Greetings once again in the wonderful name of Jesus! Time has flown by and here it is near the end of the first quarter of 2019. Where did it go?
As I write this many of our folks from the Southern Pines assembly are getting to travel for a weekend of fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Lexington, South Carolina. It’s always a special time when God’s people get together to worship and seek Him.
You may notice the announcement of our June Convention here in Southern Pines. At that time people from all four assemblies, together with some from other places, gather for a very special time.
Only the Lord can bring about such a genuine spiritual family such that we are basically one church that happens to meet in four places! His Church is not organizational but organic, a living entity joined together because they share a common Spirit. I thank God that, through His Son, He has promised to bring every true child of God together on that climactic day. I don’t believe it’s far off.
The lead article this time is once again adapted from a message preached a little over a year ago here in Southern Pines. It focuses on the deeper meaning of the line from the Lord’s prayer where we are exhorted to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” May God open our eyes and help us to live out His kingdom here and now.
We also include three short excerpts from the rich writings of Andrew Murray, a man who was gifted to share many wonderful truths about the wonderful life God has promised for His people. Surely there is so much for us. And we live as spiritual paupers instead of enjoying the riches of God in Christ Jesus. I’m glad the Lord is a faithful — and patient — teacher!
The other short article is the well-known piece, “This Thing is From Me.” The truth contained is one we often need to be reminded of in this earthly journey of ours. God’s ways are not our ways. In fact, we are told in scripture that His ways are as far above ours as the heavens are above the earth! Isaiah 55:9.
Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.
Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow