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August 9, 2020 - No. 1453
“A Time to Choose” Conclusion
August 9, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1453 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: We need to understand what’s going on in the world in which we live. We need to realize the hour in which we live and the incredible importance of taking our stand with Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God! He is Lord! I don’t care what the Devil says, what he is allowed to do! Jesus Christ reigns!
And we need to never look at this world and be dismayed by what we see and say, oh we’ve got to fix it, we’ve got to do something. We’ve got to shine our light and not be ashamed of Jesus Christ in this world, and just take what’s coming and trust God to bring us through.
But there is a — do you see what’s going on? People hate the truth! I mean, you look back at — well, I mentioned earlier, the days of Noah — how often we’ve used that. It’s because Jesus used it. That’s what He said, this is what it’s gonna be like when I come — like the days of Noah. And what an amazing, amazing demonstration of God’s mercy and God’s love we see in spite of the terrible judgment that came.
We have the Lord’s testimony at the beginning of that particular account, that the thoughts and intents of men’s hearts were what? Only evil continually. It sounds like they were already in this condition, and God says, yet, there’ll be 120 years! We don’t have a God that’s rushing to judgment, that’s looking to kill people, looking to judge people. We have a God who is gonna reach out with mercy to that last soul that will hear His voice and embrace His Son. Thank God!
Folks, if you’re here today, this should not frighten you. This should cause you to find hope in Jesus Christ, because the smallest child that puts their faith in Jesus Christ is safe for eternity! God sees every heart and He is in charge! There’s not a devil in hell that can steal anything out of God’s hand. Thank God!
But oh, we see that awful time of judgment when God waited that 120 years and then finally the day came. Those who were ready were prepared. They walked with God. They listened to His voice during all — in the midst of all of this they stood with God and God made a way for them to be rescued out of that. I’ve made this point many times over the years. You know, so many people talk about being left behind and all that stuff that’s gonna happen. What happened to those who were left behind?
( congregational response ).
They died, didn’t they? All of them — every single one that was left behind died. Man, this is not one of those deals where you can say, I’m just gonna just wait and see. One of these days the Rapture’s gonna happen, then I’ll get serious because I’ll realize, hey it really was true. It doesn’t work that way.
There’s gonna come a day when — I mean, this is the day of decision. This is the day when men are choosing. They’re either gonna be with Jesus or they’re gonna be with the world. There’s a division that’s happening right now. It’s astounding what’s going on. I mean, how many of you who can think back to the days when the Lord was showing us many of those things, and we looked at the world and we saw plenty wrong. But how many of you could have imagined some of the things that are part of our daily life today?
I mean — imagine if Brother Thomas suddenly, not knowing any of this, suddenly stepped back into this, and looked around and read the headlines. It would absolutely — I mean — obviously, he’s in a position to know. But, my God, what an incredible down-hill slide. And we’re in the middle of it. It just kind of happens a little at a time, a little at a time. But you suddenly look back and see where you were. Man, we’re not just heading for the cliff, we’ve gone off the cliff. But oh, thank God, Jesus is in charge.
( congregational amens ).
Thank God! And I’ll just refer — there are so many things you could bring into this. I don’t want to belabor it, but I don’t want to soft-pedal it either. I don’t know, for some reason my mind went back to this. It’s just something we need to bring out from time to time, so people don’t lose sight of where we’re at — people understand why things are going on in the world.
Do you ever wonder, do you ever look and say, why is this? Why is God allowing it? What’s going on? Well here’s the answer. God is letting lost men choose what they want. Oh my, how we need Him! My God, how we need Him! If there’s anybody that’s got a heart that something is pulling you towards the Lord, something is still tugging at the heart, man, you better run!
You better run to the Lord, because, I’ll tell you, you’re gonna go through one of two doors. There are only two destinies. There are only two doors through which any human being can go. One of them is to bow at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, surrender to His Lordship, open up the heart, invite Him in as resident Lord and Savior, and stand uncompromisingly with Him! That’s door number one.
Door number two is to say, God, I am my own god. I reject Your Word. I reject Your life. It’s my life! I’m gonna do with it as I please. That’s door number two. Those are the choices! It’s God or the Devil. And we are seeing the human race, more and more, being divided into those two categories.
What do you think it’s gonna be like when Jesus comes? Do you think there’s gonna be somebody that’s just — it’s going to be total delusion on one side, total shock. And it’s gonna be — I’ll tell you, hands in the air. Praise God! The race is run! There’s gonna be a handful still here on that day who will get to look up and say, praise God, the day has finally come! Jesus is here! Justice is finally gonna be served! We don’t have to live in this awful place anymore! We’ve got Jesus coming to take us to another place. The same Jesus who came out of that tomb so long ago has now come as He’s promised.
Of course, there’s another door, isn’t there? And that door is in here. And that’s the one that Jesus comes to and knocks. And what determines everything, everything, is what men do when He comes. When He brings the conviction of His truth, what do we do with it?
You have this contrast drawn — down below He’s talking about belief in the truth and the other group, the saints to whom He was writing. So, you’ve got a group here that has believed the lie. And you got another group down here who’s believed the truth. So you see, it’s exactly the same thing Jesus was talking about. There is a truth that will come knocking on the door of every individual heart.
( congregational amens ).
And that truth will show you some things about yourself that you don’t want to see. It will show you that you’re a sinner. You’re not the person you think you are. It’ll show you that you are not ready to stand before Him. It’ll show you what’s wrong but yet it won’t do it in a condemning way. It will do it in a truthful way that lifts up. And I’ll tell you, once we are willing to humble ourselves to that conviction, then God will lift up a Savior.
( congregational amens ).
And say, but I have provided completely for you. I love you. I’m not showing you this because I hate you. I’m showing you this because I love you and because I’ve made a way out of this. And I’ll tell you, whenever that heart just lets go and opens up — opens that door….
You see, there’s a choice that’s involved. There’s a choice that is made at some point. Do I push Him away and say, no, or do I open the door and say, yes, You can have my heart. I’ll tell you one thing, this is not — this is not a deal where we’re interested in taking our young people and brainwashing them with religion. That’s no defense against this. Christianity is not a lifestyle. It’s not a set of beliefs you embrace, and belonging to a church, quote-unquote, and participating in its activities and carrying on a certain lifestyle. Man, there’s only one thing that God is looking for. He is looking to take up residence in the heart and impart a brand-new life.
( congregational amens ).
If Jesus has not come in, you’ve never been born again. Then you are gonna be swallowed up. If that never takes place, you are going to be swallowed up by this darkness that is overtaking our world. Sooner or later, it will overtake you and that is where your destiny will lie. Oh God! I don’t know, I somehow sense that His heart is reaching out and wanting to warn, wanting to cause people to recognize what’s going on in the world, because it is a time to choose. It’s a time when men are making up their minds.
I believe it’s a time when God is going to reach out and pull in a harvest in the middle of all of this. God’s absolutely not taken by surprise. There is no dismay in Heaven. There are no emergency meetings! God has everything exactly under control! But the way this is playing out is exactly the way it played out in Noah’s day and also in Lot’s day when he was brought out of Sodom.
Do you think there was anybody in Sodom that Lot could have gone to and explained all of this to? No! There was a point in time when their condition was sealed! There was nothing left to do but get Lot out and bring judgment!
That’s going to be the way it is when Jesus comes! There won’t be any gray area! There won’t be any middle ground! Everyone will have totally identified themselves with Jesus, or they will have identified themselves with the world and they will be blind and shocked at that moment when He comes.
That’s the reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe — now I noticed this years ago. It does not say they will believe ‘a’ lie. This is not just any old lie. This is ‘the’ lie. There is something specific. And if you will go all the way back to the beginning, what was the lie that the human race was sold?
( congregational response ).
You will not die. You will be as gods. You see the connection? There is a lie. If you will take an independent course, you will be like a god. You have the right to choose your own path, to do your own thing, and you shall be as gods. And you will have a race of people on this planet who will embrace that lie. And there will be people you will not be able to explain this to. Folks, we’re gonna have battle in prayer.
( congregational amens ).
We’re gonna have to fight with God’s armament, God’s weapons. We have the privilege of standing in an amazing hour. And we have a God who will bring His people through. He will never leave us nor forsake us, not ‘til the end of the age. But it’s a challenging time. We’re gonna have to trust people into God’s hands. We’re gonna have to pray, and pray that God, who alone can penetrate that darkness, will do it, and change hearts and break them out of the dungeons of sin that hold them in darkness.
But, oh praise God for what comes next! This is one of the glorious ‘buts’ of scripture. All of this terrible thing that He describes, this period of the time of the end that’s coming, when evil will be allowed to reign and find full expression in the earth — ‘but!’ And that’s a message to everyone here that loves the Lord and knows Him today.
“But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers, loved by the Lord.” (NIV). Doesn’t that sound good? He doesn’t say, all you righteous people who have measured up and earned your way into His favor. This is, ‘loved by the Lord.’ That’s the amazing thing, when people have embraced, when people embraced the darkness that is overspreading the world, what they are saying no to is not the anger and the dominion and the spirit of God that wants to take over somebody’s life and ruin it. It’s the love of God! They’re refusing it! They’re saying, I will not bow!
But for those who bow, it’s not to a tyrant, it’s to Somebody who loves us with an everlasting love. I’ll tell you, I believe there are a lot of hearts — I mean, this is the nature of things. God made us to love — to be loved. There are a lot of empty hearts out there, hearts that have been wounded. And God has the answer to every wound, every hurt, everything — it’s His love. I’ll tell you, when we open our hearts to that love and it begins to percolate out into all of the things that have affected us, what a glorious thing it is! Thank God! Loved by the Lord!
Because from the beginning God chose you to be saved, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit! You see God coming to work in our hearts, God coming to knock on our door, God coming to convict us when we’re going down the wrong path, God intervening with our lives!
You know what God said in Noah’s day — He said, “My spirit shall not always strive with man.” (KJV). But think what He is saying there. In spite of all of the things that were terrible, that were wrong with the society of that day, all the evil things that men were doing, God was still working! God was striving! God was there trying to resist, trying to convict, trying to speak! Man, what a God we serve! That God is still at work. That God knows how to work with a heart, knows how to reach us, knows how to set us apart.
“… Through belief in the truth.” (NIV). Folks, that’s what we have in the world. We have the lie and we have the truth. And it’s not just a set of doctrines. It’s not a philosophy. It’s not just words of — my world view versus yours, and they’re all equally good. This is, Jesus Christ who is the truth and this lie that Satan has peddled, that you are really gods, and if you will take the independent course you will find your destiny. And that is what will separate the human race into two camps when Jesus comes.
But, “He called you to this through our gospel …” Through the good news, why? “… That you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Folks, the challenge to God’s people is that we take an uncompromising stand, not a hard-hearted, finger-pointing kind of thing, but an uncompromising stand with Jesus Christ, that we live in this world that we live in with an awareness of what’s going on.
The messages that are coming through movies, the messages that are coming through the television, through, you name it. It permeates our society. It can soften our understanding of things, it can soften our convictions. But folks, we need to stand absolutely for the truth of God and pray for everyone that we have an influence in, pray for our young people, because it’s not enough just to be brought up here and taught the stuff that we teach. You’re gonna have to have an encounter with Jesus Christ.
You’re gonna have to have an encounter where you surrender your heart. You say, oh God, come in, take my heart. It doesn’t belong to me anymore. I surrender my heart and my life. That’s why You made me in the first place. You made me because You want to love me and live with me and for me to live with You forever and ever. And I see what You’ve done to make that possible. The nail-scared hands that were stretched out, were stretched out because of my sins. Oh, my God! That has got to become real!
( congregational amens).
It’s got to become personal! Every heart is going to have to make a choice when it comes to this issue. I am with Him or I am with the world. There is a line. We’ve use that analogy before, the line drawn in the sand. If we are not seeing that in our day, when will we? It’s almost been 50 years since some of these things have happened, about 50 years — since I was in college. It hardly seems possible. But I watched my generation just absolutely going over the cliff and just setting their hearts against God.
And then the Lord began to reveal what’s really going on. It’s not just something in society. There’s a power — there’s a demonic power that has reached out to men and God’s taken His hands back and said, all right. This is a time to choose, because men are choosing an eternal destiny. Folks, if you know the Lord, praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! As I say, you don’t have to be strong, you don’t have to be wise, you don’t have to be anything, except to trust in Jesus with all of your heart! He will bring every one of His through! We will stand! We will share in this glory that He has promised!
But there is coming a day when God is going to balance the scales of justice. The wicked things that we see in this world, they will not be allowed to stand. They will be brought to an end. There won’t be anybody that will be on the fence at that hour. Everyone will have made their choice. This is the time to choose, because I’ll tell you, there comes a time when God does take His hand off.
And I know the Devil loves to use that and say, well, you’ve gone too far. If there is something in you that has a desire toward God, you haven’t gone too far. That’s God encouraging you to put your trust in Him. The people that have gone too far don’t care anymore. They don’t have any real desire for God. If you have a desire for God, it comes because God’s at work in your heart and it’s because He love you. You need to latch onto that with every ounce of your being!
You need to say, Devil, get out of here! I don’t believe you! God’s touching my heart! That means He’s reaching out to me! That means He wants me! I want Him! I’m not gonna listen to you! It’s a momentous hour that we live in. I have no idea how long this is gonna go on. But man, is it not accelerating?
( congregational response ).
Do we not see a progression from day to day to day? It’s just mind-boggling! The headlines of today were unthinkable a year ago, some of them. And it’s getting faster and faster. But you know what, what did Jesus say? When you see these things, what are we supposed to do? Hang our heads? “Lift up your heads.” Rejoice! The day of redemption is drawing nigh.
We live in a momentous hour. But I just pray that everyone here, anybody that hears this, if you haven’t made your choice, if God’s knocked on the door of your heart, and you haven’t really made a clear-cut stand, you’re 100 percent with Him, man, you better listen to this!
( congregational amens ).
You better listen! This is God. This is not just me. This is God, reaching out because He loves you. Because if you’re not 100 percent with Him, then you are with the Devil. There’s no way to mix the two. You can’t have one foot in each kingdom. God is absolutely separating and we are seeing it, we’re experiencing it. But oh, the hope that He has given to every one who will put their trust in Him! Praise God!
Let’s go forward and look to Him and ask Him for the grace to stand in an hour like this, to never lose the sense that the God we serve, the Lord we serve, is on His throne! He will not abandon His own. He is going to come and He’s gonna come at exactly the right time. He’s not in a rush because He’s not willing that people perish, remember that?
( congregational response ).
See, it’s His mercy that’s holding back. It’s His mercy that is giving every possible opportunity to men to make the right choice! But there will come a day when that choice will end. And He’s gonna come and everything will wind up. And everyone will stand before the judgement of God. Oh, Praise God! I know I have no right in myself. There’s no possible way I could qualify myself for any of this. I stand by the grace of God!
( congregational amens ).
Everybody who stands at all, stands by the grace and the mercy of God who has done everything necessary to open Heaven’s door to us.
( congregational amens ).
So we have every reason to rejoice but we have reason to be sober too. Pay attention to what your kids are getting.
( congregational amens ).
Pay attention to what’s going on in schools, what’s going on in colleges. You have no idea how the Devil is at work. But I’ll tell you, God is at work too, isn’t He?
( congregational response ).
Let’s just cast our lot with Him 100 percent. Praise God! Praise God!
August 2, 2020 - No. 1452
“A Time to Choose” Part One
August 2, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1452 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, it’s interesting — some of the songs that we’ve sung this morning. It seems like periodically it’s appropriate to come back to a scripture that we’ve used many times over the years and it’s in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2.
I’m gonna back up and pick up the context a little bit. But I believe with all my heart, we’re seeing the unfolding of things that Paul is talking about in this passage. And we need to ever keep in our minds and our hearts the sense of perspective of what’s really going on in the world and our place in it, and the reality that we are in a time when men are choosing, and they’re making eternal choices.
I mean, it’s always been true, but there is a — there are times in history when that’s been more true than others, if you can put it that way. Noah’s day was certainly an example, because there was an expiration date on that ancient world. God had fixed a time when He was going to destroy it and save those that were His, the few that were His. And so it wasn’t a matter of, well, I’ll decide next week. For many, next week never came.
And so, we are in a similar time. And I’m just going to go ahead and just pick up a little of the context here to see what he’s talking about, because Paul is rejoicing at the beginning of chapter of 1 in the strength, the perseverance, the faith that was demonstrated in the lives of the saints at Thessalonica.
And they demonstrated it by standing up to a hostile world. And it was that the Spirit of God strengthened them and enabled them and their conviction was real. It was a heaven-sent conviction that was the result of God’s supernatural work in the heart. And so, they were standing against all of this and Paul takes note of this and he’s thankful for it.
And then in verse 5 he says, “All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right.” (NIV). So basically, he’s introducing a subject: judgment is coming! I’m sorry, 2nd Thessalonians, chapter 1. I thought I said that, but I may not have. But in any case, all this is evidence. In other words, judgment is coming and the fact that you are standing up for God and the world is opposing you is a pretty good indication that God’s judgment of the world that’s opposing what He’s doing is right. There is a sense of justice.
How many times have you been tempted to look at the world and its condition and things that are happening to Christians around the world, the persecutions, the seemingly senseless deaths of people at the hands of the devil’s crowd, and you wonder, what in the world? Where is God in all of this? Why is it like it is?
And I’ll tell you what, God is tolerating the wickedness of this world for a time and He’s using it to accomplish something in His people. He’s using it as a testimony of His righteousness. In the midst of some of the worst things that are happening in the world, God is reaching hearts that He might not reach any other way. We are gonna be able to look back on that day and we are gonna be amazed. We are gonna be blown out of the water with the amazing wisdom and the righteousness of God!
And it’s certainly reflected in that song. God will stand by His own, one way or another. It doesn’t mean we won’t be killed. It doesn’t mean we won’t suffer. It doesn’t mean a lot of things with respect to this world. But I’ll tell you, God’s people are gonna come out the winners in the end. There is no one who has put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who will ever put to shame on that day, because there is a day coming when everything will be put right. And that’s kind of where Paul is going with this.
So it’s, “… evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.” So now, he talks about the justice of God. “God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.”
So, when’s that gonna happen? He says, “This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.” And we’re gonna see as we go along that it’s not simply a lack of something, there is an adamance of spirit that’s involved in not obeying. Praise God!
“They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.”
Now, I’m not trying to give a lecture here on eschatology, on the end-time events, but there’s an awful lot in here that is pretty plain. If you start with the New Testament and you start with the words of Jesus, you’re seeing one event here. You’re seeing — here’s a world that looks like it’s out of control. Here’s a world where Christians look like they’re the losers.
But God is just! And He has appointed a day and He’s gonna take care of both sides on that day. One day He’s coming with fiery destruction, but He’s coming to rescue and put on display His people that He’s been working in all this time. So, this is just one little indicator here of how that’s gonna play out.
“With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill ….” Boy, isn’t that — over and over again you get this sense, man, none of this depends on me. If it did, I’d have no hope today. There’s nothing in me that can stand up to this world — stand up to my own flesh, let alone the world, or the Devil and all of his cunning and all his wisdom.
But it’s, “… by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God ….” Over and over again — His power, His grace, isn’t it? That’s what stands behind us and underneath us.
“… The grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” And I have a tendency when I read scripture that it’s hard for me to read and not stop and comment. I think I’m gonna go ahead and read this passage and then as the Lord helps me, I’m gonna go back and comment on it.
But I believe with all my heart this is a prophecy, it’s a word of warning, of instruction to God’s people, and I believe we are in the fulfillment of this. It’s happening as we speak. It has been happening for a long time. It’s something we need to understand. We need to re-visit, and really take in its implications.
So Paul is writing and says, “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
“He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
“But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”
So you see the context here. Paul is writing because apparently word has reached him that there have been some false teachers, haven’t there? There has been somebody who’s come along, come behind him and said, hey, the Day of the Lord has already come. And, so he’s writing — apparently, it sounds like somebody may have written a letter and signed his name to it, so that it would — gain a little authority or gain a little weight with those who heard about it.
But Paul’s saying, don’t you be deceived. Don’t pay any attention to that, even if it seems like it’s coming from me, don’t pay any attention. Don’t you remember how I told you about my coming — about the coming of the Lord, rather?
That’s what this is about. Notice how all of these things together — the last day manifestation of evil and the Lord’s coming all dovetail into one event, because he launches right into a discussion of the last rebellion, doesn’t he? But yet, what he’s talking about is the coming of the Lord and our being gathered to Him. That sounds like it’s all together, doesn’t it? It is.
So anyway, the subject is basically, the great rebellion — that’s not necessarily the title we’re gonna use. We’ll see how that works out. But the Lord — I believe with all my heart that many of us here, particularly the older ones, those of us who are older like me, and older, can remember some of the things that the Lord revealed in our midst years ago.
I’m certainly old enough to remember the 1960’s. How many of you here can remember that day and what was going on in that time? It was a time in which there was such a definite rebellion against every value that had gone before. I mean, the whole younger generation was inspired by a spirit of darkness to rise up and say, we cast off everything of the past!
If you’re over 30, you’re over the hill and reject your values! We reject everything you’ve ever stood for! We reject God’s — any authority of moral law over us. We’re gonna do as we please! We’re gonna get high and we’re — be immoral, whatever comes to our minds. We are in charge! By God, we are rebelling.
There was a — there’s always been some of that. Doesn’t he say that? The mystery of iniquity or this spirit of rebellion has always been here. But there has been a degree of restraint. But Paul is looking down the stream of time and saying, this is not right now. Right now that spirit is here but it is being restrained in a degree. But there is coming a period of time and that time will usher in the time of the end. It will lead up to the time when Christ will come, because He’s the One who’s going to crush it when He does come.
But there will come a definite time of rebellion. It doesn’t just say ‘a’ time of great rebellion. It says ‘the’ rebellion. There’s something specific about this. And it’s interesting to me and, boy, was it interesting to me when I first came here — to the old Tabernacle. And I had lived as a college student through that period, watching my generation just absolutely go crazy, and wondering what in the world is going on.
It just doesn’t make any sense the stuff they’re teaching, they’re believing. What they’re doing is just outright rebellion, not just against society, but against God. And then I arrived here and found out how the Lord had been revealing that this was the time of the loosing of Satan. And it was very specific. It wasn’t just some loosing. This was the last loosing before the end of all things.
There was a time — there was a point in time when God said, all right, now I am stepping back. I’m gonna let men have what they want. And so, we have seen the unfolding of that in amazing ways.
How many of you just look at the news today of what’s happening and the attitudes of people, the hateful behavior, the choices that are being made, the values that are being shoved down our throats — how many of you look at that and you say, good Lord, what planet are they on? I mean, it’s just mind boggling to see the things that five years ago would’ve been unthinkable — today, it’s just normal — not only normal, but you better shut-up and agree with it or you’re the one that’s in trouble.
If they have, if the spirit that is in the world today has its way, it will shut us behind our walls, and tell us, don’t you dare peep about God outside of these walls! And when they succeed in that, they will then come in here and do away with it all together. Satan’s aim is to destroy the influence of God everywhere.
And I’ll tell you, it’s not just colleges. I don’t know how it is here now, but some of us, especially older ones, we remember what school was about. It was about actual education — reading, writing, arithmetic and a little bit of sociology and history, and it was — there was a reasonable presentation of what was right. We learned about the Constitution. I mean, I’ve heard of campuses where if you hand out a copy of the Constitution, they’re gonna throw you in jail. I mean, it’s just absolutely insane.
You could go on and on talking about that kind of stuff. I don’t think we have a clue what’s going on in schools today. I don’t know how it is here. It’s probably not as bad as where I grew up. I grew up in what has become one of the more liberal areas. But I mean, they are teaching sexual deviancy beginning in kindergarten.
You don’t think Satan is loose? You don’t think the spirit of the age has come in and is just flooding men’s minds with darkness and programming them about the normalcy and everything that is against God? You don’t think there is a relentless rebellion against God’s institution of the family and how the family works? Man, you see this idea that children don’t belong to families, to fathers and mothers. Children belong to the state. You see the spirit of it.
I’ve told you before about the — just one example over in Europe. The government building of the European Union was modeled after a painting of the Tower of Babel. I mean, it’s just like man is just shaking his fist in God’s face! There is a spirit of defiance that is out there and that’s what Paul is talking about. There is a rebellion.
It sounds like, in one sense, he’s talking about an individual man. And I don’t know whether there’s an individual man coming or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is. But I’ll tell you, there’s no man who could come and fit this description and succeed in gaining any kind of influence over the people of the world if the people of the world hadn’t had their hearts and minds prepared for it.
This is not just some bad guy that’s gonna come and, oh my, he’s gonna wow us and trick us all. This is a spirit that is at work right now in the hearts and minds, trying his best to influence even people right here. Everywhere, the spirit of the age is to absolutely turn men against God and into a spirit of rebellion against everything that He stands for.
This thing called sin — it’s not just a list of do’s and don’ts, it is a life force that takes possession of hearts and minds and drives them to every form of selfishness, every form of evil behavior — in every way. A lot of the people who would point their finger at somebody who’s guilty of a particular sin and they have something that’s worse going on in them, just like the religious people of Jesus’ day. Oh my!
I can’t wait for the day when there won’t be anything of that. I see a new heaven and a new earth. God’s glory is filling the universe. Won’t that be something to be set free from that? To be able to be what God created us to be in the first place, to be energized with divine life and all the gifts and abilities, whatever God has invested in every single one of us would flourish to their greatest, to the highest degree, but not though selfishness, but through selflessness and enjoying the riches of God’s grace. Praise God! Oh, don’t you long for that? Oh, I’ll tell you, it’s coming. Thank God!
So, here’s the destiny. This is why Satan is so angry. “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.” Now remember, the beginning of this passage talks about His coming and our gathering to Him. But here’s something else that happens at that coming. He is going to destroy by the splendor of his coming all of this rebellion and all that’s wrong.
“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.” Now, it’s easy just to say, watch out, there are gonna be lying signs and wonders. There are gonna be miracles that really aren’t from God, and that is part of it. But there are a lot of people who wouldn’t be moved by that. It doesn’t limit it to that, does it? It says, ‘every’ sort of evil.
I’ll tell you, we have a nature that runs to everything that God hates. If you follow the inclinations of this nature, you’re gonna go in a dark dungeon of sin and destruction. And Satan knows how to appeal to every single person on this planet. He knows how to appeal to their nature and to portray sin in a way that it makes it seem like that’s the thing that will give you what you’re looking for in life. It’ll be moral corruption for some. It’ll be riches and power for others. It’ll be every kind of thing that Satan can use to appeal to people, I’ll tell you what, we need the Lord, don’t we?
So anyway, “… counterfeit miracles … and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.” Now why do they perish? What’s the deal here? What’s going on? Why are people perishing? Does God just get a kick out of saying, hey, you broke the rules, I get to judge you? That’s not the spirit of it.
It’s interesting to contrast this with Jesus. You want to know what God was really like, what His heart is like toward the race of men who fell into sin? You look at Jesus. And you’ll see Someone who looked down with compassion. You’ll see the Son of God who came into the world to die a sacrificial death and He didn’t come to condemn.
Sin was there! It was terrible! But He didn’t even come to condemn! He came to forgive. He came to save. He came to shine light on darkness so people could be rescued from that. That’s God’s heart! It’s always been His heart! It’s still His heart! That’s why today He’s reaching out in amazing ways in far corners of the world. God’s still at work in His creation. But I’ll tell you, there is something else going on.
Why then, does a God who can approach — like the woman at the well, all that was wrong with her? How is it that God could approach her with such compassion and then deal with these in such violent wrath? What’s going on here? How do you understand that? Do you ever wonder about that, how to put that together?
“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” See, what you’re dealing with is not people who are simply caught by the power of sin, don’t know how to escape it, don’t know what to do. You’re talking about people who, when they do know what to do and they do know, truth comes, light comes.
Jesus said himself, “And this is the condemnation … “ (KJV). This is the reason for condemnation. “… Light is come into the world …” But, what? “… Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” They refused to come to the light. They didn’t want their sin exposed.
July 26, 2020 - No. 1451
“The Missing Piece” Conclusion
July 26, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1451 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: But think about the life of Jesus. Again, how did He do what He did? Do you think there was this difference between, okay, Father, I know You’re there, thank God, overshadow Me. But I’m doing carpentry today, that’s just ordinary. I can handle this?
Do you see the problem? We think we can handle stuff. We think, based upon the stuff we know, that we can take that knowledge and translate it into godly living. And as long as we don’t steal and rob and do something really bad and really stupid, we’re okay. Is that what the Lord wants? No. Are we really, if we’re doing that, are we really living out the life of Christ? No, we’re not. We’re just living out a religious façade. And God wants every one of us that knows Him to be real.
And so, Jesus lived His entire life dependent upon His Father. We’re told in Hebrews, in one place, that He offered Himself by the eternal Spirit. You notice the agency. Notice how He did what He did. See, we’re talking about the ‘how.’ How did Jesus do what He did? He offered Himself, without spot…sinless…without spot to God, by the eternal Spirit.
But I don’t need that, I’m good. You see the problem. Jesus knew how it worked. He knew if He was gonna produce the kind of fruit that God was looking for, not just what looked good to men — He knew if He were gonna produce the kind of fruit that God was looking for, it was gonna have to be done supernaturally. He was gonna have to depend moment by moment upon His heavenly Father and look to Him, and He did.
And so, I mean, there were battles that He fought. There were all kinds of stuff He had to stand against. He had to cry out to God. Oh, God, if there’s any way, as we’ve said so many times, let this cup pass but, nonetheless, Your will.
So do you see from this passage that we’ve talked about, what the issues are? In the first place, if you’re just living by your natural life, and there’s all this strife and all these things going on on the inside, don’t lie about it. Don’t pretend everything’s okay. If you’re conscious of that at all, God’s trying to tell you something, and there’s something that He wants to change. This is not how I want you to live. I don’t want you to live this life of misery and anxiety.
Serving Christ is not meant to be an unbearable burden. His burden is light. How can it be light if I’ve got to measure up, if I’ve got to try? This is not a passage about trying. This is a passage about learning how to, not just know that He provided it all but how we access that? How does that become real in me? And there’s such a simplicity to it.
But you’ve got somebody that really is under the control of their old nature, and I’m lacking something…okay, God, here’s what I need. Is that what the Lord’s looking for? He’s looking for a heart that says, yeah, not only am I in need, but I’m on board with what You want. It’s not about my earthly desires. It’s about Your heart and Your purpose and Your desires. That’s what I want, Lord.
You see how easily the barrier comes. But if you come along to God, and say, God, I’ve been doing good lately. I thank You that I’m not like other men.
( laughing ).
And, you list off all the stuff you do. What’s God gonna do to you? He’s gonna resist you, isn’t He? He’s not interested in you coming to Him in pride.
So, coming and asking is at the heart of all of this, but Lord, are we so corrupted by our own ways and our own ideas that we get in the way? And, there’s God longing to give us all that He has provided, and we are blocking the way.
We are either not coming to Him out of ignorance in many cases…I think ignorance is a lot of it. We’re not conscious enough of how much it’s true that we can’t do anything without Him. We can’t be the kind of people He wants us to be unless we come to Him and have that moment-to-moment attitude.
It’s not like there are magic words. I think there’s something real in saying, oh God, help me, whenever we feel the need, but those aren’t magic words. If they come from a heart that says, oh God, I’m running into something right now and my attitude wants to be wrong. My motivation wants to be wrong.
Something is not right in here with respect to the situation I’m in…and I’m aware of it, Lord, and I see where I go wrong here. This gets me over and over again. I have a need here. Oh God, I come to You as one who cannot help himself. I’m not coming because I deserve to come. I’m coming because I’m in genuine need, Lord.
I don’t think there’s a person here who’s served the Lord any length of time that doesn’t know, can’t identify with what I said about coming to God when we’ve made a mess. What about the need that got us in that mess? You think maybe we need to have a greater sense, every moment?
It doesn’t have to be some issue that’s in our face. We can still have that attitude. Lord, I’m not here to do my thing. I can’t live this life, but I know that You love me. I know You’ve given everything so that I can have this other life. But Lord, I just present it to You this day and say, live in me.
Help me with the things that You know are coming. Help me to be the kind of person, to ‘be’ the kind of person You want me to be, not to do the right stuff, but to have it in here…to love, to seek unity, to seek harmony, to seek the welfare of others, to praise You, just to have a peace in here.
What a witness that is, when there’s a genuine rest. How can you have that? I’m gonna be proud? No, we’re gonna have to put all that aside. There are no grounds for that. There are no grounds for anyone of us to lift ourselves above the others and say, I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Look up at me. You look up at Jesus. He gave himself for everyone here. Praise God!
Think of the things that Paul sought. You know, Paul was a man who was in danger, many times. He enumerates some of the things that he’d gone through, the beatings, the imprisonments, the deprivation, all the stuff that he was called to go through to do the job that God had given him to do, and he did it with a will to serve and please God.
But when it came down to it, what was the thing that drove Paul to reach out to God? What was it that caused him to say, oh God, help me? Was it, oh God, get the beating off of me, get me out of jail, get me out of…was it that, or was it, Lord, I want to know You?
I want to know the power of Your resurrection, the fellowship of Your sufferings, conformable unto Your death. God, I see past, I see past just the knowledge. I see past the wisdom. I’ve got the understanding of what this is about and where it’s going. God, I’m in—I’m all in. That’s what my prayer is about. Oh God, I want to press through!
You think of David…even the Old Testament before a lot of this was laid out for us like it is in the New after Jesus came…David was in a lot of places of real problem, wasn’t he? He was running for his life for years and years. He always had people that were against him. Things looked pretty rough at times, and he’d cry out, oh, help me, Lord! My enemies are about to close in.
There’s nothing wrong with that! But yet, David found the heart to pray for other stuff. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (KJV). “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me…see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
You see, David was not simply looking for answers to his natural problems. He was looking for the heart things that he knew he needed, because he was a man after God’s own heart.
Are you? Am I? Do you see that God is looking for a response, from every one of us, a greater awareness of our need? What do we do with that? Do we hold back and say, oh, He wouldn’t do something for somebody like me? Look at me. That’s the very one He’s looking to do it for. If you’re in need, we have that throne of grace. That’s when we come is when we’re in need.
But oh, the missing piece so many times is simply, we don’t come to Him and say, oh God, help me. And of course, you have to throw this in, because it gets down to the understanding of how God answers our prayers sometimes.
Now, we all know, and we will all…anybody who’s been here any length of time will snicker at this. But how do you get patience? See, I told you. We know that patience comes from tribulation or trouble. It comes from, literally, having to go through something that calls for something we don’t have, that causes us to reach up and say, oh God, give me the strength right now to endure. I do not have it within me, but You have promised it to me. And so, I am looking to you, and God will form something in you through that that could not happen any other way.
But that’s true for every Christian virtue. They come from the experience of life in a broken world that causes us to have to cry out and say, oh God, I’m in need. Lord, I see the lack that I have right now. I see this part of me that wants to rise up and react in a certain way, and I know that’s not You! But Lord, I’m coming to You. Make me the kind of person who looks to You all the time. Strengthen that part of me that keeps getting in that weak place, so that I don’t make the mess to start with, and then help me not to get proud.
Oh, there’s so much that He’s got to work on. Do you have any idea what kind of people we’re gonna be over there and what He’s got to…all the stuff He’s got to do? Man, only God can do it. I’m glad. I freely give Him the job. I learned a long time ago.
And you know, Paul, didn’t he learn the hard way? He tried so hard in Romans 7 to serve God and discovered the problem. Ah ha! As long…as long as we’re in these bodies, there’s a law operating down here that keeps me, makes it impossible for me to please God. Who’s gonna set me free?
What was the answer? It was a new life. It was a new spirit. It was a new heart that only God can bring. I’ve got to have a power that doesn’t originate in me. And to use that power, I’ve got to operate…to do what He wants, it’s got to be in harmony with Him.
Do you think there’s a God who will answer that kind of heart that reaches out to Him? That’s what He says here. Come near to God, and He’ll come near to you. You stay away, and you just keep doing your own thing, and God will sit there and watch you until you get tired of it. And He’s doing it because He loves you and wants you to come. He’s looking for a response. We cannot be what He has designed us to be without responding.
I’m gonna say this to people that don’t know Him. Has God talked to your heart? Has He made these truths real? Has He pressed them upon your heart that you cannot succeed in this life? You’re gonna have to know Him! It’s not about this world. It’s about His purpose and His Kingdom.
What have you done about it? Are you waiting for God to just pick you up and dump you in the Kingdom? God is looking for you to call upon Him, to seek Him from your heart! He will answer! But it’s those who call upon Him.
See, the problem with Israel, so many over all the centuries, God said, I called, but you didn’t answer. God is looking for a heart that responds to His grace. Don’t worry. He’ll give you everything you need, but you’re gonna have to say, yes, I’m in—I’m all in.
You don’t have to wait. If you don’t know Him, you can call upon Him right now from the depths of your heart. You call upon Him to save you, He will! But it’s got to be from the heart, it’s got to be with your whole heart.
Do we have any reason to think that God will hear the cry of people like us? You think? That’s what it’s all about! I mean, look at scriptures that we know about. Luke 11 certainly comes to mind. This is where we have the so-called Lord’s Prayer, and I won’t read all of it.
But then, He has the parable of the three loaves, and this is the guy who’s got a man come to him in his journey, and he doesn’t have any food for him. He’s got a rich neighbor. He goes to him, and he begs him! He knocks on the door at midnight! It’s a bad time.
And the guy puts him off and puts him off, and he sits there, and he keeps right on knocking. I’m knocking. I’m in need. What is the Lord trying to tell us there? That the asking is not necessarily just a…all right, I asked Him, He didn’t answer. There’s a persistence. This is, God, this is my only hope. My hope is…I’m all in, Lord. I’m not looking anywhere else. I have a need. You are the only One that can give me that need. I’m gonna stay upon that until You answer.
There’s something that does to us. It’s not that God’s reluctant. It’s what He wants to form in us by the very act of that kind of faith, that kind of persistence. And so, that’s what He’s getting at here.
It says, eventually, “…because of the man’s boldness he will get up…” this neighbor, “…will get up and give him as much as he needs. So I say to you: Ask…” (NIV). And, what about the paraphrase we’ve heard so many times? Ask, and keep on asking. Seek, and keep on seeking. Knock, and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened.
“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
You have not because…you ask not. Don’t let the Devil talk you out of asking of God the things that He has promised to give us! That’s what it’s all about.
Listen to how Paul prayed. A familiar passage in Ephesians chapter 3, I believe it is, the one I’m thinking of. There are so many things you could bring into this, but that’s not necessary. But Paul has been expounding the what, the how and the why throughout this whole passage. He talks about God’s eternal purpose, and then he says, verse 14, “For this reason I kneel before the Father….”
So, Paul, at this point, Paul’s praying for them, because they don’t know enough to pray for themselves. But God wants you and me, every one of us, to get this so we can say, oh, that’s what I need to be praying. This is my need. This is the missing piece. I can’t just sit there and come to church and expect everything to happen and be like it’s supposed to be. God wants me actively engaged and saying, oh God, I need You every hour. I sense this need in my heart. It’s not just my circumstances, it’s my heart. Lord, I can’t get it right, but You promised. I need You, Lord. That’s what it’s about.
“…I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your…” Circumstances? “…In your inner being.” That’s the crux of the matter. That’s seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness. He’ll take care of the other stuff. All right?
“…In your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Is this just for a special few, or does God want every one of us to begin to tap into what He’s given to us?
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!”
You know, Romans 8 talks about His purpose and the fact that everything works together to help fulfill that purpose. His purpose is to make us like His Son, but what does He say there? “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (KJV).
You have not because you ask not. Where do you start? Well, you start at the same place Brother Thomas used to say…where you’re at, with what you have, and where you’re not, with what you don’t have. We don’t have to do all this in one day. It’s a lifestyle of recognizing our need of God, what His purpose is, how we participate in that.
God, I need You. There’s something going on in my heart right now. I know this is not from You. I can’t fix it, Lord. But I’m asking. But I’m not just asking as though, oh God, You’re not gonna listen to somebody like me. I’m not measuring up. You’re gonna answer because I’m in need, and I’m coming to the One who’s able to answer that need.
You think this is the missing piece for any of us? Yeah. God longs to share everything. The problem’s not on His side. But He knows how the whole thing works, knows what He’s trying to do, and He is looking for people who come to Him with all of their hearts. If we seek Him, search for Him, we’ll find Him, when? When we search for Him with all of our hearts.
You see what God’s after? God will take us through things and past things that have been issues all of our whole lives. He can heal. He can change. He can do whatever is needed! But we’re gonna have to come to Him with that attitude. Oh God, I’m humbling myself. This is not groveling. This is not acting humble. This is genuinely…God, this is where I’m at. I don’t have to pretend this. I am weak. It’s the truth. And I’m just coming to You on that ground, but I’m also coming because You have invited me to come, and I know that You’re just longing to step in, and answer my prayer.
And so, I’m gonna believe You. I’m gonna step out in faith and believe that You’re gonna help me right in my present situation. And if there’s a time element involved, so be it. I’m just gonna keep that same posture before You every moment, every issue, every day, all day, 24/7, so forth.
I’m all in, Lord…but I need You, and I’m not gonna sit here and expect things to magically happen, because I believe in what You’ve told me. This is how it works. This is the wisdom of God that he wants us to actively reach out and take what He given to us for His purposes and His glory. Let’s bring Him the glory that He deserves. Praise God!
July 19, 2020 - No. 1450
“The Missing Piece” Part One
July 19, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1450 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I feel like if I had to title this this morning, I would say, “The Missing Piece.” Because I believe, for many of us, the thought, the simple thought that I really am gonna get to is really the missing piece, when it comes to translating what we know into real life.
Now, I wish I could say that it’s a matter of picking up and plopping it in and it’s done. It doesn’t work that way, in the Kingdom of God, if we have the ‘understanding’ part right. But nonetheless, I believe God wants us to know, in a deeper way, how He means for this wonderful privilege we have of standing in the finished work of Christ…how does that work out, in our everyday life? Okay?
Now, I’ll turn to the Book of James, and again, by way of introduction, James talks in chapter 3 about two kinds of wisdom. Now, there is a wisdom, of course, we know, that comes from God. There’s a wisdom that comes from the world. All right, so what’s the difference? How do the two wisdoms work out?
“Who is wise…,” verse 13. “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life…” (NIV). Now, do you see where the ‘how’ comes in? This isn’t simply wisdom that’s out here in the ether waves somewhere. This is actually, again, translating what we know into real living. So, if you’re really wise, let’s see it.
“Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such…” quote, “…wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.” That’s pretty plain language, isn’t it?
“For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”
Now, I wonder how many here could say that that list characterizes your life, 24/7. There’s never a hint of unrest and anxiety and all the things that come from this world. No, we’re not there, are we? And so, he goes on and he expounds upon the bad side of this, those who are really walking according to worldly wisdom. And, this is what he wants to get to.
“What causes fights and quarrels among you?” I mean, you know, we know that all it takes for it to have a fight is two people. That’s simply human nature. We are so self-absorbed that all we care about, ultimately, is our own welfare and if that comes into conflict with somebody else, well, you’re gonna have a fight, because they’re the same way as you are.
So, what you have here are Christians, but yet they are still living almost like they’re people of the world. Didn’t Paul say that? Yeah, in 1st Corinthians he said, I wanted to write to you like you were spiritual…but you’re still carnal. You’re still walking and live like men. So, I’m gonna have to talk to you on that level. We’re gonna get there, but right now, this is where you’re at.
This is where most of us are, more than we’d like to admit. We talk about the things of the Spirit, but too much we walk in the flesh. Now, the flesh is a way of talking about our old nature. And we respond and we act in harmony more with it than we do with the Spirit of God.
Now, you can…the thing is, if you’re just a part of the world, you’ve never been born of God’s Spirit, that’s all you’ve got. Now, you can take on religion and act like that’s not the case, but God’s looking at the heart. God is not looking for actors, in that sense. He’s looking for people who come to a real knowledge of the truth, and the truth is that you’re not fit for heaven. And God has the only answer and that’s the person of Jesus Christ!
There is another life that will ultimately replace this one that needs, basically, to be put to death. That’s what salvation is about. It’s putting one life to death so that another one can grow up and take charge. So, when the end product is finished—when there is an end product…I’m redundant all over again, here again! When we come to that end product, that’s all that’ll be left. There won’t be any of this old nature. It’ll just be that beautiful nature that comes from God Himself, and what he’s just described as the fruit of that.
See, it’s fruit. It’s something that doesn’t have to be manufactured. You don’t have to try to be something. How many of you are tired of trying to be a Christian? Yeah! That’s not what it’s about. It’s not trying, it’s trusting. I believe God wants to bring us to that place where we understand that His burden is not heavy. God has not called us to try to be something that we are not. He has called us to take on something that is real. But how does that happen? How does that work?
Okay, so now he’s going back to the reality of what he’s dealing with with people who are Christians and yet, they’re still walking very much, too much, in the flesh. “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight.” Now, if you ever run into somebody that this applies to, you’ll know how to tell them, right?
( laughter ).
Okay? But, here’s the key. Here’s the scripture that just came to me over and over again this week. And it was very personal. It wasn’t just for you. “You do not have, because you do not ask God.” Is anybody here that there’s something you’ve really…you’re in a place in your life, you need something and you don’t have it, that apply to anybody here? Okay?
“When you ask….” See, here’s another dimension to this. “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people….” Now, you know what adultery is. You’re married to somebody but you’re off having a fling with somebody that you’re not married to. You’re violating the relationship that you promised you would uphold.
“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God?” Boy, how plain can that language be? You know, we’ve said over and over again, in other messages, what a radical choice it is to follow Jesus. And I appreciate so much the service we heard Wednesday night.
We had an unusual service. We listened to Pastor Cymbala again. It was wonderful. And I appreciate so much how he emphasized, at the end, when he was calling people to come and to really make that commitment, he kept using the expression that we know from our culture, ‘all in.’ I’m not calling you to come and just take on some religion, add Jesus to your life and go on. This is an ‘all in’ thing. You are either 100 percent with Him, standing against what the world stands for, or you are with the world 100 percent.
Now, you may think you’re on the fence. There’s no place on that fence to sit. Of course, he used the example of Pilot, who tried very much to straddle the fence and…I mean, he knew he kind of had to go along with the people to stop a riot, but he really wasn’t on board with what they were trying to do, but the fact is, he was…because he gave in, didn’t he?
I’ll tell you, God is looking for people who are ‘all in.’ Are you? It’s a good question, isn’t it? I believe…I pray that God will take that simple truth and burn it into your heart if you don’t know Him! Do you have any idea the danger you’re in? You cannot mix your earthly desires and ambitions with the call of God to leave that and come and follow Jesus! There is no middle ground!
“…Friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses…” notice this word, “…who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? But he gives us more grace.” Thank God!
Oh, how do we escape such a fate here? It’s divine grace that reaches down and fills…I mean, it becomes our enabling power. It becomes everything. That’s God coming on the scene and lifting us out when we could never do it.
“That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Somebody who’s double-minded…you know, you want this on Sunday and you want the other the rest of the week. Or you say you want that on Sunday. Do you? Where’s your heart? “Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
Now, one of the key things that strikes me as I read this…think about the players. Here are you, and here’s God. Now, is God reluctant to give us the things that we need? Is there any problem on His side? Here’s a God who loves us beyond our power to imagine. He knows that without Him we truly can do nothing and yet, in so many instances, in this passage, you have a case where there’s God and here’s you in desperate need, and you’re staying that way and He’s just standing there doing this.
Now, what is it that He’s waiting for? Is He waiting for us to get worthy? See, that’s the point. We can’t. We’re gonna have to come to Him…we’d be proud. He’s saying, resist the proud. If we could do that…so, there’s a principle that’s involved here.
You know, a lot of…this is something we’ve brought up, in the past. But, there are a lot of folks who emphasize the sovereignty of God, almost to the exclusion of man really having a choice in the matter and God just almost, arbitrarily picks people and puts them in the Kingdom and sends the rest to another place.
And I thank God for the sovereignty of God! God is in charge. The question is how does He use that sovereignty? And of course, you have people on the other side of the ledger who, they’re all about the will of man. You’ve got to choose. You’ve got to do this. You’ve got to do that. But yet, preaching in such a way that it’s almost like, I’ve got to find the ability somewhere down in here. I’ve got to muster it up. I’ve got to work it up. I’ve got to do something to somehow get His attention.
There is a divine-human partnership in what God is doing in every one of us. And there is…the missing piece that I believe many of us, in so many individual, unique ways…the piece that we’re missing is in this area. Why is there something that you need today that you don’t have? Why? What does the scripture say? “You do not have, because you do not ask God.”
When we think about asking God, we are so prone, as human beings, to think in very earthly terms. I’m glad that God cares about earthly matters. He’s told us, with respect to our needs, He’s faithful. But you know, how often is most of our praying, an awful lot of it anyway, it has to do with, oh God, I’ve got bills I can’t pay. God, I’m sick. God, I’m…there’s this circumstance. Fix that person that annoys me. And so much of our asking has to do with these kinds of things.
But what did Jesus say in Matthew chapter 6? In the first place, He gave us a very clear, admonition about seeking earthly wealth, for example, because He was talking to people, and in the presence of people who just worshipped money. I mean, when it came right down to it, they loved money more than they loved God. And He says, you can’t do that. You, “…cannot serve God and mammon.” (KJV). Or money.
And then He talks about the needs that we experience. And I think many of the people probably lived a very subsistent living, existence. They were…I mean, daily food was probably an issue. The simple things of life, the needs that we have…and He talks about how He takes care of the birds. Don’t you think God cares? Don’t you think He knows? Aren’t you worth more than a bunch of birds? And God takes care of them. Look at the lilies. They don’t put forth any effort and yet God adorns them with such amazing beauty. Don’t you get it? God cares!
But what did He tell them to seek? He said this is what the world is after. This is all they’re focused on, is life here and our needs here. But says, I want you to focus on something else. I want you to seek first My Kingdom, and My righteousness, and all these things will be added to you, as well. God will take care of the things that you truly need in the world. This isn’t about prosperity. This is about God’s place for you, in the world.
And so, the focus is not on this world, but on the character that God is seeking to form in us. That’s what we need to be consciously asking God for. This needs to be the heart of our prayer. Oh, God, help me!
Now, here’s where we…here’s how we apply that, many times. We’re bopping along, living our lives, doing everyday stuff. And all of a sudden, we make a mess. I mean, spiritually. You understand what I’m talking about. We mess up, and we make a mess. Oh, God, help me in my mess! Oh, God, forgive me and…whatever we go through to…oh, God, I’m sorry, I did it again! Oh, God.
Do you know when we needed to be praying and how we needed to be living? Before we got in the mess. Because, the reality is, we may profess that we believe what Jesus said in John 15 that, without Him we can do…
( congregational response ).
Nothing. But we still think we can do stuff. The ordinary, everyday stuff…it’s not about the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. It’s not the outward things that we can…we do, we can function, in one sense, in the world. It’s the character!
See, the people that James was talking about, they were ‘doing’ the everyday stuff, but on the inside, they had all kinds of characteristics that sprung from the earthly wisdom and the old nature. This is where I need help.
And if I would focus more on that, and realize I can’t just bop through my day and just float and count on…oh, Jesus, help me today and then forget about Him and go through my day. I need Him.
How many of you have been in those places where you thought you were just coasting along, everything was fine? But all of a sudden, the Devil used your weaknesses to maneuver you into just the right place, and here we are again.
I believe with all my heart, God wants to teach us the truth behind the song that we sing, “I Need Thee Every Hour.” The Christian life is not about what we ‘do,’ it’s what we ‘are.’ If we get what we ‘are’ right, the other will happen, because it’s not the product of manufacturing that God is looking for. He’s not looking for manufactured results, He’s looking for fruit.
Fruit just grows. Fruit is an organic process. It automatically comes from a certain kind of life. You don’t have to manufacture pears and apples. You grow them under the right conditions and they are produced, naturally. There is fruit that God longs to bring forth in greater abundance in every single life here, starting with mine. Greater victory, greater experience of what we say we believe. But I believe with all my heart, God is looking for a heart that reaches out.
Do you notice, “You do not have, because you do not ask God”? (NIV). Well, what’s God supposed to do, just step in and give it to you anyway? No! There is a response, there’s something He’s looking for from us. He says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God.” He says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”
Well, if you don’t come near to God…do you see what God is looking for? And we’re bad to project human characteristics onto God. Okay, it’s an ego trip. He’s peeved at me. His feelings are hurt because I won’t come around. No! He knows what it means for us to express faith. That’s what it is. We don’t come based upon our personal qualifications. We come based upon our faith in His power and the life that He’s put within us.
But we also come with a sense of why we need to come. I need to come because I have no other resource! I cannot do this. He has called me to a life that is impossible unless He lives it in me. And so, there’s this constant need for Him to have freedom to change me and to live in me. I can’t just muddle through and think I’m doing okay.
You might be accomplishing a lot of things, outwardly. Everybody might look on and say, there they are, they’re successful. But they don’t know what’s going on in here. But, you see, you do, if you have any discernment at all.
But here’s the other side of that. How much do we just mindlessly go along thinking we’re living out the life of Christ and we’re not really? We’re just living out natural…a natural existence.
We come to…you know, here’s an illustration. I will bet that if we ask any one of you to stand up here and talk to the people, maybe give a testimony, maybe open a scripture and read it, do you think you might say, oh, God, I need you?
Or, if you’re asked to do anything that’s spiritual, that’s…you know, we tend to break life into the spiritual stuff and the ordinary stuff and we think just living out our life and not doing anything really stupid is okay.
But think about the life of Jesus. Again, how did He do what He did? Do you think there was this difference between, okay, Father, I know You’re there, thank God, overshadow Me. But I’m doing carpentry today, that’s just ordinary. I can handle this.
Do you see the problem? We think we can handle stuff. We think, based upon the stuff we know, that we can take that knowledge and translate it into godly living. And as long as we don’t steal and rob and do something really bad and really stupid, we’re okay. Is that what the Lord wants? No.
Are we really, if we’re doing that, are we really living out the life of Christ? No, we’re not. We’re just living out a religious façade. And God wants every one of us that knows Him to be real. And so, Jesus lived His entire life dependent upon His Father.
We’re told in Hebrews, in one place, that He offered Himself by the eternal Spirit. You notice the agency. Notice how He did what He did. See, we’re talking about the ‘how.’ How did Jesus do what He did? He offered Himself, without spot…sinless…without spot to God, by the eternal Spirit.
But I don’t need that, I’m good. You see the problem. Jesus knew how it worked. He knew if He was gonna produce the kind of fruit that God was looking for, not just what looked good to men — He knew if He were gonna produce the kind of fruit that God was looking for, it was gonna have to be done supernaturally. He was gonna have to depend moment by moment upon His heavenly Father.
July 12, 2020 - No. 1449
“Dealing With Depression” Conclusion
July 12, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1449 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: There are so many facets to this. I mean, you could go on and on and on, and I don’t want to go on and on and on. But I want the Lord to make this real to us, so that we can see…some of the characteristics of this. The self-centeredness is the first thing. But notice when he comes to this place where, all of a sudden, it seems like everything is crashing down. All he can see is the negative and he begins to focus on that.
Of course, fear is right there at the top of the list, isn’t it? I’ll tell you, fear is a real thing. It’s a real tool of the enemy. Paul talks about the spirit of fear. He was warning his young protégé, Timothy, about this problem, knowing, from his own experience, that he was going to be experiencing things that would make him afraid.
And he says, God has, “…not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and…” self-control. (KJV). I love that song they used in VBS last year. “Fear Is a Liar.” You know, most of the time, the things we’re afraid of never happen, anyway. But even if there’s something that’s real, that would cause us to fear…you know, we’re right back to what we talked about a few weeks ago when it’s facts versus faith, or faith versus facts.
I’ll tell you, there’s one thing that triumphs over all of the world’s facts, and that’s God’s purpose, God’s faith, trust in Him and all of that. God is greater than anything that could happen to you and me, because what happens is, the Devil will cause us to be focused on us and our needs…and our interests and all of that, and then cause us to feel like, I’m afraid, something bad is gonna happen, this and that is going to be happening. It could be whatever it is.
And that becomes the controlling, dictating influence in our lives. And all of a sudden, God and His purposes and God and His power have no bearing on the situation. And we are just controlled by that, and we react and we act.
That’s what he did—that’s what he did. God deliver us from allowing ourselves to be controlled by fear. It doesn’t mean you’ll never feel fear. If you’re telling me you never feel fear, you’re a liar. You’re the liar! But I’ll tell you, fear and the things that happen in this world do not dictate our well-being. They do not dictate who we are. They do not dictate what God has purposed.
If someone marches in here and machine-guns every one of us down, I’ll tell you, if you know the Lord, man, that is a one-way trip out of here! Now, that doesn’t mean we say, well, bring it on! You know, we want God’s purpose in God’s time. But I’ll tell you, we cannot lose.
“For to me…” Paul said, “…to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (NIV). How can you lose in that equation?
But oh, I’ll tell you, life has a way of suddenly descending on us and we get down into this self-absorbed mode, and suddenly we’re paralyzed.
Well, you know, when you feel that way and you’re wallowing in self-pity and fear and all of that, don’t you just love to run to parties and have a…no, what we want to do, by nature, is to go hide, to be alone. We don’t want to be with people.
Do you see a design in that, an evil design? Here God has designed us, by nature, for relationship, first of all, with Him, but with one another. And there are times in every one of our lives when we are in a weak, vulnerable place. God allows us to go, “…through the valley of the shadow of death…” sometimes. (KJV). We go through a river, though we are not drowned, we go through a fire, though we are not burned, but still, it has an emotional, it can have an emotional impact upon us.
I’ll tell you, if the Devil has brought you into a place where you are just consumed with negative thoughts, you need fellowship. You don’t need to walk around and pretend everything’s okay and then go hide in your closet again. You need to reach out.
We need to have a compassion one for another and not a critical spirit. We need to have a heart that says I’ve been there! I know what you’re feeling. Let’s stand together in this. God is on His throne. Nothing is out of His control. You need help.
But what did Elijah do? Servant, you stay here. I’m gonna go have a pity party in the desert, tell God how bad it is and just take my life. He went off by himself. God, do we need…we need to wake up and realize the Devil’s design in this. Love one another, reach out to one another. Be honest. If you’ve got a need, tell us. There’s no shame in honesty. We need to be able to stand one for another in this kind of a world. We need one another. We need the Lord!
God has designed us that way. That’s why the scriptures say, they tell us, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” What’s the purpose of that? So we can go through a form? No, it’s so that we can encourage one another, so that we can draw strength from one another and from Him.
So, there he goes. He’s out there, but he’s just sort of wallowing in his own self-pity. Do you see just a bit of pride in some of this, though? I’ve done all this. I don’t get this. I didn’t do anything to deserve what’s happened. I’ve been zealous. I’ve done…oh, God! If we have done anything, He’s the Doer. If you did it, it’s probably worthless, if that’s all it is. But Jesus, if He comes and He uses us, praise God, it’s Him, and His purposes do not fail.
Here he is looking at the circumstances and looking at the results. My God! If Jesus had looked at the results of His ministry, in terms of how many good, dedicated, true followers He had, man, He’d have given up and said, I’m going back to heaven. This ain’t working. But He had a revelation to know that, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never…” cast out. (NIV).
What a difference the perspective of truth makes! I’ll tell you, we need to lay down our pride and anything that we have that gets in the way. There are so many aspects…praise God! I’m gonna jump ahead. I don’t have this lined out, which is probably a good thing, in this case. But I’ll tell you, we just need the Lord, don’t we?
I’m trying to think what other thoughts that I especially wanted to emphasize. Well, I’ll tell you one of them. It came to me very plainly. It’s simply this. When we are busy wallowing, if you want to put it that way, when we are busy just focusing in such…the kind of thoughts that bring us into a depressed state, are we not simply meditating upon lies?
Think about what we’re doing. Would you be liable to sit there and say, oh no, they really did that to me, or this really happened, or this is the case…I’m sick, I’m dying, I’ve got this problem, I’ve got that problem, my bank account is empty. Those are facts! Don’t tell me they’re lies!
I’ll tell you what the lie is. The lie is not the fact itself. The lie is the Devil’s interpretation of that. That’s where the lie comes in. When we see a circumstance and the Devil tells us, that wouldn’t have happened if God really liked you. Or, if God was on His throne, why did He let this happen? You see the problem?
We sang a song, just a little bit ago, about desiring that the Lord would help us to see everything through His eyes, see our whole lives through His eyes. You see that? Do you think Jesus just went through a little bit? Yeah, but He saw it in terms of the purpose of God that went far beyond this world. He saw everything that happened to Him in those…in that light.
My God, did He have stuff that He could have been depressed about if He’d been of a mind to do it. If He’d listened to the voice of the enemy…You’re wasting Your time Jesus! They’re not listening to You. They have ulterior motives. Listen to these religious people. They’ve studied the Bible all their lives and they don’t get You at all. You’re wasting Your time with these people.
Of course, the Devil’s never told you any negative stuff about you, right? And here’s the problem, sometimes, in dealing with this. It’s far too easy to deal with it on a level that’s kind of superficial, way up here, when many times the need is way down here. If we come in, and we ‘do’ come to the Lord, with a history, we have learned from our experience in this life.
And not all of what we’ve learned is good. Some people have come out of terrible situations in homes. They’ve experienced abuse. They’ve experienced rejection. They’ve experienced a thousand and one things, that have totally colored their lives. They’ve been hurt badly by somebody and that wound is still way down here.
God, we need a Gospel that can get down into the depths of our beings and heal the brokenhearted. Can Jesus do that? Yes! But I’ll tell you, there are people who are carrying those kinds of burdens and you don’t just…you just don’t paint over it with a proof text. What’s the matter with you? Here’s what the Bible says. What’s the matter with you?
It doesn’t happen that easily. We need God to minister that truth in such a way that it gets down to where the need is and displaces the lie so that we can stand in truth, and that becomes the governing influence in our lives. It’s what God said and not what the devil said.
( congregational amens ).
God, help us to have compassion on one another and realize where we’re coming from, and the fact that this is a process. It’s wonderful to uphold truth, but there comes a time we’re gonna have to say, oh God, I need that truth moved from here [head] to here [heart]. You’re the only One who knows how to do that.
A lot of times, God’s gonna have to take us through difficult circumstances, so that we are willing to bring out this. Oh, how do we deal with pain? If there’s pain down in here, how do you deal with it, typically? Cover it up, deny it, pretend it isn’t there, put on a happy face.
Does that solve your problem? No, it doesn’t. It just makes it worse. And you wonder why we struggle. God wants us to come to Him as we are, with all that’s wrong, and say, Lord, You see, You see this wound. Lord, I bring it out into the light. I need You to help me to see it through Your eyes. You can help me to have compassion on the one who caused the wound, to see past what happened and not think of it so much in self-centered terms. You can heal that, Lord.
How much of this thing that we call depression is just beginning to wallow back into pain? And you wonder why you see people try to medicate their pain, with alcohol and with drugs and with something, anything to feel…to not feel that, to escape it, just for a little bit.
And then the Devil’s there pulling the strings and he’s saying, yeah, but your real solution is, you just need to leave this. Your pain is just too great. You’re worthless. You’re this, you’re that. Whatever it is that takes us down into that realm.
But what are we doing if we are just sitting there thinking about all that? Are we not just meditating on lies? What’s the fruit of meditating on lies, if it doesn’t just reinforce all that the devil has planted in there? You’re just like pouring fertilizer and water on the devil’s plantings.
You think maybe we just need to come to the Lord and meditate on His truth, and just seek Him and say, God, You’re the only One that can deal with this? Come in and replace it.
So, here’s this guy, and we talked about his pride, we talked…and I’m sure he felt some of these things. I mean, some of this goes beyond exactly what he expresses here. But you know, one of the things that I’m sure he felt was failure. Lord, I failed here. I did all these things. I did it for You, and I failed.
Anybody here ever have that kind of a feeling? No matter how hard I try, I’m just always coming short. I’m always failing. Oh, God! Oh, poor me! Oh…down into the depths you sink. God wants to bring us up out of that pity party junk.
First place, he didn’t fail. He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to. But suppose we do. Did He not provide for all of our needs, at the Cross? Is there any failure for which Christ has not died? If that’s really the case, can we not say, oh, Lord, I come to You?
But part of the problem here was that he had gotten so zoned in on the current state of things and the condition, running back to Sinai, trying to find an answer. And when the Lord finally spoke to him, I’m not gonna get into all the details of that. You remember the wind and the fire and the earthquake and all of that stuff? I’m sure that’s probably what he was looking for, in one sense. But somehow, he recognized when the Lord spoke in a gentle whisper.
Little lesson in that…don’t go looking for God to do the same thing…to do things the same way every time. I don’t care if you go back and say, this is how He did it so that’s how He’s gonna do it. No, this is a different circumstance, and He just came with a gentle whisper.
I’m so glad the Lord didn’t come and say, what’s the matter with you? He did ask him. He said, what are you doing here? And he goes through his spiel again. All this stuff I’ve done, and it’s worthless and I’m the only one left. Now they’re trying to kill me.
And so, the Lord gives him instructions, doesn’t He? That’s one of the answers, to all of this, is that God, get us out of this self-absorption! In the first place, My plan has not failed. The situation is not hopeless as you are sitting here emotionally thinking it is. I’ve wasted my time. The situation is hopeless. There’s nothing left to live for.
Baloney! God is still on His throne! We know that this world is gonna go down, and most of it is gonna go into the fire when it’s over, but God is gonna save every one of His and He’s gonna bring every one of His back, all the way to glory, at the end! You know, the writer to the Hebrews talks about the hope that He’s planted within us as being, “…an anchor for the soul…” I need an anchor, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
Why would a ship need an anchor if everything is calm and peaceful and wonderful? It wouldn’t, would it? But I’ll tell you, in spite of the winds that blow in your life and in mine, if you’ve got a hope that goes beyond what you can do, and the circumstances in which you find yourself, then you’ve got something that’s gonna hold when those times come.
You know, one of the things that, I’m sure plays into this and I know that it plays into depression, in a general sense, is this: it’s false expectations! This is what I expected to happen. This is what the Christian life is supposed to be like, and it’s not. And I feel bad and I don’t have this joy that we’re supposed to have. I don’t feel the emotions that I’m supposed…oh, this was supposed to be wonderful and I’m going through a dark time.
Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” Are you gonna argue with Him? Now, thankfully, He said, don’t be afraid, I’ve overcome the world. Don’t be dismayed…I forget the exact words. “I have overcome the world.”
Folks, if you’re looking for a smooth path, you’re looking in the wrong place. It’s not in the world, for sure. But if you’re gonna align yourself…allow yourself to be aligned with Jesus Christ, you’re gonna have some dark times. You’re gonna have some challenging times. You’re gonna have times when the Devil will do everything in his power to plant and water that lie, that’s down in here, that’s causing you to be brought down into that low place.
I’ll tell you, we need the truth of God in that hour. We need to exercise ourselves and lift up our hearts and look to Him.
But you know, here’s the other thing that really has come to me over and over again, in different ways, lately. And I said it last week. You could talk about a subject like this, very easily, and list all the ways that fear, that depression comes, all the things that cause it, all of its symptoms. And then you could say, all right now, here’s how you deal with that, and list off all the things that we’re supposed to do to counter that. And every one of them might be true. But that leaves out one extraordinarily, important, critical ingredient. How do I do that?
You know, a psychiatrist could tell you that. Of course, he’ll give you a drug, too. But, a psychiatrist could say, well, here are some steps you could take. Do this and do that and put on a happy face and act different and it’ll all go away. This isn’t about just coming into an equilibrium of emotions and all of that. There’s something deeper God wants to do.
And what He is seeking to do is not simply to rearrange our lives so that they are happy and profitable and spiritual and all that. It’s to live His life in us. There is a ‘putting to death’ of self that His life might come forth in us.
And what I said last week applies so much. Boy, do I need it. Everything God asks of us, everything He instructs us to do, He provides the resources to do it! So, everything we’re talking about this morning that is a needed antidote to falling into this state called depression is something for which we not only do what we know to do, we give Him thanks, we praise Him…we talk about the Word and we meditate on it, but we’re gonna have to always do that with this sense, God, I can’t do this in myself. You do it in me. But this is a real issue, is it not?
( congregational amens ).
But I’ll tell you, we have a real God, who has real answers to your need, wherever you’re at. There’s no way to cover all the stuff you could cover. But I’ll tell you, your answer is in Jesus. Your answer is in the truth of God’s Word being ministered deep in your heart. Your answer is in the fellowship of God’s people. Your answer is turning your eyes away from yourself and to God and to others.
And I’ll tell you, God can help us to live in victory over these things that will assault us, if we let them. We don’t have to live that way. God has the answer! And I’ll tell you, to Him be glory in the church throughout all ages! To Him be glory!
Oh God, what would it be like if we had to live in this world and we didn’t have a hope? We might as well go out and do this. There’s no hope here. More and more people are realizing that and they’re taking their lives. But I’ll tell you, God has got us here for this time and for a purpose. Let’s fulfill that purpose and glorify Him. Praise God!
July 5, 2020 - No. 1448
“Dealing With Depression” Part One
July 5, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1448 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I think a lot of times I’m conscious that…messages that I preach paint big picture, teaching kind of things, but you know, we need…and we need that. But we also need messages that get down into the nitty-gritty of life, of real life. And I feel like this is probably one of those. And I’d like to begin with 1st Corinthians, I’m sorry, 1st Kings…a little bit of difference…1st Kings, chapter 17, and I’ll just begin there.
And, this begins the account of one of the most famous Old Testament prophets, and his name was Elijah. He just suddenly appears on the pages of scripture without any real background. We don’t know anything about him other than, Elijah says this, and starts doing that, and all of a sudden, there he is. So, the Lord doesn’t give us a whole lot of background as to where he came from and what he was about as a human being. But boy, does he burst on the scene.
And, you remember what the scene was, that after the kingdom had split, the kingdom of Israel had split into the Northern Kingdom of ten tribes that were called Israel, and the southern two tribes that were called Judah, the Northern Kingdom never did serve God, did they? It was just…they immediately plunged into a condition of wickedness, sinfulness, everything you could think of that was wrong, idolatry…they set up heathen gods, and one king would outdo the next one.
And the king who had taken over this time was the worst of them. His name was Ahab. And he had married a lovely lady from a nearby tribe, nearby nation, called Jezebel, who was a hundred percent devoted to wickedness and idolatry, and you name it, she was guilty of it. And so, this was the condition of the land and of the nation. And so, it was into this context that God sent a man.
You know, I wonder…when you think about the nation and where we’re at in our world, and where we’re headed…do you think God’s gonna have a people in that time that are gonna stand up for Him, and have something to say?
But there are some lessons in his experience that I believe we need to pay attention to. And just to…not to spend a lot of time on it, but, all of a sudden, this man, this prophet called Elijah goes to Ahab and announces that there will be no rain until I say so.
Whoa! You talk about the power of God over everything and how He commits that power into the lips, through the lips of a man. And so, of course, Elijah didn’t hang around to see what was going on. The Lord told him immediately, go hide yourself. So, he leaves Israel proper and goes across the Jordan and he hides in a ravine. So, this is a real secret hideout. Nobody can find him there.
And, of course, he’s gonna need a little sustenance, so the Lord sends ravens twice a day. Can you imagine living like that? We have a great God, don’t we? So, here’s a man who obviously has natural needs and God’s mindful of that. That’s something we need to remember. And, all of a sudden, there he is, he’s hiding for his life, essentially, and every day ravens come and they give him all that he needs. He’s got a brook there to drink from. And so, that goes on for a period of time, and then, the brook dries up, of course, in a drought.
So then, the Lord says, I’ve got somebody that…I’ve commanded a widow to feed you. Well, the widow, I’m not sure…didn’t know anything about this at the time, but the Lord had it all arranged. And so, he goes over to the kingdom of Sidon, which was over by the seashore, over against the Mediterranean. And I believe, if I’m not mistaken, Jezebel was from there. Talk about the Lord doing something that was kind of ironic!
So there he goes, and he meets this woman and she is picking up sticks to cook her last meal so she and her son can die because of the drought. And the prophet says, all right, go and make me something first. That’s when she tells him the situation. And he says, no, you go and do that and here’s what the Lord says. The meal will not waste. You’ll not run out of what you need until the day that the rain comes.
She says, okay. So, she listened and…anyway he begins to…he begins to live in the home there and the Lord puts her through a trial, but as He often does with those that He is reaching out to, the trial was meant to lead to a blessing. How many of you have been down that road? The Lord put you through something you would not choose, but when you come through it, you realize you’ve learned something about God and you are strengthened in your spirit.
And so, here is the Lord allowing her son to die, to get sick and die. And so, she’s wondering about this God that he supposedly serves and what in the world does He have against me that He’s allowed this? “Did you come to remind me…” she says, “…of my sin and kill my son?” (NIV).
So, he takes the son up to his room, and he entreats the Lord, three different times he lays his body over this little boy and pleads with God to…Lord, give him his life back. And the Lord hears his prayer and answers it. And so, here’s man of God who’s commanding the weather and who raises the dead…I mean, this is a mighty prophet, isn’t it?
And so, he comes to the end of that particular episode and she says, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.” You know, the Lord has a way of making Himself known, doesn’t He? If we’ll listen—if we’ll listen, God will make Himself known.
So anyway, the time comes for him to go back…and I think this was like a period of three years all of this took place. It’s time for him to go back and show himself to Ahab and to make a long story short, he comes and Ahab goes out to meet him, and his greeting to this prophet is, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?”
He said, “I have not made trouble for Israel, Elijah replied. But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals.” We’re in the middle of chapter 18, if you’re trying to follow. So anyway…so now, there’s a challenge that’s issued. God is going to make Himself known and make the people responsible for their choices as to who they’re gonna serve.
So, he says, you go and you gather together all of the prophets of Baal, all of these heathen…bring them together. We’re gonna have a little contest here. And it was 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah. So, there were 850, all totaled. And they all were gathered to Mount Carmel. And now, Elijah stands there, and…you know, we have this picture of this mighty prophet. And so, this mighty prophet stands and says, how long are you gonna halt between two opinions, is the way the King James puts it. “If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (NIV).
The people stood there and said…what are they gonna say? Nothing. He said, all right, let’s have a contest here. We’re gonna build two altars. And, let’s get a couple of bulls and we’re gonna prepare our altars. You call upon your god, I’ll call upon mine, and the god who answers by fire, he’s the one who’s really God. They say, okay, that sounds good to us. That’s not the words they used, but those are…anyway, that’s the idea.
“Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, since there are so many of you. Call on the name of your god, but do not light the fire.” So, they go ahead and do all of that. Now, they start crying and dancing around the altar and calling on their god. Oh god, come and answer our cry, and doing this heathen dance. This goes on for a long time. And finally, at noon, Elijah decides to mock them a little bit.
( laughing ).
He says, “Shout louder…Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”
( laughing ).
“So they shouted louder and slashed themselves….” And they’re going through all this, all the shenanigans that they did in their heathen religion, and they’re going on and on and on. “…No response, no one answered, no one paid attention.” Praise God!
“Then Elijah said to all the people, Come here….” And so, he prepares an altar. He picks 12 stones to represent the original 12 tribes. He really does it the right way…prepares the bull. He says, I’m not done. Let’s get you four barrels of water and pour it all over the altar. Let’s make sure that we’re not gonna have any funny business here. Let’s really…let’s make a real contest out of this.
He said, all right, fill it up again. And they do it a second time. Okay, fill them up again. So, 12 barrels of water are dumped over the altar. I mean, water is running off, and pooling around the edges. He’d built a little trench…running over all of that.
So now then, he calls on God. And he says, “O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Mighty prophet, right? Praise God!
So, what happens? “…The fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.” I mean, there’s nothing! There’s no way anybody could say that he pulled off a trick there.
So anyway, then the people fell on their faces and said, the Lord is God, the Lord is God! So anyway, now…and of course, they executed all these false prophets. And so, now…what a mighty victory! I mean, how would you like to be on the winning side of that one? Wouldn’t that be exhilarating to stand there and see God do something mighty…wow! You’re just rejoicing in all that.
But He’s not done! Now, it’s time for rain. And so, he tells the king to go back and eat and drink, it’s about to rain. So, he goes up on the top of the mountain and bows his head between his legs and prays. Seven different times, he sent his servant out to look to the west toward the sea. Finally, he said there’s a cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising. He says, run, Ahab, you better run! It’s fixing to rain.
And not only did he go through all of that, it says, the Lord strengthened him. The power of God came on him and ran ahead of the chariot all the way back to the palace. I mean, you think about a man who has experienced the incredible things that he did, seen the power of God, tasted it, had God just bless him mightily, and mightily reach out through him!
Then, what? Chapter 19, “Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword.” Ha! Sweet lady. “So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.”
Well, now wouldn’t you expect that a mighty prophet of God would stand there and say, oh yeah? We’ll see about that. I serve the God who is God of all of your gods. Ain’t nothing like that gonna happen. But that’s not what he did, is it? That’s not what he did.
“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah…,” which, by the way, was many, many miles. This was not like…and of course, he couldn’t just pick up a car and run over to the next county, drive over to the next county. This is on foot. This is dozens of miles away. It was a pretty good trip.
So, he’s traveling, he’s running in fear. And he gets to a certain place and, “…he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. I have had enough, Lord, he said. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep.”
The message that I heard had to do with depression. And this scripture, as well as any in the Bible, reminds us that depression is, not only a part of this world, it afflicts God’s people. And it’s something that I believe God desires that we confront and be honest about our needs in this area, because we live in a time, as we’ve heard so many times, when the Devil’s power is increasing.
And we are not exempt, we…all of us here still live in these bodies. We still have that nature in these bodies. Thank God, if you’ve got Christ, “…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (KJV). But the reality is, that if we are not careful, we are subject to exactly what happened to him.
And what happens is, well, I’m not supposed to be that way…so, I’m gonna do like the commercial on TV. I’m go around with a happy mask on. And I’m gonna pretend that everything is okay because…oh, I’m in Canaan land! Everything is wonderful! I’m supposed to feel good all the time. I’m supposed to be happy, happy, happy.
And the reality is, many times that’s not the way it is. And we need to be honest about it. I mean, the scripture doesn’t hide this. This is a mighty prophet of God, the guy you’d want to be just like…and there he is praying, oh God, I’ve had enough. God, take my life. It’s over. There’s no purpose in my living.
You know, one interesting thing that was quoted on that message…I’ll just refer to this one thing, because it was a statistic. And I didn’t realize, so I looked it up and checked it out and it’s right. And, he was referring back to the Vietnam war and those who fought there. We have brothers here who fought in that war.
And the statistic was this, that there are more Vietnam soldiers who died by suicide than were killed in the actual war! That’s a terrible…well, I’m leading into the fact that suicide has become a growing problem in our society. And it’s interesting that the Viet Nam war happened about the time the Lord was revealing to us the last loosing of Satan!
What do we expect? This world is a lie! It is built on lies! Everything about it motivates human beings to build their lives on lies, to try to seek happiness apart from a relationship with their God.
And I’ll tell you, the Devil enjoys destroying, stealing, killing, lying, destroying. And it’s not just Vietnam soldiers. It’s children! These issues of people reaching a point where life is so worthless that all they want to do is leave it! The fear of dying becomes weaker than the pain of living! Oh God, do we need Him!
( congregational response ).
And you think this doesn’t affect Christians? Sure, it does. Those of you who have been around, you know how the Devil attacks. Some of you remember Sister Thomas, and how she went through a deep, deep period of just black depression. Brother Thomas had to fight for over a period of months as I recall, just ministering truth, trying to bring her out of that state.
She’s not the only one. Brother Thomas battled depression. So, you look at me and say, well, preacher, what about you? You live up on the mountain, right? Are you kidding? I battle it just like everybody else does, and don’t always do it as well as I should! Of course, I’m the only one here, right? Everybody else here is just living on the mountaintop every day!
You know, the Lord has given us a mountain we can live on, but I’ll tell you, it doesn’t happen automatically. And we have been so programmed, more than we realize, with lies, and they bring us down to a place of weakness.
And you go on here. Here he is coming to that point where, all I want to do is die, Lord! My life is worthless! Nothing that I’ve accomplished has changed anything! Oh, God, I’ve come to the end.
Well, you know, we can come to the end, but God doesn’t. Thank God! How many of you’ve been in a place where you were about ready to hang it up and the Lord intervened? Well, the Lord intervenes here. So he’s asleep. All of a sudden, he’s awakened and it’s an angel that’s awakened him. He said, here’s a meal. He looked around. By his head there was a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water.
So the Lord sent down an angel who knew how to cook. He ate and drank and then lay down again and now he wakes up again, and the angel comes back and does the same thing. “…The journey is too much for you.”
Evidently…the scripture does not explain all of this. But somehow, I feel like, from where he went, there was something in his mind…God, if I’m gonna find any meaning in all of this, I’ve got to get back to where it started. And so, he takes off from wherever he’s at now in the desert, he takes off south for Mount Sinai.
Now the Israelites wandered 40 years in the wilderness, it took him 40 days. It was no small journey. And, there were a whole lot of altitude changes. Now, I’m a guy who doesn’t like altitude changes, especially when they’re up. And there he is in places where some of it was below sea level. Now he’s heading south through a desert, and then when he gets to the end of his journey after 40 days, he’s got to climb a mountain! Do you imagine he’s probably pretty tired?
You know, that’s one of the things that can get us in a bad place. We are not supermen and superwomen. You know, I thought of a…I think of a scripture from time to time. It’s in the Psalms somewhere. You can look it up if you want to know where it’s at. But I remember the King James Version of it, I think. “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late…for so he giveth his beloved sleep.”
There’s simple, practical wisdom in that, isn’t there? How many of you have been…have just pushed it, pushed it and pushed it, and you’ve gone way overboard and you wind up getting so tired and all of a sudden, life just kind of descends on you and you get in a bad place and you can’t…you just emotionally can’t.
You see, we’re emotional creatures. And, too much of the time the emotions have too much of an influence over us and we begin to descend into this place that Elijah was. But somehow, there he is going back to Horeb, which was another name for Mount Sinai, going up into a cave and he spends the night.
( panting ).
I’ve made it, maybe I’ll get my answers here. “And the word of the Lord came to him: What are you doing here, Elijah?” (NIV). I don’t know what the tone was, but…I don’t know that it was condemning so much as trying to raise a question. What are you doing here?
He said, “I have been very zealous…” 19:10. “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”
No depression there, right? After saying, I’ve had enough, kill me. You know I mentioned something on a recent Wednesday night that bears on this, and I was talking about vulnerability to temptation, and one of the factors that really makes us vulnerable. And it’s a very simple thing. It’s being self-centered…I forget the word now even that I even used…but, it’s self-absorbed, where I become so wrapped up in what’s happening to me, what has happened to me, all of the things that affect me and my feelings, that becomes my world, that becomes my universe.
June 28, 2020 - No. 1447
“Taking Hold” Conclusion
June 28, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1447 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: God, I want to be awake! God wants to have a people that are alive and awake, that believe in Him, that look to Him, that don’t look at any issue that they can see and feel and experience with their own eyes and say, this is impossible! Even God can’t fix this!
Now I doubt there’s anybody here who would ‘say’ that. But how many of us live as if that’s the way it was? God help us! But He is, isn’t He? Praise God!
I don’t believe, as I’ve said so many times, I don’t believe any of this has to do with a spirit of condemnation by God. It’s a spirit of encouragement. He knows exactly where you’re at. He knows where I’m at. And He’s not expecting me to be down the road somewhere, but He is expecting me, today, to live a certain way, and to have a certain attitude toward life and Him and His truth, and an expectation. Praise God! And you know, you think about faith…is faith necessary?
( laughing ).
Yeah! “Without faith…” we’re told, “…it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (NIV). Now there are two convictions there. Obviously the one the He is, that He exists, that He’s real, there really is a being.
But how many of us fall short on the second one? Who does He reward? Those who…how do they seek him? Earnestly. You see, there’s a heart that God is looking for. He will impart what we need, but there’s a heart response that He’s looking for that means business. It says, God, this matters! God, I need You! I reach out for You! That’s what faith does. It reaches toward God. It responds! I get the fact that we can never do that unless God acts first, but He does look for a response from us. And I’ll tell you, that is so central.
And as I kind of indicated earlier, this is more than just mere facts. You cannot be saved by theology. You’re gonna have to have an encounter with the living God. Now, objective truth matters, but I’ll tell you, without the Spirit, without the active intervention of the Person of God, what you have is just dead. It’s dead letter, and it can’t help. But it’s more than those facts. It’s a conviction about the character of God and His heart for us.
Notice a scripture that we quote all the time. It’s in Jeremiah 29:13 if you want to read it later. “You will seek me and find me…” When? “…When you seek me with all your heart.” Boy, that’s an awesome promise! That’s a promise to you this morning, and to me. Do we take that personally? God wants us to. Is there anything that He has left out that you and I are in need of this morning? Is there something that He has not provided, and He’s just saying well, too bad for you, I’m not…no! Everything!
Think of what Jesus said in that parable. “Come; for all things are now ready.” (KJV). That’s the hope of the Gospel. God has promised everything. Jesus said, “It is finished.” That’s good enough for me. Praise God! That ought to be enough for every one of us.
Now, here’s something about faith that’s important, and I know there are people that miss this. But true faith is submission. How many people are there in the world, and I’ve encountered many of them, who see faith in God almost as a way to ‘get what I want’? Show me the secrets of how to exercise faith so God will fix my life the way I want it to be. It becomes a self-centered, ‘using God’ kind of thing. It’s almost like this becomes a book of incantations, and I’m gonna take the letter of the Word, and I’m gonna bind God to do what I want through this.
I believe God wants to take us a place where we can operate in true harmony with Him, where it’s not just that we exercise faith for specific things, but we are in harmony with His will! We’re not looking for our own…what we want.
I mean, Jesus is the ultimate example. Father, if there’s any way, “let this cup pass from me….” Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done. Everything Jesus did, He did as an expression of the heart of God. He spent time with His Father. He knew what His Father wanted. And so, real faith is simply laying hold of what God has made real to us that is ours, and that we need to exercise faith to take hold of. That’s the essence of it. True faith is submission.
And of course, you think of what Paul was seeking. What was Paul seeking in Philippians 3? What was he after when He was doing all this pressing? What was his heart? Was he after a better life, in this world?
No, he says, I want to, “…know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” That doesn’t sound like anything human nature would every seek. But you see, God had transformed his heart and turned his heart’s desire in a different direction. And so, in harmony with that desire, he sought God, and God gave him promises from the Word of God, and he exercised his faith in those, and God enabled him to lay hold of it in the face of everything that the enemy would try to introduce, to discourage him and to hinder him.
I’ll tell you, it is not, how can I get God to do what I want? Faith is not a formula. Faith is a real power that God gives to His people. Faith is a choice. How many times have we said that? If you’re waiting for that feeling, you will have a long wait.
God puts us in situation after situation, it is more the norm than not, where we have to literally make a choice very much like Abraham did. How many choices did he have to make when everything else was against it? He had to be willing to hear the voice of God, believe Him, leave his family, leave his country, go to a place and live as a stranger, wait for 25 years for a promise that became utterly impossible and still stand in faith! Man, there’s something supernatural going on there.
But I’ll tell you, that same power to believe what God has said against everything else, every weakness you discover in yourself, every obstacle in life, everything that says it cannot be…but we’re serving a God who can take what is not and make it real. That’s why faith is a conviction that something that you cannot see is nonetheless so real that my hope can be in that and not in this. That’s what faith is all about. It is a choice.
How many of you can look back…at times, and you know that you didn’t have any feelings, but you came to a place…what am I gonna do? How am I going to…what am I gonna believe? All these voices are shouting in my head that say everything contrary to what I believe God is saying. What am I gonna do? Am I gonna wait for that feeling? Oh God, if You give me a feeling, I’ll go with it. Or has God put you in a place where you’re gonna have to say I just choose, I don’t care if I ever have a feeling.
Your faith will grow a lot more in those times when you cannot see and cannot feel, and you have nothing to go on but what God has said. And if your heart says, I want you, Lord. I don’t know what to do. There’s a God who knows how to impart to you a faith and a knowledge. It doesn’t mean He’s just gonna answer it in a second just because you popped the question. But I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants to lead His people, wants to be as real to us as He was to His Son when he walked this world. Oh, praise God!
Did He not show us how it works? He spent time with His Father. He looked to Him. He said, I don’t anything except what You do, can’t do anything without You. I’ll tell you, there is something that has to bring us to that place where we see that all that rises up against what God has said is gonna have to be laid aside.
You know, I made this point earlier, and I have been in many places where perhaps historically there was an emphasis on the working of the Spirit…it may have been some real. But an awful lot of that sometimes is working people up. You know, let’s get the music going. I’m glad for joyful music. But you can get yourself psyched up, and then they call that faith. Okay, now God can work.
Folks, that’s not how it works. Faith is deeper than that. Faith is more real than that. We don’t have to get psyched up to have real faith. We have to have a real God and heart that loves Him and an open heart to Him, and I’ll tell you, He will impart exactly what we need.
Now, here is a truth and a principle that I think is so central, to what I’ve had on my heart. I keep coming back to this, because it is, perhaps you could call it, the principle of dependence. You know, it’s been expressed this morning. We’re dependent, we can’t do anything without Him.
But I wonder if we understand, because, it answers the question, “How do I do all this?” How many of you have run into this? You know all the principles. You know the idea that we live by faith, but you find yourself coming up short on the ‘doing’ part of it?
( congregation inaudible).
Yeah. How do we do all this? And that’s the question. And here is the principle, and I don’t know how to say this. I’m just gonna have to trust God to say it and make it live in our hearts, starting with mine. But here is the principle. Everything God asks of us, He supplies—everything God asks of us, He supplies.
God is not looking for any resource that begins with your human ability. We’ve come at this idea from so many angles before, because the Devil will build that barrier between you and God. Yes, I see it, but there’s a bridge that I’ve go to build and cross so I can get to the place where I can have what God…no. Everything God gives, every ability that we lack…stop looking on the inside for the help that you need.
I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have read the testimonies of people who seem to have tapped into this. Andrew Murray was certainly one of them…just finally came to the point where he realized, all this stuff that I lack, everything I need, God’s provided it all! I just have to step in and embrace it and believe it.
What do I lack today? Do I have to scramble and try and try and…how can I do this? Or do I simply say, Lord, You are asking me to believe? Well, where does faith come from? How many times have we made that point? Where does saving faith come from? Is God looking around in human beings and saying, well, there’s somebody, I can stir this up, and their faith will come…no! Faith is a gift of God!
It’s by grace…grace is that power that comes down and works on our hearts, and empowers us to do what God wants. That’s why the Gospel says, or the Word says, call upon Him, when? When He is near! Why is that? Well, in the first place, we wouldn’t want to call on Him when He isn’t.
In the second place, if He’s not there, we don’t have the power. His Presence, the overshadowing of His grace is what gives me the power to respond! All I have to do is let go, and surrender to that. It’s not pulling on some human virtue. I have none. It’s the renunciation of every possible hope in myself and placing it entirely in what He is offering in that moment. And I’ll tell you, He will impart.
You sit there and say, I just can’t do this, I can’t live this life. Well, good gracious! I can’t either. The Christian life is impossible! It’s supernatural. The only way that we can have any part in what God has given to us is to rely completely on what He has provided through Jesus Christ…and that comes right down to the entry into the Kingdom. I’ll tell you, when you come to that place, God will give you the faith that you need to lay hold of that, and it will become resident in your heart. That’s what has to happen.
But that’s the same principle by which we live. Where am I gonna get the faith to lay hold of all these wonderful promises and to see God work in the needs of my life? Oh, how we allow the enemy to erect barriers against that, and to make us feel us as though there’s something lacking in me, and if I can identify that and fix that, then I can have what God has given me.
But do you know what we need to be doing? We need to be identifying the sticking point. What is it that’s stopping me and keeping me right here, in this place? And then, say, Lord, You accomplish this in me. I cannot fix this, but You have provided everything I need to do everything that You have laid before me to do. I don’t care what it is in here, whether it’s something to believe, whether it’s a behavioral issue…don’t do this or do that…every single thing has to be supernatural! It has to be Christ in us.
That is my hope of glory, because I don’t have any in myself. I can’t look in the mirror and see a thing to trust in. But that isn’t the Gospel. The Gospel is a hope that comes from Jesus Christ alone.
What did Paul say about his own life? I have been crucified with Christ. He looked back and saw something that God had accomplished, that he was still entering into experientially. But this was not wishful thinking, this was a confidence that when Jesus said, it’s finished, He meant that I died!
That gives me ground to stand upon when the Devil comes. I have been crucified, but I’m living. I’m still alive. Ah, but something has changed. What’s changed? It’s “…not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Does that not put a whole different perspective on the Christian life?
I’ll ask the question again. What do you lack, today? What is it that’s the sticking point? I’m struggling with surrender. I’m struggling to really let go. You know, one of things that really struck me reading something that, in this case, it was Andrew Murray had written. He’s talking about surrender. And it was obvious that he had as much trouble with it as I do, or anybody else. But the conviction that took hold in His heart was, “You will accomplish my surrender.”
That sounds like a contradiction. But what he was saying was the very power that enables me to let go comes from You as I let go…I’m gonna start where I’m at. I simply start where I’m at. But whatever lack seems to hold me back and keep me from moving forward, I bring that to Him instead of looking inside and saying, where can I find the ability to do that. I say, Lord, You have provided the ability to do that.
That’s a deep truth. There is so much in Christian preaching today, that is all about doctrines to believe, sins to avoid, good things to do. But if you don’t preach this, what do you have? Very easily, you wind up with religion, and what we’ve referred to so many times as self-effort.
But I’ll tell you, the truth that God wants to burn into my heart, I confess this…like even about getting up here this morning. You know, there’s a war, in everything that we do in our Christian lives. Everything is going to be opposed. Your nature will fight. The Devil with fight. The world around you will seem to be…it’s an illusion that the Devil creates that this is the way your happiness lies is to pursue your dreams and you follow your desires. All of that will militate against everything that God has said!
But I’ll tell you, there is a God who can put such a conviction in here. But when we face those things, where does our attention go? Does it go down and in? Do you instantly look and say, where can I…how can I do this? Or do you say, Lord, You have made the way where I can do this, because it’s not I. This life is not I, it’s Christ in me. And I put my hope and my trust in that with this issue, right now, today. I am looking to You! I am trusting in You to accomplish in me this thing with which I am struggling.
The truth is that I lack everything. How about you? Is there anything you’ve got that enhances your salvation, any natural ability, any natural quality about you? No, it wouldn’t be salvation. I lack everything. He supplies everything. Let that sink in.
Oh, I’ll tell you, this is something we need to chew on. This is not something you can just kind of spit out and okay, I’ve got it, I got it. Everyone of us is gonna go out of here and face issues in our lives, and our instinct will be instantly to do exactly the opposite of what I’ve just said. But there’s a God who wants to teach us, and part of it is imparting this truth over and over again, so that we will see and understand.
It is no longer I. It is Christ in me that is my hope of glory. I need Him. I cannot believe in my own strength. I can’t surrender in my own strength. I can’t do anything in my own strength, but He provides everything in His person. This life that I cannot possibly live, He can live perfectly. And so, the more I learn to just yield and rest in Him, the better it works.
You know, I just…one scripture that I referred to…well, three or four weeks ago when we were down in South Carolina, that the Lord impressed upon me was not a bad thing or a negative thing. It was when that man said, “I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
We tend to look down on that and say, well…he was down here, and God just showed him mercy…and I’m way up here. I think he was the one that was in the right position. There was a willingness to respond, but there was sense of his need and he wasn’t shy about it. He said, yeah, I believe, but help my unbelief.
Can’t we go to the Lord that way? Will he not answer? I believe He will. I believe as the Lord teaches us, we can meditate on His promises. We can spend time with Him. We can ask Him to teach us, and lead us and help us to grow, and He will do exactly that.
Faith is necessary. It’s a matter of submission. It’s a choice. Everything that we need comes from Him, and it needs to be something with perseverance. But I’ll tell you, God will honor it. We live by faith and not by sight.
And I’ll tell you, God has given us the tool that we need, a supernatural one, to lay hold of everything that He has given us in Christ. May God help everyone right now where you’re at in your journey, and mine, to get hold of this in such a way that we actually start making progress. Faithful is He who called you, and He will do it. To Him be glory. Praise God!
June 21, 2020 - No. 1446
“Taking Hold” Part One
June 21, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1446 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ve had some thoughts and it’s almost more than I can imagine getting out, but I don’t know, I’m just gonna ask the Lord to guide me through something. I’m gonna talk about a very unusual subject you’ve never heard before and that’s faith. But you know, I believe the Lord wants to make things fresh, relevant to where we’re at and there are some particular things that I’ve sensed, in thinking about this, that I believe the Lord wants to…wants to focus on.
And I think my mind was first drawn to the scripture that Paul wrote to Timothy. You know, Paul spent a lot of his time in prison, and in one way it’s good for us that he did because he spent a lot of his time writing letters. And a majority, or at least probably half of the New Testament, was written by the pen of Paul. But Paul’s writings of encouragement to him are meant for us as well, because the Lord has preserved them.
And the scripture that came to me was in 1st Timothy 6:12, familiar to us, where Paul says, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (NIV).
And, you know, you could just simply build a message and never leave that scripture, because that’s the essence of the Christian life. It’s a matter of faith, isn’t it? It’s this mysterious thing that we call faith and I want to help us to understand, in perhaps a deeper way, what the Lord is talking about there.
But the fact that…faith is central, right? But the faith is a fight…that if you’re expecting to find a place in Christ where you will never have any opposition, you’re looking for the wrong thing. We’re in a world that hates God and hates you, and will do everything to destroy you, and God’s influence in your life if you let it. And so, if we’re going to go against the tide, we’re going to have to…we’re gonna have…well, we’re gonna have to go against the tide. I mean, we’re gonna go against that influence.
And it is a fight. And there are things that God has given to us and yet, for which we must fight. That seems to be a…it doesn’t seem to fit to our way of thinking. If God’s given it to me, why don’t I just step over and take a hold of it?
But you know, the picture that we’ve so often painted and referred to, is what God did with Israel, and the simple fact that He said, I’ve given you everything. I’ve given you the land. Okay, but Lord, there are giants over there. But you have to put your foot on it. Everything that you put your foot on, I have given to you.
That’s an amazing thought! That God had already given it to them. God foresaw everything. But you’re gonna have to put your foot on it. You are going to have to step out and…powered by this thing called faith, and when you do, I will be with you.
Folks, that’s the essence of the Christian life. And I think many of us are stuck in areas of life because we’ve sort of lost sight of the simplicity of this principle. And, it’s interesting to me that Paul is writing to somebody who surely knew this. I mean, he was in a position of teaching others, and yet he himself had to be reminded of how the Christian life works. Don’t you ever stop pressing into new territory. Don’t you ever settle and say, okay, I’ve got it, I’ve got it, I’ve got it. There’s always ground to take. There will always be a fight, and yet God has given you all of this but you’re gonna have to take hold of it.
So, I mean, if I had a working title, I suppose, for the sake of the people that get after me if I don’t give them one early, is “Taking Hold.” How many of you need to take hold of things?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah! I certainly would have to raise both hands on that. And so, this is something…also, there’s an element in that scripture, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called….” Now where is the ultimate initiative in this? It’s from God, isn’t it? We were just minding our own business. God invaded. God called. There was something personal to which we were called.
And think about how this jives so perfectly with what Paul said, that we’ve used so many times, in Philippians 3. I don’t count myself to have taken hold, but I press forward, to do what? “…To take hold…” to lay hold, “…of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” So, when God invades our life, it is to call us to something that He has provided completely for us. But in order for us to take hold of that, we are going to have to exercise this thing that He has given us called faith. So that’s…I mean, that’s the whole thing.
And Paul reminds us in 2nd Corinthians 5:7 that, “We live by faith, not by sight.” Now, if you just ignore the chapter divisions and back up into the end of the last chapter you’ll see where he’s talking about how we look at the things, not at what we see, but we look at what we don’t see. The things that are unseen, are what? They’re eternal. They’re the things that last.
What you see with your eyes, it’s not gonna last. I don’t care what it is. This world…nothing about it that you see with your natural eyes will last. That just needs to sink into our minds so that we put the emphasis where God wants it to be put, and we understand what life is about.
So anyway…but I want to ask a simple question because, I think it’s necessary to define some of these terms. What is faith? You know, we talk about it. We sing about it. We think we know what it is. But what is faith?
And of course, we know the definition, the classic definition is in Hebrews 11:1. “…Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” So there is…faith is a quality. It is something that a person possesses that enables them to have a life-shaping conviction, on the inside, that something is true but it is not something that can be seen.
But it is so real, that one can absolutely lay hold…I mean, this becomes the defining characteristic of the life. I do not live for the things that I see. God has put in my heart a conviction that something is more real than all of this, and it is worth my laying aside all of this to possess that. It’s real! I’ll tell you, only God can do that—only God can do that.
You know, I was reading this morning just a little bit…reading, just sort of meditating on the beginning of this chapter and I noticed something in the third verse. It says, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Now, you notice that same theme about something being seen and something being visible, and unseen? I’ll tell you, when God created what He created, before He did it there was nothing that was seen, seeable by us, certainly in our natural state. But did that stop God from anything that He was doing?
( congregational response ).
So, how did He do it?
( congregational response ).
How did He deal with that lack? He spoke something, and as a result of what He spoke, something that was unseen became seen. Yeah! It’s so simple. You see how that’s connected with the first part? But the faith part is when we so understand…our confidence is so fixed upon the Word of God, the truthfulness of God, the character of God, that we can put more hope and trust in that, than we can in anything that we can see that’s part of this creation.
And you follow that chapter through and you’ll see how that plays out in the lives of real people, who are just like us. Praise God! So, faith is an assurance and a conviction of that which is unseen.
Now there are some things that it is not. You know, a lot of people will hear talk about faith and they’re coming from the outside and they don’t have any idea of what we’re talking about, and to them faith is just kind of a blind thing. It’s just a blind leap. I want something that I can feel good about, something that I can hope in. It doesn’t really have to be objectively real. I just want to put my faith in something so I’ve got some kind of anchor to give me meaning in my life. It’s a blind leap. One belief is as good as another.
Obviously it’s not that. See, this is not a belief that comes from wishful thinking, from need in us to have something that we can just sort of, okay, I’m gonna cling to this, and it’s gonna help me through life. It’s not a blind thing, folks.
When somebody puts their faith in Jesus Christ, really, the real deal, this is not a blind thing. I’ve heard about Him, I’m just gonna believe it! No, it’s not that. There is an outside power at work and if it is not, then it is just a blind…perhaps it is just a blind leap. But that’s not what Paul is talking…or that’s not what the writer of the Hebrews and others are talking about.
And it’s not a feeling. How many of you’ve made that mistake? You know…faith, oh, if I could just feel something. You know, a lot of people try to work that up. But, faith is not a feeling. You can have faith in God when your feelings are dead! And many times, that’s how God arranges it, not because He’s against us, not because He’s even against feelings, but He does not want us to depend upon feelings.
You know, my mind often goes to the old, old illustration of the old-fashioned train. And the different parts of the train represent parts of our personality. How many of you have had spiritual success making feelings the engine? That doesn’t work. Or feelings the coal car feeding the engine? Boy…we’re really going today. We’ve worked up…we’ve got some good songs going. We’re happy, happy, happy and boy, now we’re gonna go forth. And then, all of a sudden…
( groaning ).
…You hit one of those times when you feel terrible and the engine just sort of stalls. You know where feelings belong on that train? The caboose!
( laughter ).
You get your will, you get what you know, you get willful choice based upon facts, that’s where the engine comes from, it’s the Word of God is the coal car. We feed off of that and we make choices, and the feelings will come. You don’t worry about them. Don’t wait for them. Don’t ever wait for them, or assume that feelings have something to do with faith. They have no connection.
And there’s another thing that faith is not. It is not second-hand. We are not looking for people to follow us, or me, or any human personality. That’s where cults get going. People will say, I don’t know what to believe but here’s somebody who is so sure! I’m gonna latch onto them and that’s gonna be my security.
God, we don’t need that! But we don’t need people who just simply grow up in the church, and adopt our religion. We don’t have a religion, folks. Jesus Christ is the Lord and the Head of this church, and it is Him that you have to come to a personal relationship with. It is not a blind following. God wants this thing to be yours. Praise God!
Faith, we’re told, in Romans chapter 10…I’ll just refer to scriptures you know. It comes, how?
( congregational response ).
“…By hearing…” (KJV). Well, where does hearing come from?
( congregational response ).
“…The word of God…” Once again, you get right back to God speaking something into existence. Paul talks about the time when God invaded his life. You know, it wasn’t just the miraculous experience that he had of the blinding light and hearing a voice. There was something that happened that went way beyond that.
You can have an experience. That’s fine if it’s God. But I’ll tell you, the thing that made all the difference was not simply what happened out here, it’s what happened in here. He said that God…the same God who spoke everything into existence, shined His light, down in the heart, so that, “…the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,” would come to be in here. (NIV).
Then he refers to that as a treasure, that we have in an earthen vessel. You see, faith is a supernatural gift of God, the real thing! God has to invade and He has to impart something into your heart you were not born with.
( congregational amens ).
Nobody is born with faith. We do not simply arrive as human beings who have all these abilities and we just say, okay, I’ll believe you Lord. No! You will never have saving faith until God imparts that. I’ll tell you, God is gonna have to do something…He’s gonna have to invade. That’s all there is to it. And that’s why the scripture says, “Today, if you hear his voice…” don’t do what?
( congregational response ).
“…Harden your hearts.” So, there’s got to be the voice of God to start with, but there’s got to be a heart that opens, and receives that and then something happens. Then there’s something that comes to be resident, in the heart, that’s personal, that’s yours, that changes your direction for eternity. It changes your destiny!
And I’ll tell you, everything about human nature will resist that, will fight it, tooth and nail. But I’ll tell you, if God is gonna ever invade your life, if it’s ever gonna be personal, if it’s ever gonna be real in your heart and your life, God is gonna have to show you your need.
( congregational amens ).
You can’t just hear about it from here. That’s fine…I mean, it’s gonna be involved because hearing involves preachers. It involves somebody who proclaims that word.
And it’s not just the doctrines. You can’t be saved by doctrine. You’re gonna have to be saved because the Spirit of God is ‘in’ the doctrine and in the teaching. Jesus said, My words are spirit and life. That’s the kind of words…see, the Word of God has to literally be a spiritual force that invades the heart.
But I’ll tell you, when it does, it’s gonna show you things about yourself you’re not gonna want to see, you’re not gonna want to acknowledge and admit. But I’ll tell you, when God can bring to your heart such a conviction that without Him I am lost, and hopeless and helpless, you’re gonna feel that, in some sense. You’ve got to know you need Him.
You’ve got to have that sense that, oh, God…but then when He does, thank God, that He shows you the answer! It’s not, do this and I’ll accept you, it’s look what I have done! I show you a Savior who has met every single need that you could ever possibly have. Put your trust in Him! Surrender your life!
Your life is headed nowhere. I’m showing you two ways today. There is a way that leads to life and there’s a way that leads to death. You’re on the one that leads to death. You’re gonna have to make a personal surrender to the voice of God, and I’ll tell you, something will be born in your heart that will carry you the rest of the way.
Oh, I’ll tell you what, the unseen—that which you cannot see has to become more real than that which is seen. Only God can do that in the heart. But oh, when He does, it’s worth everything!
And it’s not just simply the ideas and the doctrines, as though…if you leave out the character of God, you can almost see this as the ‘bully in the sky’ who just wants his way. And the only way we’re gonna achieve self-interest is to sort of kowtow to him, and go along with him.
No, I’ll tell you, when He comes, you don’t just see the facts of your need and His provision, you see the heart. You see the God whose fundamental attitude towards you is one of love! We sang this morning about the woman at the well. Of all people on the planet that Jesus should have shunned because of what she was and what she had been, that would have been the lady. But He went right to her and spoke to her against every social convention, every religious idea of the day, and He penetrated her heart with truth and love, perfectly matched. And her life was transformed that day.
That’s the power of the Gospel, folks! It’s real! But it comes down to, not only a conviction of that which is true, but a conviction of the One who spoke it and His character! It becomes a confidence in Him! Abraham was justified, not because he simply believed ‘what’ God said, he believed God! Because when you believe God, then it doesn’t matter what He says, it’s okay. Even if I don’t understand it, I know Who said it.
( congregational amens ).
That’s what gives me the confidence to put my faith and my hope and rest in that. But oh, I’ll tell you, we have somebody who has the power, as it’s said of Abraham, to take that which is not, to give, “…life to the dead, and calls those things which are not as though they were.” God wants to do that for people in this room, today, starting with me. Do you believe that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! And I’ll tell you…so…I guess part of my heart always is to reach out to people who don’t really know Him yet. Do you know Him? We just sang the song, “Do You Know Him?” Is this just a way of life? Oh, you’re supposed to come to church, and then one day you’ll grow up and make up your mind and then it’s all about something else.
If this…if God’s faith and Christ Himself does not take root in your heart, you are gonna perish with this world. And God doesn’t want that! God’s heart is to embrace you with everything that He has. I’ll tell you, but it’s got to be personal. It’s got to be as decisive as if you went to the Cross and died and gave up your life there. That’s exactly how decisive it is.
And, like the song, “there’s no turning back.” I’ll tell you, when God comes in…you can’t just muster this up out of human energy. It isn’t gonna happen. But I’ll tell you, when God comes and we yield to what He does in the heart, then there’s a transformation that is eternal. That’s what has…that’s what it has to be!
But you know, Paul wasn’t writing to an unbeliever, was he, when he wrote to Timothy? He was writing to a believer. So, what is…the principle by which we come to God in the first place, is the principle by which we live. We’ve said that many times. We live by faith, we come to Him by faith, but we live by faith.
And so, it’s obvious that what we get at salvation—what we call salvation, the new birth, is not all there is, that God has so much more, and if we ever get to the idea that I’ve just sort of come along, I’m good up to this point, there are things that’ll never really change, this is just how I am…how many times have we said this?
But how many times have I needed it? You see, there’s something missing there. We can fall into a…a sleep. Is that not a characteristic of the last days that the Lord warns about? Sleeping virgins. God, I want to be awake! God wants to have a people that are alive and awake, that believe in Him, that look to Him, that don’t look at any issue that they can see and feel and experience with their own eyes and say, this is impossible! Even God can’t fix this!
Now I doubt there’s anybody here who would ‘say’ that. But how many of us live as if that’s the way it was? God help us! But He is, isn’t He? Praise God!
I don’t believe, as I’ve said so many times, I don’t believe any of this has to do with a spirit of condemnation by God. It’s a spirit of encouragement. He knows exactly where you’re at. He knows where I’m at. And He’s not expecting me to be down the road somewhere, but He is expecting me, today, to live a certain way, and to have a certain attitude toward life and Him and His truth, and an expectation. Praise God! And you know, you think about faith…is faith necessary?
( laughing ).
Yeah! “Without faith…” we’re told, “…it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Now there are two convictions there. Obviously the one the He is, that He exists, that He’s real, there really is a being.
But how many of us fall short on the second one? Who does He reward? Those who…how do they seek him? Earnestly. You see, there’s a heart that God is looking for. He will impart what we need, but there’s a heart response that He’s looking for that means business. It says, God, this matters! God, I need You! I reach out for You! That’s what faith does. It reaches toward God. It responds! I get the fact that we can never do that unless God acts first, but He does look for a response from us.
June 14, 2020 - No. 1445
“Relationship, Not Religion” Conclusion
June 14, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1445 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: God wants to be part of your life. He wants to be, not part of it, He wants to ‘be’ your life. He wants to be right in the center of everything you do. When you’re driving down the street, when you’re pounding a nail, when you’re…turning over the pages of your books, every part of it, God wants to be in the center of it.
But He walked with Enoch, didn’t He? “Enoch walked with God.” It says the same thing about Noah! There was a man, at a critical juncture of the world’s history, when the world itself had turned its back upon God to the point where He said, “…every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (KJV). There was a man in the midst of this, who walked with God. And guess what? God walked with him, and talked to him, and made provision for him.
That’s the God that we serve. His eyes run to and fro in the earth, seeking those whose hearts are turned to Him. Oh, praise God!
And then, of course, you see the heart of God toward the Israelites. My God, you look at their history, you look at their beginning coming out of Egypt, a bunch of unbelieving rebels for the most part, yet how many times in the scriptures do we read about His reaching out to them, even during the wilderness journey? Like an eagle watching over you, “I bare you on eagles’ wings…” (KJV).
I think that was one scripture. I carried you, I brought you because I wanted you to be a people of my own. I loved you. I saw you in your condition and I reached out…my heart was to want to dwell among you. The problem was, of course, on their end. They didn’t understand this. They didn’t get…but, you see….
I mean, here’s the thing. When we feel like we’ve come short, that’s the time we feel we can’t go. But here’s God, knowing, and continually reaching out to a people that definitely don’t want Him. Why can’t we have confidence in that God, when He reaches out to us and when He invites us to come? That’s the way I want to see it in a deeper way, not just intellectually.
I know all this stuff, up to a point. I mean, I get the scriptures. I know what they say. But there is an emotional disconnect an awful lot of the time, that I want gone. And I believe the Lord wants it gone. He wants us to see.
And the testimonies of scripture are so rich, about God becoming so real to somebody that they didn’t see the presence of God as something threatening. They didn’t see it as something to be uncomfortable about…oh my God, I’ve got to really watch myself here. Oh, what’s He gonna think of me if I’m not perfect?
And yet, there’s a God who reaches down to the imperfect, and says, love Me, trust Me. I’m the One who’s gonna take care of what’s wrong with you. I’m the only One that has the power anyway. If I just give you laws, you’ll mess them up. You won’t be able to do it.
I mean, look at David. Look at a man like David. And you know, he was far from perfect. He did some pretty bad stuff. He was guilty of murder, adultery. But over and over again, you get this sense of how David longed for the Lord. He saw the presence of God as something to run to! This is my place of refuge. This is where I go! This is the place I long to be! If I’m not there, I want to be there.
See, it’s not a matter of just coming in here…okay, now I’m in the presence of the Lord. It should be everywhere—it should be everywhere. We shouldn’t ever want to be…okay, I hope He stays away right now. We should always be wanting to run.
But listen to his heart in Psalm 84, was one particular one. I thought of several scriptures I wanted to just read as an illustration, an encouragement. But here’s the heart. “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” (NIV). Is that how you feel? Is that how we feel? That’s what God’s looking for.
“Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Blessed are those whose strength is in you….”
Is that the issue in your life? You feel God is ‘out there’ and so when you face an issue, you don’t really have the strength to deal with it. Do you see what’s going on there? I believe God wants to give us all a clearer picture of how all this works.
And again, it’s not just a matter of the technicalities of it, it’s the reality. We have not been called to a religion! We have been called to a relationship! The outward forms of what we do could change radically. We might be just meeting in homes, secretly one day. Will that change the reality of our relationship with Him and one another? No! Because that exists apart from the building, all the things, the programs that people run to.
God, I want to get a religious experience. I need something that just sort of excites me a little better, makes me feel better. God, the one thing that is missing, and could be missing right here, more than we realize is that He is not just the center of our belief system, but He becomes the actual operating center of our being, where we live and operate in harmony with Him.
I realize growing into that is a process, learning. I wish I could tell you an experience. You could come down, we could lay hands on you, and you’d suddenly leap to that, or leap into that. I mean, there may be experiences people have but, there’s no substitute for just growing and learning from Him.
And He’s not sitting there saying, what’s the matter with you? There’s a heart that is constantly reaching out, right where you’re at—right where you’re at this morning. God wants you to know you can come to Him just like you are, and say, God, I need You…but I know that You love me. I know that I’m welcome, to come into Your presence, to invite You here, right now, to help me.
But, you see the heart of this. “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.” So, here’s someone on a journey. “As they pass through the Valley of Baca…” – which is a place of weeping, I believe – “…they make it a place of springs….”
A lot of things in our pathway, sometimes, in reaching out to the Lord, we go through all kinds of times, don’t we? But here’s…you see the heart just longing, that knows where the help is at, knows…it’s not just a self-help kind of thing. See, that’s what happens when we take religious principles and try to say, okay, I’ve got the secret now. That’s just self-effort. That’s just me trying to remain in charge, instead of saying, Lord, my job is to let You do it in me.
So, they go through this valley of weeping. “…They make it a place of springs….” It turns into something that is a positive. “…The autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. Hear my prayer, O Lord God Almighty; listen to me, O God of Jacob. Look upon our shield, O God; look with favor on your anointed one. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.”
You see how God had just changed his heart. Do you think this was just some extraordinary individual? I mean, we would look at him and say, yeah, this is unusual. Is this not what God wants for every one of us?
“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”
I mean, do you get a feeling that David has a real relationship and not a religion? I was wondering about a title. That might not be a bad one. “Relationship, Not Religion.” If we could talk about the problem of strength…my strength versus needing His and all of those kinds of things, but it really comes down to the Person. God wants us to dwell with Him, and to know Him.
You know, one scripture that really highlights that is in Hebrews chapter 8, quotes from the Old Testament about what was coming, when it was originally written. And, I’ll go ahead and read this whole section. I believe it begins in the middle of verse 8, chapter 8.
“The time is coming….” This was the prophet, back in the Old Testament talking about what was coming, through Jesus. “The time is coming declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt….”
Do you not see the heart of God even in that? Knowing their condition, He took them by the hand and led them. Wow, is that a God who wants to be involved in the center of your life? Yeah, it sure is. He’s constantly doing the reaching. I want to reach back, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
“…When I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts” That’s where we need…His truth. It needs to be in here, but of course, part of that truth is that I can’t do it, I need Him. That’s central to it.
But, “I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying know the Lord, because they will all know me…” We don’t ever want something where people come in here and they think they’re gonna get it from the pulpit.
God wants you to have a personal relationship with this God, and walk with Him every single day…where you can talk to Him and know that He’s listening, and you can hear His voice. And He is central to your life. I’ll tell you, we’re gonna have a lot more power, a lot more freedom, than we’ve ever enjoyed because that’s all He’s about! I mean, how could we be in harmony with Him and not experience those things?
“…From the least of them to the greatest.” So, if you feel like the least, this is you, too. Praise God! “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Thank God! You see, it’s not only His heart toward us, it’s the fact that He has made the provision! How could I come as a sinner before a holy God, if He had not sent His Son to the cross?
And it’s by His death I have been reconciled to God! Reconciled means that I was His enemy and now I’ve become His friend. I have the right to go into the Holiest place! Is that not what God demonstrated? When Jesus cried, it’s finished, what happened in the Temple?
( congregation inaudible ).
The priests were actually there offering the ritual sacrifice of the Passover, and there was the real Passover over on the cross! And God took that curtain and ripped it down the middle. What did that curtain represent? It was a barrier between a sinful people and a holy God. And I’ll tell you, under that Old Covenant, if you as a sinner were to dare to go through that curtain, you would be instantly struck dead.
See, this is not a God who’s just soft on sin, but He knows how to deal with it. He knows how to deliver us! And now we have a way into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. That’s my hope this morning. I can come! I don’t have to wait until I feel better about myself…well, I’ve mentioned a song that Jim Johnson used to sing, about how he’d messed up and, he wanted to come but he moped around another day…moped around and blew another day, I think was the line.
How many of you have ever done that? Yeah. Sure, we all do. But the Lord has told us that there is a place, there is a throne. I don’t have to wait until I feel good enough. I go when I’m in need. And I don’t come, tiptoeing in like, I don’t really belong here. I’m sorry, Lord, I shouldn’t be here, oh, poor me. I go in there with a freedom, with a thankfulness, with a boldness…not a boldness like, I’m somebody, but a boldness because He has made a way.
I’m not going in there because I deserve it. I’m not going in there for any other reason than He has made a way and He has invited me! I have an engraved invitation from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! I have a right to go before the Son of God, and before the Throne of God, because of what Jesus did when He went to the cross in my place. Oh, God wants us to sense that freedom!
( congregational response ).
He doesn’t want that sense of distance! What did Paul say when he was writing to the believers in Rome about the things of God? He said, don’t anybody say in your heart, who’s going to go ascend to heaven and bring Him down? Who’s going to go down into the deep and bring Him up, like He’s somewhere else? He said, “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.”
Folks, God has given us everything we need to just, quit listening to the Devil and just enter into God’s presence, and to do it without this fear and this…all the barriers that the Devil is so clever at erecting.
You know, one of the things I was thinking about as I…pondering some of these things, I made a long list of scriptures and I said, there’s no way I’m gonna try to wade through all of that. But I thought about this. How did people…I’m not talking about the Pharisees, but I’m talking about people that actually gravitated to Jesus. How did He make them feel when He was here?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. There was a peace. There was an acceptance. He could go to a Samaritan woman…and there was a barrier between Samaritans and Jews. And a woman’s place was not a particularly good one in that society. And her’s was even worse, because she was a known tramp. And there’s Jesus, who engages her in conversation.
What in the world is this about? And He did not ignore her need. He was direct and He was truthful. But there was something about His Spirit that caused her to be, to feel loved. I don’t want to run from this, as though this is terrible, He’s shining light on my need. I feel loved! I feel hopeful! I feel accepted!
She runs back into the village and tells them all about this guy and they wanted Him to stay. He winds up staying there three days. They said, now we believe, not because you told us but because we’ve heard it with our own ears. This is the Son of God, robed in flesh, walking around meeting people, who were in all kinds of need. And the people that loved Him, that were near Him, that wanted Him, they felt loved. It wasn’t based upon their worthiness.
You think about the woman that was taken in the act of adultery, and how the Lord’s word to her was, “…neither do I condemn you…go…leave your life of sin.” You think of people like John, the beloved disciple. There was something about the love that he felt in Jesus, that just so captivated him that when they come to that last supper…I guess they didn’t realize this was the Last Supper. They didn’t realize still, what was coming.
But do you remember how…they would dine in a reclining fashion. They would lay on…I guess they would have to lay this way, wouldn’t they, and eat this way? But whatever it was, they would sort of recline at the table. And John was inclining his head against the Son of God. I mean, you think about that…and how we would think, oh my God, don’t you know who He is? You better stay clear. You better stand back…respect Him.
But here’s Jesus, welcoming somebody who wants to just lay his head on His breast, because this is where I feel loved. This is where I feel safe. This is where I want to be, and I feel welcome here.
You wonder why John was able to write later about the fellowship to which we’ve been called. You read the beginning of 1st John. We read that recently. I think we were talking about Body life. But it isn’t just this. He says, “Our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”
There is something that is so real that God wants us to know, and He wants us to feel like John, that we can come. And over and over again, we see that same sense. What about with the children? Those disciples acted like, and reacted like normal people. I mean, this is Somebody, this is the Son of God! Don’t you know who He is, kids? Get away. And he said, don’t forbid them. Allow them to come. And He spent time with them and He talked with them. And they felt loved in His presence.
You might be a young one here today. I’ll tell you, that’s how God feels about you. He wants…I mean, He wants this to start now. There’s a hunger in His heart, if you want to put it that way, to just wrap His arms around you. I mean, you think about…there are so many incidents that came up. But one of them, I guess, that looks at it from another standpoint…you want to see the depth of that love, what about when Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
What did He say? “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you….” But what did He say then? How often would I have gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks, but you were not willing. Knowing the history, knowing all that was wrong, yet that was His heart. I want to gather you. I want you to be under My wings.
What did David say, about being under His wings, under, “…the shadow of the Almighty.” There was this sense of the awesomeness and the place that we can occupy, and the relationship that we can have with Him, even in a broken world.
Oh God, help us to see this. Help me to see it. I feel my need. Like I say, I’ve grown up knowing so much and seeing so much, religiously speaking, and yet, this has got to be the heart. I don’t care what you know and what you’ve, in terms of…okay, this is how it’s done. These are the principles by which you gain victory, this is…there is one principle. It’s just Him…and being willing to realize that He loves us, that He’s right there, He’s not off somewhere, that we have the ability to enter into that presence, at any time.
What did the psalmist say in Psalms 100? I’m trying to remember the words. “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.” (KJV). Enter in—enter in. They’re right here. Again, it’s not somewhere else. He is right here with us! We’re not tuned in.
You know there are radio waves, TV waves, there are all kinds of signals that are all around us, but we can be totally oblivious to all of that if we don’t have a receiver that’s tuned in to that. But how many of us live like that? More than we want…more than we should. God wants us to realize that we have the privilege of tuning in, right at the point of our deepest need, and knowing that He loves us, and is right there.
This is His heart for you! Here! Today! I don’t care what your history is. I don’t care where you’re at. God loves you! He wants you to know Him. He wants…actually wants to spend time with you, and be real to you. And He alone has the power to make you what He wants you to be. And it is the pathway of peace.
Oh, humanly speaking, the Devil is so good at making us feel like…well, I’ve got to experience You all the time. We get this religious picture of what He’s after, instead of just saying, thank You, Lord. I’m gonna stop trying to be religious. I’m just gonna spend time with You and enjoy You, and let You change me. That’s a whole different ballgame, folks, but that’s what the Lord is after.
I’ll tell you, it’s relationship, it’s not religion. And, I just hope that in some way He’s communicated His heart to us, to you, today. He loves you. He wants to share your life, wants to walk with you. He’ll give you wisdom. He’ll give you what you need. He’s not gonna make life easy in the traditional sense, but He’ll sure walk with you. You may go, “…through the valley of the shadow of death…” but He’ll be with you, and He’ll take you safely to the other side. Praise God!
June 7, 2020 - No. 1444
“Relationship, Not Religion” Part One
June 7, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1444 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I feel my need especially this morning. I’ve had so many thoughts going through my head and a lot of them are gonna sound like a broken record for those of you who are old enough to know what that is. But I feel like the Lord has been emphasizing things to me, and maybe it’s mostly my life, I don’t know. Very closely related to what has been, and also even very closely related to Wednesday night and the thoughts that came to me there.
And one thought that’s very related, I think, to what we’ve been talking about…the Lord in us, and not a life of self-effort and all that, is this simple area of need. It certainly is one that I have experienced and I doubt I’m the only one or the Lord wouldn’t have put this on my heart. But the Devil does everything in his power to build a sense in us of distance between us and God. I see a few heads nodding. You know what I’m talking about.
We know He’s for us. We know He’s in us. We know it intellectually, but somehow, emotionally, we just still feel like it’s me down here muddling through and He’s off there. And I need to somehow get Him, and…we don’t realize God’s plan. We don’t realize God’s heart in all of this.
We imagine, far more than we would like to admit that He’s like us, that He reacts to our ups and downs, and, His emotions toward us are sort of reflected by how we feel. And we’re constantly looking for feedback instead of walking by faith and trusting what He says.
So many issues that the Devil uses, and of course, our ups and downs certainly play into it because, obviously when I feel like I have fallen short and fallen prey to something that’s a part of my weakness, it’s very difficult to feel like He loves me in that moment and He’s there, and I don’t have to do something to somehow bring Him back. I believe the Lord wants to share with us something along this line.
And I’ve had way more thoughts than I could possible express and all I can do is say, Lord, You’re gonna have to take and make sense out of this, and put it in some order. But you know, I began, Wednesday night, I think, or very early on, by referring to the very beginning. We know God’s plan was formulated fully in His heart. He foresaw everything, including this meeting this morning, before He ever created the world.
See, He’s outside of time. He’s not bound by the linear time flow that we are. And so, He created a perfect world, didn’t He? There was no sickness, no sin, none of the decay that we see, none of the evil, but there was a choice that was placed before our parents, and they made the wrong one, didn’t they? And as soon as they did, there was a barrier that rose between them and God. They felt a separation. And it’s something we’ve wrestled with ever since.
But they felt that separation, and what it caused them to do was, when they heard the Lord coming and walking in the Garden, what did they do? They hid, didn’t they? And even before that, they had been made conscious of something that they had not been conscious of before, that they were naked. And suddenly, it brought shame to them. And so, they concocted their own way of covering that.
And we saw the mercy of God revealed in such plainness, when the Lord didn’t say, oh well, they’ve messed up, forget about all this. He came and said, Adam, where are you? Don’t you see His heart in that? There was a reaching out. He surely knew, but He wanted them to confess what had happened.
And so, He provided the means and predicted ahead of time what was going to happen, prophesied that there was gonna come a time when that serpent was gonna have his head crushed, and it was gonna be Somebody born of the seed of the woman that he had deceived. Later on, there was gonna be some descendant of hers that was going to rise up and crush his head, and praise God for that descendent. He’s the One we worship today.
Of course, the interesting thing to me is…I hadn’t thought about this part of it until this moment. But, I’ll just drop this in. Whenever we see something like this, where the Lord God comes down and He’s face-to-face talking with them, who is that? Who is that? It’s the Lord Jesus. We’d know Him later. He became the Son…He was the Son of God. He became Jesus when He entered into the world.
But my Bible tells me that God is a spirit. He is an invisible spirit. No one has ever seen Him…nor will they ever. He is a spirit that fills everything and beyond. Whatever there is, He fills it. But the One who has made Him known, the One who is His image, He is the very image of the invisible God, we’re told. And it was through Him that He has done everything.
So, when we see a literal figure, like somebody who could stand there in the Garden and they could see Him, that was the Son of God. When Moses met with the Lord face-to-face in the Tabernacle, in the Tent of Meeting, that was the Lord Jesus. Whenever He appeared, at any point in the Old Testament, or since, that’s the way God makes Himself known, as Someone that we could relate to.
And of course, we made the point many times, that was what Isaiah saw. How could you see an invisible God? But he saw a figure, didn’t he? He saw, literally, the Lord. And so, he literally…I’ll just drop that in…because that helps us to understand a little bit when we read some of these Old Testament passages, how it could say, oh, the Lord God appeared to him. The Lord God appeared to the seventy elders of Israel. They saw a figure, didn’t they?
Well, they were seeing the Son of God, because before He came to this world, He was a…I was gonna say a creature. He wasn’t a creature. He was the divinely born Son of God, but He had all the glory that He has now. He laid that aside when He came into the world, but anyway…the purpose of bringing that up was to show you, demonstrate God’s heart.
And that is the pattern, that’s the reality, that’s the truth, that we see unfolding throughout scripture, is a God who seeks us when we would never seek Him, a God who desires, not just a people who practice a religion. He desires a people with whom He can have an intimate, close, 24/7 relationship, exactly what Carl was talking about, exactly what was expressed in our men’s meeting. How often does that happen? Like, every time. It’s the same thoughts that I believe the Lord wants to impress upon us.
And, there are so many scriptures that you could…I mean, that’s the problem. Where do you stop? But I want to turn to one at the end of Revelation. Let’s see where this is all going, because it isn’t just about here. But, we see this picture in Revelation 21 of a new heaven and a new earth and all of that, and how we will inhabit that.
But then it talks about God coming down, and then the new order of things. And this is the order going forward for all eternity. It said, “Now the dwelling of God is with men…” (NIV).
Now, that doesn’t suggest to me some separation, some deity who is up there, sort of smiling benevolently on us down here. This is a God who is with us! Absolutely, there is a union, there is a 24/7 relationship, and boy, we need to get that, don’t we? But this is where He is taking us and has promised to take us. He’s the only One that can do that.
How can I prepare myself for something like this? There’s no way. All I can do is lift up my hands and say, oh God, You have promised. Your Word declares that this is the destiny that You have set before us and You are the One who has prepared the way so that I can enjoy that destiny. Praise God!
“They will be his people….” It said, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.” Amazing! “They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Praise God!
So, you see in the beginning how the Lord, even when He knew what had happened, came seeking, didn’t He, came providing…always this was the desire of His heart, to have a relationship with His creatures. So, He doesn’t treat us like little, old slaves running around, but as sons and daughters. There’s a relationship.
But what I…obviously, this is wonderful to talk about the hereafter, but I’ll tell you, God wants us to…this is something God wants us to enjoy here and now. This is meant to be an order of things that we enjoy in this world! We begin here. We don’t say, well, it’s gonna be wonderful someday. Right now, I’m muddling through. Thank You, Lord.
You’re up there, sort of…I can call on You when I need You, and I come, and this, that and the other thing. But, oh God, just stay up there, because I’m uncomfortable around You. Kind of got quiet, didn’t it? Where do you think that comes from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. This is not God’s order. God wants us to get to a place where we feel at rest in His presence, where we want Him close. And there are so many things that work against that in our nature. Oh, I don’t want Him close. He’ll see what I’m doing, like…good grief! Give me a break. Do you think He doesn’t know? He knows everything about you, and more than you know.
But oh, we don’t want Him to come too close, or…Lord, I’ll just cut loose on Sunday morning, and we’ll worship and we’ll just have a great old time, we’ll enjoy Your presence, but the rest of the time, kind of…go back someplace else. Don’t stay too close. Or, Lord, would You mind just stepping away a bit, I’ve got something I want to do?
The Lord wants us to come to a place where we walk with Him. If there’s that kind of sense in us that, Lord, I don’t really want You close right now. I’m doing something I’m not too comfortable with. I know You wouldn’t be comfortable about this, so, just indulge me here. I’m gonna do my thing for a little while.
Oh God! God wants to bring us to a place where He can be the center, where our greatest joy and our greatest rest is not…leaving here and going, whew! Now I can go back to being me and going back to what I want. Oh God, help us.
The Devil keeps us in places of weakness and I see this…you know, at times, when I’m struggling with a particular need and a weakness, and we all do…but I wonder, how in the world did I get back to this? You know, I think I used this same illustration but for a different purpose last week. How did I get here? Why is this still such a problem to me?
And…it seemed like last week, I think the emphasis was, well, you just really don’t believe My Word. But there’s another aspect to it. You can believe what He says all you want to, but if in your mind He’s out there and you’re down here obeying principles, then it’s still just you!
Think about that. If the secret to the Christian life is wrapped up in the things that we do, the lifestyle we adopt, then how does that differ from any other religion? You may differ in the details and all of that, but it’s something we practice. We go to church, which is not a biblical concept at all, but anyway, you understand what I’m saying. That’s how we put it. But we come to church gatherings.
Well, that’s part…I’m a Christian, now what do I do? Well, you read your Bible. You pray. You go to church services. If you have a problem, you ask God about it. And all those things are fine. But if they become just activities and things that we do, my God, that’s just another form of Law, where everything we do is just distilled down into an outward thing, an activity.
And how long do you have to do that before it feels like a duty. Oh God, I didn’t pray, or I didn’t pray long enough. And we just think in these terms of, this is my duty, this is how I’m supposed to do this, when God wants to get us to the point where, I ‘get’ to do this. Lord, I want to be with You.
And not only that, it’s not like we divide life into secular and sacred, where if I’m building something and I’m nailing something that…okay, God, I’ll get with you later. God wants to be in the middle of that! God wants to share every moment of our lives with us and for us to be okay with that, for us to be totally at peace with His presence.
And I confess a need. I know I’m not alone. But there are barriers, there are ways that the Devil has of tricking every one of us into sort of letting down and just…and feeling like God is there and I’ve got to do something—I’ve ‘got’ to do something, instead of, He’s right here.
You know, the point I made Wednesday night was…like I say, I don’t know how all of this is going to order. This was not exactly how I imagined it, but that’s okay. My imagination needs a lot of help. But the point I made Wednesday night was, we get it backwards. When it comes to the presence of God and feeling ‘okay’ with Him, like everything is okay, we feel…when we feel a need, we feel like, I’ve got to do something and then I can go.
And it’s exactly the opposite. It’s when I feel a need, that’s when I need to run to Him and sing, “O Lord, I Need You.” What a perfect song to lead up to this. I was ready to quit playing and come on over here. And then…I’m thankful that song was sung. That’s exactly what we need.
And here the Lord is saying, I love you. I get where you’re at. I know your struggles. But you can’t just cherry-pick scriptures out of here and quote them and quote them and quote them, and beat this. You can’t change just by affirming the Word of God, as important as that is, if you’re leaving Me out. I’m the key to everything.
I didn’t give you a religion to follow. I came down so that I could have this relationship, starting now that we’re gonna enjoy for all eternity. I mean, do you think in eternity we’re gonna say, oh my God, He’s close. I’ve got to be careful here. I’ve got to watch how I think and watch what I…God doesn’t want us walking on eggs around Him. He wants us to be completely at rest in His presence, and to have a confidence that’s not based upon us.
Folks, if we’re in His presence, there are gonna be changes. There’s gonna be strength that comes in. I mean, one illustration would be, you could take an electrical appliance, and you could study it, you could take it apart, you could know everything possible about it, but if you don’t plug it in, what good is it? You might be the world’s best expert on how that thing works, but if you don’t plug it in there’s no power.
And I can’t tell you the number of times when I have just kind of bopped through my day and next thing you know, I’m in a weak place and I just feel like God’s gone somewhere. Of course, the reality is, He’s gone nowhere! I mean, where does He go? Is He…well, I guess I’ve got to leave Him alone awhile. He is right there. The problem is, I’ve sort of disconnected.
And He’s trying to encourage me to reach out. Not just to reach out and I feel good and He’s gonna be happy with me because I’ve been doing good, with the outward stuff, but He wants me to come to Him, every moment of every day, when I’m at my worst, my weakest, whatever has just happened, I can run to Him and know that He loves me.
Isn’t that the message of the Word? But do we really get that? Do we live as if that’s really true? Somehow, I feel like God wants to make Himself more real. And I believe He’s willing to take us there, if we will…if we’ll seek Him. I don’t know where to begin with all the scriptures, but I know there’s so much in the Word that’s an example, both of God’s heart but also, of men who walked with God.
What about Enoch? I mean there’s a guy…he couldn’t have known a lot. So, this isn’t about being an encyclopedia of divine knowledge. God knows where we’re at. I mean, a child can walk with God! Do you think they need a theological degree to know about God? We…see all the things we substitute sometimes. It’s good to have knowledge. And I’ll tell you, I have…this is one of my issues, I guess…my own personality, I tend to assimilate information, organize it, dispense it…that’s part of…that’s the way my mind works.
But, do you see the danger of that? That you can substitute knowledge and suppose that that gives you power by itself. It doesn’t do it, not unless we are connected to the source of power. Then there can be an understanding. It all works together, but if I’m leaving Him out of the equation, then what?
But here’s Enoch…early in earth’s history, walking with God! Now think about that from God’s point of view. There’s this guy down there and he sure doesn’t know much…I’ve got better things to do. I mean, that’s how we think, but God doesn’t have any better things to do. His whole being, His nature is defined, as we’ve said so many times, by love! And love is that quality that devotes itself sacrificially to the welfare of the object of that love!
I don’t know how in the world…a God, a being like Him, that breathe out stars, could want anything to do with somebody like me, but that’s the focus of His heart! And I feel the need and I know others feel that need, of us coming to a place of deeper rest…where it’s not like, I know I need to be in His presence, but I’m uncomfortable with it. There’s this back and forth tension that’s going on. And I just want to get to the place where, yes, just as I am, I’m welcome in His presence.
Now you understand, I’m not talking about somebody who’s just willingly going on, trying to live their life, and trying to use that as an excuse. If you get near Him, that’s not gonna work. You’ll know it. But I mean…there are people who delude themselves that they can have that kind of relationship.
But I’ll tell you, if your heart is to want Him, that’s the desire of your heart, God wants you—God wants you! God wants you—God wants you! God wants to be part of your life. He wants to be, not part of it, He wants to ‘be’ your life. He wants to be right in the center of everything you do. When you’re driving down the street, when you’re pounding a nail, when you’re turning over the pages of your books…every part of it, God wants to be in the center of it.
But He walked with Enoch, didn’t He? “Enoch walked with God.” It says the same thing about Noah! There was a man, at a critical juncture of the world’s history, when the world itself had turned its back upon God to the point where He said, “…every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (KJV). There was a man in the midst of this, who walked with God. And guess what? God walked with him and talked to him, and made provision for him. That’s the God that we serve. His eyes run to and fro in the earth, seeking those whose hearts are turned to Him. Oh, praise God!
May 31, 2020 - No. 1443
All Music
May 24, 2020 - No. 1442
“Are You in Prison?” Conclusion
May 24, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1442 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Don’t we need to take seriously the kind of a person that God is making out of us? Think about what Jesus said in this same context, back in verse 8. See this is a further confirmation of the use of this verse. What does He say? “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (NIV).
And we’ve used this many times. Obviously, He’s not talking about physically seeing God. There is a discernment of God in the details of our lives that somebody whose heart is right toward God can actually discern…you can see that. It’s the eyes of faith that the eyes of the heart are able to say, God’s in this.
How did Moses endure? Hebrews tells us, in chapter 11. How did Moses endure all the things that he had to put up with? “…He endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” (KJV). It’s the ability that only God can confer that enables someone to see past circumstances and say, God is orchestrating events even though they may be unpleasing to my flesh—distressing to my flesh.
There’s a God who’s orchestrating the details of my life. And I surrender to Him and His purposes. I know that it’s gonna come out the way He wants it and it’s gonna be good. I refuse to act like everybody, and react like everybody else in the world. I want to serve Him. I want to humble myself in His hand and believe Him in the face of all of this. Is this touching anything in your life?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, every one of us. I wish there was some magic button we could push and it would all vanish. We’re gonna go through life confronting things that are a part of our old nature. And there’s a God who’s not gonna give up on working. “He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it….” He will! How long? Until He gets tired of you? No! “…Until the day of Jesus Christ.” He’s not gonna give up!
He is so faithful to His purpose! That’s why I have a foundation of hope that is not based upon my ability to serve Him! It’s based upon the promise of Someone who cannot tell a lie, and who has done all of the work that needs to be done to give me a foundation to stand upon!
But oh, if I’m standing over here, and I’m clinging to my sense of self-worth, and self-righteousness, and the rightness of my cause and all of that, and I’m refusing to give in and give up and let go, who’s hurt by that? You are. And I am! I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants to let us out of prison.
( congregational amens ).
But you know what it’s like many times? We’re sitting in the back corner of a jail cell. The door’s open. There’s a light shining through the door! There’s someone outside saying, come, I have purchased your freedom. And we’re sitting there in the back corner, facing away from the light, refusing to give up! And in the face of it, declaring that we’re the one that’s right! Is that a picture?
( congregational response ).
That’s exactly how it is! Oh my God, we’re as stubborn as Pharaoh sometimes!
( congregational response ).
And who are we hurting? Folks, we’re hurting ourselves. We’re hurting other people around us that we could help.
( congregational amens ).
Oh my God, give us a deeper vision, a broader vision to be able to step back and see past the minutia of our life and the events, and see a God who knows how to orchestrate everything in a broken world, to gather together a people, to set us free, to break holds of sin in our lives that come because we cling to our own ways and our own ideas! Oh, what a joy it is when He brings us to the place where we let go of something! How many know what I’m talking about?
( congregational response ).
Oh, you’ve struggled, and you’ve struggled and you’ve struggled and one day you let go! And how was it? Wonderful! This freedom…why didn’t I do this before? And yet, how many of us are sitting here right now?
( laughter ).
I ain’t giving up! My cause is right. I will do what I will do! I’ll tell you what, my God, help us to understand.
( congregational response ).
What a simple thing this is, because there’s is an opportunity. You know, there are times we get mad! We’re angry about a circumstance! But God doesn’t want us to take that to bed with us and hang onto it! There’s a way to let go of that, because He says to settle matters quickly, while you’re in the way. There’s a point of time where we’re walking together and something is happening, and we have the choice of turning off the road or stopping, or whatever. What do we do? Settle matters quickly while we are in the way. And if we don’t, what happens?
( congregational response ).
Then you wind up in prison. And you don’t come out until you pay the utmost farthing. Now that’s not bribing the jailer to let us out and let us keep our sense of self-righteousness. That’s not what it means to buy your way out. What buys our way out is humbling ourselves the way we should have in the first place.
( congregational amens ).
And repenting of our inability, of our unwillingness, to do it! Oh I’ll tell you, what a blessing it is when God puts His finger on something in our lives. What do we do? At that point, we’re in the way with Him. He’s not doing it because He hates us! He’s doing it because He loves us!
He wants to show us something that’s desperately wrong and says, I want to help you with this! I want to deliver you from it! Will you just let go? Will you surrender? Will you repent? Will you trust Me? I’m allowing you to go through something terrible but will you trust Me in this? I know what I’m doing!
Boy, the poster child for this has got to be Joseph. You think about somebody…I mean, we talked about David and all that he went through. But Joseph…what an amazing example God has given to us of somebody who had a genuine revelation from God about his own destiny. He saw, in figurative…in a picture, his own family bowing down to him. And of course, they were excited and joyful when he told them about it.
( laughter ).
But, I don’t know, there was just an innocence about him. But somehow, he got it. Somehow, he had…God had worked with his heart. He was somebody who understood enough about God’s ways to keep trusting Him. And so he was able to endure the betrayal of his own brothers, who not only sold him into slavery but went back and told their father that he was dead. That’s a pretty bad betrayal.
Did he have something to gripe about, from a human standpoint? Man, talk about justified bitterness and anger…a spirit of revenge! Oh I’ll tell you, human nature thinks revenge is the answer. It just perpetuates the evil. Think about the spirit of Jesus. There was no revenge in His heart. Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing. They were still in the condition they were, but He was free. He could face with joy that incredible circumstance…He had to endure the suffering but there was a joy on the inside, because He saw! I’m doing something that is eternal! This is worth it all!
And Joseph, somehow, had enough faith to wind up in Egypt, getting sold into Potiphar’s house. And instead of letting that eat on him…someday I’ll [pay] them back, I’m gonna make something of myself and one day…was it the Count of Monte Cristo…was that the theme of that one? I think…some of you that have read it. But anyway, you’ve got somebody who’s badly wronged who comes back in a position of great power and takes all of his enemies out.
He didn’t have any of that kind of spirit, did he? He just went to work for Potiphar and became such a faithful worker that Potiphar recognized, there’s something about this guy. I can put everything in his hands and just take my hands off. He’ll take care of it. He’s honest. He’s trustworthy.
What enabled him to do such a thing? He did not take that fire of revenge and bitterness into his bosom! He let it go and he said, God, I’m in Your hands! I am gonna trust You! I’m gonna look to You! I’m gonna believe You! I will not carry this stuff forward! I’m gonna serve You and do what’s right. And he did! And God’s blessing was with him.
But God had something more that He wanted to do. It didn’t make any sense by human value standards. But one day Potiphar’s wife began to put her eyes on him and he rebuffed her advances. And she cried rape. And that was the end of his service in Potiphar’s house. He wound up in the prison—central prison, the worst possible place. I’m guessing it was right there near the capital, because he didn’t have far to go when the Lord brought him out.
But there he was. Can you imagine what the devil must have been telling him in the middle of all this? It’s not recorded, but can you imagine? I mean, he’s human! He’s like you and me…made of the same stuff! This is not some alien! This is a human being! God, what did I do to deserve this? I’m doing my best to be faithful in every circumstance, and here I am! Oh, God! What’s wrong? What did I do? What kind of God are you?
See how it kind of turns when we’re so relentless in clinging to our own rightness? The real danger is that we’ll begin to start to say, God, I don’t know about You anymore. You’re not doing right. But he didn’t fall into that trap. Something enabled him to humble himself, right where he was.
And once again, he rose to the top, even in that place where they hurt him with fetters. But he became the trustee of the prison. Everything was put in his hands. Even the prison officials trusted him to help the others and to help them keep order and meet the needs…whatever he did in that capacity. God was with him!
And you remember how he tried to engineer his own deliverance and it wasn’t time, and God blotted the thing out of the baker’s, or the butler…butler, I believe. Anyway, blotted it out of his mind…he was sent there by Pharaoh and then came out. And Joseph said, when you go out tell him about me. This isn’t right. Well, you know, that’s just shows his humanness, doesn’t it?
But there was a perfect time. But what God was doing…and how easy it is for us to sit here today, looking back over the whole story, we see what God was doing. He was in the middle of it. He didn’t know. But we can see that God was shaping the character of a man to be so humbled, so ready to just let go of any earthly hurt, however justified it might have seemed, and say, Lord I am going to get my security from You. I’m gonna get my validation from you. I’m gonna get my…everything that I need, that my nature would drive me to some human source, and then blame them if I don’t get it…I’m gonna get it from You. I’m gonna do right in Your eyes.
God was building a man, preparing him for a place of incredible responsibility, a man that would handle that just as faithfully, would not fall into the temptations. And oh what an amazing testimony it was when he got into that position, when all of a sudden, he goes right from the prison to the second place in authority in the entire kingdom! He has the power of life and death over all that population except Pharaoh who is over him. Oh, if he’d been the Count of Monte Cristo, what would he have done?
( congregational response ).
But he wasn’t. He was God’s man, who had at every point humbled himself in God’s hand and said, God, I am trusting my life, my destiny, the course that takes me to that destiny, into Your hands. I let go of all the stuff that I would gather to myself that would keep me in a prison that doesn’t have iron bars, but is far more real. Lord, I just want to be free to do the job you gave me to do.
And what an amazing testimony it was when he was reunited with his brothers. Oh, the guilt that they carried. They were the ones really in prison all those years, because they knew what they’d done. Oh, they never had a moment’s freedom from that guilt. They had never really let it go. And the terror they must have felt when they realized who this ruler was. This is…I am Joseph whom you sold into slavery.
And yet, God has so worked in his heart that he was able to react to all of that with love…didn’t hold a thing against them. And when Isaac finally…not Isaac, when Jacob-Israel, finally died, they figured…the brothers even then figured, he’s been waiting for Daddy to die, then we’re going to get it. And so they came to him and they lied and they said, Dad told us…be kind to us, or something. I forget what the words were. And his answer showed what he was able to see. He said, you meant it for evil but God meant it for good.
( congregational amens ).
Do you and I get that in our lives? How many times is it a matter of our will? We know what’s right, but oh, man, something just grinds in here and we can’t let it go. Man, we need to be crying out to God.
( congregational amens ).
There’s a throne. The right to that throne has been purchased for us, at the price of our Savior’s blood. We don’t go there because we deserve it.
( congregational amens ).
We go there because He has opened the way.
( congregational response ).
He has created a perfect way so that you and I as sinners could be reconciled to a holy God! Not only that, we can go to get the help we need. What do we get at that throne? We get mercy! That reminds us that, I don’t deserve this. But He’s giving me something anyway because it’s His purpose and it reveals to us His heart, His love for us. Here I am in a bad place and yet He’s willing to listen to me! He’s willing to help me!
But isn’t that what He says? We come there for mercy but also grace. Grace is that divine, enabling power, because I can’t be the kind of person He wants me to be. It’s just not in me. But if I’m willing and will come to Him, He will empower me and it will change me. It will make the new life that He’s put within me stronger. It will make the hold of the other one weaker.
That won’t go away completely until I die, but it doesn’t have to have a hold on me! God has given me a stronger power and a life that’s so much greater. Grace is greater than sin. The power of grace to help us is stronger than the power of sin to control us. But it does involve our wills. You and I can be stubborn. We can sit in our little prisons if we want to. But the way is open. The door is open. We can find grace. And when is that grace given to us?
( congregational response ).
In time of need. Are you in need this morning? Are you in prison? There’s a throne, whatever the issue is that’s put you in prison. I don’t care what circumstances brought that condition in your heart about. That’s not the issue. Your adversary in that thing was not the circumstances or all these other things. It was God.
And God did it, not because He hates you, but because He loves you. God is against the nature that would drive us into the grave, into judgment. But He is for everyone who will lift their hearts to Him and put their trust in Him.
I’m praying this morning that God will give me a deeper level of trust, and when He brings things to my attention and shows me why I’m in prison, He will also with it give me the grace. And I know He will, if I’m willing…the grace to let go and say, yes, Lord. I surrender into Your hands. Isn’t that…I mean the verse we’ve heard so many times. “Humble yourselves…” What? “…Under the mighty hand of God…” That’s whose hand is over everything!
If you’re His, He is going to use every circumstance of this life to shape you for eternity. There’s no way that He can make us like His son, which is His purpose, isn’t it? How can He do that and not deal with this? If all He does is bless the righteous and curse the wicked…what’s our motivation for serving Him? Hey, life is good! All that would do would be to strengthen the very thing that is going to kill us. He has got to deliver us.
But oh, what peace and joy there is available to every one of us, what freedom there is when we let go and we find out. Oh, we let the hurts go. We let the things that have happened go. We let the disappointments go.
We let our anger at Him because of things that have happened in our lives…when we let it go and say, God, I’m willing to come into a place of reconciliation with You. I refuse to judge You any longer. I recognize that when I’m angry with somebody, it’s really You that I’m angry with. And I repent of that, Lord. Oh, give me grace to let it go.
If you’re in prison this morning, the door is open. The real question is what are we gonna do when God…we realize who our real adversary is and why He’s our adversary. And the fact that in being our adversary He’s really the best friend we ever had. Didn’t Solomon write, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” We’ve got the greatest friend that could ever possibly be today.
Oh, I’ll tell you, there’s such peace. Why did Jesus say, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (NIV).
Now that’s not our way, is it? Our way is to hold everything and measure everything by how it affects self. All that leads to is bondage. But the way of the cross, the way of following Jesus, learning from Him…and not living in that personal little prison of ours, what a joy and what a freedom it brings. To Him be all the glory!
I’ll tell you, if there’s adversity in your life, you’ve got an adversary. Oh, I pray that God will give you the grace to recognize who your real adversary is, and to humble yourself and agree with Him.
You want peace? He’s got all the peace you could ever want! And He longs to share it with everyone who will humble themselves today. If you don’t know Him, I pray that when He calls, you’ll recognize your need of Him. You’ll let Him bring you to that place where you say, there’s no point. The direction I’m going, if I’m gonna cling to my life and my way and my rightness and my hurts and all those things, it’s gonna lead to death. It may seem right to me, but it’s gonna lead to death. But you have opened a way of life, if I will humble myself, repent of my sins, put my faith in Jesus.
It’s not more complicated than that. That’s all it comes down to. Just surrender. There is a God who will wrap His arms around you, and give you a hope that, “…he is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede….”
( congregational amens ).
To Him be all the glory! Praise God!
May 17, 2020 - No. 1441
“Are You in Prison?” Part One
May 17, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1441 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ve had thoughts going through my mind and my mind’s come back to something really over the last two or three weeks, I suppose. Last week was a particular service, and so we went in a particular direction, because there was some ordination going on and I think that was exactly right. But I just want to share some thoughts that are not new, but yet we maybe haven’t heard them exactly this way in a while. And I’m gonna preface what I say today with this simple question. Are you in prison? There are all kinds of prisons, aren’t there?
( congregational response ).
But I’d like to just read a verse from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5. Many of you who’ve been here for a long time and remember Brother Thomas, you will remember that he ministered many times on this particular verse, and brought something out of it that I just have felt in my own heart, needs that I have…but I see it in all of us and it’s a dimension that we need to know if we’re gonna think about being in prison and what that means…and being free, for that matter.
In verse 25…now I’ll say this first. Jesus is talking a lot about human relations and He’s portraying what godly character looks like in our relationships one with another. He describes all kinds of situations including persecution, and you name it…disputes of various kinds.
But here’s one in particular where He says, “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” (NIV).
So it sounds to me like He’s talking about a situation in which you really are wrong and somebody is trying to use the law, at least on the natural level, someone is using the law to take you to a place where you may wind up losing your freedom if you are stubborn about it. You won’t give in. You’re right. You’re gonna cling to your rightness and your way, and by God, nothing’s gonna move you off of that. And so, watch out, you might wind up in prison and then you’re gonna have to pay the price.
But, there is a deeper level of truth that Brother Thomas often…and he’s not the only one who’s ever done this…has brought out. And the question really we need to ask is, who is our adversary, ultimately? It’s one thing to talk about conflicts between people. But do we or do we not believe that there is a God who reigns, who created all of us with a purpose, who is working out His purpose, and who is doing it in spite of the fact that we live in a broken world of lost men and women who are motivated by a nature that hates Him? And yet, in the midst of that He is at work.
And I’ll tell you, there’s probably not a person here, certainly not, who has not been…had your nature and what you want and how you feel and all of that, come into conflict with something where you got wounded real good. You were really angry at somebody. You were holding onto something…there’s some conflict between you and somebody. Maybe it’s recent, maybe it’s just in the distant past. But by God, you’re right and you’re right to be wounded, you’re right to be hurt. You’re right not to forgive and all that stuff.
And you know, we’ve heard these kinds of truths, but this other dimension is one that we really need to get if we’re gonna have the whole picture. If you’re just gonna think in terms of, well, somebody hurt me and God wants me for forgive them. Well, that’s true as far as it goes. But when you bring in this truth into that, it changes the whole picture, because regardless of the means by which something happened to you which wounded you, who is really behind it, ultimately?
( congregational response ).
You see, that’s the whole point. God is! God is sovereign. We see it played out throughout the scriptures in so many instances. We see God raising up a man like Pharaoh, knowing the kind of man he was, knowing he was proud and stubborn, and no matter what God did, he was gonna rise up and fight him back.
Well, God used that, didn’t He? He used that to teach His people, to bring a great deliverance. But He used it to spread His fame across the whole globe. I’ll tell you, there’s a God who knows how to use a broken world to accomplish His purpose.
But oh, how we, as His people, need to understand how He works in us, because the same God who raised him up, the same God who raised up Nebuchadnezzar and then brought him low and taught him who was really in charge…that God is in charge of our lives. He reigns! If there is something that has happened in your life that is adverse, we need to remember who the real adversary is.
Now that sounds like a contradiction in a way because why would God be against me? That’s what it sounds like to human nature. Oh, God’s against me! How many of you have ever been in a situation where no matter what you did, you were spinning your wheels, you didn’t get anywhere, and it’s like…God, why are You against me? Why don’t You…you know? We have this simplistic view of God.
You know, we’ve recently used Job and his experiences as a backdrop for talking about some of this. You know, all of a sudden Job was righteous, doing everything he thought he could. I mean, even stuff that he was…oh man, my kids had a party, maybe they cursed God. I’d better offer a sacrifice…everything he could think of to do right in God’s eyes and to be a righteous man.
And God recognized the effort, even though he had an incomplete picture. His theology really wasn’t complete. God used all of that. But all of a sudden, the inexplicable happened to him. He lost everything that he had in his possessions. He lost his family, all in one day…everyone but his wife, and she was no help.
( laughter ).
And then, on top of that, he loses his health in such a way that he is in misery, and no clue as to why any of this happened! And his wife is sitting there, why do you keep your integrity? “Curse God and die!” Get out of this! This is ridiculous!
And you know by the theology that people had in that day, that shouldn’t have happened. I mean, everybody knows that God blesses the righteous and He curses the wicked! So if something bad is happening, it’s because you’re a sinner and God is punishing you. That’s the only concept they had.
And the consequences of righteousness and sin were always thought in terms of earthly things. Again, you’re blessed in an earthly way. You have wealth and status in society and possessions and blessed in good health and all of that stuff.
There’s an awful lot of that in Christianity today. At least, what purports to be it. There’s such a mixture of this blessing, legalistic kind of stuff that God just wants to bless His people in an earthly sense. I’ll tell you, there are blessings that go so far beyond that. We have no clue. And it just sounds like, as I say, it sounds like a contradiction for God to be our adversary. Why would God be our adversary?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, there’s the answer right there…because He loves us. But think about what’s going on here. What is it that God’s against? We have got a nature that hates God and if we simply do what comes naturally, it will absolutely take us down to death and judgment. Our nature, the carnal mind, we’re told in the scriptures is, what?
( congregational response ).
Enmity against God. Those that are in the flesh can’t please God—cannot please God! I don’t care what you do. You can do all the good works in the world. That doesn’t gain you a thing with God. It’s not righteousness in His eyes because it comes out of cesspool of nature that is self-seeking! All we want to be comfortable and happy in the sense of…the worldly sense.
Oh, I’ll tell you what, we have got a nature if God didn’t do something about that, He really wouldn’t be for us, would He? What God is against…what God is seeking to deliver us from is that very thing that possesses us and we are so clueless about the depth of that! We don’t get it! We don’t understand!
Oh, how righteously do we react in our own feeble imaginations, when some evil person does something that makes us feel bad or actually injures us in some way! Oh, how right our cause is! Oh, how right we are to be angry and to be upset and to point the finger! You shouldn’t have done that!
Oh, my God. What else can you possibly have in a world full of people who are selfish, with fights and conflicts? My God, everybody in the world wants their fur rubbed the right way. Who in the world is gonna do the rubbing?
( laughter ).
Boy, are we so turned in…oh, as I’ve said many times recently, our culture today has just gone off the deep end in terms of ‘it’s all about me and my feelings.’ Good Lord! What a horrible pit that is! What a trap that is of Satan!
But I’ll tell you, there is a God who knows how to intervene in our lives to move us in the direction that He wants us to go. I’ll tell you, the most wonderful thing that God can do for someone who does not know Him, has never really come to the place that we’ve been singing about this morning. You’ve never really…that barrier is still there. There’s still a barrier of sin and unbelief and you just…you see it and you hear people talk about it, but you really haven’t entered in. The most wonderful thing that God can do for somebody like that is to bring trouble into your life in some form, something that makes you feel your need!
How many testimonies I’ve heard over the years of somebody who has just gone down the wrong road! They’ve lived with abuse! They’ve lived with a thousand and one wrong things and they’ve tried to drown their sorrows with this and with that! And they come down to a point where, it’s no use! Life is not worth living. I’ve got the pills, I’m gonna take them. In fact, the girl that sang that song that we sang a while ago…praise God, what was it?
( congregational response ).
“Mercy Tree.” Thank you. How many of you have seen that video on line of her singing that? That’s amazing, the power behind that. But the story behind that is what’s more amazing, because that was her story! Life was not worth living! She was dead-set that she was going to take her life and some friend would not let up on her, and said, you’re coming with me to a meeting tonight! I will not take no for an answer!
And she finally gave up and said, all right, I’ll go with you. I’ve got the pills. I’ll come back and take care of it afterwards. Well, you know what happened. God used that meeting to touch her heart and basically, the message is, you’re ready to throw your life away, why don’t you give it to Me?
( congregational amens ).
Oh, praise God! And she did!
( laughing ).
I’ll guarantee she’s never been sorry. God did a marvelous work of filling that empty heart with a peace. That doesn’t mean everything is all fixed up instantly. But I mean, there is a whole turning around, a new direction in life.
And if you’re here today and…the most wonderful thing God can do for you is to bring you to an awareness of your need. And whatever He has to do to do it, He will! He may use people! He will use circumstances and your inclination, and mine would be the same…to blame them, and if you’re really thinking about it, you’re gonna say, God, why did You do that to me?
And if you take that stance and that attitude and you will not give it up, what’s gonna happen? Do you think you’re gonna succeed? Do you think that’s the right course, to cling to yourself and hang onto your life against all odds? My God, there’s a God who loves you enough to run you down, to bring you to a place where you’re ready to give up and let it go and give Him your heart and your life!
( congregational amens ).
Oh, when His voice comes, listen! Open your heart! He does it because He loves you! He will bring trouble into your life because He loves you enough not to let you get away with sin! He knows what it’ll do
My God, is a doctor mean because he treats cancer cells the way he does? Man, they’re the enemy! Well, sin in your enemy and mine. And there’s a God who is faithful to His purpose. He is going to have a people, when it’s all said and done, that have been cleansed forever, from every taint of sin and death, able to live with Him in a place of perfection. Only God can do that!
( congregational amens ).
But it’ll never happen with an unrepentant heart that refuses to let go and let God have His way in the heart and the life. Oh, praise God! But I’ll tell you, this doesn’t just affect people who don’t know the Lord yet. It affects every one of us.
There’s not a person here who doesn’t have areas of your heart and your life where things have happened! Like I say, they could be way in the past, they could be an accumulation of things, they could be stuff that happened today…where something adverse has come into your heart and into your life, usually through somebody—often through somebody. And the Devil would focus all of your attention upon that and would focus your heart upon the rightness of your position and the wrongness of what they did! And you miss the point completely. God does what He does to deliver us from ourselves!
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, when something comes along and “makes me mad,” as is the expression. You know, I’ve pointed this out many times. Nobody has the power to do that. That’s a choice I make! I am not compelled to be angry!
What better example do we have than Jesus? All the stuff that He suffered! “He was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” (KJV). He knew all about this stuff. They persecuted Him and hounded Him to a point of a miserable, tortured death, for you and for me.
But there was something in His heart that was so surrendered to the will of His Father that even though the God of heaven sent that adversity, arranged for it, stood back and let it happen, there was a reason, there was a purpose, there was something eternal that was being accomplished.
And so it enabled Jesus to look up to the Father and say, oh God, if there’s any way, let this cup pass. “…Nevertheless not my will…” Not my will, but Yours be done! What a place, what an example for us! He knew that God had ordained this! And we see the Apostles later talking about this. They say, they killed Him by Your appointment! They killed Him, Father, because You ordained this for our salvation! Praise God!
But, oh do we not see this in our personal lives. Can we not see the hand of One who loves us enough to do whatever it takes! Many times it will bring out the very worst in you and the worst in me! But I’ll tell you, it’s like taking that deep wound and bringing it out into the light. How can it ever be healed, if you don’t? How can it ever be healed, if we cling to our own way and our own rightness? I don’t care if the Devil himself comes up and with all the wickedness he can muster, he does something against you…if that happens, God let it!
( congregational amens ).
God did it! Not to us, but for us! He did it to bring something that happens in our lives so that we will turn our hearts to Him. My God, I need to know my need!
( congregational amens ).
I need to understand what’s wrong. Why would God do such a thing? Because He longs to turn my mind from my own way to see what’s wrong…oh God, to able to bring it to His feet and say, yes, Lord. Yes, all of this was wrong, but I see the wrong in me. I see what happens when I hang onto this…when I refuse to humble myself, when I refuse to let go of the hurt, when I refuse to let go of what’s wrong, what they did! Who is hurt? Does what’s going on in my heart hurt them? I’m the one that’s in jail. I’m the one that’s in prison and God wants to set me free.
( congregational amens ).
Oh God! Praise God! Are you getting any of this? Does this make sense?
( congregational amens ).
Can you relate this to your life and things that have happened? I believe as God brings us to an awareness of things, we can bring them to Him and say, Lord, I want to see that through Your eyes. I want to see past what happened. I want to get out of prison, Lord. I want to agree with You.
You know, sometimes people, maybe because of the circumstances, I don’t know…sometimes people come to a place where they realize, hey, this is really God! I’m in something here and it isn’t like somebody did something terrible to me. My circumstances are so bad, God’s the Author of this! And they’re wrestling.
Again, we talked about Job and the battle that he had with his religious friends and how they just brought their theology books out and tried to explain it to him. And he was so relentless in defending his own righteousness that he actually fell into a trap of beginning to somehow entertain questions about God’s justice.
God helped him. God was bringing him to a deeper revelation, that there are other purposes besides God blessing you or cursing you in an earthly sense. He wanted Job to know him in a deeper way and to understand that there are purposes that sometimes require bad stuff to happen. In fact, they often do. How do we…when do we learn more about God? Do we learn about Him on the mountain top, or do we learn about Him in the valley when He carries us through?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, I can see a lot of heads. You know the answer to that. You might not want to admit it, but you know. I think about Joni Eareckson Tada…we’ve used her many times. What an example! This beautiful, young athletic 17-year-old that suddenly finds herself a quadriplegic and she’s been a Christian, at least…not in a deep sense, but at least a Christian.
And I appreciate so much in her writings the honesty with which she lays out the battles that she fought. And oh there were deep, deep, heart-rending questions, where she was just wrestling and just had this sense…God, why? God, I don’t get…how could such a thing happen? How could You be a good God and let this happen to me.
And this wasn’t just an overnight thing. This was a long, long drawn out battle to be reconciled. Oh my! And it was just a terrible battle for her and it would be for anybody, for heaven’s sake!
( congregational response ).
I respect how the Lord brought her through that. I don’t know what I would have done. I’m not gonna stand up here and boast. I don’t have any strength in myself. My God, if we have anything, if have any ability to be in agreement with God, it’s gonna have to be His ability! It’s gonna have to be surrendering to the grace by which I can do those things! I have no power to do it. Oh, He’s so ready, so ready to give us what we stand in such desperate need of.
And the Lord brought her through and there was a period of time when everybody said, oh, you’re supposed to be healed. Well, God can do that, if that’s His purpose. But oh, she had to wrestle with this question. Why are other people being healed and I’m not? What did I do wrong? Why me?
I went through something like that…a little bit. I mentioned it…I’m not gonna go through it again. But that experience I had in college when I just got mad. I pouted. It wasn’t a drawn out thing but I just gave up. God wasn’t doing me right and I wasn’t happy about it. But He so patiently brought me through that. He didn’t get mad with me about it. He understood what I was going through.
How many times do we see it in David? I mean, here’s a man that was anointed to be king and his life just falls apart, as far as circumstances are concerned! He goes from bad to worse! Running for his life! Going through periods of time when he wrote like in the Psalms, Psalms 13. “How long, O LORD?” (NIV). How long am I gonna have to put up with the wicked seemingly triumphing and I’m in misery, and I call and You don’t answer me, Lord? How long is this gonna go on?
But somehow there was a degree of faith down in his heart that enabled him to end Psalms like that: “But I trust in your…love.” Oh, isn’t that what God is looking for? And I’ll tell you, where does that kind of trust come from? It comes from God, I understand that. But how is it formed in us? How does it become part of us?
( congregational response ),
Experience…what kind of experience?
( congregational response ).
When we need it. When that is the only thing standing between us and disaster, and we’re willing to trust God. We’re willing to let go and say, God, I know You love me. I know that You’re doing this for me. Yes, You may be…there’s an adversarial relationship with things that are wrong in me from which I need deliverance, but You are my God and I still trust You! I mean, you think about what enabled Job in the beginning to say, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” (KJV).
May 10, 2020 - No. 1440
“God’s Kingdom in the Home” Conclusion
May 10, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1440 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You talk about a high calling. You talk about something that flies in the face of human nature. Man! This is…all you can do is say, oh, God! I’m not like this. God, my nature is to be selfish. I would take this principle of the husband being the head of the home in a selfish way. I just want to do what I want. I want to make her serve me.
That’s not the spirit in which Jesus came to rescue lost, helpless sinners. He didn’t come to be a king. He came to be a servant. He came to give Himself completely for the eternal welfare of a people. That’s the same spirit that He desires godly husbands to have for their wives, to create for them a place of safety.
And I don’t mean just physical safety, but I mean emotional safety, where they can be whole. They can know that they are valued and loved and cared about and provided for, and someone whose heart they can trust. I’ll tell you, we need God, don’t we, folks?
( congregational response ).
Every one of us needs God to be able to fulfill such roles. We don’t have this in our nature. It comes from Christ alone. We don’t know what love is until we meet Him.
( congregational amens ).
We call it love, but most of the time, it’s lust, selfishness. Oh, God gives us that kind of a spirit and heart that He had toward His people. And I desire that in a greater way. I recognize that…Lord have mercy just like everybody else, there’s so much in which I come short.
But guys, you’re the head of your home—you’re the head of your home. But what kind of a head are you? Are you just selfish? Do you live for the welfare of your wife and your family? Do you look to God and say, oh, God, I’m not the top one here. You are. She may be in a position where she needs to look to me as head, but I’ve got a head, too. I’m not some tyrant. God, take that spirit that would cause anybody to be a tyrant, an abuser in any form, take it out of our hearts and cause us to be the kind of godly people that He designed us to be in the beginning!
There is a place of blessing! The Kingdom of God exists in that kind of atmosphere! God is present! You know, it’s not enough just to come in here. And I thank God for His presence. Thank God for when He meets with us. But I’ll tell you, the devil understands that the family and the unit, the family unit and the marriage relationship is the foundation of God’s world and God’s society. That’s why they hate it so much. That’s why they’re doing everything that’s possible to tear it down.
I’ll tell you, we have the opportunity, not just to have a place here within these walls, but to have a place in our homes where God is honored, where people can come in, they can sense the presence of God. They see it. It’s not just talked about. It’s not just a set of rules to live by, but we’re literally allowing the Lord to live in us and change us and help us to fulfil each one, the godly role that He’s given to us.
We cannot do it except He live in us. But the other side, the flip side is we can do it because He’s in us to strengthen us to do it if we will. So we have opportunities every single day to say, Lord, help me to be the kind of person, the kind of husband, the kind of wife that You want me to be.
And of course, then you get to…well, I’ll go ahead and read the rest of this. “After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church—for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect the husband.” (NIV).
So you see what’s going on. Paul is talking about two different things, and the one is the model for the other. We have a Lord who has died for all of us to bring us together…to bring us together as a congregation, as a people. And I’m talking here, but also wherever His people are. He has brought us together, and He has given everything for us.
And He exists, not just as a figurehead in Heaven…we’re not walking with a figurehead in Heaven in a book. We’ve got a living Savior who is here. He’s among us. He dwells in His people, and He’s seeking to bring forth…and all of His energy is seeking to bring forth His nature in us and to recreate His kingdom upon earth.
To the extent we cooperate with Him, we enjoy the benefits of His kingdom now. Thank God for what will come. We don’t have to wait, though. We don’t have to live here in frustration and misery. We can enjoy His presence now, if we will.
So, on the one hand, it’s this glorious mystery of Christ in the church, but that is the model for the husband and the wife. Praise God! I’ll tell you, do you see God as a mean judge, rule maker, repressing us, trying to make us live in ways we don’t want to…do things we don’t want to do, an abuser?
Oh, my God! There is no greater love than we have experienced from Him. And to submit to that love, to surrender to it, to have the kind of a spirit that a wife in this passage is meant to have for her husband…this applies to every one of us. To have that kind of thing is to submit to love itself and to be set free. Praise God!
But let’s ask God to help us model that. We’ve got young couples that probably have been married since some of this stuff has been preached openly. I pray God will just bless you, that He’ll help you with all the issues, because there are plenty of issues. We’re human beings. We’ve still got this nature to deal with.
There are gonna be times when we’re gonna bump heads. But may God give us that spirit to remember. Who am I? I’m His child. What is He trying to accomplish in me? How do I get there? Lord, give me a spirit to humble myself and to submit.
I’ll tell you, the husband does a lot of submitting too, not just submitting to his wife’s opinion, though he ought to value it and ought to listen and consider it. But I mean it is a humbling, it’s a giving of his whole life for her and for the family. There’s a pretty big submission in that. He just doesn’t use them for his own enjoyment. They’re not his servants so he can live his life and do what he pleases. He’s to have the same heart toward them as Christ has towards us. That’s the model. Praise God!
That’s an awesome model, isn’t it? Praise the Lord! But obviously, it doesn’t stop with them, does it? It gets into children. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Now, let me point out that it doesn’t say children, obey your parents in the Lord, for ‘they’ are always right.
( laughter ).
Thought I better throw that in, because we are very, very good, especially the young age, of justifying self-will and rebellion, because the one who is commanding whatever, the one who is in the position of authority is less than perfect. But God, once again, is more interested in our character than He is in every little issue that comes along. And it is right for someone to have a heart that is willing to submit and surrender.
God is…I’ll tell you, young people, in this world if you hang around the people of the world all you will learn is rebellion. If you drink in their values, that’s all you’ll be is a rebel, and you will justify it! And of course, most of us can remember being teenagers. It was a while ago, but I can still remember.
And of course, we all know that teenagers are the smartest people in the world. They know everything. And especially, are they aware of how dumb everybody is that’s older than they are and trying to tell them that it’s not like they think it is. And of course, if they’re wise at all, they reach a point where they realize that their parents have learned an awful lot in the last while. They’re a lot smarter than they thought they were. But that’s human nature, folks.
But I’ll tell you, God has a place for you in His kingdom. And if you’re a little child, right now, your place is to learn from Him. Your place is to humble yourself and submit. Your place is not to say, well, my parents…I’ll submit if they’re right. What you mean is, if they agree with your rebellion. But have a humble spirit and look to God and say, Lord, I want to be the kind of person You want me to be. Help me at this stage of my life to walk in Your ways, because You are preparing me to be to be an adult who can continue to model Your nature and Your Spirit in the world. One day, I’m gonna have a family. One day, I’m gonna have a kid just like me.
( laughter ).
Pay back.
( laughing ).
( laughter ).
But seriously, you see where I’m coming from. You see it from the Lord’s point of view. Oh, we make such big issues out of such little passing things, and God is trying to build character. And the way He does it in His kingdom is when you’re young, you exist in this unit called the family with a loving father and a mother.
I get that the world is broken. I get that it’s not always like that, but God can still work in you. If you will look past the imperfections of those around you and honor the God whom you claim to serve, God will fight your battles. God will build character in you, and you will be the kind of person that maybe your parents aren’t. Don’t ever use that as an excuse.
But I’ll tell you, God wants to build something in you that’s real, that’s eternal. “Honor you father and mother…” I know they don’t always deserve it. None of us deserves God’s favor and blessing. But, “Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise…” It goes back to the Ten Commandments. Why? “…That it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” There’s a blessing that goes with honoring your father and your mother.
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children.” That’s what’s in the NIV which is a good way to translate that. There are ways that fathers can lead and rule over their children that actually ‘frustrate’ them, is another word. How does our Heavenly Father treat us? Does He demand things of us that we can’t do? Oh, how patient, how loving, how kind He is. When we mess up, His love doesn’t change.
And that’s the model that God is seeking to reproduce within the home! It’s that we should have the same spirit towards our children that God has toward us! There are times when discipline is needed, but discipline is never to be meted out in anger and personal frustration! It’s not that they are bothering you and messing with you, it’s that there is a spirit that is trying to take over their lives and their minds, and it needs to be corrected.
You know, I have memories of…when I have needed it, when I was a youngster, but I appreciate one memory that I have, and I guess I have it because it occurred a number of times. You know, when my parents would discipline me, I don’t ever remember my parents disciplining me in anger. I’m thankful for that. I praise God for that.
But I do remember them sitting down and saying I really don’t want to have to do this, but I’m doing this because I love you, and it’s necessary. That was the sentiment that was carried out, and you know, that kind of sticks. You don’t like it at the time much. That’s what Hebrews 12 says. We don’t always appreciate it at the time, but it produces a harvest of good fruit in people that are exercised thereby.
God, help us in this area. I’ll tell you, if you’ve got a Christian home, you have got an awesome responsibility, but you’ve got an awesome privilege to help bring the Kingdom of God to this world and to have one little place, at least, where Jesus rules, where His Spirit is the dominating atmosphere in which our kids are raised. So, “…do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”
And I think I’ve mentioned this before. Some of you, particularly among the home school crowd, remember a book that was circulated a quite a while ago. And I’m trying to remember. I think it was “The Curse of the Standard Bearer.” Some of you remember that one? And it was a very insightful book. And basically, what it had to do with was your style of raising a child.
Basically, is your home run by rules? Because if it is, then we’re just legalists. Does God’s Kingdom run by rules? I mean, yes, there are admonitions. There are principles and all, but is it fundamentally just rule based? Hey, you broke my rule. Whack! Here’s our standard for this. Here’s our standard for that.
And, the author made a very strong case for how destructive that is, and how many kids just want to grow up and get out from under the rules. But the alternative that was presented was we need to not be standard bearers but image bearers. So that’s not simply a matter of laying down rules, but it is demonstrating the Spirit of Christ in what we do so that they have something to model. We become models for our children instead of just simply law givers.
And I’ll tell you, that’s a sobering question to ask ourselves as to what degree do our children see in us what we profess? It got quiet, didn’t it? But isn’t that how it’s supposed to be? Isn’t that what God’s plan is, that we should not only look in here and find what out rules to live by and then just enforce them, but rather, we need to have a relationship with Christ that our children can see? My parents just don’t tell me what to do, they live in a way that I want to be like them.
I’ll tell you, if we do that, that doesn’t…there’s not a formula that guarantees all the results. But I’ll tell you what, it gives, it opens up a door for God to work in hearts. You know, there’s a point in time when all we can do is just say, God, help me to be the kind of person I want to be and then, just pray. How many of you have been in situations where your kids reach a certain point and all you can do is put them in God’s hands? And every time you try to do something, what does the Lord say? Take your hands off. There’s a place for that.
But I’ll tell you, we have a Heavenly Father who watches over His own. But do you see the principles that are in operation here? God is wanting to build little replicas, if you will, of His Kingdom, little outposts of His Kingdom in each of our homes so that we raise…the generations that follow do not have hand-me-down religion or ‘I’m out of here.’
That’s about the two options if you don’t have what God wants. You’re gonna have a decline. You’re gonna have a moving away from life and truth, or you’re gonna have people that just rebel against it and say, I don’t want what they have. They’re hypocrites. I don’t want to be one.
All the imperfections that I can see in myself, I just look to the Lord. But I want for me, I want for His people, and I believe this is God’s heart…He brought this to me when I woke up this morning. It just…I don’t know, I wasn’t looking for anything, so that’s usually a good sign, when thoughts just start coming unbidden, and they’re peaceable.
This is on God’s heart. He cares about your home. He cares about the relationships in your life. He cares about making you the kind of a person who can be at home in His Kingdom. I’ll tell you, your highest peace, joy, love, welfare is to be found in submission to His place and His will.
I don’t care if you’re a small child, God has a place for you in His Kingdom. He’s thought about you before He ever created the first star. He planned for you to have a place of love and joy and significance and all the things that atheism cannot possibly promise. He designed you for that. You’re unique. Nobody else is like you.
You’re important to Him. He died for you. He did all that it takes to make you the kind of a person that could enjoy a special place in His Kingdom, where you will have all the significance and the joy and the peace. You won’t be jealous of anybody. All of that’s gone out of our nature. There will just be the total freedom to be everything that God made us to be.
But doesn’t He want us to begin to model that now in our lives, our relationships and our homes? Yeah, I know they’re broken. I know you may have an unsaved husband. You may be single. You may not have a husband or a wife. But every one of us has a place in His Kingdom, and everyone matters. You matter to Him. He died for you.
And He can help us right where we’re at to be such models of Christ that people say, I want what they have. I don’t want to just come and sing the happy songs and do all those kinds of things and then not really live it out there. Does that make sense? Is that what the Lord wants? Praise God!
I’m so glad that we can look to Him, because I can’t do any of this. But that’s what salvation is about. It’s not about God giving us rules to live by and saying, hey, if you’ll just go this way instead of that way, everything will be right. No, I need a brand-new engine. That’s what God provides through salvation. He provided me a Savior. He comes in to live. He…you know, we read the beginning there about waking up and being filled with His Spirit. You see how that’s the key to everything that follows? That’s where we get…it’s His life on the inside.
But He wants that to find expression in the practical areas of our lives, and as He does, He’s going to create these little enclaves of divine presence and blessing. There’ll be people who come into our homes, and they’ll feel something. They’ll say, what is different? It’s peaceable here. I just feel something good here.
I want them to feel it when they come in here, but I want them to feel when they come in to our homes and say this is a place where God lives. I want what you have. Folks, as the darkness grows, the light is gonna become far…and more and more significant. God’s gonna use it. Basically, it’s no more than us being the people God designed us for, and just living for Him within our sphere of life. And I’ll tell you, God will get the glory. Praise God! Let His Kingdom come. Let His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Praise the Lord!
May 3, 2020 - No. 1439
“God’s Kingdom in the Home” Part One
May 3, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1439 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise the Lord! It’s good to see everybody this morning. This is one of those occasions when I went to bed last night and had no idea what the service was gonna be about this morning. And sometimes it works that way. Sometimes you have something ahead and the Lord gives you time to think it through and all of that, but the Lord has different plans, doesn’t He? He doesn’t have a formula by which we do things. And I’m glad, because we need to know that we’re dependent on Him.
But as I woke up this morning, I just had some thoughts that came back to my mind and I’m just going to trust the Lord to help me to walk through a subject, because I was thinking about the glorious, ‘order,’ I guess, is the word, in God’s kingdom.
And how…what a contrast there is between God’s kingdom and the beauty and the order that there is in it and this world. And then the fact that God desires that we taste of His blessing and His order while we’re here. Because, what exists in Heaven is not meant to just remain there. You know, Jesus encouraged His disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (KJV).
You know, there are people out there who take that to mean that a special group is going to drive the Devil out of the world and turn this present world into the Kingdom of God. I don’t believe that’s what it’s talking about at all. But, it does have a reason for being there. God desires that we learn how to walk in His order, because it’s an order of blessing, of freedom, of joy, of everything that He has planned for us.
And of course, we know that in the beginning, God had a perfect order, didn’t He? There was a beautiful, perfect creation. He beheld it and He said all was good. He had angels, every single angel was…though they were servants, it has none of the connotations of this broken world. They were powerful, beautiful beings who were entirely, perfectly suited for what they were given to do. And they were given responsibility and just everything was exactly the way it should be, exactly the way the Master designed it to be.
But you remember how one of the angels, at least, rebelled against that order and decided that he wanted to, “…be like the most High.” He didn’t want to take that place, he wanted the ultimate place and he wanted to lead a rebellion, and thought that his highest good was to be found by going his own way, doing his own thing, being independent. And he succeeded in leading a rebellion that resulted in him and his followers being cast out of Heaven.
But where it affects us is what happened in the beginning, when we know that God created Adam. He invested him with the attributes of His own being. Adam was not just a created angel, he was created “…in the image of God.” The attributes, the qualities of being that we find in God, our Heavenly Father, were invested in Adam. And truly they needed to grow, and all of that, but they were there.
And Adam was given a place of great honor. All the works of God’s hands were put in his hands. He said, you’re in charge. I’m giving this to you to rule over and to enjoy. And, of course, we know that there came a point pretty early on when the Lord looked down and realized it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone. And so, He put him to sleep and before it was done, He brought Eve to Adam’s side. And they became one in God’s purpose and God’s plan. And it’s been all downhill…I mean…
( laughter ).
( laughing ).
No, not at all. But one of the points to understand in that, is that Eve was not an afterthought.
( congregational amens ).
Nor was she some sort of subservient, lesser being. Rather, that between the two, they shared the attributes of God. Adam had part of the image of God, the qualities that enabled him to lead, to love, to protect, to provide. All of those kinds of things were in him.
But other attributes of God’s nature and character, come straight from Him, were invested in Eve. And God’s plan was that she have the ability and capacity to love, to nurture. She was by no means a lesser being, a servant or anything of the sort that this world has turned ladies into. But she had an honored, awesome, perfect place for which she was perfectly designed.
And so, for a very brief period there, we don’t know how long, there was this perfect order. They existed in innocence at the time. They didn’t know what evil was. But then along came the deceiver. And the lie that he sold Eve was that she was missing out, God was holding out on her, that He knew that if she only acquired some knowledge, that she could chart her own course and she wouldn’t be sort of like a divine pet. It was almost like he was implying that she was being held down and God was being basically, selfish and restricting her from, and holding her back from her destiny.
And she fell for the lie and persuaded her husband to join her and now it’s been all downhill since, because of that rebellion. And so, the dominating characteristic of the human race, ever since, has been one of rebellious, selfish independence. I want what’s right for me and I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to get it. And so, we obviously live in a very broken world.
But I believe God is calling us out. I know you do, too. And He’s calling us out to become a part of His Kingdom! And it’s a Kingdom where those qualities that existed in the beginning, they exist in that Kingdom and He longs for us to share in that.
But we live in a culture today that is about as broken as it can be. And we have a culture in America today that is running as hard as it can away from God, thumbing its nose in God’s face, declaring that we’re not going to abide by any of your principles, any of your rules…they see them as rules. And, we’re gonna cast away your cords and throw off your restrictions. We’re gonna do what we want to do.
And, we understand the real spirit behind it is that of Lucifer. He hates God! He hates everything that is right! He hates everything that would bring about a blessing to human beings. All he wants to do is use, abuse and destroy.
And you know, we actually…there was a movement that he used, and it happens, in this case, to be the Communist movement in this country, decades ago. And they made a long list of what they needed to do in order to take over our society. It would scare you if you went back and read that list, because, probably 90 to 95 percent of what they set out to accomplish, has been accomplished!
And one of the areas where they really sought to tear things down was family and morality. And who would have thought, a generation ago, we would be where we’re at today? Where marriage is just…God’s definition of marriage is gone. Now people are whatever gender they imagine themselves to be. Nothing is sacred anymore. And God help you if you dare to say anything about it!
But you know, we need to stand up and we need to say, with love and with grace, that God arranged, God designed the universe. He designed us to work a certain way, and if we go against the manufacturer’s instructions, we do it to our hurt!
And so, it’s awfully easy for us, as often as we have heard many of these truths, over the years, to go on and just suppose that everybody gets it. But I think there’s a time and a place where we need to sort of reiterate God’s plan and purpose because it affects our lives, it affects our families! It affects the way we live! And we have young families growing up and they need to understand. We are being bombarded.
We’ve young people growing up…we had several graduate. Congratulations to every one of you! But you’re going off into a world that hates God and you better understand that. You better know that they have values that they have embraced that are absolutely anti-Christ, that will lead people straight to Hell while promising them liberty, promising them blessing and meaning in their lives. And the crazy thing, in this world, is that if the powers that be had their way, we would not believe in God at all.
( congregational amens ).
And what they don’t get, and what they don’t understand is they are taking pride in the idea, that as I’ve said in the past, they are nothing more than accidental descendents of pond scum, having no meaning, no purpose, no significance, and no hope. And that’s what they want us all to embrace and believe is the hope of mankind.
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! It makes no sense at all! And here we have a God who loved us, who made us in His image and who’s done everything necessary to open a door of hope so that we can be part of His eternal Kingdom and be restored back to what He designed us to be in the beginning! Well, Praise God! I want to enjoy those blessings here, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
I believe His heart is that we do it. And so, I’m just gonna go ahead and turn to some familiar scripture and ask the Lord to bring out of it what He will. In Ephesians chapter 5…and you know, we need to get back to what God’s principles are. And they’re not just principles, they’re laws of being. I’ve made this point before. God just doesn’t make up a bunch of rules. The principles by which His Kingdom operates, they come out of His being. They are just the way it is!
And it makes as much sense to go against them as it does to ignore and rebel against the law of gravity. You might decide that you want to fly, that it would be fun. But you will reap the consequences if you violate that law.
The problem is, with God’s character and God’s moral law is that the consequences don’t appear right away. You don’t do something wrong and then go splat, right away, always. But I’ll tell you, they’re real! And there’s so much brokenness that God would redeem us from and help us with.
So anyway, well, let me backtrack a little bit from where I was going to start. I’m gonna start where he says, in the middle of the chapter, part of verse 14, “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (NIV).
That’s some good—good admonition, isn’t it? Praise God! You suppose there’d be some peace and joy in living according to such things? Absolutely, there’s freedom in that. Then it says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Now submission is one of those things that human nature doesn’t like. It’s the very opposite of what we are…of the nature we were born with. Man, we want our way. We don’t want to be beholden to anybody. No authority is gonna tell us what to do! And boy, is that the spirit of the age, more and more and more?
( congregational response ).
I mean, just…Lord have mercy! It’s just absolutely running…we see it like a runaway freight train in our society today. But you know, in God’s Kingdom, it’s entirely different than what we envision. We think of submission as a form of losing myself. I’m losing my freedom. I’m sacrificing what I…what is good and best for me. I’m giving over my will to another. And in this world, that’s a dangerous thing, no question about it. Slavery is a terrible thing. But in the Kingdom of God, what we are submitting to is the Author of life! It’s the Author of love!
( congregational amens ).
We are surrendering to be the recipients of His love, to enjoy the place for which He has designed us, for which we are perfectly fitted, in which our highest happiness exists. But you know, as He brings us together, into assemblies, there is a spirit of submission. There is a spirit where I’m not a law unto myself. I’m not here to do my thing. I’m not here to just assert my will against everybody else and refuse to…you know, that kind of a spirit.
God longs to begin to bring that under control and to help us, to teach us this principle of submission so that we are, not so that we will be frustrated and repressed and hurt and abused and all of that kind of thing, but so that we can be set free from those things that would hold us in captivity! Our nature will drive us to distraction and to destruction, ultimately, if we give into it and we will suppose that we are being free when all we’re doing is being enslaved.
( congregational amens ).
Because our passions, our earthly desires become the master, they will drive us right into Hell, if we let them. But God wants to set us free. Well, part of that…part of coming back under His divine love and His Kingdom and its glorious order is learning how to say, no, to the rebelliousness of self. And so, He calls upon us to walk together and there’s that sense of submitting one to another. So, it’s not just a few up here and everybody else just submits, like they’re bosses or something. This is to everybody. You remember, Peter said the same thing, didn’t he? He said, “…all of you…”
( congregational response ).
“…Be subject one to another.” (KJV). So, there is that sense of community, there’s that sense of not this independent willfulness. God wants to begin to help us to govern that and to submit it and to lay our wills down. Even though we are in an imperfect state, there’s a principle at stake that is a lot more important than the issues of the moment. And God longs to set His people free! But now we get to one of the ladies favorite verses in the whole Bible.
( laughter ).
Verse 22, he begins to enumerate how some of this plays out. He says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (NIV). Well I’ll tell you, the movers and shakers of our feminist-oriented society love this one. And to them, it sounds like slavery and frankly, the way you look around the world, often it plays out that way, sadly. Lord, have mercy!
What must happen in the heart of God, to see the way women are abused and dominated and misused and treated like slaves and treated like cattle in so many parts of the world? That’s not how He designed things. Oh, my God! But neither did He design feminism that exalts this defiant, ‘I am woman’ kind of spirit. I’m equal to a man. I’m this, I’m that. That’s not His Spirit either. All that leads to is trouble and conflict and everything that’s wrong.
But here’s a place where wives are so constituted, the attributes of God that exist in them find their greatest, most perfect expression in a place of submission, where they’re not the ones with their hands on the wheel and telling the man what to do and all of that kind of thing. It just works out that way. That’s how God designed those attributes to function.
And they are an awesome, beautiful, amazing thing, when you see a godly woman, who is in her rightful place, looking to God and trusting Him and exerting a Christ-like influence. You have no idea how valuable that is, how God…how God is pleased with that, how it blesses His heart to see. And you know, the world will paint that as everything but what God wants. But oh, it’s a place of blessing!
And he says, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
And I don’t think Paul had in mind if your husband tells you to go rob a bank that you need to do that. That’s not the idea. But there is that sense that she is always looking to him when it comes to issues of leadership. There is a recognition, that in the providence of God, God has put him over her with a place of responsibility. And the minute she tries to take that, she’s getting out of her place and it’s going to be a lot of strife.
But if she is able to see, even past the…even, yeah! I was gonna say past the failures and the limitations of the guy, which we all have. We’re in a very imperfect state. Yet, if there is a spirit in the heart of a godly woman, Lord, I want to please you, I know my husband’s not perfect. But I believe the principle. I believe there’s a place of blessing that you have for me and I want to occupy that. Lord, show me how to have the right spirit, even when things are not ‘right’ quote, unquote. It’s more important what you’re doing in my spirit, as I say, than the issues of the moment.
Oh, how we love to justify a wrong spirit in here because that’s not right, or he didn’t say it right, or he didn’t do it right. God’s interested in changing you and changing me. And we cannot change our spouse or anybody else in our circle. We cannot change them. We’re gonna have to do our…our responsibility, our place is to model Christ, to occupy the place under His rule, under His headship, under His leadership, that He has designed us for.
And the more we do that, the more freedom we’re going to have in our spirits, the less bondage we’re gonna be living under, the less of a burden of, ‘I’ve got to fix this’ kind of thing we’re going to be experiencing. But the life of Christ will flow through your heart and through your life in such a way that it will touch everybody in your circle of influence.
You read what God says about a virtuous woman in the end of Proverbs. It doesn’t sound like a slave or somebody who’s being abused, to me. It sounds like somebody who has a glorious sphere that God has carved out for her. And within that, she is even enterprising, she makes and sells stuff, she keeps her house. She turns a house into a home. The heart of her husband safely trusts in her.
There are all these wonderful, glorious virtues. Does that sound like slavery and abuse to you? No! God designed her for that! I’ll tell you, when we are in the place for which God designed us, it’s a place of glorious blessing and joy and freedom! We don’t have to try to be something we’re not, or try to fix brokenness that’s not in our power to fix.
So anyway, this is a truth and we can’t escape it. I don’t want to escape it. I want…I love to see a godly woman. And I’ll tell you, the heart of Jesus goes out to the ladies. You think about how He reached out when He was here. Society looked down on women, treated them as second class. Jesus didn’t. He honored them at every occasion. He reached out with a heart of love to lift them up and to cause them to understand how valuable they were, the worth that they had in God’s eyes. I’ll tell you, the real message of the Gospel elevates everyone who bows to it.
( congregational amens ).
But there is an order! There is a way the universe works and the way His Kingdom works, that brings us to that place of blessing. So anyway, there it is, ladies. Ask God for grace. I know there’s nobody here who has a perfect husband. My wife would certainly stand at the head of the line, for that one!
( laughing ).
( laughter ).
But that’s all right. All we can do is work from where we’re at and go forward. We can’t fix the past. We can’t do anything about that, but we can say, God, here I am, but I yield to you, I want to be the person you made me to be. That’s what it comes down to. What did you make me to be? Did you make me to be a feminist? No! Especially not me!
( laughter ).
I was speaking for you there. But anyway…but listen to how this is balanced. Because the Devil would take those two verses and say, boy, you are setting us up for a life of slavery and abuse. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”
You talk about a high calling. You talk about something that flies in the face of human nature. Man! This is…all you can do is say, oh, God! I’m not like this. God, my nature is to be selfish. I would take this principle of the husband being the head of the home in a selfish way. I just want to do what I want. I want to make her serve me. That’s not the spirit in which Jesus came to rescue lost, helpless sinners.
April 26, 2020 - No. 1438
“Trouble” Conclusion
April 26, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1438 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’ll tell you, we’ve got an awesome God, and trouble is not our enemy if we can understand the purpose of God. It is a friend that we can rest in God in.
I’m not making light of trouble. Trouble can be a traumatic, difficult thing. There are some terrible things that, from a human point of view, that God allows His people to go through. But I’ll tell you, there’s never a time, there’s never a place where, if you’re His child, He has left you for one second. He will never ever leave His own.
You know, I thought about some of this in terms of the lives of some of God’s children. And I guess in my current Bible reading, I’m in the life of Joseph. Ron is shaking his head again.
( laughing ).
We’re on the same Bible reading plan. But think about Joseph and how God made Himself known to him. Somehow, when he was a young man, God gave him some special dreams. Do you remember?
And in both of those dreams, it became obvious that his own family would one day bow down to him. And of course, that made everybody excited. But I’ll tell you…God gave him that and somehow planted a faith in him. It doesn’t even go into the details of what was going on in his heart and mind and how in the world he had this relationship with God.
I had a customer the other day ask me about that. What did he do for worship? He was all by himself in a foreign land. You know, we have this conception of what it takes to serve God today. There he was…but I’ll tell you, there’s a God Who absolutely called this young man, seventeen years old when the story really begins, and you can see the hand of God overshadowing him.
But can you not see the devil saying, boy, I heard this. I better do something. In the first place, I’ve got an easy job, because I know his brothers are older than he is. They’re gonna hate him for this. So, I’m gonna work on them, and they don’t even half know God. They’ve heard about Him, but they don’t really have any relationship with this God. So, I’ve got an easy job here of getting them mad at him.
And then you remember how the father sent him out to find his brothers, and they saw him a long way off and conspired together, first to kill him. And then the Lord intervened and put it in Rueben’s heart to say, no, let’s not kill him. So, they put him in a pit for a while, and then some slave traders came by or some traders came by that were headed for Egypt to do some business. And so, they get together, and they decide we’re gonna sell him into Egypt. Well, where did the inspiration for that come from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. But do you see the purpose of God? Do you see the hand of God in spite what happened and how it happened? Do you see that there was a God who was absolutely over all? And so, there he is, and his brothers even later talk about…the guilt was beginning to well up in their beings, they’re realizing what they did, and they said, didn’t we see the anguish of his soul when we did this to him? God’s paying us back. Their conscience is really getting to them.
But that gives you an insight of what it was like. Can you imagine the feelings that were going through Joseph’s heart and his mind? And yet, what an amazing account it is of somebody who still had enough faith in God to be able to go down there and live as a slave, and don’t you see the hand of God blessing him in the middle of that?
He wasn’t alone. God was with him. He may not have had human fellowship in the Lord, but he had the Lord giving him a confidence and a faith still to stand. He was called to stand for years. Well, he was 17 when this started. He was 30 when he came to the throne, to be second in the kingdom there. So, that’s a long time. That’s 13 years of hell on earth, in a way, most of it.
God blessed him in a way, and then all of a sudden, Potiphar’s wife lied about him, had him thrown in prison. The scripture talks about his feet were hurt with fetters of iron in the Psalms, Psalm 105, I think it is. So, you see from the devil’s point of view, everything that the devil was trying to do to engineer this man’s defeat, to cause the vision of God, the purpose of God to fail.
Think about that. Do you think God’s purpose is gonna fail? See, that’s what He wants everyone of us to understand. God’s purpose is not gonna fail. What He’s looking for from me, what He’s looking for from you is a heart that says, God, by Your grace, I’m gonna keep believing You. I’m gonna keep trusting You. I’m gonna see that what is happening to me that I may not like at the moment is Your tool. The devil may be allowed to do it, but You’re the One who has engineered exactly what’s happening to me.
And so, of course, he gets thrown in prison, and I know that was a traumatic thing, and yet, there he is, and he’s trying his best. All of a sudden, he’s just serving God and looking to Him in spite of the thing.
What a faith that is! That’s amazing to me, that someone who knows as little as he did about God…you see the hand of God overshadowing that man’s heart, giving him that kind of faith and confidence?
We have the same God today Who will meet us with what we need for God’s purpose for us. Now, my purpose is not…I don’t expect to be on a throne someday. I don’t think anybody here is going to be, in that sense. But, every one of us has a place. Every one of us has a purpose whether it’s in your home, your job, your school, whatever it is, God has a purpose for your life, and He’s shaping you for that purpose.
God was shaping Joseph for an amazing thing that he was gonna be doing. It wasn’t about magnifying Joseph and saying, whoop-de-do, I can do as I please. This was lifting up a man for a purpose in an hour that was critical, central to what God was trying to do in the earth.
And so, God gave him a faithful heart, and it was recognized, and there he was running his section of the prison. All the prisoners were in his hands. And of course, you remember the account. I won’t go through every detail, but you remember how two of the king’s servants were thrown in there, and they had dreams.
I wonder where that came from! Wouldn’t it be something, again, to stand outside and watch all this as an outside observer, and you see the Lord saying, well, it’s time to do something. Okay, we’re gonna give these two guys some supernatural dreams, and they’re gonna wake up and wonder. And they’re gonna go to Daniel, and Daniel’s gonna explain them.
In three days, both dreams were fulfilled. One man was restored to his position. The other one was hung. And Daniel…I mean not Daniel, but Joseph, of course, was trying to help himself like any of us would. We’ve got our…how many times have you been in a situation you had your timetable? You had it all figured out how it was supposed to happen. Steve mentioned that this morning.
Wouldn’t it be good if we would just say, God, I don’t know? I’m just trusting You. Lord, You do what You need to do. You do it Your way, and You do it on Your time schedule, because that’s gonna be right. And then, I don’t have to worry about it. But I can just say, Lord, I know that You will give me the grace that I need step-by-step, whatever’s going on.
That’s my only place that You’re…that’s why we can have peace. If we don’t have peace, are we really trusting Him? See what’s going on there? There’s a degree of lack of…I don’t really know. I’m not quite so sure about this.
But anyway, Joseph tried to engineer his own deliverance, and that didn’t work. It wasn’t time. So, two whole years, and all of a sudden God says, okay, now it’s time. Now it’s time! Let’s give Pharaoh a couple of really scary dreams that he’s gonna worry about, and he’s gonna call all the wise men of Egypt to explain it, and none of them are gonna be able to explain it.
And there’s the butler serving him the wine, and he’s listening in on all of this. Now, I remember. There was a guy down in the prison there when you sent us down there, and he interpreted our dreams. This guy knows!
So, you know, Joseph gets up that morning, and it’s a morning like any other morning, and he’s not even thinking about it anymore. And all of a sudden, the prison warden comes in and says, get dressed, shave, here’s some fresh clothes. You’re going to see Pharaoh. Say what?
( laughing ).
I’ll tell you, there’s a God Who can do more than we can ask or imagine, if we’ll trust in Him. And, this God that was overshadowing everything the devil had tried to do up to this point…had brought him down and seemingly sidelined him. Nothing could possibly come of all those dreams that he had when he was a kid until God intervened. And there wasn’t a thing the devil could do about it.
They brought him before Pharaoh, and he interpreted his dreams, and everybody was so impressed, he was given the second position in the land. And then you remember how the rest of it happened.
But do you see, also in that, how God formed the man’s character? How many of us would have come through all of that, and had a terrible time with the trauma of what our brothers did to us? How many of us would have had that festering in here all those years? How many of us would have taken advantage of the situation and said, boy, now I’ll show them?
And yet, there was a tenderness of heart, and when it finally came time for him to make known to his brothers, he was weeping. They were scared to death when they realized who he was. And he’s weeping, and one after another, embracing them.
And then after dad died, they come to him, and they’re scared. Okay, I know why he didn’t do it, just because our father was still around. Now, he’s gonna take it out on us. We know what we did.
And he said, you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. The devil was allowed to send some terrible trouble into my life, but that very trouble is what set me on the road that has brought me to this place today so that I can be here and save life.
What insight, what wisdom God had given His servant! Oh, wouldn’t it be good if we had that kind of insight in our lives? This is just for the high important people. Those are the ones we read about. But in God’s Kingdom, every one of us is just as important to Him, just as loved. We’re just designed for a different place.
But I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants us to understand, just as if we were that person who was watching the world and seeing these things unfold, and being able to ask questions and say where we could understand, yes, God is using that wicked being down there. That’s His tool. He has no chance. He’s already lost. He just doesn’t believe it. He’s deceiving himself. He’s gonna fight to the bitter end! But all he can do is fulfill the very purpose of God. So, God’s children have no reason to be afraid or to be anxious or to have anything but peace.
You know, this is something that I’m super conscious of. We have got a lot of secondhand religion, secondhand faith. And, it’s wonderful that people can be exposed to truth, but that’s not enough! It’s got to become yours! It’s got to become personal, or what good is it? We could transmit the faith that we believe to every member of the younger generation, and they could recite it and know it and sing and do all those things, but if they never possessed it and came to know the God that we have come to know, what good is it?
So, how does God bring people into a practical knowledge of Himself except through trouble that drives us to Him and causes us to feel our need? I pray that God will bring whatever trouble it takes to bring you to Jesus Christ if that’s where you’re at…if it will cause you to realize the futility of this world.
The further I go, the more I see how stupid and ridiculous and idiotic it all is. Oh, God. I’ll tell you, God can deliver His people in a practical sense, but it doesn’t come by information alone. We need that, but we need the experience of God.
David had an experience with God, and so, he was able to realize what the real battle was. It was almost like he could step back like we were doing there, and seeing, hey, this is not just a battle with a physical enemy here. There is another thing going on. There’s a devil. There’s a false God. There’s a demon behind this, and that demon has the gall to challenge my God, and I know that He is God! So, this isn’t my battle!
Do we see that in our lives, or is that just a history lesson? Your troubles, your battles are not just your battles. They’re God’s battles, and He takes them personally! He wants us to come to Him! I mean, we can muddle through if we’re foolish enough to think we can, and just blind enough to charge ahead. I’ll tell you, God wants to use everything that Satan is allowed to do to turn our hearts to Him so we will come to Him from the depths of our heart and say, oh, God, I need You. I need You, Lord. Praise God. I need Him, don’t you? Oh, the further I go, the more I know I need Him.
What a blessed place that is! He’s not sitting here trying to bully me into fearfully serving Him and trying desperately to win His favor through my own efforts. Oh, God.
You know, we talked about Job recently and the place that he occupied. I believe that’s a pretty good example. I’m not sure, but I think this is a pretty good example of secondhand faith, hand-me-down faith. He lived sometime in the era after the flood. For all I know, Noah may have overlapped his life. I don’t know. Noah lived 350 years after the flood. But one thing is for sure. He knew about God. He knew there was a God who judges sin.
And from his own lips, we have the expression that, “…the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me.” (KJV). What was motivating his devotion to God was a whole lot of fear about this remote God who’s so great, and He judges wickedness, and I’ve got to do everything I know to stay on His good side.
Do you see that element in Job? And God saw him doing what he knew to do, but says, I’ve got better for you, Job. That’s not how I want people to relate to Me. I want them to know Me. And so, Job was taken down a dark, deep valley.
When he came to the other end, do you think he still had that same fear? Or do you think he came to a place where he had interacted with God? He knew God on a personal level. He didn’t have to just listen to the stories about Noah walked with God and look what God did! Isn’t that great? Now, Noah’s God becomes my God, and I know something about Him, because I’ve been there. I have experienced Him in the darkest times of my life. He came to my rescue.
And the blessing that He had afterwards was not just the fact that He had twice as much as he had before. God blessed him on that level, but the blessing that mattered was he had something that was real. He knew his God. God had removed the fear from his heart.
Everything the devil…did you notice in the beginning how the devil went before God. God brought him up, and the devil said, yeah, you’ve got a hedge about him. I can’t get to him. What do you expect? Of course, he’s gonna serve You. You’re blessing him.
But doesn’t that reveal something? Do you realize that every single one of God’s children has a hedge about you? If something comes through that hedge, it’s because God has allowed it. The devil could not just attack Peter. The devil had to get permission. He said, “Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.” (NIV). Here’s Satan asking for the permission to be God’s tool, if he understood, if he was willing to accept that.
But it was the same kind of spirit. Yeah, I know human flesh. I know humanity. You let me at him just the right way, and I can bring him down. And the Lord turns that thing right around and changes the individual and reveals Himself in a way that that person could never have known.
I know there are people here. You’ve been down roads you would never have chosen in a million years, but yet, it’s brought you to a place where you know something about God that you didn’t know before, and there’s a depth of faith and peace that you’ve got because of what you went through. Every single one of us could say that that have known Him any time. I thank God!
You know that song, “Thank God for the Valley,” that Jackie sang many times over the years, has a tremendous, simple truth. This is how we know Him. David had to go through the valley of the shadow of death, didn’t he? How many times we started to tell his story, and you know all the things that he went through, and the pathway to the throne was hell on earth, for how many years? We don’t know exactly. Probably, again, maybe 10 or 15 years. But it was a long time when he was on the run for his life.
The devil was free to attack him in so many ways, and yet, over and over again, he called upon God. He kept his integrity. He looked to God, and God was forming his character in it, but it was more than that! It was David coming to a place of rest, of confidence in God, of knowing God so that when he got on the throne, he knew…God knew there was gonna be stuff he was gonna have to deal with that was gonna be tough. But he was preparing His man just like He prepared Joseph, just like He prepared His Son, just like He prepared Paul and so many things that he went through.
You know, I thought about this in this context, as to what God is looking for in all of this. It’s easy to say God wants my behavior to match up to a certain standard, and then things will be good. Is that really what God is after?
What is the heart of the New Covenant? You know, there was a Covenant. There was a covenant where God said, this is how I’m gonna deal with you. I’m gonna do something that’s temporary. It’ll help prepare you for this, but there is a permanent Covenant coming. It’s not gonna be like that one. It’s not gonna be just a bunch of rules.
The Covenant that I’m going to do is I’m gonna put My laws in your hearts. Okay, and what was the result of that? They will…how many will know Me? They will all know ‘about’ Me? “…They will all know me, from the least…to the greatest.”
God wants a person-to-person, heart-to-heart, faith-to-faith relationship with every single one of His children. He cares about us. I mean, don’t we have the words of Jesus? He knows the…He’s numbered the hairs of your head. Do you think He doesn’t care about all the details of every single life?
I’ll tell you, when God brings trouble in our path, every single…His whole heart is to do one simple thing. It’s to bring us to a deeper relationship. God has purposed something, like I said, from the beginning. God has purposed to do something in eternity and to shape us for that. That’s what His heart is focused on.
Folks, I pray that God will help me. I pray that God will help every one of us to get this simple truth in a much more practical way. Trouble is gonna come in our lives. It comes at the hands of Satan, in one form or another. But Satan is only a tool. There is nothing he can ever do that can change the outcome of somebody who has put their trust in Him.
We can live with that confidence, and in that confidence, we can have a faith and a rest that will carry us through. God is gonna shape your life and mine. We might not like the process, but we’re gonna love the result.
And one day, we’re gonna stand there and just be blown away. The pictures of God’s saints casting…God gives us crowns, and we’re gonna say, my God, what did I do for this? Throw it down at the feet of Jesus! He is the One who has done it all. To Him be glory and honor! That Name is above every name.
But right now, we’re in the middle of the war. There’s a hedge about you. Satan can do nothing but what God allows, but when He allows it, God’s gonna take you through, and He’s gonna shape your character. He’s gonna build faith in you. He’s gonna glorify Himself. He’s gonna make you the kind of person He wants you to be in this world. He’s gonna help you to know Him in a way that perhaps you didn’t up until now. And there’s gonna be a lot more rest in it. To God be the glory!
In the world, you will have trouble! That’s a fact. But we don’t have to be afraid of it, because Jesus has overcome the world, and He has given us His peace, and we can lay hold of that in the middle of the worst trouble that we see, because God is faithful. Praise God!
April 19, 2020 - No. 1437
“Trouble” Part One
April 19, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1437 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I’ve just been thinking about the service and my mind keeps coming back to a single word. And it’s an exciting subject called ‘trouble.’
( laughing ).
But I don’t know, it just seems to keep coming back to that and I think we all know what that’s about. But, I feel like the Lord wants to explore it just a little bit this morning and give us, maybe, a fresh look.
And I thought of a scripture, just as a sort of starting point, in the words of Jesus in John 16. Jesus has just been talking with His disciples. This is the night before He was crucified, giving them words of instruction, of encouragement, knowing that very shortly they’re gonna be frightened and scattered, but needing to have a sense that, hey, this is going someplace good, even though we don’t understand what’s happening right now. We know who this is and we trust in Him.
And so, Jesus says in verse 31…they reach a point where they seem to have a settled conviction as to who He is and we know you’re from God. And so, Jesus says, “You believe at last! Jesus answered.” (NIV). This is 16, if I didn’t say that. “But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.”
Praise God! Isn’t that a truth that we all need to lay hold of? “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.” That sounds like a pretty positive, simple statement, to me, doesn’t it you? “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
( congregational praise ).
Thank God for that balance. There’s the overcoming, there’s the peace. So, you see that the Lord is dealing with a fact, isn’t He? I mean, we all understand that. That’s the kind of world we live in.
And you know, I looked up the word ‘trouble.’ I don’t think there’s anything revolutionary about it, but it’s used as a translation of several different terms and some of them are just simply the word ‘adversity.’ You could really substitute that word. Our nature wants things to be smooth, doesn’t it? We’re born into a world that is bent a certain way and our nature agrees with it. And so, by nature, we want things to be smooth, to be easy, to be…to have the soft wind blowing and going in the direction we want it to go, to have our desires catered to and everything to be pleasant.
And yet, we know from the Word, we know from experience, hopefully, most of us, that that’s not the kind of world, really, we live in. That world that we would try to be a part of, by nature, is headed for catastrophe. We talked about that last week. There is a day coming. And this is a very temporary thing. And God has a larger purpose in it than just smoothing our feathers and making life smooth and easy.
And so, I was just thinking, as I say, of exploring this subject and even this morning I thought of a way to talk about this, and the Lord will have to help me, as He always does, anyway. I certainly can’t do this.
But I thought about it from this point of view. Suppose you were from somewhere else, other than this world. And somehow you found yourself here and you arrive on the scene and you say, what’s going on here? And imagine you were also able to see, not only the physical world, but the spiritual realm. And so, you’re saying, I don’t get this. Somebody explain this to me.
And so, whoever’s explaining it to you says, well, there’s a God who’s over all. He’s everywhere and He’s all-powerful and He has a plan from the foundation of the world. And He created this beautiful place and He created a race of people that He intended to be His sons and daughters, to live with Him and to enjoy Him and to share His life and all of that, but they rebelled.
And so…and there was an enemy that He had. One of His servants was an enemy. And so, he led them in rebellion and now the world is under the dominion of this other…this wicked being who just causes trouble. And so, that’s where it’s at.
And so, your question, of course, is, well, my God, He’s all-powerful. Why doesn’t He just fix it? Why doesn’t He just step in and end all this stuff? And so, whoever it is that’s explaining to you says, well, now let’s watch. Let’s see what God’s trying to do with this.
And so, we see God having a purpose. Perhaps He’s calling somebody out of this world. And He calls them to Himself and He makes them aware and they give their lives to Him and basically, coming to Him is changing sides, because we’re all born as citizens of this world and our allegiance, effectively, is here. That’s it. Satan is our god. We may not think that. We may think, I’m doing what I want, but that’s…effectively, we’re serving him.
But I’ll tell you, coming to Christ is changing sides. It is recognizing that God has established a King, His Son on a throne, and He is in charge. And it’s also recognizing that this world has already been defeated. Praise God! We sang about it this morning, the victory that was won at the Cross. It’s real! And so, there is a Kingdom into which we have been called.
But yet, you might look from the outside and say, well, that’s wonderful! Praise God! All He has to do is just lift them out of here and take them there. He said, wait a minute, they’re not ready for that. I’ve got stuff that needs to be done. I have got a…not only have I got a place, a special place, for every single one that I make a part of my Kingdom, I’ve got a special place in this world that’s to come that’s just exactly…they’re designed for it. And so, I’ve got to work in them to help get them ready for that.
Okay, well that’s great, but what about here? He says, oh, I’ve got purposes for every single one of My children here, every single one that I’ve got to make changes. They’re so geared, in a practical sense, to their life here and what people want out of this world, and so, I’ve got to change them.
Well, praise God! Then let’s just let the sun shine and let’s let them go to Sunday school and church and learn all about it and that’ll fix everything, won’t it? But it doesn’t work that way, does it?
And so, what happens…so you have this…I mean, you’re sitting there watching all of this and all of a sudden you watch one of God’s children and you watch this devil come up and begin to cause them trouble. All of a sudden, they’re going along, everything’s just great and grand and they’re not doing anything particularly wrong, but all of a sudden there’s this terrible trouble that comes into their life.
You say, wait a minute, what’s going on with that? Why isn’t God stepping in? Why doesn’t He stop that? And he says, just wait and watch. And so, you see the person involved begin to cry out and to say, oh, God, I can’t handle this. Lord, I don’t understand. There are all the questions, all the things that come up. But what it does is stir people up to say, wait a minute, I need God! I need this One to whom I’ve turned. I can’t handle this! Lord, help me to understand what I need to understand. Help me to be set free from things that you see in me that I don’t see. But oh, God, I’m looking to You!
And you’re sitting there watching all of this and you’re asking about it, and you watch them begin to grow and you watch them begin to get stronger in their confidence toward God and their attitudes towards others and they begin to be changed.
And whoever is talking to you says, you know, it’s kind of like a sculptor. God’s creating every one of His children as a special masterpiece. Everyone’s different and God is absolutely working on each one. And you know on a sculpture there’s stuff that’s got to be chipped away, isn’t there? Everything has got to…something has got to change.
And so, God is taking things out and chipping them away, and the person who’s being chipped usually doesn’t get it. And so, we react and we say, oh, God, not that! And the Lord says, yes, let go! Exactly what Steve said at the beginning of the service. Let go, trust God, just surrender into His hands. He knows what He’s doing.
Now remember, we’re standing outside, and we’re looking at this from God’s point of view and whoever’s talking about this says, don’t forget, God planned all this before the world was framed. And here we are, we’re watching the middle of it. We’re seeing the outworking of something. And so, our question is, okay, so how’s it gonna come out? I still don’t quite understand what’s going on. How does this come out?
And boy, I haven’t thought this part through but I’ll tell you, wouldn’t it be something if you could jump ahead to the end of time? But whoever’s saying this, I’ll tell you, God has got this! This God who planned this from all eternity, He has absolutely got His hand on that person. He knows the plan. He knows how much to let the devil get in there. Do you know the devil can’t get in there unless the Lord lets him? So, if trouble comes and the devil’s brought it, don’t ever forget the Lord sent it! And He sent it because of a loving, wonderful, personal purpose. And He has a reason.
I mean, there’s nothing I’m saying that we haven’t heard many times, but I’ll tell you, seems like we need this. We need this because it’s not just the information, we’re every one of us in real situations. And the trouble we’re talking about isn’t necessarily just some terrible, outward thing that comes upon us. You know, our property is destroyed, or someone’s sick, or someone’s just died or it could be a thousand and one things.
It could be something that’s inside your own heart that you’re struggling with and nobody else knows about. But oh, it’s trouble. Oh, God, I’m struggling, I’m full of fear. I’m full of…something happened to me that was traumatic and it’s just eating on me and it’s sitting in there and I can’t let it go. Oh, it’s just…and it rises up and it begins to cause trouble in the present. It just goes into every facet of human nature.
You know, we talked Wednesday night…we sort of had a service of participation where everybody chipped in and boy, the Lord helped us, didn’t He? I was sitting there fighting it, saying no, I’ll let somebody else, and then I don’t know, the Lord just…He won. But what we did was to explore all the ways that the devil works, his bag of tricks, if you will. Or, “…we are not ignorant…,” Paul said in one place, “…of his devices.” (KJV).
But we’ve got this enemy of God who is so deceived in his mind that he is still trying to win. And all his…it doesn’t matter whether he even thinks he can. His nature drives him to do what he’s doing. He is going to relentlessly work.
But you know, I want us to see something this morning, perhaps in a fresh way. Imagine now you’re still standing out there and looking, and saying, but help me to understand what’s going on. Why is the Lord letting the devil do that?
And the answer comes back. The devil is only a tool. He is a tool in the hands of God to fulfill something that is absolutely eternal. It is a purpose that God conceived in His mind. Every one that He deals with, every person that He calls is someone that He knew intimately before He ever created the world. That’s mind boggling! To think that there are things in the depths of my being that I don’t even know as I ought, perhaps, but God knew them! What a God we serve, who’s able to take that…to take the tangled threads of this world and weave them into something that is eternal.
And I can just hear you saying, well, looking on this scene, boy, the devil must be awfully frustrated. He can’t possibly win and there he is. All he’s doing is spinning his wheels and everything he does turns out for God’s purpose instead of his. Praise God!
I’ll tell you…and isn’t it interesting how the Lord wants us to react in all of this. He prefaces what He says there, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.” (NIV). Peace. That’s amazing!
But you know, if we could see, if we could take the vantage point of that person who has suddenly arrived on our planet, trying to explain it, trying to understand it, if we could suddenly see from that point of view, wouldn’t that change everything? You know, we could actually sing, “He didn’t bring us this far to leave us,” and believe it, in practice.
We wouldn’t…we tend to sing these things, and it’s good and I understand we’re in the process, we’re growing, we’re learning so I’m not saying that in any condemning way. But you understand what I’m saying. We sing a lot of things and it’s good to profess them but possessing them is much…there’s a lot more to possessing something than simply getting information.
I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants to do something in us that’s real, that’s practical. We could have the most perfect doctrine, the most perfect program that one could conceive and we would still have nothing of eternal value if God didn’t come in and really transform lives and hearts.
And I’ll tell you, the only way He can do it is to introduce what we call trouble in some form or other. And so, I’ll tell you, it’s not our enemy, it’s our friend. But if we can see, as I say, the way…from His point of view, we would have a peace that passes understanding. We’d be able to cast all our care upon Him knowing that He cares for us. “But take heart…” He says. “…You will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
And you know, you could sort of look at the lives of people in the scriptures. We know about events that happened. But wouldn’t it be nice just to step back…wouldn’t it be nice if we could step back and take the viewpoint of somebody who is able to see all the stuff that’s going on, not just the physical?
I mean, you think about the life of Jesus. He came down into the world that we live in. He came to a world of trouble and experienced it all, in one form or another. And so…I mean, this is not somebody that we can’t go to. This is somebody who absolutely knows everything you and I have ever experienced to the ‘nth’ degree and He is able.
You know, we practiced an old song this morning, “He’s Ever Interceding.” What a glorious, simple truth that God has given His Son and just…He didn’t sit there on a throne or direct traffic from up there. He came down. You think of the weakness, you think of the vulnerability, in a sense, of being a little fetus and then a little baby, completely helpless, completely dependent upon a human mother.
But oh, I’ll tell you, there was a God who overshadowed every bit of that. There He was, a little child and some wise men came from the east and they went to the…in all innocence they went and said, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?” (KJV). And the king got wind of it. He said, whoa.
Now what do you think was going on behind the scenes in that? Do you think, just maybe, the devil was trying to say, hey, I got a chance to do something about this? I know this was coming. Man, we’ve got somebody in here that I need to deal with. This is the Son of God.
So, what did he do? He came up with a scheme immediately to send to Bethlehem and let’s kill every baby under two years old. We don’t know which one it is, but we know we’ll get rid of Him if we do that. Now what was the inspiration behind that?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! You see Satan intervening, but how about God intervening? Yeah! He sent an angel and said, get up…in the middle of the night, get out of here to Egypt. And so, they weren’t there. And over and over and over again you see this in the life of Jesus, how Satan is just constantly trying to find some way to get to Him, to undermine Him.
There were times He couldn’t go certain places because they were out to kill Him and it wasn’t the time, it wasn’t the purpose of God at that point. Every point…we see Jesus going out into the wilderness and at His weakest point the Father steps back and Satan is allowed to come at Him to appeal to His human nature from every possible angle. And Jesus went there and He prayed and He looked to God.
I don’t doubt that this was the place where the writer to the Hebrews must have referred to, certainly it was one of them. Where, “…with strong crying and tears…” He cried out, “…unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard…” There was some serious praying that Jesus did.
I wonder how serious we are, sometimes. But He understood the issues. He said, oh, God, I’m here to do Your will, I’m not here to do My will. I’m part of something that’s eternal and my whole hope, my whole trust is in You and I recognize there is a war that’s going on. Satan is being allowed to work in me.
And isn’t it interesting, that we pointed out so many times, that at that very scripture that talks about how He had to cry out and pray and He learned—learned obedience. There was something that Jesus had to go through to get ready to be able to do what He did. And it only came as trouble came. And trouble came because the devil…because the Father stepped back and let the devil do his thing.
But the devil’s purpose was to destroy Him, God’s purpose was to shape Him and make Him the Savior that we need and we worship today! Praise God!
So, the Father was changing Him and He learned, “…obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect….” Wait a minute, I thought He was perfect. But there was a completeness that made it…He needed a completeness that could only happen as He came here to the world of sin and trouble and overcame, personally, while feeling every weakness that you and I have ever felt. And He came through it all.
I mean, you talk about what He says right here, “…take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV). He knew that there was a victory that He had come to win. He understood the battle! He understood the Father’s plan! He understood His place in it and He yielded Himself to that place!
Is that not what God has called every one of us to in His Kingdom? To absolutely give our lives to Him so that He can shape us for what His purpose is, not only here, but in eternity? Praise God, I’m so glad that we don’t have to…that we can have an understanding. God wants us to get this because…well, I thought of a scripture, back in chapter 15, I think it is. I’ll just look at it real quickly.
In the first place, verse 16, Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you….” Praise God! Folks, if you have come to a knowledge of God…I’m not gonna go down the line where it’s all up to God and we have no responsibility. I’m not gonna go to that extreme, but I’ll tell you, there is a God who chooses. There is a God who calls somebody out of this world.
We didn’t go looking for Him. He came looking for me. I would never, in a million years, have gone after Him. I would have lived and died in blindness, if God had not overshadowed my heart and made Himself known to me and then given me the strength and the grace to repent and put my faith in Jesus Christ. I would never have done it.
And so, here is Jesus talking to His disciples saying, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.” Praise God!
But look down later on. “Peace I leave with you….” Jesus was about to leave this world but He says I’m gonna leave something for you. I’m gonna leave my peace. He says, “…my peace I give you.” Do you think Jesus is worried? Do you think He has any anxiety about whether God can pull this off? Does He want us to live in a state of anxiety? Oh, my God, what’s gonna happen?
No, we have access to the very peace of God. Isn’t that what it says? Is He at peace? He knows what He’s purposed. He understands, the devil is My tool. He cannot win when it comes to My people.
Do we understand that? Can we come with all the things that…all the troubles that life brings, that God sends to work in us to help us, can we understand that to the point where we can let the peace of God, which transcends understanding…you can’t even understand it.
Sometimes it doesn’t make sense. How can I be at peace with this going on? And there’s the world…I mean, there’s the Lord helping us but also bearing witness to the world. They’re looking on and saying, I don’t get this. Maybe they’ve got something I need. Just one of the purposes of God.
“…The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I’ll tell you, we’ve got an awesome God and trouble is not our enemy. If we can understand the purpose of God, it is a friend that we can rest in God in.
I’m not making light of trouble. Trouble can be a traumatic, difficult thing. There are some terrible things that, from a human point of view, that God allows His people to go through, but I’ll tell you, there’s never a time, there’s never a place where if you’re His child He has left you for one second.
April 12, 2020 - No. 1436
“The Hand on the Sacrifice” Conclusion
April 12, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1436 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: The Word reminds us that God sent Somebody who could understand us…Somebody who experienced all of the wounds that this world can dish out, not just the physical stuff but the stuff that gets in here. I don’t care what you’ve experienced in your heart and your life and your mind, we have got a Savior who’s been there and experienced that and gets it.
And He alone has the heart and the power to do something about it! We need healing at the heart level and Jesus is somebody who has been here in a place where He can do it! It’s not just…yeah, I see you down there, I see what you’re going through…He’s been here and experienced every sorrow, every hurt, every rejection, everything that could possibly touch your life or mine! He’s experienced it in spades.
So, when I identify with Him, it’s not just that I’m joining Someone who the world hates, I am joining Somebody who is capable of looking into the depths of my soul and loving me anyway and helping me because He understands. Praise God!
I want to put my hand on that, on the head of that sacrifice! Oh, praise God! Isn’t God good to give us Someone like that? “He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.” (NIV). But the center of it is certainly what he comes to here. “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows.” That goes into the same thing, doesn’t it?
So, men interpreted that, of course, with the wisdom of the enemy, they saw the things that He went through, they saw the rejection, and all of that. How did they interpret that? What conclusion did they draw, based on what they saw and how He was rejected by the religious establishment of that day? He’s getting what He deserves. “We considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted.” We thought He was a sinner that God was punishing and taking Him out of the way so we could be free of Him.
Boy, you talk about blindness! We have no idea. We think so highly of ourselves. We don’t get it. And here God was sending somebody who could come right down into the depths of where we live and experience everything that we experience and bring us hope. And we thought He was getting what He deserved. He got what I deserve!
But, in contrast to the world’s estimation of this, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him.” Oh God, that should cause everyone to run to Him!
But it doesn’t because men will not own their sin! We judge as humans judge. Well, I’m not as bad as everybody else…I’m like that one preacher that said, I’m 99 percent good. Oh yeah. That’s the blindness of the human heart. We have no idea what goodness really is.
Isaiah knew, didn’t he? God took him to a place where that’s all he saw and he immediately knew what he was. In fact, he saw…think about the fact that he didn’t understand what was coming. He saw the very One that he’s talking about back in chapter 6 when he went and saw Him on a throne! That was Jesus that he saw, that was the Son of God. He’s the only form of God you’ll ever see. He is the full, perfect representation of the Father.
“But he was pierced for our transgressions…crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Now a lot of people talk about the physical side of that, and that’s fine. But I’ll tell you, the wounds that I need are not just the ones in my body, they’re the wounds in that part of me that lives apart from this body. They’re the wounds of the spirit, wounds of the heart, wounds of the soul.
But we have Somebody who can heal every single one of them, if we’ll just come to Him and seek Him and look to Him. He has the power to change it all! But in order for that to happen, in order for that to do us any good, we are going to have to come to God, not based upon anything else, except, oh God, I own my sin, I deserve what this sacrifice is taking in my place. I’m placing my hand on His head! That’s my only hope! He represents me. I am laying down my life. That’s what it means.
This is not just, take my sins away so I can go live my life, and then come and bless me, bless my plans. This is, oh God, I surrender. We see in Him the value of human life, which is nothing! Nothing in this world is worth preserving into eternity, except what God builds into the hearts and lives of His people. I’ll tell you, when He comes in and He begins to change, now you’ve got something that can last and is worth something. Everything here leads to corruption and sin and death and sorrow and suffering!
( congregational amens ).
That’s what He came to deliver us from. He laid down His life as my representative! Do you seriously think I’m gonna just take that and run with it and live my life? No! That’s not what it’s about! My hand is on His head! That means my heart is engaged in what He…in everything that He stood for on that day!
Is your hand on the sacrifice? Praise God! There’s more to this that just coming to Christ in the first place. You know, the people that sinned, they didn’t just come once, did they? And while we live here, we don’t live perfect lives, do we? We need that sacrifice. We don’t bring a different sacrifice, though. We bring the one.
But do you know, that same sacrifice that enabled us to enter the door of salvation, enables us to come at any time and say, oh Lord, I have sinned. Lord, I’m in need but You provided my sacrifice. I’m laying my hand on that sacrifice and I come to You based upon Your provision and Your promise! This is the way You’ve told me You will accept me, and I come Your way! I’m not gonna try to pretty it up or rearrange it. I’m coming Your way, period! No compromise! Jesus is my representative and I trust in Him 100 percent!
You think this doesn’t…you don’t think this applies to you somehow? We ‘all’…that’s a big word, isn’t it? “We all, like sheep, have gone astray….” Every single one, there’s no difference. I don’t care if you went into a place that was a den of iniquity, every kind of wrong and sin you could think of, you could not look at those people and say, I’m better than you in God’s eyes.
You have the same nature! And if the circumstances were different, and you gave yourself over to that stuff, you’d be worse! Not one of us can look in the mirror and say, this doesn’t apply to me. It does! I’ll tell you…was it Brother Thomas or John B. that used to say…I guess it was John B…he wished some people he knew would go steal a hog or do something so they’d have something to repent of.
( laughter ).
He felt like there was a certain amount of self-righteousness in some that he knew. And I’ll tell you what, I don’t care if you’ve grown up in church and you’ve lived a ‘moral life’ so called, you have the same need.
( congregational amens ).
I happen to have been born into a preacher’s family. I have the same need. I’m no better than anybody else. I couldn’t go into a prison or into any place in the world and tell people that I’m any better than they are. We need the same Savior! And there’s only one way! Put your hand on the sacrifice and come. From your heart, put your trust in what He did.
( congregational amens ).
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each one of us has turned to his own way.” That’s the problem, it’s my way! You can’t make a way and define your own way and say, but it’s moral. Oh, no it’s not! It’s you! It’s a spirit of rebellion.
But oh, the next part, “…and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world,” (KJV), John the Baptist said.
“He was oppressed and afflicted…” (NIV). Now oppressed, I think the sense of that, if you look at various translations, it had to do with the injustice of His being accused when He wasn’t guilty of anything. They arrested Him and He wasn’t guilty, but they arrested Him anyway! “…And afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open His mouth.”
How do you react when you’re faced with something that you did that was wrong? It’s kind of quiet. What is the human spirit, what is the natural response to that? Self rises up, and it’s not this, or it’s somebody else’s fault, I didn’t do it. You know, whatever it is, there’s gonna be some sort of resistance to that.
And here He is, going there with my sin upon Him and He’s not arguing! What right do we have to argue and justify self when we’re wrong? And here He is, silent! No self-defense! No, I’ll get you for this, this is unjust! I mean, He really was guiltless! And we’re not! May God help us to have a humble sensitivity and a willingness to take ownership of what’s really true. But He faced it. He knew what we were, and He didn’t open His mouth.
“By oppression and judgment He was taken away…” injustice again, “…and judgment he was taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken.”
There are several ways that that’s translated and the thought that makes the most sense, is basically that his generation didn’t understand what was going on. They didn’t get it. You look at several…I think the one you have, the NLT, puts it somewhat like that, if I’m not mistaken. But anyway…it’s basically that the generation that saw all this happen, had no idea what was going on. But boy, He did, didn’t He? He went into it with His eyes wide open.
“He was assigned a grave with the wicked….” In other words, basically this is a criminal who needs to be now disposed of in the ground and we’re gonna forget about Him. That was the spirit behind what he’s talking about there. But He also had a grave, “…with the rich in his death….” God had provided Him a tomb. There was a follower who stepped up to Pilate and said, may I have His body? I have a place to bury Him. So, the Lord even provided that, didn’t He?
“…Though He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth….” Now here’s the amazing thing: “…yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer….” That’s incredible!
Do you want to see the heart of God, the heart that longed to show us mercy but had to uphold justice? I was guilty. There was nothing I could say. I had no answer. I deserved to die. But because God desired to show me mercy, He took my sins, charged His own Son, who willingly took them. There is no other definition of love that comes close to the willing sacrifice that took place on that day.
But it wasn’t just Jesus trying to placate His Father. This was God’s plan from the beginning. They were 100 percent united in what they sought to do. And remember how Jesus said, Father, if there is any other way, let this cup pass, but not my will but yours be done. That’s what was done.
Do you remember how the disciples prayed after they had been rebuked by the Sanhedrin? Lord, it was by Your determined will that they crucified Him. We know that they rose up in rebellion against You but it was by Your will that it happened! You determined ahead of time what was gonna happen. And they prayed to that same God who was in charge, God, empower us not to be intimidated by the spirit of this world that would shut us up.
So. “…it was the Lord’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand.” Praise God!
See, that brings us to the resurrection! His death for me was not the end. It was the beginning! But oh, how we need to have our hands on the sacrifice. That is the one pathway to life that is ‘life.’ There’s a scripture that says that. I don’t remember where it’s at. There’s only one life that really is life.
Do you want life? I pray for anybody who doesn’t get this, that God will open your eyes to see that what we call life here is not life. You can’t keep it! It’s worthless in the end! But God has opened a way to impart the life that is life.
And it comes…and Jesus partook of that life by laying down His earthly life and He came forth with a life that cannot die—the very life of God. But not only did He come forth for Himself and just for His own glory, but now He was able to share. Now He’s able to share all that He is with us.
Is your hand on the sacrifice? Man, it better be 100 percent, from the heart. And it’s not being strong, it’s not being worthy…it’s being just the opposite most of the time. The people that heard Jesus were the ones that life had wounded, that were the guiltiest, that were the lowest of the low, the tax collectors, the prostitutes! They were the ones who came and felt the love and the mercy that God desired to show.
And God took care of the problem that had separated them from a holy God. God took care of it! God…that same God is here today! I don’t care who you are or where you’ve been or what you’ve done. There’s a God who is able to blot out your sins as if they had never happened because they were placed upon Him! But I’ll tell you, your hand needs to be on the sacrifice, 100 percent. This is the sacrifice that I am offering to You, Father, based upon Your heart and Your promise.
“…It was the Lord’s will to crush Him…the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.” That brings us right down to today. Everything God has purposed, right down to what He’s purposed in our lives, and going forward, and finishing the job, and presenting the church to Himself, without spot, wrinkle or blemish or any other such thing, all of that will prosper in the same way in which this prospered! The same God who, by His will was…crushed His Son, is going to bring that to pass. Everything that God has put in His hands…all authority in heaven and earth has been put in His hands. He will finish what He started.
( congregational amens ).
Is your hand on the sacrifice? Man, do you want to hitch your wagon to something, to Someone and something that’s gonna last, something that’s gonna mean something in eternity? There will come a day when people will be screaming in terror and regret…screaming for another chance! And on that day, there will be no other chance. The Word of God is going out today.
One of the words that it says here, after the suffering…verse 11. I’m gonna stop with this, I think. “After the suffering of His soul, he will see the light of life, and will be satisfied.” Hebrews 12 tells us, “…for the joy set before him endured the cross…,” despised the shame, didn’t make any difference to Him what He had to go through. Oh, that’s worth everything!
Well, it’s worth everything for us to be 100 percent identified with that sacrifice! Say, this is my hope! “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” The same God who brought Him out of the tomb has power to make us into His children, to transform us from the inside out, to blot out our sins, to impart new life.
For the message is two-fold. Have you come to God with all your heart and your hand on the sacrifice? That’s the challenge today. If you stop short of that, you’ve stopped short of everything! You have missed it all! I don’t care what happens in this world, don’t care what you accomplish, it means nothing when we stand before Him.
But that picture that the Lord painted in the Old Testament of how they were to bring their sacrifices…if you read on, it wasn’t just that they put their hand on it, they actually participated in preparing the sacrifice. This was very participatory! This is me, 100 percent aligned with that sacrifice and all that it stands for! My death, my resurrection, my burial, my resurrection, my new life, my eternity. I’ll tell you, I’m aligned with Him. I don’t care what the world says. I don’t care what they do, what it costs. It’s worth everything to know Him!
( congregational amens ).
So, the question is, have you ever, from your heart, irrevocably put your hand on the sacrifice? If you stop short of that, you have missed everything! But for the believer, that becomes…God wants that to become the default setting, if you will, of our life. My hand is always on that sacrifice. This is always how I stand before You. This is always where the resources come for everything that I need in this life. It’s all provided through Jesus Christ. It is mine because of Him.
I’m never gonna get to the point where I say, ok, I’m past that now, let’s get to the good stuff. There are a lot of people who preach it like that. Okay, I believe in Jesus, my sins are gone and I’ve got a ticket to heaven. Now, Jesus, give me a better life. It’s Jesus all the way. It’s laying down our life and taking up a new one, all the way.
I’ll tell you, that’s something you and I…wherever you’re at today, you have the privilege of coming to God with your hand on that sacrifice, spiritually speaking. And it is the answer to every issue, one way or another, without having to spell out all the details. God has to lead us through these things. We’re all different.
But I’ll tell you, I want to be…I want to be one that has my hand on the sacrifice. Never allow anything to move your hand from it! He is the answer to destiny! He is the answer to everything! He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He sits on a throne and He reigns and He prays for His own! He stands for us and He will finish what He started! Just as He triumphed in the cross and rose from the dead, He will return and His plan will be finished. God’s plan and purpose will be finished.
The only question is, who will participate in that? And that’s the message of the Gospel. If your hope is in something else or you think you can manage your life some other way, but that really true heart surrender, whew, you have drunk the Kool-Aid of this world. And if that doesn’t change, you will perish with it.
But let the name of Jesus be lifted up. Let His name be lifted up as the only name among men whereby we must be saved! To Him be the glory! Let’s have our hand on the sacrifice, folks. Praise God!
April 5, 2020 - No. 1435
“The Hand on the Sacrifice” Part One
April 5, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1435 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise the Lord! I’m so thankful we have something we can sing about this morning. I just praise God for His mercy and His grace. Thank God!
But I was just thinking about the reality of what the Lord has given to us, what we’re remembering today…obviously the death of Christ and what that means, but the resurrection that sealed the deal. I mean, the evidence, the reality, the proof, God’s stamp of approval on everything that Jesus said when He declared, it was accomplished, it was finished, was affirmed when He brought Him forth from the grave.
And the Lord arranged it so that nobody was expecting that! I mean, the only people that were halfway expecting it were the unbelievers, and they thought it was gonna be faked. But the disciples were the ones that had to be convinced. They didn’t believe it at all. They didn’t understand. They were left in…I mean, everybody was clueless on the day that all this happened as to what it was about.
But I’ll tell you, when God brought Him forth, the scripture tells us that it was by many infallible or, “…many convincing proofs…” (NIV). They knew! And somehow in a period of 40 days, they went from being scared and hiding to boldly standing forth before all the people and declaring the truth of the Gospel. That’s the Lord we need in our midst.
( congregational amens ).
We don’t need to practice religion. And that’s one thing I want to emphasize, I guess, about this movie. I appreciated the testimonies they made. The one danger is that you can go to seed on the doctrine…and think, well, I’ve got the doctrine right, therefore, I’ve got it, I’ve got it.
Folks, if that’s all we’ve got, we ain’t got it. We need the One the doctrine is teaching about. We need the presence of Christ. It’s not the truth in the abstract sense, it’s the One who is the Truth. He is the One that we need in our midst today and he is the One who will carry us through.
You know, just to lead into what I had on my heart, you will remember how John the Baptist introduced Jesus to the people around him. On one occasion, right in the beginning of the Gospel of John, John the Baptist declared, behold, “…the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
And you know, he was doing this in a religious environment that knew something about sacrifice. They literally sacrificed lambs. You know, we brought out, several years ago on an Easter, I believe, the amazing…it’s amazing in some ways it shouldn’t be amazing, but the coincidence of the very moment…what was going on when Jesus was on the cross was the observance by the Jews of the Passover, the Passover being a type of what was happening on the cross!
And so there He was declaring it was finished, and over in the temple there was a high priest offering up a lamb and about to go through the rest of the ritual of the Passover. And, all of a sudden, the veil of the temple splits from top to bottom and there’s an earthquake, and…God was trying to get somebody’s attention.
But I’ll tell you…the idea of sacrifice and of a lamb, and the need for sin to be somehow dealt with was clearly understood because of what had happened in the Old Testament. I just…a couple of scriptures that kind of bear this out, one of them is in Romans chapter 3. And this is preliminary but important.
Romans chapter 3, this is where Paul is laying out the truth of the Gospel, why we need it, the principle of the law, that God gave them laws in the Old Testament but they were never meant to be a pathway to acceptance by God. They were meant to show our need so that we would come to Him on another ground other than our performance.
How many of you here want to stand before God one day and declare, I am here and I am worthy of Your Kingdom because I have measured up? Not one of us could possibly do that. There has to be another way. But the issue is, God is just, isn’t He? Now what does justice mean?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well, what is…yeah, that’s true. But what does the principle of justice mean? It means that there is a law, and somebody breaks that law, then justice demands that the penalty for breaking that law be carried out! Well, that leaves us in a bad spot, because there is, as he points out, there’s none who do good. Every one of us has come short.
So, what is the…I mean, how can a just God possibly give any of us here this morning hope? If He’s just, how can He do it? And that’s the miracle of the cross. Let’s see…the scripture I literally wanted to focus on was in…well, in verse 25. “God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice….”
See, God didn’t leave things…He didn’t just say, oh, I feel bad about this, I’m gonna let you in. Justice had to be honored. God…how can God be just and show mercy? That’s the conundrum here. But He has a way, doesn’t He? Thank God!
“He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.”
That’s the amazing thing. When Christ died in our place, God’s justice that I deserved was carried out upon Him. So, God upheld the justice of the Law, and allowed me to have hope in Him. Praise God! That’s the hope that God desires for every one that hears this.
And…I sometimes come away and say, oh my God, how…this has got to get through. This is not just religious doctrine we’re talking about. This is destiny-affecting stuff. And my burden is that anyone who hears me, I don’t want them to able to stand before the throne and say, nobody warned me, nobody told me.
There is no middle ground between the wrath of God and eternal life. Its one or the other, and there’s only one path to that life. I’ve said it over and over again. Those who cling to this life…that’s what every other lie is about. It’s, cling to this life, my will, my way, what I want, what pleases me! If you do that, if you pursue that and your interests are bound up in the desires of this world, you will stand before God in the Judgment and you will lose everything! It is only those who come by way of the cross, who lay down their lives and surrender them into the hands of a holy God….
John, the gospel writer, wrote very plainly in chapter 3…drew the difference between those who have faith in Christ and the end result is eternal life. Those who believed in Him had eternal life, but those who reject Him, those who do not believe, refuse to believe, is the real sense of what he’s talking about…those who have refused to believe, do not have life.
But it’s worse than that…and the wrath of God abides on them. The wrath of God is not on ignorance. The wrath of God is on people who absolutely possess the knowledge of what is right and…the only way of deliverance, and then they say, no, I’m gonna stand with the crowd. I’m gonna spit on Jesus. The heck with Him, I want my life.
And I don’t care how you package it. I don’t want anybody that I hear, or that hears me, to have any illusions about this. This is what is at stake. This is not simply religious dogma you’re meant to accept and go on with your life. This is the only reason we are here in this world, is for God to redeem a people out of it on the basis, not of merit, but of mercy! And it all is focused upon the person of Jesus Christ and what He’s done.
And we know from Hebrews, in particular, we get an understanding of what the Old Testament was about. Do you know the Old Testament was a mystery? The purpose of God was there! It was all encompassed in it and men think they can unravel the meaning of the Old Testament with their intellects! Folks, you can’t do that.
It’s not about a natural people with an earthly destiny, I’m sorry! It’s about a heavenly people with an eternal destiny! But oh, it was so…it was couched in such language that the Devil himself didn’t understand what it was about.
But think about this…we’ve made this point before. What was it, when the apostles went forth and preached the Gospel in the first century, and they opened the scriptures, what scriptures were they opening? The Old Testament! There was no New Testament! That evolved over time with Paul’s letters and the gospels and so forth. They opened the Old Testament.
God was the One through His Son who opened their eyes and began to teach them. You remember that occasion when he opened their understanding and showed them Himself, all the way through the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi, there was Jesus. He’s the main player in the Old Testament. And suddenly their eyes were…I get it, now I know what it’s about. All that that went before was a type and a shadow.
And I thought about this, and I think it’s very plain from Hebrews. We know from Hebrews that the blood of bulls and goats and lambs, and whatever, can they take away sin? No! So, what was the deal? What was that about? That was God giving them something, a way to express faith that would teach them, that would give them an understanding of what was to come.
And the God who saw into the heart of the person who was doing that, said, mark that one down. That sin will be taken care of. When was it taken care of? When Christ said it was finished. That was the sacrifice to end every other sacrifice.
If I was an Old Testament believer, one of the remnant, somebody who really had the understanding of what it was about and was doing this in faith, if I went and offered a lamb, God forgave my sins. How did He do that? Because He knew what was coming and it was as certain as if it…as if it had happened. Don’t mind me. Don’t get old!
( laughter ).
Praise God! But that’s where they preached from, was the Old Testament. And I’m getting to something because there’s a phrase, there’s a truth, there’s a principle that came to me over and over again…I just finally had to look it up. And, you see it right in the beginning of the Book of Leviticus.
Now I know everybody here loves reading through Leviticus, all the rituals and rules and regulations and how they were supposed to conduct themselves. But you know God was teaching things through that. I’m certainly not gonna try to unpack it all, but there’s one thing right at the beginning that had do with the offering of a sacrifice.
And…verse 3 of chapter 1, “If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he…” that’s the one who is coming, “…he is to offer a male without defect. He must present it at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting so that it will be acceptable to the Lord.”
Now here’s the thing that kept coming to my mind over and over again. “He is to lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.”
Now, if that was the only reference to this you might just dismiss it and say, oh well, that was interesting. But you read on through the next few chapters and over and over and over again, ‘and he shall lay his hand on the head of the sacrifice.’ He’s gonna bring this lamb, he’s gonna lay his hand.
And you go back into other places in the Old Testament and you will see when they were sanctifying the priests in the Temple and all of that, they came and they laid their hands upon them. When Hezekiah reestablished the temple worship and the Law and they offered the sacrifices again, there was a time when all Israel was assembled and Hezekiah and the others laid their hand on them. What’s the significance of that?
You know, was God gonna accept…was it acceptable, for example, if somebody sent a servant, hey, I need a sacrifice…servant, go take my thing down there, go take my animal down there. Or, here’s my sacrifice, see you later. Do you get a sense of what the Lord is trying to say?
“The Hand on the Sacrifice.” That’s as good a title as any, by the way. ‘The hand on the sacrifice.’ What does that mean? What is the Lord trying to convey?
Folks, when they brought a sacrifice, God meant it to be something that was participatory. They are saying, this sacrifice stands for me. This is me presenting myself. I’m coming because I’m guilty of sin. I broke His laws. I sense the guilt. I realize I need God, and I’m coming to the place where He told me to come and I’m bringing what He told me to bring.
It’s not just some leftover animal I don’t care about…with a broken leg, and ugly and all that kind of stuff. I’m bringing exactly…I’m bringing the best. But, when I put my hand on that animal’s head, I am saying, this is me. I am coming, oh Lord, there’s something in my heart that is represented by that gesture. My heart is involved in this. I am coming…I’m taking ownership of the reason that I’m here. I’m not making just excuses…they did wrong, and I…no! I did wrong.
Just like David, “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned.” (KJV). Nobody made me do this. I did it, Lord. I take full ownership and I come. And I come based upon Your promise, Lord. I have nothing else I could offer, but what You told me to do. But, oh Lord, this represents me. He is my representative. I am the one who should be there, but God has shown me mercy and given me a way to die and yet live. Folks, it represents not just the end of His life, but the end of mine. The hand on the sacrifice…that means something. And I believe God was teaching something.
You know, I thought about how many times in the Old Testament the Lord said…talked about their sacrifices being worthless, meaningless. You’re going through the form. You’re doing it, but…your heart’s not in it, basically, is what it came down to. Or, okay, we’ve got to do it so let’s find that lame old beast that I don’t care about, nobody cares about. Let’s bring that. In Malachi, you’ll see that.
But so many places that same theme is brought out. But here’s a holy God knowing the basis and the foundation for forgiveness was to come in Christ! And we know that God doesn’t look on the outward appearance! There’s not a person here who’s impressing God by sitting in a pew on Easter.
( congregational response ).
God looks at the heart!
( congregational response ).
And what do you think when God looked down and He saw one man who came with a genuine sorrow, contrition, repentance, and he did what God said and he laid his hand on that? Do you think God made a difference…do you think it made a difference in how God responded to those sacrifices, and somebody else who just went through the motion and didn’t have their heart in it at all?
Do you think it’s any different today? Is God looking for the outward appearance? Is He looking for the form? Is He looking for agreement with doctrines and religion? He is looking for the same thing today.
And, while we don’t literally employ that gesture, that gesture has the same meaning today. It is a 100 percent identification with that sacrifice. And that’s what God calls every one of us to. Praise God! It’s such a simple thing, and I don’t know…but the reality is, the sacrifice of Christ has no value until it becomes personal!
Now I’ll drop this in here. One of the burdens that I have, and I know it’s been expressed in so many different ways…we want to see God change hearts, change lives. We don’t want to see people grow up and miss this. We don’t want to see people come in and just miss this! I know that there will be…I know not everybody will listen!
And we rightly emphasize the fact that the Word has to be anointed! You cannot simply stand up here and spout out correct doctrines and expect it to do something! God has to come and infuse words with His Spirit so that they have life-giving power! But that’s only half of the equation! Jesus had that in spades. He had the Spirit without measure and people walked away and didn’t see it.
What’s the other side of it? God has to prepare hearts! I am so thankful when people come up to me and say, I’ve been praying for you or I’ve been praying for the services. We’re asking God to come and to speak and to give the Word. But oh, don’t stop with that! Keep doing that! Thank God!
We need that, but pray that God will plow the ground in people’s hearts and make them so miserable and feel their need that they’ll come and their heart’s will be open and say, oh God, let that Word enter in here. Don’t let me be hard soil. Do what it takes! Oh God, I need what this is about and I need it with all my heart.
Only God can open a heart! And it’s different with everybody, but it comes down to the same thing. Pray that God will open hearts when the Word comes. Let’s pray on both ends that God will work, and I believe He will, don’t you?
March 29, 2020 - No. 1434
All Music
March 22, 2020 - No. 1433
“There is Coming a Day” Conclusion
March 22, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1433 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: We have the same promise. What happened to Jesus is the promise! It’s the hope that we have been given, every single one of us. “Listen, I will tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep…” (NIV). That is, we will not all die. There will be people who are here when Christ comes.
“But we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” Oh, wait a minute. We’ve got the last enemy, the last trumpet. This kind of sounds like the end to me, doesn’t it? Yeah, there isn’t anything happening after this other than judgement and eternity.
“…In the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound…” There’s nothing secret about that, is it? “…The dead will be raised imperishable.” Wow. I need…I mean, that’s a miracle. Only God can do that. Only God can grant that kind of a life that cannot die, incapable of dying. “…Will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”
How many here need to be changed? Oh, praise God! That’s the hope that we have in that day, and it’s coming. “For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then…” at that time, “…the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
So, what we have now is a picture of Christ reigning. It’s not a visible reign to the world. It’s a case where He reveals Himself to willing hearts. He comes to make His home in those hearts. He goes to work in those hearts to change us, to prepare us for that time. And I’ll tell you, when the work is done that’s the day of Jesus Christ. That’s the time when He comes, and He gathers His people out of the world, and there’s nothing left but destruction. That’s the day. What a day that will be!
But you think about how sober and how serious it is. It’s an awesome for everyone that’s put their faith in Jesus Christ. It needs to overshadow every other consideration in our lives, because there is coming a day. Praise God!
But I’ll tell you, if there’s anybody who’s not serious, who hasn’t really ever surrendered the heart to Christ, you are in a place where you need—you need to hear the voice of the Son of God when He speaks to you, and not sidestep it and not say, but it’s my life.
You know, one of the things that Jesus said…now He didn’t quite go there in Luke 17. I’ll just refer back to it, because Jesus warned about this life that we’ve been given. How many times did He say this in His ministry? He that hangs on to his life, just put it in our language. He that hangs on to his life…what’s the prospect? What do you have to look forward to? These are the words of Jesus that will never pass away. You better reckon on this. You want to hang on to your life and your plans and your way and say it’s mine? You will lose it!
There’s no question about that. That’s reality. You may not see that. You may not feel it, but I’ll tell you, I pray that God will open hearts.
And you think about what it takes for God to rescue somebody from this evil world. Think about what Jesus said, “…I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (KJV). Think about what He’s saying there. We live in a world that is in prison—that is a prison basically. It’s a prison planet.
Every person born into this world is a slave and blind. All you know is the desires that arise from your heart, the ideas that you take in from your surroundings. There is a nature that is bent against God, and there is a world of evil spirits that control everything, that rule over this planet. Satan is called the god of this world. This is what we’re up against, folks.
But I’ll tell you, I serve One who defeated him completely at the cross, who has all authority in heaven and earth. But I’ll tell you, when it comes to saving somebody, it’s not just a matter of informing people of the facts, and they just take their own free will, supposedly, and just…okay, I’ll accept You.
Man, this is a confrontation between God’s power and Satan’s power over the will of somebody. And it’s not, okay, I like Your plan. I’m gonna agree to it. This is, I’m surrendering. This is, I recognize my condition. I recognize that there’s nothing that I can do to help myself. I recognize that I can’t deserve this. I can do nothing, Lord.
But, it’s not just the fact that I don’t deserve it, it’s that I don’t have the power! I have no power to change! I know many who remember Brother Thomas talking about going door to door and witnessing and talking to a man one day who, best I remember the story, he told Brother Thomas that as a teenager he had picked up a pamphlet that was written by some atheist. And somehow, it had clicked with him, and he had embraced what he was reading, the philosophy, and he said from that day forward, he had no desire for God, no ability. You just couldn’t touch him at all. It wasn’t even that he was antagonistic. He just was dead.
You think about what it took for God to save Saul. You think about this man that had supposedly, in his own mind, devoted his life serving God. And he was there when they were stoning Stephen, and watched Stephen kneel down and say, Father, into Your hands, I commend my spirit. “Do not hold this sin against them.” (NIV).
And, he’s watching this Godly man lay down his life, and he’s standing there holding the coats of those who are throwing the stones and agreeing with them! Do you think he was just a little bit blind? You think about what it takes to reach a man like that. God had to arrest him. God had to penetrate the darkness of the human heart.
Oh, God, we need to pray that every one who hears this Word, that God will confront the heart, will penetrate past the mind and it won’t just be just a religious thing I can add to my life, that God will make real who He is and what your life really is about and what’s at stake. Is He Lord? Are you a citizen of that kingdom, or are you a citizen of this one?
It’s pretty plain to me that when that day comes, it’s gonna be one or the other. You’re either gonna be all in with one or all in with the other. I want to be all in right now. That’s the only safe place. Jesus didn’t say wait until you see all of this and then get ready. He said, be ready.
But oh, I’ll tell you what, the only possible way that anybody can be saved is when grace is extended, when God is there confronting the heart. That very presence of God is not just the influence to say you ought to give your life to Me. It is the very power by which we do it. If God is not there, you have neither the inclination nor the power to come to God. That’s why He says, call on Me when I’m near. That’s when you need to call.
Oh, I’ll tell you, if God ever speaks to you, you cry out to Him, and you say, oh God, help me…oh, God. I’ll tell you, I just pray that God will burn His Words, the reality of what we’re talking about today. There is coming a day! And God wants it to be a great comfort to those who know Him, but it’s a great, powerful warning to those who don’t. I’ll tell you what.
Here’s another thing that I see that encourages me, because I know that in our journey, we face many facts that we confront in our own lives, whether they’re circumstances, whether they’re weaknesses, whether they’re discouragements.
How many of you reach times in your life, you who know the Lord, when all of a sudden, you come face to face with something that’s in here? And it’s dismaying. And you wonder, oh my God, what’s the answer to this? This is discouraging. Here I’ve served the Lord for so many years, and look at the terrible thing I’ve just found out about myself, and it’s…what am I gonna do? Oh, could God love me?
I’ll tell you what, the very evidence, the very fact that God’s people become concerned at such a time, the very fact that you’re dismayed and don’t want things to be that way is the evidence that God is at work! What did He say in Philippians 1:6 about God who started the work will do, what?
( congregational response ).
Continue it. How long? “…Until the day of Jesus Christ.” There is coming a day. You see, there’s a graduation day for every child of God. There’s a time when the work is gonna be done, and He will pull back the veil and say, this is what I’ve been doing.
I’ll tell you, if God is at work in your heart, we need to let this reality that we’re in the middle of a process, but we know how it comes out! We need to lift up our hearts and say, praise God! Lord, You have brought me to a place of need, but You have the answer to my need! And so, my hope is in You this moment. I refuse to be discouraged by what I see, but rather encouraged that You are doing exactly what You said You’re gonna do. You’re continuing a work.
You know, I thought of this many times. Paul wrote those words in the first century. An awful lot of God’s people have died, but this Word says, He continues His work until…that means, in some sense, that work is going on. It’s not that people are trying to overcome sin in themselves. There’s a freedom when people die and go to be with the Lord. But I’ll tell you, there’s still a work.
God’s people have to learn stuff. God’s people, many of them perhaps, are among us more than we might realize. They’re sent on missions to planet earth. But I’ll tell you, God’s at work in every single child of God. Many die in ignorance. Do you think that God just leaves them in a corner in heaven? Or do you think maybe there’s some teaching that’s going on? And God is preparing every single child of God to come to that place together.
You know, there’s an awesome scripture that I thought about over in Ephesians. Ephesians is back in this other direction. Okay. Ephesians chapter 1. You know, Paul begins, and I don’t even want to try to go through his sentence, because it’s an endless sentence. But basically, Paul is exulting in what God has done for us, the forgiveness of sins and all that He’s done for us in Christ!
And, in verse 9 he says, “And he made known to us the mystery of his will….” Now, a mystery is something that you can’t understand unless God makes it known. I don’t care how smart you are. You’ll never figure it out if God doesn’t show you.
Isn’t it a good place to just humble ourselves and say, God, I can’t know anything unless You show me? I’m not smart enough to figure out Your Book. Think about that. There are a lot of people think they are. I’m not. I can’t figure this out. God has to reveal it.
But there is a mystery…according to what? Based upon what? His good pleasure, not my virtue, not anything in me. “…His good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ…” Okay? “…To be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”
You think that’s talking about the day of Christ? You think that’s talking about that climax of the ages? Here, Jesus was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, given all authority in heaven and earth, He has been reigning, not to fix the world, but to call a people out of it, to prepare them for a kingdom which will, all of a sudden, be unveiled before an unbelieving world.
It’s all gonna happen in one basic event. Don’t ask me to explain all the details. But, I know what Jesus said. I’m going with what He said, aren’t you? Praise God!
Now, here’s one thing that some people might be aware of. How about John chapter 5? I’m gonna just drop one little thing in…just a reminder that this all happens at the same time. John chapter 5, verses 28 and 29. Jesus said, “Do not be amazed at this….” Now, He just talked about the fact that God had put all judgment in His hands.
“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming…” Some translations say, ‘an hour is coming.’ “…When all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.”
Does that sound like multiple judgments and multiple resurrections? This all happens at the same time, folks. The scriptures are consistent in how they present this day that we’re looking forward to. There is a day that’s coming. It’s real, and everybody in the grave is gonna be coming out. There will be a judgment, and there will be two destinies that will be manifest on that occasion.
What about 1st Thessalonians chapter 5? You know, we used that passage last week. And I’ll just refer briefly to it. 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, and Paul has been encouraging brothers about those who have died, that God’s gonna bring them with Him. We’re all gonna meet the Lord in the air. Does that sound the day of Jesus Christ? Sounds like it to me. It all happens together, doesn’t it?
“Now brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord…” Again, there’s that singular day. “…Will come like a thief in the night.” Unexpected. “While people are saying, peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, bothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.”
Do you see the singular event that’s going on here? See what the Lord’s getting us ready for? He is reigning ‘til all enemies are under His feet. And I’ll tell you, when He’s done, He’s gonna say, Father, I have done what You’ve asked. Here is the Kingdom. It’s complete. There are no more enemies. Oh, praise God! What a day that will be! You talk about something to sing about and rejoice in! That’s the day that’s coming.
And I’ll tell you, the same Word of God that is able to speak and galaxies fling out across the endless space, that same God can simply speak and dissolve it. He has the power to do anything He wants to do.
So, it raises the question. Look at the world. Why doesn’t He intervene? The Devil loves to raise that question in people’s minds. Oh, if there’s a God of love, why does He let such bad things happen? Why did He do it in Noah’s day? I’ll tell you, His focus is on calling His people out of this very kind of a world.
“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you.” Aren’t you glad He’s patient? I need a God whose patient with me, who knows how to work with me…all the stuff that He’s got to do in me, only God can do it.
The more I go, the more I say, oh, God. The stuff that needs to happen in my life, You are the only One who can do. I just call upon You to do it. I surrender. I believe You. I’ll tell you, there is no other path to life but surrender.
But, “He is patient…not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” That’s the reason God is allowing things to be like they are. There are still people that are hearing the Word of God. They’re still people. I don’t know how much longer. I’ll tell you, when we come to the end, it’s gonna be like it was in Noah’s day. There will be nobody who will be crossing the line. Like it was in Sodom, nobody else will be crossing the line. God knows when that day is.
“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” Or “burned up” in other translations.
So, here is the conclusion of all of this for us. I’m about to lose my voice here. “Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?” Folks, if you’re living your life under any other kind of idea about where things are at and how they’re going, you better reckon on this one. There is coming a day, and what Jesus has said will happen. There is coming a day.
Now, whether it happens in my lifetime or not, there is still coming a day! Because folks, like we said earlier, suppose I die, suppose you live your life and die, is that the end? A lot of worldly people would like to think so. That’s how they justify being able to do what they want while they’re here. That’s the only opportunity I’ve got. Then I’m gonna be dead and gone. There’s no God.
Good luck with that, because everyone is gonna be raised from the dead to stand before the One who sits on that throne right now. I’ll tell you, we need to reckon on these truths. They need to be so burned into our consciousness, that they are the reason we live. They are the hope upon which we constantly are able to lift up our eyes and see, no matter where we are at in our life and in our walk.
“You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” Praise God!
This is the same Word that Jesus said will never pass away. “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.”
And so forth. I’ll tell you, we need to reckon on this and be careful. Jesus warned about being caught up in the world, about sleeping, about drifting and getting just enamored with the world and busy with that and losing touch with what God has called us to do, and what He’s called us to be. Folks, we need to have…this needs to be front and center in our thinking.
There is coming a day. What if it were today? If you’re not ready, there’s coming a day. And, I pray that God will penetrate the darkness of your heart and make this real to you.
But, if you are here today, and you know the Lord, regardless of where you’re at in your journey, regardless of the difficulty, regardless of the attacks of the enemy, there is coming a day, and it will be worth it all when we get to that.
We’re gonna get there, and we’re gonna be able to look back and understand. God, I get it. I know why You took me that way. I could never have let go of my own way and laid hold of Your way if You hadn’t brought me the way that You did. Oh, praise God! He who has begun this good work will preform it ‘til the day of Jesus Christ! That day is coming! That day that will shock the world, but cause Christians to throw up their hands in praise and be changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye and be with Him forever.
Are you ready for that day? Are you looking forward to that day? There is a day that’s coming. ‘There is coming a day,’ I guess is the line from the song. There is coming a day. Thank God for the reality of it. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words, Jesus said, will never pass away. Praise God! That’s my hope today. Is it yours? To God be the glory!
March 15, 2020 - No. 1432
“There is Coming a Day” Part One
March 15, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1432 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, there’s a song that we sing in the choir from time to time that’s always had a special meaning for me, and a special memory and that’s, “What a Day That Will Be.” And I know I’ve probably shared this on different occasions and I don’t know if this is all repetitious, you forgive me.
But, I guess my sense about that song goes back to a time when Sue and I were in college and we used to go…we’d get up a carload many times on a Sunday evening and drive from several miles north of New York City, at the campus, into New York and then over into Brooklyn. And there was a church there, at the time, that really had a lot of life and it was a tremendous help to us at the time.
And basically, something happened on one particular night. There was a…it was one of those churches, a lot like the Brooklyn Tabernacle, just not as big. But, they tend to give an invitation at the end of a service and this particular time the invitation had to do with people who needed the Lord, needed to come to the Lord, needed to come to faith.
And, instead of singing a song like, “Come” or one of those invitation songs that we typically use, they sang this song, “What a Day That Will Be.” And I mean, they sang it, and we sang it, and it got way beyond just the emotion of religious people singing. God came down. I mean, you remember…if you’re in an occasion when the Lord’s presence really comes down in a manifest way, wow!
And we must have sung that 15 times or more, just over and over again until people’s hands were in the air. I mean, I still choke up thinking about it. There were tears running down people’s face. I can’t imagine how anybody who didn’t know the Lord wouldn’t be shaken and awakened at a time like this. It was real!
And it was like the Lord was saying, yeah, I’m looking forward to that day, too! Praise God, it’s coming! And I want everyone to realize the reality of that. And I guess, that’s kind of the area of thought that I’ve had. If I had to give a title to this, and for the sake of our folks in the room there who want a title early, “There is coming a day…” is the first line. Might be as good a title as any, “There Is Coming a Day.” Folks, thank God there’s coming a day! That’s the hope of everyone in here who knows the Lord.
( congregational response ).
There is coming a day, regardless of where things are at right now, what we see in the world, what we experience personally, there is coming a day, and that’s our hope.
You know, we live in the middle of a world that’s got its own expectations. You’ve got some people who are terrified at what’s going on and they’re expecting bad stuff and they’re prepping. You’ve got rich people that are building bunkers underground ‘cause they’re afraid of what’s coming.
But you’ve got a lot of people who believe in human potential, and believe that we are meant to evolve into much more than we are. We’re gonna conquer the stars. We’re gonna conquer everything and we’re gonna be great and we don’t need God anymore.
I’ll tell you, there’s coming a day. And it’s gonna be an amazing time. I thought about…just as a simple place to start. I’ve got a lot of scripture. We may skip over some of it. But I just want to have what the Lord wants to say.
But in Luke chapter 17, it’s a scripture we’ve used a lot. In fact, I don’t think I’m gonna say anything you haven’t heard, but my prayer is that God will make it real. And God will apply it to the present company, and all who may hear this other ways and will touch every heart, beginning with mine. I sure need Him this morning, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
Praise God! I’m subject to the same needs and weaknesses that you are. But anyway, there was an occasion in Luke chapter 17 where the Pharisees came to Him and you know they had their religious glasses on. They had the blindness of their religion, and so they had a concept of this Kingdom that God had promised in the Old Testament and all they were thinking about was an earthly kingdom where Israel would be exalted above the nations, set free from tyranny like Rome and all of that. And so, they asked Jesus, when is the Kingdom of God coming?
Well, Jesus took the opportunity to say, “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation.” (NIV). That’s a key principle that a lot of people need to realize. God’s Kingdom is not about this present world. It will never be a visible, political, whatever, kind of kingdom, over this present planet.
And I believe what God is telling us to expect is something we need to be…we need to have this as a world view, if you will. It needs to dominate our thinking that there is coming a day and we need to know about that day, and we need to be ready for it.
So anyway, Jesus wanted to let them know that that’s not the way God’s Kingdom works, in this present world. God’s Kingdom is not visible but it’s within. It’s something that you cannot see.
You know, I thought of a scripture that I don’t know if I’ve used it very many times but it really kind of highlights this in John…just hold that place…but turn over to John 14, just for a moment. And this is a…you know, Jesus said a lot of things to the disciples the night before He was crucified and I’ll guarantee you they didn’t understand much of it. An awful lot of what He said they did not understand until later.
But there was one thing that He said in, oh, beginning in verse 21. “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” See, that’s a key.
The disciples at least picked up on this. Said, “…Judas (not Judas Iscariot)…” who was gone now, but another disciple, “…said, But Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?” Do you see the principle that Jesus was talking about earlier, when He’s talking about a kind of seeing, a kind of revelation, a kind of making known that happens to some but not to the world? All right?
It says, “Jesus replied, if anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” That’s what the Kingdom of God is about in this world. It’s God making a home in a human heart. The Kingdom of God is when the King comes to reign, not over an earthly, political kingdom, but in the kingdom of the heart.
Is your heart part of His Kingdom this morning? That’s a critical question. Because I don’t care…you can go to…somebody can go to church all their lives and Jesus never reigns here. That’s the key. And I’ll tell you, there is an amazing blindness in the world today.
But go back to Luke chapter 17, because Jesus takes this opportunity to talk to the disciples about something. And He says, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. Men will tell you, There he is! or Here he is! Do not go running after them. For the Son of Man in his day…” Now, there’s that singular word ‘day.’ “…the Son of Man in his day….” There is coming a day.
So, what’s it like? “…The Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.”
So, Jesus is looking down the stream of time saying, yeah, there’s coming a day. It’s My day. It’s the day when I show Myself to the world and I’ll tell you, things will be over when I show Myself to the world. It won’t be something secret. It will be open. Everybody will know it. It will be as sudden and shocking as lightning. But boy, there’s coming a day. Okay?
So then, He says…now He’s comparing this, and I don’t want to belabor this because we’ve talked about it so many times, but He compares His coming to two different historical events. One of them had to do with Noah and his day. The other one had to do with Lot being rescued out of Sodom.
Now what are the characteristics of both of them? There was a world that had reached a place, spiritually, of no return. Do you know that can happen? Do you know that there comes a time when God ceases to strive with someone who just does like this and says, no!
When God works, and like He says in Noah’s day, “…My spirit shall not always strive with man…” (KJV). That tells me that God had, for a long time, a lot longer than I would have had patience to do it, but God’s patience was demonstrated in continually reaching out to convict the generation of that day, through Noah’s preaching, no doubt through many other ways, God was trying to speak and they were saying, no, we’re gonna go our way. We’ve got our life. This is my life, I’m gonna live it. Just go away and leave me alone. And finally, He did.
How many of you are gonna look back and say, wait a minute, I had plans? My wedding was next week. I had a business deal I was…oh, we were just getting ready to go on vacation. There are a thousand and one things that people value in this world.
I’ll tell you, if God truly transforms us, not just on the outside to make us religious, but I mean transforms us right down to the bottom of our being…I’ll tell you, if your heart is a part of what Jesus is talking about, there won’t be any looking back. Man, it will be, thank God, I get out of this place! Lord, You’ve kept me in it and you’ve even blessed. There are things that you’ve allowed me to enjoy here, but this is not where my life is. Oh God, come! “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”
And yet, don’t come until everyone that’s gonna come in, comes in. Oh, there’s that tension between wanting to go and wanting it to be over, and saying, oh Lord, don’t hurry too fast. Don’t leave anybody behind. Do you believe He’s gonna leave anybody behind? I don’t either. He isn’t. Thank God!
But I’ll tell you, there is a sober warning to everybody. This has got to be a heart issue with every single one of us. You know, I was thinking about this business of how people could get in that kind of a condition where, as Jesus said in Matthew 24, I’ll just refer to a scripture there where He says, “And knew not…” talking about the people of Noah’s day. They didn’t know what was gonna happen.
But Noah had just been preaching about it for 120 years and building a boat and they didn’t know? There’s a kind of ‘not knowing’ that has a lot more to do with willfulness than ignorance. This was a deliberate ‘not knowing.’
And I thought about the process that leads to this. How many of you remember, and I’ll just refer to something that you’ve heard before? How many of you remember the parable Jesus told about the wheat and the weeds, or the tares, in Matthew chapter 13? And they’re wondering, how in the world? Lord, you planted good seed in the earth, where did all this come from? He says an enemy did this.
And the Lord said, don’t you try to separate them. Don’t you try to figure it all out. You just…you wait. There’s a harvest coming. What was the first part of the harvest? How many remember?
( congregational response ).
Gather the weeds out from the wheat. “…Bind them in bundles…” To do what?
( congregational response ).
“…To burn them.” How many of you remember Brother Thomas talking about some of this? I believe he was exactly right. What are some of those bundles? What does that mean about being bound together? I mean, you think, oh yeah, throw them in a pile, they’re gonna be…no! There’s a binding.
I’ll tell you, we live in a world of ideas, of religious deception, of political ideas, of social ideas, of lifestyles, you name it, there are a thousand and one things going on in our world that have captured people’s minds to the point where they think that is what my life is about. This is what I’m living for. Not only that, I’m not the only one and so I feel strengthened because I have these people that I can associate with and…I’ll tell you, there’s a strength when people begin to bind together.
And I’ll tell you, God allows people to make choices like that. He will strive, but He is not gonna override the choices that men make. And so, there comes a time when people are so bound up you couldn’t explain it to them. You couldn’t talk to them. I’ll tell you, it’s amazing what it takes to wake up.
And you think about that day that is coming. I’ve just wrestled with how to…the order in which to develop the thought. But I’ll tell you, I’m gonna drop something in that touches on what I ministered on several weeks ago.
What do the people of this world really have to look forward to, if they knew what was coming? In the first place, this world is going to be destroyed. Everything is gonna be destroyed. Everyone in it that doesn’t know Christ is gonna die! Is that the end? Is that the end? What does the scripture say that they have to look forward to?
You want to write a scripture down, look at Hebrews chapter 10, verse 26 and 27. There is a looking forward, “…fearful looking for of judgment….” And what’s beyond judgment? “…Fire that will consume the enemies of God.” (NIV).
Is that plain? You see these physical bodies that we live in, yeah, they’re gonna die, but that’s not the end of it. There’s still that person that has lived in here and has been in rebellion against God, or has known Him. You see where there’s gonna be such a radical, radical separation of the entire human race and it’s gonna happen on that day. It’s gonna happen at the same time.
I’ll tell you what…you remember what Jesus said? He said, no one knows the time. You know the crazy people that come along every so often and say, Jesus is coming on such and such a day. Jesus doesn’t know when He’s coming, for crying out loud! How do they know? But I’ll tell you, He is coming.
And there’s one thing that, besides this fact that there is coming a day, that needs to be burned into everybody’s consciousness. But there’s something else that needs to be burned into everybody’s consciousness. Jesus said, in the context of talking about His coming, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Let that sink in. This world is planning for all kinds of things. Some of the things are things that might happen. Some of the things are things they hope will happen. But here is something that will happen. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Man, that’s what I want to bank on! That’s what I want to live for! How about you?
And so, we see, on the one hand we see Jesus talking about a time when the Kingdom of God will literally be in the earth but it will not be visible. Then He’s talking about a day that’s coming when everything will be visible and everything will be concluded. Okay?
You remember Jesus said something at the end of Matthew. He encouraged the disciples shortly before He went…this was the risen Christ now. They had gone through this period of time when the disciples themselves didn’t know what was going on. They were discouraged. They were defeated. They were confused.
And all of a sudden, Jesus shows up, raised from the dead and He has a body that’s different from theirs. It’s real. He eats fish with them. They can touch Him. But it’s not like their body. None of sin and death, none of the things that we live with in this world afflicted that body.
And so, He declared to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Yeah, that’s something we need to put in our pipe and smoke, as the expression goes. This is something we need to understand. In every situation of life, no matter what it looks like, no matter what the facts that we observe are, there is One who has all authority in heaven and earth.
He is absolutely carrying out the Father’s intent that He declared in His own sovereign will before the world ever was, this is what this creation is about. This is where I’m headed. This is my endgame. Jesus reached a point in carrying out the Father’s will where everything was put in His hand for Him to reign.
So, what was that reign about? One of the things it was about was, “Therefore go and make disciples….” I’ll be with you till the end of the world. It’s spreading the news about this Kingdom! Okay?
You know, I thought about another scripture that we’ve used from time to time and it’s in 1st Corinthians chapter 15. And this is where Paul is trying to deal with some craziness that has gotten into the Corinthian church. It seemed like they had a lot of problems and yet, I’ll tell you, it’s a comfort and blessing to me to see God dealing with people that He loves and yet they had real problems.
I can identify with that. I can be thankful that here was a church that came behind in no gift, and yet look at all the stuff that was wrong. And you actually had people telling other people, or trying to teach the idea that there is no resurrection. Well, good grief! What are we living for Christ for? What good does that do? We need to just, eat, drink and be merry, and tomorrow we die. That’s the end of it.
That’s what the world thinks! The world has just done away with the idea of God. We’re gonna just do our own thing. But I’ll tell you what, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and that is the evidence that everything He has ever said we can bank on. If there’s nothing else that you believe, believe what Jesus has declared to be the truth, because He is the Son of God. God authenticated everything about Him when He brought Him forth, conquered the grave, conquered our sins, conquered everything! Every enemy is under His feet! Okay?
So that’s where Paul’s getting here. And so, in verse 19 he says, “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. But…” Oh, praise God for the buts! “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”
I’ll tell you, God has a plan to bring forth those who have died, because death is a part of this creation. Ever since sin entered, death reigns. But there is a victory over death and the beginning evidence of that, the firstfruits of a harvest, if you will, was Jesus Himself being raised from the dead. He’s the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep, or have died. Okay?
“For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” Are you in Christ today? Praise God! There is a certainty of hope not based upon your qualifications, but based upon the purpose of God.
But here’s the thing. “But each in his own turn.” There is a time schedule. “Christ, the firstfruits.” That’s the evidence. That’s the reason you and I can have hope this morning, because Jesus was raised. God has a purpose of raising every one of us up, whether we die first, or whether we meet Him in the air on that day when we’re here when He returns.
It says, “Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
So, we have a reign of Christ. We had His own declaration that all authority and power in heaven and earth had been given to Him, so what was He doing with this? Is He, as some teach, basically just sort of sitting in heaven, waiting to come back and reign? You awake?
( laughter ).
Is that what this is about? No! He went to a throne and He began reigning. That was what Pentecost was about! What was the evidence that Jesus was on a throne reigning? It was the outpouring of His Spirit and the calling of people into His Kingdom, the beginning of the building of His church, and the beginning of the Gospel going out to the ends of the earth.
That’s the reign of Christ! That’s what it’s about! It is about calling people out of this world! It is about a transformation of hearts and characters. It is about the blotting out of sins! It is about defeating every kind of stronghold of Satan in lives! It’s about preparing a people to live with Him in a perfect place forever! Only God can do that! That’s what it’s about.
Do you want to know what the time frame of this thing is, and the evidence of it? Listen to what He says, “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.” Okay? When does that happen? When is death destroyed? Look at the end of this chapter. These are truths that we have heard preached over the years and we need to have a grasp of them. I want God’s people to know what they believe and know why they believe it, know where it is in the Word.
The scripture that we use so often, at the end of this passage, has to do with the coming of Christ. It’s sudden, and how we’re gonna be changed and transformed and gathered to Him. But listen to…well, listen to what he says in verse 31, well, verse 50. You want to know why God’s doing what He’s doing?
He says, “I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” That’s why the Kingdom of God has to be something that’s in here. And I’ll tell you, when it comes into…when it becomes visible to everybody, these bodies will be done away and changed!
March 8, 2020 - No. 1431
“Perseverance in Joy” Conclusion
March 8, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1431 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, it’s awful easy…a lot of people look at the world and they’re try to make sense out of it. And if you’re trying to make sense out of it with your human, your limited intellect and your limited viewpoint, it’s gonna be a mess, because this world is full of suffering. It’s full of terrible things that are happening. There are things that happen to us when we think we’re doing good.
You know, we need to come to a place where we can see beyond what this puny brain thinks it knows. I’ll tell you, real faith, real persevering faith, is able to come to the place where we simply are able to rest questions that we don’t have answers for in God’s hands.
And, you know, one thing that I notice about all these things that he says in that particular paragraph, 16, 17 and 18: everyone has a choice. We think of joy as an emotion, and it is. But to us emotions are simply our reactions to things that happen to us. And so, if something happens that is pleasant, that, oh boy, I’m happy about it. I’m enjoying that. If something happens that’s bad, oh…
( groaning ).
Oh me. And we go and have a pity party. But I’ll tell you, God wants us to have a faith that is practical, that is able to deal with the realities of this world that we live in because it’s not a nice place.
And God knows what He’s doing. I’ll tell you, if you don’t know it now, you walk with the Lord awhile and you’ll find out. There are things you and I don’t know about ourselves. There’s a lot you and I don’t know.
And we’re serving a God…even as He revealed himself to Job, He didn’t just say, I’m doing this, I’m doing that. He said, were you there in the beginning? Do you really know what this is all about? I’ve got purposes that stretch from eternity to eternity. You’re in a little tiny…you just got here. And you think you know, and you’re trying to reason out to the point where you’re almost ready to accuse me.
Folks, we get in the same spot. When something happens to us and we get…and we let questions settle in our minds. Is God really fair? What did I do? A thousand and one things that come that are negative and they provoke emotions of self-pity and depression and all those kinds of things. I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God that doesn’t want His people to live in that. Praise God! Praise God!
And it’s gonna take a consistency of faith. I don’t want to present this as a simplistic thing where you just, oh yeah, I’m supposed to be happy…and we paste this smile on. There are gonna be times when it’s gonna be a real, real battle. We need to be realistic. God knows!
It was for Jesus! How many times have we pointed out in scripture where He cried out in prayer, “…with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him…” (KJV). He needed help. But yet he says in the midst of that, there was a joy that was the dominating principle of His life so that he was able to be a Man of Sorrow, acquainted with grief. He could feel all the emotions that you and I’ve felt and yet not allow them to get him off track or to weigh him down or any of those kinds of things. He was always able to see past that.
Isn’t that he says in Hebrews, chapter 12, where we are exhorted to be patient and to run with perseverance and all of that. But, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy….” Now where was this joy? In his circumstances? No, there was a joy set before him! He endured the cross! He despised its shame…there was one thing that absolutely dominated His being…His constant looking to God and knowing that, knowing where this was gonna end.
That’s the hope that God wants to plant in every one of His children, starting with me, where we can look at the circumstances of life and see a God who…and know what the end of the story is, and know that He is doing what He knows is best for us.
My God, we are not the Potter. We are the clay. Oh, how we reason, how we look at others and say, well, this was the way it was with them, why isn’t it that way with me? Every one of you is not…we are not cookie cutters, cookie-cutter Christians…the result of being…you know what I’m talking about. He doesn’t manufacture us as clones. Every single one of His children is a special work of divine art.
That’s why sometimes people will look in the scriptures and say, well, I see what happened here. They did this and this was the result, so if I do that, that will…you know, I thought about a…this may sound crazy coming in here, but I’ll say it anyway.
Every once in a while, I’ll pull out the Narnia Chronicles and read them. Some of you have. Aslan is the Christ figure in that very interesting series. But one of the lines that really stands out, in one of the books in particular…I won’t go into where it is. But, Lucy, one of the main characters, is talking to Aslan and she remembers what he did in a certain time before that. And, why don’t you do that? And he says, dear child, or dear heart, nothing ever happens the same way twice.
You know, that’s a simple lesson. Isn’t that profound? But we need to realize that God wants us to learn to walk with Him and to let Him do what He needs to do in us, the way He wants to do it, in the time frame He wants to do it and realize He is the Potter. We are the clay.
And where He’s going with this is gonna be amazing. One day He’s gonna take the cover off and put us on display…not as, look at them and look at what they did. It’s, look what I did! They came to me just as they were, as the song we sang this morning, broken, having nothing to offer Me, but they offered Me themselves. And so, I went to work and I changed them.
It’s not just a superficial change, where they learn how to behave and go to church, and say the right words. You notice that scripture we read about what God does. Paul said, “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.” (NIV). That goes all the way to the depth of our being!
So many times, we’ll reach a point in our Christian life where we think, okay, I’ve got it down now. I’m on cruise control. We’ve reached a nice plateau, I’m just gonna put one foot in front of another and everything’s gonna be great. And God is seeing all kinds of stuff that’s way down here, hidden things we don’t even know about…maybe we do, but maybe we don’t want to know. But I’ll tell you, God is gonna keep on working, isn’t He? God loves us too much to leave us in the shape that He found us in.
( congregational response )
Thank God! But oh, does this call for a kind of…something that goes beyond mere perseverance as we think of it. God wants us to be able to go through this with such a vision of what is going on, what’s really happening, that we don’t sit there and get mired in the moment, mired in the emotions that naturally flow out of difficult experiences.
God wants us to say, thank God, I know! I’ve got a joy in my heart You have planted there. And I know where this is headed and so I’m rejoicing that God loves me enough to take me through this. And I know that I’m gonna learn something about Him…I’m gonna experience Him in a way that I have never experienced Him before. And I’m gonna come through this richer.
Didn’t Job come through it richer? Yeah, he had twice as much as he had before. And there’s a testimony in scripture of a God who is able to take somebody beyond their ability to comprehend what in the world was happening? What could possibly be the reason for this? Oh, how we need to stop asking those questions and say, God, if there’s something I need to know, help me to know it. But Lord, I trust You.
( congregational response )
Is this not faith? I mean, isn’t this perseverance in action? Is not mere…
( groaning ).
We don’t go through life grudgingly, and sort of a little bit angry at God because of the way He does things. Think about what we do when we give into negative emotions. Are we not exhibiting them against God? Are we not saying, God, where are You at? I don’t understand. This doesn’t make sense.
We’re doing the same thing Job did, where he said…basically the conclusion that he came to, when you boil it all down, was, I’m righteous. There must be something wrong with God.
Think about that. When we act and react. And again, I don’t want to say this in a way that comes across as condemning, God knows. We go through times when we experience genuine emotions that are really difficult to deal with. And God knows that. But I’ll tell you, there comes a bottom-line moment when God wants us to be able to rise above that and just commit things to God and say, God, I’m trusting You, with this moment, this day, this time. I’m not gonna sit here and yield to that.
All you have to do is go through the Psalms, and you see David pouring out his heart. The scripture, one of my favorite psalms that Brother Danny read the other night, was “How long, O LORD…” Psalm 13. And I don’t see God condemning David for even expressing that.
You know, we can come to God that way, can’t we? Can’t we be honest about how we’re feeling? But yet, I don’t want to come to God with a spirit that’s condemning Him and saying, there’s something wrong with You because this is happening. I want to come to God with that sense of, help…I need help with this, Lord, because I want to see beyond it.
I want to be able to do what Paul said when he was…though the outward man was perishing, what was he looking at? Was he looking at the things that were temporary or was he looking at the things that were permanent?
That’s the only thing that’s gonna carry us through, folks. God wants us to have such a sense, such a genuine heart conviction, not second-hand information. God wants you to have a first-hand knowledge that there is a God who loves you, who has a purpose for your life that extends way beyond the circumstances of this one. And He is gonna take us to the other side and it’s gonna be awesome when we get there, not because we’re special, but because He is…everything! To Him will be the glory forever and ever.
But I’ll tell you, there’s a whole bunch packed into that, “Be joyful always….” And you know, coming from Paul, they knew this was not something that he learned in theology class, because, remember what happened right before he came to Thessalonica, he had just come from Philippi…I don’t doubt that he still had the marks and the wounds that they had suffered because they were stripped and beaten and put in the stocks…praised God at midnight.
And here’s the other thing. You know, it’s awful easy, like I say, to look at a situation like that and say, oh, I know how to get out of this. Let’s just sing and praise God, and the circumstance will be done away with! And so, you do that and…wait a minute, this isn’t working. Oh God, we need to have a faith that just simply says, I’m gonna do what’s right. I’m gonna leave the details to God.
( congregational amens ).
I don’t know what His plan is, because you remember in Hebrews 11, how God moved mightily to bring great deliverances to some and other people, He let them die! And yet, every one of them was a hero of faith. Praise God!
But here’s Paul writing…I mean, they knew that this was somebody who had been in a terrible circumstance and been serving God and this was their reward, to be cast in prison and yet there was a spirit that enabled them to sing and praise God!
And God just had a particular purpose that He manifested Himself the way that He did. And so, they knew, this guy knew what he was talking about. This was not theory to Paul.
And so…but think about this, in all that we’re talking about is his exhortations to the Thessalonians. These guys weren’t people that had been sitting in church for 40 years. This was a three-week church, quite likely. And then a short time later, he goes through Berea. He goes to Athens. He sends Timothy back. Timothy comes back with the report and he writes the letter. So, you’re talking weeks maybe…certainly not more than months. You’re talking about some very young believers.
I’ll tell you, if God is at work, we don’t have to wait until we’ve been in church 40 years to grow up. There’s a God who can do stuff right now if we’ll let Him, and can teach us the deep things of the faith. This is real Christianity right here. Anything short of this is just a lot of theory.
You know, we sing some songs that aren’t exactly realistic here and there, praise God! I’m serving Him. I’m on the mountain. All my problems are gone. Well…no, they aren’t. But I’ll tell you, we can still have a joy in here.
( congregational response ).
And most of the time, it comes down to a choice to surrender and to believe God. That’s what He honors. If you let your emotions dictate your state, you will be all over the map and a lot of times you’ll spend your time down here in the valley. And the Devil will make sure that you feel all kinds of things, when God wants us to lift up our eyes and look to Him and be joyful always, always.
I’ll tell you, is this not a pretty good description of what faith really is in action? It is not just gritting your teeth and hanging on and saying, oh God, I know You’re gonna get me through and I don’t like it much but here we go, I’m gonna hang on. This is where we get past that and we can see…we can share Jesus’ joy. That’s what He longs to share.
Is that not His heart for you this morning? Does He not want you to have His joy this morning? You see, the problem is, we’re not quite willing to let go and just really embrace this and say, yeah, that applies to me. This is mine. I have every right to lay hold of what God…what Christ has paid such a high price to give me.
Oh, His heart and His purpose are so infinite. Just like Job who stood there and philosophized and tried to come up with an answer, and all of a sudden God just said, were you there when I formed the earth? Did you help me measure it out, and the skies and the stars and all those things? Do you know enough to be actually talking about all of this?
Folks, you and I don’t know. We just got here. But we serve a God who knew about you. That’s how great He is. He’s outside of time. He knew about you, He knew everything about you, the good, the bad, the ugly. The truth is, by His standard there is no good anyway, but you know what I’m saying. He knows everything. He knew everything about you and me before the world ever was created.
And He planned something that you and I have stepped into because He has reached us. We didn’t go looking for Him. He came looking for us. Oh, don’t we need to open our hearts and say, oh God, I don’t want to live a life of mere endurance. I want to live a life of joy. I want to live a life of conscious dependence upon You, where I know that I need You every single day, every single moment of every day. I can’t make it. But I want to get beyond those things. I want to get to the point where I’m thankful.
Isn’t that what he said in Philippians? You pray about everything, with thanksgiving. Do you see how all these things dovetail together, they’re all pieces of the same faith, expressions of the same faith in a God who knows what He’s doing.
I’m in the same battles you are. And there are times we get weary. There are times we’re prone to yield to those emotions of things, based on how we feel. I certainly fight the same thing you do. But I believe with all my heart, God is calling us to something that’s deeper. But, we’re gonna have to be willing.
The awesome side of this coin is, that God’s promised to do it. He is the One who is doing something. The other side of the coin is, we have choices to make. And the degree to which we enjoy this in a practical sense, is very much dependent on our willingness to make the choices to do what Paul exhorts these brand-new Christians to do.
My God, if he can exhort them and expect that this was a message they would understand and benefit from, what about us who have served the Lord for years? This is pretty much basic Christianity, isn’t it? Don’t we have an awesome God?
Let’s go back down to 23, “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you…” Set you apart. “…Through and through…” Right down to the center of your soul, all the things that you don’t even know about and don’t want to know about. “…May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.”
Oh, praise God! Do you see where there’s a foundation for what Jesus said about coming to a place of rest? Where we’re not sitting there serving God fearfully like Job did. We’re not struggling with the things and trying desperately to explain them or else we’re not gonna believe God.
We’re saying, oh God, I know who You are. I commit myself into Your hands. I believe in Your salvation and my need for it. And so, I’m just willing to rest in Your faithfulness. Lord, if there’s something I need to know, You can tell me. But if You want me just to walk in blind trust…if you want to put it that way…where I don’t have the answer to the specific situation but I’m gonna trust You anyway, then I’m willing to do that.
I’ll tell you, that cuts across a lot of what’s wrong with us, if we’re willing to come to that place. How many of you are candidates for more rest today?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Put up both hands. This is central. This is central to walking as Jesus walked. How in the world? He knew everything that needed to be known, and yet there was a joy, because He saw past what happened to Him as a man. He saw past all of that, to the heart of a loving God who was planning something that He could share with everybody.
He wants that same joy, that was in Him, even on the cross, to be in us in our day-to-day walk with Him. Praise God! I want that too, don’t you? Praise God!
March 1, 2020 - No. 1430
“Perseverance in Joy” Part One
March 1, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1430 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I was thinking this morning, or this week, I guess, about the service and what the Lord might want to have emphasized and my mind went back to the last couple of weeks, but particularly two weeks ago when the emphasis of the Lord was on the Book of Hebrews.
But the message that the writer gave to the people, the burden that was on his heart, was the fact that there needs to be a persevering faith in our service to God…that it’s not just that we’re gonna live a easy, smooth life, but rather there needs to be this ‘never quitting’ kind of spirit that always has a confidence toward God and always goes forward. And, that’s an awesome truth.
I’m so glad though, that the Bible has a balance in its rendition of truth and the truths that God would have us to understand. There’s always this incredible balance. And you know, as I thought about that, it would be easy for us to take that, or for someone to take that business about persevere and say, oh God, that sounds like a dull, horrible life.
You know, we’re gonna just hang on by the skin of our teeth and maybe we’ll get there, and it’s just gonna be kind of miserable on the road, on the journey. But, you know, I’ve just got to put one foot in front of another and just got to suck it up and keep going. How many of you think that’s the kind of life that God wants us to have? No, that’s not it at all, is it?
And I was trying to think of this in terms of what Jesus said. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (NIV). Now how in the world do you reconcile that with the reality of what we go through in the world, and yet, here in America we go through so little, compared to many of our brothers and sisters who are in incredible places of difficulty and challenge and suffering? How do you reconcile all that?
And again, I believe this is the balance that the Lord wants us to understand. And I’ll just trust the Lord to guide me through this. I thought of the Book of 1st Thessalonians, and there’s a passage, there’s a very short passage in chapter 5 that kind of came to my mind in this regard, and it has to do, not just with the fact that we’re supposed to be persevering, but how does that work? What does that look like?
And you know, is it this kind of ‘oh God, I’ve got to get through this’ kind of thing, or is there something deeper? Is there something more real that God wants us to enjoy?
Look at 1st Thessalonians. It’s either the first or second book that was actually written in the New Testament era. You remember how we’ve talked about in the past that when they went out and preached the Gospel, they preached from the Old Testament, exclusively. There was no New Testament. They simply gave the…they showed the fulfillment of Christ and all that He’d done, right through the Old Testament, from the beginning to the end, and preached Christ and then preached the message that He’d given, and that was it.
But as the churches began to be formed, then the occasion arose for putting down on paper these things, and writing to encourage. And what had happened here in the church of Thessalonica was…you remember how Paul and Silas had gone out on the second missionary journey, and along the way Timothy, young Timothy, had joined them in the ministry, and so, they came to a place where they wanted to go one direction and the Lord said, no, go another. And then Paul had that Macedonian vision. “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” So, they went.
And one of the main places they went was Philippi, and you remember what happened in Philippi. It’s recorded in chapter 16 of Acts, and that was where they had ministered for a while and God performed miracles and all of a sudden, people just began to riot against them, and they were thrown into prison and beaten.
And at midnight, you remember the account of how God shook the prison and wound up being the salvation of the Philippian jailer. But right after that, they actually left Philippi…spent a short time there, founded a church, left it in the hands of the Lord and went on.
The next place they went was Thessalonica. And, in the early part of chapter 17, you find out that they basically spent about three weeks there. How to plant a church…well, let’s just go for three weeks and see what God does. Well, God did something amazing, didn’t He?
They went into the synagogue on three successive weeks, but it wasn’t just the Jews that they influenced. There were some among the Jews who believed, but there was a great number among the Greeks. And it mentioned some of the prominent women in the city there that came to Christ and began to be a fellowship of believers.
And all this happened in three weeks. I mean, it’s amazing what God can do, if God’s the one doing it. You know, you can build up a program and establish a tradition and have a personality and you can build a religious organization, but this was something that God did. And His power came in and revealed the truth of the Gospel to hearts and changed people.
So, they had convictions that were able to stand in a context of tremendous opposition and persecution. This was not just, well, glad you found something you like, neighbor. This was real…invading Satan’s territory and experiencing great opposition, and of course, you remember what happened… how there were folks there that stirred up a riot. And, there was a terrible riot against Paul and Silas and the believers, and they actually…the brothers actually sent them away.
So, after three weeks, they are, all of a sudden, they are leading a brand-new group of people that had just come out of…on the one hand, vain traditions of the Jews, on the other hand, a heathen religion, and just basically commending them into God’s hands.
And so, they went on and they went to Berea after this. And you remember how the Bereans there, at least they considered the scriptures. But over time, they moved on from there and they sent Paul away, ahead of them by himself, to Athens. And so, it was while Paul was in Athens…so this is not very long after that, that he actually wrote back to the church.
And the occasion was, obviously he had had them on his heart and his mind, he’d thought about them, and said, oh God, please help them. You know, we weren’t able to be there with them. Lord, is this gonna work? Are they gonna stand?
Finally, he writes…and this is all recorded in the earlier chapters of 1st Thessalonians…he talks about how the power that he saw demonstrated, how evident it was that this wasn’t just a work of man, but God had come on the scene and built real, genuine, supernatural conviction in hearts that changed lives. And he talks about how the Apostles themselves conducted themselves among them and how they responded. And it was such a blessing to him.
But finally, he says, in chapter 3, we couldn’t stand it any longer so I sent Timothy to find out what was going on. I want to make sure you guys are okay. And so, he reports the fact that Timothy has just come back and given a wonderful report, and praise God, that makes our joy full, and what a glorious thing it is.
So then, from chapters 4 on, he begins to exhort them, what it means to live for Christ. He talks about how that God has called us to live holy lives, to leave the sexual, licentiousness of the culture around them behind them, and offer themselves to God in a holiness, and live according to God’s purposes. Then he goes on and he exhorts them about many things.
But the exhortation that I was most interested in came in chapter 5, when he lists a whole lot of things. But before I get to the particulars, there is a scripture that we have used many times that absolutely overshadows, it gives a context in which all of these exhortations…you should do this, you shouldn’t do that, and all that…all those fall under the context, or within the context of what he says in chapter 5, verse 23.
“May God himself, the God of peace…” (NIV). Isn’t that a wonderful thing? “…The God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” Praise God!
You know, it’s so easy to look at exhortations in scripture, this is the kind of person you should be, this is what you should do, and then to feel, oh God, one more thing…and I can’t do it. I’m just so…Lord, okay, I’ll try hard, but You know…and then just live under this, almost like it’s turned into a law.
But thank God, the context for all of this is what you’re doing is putting yourself in the hands of a God who has promised that He’s started what He’s done and He’s gonna finish it, and He’s gonna carry it through. So, you’re in the hands of one who is absolutely true and faithful in His promises.
You know, he’s just talked about the fact that we don’t even have to worry about people that die in Christ. Yes, we grieve, but we sure don’t grieve like those who have no hope, because we know that there’s coming a day when Jesus Christ will come in the eastern skies and every one who is His will be gathered to Him. The dead in Christ will rise first and so forth, and then we’ll be caught up together with them in the clouds. What a hope that we have!
And he exhorts them in the meantime to live, to put on the armor of God. This is the first reference we have to Paul referencing putting on armor. And to live sober lives, serving God, and to live as people who are awake and alive and know what’s happening. We’re living in a context…we don’t have to be buried in what’s happening in the world and how to explain it, we live in something that’s greater, with a deeper understanding.
But the passage that I came to that just seemed to jump out at me begins in verse 16. There are three verses there, very short exhortations. And the first one is a very simple one. “Be joyful always.” Be joyful always! Now, you put that in the context of living in a world that does not supply joy from our experiences, and especially if you’re serving Christ and you live in a world where the Devil hates you and is gonna stir up every kind of trouble that he can. And there are all kinds of trials and difficulties that we’re called…and yet, he says, “Be joyful always.”
How many of you think that this means we go around with a pasted smile on our face and act joyful? But I’ll tell you, I believe with all my heart, if we put this in the whole context of scripture, there is a joy that you and I can have. It’s not just gritting our teeth and saying, okay, I’m gonna hang on ‘til He gets here. This is living with a joy, a genuine joy, that comes not just from the outside and from trying to ‘be’ joyful, and act joyful; this comes from the heart. And that’s what God wants.
And, again, the greatest example that we have of that is our Lord Jesus. And He talked to the disciples…the night before He was crucified there was a long series of speeches, I guess, is a word, but exhortations where He teaches them and prepares them and then He prays for them. And one of the things He talks about is the fact that He has walked in His earthly life according to the Father’s will. He didn’t come to do His own bidding. He came to carry out the Father’s will.
And as a direct result of walking in harmony with the Father, there was a joy that He had on the inside. And He talked to the disciples and said, I want you to have the same thing. I want you, as I have walked, carrying out His commands, I want you to carry out Mine so that you can have My joy. God wants us to have a reservoir of something in our hearts that is so real that it becomes the dominating principle of our lives, despite the things that happen to us on our journey.
And so, He prays that same thing over in chapter 17. I won’t turn over to it, but last week we mentioned His prayer for unity. Well, I will turn over there. Let’s go ahead and read it. John chapter 17…verse 13, “I am coming to you now…” Now He’s talking to the Father. “I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.”
I’ll tell you, God wants us to have something on the inside that’s real. Something that…that isn’t dependent upon circumstances. And my God, this is an issue for every one of us. We are dependent, far more than we might like to think, on our circumstances. And we can say, oh I’m trusting God, but I’m miserable. And a lot of us live in that far too much, far too…well, far too much.
You know, I thought about Job. It’s easy to think of him because if you’re following the reading plan that takes the Bible in its chronological order, and I know Ron is shaking his head because he does the same thing, this is the time of year you’re reading Job, because he was one of the oldest characters in the Bible.
And so, we know how Job reached a point in his life where he was doing his best to serve God in a world that was beginning to move away from it as it already had. I believe this was after the flood and no doubt it was after the Tower of Babel, but almost certainly before Abraham. So, the flood and all of that was a fairly recent memory. They knew about God. They knew about God’s judgment. And so, there were a lot of people…there were people among the people of that era that knew about God and they served Him with what they knew.
And the Lord Himself was the one who brought to the Devil’s attention, His servant Job. Have you considered Him? And so, the Lord allowed Satan, as we know, to do some, to bring some terrible circumstances in Job’s life. First of all, he loses his whole family. He loses all his possessions and he still says, “The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” (KJV).
Wow! How many of us could do that? I mean, that takes a confidence. That takes a faith. So, there was something that was real in Job’s heart and his life. But then, the Devil is allowed to touch his health, not to take his life, but to make him miserable with pain and suffering. And then, it hits the fan. And then, old Job is really having a time, isn’t he? And we see the emotions break out.
And then, he’s got some friends there that aren’t any help. His wife’s no help. “Curse God and die,” is her advice. And some friends come along and they’re gonna explain it all to him. Have you ever had friends like that? You know, every one of us, we are subject to taking our understanding of things…what we think we know about God, what we think we know about truth and then trying to explain our circumstances based on what we know. Good luck with that!
And that’s exactly where they were. And they’re sitting there trying to philosophize and go through every bit of supposed theological knowledge that they had and the three friends…I mean, talk about being stuck in a simplistic, legalistic way of looking at things. All they could see was, you have suffered calamity! It’s obvious! We know that God judges and He punishes the wicked and He blesses the righteous! You’re experiencing all this. Come on, come clean, Job. You know you must have sinned. All you have to do is confess your sin and God will make you prosperous again and everything will be great and grand.
Well, that’s a pretty limited view of God. You know, one thing that was kind of obvious. This was really a second-hand knowledge, wasn’t it? None of these people had ever really had an encounter with God. They heard from Noah and others about this God. They knew that He was serious. They knew that He judged sin and so they had this little simplistic, world, worldly centered view. You know, my circumstances are dictated by how I deal with God and how I obey Him, and I do what I know He likes, and I avoid what He doesn’t, and that’s kind of what life is about.
And so, they were just constantly pestering him. You know this is what it is. Look at the wicked. They do wickedly. Their children go hungry. And on and on and on they go with these long, windy speeches. And Job says, I haven’t done anything. I’ve done everything I’ve known to do.
But you know, I noticed something in Job, too. Job is still subject to a lot of this same second-hand thinking. Not only that, he’s living a life of fear. How many of you think God wants us to live a life where we’re afraid of Him? And we do what we do out of…oh my God, I’m afraid to make a mistake. He’s gonna beat me down. He’s a powerful God and I’m just afraid of Him.
Oh, God wants to take us beyond that. Oh, thank God, He doesn’t want us to serve Him that way. And I see in the account of Job…I see a lot of me, I see a lot of us, but how God had a purpose…Satan obviously wanted to bring him down. But God had a purpose of taking this one man that he saw was so zealous to try to do what was right and please Him, that He wanted to lift him out of a place of serving Him out of this fear. He wanted Job to have a knowledge of God and to know that there’s a bigger picture than just worldly prosperity and circumstance.
I mean, even Job is wrestling with the fact that…he’s trying to tell his friends, look, it’s not as simple as you’re saying. Don’t you know that there are people that are wealthy and wicked and they’re just doing fine, and their lives are great? And don’t you know that there are good people that have bad things happen to them? I mean, it’s not that simple.
But the mistake that Job makes trying to make sense of the world and what’s happened to him…the thing that he really falls in the ditch on is, he is so convinced of his own righteousness. He’s basically saying, all I need to do, if He’ll just get with me, I can plead my case. I can tell Him that I haven’t done anything wrong. What’s going on?
That’s not a good place to be, because we’ve got a God who knows a little bit more than we do. He has a bigger picture and a larger purpose. He knows what He’s doing. And so, that was the mistake he finally makes. He begins to question God. He begins to say, I’m not so sure that He really is just. I know I haven’t done anything!
I mean, you think of the fearfulness of a man whose kids have a party, and what’s his reaction to that? He says, they might have sinned. I better offer a sacrifice. I mean, there’s this fearfulness in everything that he’s doing. Yes, he wants to please God, but it’s so distant, God is just somewhere out there and I’m afraid of Him.
And so, God begins to take him through all of this. And what is God’s approach to…when He finally shows up on the scene and he talks to Job? Job, where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me all about it. And He goes through all of creation and the stars and the creatures and all of that. Where were you?
And Job, all of a sudden…he’s just standing there…oh my God, I think I know stuff. My perspective is so limited. This is an amazing God. He has purposes beyond what I can imagine. And in all of this, at the very end of it…Job repents of what he did.
And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who came right to him. He was not ready to smack him down because you didn’t do everything perfectly. This was a God who was looking for a reason to lift someone up and to bless them.
February 23, 2020 - No. 1429
“Faith vs. Facts,” Conclusion
February 23, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1429 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I wonder how much you and I, more than we dare realize, are prisoners of this “realistic” thinking, where we live in a prison house of earthly ‘facts’ so-called, when God wants to take us beyond those facts and show His power in us. Do you think maybe, just maybe that’s where He’s going with a whole lot of things that’re happening in our lives?
How many of you just love…I know you’d all love to have an easy way and just, praise God, I’d jump on the bandwagon and it’s gonna take me to heaven and everything is gonna be great and grand and we’re gonna sing and shout all the way there. I’ll tell you, we can sing and shout but it’s gonna have to be through tears, sometimes. It’s gonna have to be through pain, sometimes. It’s gonna have to be through difficulties of many kinds!
It’s not “realistic.” God has put us in a world where every fact that the Devil can bring forth is rallied against what He has said and what He has promised, and we’re gonna have to make that choice! And only God’s power at work in a heart can enable us to do that! That’s why we’ve got to open up and say, God, help me!
( congregational response ).
And in those times when you have no answer, in those times when it hurts, when there’s sadness, when there’s sickness, when there’s all these things that rise up against faith and you’re wondering, does God really care? That’s when faith grows! That’s when God wants to enables us. He’s promised to give us the grace, the divine help that we need in every kind of…every time we face that type of circumstance. God wants us to reach out and lay hold of Him.
You know, that was the service Wednesday night, wasn’t it…how that God has given us everything. Some of you weren’t here. But anyway, God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. So, what’s lacking? Why don’t we have it?
See, we need to lay hold of His promises, and God will take us through life experiences in which the virtues that He longs to form in our character will be called for. We’re gonna need them. When every ounce of your natural being wants to hate somebody, and God says love them, I need help.
But has God provided that help? So, what’s my place? It’s to reach out by faith and say, God, I feel this, but You promised. Well, I’ll tell you what, there are a whole lot of people that blame God, effectively, for their troubles. I was born this way. If God wanted me to live this way, He wouldn’t have allowed me to feel this. Oh, yeah? You don’t have a clue what’s going on in this world. God has fixed it to where we live in a world where we are gonna have to go against this, and it’s gonna take divine power to do it. But we have a God who is faithful!
( congregational amens ).
So, here’s Abraham, and of course, you remember. Well, let’s see…let’s talk about what he…in verse 13, back to Hebrews 11, “All these people were still living by faith when they died.” (NIV). And so, the faith, the things that they had a hope of, many of them extended beyond their natural life, and still they reached their deathbed, and they didn’t say well, God promised this, and I don’t see it, so, therefore, poo on that!
There was a conviction. They were able to breathe their last breath and say, God, I know You’re faithful. This is worth dying for. This is more real to me than all of Satan’s facts. Is He that real to you? That’s what God wants to build in every single one of us. Okay?
So, “They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.” Now here’s a part of it. “If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.”
That’s a real issue, folks. Where is our affection? There are a lot of people in the world who feel needs that life brings, and they would like their circumstances to be improved, and they see in God a means to that end. They want to come and believe in God and trust God and ask God and all this, and God’s gonna come, and He’s gonna do this, and thus and so in my life. That’s what I’m looking for.
What’s the motive in that? That’s trying to use God as a servant to fix me up, to make my life what I want it to be in this world, My God, that’s not what the Kingdom of God is about. The Kingdom of God is about rescuing Satan’s prisoners and changing us from the heart level out and getting us ready to leave this life behind and embrace one that is to come.
And the reality is that there’s a God who can make that so real that you would be willing to lay down your life. Man, we need that. I don’t want any of these precious young people down here to have second-hand faith. I want you to have your own encounter with God.
( congregational amens ).
He will come and speak to you and make Himself real to you if you will open your heart when He comes! And you can have something that’s real. Boy, I wish you could see more in us. I guarantee we’ve all got room to grow, don’t we? But this God is real, and He wants to be real in this hour that we face. We face the darkest hour the world has ever seen. I don’t know how that will play out, but I know that there’s a God who has put something in us that will prevail over all of that if we will trust Him. Okay?
So, people who say…okay…if they had been thinking about these things, there would have been opportunity to return. “Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” How many believe that God has genuinely set before us a hope that is eternal, that there is a kingdom that’s real?
( congregational amens ).
The world will look at you and call you a fool, and tell you that this is just pie in the sky, feel-good, imaginary religion, that you’re just trying to do this as a coping mechanism because life is hard. Well, there may be people like that, but I’ll tell you, there is a God who’s real. That God was real to Abraham.
( congregational amens ).
And he looked past everything that there was wrong with this world, and he said, this is not my home. God’s purpose for me goes way beyond my individual life, and I’m gonna die in faith.
I tell you what, the faith that took him through was the faith that enabled him when God said, sacrifice your son. You think about the reality of the facts that that man had to face. Can you just feel the fight and the questioning within him? But God, this is the son You promised. Lord, I know he was supernaturally given to me. God, this is Your son. How can you ask me to do this? But his confidence in the Person of God went beyond his questions. Think about that.
Every one of us will face things in life about which we will have many questions. But I’ll tell you, we need to have such a knowledge of who this God is and what He has done and how much He loves, how much He has demonstrated that love and the promises that He has. His promises are more real to us than anything we can see and touch and feel, because they’re that real.
And so, we see how God allowed Abraham to come to the point where his arm was raised then God stopped him and said, I see that you’re not gonna withhold anything. I don’t know whether I could face that test or not. But you think about the facts that he was having to deal with. The scripture here says that he, “…reasoned that God could raise the dead.” Well, that was one way to look at it. That isn’t how it happened.
You know, God has His own way of fixing things and bringing circumstances to bear on our lives and changing them. Wouldn’t it be nice if we would just learn to rest in that? Oh, how we struggle, and we strive, and we question. Oh, God, if You really loved me this wouldn’t be this way. God…when are You going to answer my prayer, Lord?
Why don’t we just say, God, I’m gonna take one stance, one stand before You, and I’m just gonna simply believe You. And I am well aware that the Devil is going to raise up every kind of fact he can that will oppose that conviction, but God…I can’t do this in myself. Lord, by faith, I ask for the grace to fuel this faith and enable me to rise up and enable me to have that conviction and to stand in the middle of this.
Of course, you have the example of Moses, “…when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.”
That’s a pretty good picture of what faith is, isn’t it? Do you see, even among such a rag tag bunch of people that doesn’t impress anybody in the world…I don’t care. I want to have something that’s real. We’ve got a lot of room for improvement, but I want something that’s real.
I don’t care whether we impress anybody. God will reach people. God will work with hearts, and He will draw people that…where He opens the heart. My God, we don’t need a program that’ll bring people in here and appeal to their flesh. We need God to change hearts and lives.
( congregational amens ).
But here was a man, somehow, God enabled him to have enough faith to make a rather radical choice. How many of us would have said God, I praise You? My people are in trouble, and You allowed me to grow up in the palace! Think of all the good things that I can do for them because of my position. But that isn’t how it worked.
Oh, we would love to stay in what we think of as a safe, comfortable, nice, circumstantially profitable place, and simply extend help to those poor people “down there.” He stepped over, and he said, I’m one of you. I recognize that this Egyptian empire that’s so real…. He didn’t pretend it wasn’t real.
This empire that is so powerful and so real at this point in history that they enslaved my people, I see where this is going. They’re not serving God. They don’t have any kind of a future. My future is gonna be here with these people, because I know the promises God gave to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and I’m with them.
You know, even then, you remember what happened when God was ready to use Moses? He came to a place where he had to deal with some facts, and they were facts in his mind. I can’t speak. I’ve spent 40 years in the wilderness tending sheep. You got the wrong guy. They’re not gonna believe me. Oh, God…on and on and on. Finally, basically, he said here am I, send Aaron.
( laughter ).
But you know, God took the weakness that he had when he surrendered it to God, and God made him the mightiest prophet of the Old Testament.
God doesn’t need your resources. God doesn’t need your facts about who you are and who you aren’t in this world. God is not looking at us as a natural people with all of our particulars in life. God is simply wanting a people who will come to Him and say, God, You are my God. Lead me in a plain path.
Lord, we’re facing another year. I don’t want to come to the end of this year and be where I’m at right now. I don’t know what Your path has for me. I don’t know how much we will see Your power and glory. I mean, we’d love to see that, but this may not be the time for some of that. This may be a time when God is gonna be digging in our hearts and getting us ready.
I’ll tell you, there are times when God pours out His Spirit, and there’s a people that just are so superficial and so immature, they can’t handle it. I want to see God work, don’t you? We have seen Him in the history of this church. We have seen Him do mighty things. And that’s not the sort of thing that we see from week to week right now, is it?
But I’ll tell you…we need to have a heart that says, God, bring us to a place of maturity where You can do everything that we see that’s a characteristic of Your church in the Word. We can see the gifts of the Spirit. We can see miracles, when that’s appropriate. And we won’t go to seed on it, and we won’t become a bunch of sign-seekers that glory in that. We’ll always keep You in the center.
Folks, how many of you are praying that way? We should! We need to cry out and say, God, we are not satisfied just to sit here and be keepers of the tradition! We are not called to simply occupy ‘til He comes, in that sense, or like Jen Hartman put it so many years ago, hang on ‘til I get there.
There’s more to it than that. God has things that He wants to unfold in our lives. The things you’re going through right now and the things I’m going through right now, where so many facts raise themselves up and say, look at you, you’re weak. Look at this circumstance, you’re defeated. Look at your life. You’ve been this was all your life! All these things rise up, and they’re facts! They’re real! But God says I’m bigger than your facts.
( congregational amens ).
If you’ll just reach out to Me and trust Me, I can take you out of that. I can lead you forward, and it won’t always be with exhilaration. It will be sometimes with pain and tears and perseverance, but that’s what the nature of the Kingdom of God is about in this world. That’s what the writer here is talking about. That’s where he’s going with this. This is to God’s people to help them understand what real Kingdom faith is about. Praise God!
You think about the…oh, Lord, you could just go through the whole Bible and talk about facts. How about when the Israelites were standing on the shore of the Red Sea…I mean, the near shore? Those were some pretty serious facts. The mightiest army in the world was poised to destroy them. They have an impenetrable body of water in front of them. They have no arms to possibly be able to do anything.
They’re trapped by their circumstances — except that they weren’t! There was a God who had power over that sea, and they were enabled to walk through that thing on dry land, and not only that, that very sea closed over and destroyed the army that was chasing them.
Folks, I want to serve that God. He may not do something that dramatic, but that’s the same God that’s here today. These are not history lessons. These are meant to cause us to reach out and say, You are my God, today! You can do everything that You said You would do in the scriptures, but Lord, help us to walk with You when we don’t see the fire flying. Help us to trust You. Help us to look to You every single day.
Oh, can you imagine what was going on in the minds of some of the folks when they went up against Jericho? Never mind that they had just walked across the Jordan River at the flood stage, and God had opened that. I mean, that was pretty cool. But now, all of a sudden, they’re gonna defeat a city, and God gives them a battle plan of marching around it and singing. Seriously?
And you know, you get to the point where the seventh day, they march around it seven times. This is getting ridiculous. That wall is a fact. We can’t sing it down. Only, when they trusted God, God intervened, and God took care of the fact. And that fact wasn’t a fact anymore, was it? Praise God!
Over and over again, you see this same theme. Gideon, Barak, Samson, David. I’d say he faced some pretty good facts, didn’t he?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. Goliath was at least twice as big as he was. I mean, they had genuine giants in those days, and he was on up there, probably higher I could jump these days, and touch the top of his head. But anyway, that was real. He had a sword that David could barely pick up. And David had no experience with armaments. And the whole army was afraid. I mean, on and on and on, there was nothing that he could look to in his natural environment that would give him any kind confidence or hope.
So, where did his hope come from? It came from his relationship to God that he had seen in lesser things. He had seen God at work in his life. And so, he didn’t even sneak out there and say, I’m hoping this will work out. He ran. He got five stones and only needed one of them. Why? Because God’s power trumped every earthly fact!
I don’t care what the facts are in our lives. We have a God whose power trumps those facts. I mean, you think about so many of these things that are accounts that we know about, and some of them are referred to here as, shut the mouths of lions. Of course, he’s talking about Daniel, isn’t he?
You know, you don’t go into a den of hungry lions and have the door locked behind you and expect to come out in one piece. Everybody knows that. The whole history of the human race would tell you that. Be realistic, Daniel. Hide yourself. Don’t be a fool. You can still pray in secret. He went and opened his window and prayed exactly like he always had. And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who took him through that and shut the mouths of the lions until he threw his enemies in there, and then they had a feast, didn’t they?
Can you imagine being one of the three Hebrew children? What were the facts? You’re standing there under the power of a king who is the greatest emperor on the planet at the time. His army is there. There ain’t nowhere to run. He is demanding that you fall down at his image and worship that image, and you know that’s not right! How many people would have pretended? God wants a people who are so steadfast that nothing will cause us to compromise with the facts of this world. Kind of quiet, isn’t it? But it’s the truth, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
And I’ll tell you, we have a God who will fight our battles. And of course, we know how that one turned out. Not only did they survive, the Lord was in there with them!
But here’s the other, the flip side of that. Down in the middle of verse 35, “Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated.” Praise God!
But yet, they are listed among the heroes of faith just as much as the ones who saw a supernatural deliverance. See, it’s not about how things work out. How many of us fall into that trap? Oh, I’ll believe You. And then, I’ll believe You, and it’s a little bit less and little be less, and the next thing you know, we’re just, oh well.
God wants a people like He said to the church at Smyrna in Revelation, “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.” There are people that God is going to do something amazing. There’re gonna be supernatural deliverances like you have never seen, if that’s God’s purpose for that situation. But God may well call some of us to literally give up this earthly life and be killed. Does what you have…will what you have take you through that?
If you have the Lord, you have what you need. He is what we need. When we choose to believe God instead of the facts, quote unquote, God is going to minister the faith that we need, and faith is going to become stronger. We are gonna become the kind of people that God wants us to be. There is no other way to get that.
You can’t come down to the altar and get filled with faith. We’re gonna have to get it in the field of battle. And I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who has never failed His people. He’s never failed for one that has looked to Him from their heart, and He won’t fail you! I don’t care who you are! I don’t care what your history is, don’t care what your circumstances are! This God is greater than all of that!
( congregational amens ).
He, “…calls things that are not as though they were.” Oh, I thank God that we’ve got Somebody who transcends facts. He’s not limited by you and your weakness and you circumstance and your failure and your track record and all these things. We have a right to go to a God who can take us beyond all of that.
So, lets cry out to Him and say, God, build the kind of faith in me that I need to please You and to walk with You. Help us to walk in this and not simply use it as a history lesson, a theology lesson. Bring the words off of these pages, and make them real here, now in our midst. Praise God!
February 16, 2020 - No. 1428
“Faith vs. Facts,” Part One
February 16, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1428 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! My brain is really…I need what I’m preaching this morning. I feel especially weak, but that’s good. Didn’t Paul say, I glory in my weakness? Well, praise God! Anybody with me this morning? You feel weak this morning? Praise God, let’s thank God for it and say that doesn’t hinder you at all.
But I’ll tell you, I guess what I was going to say is this. We have in human culture different kinds of people with different kinds of personalities and one thing you see in some is kind of a fantasy life, where they imagine things like they would like them to be and sort of…and then somebody will come along and say, “Come on, be realistic?
How many of you think we need to be realistic? Not in that sense, because I’ll tell you, if we’re realistic we’re gonna miss everything that God has, because what the Devil means by realistic is you are confined by your circumstances. You are confined by the reality, the facts.
And I guess if I had any way of characterizing this today it would be faith versus facts. Because every one of us is confronted with facts…they’re apparently…and they’re real. It’s not that you can look at something and say, that’s not real. It is.
But look at how the writer begins the…chapter 11 of Hebrews and he defines what faith is. What is it that God’s looking for, for you and me? I guess that’s a good question to ask. What is He looking for? Okay? He’s looking for something more than just a hand-me-down religion, isn’t He?
( congregational response ).
You know, we could look at ourselves through the world’s eyes and there’s very little that’s impressive about us. We’re just a bunch of people that probably a lot of people would say, they’re crazy, they’re dreamers, they’re just walking in delusion, what they’re embracing is just feel-good, hope-so, old-fashioned…all the ways that these things get characterized, because you’re not really dealing with the reality, with the facts.
And I’ll tell you, God deals with facts but I’ll tell you, He deals with it with a supernatural power that transcends everything. And, the one thing I do not want to see is people who grow up in this church and simply embrace, outwardly, what we stand for and never have the reality on the inside. That’s a horrible situation. We don’t need anybody with hand-me-down religion. We need people who have a conviction that God has placed in your heart that enables you to see things that others cannot see, and they’re real!
This is not fantasy. But I’ll tell you, you’re gonna have to have the real thing. There’s a God who will speak to any heart that’s willing. And I’ll guarantee there are probably people here that God has spoken to and when He spoke to you, you weren’t willing. That’s a scary thing. But oh, I’ll tell you what, there a God who will open blind eyes and enable you to see things that the world cannot see and considers to be foolishness. Praise God!
And so, the writer defines faith very simply. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (NIV). Now how does that comport with the idea of living by facts? It doesn’t do…no! I mean, what we hope for, is that a present thing? You know, Paul says in Romans 8, if you hope for something, you’re talking about the future, aren’t you? You’re talking about something that isn’t here yet, but you place all of your hope and your confidence in that, rather than the present circumstances. I believe God has shown me where He is going with all of this, and I don’t know the path that will get me there, exactly the details, but I know the God who has spoken to me and my entire confidence rests upon that. That’s one way to look at faith.
The other one is it’s, “…certain of what we do not see.” Because I’ll tell you, there is a God who does invade and give witness to His Word, but ultimately, we’re every one gonna have to occupy a place where we have an inborn conviction that’s in the heart. It doesn’t matter what circumstances we go through, it’s there.
You know, I won’t go into the details but I told you about that time in college when I just kind of gave up. I was mad at God and disgusted and, more discouraged than anything else, I guess. But, after the Lord let me stew around for two or three days, there was something deep down in here that I couldn’t escape.
It wasn’t like people outside were telling me. They didn’t even know what was going on. But, it wasn’t like my external, religious upbringing carried me through that. There was something that God had put in here that I knew was right, and I knew the only course of action that I could possibly take was to surrender and say, God, I’m in your hands. I don’t understand what’s happening, but I’m trusting in You and I’m gonna go forward by faith. If I never have a sign…had something to do with that…signs and experience…and God brought me through.
And how many of you have been through times like that in your life? You know—you know what I’m talking about. God is gonna try faith. He’s gonna allow us to be in situations where every fact is lined up on one side of the ledger and faith and confidence in God in His present love for us and in His future plans for us, that stands absolutely, utterly opposed to this and we have to make a choice.
I’ll tell you, it takes the supernatural power of God at work in the human heart to bring people through to this. This is not a religion. Folks, we are not in the business of marketing this church and trying to compete with other churches. We are in the place where what we want to do is simply lift up Christ.
( congregational amens ).
And allow Him to reveal Himself to hearts and that’s the ones that He’s gonna bring through.
You could come here and profess everything and do all the activities and miss all of this. I pray that that won’t happen. I pray that God will become so real that that will be the deciding factor in every circumstance.
That’s what chapter 11 is about. And I’m not gonna go through all of it but, we have the famous verse that we quote so often in verse 6: “…Without faith….” You want to please God? Without faith it’s impossible! That’s what God is looking for, more than any other one thing, is that quality that He puts in there. It’s when we hear His Word and we open our hearts to it, it does something! It changes something. It gives us a quality. It gives us an ability that we do not possess apart from God at work in the heart.
“…Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (KJV). And you look in the context and that is somebody that God has sent and empowered to speak words from heaven. And I’ll tell you, when the heart is receptive, receives that word into the soil of the heart, it brings forth something that is eternal.
And I’ll tell you, that’s what…I just pray…folks, if you know God here today, shouldn’t we be praying? Shouldn’t we be crying out and saying, oh, God, make this…just be real to young people that are growing up, to others that come in?
Oh, that this would not be just another form of Christianity. We don’t need that! If that’s all we have, let’s go find something that appeals to our flesh and makes us feel good. We need Jesus Christ to come into our midst and be who He is and lead us forward! And that needs to be our cry.
But anyway, “…without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (NIV). So, you see what the writer is encouraging here. He knows that we’re gonna be going through all kinds of circumstances where every fact that we could point to is against trusting God.
How many know what I’m talking about? Every single thing you could possibly point to, circumstantially, in terms of your own condition, conditions around you, everything is utterly contrary to trusting God. And you’ve got someone sitting on your shoulder saying what a fool you are! You’re missing out. Look what’s going on. You need to take control of your own life and live it. This is foolishness.
But you think about…I mean you could go through all the scriptures and just point out the fact—point out the facts in every case. When Noah walked with God, and the whole generation that he was a part of heard God’s voice, because He had been striving with them, had He not? Said, “…My spirit shall not always strive…” (KJV).
So, God had been really…has been reaching out to them but they’d been saying, no. I want to do my…I’m gonna live my life, this is my life. I believe in what I can touch and taste and the feelings that I have, they’re real and that’s what I’m going with. And so, it came down to a time when judgment was coming.
Now, what facts did Noah have in his favor, outwardly? Absolutely none. I mean, the idea that there was gonna be a flood…some people believe that there wasn’t any rain before this. I don’t know. But regardless, there was…I mean, the idea of there’s gonna be a flood that’ll wipe out all life on earth, all land-dwelling life at least. You’re kidding me, right?
You know, all of our experience tells us, no! And you talk about a God who’s gonna judge us for what we’re doing. Where’s He been all this time? Here we’ve been living our lives, we’ve been doing our own thing and God hasn’t intervened. God hasn’t done anything and no judgment has fallen. You’re just living…I mean you’re wasting your entire life building a boat on dry land. Every fact that you could possibly point to is against what you’re doing and causes us to believe that you’re a fool.
So, you see what’s going on in his life and you see what God had called him to do? Man, the perseverance that enabled him to work for, what was it, 125 years? It was a long time…120 years? Whatever it was, it was a long time that he absolutely had to persevere. And yet, you remember how Peter uses this same example, because this applies to us. How did Peter use this, you remember? Anybody awake yet?
( laughter ).
How did Peter use this when he was talking about the coming of Christ? He says, we have a…there is a generation that is willingly ignorant. They refuse to consider the reality of what God once did when He judged the world and it overflowed with water and everybody perished except those that He saved. That same God, by the same powerful Word is gonna show up and this world and everything you see, all of these facts that men depend upon—all of those facts will be burned up!
I’ll tell you, I want to be part of the generation that says, I see past the world in which I live. God has given me a kind of sight that only He can give and I want to embrace it. I want to live in the reality of that, and I want to walk with people who live in the reality of it because my God’s Word trumps everybody else’s facts!
( congregational amens ).
There has never been a condition in the world, never been a fact, if you want to put it that way, that God’s power did not trump when the time came. You think about Abraham. My God, the faith that that man exhibited. He was told by God to leave his family.
Now, what does the world think about that kind of thing? Well, it’s all about family. Well, he listened to a voice from heaven. He didn’t see this God, but somehow there was real faith that was born in that man’s heart that enabled him to leave his family and ultimately migrate to Palestine, to the Promised Land.
And, how many years was all this going on before the promise came? Wasn’t it like 25 years, 30 years? It was a long time that he was living there, in tents, and his brother-in-law was living in a house back home, and just having a big time and living a normal life based upon facts. And here is Abraham living and believing and not…and just willing to wait for it.
How many of you are willing to wait for things that you are trusting God for? Is that kind of an issue with a lot of us? I’ll tell you, we are so geared to seeing things, to seeing results in our circumstances that we don’t really know,
I think, many times what real faith is about. Think about the years that Abraham had to listen to the voice that would constantly tell him, you are a fool, Abraham! Face facts! If this God wanted you to be the father of many nations, why aren’t you a dad? And of course, as the years passed, we came to the point where he couldn’t even father a child and she couldn’t bear a child, and there they are, still believing in the promise of God.
You want a picture of what faith is about? I’ll tell you, God is gonna work on our faith, isn’t He? Every single one of us has a lot of room to grow in our faith. We’re all about believing God. There are a lot of folks out there, religiously, that they’re gonna believe God, and yet when something doesn’t happen in the time frame they’re looking for, then you got a problem.
How many of you remember the thing that Brother Thomas…the experience that Brother Thomas told about over the years? And I think some of you old-timers would remember. This happened before my time here. But, he prayed for a cancer, I believe, that was on Brother Hughes’ ear, is that correct? All right, I’m getting the okay. And, there was a cancerous growth that was on his ear and Brother Thomas prayed for it. Well, guess what Brother Thomas looked at every time he came into the service?
( laughter ).
There it is. And guess what the voices in his head were trying to tell him? It didn’t work. It’s not gonna work…and on and on and on, and somehow the Lord enabled him, in that, to say, wait a minute, I’m still trusting God, I believe God, and to make a choice, because there are no feelings in here. There’s no circumstance to go by, there are no feelings, but just a simple faith to trust God.
And ultimately, it came down to…but the Devil’s telling him, he’s gonna die, this is gonna take over his life…and you’re at fault here, on and on and on with the voices in his head against the circumstances. Using…trying to use facts to destroy faith. And you remember what happened. One time he came into the service and the thing had gotten a little smaller instead of bigger. And he said, aha!
( laughing ).
And he took comfort from that and said, see Devil! And so, he continued to pray and to believe God and ultimately that thing just fell off and was gone.
But I’ll tell you, we are addicted, more than we dare realize, to seeing something and feeling something in our exercise of faith. And I’ll tell you, the saints of old did not look at…I mean, I’m sure they dealt with the same battles that we fight, but ultimately, the ones that God upholds as examples of believing God, they simply believed God, period!
You and I don’t know God’s plan. You and I do not know God’s timetable. And how presumptuous is it for us to simply say, God, I’m believing You for this and I’m expecting it to happen this way, on this time schedule, and if it doesn’t…see, then we back off and then we’re mad at God or we’re discouraged. God is looking for people who simply say, yes, Lord, I believe You! That’s the bottom line.
And so, here he is, living for all those years…and I’m gonna just flip over to a passage we have used many times that really enlarges on what’s going on here, Romans 4. Like I said, there’s nothing really new here, but I sense in my own spirit a need here. I sense that God is wanting to develop a stronger faith in me.
We’re gonna need the kind of faith that will stand against facts. This world is gonna look like it’s gone to hell in a hand basket and it’s gonna take the real thing. I’ll tell you, we’ve got Somebody who’s gonna be faithful to the end. Think of the songs that were sung this morning…all about God’s faithfulness and persevering faith. That’s what it’s about. See, the Lord was leading in the picking of songs. Praise God!
But here was Abraham…and the point of the passage here is that the thing that caused God to accept Abraham as a righteous man was not what he did, not his works, but the simple fact that he believed God. When God said something, that’s the end of the story.
And his faith was translated into practical action. He didn’t say, God, I believe You and I’m gonna stay here and…stay here with the family, but I believe You. He did what God told him to do and he did it step-by-step and he went to the ultimate, I mean the ultimate expression of faith.
But listen to what it says, and who he was believing in. “He is our father…” (NIV). This is down in the middle of 17. “…In the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”
Doesn’t sound to me like we’ve got a God who’s dependent at all on circumstances. It doesn’t matter what the circumstance is, God is greater than that circumstance. Praise God! And He’s looking for a people who will constantly look to Him and say, God, You do things Your way, You do things on Your schedule.
So anyway, “…calls things that are not as though they were. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, so shall your offspring be. Without weakening in his faith…” This is one scripture that really kind of made me connect this word fact. “…He faced the fact…” Okay? “…He faced the fact that his body was as good as dead….”
There is nothing about the faith to which we are called that is a matter of fantasy. Folks, our imprisonment, when we come to Christ, our imprisonment in sin and death is real. This is not just some imaginary thing that we’re…well, I’m better than somebody else. It doesn’t apply to me.
It applies to you! Every single one of us is living in a world in which we are imprisoned in a world ruled by sin and death. And those circumstances are real. But thank God the Gospel gives us a way to look that situation in the eye and say, but God!
How many remember Ephesians chapter 2 where Paul describes the condition of people who had been living under the power of Satan, doing what he wants, prisoners of sin and death? I forget the exact language, but you remember the scripture.
And then, how does verse 4 begin? But God! So, all those things were wiped away! In a flash they ceased to have any power over these people because God intervened and He has power against sin, against death, against everything that stands between you and me and His ultimate purpose for you and me. Thank God!
So anyway, “…he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.” Man, can you imagine? I mean, put yourself in the position of these people. God’s made this wonderful promise but there ain’t no way it’s gonna happen.
How many of us would look past such a limitation and say, but I believe God? I have waited 25 years but God is still faithful! That’s my bottom line. I am looking to God. God promised this and that’s the end of the story, and I’m trusting in Him. I’ll tell you, that’s what faith is about. That’s the faith that God wants to build in every single one of us, and it only comes from Him, doesn’t it? Praise God!
So, he faced the fact and so forth, we read that. “…Being fully persuaded…” in verse 21, “…that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why it was credited to him as righteousness. The words ‘it was credited to him’ were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”
I’ll tell you, there is something that needs to…that God wants to build into your thinking and mine. And I’m just gonna say this at this point, because this is kind of where this is going. I wonder how much you and I, more than we dare realize, are prisoners of this “realistic” thinking, where we live in a prison house of earthly ‘facts’ so-called, when God wants to take us beyond those facts and show His power in us? Do you think maybe, just maybe that’s where He’s going with a whole lot of things that’re happening in our lives?
How many of you just love…I know you’d all love to have an easy way and just, praise God, I’d jump on the bandwagon and it’s gonna take me to heaven and everything is gonna be great and grand and we’re gonna sing and shout all the way there. I’ll tell you, we can sing and shout but it’s gonna have to be through tears, sometimes. It’s gonna have to be through pain, sometimes. It’s gonna have to be through difficulties of many kinds!
It’s not “realistic.” God has put us in a world where every fact that the Devil can bring forth is rallied against what He has said and what He has promised, and we’re gonna have to make that choice! And only God’s power at work in a heart can enable us to do that! That’s why we’ve got to open up and say, God, help me!
( congregational response ).
And in those times when you have no answer, in those times when it hurts, when there’s sadness, when there’s sickness, when there’s all these things that rise up against faith and you’re wondering, does God really care? That’s when faith grows!
February 9, 2020 - No. 1427
“A From God Life,” Conclusion
February 9, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1427 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: If you have been called to be a part of the Body of Christ, to be a part of His Kingdom, there is a call of God in your life. You may be called to be a faithful housewife and mother of children. You may be called to be a faithful mother in Israel. You may be called to be a faithful worker on a job who manifests the Spirit of Christ, or the father of a home, the man of the house that builds a godly home. All of these things are divine calls that are just as real as the one Paul had.
And it’s interesting in the context here, he has just been talking about that what comes through him, he calls it, “…the aroma of Christ…” (NIV). You know, a good sermon title sometime might be, ‘what do you smell like?’ Well, Paul had the right kind of odor, didn’t he, spiritually speaking?
When Christ is in the life, there will be an aroma. There will be an atmosphere that that person generates that people…I’ll tell you, the Devil will know about it. It will have an effect on those around you.
I pray that God will…God will give us more of that, give me more of that, because I confess my need. God, it’s so easy for us just to run and do and be in our own strength and not realize what God has us here for. It’s not for this! It’s for eternity and God has a place for every one of us in this place.
But are we living from God? See, if we’re living from God, we’re gonna have an effect that will draw some, and they’ll say, man, I love that smell. Tell me more. And then there are gonna be others that are full of self-will and sin, and they’re gonna say, no, that stinks.
But are we really making that kind of a difference in people’s lives? May God help us to recognize that. So, of course Paul has this ministry now. God sent him. Okay, now how do I do this becomes the next question, doesn’t it?
And the scripture we have read so many times in chapter 3, he talks about the confidence that he has. “Such confidence as this…” in verse 4, “… is ours through Christ before God.” Now, he jumps right in and says, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”
Our ability—our ability to do the job! How does it come? It comes from God! Every one of us, if we’re honest and we’re seeking God, and we’re wanting to do His will, we confront inability and this sense of inability constantly! I certainly do. Oh my God, I’m not up for this. I can’t do this.
Well…guess what? Of course, you can’t. That’s the point. That’s why we’re called to live a ‘from God’ life. If God has put you in a place, you have every right to go to Him and say, God, You put me in this place. I’m trusting in You. I want to live with Your energy, with Your ability…You give me what I need.
This is not a…this is an ongoing relationship he’s talking about, isn’t it? I mean, every time I stand up here, I’m literally saying, God, I can’t do this, because He knows that in myself I can’t. This isn’t about human ability. This is about God. But God wants you to know that. He cares about you!
You…if God’s put you in a place, you have the ability that you need. God will supply it. God deliberately puts us in places where…we know we need Him. We don’t have any choice but to look to Him with all of our hearts. I’ll tell you, and it shows in the results.
You put somebody that’s an orator, that has a natural ability, that can entertain, you can fill churches with that. But I’ll tell you, I’d would rather stand up here in God’s energy, to whatever degree, and preach the truth and see a true remnant, because that’s all that’s going to be left when it’s done.
Those are the only ones that are going to stand, the ones that have the goods in the heart. It’s not the strong, it’s not the wise, it’s not all those things that the world values so highly. It’s those that come to this humble place and say, God, I don’t have anything. I just need You! And that’s what you’re offering through Christ. Praise God! That’s a message of hope for everybody.
And of course, we know the scriptures in chapter 4. This is when Paul talks about the outworking of that ministry. Now, he’s got the ministry. God’s given him the ability. He goes to the fountain, the source of that, and he talks about the fact that, yes, the world is blind, the Devil has blinded them but God brought me to a place where He shined His light in my heart.
The same God that spoke in the beginning and said, “Let there be light…” He shined deep in my heart and what He put there was a revelation! It’s the kind of knowledge that you cannot get from a book. You cannot get from another human being…I mean, unless God’s using it.
You cannot get it any other way except God penetrating the heart with the knowledge of who Jesus Christ is…not just to see Him as a babe in a manger but of Lord on a throne, who rules, before whom all men will one day stand. And not only seeing Him that way, but seeing the heart that would draw us and say, this is the glory I long to share with you. This is what it’s all about!
Do you think that made a difference in Paul’s life? It was a 180. He went from being a relentless opposer of anybody who would name the name of Christ to the greatest warrior that the first century had, who relentlessly went out and proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ with power.
But look at what he says in verse 7. How many times have we used this scripture? “But we have this treasure…” What’s the treasure?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well, it’s Christ, but, “…the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” It expands it just from the person to the attributes of that person. This revelation of God’s glory and God’s heart, God’s purpose for us.
“…We have this treasure in jars of clay…” Why? “…To show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” That’s what God was trying to…wants every one of us to know. And so, this is where he launches into the discussion about how God wants to get the treasure out of Paul into the people. What does it take?
( congregational inaudible ).
Yeah, we’ve got…if we’re left to ourselves, we will simply live in human energy, human will, all these human characteristics will dominate, won’t they? And so, God had to deliberately bring Paul through circumstances that put those to death. Why? Because He was mad at Paul? No, because He longed to fulfill the desire, that He put in Paul’s heart to share Christ.
I’ll tell you, something is going to dominate our lives, some form of life is gonna dominate in every single one of us, and God wants it to be Him. And so, you know, if He puts us in things, in situations that show us how much we need Him and how the wrong thing would just…it’s there and we need to let it go, we need to turn away from it. We need to say, oh God, let Your life live in me. If He does that, He’s doing it because He loves you.
But it isn’t just for you. It’s for somebody else that He’s ordained that you be in a position to help. God wants to pour life through every member of the Body of Christ for the benefit of every other member. This is what it takes.
And Paul…you know, Paul comes to the end of this and he’s just exulting in the glory of what God has given to him. And where were his eyes in all these troubles, all these difficulties that he goes through, where are his eyes? What’s he looking at? Is he looking at the trouble, looking at this world and, oh God, poor me? He is looking at the glory. He’s looking ahead.
There are some words that he uses in this that are interesting and I’d forgotten this. I’ve probably pointed it out before. You know, we have this word in English called ‘hyperbole.’ We tend to use it as an exaggeration, you want to make a point and you say it in a ‘way over the top’ way like, you’re on time today! Oh my God, the world’s going fall off its axis. Well, obviously, you know what we mean. We’re making a humorous point. It’s an exaggeration. Of course, my Dad used to call me ‘the late Mr. Enlow,’ I’m afraid.
( laughter ).
Sadly, I gave him reason, at times, to do that. But, nonetheless, we use it in a humorous way, but the same word…that’s a Greek word, hyperbole, and it means surpassing. It’s this, but it’s way beyond that. That’s the sense that you get. And when he’s talking about the power that’s from God, he’s talking about this all surpassing…this hyperbole power. This isn’t just power, this is way beyond, this is all we could ever hope to need.
But oh, when he comes down to the end, “…our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” How in the world do you translate that? In the Greek, it’s hyperbole unto hyperbole. It’s not even just way beyond, it’s way beyond way beyond!
You know, Paul had this sense of what it was about. Now I understand that Paul had actually had visions and been in heavenly places. He had seen with his own eyes. But God did that because He wanted a witness to the reality and the power and the glory that lay before us so that we would never be bogged down with the world, never be bogged down with our troubles here. But always say, wait a minute! This is part of getting ready for that! That’s where my eyes are.
And I will continually draw strength because He is enough. He is the one who’s going to take me there. I’m gonna live a ‘from God’ life instead of a ‘me, all about me’ life. And so, Paul launches directly into that with the hope that we have in chapter 5. “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed…” What’s he talking about?
( congregation inaudible ).
Our bodies. Yeah, we know they’re gonna die. I don’t care what you do with it, how pretty it is, and all this stuff you do with it to get through this life, it’s gonna die. It’s not eternal. So that’s what he’s talking about. It’s destroyed.
“…We have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” Well, wait a minute, it’s a house from God, isn’t it? There’s that phrase again. Paul is not just living a ‘from God’ life here, but he’s recognizing my future is from God. That is what He’s promised me! One day I’m gonna have a body that won’t be like this one. It’s going to last forever.
This is a temporary home for me. I live in it right now, and it’s getting older, and all those things. And it’s gonna go away one of these days. But boy, I know what’s coming! I’m living for that! Praise God!
He’s got something for me that’s worth everything over there! He’s with me now! It’s not just that I have to wait for it all. He’s with me right now to get me through all this, to use it for His purposes here! But oh, what I’ve got waiting for me over there is amazing! The glory of what He has given…praise God! He talks down here about what is mortal being swallowed up by life.
“Now it is God…” verse 5, “…who has made us for this very purpose….” You want to know why God made you? Do you ever think about that? Why did God make me? He made me so that He could fill me with Himself and I could live with Him forever. That’s the purpose for which He made us.
Now, there are a whole lot of people that, sadly in this world, they’re gonna say, no, I want my life here. This is more important. They’re completely blind to reality.
But I’ll tell you what, God made you because He loved ‘you’ and wants ‘you’ to live with Him, forever, in a world that is nothing like this. Praise God!
He “…has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” I’ll tell you, when God comes in, by His Spirit, and we are born of that Spirit, that’s the seal! When God says, that one is mine, that is the guarantee of what is to come. Praise God! I’ll tell you, God’s able to finish what He started, and He’s promised to do it.
There’s one other expression that he uses and it’s later on this same chapter. When God is talking about the new creation…I needed to underline…yes, I have it. Down here he says, “Therefore…”, in verse 17, “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation….”
Now, that’s a present tense thing, isn’t it? That’s talking about here. Yes, we’ve got some of the old that we live in, but there is something eternal that God does in here. “…He is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
Now, listen to what he says. “All this is from God….” Everything is from God. There is always this sense that Paul is laying out. Now think about this context. He’s saying, my ministry, I need to defend it, because there are people that are coming in that are messing with you. And I know that what I have is from God. This is not about me.
But in the context of that, he is painting a picture of himself as one who lives a ‘from God’ life. Everything about Paul, whether it had to do with his relations with the world, or the ministry, or the church, or whatever it was, God, You’re the source! God, You are my resource. I don’t want to live any part of my life just in my own strength, for my own purposes. God, help me. Paul’s whole life…it defined his thought and his actions.
Very quickly, what are some of the lessons…things that we know very well? And one of the lessons is, my resources are not enough. How many of you know that?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. We need to reckon more readily than we do…my resources are not enough. If you’re bopping along through life and you think, yeah, I got it handled, God, you are blind! If God is constantly, or frequently, showing you your insufficiency in any area of your life, you need to be praising God. Why would He do such a thing? Except to deliver us from the tyranny and the slavery to our old nature so that we can be set free to live out His life! Praise God!
Now think about this simple lesson. God ‘is’ all we need…not just, God ‘has’ all we need. Do you get the difference? There are a lot of people who look at God as a divine vending machine…where I put my little faith nickel in there when I feel the need and I get out a blessing, and then I go on and live my life. And they want to use God for their purposes.
But I’ll tell you, we need to be seeking the Blesser, and not the blessing. And…while Paul talks about the particulars of what he receives from God, there’s this constant sense that, oh my God…if ‘from God’ is what my life is about, then He is the one. It’s my relationship with Him, so that whatever comes, He’s my resource. So, yes there was a blessing, but I’ll tell you, there was a relationship with the Blesser.
How many of you remember the scripture where God spoke to Abraham? What did He say to Abraham in Genesis 15? You look it up sometime. He said, “I am your shield, your very great reward.” He didn’t say, I will give you a shield and I’ll give you a reward. He said, I am—I am your reward.
What God…God wants us to see, wants every one of us to see Him in a deeper sense as, Lord, if I have You, I have it all. If I just have You, whatever I need will take care of itself. But I want you, Lord.
I don’t you just to heal me so I can go live my life. I don’t want You to give me money so I can pay my bills and then the crisis is over. I want You to…I want to have a relationship with You, I want my life to be connected with You as much as the branches are to the vine. I want to live out Your life. Isn’t that what God is looking for from every one of us in a deeper way?
You know, a lot of people look at God as a gas station. They live their life and they run on their own strength until they’ve run out of gas, and they want to come to a service and get gassed up a little bit. And you know, it’s important that we come together. I’m not minimizing that aspect of it. But, if that’s the source of your spiritual life, you’re gonna come and you’re gonna get something and go away and feel good, and you have a little bit of encouragement and then you…
( draining sound ).
That’s not how God wants us to live. He wants us to live where, when we walk out of here, we have learned something about the God who wants to walk with us, wants to be our resource, on the job, in the home, all the other, all of it…wants to be Himself in and through us. That’s what He wants for us as individuals, what He wants for us as a church. He longs for us to live a ‘from God’ life.
I’ll just make a couple of very small points. Think about God’s ultimate purpose. Think about the last couple of chapters of Revelation. I’m not going to turn over there. But you remember the essence of it was God’s dwelling. Where was He going to dwell? With men! He longs to dwell in the midst of us! He longs to share Himself! That’s His heart!
In all of this, God didn’t…I mean we were the ones who were running pell-mell from God. He came looking for us! We didn’t go looking for Him. Doesn’t that reveal His heart towards us? And just like the circumstance this morning, help came, didn’t it? We’ve got a God who feels that way toward you when you’re in trouble, when you feel your need.
But you think about where He’s going with all this. One day there won’t be any of these difficulties and these trials. He’s gonna live with us. We’re gonna experience the wonderfulness of His being, His love, His joy, His peace. And it’s something that will never end. But He wants us to begin to experience that now. And the only way He can do it is to teach us through the experiences of life.
And look what He had produced in Paul. Paul defends his ministry and at every point he says, from God, from God, my virtue, my ministry, my ability, my purpose…all of this is from Him!
What an amazing thing to be able to make that our testimony. I can’t do a thing, but I’ve got God! And He loves me and He wants me to just let go and let Him have His way.
You know, a simple little statement at the end. If I have Him, circumstances do not determine my well-being. Think about that. If I have Him, circumstances don’t determine my well-being. Paul got to that point, where he could glory in his weakness, because he saw past it! He saw God’s heart in it. He saw God’s purpose in it.
And so, he was able to lift his eyes always and say, I see what’s going on, God, I have You in this. You’re bringing it for a good purpose and I have you. So, these difficulties that I’m experiencing right now, they do not define my well-being. My well-being is defined because I have You. I would rather have You in a prison, than live in a palace and have it all as the world defines that.
So, I’ll tell you, these are things God longs to teach every one of us, because He longs for you to know Him, and me to know Him in a better way, in a deeper, more practical, more everyday kind of way…to where we could say with Paul, every aspect of my life, it’s a ‘from God’ life, because He is the one who is orchestrating my life so He can share Himself with me. Is that worth everything? Yeah, it sure is. Praise God!
February 2, 2020 - No. 1426
“A From God Life,” Part One
February 2, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1426 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, I confess this morning to a great deal of questioning and struggle as to what…the thoughts that I had had. But I’ll tell you, what the Lord came to bring is just incredible. It’s amazing. He came to reconcile us to God. He came to open a way where we could live the way God intended when He created us.
He never intended us to live independently of Him, but as an expression of His life and yet, retaining all the uniqueness that each of us has. And, the Lord put away our sins and made that possible, and, praise God, while we worship a Savior who came and lived as a little baby, and grew up and lived among us, and we rejoice in the cross. We rejoice in the resurrection.
I’ll tell you, the One we need to be seeing…the One I need to be seeing, is the One who’s on the throne, the One who holds all authority and all power in heaven and earth, and has been given the commission of finishing the Kingdom of God and establishing it forever. He’s already defeated our enemy. He has promised to take us through, so Praise God! I hope I’m listening to this! But I’ll tell you what, we’re all fighting the same battles, aren’t we?
You know, recently, within the last couple of weeks I guess, in my Bible reading, I was reading in the Book of 2nd Corinthians, and there was a phrase that stuck out to me, especially in the first five chapters. Now Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians was written, probably a few months after 1st Corinthians.
You remember 1st Corinthians was written to a people, a Gentile church that had been converted out of heathenism, still had a lot to learn about what it meant to live for God. And so, Paul had to deal with a lot of issues.
And, his intention, he expresses…I’m not gonna get into all that, but his intention was to come back by and he didn’t want to come and have another confrontation with all that stuff, but yet he was intending to come by on his way back to Jerusalem. You remember the chapters where he talks about gathering the offering for the poor saints and so forth. So now, he’s writing to them.
But the real issue of the book is that a lot of false ministries had come in and tried to belittle Paul and take the position of authority over the people, and move them away from what Paul had preached. And so, he is put in a position of having to defend his ministry.
And yet, if you read it, it becomes evident that Paul is not defending it in ego-sense. Hey, this is mine. Get away…in that human sense. But it was entirely based on the conviction that what he had was from God. And so, therefore, if they were being moved from that, they were being moved from what God had sent them, because it wasn’t about Paul, rather, it was about the God who had sent him.
And the phrase the jumped out at me, I mean, right from the beginning of the first chapter, was this simple phrase, ‘from God.’ And it’s amazing how many times it occurs. And it seems like such a simple thing that you would just pass over. Oh yeah, yeah…we know that. But I believe it’s significant in a way that you and I, especially I, need it this morning.
We need to recognize what God’s purpose is…that there is a, not just a resource but a Person, a Being who longs to share Himself with us in every area of our life.
You know, I was expressing last night some of my concern. I didn’t have any emotions. I didn’t know whether this was what the Lord wanted or not, and so I came to the men’s meeting this morning and half of what I was gonna say was said. How often has that happened, when the Lord just specifically said things?
And I’m just sitting there and taking this in and thanking God for the way God is building the Body, because this isn’t about me, this is about us. This is about Christ in every one of us, and God’s life being expressed in every one of us. The Lord is teaching us those things.
But, I’ve wrestled, as well, with how to do this because every one of these instances where he uses the phrase, you could build a message on it. So, I think I’m just gonna go through and try to give more of an overview of this, and I don’t know whether the Lord wants to take us deeper into some of the specifics, or not.
There’s nothing new about any of it. But one of the interesting things is, right at the beginning in chapter 1, verse 2, he begins by saying, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (NIV). Now how many of you would read that, like I probably have most of my life, and said, yeah, that’s the standard greeting? It’s just, okay, let’s get to the good stuff, as though that’s just sort of an obligatory, nice way to say stuff.
I don’t believe that. I believe that Paul had a sense, when he wrote, when he spoke, about the power of words! You and I were created in the image of God, were we not? When God does something, how does He do it? He speaks! There’s power in His words. You and I have power in our words and I believe Paul was not just giving them a warm and fuzzy greeting, but he was literally expecting that through his words, there was something that was gonna flow from God to the people. Think about that.
But think about how that applies to every one of us. Is there not power in words? Of course, we know from the scriptures there is power of life and death in the tongue. And so, here is Paul with this sense that God has given me a tongue, He’s given me this immense power through words, but my place is to use the words that I have as a vehicle for God to literally help somebody else.
It’s not so that I can be looked at as an orator, or somebody great. In fact, Paul talks about the fact that, in person, he was not particular impressive. We don’t think about him that way, but Paul was not a commanding presence. What he was, was somebody that had God with him in a very unique way to build the church in his day.
But here’s Paul literally seeking to convey to these people to whom he wrote, I want grace, I want God’s peace to be ministered to you. Do you know that every member of the Body of Christ has that power? Did Paul not talk to the Colossian believers and say, let your speech always be seasoned with…that it may minister, I don’t remember the exact words, but the focus phrase there is that it minister grace to the hearers?
I’ll tell you, you and I…I believe all of us need to have a greater sense of what…of this power that we have, because I’ll tell you, we tear one another down. We tear people down. You know, what do our words do?
But yet, you and I have this ability, if we will, if we’ll live with that sense…hey, I’m not just, this is not just me and God is off there. This is God wanting to express Himself through me in a way that will build somebody else up and be a blessing to them.
And so, right off the bat, Paul is immediately jumping into this picture. And I’ll say this for the sake of those who would love to get a title early, back in the room back there. The title I had is sort of an odd one, but perhaps it’ll get the point across. “A ‘From God’ Life,” “A ‘From God’ Life.”
And I believe with all my heart, that’s what God wants every one of us to live! He wants that for His church, to live a ‘from God’ life so that everything we do and everything we are literally has its origin in God and simply flows through us to accomplish His purposes and to become the kind of people that He wants us to be.
So, there’s that dual thing. He wants us to be different, but He wants to do something through us. It’s never just about us, okay? So that was the first instance.
The second instance is in verse 4, and…he speaks of the God, in verse 3, of the God of all comfort. Wasn’t that mentioned this morning? Interesting how that occurred during the choir. “… The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”
Now you see, if you look in the context…this is a scripture we’ve read many times because Paul launches into a discussion or expression of what he has just been through. He’s been through one of the most difficult times in his life. He went through a time when it says, he, “… despaired even of life,” itself.
He didn’t know if he was gonna make it. In fact, it wasn’t just, oh, I’m afraid I’m gonna die, he said, I know I’m gonna die now. This was a point where God had brought…God had allowed him to come into a situation where, as far as he was concerned, it was over.
Now, that tells us something that I think we know, but we need to be constantly reminded of. It’s the reality of the world we live in. God has never promised His people that we’re going to be trouble free. In fact, it’s just the opposite.
Here was God literally allowing…do you think this just happened? Do you think any of this thing that Paul talked about, happened and God just sort of didn’t care or He was busy with something else and didn’t pay attention? No, I’ll tell you, God looked down and there was a need in Paul.
Think about what he says. In a way, I’m racing through something but I know that this is something that we have heard many times, where Paul says, down in verse 9, it says, “Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”
Praise God! God is going to give us, not simply the blessings of resurrection, but the reality of the cross in our lives because there are things in us that have to die if we’re going to live this other life. And God looked down at His servant Paul, and said, all right, Paul, I’ve blessed you, I’ve used you, but you’ve come to a point in your life where you don’t even realize the degree to which you are relying on yourself!
Anybody know what I’m talking about? We go along and we think we’re doing fine and then, all of a sudden, God introduces a set of circumstances that show us something about ourselves that we didn’t know.
Now, is He mad at us? Is He trying to condemn us? No! God’s purpose in this…Satan’s was to bring him down, destroy him. But God’s purpose was to bring him into a situation that would cause him to say, I don’t have what I need! And so, I’m gonna just cry out to God in this situation.
But yet, there was enough wisdom in Paul for him to recognize, God did this and He did it for a reason! He gave me what I needed but there was a lesson that I had to learn and this was the only way I could learn it!
But it wasn’t just a personal lesson…okay, I thought I could handle life and I couldn’t and I need God…okay, now we’re done. Do you see the sense of God building every one of us into vessels who can be used of Him in the Body of Christ?
And this is something I was conscious of and I want us to see this in every area where Paul’s talking. This isn’t just for apostles. These are principles that apply to every single member of the Body of Christ!
Now think about the larger context of where he’s writing. This is a few months after he had just written 1st Corinthians. In 1st Corinthians, he spent a lot of time laying out the principles of the Body of Christ, where nobody is unimportant! Everybody has a place. We just have a different place. But the responsibility in every part is to be a blessing to others.
And so, what God was…what the Devil wanted to do was destroy him. What God wanted to do was to make him more useful. But one of the main things that it enabled him to do was to be able to say, I’ve been there, done that, and God was faithful! He brought me to a difficult place, but when I was there, He came with all the comfort that I needed. And so, now I am in a position that is better than I was before. You see where Paul’s eyes are.
How many of us come through something like that and, oh poor me, look what I went through, look at all the bad stuff, instead of saying, God has put me in a place where I need to learn something about Him.
And I’ll tell you, if I will keep my eyes there and I will remember what this is really all about…it’s not being comfortable in the world, it’s about me dying so He can live in me. And I’ll tell you, now I’ve been there, I’ve been in a place where my brothers and sisters are going through the same things and now God’s put me in a position where I can speak a word of authority.
I’ll tell you, there are people who have been through stuff. I mean, you think of Joni Eareckson Tada, and you think of the voice that God has given her anywhere in the globe: what can they say? You know, somebody come out of seminary and spout all this and say the same things, it doesn’t carry the same weight because she has been through hell on earth, if you will.
And God has become real to her and she will stand there and give a ringing testimony of what God means to her in the middle of circumstances that are beyond what most of us will ever experience. Man, that counts for something!
And I’ll tell you, when God works in us, it’s twofold. It is to change us, to break the hold that self has and to enable us to serve Him. Praise God, like I say, you see the problem I’m trying to have thinking about this. You could take every one of these and just go to town with it. But this is not a small thing, is it?
There’s another place where Paul begins to talk about his ministry and he’s forced to talk about himself. But verse 12, it says, “Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God.”
Notice that phrase there? Do you think that’s just thrown in there to fill out space? I’ll tell you, that is deeply significant. “We have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to God’s grace.” Folks, God longs to produce godly virtues in us, that we should be a holy people, separated unto Him, that we should have a sincerity in what we do!
And I think we all know that there is a human counterfeit to all of that and it’s so easy for us to act the part, to know how we’re supposed to behave on the outside. But God’s not interested in that. He’s interested in something that happens in here.
And when we take hold of what God puts in here and then express that, it’s not us anymore, is it? “It is no longer I…but Christ who lives in me.” (NLT). This is virtue that comes from God. That’s what God wants every one of us to have…to get past the point where we act the part of a Christian, and when we’re genuine, because it comes from here. Okay?
So, here’s Paul talking about…I was with you. I lived the kind of life that I should. I was deadly sincere, but I want you to know, man, I was not doing that for selfish advantage. I wasn’t doing it to try to impress you with how spiritual I was.
When it’s said, I’m deadly sincere…well, sometimes people are deadly sincere for very selfish reasons. But Paul’s sincerity was, this is genuine! This is not me doing this. This is God doing it!
That’s something that God wants to bring every one of us to. I’ll tell you, we’re not the good people we think we are, and so many of our virtues are simply products of our own self and our own energy and they are for self.
I’ll tell you, I want to have a consciousness, where I can say, God, I am not what I need to be. And, Lord, I want that which is real. I want You to produce in me, at the heart level what is real, something that comes from divine energy, divine grace, so that when I’m acting, when I’m speaking, when I’m interacting with people, it’s not me trying to play a part.
And you notice that in the context, he’s talking about his relations, not only with the people of God…a lot of times we can come in and act a certain way and then out there we’re a different person. But Paul says, it was the same either way, whether we’re having relations out here with the world or whether it’s just with you. We want the real thing.
And I’ll tell you, it comes from God and it’s by His grace. It’s certainly not by anything that I deserve or anything I could muster up. This is the foundation of my relationship with you. It’s God at work in the heart. Is that not what we need? Every single one of us, in our personal relationships, in our relationships with the world, we need God living in us.
Now, it’s easy, again, to look at somebody like Paul and say, oh yeah, God called Paul. It was a great ministry. Do you know God has called every single one of you? If you have been called to be a part of the Body of Christ, to be a part of His Kingdom, there is a call of God in your life.
You may be called to be a faithful housewife and mother of children. You may be called to be a faithful mother in Israel. You may be called to be a faithful worker on a job who manifests the Spirit of Christ, or the father of a home, the man of the house that builds a godly home. All of these things are divine calls that are just as real as the one Paul had.
And it’s interesting in the context here, he has just been talking about that what comes through him, he calls it, “…the aroma of Christ…” (NIV). You know, a good sermon title sometime might be, ‘what do you smell like?’ Well, Paul had the right kind of odor, didn’t he, spiritually speaking?
When Christ is in the life, there will be an aroma. There will be an atmosphere that that person generates that people…I’ll tell you, the Devil will know about it. It will have an effect on those around you. I pray that God will…God will give us more of that, give me more of that, because I confess my need.
God, it’s so easy for us just to run and do and be in our own strength and not realize what God has us here for. It’s not for this! It’s for eternity and God has a place for every one of us in this place.
But are we living from God? See, if we’re living from God, we’re gonna have an effect that will draw some, and they’ll say, man, I love that smell. Tell me more. And then there are gonna be others that are full of self-will and sin, and they’re gonna say, no, that stinks.
But are we really making that kind of a difference in people’s lives? May God help us to recognize that. So, of course Paul has this ministry now. God sent him. Okay, now how do I do this becomes the next question, doesn’t it?
And the scripture we have read so many times in chapter 3, he talks about the confidence that he has. “Such confidence as this…” in verse 4, “… is ours through Christ before God.” Now, he jumps right in and says, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”
Our ability! Our ability to do the job! How does it come? It comes from God! Every one of us, if we’re honest and we’re seeking God, and we’re wanting to do His will, we confront inability and this sense of inability constantly! I certainly do. Oh my God, I’m not up for this. I can’t do this.
Well…guess what? Of course, you can’t. That’s the point. That’s why we’re called to live a ‘from God’ life. If God has put you in a place, you have every right to go to Him and say, God, You put me in this place. I’m trusting in You. I want to live with Your energy, with Your ability…You give me what I need.
This is not a…this is an ongoing relationship he’s talking about, isn’t it? I mean, every time I stand up here, I’m literally saying, God, I can’t do this, because He knows that in myself I can’t. This isn’t about human ability. This is about God. But God wants you to know that. He cares about you!
January 26, 2020 - No. 1425
“Everything is Ready, Conclusion
January 26, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1425 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Here we are, separated from God, living a life blinded by the enemy, just living for this life and dying. Think of the need that God saw and the heart that reached out to do something about that.
Let’s define the need. First of all, I’ve got a serious problem with stuff I’ve done. The soul that sins will die. That was the penalty. That was the thing…that was the consequence of my living…throwing out these deeds or doing these deeds, if you will, that are selfish, that are rebellious, that are sinful in His eyes!
They are contrary to His purpose in making me. Their taking gifts that He gave to me and using them in a selfish, ugly way, and we see the fruits of it in this world. But I’m like a criminal going before a judge. What’s gonna…I mean, I can’t argue. I did it. I’m guilty. That’s got to be dealt with, doesn’t it? Okay?
So, what did He do about that? Let’s go ahead and get some scriptures here. Praise God. The exact scripture is 1st Peter 2:24. This is using Jesus as an example, and how He behaved when they did what they did to Him. But it says this. This is the summary of what was happening. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree…” which is the cross. (NIV). Why? “…So that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.”
There’s a lot of attack going on in our day, against the reality of the simple truth that Jesus Christ died because of my sins. And the only way I can come to Him is to come clean.
How about Hebrews chapter 9? Just turn back a few pages. The writer here is writing to a Jewish audience who had come to know about Jesus, and he was concerned that they might stop short. And so, he kept on using examples from the history of God’s dealing with Israel, and you know that they had a sacrificial system, don’t you? They would literally, in order to deal with the guilt of their sins, they would bring an animal.
That animal would be killed, and basically, that animal would represent me. It was more than a substitute! He was my representative. He was getting what I deserved.
But it wasn’t that the blood of bulls and goats could actually take away sin. How did God do that? That became a stand-in for what was to come. That was a way to visually, actually express something that…I was putting my faith in God’s promise. But, God was saying, hey, this is a stand-in. I’m gonna take care of it—I’m gonna take care of it. There’s gonna be a day when it’ll be finished. Okay?
So anyway, in chapter 9, verse 26, I believe it is…it talks about how that they had to do it every year in those days. It says, “Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all…” Once! “…At the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.
“Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Praise God!
I’ll tell you, God took care of my need. We know about scriptures where He became sin for us and all of those things. I want to just…I want to go ahead and reestablish or establish something that we’ve used before in Romans chapter 3, because the Gospel is so amazing in this respect.
If you think about a criminal who is guilty of actual crimes, and there is a law that affects those crimes, and he goes before a judge, that judge really has a choice, doesn’t he? He can be merciful, but if he’s merciful, he’s not just. Or, he can uphold justice, and that causes him not be to be able to be merciful, because I’ve got to…you did it, I’ve got to take care of the penalty here. You’ve got to suffer the consequences.
So, how in the world can a Holy God uphold His own justice and still be merciful? That’s the question. You think about that.
He did this to demonstrate, He presented… “God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this…” Why? “…To demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished.”
God didn’t just jump on people. He said, there’s something coming. But, “He did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.”
How can God be gracious? How can He show grace to me, a sinner? I deserve it? Because, there was Someone who assumed my guilt.
( congregational amens ).
Every law, every bit of God’s holiness was fully upheld at the cross. But as I come, and I embrace the guilt, and enable Him to be my Representative, I can come and just turn my heart over to Him. And He is free because the guilt is gone. The punishment has been meted out. He is free, now, to accept me. Praise God!
We sing the song, “My Sins Are Gone.” Are your sins gone? Whew! My sins aren’t gone because I deserve it.
( congregational amens ).
I deserve His justice. I deserve His judgment. But God’s love found a way to be just and still show me mercy and show me grace. And He did to you, as well.
But you know, I’ve got another problem. Suppose He wipes out my guilt. That’s great, right? What about tomorrow? If I’m still the same person that I was that committed all that stuff, I’m just gonna keep right on. God has got, not only, to take care of the things that I did, He’s got to take care of what I am.
( congregational amens ).
But see, what we’ve been talking about recently is God had to first cleanse this temple because His whole purpose was to share Himself with me, to come and to live inside me. But, how could He live in a vessel that was full of sin? He had to cleanse it first. That’s what the shed blood of Jesus Christ is about. Has that become real to you?
But then, we open our hearts, and He comes in, and He gives us a new heart and a new life. Yes, there’s a process of learning how to live that out. Absolutely, it sets us on a road.
But I’ll tell you, underneath the whole deal is this simple truth. Everything is ready! Everything you and I need to arrive there on that day and be given a brand-new body and to shine like the sun with the glory of God, it’s been given because He finished it on the cross! That’s the message of hope!
( congregational amens ).
Oh, praise God! I’ll tell you, this takes away the excuses of those who’ve never come. Oh, my sins are too great. Paul had something to say about that. I’m gonna turn over to the actual scripture. I want you to read it.
1st Timothy chapter 1—1st Timothy chapter 1. I have to stop shouting at you here, I’m gonna lose my voice. But that’s all right, this is exciting stuff!
Verse 15, “Here is a trustworthy saying …” This is something you can bank on, is what he’s saying. “… That deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.”
So, why is he bringing this up? “But for that very reason…” Why? The reason that I’m the worst! “…For that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.”
There ain’t no excuse to say, I’m too bad, I’ve done too much. You look at the people to whom Jesus reached out. They were the worst of the worst, and the religious people were angry at Him and upset with Him because He associated with such people. But His heart went to the people who were in need.
I believe there are people who would say, I’m just too bad a sinner, and what they really mean is, I want to live my own life. It’s all been paid for. Everything is ready. There is no excuse, except for a choice to live our own life.
I’m unlovable. Well, a lot of people have had a rough go in life, and Satan has taught you that you’re just a bad person and God couldn’t possibly…this is great, but it isn’t for me. “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (KJV).
( congregational response ).
Yeah, human love will fail, but God’s love is not like human love! God has the power to reach down to the lowest of the low! He doesn’t love because we’re lovable! He loves because it fulfills His purpose. It gives Him the greatest joy that could possibly be, to show love to someone who doesn’t deserve it and to lift them out of that. Don’t you wallow in your self-pity and say, God couldn’t love somebody like me. He does!
( congregational amens ).
Open your heart to His love.
I just can’t live it. Well, if by living it, you think of you as you are now, being religious, you’re right. I can’t either. But that’s not the Gospel. The Gospel is a new life and a new heart, and Someone who has promised never to leave you, never to forsake you, to walk with us through the end of the age. I’ll never leave you. I’m gonna bring you through all the way to the end. Thank God! That’s part of the, ‘it’s all been prepared.’ Everything has been prepared for you and for me.
That’s why the scripture we’ve heard so many times from Hebrews chapter 3 about, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” (NIV). Don’t look for that excuse. If you’re someone who has never partaken of this, God reaches out to you today, because it doesn’t matter how good your theology is.
Like Ricky said, we’re not gonna have a test to get into heaven about how good or how perfect and complete our theology is. That’s not what it’s about. This thing that Jesus Christ has fully provided has to become yours, personally!
( congregational amens ).
It isn’t just that He died for everybody. It’s got to become that He died for me, and I am His for time and eternity. That’s the hope of the Gospel!
That’s what ‘everything is ready’ has to come down to! If it isn’t appropriated, if it doesn’t become yours, what good is it? You’ll die, and you’ll be a theologian with perfect theology and die in your sins, without this. So, I pray that God will just touch hearts, sow seed, do whatever. You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to have an invitation. You don’t have to do anything but just respond when He calls!
( congregational response).
But here’s where I need this. This means I’ve got to learn how, in my journey, when I’m confronted with needs that are ongoing in my own life, I have got to come to a place, a greater place where I remember, everything has been provided!
And my place is not just to say, well, this is as good as it gets. That’s just me, and all the excuses that we make when our eyes get off of that, and they start getting down here, or they get in here, or they get to circumstances and conditions and needs and ongoing situations. Oh, God wants to lift up our eyes to remember everything is ready!
Everything you and I need to take the next step on our journey, and the next one and the next one! Yes, there will be battles! That’s why…that’s why the Word tells us to, “Fight the good fight of the faith.” There’s going to be opposition. It will come from in here! It will come from out there! It will come in circumstances. It’ll come from the prince of the power of the air. Everything in this world will speak to you and discourage you if you let it!
But God wants to lift up our eyes to remember everything is ready! That means me! That means here! That means now! We sing the song, “He Is All I Need.” But what do we sing on the next verse?
( congregational response ).
“I will take Him now.” It’s got to come to that. It’s wonderful to assert this truth, but unless we come to the point where we say, yes, Lord! I need You. I ask for Your mercy. I ask for Your help right now! Ask, seek, knock!
God is still looking for people who will appropriate, who will take what He has given. He doesn’t just dump it on us, and we lay there in a hammock waiting for Jesus to come. We’re gonna have to stand in faith and believe God in the face of everything.
Where are you at in your life today, if you’re one who knows the Lord? Is there stuff where you’re sort of stuck? This society of ours tends to put us to sleep. We tend to get involved, we tend…so much that the Lord is wanting to share of Himself with us, stuff that’s there. It’s part of the unsearchable riches of Christ! It’s real! It’s for me! And, we just say, yes, Lord, it’s for me. And then we just go on as though it isn’t.
And that’s part of the burden that I sense from the Lord. Let’s continue to lift up the reality of the fact that this is not a deal where Jesus says, I sure hope I can pull this off. I’m gonna do my best. He says, “…He is able to save completely those who come to God through him…” Why? “…Because he always lives to intercede for them.”
( congregational response ).
That’s the fruit of what He did on the cross. It’s real. He’s able. I’m not. It’s not my ability anymore. I have cast myself on His ability. I have no right to claim…I cannot look inside and find any right to claim Him. But I can rest upon His promises, His character, His purpose, His provision, His everything, because everything is ready, and it’s been ready.
And we just need to present the Good News and say, oh God, give us today, not just our natural daily bread, but that other kind of bread that I need, too. Lord, this area that I’m dealing with right now, this situation, this feeling, this sense of inadequacy, whatever it is, Lord, help me to lift my eyes and look to that and remember it’s there! It’s mine! I have the right to come.
I can’t look at my performance and say, well, if get that right then maybe I can come. That’s the time I need to come! That’s the time I need to come! It’s when we’re in need we can go to that throne to find help and grace to help in time of need. Praise God!
I want to just share one little thing. As I was thinking about this, ‘everything is ready,’ part of mind was, I’m gonna enumerate all these things, and I didn’t get very far with that, and that’s okay. It really breaks down to those two areas that I was talking about…my guilt and my inability.
But then I thought about one particular thing, and I’m gonna go ahead and take us to a scripture in John chapter 17. This is part of the prayer of Jesus right before He was arrested, praying for the disciples.
Now, think about this. How does Jesus feel about this? Is He sitting there in heaven anxious? Is He afraid, fearful, hoping…like I say, hoping He can pull it off? There is a sense in Him that I believe we need to share more.
Listen to what He says in verse 13, I guess it is, “I am coming to you now…” Jesus prays, “…but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.”
Think about what He’s saying. So, what does Jesus have in Him about all of this? Anxiety? No, joy! It was for the joy that was set before Him that He endured the cross! The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink and rules and all that kind of stuff! It’s righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost! That’s the character of the Kingdom of God!
And Jesus is not just saying I want to…Lord, help them get through. Help them to hunker down and just muddle through. He saying, I want them to be full of My joy. I’m full of joy, Lord! I’m just so full of exhilaration looking forward to what’s coming. I know the reality and the power of what You are doing. I know the purpose You have in Your heart! I see where it’s going, and it fills My heart with joy! I want them to share that.
I was very interested in the prayer meeting the other night how much there was said about joy, and I just sort of listened. But is this part of it? Is this part of what is completely provided? When He said everything is ready, didn’t He include joy, so that we don’t have to go, I’m getting by? I’m not very happy about it, but…God wants us to be able to lift up our eyes and learn to make a choice to participate in the joy that He feels right this minute. Is that not one of the riches of His grace that we can share? Yes, it is. Praise God!
Everything is ready. What the Lord wants…if you don’t know Him, if you do know Him, God wants us to lay hold of that and make it ours. He invites us to come on the ground of repentance and faith and trust, all of those qualities that essentially are surrender into His heart and His purpose, and they belong to us, not because we deserve them but because He paid the ultimate price to give them to us.
Lift up our eyes, press on…all these scriptures that we hear so often. Encourage each other, as has been said today. But I’ll tell you, the one thing, I guess, that I’m gonna come back to…I guess this will be the title, but everything is ready. So, the question is, what are we gonna do about it? Praise God!
January 19, 2020 - No. 1424
“Everything is Ready, Part One
January 19, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1424 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I confess to having wrestled a little bit this week with some scriptures, and I’m just gonna go ahead and start by faith. There’s a central truth, and I want to…I mean, it’s one of those truths that can go in many directions, and I don’t want to get so bogged down trying to say everything, but I don’t want to miss something either that the Lord wants to say.
One scripture that we’ve heard many times over the years, and I really…I don’t want to spend time with the details so much as to get the heart of what is being said, and that’s in Luke chapter 14. There are two very similar parables that Jesus told and this is one of them. And He was in a meal at a Pharisee’s house.
The Pharisees were this religious sect that were so strict about their keeping…what they thought was keeping the Law, that was really just the traditions that had been handed down to them. They were religious but didn’t know God.
And so, anyway, one of the guys at the table said, “Blessed is the man….” This is the middle of verse 15. “Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” (NIV). So, here they were. They were expecting the Kingdom of God, weren’t they?
“Jesus replied, A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, Come, for everything is now ready. But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me. Another said, I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me. Still another said, I just got married, so I can’t come. The servant came back and reported this to his master.
“Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. Sir, the servant said, what you ordered has been done, but there is still room. Then the master told his servant, Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.”
Again, you see the Father’s heart there. There’s this constant reaching out, in the face of all of this that…where people are just making excuses, He’s still reaching out, because His purpose is still gonna stand. God’s gonna have a kingdom, God’s gonna have a full house. This is in the context of a man asking about the Kingdom of God. So, He’s telling them how it’s gonna be. All right?
“I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.” Boy, you see what’s going on in the context. Jesus is talking about the Jewish nation, who actually…that God sent the very King of His kingdom among them, made full testimony as to who He was, by the power that they saw through Him, and yet, when the time came, come to my feast, it’s ready, they didn’t do it. There was a refusal to do it. And so, the consequence was, you’re not part of this. And you see God turning and reaching out to the world.
And you know, we’ve had this particular passage used many, many times about the three phases of God’s outreach. He reached to Israel, didn’t He? All the centuries that He reached out to them, as Ricky described, sent prophets to them, did everything He could to cause them to come and they had the invitation. They had the prophets. They knew what was coming if they had only listened and had a heart for it. And yet, when the time came, it’s ready! I don’t want it, got something else that’s more important. And so, the Lord turned to others and began to spread the Word around the world.
But yet, there came a time, didn’t there, when it still wasn’t full? And I believe we’re in that time. There’s this last call of God that’s going out into the world. I don’t know how it will unfold. I’m certainly not overruling the idea that there will yet be a great harvest. I don’t know. I know where the world is headed. I see the handwriting on the wall, in terms of the spirit that’s being allowed to take over our world. But I’ll tell you, I see a God who knows how to use that to reach those that He has purposed to reach. God will not miss one that He has purposed to reach in the world. Praise God! All right?
And there’s another passage in Matthew chapter 22 where there’s a similar truth. And boy, this was coming right down to the wire, right before the crucifixion. And there was an in-your-face confrontation, continuously, with…frequently, with the religious leaders. And so, they’re already looking for a way to arrest Him. He’s already said things that they know He’s talking about them. But the crowds are all for Jesus and they’re rejoicing in Him and so, what are they gonna do? It says, they’re looking for a way to arrest Him but they were afraid because of the people.
“Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited….” Again, who’s that?
( congregational response ).
That’s Israel, yeah. “…To the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.” This is not God saying, I reject you, out of hand, I’m not even gonna give you a chance. This is God reaching out, isn’t it? This is God doing everything in His power to reach out His heart to the people, but they refused to come.
“Then he sent some more servants and said, Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet. But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them.”
So, now you’ve got another level. You’ve got some people who were indifferent to the message, right? Okay? These are people that miss out. Some are indifferent. But now, some are absolutely, in your face…there’s an anger, there’s an…I mean, I believe with all my heart there are people in this country, not a few, who if you took off every restraint—every restraint, and they could do it, they would kill every Christian!
It’s the spirit that is loose in our world. It’s only what’s left of civilization, if you will, that’s stopping all of that. There are still laws in place and there’s still a certain amount of restraint. But I’ll tell you, that restraint is changing. But Praise God! God’s on the throne.
So, we see what they did. “The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.” What’s He talking about there? He’s talking about something that was about to happen forty years later. When God…the people made such a choice to say, we will not serve God, we will not have You as our King.
You remember…some of you remember the history there where James was the natural brother of Jesus. He became one of the leaders, or the leader of the Jerusalem church and was such a righteous man, everybody knew he was righteous. They couldn’t point to him and say, look you’re a sinner, you messed up. He was just such a just, righteous man.
And so, they were distressed, the leaders, that he was still talking about Jesus. They said, I’ll tell you what we’ll do, you are so respected, what we want you to do, we’re gonna put you up on a high place in the Temple and you’re gonna tell the people not to mess with Jesus, not to believe in Him. Okay.
So he got up there and he lifted Jesus up. And what did they do? They actually went up and threw him down. That wasn’t enough to kill him. They started stoning him. He was still there, on his knees, praying for them! And so, somebody got a club and went over, and that was the end of him. That was his ticket to heaven. But you see the spirit that had taken control of that society.
And it was not long after that that the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem and they had this terrible, terrible, destructive siege in which a million people died over a period of time. And the city was leveled. The Temple was destroyed completely. Not one stone was left upon another.
I’ll tell you what, judgment is real. And it’s not that, like we said last week, it’s not that God loves judgment and wants to do those kind of things, but I’ll tell you, when men take that kind of a spirit and align themselves with the Devil and his purposes, there is no future. And we’re seeing in that a mirror of what is yet to come upon this world.
Okay, so, we see those who are indifferent to the message of God. We see those who are opposing. But there’s one other category here. All right? “Then he said to his servants, The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find. So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. Friend, he asked, how did you get in here without wedding clothes? The man was speechless. Then the king told the attendants, Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
I’ll tell you, that’s sober. That’s serious stuff, isn’t it? Do you think that everybody in this country who professes to be a Christian is gonna be accepted when they arrive to the other side? See, you had some that were indifferent. They just went on, they chose the world. They said, no, it’s my life. I’m just gonna live out the life that I have here. I’m not interested. You have others that actively oppose and persecute.
But, you have some that say, yeah, I’ll come. But the problem is, he came with his own conditions. He said, I’ll serve God but I’m gonna do it my way. I’m gonna believe what I want to believe. I’m gonna do what I want to do. I’m gonna wear my own…I’m gonna be good in myself. I’m gonna bring my robe. I’m not gonna accept what You have. Yeah, You provided everything, but I’m coming on my terms and not yours.
I’ll tell you, that’s a sober thought to think about, isn’t it? And it’s one thing that I want to…I sense the Lord wanting to say…like I say, there are so many ramifications to the truth here. But, this is one of them.
As I look out here this morning, as the Lord looks, there are hearts, there are all kinds of hearts here. And what a tragedy it would be for people to sit here, and to hear about the great salvation that God has provided, and yet to have such a spirit that you’re gonna be the Lord of your life. You’re gonna define your relationship with—your supposed relationship with God. Self-will is gonna continue to rule and you’re gonna show up there and say, but Lord! “… Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name…” Matthew 7. When Jesus said, why do you call me Lord, Lord and you don’t do what I say?
I’ll tell you, I pray that God will awaken anybody. My purpose is not to minister fear to people that love God and are serving Him, as though it’s all up to me. That’s not the message! But I’ll tell you, there is a lot of religious, self-will that exists.
And even in the midnight darkness, think about the very scripture from which we take our name as a ministry. There it was, the midnight hour. There were ten virgins who were there and every one of them was waiting for the Bridegroom, every one of them.
But it says, five were wise and five were foolish. They were supposed to have lamps where they would meet the Bridegroom and escort him to the wedding. That was a custom that Jesus used as an example. But, the problem is the foolish ones didn’t take any oil. Oh, they had the lamp. Oh, yeah, I’m one of them.
There are so many people that have a ‘lamp of profession’ and they have nothing on the inside! I’ll tell you, what is coming upon the earth is gonna take care of a lot of this. But there are going to be people who, at such a late hour, are gonna wake up and realize, I have never really opened my heart unconditionally and given it to Him.
( congregational amens ).
It’s never become real. I grew up in church. I heard about it. I sang the songs, sang in the choir. I did everything I was supposed to. I believed the right doctrines. I believed all the right things, but I never…it never became mine.
And the Lord’s heart in this is not to condemn or to cause people to be afraid, in the wrong sense. But why would Jesus give us something like this if it wasn’t a real issue? Oh, I pray that God will speak, will bring people to such a surrender and a rest until I don’t have…somebody else doesn’t have to tell you. You don’t have to just act the part.
God, that’s miserable! Trying to act the part of a Christian and you don’t have it in here! That’s an awful life! But God wants people to have Him! He does want to share His life! He wants to share Himself! And so much religion is just self trying to be religious and expecting God to accept that. That’s not gonna work. So, that’s part of the message of these parables.
But I’ll tell you, the message…the other message that I see is twofold. In both cases there was a feast prepared. But what was the message that went out when the invitation actually was extended? What was the message? “Come, for everything is…ready.”
Praise God! What a message! And he just said, go out and invite them. Get them wherever they’re at. Everything is ready! And here, this one guy comes in and he provides his own clothes. He doesn’t take what was made and what was made ready for him. He said, no, I’m gonna do it on my terms.
But think of the other side. I sense, in my own heart, a need for coming back to the simple truth that everything is ready! Everything is ready! God has done every…He’s taken away every excuse that any of us could possibly bring forth.
( congregational amens ).
God does not go out and look for the strong. He doesn’t look for the wise. He doesn’t look for those who are…have strong willpower and are able to alter their behavior to conform to His standard. It’s none of that. He looks for the worst of the worst!
( congregational amens ).
He looks for those who are in need, because He knows the depth of human need to the point where He says, I have to provide it all! I don’t come to a people and say, I’m expecting you to provide your own way. You do this, do that, do the other and then I’ll accept you. It’s just come as we are. But this is a truth we need to lift up with all of our hearts! For everyone!
Think of the words of Jesus on the Cross. What did He say right before He said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit…” and He died? What did He say?
( congregational response ).
“It is finished.” Some of the greatest words in the history of this world!
( congregational amens ).
Does it dawn on us what He was talking about? It is finished! It is finished. Praise God! It’s finished!
( congregational amens ).
The Devil didn’t have a clue what was going on, what was finished! He was the one who was finished! Praise God! It is finished! God wants every person who hears the message of the Good News to get this, for it to take such a deep root in our hearts that we learn to rely upon what He has done and not upon what we are and what we can do.
And I wrote down a lot of scriptures. I’m just gonna refer to some of them. But if you’re writing these down, Matthew 25…you have the…I’m gonna pick a scripture out of that. But this is the scene where Jesus says, I’m coming, I’m gonna gather the nations and judge them.
But there was one group of people to whom He made a tremendous statement and that is this, He says, “… Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.” (NLT). Praise God! I didn’t turn that over and read it so, let me make sure I got it exactly…yeah. “… Take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you …” (NIV). Oh, when was this done?
( congregational response ).
God is unfolding a purpose that was completed, in His mind, before anything ever happened! How do you…I mean, how do you even wrap your mind around something like that? But it’s the truth, because God is not part of time, He’s outside of it! He has set things in motion that are certain! The end of what God has purposed to do is as certain as God is!
And so, what He is calling us to put our trust in is just as certain as He is…His promise, the hope that He plants in the human heart. Oh, God, the people that miss this are the ones that make a choice to say, I will serve myself! I will cling to the life I have and pursue its desires in this creation! You do that, you will lose it! You will lose everything!
But oh, I don’t know…I feel my need of this. I feel my need of it. This is a truth that needs to be lifted up. This has been prepared since the creation of the world! Look at…I’m gonna go ahead and turn to these, quickly, because they’re not ones I need to dwell on in a long time, but Revelation chapter 1.
This is quite a scene when you think about it. John was the beloved disciple. He had walked with Jesus. He had seen Jesus, glowing like the sun, up on the mount of transfiguration! He had met the risen Christ! He had watched Him ascend from the Mount of Olives. He’d experienced all of this. Now, he meets Him in a way that just blows him over, and he falls over like he’s dead. The impact of it was so intense and powerful.
Verse 17, “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: Do not be afraid.” Praise God! How many times in scripture do we see that, when our natural reaction is fear and He says, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid?
“I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” I’ve got the key to everything! There’s nothing the Devil can pull that I don’t have the key to. Praise God!
This is One who could say, it is finished! All He did was step into, with perfect obedience, to the purpose of God that was unfolding since the foundation of the world. Praise God!
January 12, 2020 - No. 1423
“Seeds of the Kingdom” Conclusion
January 12, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1423 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” (NIV). Do you see again the divine Gardener going to work? It is seeds again. God is going to speak a Word, that Word is going to enter into the heart, and where it is received, it brings forth eternal life. There is a new life that is born. Okay?
I know you know other the scriptures that relate to this, and I believe we can look at them. But think about this. The Word of God that has life in it—God speaks it, in other words, even though it may come through human lips. If God speaks it and there’s a heart that’s ready, God is gonna create in you, and in me, the same life that was in Jesus Christ. That’s amazing. Praise God! That’s what this is about.
“All men….” Now he’s describing about the condition of the world and the life that we have as a result of simply being born into this world. He says, “All men are like grass….” That’s what you are this morning apart from Christ. In your human life, you’re just grass. One of these days you’re going to get mowed or you’re gonna die.
( laughter ).
“And all their glory…” Oh, we look at people and how great they are, and the great accomplishments. “…All their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord stands forever. And this is the word that was preached to you.” Praise God! This is how God calls His people and begins to impart Himself to His people.
Now, a scripture that’s related to this…you turn back a few pages to James, chapter 1, and verse 16. I’ll read a verse or two coming into this. “Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Thank God!
Now here’s the expression of His purpose. “He chose to give us birth through the word of truth…” Why? Where’s He going with this? “…That we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created.” I mean, doesn’t that kind of bring it together? You’ve got the Word, you’ve got creation, you’ve got fruit. Isn’t it interesting, how this idea of God planting something that’s gonna grow up and produce fruit?
But notice what’s going on here. Instead of us being the end of creation and then we mess it up, we’re the firstfruits. God is doing things in a different order in this eternal creation. He gave His Son, He gave life into His Son, and His Son laid down this earthly life so that He could impart that to others. And God’s first order of business is to work in His Son, just to build the family of people who will rule over that new creation.
You read in Romans 8 how the creation is waiting! It’s in bondage until now—it’s a bondage of corruption that’s there…the curse is still there, upon creation! It’s waiting on you and waiting on me, and God’s purpose, until the crop absolutely matures and grows…and He’s ready to say, here are My sons, I’m done…I’ve done the job I purposed to do.
What an amazing picture is painted by all of this. Firstfruits—firstfruits are the first finished product of a harvest, aren’t they? You know, the Jews had the feast of firstfruits and they would plant crops in the spring, the rains would come, and then, a few weeks later there would be…some of the crop would actually be ready to pick and eat.
Folks, you and I, if we know Jesus Christ, we are firstfruits of something God is doing that’s eternal. And what makes us that is not because of the kind of people we are, it’s because of His work, and His power, and His life, that has been imparted into this unworthy flesh. Praise God!
Look back a few more pages and go back to Hebrews, chapter 2, and here’s another scripture that we use many times. So, let’s tie these together. Because he goes back to the creation, and verse 5, I guess is a good place to pick it up.
“It is not to angels that He has subjected the world to come…” So now you’ve got reference to a world that’s yet to come, don’t you? Ties that in. “…About which we are speaking. But there is a place where someone has testified: What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet.”
See, that goes back to the original creation, doesn’t it? When God finished everything, it was beautiful, and then He put Adam in there and said, it’s all yours. And what did we do with it? But anyway, that’s God’s order. And it hasn’t stopped being His order.
“In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him.” Duh…this is an out-of-control world, isn’t it? That’s not what we see right now.
“But…” What do we see? “…We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels…” He himself came down to our level “…Now crowned with glory and honor…” He’s not here anymore, He’s up there. Whether that’s…anyway, ‘up.’ Whether it’s geographical or not is not the point. He’s in a place of exaltation. All right. “…Now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”
Do you want to know how Jesus did what He did? It tells you, doesn’t it? God gave Him the strength to do it. He didn’t have that as a man. Why do you think He prayed? And angels came and strengthened Him. He occupied the same place in every respect that we did except that He didn’t sin. He had to have divine strength to be able to do what He did. But God gave Him everything that He needed.
And He’s gonna give you and me everything we need to fulfill our purpose too. He never gives us something to do and says, all right, I’m gonna stand back and let’s see you pull it off. He said, everything I lay before you, there’s grace—there’s divine help to do what you’ve been called to do. Thank God! All right?
But listen to what the purpose…how he expresses the purpose that’s being fulfilled. “In bringing many sons to glory….” Now that takes everybody else in. That’s the many seeds, isn’t it? “…Bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.”
Wow…is right. “So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.” Whew…I can think of so many times when I’ve wondered, God, how could Jesus not be ashamed to be called my brother? Look at me, look at my weaknesses.
But I’ll tell you, there’s a purpose, there’s a heart that sees beyond all that is wrong now, all that is lacking…that knows the crop is not there yet, but it’s coming. There’s a life in it that will prevail. Praise God! Praise the Lord! So many sons being brought to glory!
Now look at…I think I’ve got 2nd Corinthians 5, is another interesting scripture that I’ve referred to at times. But it ties very well with this whole subject…2nd Corinthians, chapter 5. Paul is talking about the motivation, the thing that drives him to share the gospel. There’s something that just pours out of his heart because he feels compelled.
And that’s what he says, verse 14. “For Christ’s love compels us…” Now what…what fact, what understanding, what did he understand that caused him to see things the way he did? This is something we need to see. “…Because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.”
Do you understand what he’s saying? Paul didn’t see people the way we’re inclined to see them. Paul realized that when Jesus died, it was more than just Jesus dying. Everybody died! Now, there’s a out-working to that. But you can see the destiny of this world and of the world to come in what happened at the cross and the resurrection. It’s all there. God absolutely destroyed one creation and brought forth another that will last forever. Everything else is an out-working of that.
Folks, if you are here and you were born into this world, and of course, you were, you’re dead! God put you to death, and me, at the cross. Thank God! I needed to die! The life that I came into this world with is corrupt. It cannot be part of that. And so, God put me to death.
But here’s the other side of it. Why did He do this? “And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” What a picture! Everybody dies…but some live.
Is that not a picture of what’s happened? Do you not see where that’s at? Folks, the people of this world have no clue. God has already judged them. He allows them to live out a life, but it’s a temporary life. They’re just like grass. It’s not going anywhere. Nothing will come of it. There is no meaning, there’s no purpose to this world and this creation. But there are some who live! Thank God!
“So…” Paul says, “…from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.” We don’t see people the way everybody else sees them. “Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
Praise God! Do you see how this all ties in? If we ever are joined to Christ, if the Word of God finds a home in the heart, okay…and that life is not just ideas and religious practice, but there literally is a birth that takes place, there’s a new life that literally is born in the heart…we’re part of that new creation.
Yes, we were there when He died and we died with Him, but we were raised with Him. That’s what baptism is about. That’s the meaning of it. We participate not only in His death but also in His resurrection. And so, we are a part of a brand-new creation. What is it that makes us part of the new creation? Anything of us?
( congregational response ).
It’s a new life. It’s His life that comes to rest within us. Now, this is a very good place to look back at a very familiar scripture in John, chapter 3…because this is where Nicodemus, a ruler, teacher of the Jews, comes to Jesus. He sneaks in by night and wants to get some questions answered.
And Jesus, in verse 3, says “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” So, he doesn’t get it. And he says, ““How can a man be born when he is old?’ Nicodemus asked. ‘Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!’” That’s the only way he could see things. It’s just a very earthly point of view.
“Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.’” You see, there are two kinds of life there. You see the life that we’ve got by being born into the world, but there’s another kind of life! That’s the only one that’s gonna be a part of that. If you don’t have that, you don’t have anything.
Oh, I’ll tell you, I hope there’s somebody here that God can bring you face to face with the reality, I need His life. I need Him to come and to live within me.
Now think about, for a minute, where Nicodemus was at. He was part of a religious tradition that looked back, in spite of the tradition, they looked back to something God really did. God had given them laws through Moses, He had given them a system of sacrifices.
But what was their nature of the relationship with God? Was it very intimate? No, it was very hands-off. God dwelt among them, but where did He dwell? One little place in the tabernacle, later in the temple, called the Holy of Holies, and boy, you had a curtain there that could not be breached without somebody dying.
What a witness that was to the difference between us and a holy God…how we could never possibly have a relationship with a holy God. That’s all he knew. And not only that, his concept of a kingdom was a Jewish kingdom—a Jewish supremacy, and them being free to chart their own course and be great in the world, and God was gonna honor them before the nations. That was his concept of the Kingdom.
Jesus said, I’ve got something totally different in mind. And, you can’t even participate in what I’m talking about, without being born again. And the problem is, what’s born of flesh is just flesh! That’s all it is. It can never be anything else. You can’t fix it! You can’t train it! You can’t do anything to make this fit for that! You’ve got to be born of God’s Spirit to even see it, to enter it, to have any part of what’s coming.
Oh, what scriptures there are in 1st Corinthians 15. I don’t want to take a lot of time. There’s a lot of scripture there. I’m gonna try to get the essence of what I’m thinking about here. Well, I’m in Acts. Let’s jump past that…1st Corinthians 15. That’s the one about the resurrection. And, there’s so much here that I don’t want to wade through. But Paul is talking about the reality of the resurrection, but why it’s necessary. Verse 35, I guess I’ll pick it up there and I’ll have to skip over some of it.
“But someone may ask, How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come? How foolish!” Now listen to the language of this. Isn’t this interesting? “What you sow….” It’s harvest language, isn’t it? God, the Gardener. “When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body.”
And he talks about, in the natural level, that everything brings forth after its own kind. So down in 42, “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable….” It sure is.
( laughing ).
That’s the one we live in right now. It is perishable. “…It is raised imperishable….” That’s where God’s going with this. The same kind of body that Jesus had, is what everybody in His Kingdom will one day have. “…It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” Thank God, this is what’s going on!
And so…down in verse 49, “Just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.” Thank God!
Now this is the verse that’s so often read at funerals, “I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God….” Is that plain? You see, God’s building a Kingdom. He’s doing it by planting His life in earth, and He’s raising out of that something that is going to inherit eternal life. But in order for that to happen, this has to die. Are you getting that picture? It’s a consistent picture through the scriptures.
But, “…flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.” And this is the glorious passage, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
“For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: Death has been swallowed up in victory…” Praise God!
“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” And so forth. And then he encourages people. We’ve got the victory through Christ, so don’t give up. Be steadfast in your faith. God wants to lift our eyes from where we’re at and the context in which we find ourselves. This is just the earth. We’re planted here. God has planted His life in us and we are planted in the earth itself so that we might grow to be what we will one day be. I’ll tell you, there’s so much more to this.
“Seeds of the Kingdom,” is what I had kind of titled this, but we’ll see. But there is so much more about what God is planting in the earth. It’s amazing. It’s powerful. It affects every single one of us. And God has a kingdom that is absolutely growing up in Him. It is a crop in the earth. And it’s real.
And I’ll tell you, if Christ is in your heart, you’re part of that. And you and I are growing up and when God is done with us, when that crop is done, what’s He gonna do? He’s gonna harvest it, isn’t He? And it’s gonna be ready. And I just praise God!
There are other things you could go into but I’m not gonna take time today. But perhaps this…this is all that’s necessary, because God planted the kingdom when He planted His Son in that ground. The harvest began when He came forth out of that tomb with the life of a new creation.
When He began to speak that life into people on the Day of Pentecost and ever since, those…we have become seeds. And like the One who went before us, as we lay down our lives for Him and give them to Him in whatever form that takes, there is another life that grows up and gets ready for that.
And I’ll tell you, there’s gonna come a day when we will leave all of this behind and that’s all that will be left. The seed will have absolutely produced the life that God intended when He planted it in us. Praise God!
I’ll tell you, who’s on the Lord’s side? Man, it’s worth everything, to be born again, to be born of His Spirit. If you don’t have His life in you, you’re not part of this. And so, I would ask you, do you want to be? If there’s a question, do you want to be? Then cry out to God! There’s a God who says, if you seek Me with all your heart, you will find Me!
God’s not looking for excuses to shut people out! He’s not looking at your deficiencies and saying, you don’t qualify because you’re so bad. It’s not about our badness or goodness or anything-ness. It’s God’s power to save. It’s…what Jesus did is more powerful than any need you and I could ever come up with. He is a mighty Savior.
The same power that overcame the grave on that day, will overcome everything before it’s over! He who has begun that good work will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Praise God!
Part of His purpose though, is for us to be here. Otherwise, we’d get saved, as we put it, we’d be born again and okay, you don’t have to live here anymore. There’s a reason He still has us here. This is the soil in which He is producing something that’s eternal!
And we’re gonna have to live in a world that hates Him and learn how to die to it and live as foreigners in this world, and love Him and serve Him anyway.
But there’s something in doing that that forms what we will become. If it weren’t, God would do it some other way. I’ll tell you what, everything we experience here has everything to do with forming what we will be there. So, Praise God! So, all you seeds, go out and grow.
January 5, 2020 - No. 1422
“Seeds of the Kingdom” Part One
January 5, 2020
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1422 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, I’m just trusting the Lord…of course, that’s something we always should do, isn’t it? We’ve been focusing, for a period of time now, on the Kingdom of God and seeking to do some teaching, and I believe the Lord is continuing to quicken things. And so, I’m just gonna try to share what He’s quickened. It seems like every week I have more than I can even fit in. But that’s okay, I’m gonna start.
But, just to step back for a minute and sort of look at the big picture and the context in which we are thinking about all of this. You know, the Word of God exists between two ends, a beginning and an ending, doesn’t it? And the beginning of everything really is before the beginning, because it’s something that God had in His heart before the beginning of time, before the beginning of creation. It was to have a Kingdom that was filled with Him, filled with His life, and to have a family of sons and daughters who would share that with Him, because His nature is to love, and love needs an object. And so, back before the beginning of time that was His purpose.
And of course, in the end, that’s what we see, don’t we? We see a new creation, a new heaven and a new earth, and we see inhabitants there. We see God dwelling among men. We see our Savior, literally walking with us as a Brother. Can you imagine that? Standing there together worshiping the Lord, and no sin, no death, no sorrow…none of the things that we experience here.
So, on the one hand, we have the purpose and on the other hand, we have the fulfillment. And so we’ve been talking about how it is that God unfolds that purpose, because we know that the enemy stepped in and there was a rebellion against God and against His Kingdom, but we know that God is absolutely in control, regardless of what He allows that kingdom to do. It only serves His purpose in the end. And there will come a time when that will not exist. Thank God!
So, you know, I’ve heard people over the years talk about the end result of what God seeks to do, as though God is going to restore Eden, and they’re referring to the Garden of Eden where everything was pure and all that. But, I don’t believe that’s quite accurate. I believe God is going way beyond Eden, because in Eden, there was…God created everything and He said, it’s all good, right? So, there was no evil in it. There was no death in it, but it still was not His purpose because you still had an open choice.
You see, God is a God who…certainly He’s not a robot, is He? We don’t have a Great Computer in the sky who is running everything. Thank God…computers crash. But anyway, we were created in His image, were we not? I mean, it wouldn’t make any sense for God to create us in His image and then us be sort of robots, or chess pieces on a board to be moved about at His will. There’s an extreme that some people go to that so emphasizes the sovereignty of God that it takes away all choice.
But the reality is, God created everything. He put everything in the hands of man, didn’t He? But there was a choice. There were two trees. And in the beginning, they hadn’t partaken of either one, had they? And so, there was a choice and they made the wrong choice. They chose the way of independence of the knowledge of good and evil. And so, God has been working within the context of a world that has been totally taken over by that spirit, by that life form, if you will.
There were two different life forms represented by those trees. One was God’s life. See, that’s a life that can’t die. But this other kind was a kind that corrupts. It causes people to live for self, to put self and self desires at the center, and all that does is create the world that we see, of evil and conflict and struggle and strife and death.
So that’s what God is working out. Creation was only the beginning, wasn’t it? And so, even though the creation was good, it was also innocent. It had not moved beyond that point. And so, there is a wrong choice that was made and it has brought about all that we see, as we said.
There’s an interesting scripture that comes to me from time to time, and a lot of times we will read Romans 12 and the wonderful passage about offering our bodies as a living sacrifice. But that begins with a ‘therefore,’ doesn’t it? And there’s a whole lot that goes into that ‘therefore.’
But basically, to sum it up, in chapters 1 through 12, Paul is laying out the reason why we need a Savior. And it’s the fact that, men, first of all, when they knew God they didn’t worship Him as God, did they? That’s Romans 1. You see a world that absolutely made a hard, fast choice to say, God, get away from us. We’re gonna live our own independent lives. And so, God turned them over to the evil that they had chosen.
And the fact is, Paul, as he develops his understanding and God’s view of the world, basically he’s dealing with two entities, isn’t he? He’s dealing with the world of the Jews where God had revealed Himself, and had actually identified Himself in great measure with that people. But he’s also dealing with the Gentile world that was just living in heathen darkness.
But Paul comes to a conclusion early on that there’s no difference. People today want to make a difference. There is no difference when it comes to God’s ultimate purpose. Everybody has, “…sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (KJV). That’s the long and the short of it.
And so, he comes down to chapter 11, is where I’m headed…I don’t want to spend a lot of time with this. But in chapter 11, he’s still dealing with…okay, what about the Jews? Where do they fit in? I don’t get it. They’ve fallen…they’ve turned away from God. They crucified Jesus when He came, or they instigated it, and I don’t understand.
And God helps to explain to Paul, and he shares that with us in chapters 9 to 11, that God never promised to save all Jews! He did promise to save a remnant…that there would always be a believing remnant who would be saved, and not only that, the fact that the Gospel has gone out into the Gentile world is going to really come back to favor the Jews because they will hear the Gospel and some of them will be moved to come.
And so, there’s…ultimately, there’s gonna be a people that would be Jews and Gentiles alike, without any of those other earthly distinctions. In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, Paul said, right? See, there’s a kingdom where all these distinctions are gone, and it’s a remnant of all that come to Him.
But there’s something that God says…let me see if I can pick it up. Verse 30 of chapter 11, “Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience…” speaking of the Jews, “…so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you.” (NIV).
I just happened to notice that I have that word ‘now’ underlined. There’s a reason for that, because this is not about some future thing. This is about during the age of the church, if you want to call it that, during this present age, there will be a people who are Jewish who will literally come and be brothers and sisters with us. They will receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you.
“For God…” This is the scripture that attracted my attention. “For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.” That’s the place that mankind finds himself. He has no claim upon God through any internal goodness. When a man or woman chooses to humble themselves before God, it’s not because there’s some goodness in them that isn’t in somebody else. It’s just the opposite. It is the renunciation of any claim to goodness.
But when it comes down to…what it really comes down to is this. There is a choice that everyone has to make. And that choice is to come to God, to surrender to God on the ground of mercy, or to say, no, I’m gonna go my own way. Everyone makes that choice.
And, I’ll tell you, it’s a humbling thing. It rubs right in the face of human nature—it flies in the face of human nature, for me to come to God, and basically declare spiritual bankruptcy, because when He speaks, I’ll tell you, it shows me what I am. I’ll tell you, my walk with Him everyday reminds me of what I am and how much I need Him, and how I could never hope to come to God and say, God, look at me, I deserve Your favor. It is mercy!
Mercy is undeserved favor! The grace is that that helps me to avail myself of it. It’s His strength that works in my heart that causes me, enables me to say, yes, Lord, I surrender. I have turned from my own way.
Folks, that’s the choice that every single person in this room has to make at some point in your life. And it’s an eternal choice. There’s a crossroad that people come to. So that’s really what is the foundation of all of this.
But you know, we’ve been talking about a kingdom and how God spent years, centuries, really, speaking through the prophets, and talking about a kingdom that was to come! Now, we talked about how the fact that that kingdom began to actually manifest itself in the world in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Here we have the One, about whom we were singing this morning. He came into a world that He Himself had created, and was willing to come into the world, not as some conquering hero, riding on a horse or something like that…however you visualize that, not with a conquering army, but as a baby. He humbled Himself to literally become a part of this creation. What an amazing thing that is! What a humbling…the willingness of Him to go to that length to continue to carry out the purpose of God.
But there was one thing about Jesus that was unique in all of human history up to that point. God lived in Him. It was one thing for God to be with someone, as He was with the prophets, and He overshadowed them. You know, we see very graphic examples of God’s being with someone, with Samson. Here is an otherwise looking guy who could do incredible feats of strength. How did he do that? God rested on him and imparted strength to him that he didn’t have.
That’s not the same thing as God living inside them. See, there was something that was brand new! And so Jesus was a full representative, a participant, if you will, in this old, corrupted creation, but yet, God lived in Him because He was a sinless, obedient Son, who absolutely lived in this world without sin. So that was the thing. Jesus entered His own creation, but had divine life in Him.
There’s a scripture that my mind goes often to…I’m praying the Lord will help me to tie together a lot of scriptures that we’re familiar with, but to paint a picture of how they tie together. John chapter 12…Jesus is right on the point, He’s right ahead of the crucifixion…this is the crucifixion week. And, there are some people that want to see Jesus, and so Jesus says in verse 23 of John 12, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”
That’s interesting, isn’t it? He’s about to go to the cross and He said, He’s about to be glorified. You talk about confidence in the purpose of God, you talk about Someone who was able to look past death! Folks, we need to be able to look past whatever God allows in this life that puts us to death, so that we can live!
( congregational response ).
Look at the example of the One who went before us, who considered…all that He had to do as but nothing. He just overlooked it, because He had His eye on what was ahead. Thank God! And what was ahead was us! He was looking ahead to be able to share with us that life that was in Him! I mean, that’s here, now, this morning! This is relevant to you and to me today!
But listen to what He says. “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world…” That’s what He’s talking about. “…Will keep it for eternal life.” Pretty radical choice, isn’t it? “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
But, what an interesting picture Jesus paints of what He was about to undergo. He compares Himself with a seed. Now, we know that…I mean, He’s using this an illustration of something that we would understand, because a seed has two parts, doesn’t it? It has an outer part, but the purpose of the outer part is to contain something on the inside. There is a life in there, if you’ve got a good seed. But it’s only…you never get that life out of that until that seed is put into the ground and literally dies! The outer is given up so the inward can come forth.
Do you see what’s God’s purpose is and how His plan is to work out? God is a great Gardener. And you see this picture in so many places in the Bible, of God literally planting something. This is a theme. God was not after just exalting His Son and saying…so we can all say, wow, and then go to hell. God had a purpose of being able to share what was in Jesus with many others.
And so, what He did was to lay down His life in such a way that it opened heaven’s door. It opened the door to a kingdom that was eternal, to people who would otherwise have no hope whatsoever! Everything goes back to what took place on the cross and the resurrection. Praise God! How central that is!
But what a theme there is in the scriptures of divine life, literally planted like a seed in something that is of this earth, this creation, despite its condition, God plants His life in such a way that it grows into a harvest that lasts forever!
It’s not about preserving this life, or enhancing this life. It’s not ‘about’ this life. It’s about God saying, I’m gonna put My life into this…I’m gonna plant My seed in the earth. So I see…it’s amazing to me. I can’t wrap my brain around this, that God would actually use a corrupted creation as the very medium in which He, as the great divine Gardener, would produce a crop that lasts forever.
Now you know, as a farmer, you’re not putting your seed into the ground for the sake of the ground. You’re not gonna eat the ground. That’s not your endgame, is it? The ground is simply a medium because you’re going to get out of that something that’s going to last and something that’s gonna be good.
And that’s what God is doing. There’s nothing about this that will last. But while it’s here, God is using it! And God’s purpose is not just to simply impart His life to somebody and say, okay, you’ve got it. Boom! Let’s go to heaven. There is something that takes place here that is necessary to produce that. Okay? So, divine life planted in earth grows into an eternal harvest.
There’s something else that He says there that is very, very interesting. I’ve often referred to it. And, well, I’ll go ahead and read the transition here. “Now my soul is troubled…” Jesus goes on, “…and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour?” I mean, is that what I’m gonna say? Is that how I’m gonna react to this, in other words? “No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” So there was an utter surrender, wasn’t there?
You know, when God calls on us to surrender, we have a pretty good example of Someone who surrendered His life to the ultimate sacrifice for you and for me. I mean, He could’ve called for 10,000 angels…there’s a song that says that.
“Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.” So they didn’t quite catch on to what was going on, but they knew something had happened unusual.
“Jesus said, This voice was for your benefit, not mine. Now….” This is the key statement. “Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” Or, all to myself.
And the picture that I’ve had of this for so many years now, is Jesus, at a pivotal time in the history of what God was doing, His eternal purpose, in Him was represented two different creations! How many understand that? How many of you get that?
He possessed a natural life that resided in a natural body. But He possessed the very life that is the life of the new creation on the inside. They were both there! And in order for this new creation to come forth, the old one was literally laid down willingly to the suffering of death and being laid in a tomb.
Why? Because He was…He understood! This is the pathway to get there! Does that kind of make a little more sense of the Christian life? It’s not about this world! It’s about learning to live out the life that we will have there, even in the context of having to do it within these bodies in a crazy world, in a wicked world, that hates and opposes everything we stand for.
But here He was…God was literally planting a seed and when that seed came forth, that new creation was born. You know, back in the beginning, He spoke, didn’t He? And He began to bring everything forth. But when He brought forth the new creation, His Son was in that tomb. And when He said, come forth, a new creation was born. That was the inception of it.
And everything that has happened since and will happen, that will bring us to that final day when the creation will become evident to everybody, that began right there. That little seed that went in the ground…small beginning, it looked like, unlikely beginning, but there was a power of life in that seed.
And I’ll tell you, when He came forth from that tomb, He wasn’t like He was when He went in. He came forth with a body that was the body like we’re gonna have one day…those who know the Lord. I’ll tell you, that’s the hope…I’m not gonna have to put up with this forever. Thank God!
Some of you young people, you have no idea. But thank God, this is not the end. This is not what it’s about. We’re here for a little while to be prepped for that. God is looking to implant seeds in this life that will bring life forever.
So, Jesus has done what He has done. The new creation is actually literally born when He comes forth from the tomb! There is something the Devil cannot touch! Can you imagine the shrieks of terror in the kingdom of darkness when they realized what had happened? And they understood, we have lost, not just the battle, we have lost the war!
( congregational amens ).
Jesus has come forth and we have no power against Him like this! He can do as He pleases! His body cannot be assailed, cannot be opposed! Nothing He does can be hindered. And so, He spends some time with His disciples, so they know for sure that this is real. We have touched Him. We have eaten food with Him! We know that this is real!
But He said, don’t run and tell everybody yet. Wait. And so, He goes to heaven. They watch Him, literally…can you imagine standing on a hill somewhere, and all of a sudden somebody begins to float up into the air? Well, they saw that! There were eyewitnesses of all these things. And there He went. He floated up.
A cloud received Him out, and all of sudden there’s an angel standing there. I imagine they’re kind of shocked at that. He said, why are you looking up there? The same Jesus is gonna come back as you’ve seen Him go into heaven.
And so, there was a powerful expression of the presence of God by the Spirit, that got everybody’s attention and gave Peter the opportunity to preach the Word of God, in a powerful, powerful way, so that people would absolutely come to realize what the death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection was actually about!
You, too, can receive the same Spirit you have seen in manifestation here today. It wasn’t about the manifestation. It was about divine life being planted in earth. And about 3,000 people became a part of the fellowship of the Kingdom of God on that day, and it just has grown ever since, in spite of all the mixture, in spite of all its faults. God has a people in the earth, and there’s a crop that’s growing.
December 29, 2019 - No. 1421
All Music
December 22, 2019 - No. 1420
“Divine Nature in a Broken World?” Conclusion
December 22, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1420 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Someone who is so great that He could breathe out galaxies was willing to come and show me what it means to be a son of God. You think of the humbling. This is not acting humble. This is genuinely coming to a place of rest in who I am and realizing there is a God. He does fill eternity, but He’s just not some sort of vague entity. He has a purpose. There is a divine purpose that was formed in His heart before everything else happened.
God knew the course this world would take when He created it, when His Son created it. He is spoken of as crucified for us before the foundation of the world. I mean, you see this, the outworking of something that was in the heart of God. God has a purpose!
And our problem is we’ve got our purposes, and they are at cross purposes with each other and with His. But here is Jesus…though He was all that He was, yet He was willing in the heart and the purpose of God to come down and simply be what it took to fulfill the heart and the purpose of God. And that was to make Himself nothing.
Oh, how we struggle with such simple things. And how the Lord would bring us to a place of rest and submission. When you think of trust…I think there’s a scripture…I haven’t looked up some of these, but there’s a scripture in Hebrews 2 that talks about Jesus having a trust in His Father.
I’m standing alongside my brothers, and my trust is in Him. Isn’t there a scripture along that line, showing that in so many ways He is not just up here, but He’s down here as a Brother? Now He’s the greatest Brother we’ll ever have, but nonetheless, He’s taken His place by our side in order to lift us up to what He wants.
But, think about the trust, the sense of, I’m willing to put My life in Your hands, to put everything, all of My purposes aside. Lord, it’s…I didn’t come to this world to do My own will. I came to do the will, He said, of My Father.
Isn’t that what the Lord wants to produce in our lives, where the ultimate value in our lives is to be found in being His child and being the object of His love, and having an actual place in a divine purpose for somebody that great…where He knows about us, He thinks about us, He plans for us?
Yeah, I know getting to where we’re going can lead us into some dark and difficult places. Look where it led Him. And the reality is His motive for doing that was not so I can be somebody. It was so that we could be somebody. You see how what Paul is telling the people there and exhorting them was literally demonstrated by our Savior.
If you want to know what it means to have divine life, my God, it’s not sitting around singing happy songs, and expecting God to pat us on the back for it. It’s not just having a happy service so we can go out and everybody feels good about themselves, and then they go off and live their lives. God is really…God is looking to produce a transformation in us that can only come as we will humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and let Him do the lifting up.
But when He lifts us up, it won’t be an ego trip. It won’t be this sense of, okay, finally, I get to be who I really wanted to be in the first place. I hate the way it happened, but I’m here. Okay.
No. That will be gone! If we submit ourselves under His mighty hand, God’s gonna burn that stuff out. It won’t be about us anymore. It will be about Him. We’re gonna stand before Him one day, if He gives us any crowns, we’re gonna say, whoa, here’s where the crown belongs. I’m gonna cast it at His feet. He’s the one who did it all. He’s the one who earned it all for us. To Him be the glory forever and ever!
( congregational amens ).
This One who was willing to come to earth as He did, made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. I mean, what were the values that He taught His followers? Do you want to be the greatest among your brothers? How do you do that? Be a servant. A servant is the greatest one in His economy. It’s exactly the inversion of human values.
And He didn’t come to be served but to serve. You think about the demonstration at the last supper, when He took off His outer garments, wrapped Himself with a towel. That was the garb of a servant. That was how they went around and did their thing. And He went around and washed their feet. You think of the humility that was demonstrated in that.
But it was more than humility. It was a care for somebody else. It wasn’t just, hey, I want to show you how humble I am. This is somebody who was so focused on them, and out of that experience He said I’m showing you how I want you to be toward one another. I want you to be about helping one another.
You’re gonna be down here in this world. There are gonna be a lot of ways in which this world is going to affect you and your walk in it. And I want you to be all about helping one another through, lifting one another up, helping one another with each burden, with each one’s burdens. What an amazing demonstration we see in our Lord. Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! I got a little of my voice back. Praise the Lord! And so, all of this…and He goes through His whole life and comes down to the end, “…being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death.” (NIV).
Now, in the first place, this is a, this is the Spirit of One who, again, is not here to do His own will. There’s this obedience, this trust, this relationship with His heavenly Father, where…I know His heart.
See, we struggle with trust. Just be honest. We struggle with the very principle of trust. But think about this One who trusted His Father. Did He have a basis for trusting His Father? Yeah, He was there in the beginning. He was party to the plans that the Father had from the foundation of the world. He knew what His Father was like.
He could see what was going on in this ugly world. He was interacting with it through Israel. He saw it. He saw them rebel. He saw the constantly human nature rising up and corrupting everything! But He also knew His Father’s heart. And so, there was a 100 percent trust that enabled Him to obey.
Don’t we have a hymn that says something like that? “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.” Kind of simple, isn’t it? But do we not see that demonstrated in our Savior? This was not an acting job. He came into the place of danger.
He had every opportunity, if you will, to exalt Himself in some way that was outside of God’s purpose. What was one of the devil’s temptations? Yeah, carry You up on to the high place of the temple. You say You’re the Son of God, throw Yourself down! Let’s let everybody see who You are. That wasn’t God’s way. That wasn’t God’s purpose, God’s heart.
And I’ll guarantee there were so many times during His life…I mean, we know He was tempted in every way such as we are. Isn’t that what the scripture says? Don’t you know there were voices trying to talk to Him and pull Him and push Him in every direction, but the simple path of obedience to His heavenly Father and trust.
But I’ll tell you, He relied completely on the grace of God. See, that’s another way He’s our example. He didn’t come here with His own strength. He emptied Himself. He became a man. He became as dependent upon the Father as we are.
But yet, for Him, that was not a resignation to something unwelcome, as we might think of it. This was, I see, I get it, I know the path of life. I get what’s wrong with this world. I know I cannot give vent to this body and the nature and so forth that I see around me, that I feel. God is gonna give Me the strength to get through.
God is gonna give us the strength to get through, if we will, because I don’t have it. I need God. If Jesus needed His Father, if He needed the grace of God to do what He did, do we not?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah! That’s God’s plan. But isn’t that part of humbling ourselves and taking that place that is only rightfully ours…one of rest and dependence and humility and faith and all these things that we don’t have to put on? We’re not trying to put on a religious cloak here and act a certain way. We’re saying, God, put this in here. Change the way I look at life and the world and myself.
But He didn’t just humble Himself in the events of His life. He humbled Himself to death. Now, think about what that represents. Now, I know He died because of my sin. He took to Himself the guilt of everything that I have ever done, every evil thought, every evil deed, and yours. And He took the guilt of that and received the punishment that was due to me.
But it represented something much deeper than just that. He just didn’t die ‘for’ sin. He died ‘to’ it. It represented the ultimate rejection of corrupted human nature, that virus, that spiritual virus, if you will, that has infected the human race beyond cure. There is only one remedy for sin, and that’s to kill it. He died to it.
He was completely willing to give up His life, because He knew there was something beyond. He had the promise of His heavenly Father. Oh, praise God! Do we have a ground to stand upon when we think about God’s purpose for us to follow in His steps?
( congregational response ).
You see the steps that He took to get to where He is now? That’s the path for us, too. Now I don’t have to die for the forgiveness of my sins, but God has called me to die to sin! That’s central to salvation!
But there was a way of looking at life and a way of looking at the world that He saw…He saw it for what it was, no illusions. This is a sin-blinded, cursed world. I reject it utterly. I am willing to lay this body down in death.
I started to say, do we have a ground for hope in that? What about Hebrews chapter 6? I’ll just refer to some of these. I’m not gonna turn to every scripture, but…we’re told, by the writer there, that we have two things that God wants us to find rest and hope in.
And those two things are unchangeable. That means you and I can’t change it. That means the Devil cannot change it, and that means God won’t! What are those two things?
One of them is the unchangeableness of His purpose! Now, that goes all the way back to the beginning. I guess for you, the beginning is down there, isn’t it? I keep forgetting which way you’re looking. We’re a left to right culture here.
So, all the way back there in the beginning, He had this purpose! This is not something where I’m going to try it, see how it works, and then, we’ll make it up as we go along. This was an immutable, unchangeable purpose! That’s part of the rock that He wants us to be able to step upon and find hope and comfort!
And all that Jesus did in coming into the world was an expression of the outworking of that purpose that He said was not going to change! Folks, you want something that you can put your hope and faith in, that will never change? God says, look to My purpose, submit to it, become a part of it, become an expression of My purpose not yours. You want hope that’s gonna go beyond the struggles and strivings of this life that’s gonna end? Yeah, you look to My purpose.
But He said there were two things that were unchangeable. What was the other one? His Word, His promise! He’s got this purpose. Now, He comes to a place of expressing that purpose and, by the way, God cannot lie. That kind of helps, doesn’t it? You’re talking about somebody who, not just doesn’t, He cannot! It’s not in His nature to lie!
So, He has an unchangeable purpose, and then, He expresses that in a promise. Folks, we have got a hope that goes beyond everything you know in this world, and it all was carried out through the life, and demonstrated in the life of His Son. Man, what a hope that we have today! Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise the Lord! I hope that’s where your hope lies! God will make that real to you if you’ll let Him possess your heart, because that’s what it’s about. Jesus was completely obedient and humble, and had given everything into His Father’s hands, and think who He was, and think who you are.
Good grief, do we struggle and strive to be something in ourselves, and how vain and how empty it is. Here’s the Lord of Heaven, like I say, who spoke galaxies into existence, willing to come down here and live the way He lived among us, and demonstrate His life and His nature. My God!
But as I was thinking about some of this, what does this mean in our lives, becoming obedient to death? Is that not what the Lord does in our lives when He allows the challenges and the difficulties of life to arise in us? What does that tend to do to you when stuff happens? What does it bring out? Does it bring out your glorious divine nature?
( laughter ).
Not typically. God uses it to bring out the reality of stuff that’s buried in here, that needs to be changed!
( congregational amens ).
So, what do we do? Do we choose to cling this? That’s what…that’s me! You’re getting down too deep…or do we cover it all up and pretend it isn’t there? Or do we say, oh, Lord, give me grace to let this go and to die to it…to humble myself to die.
See, for us, it’s a very progressive kind of thing that goes until our toes turn up. For Him, it was an incredibly compact event that took place over hours. I can’t imagine. Only the grace of God and the perfect Lamb of God could go through such a thing for me. Praise God that He did!
( congregational amens ).
But oh, do we not see in Him, not only a demonstration of what it means to be His child, what He’s looking for from us, this faith, this trust, this surrender, this embracing of a new way of thinking, this humbling ourselves to die. Where is it leading?
Oh my! All we have to do is look at Him and see where this led. Because after, “He humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Wow! Do you know what the name Jesus even means? It means God saves! It’s not just Savior, it’s God saves! In other words, this is…His Son was the very expression of God’s heart! This was His whole purpose in the beginning, was to have a people who would choose life, who would know what life and death was about and sin and all these things, but would choose to let Him remake them into people who could live with Him forever, be totally free from all of that.
Do you see the path that God has laid out for us? Do you see the demonstration of that path? Who do you think you are? Oh, do we jockey for position in life. Do we not, by nature, seek for our place and our…and chafe if somebody looks at us cross-eyed. We want people to notice if we do something. All these issues that just flow out of human nature without us even thinking about it…folks, do we need to be changed?
Do we just sit back and say well, thank You, Jesus, You’ve forgiven my sins, and now I get to go to heaven…and not understand what it’s about. But He means for us to learn to do exactly what He did, and say, Father, I’m in Your hands. I can’t fix what’s wrong with me. I need You to come into my heart. I need You to come into my life. I give You it in its brokenness.
I’m not gonna try to come and deserve this, because I don’t, nothing I could do. It’s just as I am. I come, and I give myself to You, Lord, and I’m looking to You to reproduce Your nature in me. Help me to humble myself and to put my trust, because I know there are gonna be times, I know there are gonna be times when it’s not gonna look good, it’s not gonna feel good. It didn’t for Jesus, did it? But there was this sense of looking to His Father.
Think of how He learned obedience. How did He learn obedience? By the things He suffered! Yeah, the things He went through taught Him what obedience was, because obedience has to happen in the context where something is pulling you the other way. Otherwise, you’re just going with the flow.
See, here He was with the things that would pull Him the wrong way and yet, here’s God’s will, and I choose that. Not only do I choose it, I recognize I don’t have the strength I need to do that. And so, in every sense, I am submitted to Him, I’m willing to take my place in that great plan that He had in His heart before the foundation of the world.
( laughing ).
Get the direction right again. Folks, do you want to be in your place? Do you want to find your place? I’ll tell you, we’re gonna discover that it’s an awesome thing. We don’t have to worry about who we are, what people think about us. I don’t know how else to express it, but I just sense…I mean, isn’t there something deeper in this than we’ve typically tended to read?
Is this not relevant to the day and the time and the season that we’re talking about? This is why He came. I thank God for the angels and the shepherds and the wise men and all of that, but what did it mean? He didn’t come to give us a behavior example, on a superficial level. It’s not the ‘what would Jesus do?’ kind of thing. He didn’t come to bring peace on earth. He came to bring judgement to this earth, but to rescue a people out of it, purely by grace through divine power.
Thank God! I want to walk in the steps that He laid down, and find grace in His sight to humble myself. I know there’s a lot of work He’s got to do. The more I learn, the more I say, oh God, You’re the only One that could be up to this. I see the depth more and more of what I am, but I know Your promise. I know Your purpose. That’s where my hope lies. And if they put a gun to my head and said, will you deny Jesus, may God give me the grace to say, He is Lord. Thank God!
If they do that, all they’re doing is threatening us with heaven. You know, how can we lose if put our hope in the One that’s eternal. I’ll tell you, every other philosophy is just about lifting up human nature and trying to make it something it isn’t. This is the one Savior who’s come into the world and tells us the unvarnished truth, and loves us in a self-sacrificial way to lift us up. I want to be like Him, don’t you? Praise God! To Him be the honor and the glory!
( congregational amens ).
Praise the Lord!
December 15, 2019 - No. 1419
“Divine Nature in a Broken World?” Part One
December 15, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1419 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, praise the Lord! Good to see everybody this morning. This is the season when the world is focused, in some measure, upon what we’ve come to call Christmas. And, I know for many it’s just a holiday, it’s sentiment, it’s family, it’s gift giving and partying and all of that. I believe there’s a remnant of people though, that understand, in some measure, what it really is about.
And, I appreciate the Lord emphasizing this morning some of the truths respect to His coming. I found, as I’ve been thinking about the service today, my mind going to an unusual scripture, at least unusual to preach on an occasion like this, and that’s from Philippians chapter 2.
You know, Paul, when he talked about the coming of the Lord into the world, he didn’t spend his time talking about angels and shepherds and mangers and wise men and all those kinds of things, and I’m thankful that we have the record of all those events, but Paul was much more focused on the significance of it. And, one of the things you’ll find throughout his writings, in one form or another is Jesus being held up as our example. And so, Paul is exhorting the Philippian believers and he’s talking about what it means to be the church.
You know, we’ve talked about that lately. It’s not…we’ve made passing reference, I guess, many times to the fact God has not called us to a religion. It’s not a matter of learning how to do church and how to…this is how we do stuff. This is what we say, this is how we…and all those kinds of things. We can package what we think we know spiritually into a whole bunch of externals, and think we’ve got it.
And we can get to a point where we have nothing, because that’s not what it’s about! There is a living presence of Christ in His people! And there are changes that come, not from the outward, but from the inward. And so, Paul is talking about a real…what it means to be followers of Jesus, what His coming is meant to demonstrate to us. Thank God for what He accomplished, but there is a living demonstration that I pray that God will help me to understand in a deeper way.
And so, his exhortation to the believers that sets up this is, “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit…” (NIV). And that’s a fellowship based upon the Spirit. This is the fellowship of a shared life. This is you and me, as fellow believers in Christ, being literally connected as the parts of a tree are connected one to another. They don’t just have a common denominator, they share a life. Or as a body, my right hand and my left hand share the same life, and hopefully, the same intelligence behind them, and so it doesn’t make any sense for them to be at odds, does it?
( congregational response ).
Okay, so if this exists, if this relationship exists with God and with us, okay, “…if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded….” Now there is a…this word…this ‘minded’…there’s a certain word in the original that occurs two or three times in this passage and you see it through the New Testament. And it has to do with a way of looking at life.
See, this is how we look at life, how do we see ourselves, how do we think about the world and about our place in it and who God is and who we are and what life is about? See, there has got to come, there’s got to be produced in us a like-mindedness, not just a collection of ideas we agree on, but a…something more fundamental than that.
What is it that really drives us? In other words, every one of us could profess to believe ‘this or that,’ in terms of our doctrine and ideas that we sort of ascribe to, but if that isn’t what literally drives our life and controls how we act and react…see, that happens on a deeper level, then what good is this out here and on this superficial level if something hasn’t happened here to change us so that we automatically, almost, act and react the way we’re supposed to?
You see the connection between this and what we’ve read so many times in Romans, chapter 12…that we’ve been called to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice. There’s a death that has died, there is a presentation, there is a submission to the Divine will, and for what purpose? How are we transformed?
( congregational response ).
There’s a renewing of the mind and it’s not simply, again, pouring new doctrines in the place of old ones, this has got to be…this is way down deep! Every one of us is driven and controlled in the way we act and react because of a body of ideas that have imbedded themselves in our psyche, and I’ll tell you, we need some deep healing!
( congregational amens ).
We need some things that are beyond just, hey, ‘go by the word.’ I’ve heard that expression. Well, Praise God, it takes more than just an acknowledgement of something that is true, if down in here it isn’t true to us. See, we need something that really happens down in the depths of our soul.
But what he’s talking about the…what is needed to truly represent Him and to truly follow His example, there has got to come a like-mindedness. It doesn’t make any sense for one to be pulling in one direction and another another, and is claimed to be having fellowship with Him. That’s not coming from Him, is it? Okay?
So, he’s saying, “…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love….” Where’s that gonna come from? Huh? See, all of this has got to come from Him. And as we read this, it’s almost going to sound like Paul is saying this is how you’re supposed to be, go for it, do it…like, do it in your own strength.
But you have to see this in the context of what salvation is about in the rest of scripture. Nothing that God encourages us to do, instructs us to do is ever meant to be done in the strength of human nature. It’s impossible! Always there is this underlying sense that salvation is about giving ourselves to God as hopeless sinners who cannot fix ourselves, and God must do it, or it won’t be done.
So, get that. I mean, don’t anybody think of this as, oh, my God, I’ve got to be this, I’ve got to try to do this. This is not that at all! This is simply a description of what it means, where God is going with what He’s doing in us. Praise God!
All right, so, “…having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” And, if you go back to the original and some of the other translations, that word ‘mind’ occurs there again. You’re gonna have the same mind, okay? Being one in mind. Boy, that’s a tall order. I mean, there’s no way you can bring people together that way, in the natural. God has got to do this—God has got to do it. Okay?
Now, he describes, a little bit what that means. He says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit….” I don’t have it in front of me. I think the NLT says something like, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.” I think that’s a pretty good way to put it. Is that right, Carl? Hey, I actually remembered something. This is scary. Praise God!
But is that not a description of human nature? I mean, we are, fundamentally, all about self and we tend to bring that self-centeredness into our Christian life. It just kind of comes along for the ride! And that’s why we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, ‘cause it ain’t natural!
( congregational amens ).
I have got to have some major help! And you see it everywhere in religion how people are bringing ego and self and self-seeking into the church, and right into what they call the church, at least.
And God is wanting us to get to a point where it’s just not about that at all! It’s not about who I am. I don’t have to impress anybody. I don’t have to do anything of that nature. I mean…we are all about our self-image. How do people see me?
I mean, you think about the battles that kids fight, and we all fought when we were in school. I mean, what is your life about at that point? Oh, I want to be ‘accepted.’ Well, what is the price of acceptance? It’s going along with the crowd. Well, where’s the crowd going?
( congregation response ).
Yeah! It’s not a good place. My God, we are gonna have to get our sense of identity from someplace other than the crowd. I mean, and we’re gonna have to be willing to stand against the spirit of the world. We don’t have to do it in a bad spirited way, but we’re gonna have to stand for something that’s different.
And we’re gonna have to get our sense of self-value and worth…I mean, how many people are just consumed with me and my place? In a way, I’m getting ahead of myself here, but this will become a little more plain in a minute because of how he develops this. But my God, don’t we just try so hard to put on a front and try to cause people to think of us in a certain way—a certain favorable way.
You know, I was thinking about…there are cultures in the world…I was thinking about this particularly in the Orient, and almost the highest cultural value is ‘saving face.’ How many of you’ve ever heard of that? Yeah, it’s like my image before everybody else. My sense of identity, my sense of worth in the eyes of others is the highest value and my God, if I get caught…I mean, how many people have been caught in something shameful and have lost face and the result is so critical to them, they take their own life over it?
But we’re not so free from that here! This is so intrinsic to human nature that we need a Divine Savior to set us free from self-seeking in any form. I mean, I don’t care if you’re up here or out there or wherever you are, my God, it’s how did I look today? How do people think of me? God, I can’t be who I really am because then they’ll think bad of me. And God wants to get us down to where there’s a freedom to be ourselves and to look to Him.
But you know, even in that, you can be so obsessed with self in a different way that you’re still…it’s all about you! Me and how I feel and how I look. I mean, you can almost make a prideful thing out of being humble. You know, am I projecting the right humbleness here? And where’s the focus when we’re doing any of that? It’s on us!
I’ll tell you, God has a way of bringing us to a place where we have an identity in Him, that is not founded upon who we are in human society. It’s completely free from that. And that’s where God…where Paul is actually going with some of this.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit…” (NIV). And this is again…we’re thinking something of ourselves that doesn’t make any sense in the light of eternity. We have an opinion about who we are and what we’re about and our worth and our value and all of that. My God! If we could see and understand and see our place in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t be about that—it wouldn’t be about that. Praise God!
But anyway, but in humility…now what do we do in contrast to that? “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” So, there is a focus in the purpose and plan of God where our focus shifts from me to you.
Somehow, as inconceivable as it seems, the focus of God’s nature is not on God. Now, yes, it’s appropriate that we should worship Him and praise Him and fall at His feet and give Him glory and all of that, but for us, we would tend to think of someone who would feel that that’s the right thing to do as, oh, that’s an ego trip! But it ain’t an ego trip with God. It’s the reality of who He is and we would…and we need to glory in Him because of the expression of His nature, which is entirely focused on our welfare!
( congregational amens ).
The spirit of love…excuse me, my voice is going away here. I guess I’m gonna have to not shout at you today, and that’s probably a good thing. But anyway, His nature is so other-centered that that’s all that matters to Him and that’s what He seeks to impart to us so that we get our highest joy out of giving to somebody else and lifting them up and seeing them be blessed and strengthened.
( congregational amens ).
My God! Does that come naturally to anybody here? Oh my, do we need help and we need deliverance and we need strength. So, “Each of you…” in light of that, “…should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Now, he comes back to the same Greek word in this next verse. He says, “Your attitude…” And, like-minded, the purpose, one in purpose, the attitude, they’re all the same original word, and they all have to do with the same thing. This is the way I see myself. This is the way I see my world. This is how I fit in it. This is my purpose. And so, this governs how I react and how I relate to people and to life, itself.
And I’ll tell you, what we are going to see, in Paul’s words, is how does Divine nature live in a broken world? Because, is that not what we’re called to do? We’re called to be transformed so that our nature is that of Him and not of us, but we’re called to live it out in a broken world. How do you do that?
All right, this is where the example comes in. This is where we have to have the same…he calls upon us to have the same attitude, the same way of looking at everything that Jesus did. Now, “Who, being in very nature God….” And how easy is it to just blow right over that? I mean, here we’re talking about somebody who is the Son of God. We’re talking about somebody who is the highest! Under the Father Himself, but apart from that, He is the highest and it just talks about His deity as though, okay, we just blow right on by that because we believe that, that’s a doctrine we accept. It’s wonderful. He was up there.
Do you ever really stop to meditate on who He really was? My God! Because, the measure of what He did, is really defined by who He is. You remember what He prayed, in John chapter 17? Part of His prayer was this, “…Father, glorify me…” With what? “…The glory I had with you before the world began.”
Now, I don’t know how to explain this, and I’m not even gonna try, but there was a time, for lack of a better word, before the world…he says it that way, anyway, when there was just the Father and the Son. I mean, this was a glorious, powerful, unimaginably great Being! Do you know…do you ever stop to realize who He was? How did God create the world?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! Who was the One who actually did it?
( congregational response ).
It was the Son of God! Now this One we’re talking about coming as a babe in a manger was back out there speaking out galaxies! The stuff that the scientists…their minds are blown with the incredible vastness of the universe, here’s somebody who was there who made it happen! That’s incredible! Everything was made by Him! Nothing was made without Him!
And we see that in several places. When you talk about the Creator, He’s the Creator. He’s the One who was there. He was the One who was glorious! I mean, even the devils that Jesus encountered in His earthly journey, recognized this. They would speak up and say, I know who You are. You’re the Holy One of God! He said, be quiet. Are you come, “…to torment us before the time?” (KJV).
I mean, they recognized who He was. This is the One who created me. Oh, my God! He may be in flesh right now, He may be in a humble place, but I know who He is! You know, there are several places in the Old Testament where we see visual revelations, if you will, of God. Now, we talk about the time when Isaiah was caught up and saw the Lord, “…high and lifted up.” Who did he see?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. How do you know that? Because no one has ever seen God, no one ever will see God. I mean, it’s plain in the teaching of the New Testament. God is a Spirit who inhabits Eternity. He is…there’s no place where He is not, is a simple way to put it. He’s not a being. He’s not an old man sitting in a chair somewhere, hurling thunderbolts and doing this and playing games, like they show on the cartoons. My God, He is a Spirit that inhabits Eternity.
So how does He make Himself known to a creation where we are individual beings in His image? There’s enough likeness to Him that He can call us being created in His image. But how does He relate to somebody like that? When He’s some…we’ll never see Him, like seeing some figure somewhere, because it’s the Son of God who has made Him known!
He is the exact image, the exact representation, in this translation here in one place, of His being. He is God, focused in an individual, to where we can see all of the Divine power and the Divine attributes in this one being. That’s how I know that the One Isaiah saw is the One who later came to be known as Jesus.
What about when the seventy elders of Israel, at Sinai, were called to go up into the mountain, and they were called to see the God of Israel? And they saw a visual representation. I don’t know what in the world it was, but it was visual. It says they saw the God of Israel, And there was something like clear pavement under His feet. I don’t know what they saw or how…anyway, God revealed Himself. Who was that? See, that was Jesus!
What about when Moses said Lord, “…Show me your glory.” (NIV). I’ll tell you, the representation of glory was so great on that occasion that Jesus said…that God said you can’t see my face and live, but I’ll show you my back parts. I’ll put you in the cleft of the rock. You know, the line on the hymn comes from that. I’ll cover you there with my hand and then when I get to a certain point I’ll let you see the back parts. You’re gonna see some of My glory, but I can’t…you just can’t take it.
I mean, you talk about somebody who ‘is’ somebody, doesn’t have to try to pretend, doesn’t have to lord it over anybody, because He is something great! I mean, isn’t that the problem with human nature? If you get somebody who is great, how do they use their greatness? They tend to use it selfishly! They tend to acquire power and then use it in a corrupt way to oppress others and impress others. This is the world we’ve been called out of.
But you know, when we think about Him coming into the world, think about who He was. Think about how people reacted when they saw Him. Every time there was this incredible…when they saw anything of the Divine, there was this incredible sense of, oh, my God! He is so beyond anything I could ever imagine. This is not just like some great human being. This is oh, wow!
And in the light of that, suddenly we begin to get a sense of our place in the scheme of things and realize who this One is. So this is somebody who didn’t have to toot His own horn, didn’t have to impress everybody. And yet, you think about how He was willing to leave that behind and to come into this broken world.
At one point, He was a single cell in His mother’s body. The One who spoke galaxies into existence and there He was. He just willingly came down to that level. And then grew as an embryo and came to the point where, yes, He was born, and obviously He wasn’t born in a palace, was He? But all of that was just meant to demonstrate Divine nature in a broken world.
December 8, 2019 - No. 1418
“What Does the Kingdom Look Like?” Conclusion
December 8, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1418 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is an absolute ultimatum. You’re either with Him all the way or you’re with the world all the way. But what a glorious picture this is, a prophetic picture, of what Jesus had come to do. Because before the kingdom could really begin to be established of the world, something had to be done about the fact that we were in prison.
We were part of Satan’s kingdom—part of Satan’s house! He was the strong man! He’s the one who had us completely encapsulated under his power, but somebody stronger had to come in and bind the strong man. And when He did that, He was able to go in and rescue. That’s what has happened.
That’s what the Gospel does. That’s what the Good News is all about! I have overcome! The Lamb has overcome! Praise God! That’s why we can preach, not a message of, oh, gloom and doom, look at what the world’s going to, but a message that causes us to lift up our eyes, because our redemption is drawing nigh. His Kingdom is alive and it’s real! It’s not measured by our…being able to fix the world. But praise God!
And I’ll just remind you of what Jesus said about, “…I will build my church…” (KJV). Matthew 16. Who’s gonna to build His church? You and me? No, He’s gonna do it. Our job is to look to Him and say, God, help us to be workers together with You. So that we’re not just building ourselves a little institution we call a church. You build Your church. You gather Your saints together—build us together.
But what does He say about that? “…The gates of hell shall not prevail….” You see the connection between those two scriptures? It’s talking about binding the strong man. The strong man would hold captive everyone under his power but Jesus came along stronger, broke his power, and said, I’m going in there. I’m getting mine! If you’re one of His, He’s gotten you out of a place…from which you could not extricate yourself. Praise God! My hope is not in me, it’s in Him!
So, moving forward though, just beginning to talk about what is the Kingdom like? Let’s look at a scripture over in Luke, chapter 17, because that question was asked Jesus in a way that He answered it…not the way they expected it. What were the Jews looking for, based on their Old Testament scriptures? If you just sort of read it with natural intellect, what would you suppose about the kingdom?
( congregational inaudible ).
It’s an earthly one…Somebody’s gonna come and they’re gonna reestablish Jerusalem as a great capital over…and it’s a government over the world. I mean, this is gonna be great. We’re gonna be great again.
Remember when Solomon was there? He was the greatest king on the planet. Everybody knew about Solomon. And all these…the picture they had was somebody’s gonna come and reestablish this Kingdom, and we’re gonna be exalted in the earth once again.
And so, verse 20, “Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, the kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, here it is, or there it is, because the kingdom of God is within you.” (NIV).
Probably a better translation is ‘among’ you, because obviously, it wasn’t in them, literally. But, it was within the society. God is going to build His Kingdom right in the midst of this world—this wicked world. It’s going to exist here, and people are not gonna recognize it for what it is. And they’re never gonna be able to point to an organization and say, that organization, that institution, is His church, that’s His Kingdom.
God’s Kingdom will always be something that natural men do not recognize for what it is. But it’s real. And that’s what Jesus said, you have to be born again to really see it, to really be part of it. So, there is that aspect of it, that it is not something that’s political, is it?
Look what He said…in John chapter 18, is another scripture that bears on this. Because this is where the Jews come and they’re trying to come up with some reason to convince the Romans to kill Jesus. And so, Pilate is asking about this…the question. And he doesn’t know what’s going on. He says, are you a king? So, wait a minute, let me see…verse 33.
“Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ ‘Is that your own idea,’ Jesus asked, ‘or did others talk to you about me?’ ‘Am I a Jew?’ Pilate replied. ‘It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?’ Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.’
“‘You are a king, then!’ said Pilate. Jesus answered, ‘You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.’”
See, you’ve got a picture now of a kingdom, that while it exists in this world, it’s not something that men are going to be able to point to and say, there it is. All right?
Let’s look at another scripture that bears on this, and I think I’m looking at Mark, chapter 8, near the end of it. And beginning in verse 34, we have Jesus giving us these familiar words, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” You can’t go to God and buy Him off.
“If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” Okay? “And he said to them, I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.”
Now, put that together. Do you not have two senses of the kingdom here—two stages of the kingdom? Because obviously, the people that heard him, that were standing there, they’re long dead. So, if He’s only talking about that time when He comes with all the holy angels, it’s all out in the open…if that’s all He’s talking about, then you know what He said didn’t make sense.
But I’ll tell you, the Kingdom of God came in power. When? The Day of Pentecost. When God came down and filled His servants, Peter stood and preached the Gospel, 3,000 people came into…were born into the Kingdom on that day. The Kingdom of God came with power.
But that Kingdom exists and continues to exist in the midst of a world that hates God and is going the other way. But one day, that kingdom will come to full fruition, and we will see, we will literally see Him split the eastern sky, however it literally happens. He will come and every eye will see Him and it will be the end.
So anyway, you see the two sides of this, where the Kingdom of God is going to be established here and now. But it’s also…this is going to grow from something small into something great. Praise God! And I finally got back to where I thought I was gonna go about two or three weeks ago.
So anyway, what is the Kingdom like? Jesus gave us a number of parables. And I’m just gonna go ahead and start here and we’ll see how far we get. But in Matthew, chapter 13…there is a principle here though that I particularly want to get to. So, this is the one where Jesus is talking, beside the lake, gets into a boat because the crowd is too big.
Verse 3, “Then he told them many things in parables, saying: A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.
“Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear.”
There’s a lot of truth buried in that and I don’t want to try and get into all of it. But I want to focus on the things that I think are relevant to what we’re talking about.
And so, the disciples asked Him, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” I don’t understand it. Why don’t You just come right out and talk plainly?
Here’s the key. “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven….” You’ve got the Kingdom right there, don’t you? And the Kingdom, the knowledge of the Kingdom is something that is secret, isn’t it? It’s not something that God just lays it all out where anybody can understand it. In one sense He does, but we’ll get to that.
“The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables.”
Now what in the world is he talking about? Has what? Look over…just hold your place there, but look over in a parallel passage. I believe it’s in Luke chapter 8…because the principle is very plain there. In verse 17, Jesus is talking about…okay, I’ll just break in.
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him.”
Now, do you see one of the keys to the Kingdom of God and how God reaches people? When God speaks, what has to happen? It has to be revelation, but what has to happen in here? There’s got to be a heart that receives, that is humbled to listen, that’s able to hear.
And what the Lord is saying there is that those who don’t have that, those whose hearts have gotten in a condition where they listened and God has spoken to them and they kind of…they’ve slipped and slid around it, and ducked and tried to hang onto their own ideas and their own concepts.
What happens to the human heart when you do that? It gets hard. It gets blind. And so, the Lord is saying, when I find somebody, who when I speak, they listen, they humble themselves and they reach out, I take note about that one. And I’ll tell you, I see that heart and I’m gonna give them more. I’m going to help them to understand all of these secrets that the world doesn’t know anything about. I’m zeroing in on those.
I’ll tell you, that’s a serious matter. There is no way that we could stand up here and expound the Gospel in such a way that it will just break through that kind of a barrier. Because, look at what He said in the parable, He talked about the four different kinds of soil, one was so trampled, the seed fell on a path…what was the problem there? It had become so hard over time that it absolutely made no impact whatsoever.
I’ll tell you, we have people come in here, and there may be a service where God really blesses it, and people are encouraged and they see, and they’re rejoicing in the things of God…and someone has no clue. It makes no impact. They go right out just like they came.
How did they get that way? How do people get that way? Because when God speaks, they’ve made a habit of saying, no. I’ll tell you, God is gonna build a kingdom of the willing. This doesn’t mean our wills are in charge…are in control of God. But it does mean that God is reaching a certain kind of people.
I want to have a heart that says, oh God, I don’t know anything as I ought to know it. Lord, when You speak, help me. Help me not to hide those places down here, I don’t want to be like the one that had the hardness—there was not a lot of soil there, so it came up quick. But it didn’t have what it needed down in the deep places of the heart.
You know, every one of us has got places where we need to be hearing God’s voice, don’t we? This is one of the secrets of the kingdom. And of course, Jesus goes on to explain it. And, look at what it says in verse 16. I’m not going to take a lot more time here. We’re about out of it, but that’s all right.
“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”
You see the unfolding of God’s purpose? How many prophets in the Old Testament spoke what God told them to speak, did it in faith, and still said, God, I don’t know what this is about. Lord, show me. Nope, shut up the word, it’s not time yet. But now it was time, and God was unfolding the mysteries of what He had planned before the foundation of the world. And these people had a heart to open their hearts, and to listen.
I pray that everyone who hears this will have that kind of a heart. It won’t be my words that you listen to, but it’ll be Him. And you’ll say, Lord, you are the King. You have truth that I need. I don’t need to cling to my own will and my own way. And then, you had the one that sowed among thorns. What was that?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. He explains it down here…the cares of this world. In other words, when God reaches a heart, this is an absolute choice. My life becomes about Him. It’s not that I add Jesus to my life so I can go to heaven when I die. This is when my life becomes His. Yes, I may do things in the world, but that is not my priority, and if that starts interfering with this, that has to go.
Lord, I’m not here…I’m like Jesus, I’m not here to do my will. I’m here to do the will of the One who sent me. What a model we have for the Kingdom of God. This is…people do not understand what a clear black-and-white situation this is. People are either in the kingdom of the world or they have sold out completely and said, I am with Him.
I appreciate the way one of the brothers said it down in the service last Sunday. We were talking about baptism, and one of them kept using this phrase, ‘all in.’ And we know what that means in our culture. That means everything’s on the line. I am ‘all in’ with Jesus. I am in to the point where if they line me up and say, if you deny Jesus, we’ll let you live, if you don’t, we’re gonna kill you. And we say, well, praise God, I’m in His hands, not yours. I cannot deny my Lord!
That’s what it meant. That’s what it meant when the Kingdom of God was first born into this world. It came in as an enemy to every establishment in this world, and the Devil tried everything he could, to stamp it out. But God had a people who said, I am with Him. I’m all in!
And that’s what God is going to do in our midst in a greater way. I believe God wants us to have a deeper, more practical understanding of what His Kingdom looks like within this world, because we’re not sitting here…we can go to two extremes. The one extreme like I described is, we’re gonna circle the wagons and wait for Jesus to come. Isn’t it going to be wonderful? Well, Praise God, it is.
But we could say, I’ve got to go out and fix the world. I’ve got to do this, I’ve got to do that. Or, we’ve got to have a program. There are so many ways that men have gone. But I’ll tell you, what we need to do is to say, Jesus, You are our head. You are the King. You build Your church. You show us what our part is. Help us to model the Kingdom of God, not simply to talk about it.
Wouldn’t that be a good thing to be praying? Lord, teach us what it means, not just to have the doctrines right. But, teach us what it means to ‘model’ the Kingdom so that when people look at us, they’re not just seeing another group of people who are like everybody else. They’re seeing a people that, hey, wait a minute, they’re different. There is something different here. And then God can use that to draw hearts.
I’ll tell you, one of the things I see in the end time, is not just the Devil finishing his plan. I don’t know what kind of harvest there’s gonna be, because there’s some harvest going on in parts of the world right now. Do you want to be a part of what God is doing and not just sitting here waiting for Jesus to come?
Let’s pray and say, God, work in us so that we can be Your people in the world. We can live, we can have hearts that are willing for You to dig down into every deep place and establish your Lordship so that we can by Your resources live out Your life in a broken world. So that when that day happens, we’re gonna stand there in glory, because of what He has done.
I’ll tell you, there’s a glorious future for the people of God. We’re gonna go through some dark times in this world, but God has given us a hope where we don’t have to look at that, and be swallowed up in dismay and fear. We can look up and say, our redemption is drawing nigh. God, fill us with yourself.
God, you’re not gonna put us in a situation we can’t handle with Your strength. Doesn’t the scripture say that? No temptation has “…taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will…with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (KJV).
We’re gonna be able to go through whatever God puts us through, whether it means our death because of the testimony of Jesus, or whether it means there are people that are gonna be anointed to carry the Gospel into places where it’s never been. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I know God is alive and I know His Kingdom is real.
And I know He wants us to be, not simply an ecclesiastical institution, but literally a colony of heaven, if you will. I love that expression. I ran into it recently. But Praise God! That’s… I guess one of the main points of that scripture is not only the fact that we’re all in, but the fact that we’re gonna have to have open hearts, because you cannot understand the things of the Kingdom unless God reveals them. Praise God!
December 1, 2019 - No. 1417
“What Does the Kingdom Look Like?” Part One
December 1, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1417 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: This is one of those mornings when I got up and just felt blah…anybody know what I’m talking about? Yeah. But praise God!
You know life in this world is not all mountain tops, is it? God wants us to learn how to walk with Him whether we’re on the mountain or whether we’re in the valley, whether we’re sick or well…whatever the circumstances are. He is still on the throne, and everything He does is to serve His purpose.
And, I don’t know, I’m just gonna try to go forward and ask the Lord to lead about this ministry on the Kingdom. We have talked about the fact that there was…that God had a purpose from before the foundation of the world, to have an eternal Kingdom. That’s really where it starts.
You can go back and say, oh, it started when the Devil rebelled. No, it started way before that. It started before He said, “Let there be light.” God had a purpose to have a people with whom He could share His love, His power, everything that He is, forever and forever.
And He wasn’t taken by surprise when the first creation happened and then our parents rebelled, and those spirits, angels of His…some of them rebelled. God wasn’t taken by surprise by that. In fact, it plays into His plan. God uses everything that has happened in this world to help shape the people with whom He is going to share eternity.
You know, I thought about this in this regard. God’s Kingdom exists in heaven. This is not just something He invented here. Am I right? There is a Kingdom, there is a place, there is a realm, where God absolutely rules. There is no sin. There is no darkness. There is no rebellious self-will. The atmosphere—the very atmosphere is one of love. It’s one where God cares about every one of His creatures, and He’s devoted to their happiness. They’re devoted to praising and worshiping Him. There’s an atmosphere of peace.
This Kingdom is real! It exists! And it existed even though darkness was reigning down here. That Kingdom was real. And so, when Jesus came, He came to begin to bring that Kingdom here.
Okay? And, let me ask you a simple question. This is one to ponder, because it goes beyond just what I have in mind today. What would God’s Kingdom look like, if it existed in the midst of this world of darkness? What would it look like? Interesting question to ponder…because that’s what we’re really talking about.
Jesus told the disciples to pray, when He taught them how to pray. One of the things He said, Thy will be…”Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (KJV). See, it was already being done there, but now we’re trying to bring it down to earth so that the Kingdom of God literally has an expression on earth. So what God did to begin to institute that, was to send His Son who was the very embodiment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
And He didn’t come as some glorious figure, as some…here I am, I’m God, I’m gonna do all these wonderful things. He came in the weakest possible way…born in the womb of a young woman, born from the womb of a young woman, and lived as a baby, lived as a carpenter, just lived an ordinary, human life.
But there came the very time when God was going to unfold His purpose. And so, following…about six months into the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus comes and presents Himself to John and John recognizes Him. How did John recognize Him, by the way?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah, God revealed it, didn’t He? That gives you just a little hint right there as to how we know stuff. We don’t know stuff because of this [pointing to brain]. We know stuff because of Him. So God revealed to John who this was and immediately, oh my God, You need to baptize me. I don’t need to baptize You. And He said, allow it to be this way, or this is right, “…to fulfil all righteousness.”
And so, Jesus was baptized, and the Spirit came down. God gave Him a witness, both by the presence of a dove…I don’t know who all saw it, but I know John did and I know Jesus did, at least that much. But anyway there was this witness that way, and there was a voice that came from heaven. “This is my…Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
And so…and of course, then Jesus went into the wilderness and faced all the temptations that He had to face, everything you and I would ever face, He faced. And He trusted in the power of His heavenly Father, and He was willing to say, no, to everything the Devil threw at Him. He said, no, I’m gonna obey God. I’m gonna go by God’s Word. I’m completely committed to Him.
Is that a pretty good picture of the Kingdom of God right there? Yeah. And as a result of that, then He went forth in the power of God’s Spirit. But anyway, the embodiment of the Kingdom of God was within human flesh.
So, at least in part, the Kingdom of God is not just about ‘there,’ is it? It’s about God literally coming to reside in a broken, fallen world in human flesh, despite all of its weaknesses. This is the essence of what the Kingdom of God is here and now that He came. Jesus was the primary example of it, of course, and He gave Himself.
But I just want to read a couple of scriptures in the context that are very familiar to us. But I want to tie these things together and have you see in the Bible where these things are from. John chapter 1. Let’s look at the beginning of John’s Gospel…and just read some familiar words, because this kind of sums up the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and what it was about.
And John goes all the way back to the beginning, doesn’t he? He said, “In the beginning was the Word…” (NIV). Now the Word there is the ‘logos,’ the expression of God’s heart, the expression of God’s purpose…everything that God is about, expressed. And so, Jesus is literally…that ‘Word’ is used of Him as the very expression of God.
We’re told elsewhere in the scriptures, He is the express image of the invisible God. God is invisible. You’re never gonna go someplace and see an old man sitting on a throne, and say, oh, there’s God. God is a Spirit who inhabits eternity. But He has an expression of Him, so that we know what He is like by the One that He lives in, and through whom He expresses Himself. And that’s Jesus, His Son.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him…” — that’s through Jesus — “…All things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
Now here’s a key right here. “In him was life, and that life was the light of men.” You want to know what enlightenment truly is? People think of enlightenment as ideas, better ideas. You know…you have your idea, but you need to be enlightened. You don’t really have it straight. And they think in terms of concepts and ideas and doctrines.
I’ll tell you what real light is. It’s the life of God. That is what light really is. Now that will find expression in truth, but the essence of light is life. And when men encountered that life, they were encountering God…and that was the question. What are we gonna do with it?
And of course, you see this expressed in this passage. “…That life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” And, another translation of that is, “…the darkness has not overcome it.” (ESV). I like that one.
But the darkness literally…men encountered Jesus…they knew He was different, but they didn’t know…what is this, I don’t get this. And there was such a condition of heart and mind, that men…it disturbed them! It interfered with the very nature that drove the fallen race of human men, of human beings. So anyway, they didn’t understand it.
“There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light…” (NIV). Now why did he do that? “…So that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.”
I’ll tell you, isn’t it amazing that God would look down on a world such as we have, and the wickedness that happens here, and say, I’m gonna reach out? My nature is one of love. I’m not rejoicing in the idea of destroying people and judging people. I am all about reaching out in salvation.
And so, God did what He did, and He did it in a way that makes a division among men, doesn’t He? And so, there were some who recognized it. There were some who just didn’t get it at all.
And this is what he says here in verse 10. “He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” Now he’s talking about principally Israel there.
“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God….” That’s what God was about. Now what’s the nature of that? What does it mean to be a child of God? “…Children born not of natural descent….” So it’s not a matter of being a Jew or something else. This is irrelevant to this kind of birth.
“…Children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will….” It’s not something that just naturally happens in the world. Okay, I’m a child of God because…this is something that happens from God’s end. God has to invade. They are born not, “…of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”
You know, that kind of reminds you of John chapter 3, when Nicodemus came and was wondering what in the world was going on? Jesus said, unless you are born again, you can’t see the Kingdom of God. And then He turned around and said, unless you’re born again, you can’t enter the Kingdom of God. It is a birth, a literally…I need a different life than I was born into this world with.
( congregational amens ).
It doesn’t matter how you rearrange this, what ideas you embrace, what kind of philosophy and self-effort you put forth, I am what I am. It’s not a question of what I do and what I think. It’s a question of what I am, and the only way to fix that is to replace me with God’s life.
And so, I’ll tell you, that’s the essence of who belongs to the Kingdom of God. And that’s what Jesus was sent to do…was to open a doorway where people could literally experience God’s life and be born afresh and anew.
And that life is everlasting life, isn’t it? I don’t care who you are, whether you’re the mighty, rich people and the people of power, whether you own the whole world, you’re gonna die. Your life here will not last. But Jesus came to give a life that cannot die. Thank God! Thank God.
And so now, he goes on and he says, “The Word became flesh…” That’s amazing! “…And made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
That’s John’s testimony among those to whom God revealed who this really was. But the nation, as a whole, did not. There was a remnant of people who did, who recognized who He was. But that tells me something about how God goes about building His Kingdom. He didn’t arrive with angels and say, I’m here, join My Kingdom. He came in the simplest possible way.
And…turn over to another familiar scripture in Colossians, chapter 1. It talks about some of these same things. Paul is encouraging a group of believers in the city of Colossae that he had never personally met, but he knew about them. And he’d heard reports of how God had reached them and they had really come to God. And so, he’s writing to say, man, I’m praying for you, I love you, I want to tell you some stuff that’s gonna really help you. And that’s the reason for the letter.
And, in verse 9, he says, “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
What does that tell you about how we get knowledge? It better come from Him! Man, you’ve got people out there that think they can study this Book and figure it out. You can’t do it! The smartest people in the world will study this Book and miss it completely. I’ll tell you, there’s one way we come. Jesus said, He had, “…hid these things from the wise and prudent…” (KJV). But who’s He revealed them to?
( congregation inaudible ).
That’s what I want to become in my own eyes. I was reading scripture this morning. I said, Lord, I don’t know what in the world this is about, but You do, and it’s Your Word, and I’m just gonna trust You with it. If You ever want me to understand this, You’re gonna have to open my eyes.
That’s a good place to be, where we’re not trying to come up with an answer to every little thing. We’ve got to say, Lord, You know…my hope is not in my intellect and my ability to grasp every little thing and answer every little question. My hope is in You! And You are real and I’m trusting You.
But anyway…but Paul recognizes how knowledge comes. And so, he’s asking God. That’s a good thing to do for one another, isn’t it? Lord, there’s stuff we don’t know! But, oh God, we want to know the truth!
I was thinking about something on the way to church this morning…different opinions about certain doctrines. I said, Lord, I don’t care which way it is. I don’t have a ‘dog in this hunt.’ I didn’t put it that way, exactly, but that’s one way to put it. Lord, I just want to know the truth. You reveal it in Your time and way, and that’s good enough for me. I don’t care. If I’ve been wrong all my life, praise God! Let’s go for the truth. This is not about me and my ego…all right.
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…” (NIV). So, that’s a progressive thing, isn’t it? “…Being strengthened…” Now, where am I gonna get the strength for all this? “…Being strengthened with all power…” Based on what? “…According to his glorious might….”
See, the resource for this Kingdom has to all come from Him, doesn’t it? That’s a glorious picture, isn’t it? I don’t have it. Do you? Anybody here got the strength to be all that God wants you to be? I don’t have it. But we’re strengthened with His glorious might! That’s what God wants us to learn to tap into.
Why? “…So that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” Boy, that’s a mouthful, isn’t it? Praise God! A kingdom of light!
Now, what is light again? It’s God’s life, isn’t it? This is a Kingdom filled with God’s life! How do I get to be a citizen? How do I get to inherit something like that, a person like me? He does the qualifying. He stepped in, and did what was necessary to reconcile me to Him, so that I could have this. Praise God! And you, and all who hear the message of hope and life. Praise God! God has qualified us.
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness….” And there’s a quick picture of what we’re talking about. This world is a kingdom, isn’t it? This world is a kingdom ruled over by wicked rebels against God, who are determined to have their way, to blind everybody so they won’t serve God, so they’ll live under the dominion of sin and death.
And, I’ll tell you, the Devil knows that he has lost and he’s mad about it, and he’s gonna take everybody down he can. This is the context in which God is establishing His Kingdom! This is not an accident! This is not God saying, oops, plan A didn’t work, so let’s go to plan B. This is plan A.
Notice above…I passed over this when I read it. But the reason God was giving all this strength was so that we might have great endurance and patience. What do we need that for? Doesn’t that tell you something about how this Kingdom is formed and grows? That we’re meant to live in a world that opposes us!
We’re gonna have to stand up against stuff that comes against us! We’re gonna have to go through days when we don’t have feelings. We’re gonna have to go through days when we feel our own personal weakness, and the Devil’s whispering and telling us all kinds of lies about us…or even truths about us, but using them in a way to condemn and to take away hope! We’re gonna have to learn how to stand by faith, and stand up to all of this!
That is central to God’s purpose in establishing His Kingdom. None of this is an accident. And so, God is gonna absolutely build what will last forever in the context of a world that is absolutely opposed to everything that He’s doing. That’s just the very nature of it.
But He has literally rescued us from the dominion of darkness! We were born in a cage. We were born in a prison, from which we…not only could we not escape, we didn’t want to escape. We didn’t know there was anything else until God stepped in. But even when we knew about it, what could we do about it? God is the One that had to take the key and open the door. That door is open! Praise God! That door is the Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (KJV).
“…Rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (NIV). Praise God! One thing I passed over in this…I’m trying to see where it actually says this. Oh, it’s down in the following verses. I’ll read a few more.
“He is the image…” Well, this is what I said awhile ago. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”
That’s a key. You want to know the reason, you want to know the purpose behind stuff…I don’t know anything beyond the beginning. That’s what we’re told. In the beginning, He was there. You ask me what happened before that…I don’t know. Does that even mean anything? You’re asking a time-based question about eternity. All I know is He was there. I know everything that was created, He created it.
But what’s the reason for that? It was created, not only ‘by’ Him, it was created ‘for’ Him. This is, Son, I’m gonna build You a Kingdom. I’m gonna set You in a place of honor and joy. You’re gonna express My nature, but it’s not gonna just be You and Me. It’s gonna be a whole family. Praise God!
So it’s, “…Created by him and for him.” Keep that in mind. “He is before all things, and in…” This is even more amazing. “…In him all things hold together.” You want to know why the universe doesn’t go…
( explosion sound ).
…Fly apart? You say, oh, there are natural laws in place. Well, who passed the laws? You think about the power. You think about the greatness of this One who literally holds this universe in the palm of His hand, who has the power to name the stars. I’ll tell you, you feel weak, you feel small? We’ve got a great Savior and we’ve got a great God who has got a great purpose. And there ain’t nobody gonna stop Him. Praise God!
All right, the firstborn…”And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead….” That reminds us of the fact that He’s not just the only one, is He? He’s just the first. So that’s the hope that we have today.
“…So that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.”
Boy, there is some rich truth in that. I mean, you could take every phrase and just break it down and make a message out of it. But I mean, I just want to paint a picture from these two scriptures of who it is we’re talking about. God invaded a planet—a prison planet, where everybody here was in hopeless state of darkness, blindness, sin, death, and He sent His Son and said, I’m gonna establish a Kingdom in the midst of this. And I’m gonna do it right in the context of this. That’s what’s amazing.
Okay? And so, what we saw in Jesus…I think we said this the last time, was literally the embodiment…He was the way, the truth and the life. We saw God in action through Him. We saw God’s character, Who while He rejected the folks who were self-righteous and religious, proud of what they thought they could do, yet, His heart went out to the lowest of the low, the weakest of the weak.
If that’s you here today, pay attention to the fact that God made Himself known through Jesus Christ. He knows your name. He knows the things that you’re ashamed to tell anybody. He knows the secrets of your heart. He knows your weaknesses. He knows the baggage you carry. He knows everything.
Look at the heart of Jesus, who reached out to the woman at the well, to the fallen woman that the Pharisees threw at His feet, and so many others, who were just despised among their own population, and yet His heart went right to them. He told them the truth but gave them hope. That’s His heart! Praise God, I want to be part of a kingdom like that, don’t you? Praise God!
November 24, 2019 - No. 1416
“His Story” Conclusion
November 24, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1416 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: None of this is meant to be condemning. It’s just reality. This is what salvation is about. You know, I’ve made the point many times from the scripture in Romans 5. It’s not the death of Christ that saves us. That’s what gets rid of our sins…that opens the door so I can be saved.
Salvation is God changing me, delivering me from sin’s power, delivering me so that my sin is not the thing, the principle that’s in control of my life, but His life is! I’m saved by His life. That’s what has to come in and be expressed in me.
But oh, how we express other stuff. And the only way God can deal with that is to bring stuff into your life and into mine that challenges that. And so, in that sense, He is our adversary. It’s not that He’s against us. He’s against the things that would kill us.
Folks, if He left us alone, and we followed our nature, it would lead to death. It’s as simple as that. We’ve got a God who loves us enough to say I’m not gonna just let that happen. I’m gonna do stuff to wake them up, to call them out, to show them that there is another way, there’s another kingdom they can be a part of.
So anyway, but if we’re wrong…you remember the saying that came into our midst so many years ago: You’re wrong, even if you’re right, if your spirit is wrong. See that’s the issue that God is most concerned about.
So, what are some of the examples of this? Obviously, there are ones that we use all the time. Paul is an example of somebody used greatly to the point where pride was a potential problem. And God understands human nature enough to know, Paul, you’re really struggling with this. I’ve got to help you out. So, the form of help that He gave him was a demon.
Now, by a lot of the messages of today, He should have been able to snap his fingers and command that demon of go, and it would have gone, and that would have been the end of it. But that didn’t work. He had to contend with that. There was a…there was something pushing against him that he had to fight. He had to stand against it.
Sometimes, it is having done all, to stand, because God had more of a purpose in that thing continuing a bit so that Paul could learn something. He could learn, I can’t trust in my own strength. None of this is happening because of me. I bring the weakness to Him, and He gives me His strength.
That’s where it’s at anyway. Isn’t that the life of the Kingdom? Where does it come from? You? You think He invited us into His Kingdom because we’re so smart and can add so much? All we can do is present ourselves and say, God, fill me. Make me into the one you have called and envisioned as part of Your Kingdom.
You infuse into me the life of the world to come and change me so that that’s the life I live out here and do it in the community of believers so that together we can grow up, and we can live here as an expression of the Kingdom, but we can also be being prepared for that. That’s what this is all about.
And so, Paul was doing that. And Paul finally got it. He said, no, I’m gonna boast about something a whole lot different. I’m not gonna boast about all these wonderful visions I had. I’m gonna boast about how weak I am. Isn’t it great?
But you see a real work of grace it took. That wasn’t just blowing smoke saying what he knew he was supposed to say. That had become a revelation to him. God, You are my adversary in a real sense, but you really weren’t against me. You were my adversary in a real sense, but You weren’t against me. You were against that part of me that was gonna hold me back. And so, I get it, Lord. I accept it. I worship You. I trust You in this. And Lord, I’m just gonna go forward and serve You, because I know Your strength is what does it anyway.
So, do you see a reconciliation of Paul? Isn’t that a wonderful thing that happened on the way? What would have happened had Paul not gotten reconciled to this? You think it would have affected His ministry? Yeah. If he’d started to get a bitter spirit, God, I’m serving You. Look at all the stuff I went through for You. I’ve preached. I’ve sacrificed. And Lord, You won’t even make this devil go. God, this is not fair. I don’t feel good.
You know, all the stuff that we gravitate to. And if he’d allowed a bitterness to take root in his heart, do you think that would have affected his ministry? Do you think those things affect us? Yeah.
That’s what God is wanting to help us with. So anyway, Peter is another obvious example where the Lord saw that he wasn’t as capable and able as he thought he was and allowed the devil to test him. You know, we’ve been through this so many times, but the principle…you see how God was behind it? Even though the devil came and was his adversary, God said okay. Go ahead. Go for it.
The same thing in Job. God wanted to do something for Job that could only be done as he went through that hard experience that he went through. It certainly teaches us. But Job learned something about himself. He learned things about God, and when he was done, he was a different person from the one that went into that circumstance. God was not working…was his adversary in one sense, but He was working for him in eternal ways.
You know, the poster child for all of this would certainly be Joseph. Here’s a man that God had raised up with a glorious future, a promise of exaltation to a place of real honor and service. So, what was the pathway that led him to that?
His brothers, first of all, conspiring to kill him. And then so they get something out of the deal, they sell him. So, they got some money out of it, instead of just throwing him in a pit. They sell him as a slave.
Do you think they slipped up on God, or do you think maybe God had a purpose in all of that? Yes, God had a purpose in all that.
Now, I tell you, it went from bad to worse. We’ve been through the story many times. But Joseph wound up being falsely accused, thrown in jail, but the things about it that just stands out as a shining light should be a shining light to every one of us. In every bit of that, he never got bitter. He never…let me say it this way. We see the bottom line that he didn’t get bitter, didn’t allow bitterness and anger to take root in his spirit and poison him.
That doesn’t mean he didn’t go through hell getting to that point. This is a human being. I’ll guarantee there was anguish. There were questions. There was crying out to God. There was weeping. There was all these…God, why did this happen? But yet, there was something in him that said, I will trust God in spite of it all.
And here was a circumstance where he truly was innocent. What happened to him was evil, was wrong. If there’s anybody, anywhere that had the right to say I’m right, and all of you are wrong, and I’m justified in having feeling about that, that was the guy. Well, there was one who exceeded that by leaps and bounds. Moses, other heroes of faith, you go through, you see the same principle worked out.
But look at Jesus. Now, here you go…here’s a picture of what the Kingdom of God is supposed to look like. In 1st Peter chapter 2, is one scripture that is very relevant to this. You know, we read last week or recently anyway about our being living stones built into a spiritual house and all of that. But down here, he begins to talk about how you live for God in the world. We’re meant to express God’s Kingdom here. What does that look like?
And he talks about how we’re, though we’re part of a different kingdom, we’re not rebels against the authorities that there are. We pay our taxes. We obey the laws and that sort of thing. But down here, he’s talking about somebody who is doing good and suffering, and they’re called to endure it.
In verse 21 it says, “To this you were called…” (NIV). How many of you knew that’s what you were called to do? You sometimes suffer for things, and you’re innocent, but you’re suffering anyway. How many of you understood that’s part of the call of the Kingdom? Wow! Let’s go! But that’s part of it, isn’t it?
“…Because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” You talk about the utter example of innocence? That was Him. “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate…” (NIV). You want to know what the Kingdom of God looks like? “…When he suffered, he made no threats.”
So, what did He do? “Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” You need healing today? It’s not talking about just the physical. He’s talking about this other stuff that we’re talking about.
“For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” Was it last week or the week before, we read from Isaiah 53, “…as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.” (KJV). They beat Him. They did all the things that they did, and there wasn’t anything…there wasn’t even a moment when He retaliated and reacted in human anger.
God gave Him the strength to do that. But, He made a choice to humble Himself to that and to seek the strength of God so He could do that. So, you see where human choice comes into this, in a big way. He made that kind of a choice.
And you go and you walk…you look at the scriptures…well, I’ll look at one quickly here in Matthew chapter 27, a pretty good example of some of what He had to endure. Imagine what it would be like, walking to the cross knowing you’re innocent. And so, they were…verse 39, let’s just pick up some of this.
“Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God! In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. He saved others, they said, but he can’t save himself! He’s the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants…” (NIV).
Oh, my goodness. It’s just on and on and on heaping insults. You know, we sang the song this morning about how I heard ‘my’ mocking voice. Folks, when we were a part of the world, that’s the side we were on until God…unless God has changed your heart and made our identification with Him instead of with the crowd.
So, what was His reaction? “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Man, it takes the grace of God for us to be like that. Oh my, how we need Him. But is that not what…is that not what God’s Kingdom is about? Isn’t it about making us into the image of Christ? Isn’t that what the Kingdom will look like in the future…is everyone of us conformed to the image of Christ, “…that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.”
That’s the whole deal. Is there some magic button He pushes when we suddenly leave this world and we go to the other side? Or is God gonna do what it takes until that day? I guarantee there’s work that’s going on in people on the other side, but it isn’t done like it is here with the ‘in your face’ adversity. But I’ll tell you, we have a God who’s gonna do His job.
So, what is the thing now about getting out of prison? Suppose you’re in prison. That’s a silly point. We’re all in prison, in some degree. There are issues in everyone of our lives where we are in captivity. We’re not as free as God wants us to be. And it’s because there are covered-up wounds that have been allowed to get down in here and get buried, and they continue to rise up and cause us issues. But what do we do about it?
Well, the first thing, I’m gonna come back to this thing that I said about Jesus. It’s a matter of choice. What God has done for us, what He has taught us, puts the ball in your court and in mine. Getting out of prison is our choice. We’re not just victims of divine something or other that we have no say in the matter.
I mean, yes, there are circumstances that go on, but you can be in a circumstance like Joseph was in prison, and not be ‘in prison.’ He may have been in man’s prison, but he wasn’t in the other one that we’re talking about. There was still a freedom in here to serve God.
That’s the prison that we need to be concerned about. You can be out here free as a bird in the eyes of men and be full…be in prison. You can be in prison and be free. But getting out of prison, the choice is ours.
In 1st Peter chapter 5, it certainly is a scripture that we’ve used many times, and it’s very relevant here, where Paul says…I’m sorry, Peter says, “All of you…” verse 5, the last part of it, “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another…” Why? “…Because, God opposes the proud.”
Does that sound like an adversary to you? God opposes. Have you ever been in a position where you’re adamant about your rightness, and there’s something you know? And finally, you get it. You say, oh yeah, God doesn’t like that. He’s against that. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
So, what’s the key then? “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand.” Recognize that the things that He allows in our lives are by His permission, not to hurt us but to do us ultimately good by killing the things that would destroy us, and allowing us to lay hold of that which would give us life and make us more like Him.
And that requires a whole different way of looking at the adversities of life than we tend to do. No longer is the issue what they did, or this, or the injustice of that situation. It becomes, what is my reaction to this. Lord, I humble myself into Your hands. I know that You’re the author of this circumstance because You want to do me good.
Lord, give me understanding. I want to humble myself and be the kind of person You want me to be. I’m not gonna sit here and play the blame game and the angry game and the bitter game and all that kind of stuff. Lord, I need You. “Humble, yourselves, therefore under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” There’s a due time. Thank God!
“Cast all your anxiety on him…” and do we have that to deal with. And we can do that because he cares. “…He cares for you.”
And in that context now, “Be self-controlled and alert.” Because we do have an enemy, but God wants us to have, to be so full of Him that we can stand and live as the children of light in the world.
What about the principle of forgiveness? Isn’t that kind of important to this one? Matthew chapter 18, a familiar scripture. And this is where Peter says, “…How many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?” You know, it doesn’t even say right here that he sinned against me, and he’s coming and falling on his face and said you’re right. I’m wrong. I repent. It doesn’t even say that. He said sinned against me. Up to seven times? Boy, he thought he was being really spiritual.
( laughter ).
“Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven…” Oh, we’ve got the Kingdom coming in here, don’t we? “…The kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him.” That’s a lot of money.
“Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. The servant fell on his knees before him. Be patient with me, he begged, and I will pay back everything. The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.
“But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii.” Lunch money, basically. “He grabbed him and began to choke him. Pay back what you owe me! he demanded. His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, Be patient with me, and I will pay you back. But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt.”
And so, remember what happened? The other servants told the master. And, the principle was, look, I forgave you all of that, and you’re not dealing with other people the way I’ve dealt with you.
Folks, I don’t care who you are and what has happened in your life. It could be something really terrible. But nothing that has happened to us as a result of even some evil or wrong in somebody else, is as great as what God has forgiven us. And if we don’t get that, we’re gonna be always in that position of blaming and condemning and finding fault and all of that.
I’ll tell you. God can take care of stuff. Don’t worry, He will, and He has. So, the issue, trusting God, leaving issues to Him…sometimes there are issues that we just have to walk away from.
But here’s another one, and this comes from that same passage in Matthew chapter 5 about seeing God. Who are those who see God? The pure in heart! He’s not talking about seeing an image one day. He’s talking about discerning the hand of God in the events of our life!
There’s a condition of heart that enables us to see God is the author of this! He has a purpose in it! I’m trusting in Him, as opposed to reacting like everybody else would.
I want to have that kind of a heart that humbles myself before Him and learns from Him and says, Lord, what’s important to You is that I become like You, not that I get my way and have a smooth life.
And here’s another thing about forgiveness. If it’s gonna get us out of prison, it’s gonna have to be unconditional. There are hurts. There are wounds. There are things that get buried in our lives. It’s the devil’s job to bury junk and poison in our spirits. And we’re gonna have to forgive. We’re gonna have to be willing to say the issue is not anything that’s happened to me or who’s to blame. It’s me and the changes God wants to make in me so that I can be free.
But the other dimension is this. If we are unwilling to do that, who are we really angry at? Are we not angry at God? Is He not in charge? Is He not working for us and not against us?
Oh, may God grant us the grace to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, to grow up in our understanding of Him so that we can trust Him, we can let go, we can put things in His hands and go on and be free. And I say we, because every single one of us is affected. But we’ve got a God who is merciful.
You know, one of the Old Testament scriptures that talks about the coming of the Messiah was He’s gonna heal the broken hearted. Do you know that there’s…if you’re one this morning, He longs to heal!
But who’s the one that has the choice? Are we willing to come to Him and say, Lord, this is the real need? Help me. There is Someone who will help and who will heal whatever is gone on in anybody’s heart and life who just wants to come to Him, and say, God, I want to be part of Your Kingdom. Set me free. I want to be an expression of Your life and be like Jesus. I have no power to do that. Forgive me, cleanse me, help me. He’ll do that, won’t He, because that’s the kind of a Savior we have. Praise God!
November 17, 2019 - No. 1415
“Our Real Adversary” Part One
November 17, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1415 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I had my own ideas, I guess, as to how this talking about the Kingdom of God and its establishment was gonna go and where we were gonna go today and the closer I got to the service, the more my mind went in a related direction but still something more…something a little different than what I had in mind. So I’m gonna go with that.
And I can guarantee there will be people here this morning who will think I’m talking about you, more than one, more than two. But the truth is, I’m talking about me. I’m talking about every single one of us. And I believe there are things related to the Kingdom that we need to know, and we need to get a clearer picture of, so we understand God’s ways and how He goes about things.
So, I’m gonna turn, just as a starting point, to a scripture that’s probably familiar to many of you from years past and that’s in Matthew, chapter 5. And this is the occasion where Jesus was talking to the multitudes on the mountain, His disciples and many others. There was a crowd there and He was talking about many principles of the Kingdom, wasn’t He? So, it’s definitely related to what we’re talking about.
This is a scripture that Brother Thomas used to use from time to time and I believe that there is a…no doubt, many other applications of it. But there’s one, in particular, that’s relevant to you and me this morning, in a particular way.
And that’s beginning in verse 25 when Jesus says this, “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” (NIV).
Now, it’s hard to imagine what this is about if you haven’t heard this before. This is not talking about lawsuits and our court system. But, there is a principle underlying this that I think is awfully central. The more I think about it, the more I see why the Lord wanted me to go this direction. It’s very central to how His Kingdom operates.
But you see, in the beginning of this, there are two characters, aren’t there? There’s you and there’s an adversary. And, it’s pretty evident that in this particular instance, you’re the one who’s wrong, because the prospect only goes in two directions. You either settle, or you get thrown in jail. And so, that’s kind of the scenario He’s talking about. There are only two options. Settle quickly or go to jail. So, let’s unpack that just a little bit.
Now, one of the things that I think we all know, but I want to go ahead and just reestablish a lot of these things and I want to look up some of the scriptures because, like I say, I have a tendency just to quote them. But look over in Acts 14. We know that…absolutely central to our life in this world is difficulty, isn’t it? We’re gonna have adversity. And, anything where you have an adversary is in and of itself…that’s a form of adversity. It’s something that comes against us. And, we know that that’s the promise.
But here we have the account, and I won’t go through the account, but Paul and Barnabas have traveled through a particular region, gone from city to city. In every place they have experienced persecution. But also in every place they have established people who received the message and who were going on with it. And so, they went to the last city and then they reversed course and went from city to city, and that’s what’s going on here. It says, “Then they returned…” the middle of verse 21, “…to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.”
So, what’s the central point that they made to all these people? “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” And then they appointed elders and they had prayer and fasting and they committed them to God’s faithfulness.
I mean, you think about establishing a church. You go there for a brief time and you gather a group of disciples and then you say, all right, you’re in God’s hands. I’ll tell you, we’ve got a faithful God, if we’ll learn His ways. But God’s Kingdom was being established.
But, the central point that Paul wanted them to understand…look, you’re going into God’s Kingdom. You’re going against the tide. This world is opposed to what you’re trying to do. You saw what happened to me. In fact, Paul, right before this…they had stoned Paul, left him for dead, dragged him out of the city. So, I mean, Paul knew firsthand what the opposition of the enemy meant.
So, we’re gonna have hardship and you might as well just throw out any gospel that supposedly says, if you come to Jesus, you’re gonna have a solution to all your problems, life is gonna be easy, because we know that’s not the case.
And so, I thought of another scripture that relates specifically to the Kingdom and that’s one we know well in Matthew chapter 11. Matthew chapter 11, Jesus is talking about the ministry of John the Baptist, isn’t He? And, in verse 12, He says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.”
Boy, that’s a pretty good reminder that in order for God’s kingdom to be established, it was gonna have to come in with force. You can’t say, pretty please, Devil, I’m gonna start something different. He absolutely was in control of this planet, functionally, in terms of the world system, but God had a plan that was gonna overpower Satan.
Isn’t it amazing that His first step in overpowering Satan was to send a baby? Boy, that ought to be something that would…I think I said something about this last week. That ought to be something to encourage us. We don’t need armies in this battle. Yes, there may be battles of that sort. But I’ll tell you, we need the power of the life of God!
( congregational amens ).
That’s what will make us anything. If we have something less than that, all we have is religion. But I’ll tell you, His power is what we need. But I’ll tell you, it’s still to lay hold of that means we’re gonna be making choices that are hard. We just sang about it, didn’t we? Kenny didn’t know that when he suggested that song. When the choices are hard, what do you do? You press on! But that’s what it takes to lay hold of the Kingdom of God and we are going to be in positions like that.
And I will just go ahead and quote this one verse, John…well, let’s look at it. John 16:33…very familiar to us. See, I’m trying to break a habit here, too. Anybody here got any habits you want to break? Matthew 16:33, some of the last words of Jesus to His followers before He was taken away and crucified.
In verse 33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.” He’s talking about how that there’s gonna be a scattering of the disciples and so forth. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.” See, that’s not a ‘may.’ Might as well recognize, that’s something that is intrinsic to the state of God’s Kingdom, as it exists in this present world. There’s gonna be opposition. There’s gonna be trouble. No other way to get around it.
“But take heart!” Isn’t it wonderful He doesn’t leave us there? There’s that glorious ‘but.’ “…Take heart! I have overcome the world.” So, regardless of the fact that there’s opposition, we know how it comes out for those who trust God, for those who do press on.
So, the question arises when Jesus talks about our adversary. Who’s He talking about? Now, I know some of you know the answer from the way Brother Thomas used to preach it. But, I just want to take a fresh look at this.
You know, we tend to be in conflict, because of our nature. Life is full of conflict between us and people, isn’t it? So, you might well say, well, my…if so-and-so would get straightened out, I would…everything would be fine in my life. That’s my trouble. That’s the source of my trouble right there. They are my adversary. If they would quit wanting their way and let me have my way. That’s what it boils down to.
But I mean, even if there’s something that’s wrong, there are people—we see people. And that’s where our vision is so limited to here, that we tend to assess things in earthly terms. My preference in life would be to have an easy time, would be to have one where there’s no conflict, no difficulty. And so, if there is conflict between me and somebody else, then, obviously, that’s something that I don’t like and it’s adverse and I’m upset about it. So, that’s kind of where we’re coming from as human beings.
And, you take a bunch…a world full of selfish people, and guess what? It’s a prescription for trouble and conflict. And we might as well face up to it.
But is that really who he’s talking about? You know, Paul talked about times when people were involved. Many of you remember the story Brother Thomas used to preach…or used to tell about the lady who was praying for food. And she was praying and some little boy heard her and decided he’d play a joke on her and he put some groceries in the room and slid them across the floor and she went to praising God and praising God! Thank You for the food you sent!
And he went in there laughing and said, I played a joke on you. That wasn’t the Lord. That was me. And she said, well, the Devil may have brought it, but the Lord sent it!
( laughter ).
But you know, Paul, many times, would write and he would talk about…pray for me. I’m in a place…one place he says, I’m in Ephesus, pray for me. There’s a great open door and there are many adversaries. There are many who oppose me. Late in his life he wrote to Timothy, and he was talking about the opportunities that he had in Rome. He said, so-and-so has abandoned me but so-and-so is with me, and the Lord’s helped me and I’ve got a house, I’m able to minister to people. Pray for me.
And then he warns about one particular guy, Alexander, the metal worker. I think it’s the coppersmith in the King James. But this guy named Alexander, who was a metal worker, he said, he has greatly withstood me. Beware of him and watch out…this is the kind of guy he is.
So opposition, obviously, can come in the form of people, can’t it? And we’re gonna have a lifetime of conflict, whether it’s in the home, whether it’s in our work, in school, whatever it is. If we’re in a world of people who are basically selfish, we’re gonna have conflict, okay?
But you might say, well, yeah, I know, but, we’ve got to see beyond that. We’ve got to see the Devil. He’s the one who’s really behind it. And you know, he is our adversary. Doesn’t Peter say, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil…” goes about like a roaring lion, and so forth. (KJV). And that’s absolutely true. He is our adversary. He is against us and he does use people. So, you’re stepping away from just the visible into the invisible realm.
But here is the issue that I see. Here is…we have our ways of looking at this. Let’s start with that. We have our own ways of evaluating the conflicts and the difficulties that come into our life. And mostly, if there’s a conflict between you and me, I’m right and you’re wrong. I mean, that’s kind of where it starts.
We are, by nature, self-protecting, self-righteous. I’m the one who’s right in this particular dispute, this particular conflict. You need to get straightened out. And so, we’re seeing things just on that particular level. And, I’m right, you’re wrong. You did something bad. Something needs to happen to straighten you out and fix that. Or, I have been deeply wronged and I’m hurt, my heart is wounded.
And a lot of that’s the truth, isn’t it? Life is full of that. There is terrible abuse in relationships! There are real things…there are things that we bring on ourselves, but there are things in which we’re just innocent, in a sense. We are victims of something that is imposed upon us from somebody else and there are wounds that are very, very deep in lives and hearts. And that is part of the world in which we live in.
And so, when that happens to us, what do we focus on? What do we focus on? Me! Self! You know, I’m so aggrieved in this situation. I’m so angry. I’m so…whatever it is. I’m so hurt. They’re so wrong. And all of that…that’s our evaluation. That’s what we see as happening. It’s all happening here on a human level and yeah, we may see the Devil’s inspiring, but oh, man, it’s people! If God would just straighten out everybody in my life, my life would be wonderful!
But isn’t that an earthly view? My God. how limited that view is! And the thing is, our nature drives us to cling doggedly to our point of view! It’s not something that we easily let go of, is it? You can talk to somebody but there is deep emotion, there are feelings, there are all kinds of things that are invested in our cause, in whatever the situation is.
And so, man, it’s a challenge to get anybody to let go! You know, all of us—every single one of us. This is the source of the conflict. And so, here’s my point of view. Something has happened that affects me in a negative way. I don’t like it. I am right! They’re wrong! That situation is wrong. And so, that’s kind of where we come from. And we cling to that, don’t we?
Now, here is one thing that I noticed in that…in the words of Jesus. When He’s talking about your adversaries taking you to court, what is the next thing He says? Settle things…on the way. Isn’t that an interesting phrase to drop in there? This isn’t something where there’s a conflict and, boom, I’m in court! There is a way, there is a space of time, and I see the mercy and the understanding, the compassion of God.
Whenever there are things that affect us, like, all the time, God is patient. God gives us space. God gives us time. I mean, I think of even cases of judgment. There was a…the words to one of the churches in Revelation. There was a woman who needed correcting, needed judgment. And what did the Lord say? “…I gave her space to repent…” God, “…knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.”
He knows exactly how we’re made, and how we react to things and how they affect us, and that we’re not little automatons down here, robots, that we can just press the right buttons and say, oh, I’m not supposed to be this way, I’m supposed to be that way. And we go on. There’s some time. There’s some healing. There are processes. Just like you have a physical wound, it takes a little bit of time to heal.
And so, what happens when something happens…and right now I’m not even concerned with whether it was real or imagined or maybe you were really and truly done wrong. You know, ‘he done me wrong or she done me wrong.’ Maybe that’s really true! And there’s no possible justification, and you’re totally innocent and they’re totally wrong, and it makes you angry. Pretty natural reaction, isn’t it? But what happens if that’s not resolved?
( draining sound ).
We cling to it. We bury it. Then something else happens along later. Something else happens, something else happens. First…pretty soon you’ve got a volcano going on down there. There’s a lot of stuff that’s buried and boy, it has a way of boiling up here and boiling up there. But you’re justified, right?
Or bitterness? That’s when we’re not only angry, we’re just bitter that it should happen! And sometimes you can just get right bitter at God. Why haven’t you straightened this out, God? Are you really there? I mean, it can result in things like grief, discouragement, could be guilt. You’ve been through something really deep and it’s just that guilt is buried there.
And the lies have come, the accusations of the enemy. That’s just a different form of the same thing. Fear! Brother Danny talked about that the other night. He certainly isn’t the only one! That’s one that affects every single one of us. We’re taught to fear. We’re taught to be angry. Life teaches us all of these things, if that’s the lesson we learn.
And aren’t those things God wants to help us with, and deliver us from? Yes! Fear, hopelessness, self-pity! But in it all, we’re right! So blame, whenever it does come up…but I was wronged! They were wrong, I was right. I’m right to feel the way I do about this. If they’ll straighten up, I’ll straighten up.
But do you see what’s going on there? Now, who is the one who is really in charge? Who is the real adversary? That’s the thing we need to come to terms with. Beyond the people, beyond even the Devil, God is the adversary…who allows things to happen to bring out things in us that He wants to deliver us from.
So, look at this from His point of view. I’m establishing My Kingdom. I’m calling a people into it. They’re not much like me. They’ve got a nature that is so geared to this world and its ways and its ways of looking at things and thinking. I’ve got to do something to change them. I can’t just anoint them to go out and send them to the nations as prophets, when they’re so full of this world and self and all the natural…they’re no different than people of the world right now. I’ve got to do something.
So, how does He do it? How does He do something like that? He’s gonna have to allow adversity! He’s gonna have to allow things to happen to you and to me that will bring out those things so that we can…His design is that we recognize it, face it, deal with it, look to Him for grace and all of that.
But all our attention is on the source of the adversity! That’s the source of my trouble. No! God can take care of that. It’s not that He doesn’t care about that. He will allow something that is wrong and seemingly unaddressed! Trust me, God addresses everything, one way or another. Nobody gets away with anything. But God can allow it to seem as though this person has done me wrong and they’re getting away with it and it’s wrong!
But what’s the real issue with God? It’s the response, isn’t it? He’s wanting to teach us how to respond as His children. And it is so utterly contrary to our nature that we need help. We need God! We need His mercy!
But adversity is a tool that God uses to deliver us and to make us fit for His kingdom. “…Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” He’s not just talking about these bodies. He’s talking about the nature that lives in these bodies. I don’t care how you refine your behavior, you and I are not fit to live in that Kingdom! So if God is going to…and the Kingdom is not just about then, the Kingdom is about now! If His Kingdom is going to be, in any sense, dwelling in this world, how does that happen? That’s kind of like in us, isn’t it?
Oh, that brings a…that’s a whole new dimension to thinking about this, isn’t it? Everybody’s kind of quiet. But yeah, think about what this is about. God’s saying, I want to reproduce My life, My nature, in people who are having to live with the adversities of this world. I’m gonna use them. These are the tools by which I’m gonna get them ready for that.
Have I not chosen them, “…in the furnace of affliction.” Yeah! Is it not that they’re supposed to press into the Kingdom and all these truths that we’ve used? But oh, I’ll tell you what, God’s view of your situation and mine…I don’t care what the instrument is, what the issue is, the external issue as we would see it, looking at it naturally, the one thing that God is the most concerned about is it exposes my nature, and the things that are wrong with me so that I can be delivered.
November 10, 2019 - No. 1414
“His Story” Conclusion
November 10, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1414 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Everything that is happening is the unfolding of His Story…written before time began. We who are called into His kingdom have the privilege of stepping into His story and not only becoming a part of His story, but become instrumental in seeing it happen.
How many things that were spoken of by some obscure Hebrew prophet, thousands of years ago, are we walking in today because He spoke it? Do you see how everything is so tied together in God’s plan and God’s kingdom? It’s incredible!
And I want to live with that understanding. My God, these things…don’t these things give you a context in which the Christian life makes sense? You think about the principle of speaking. It’s not only that we need someone speaking words that have life in them, that have God’s life in them, we need that. But every single believer, you’ve got a tongue, in case you didn’t know it. And it’s a power of live and death.
Every single believer has the privilege of yielding their whole being and their tongues to God. You have the power to speak life. You have the power to be a part of the process of bringing forth the kingdom of God by the way you use your tongue with one another. It’s a sobering and amazing thing. But of course, we can do the other too.
But oh, I pray that God will help us to see the concept of His Word, words that are coming out of His mouth that have everything to do with the building, and the preparation of a kingdom that’s gonna last forever. It’s absolutely in the process of destroying Satan’s power, even when it looks like it’s not.
Even when it looks like he’s…see, God’s allowing him a certain amount of freedom. But the fact is, he’s already lost…the story has already been written. We know how it turns out. The devil is just beating his head against a wall and trying to take everybody down with him he can.
But I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who is doing something that’s eternal. And He calls His people to step into the unfolding of His Story. That’s His call to us today. This isn’t just something where we look back and say, oh, isn’t that great? They gave these wonderful prophesies, and they came true, and that’s great, and here we are playing church. No. We are as much a part of the story that He wrote before the foundation of the world as they were. We’re just here at a different time in history.
But oh, what an amazing thing it is that God’s word creates that which has not existed before. Now here’s another truth about the Old Testament. You know, I’ve referred a number of times to the fact that God’s purposes were hidden in the Old Testament. And one scripture…I’m go ahead and read it today, in 1st Corinthians, chapter 2, because it deals with both sides of it, 1st Corinthians, chapter 2.
And this is Paul who has been talking about how the men in their wisdom, they were unable to discover the things of God, and the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them. They can’t figure it out. And God has done something that just simply doesn’t compute with natural man.
So Paul is now talking about the ministry of what he has done, in chapter 2. “When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom…” (NIV). This is not natural ability, in other words. “…As I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
That is our message. That’s the sum total of our message. Everything else is like the spokes of a wheel that come off of that center. But Jesus is the message, who He is and what He’s done. “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.” I can identify. “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”
Now, here’s where he gets into what I’m getting to. “We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature…” those who have grown and those that have come to understand, “…but not the wisdom of this age…” See, there is a wisdom behind what the Devil does, but it’s a different wisdom. It absolutely flies in the face of God and it’s headed for catastrophe. So, this is not the wisdom of this age, “…or of the rulers of this age…” Now, who’s he talking about?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. He’s talking about the principalities and powers. There is a wisdom behind what they do in their quest to dominate the human race. There’s a wisdom there. But that’s not the wisdom Paul’s moving in. This is something totally different. Okay?
And so, the ruler, “…not the wisdom…or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” That’s their destiny. “No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” Boy, does that put things into perspective? God made a plan. He had been unfolding it for generations, but it was hidden. And it was hidden in such a way that the Devil couldn’t figure it out.
I can just imagine the Devil listening to the prophets. What in the world is that about? I don’t get that. Oh, I know, He’s gonna build a kingdom. You know, just… He hid the whole purpose of what He was getting ready to do. All right?
“…A wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him—but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.”
Now, I’ll just make a passing comment. I know most of the time people quote that and they’re talking about heaven. Well, that’s true enough. But what’s he talking about here? See, he’s talking about everything that came before Christ. Nobody could discover it…not even God’s people really understood it. But God prepared it and now it’s time for the unveiling—the revealing of that. How does that happen? Because of my intellect? No. It happens because God reveals it by His spirit.
( congregational response ).
Truth has to be revealed! And so, the devil…all this was hidden from the devil.
There’s another scripture that’s well to see in this context, is Ephesians, chapter 3…Ephesians, chapter 3. And Paul has just been talking again, in chapter 2, unfolding the fact that the Gospel was not just for the Jews but for the Gentiles. God was gonna build one new man out of the two, as a temple to live in. So, that’s kind of the context of what leads into this.
“For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles…” I’m going through stuff but it’s for your benefit. “…Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly.
“In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.”
Now, “I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power.” Boy, it kind of all goes back to Him, doesn’t it? “Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.”
Do you get this sense, over and over and over again, that whatever God did in the Old Testament age, was a mystery that was yet to be unfolded? Now, the time has come. Now God’s gonna say, this is what I’ve been doing. Here it is, this is the kingdom that I foresaw, that I predicted and prophesied. All right?
His intent…God’s intent…why did He do this? “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms…” God has made you and me, and His church throughout this age, the very means of communicating to the Devil himself, this is my purpose, this is what the creation was all about. It’s not about you doing what you’re doing, I’ve got a purpose and a plan. I hid this from you. In fact, not only did I hide it from you, I used you to help fulfil it.
( congregational response ).
You know that some of the earliest messages the apostles preached was, Devil, you took and crucified the Son of God, but you did it by God’s express purpose. You fulfilled God’s purpose in crucifying him. And now, God’s made Him Lord and Christ. Now what are you gonna do to do about it, basically, is the message?
But oh, I’ll tell you what, God is absolutely revealing His plan to the devil, through you and me. I wonder to what degree we’re expressing that? May God help us! I believe He is, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
But what an amazing thing. “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished…” Oh, that’s past tense, isn’t it? Yeah, I love that. “…Which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” Does that sound pretty good to you?
( congregational response ).
Praise God! So basically, he’s looking back and saying, this was all concealed—it was concealed from the devil. What about, what about the people who were involved in this? Look at 1st Peter, chapter 1. Peter is writing about the salvation, how great it is and what’s coming, and he says, in verse 10, “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.”
So here’s a man standing there, yielding himself to the Lord, speaking these words, causing them to be recorded, and he’s saying, God, I sure wish I understood this. I sure wish I could figure out all the details of what this is about, but, all I’m gonna do is speak in faith. And here’s God using somebody who didn’t really understand…didn’t need to understand, but just spoke the very words of God.
We today are walking in the power of the fulfillment of words that were spoken thousands of years ago. Those men didn’t understand at the time. We’ve got an awesome God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! So anyway, “It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves….” Think about that. Every generation is so intertwined. “It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you…” How did they do that? “…By the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.”
I can imagine the angels that were sent to Daniel. I mean, they knew what they were sent to tell him, but they’re sitting there saying, I can’t wait to see how this turns out, ‘cause, I don’t know. What do you think, Gabriel, what’s the story here? Has He told you anything else?
And yet God was absolutely working through every circumstance, every servant of His, to create something that’s eternal…and involving us in it. You and I are not just bumps on a log, recipients of all this. We are meant to be participants in the same process that they were, according to our calling in this age. And so, the prophets themselves didn’t know.
What about Daniel? I’ll just refer to this because we know this scripture in Daniel, chapter 12, where the Lord talks about there is going to be resurrection, there’s gonna be all kinds of…knowledge is gonna be increased. There’s gonna be all this stuff that’s gonna happen.
When’s this going to happen, Lord? Tell me about it. Oh, shut up the words Daniel, close the book, it’s, “…sealed until the time of the end.” Many are gonna run to and fro. Knowledge will be increased. “…The wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand…” But the righteous will understand.
I mean, Daniel didn’t quit believing because God didn’t show him, didn’t answer his question. He told him to shut up the book. God, I demand answers! No, I don’t demand answers. I trust the God that has revealed Himself to me, to let me in on what I need to know, let me participate in His purpose for my particular life.
And I’ll tell you, His story is unfolding. It cannot be contradicted. It cannot be interrupted. Let’s look at a couple of scriptures. I’m gonna just go ahead and close with this. There’s a whole lot of stuff I’m not even getting to. This is good. But I felt like this is about what it was gonna be. I’m gonna to go ahead and jump straight to Isaiah 46. This is one example of many.
Boy, Isaiah is rich. And, where in the world? This is part of where he’s talking about how the idols…they don’t know what’s going on. And, you hire somebody to build an idol and it sits there, and it can’t predict anything. And he’s talking to rebels here.
He says in verse 8, “Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”
Folks, that is the God who has called us to His kingdom. And I put my hope in Him, 100 percent. It’s not just that He’s revealed Himself as a God of power, He’s revealed about Himself as what we spoke about this morning, as a God of love and mercy! A God who can take someone with a past and turn it into a future that never ends, that’s glorious! Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! And there’s not a devil in hell…I don’t care which way the Lord allows him to work, whether He puts a bullet in my head, and I win that way, or He allows me to live for Him and serve Him here, and I win that way! I know how this turns out!
The devil is trying with all his might to write his story…he is a pawn in the hands of God who is writing His Story! That’s the one I want to be a part of! And in His Story, He’s got a Lord and a Savior who is the head of the Kingdom. His name is Jesus. That’s where my loyalty is, 100 percent. I’m with Him! How about you?
( congregational response ).
I’ll tell you, I can find rest in these truths. There’s a God who’s in charge. And my life is not in the devil’s hands. I’ll tell you, when the devil oppresses you, just remind him about that. I don’t have to listen to that voice of fear. I don’t have to listen to all that other stuff.
I can be patient with my brothers and my sisters too. Isn’t that a wonderful truth that we sing about sometimes? “He looked beyond my faults and saw my need.” Oh, how quick we are to jump on peoples’ faults, and not see past that. And I’m so thankful the Lord sees me differently than that. Oh, praise God!
What a kingdom to which we have been called! All that that went before…all those thousands of years when God was literally preparing the things that we are stepping into, just as much as the old, first creation…He spoke and it happened, He spoke and it happened, He said this, He said this other. He’s been speaking these things. This is a new creation. If anybody is in Christ, he is…
( congregational response ).
…A new creation. It came forth in the person of Jesus Christ. The life that was in Him was the beginning of that new creation. And we are stepping into that which God has been preparing from the foundation of the world.
And all those men that faithfully spoke His word…may we be as faithful, to walk with Him and speak His words and believe as they did. Because we are called to walk with Him in this hour of darkness as they were called to walk in theirs. And I’ll tell you, I know how it’s coming out because I know who’s on the throne. To Him be glory! Praise God!
November 3, 2019 - No. 1413
“His Story” Part One
November 3, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1413 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! You know, last week we began in Revelation 12. I’m not gonna turn there, but you remember how we talked about there was a war in heaven, and how history is not just about what happens here in the realm that we can see. It’s not about kingdoms rising and falling, and political stuff and all that kind of thing. There really is a spiritual realm and there is a war going on.
And basically, we looked at Old Testament history and we saw that on the one hand we have Satan’s ambition. Satan rebelled against God who had created him and his ambition was to rule over that creation, to become like the Most High and to rule over it, to bring everything under his wicked rule.
And, we saw that particularly expressed in the Tower of Babel. You remember how God told Noah and his sons to fill the earth…scatter, fill the earth and all of that and be fruitful and multiply. And instead of doing that they…men began to coalesce and to gather themselves over in this place called Babel, some place in the Middle East. And, their ambition was to build them a city and a tower which would reach to heaven, make them a name, lest they be scattered abroad.
So you see this direct affront to what God had said. Rather, gather them together, and God saw enough of a threat in this that He deliberately scattered them across the globe, by confusing their languages, so the different family groups, different tribes couldn’t understand one another. And so, therefore, they migrated to Europe, to Asia, to the Americas, to Africa, to everywhere. And, we see what took place.
And, throughout the Old Testament, we see one kingdom after another trying to rise up, and God shutting them down, bringing somebody else on the scene. And always we see this picture in the Old Testament of God pulling the strings behind the scenes. And the reason for that is that God had a purpose long before Satan ever showed up on the scene. God had a purpose that was conceived in His heart before eternity, and so this is the purpose that is being unfolded and God is only using the Devil while he’s here to help fulfill His purpose. It’s amazing.
But one that that just jumped out at me as I was thinking about this is that we serve a God who is outside of time. He created time. He’s not limited by time. He can see the end from the beginning. It’s all present to Him. The Devil is confined by time. And so, you’ve got two different plans going on in the world. Which one do you want to be a part of? You know, when you really lay it out it doesn’t make any sense to think about being a part of this world’s system and just live for its values.
But I wanted to go through a lot of scriptures today, and I feel like we need to be looking at the scriptures, rather just my referring to them all the time. Maybe there’s a time for that. But, I wanted to look at some truths that really flesh this out in a way that I believe will help and encourage us.
One of them is in Daniel chapter 10, right at the end of it. And this is scripture that I preached on one time years ago. But this is the occasion when Daniel was seeking the Lord for 21 days…we’ve talked about this…and finally the angel shows up and says…God heard you from the beginning but I’ve been busy fighting with the prince of Persia.
Now who would an angel be fighting? Obviously it’s one of Satan’s angels. So this was a powerful figure who ruled over the kingdom of Persia. These were the gods of the nations. They were real beings. And they wielded real power, and so, while he was praying, there was a battle going on in the heavens, wasn’t there? There was war. And finally Michael, the chief prince over the people of Israel, this is God’s angel, came and helped him in the battle and then he came a talked to Daniel. So this was the occasion.
And, so in verse 20, he asks Daniel, “So he said, do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come…” (NIV). But here’s the interesting thing he says. “…But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth.”
Now think about what he’s saying there. This angel is about to tell Daniel what’s about to happen. And basically, he goes on to talk about the fact that there’s gonna be three more emperors in this Media-Persia empire. And then somebody from Greece is gonna come. Who was that, for you historians? Alexander the Great was gonna rise up and conquer the known world, but when he died, still a young man in his 30’s, the whole kingdom was divided up into four parts.
Well, this is what the angel is about to unfold in a whole lot of details in the events of what was coming. But the point that he made, the point that he allowed us to see here was, this was already written. Now, let that sink in. History, because we serve a timeless God, history has already been written. Doesn’t that put a different perspective on things? I mean, we need to walk in the light of that and realize the God that we serve, and how He knows how to work things together.
You know, the scripture that we have used many times and I’ll just refer to it briefly, it’s in Psalm 139…wonderful Psalm of David, when David is just exulting in his understanding of God. God, You know everything. You are everywhere…no place I can go where You’re not.
And not only that, You…verse 13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body.”
So, in the first place, here’s a God who can foresee and who works things. Even before we know all about it, He was there overseeing the fact that…David wasn’t even born yet and God was taking care of him. Now listen to what he says. “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Whoa, does that change the perspective on everything! I mean, we’ve got a God, like I say, who has written…we talk about history, but God has written His Story and that’s the one that will come true, because it’s the God who is behind it. And I, I appreciate what Ben shared Wednesday night. It was exactly on track. It fits this exactly, because we’ve got people that go in the ditch…and I’m not gonna spend a lot of time on this, but we’ve got people who go in the ditch on the sovereignty of God and the will of man.
And those who go to one extreme think God…I mean, there’s no logical way to eliminate the idea that God created evil, created everything. It’s all His responsibility. He made me like I am. I don’t have any choice. I mean, they would not admit to that, but that’s really what it comes down to.
But then you’ve got people on the other side that are so much about free will and choice that God…it’s almost like God comes as a beggar, a salesman, trying to convince people to agree to His plan instead of Satan’s. And oh, poor God, if we don’t agree then His plan is just going to go begging. It’s gonna be like merchandise left on the shelf…too bad.
No, we’ve got a God who knows how to weave the story together. We’ve got a God who knows how to weave His creatures’ choices into His Story, so that we are responsible for choices, but yet, we’ve got a God who is underneath it all and weaving the story.
I’ll tell you, the weakest person…how many songs did we sing this morning about this? The weakest person who reaches out to Him, who understands, I can do nothing without You. I don’t have anything to bring to the table. Just as I am, Lord, I come. But this is a God who knows how to take that kind of a choice, just to surrender and trust in Him, and bring us all the way to Glory one day.
Oh, it doesn’t depend upon me and my strength. But oh, I’ll tell you, there are people that hear the message of love and they resist and they harden their heart. God weaves those choices into play as well.
And, you know, I love the example Ben used of Peter, ‘cause when the Lord warned Peter about what was coming…and Peter had a choice, didn’t he? He could have availed himself of Jesus’ warning and prayed and found strength and he would’ve learned something from that, but he didn’t, and he still learned a lesson and God still didn’t throw him in the trash!
God took the choices that He knew Peter was gonna make and He said, I’m gonna make something out of this. I’m gonna teach My servant something and he is going to become a strength to his brothers and sisters because he knows something about me that they haven’t gone through. So, what an awesome God we have, who can weave those choices into something.
Now that certainly is not a prescription where, oh, it’s all in God’s hands, I can just float through life, make my own choices and do as I please. You will reap what you sow, and so will I. So there’s always that encouragement by God. I’m gonna show you the way. I want you to make choices, but I’m gonna work in your life according to the choices you make.
So…I don’t know. God’s the only one who can put all this together, but He does. He’s written a story, not just of history, but He’s written my story. Praise the Lord! I want to recognize that and love Him and cooperate, and make the choices that will make the story bring Him glory.
But you know, there’s another side to that. The Bible talks about how He used Pharaoh, and how God hardened his heart. But if you go back to the beginning of what He said about Pharaoh…God told Moses, I know him.
In other words, God knew the kind of proud, stubborn man that he was, and He took advantage of his character and the choices that God knew he was gonna make. He said, I’m gonna use that. I’m gonna cause him to so rebel against me by just simply doing what I planned to do. I know how he’s gonna react and I’m gonna judge him, and everybody in the world is gonna hear about Me. So here’s God weaving the choices of a rebellious man into His plan, as well.
Hasn’t He done that throughout history? Whoa, what an amazing God we have! God is outside of time. The Devil is inside it. Now which side do you want to be on?
Now, there’s another side to it. This is how God actually unfolds His plan. I mean, we look at Old Testament history and we just see it going on and on and on…and, there’s the rebellion of Israel. There’s their unbelief. There’s a remnant. What in the world is all that about? Why did God take all of that time?
Well, there is a truth and it comes down to the concept of prophecy. Everything God does, He speaks. Now let’s see if we can unfold some of that, what I’m talking about. Look at 2nd Peter, chapter 1, is one good illustration of the nature of prophecy. And Peter, this is the last letter he wrote trying to encourage believers before he was taken from the scene.
And so, to begin with…I mean, what did they have to preach? What did they have to go on in the New Testament? We open the Gospels, we open the letters of Paul and we can talk about God’s plan. They didn’t have that. So what did they have? Yeah, they had the Old Testament and they had eyewitness testimony, and that’s basically what they went with. Okay?
So, in verse 16, “For we did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, this is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
When did that happen? That was the Mount of Transfiguration. You remember when the three disciples went up there and He started glowing like the sun, and Moses and Elijah appeared with Him. They were eyewitnesses of that. That wasn’t just something that they imagined. “We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.” So that’s one side of it. We’ve got eyewitness testimony to a whole lot of stuff that they were proclaiming. It wasn’t just second-hand stuff.
“And…” There was something else. “…We have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
Okay? So, what we have going on is something that God inspired. Folks, if we don’t have something that God is inspiring, what do we have? Nothing, just religion. But I’ll tell you, to be part of His Story is the whole…I mean, that’s the whole game. That’s what everything is about.
And so throughout all that dark, strange period of time when nations were rising and falling, and most of His people, that supposedly were His, were walking in heathen idolatry, God had a remnant and He had prophets that He called and He put the words in their mouth. So what in the world is prophecy about? Well, on one level, it’s certainly just prediction, isn’t it? And why would God predict things before they happen?
( congregation inaudible ).
Well…yeah, it’s certainly a witness, isn’t it? Just one example…this is everywhere in Isaiah, but I’m gonna just pick one little scripture here in Isaiah 48…48, there we go. He’s talking here to the Israelites who just, again, they were struggling with idolatry. So many of them were in unbelief. They didn’t know what in the world was going on.
And so, he says, at the beginning of this passage, “Listen to this, O house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel and come from the line of Judah, you who take oaths in the name of the Lord and invoke the God of Israel—but not in truth or righteousness—you who call yourselves citizens of the holy city and rely on the God of Israel—the Lord Almighty is his name: I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. For I knew how stubborn you were….”
And so forth, and then He goes on and talks about the fact that…all these idols you’re messing around with, did they do this? No. I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who bears witness to who He is by telling things before they happen. So, that’s part of it. And, many times we can look in the New Testament and we see the exact fulfillment of something that was spoken by somebody long ago, don’t we? So that’s part of the witness…that’s part of the reason why God did things the way He has done them.
But, there’s another thing. Constantly, throughout the Old Testament, you have this…these people that we call the Remnant. Even in the darkest hour, there were people who were faithful. May God give us the grace to do the same in the hour that’s unfolding before us. God has a remnant that is real. And so, there was this side of prophecy that was meant to give them hope, because it carried the sense of promise.
As I said last week, things will not always be as they are. Yes, things are bad, but I’ll tell you, something is coming! And I’m gonna speak it through my prophets. A king is coming! A kingdom is coming! Salvation, a New Covenant, all these wonderful blessings, they’re coming. Don’t worry, just trust Me, wait. It’s gonna come at the proper time. So you’ve got this sense of God’s promise.
And I’ll tell you one scripture that we love to use every now and then that illustrates this very well is over in Hebrews. That’s chapter 6. I want to bring together a number of scriptures that we’ve used…we’ve kind of cherry-picked them and used them in isolation, but I want us to see a bigger picture today.
I mean, this is talking about the fact that God made promises to Abraham and in order to back that up, He swore by Himself. And so, down in 16, the writer makes this point. “Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said….”
So, I have what I say but now I’m gonna back it up. You know, in court…I swear to God to tell the truth and the whole truth and all of that, and then they go ahead and lie, but still, you get the point. This is only as good as the oath. But this is the oath of God, isn’t it? All right.
“…The oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.”
Now, why did He do that? “God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
So God says there are two things and they are not…they cannot be changed. One of them is My purpose. I conceived this before the world was. I am not like Indiana Jones, making this up as I go along. I conceived this.
Satan didn’t know anything about My purpose. He jumped in and said, I’m gonna be like You. Well, he’s not like God. God had something in mind and He planned. He knew your name before the world. That’s the God we serve. And so, that is an unchanging purpose, will not be changed.
But, the other thing is a promise to carry out that unchanging purpose is also something that is unchangeable. And so those are the two unchanging things. Well, what is it that makes the promise good? It’s the promise of Somebody who is incapable of lying. That gives me solid hope, doesn’t it you? I’ve got a purpose that was declared before the foundation of the world. It cannot be changed. And the word of Somebody who cannot lie!
What are we putting that up against? The ambition of a rebel who cannot tell the truth! That’s what’s going on in our world. Those are the two camps. So we have that sense of promise that produces faith and hope in His people.
But here’s something that I want to try to get across, at least in a measure. The Word of God is more than prediction and promise. Turn over, if you will to Hebrews chapter 11. We’re in 6 now. Flip the page over and go to chapter 11. And the writer begins, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”
Now, here’s the verse. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” When God created the universe, how did He do it? He spoke! His words do not merely convey His wishes, His information; they have power! God did not say, Gabriel, go flip a switch and we’ll have some light! He said, “Let there be light.” And the very power to make that happen came out of His mouth.
I’ll tell you, that’s what God is doing throughout history. There was a God who is speaking things into existence by the very power of His words. Don’t the scriptures say about the Word of God, that, “…The word of God is living and active…”? It accomplishes things. I mean, there is literally…it’s the expression of His power.
Do you think maybe, just maybe we need some of that? Do you think that’s kind of central to what God is doing in this hour? We need to hear the voice of the Son of God in such a way that it has power to penetrate people’s hearts and change lives!
October 27, 2019 - No. 1412
“War in Heaven” Conclusion
October 27, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1412 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! Do we have a God who’s in charge? Amen. So, we see this checkered history. We see the overwhelming majority of…Abraham’s descendants who lived in unbelief, who lived in rebellion, who listened to the voices of the enemy, who served these foreign gods.
And I’ll tell you, when you serve a foreign god, when you embrace somebody who’s following him, you’re not just embracing something on the human level, are you? Remember the inspiration behind it? You were literally coming under the influence of demons. That’s what was going on.
And so, the northern kingdom of Israel fell under the power of demons, and God raised up an empire called Assyria. And He enabled them to come in and render judgment against this northern kingdom. He literally transplanted the entire population throughout the Assyrian empire, brought people in to replace them. You want to know where the Samaritans came from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. That traces some of their history. They were a mixture. But here is God allowing…God raising up the Assyrians. I know the devil did, but I know God was behind it. God said, yeah, this is your time. You do…you’re gonna carry out my will in this circumstance. Yeah, the devil may be trying to do his thing, but I’m doing My thing.
So, I am overruling, and yet, we see that very empire later on attacking Hezekiah. How many of you remember what happened there? Oh, he comes and his commander reads this letter, reads it in Hebrew so everybody on the wall can understand it. You think your God’s gonna deliver you? What do the gods of so and so….they couldn’t help them. We defeated them. All these other gods, we rose up against them and we defeated them. What makes you think…this tremendous challenge to the God of Israel.
And Hezekiah happens to have a prophet living with him in Jerusalem. Who was that? Who was the prophet? It’s Isaiah. You know, you can read this account in three different books. Isaiah records it in his book. And so, they spread this letter, and they say, Lord…Lord, help us. We know that You’re God in heaven above. You rule among the kingdoms of heaven and all of that. He says, are You gonna let them challenge You like this?
And he takes it to Isaiah, and Isaiah gives him the Word of God, and says, he won’t come in here. And you can read the lengthy prophesy about what God is gonna do. And all of a sudden, overnight, one angel goes through the Assyrian camp and 185,000 soldiers are killed. Well, the commander gets up the next morning…I guess I better go home.
( laughing ).
And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who rules, because it wasn’t long before the very emperor who made that challenge against him was in his temple worshiping his gods, and two of his sons assassinated him. You know, we’d look at that from a historical standpoint, and we’d see the intrigues and all of that. But do you see what’s going on in the spirit behind some of this?
That’s what, I believe, God wants us to understand—to understand our world. We’re gonna have to see it, not just in the human, visible dimension. We’re gonna have to see it in the spiritual dimension, as well.
And so, anyway, they went on, and of course, we see later on how Judah itself crossed that line that I mentioned awhile ago where you come to the point of no return. And Babylon was another empire that was raised up, wasn’t it? And God allowed this man named Nebuchadnezzar to rule and to reach such a pinnacle of power.
Man, everybody in the world…well now, what do you think Satan’s aim in all of this was? World domination. Every empire he raised up was meant to rule the world, and he ruled a lot of it! But God had a purpose in all of this. And there are two instances we read about. I know I’m not gonna get through all of this. That’s all right. There are two things that we remember in history that had to do with Nebuchadnezzar. What were they?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Well, okay, I guess I better tell you what I have in mind. How about the time when they made this great old image? And they made a decree that everybody either bows to my image, or they die. And there’s a furnace over there, and it wasn’t some theoretical thing. It was…there it is, it’s burning, and it’s hot. And I’m gonna get thrown in there if I don’t bow.
So, what happened? Three young Hebrew men…they were some of the ones who still believed God. You know, God preserved a remnant throughout the Old Testament. All the darkness that ruled the world in that day, God preserved that remnant. And those three men were willing to stand there and say, our God is able to save us from the fire, but even if He doesn’t, we’re not gonna bow.
Whoa! So, the Lord allowed this guy to get it really hot. And he said, I want you to make that fire seven times hotter. Tie these men up, and throw them in there. And, of course, we all remember what happened. The men who threw them in there…it was so hot, they died. The three guys that were in there, were walking around, and they weren’t alone! There was Somebody else! There was One like the Son of man walking with them. Who was that?
( congregation inaudible ).
That’s the One who later became Jesus Christ. This is the Lord Himself walking with these men in the fire. I’ll tell you, we’ve got Somebody like that today, same One. He walks with us. If that’s the way He calls us to go, He will be with us in the fire. Now, if we burn, praise God! That’s total victory, because to me, like Paul says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (KJV). And if I live, I get to live for Him! If I die, I get to go be with Him! You can’t lose that deal.
But anyway, God had a purpose in making Himself known to the world through this. And Nebuchadnezzar had to change his tune and say, wait a minute. There’s a God In heaven.
( laughing ).
And I want everybody to know what this God just did. But God wasn’t through with Nebuchadnezzar, was He? He gave him that dream, and Daniel interpreted his dream. And it turned out to be that God wanted him to know that He rules in heaven, that He raises over it the basest of men.
It’s not a matter of, hey, I’m somebody. That’s why I’m in the position I’m in. He can take somebody who is a nobody and raise them up to a high position of authority. It’s not a matter of pride and all the values that Satan holds in his kingdom. God had a purpose in that man, at that time in history being raised up. The Devil might have thought he was pulling the strings, but God was over all, really pulling the strings.
And of course, you remember how that thing came true. He expressed all that pride, and this Babylon that I have built! And all of a sudden, his mind is gone, and he goes out and lives like an animal for a while, to the point where his fingernails grew like eagle’s claws. He had no mind. He was eating grass like an ox.
And all of a sudden, the Lord gave him his mind back, and he realized. But he didn’t just keep quiet about it, did he? He sent out a decree to all of his empire, telling about this experience, and saying that there is a God in heaven. He rules, “…in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth.” Nobody can tell Him what to do, basically. I want everybody to know about this great God.
But you know, there’s something about human kingdoms, with the inspiration behind them and the men who are deceived who are in them, that leads to an end, doesn’t it? Later on, there was another king, wasn’t there? Name was Belshazzar. So, he is having a drunken feast, and what does he decide to do, but to go and to get cups that had originally been in God’s temple in Jerusalem…bring them in, fill them with wine so they could get drunker.
And there’s a disembodied hand that begins to write something on the wall. Daniel is still there, isn’t he? This is the end of the Babylonian empire, this great empire, that surely the devil had dreams of where he was going with this. But this was the night it ended. He said, you have been, “…weighed in the balances, and…found wanting.” And that very night the Medes and the Persians came in, and another empire took over. And Satan’s dream had to be moved in a different direction.
Later on, Alexander the Great conquered everything! And oh, I’ve got…the Devil said, I’ve got my man, now, we’re going places! And he died young, and his empire was split. I mean, you see this period over and over again. Why has Satan not been able to unite the world? Because God is on His throne!
( congregational amens ).
God had in mind a kingdom that was going to supplant every other kingdom, and His kingdom was gonna last forever. And so, in the very midst of prophesies that were against nations, this nation’s gonna rise up and defeat this one. You’ve done my will in this, but now, you’re so full of sin, I’m gonna judge you. And Israel, you’re in such a mess that I’m gonna send judgment to you because of your sins.
But in the midst of this, you read the great prophesies of Isaiah. There’s a kingdom coming. There’s a king. Oh, it won’t always be like this. I’ve got a plan. I’ve got something that’s unfolding, and it’s for everybody that will listen and open their hearts to Me. I’ve got something I’m doing in all of this.
Don’t you get dismayed by looking at the condition of the world. Don’t you be like Elijah when he was on Mt. Sinai or Horeb, as they called it. And he said, oh, Lord, now take away my life. I’m not better than my fathers. Boo hoo.
( laughing ).
I’m the only one left. I might as well die and get it over with. The Lord didn’t pay any attention, did He? He said, I want you to go and anoint somebody over Assyria. I’ll tell you, the Israeli prophets…people knew who they were. In heathen countries, they knew these people were men of God, and they had real power. He goes and anoints a heathen man to be a king over a heathen empire!
And after he tells him several things to do, he says, and by the way, I’ve got 7,000 people who have never bowed the knee to Baal. We’ve got a God who knows how to preserve His people in the darkness of this world. Now the question is, are we His people? Because He is faithful.
Oh, I’ll tell you, there’s something that’s…all of this, you see, is leading up to what we read in the beginning. There was a great battle that was fought. There was a victory that was won, and that victory is what we walk in today. And it foreshadows something that’s gonna go on into eternity.
But all these years, there was this darkness. Do you remember what Isaiah prophesied was gonna be the condition when Christ came? “…Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
Who was he talking to? He was talking to the remnant of His people, those that He had preserved through all of this. He’s saying, there’s a kingdom coming. It’s gonna come at the point where it looks like everything is black. There’s no hope. Rome is gonna be in power. There’s gonna be…the devil is gonna look like he’s in charge, but don’t worry. My plan is gonna come to pass at exactly the right time.
But I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who knows what He’s doing, and He’s got a plan He’s working out. I’m so glad. I want to be a part of it right now. But you know, it helps me to be able to look back to the beginning, and I see the inspiration behind the world.
I see what he’s been trying to do. I see the spirit of the world that has been expressed in this…these appeals to the flesh and pride and all of that. I see why he holds the power that he does, and I see the condition of the world. I see his purpose, that he’s sort of tipped his hand to where he was going…the union of men under his authority and how God has continually gotten in the way of that and hindered it.
There’s no empire that’s ever been able to come together. I believe there’s gonna be one. It’ll be at the end…it’ll be right at the end. I don’t know how or when, exactly how the Lord’s gonna do it, but that’s what’s coming. But I’ll tell you, I see a God who is absolutely working out His purpose in the very face of what the enemy was doing.
And those are some of the lessons of this…that we serve a sovereign God, don’t we? We serve a God, as He revealed to Nebuchadnezzar, He does what He pleases! Nobody tells Him what to do! I don’t care what the devil does, he has no chance of succeeding.
And God hid all of His purposes in the words of the Old Testament. I’ll tell you, if you try to unravel that with natural understanding, you’ll mess up. But if we see it with the eyes of revelation looking back, we can see in those words, things the devil himself was not allowed to understand. Because the Word tells us if he had understood, if the powers of this world had understood, they wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of glory. They were so deceived by their own blindness, willful blindness, and wickedness, but God turned it right around and used them.
But I’ll tell you, we see again the thing that I’ve mentioned before. There is always a remnant! God always has a people! At the very moment when it looks like, it will look like Satan has won and the Devil has taken over, and he has a world society that’s about the snuff out the last of church, God is still gonna have a people when He comes. Those people will be transformed in a moment, in the blink of an eye. They will rise to meet their Lord in the air. I’ll tell you, we’ve got Somebody’s who is in charge.
There’s another thing I see, though…over and over and over again, God’s mercy and His patience in working out stuff for all His purposes. How many perfect people were there in the Old Testament? Zero! In fact, we see a lot of flaws in them. We see them doing all kinds of things and yet, we see God faithful to His purpose. We see God using flawed people.
Does that give you any hope today? Yeah. God is looking for a heart that wants Him, not perfection of performance. That doesn’t mean we’re careless and don’t care, but it does mean that, Lord, at my worst, I can look to Him. I can know there’s Somebody who’s faithful.
He didn’t call me because I’m who I am and what I can do. He called me because I needed Him, and He loved me, and He had a purpose laid out for me before the world ever started. Praise God! That puts us every one on exactly the same level!
And God’s promise, also…the thing that He reveals, it won’t always be this way. Over and over again, that’s the message of the prophets. He was speaking to people that looked…many of the people that Isaiah prophesied to were living under a wicked, wicked, wicked ruler, Manasseh. He reigned for over 50 years. I think it’s 55, something like that.
And he was more wicked than the people they had defeated to take the land. And here he was, ruling over the people who were supposed to be God’s people! And here’s Isaiah prophesying, there are glorious things coming! And they’re having to live in the reality of what was going on.
We’re having to live in a world where if you go by the news, it’s pretty black, and it’s getting blacker by the day. But I’ll tell you, if you can see past the news and understand what God’s doing, I’ll tell you, there’s a foundation for hope and faith and trust. That’s what God is looking for, for every one of us.
You look at the heroes of faith in the Old Testament. That don’t have what we have! That can’t look back to the cross! All they could do was hear the promises of God. I’ve got a kingdom. I’ve got a city. I’ve got a rule. I’ve got Somebody that’s coming. There’s a king coming. Just wait for it. Be patient. Stand in the face of this darkness! And they did, didn’t they?
And I’ll tell you, God has held them up as an example of people of what He’s looking for from every single one of us. Just stand. Keep your eyes on God who’s working out an eternal purpose in all of human history. Understand that the devil is the real power behind the nations of this world.
You know, I’ve mentioned several times, we mentioned Babel. And I mentioned several times that the government building of the European Union is housed in a building that is built as a model…built from a painting, is modeled after a painting of the Tower of Babel.
I mean, do they have a clue? Do you see the spirit that’s behind all of this? It’s just right out in your face. Every day, the spirit of this…of Satan is just taking over more and more minds in this world.
And all we can do is look to God and believe that every one that He has chosen, every one that the Father has given Him will come. We are part of a kingdom that cannot be defeated. And we need to have the same kind of faith that the saints of old, who had to live in the world they lived in…watched all the terrible battles, the rise and fall of empires, the people who were supposedly the people of God practicing idolatry, and they’re sitting there.
God…the temptation would be to say, God, I don’t get it. What’s going on? But yet, God enabled a people to have a faith that could see past that.
I’m gonna just read from one scripture that…I thought about this, and then I went back last night, and I read the scriptures that were lined out for the day, and one of them was this passage in Psalm 46. What an expression this is of the faith of those in the Old Testament. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” (NIV).
Do we have a foundation for being fearless servants, or is that just sort of human bravado? We’ve got a promise of a holy God who is in charge. And I’ll tell you, I want to put my…I want stake everything on who He is and what He’s planning.
“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” Listen to this one, because this is a view of the Old Testament history. “Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.”
I mean, think of what He said to Isaiah. All, “…the nations are like a drop in a bucket…” or a little bit of dust on some scales. I’m thankful for many things about the country we live in, but do you know it is in God’s eyes? It’s a little speck of dust on the scales.
( blowing ).
My hope is not here. My hope is in the kingdom that He began through Jesus Christ. “He lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
Those words were written before the cross ever came. They were written by people who had such an encounter with God, He was so real, that even though they could see the nations of the world, even though they understood the demonic powers that were involved, they said there is Somebody above that. He’s the One I’m serving. I rest my hope in Him.
That’s what we need to do today. And I just pray. I just put this in the Lord’s hands, and there’s a lot more that I believe we can unfold from some of this, but…praise God! Don’t we have something to rejoice about today? We’ve got a God who is on the throne, and we have every reason to be fearless servants. Praise God!
October 20, 2019 - No. 1411
“War in Heaven” Part One
October 20, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1411 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’m gonna jump down to the part here I wanted to get to. It says, “And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.” (NIV). And so forth, “The great dragon was hurled down….” And we see how the…we see his position as one, “…who leads the whole world astray.”
But yet, something is removed from him. There’s a power that—there’s a restrictive power that comes upon him. He no longer has this exalted place that he has had up to this point. And so, there is a victory that is won and as a result of that, you see, that’s where we go into the part where…rejoice…we’re told to rejoice: “…The salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ.” And all that’s come. “…The accuser of our brothers…” is cast down, and so forth, and how they overcame him.
But, I guess my mind went to this, not so much just to unpack this part, but to kind of lay a groundwork for how in the world did we get to this place in history? Where did all this come from? We find the Devil in a place of great power and authority over the hearts and minds of men and yet, we see a divine invasion in the form of a baby.
Talk about wisdom that is totally counter to the way the Devil thinks and the way men think. But here’s God invading history in a way that’s gonna bring the ultimate victory. But how did we get to this place?
And it’s…what I had in mind today was to begin to unpack history, and that’s a pretty broad subject. And, like I say, I’m…there’s a part of me that says, oh, Lord, I don’t know how to handle all this. But I’m gonna just, like I say, I’m gonna start. I don’t even know if I’ll get through what I’ve been thinking about up to now. But anyway…let’s look at some scriptures, for a change.
I want to actually open some passages of scripture and let’s see something that Jesus said in Luke 10. Because really Jesus is looking back to the beginning of time, the beginning of creation. And He has, at this point, sent His disciples out, sent actually 70 or 72, depending on which text you’re looking at. And, they were going around teaching and proclaiming, ‘the kingdom has come.’
And I’ll say this…I’ve said it many times recently and I’ll continue to say it. The Gospel is not a gospel, merely, of personal salvation. The Gospel is the Gospel of a kingdom. Okay? God came to establish a kingdom. Personal salvation and forgiveness of sins is one of the benefits that citizens of that kingdom enjoy, but the whole thing is about a kingdom.
So anyway, they come back and they’re rejoicing, Lord, even the spirits are subject to us in Your name! And they’re full of joy. But, anyway…let’s see…that’s verse 17. Verse 18, what does Jesus say? He said, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.”
Boy, there’s a lot in that, isn’t there? Jesus didn’t begin His existence in the womb of Mary, He was there! It was through Him that God created everything that is! He is uncreated Himself. He is the begotten of the Father, shares the Father’s life, through Him God’s authority over all that is, came to pass. He is the Creator of all things!
He was there and witnessed what we saw earlier…the fall of Satan and all of those that he was able to influence. And so, He’s looking back…we’re looking back through the eyes of Jesus, at the beginning.
Another thing that Jesus says in John chapter 8, tells us something about the Devil. And you remember this is how…He talks to some people that profess their faith in Him and He says, “If you hold to my teaching…” in verse 31, “…you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
And all of a sudden, these religious people started reacting. They said, wait a minute! You’re calling us slaves. We’re not slaves, we’re the children…and they go on and on about their religious heritage. And Jesus finally comes down to a place where he says…let me look at the…let me find the scripture I’m talking about. Somebody can help me find it.
( congregational response ).
Yeah, 40, 41, 42, He said, if you were God’s children…or if you were Abraham’s children, you’d do what he did. And down in verse 44 He says this. “You belong to your father, the devil.”
I’ll tell you, there’s a lot of stuff in this world and we need to see beyond the outward. We need to realize we live in a world where there is a power—there’s a real power! There is an inspiration behind so much that we see and so much of it is religious.
Here were people who supposedly…they were descended from Abraham, supposedly walking in His steps, walking in the Law of Moses and yet, Jesus looks them in the eye and says, you are of your father, the Devil. They had a father but it wasn’t God and it wasn’t Abraham.
But listen to what He says about the Devil. Well, He says, “…you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” I’ll tell you, something happened in the beginning. It’s interesting He says this. He says, “…not holding to the truth…” Doesn’t that suggest something?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! There was a time when he was one of God’s angels. But something happened. Something entered his heart. You know, God did not create His creatures as robots. God doesn’t want a kingdom of people who are simply programmed to serve Him. He has given us…He’s given us wills and responsibility to walk and to want Him.
And God’s eternal purpose is to build a kingdom of the willing…those who are willing to surrender and humble themselves and drink in of His Spirit and allow His Spirit to be the very life that motivates us, that animates us, something that fills us from the inside.
I’ll tell you, Christianity is not, as we’ve said many times, is not a book of rules. It’s a brand-new life that God imparts to the heart of those who open their hearts to Him! And that life grows up and it takes over and everything else dies and that’s the only thing that remains. Oh, Praise God, for that day’s coming! The Lord wants us to lift up our eyes as we see the things that are happening in the world.
But I want to turn to a couple of Old Testament passages. I think it’s time that we look at some of these things. You know, many times when we are talking about Christian living and all of that, we will sort of…well, I hate to use the word ‘cherry-pick,’ but maybe that’s what it is. We’re looking at…we’ll grab a scripture and we’ll take it, and we’ll take this and we’ll kind of put it all together.
But I want us to see a…more of a story, more of a picture of how all of this goes together. ‘Cause I’ll tell you, if you have an understanding of history, of God’s purposes and where we’re at, how we got here, where we’re going, and what God wants of us, and what the Kingdom of God is all about…if we understand that stuff, I’ll tell you, living for God and being the Church falls into place.
Now we’ve got a ‘world view,’ if you will, that helps us to understand why all this makes sense. And I’ll tell you, then you can talk about, yeah, stand up in trials and be brave and all those wonderful things. Boy, they make sense in the view of history.
Many of the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets, especially I’m thinking about Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel…they were called to prophesy concerning foreign nations. I’ll tell you, we see a picture of a God who is in charge.
But many times, the prophet will be talking about a nation and maybe even a ruler but all of a sudden the language goes beyond that, because God’s not just simply looking at human instruments…not looking at kingdoms and building and armies and all that kind of stuff. He’s looking at the real power and the real inspiration behind all of that. And so, there’s language here where he’s seeing…he’s talking about Babylon.
Isn’t that interesting? I’ll tell you, I think most of us…many of us know that Babylon is really a capsule word that expresses the kingdom of this world. This is Satan’s kingdom. Babylon!
But listen to his words that are often quoted from Isaiah 14:12 and following. “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven….” So this is actually looking down to his defeat, in one sense, ‘cause he says, you have, “…laid low the nations….” But it’s also looking back to the beginning and how he got there.
You want to know what the inspiration is behind the news, behind the kingdoms of this world? Yeah, this is where it comes from. All right? You said…now what was going on?
“You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” There it is, in a nutshell…the motivation behind the spirit of this world!
I’ll tell you, God has called us out of this world. And He wants us to have a clarity, especially heading into the time period that we’re heading into—a clarity in our hearts and our minds about what’s going on and what’s behind this world, so that we can take a clear stand. You talk about being fearless servants…we have reason to need to know what that means in real life, every day. So anyway, there’s one picture.
There’s another one that is in Ezekiel, chapter 28. And I don’t know whether he’s talking about Lucifer, himself, or whether he’s talking about one of his high officials, but, whatever it is, there is a picture that goes way beyond the king of a city and an empire, if you will, called Tyre.
Tyre was a city that was just off the coast, in the Mediterranean. It was an island, at one time, until Alexander the Great came along and turned it into a peninsula. He was trying to conquer this island kingdom. The only way he could do it was to scrape off all the dirt and dump it in the ocean and turn it into a peninsula so he could march out there instead of having to sail. But anyway, at this time it was an island kingdom, powerful, proud, full of commerce and just really thinking they were something.
But you see, God is, again, He’s looking past simply the nation, the earthly king and now we’re seeing this, in verse…let’s see. He talks about the King of Tyre in verse 11, 12. “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God….” Obviously he’s not talking about a human entity here, is he? There’s a demonic spirit that was the real inspiration behind this kingdom.
“…Every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God….” I mean, these were beings who were created in power and holiness and beauty and purpose, under God, and it was that against which they rebelled.
“You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.”
And so, again, you have this mixture of the human and the demonic. And he goes on and talks about…well, he carries on in this vein. But you see where he’s going here. The Lord wants us to have a view of history, where we’re not simply seeing nations. We’re seeing the unfolding of something that is way above and beyond what we see unfolding, like I say, among the nations of the earth.
So, go back to the beginning now, and we remember that God did create everything where there was no death, there was no suffering, there was no sin, and our first parents were placed in a paradise. But they were placed there with a choice, weren’t they? There were two trees. One of them was the Tree of Life. Now, what would they have partaken of had they eaten of that?
( congregational response ).
Eternal life! That’s…God’s life was in that! They had the privilege of entering in! You know, the way to the Tree of Life has been opened for us. I mean, there’s specific language in Revelation that we might have the right to the Tree of Life! Who has won that right for us?
( congregation inaudible ).
Jesus Christ, at the Cross! That is my right to come and partake, once again, of the Tree of Life. But anyway, there they were, they had their opportunity to partake of that. But they also had another tree, didn’t they? It was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. There was a life force in that, wasn’t there? Where do you suppose that came from?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. This is Satan’s life. And…to what degree there was little fruit, I don’t know. But I’m gonna take what the scripture says. What it was, was an opportunity for them to make a choice. And so, Satan invaded this wonderful, beautiful creation and he did it by tempting Eve.
And he gave her the same kinds of temptations that you and I face every single day, that come from the spirit of the world. What is the spirit of the world? We’re told to not to have anything to do with the world, but what?
( congregation inaudible ).
Okay, what is the world? What’s in the world? “…The lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life…” (KJV). Everything Satan appeals to us is based upon pleasing some bodily desire, or is getting stuff that I can call mine and it is a selfish spirit. This is mine, I possess it. You watch kids and you’ll see…see that pretty quick!
You know, I remember an amusing story Brother Thomas used to tell about when his kids were small. Some of you remember this. And one of them had a hold of something and the other one said, don’t be so selfish, give it to me!
( laughter ).
Well, we see human nature…but it’s every single one of us is like that. But the other thing is the pride of life. And so, we want to do things that enhance our sense of importance, usually in the eyes of others.
And so, here is this temptation. Eat this fruit and you won’t die! Not only that, she said…she came to the point where she realized, hey, this is something that is pleasing to my eye. It’s good for food! Man, it’s gonna please my flesh. It also is desirable for gaining wisdom! I can get something out of this that will enable me to be somebody. I don’t have to just be God’s…whatever…pet or whatever. I don’t have to have this relationship. I can get myself up here and make my own choices.
And she fell for it, her husband joined her in the rebellion, and Satan came in and demonic life entered the human race. I’ll tell you, it has infected human nature ever since!
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again, you cannot fix human nature! Human nature is unalterably corrupted by sin and death! It will not be fixed! It never will be! God’s solution is not to fix it, not to get it to obey rules. God’s solution is to introduce to our hearts a new life, to teach us to live by that life and this other one’s gonna die, sooner or later. It’s gonna die daily, it’s gonna die ultimately. Oh, may it be soon! Praise God!
But anyway, right now at this point, Adam and Eve have sinned. They become conscious of their sin when the Lord comes. And doesn’t that reveal something? The Lord’s still reaching out. He surely knew what was going on. But the Lord is still reaching out and showing where His heart’s at!
None of this took Him by surprise, by the way. That’s one truth that has to be…I hope we have it so clear in our minds that we understand that everything has happened, in this world, is foreseen by God. It may appear to us to be a war in which there is a real contest going on, and that suggests, of course, well, I don’t know how it’s gonna turn out. But I’ll tell you, everything that has happened, God has foreseen from the foundation of the world. He has planned for it.
There is no way Satan…well, he’s already lost at the Cross! And he knows it! That’s why he’s so angry! That’s another thing it says in Revelation 12.
But I’ll tell you, there is the unfolding of something that God has foreseen. And so, here is God immediately showing His heart by reaching out to them. And He finds them and they have to confess, yes, we’ve eaten of it. ‘Course he blames her and she blames the serpent. But there’s one little promise that’s put in here and He addresses the serpent. “Cursed are….” This is Genesis 3. “Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Oh, what a tremendous promise is locked up in that! The Devil didn’t have a clue. But here is a woman who has chosen to rebel against God. She is going to be the mother of a whole race of people who, by nature, are God’s enemies, and yet, God says, somebody that is descended from you is gonna crush that serpent’s head. Praise God!
See, God wasn’t dismayed by any of this. It didn’t interrupt His plan. God didn’t have to say, whoops, that didn’t work out, let’s try something different. God knew what was gonna happen. He knew that the Cross was gonna be necessary. And what we’re seeing, in history, is the unfolding of all of that.
So anyway, we see that awesome promise and then immediately, almost immediately, we see the effects of the fall in the account of Cain and Abel. Here were two brothers. One of them brought an offering that was accepted by God, the other one did not. And what happened? He was so upset and angry that he just…he was mad at God, mad at the world.
And the Lord said, if you do well, won’t you be accepted? I mean, there’s an appeal of God. There’s something wrong in here. That’s what your problem is. You don’t get what’s really going on here, but I want to accept you, but I’m not gonna accept you in the condition you’re in…is what’s behind all of this. But nonetheless, he took a hard stand to the point where he murdered his brother. We had the first murder.
And then God curses him, sends him out and he becomes the father of a whole civilization. So anyway, out of this Cain goes out. He begins to build a city. It talks in very general terms about how they begin to discover metal, they discover music, they build civilizations, and God begins to work with a handful of people who know Him, doesn’t He? There was another son who offered sacrifices and men began to call on the name of the Lord.
You come down a few generations and you find a man named Enoch. And what does the scripture say about Enoch? He walked with God! This was somebody who knew who God was! He lived in a world that was going just the opposite. Everybody was wicked and forgetting God, going their own way, walking in the lusts of their flesh, blinded by sin, but here’s a man who walks with God in the midst of that.
Boy, what a lesson that is for every one of us. He was faithful and God took him to be with Him without even him dying. And then, of course, you come down to Noah’s day. And what was the condition of the world in Noah’s day? Every imagination, every thought, every imagination of the heart was, what? “…Only evil continually.” (KJV).
So, you see the effect of Satan’s rule upon men, when they will not walk in truth. How many of you remember the passage in Romans 1? It’s one to look up sometime, because, we’re told that every…that what we need to know about God is evident in creation. We can see that there is a great, mighty God! We know about His character. We can see it in the wonders of creation, in spite of the condition of the world. It’s there.
Men are without excuse. The problem is not that they don’t know. The problem is they rebel against what they do know! And what’s happened is they have descended into a place of deep, spiritual darkness and deception, delusion.
And one of the manifestations of that is that they began to make images and worship them. Here’s my god. I’ll tell you what, it’s just a…it’s an incredible picture. But anyway, God allows them to come to a climax of evil.
And do you know that there’s a point of no return? How many of you know that? For every civilization there is a point of no return! We see it throughout history. We see it in Israel, when God declares in the nation of Judah, at one point…even though there was a good man who rose to the throne, judgment is inevitable.
I find it hard to believe that that’s not the case with America, and with our whole world. I think we’ve gone off the cliff. I believe judgment is just a matter of when, not if. But I believe God is gonna have a people that are ready. I want to be one of those people, don’t you?
But I want to see and I want to understand what’s going on. I don’t want to be caught up in the darkness and the delusion of this world and imagining we’re gonna fix it. We’re not gonna fix it. We may influence it, but we’re not gonna fix it.
But anyway…so, we see this civilization brought to a place where God says, I’m gonna judge it. Every living thing under Heaven is going to die. And that’s exactly what happened. God preserved eight people in a boat that they built…a ship, really, a big one. And God started again.
Do you think God was expecting things to be better? No, He knew what was coming. But one thing we have, in the events of Noah’s day, is a picture, a warning, of what lies ahead in our future. It won’t be water this time. What’s it gonna be?
( congregation inaudible ).
Fire, yes! That’s what lies ahead. And God knows the time. I don’t care about this blood moon stuff and all these dates and things that people come up with. I’ll tell you, God’s gonna do it in His time and His way, and I believe there’s gonna be a people that’ll be ready.
October 13, 2019 - No. 1410
“Destined For Glory” Conclusion
October 13, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1410 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: He took my place. And the law was vented upon Him, and God is free to declare me as a righteous person in His eyes. Oh, praise God! He did that! You see the emphasis at every point, that this is all about what God is doing!
And God wants us to lift up our eyes from wherever we’re at and say, God, you’ve got this! I know how this is coming out and I don’t have to be afraid of what’s happening in the world. I see that you’re doing something that’s amazing, that You’re gonna take care of everything that comes.
And one day I’m gonna stand there. There’s not gonna be something come along that the devil’s gonna throw at me and, oh my God, it’s all out the window because I’m so bad. God’s gonna bring us through, folks. “…He also justified…” (NIV).
But this is the amazing part. “…Those he justified, he also glorified.” This promise, this purpose of God, is so sure, that God absolutely declares it as having been done. Do you think there’s a single thing the Devil can do about something that’s already done?
( congregational response ).
What did He say to Abraham? “…I have made you a father of many nations.” He didn’t even have a kid. And the Lord said, “…I have made you a father of many nations.” And brought him to the place where it was physically impossible for that to happen. And God did it! That same God is our God today. Praise God!
So, there’s the stand that we have, there’s the hope that we have, there’s why we need to stand in our faith and trust Him with every circumstance that God brings our way, because He’s gonna turn it around for something that is a part of making us what He wants us to be.
And so, if we are facing a world of unprecedented difficulties and challenges, we have a God who’s going to measure out the grace that you and I need to stand against that, and it’s gonna accomplish something that living in a comfortable situation won’t. We’ve got a whole lot of brothers and sisters in the world that know what we’re talking about, right now. And I’ll tell you, there is God that’s faithful. But, ‘course, we need to pray for them, too.
So now he begins…he goes past this all-encompassing purpose of God, to bring us to a place of glory, by a pathway where everything works to that end. That’s God’s purpose, that He has absolutely declared. Now, we’re looking at what are the things that will apparently oppose that? What’s the deal with them? Okay?
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” So, we know there’s gonna be opposition…that’s the name of the game. We’re in a world that will oppose this. This is a pitched battle, but it is one the Devil has already lost—he lost it at the cross! And all he’s doing is playing out the string, trying to do all the damage he can.
But what can he do? That’s the thing. If we have really, truly given our hearts and lives to Him, what can he do? We need to rise up and realize who our God is and what He’s done for us. “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”
I mean, that would make no sense for Him to go to that length and say, okay, now you’re on your own…measure up and fly right, and I’ll accept you. This is a God who knows the depth of our need better than we do. He knows everything about what’s wrong with me and why I am unfit to live in His presence. And He has made provision for every bit of it!
( congregational response ).
It’s not like He’s does 99 and 44/100 percent and I’ve got to fill in that last little gap. This is everything!
( congregational amens ).
It’s all His doing, that He invites us to rest in and hope in and agree with. And there are battles in the part that we play. We fight, but it’s a fight of faith, not self-effort.
( congregational amens ).
It’s a fight of expressing confidence in the promise of God and acting like it’s true…Ron.
( laughter ).
No, he called me for using the word act. But living as if it’s true.
( congregational response ).
Praise God! All right, so, He’s gonna graciously give us all things. “Who will bring….” Now here’s one of the issues. Here’s one of the big ones. “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?” Well, there’s one who tries…spends a lot of time at it.
But he says, “It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding….” He’s praying for us. Lord have mercy! But this deals with the issues of me, and what’s wrong with me, and how I feel about I, and what the devil tells me about it. He is a constant accuser of the brothers.
And I’ll guarantee that every one of us here that knows the Lord, we live with this reality. It’s not always, in fact, often it’s not the stuff that’s coming from out there that opposes us, it’s the stuff that happens in here. And we serve a God who wants us to get this. He knows about you. He knew about you from the foundation of the world. Everything that you and I discover about ourselves that turns into something that’s discouraging, God knew about it!
( congregational response ).
And He chose us anyway, because it’s not based upon that! It’s based upon what Jesus has provided for us, the full and complete salvation! It’s Christ in us! We said recently, the hope of glory. That’s the reason I have a hope of that day.
And I’ll tell you, one of the things that we’re gonna have to learn, and we’re gonna be learning it going forward, in a deeper way, is we’re gonna have to learn how to cope with the things that we discover in ourselves, where we can bring them freely before God as areas of need, knowing that He loves us, knowing that He’s provided everything. Not coming in like a scalded dog, but coming in as His child, coming freely to Him, recognizing that He loves us, that He knew all about it before we discovered it.
I’ll tell you, if we could learn how to live in that, we can be free from an awful lot of what the devil throws at us. Because there is a devil that will constantly tell you you’re not good enough. You’re not this. You’ve done this. You’ve done that. Look how you failed. Look, you’ll never measure up. You’ve messed up all your life. How do you think things are gonna be any different now? It’s an endless litany of defeat that he will minister if we will listen to it, instead of saying, God, you hear what the devil’s saying, what do You say? That’s my hope! I’m not hoping in me to begin with.
( congregational amens ).
Let this thing, instead of discouraging me and leading me to a place of defeat, let this thing instead drive me to Jesus!
( congregational amens ).
Because He is my answer! That’s what God’s purpose is in all of this. He is allowing us to discover these things so that we can suffer, we can die to that thing, we can embrace more of His life, we can experience more of the deliverance that He’s provided for us.
You see how God works things together for good, even the accusations and the lies of the enemy. He wants us to learn how to make choices about whom we’re gonna believe. This is operational Christianity. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you and I live, every single day.
And, you know, I started out, because this is about the end of age, and how God is gonna fulfill His work. How do you think it’s gonna be when the power of darkness gets deeper and deeper? Do you think maybe that God’s gonna use that to drive us closer and closer to Him, to feel the sense of our need in deeper ways than perhaps we ever have?
You know, we can kind of bop along in America…so far. But I’ll tell you what, God is going to institute the means that will bring us to maturity, one way or another. And I’ll tell you, He’s up to the job. Paul speaks of what we have in Christ as the unsearchable riches—unsearchable! You can’t plumb the depth of it. You don’t get to the point and say, well, that’s all. It’s great, but it’s all there is. You never get to the end of it! There’s always something more. Thank God!
Do you see why Paul gave up…so freely gave up everything that gave him an earthly advantage, and said, this is a bunch of garbage, I want Christ. He is the answer. The unsearchable riches that are in Him, are what I need and what I want.
But this is one of the big ones. But God has made that provision and Jesus is praying for you and for me at our weakest moment. We’ve got somebody right there at the throne who’s praying for us in that point of need.
Lift up your heads! Didn’t Jesus say that about the end of the age? When you see all these things, hang your head and hide in a cave! No, wait a minute. He said, “…lift up your heads…your redemption is drawing near.” Praise God!
So now, He comes to external things. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” Now, these were not academic questions in that day, were they?
( congregational response ).
These were things that real believers faced. But you know, we have to see, even things like this, not as defeats for Christians and victories for the devil, but as victories for Christ!
( congregational amens ).
I was thinking about the letters that Jesus wrote, that Jesus spoke through John, to the seven churches. One of them was Smyrna. And you can read about that, I think it’s in Revelation 2. But Smyrna was, evidently, a place where there was a lot of persecution. And the Christians were just experiencing all kinds of trouble.
And the Lord didn’t say, I’m gonna get you out of it, I’m gonna make things easy…no! He said, you’re gonna have persecution for a certain period of time…but His words to them were simple. “Be faithful, even to…death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
See, God’s value system is very different from ours down here. We value life in this world as though that’s the thing that is most important. But I’ll tell you, there is a victory that is won when someone absolutely stands for Christ to the point where they’re giving up their life…say, I lay it down gladly. I know my life is in His hands. I know where I’m going. I know who Jesus is. And I don’t care what you do to me, I’m standing for Jesus. That’s a victory, not a defeat!
( congregational amens ).
And I believe there’s gonna be…you know, we live in a day where there’s unprecedented persecution. I mean, we look back at the persecutions of Rome, but they weren’t on a scale of today. How many of you saw the news about the Christians in Nigeria just two or three weeks ago, very recent anyway? Two hundred Christians were suddenly slaughtered by a bunch of people.
Was that a defeat? Where do you think they are? Do you think they’re boo-hooing and saying, oh, God, I had plans? Why did You do that to me? I want to go back. My God! That’s a one-way ticket to glory! And not only that, there is a crown, there is a value that God places upon a life that absolutely is willing to say, I am with Jesus, come hell or high water! If it means my life, I’m with Jesus!
( congregational amens ).
That is a victory of the highest order! And I believe that we’re gonna see an unprecedented example of that in the last hour of earth’s history. God is gonna take a lot of His children home and they’re gonna have the opportunity, not by their own strength…they’re gonna have the opportunity to stand against all these kinds of things.
You know, my mind goes back to something I referred to before. It was the life of Corrie ten Boom, who lived through the Nazi invasion of Holland and then was in prison, in such desperate conditions for so long. But as they were coming into some of these issues, I guess she was expressing to her father, how can we do this? How is this gonna be possible? I’m not that strong.
And he used an illustration…he was a watch maker and he would travel periodically to the national, whatever it was that had the official time, and synchronize his watch with that so that he could take it back and synchronize everything else. And so, they would make…didn’t have the internet in those days, so they would make this journey every once in a while, by train. And he would take her along.
And, he reminded her of a time when she was a little girl and she would accompany him, and he asked her a simple question: When we traveled, when we made those train trips, when did I give you the ticket? Very simple answer…when we were about to get on the train. You didn’t need it before then.
And the illustration was obviously meant to convey the fact that when we need the grace to stand against the darkness of this world, God will give us the grace to do it! We don’t have to sit here and say, I’m ready, I feel strong. I don’t! And there’s nothing in me that could stand up to any of this. But I’ll tell you, there is a God who will undergird His people. Whatever He has called us to go through, He will be with us in it!
( congregational amens ).
And we need to have that confidence that says, I don’t care, I’m gonna stand, but I’m trusting God! And it’s interesting to me, when you look back at the heroes of faith, in the Bible, in chapter 11 of Hebrews in particular, all the categories of triumph that God lists.
Now some of them were amazing, supernatural deliverances, like the Hebrew children that were thrown into the fire and it didn’t burn them. Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den and they didn’t eat him. They crossed the Red Sea…I mean, great miracles that God can do if that’s what’s appropriate for His purpose in that occasion.
But it is very interesting to me, that He continues right on with others who didn’t accept deliverance but they laid down their lives and it says, “…the world was not worthy of them.” God’s value system is very different. For some, God may have a purpose to do something spectacular that will be a testimony to the world, will fulfill His purpose in a particular way. For others, it may be that’s your ticket to home. But God is gonna give the grace.
You know, I was thinking about some of the promises of God about the Gospel. He says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness…and then shall the end come.” (KJV).
And I believe with all my heart that God is going to fulfill the words of Jesus when He said, “All that the Father gives me will come to me…” (NIV). Every single one that He’s been talking about in Romans that He foreknew…everyone’s gonna come. Well, that tells me that God is gonna do whatever it takes in the face of the enemy to reach those. He’s gonna breach the gates of hell, as Jesus said, He’s gonna reach into them. Satan will not be able to hold them as victims that God has purposed to save.
( congregational amens ).
And I can see that there may well be the greatest harvest that the church has ever seen. It’s happening in some areas of the world, the remote areas, where the Gospel is making great in-roads and there are great numbers that are coming to Christ. I’ll tell you, what I see basically is that God is gonna get every single one and He’s gonna do whatever it takes to make that happen.
You know, I don’t know exactly how to interpret this, but some of you will remember Brother Thomas telling about an experience one time that he had. I don’t know if it was a vision or a dream, but whatever it was, he was carried in the Spirit to some remote part of the world, and he found himself standing before a vast throng of people. And he was preaching to them in their language. And he did that for a little while and then he was picked up and carried to another area and the same thing happened. He began to speak to great numbers of people in their language. And that happened in several cases.
I’ll tell you, I don’t know how…whether literally something like that’s gonna happen, but God can do whatever He wants to do. The same God that carried Stephen around, picked him up and set him in another place, and he was there preaching the gospel…He can do whatever He wants to do. Where miraculous power is called for, He can do anything! Where faithfulness unto death is called for, He can give the grace to do that! In either case He is equally honored.
( congregational response ).
And we will equally stand before Him on that day. God just calls for His people to have a heart that says, Lord, I’m with you, come hell or high water.
( congregational response ).
I know Your purpose and I know that no matter what happens, You’re gonna turn it around for my eternal good. And so, I’m absolutely on board with that. Praise God! “As it is written…” verse 36, “…For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” That sounds encouraging.
( laughter ).
But if you’re thinking in earthly terms, that doesn’t sound very good. But if your value system has changed to where you see, I get it that this world and my life here is worth nothing, in eternal terms. I need it to go away. I need whatever means You institute for it to go away because I want what You have given me that is eternal. So, this is what that’s about.
And then he says, “No, in all these things…” And it sure doesn’t say, in spite of, does it? “…In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Not through our strength or anything that we could muster, because I haven’t got it, do you?
“For I am convinced….” And Paul lived out that conviction, didn’t he? He lived it out until Caesar took his life eventually. And all the other apostles, except John, laid down their lives for Jesus. They lived out the conviction that God placed in their hearts, that it’s not about life here, it’s about what God has called us to. It’s another kingdom. We have left our allegiance to Caesar and all the world around us. We have transferred that allegiance to Jesus Christ. End of story.
“…Convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, or anything else in all creation…” So anything you could think of…he just takes it all in. None of it, “…will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
So yes, the world will get dark. Yes, we will see the culmination of Satan’s efforts to enslave people that choose his way. But in the very midst of that, it is not a time where God’s gonna sneak us out of there and just retire in defeat and let Satan have the masses. God purposed from the beginning, in this very kind of a world, to call forth a family, to do something for us we could never do. We rest, not upon our ability, but upon the promise of God who cannot lie. He’s purposed to bring everyone through, the smallest child that puts their trust in Him has nothing to fear…
( congregational amens ).
…From any of these things right here. This is not about being strong or smart. Thank God! That would leave all of us out, wouldn’t it? But I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who is faithful. And I believe with all my heart this morning, He wants us to face this time, not with fear, not with, oh my God, it looks bad, this, that and the other. But God, help us to be Your people in this hour.
God could anoint somebody here to go out and preach with great power and see a great harvest. I don’t know. I don’t know what He’s gonna do. We’re gonna have to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. We don’t have a program here. This is…Jesus Christ is the head!
But as we look to Him, we need to have that confidence that whatever lies before us, He will take it, He will use it, and He will bring us through, and one day we will stand there and every single one He has ever foreknown will be standing there with us. And victory will be His completely.
( congregational amens ).
And all of this will be done. And to Him will be all of the glory forever and ever. This is His heart and His purpose! So, I would just pray…I know…I sense the Lord wanting to encourage every one of His children. Don’t look at the world you live in and be afraid! Look at Jesus! Lift up your hearts! Look to Him!
( congregational response ).
Know that His purpose will absolutely be fulfilled. It’s the one that will triumph! I don’t care what Satan is allowed to do, God’s purpose is on track! He is on the throne! It will happen, and He will get the glory. Praise God!
October 6, 2019 - No. 1409
“Destined For Glory” Part One
October 6, 2019
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1409 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, it’s kind of typical. I’ve had some thoughts around a certain line and I’m just trusting the Lord to make sense of them. And one of the areas of truth that we have mentioned from time to time, is simply the fact that this world is getting darker and darker, and before it’s over we’re gonna see the climax of evil.
And I just…I don’t know, something in my spirit…I’ve felt like that needed to be balanced, because you could almost look at that and say, well, it’s like defeat. And there are people out there, theologians out there that actually would put it this way…it’s almost like there’s a contest between God and the Devil for the souls of men, and it looks like the Devil wins. The great majority wind up going his way.
But, I don’t know, something has risen up in me that wants to counter any of the negativity or the fear that we would tend to have looking at where things are going. What is our place? What is God’s purpose in all of this?
And the idea of…I’ve mentioned those that think it’s defeat: there are actually teachers out there who have come to the conclusion of universalism. Do you know what universalism is? Everybody’s gonna be eventually saved, some way or some other…somehow. They’re all gonna be saved. And thus, love wins or God wins.
But defining how God wins depends greatly on how you define victory. If victory means Christ wins and takes over the world and governs it in righteousness and everybody gets turned to Him, then, yeah, what we’ve talked about sounds a whole lot like defeat.
But…what victory consists of is something entirely different than what people think of. People think in such earthly terms, as though it’s a contest over this planet and the world of men. But I’ll tell you, God has a purpose that goes way beyond this…that absolutely harmonizes with what the Lord says that Peter was expecting.
What was Peter expecting? He was expecting the Lord to come but he was expecting the Lord to come with fire that would literally destroy this world, lay it bare, or destroy it. Anyway, there wouldn’t be anything left on the surface…under the most optimistic of the interpretations and understandings of that passage. There is going to be a judgment upon this world system. As Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (NIV). Thank God!
But, I sense the Lord wanting to encourage us and give us a deeper sense of what He has planned for us, ‘cause it’s one thing to see where the world’s going, but what about us? One of the things that I see in scripture very plainly is that, yes, there is a harvest of evil. Yes, there is a climax. Yes, we’re gonna see the greatest manifestation of Satan’s power that the world has ever seen.
But, that’s only one side of the equation. We are also going to see the greatest manifestation of the kingdom of God that the world has ever seen. And it will be there with God’s power to manifest His kingdom and to finish the work that He has begun in this world. If His vision was to take over the world, that would be one thing, but it isn’t.
And, then you see that picture in a couple of places in the scriptures. I’ll just refer to scriptures that you know. What about the parable in Matthew chapter 13, where the sower goes out…this is not the parable of the sower, but there is another field which Jesus says is the world. And there’s a seed that’s sown in that. And then, the crop begins to come up.
And the workers go out and say, what’s going on here? We see the crop coming up, but we see weeds coming up, too. And, the answer is, an enemy has done this. And so, they said, well, what do you want us to do? Do you want us to go ahead and pull up the weeds? He said, no, lest you root up the wheat also. “Let both grow together until the harvest.” (NIV).
And later on, we find out that the good seed, the wheat, as it were, in this particular parable, were the children of the kingdom. I’ll tell you, we have a God who is calling a people, and He is sowing His very life in the hearts of human beings, imparting to us a life that we were not born with into this world. It is His own life. Praise God!
That’s why the whole thing is about being truly born from above. You know, the ‘born again’ expression has almost become trite and misunderstood. But I’ll tell you, born from above…there is a literal transaction that occurs when a heart is surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ and He becomes the King. We leave the kingdom of this world. We take our allegiance from it and transfer it to Jesus Christ and we become strangers and pilgrims in this world. Praise God! This world is not my home. I’m just passing through.
But anyway, and He goes on to say, the tares…or, anyway the weeds, whatever you call them, they are the children of the evil one. And He said, what’s going to happen at the end of the age, there are going to be angels that’ll come forth and they’ll go to reaping. And they will gather out of His Kingdom everything that offends, all of these that are tares, they’re gathering out because Jesus is over all. So they’re gathering them out, they’re preparing them, and what’s the end result of all of that? Where do they head? They are bundled up and thrown into the fire, so it’s not a good end.
But the others are gathered into His barn and what does He say about the end result of that? “Then shall the righteous shine forth…in the kingdom of their Father.” (KJV). They’ll “…shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (NIV). So I’ll tell you, it’s a glorious future and God is going to produce the very…the end of this harvest is gonna be produced during this very time of the greatest darkness the world has ever known.
What about…just look up the end of Revelation chapter 14. You see two harvests there. And they said, go forth…the first message…I’m gonna turn over there. Revelation chapter 14. I have this bad habit of just referring to them and not looking at them. Verse 14, of chapter 14…a lot of symbolic language here, of course, in Revelation.
“I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.” Now, who is he talking about there? That’s a picture of Christ. That’s a picture of Him having done the work that the Father called Him to do and now it’s time to bring it home.
He says, “Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” Does that sound like defeat to anybody? This is a mature harvest. This is God having done exactly what He has promised in the beginning. He’s got His children ready for a new world and a new kingdom, and He’s called us out of all of this. He’s finished all the work that He’s gonna do…that’s necessary in this world. And so, that’s the first harvest.
“Another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. Still another angel, who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth’s vine, because its grapes are ripe. The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath. They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.”
A lot of symbolic language, but you see what’s happening there. What I see…that I sense, what the Lord wants to emphasize is simply that while the darkness is coming to a climax, God’s kingdom will also come to a climax. Everything that is necessary for you and me to stand there in glory beside our Lord Jesus Christ is going to be enacted in and through us. Boy, I want to be a part of that, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
Thank God! Lord, we need to be encouraged, don’t we?
( congregational response ).
And, you know, a lot of different scriptures came to my mind. I feel a special weakness this morning, which, thank God, for His promise that His, “…strength is made perfect in weakness.” (KJV). So, we’ll hope that His strength comes through this a little bit. But, thank God!
Turn to Romans chapter 8. Like I say, there are so many scriptures that you could use, but this is one. Paul has been unlocking the Gospel…our helpless state to eliminate our debt of sin, the justice of God that absolutely found a way to remain just to punish sin, and yet to be able to forgive us because He punished a substitute. Thank God! But also, the simple truth that we cannot live for God!
One of His main messages leading up to the part where I want to consider is this question of law, because we absolutely cannot live up to anything that God requires. God gives people the Law about how…the kind of people we ought to be for one purpose. That’s to show us what sinners we are.
You know, I used this illustration one time, and it came back to me. Suppose that the Law of God came down and demanded, thou shalt fly or die? Now we see—we readily see the problem, don’t we? Because there is a law that keeps me on the ground. I don’t care how sincerely I might agree with that commandment, I ain’t gonna fly. And the problem is, the power that holds me to the ground is stronger than any desire or any effort that I could put forth that would enable me to fly.
It’s no different with the moral law of God. You and I have a law that was born in us that makes it totally impossible for you and me to live up to the law of God and to be righteous in His eyes. Man, I need Somebody else to come in here that has a greater power than this. And its only as I learn to believe, to trust, to yield, to express that life instead of the old one that I have any power to please God or to live up to what He wants. So that’s where he’s going with this.
You know, he ends chapter 7 with this terrible cry, “O wretched man that I am!” And then he comes to where the answer lies. It lies, not in seeing God as a Lawgiver and as a Judge, but rather as One who offered, who gives us the power of His own Spirit to live within us. We become His children, rather than simply His subjects waiting on judgment. And, oh, my God, I can’t measure up.
Thank God! What a promise that He gives to us! And how evident it is throughout the presentation of the Gospel that we play no part in the sense of deserving, or earning. We simply have to come to the end of any of that sort of effort and cast ourselves upon the promise of God who alone can grant life, and who alone can save us from the condition in which we were born.
That’s what men resist! They will not humble themselves before God. But I’ll tell you, for those who will, those who hear His voice and respond to that call, there is a brand new life imparted that alone gives us that power. Thank God! So that’s kind of where he leads into this.
And toward the…toward the middle of the passage of Romans chapter 8, verse 15, “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear…” (NIV). Now he’s talking about that spirit of law, that I’ve got to measure up and I can’t. “…That makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father.”
Praise God! I’ll tell you, if God has changed your heart and He has come in to stay, he goes on to say…yes, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” So that’s the relationship.
I’ll tell you, we come to a place where there is a spirit of rest, there is a union between us and God that sets our heart at rest, that deals with the guilt of sin and the sense of separation. But once He comes in, and there’s that surrender, then all of a sudden there is another world that opens up to one’s spiritual eyes.
Suddenly the kingdom of God becomes a reality. It’s something we’ve sensed, we’ve heard about, but all of a sudden, we’re able to see it. Remember how Jesus said, unless you are born again…or born from above, you cannot see the kingdom of God, let alone enter it. All right, so this now has become the relationship.
And I’ll emphasize again the fact that everything necessary for the fulfillment of God’s plan is something that God has provided that we yield to, that we trust in, that we believe in. That’s the dynamic of everything! I thank God, because if it was any other way, I would have no reason to be up here today. I would have no hope. We stand on the same ground before a holy God, unable to meet His requirements, if God does not step in and do what we could never do. To Him be the glory, forever and ever! Praise God! Praise God!
All right, “Now if we are children…” So, he’s taking off on that fact. This is the relationship. We are children! Okay, now if we’re children, “…then we are heirs…” You know, who is it that inherits something from a parent?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, it’s the children, isn’t it? Okay, so that’s where he’s going with this. “…We are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…” Think about that! You know, what has He inherited? Everything! Praise God! And He entered into it after…when He left, when He rose in the view of the disciples, He went to heaven.
And we saw the evidence on the Day of Pentecost that He had ascended to a place of power and authority and a throne. He said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (KJV). Before He went up there. So I’ll tell you, that’s where He’s at. And that is the same position before a holy God that we, every one, have become heir to. Just think about that! Meditate on that.
Where do you see yourself? If we listen to the voices of the wicked one, we will constantly see ourselves as mess-ups, as coming short, as all that could not possibly qualify for any of this. But I didn’t qualify myself.
( congregational amens ).
He qualified me, “…to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.” That’s Colossians 1. Praise God! So, we’re, “…heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…” We share…now, of course, God’s not gonna die, but there’s an inheritance that He has for us.
Can you imagine the reading of that will? We’d say, oh yeah, He deserves it. But we receive the same inheritance! That’s the glory of the Gospel. Praise God! He came down to where are, so that we could be raised up to where He is. That’s the love that is behind all of this. Thank God! It’s not religion, is it? It’s coming into a knowledge of who He is and knowing Him.
All right, now, listen to what he says here, though. We’re, “…co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” Oh, wait! I don’t know about that. But you see, in the purpose of God, the pathway to that inheritance, the pathway to the glory that He has destined for every one of us, lies through a pathway of suffering. What in the world is that about? What does he mean?
If I am going to live out a life like that, something is gonna have to die. Something is going to have to experience denial. I’m gonna have to experience things that cause me to reach out to God and make choices in life.
How many of you know what I’m talking about? God is constantly allowing us to come into circumstances where we have to choose to serve God in the face of some form of adversity. And when we do, something grows stronger, something else grows weaker every time. And God is absolutely bringing us down a pathway to glory, but there is no way except to say, no, to this. We’re gonna have to die.
Jesus’ pathway to glory was through the grave, wasn’t it? In fact, when He died…the scripture says back in Romans 6, He died ‘to’ sin. It represented a rejection in Christ of everything that this world stands for, the very life that animates this world system and the system itself. He said, I am giving that up willingly! I am laying it down. There is no value in it.
See, where Paul later said, it’s a bunch of garbage. Yeah. He said, I don’t see any value in any of this. In fact, Jesus said, I see so little value in it, I am laying down my life, but I’m doing it because I know that there’s a promise of God that when I do, I’m gonna have something that’s so much better.
I’m laying down…as Jim Elliot said, the missionary, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Praise God! There’s nothing we can keep, there’s nothing permanent about anything down here. But I’ll tell you, when you’re called to His kingdom, it means we are absolutely casting our lot, hook, line and sinker with Jesus Christ as Lord of a kingdom that will last forever.
That means the rest of this is gonna have to die. All of our inclinations, all of our…everything that would bind us, everything that would hinder us here, God is going to be administering strokes, that if we will receive them, will put this to death. But as it happens, it’s going to set us free to serve Him better.
So the pathway to this glory that He has called us to is one of suffering. Sometimes it might mean physical suffering. That’s immediately the thing that we think of. But there are all kinds of suffering. It could be persecution. It could be simply that we have battles in the spirit with oppression, with depression, all of those kinds of things are battles. And there is suffering that goes on with these things. Anybody know what I’m talking about?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, we all do, don’t we? That’s why Timothy was told to, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life.” (KJV). There’s gonna be a fight. There’s gonna be a conflict. Everything that we lay hold of that’s part of the kingdom of God is gonna be pushing through, fighting against something that wants to go another way, and being willing by God’s power alone—God’s power…only way it happens. But being willing to let this go and to say, no, to this because I see this is what I must have. I must have it.
This is what we’ve been called to, folks. And God is gonna give us…God is gonna give His church an opportunity to experience Him in ways that are amazing in the days to come. And, yes, the circumstances of earth are gonna get worse and worse. But I’ll tell you, God’s power will take His people through. Okay? All right, so we share in His sufferings in order, the result of that is, “…that we may also share in his glory.” (NIV). All right?
So now, he says…but now, he has a value system here. He’s talking about where somebody might say, oh my God, that’s too high a price to pay. But Paul says, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” How do you make a comparison? Is it not worth everything to know Him?
I mean, suppose somebody comes in and shoots you, and you have all these plans and they just…forget about it, they’re all dead. You’re dead. But if you know Jesus, that’s not defeat! That is ultimate victory and deliverance! That means you don’t have to live here anymore! Praise God! That becomes a graduation instead of a defeat.
So, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Boy, it’s gonna be shown. “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.”
That’s the key event that God is leading up to. When Jesus Christ comes, God’s program for this world will be over. Everything He has ever intended to happen out of this present creation will have occurred because His people will…the harvest will be ripe, it will be reaped, and there will be a glory that will be revealed.
Right now, you and I don’t look very glorious. But I’ll tell you, there is going to be a glory that will burst forth that we cannot even imagine. Like I said, “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” It’s kind of hard to imagine, isn’t it? Praise God!
You know, John had a little bit of a picture of this when they saw Jesus transfigured on the mountain. They went up, and all of sudden, He began to glow. What in the world is going on there? And then Moses and Elijah appeared to them and, boy, they’re just blown away.
And yet, that same John saw Jesus at the beginning of Revelation and he saw Him in a glory that caused him to fall down like he was dead. The overpowering sense of the power and the glory and the purity and the beauty of God was just radiating from Jesus. That is what God has purposed for every single one who puts their trust in Him!