word from Heaven to help me.
“…That is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if…” What? “…If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
That’s pretty plain, isn’t it? There are two parts to faith, in other words. It’s wonderful to have a conviction in the heart, but there has to come a point where it is spoken. Just as God speaks and something happens, we are meant to speak if we are to actually bring the blessing into reality in our lives and ultimately we can affect other people by what we say and what we do.
But oh my, we are so good at…somehow, we assert these things, but when it comes to really believing it, this is where we fall down. I don’t feel good. Things don’t look good. We go by how we feel. We go by…we find all the fine print that the Devil can kind of manufacture in our minds about why this doesn’t apply to me now…this, that and the other.
Somehow, we don’t pray with any kind of real faith. We don’t stand with any kind of faith. We don’t really believe to the degree that God wants us to in the reality of what we say. Namely, that we have all things in Christ, He has provided a full and a complete salvation.
You know, we referred, I think it was last week, to Paul’s admonition to Timothy and it was to, “Fight the good fight of the faith….” And I think in the King James, which is what I tend to remember, it says, “Lay hold on eternal life….” There’s something that has to be laid hold of. In other words, it’s there…God says, I’m not gonna just dump it on you, you have the responsibility, you have the part to play to actually take hold of that.
And that’s…I don’t know, I just sense this. Why are we…why is there so much unbelief? Why is there so much unbelief? And I believe this is a huge key. It is a much bigger key than we have perhaps imagined. And it’s not that we can just in a sense of self-will, we can just decide, I want this to happen and by God, I’m gonna confess it into existence!
I believe part of our relationship with God, certainly what He describes here, is the establishment of a relationship with God. Namely, there is a conviction in the heart that is ultimately confessed! Jesus is my Lord! I believe in Him! I absolutely believe what the record is of who He is, what He did for me. I embrace that. But I don’t just embrace it, I confess it.
How many of you remember what was said of some of the Jews, in fact, I think it was some of the Pharisees, I don’t remember exactly, but it was in John 10. Where Jesus spoke some words and it said, many believed on Him, but…but they would not confess Him for fear of the Pharisees or of the Jews. So somehow it got this far but it never came out. It never really got sealed, didn’t seal the deal.
And I find myself in this place where…oh God, I need this, I want this, and somehow there’s something there that undermines the ability to absolutely say, Devil, I stand on what God has said. I am what He says I am. He gave me what He says He gave me and I am going to stake my claim on that.
I’m not coming to You, Lord, based upon my merit. I’m not coming to You because I have earned this place or this privilege. You have given it to me and You have declared it to be so. You have declared this is mine, I claim it. And I’m willing to say it. I’m willing to come out and take a stand with my mouth that’s positive. I don’t want to be one of these that…I believe it, but. And we do that, don’t we?
( congregational response ).
We have ways of undermining what we say we believe when it comes to us, now. I’ll tell you what, I just…I don’t know. I was thinking about…somehow my mind went to Angus Buchan. Some of you know who he is…”Faith Like Potatoes,” just a simple South African farmer. I went and listened to a little bit of an interview of him yesterday when he came to my mind. Just a simple man who came to the Lord and had the audacity to actually believe what this says. Scary, isn’t it?
And he would run into situations and instead of, oh well, it must be God’s will, he would actually rise up against what was going on and just cry out to God and sometimes he was almost willing himself to take hold of this Word.
Do you remember that scene about the fire? There was an out-of-control fire and he was running around fighting the fire, but he was crying out and proclaiming the promises of God in the face of that, and God sent a storm. And somehow the Lord has taken that simple farmer and given him a global ministry before, sometimes, hundreds of thousands of people, and he just has a simple faith to pray for people. He has simple faith to be able to see somebody instantly healed.
You know, that one example that wasn’t in the movie, but it was in the testimony later, where he was in a congregation…anyway there were a whole lot of people there, a meeting, and the majority of the people in that meeting were Muslims! And he’s laying it out there and talking about the power of God and how God is great.
And the Lord kind of talked to him about some man who was crippled on the front row and he went down to pray for him. And I think he had to pray for him a couple of times, but when it was done, the man was just jumping around, his legs were bending and everybody was going crazy! And, when he was trying to find out what was going on, he found out that man had a steel rod in his leg. There was no way it was gonna bend. I mean, God had completely undone and reversed everything about that and done it right in front of a whole crowd of people. You can imagine what that did for faith in the Gospel, which is the point. It’s not to say, wow, that was a miracle. It’s to authenticate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
( congregational amens ).
And, I pray that God will bring us to a place, maybe ‘back’ to a place in a measure, where we see God at work in lives in a greater way than we do! It’s not just the instantaneous, miraculous, but God can do that, too, and I want more faith like that. And I just pray that God will help us to begin to take hold…you know, we often use the case of the Israelites and how they were taking the land, and how it was such a half-hearted way at times. There were parts that they just couldn’t seem to get.
And what happened was that they would go into an area, a certain tribe, and try to take it and the inhabitants would resist them to the point where they believed in the resistance more than they believed in the promise of God.
Now, we don’t say that when we come in here and sing and say all these wonderful things that we sing about, but isn’t that kind of true in our lives many times? We run up against something that just seems to be an intractable situation, it’s been that was as long as we can remember, and instead of rising up and saying, Devil, I don’t care what you say, I am declaring the Word of God. This may take time. I don’t know what God’s purpose is, but I’m gonna stand in faith upon what God says. I’m not just gonna ‘hope so’ and believe it.
And I don’t want to just say brave words, I want to really marry up two things. I want to marry up a conviction in here and I want to marry it up to my lips, in prayer and in confession. There’s something, there’s a principle that God operates. Now you can say all the right words and it’s not in here, so part of the equation isn’t there. But I believe that God can take us from where we are at, and I believe He can lead us, I believe He can impart to us a faith that will enable us to grow.
You know, you think about somebody like David, we’ve used him as an example often. And, David, of course, didn’t start his career against Goliath, but he had some situations that happened that caused him…God caused him to exercise his faith. A lion and a bear come out, what am I gonna do? Am I gonna just surrender the sheep to the lion or the bear, or am I gonna rise up and say, God gave me this job, I’m gonna step out in faith and I’m gonna do something? I’m gonna put legs on my faith. And so, he did that and God gave him the victory and he was brought to a point where he had what it took when the time came.
And, praise God, I was looking for the Scripture about Goliath. But notice when he went out to Goliath…he didn’t just have this conviction, I’m doing what I’m supposed to do, I know God’s gonna be with me. Man, he spoke it! He wasn’t quiet about his faith. He put it into action. There was the action, but man, there were the words. “David said to the Philistine…” (NIV). This is in 1st Samuel 17 if you want to look it up, verse 45. “…You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head.” Man, that’s some…
( congregation inaudible ).
…Yeah. That’s pretty plain, isn’t it?
( laughing ).
See, he’s not just…and I don’t believe he’s going in there just kind of blowing smoke. This isn’t trash talk. This is something that has a foundation. Folks, we have a foundation. We don’t have to invent happy talk just to get through life. We have something that God has done that is apart from you and apart from me. He’s done it. He’s laid that foundation for me and for you.
So, “This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
Whoa! You know, I’d love to have that kind of faith, too, wouldn’t you? We face situations and, well, I don’t know. Don’t you think the Lord wants to lead us to the point where we could have a greater conviction and a greater faith in things?
You know, I was thinking about something Brother Thomas said many times, and I know those of you who were here will remember it. He talked about faith. What does faith do? It starts where it’s at. And it starts where it’s at, with what it has and with what it doesn’t have. It just starts!
And what I see in my own life is a need to begin to rise up and use this tongue in a positive way to build faith, to ask God to give me, not only the conviction about what He has said and where I need to go and what I need to do, but to back it up with what I say.
I mean, you think about just some of the areas where this affects us in prayer. How positively do we pray? Do we pray as, well, I hope something happens…I pray, Lord, I know they’re sick…I’ll just pray. God wants to bring us to a place where we can have a greater faith and a conviction. He told us to, “…Pray for one another, that ye may be healed.”
You know, one awesome thing that we need to doing when we’re praying, just for example, just to talk about that, is to pray the Word of God! I mean, then it’s not just me and my wishes about fixing stuff. Now, it’s God, You said. Lord, I’m coming to You, but I’m coming to You because of a promise that You gave in Your Word and I’m standing on that and I believe it. Lord, You said!
Now you think of Jacob, for example. He was going back from his exile in…anyway, modern Iraq was where it was. And he was coming back to Palestine and Esau was coming out to meet him. Well, things weren’t so great when he left Esau and he was afraid for his life, especially when he heard Esau was coming with 400 men. This was a very real situation. And so, he did what he knew to do. But boy, he came to God and he said, Lord, You said.
( laughing ).
You said that You were gonna bless me. You said, You were gonna bless my descendents. You said, I have a covenant with You. And Lord, look what’s happening! Oh, God! You see, he’s coming on the ground of the Word. He’s coming on the grounds of what God had said, so it’s not just, oh God, I’m in trouble. It’s, oh God, I’m looking to You.
Jehoshaphat kind of did that, didn’t he? Yeah, they were facing this massive army that was coming against the Israelites out of nowhere. They were just minding their own business and suddenly this army comes on their border. And Jehoshaphat goes to God, but he doesn’t just say, oh God, save us from our enemies. He says, God, You did this. God, You did that. God, You promised this, You promised that! We’re Your people! We’re looking to You!
Remember what Solomon prayed! Remember what You told Solomon when You established the temple here! Oh God, we’re coming to You on that ground of Your promises! Lord, we don’t know what to do, our eyes are upon You.
Man, that’s a great place to be. I’ll tell you, if we come to God in that kind of a spirit, God’s gonna be able to quicken His Word and we’re gonna be able to have a fellowship and a knowledge of Him that isn’t just second-hand, ‘yeah, I believe that stuff’ kind of thing. God wants us to have a real relationship with a living God, where we can grow in our faith, we can have the kind of faith that he’s talking about there.
And, some people who think about using the tongue in a positive way will imagine that we should never say anything that’s…well, let me backtrack. Some people will say, well, I need to be honest, ‘cause things aren’t going so good right now and I don’t feel good, so, Lord, You prize honesty. I want to be honest.
Well, a lot of times, what we do…what we’re calling honesty is really kind of unbelief, because we may be asserting situations, but honesty tends to stay there. You know what I’m talking about? And I’ll use David as an example. You will look at many of his Psalms and he will talk about, oh God, my enemies are all around me, my sins are before me…this, that and the other thing…I’m in a desperate situation. Oh God, help me, save me! And he’ll talk about the situation with an honesty.
But you’ll notice something, he doesn’t stay there. He’ll lay out the situation and he’ll say, but, You are my God! But, Your faithfulness will never fail. But, I trust in You, Lord, I’m looking to You! That’s the kind of…see there’s a place to be honest. It’s not that we fantasize. But there is a way to confess in the face of things that are very real, to confess God’s faithfulness, to confess God’s Word, and to say, God, this is where I’m standing!
January 13, 2019 - No. 1371
The Road to Our Destiny: Conclusion
January 13, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1371 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: And you think about the test that God was putting him through at that point. What kind of a man is he gonna prove to be? What is his character under that kind of duress? You know, your character tends to come out—what you really are tends to come out.
And his character came out and he said…he turned to the Lord. He, “…encouraged himself in the Lord.” (KJV). And said, Lord, You are still on the throne! You brought me here! What do you want us to do? And the Lord spoke and He said, go after them. And he did. And how many, was it 200 men who were so exhausted they couldn’t even go? But 400 men completely surprised the raiders, and not only did they get everything back, they got all the other stuff the raiders had been collecting from all around the countryside! So God turned a terrible defeat into a glorious victory!
And he comes back, and of course, some of his men didn’t want to share any of this with the 200 that hadn’t been able to go to the battle. David says, no, God has given us this. We’re gonna share alike. This is gonna be an ordinance in Israel from now on. Those who stay by the stuff get the same reward. So you see his character being prepared to sit on a throne and be able to judge the whole people.
Do you think he would have been ready for that had he not had to go through and his faith not constantly been challenged with all of these…every kind of issue there was, his faith was challenged! I mean, we just scratch the surface of all the stuff he went through. Read the Psalms. You’ll see the desperate times that he cried to the Lord and the Lord heard him and helped him.
But there was one thing. His compass, at every point in his life, his compass pointed north – to use that as an illustration. It never deviated from pointing toward God! He never said, oh, maybe I’m on the wrong track here. Maybe I was a fool to trust in this God! Look what’s happened! Always there was this, I don’t care what’s happened, I know who God is! I’m gonna trust Him! My life is in His hands! I’m looking to Him!
And right at this point is when Saul goes into battle and is killed. God took care of that. It was the time. And David was able to take from the spoils that he had gotten from those raiders and send gifts to people and the Lord began to pave the way for him to be the king. It was seven more years before he actually united the entire nation. And in spite of his wobbles, he was certainly the greatest king that ever lived. I know Solomon had more glory, but it was all a product of what David had been through and what God had done with that man.
But do you see how this relates to what we’re talking about here? Because testing of your faith does what? It develops perseverance. It does a work. If you look at the Greek word there, it involves the word ‘work.’ There is literally work being done. This is the only thing that will produce the quality that will bring us to the destiny for which God has called every single one of us.
And I think we’ve pointed out many times, the number one example of this is Jesus. I mean, you think about who He was, the Son of God! Surely He could simply come into the world, step into the role and do whatever needed to be done! But it didn’t happen that way, did it? He was tested in every point like we are! The one difference is He never sinned. He never failed.
Why did He never fail, by the way? There was a perfect reliance upon God’s strength and energy! It was by the eternal Spirit, we’re told, that He offered Himself without spot to God. There was a total unbroken relationship with His Father where everything that He needed…it was a continual choice to look to God and to maintain His integrity no matter what came to His heart and His mind, no matter what the Devil put in there trying to turn Him aside! He continually made the right choice in that exercising of faith in the face of whatever came against His heart and His mind, and that made Him what He was! He learned obedience, by what?
( congregational response ).
By the wonderful lecture series He sat through.
( laughter ).
No. “…By the things which he suffered.” But then what does it say? “Being made perfect….” You see, God had a purpose for His Son coming into this world. God had a role—the role of all roles to fulfill. But do you see how the same process that He uses with us was used with His own Son? Being made perfect, complete! In other words, He was, “…perfect and entire, wanting nothing,” with respect to the role that God had called Him to fulfill in history!
And so when the time came, He could stand there and say, Satan has nothing in Me. He had no hold. Satan would love to get a hold of me, and he’s tried everywhere he could and I’ve been able to say, no, I believe God—no, I believe God. My faith is still in the purpose for which God has called me. He had to go through what He went through to do what He did for you and for me. You think of the challenges.
I’ll tell you what, we’ve got a God who knows what He’s doing! But you know, again, if you sort of left it here, it almost is like the lecture series. It’s wonderful, vague truth that we can sort of, in a very general way, relate to our lives. But here’s what got my attention when I was thinking about this. Every single one of us who know the Lord, who have been called according to His purpose, we have a role to fulfill.
Now your role might be to stand and take a bullet for the Lord and your testimony be a help to somebody else and God’s gonna finish the work on the other side. I don’t know. But every single one of us is unique—we’re different! You’re not like you or you or you! Every one of us has a unique place.
It may not be a big public place. It may not be a place that the world stands by and says, wow, look at them. But I’ll tell you, it matters! If your place is to live out the faith that God has given you before the world in which God has put you, that matters! You and I have the chance to affect people’s lives, not just for the better here, but with eternal consequences!
God is preparing a people as He has done throughout the ages, to fill special places and roles in His Kingdom, when we’re living, right now! He has called us not to live 100 years ago. He’s called us to live now. And we’re living in the gathering of the darkness of the end of the age. And I believe with all my heart, God is going to have lights in the world. And I believe He’s called us to be some of those lights.
And God longs for me, for every single one of us, to come to the place where we lack nothing! There is a maturity! We are prepared of God to fulfill the place to which He has called us in a broken world! None of us can look inside and say, I have the qualifications for that. We have none of it! We need God to take broken vessels, to mend them, to fill them, to prepare them, to test and try our faith until it gets strong, until it gets such a persistence about it that nothing can turn it aside!
Oh, you think of some of the lessons, and the way God goes about it…the time element. Every one of the servants of God, you look at the time element in their lives. I mean, even Jesus spent 30 years living an ordinary life, when nobody really knew who He was! His mother had a glimmer. His brothers certainly didn’t have a clue! They didn’t believe in Him until after the resurrection!
I mean, we’re reading from James…when Jesus was crucified, James didn’t believe in Him! The only reason was that Jesus appeared to James after He was raised from the dead. So I mean, here’s Jesus living such an ordinary life in one sense…certainly He was a model young man, I’m sure. But He was willing to subject himself to that!
And of course, we know about the wilderness. And we know about the years of ministry and the opposition He endured and the death He died and all of those things! But you see the time element in that? My God! And yet, here’s somebody who had a complete knowledge. And He certainly knew what God had called Him to do! He knew what He was there for. I’ve come down from heaven to give my life for the world. He knew it! But He had to wait on God. He had to stand fast in the tests. He had to let God prepare Him to fill that role!
You and I may not know all of the things to which God has called us specifically. But every one of us needs to live with the sense that we are a part of His Kingdom. No one else can fill your role. You matter to Him! Jesus didn’t die just for…in general. He died for you. He gave His life for you and for me.
And when He revealed Himself, when He reveals Himself through the Gospel, there’s something like was birthed in Abraham! That’s what makes us Abraham’s children…is that we are born of the same faith that inhabited Abraham, that enables us to see past the world, to see past what’s going on in our lives! I’ll say this again, like I’ve said many times…I sure hope I’m listening to this.
( congregational response ).
Because I experience the same things you do. I guarantee it! I mean, I was sitting over there at the piano this morning, just sort of fighting off this…I don’t know what you’d call it, it wasn’t exactly depression but it was something headed in that direction…just negative. Why are things the way they are? Why do I feel this way? And the Lord says, I want you to practice what you preach!
( laughing ).
( laughter ).
Okay. You know, I can’t stand up here and not be a partaker of all of this. But every one of you has a role to fill! Every one of you affects lives! Every one of you is a testimony! People are looking at you! You have a chance to fulfill something that only you can fulfill! And God is going to build real faith! And real faith perseveres! Real faith doesn’t give up when it’s challenged!
Real faith, when the tide is going one way doesn’t say, oh well, I guess that’s where I’m supposed to go. Your nature is going to be pulled! Everything is going to appeal to some part of your nature to give into that and to choose that over the ways of God! You’re gonna be discouraged! You’re going to be challenged with the idea that you ought to be bitter about something that was wrong…you were done wrong…to say it the country way.
( laughter )
Somebody’s done you wrong. Who do you think is behind all of that, even though the Devil brings it? Who do you think is behind the things that happen in our lives? And why do you think it happens? Is it without a purpose? Or do, “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose…”?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. And the purpose is not just that ultimate purpose…it is that. But folks, if we’re living here, there’s a purpose here.
( congregational amens ).
And God wants us to be mature enough to fill the role to which He’s called us. You know, there are some people that we probably would never have heard about had it not been for…well, I’ll give you an example I’m thinking about, Susanna Wesley. Some of you know who she was. She was a lady in the 1600s, I guess…somewhere in there, 1700s I think…and just a godly woman.
But you and I would never have heard of her had she not been such a persistent, faithful Christian that the faith that was in her was ultimately transmitted to John and Charles Wesley…whose names are still with us today. God didn’t call Susanna Wesley to go out and preach to great crowds. But He did call her to live a life of faith in front of her children. It’s not what you tell your kids that matters, it’s what you live!
( congregational amens ).
And the only way we live it is to face things…is to face the obstacles of life, whatever comes, and to have that compass that never deviates from north…that says, I know God is right. But do you see the connection in this passage that we started with? It starts out with, “…Consider it pure joy….” (NIV). Well that doesn’t make a bit of sense unless you measure that by the goal! If you start with the goal that God is going towards, to be mature and entire, wanting nothing in the different translations, lacking nothing, that’s a pretty good goal!
And if we can see all of life in terms of where God is going with it, what He seeking to accomplish in us and through us, then it can become a source of joy! Because we say, Lord, thank You for what you’re doing! I don’t like the process but I know Your grace is enough! If this is what it takes to get there, it’s worth it! It’s worth everything to serve You! Oh God, give me the grace! But help me to see my life through Your eyes! Help me to fulfill my role.
Folks, you and I are not just church-bench warmers, practicing a little religion and then dying one day. We are here in this world to live out His life. Your life matters. Where you live, what you do, how you live your life, whether faith is the driving the principle of your life or not, we have an amazing privilege to serve the living God in such an hour. You are unique! You are special! You are a work of God’s grace, the Master Craftsman! He’s never made another one alike…exactly like you! I was going to say thank God, but I won’t say that.
( laughter ).
No! It’s a good thing! Because every one of us has an awesome place in the Kingdom of God. Don’t you look down on it. Don’t you say, I don’t matter! You do matter! You matter to God! You matter to Jesus, He died for you!
( congregational amens ).
And He lived for you. He went through the process that He calls upon us to walk through. And he demonstrated, as did the heroes of faith, what it means to say, God, Your promise is true. I don’t care what happens to this world. I don’t care what happens to my life. My life here is not what matters. It’s the life that You have promised me. That’s what matters! But as long as I’m here, help me to fulfill the purpose for which You’ve called me! And help me to surrender to the process that makes me fit for that purpose!
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds….” Actually, the original word there is temptations. It’s the same one He talks about down there when he says, don’t say when you’re tempted, that God is tempting me. So this is actually the Devil coming and appealing to us in some way. This is not just negative experiences. This is the voice of the serpent that comes and tries to interpret it and tries to move us in a certain direction because of what’s happening! Whether it’s a direct appeal to our nature or whether it’s simply a discouraging word because of what’s going on, or what someone did to us!
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds…” Why could you do such a ridiculous thing? “…Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” There’s that quality, there’s that character building that’s going on! So what difference does that make? “Perseverance must finish its work…” There’s a time element, isn’t there? “…So that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
You know, patience is the word that’s used in the King James, and that’s part of it because there’s a time element involved. We need to be patient with God! Every one of us gets aggravated with how He does things. But you know, we need to humble ourselves and get to the point where we can look back and laugh at ourselves and see how ridiculous all that is.
You know, we need to be patient with ourselves. How many have a problem with that? Why am I like I am? Well, it doesn’t happen…the changes don’t happen in our character unless we’re having to fight against something. It’s wonderful to spend time, in the peaceful times with the Lord and draw strength, that’s part of it. Absolutely! But it’s in the storms. It’s in the challenges. And God is going to bring you and me the exact challenges that accomplish the exact purpose for which He is working in our lives.
But we need to be patient with the process and say, Lord, just do what it takes, whatever the time element. I know Abraham was wondering many times through those 25 years, what in the world have I got myself into? What’s going on? When is this gonna happen? How is it going to happen? But he stuck with the stuff, didn’t he? And he just waited on God. And that’s the bottom line every one of us has to come to! You know, we also need to be patient with each other.
( congregational amens ).
Oh, we’re good at looking at the other fellow and seeing their need, and then trying to fix it in the flesh. God, help us to discern and know the difference. There are times to encourage. There are times to speak. But most of the time it’s just us trying to straighten somebody out. And if we’ll go to the mirror, we’ll find the one that really needs to be straightened out!
( congregational response ).
I’ll tell you, the Lord is so awesome and so faithful. Every one of us, I’m sure, wishes there were another way to reach this place called maturity and completeness and not lacking anything. But there’s no other way. This is it. But I’ll tell you, it’s worth everything to serve the Lord! It’s worth everything! Do you think we’re gonna get to the other side and look back and say, man, that was a waste? Lord, why did you put me through that? That had no purpose whatsoever. You were playing games with me!
We’re gonna look back and we’re gonna see the mercy of God! We’re going to be shouting of His mercy and His patience with us! All the reactions that we go through when His hand is upon us for good and for something that’s eternal, and we’re worried about the moment! We’re worried about this and that and the other thing, that’s just so unnecessary, meaningless, because God is faithful.
So how many of you want to be mature and complete and not lacking anything? How many of you want to fulfill the purpose for which God created you in the beginning?
( congregational response ).
Then we just need to learn. But we need to take that learning out the door with us. And learn how to rest in God, how to stand, what to do when the test comes, because it will come! In a thousand different ways, faith will be put to the test. But I’ll tell you, if we will keep pointing north, keep looking to God, keep drawing upon Him, keep believing His promise, we, too, will be among those who inherit the promise. “…Ye have need of patience…” the writer says, “…that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (KJV). Because He is faithful. He is faithful who calls us and He will do it. Praise God!
I’ll tell you, He’s called us to something that’s sure and certain, and eternal. But, if Jesus had to go through what He had to go through to fulfill the role that God had called Him, don’t you think there’s a place for us to have to go through that same process? But it will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Praise God!
January 6, 2019 - No. 1370
The Road to Our Destiny: Part One
January 6, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1370 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: It’s not unusual for me to have thoughts with respect to a service and then sort of say to the Lord, well, Lord, this is just something we hear all the time, and it just seems like it’s a broken record. And…but you know, we need to have what the Lord wants, regardless of whether it’s something we’ve heard before or not. The Lord has a way of making His truth relevant to where we’re at in our lives and that’s what matters.
This is not a lecture a series, this is a means by which…one of the means by which God speaks to His people, and it’s meant to meet every one of us where we’re at, not just some vague something, somewhere, sometime, somehow.
But I’d like to read a familiar scripture as a starting point in James at the beginning of chapter 1, and it’s one we’ve heard many, many times. But I don’t know, I felt like the Lord helped me to focus on it in a slightly different way and it’s beginning in verse 2 where the Lord says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (NIV).
So, the Lord is not only giving us an exhortation as to how to face life, but He’s showing us a process and he’s showing us the end result of that process, and not only that, the necessity of the process. So you’ve got something that moves from the difficulties of life to something that’s pretty awesome at the end where the Lord says…talks about us being complete…mature and complete, not lacking anything. How many of you would love to be that?
( congregational response ).
How many of you would love to find some little secret door and secret shortcut where you can get there? But it doesn’t work that way, does it? But you see where God is going with this? And you know, I was thinking about this and I was trying to relate it to life. I said, but Lord, nobody’s perfect. I mean, I don’t understand how this works. Where does this fit in? Nobody’s perfect.
Not only that, you have some people that actually don’t spend very long on this world as a Christian. You have people…we hear testimonies from the Middle East particularly, but other places where someone will meet the Lord and give their lives to Jesus and as soon as it becomes known, they get killed. I mean there are people that literally just live a matter of a very short time and then they’re not here. So, where does this scripture fit in?
And, one thing, one truth that I believe has helped me over the years is something where the Lord kind of focused my attention on a familiar scripture at the beginning of Philippians where he says, knowing this, that He which has begun a good work in you will continue to perform it. But he doesn’t stop there, does he? How long is that?
( congregational response ).
“…Until the day of Jesus Christ.” Well, see that’s something that is yet future for us. And Paul was writing there to believers who have been dead so far as the world is concerned for almost 2,000 years, and yet he speaks of a work that continues until the day of Jesus Christ. I believe with all my heart that there is a day that is on God’s calendar that is coming as sure as anything can be sure. And it’s absolute in this case because it’s God behind it.
There is a day when everything that God has been doing to prepare a people for a brand new creation will reach a climax and will reach it together. It’s not like some are gonna reach it and then others will come along behind. But there is a day when Jesus Christ will come when those who are alive and remain will be, as the Scripture says, caught up together with Him in the clouds to meet Him in the air and those who have gone on before will be there with us and together we will receive, instantly, new bodies that are like the body of Jesus Christ that He has now, one that is not subject to anything that this world knows, but is eternal, has eternal life in it.
And you know, the Scripture speaks of a day when…speaks of the manifestation of the sons of God. And you know, there’s a doctrine out there among some that actually tries to apply this to an elite group of believers in this world who are somehow going to go beyond the rest of us and they’re gonna press into this immortal state, where they’re gonna actually go through…as the manifested sons of God, they’re gonna go through the world, drive the Devil out, fix this world up and turn it into the Kingdom of God.
That’s not what that’s talking about. God is not offering hope to straighten this world out. He’s calling a people ‘out’ of the world for another one. And when He gets done with this, this one’s gonna end with fire and then judgment. But there is a day when God is going to be unveiling what He’s been about, what He’s been doing. And every single saint whether they’re someone who’s famous, whether they’re someone who’s just unknown to the world, but just has served the Lord faithfully and they’ve known Him, God is going to complete a work.
And that tells me that there is something that’s going on with people who have gone on. I mean, we know that people die and they’re certainly not perfect in that sense. But I believe God has work for His people to do on the other side. I believe they’re learning. I believe that by whatever means God has appointed, they too are being brought to that place of full grown maturity that is in the ultimate sense what God is going to show the world.
I think I’ve used this illustration before, but it’s like the artist who wants to paint the masterpiece, but he doesn’t want anybody to see it until it’s done. And the truth is, we have a divine painter who is turning every single one of us into a masterpiece. It has nothing to do with our virtue or anything good about us. It’s all about what He is able to do, and His power to save, His power to transform. So that’s what it’s about.
But you know, I still come back to this and say, okay Lord, I get that. There’s gonna come a day when we will be perfect and entire and lack nothing. But I believe there’s another sense that God has in this. And that is that God has a purpose for every single one of His children. We are not simply, like coming out of the divine cookie cutter. You know, ka-chink, ka-chink, ka-chink…we’re all little Christians, little Christian robots or whatever, all exactly the same.
Every one of us is different, we’re unique. God has a real purpose for every single one of us to fulfill! And I believe that the first sense that He is concerned about here is that we will reach that place where we are mature enough, we are ready enough to fill that role and for God to use us in the world!
And we can certainly see examples of this throughout the Scriptures and throughout history, as well. But I mean, consider Abraham. God had a purpose for him, didn’t He? And here was this man who was a heathen, idol worshiper, living in what is today Iraq, and suddenly God makes Himself known somehow to this man and does it in such a way that there is a genuine, supernatural faith that’s imparted to his heart!
Whatever it is, there’s a conviction formed in Abram, as he was known at the time, that enabled him to leave behind his country, ultimately to separate himself from family and to go to a land where he was a stranger, he had no natural boundaries, no natural connection to that land. You know, the world was peopled by tribes. You’ve still got a lot of that in most parts of the world, where these tribes have migrated away from the center after the Tower of Babel and they went to all different parts of the world and they settled, and that’s their territory, that’s where they’re familiar.
But here was God calling a man out and in the process He makes Himself known over many occasions, on many occasions and says, I’m gonna make of you a great nation. I’m going to…in fact, nations are gonna come from you and you’re gonna be a blessing to all the world…your seed will bless the entire world. And so, Abram just believed God! It wasn’t anything that he had to do that was all that unique. He just simply worshiped God. He believed Him. But did God just kind of…was it a one-step kind of thing or did it happen right then? No, he had years and years and years and years going by with nothing seemingly happening, just simply waiting. How many of you love to wait?
( congregational response ).
Oh man, you love it! Your favorite thing to do is to have a promise and something that’s really captured your heart but you’ve got to wait for it. Don’t you see where, just by that alone, Abram’s faith was tried? And he went along and God put him through all kinds of tests and ultimately brought him to a place where the promise was naturally impossible. And so, once again there was a challenge to Abraham’s faith, as he was at that time known, came to be known. It was direct challenge.
And can’t you imagine what was going on in his head. Do you think he was that different from us? That the enemy didn’t come and just constantly try to bombard him and attack him, and every circumstance is against it, time is against it? You’re a fool to follow this God who has given you a few special visions here and there. You’re just probably hallucinating. And whatever it is, there was a continual challenge to Abraham’s faith for 25 years.
Finally the promised son came and, of course, we know Abraham had tried to fulfill God’s promise on his own and he had to come to a place where he was willing to turn away from Ishmael, whom he loved, and realized that was not the promised son. This was the heir, the one that God had given supernaturally.
But that wasn’t enough! Then he comes to a time when the Lord says, take your son and offer him as a sacrifice! And so, he obeys the Lord and gets to the point where his knife is raised and the Lord stops him. But what I see in this is God doing exactly what James is talking about here. There is such a persistence, such a…even though there were wobbles in his faith, the bottom line was always, “Abraham believe God….”
( congregational amens ).
You know, I was thinking about this. You know, Abraham is called in the Scriptures the Father of Faith. You know, a stream never rises higher than its source, does it? And so, God was doing something very special because Abraham had a particular call, God put him through certain life experiences that challenged his faith in such a way that it developed that quality of perseverance….
It’s not enough just to say, yes, I believe You, but to believe You in the face of contrary winds. And circumstances developed that, that brought him to such a place of maturity that God could say, there’s the Father of Faith. And you know, to this day, he has a descent, he has a people that are descended from him, and I’m not talking about the physical descent. I’m talking about the spiritual descent.
It includes some, thank God, who are Jewish and who have the physical tie…thank God for every single one of them that have come and will ever come! But I’ll tell you, the descent that God is concerned about is everyone who has the faith of Abraham. It’s a spiritual family that he has begotten in the world.
But I see this in the light of what James is saying. God is saying, I’ve got a purpose. I want him to occupy a place in history that is unique. And so, in order to get him from Iraq over into the Promised Land and to form his character, I’ve got to form something in Him that will stand the test, no matter what the Devil throws at him, he is going to stand fast and he is going to be, for all time, somebody that I can point to and say, that’s what faith looks like. And so, God brought him to a place of completeness in the sense that he was now ready to fulfill the purpose that God had called him to. You see kind of how the principle is working.
So what is it that gets somebody from saying, I believe, to the point where they’re mature? Your faith’s gonna have to be challenged. We don’t grow, we don’t get strong…the qualities that God wants to build in every one of us don’t happen unless faith has to fight back and stand in the face of whatever, and it’s going to be tried. We know all this, but I don’t know…I sense this in a special way. And I believe it’s gonna come home in a way that will absolutely impact everyone here in one way or another.
But you follow the line of faith down and come down to Jacob. Now Jacob was a rascal! He had faith of a sort. He saw the value of the birthright to the point where he cheated his brother out of it, but God had a bit of work to do in Jacob. And here’s Jacob…you come down to the end of the story, you go to the end and you find a man named Israel, the namesake of God’s people under the Old Covenant, and God has birthed in him, has brought him to a place of faith and of rest, and a place where he could actually, when he went to Egypt, he was called in before Pharaoh and actually Pharaoh wanted Israel’s blessing upon him. Israel prayed for the Pharaoh of Egypt and God blessed him. And while he lived and while Joseph lived, they were honored guests of the nation.
But anyway, how did God get this ‘schemer’ to that point? Man, he had to go through some stuff, didn’t he? He had to run from his brother after he cheated him out of his inheritance. And then he went all the way back to Iraq…the Chaldeans, I guess they were at the time, and found his relatives…fell in love with one of his cousins which wasn’t such a big deal, biologically, at that time. You could get away with that. Now, it would be a problem. But anyway, he falls in love with this girl and makes a deal for her. I’m gonna serve you, serve her father for seven years and then I’ll get her. And he finds out, he gets cheated.
( laughter ).
He wakes up in the morning and it’s not the one he bargained for. And so, he goes ahead and works seven more years and there’s a whole bunch more years for flocks and herds and somehow God is working in his heart. Do you think that was just happenstance, that there was no reason for the time element and the persistence and having to keep pushing against resistance? You know it’s not that way.
And of course, you go through the heroes of faith, Joseph is the poster child. I mean, here is a man now, a young man, who absolutely had a promise of God. He was a…and do you not think that what God did in Israel…in Jacob and Israel, had its part to play in Joseph? Do you think Joseph would have been what he was unless God had first done what He did in Israel? No. You see the hand of God bringing this whole thing along.
And so, here’s Joseph and he is absolutely just innocent. He has this wonderful dream, these couple of dreams that showed his family in symbolic terms bowing down to him. And of course, they loved that.
( laughter ).
And we don’t have to rehearse the whole story, but you remember how one thing led to another and his brothers were so angry at him and wanting to get rid of him, they…first of all they wanted to kill him! Then they decided, why should we get nothing out of it, here’s some slave traders coming by, sell him and send him to Egypt. And we’ll send his coat back to his father and say an animal must have gotten him. And so, then they forgot all about him and there’s Joseph going down in Egypt.
Well what would you and I tend to do if we were in that circumstance? How many of us would keep our integrity? How many of us live for the Lord where we’re around people who don’t know us? That’s something to think about. It’s one thing to kind of keep up the front…it’s sad if that’s all it is, but I mean, to live among people that know you and you know how you’re supposed to be. But what if you’re off in some other place and nobody knows you there? How are you there?
But here’s Joseph. He’s a slave. He has no freedom whatsoever, but there’s something in him that rises up against what has happened, in spite of the fact that his own brothers were the ones that did this, bitterness did not take root in his heart! I have no doubt the Devil tried everything he could think about to make him bitter. But somehow there was a…the faith trumped every obstacle that came and he continued to keep his integrity, to look to God, to trust in God, and God blessed him and blessed the house to the point where everything was put in his hands.
And so, the Devil says, the only way I’m gonna get to this guy, I’m gonna have to get to him through his wife. She tried to seduce him and he wouldn’t have it and she cried rape, and the next thing you know he’s in prison. And he’s innocent. I’ll tell you, that’s a test of faith. But you see, if you look down to the end of the story and you see where God’s going with this, which we can do in the Scriptures, we know where God was going. God had a purpose for this young man to be second ruler in the mightiest empire of his day.
You don’t just take somebody through a short little seminar course and suddenly say, okay, here’s the throne, go for it. There was a lot of character building, of preparing, that had to happen in this young man’s life. And there was no other way other than the way he went to be able to stand fast against every challenge to his faith.
Because don’t you think when he got on that throne, there were gonna be challenges? Man, the Devil would be gunning for him. He needed to be mature. He needed to have the qualities that were built in, that were not gonna give up, not gonna turn aside from what God had given him to do. So God is building this thing and we would never…I mean, none of us would ever choose this way. But God is wise and He knows.
And so, that wasn’t God’s purpose for his brothers, but it was God’s purpose for Joseph. And so Joseph had to go through all the things that he went through. And we know how he held his integrity in the prison to the point where they turned…the prison guard turned, basically, the operation of the internal prison over to him.
And, even when he tried to engineer his own release, God said, no, it’s not time. I’m gonna turn off that guy’s memory so he’ll forget Joseph. Joseph said, remember me when you get back, and he didn’t. But you know, God had the perfect time and God was able to take him from the lowest prison to the second place in the kingdom in one day.
I’ll tell you, folks, we’ve got a God who has things in hand, has a reason, has a purpose, and this applies to every single one of us. Praise God!
And you follow through and you see Moses…we see David as certainly a poster child for this. David was already spending time with the Lord, and that’s certainly part of it. It isn’t all just trials. It’s learning how to draw from the Lord, learning how to fellowship with Him, learning how to get the strength ‘to’ stand in those trials ‘from’ Him. I’m not trying to suggest that this is human strength that we respond with.
But here was a young man…and God’s purpose for that young man was to sit on a throne of the whole nation, and unite them in the worship of Him. And God began to teach him some things, some lessons of faith when he was out there, the lion and the bear, so that he would know how to rely upon God and stand in the face of this opposition that was coming.
But I’ll tell you, you think about it, he was still a pretty young man when he knew what his destiny was. God had spoken to him. God was beginning to prepare his heart for what was coming. And suddenly the prophet showed up…went through all of his brothers and the Lord said, no, it’s not any of those. Do you have one more? Yeah, the youngest one, he’s out there watching the sheep. Bring him in. And the Lord says that’s the one and God anoints him and he goes back and starts tending the sheep again. But there was a destiny, there was a purpose for which God had raised up this young man.