May - July 2023

Things the Devil Knows

by Phil Enlow

Ye May Know

by C. Parker Thomas

What Do You Mean, the Remnant Church?

Answer to email question

Faith - Andrew Murray

Prisoner of War

by Addison Cagle

MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles

Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! Once again, we are in the season of summer heat. And it is much hotter in many places than it is here.

Sadly, many are willingly unaware of a much more severe heat to come. As we see in 2 Peter 3, this present world is reserved for fire when Jesus comes. And that is a reservation no one will be able to cancel. I’m so glad for the perfect way of escape God has provided through His Son!

The lead article is taken from a recent message the Lord gave me for the congregation here in Southern Pines. When it comes to things God has provided in Christ, it is sadly true that the devil has, in some ways, a stronger “faith” than do many believers.

It is good to step back and reflect on all that God has promised. The devil knows that God’s promises are true but does everything in his power to keep us from trusting in them in our everyday lives. May God help us to wake up to all He has given us and to actively live out the faith He has given.

Another article is a very old one written by Bro. C. Parker Thomas, one that is always relevant. The Bible says we can know we are the Lord’s and destined for glory but sadly, many struggle one way or another in this area. May God grant every reader a genuine rest of faith.

Another truth highlighted concerns the expression, the “remnant church.” What is it? What do folks mean who use it? I pray that the Lord will enable us to see things from His point of view. We don’t want to either be too “narrow and exclusive” or to vainly imagine that all professing believers actually know the Lord. God does have a people in the earth, and He knows every one of them!

Since the last issue we have had another weekend youth camp, held once again next to a lake in eastern North Carolina. It was a very blessed time with several dozen in attendance besides a number of counselors and other adults.

The fellowship gatherings were very informal and “congregational” in style, led by the young people. The Lord’s presence was evident and much of the worship singing sounded like “heaven’s choirs.” We pray that the Lord will raise up the younger generation, grounded in His Word and plan, ready to stand in this dark world.

We have also had another much blessed convention, attended by folks from India, Kenya, as well as several states here in the U.S. The Lord’s presence was very much in evidence, culminating in a powerful final service on Saturday evening, featuring about an hour of special prayer for various ones in need.

Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow