by Andrew Murray
“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God….Therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.” —Romans 4:20, 22
“Faith gives glory to God. It humbles the sinner in the dust and causes him to realize that he is one who deserves nothing and is capable of nothing. On this account, he must present himself to God as dependent on the promises of a free compassion….
“True faith is the confession of utter poverty and helplessness. It says, “I have nothing left, I can do nothing. I must now simply remain silent to hear what God speaks, to see what He will do, to receive what He will give. No angel in heaven can give God as much honor as faith does, for out of the surrounding darkness and sin and poverty, faith still relies on God and expects from Him the certain fulfillment of that which He has promised.
“Faith has but one question: what has God said? Once it knows the answer to this it asks nothing further about possibility or truth or anything else. The Word of God is enough for faith. Like Abraham, we may give glory to God by being strong in faith….Do not ask what you are or what you have, but ask if there is anything that God would have you now believe or if there is any promise with which He comes to meet the ungodly.
“A simple and understandable example of faith that brings glory to God is found in the story of Sarah. ‘Through faith Sara herself received strength…because she judged Him faithful who had promised’ (Heb.11:11). By believing in His promises she brought glory to His name. The only account that she could give of the supernatural expectation of faith was this: ‘He is faithful that promised’ (Heb. 10:23). Oh, if you would keep yourself occupied with the consideration of God’s faithfulness, how your unbelief would be ashamed! When anxious feelings multiply in you, and you fear for yourself and your work, go and bow down in silent meditation and adoration before your God as the Faithful One. The Unchangeable One Himself will fulfill His promises. All that God desires of us is the stillness that observes and expects His performance.
“Familiarize yourself everyday with every promise of God that you read. Pray every day to receive what God has spoken to you. Accustom yourself to focusing undividedly on the Word, to letting your whole heart be filled with it: ‘He is faithful that promised’” (Heb. 10:23).
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