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March 12, 2023 - No. 1588
“While You Have the Light” Conclusion
March 12, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1588 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: God, help us to be willing to take Jesus’ words seriously. And notice, He doesn’t say it’s a good idea to walk in the light. He says, while you have the light. See, God just doesn’t simply open the door and say, anytime you feel like it. There is a time element involved.
When God speaks, that’s when we have the opportunity to say, yes. And if there’s somebody who absolutely has God’s voice pressing in their hearts, and they find a way to sidestep it, and say, no, it’s not that way, I’m okay, or a thousand and one ways that we have of sidestepping the light and basically saying, no. The more we do that, the harder we get.
And there does come a time when God stops, and says, all right, I’m taking my hands off, you have chosen. Do you see the seriousness of Jesus’ words here? There were people who were listening to this who wound up on the wrong side of this.
And you see Jesus’ heart, He’s saying I came as a light so people who are in darkness wouldn’t have to stay there. Jesus didn’t come with any, boy, I’m looking forward to judging this crazy place. No! There was a heart that reached out. I mean, how in the world could you get any other sense, than you’d get from what Jesus said when He was dying on the cross? Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they’re doing. Oh my God, what a heart!
But there was a generation that had had the light of the prophets. They are the ones on the whole planet that had had light. They had turned it into a religion that was run by devils, perverted it. But still, there was light! God had reached out to that nation, and the Lord said, all right, we’re on a schedule here. This is not gonna go on forever.
We have reached a point in the history of this nation, when this present generation has embraced the evil heritage of everyone that has gone before and said, no. They’ve embraced that heritage and so the judgment that was due for all of that is gonna land on this generation! Isn’t that what He said? I’m gonna charge this generation with every sin going all the way back because you have embraced that heritage, instead of listening to me. Folks, that’s where this nation is headed, but that is where the world is headed.
( congregational amens ).
And there is only a limited amount of time for people to listen to the Word, to listen to God! It’s not me. I’m not looking for people to follow and blindly follow anything I say. I’m looking for, I just want the Lord…I want the Lord to get in it.
( congregational amens ).
I want Him to speak. He has power! See, light is not, as we said it earlier, it’s life, but it’s power.
( congregational amens ).
It takes power to break through the power of darkness. Darkness is not just ignorance, it is satanic power that holds us in a grip of lies, and lies that appeal to our fallen nature, and that’s all we got to work with. Folks, that’s a prison. It takes the power of God to reach in and break that.
What do you think it took for Saul, the Jew, the Pharisee? God, who said, let there be light, shined in my heart to give light of the knowledge of the glory of Jesus Christ. That’s an imperfect quote there, but that’s the essence of it in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 4, in the early part. God had to shine down to the depths of his heart, and so stop him that he was willing to surrender and say, oh my God, I surrender!
There is no other response to a…to the God of love and mercy who would reach out with light and shine it in a dark place. I don’t want anyone who has ever heard me, certainly I’m nothing particular, but I don’t want anyone who has ever heard me to say, you didn’t tell me. I’m gonna tell you, this is life and death. There are eternal consequences. It’s not a matter of you embracing a church tradition and a church culture. The only thing that’s gonna carry people forward with any eternal hope, is you having a personal encounter with God…
( congregational amens ).
…Allowing Him to shine His light in the darkest recesses of your heart, to challenge the ideas that have actually come out of Satan’s mouth, but you find them appealing and they’re down in here somewhere. You know what I’m talking about?
( congregational response ).
And I’ll tell you, if you listen to that and sooner or later, you’re gonna say, no. You think of the children of Israel and of all they saw. I mean, I’ve just been recently reading in the Bible reading, of all they went through and what they saw in Egypt, what they saw as they left Egypt, the miracle that enabled them to dance on the far shore of the Red Sea, seeing God’s incredible deliverance, totally supernatural!
I mean, how would you like to walk out…flee from an army with walls of water on both sides and go through a sea on dry land? And then you watch that sea close over the army that’s coming after you. I mean, they had…was there any excuse? God reached out in incredible ways, and then to go to Mount Sinai and see the amazing sight that was there, and how quickly—how quickly, what was in their heart came out when the conditions were a certain way.
Folks, there’s one thing about walking in the light. Walking in the light is an act of faith, isn’t it? God has never promised that He was going to show us the whole path, has He? Does He let you see your whole life and how it’s gonna play out? No. But I’ve got light for today, don’t I? Has He promised the light that we need? Absolutely!
You know, one of the scriptures that came to me first, several weeks ago, was the one we’ve heard so many times, and there are several translations of it, but the essence of it is, “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” (NIV). That’s pretty close to the modern translation.
But basically, here’s a world, think of the contrast, a world that’s heading towards midnight and judgment! It’s a time of incredible darkness! And yet for God’s people, the day is dawning! What an amazing contrast of light and darkness. We are coming into the end of the age and light is increasing for those who want light!
Walk in the light, “…while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” There’s a real birth, there’s a real relationship that God seeks with everyone who would follow Him! Are you following Him? Are you one of His children?
Oh, I’ll tell you, if you are, man, where we’re headed is awesome! We’re gonna need the Lord’s grace to get there. But I’ll tell you, the spirit of the world wants to see…say, God, show me my whole path, and then I’ll decide. Doesn’t work that way. God wants to produce in us the same faith that Abraham had when God told him to leave and didn’t tell him where he was going. Just leave, and I’ll lead you. Did He? Was the Lord faithful?
( congregational response ).
Absolutely! Sometimes the path that we follow is a winding, difficult one, it’s a challenging one! But I’ll tell you, even like David said, even though you’re in, “…the valley of the shadow of death…” (KJV). Does he leave us?
( congregational response ).
No, He’s a good shepherd, isn’t He? I want to serve Him while this world is plunging into its darkness. My God! But walk while you have the light, because there’s gonna come a time when there will be no light in this world, apart from that which exists in the hearts of His children.
You know, there’s a different way of illustrating this problem, this issue, that we’ve often heard in Hebrews, is it 3? Anyway, where there’s an appeal, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” (NIV). Don’t resist. Don’t say, oh I’ve got my ideas. Don’t harden your hearts. Beware, “…lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” (KJV).
Folks, it’s so easy just to think in terms of, well, that’s just church, that’s just religion, it’s just their ideas, it’s nice for them but that isn’t what really, you know, gets me up in the morning. Folks, it has got to get beyond church culture! It’s got to become personal! It’s got to become something where you have a living relationship with God, where you allow Him to shine His light in the very depths of your being, step-by-step!
You know, we talked last week about Christ is all, the knowledge, the wisdom, the understanding, and the power! It all comes from Him and it’s all available! That’s the content of the light that we need!
Folks, you and I, like I said, we’re sailing into difficult waters. As Christians, we’re gonna be hated. There may well be people here who will lay down their lives physically for the Lord. Was Paul just mouthing nice sounding phrases when he said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain?”
If your focus in on your life in this world, you don’t get it. God can take care of His children in this world according to the path He’s chosen for us. But folks, our life is not here! The vanity of this world, of living a temporary life in a temporary world and treating that as though it’s the permanent thing. Oh God, help everyone who hears this to realize what God is saying. There’s not going to be light much longer!
Now there will be for those who are children of the light. But for anybody who does not hear and, “…walk in the light, as He is in the light…” as John says in his letter, there is gonna come darkness. And you will think you’re on the right path and everything’s going great. Oh my God! My God!
Like I said, there are so many things I could say. My mind has gone in so many directions, as I’ve thought about this over the last weeks. But it comes down to such simple things, doesn’t it? Walk while you have the light, you’re not gonna have it forever.
And what happens if you don’t? And what does walk mean? Obviously, it means you’re responding to it in a positive way, you’re agreeing with it, you’re surrendering to it. But it is an experiential thing, isn’t it? What good is it if I agree with something that’s said but I don’t…it doesn’t actually govern my life? I’m not really walking in that. What good is that? It means nothing. God’s not stupid. God knows the depths of the heart and that’s what He’s looking for. Oh, I’ll tell you what, if we… praise the Lord, I forgot I’m not supposed to say stupid.
( laughter ).
I got corrected the other week. But that’s all right. I appreciate it, I accept it. But the Lord is so merciful and faithful to us, isn’t He? That He has even come, and offering life and…but my God, does it make any sense at all to drink in what the world is offering? This world especially. But that’s what people are doing everywhere.
And there are churches filled with people. God has His people, I’m well aware of that. But there are churches this morning, filled with people who have embraced a form of the gospel but have never surrendered to the light of God. It’s never become real or personal. Think about the thousands and thousands who followed Jesus at different points in His ministry. But just think about what it was that motivated them. Yeah, they wanted to see the miracles. They wanted to experience miracles of healing. They loved to be fed miraculously. They loved all the miraculous stuff. But what did all that have to do, from their point of view?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. It’s about this world, isn’t it? You are fixing my worldly problems. Praise God, I’ll serve You! Well, that’s the prosperity gospel! We’ve still got it today. What God is all about is making you prosperous and healthy, and just fixing every earthly issue and making life wonderful, giving you earthly success.
My God! Tell that to the apostles. Every one of them, except John, was killed for their faith! The only reason John wasn’t was because God miraculously protected him. I forget, were they trying to boil him in oil, whatever it was, it was certainly gonna be fatal. And the Lord preserved him, because He wanted him to experience what he gave out in the Book of Revelation. They finally got tired of him and sent him off to the Isle of Patmos there to get him out of the way. And that’s where he had the vision that the Lord has preserved for us. Praise God!
That’s the one, by the way, who wrote what we just read this morning. But you tell them about the prosperity gospel, you tell Paul about the prosperity gospel and see what he had to say about it. All the things that he went through, shipwrecked, stoning, imprisonment, persecution of every kind, being hated. And yet, God gave him something that was so real, the light of God was so real in his heart, that trumped everything!
Folks, that’s what it’s going to take. But with Him, we have what it takes. I’ll tell you, if He’s with us, and He’s in us, we will have light on our pathway as long as we are in this world. Those who serve Him, “…will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (NIV). The scripture tells us. Thank God! Thank God.
There are so many things I could say, I don’t know whether I need to carry this forward. But, I want to tell you, if…I’m gonna say this one thing. Sometimes young people will grow up and they will hear ideas put forth out in the world, and there will be legitimate questions that come up in their minds, and they will really wonder about this and about that. You know, is this really real, how do I know?
And I want to tell you, God’s not offended by someone who honestly doesn’t know, and wants to know. If that’s where you’re at today, you have every right to go to God and say, I don’t know if you’re real or not. I don’t know if this is so or not, but I want to know.
Now, if you want to know just to satisfy your intellectual curiosity, forget it! But if you want to know what the truth is, and you’re willing to go to God and say, God, I don’t know but I want to know, and I want to know for the purpose of walking in that truth, don’t you think God’s gonna respond to that? That’s what He’s looking for!
( congregational amens ).
But if you have honest questions at this point in your life, don’t feel bad. The fact that you’re even raising questions, and thinking about it, that can be an awesome thing, that can be a good thing. Maybe God’s talking to you. Just consider that.
Because I do not want anybody here to have second-hand faith. You don’t need to believe because your parents do, or because I do. You need to have a personal encounter with what we’re talking about, with the author of life Himself. He has the power, not just to give you information and tradition to walk in, but to absolutely penetrate your heart with His power, and with His life, and His light, and change you from the inside out where you will see…all of a sudden, you will see the true condition of this world. You’ll see where it’s headed. You’ll know what’s going on and you will also know that you have a different destiny than the world.
And I’ll tell you, you will have a path to walk where you may not see beyond the next step. But God wants you to know that every time you need light on your path, He is faithful, and He will give it to you exactly what you need.
I mean, there may come a time when God will tell us, hey, get out of here…you know, do whatever. But I tell you, what’s coming on the world is not gonna be someplace where you can leave Jerusalem and be safe. The time is gonna come when the whole world will be under judgment.
I don’t know if America is gonna be under some kind of judgment before that or not. I don’t know God’s schedule or whatever. But I’ll tell you, we cannot thumb our nose at God, say, God, get out of here, we’re not gonna agree with You at all. We’re gonna cancel everybody that does agree with You.
It’s not gonna turn out well. It didn’t turn out well for Sodom and Gomorrah, did it? But I’ll you what, God is going to allow this world, gonna allow the darkness to reach a climax, when every heart will have chosen.
Isn’t that the way it was in both Sodom and Gomorrah and also under Noah and the flood? Every single person had made their choice! I am either with Him or I’m part of the world, go away and leave me alone, God, I’m gonna do my own thing. That’s where God is going to bring this world. And we’re getting closer and closer every single day. I’m so thankful that God hasn’t left us! He’s here. He’s with us. Everyone who reaches out to Him, He reaches back.
( congregational response ).
There’s nothing that pleases His heart more than to share Himself and the light that is His life with us. But oh, it’s a sober thing to realize what’s going on, to realize how much we need Him. Don’t you dare be among those who would stop short!
That’s what the whole book of Hebrews is about. Those that constantly have something down in here that holds them, that pulls them in the wrong direction. Don’t you be one of those. Jesus went to the cross so you didn’t have to. He came into the world so you didn’t have to perish, that you might have everlasting life.
And I’ll tell you, if God is speaking to you, we don’t have to have an altar call, you can cry out to Him right where you’re at, whether here, or at home, or wherever God speaks. I’ll tell you, there’s only one time you can respond and that’s when He calls! Because we need ability that He gives us in order to respond! If He’s not reaching out, you don’t have the power to reach! You wouldn’t want to anyway.
But I’ll tell you, when He calls, “…call…upon him while he is near.” (KJV). I’ll tell you, God is so merciful and so faithful. But I don’t know what…I don’t know why this is on my heart like it is this morning. But, while we have the light, we need to walk in it.
( congregational response ).
We need to realize, praise God! God is faithful, isn’t He?
( congregational amens ).
So, let’s just look to Him, pray one for another. But if this is…for most of us, I believe it’s a word of great encouragement and focus. But where there is a word of warning, I warn you in Jesus’ name. Those weren’t my words, Jesus said, walk while…you won’t have the light forever. “Walk while you have the light…so that you may become children of light.” (NIV). Because otherwise, darkness will come upon you and you won’t know. That day is gonna overtake you, and everybody else in the world that’s still in that darkness. Thank God for the Light of the World! Praise God!
March 5, 2023 - No. 1587
“While You Have the Light” Part One
March 5, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1587 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, I’ve had a lot of thoughts lately, over the last several weeks really, in a certain area of truth, but I think I want to focus today on a passage in John, chapter 12, if I may. And, this is a passage that occurs in the last week of Jesus’ earthly life, that is, prior to His resurrection.
Thank God, He came forth and lived, and still lives. But, prior to the crucifixion, this was during the last week, and, we see where Lazarus has been raised. He’s had that dinner with Lazarus and Mary and Martha, when Mary poured the expensive perfume and wiped His feet with her hair. And you have the, what they call the triumphal procession…anyway, where He came into Jerusalem and everybody was shouting hosanna to the King!
And then, we come into a passage where during the festival there were some folks, apparently, call them Greeks, but I think they were evidently Jews who happened to live in Greece, and they wanted to see Jesus. And it doesn’t actually say whether they…whether He actually met with them or not, but it goes immediately into a passage that I’m just gonna go ahead and read.
It’s very familiar to us in verse 23. “Jesus replied, The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly…” (NIV). Now, isn’t it interesting that the hour has come for Him to glorified…He hasn’t been to the cross yet. Do you sense, in what Jesus said, that there’s a sense of destiny there, that there’s no question about what’s gonna happen?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had that kind of confidence in God, where we could go along without this sense of anxiety about anything because we know the end of the story, we know how it’s coming out? We know that, yes, we need God’s grace, we need God’s help to get through as He did. He prayed earnestly in the garden, sweat…the sweat came out like drops of blood. I mean, there was an intensity in His seeking God for the help to get there. But the outcome was not in doubt. Thank God!
So anyway, “…The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” You could go off and preach a message on that, couldn’t you? Jesus gave up His earthly life, but as a fruit of that, many seeds…who’s He talking about? He’s talking about us, isn’t He? He’s talking about the ability to produce life in so many others. But what does He call us?
( congregational response ).
Sons and daughters, yes, but in this passage it’s seeds. Do you see how the pattern is meant to be repeated, where we lay down our lives and we also bring forth fruit? There’s a divine pattern here where earthly life has no value apart from dying and allowing the other life, the eternal life to come forth. I mean, you could really preach a message on just that, couldn’t you?
Anyone, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it…” Pretty plain, isn’t it? “…While anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!”
Oh, wouldn’t that be good if whatever we face in this world, we could have our focus on where it needs to be? Not, oh my God, look what I’m going through, look where I’m at, what’s going on? Instead of saying, Lord, glorify Your name, whatever it takes to get there, Lord. If it takes laying down my life, which it may very well, the kind of world we live in, we could easily get there. But anyway, even if it means that, Lord…the focus is on, Lord, glorify Your name. You’re the One who deserves glory. And boy, I’ll tell you, is He gonna honor those who do that? Yes.
“Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him. Jesus said, This voice was for your benefit, not mine. Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
Then again, there’s a message that we’ve preached many times along that particular theme there. What was accomplished, what happened at the cross…there was the dividing point of all history. This world was defeated and what has happened since has simply been the outworking of what happened on the cross. Not a thing the devil can do to change it. His power was gone forever in terms of the ultimate victory that he seeks. It’s gone! Jesus won the victory, forever and for all time! Thank God! The question is, who’s gonna be part of that? All right?
“He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die. The crowd spoke up, We have heard from the Law that the Messiah will remain forever, so how can you say, The Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?” So they’re reacting out of religious tradition, aren’t’ they? Does it sound like they see and understand? No. Of course, we know even the disciples didn’t understand a whole lot at this point.
But anyway, “Then Jesus told them….” This is the area of focus that I trust the Lord will help me to bring out. I hope He’ll bring it out. “Then Jesus told them, You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light…” And that would be a good title, “While You Have the Light.” “…Before darkness overtakes you.
“Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light. When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.
“This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: Lord, who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them. Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about him.”
Remember who it was that Isaiah saw in the vision? Yeah, it was the Son of God before He came as a man. “Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved human praise more than praise from God. Then Jesus cried out, Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.” I wonder if Thomas was listening?
( laughter ).
A couple of chapters later, he says, Lord, show us the Father and we’ll be satisfied. And He says the same thing. Whoever, “…has seen me has seen the Father.” But here it is before he ever got to that point. Anyway, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”
Folks, there are so many ways, so many aspects to this truth that I’ve sort of wondered, as I’ve gone along these last few weeks, how in the world, where do you go with this, you could preach so many different aspects of it. But the reality is, history is replete with examples of what happens, that demonstrates the impermanence of this world.
We know what happened when Satan tempted our first parents and they embraced that temptation, that lie, that they could pursue their own desires and become like gods. And what happened? Was it light or darkness? It was darkness that began to, that possessed the human heart and the human race was plunged into darkness, in which it remains till this day.
But God saw and knew all about what was going to happen and he continually invaded, inserted Himself into human history in such a way that people did not have an excuse. And time and time again, you see the Lord speaking and making Himself known to a people, and what happens? There is a process that happens, where darkness gets darker, and…but there are a few people who continue to do what? They walk in the light. They believe in it. They are wholeheartedly a part of it.
You know, Hebrews talks about Noah in his day, and how, by believing in God, by doing what God said to preserve him and his family, he was condemning the world! See, there’s no middle ground here. There absolutely is no middle ground. And I believe God wants to emphasize this in a fresh way today. There is no middle ground. We are either 100 percent on God’s side or the darkness will take over and you will perish, and you will lose your life forever. That’s what’s at stake when Jesus was uttering these words.
And so, we see that pattern work out in Noah’s day as the whole generation hardened their hearts to Noah’s message, even though God warned them, warned them, warned them over decades and all the time of history. They had the testimony of people like…well, Noah, certainly. Noah walked with God. Enoch was the other one who walked with God in a very special way.
But men followed earthly desires into darkness. And what happens when you walk in your own earthly desires? Here…yeah, you’ll, “…lie down in sorrow.” (KJV). That’s exactly right. But happens when God is speaking? And He is shining light on the truth, and it’s not just abstract truth here. This is, He’s shining a light in our hearts to see, so that we can see the truth about ourselves and the truth about the world we live in. And what happens when people resist that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, their hearts get hard to the point where you can’t hear! I mean, it almost sounds in one point, when he quotes that passage from Isaiah like, God just decides I’m through with you, forget it, I’m gonna blind your hearts.
But how does God actually blind a heart? How is it that a heart gets blind in the face of light? By rejecting it. It’s when…and so, God can actually speak in such a way that it will produce that result, not because that’s what God wants, but because there is a condition in the heart that resists what God wants to say.
And so, you see that generation come to a point of judgment when God rescues a few and the rest of them, do what? They perish. Jesus said, that’s the picture of what’s gonna happen when He comes. We are coming down closer and closer to that day.
And so, you see that pattern repeated throughout history, but this was the pattern in Jesus’ day. The nation of Israel was coming to an end. Okay? They were coming to a time of absolute judgment. Jesus warned them. He told His disciples, the time is coming when…you see this great temple here? The time is coming, there will not be one stone left upon another.
He said, woe to this generation! They’ve hardened their hearts! How often, He said on one occasion when He wept! He wasn’t happy about it. He wept over Jerusalem and said, how often would I have gathered you, “…as a hen gathers her chicks…” (NIV). But, what? “…You were not willing.”
So, you see the fault is obviously with the people and what their condition is. And that’s why Jesus was saying, “Walk while you have the light.” There’s light here right now! I have come into the world as a light. I came so that you wouldn’t have to be in darkness.
There is this sense of coming to the end of an era, and we know how that played out. The church in Jerusalem was under severe persecution during its entire time there. And, you remember how James, Jesus’ earthly half-brother, became the leader of the church in Jerusalem?
How many of you remember when he got converted? See, he wasn’t a follower. When Jesus went to the cross, he wasn’t a follower. He became a follower, and his brother Jude, who also wrote a book in the New Testament, became followers of Jesus after He was raised from the dead.
Jesus made himself known to His brothers, and boy, they bought into it a hundred percent. They became His followers. James became the leader of the Jerusalem church. But they were under severe persecution, shut out of society, cancelled, to use a modern term. We don’t want to hear what you’ve got to say. Take those outmoded, wrong ideas and get out of here. Isn’t that where we’re getting? Yeah.
And so anyway, they came down to a point where the Jews said, hey, I know what we need to do. We need to get James and put him up on a high place in the temple where everybody can see him, and he’s gonna renounce Christ, and tell the people, it was all fakery, it was all wrong.
And so, he gets up there and does exactly the opposite. He stands there and gives a ringing testimony of Christ. Well that doesn’t last very long. They throw him down, from wherever it was, onto the pavement, and clubbed him to death.
I’ll tell you, that’s the spirit of this world. They can act real friendly, but you bring it all out into the open…do you think Jesus said, for no reason, you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. These are the waters into which we are sailing. And Jesus is saying, walk while you have the light. There was a time, there was an opportunity for a generation to hear.
Of course, we know, it wasn’t very long after James…we know this from history outside the Bible. But anyway, it wasn’t very long after James was murdered, where God had to warn the people in Israel who were serving Him, it’s time to get out. And they all left Jerusalem, and it was right after that when the Romans surrounded it, and you had the terrible destruction of judgment that Jesus had warned about.
And they were so relentless in trying to get all the gold out of the temple that they did tear it apart, brick…you know, stone by stone…don’t want to miss any of that gold. The devil was…I’ll tell you, there is a judgment that falls. Life just does not go on and on and on.
And it’s awfully easy for us in America, especially since World War II, to imagine that it will. One way or another, we’ll get back to normal. Well, history progresses. Nations rise and fall. What do you think the trajectory of our nation is today?
( congregational response ).
We’re falling. Spiritually, this nation has rejected God, as a nation. And we’re gonna be called upon to stand, and to walk, in God’s light, or we’re gonna choose to be part of the world. People growing up in this era, you are exposed to an avalanche, a flood of deception like no generation that has ever gone before. Your friends have all kinds of ideas that may sound good and feel even right and appealing.
But Jesus said, walk in the light while you have the light! What is light? It’s truth, but it’s more than…yeah, it’s living. John, at the beginning of his Gospel said, in Him was life, speaking of Jesus. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (KJV). I’ll tell you, the only thing that’s gonna give a contrast between the condition of this world and what God wants is divine life.
See, truth is more than simply correct ideas. You have plenty of churches that are full of many ideas that are correct, and how many of them have actual life? God, help us never, ever to fall in the trap of saying, we’ve got our traditions and that’s good enough.
We are not here to indoctrinate one generation after another with our ideas and our traditions, even if they come out of the Bible! There is no substitute for the life of God, for the light of God’s Spirit to come and to penetrate the heart of a person, to show them the truth of their need and the truth of the world, the truth of Christ, and the awesome thing that God has done for us!
( congregational response ).
Oh, where we are helpless in the face of Satanic control and delusion in this world, He answers every single issue! The guilt of our sins, the power of Satan, and the power of our flesh…all of it, He dealt with at the cross, if we’ll listen to Him and allow that light to shine in here, and be willing to walk in it.
Do you see what the…you see where Jesus is going with this? There’s got to be an expression of God, by the Spirit, that absolutely penetrates the heart. You’ve got to have that for starters.
But oh God, how easy it is for someone to hear all of that, to along with it, but also to kind of drink in from the world and…this idea and that idea, and feel like…you know, the spirit of the world says…kind of has it up to the individual, doesn’t it? You know, you’ve got your truth and I’ve got mine. Mine’s as good as yours.
I’ve got to find my own way, follow my own heart, whatever feels right to me and whatever strokes my…floats my boat, whatever expression you want. But whatever makes sense to me to chart the course of my life, that’s what I’m gonna believe, and that’s the path I’m gonna walk.
Folks, God has laid out a path for us that is one of light, and…I’ll tell you, clarity. Every need has been anticipated by a loving heavenly Father. And He asks us to walk that path with Him, because walking in the light is not just listening to it, it’s not just assenting to it with our minds! It has to come to a place where our hearts are given to that and we are willing to walk!
Walking means going from one place to another. I’ll tell you, a lot of people are in church doing this…yeah, I believe, yeah, I believe, and they’re just walking in place. They’re putting forth an effort that isn’t going anywhere. That’s a silly way to put it, but it gets the point across.
Folks, God doesn’t give us His Word as suggestions. God, help us to be willing to take Jesus’ words seriously. And notice, He doesn’t say it’s a good idea to walk in the light. He says, while you have the light.
See, God just doesn’t simply open the door and say, anytime you feel like it. There is a time element involved. When God speaks, that’s when we have the opportunity to say, yes. And if there’s somebody who absolutely has God’s voice pressing in their hearts and they find a way to sidestep it, and say, no, it’s not that way, I’m okay, or a thousand and one ways that we have of sidestepping the light and basically saying, no. The more we do that, the harder we get. And there does come a time when God stops.
February 26, 2023 - No. 1586
“The Evil Day” Conclusion
February 26, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1586 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Think about how the Lord allows Satan to, literally, have some influence and be able to exert his influence upon people and situations. You see where the world is going, right? You see where the Lord’s gonna take His hands off, in the sense that He’s allowing Satan to pursue his dream?
You see what happened in Noah’s day? The Lord worked with men, but there came a time when He took His hands off and allowed Satan to, basically, rule humanity and bring them to a place where there was no more capacity in most people for God. Did God take care of His own? He sure did, and He’s gonna do it right to the end of the age.
And you see even though Lot was not exactly an exemplary follower of God, was he? He wasn’t exactly your super spiritual guy, but in his heart, he had enough of a knowledge of God to stand against what was wrong and to say I’m not going along with that.
And so, the Lord came to Sodom, and saw that the condition was such that people had made so many moral choices to embrace evil, they had lost the capacity to choose Him. And so, God brought Lot out of Sodom and destroyed it.
And in a sense, both Lot and Noah had to stand, didn’t they? They had to make a moral choice, a spiritual choice to say, I’m gonna serve God. I don’t care what the rest of the world does, I’m with Him.
Folks, that is what God is building in every single one of us, every single battle that comes. Oh, I’ll tell you, God has so many awesome things that He wants to do for us if we will only learn to make the little choices, and to see, not just, oh, the evil day as some big event, but to see the little events that happen in your life, some of which nobody else knows about but you and God…to see them as God allowing Satan to tempt, to test, to pressure.
Whatever form it takes, he’s gonna pull on your nature, gonna appeal to your nature in some fashion, and attack you, and God wants to build a people who know how to stand in the middle of that. Man, I need it, but you see where God’s going with this.
I’ll get to some of the rest of it in a minute, but…Jehoshaphat was a king who sought to serve God, at least in a great measure, was the king over Judah, the Southern Kingdom after the kingdom split. He was a Godly king, and yet, one day, all of a sudden, he gets word that there is an army, and if I…the best I remember, it was something like a million strong, that’s marching our way, and they mean to do business. They mean to take us down and tear us apart and, basically, dismantle us.
He didn’t go looking for that. There’s nothing he could say, well, I did this, and God’s…you know, he recognized this is just something that has come against God Himself and His promises to us. And so, the devil’s aim, in every bit of this, was to take him down, to conquer the nation that God had blessed, pick on their weaknesses, do whatever He could to take them down!
And so, they went to the Lord, and they lifted Him up. They lifted up His promises. They worshiped Him. They said, oh, God, we didn’t go looking for this. We think about what You’ve promised us, and now, our eyes are upon You. We don’t know what to do.
You ever been in that place? That’s a good place to be, because we don’t always know what to do. In fact, most of the time, we don’t, really. That’s a lot of what the Lord is looking for when we get in situations, because there’s no cookie cutter answer. You don’t go to a book of theology and say in this circumstance, aha, there’s the answer. There’s the formula.
God has a purpose and a way to work out every situation. Jesus never healed people the same way twice. Well, maybe some of them, but you know what I’m saying. He healed people all kinds of different ways, different circumstances.
But here, God answered the prayer and said you’re not even gonna have to fight in this battle. Whatever other battles that Israel had to fight, and there were huge…there was a huge carnage. There were, sometimes, hundreds of thousands of soldiers that died in some of the wars of that era. He said, this one, you’re not even gonna have to fight.
You talk about the choir. They sent the choir out ahead of the army. I wonder how…I hope the choir had plenty of faith. You know, you think about the literal situation. There’s a million-man army out there, and the soldiers are behind us, and we’re gonna get in between here. We’re gonna march out and sing.
Well, of course, it worked pretty good at Jericho, didn’t it? But anyway, they marched out and they sang praises to God, and God just absolutely turned everyone against each other. You remember how it all turned out. And where the Lord…where the devil meant to take them down, the Lord gave them so much plunder out of it, it took three days to gather what the…what they had left behind. So, here’s the devil looking to do some damage, and God turns it into a rich blessing.
Folks, if we will learn to trust God in every circumstance and every battle, no matter how hard it is at the time, we’re gonna discover God bringing us into a better place. Not just getting back to…
( exhaling ).
…Okay, but a better place. God longs for us to have more, to be more…to get more experience under our belt, to be stronger in Him. How can we be ready for ‘the’ evil day if we can’t even handle our little evil days? See, we’re in the lion and bear stage here, I think, most of us.
But I’ll tell you…and some of us are in the Peter stage. We’re still trying to unlearn what we think of ourselves and learn to really see ourselves through God’s eyes, but it’s not God’s eyes of condemnation. Look at you, you weakling. It’s God’s eyes saying, I know what sin has done. I know your need, and I’m not basing anything I’m doing for you on anything other than that I love you, and I have a plan if you’d just give yourself to me and humble yourself in My hands.
I have the power to bring you out. I’m not looking down on you because you’re weak. I love you, and the weakness in you causes my heart to want to reach down and lift you up, and bring you into a better place if you’d just let Me. I want to let Him, don’t you? Oh God, help every single one of us.
Like I say, you can go through the scriptures, and Jesus Himself…the evil day certainly hit Him…the evil day of all days, but yet, look what God has brought out of it. When He made the choice to go to that cross and say, I will honor Him. I will lay down my life if that’s what it takes to fulfill His purpose.
Isn’t that what He called us to do, to lay down our lives? Maybe not literally. I don’t think anybody here is likely to be nailed to a literal cross, but who knows? But I’ll tell you, whatever God calls us to do and to come through, God is gonna bring us through it. Praise God! Those are some of the thoughts that I had.
Anyway, let’s just go ahead and read that passage very quickly, because it’s very familiar to us in Ephesians chapter 6. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (NIV). Whose mighty power?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. “Put on the full armor of God…” not just part of it, “…so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” So, it isn’t just power on power that the devil employs. A lot of times, he comes in under the guise of something else. He’s gonna find any opening that he can possibly find into your life or mine.
Do we have weaknesses he can exploit? Yeah, and the Lord’s gonna allow him to come at us through those weak places so that we can learn that we have them, and we will learn to bring them to Him, to the cross and trust God, and learn how to fight that particular battle.
And boy, as we do, we’re gonna grow. We’re gonna have experience. Like Paul says, all these things give us perseverance, don’t they? Perseverance produces character. Character produces hope. And nobody’s gonna come to the end and say, what a fool I was to hope in God! Look what it got me. Man, we’re gonna be so blown away with what God has given us, because we have fixed our hope in Him, in spite of everything that has come along.
But I’ll tell you, the devil has schemes against you. He knows your weaknesses. He’s been around you, followed you your whole life. That’s not to make us afraid. But it is to make us aware. It’s to make us…what did Peter say? I’m trying to remember the language that he used. Be on your guard. Be aware. Be alert. Okay?
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood….” How many times do we react to something in life, and we’re reacting against the people involved? God, help us to see past that. Folks, the devil has control of so much in this world, and even in the Body of Christ, people have weaknesses. And there are gonna be things that you and I are gonna have to be patient with one another about.
But here’s the deal, and this is something we’ve said so many times. I don’t care what, even if the Devil uses somebody to do something that is hurtful to you in some fashion. That is never, ever, ever, ever an excuse for you to have a bad spirit. In fact, the Lord might have allowed that to expose that need in you so you’ll learn how to surrender it to Him.
What does the scripture say? If there’s somebody who’s overtaken in a fault, what do we do? You who are spiritual…now, he’s not talking about some high-blown picture that we would paint, but somebody that’s walking with the Lord and has their spirit right. Okay? You go to them with a spirit of condemnation and contempt…no, with a spirit of meekness, and then, what does it say? Consider yourself lest you also be tempted.
Oh, God just wants to change us into His likeness! Are we willing? See, yeah, that’s the kind of circumstance that will really find out whether we’re gonna follow our old nature or His. Yeah, examine yourself. Let’s ask God to help us in those kinds of battles. But remember, “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood…” We need to see past that.
“…But against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Anybody here naturally able to handle that?
( congregational response ).
You ready to go after them? There’s a lot of power. The power of evil, the power of sin is very real! And the nature with which you and I were born, that still lives in this flesh, is very much a part of that! It’s in harmony with that! I need a Savior, folks.
( congregational amens ).
I need something supernatural if I’m gonna have any help. You can’t give me rules to follow. You’re gonna have to give me a Savior.
( congregational amens ).
You’re gonna have to give me a new heart and a new life that gives me power. You notice, he begins this section here with the power of God, His mighty power. Then, he comes down to Satan’s mighty power. Which one do you want? I want His mighty power.
( congregational response ).
Thank God! And that’s the thing, we can be strong…we can be stronger than the devil, not because we are anything, but because we’re relying on Him. David found that out, didn’t he and the whole army? Two armies found out…that God plus a little boy or a young man with a sling and a stone is better than a giant, because God is with him!
I want God to be with me. I want to experience His strength in situations like I felt this…what I felt earlier in the week. I want to experience His strength in that in a deeper way. How do I get there without having to go through it? How do we ever acquire the label ‘overcomers’ if we’ve never overcome anything? God is gonna send battles your way and mine.
But oh, what He’s given us to fight. It says, “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground….” That’s all God’s looking for. Use the armor and stand. He’s not looking for you to fix the situation, not looking for you to save America, as we said recently, not looking for you to straighten out the person that caused your problem. God wants to straighten you out! And if we will be the kind of person God wants us to be, that’s gonna do more for somebody else, if it can happen, than anything else.
But oh, how hard a lesson that is to learn. It is so contrary to everything with which we were born. So, if God keeps putting you in conflict with somebody, you need to understand what’s going on. It’s not because He hates you, not because He’s mad at you and punishing you. He wants you to learn something.
And I’ll tell you, the more we learn, the more He’s gonna be able to put Himself on display, because it’ll be Him coming out of us and not us fighting our own battles. Oh, I’ll tell you, we have a God who knows what He’s doing, doesn’t He? Wouldn’t it be good if we’d just seek Him and do what He says and learn to do things His way? That’s not an easy thing, is it? Okay?
All right? “…May be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Do you believe there’s gonna be a people in this age, even right down to the end, who will be able to stand? How are they gonna do that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, in the Lord’s mighty power and with His armor. It ain’t gonna be because they got better theology. It’s gonna be because they’ve got Christ, and He is active in their hearts and lives, and they’re doing things His way. “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth….” These are things we’re familiar with. I just want to go through it real quickly.
But the belt of truth…the devil is going to come at you with every lie that you are naturally inclined to believe. It might be a lie about yourself. I’m bad. I’ll never amount to anything, or you name it. Every one of you that serves the Lord, you know what I’m talking about. There’s gonna be some lie that is gonna put the focus on you as the reason why this is happening. God doesn’t care about you. You’re bad. You’re getting what you deserve.
Did Jehoshaphat get what he deserved? He didn’t do anything except live and serve God, and the Lord allowed a great battle to come against him. Did Job go after what happened to him? Was God punishing him? See, all the things that the devil tried to get him to do, and even through his friends who didn’t have a clue what was really going on. The devil is gonna come with every reasoning that he can.
Folks, we need truth. We need a knowledge of what is really true, and that’s gonna come from Jesus who is ‘the’ truth, “…the way, the truth, and the life.” (KJV). Man, if it didn’t come out of the heart of Jesus, don’t you bank your heart on it. Don’t you bank your life on it. Don’t you go by it. We’re gonna need to know what is true and stick with it when it doesn’t look like it, when it doesn’t feel like it. I need the truth! It’s the truth that’s gonna set me free and nothing else. Okay?
“…The breastplate of righteousness…your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” (NIV). As Paul said, that when we come to Him by faith in what Jesus did, there is a…we come to a state of peace with God! Don’t ever let the devil assault that position! He will try to drive a wedge between you and God in your mind. He’ll accuse Him! God’s responsible for this!
God doesn’t send it; He does allow it. He allows it for a loving purpose, but God is not punishing. He’s not sending something on you to destroy you, to hurt you. I am at peace with Him. I have a place to stand that is sure, and it’s not based on, again, on anything I did.
“…The shield of faith….” See it’s wonderful to know what’s true. It’s another thing to, sort of, entertain and allow things to hit, and say, wait a minute, Devil. There’s an active part that I take in repelling your lies, repelling every attack that you would make upon my mind. I believe God!
And it’s like the faith of Abraham, where I have to…sometimes I have to go against everything that I feel, everything that I see. But I know that God is true. It’s taking that belt of truth and lifting it up against whatever the devil would throw. I actively believe God, and I don’t need to see it or feel it to know that it’s true, but I’m gonna stand anyway.
Folks, the devil understands that. Do we? May God help us, every single one. Yeah, I needed that this week. Did you? Yeah. All right?
“…The helmet of salvation…” Isn’t that the next one? The helmet of salvation. I guess you can emphasize a lot of things, but one thing that shows to me, is that my entire way of looking at life, at myself, at God, at the world, needs to be shaped by the concept of salvation…that I am, in myself, a hopeless, helpless sinner. I deserve nothing. My only hope of escaping this world and having any relationship with God, is that He’s gonna have to do it! I need a Savoir!
I can’t be like Peter and say, no, Jesus, I’ll never do that! Peter was sincere when he said that, but he didn’t know. He didn’t have the power to do that. I need a Savior. I need somebody who can come in and rescue me from what I do not have the power to do.
Folks, that’s a way…that’s an entire way of thinking about everything. Does that govern your thoughts? Do you know every moment of every day you need a Savior, not just in some broad general sense, but I mean, every day, I need a measure of salvation ministered to me every single day.
And I need it when I’m in those circumstances, when I’m in the battle, when the evil day comes, especially I need it. We can sit here, maybe, and rejoice in the Lord and feel good. But I’ll tell you, we need this when the evil day comes, and you can’t see anything but darkness, and you can’t feel anything but darkness. Is this still real? See, if we’re gonna be able to stand in this hour, these are things we need to know, and the Lord’s gonna be faithful to teach us. Thank God!
“…And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” How many times have we talked about that? The one thing the Devil fears is a Christian who not only believes the Word of God and forms such a conviction in their hearts, that they stand, and they quote it, and they say this is what I’m going by, Devil. You can say what you want, but I know what God says.
And I’ll tell you something about that. I was thinking about this, even this morning. You know, we talk about how preaching needs to have the anointing upon it. It needs to be not just the words of a human being. There needs to be life in it. God’s life needs to literally flow in the same sense that it did when He said, let there be light. It may not be as powerful now, but there needs to be…in other words there needs to be God’s life in it.
I’ll tell you, when a Christian stands in a time of darkness, in a day of evil, and the devil is throwing everything he can at that person, and we stand, and we say, it is written, we’re not just quoting proof text! I’ll tell you, God gets in that! There is life! Every single Christian can speak the Word of God and God be in it!
You think the devil feels that? He doesn’t care about your theology, he cares about your Christ. He can’t stand that, and that’s one way the Word needs to become flesh, because it became flesh perfectly in Him, didn’t it? But God wants the Word to become flesh in us, and that’s part of the process of this happening.
God’s got us in school, folks. And part of that school is that we’re gonna have things, we’re gonna have evil days. You will have them. It’s part of your training as a child of God. God knows about it. He permits it. He uses it for a purpose, but don’t ever forget that everything you and I need to experience victory in those situations, He gives us! He gives us, and He doesn’t give it because we deserve it. He doesn’t give it to us because we’ve measured up and kept the rules. He gives it to us because He loves us, and we need it.
What are we doing with it? Are we learning how to use that, or are we just fighting in our own strength and fighting our own battles? I’ll tell you, God is on the throne. He is for His own. He has given us everything we could possibly need to stand. We just need to pick it up and use it and learn, and He will be with us all the way to the end. Praise God!
February 19, 2023 - No. 1585
“The Evil Day” Part One
February 19, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1585 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, praise the Lord! I’m just gonna try to share some thoughts that have come to me this week, and as so often is the case, they come from something you go through, something experiential. But if our faith is not related to things that happen in our lives, what is it? It’s just a bunch of theory, isn’t it?
And the Lord is so faithful to take us down the path that He’s designed for us, and to teach us along the way, if we’ll have ears to hear and a heart to listen. And I want to have that, don’t you? And, earlier in the week…you know, many times you come through a Sunday, particularly in my position, you put forth a lot of effort and you’re engaged in it and then it’s done and…
( exhaling ).
…You kind of sit back and coast a little bit. And, you know, the Devil has a way of taking advantage of that, if we’re not careful. There are times…you see cases in the scripture where an army would fight a battle, and then they’d win a great victory, they’d have a celebration, and all of a sudden, they’d be in a weak place and they’d get defeated.
Well, anyway, I just felt like I got in a place where I was feeling…and nobody else knew anything about this, to my knowledge at least. Just something very personal, very private, and I felt like a weakness was getting a hold of me and just…the Devil was oppressing, and I didn’t have any feelings, didn’t feel any strength and didn’t handle it as well as I should have. And, I felt like I knew the Lord was around, I knew He was faithful, because you know He is. There’s a certain faith that He implants, but still there are times you go through dry times of attack.
And, I know, any of you who have served the Lord any length of time, you know what I’m talking about. We go through all kinds of circumstances and sometimes they’re pleasant. You know, we sing the hymn, “God Leads Us Along.” Sometimes it’s through pleasant pastures, sometimes it’s through very dark places. But God knows how to lead us. He knows where He’s taking us. He knows what it takes to get there, doesn’t He?
And so, anyway, I kind of came through that, and just kind of pushed through. And then a phrase kept coming to me, and it’s from a very familiar passage in Ephesians 6. You know the passage about warfare. And the phrase was, “…the evil day.” (KJV). Now in the new NIV it’s, “…the day of evil.” (NIV). But, a lot of translations—several translations have it, “…the evil day…” and that makes a simpler title, doesn’t it?
But you know, I think, I have probably tended to see the evil day in more of a big picture kind of thing. It’s easy to do that. You think of the day in which we live and oh, there’s an evil day coming and God wants us to stand, and wants us to be ready to stand, and that’s true enough. But I began to see the evil day as something that could be anywhere from deeply personal, such as what I went through, to a bigger experience. I mean, it could happen at every level, basically.
‘Cause what you’re talking about is an incident, or something that happens, where the Lord allows Satan to attack, to work, allows him to have a certain amount of influence, and He desires that we handle it. And God knows that, He permits it, doesn’t He?
Now you know, we have the two…specific examples in scripture of how Satan had to get permission, didn’t he? We know God’s on the throne. We know He has known, from the beginning, everything that was gonna happen, and God has had a way of weaving together the moral choices of men and devils, men and angels, I guess they were, and bringing them together into a plan to bring a family together for eternity, things we’ve said many times. And God knows what’s happening.
But the Devil has no power against God’s power. If something happens that the Devil is allowed to do, it’s because God allowed it and God has a purpose. And the two specific examples we have in scripture are Job, certainly one of them, and we have the scene where the Devil actually is allowed to come before the Lord, and the Lord is the One who brings up Job.
It wasn’t like the Devil said, hey, there’s this guy, I’d like to get to him, let me at him. The Lord brought him up! Which means to me, the Lord had a purpose in that. He had somewhere where He was going. He allowed the Devil to do what he did, but God had a purpose to take Job to a better place.
That’s a good thing to remember, isn’t it? Whatever God allows in our lives is designed to ultimately bless and bring us to a better, stronger place, even when it involves failure. That’s a good thing to remember, isn’t it? Because we don’t tend to remember those things when we’re in the middle of them. But oh, I’ll tell you, we’ve got an awesome, faithful God.
Anyway, so the Devil says, oh yeah, you put a hedge around him. You won’t let me near him. So, the Lord says, go ahead and touch him, or touch everything around him. Leave him alone. And you know, we know how it unfolded. Ultimately, the Devil accused Job and said, basically, he’s only serving You because You blessed him, You protected him, and You let me at him physically and boy, he will curse You. And Job went through hell, didn’t he? And of course, he didn’t get any help from his supposed friends. They were giving out their standard theology that they’d learned in cemetery, I mean seminary.
( laughter ).
You know, their traditional knowledge of God, and they brought out all the stuff the textbook said and how it’s supposed to be. And they said there’s no way that you could be experiencing these things if God wasn’t judging you. If you hadn’t sinned, you’d be doing great. A very simplistic view of life.
My God, if something bad and difficult happens to you, does that mean you’ve sinned and God’s punishing you? See, that’s something we need to recognize, we need to learn. Yeah, God can allow us to go through things, but I’ll tell you, always when it comes to His people, His plan is redemptive. It’s to lift up. It’s to bring us to an ultimate end that He has foreseen and determined!
My God, what a faithful, merciful God we have! Thank God! I mean, how many times have we come through times when we have really not done very well, if we’re gonna be honest? And yet, we come out the other end and realize God hasn’t thrown us in the trash! What an awesome, amazing God this is that He could put up with somebody like us and love us anyway, and still want to bring us through!
Sometimes, the thing we need to experience is the failure itself! And you know, the other prime example we have…these things we’ve heard many times, but I just felt like there’s something fresh that the Lord wanted to say to me, certainly, if…you’re welcome to listen in, if you want. But anyway, obviously the other example is Peter…when Jesus said specifically, Satan has asked, “…that he may sift you as wheat.” (KJV).
I don’t have any doubt that Satan was aware of Peter’s zeal, Peter’s self-confidence. He saw weaknesses in Peter, and he felt like, boy, this is the leader. If I can take him down, man, I’m gonna do a whole lot of damage, and this whole kingdom thing is not going anywhere. And so, the Lord allowed that.
But even there, did He not say, “…I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” Isn’t that an awesome thing to realize, that in our weakest moment we have somebody in heaven praying for…not against us? Praying for us! Man, do I need that! Oh, praise God! There’s someone who sees past the weaknesses and the difficulties of the moment, the battles of the moment, and is able to look past all of that and see that there’s a…and see a purpose in it.
Now the Devil’s purpose, obviously, was to tear down what Jesus was building and to tear down the leader among these disciples, not just to take Jesus into the grave, but let’s make sure this thing is gone. I’m gonna take Peter down.
And the Lord even warned Peter! You need to pray. You know, your, “…spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (NIV). You don’t know what you’re up against. How many of you have been in that place? You knew what you ought to do, but come time to do it, your nature just kind of cried out and wouldn’t let you.
Kind of what Paul experienced in Romans 7, when he thought that he could serve God by his own zeal and strength. And the Lord showed him that’s not what salvation is about. I’m so thankful that He can bring us to that place, but sometimes we have to learn the hard way. I suspect every person here has had to learn something the hard way. And cheer up, if you haven’t, you will!
But you know what God’s purpose was in this? First of all, it was to teach Peter the truth about himself, something we need to learn. If we don’t reckon on our own need, if we don’t understand our own need, do we really understand salvation? See, the knowledge of our need brings us to a place where we can truly understand and appreciate what the Lord has done for us and His willingness to help us in spite of the depth of that need! Praise God!
And so, Peter was allowed to go through something, but isn’t it interesting how Jesus framed this whole situation. The Devil…we knew what the Devil was trying to do. But Jesus said, “…when thou art converted…” (KJV). When you’re changed, when what I’ve brought you through produces the result that we want, “…strengthen your brothers.” (NIV).
Everything is redemptive! Everything that Peter became, as a minister, as an apostle of Jesus Christ, the leader of, certainly among the apostles, the one who stood up so boldly on the day of Pentecost just a few weeks later, the one who preached at the Temple, shortly after that, when they healed the lame man, and all the things that they went through.
And then the writer of the Gospel, the letters, 1st and 2nd Peter, the message that he puts forth is certainly not one of self-confidence, is it? He learned, didn’t he? He learned and he humbled himself to that truth.
Wasn’t he the one who wrote, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up…” at the proper time? Well, the Lord did that, didn’t He? He knew that from experience.
You know, I see what the Lord is seeking to do in a fresh way, I guess. It’s nothing new. But, like I say, if our salvation and our understanding of truth, Bible truth, is simply head knowledge, we haven’t got much.
And you talk about the evil day coming, and it’s coming, in one form or another. Whether it’s on that small scale, like I experienced this week, or whether it’s something larger or larger, or whether it’s the whole world. And we’re gonna see that. God wants a people who are ready and prepared to stand.
And I pray that God will help every one of us to begin to see, in a deeper way, what the Lord is doing in a day-to-day way in our lives, that there really, actually, is a reason, there really is a purpose in the things we experience and go through.
And oh, how the Devil loves to interpret every negative thing in a way that is totally contrary to God’s purpose! I just pray for God’s grace to stop listening. He will accuse, he will do everything in his power to frame what happens to us in the most negative way possible, to discourage, to do everything he can to turn us aside…even accuse God. You’ve been trusting in Him and look how He’s treating you.
But oh, I’ll tell you what, God has a purpose. There’s something that is very real about our having to live in this world. It’s very significant, I guess, is a better word. If God’s purpose were simply to gather a people and say, do you want to serve me, do you want to give me your life, just hand it over to Him and boom, He takes you out of the world, and we sit in a place of bliss, and go to seminars every day and learn all about it.
But God is producing His family in the context of a world that is absolutely opposed to God in every possible way. I don’t care what things look like, this world, as we well know, is in rebellion against God. It is a prison planet. It has…and people have no power, in themselves, to escape this, even if they wanted to, which they don’t. This is the context in which God is building His family.
And it’s bad enough to have to live in a place where you’re among evil people, and an evil system. The problem is, it’s in here. We’re still living in bodies that are in harmony with the world and the Devil! And so, God’s plan is to give us a brand-new heart and a new life, but we’re gonna have to overcome and make choices to follow Him and not the old nature. And so, everything the Lord…every battle that the Lord brings us through is designed to begin to teach us to make the right choices.
You know, there’s a scripture…I’ll just refer to it, quote it as best I can. It’s in Psalm 45, but it’s quoted in Hebrews chapter 1, where the Son of God…ultimately the…what David wrote, I believe, had a reference to him, in one sense, but in a larger sense, it was about the Son of God. “Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever.” Okay?
But what drew me to that scripture was, “You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has…” anointed you with the oil of gladness, something to that effect. Anyway, there is very much a connection between what God was…God was seeking someone who would absolutely have a choice. Did He not have a choice? Was He not, “…tempted in every way, just as we are…”? But He made the right choice in every instance. He yielded to His Father. He made the choice to hate what was wrong, to choose what was right.
That’s what God is seeking for every one of us. And so, we are gonna be put in situations where every part of us will be tested. That sounds scary, doesn’t it? Was Jesus not tested? Is He not called the, “…tested stone…”? And now He’s, “…become the cornerstone…” and we’re part of a building that’s built on Him. You see what God is doing? He’s building a family, and you and I are going to have battles.
Notice, in this passage in Ephesians 6, it doesn’t say, ‘if’ the evil day comes. It says, “…when the day of evil comes.” Folks, it’s coming. It may well come in the form that it came to me this week. Am I the only one? Yeah, I know I’m not! That’s why the Lord allowed me to experience this, because folks, we are going to have to learn to make choices.
If we’re gonna stand on a day when the Devil has been allowed to take over the world system, and seemingly succeed in building his world empire, and here some of us are still gonna be here having to stand, in that hour, we better have some experience under our belt. You don’t just go to seminar after seminar after seminar and suddenly you step out into the arena and you’re ready for that.
And of course, the examples we’ve seen and used so many times, David was a man after God’s own heart. He needed a lot of training, didn’t he? Because the Lord knew he was gonna have some serious conflicts in his life. There were a lot of enemies that needed to be defeated.
And you remember how he was sent by his dad to take food to his brothers, who were engaged in the conflict with the Philistines? And he gets there and he discovers this giant, named Goliath. Still had giants in the world in those days. And he was…they had a system, I guess, where, to avoid general bloodshed, they would issue a challenge. Let’s bring this war down to one on one and whoever wins, that decides the battle.
Well, they sent this giant out. And by every natural measurement, Israel was in a world of hurt. They didn’t have anybody to send out. And so, David shows up and looks at that and says, what’s the problem? Now, how could a young man like that say such a thing? You know, he’s pictured as a boy. I expect he was an older teenager, I’m guessing. But whatever it was, he was somebody whose life had revolved around keeping sheep out in the meadow.
Now, how is that a way to learn how to fight a battle such as the one he faced? Well, in the first place, God allowed two things, that he mentions specifically, to happen to him. And one of them was a bear. A bear got hungry. I wonder how the bear got hungry like that. I wonder what was behind that.
You know, the things that happen in this world, we see the physical, we see the natural, we see the government, we see bad people, we need to see where it’s really coming from. Our warfare is, “…not against flesh and blood…” the passage that we started with, didn’t actually read it, but you remember it.
But here’s David…somehow, he recognizes, number one, I’m responsible. Number two, I’ve spent a lot of my time out here worshipping God. I’m gonna do what needs to be done. And somehow, God gave him the faith to take on that bear and win! And the Lord says, that’s great! That’s what I’m looking for. I’m gonna train this guy. But he needs another lesson.
You think any of us ever need another lesson? Let the lesson sink in a little deeper and become a little more real? So the Lord allowed a lion. Okay, a bear is one thing, but a lion? Seriously? But he did the same thing. The Lord gave him the victory.
But you know, there was another factor that came into play that was at the heart of the battle that he fought on that day. And it was this. This challenge that has come is not against us. He’s challenged God! This is a bigger battle than just men fighting, nations fighting. This is against God, and so, this is the Lord’s battle.
And so, when he went into the battle…you know, Saul wanted…said, okay, I’ll let you go, but here’s my armor. You’re gonna have…Saul had a natural idea about how battles are fought and won. Folks, if you and I are relying on natural means to try to deal with life, the Lord’s gonna have to show us. That’s not where the battle’s at. Because what Satan desires to accomplish cannot be defeated with human wisdom, and human energy, and human anything.
And here’s the other thing that we need to recognize, and the Devil will do everything in his power to undermine this, is that when the Devil comes against you and me, his assault is not just against us, it’s against the Lord Himself! Because when there is a relationship, when we are truly born into that kingdom and His Spirit comes to live on the inside, there is a living connection that is formed! We are not just scattered people here and there that all have this private relationship. But there is a relationship where we become a part of Him! There is a living connection. What did Paul…what did the Lord say to Saul, when he was traveling to Damascus to persecute Christians? Why are you persecuting…
( congregational response ).
…Me? He didn’t say my followers. Why are you persecuting Me? The Lord saw what the real battle was about! Wouldn’t it be good if we did? That when something comes against us, even if it’s just a private attack and an oppression, a circumstance, whatever it is in our lives, and we discern, and we have enough discernment to say Satan is behind this. The Devil will do everything in his power to separate you in your mind from God. But this is an attack upon Jesus, with whom we have been connected.
February 12, 2023 - No. 1584
“Lamb Upon the Throne” Conclusion
February 12, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1584 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Think about the character. I believe some of Isaiah 40 was read the other night, if I’m not mistaken. But what a powerful portrayal of the greatness of this King and this throne and this Kingdom. It’s not just the fact that He’s all powerful and He can do anything He wants, but what’s the character of the one who sits there?
We’re called to submit to His authority, to give ourselves to Him, to surrender. But are we surrendering to a tyrant? Are we surrendering to somebody who has some selfish agenda and simply wants to make pets out of us? No! That’s the thing that God wants His people to know! That’s what makes rebellion against this thing so terrible! My God!
“…Comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for…” (NIV). Oh, praise God! “…That she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Speaking of some of the judgments that had to come. “A voice of one calling: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up….”
Do you feel low this morning? I’ll tell you, I don’t care how low any human being feels at any given time, there will be times when we will, but I’ll tell you, God’s gonna lift, God’s gonna lift up everyone. He’s not gonna leave anybody like that. Thank God!
“…Every mountain and hill made low….” Be careful you don’t get high and mighty in your mind. And “…rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
And then he talks about the, the shortness of life, the fragility of human life. It’s just like grass, it withers so quickly. The wind blows and it’s gone. This is the life into which we’re born. We tend to think this is all…we act like this is all there is, this is the thing that matters. It is so temporary!
( congregational amens ).
Oh God, lift our eyes! Open our eyes to see where we’re at. You know, this has been a funeral-filled weekend, hasn’t it? It’s just a fresh reminder of how short life is. But oh, the hope to which He’s called us! I’ll tell you, there’s a Lamb upon a throne right now.
And His heart toward His people is expressed in this passage…in verse 8, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Then he talks about the good news, shout it out! Verse 10, “See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him….”
And oh, when you think, in earthly terms we think of somebody to be afraid of. Oh my God, He’s gonna tell me what to do and gonna take away my liberty, and I’m not gonna be…no. What is this ruler like? “…He rules with His mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends his flock like a shepherd.”
Talk about Psalm 23 that we sung this morning. Oh, what a heart! Jesus called Himself the good shepherd, didn’t He? He knows His sheep. His sheep know Him. He gives them eternal life. No one can take them out of His hand. The Father who gave those sheep to Him is greater than the Son and nobody can take them out of His hand. Praise God! Do we so have something to be…to rejoice? I don’t care what happens in this world!
( congregational response ).
I mean, there’s all kinds of trouble that can happen. Think about what Paul, and others in the New Testament went through. They suffered, in so many ways, and yet they had such a sense, the people that served God in that time had such a sense of the one who sat on a throne, that He was in charge, that nothing could happen outside of His will, that Paul and Silas were able at midnight to sing psalms and praises to God in spite of having been beaten, and their feet locked in stocks, in a prison.
Oh God, do we see past the things that happen in this world? Do we see that there is One on a throne, who knows what we’re doing, who loves us. Praise God! Praise God! “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” What a…I mean for all the greatness and the magnificence of the power that He has, yet the character, the heart of the one who wields that power is somebody I want to serve.
( congregational response).
Praise God! He’s worthy to be served!
( congregational response ).
And then you have the scriptures that were read the other night about how great He is. “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?” I guess that would be this way [holding up hand], wouldn’t it? Whatever.
“Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighted the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord, or instruct the Lord as his counselor? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge, or showed him the path of understanding?” You’ve got a sovereign, eternal God that is over all, folks!
( congregational amens ).
And He wants every one of His people to get that in a deeper way today, starting with me. Praise God! I’ll tell you, you want some rest in a miserable, unrestful world? That’s where it comes from. It comes from never, ever forgetting that reality. Okay? “Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales.”
( blowing ).
It’s all gone. All the nations and all the things they’re doing right now. You know, China supposedly got a missile that can come over here and beat our defenses if they want to use it. Russia’s developing the same thing.
( moaning ).
Suppose they do? Suppose the world blows up right now. Praise God!
( laughing ).
( congregational amens ).
Who wants to live in this place anymore? But I’ll tell you, as long as we’re here, we serve One who is on the throne!
( congregational amens ).
There’s a Lamb who rules. And oh, He’s earned that place, hasn’t He? “…He weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.” And so forth. It goes on and describes, let’s see, verse 17. I don’t want to just read it all but, “Before Him all the nations are as nothing; they are regarded by him as worthless and less than nothing. With whom, then, will you compare God? To what image will you liken him?”
And then, of course, he goes into the idolatry and the ridiculousness of fashioning some thing, having a craftsman fashion an image and then say, there, you’re my god. But we do that in other ways. People do that today! They’re fashioning their bank accounts, and that becomes their god! And all you have to do is have the power go out, and somebody hack the computers and your wealth is gone! Folks, we need the Lord, don’t we? That’s not where my security is, that’s not my god.
“Do you not know?” Verse 21. “Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”
You know, we think of a tent here as some little thing that we’re big enough to handle, sort of. If I do it, I don’t know. But anyway, it’s something that people…designed for people to be able to spread out and use in a useful way. But here He is spreading out the heavens. Whew! You gonna serve some earthly power? Forget it.
“He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away…To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.”
And so, he’s talking about the complaining of Jacob and Israel. Verse 28, “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary…” We sure do, don’t we? “…And his understanding no one can fathom.”
But how does he use this great power of his? It’s wonderful to think about how amazing his overall power is, but what does that mean for us? Just, do we just sit back and say, wow! We certainly can do that. But I’ll tell you, this is what He wants us to get from all of this power. How does He use this? It might be a lesson for how we use whatever power He gives us.
( congregational response ).
Yeah. He’s wanting to make us like Him, and we’re not by nature. I want to be more like Him, don’t you? “He gives strength to the weary…” Are you weary this morning? “…And increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
That’s what the throne, to which God calls us to bow, is about. It’s not just about earthly welfare either. It’s about a welfare of blessing, a dream…dream is not the word, a vision, a plan, that goes way beyond anything of this world. How many times have we pointed out, that Jesus said, this world, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
And so, onto the scene came the One of whom the prophets prophesied and there he was, and John proclaimed him and said, behold, “…the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Oh, I see the love and the mercy of God, who recognizes our condition, our need.
You know, we need to recognize it. He knows. He knows every secret of the heart, doesn’t He? Is there anything that is part of your life, or ever has been a part of your life, that He doesn’t know about? Is there any secret thought or motive that He doesn’t know completely about? Is that not a measure of the mercy and the love of God that He could know all that, and still love us?
( congregational response ).
And then this One that Isaiah saw on the throne, high and lifted up with a purity that is just beyond anything that you could ever find in this world. And yet, He was willing to humble himself, and become a man, and be subject, not only just to living here in this world, but to being despised, rejected, killed on a cross, and to do that for you, and for me. Does He deserve to be on a throne?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah! And the power that brought Him out of that, we’ve read so many times in Ephesians 1, if you want to read it again. That power is greater than every power that there could possibly be in this world. And He didn’t do that…obviously, He was already on a throne. He didn’t need to do that to obtain to a place of honor and of power! But what He obtained was a power that enables him to share God with us!
( congregational amens ).
To reach down to the lowest of the low, the ones who don’t deserve Him and know they don’t deserve Him! To reach down to the depths of your heart and to cleanse every detail of your past, to give you a hope, and a future. He reigns right now over everything that would ever oppose you and me.
Is there anything the devil can do to undermine, to undo this, to separate us? Can we be separated from the love of God? No! Romans 8—Romans 8 is so plain, isn’t it? Praise God! Nothing! If it comes…when it comes, to persecution, does any of that have the power to separate us? In our darkest hour, when we’re in the valley of the shadow of death, will He abandon us? Oh, praise God! I’ll tell you, this Lamb upon the throne, do you know one day we’re gonna stand around that throne, and worship Him, and bow before Him?
( congregational response ).
And our eyes…we’ll see, as Isaiah saw, His greatness and His power. And we’ll stand there and just be overwhelmed with His goodness and His mercy. But oh, how He wants to make that more real to us now, because I need the strength that comes from Him, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
I need that! Oh, how the devil would assault our mind and yet ,God in His wisdom has allowed us to experience all the things that we have to go through in this life because they actually help to shape us into what He wants us to be. I’d sure rather He just touch me and fill me and take me on to glory, that would be great…I’d be just as happy as a clam. If clams are happy, I guess.
( laughter ).
I don’t know that they have such emotions, but nonetheless, you know the expression. But does God know what He’s doing?
( congregational response ).
Does He know how to prepare His sons and His daughters for the inheritance that we have? I want to trust Him.
( congregational response ).
I don’t want to ever doubt His love for me. All I have to do is get my eyes off of me and my problems and all my shortcomings, which are plenty, and lift my eyes and see the cross, where He died. He died because of that. He didn’t die to say, all right, look what I did, now you measure up and I’ll accept you. I could never win His approval that way, neither could you. But He came to give me a hope and a future. Oh, is He worthy of being served?
( congregational amens ).
See, He didn’t just come as Savior, He came as King, and Lord. And He needs to have the reign. In fact if…you know, there are a whole lot of people that claim the benefits of citizenship in heaven without becoming citizens, without bowing down to the King. Folks, bow to Him from your heart.
( congregational amens ).
Put your hope and your trust in Him. It is a one-way ticket out of here that means laying down our lives and saying, Lord, my life does not belong to me anymore. I give you this life I cannot keep anyway. But I do it based upon the promise that You will cleanse me from all of my guilt so that one day when we all stand before Him, that’ll be a day of rejoicing!
( congregational response ).
Because the battle will be over! We’ll be clothed with all that He has given to us. We will be presented to all creation as His full-grown sons and daughters. Folks, there is a throne, and it’s real. And I’ll tell you, every man, woman, boy and child is…boy and girl, is called upon to bow before that throne when they hear the word and the message of God and what Christ has done to make it possible for your sins to be forgiven.
We sang a song…one of the hymns this morning, was inviting sinners to come home. Folks, if you’ve never bowed the knee, you’re a sinner. All you have to hope for is to stand before Him one day and give an account. And you’re not gonna like how that turns out.
But oh, there is a message of hope right now. That throne is what gives me hope this morning. It gives me confidence to stand there and put my faith in Him. It gives me confidence to trust Him with the circumstances of life, some of which I may not like. But I know He loves me! And I know He’s with me! And I know He will never leave me. He will never forsake me.
And I know that I am part of a process, it’s like being in a river. It flowed out of God’s heart through the mouths of His prophets and that river is carrying His people inexorably towards a destination that God predetermined before the world began. What a picture! And I just want to be in that river. I just want to trust Him and to live with hope this morning.
And when I feel my need, and it’s often, I want to know that I can go freely, because the price has been paid. I don’t have to earn my way here. I don’t have to be afraid that He won’t hold the scepter up, like Esther was. He sits there…that’s the reason He’s on the throne, is so that He can give us the help that we need! Anybody here need help today?
( congregational response ).
That’s why the throne is there! You have a right to go! You can go to the ‘untied,’ I mean the United Nations, they won’t help you any! I think the ‘untied nations’ is probably more like it. But there is a throne that goes beyond the highest human authority! And you and I serve the One who sits on that throne.
Folks, when Jesus died, He absolutely defeated the devil. It was finished, and the devil knew it! You know, many times when a monarch went out to fight another king, and of course, the people heard about the battle and worried, how is this gonna turn out?
But if they, if your king won the war, what often happened was he would bring the other king and his generals and some of his important people as captives! And there would be a victory parade and all of them would be stripped down and put in chains and marched down the street, before the people, and said, there is your enemy. Do you know Jesus has done that? Read Colossians chapter 2. It’s not just that He’s forgiven my sins but He’s defeated my enemy!
( congregational amens ).
Why are we afraid of Him? Why are we afraid of our own weaknesses? Why are we afraid of anything? But Jesus has paid it all!
( congregational amens ).
He reigns on the throne! And one day we will see Him as Isaiah did. But we’ll be standing there together with the redeemed of all ages, including Isaiah, including Jeremiah and Elijah and Moses, and David, and all these…and so many others, Paul and Peter. We’ll stand there right by their side and say, glory to the Lamb, the Lamb upon the throne. I’m here because of what He did! And I gladly, joyfully serve Him! Let’s joyfully serve Him here!
( congregational response ).
Let’s lay hold of the hope that He has given to us. Let’s never let that leave our consciousness. But just say, Lord, I’m yours, lead me, help me, change me, do whatever You need to do. Just get me ready for that day. That’s what it’s about. And He will…He has begun that good work.
He, “…will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (KJV).
We’re serving One who has the power to say we’re already glorified! Wow! I’m just gonna cooperate with the process and rejoice in Him and worship Him! He is worthy! Is the Lamb on the throne?
( congregational response).
Is He on the throne of your heart and your life? To Him be the glory! Praise God!
February 5, 2023 - No. 1583
“Lamb Upon the Throne” Part One
February 5, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1583 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! Praise the Lord! I’m rejoicing in the Lord with you today, and also feeling my weakness in a more than usual way, and a little bit overwhelmed with thoughts that I’ve had. I’m just trusting God to bring out what He wants, because it’s like more than you could think about getting into.
But it’s very interesting…if I had picked a title for the thoughts that I’ve had this morning, it would’ve been “The Lamb Upon the Throne.” And lo and behold we sang that. We haven’t sung it in forever. But did you know I’ve had this…I’ve had thoughts about the throne going through my head, since Wednesday night in particular. I think there were some mentions that somehow triggered that in my mind, and it’s just been there percolating and thinking and going through scriptures, and wow, what an amazing subject it is.
And you know, in the natural, people and groups of people throughout history have developed various forms of government and one of the most common ones is a monarchy of some kind. Now today, a monarchy is largely ceremonial. You know, they celebrate the queen, but she has no real power.
But, throughout history, a throne became a symbol of a people and their government, and generally speaking, one of the characteristics of monarchy is absolute power in the hands of a man, or in some cases a woman if she was a queen. But there was an absoluteness to the power, and it wasn’t…and you mention the throne because the throne is something that outlasts a particular king, doesn’t it, in the earthly sense? But kings had absolute power to do whatever they wanted, and it was something that was recognized as, well this is how our government works.
And so, if you happened to displease the king, and he didn’t like you, he had every right to say, take him out and execute him, or her. And that’s the extent…that’s what absolute monarchy is all about.
You think about Herod, this is one example. And how his wife had a plot to get rid of John the Baptist and she sent her daughter out there to dance in a, no doubt, a seductive way, that pleased him and his drunken guests, and so, he rashly promised her, I’ll give you whatever you want up to half the kingdom, something like that.
And, so she went and asked her mother, what should I ask? She said, ask for the head of John the Baptist. And, he…the question was not did he have the power, but did he have the will? But because of the fact that he had made this promise in front of so many people, he said, yep, go do it and, boom. That was all it took for the execution of John to happen.
And throughout history you see this principle, in fact, in some cases, the edicts of the king were binding on the king. Do you remember that? How about…in Persia, that was part of their culture, that if the king ever made an edict, and sealed it with his royal seal, even the king himself couldn’t go back on his word.
You talk about absolute power…and you remember how that played out in a couple of instances when the king did something that caused Daniel to be on the wrong side of the law, and Daniel had to be thrown into the lion’s den, but the Lord had a way of intervening in that, didn’t He? Praise God! That alone tells you something about the Lamb who sits on the throne. Praise God!
And then, when Esther…that’s a pretty good picture of how people viewed a throne as something to be…you know, take very seriously, and be very sober about. When her people were in danger, and there was another case where he had signed an edict and it was in force. There was nothing…nothing he could do to say, oops, I made a mistake, let’s do away with that.
And her uncle said, go in, and talk to the king, plead for our people. She said, I can’t do it. If I go in there and he doesn’t raise the scepter, I’m dead. Whoa! You talk about a place to be frightened and take seriously. And so, finally she gained courage, prayed, fasted, and gained courage and went in there and he raised the scepter, didn’t he?
But you get a picture of the absoluteness of earthly power. And so, we get an idea of what a throne is all about, but the reality is, we know that there is a throne that reigns over everything. It is a fact, and I believe somehow the Lord is wanting to emphasize that this morning in a way that will encourage us and cause us to lift our eyes from the earthly issues of life, the kingdoms, the troubles, the issues that are just grabbing at us from the news every day.
We talked last week about the kingdoms of the world, and how there is a kingdom that’s over all, and it’s not an earthly kingdom at all. In fact, it never will be in spite of a lot of doctrine out there. It is absolutely a kingdom that is…that cannot be seen unless you’re born into it. It’s very, very real, and it’s the one that’s gonna last.
But, you think of scriptures that we know and are familiar with, just a few of them in David’s writings, the Psalms. He certainly knew a lot about the Lord, didn’t he? He was a man after God’s own heart, but he understood who was on the throne. He had all power in Israel, but he knew that he was yet a subject of a much higher power.
And so, like Psalm 103, is one example in verse 19. After talking about how the wonders of how God deals with us, with such patience and such love and such mercy, then he says, “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word. Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will. Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion.” (NIV). Praise God!
What about Psalm 99? Just the beginnings of it…beginning in verse 1, “The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim….” And, I’ll just drop this in. Whenever you see that word, like cherubim, in Hebrew, if you want to make a plural, you add an ‘im’ to the end of it. You don’t say cherubs, you’d say cherubim. So that’s what that means. In other words, there’s more than one. All right? Little grammar lesson there.
“…He sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake. Great is the Lord in Zion; he is exalted over all the nations. Let them praise your great and awesome name—he is holy.” Does He reign, or doesn’t He? Praise God! That’s a wonderful thing to remind ourselves of.
Psalm 93 is another familiar example. “The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure. Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity.” Praise God! I don’t care what the world looks like, what your life and your circumstances look like, there is a God who reigns!
( congregational response ).
There is a throne that goes back before the world was ever established. It’s there, it’s real. The devil knows about it. But I’ll tell you, we need to know about it. Praise God! What an awesome thing it is.
And I’ll tell you, when you see the purposes of God being played out in the world, you have to realize that God’s…the reality of God’s throne is not just some, oh yeah, He reigns and so do we. He reigns! And His purposes in this temporary world have everything to do whether people are willing to bow to that throne or whether they continue in the rebellion led by Lucifer.
And it’s not…it’s not a…God is not a salesman, as He is actually almost sometimes pictured. He comes to appeal to men. Look, you’re on a bad track. I’ve got a better plan. Come and believe in Me and be religious and I’ll…you know, I’ll help you through life and I’ll give you heaven, too, as though, He’s just selling us on a better plan.
It is bow or burn, folks. His Word, His command is an ultimatum. You talk about an ultimate ruler, you talk about somebody that has the power of life and death, not just in this world, but with respect to eternity, folks, I want to bow. Thank God! Thank God for a throne.
But you know, I’ve thought of so many scriptures that I can’t even…trying to make sense of how to deal with this. But you know, His…His Word goes out into the world and it is a challenge! I’ll say this much about the wicked. It is a challenge to this world. It is a challenge to anybody who would seek to live their life in this world according to their terms.
Look at Psalm 2. Here is God’s challenge to the nations of the world. And I realize probably, very probably, David was thinking of his own rule, his own kingdom and how God had established him on his throne, but there was something prophetic in this. This was something that looked way beyond David to David’s Son, who was yet to come. Praise God!
“Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?” Do you realize that everything the devil is doing in the world, regardless of what it is, it’s in vain? Nothing he does will every undermine the thing that God has planned, not just in a broad sense, but where you and you and you, and where I am concerned. Praise God!
“The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” Do you see any of that happening today? Yeah. We’re not gonna go by Your rules anymore. We’re gonna follow our own desires and we’re gonna do whatever we think is right.
You know, just go to whatever. That’s what the world is telling God. That’s what America has been telling God for a long time. I’m not gonna get back into what we did last week, but this ties in doesn’t it? And so, they go on and they say, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles. The One enthroned…” There’s the throne. “…The One enthroned in heaven laughs.” Do you think the Lord is worried?
( laughing ).
He laughs. “The Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain. I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery. Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.”
I’ll tell you, there is a kind of fear that’s right. There is a reverential fear and a respect. But I’m so glad God didn’t give us a spirit of fear in the bad sense, aren’t you? Thank God. But I’ll tell you, the challenge to the world, “Kiss his son…” This was an act of surrender, of submission is what he’s talking about here. “…Or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”
And you know, you could follow this theme through the scriptures and see the place of the world in respect to, and the rebellion against heaven and how that’s gonna end. Folks, it’s gonna end before a throne, isn’t it? And it’s not gonna end well for the wicked. They are gonna be destroyed.
You know, I thought about…I’m gonna drop this in. There’s a scripture in Revelation chapter 6, and a lot of imagery in here and a lot of…you know, the images stand for real things but they’re nonetheless images. But there’s gonna come a time when the world is gonna realize, too late, that they’ve been on the wrong side. They’ve been rebels against ‘The’ authority that is from eternity to eternity.
Verse 15, “Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”
That’s an amazing phrase, ‘the wrath of the Lamb.’ You know, you think of the Lamb, you don’t think of wrath, do you? You don’t put those two together. But I’ll tell you, you cannot have true goodness without hating what is evil and what destroys. And I’ll tell you, there are people who want to cherry-pick this Bible, and talk about the Lamb as though He’s just this warm fuzzy, ‘I’ll go along with anything, because I love you so much’ kind of being.
But I’ll tell you, there’s gonna be a day when that same Lamb is gonna be filled with wrath and it will be poured out upon those who have said, no, to His love and His mercy. Amazing, isn’t it? Praise God! Well, I don’t want to spend a lot of time on the…on how the wicked are gonna fare under this throne, but let’s go back to Isaiah 6 and just look at some familiar scriptures that talk about…give you a picture.
You know, something we’ve pointed out before that Isaiah was a prophet raised up at a time that was so common in Israel’s history when they were falling away from God, involved in idolatry, in rebellion, in injustice in their society. They just weren’t really respecting God at all.
And so, he was sent with a message of warning, and chapter 5 is filled with a message where he says, woe to those who do this! Woe to those who do that! Woe to those who do this and that! And over and over again there’s a warning of judgment.
You know, you can do that, you can have God’s message and feel like, I’m one of the good guys. I’m pointing my finger out, pointing my finger at those ‘bad people down there.’ Now, if they’ll just straighten up and be like me. Well, the Lord had an answer for that, didn’t He? And it’s an answer we need to reckon with. Praise God!
I want to be in the right place with respect to this One who sits on the throne. And so, Isaiah 6 now, you come to a different picture. And it says, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.”
You know, I don’t care…if we only have words, there’s no way to convey a scene like that, is there? I mean, there’s a part of me that says, oh God, I want to see that, I want to…I want to get ahold of the reality of who You are and how amazing and how powerful You are.
Do you know, if we’re gonna really be right with God, we’re gonna have to see as He is? And do you know what happens when we do? We see ourselves, don’t we? And that’s exactly what happened.
Isaiah said, “Woe to me!” He didn’t have his eyes on anybody else. There was nobody else…Lord, now I see how great You are, now I see how bad those people…no! I’ll tell you, if we really see, with our hearts…I pray for anybody that hasn’t seen in some measure the Lord, because if you ever do, you will know why you need Him. There won’t be any illusions that you are a good guy or a good gal. There’s no such thing in the human race.
“Woe to me! I cried. I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” I’ll tell you, the first step towards any kind of relationship with God is to see Him for who He is and then see ourselves for who we are. Then you’ve got something you can build on.
If you just try to see this in some sort of half-hearted religious way, and embrace that…and that’s what so many do. Oh God, I want to see Him as He is. I want Him as a reality. I want to see the Lord upon the throne, here, reigning! I want to be part of a people that are willingly, gladly subjected to Him, who have no illusions about their own worthiness or goodness, but they come because He invites us. He has made a way! By the way, who is this that Isaiah saw?
( congregational response ).
Well, the Lord, but who specifically? This was Jesus! This was the one who later came to earth…was Jesus. How do you know that? If I asked you to prove that, how do you know that? A little Bible lesson here. What does the Lord say, through John, about God? It says, “No man hath seen God at any time.” (KJV).
Now why is that? Because God is a spirit, dwells in eternity. He fills everything. He is alone supreme. But He has chosen to make Himself fully known, perfectly expressed in His Son, just as divine as He is, the perfect expression of the invisible God, as Paul says. And there He is. You want to know what God is like? You look at Jesus.
So, what Isaiah was seeing…you talk about…I mean, this is the one that he prophesied. God used him mightily to prophesy of the one who was coming and what He was gonna do. And here Isaiah was meeting Him! What an amazing thing!
And realizing his complete unworthiness. So, what happens? “Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”
And what an amazing…when you think about this in the context of history and how things have unfolded in God’s plan. Does a coal on an altar…I mean, does something that’s…you literally pick up a coal off an altar, does that have power to forgive sins? Did the Old Testament sacrifices have the power to forgive sins? No! The scripture says specifically, they don’t. So how in the world…where did this forgiveness come from?
It came from the death of the very one before whom he stood, that hadn’t even happened yet. You think about the throne that’s behind all of this. You think of a throne that’s not bound by time, by circumstance, by anything, that has absolute power and authority. And here is forgiveness being given freely to a man.
And from history’s point of view, from our point of view, it hadn’t happened yet! Do you see how Paul could talk about a God who can call, and set apart, and talk about how we’ve been glorified? Wow! That’s the throne I want to serve. Praise God!
January 29, 2023 - No. 1582
All Music
January 22, 2023 - No. 1581
“A Desperate Prayer” Conclusion
January 22, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1581 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: God will do with His own whatever it takes to bring us to that place where we can say, oh God, I cannot possibly look at me, I cannot possibly begin to think of myself as adequate. But, oh God, the only thing that can possibly make me any different than anybody else on the face of this planet is You, and I want You.
See, this wasn’t just acknowledging a fact. This is, oh God, please come! I’ve got to have You! Do you ever feel that kind of a…almost a desperation? You’ve been in a situation where you just feel so desolate and so weak, you just cry, oh God, help me! By the way, didn’t Jesus do that? Ah! “…Strong crying and tears…” (KJV). He prayed and God heard Him.
You know, I believe with all my heart that’s what God is looking for from a lot of us. We, so easily, get complacent and even proud. And God wants to bring us to this place where He can come and just…He longs to take us in His arms and show us how incredible He is and what His purpose is for our existence! And we’re just so…things are cool, got my life, I know how to handle stuff.
Oh God, we need You! God, we need You! Come, do what only You have the power to do. There are situations that He’s the only one that can fix. And all we can do is just lift up our hands, and say, Lord, help us.
But what an expression of a heart here, that Moses just doesn’t say, come and take care of my problems, help me do my job. He says, show me Your ways. Lord, I want You to continue to be pleased with me and to find my service to You acceptable, but I can’t do that unless You teach me. Oh God, my ways are not right and I need You to deliver me from them. Oh God, come and help me, and bring me up short when I need to be brought up short, Lord, so that I can come.
Oh, I thank God that there’s a place when He does that that we can go. We don’t have to wallow and think we can win Him back by grovelling. We win Him back by confessing and saying, Lord, you see what I am, you see my need. But Lord, Jesus paid it all! Jesus went to the cross in my place.
This thing that I’ve just been wrestling with, this failure, whatever it is, this manifestation of human nature that I’ve encountered, I don’t have to sit here and wallow in that and try to convince You to be merciful to me. You already were merciful at the cross! So, I look away from that, I look to Him and I pin all of my hope in Him and I believe Your promise, that I can stand in your presence, right now, as if I had never sinned.
Do you think we need Him? Oh my, do we need Him! But how merciful, how amazing He is, knowing what we are, that He is willing to come down, right down to where we live, and love us.
So he says, “…teach me your ways so I may know you…” (NIV). There’s this cry! Don’t we hear that from the apostle Paul? Paul wasn’t just interested in correcting his theology. He wanted to know the One that he had encountered on that Damascus Road. Oh God, I want to know You! I want to get close to You. I want to….
I’ll tell you, God is gonna put us in situations where that’s the only answer. Where we’re going to either harden our hearts and push away and pull away or we’re gonna say, oh God, I surrender. God, I come. I need You right now.
I don’t who is here this morning that has that sense of need in your heart. I don’t even know how long this is gonna go on. Somebody else may need to jump in. But, I just had this sense…I mean, you could go all over the scripture with our need of His presence. That’s a given. You could easily write a sermon on that, but the Lord wouldn’t let me, thank God. Because you don’t need a sermon, you need His Word.
“…Teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you.” But look what he does next. How easily do we fall into the trap of thinking of our spiritual lives as all about me, and where I’m at, and what I’m experiencing? Do I feel like I’m on solid ground and things are going great and I’m happy, happy, and enjoying your presence?
Is your spiritual life wrapped up in you? Here is Moses praying, not just for himself, God help me, but God remember, this people is Your people! There’s a sense of urgency in praying for others. He’s not just content to say, oh God, I want to know You and I want to have this personal, private little thing…but, oh God, I’m not alone in this.
I’ll tell you, there are needs in our midst and we need to pray. There are needs in our midst that will not be met without the prayers of God’s people. We need to cry out. If you know about something, we need to lay hold of heaven and say, oh God, change the situation. We don’t need to go through a meeting, and walk through our traditions, and hug everybody that we haven’t seen, sing happy songs, hear truth we’re comfortable with, and then go on and feel like…
( snapping fingers ).
Man, that was a wonderful meeting…and nothing has really changed. Moses was looking for some real, something that was going to change the situation. And so how did the Lord answer this prayer? “…Teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”
This is the cry of his heart. I don’t think these were casual words. I believe there was a…sense of desperation, don’t you? I mean, put this in the historical context. See what’s going on there. He’s just been on the mountain. He’s come down. The people are already going crazy. They wind up having to kill a bunch of them, and then the Lord said, I ain’t going with you. Now, he’s got to deal with this. Do you think maybe there was just a little bit of that sense of desperation? Oh God, what’s going on here? Oh God come.
And the Lord said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” I believe there are many of us that are in situations in our lives that we’re struggling with, there’s anxiety, there’s fear. But I believe with all my heart there’s a God who longs for us to come to Him, and to come to Him with a sense of urgency, and say, oh God, help me to come, help me to learn from this, help me to come into the center of your heart and your will in this situation!
It may be an internal need! It usually involves that. It may be a situation. It may be a loved one that just needs the Lord. But, oh God, come.
But you know, there has to come a time when we see in Him, Someone who’s not looking for us to qualify ourselves to get our prayers answered. Think about that one. You know, I made that point the other night when we were praying for people and Joel had read something. And you see the people in the first century praying and God answering a prayer, and how easy it is to read something like that, and sort of think that they’re different, there was a purity about them, there was this, there was that. I’m not like that. So, I can’t go to God and expect Him to do stuff.
Do you really, in your heart of hearts, or at least in your mind, do you really think that they were that different from us? Really? Seriously? Which is it? Every single child of God is a sinner saved by grace. These were ordinary people. They probably didn’t know half the stuff God has helped us to understand. But they went to God from their hearts and they cried out and God, in this case, Peter was delivered from prison.
But I believe that God wants us to come on the foundation, not of our ability, not on the foundation of anything that’s in us, but to come and say, oh God, cleanse me. But God, this isn’t just about me. Lord come in power and change hearts and change lives!
Do you really believe God is reluctant, that He’s holding out, or that we haven’t held our mouth right exactly when we prayed that? Or do we have the privilege of coming to Him in faith, knowing the kind of God, knowing that this is the very thing He wants? He’s not mad at us, trying to hold out on us and say…when you get it right.
This is a God who longs to be with His people. He longs for people who want to know Him and want to learn His ways! He knows that we’re not there! He knows everything that’s wrong with us, everything that’s lacking. But He also knows that He has everything that we need, that we have the right to come to Him and expect Him to answer the cries of our hearts.
This isn’t just about Moses. You know, in the Old Testament, God did work through special people. You had prophets, you had priests, you had people that, in a sense, stood between the people and God.
But we are living in a Covenant that has changed all of that! This covenant, the Lord said through the prophets…He looked ahead and said, I’m gonna make a New Covenant. It’s not like the covenant you have now. This is one where everybody’s gonna know me, from the least to the greatest! They will all know me!
Every single person in the Body of Christ is a priest. Every one of us can go to God on behalf of somebody else. Every one of us can come to Him on the basis of the cross, for ourselves, and cry out and say, oh God, I need Your presence right now in my life. I don’t want to do what I’m doing alone. In fact, I’m gonna say like Moses, God, if You don’t go with me, don’t make me go. I ain’t going.
I pray the Lord will answer this prayer, but I have prayed that many times about ministry. God, if You’re not gonna get up here, if You’re not gonna minister, don’t ask me to preach. I don’t have any special need to be up here. I would have gladly have sat there this morning and listened to someone else. That’s the truth. I argued with the Lord about it. Do you ever do that?
( laughter ).
Do you ever argue with the Lord? And He just keeps very patiently, making it evident that this is where you’re supposed to be, this is where you’re supposed to go. And you say, all right Lord, it’s on You. But you know, that’s what He wants. He doesn’t want us to have this kind of reluctant relationship with Him. He wants us to get to where we know His ways and we’re willing to stretch forth our hands, like He told Peter. “…When you are old…” when you’re more mature, “…you will stretch out your hands…” Another will gird you and carry you, where?
( congregational response )
“…Where you do not want to go.”
( laughing ).
Because if we went the way our human nature would take us, it wouldn’t be God’s way. But I’ll tell you, God calls us out of the path that the world is walking, He calls us to be somebody different. But what is it that makes us different? We have better traditions? We have a better history? We have better, what? There’s only one possible factor that could make us any different than anybody else in the world, and that’s when He’s here.
Do you think maybe we need to be crying out? Or should we just perhaps assume? Don’t we do that a lot? We just come and do the same things we’ve been doing and assume He’s going to show up? And how merciful He is.
But there is no substitute for a heart that reaches out and says, oh God, without You I can’t do anything. And I don’t want to be without You, Lord. I feel my need. I feel the desolation of my situation. You have allowed this, Lord, so I can know that I’m in need. It’s Your love that’s shown me my need, because You long to be the One to come and to fill it.
What an awesome promise that the Lord gave him. He just told him, I ain’t going with you. Now he says, “…My Presence will go with you….” He looked for a man out of that whole nation that really wanted to know Him.
You know, is it any wonder that David wrote in one of the Psalms, “He made known his ways to Moses…” But His acts, “…his deeds to the people of Israel”? They never understood His ways, remember that? It says that in the scriptures. The Israelites as a whole never understood what was going on. They never learned His ways.
And you think about what Moses was facing. He knew, he knew he had a bunch of people that just…here’s God who said, I’m not going with you, and we’re on our own, and we’re in a bunch of nations that have these supernatural powers! It’s not just that they’re giants, or they’re this or they’re that, but…we’re hopelessly surrounded by powers that are greater than we are. Does that not apply to us today? You and I live in a world that is rapidly being overtaken by darkness.
( congregational amens ).
And the spirit of the age will do everything in its power to bring us to a place where we just rock along, and don’t have this deep sense of, oh God, we’ve got to have Your presence! Lord, we will not…we won’t even come together if You don’t show up. We’re not interested in playing church. We’re not interested in anything except Your presence.
I don’t know what else to say…but do you not see what Moses’ heart was and how God brought him to that place and how this simple promise, “…My Presence will go with you, and I will give you…” What?
( congregational response ).
Oh, how many of you are candidates for some rest in your heart and your spirit this morning? Has He not promised “Take my yoke…learn from me…”? The same sense of the stuff I don’t know, I don’t know how to live. “…Learn from me…” And…I’ll give you rest. “Take my yoke…and learn from me…and you will find rest for your souls.”
There are two different things there. But I don’t know, I just feel like coming into a meeting we need the Lord in a way we perhaps haven’t. I’m so thankful for things that happened 50 plus years ago. That’s great! That was then. What about now? Do we not need the Lord now, to invade lives and to change hearts and change lives?
Are we just gonna come and say, that was wonderful, that’s great truth? You’re reiterating all the stuff that we know and we were encouraged by it. That’s wonderful! We need more than that. That’s the danger. You can go on in that kind of a form, and all it becomes is a dead form and the Lord’s not in it.
( congregational amens ).
We need Him! Do you sense that at all?
( congregational response ).
We need to cry out to the Lord. I don’t know what else to say. It may be just that we need to stop and pray, and ask the Lord to help us to pray, so it’s not just a little form we go through. Ask the Lord to bring something to your own needs to your mind. Ask Him to bring the needs for somebody that you’re concerned about…that God will just go before and break up soil and do whatever it takes to change someone’s heart and someone’s life.
How else is it gonna happen? Do we just come and think, oh, there’s anointed preaching here, it’ll take care of everything? That’s not how the Kingdom of God works! God works through every member, and prayer is the undergirding force that releases God’s power to actually work.
So, praise God! I’m thankful the Lord has just let me ramble on this morning. But, that’s all right. I believe there’s a burden. It’s not information you need today. It’s not information I need. These are the things we know. We need Him! But do you think if we ask Him, He’ll actually answer? Do we have to qualify ourselves or has Jesus already qualified us? So, what does the scripture say? “…Ye have not, because ye ask not.” (KJV). Well, how about let’s ask?
January 15, 2023 - No. 1580
“A Desperate Prayer” Part One
January 15, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1580 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, my mind has just kept going back over the last few days to something in Exodus chapter 33. And, every attempt on my part to try to pin it down and get it organized has met with resistance. So, praise God, that’s the way He wants it. That’s all right. So, Lord it’s on You. Just take control this morning.
But Moses was in a difficult place here. He had just spent 40 days up on Mount Sinai getting the tablets. And God had…I mean, 40 days, 40 nights, no food, no water. This is totally miraculous…in the presence of God. God writes with His finger His Laws, His Ten Commandments.
And he comes down, and what he finds is the people have suddenly gotten distracted from waiting. They’ve given up on waiting and he’s just gone, we’re on our own, so let’s make us gods and go back to Egypt. You know, so they make the golden calf and they dance and they have this pagan party. And now, Moses has to come down from the presence of God and that’s what he runs into.
And they have to deal with that. And, there’s a great judgment. There are a lot of people that die. I mean, this is no small thing. We just sort of read over this, like okay, there’s just a few verses, and…but I mean, this was a deep, difficult situation.
God had called this man to come and lead the people out of Egyptian bondage. He didn’t want to do it. You know, we’ve pointed out that many times, how many times he kept arguing with the Lord…send somebody else. I’m not your guy here. And the Lord wouldn’t listen and sent him anyway.
And then, against all the odds, we see the Lord sending plagues, we see them backed up to the Red Sea, we see every impossible situation that you could imagine arise. And there he is and then God does this incredible thing of opening the Red Sea, and they walked through with walls of water on both sides.
And they get to the other side, and oh my God, this is amazing. They have a dance. And of course, Pharaoh’s army is destroyed in the same water. And so, everything now…they’re brimming with confidence. I mean, they should be. And here’s Moses who has just come down from this incredible experience. And now, he has to deal with this.
On top of that, the Lord sends them a message and tells them to go on to Canaan, I’ll give it to you, but I ain’t going with you. That’s not exactly how it says it here, but anyway, that’s what He said. I ain’t going with you. I’ll send an angel. Go up, but I’m not gonna be there, because if I hung around with you guys, I might kill you…the kind of people you are! You’re a bunch of unbelievers, bunch of…so anyway…they’re…oh my God, they put off their ornaments and they’re…they’re just hanging their heads and wondering what’s going on here…what’s gonna happen?
And it makes the point…that Moses, during this time, there was…I guess, they were working on the Tabernacle. It was still to come…I’m trying to remember the timeline. But he had a, what they called a Tent of Meeting. And this was a tent that was outside the camp, and you remember that when they were going through the wilderness, there was a cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. What did that represent? What was it, I mean? It was His presence. It was God’s presence.
And so, there they were, and so, he would go in there, and when he went in that pillar would come down right in front of the tent. Wouldn’t that be something to see? All of a sudden, you’ve got a cloud that descends and comes right down. And then it says, He talked with Moses as a man does his friend, face to face. This was…a pretty amazing position God had put Moses in.
And so, Moses is now meeting with the Lord. And then, now we come to the part in verse 12, when the Lord…when Moses begins to talk to the Lord! Think of the situation he’s in. You’ve put me in charge of a bunch of people who don’t have a clue what’s going on. If you back off a little bit, they’re gonna…all the heathen stuff in them is gonna come out, and You told me to lead them. We’ve just led them…I know what’s just happened, but I mean, this is…I’m feeling pretty…you ever been in situations where you just know what’s right to do and you feel extremely unable to do it, you feel inadequate? This means…yes.
( laughter ).
( laughing ).
Because I know we all get in places like that. But anyway, you can imagine what Moses was feeling. He’s got millions of people on his hands, and the Lord is saying, I’m not going with you.
So anyway, “Moses said to the Lord, You have been telling me, Lead these people, but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, I know you by name and you have found favor with me. If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.
“The Lord replied, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Then Moses said to him, If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” (NIV).
That’s the scripture that just kept coming back to me. What else? There’s only one thing that could possibly make us any different from anybody on the planet. Do you realize that? See…you remember how the Lord told Paul…said, not many of you are wise, not many of you are noble, influential and all of that? God’s called kind of the ordinary people because He wants to show who He is.
Folks, we need the Lord. I don’t care what’s happened in the past. I don’t care who we think we are. We are no different than anybody else on the planet unless the Lord is in our midst. That’s the only difference. I mean, what else will distinguish us?
And you think about Moses. I mean, the place he was in. Ancient…you remember how God scattered the nations, scattered the peoples of the earth at Babel? And, He scattered them all around the world. And every place you had a group of people…it would be a tribe, it would be a…they would form a city, they would form sometimes a kingdom. Every one of these wound up having their own sense of identity. Every one of them had their gods.
And I think what a lot of people don’t realize…those gods were real. Did you ever realize that? You’re not just talking about some imaginary thing that we’ve got to imagine something that’s with us. There were real powers involved. There were real fallen angels, I believe, who literally set themselves up as gods over different peoples.
So, when you’re dealing with the gods of Egypt, you’re dealing, not just with the Egyptians, you’re not just dealing with their armies, with their swords, with their chariots, you’re dealing with their gods. Man, you better have something on your side besides just you.
You think maybe in this world that we live in, we might need something besides us? “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (KJV). That’s the world we live in. God has called us to live in this time, in this place, and there’s not one of us who is the least bit adequate to do anything that is of any real value.
You know, one of the worst things that you want to feel, from a natural standpoint, is to feel really, really small and helpless, and incapable of doing what you know you ought to do. But nobody here ever feels that way, right? But do you know that it’s God’s goodness that brings us to places like that, where we say, oh God, oh God!
How easy is it, how easy is it for us to just kind of rock along? We lean on our own understanding. We lean on our traditions and our habits as though, if I just keep doing…well, what I’ve been doing works. It might not be perfect, but it gets me through, so I will just lean on what I know and I will just keep doing it and God will show up.
How many of you think that’s the way it is? We’re gonna need…we need the Lord. We need Him every single moment of our lives. And I see, not only what the Lord was trying to do with the people in general, but God had brought Moses to a place, where…it’s like he’s standing there saying, God, I didn’t want to do this in the first place. Now, you’ve put me in this place, and then You tell me You’re not going with me! I mean, give me a break! How am I gonna do this? And there’s something…there’s a yearning that’s coming forth from his being, a sense, a feeling of his need!
Oh, how many of you know how wonderful and how blessed it is when we feel our need? You’ve got people who think they can handle life, and go through, and they’re gonna lean on their own understanding, they’re gonna lean on their own abilities! And Moses is saying, oh God, You told me to do all this. You’ve got me out here in the middle of the desert. What in the world am I gonna do? Now, You’re telling me You’re mad at the people and You aren’t going with them. Oh, God!
I just sense in my spirit, that the Lord is wanting to get us to, maybe shake off some of our complacency…and come to a place where we cry out and say, oh God, I don’t care what’s happened in the past. Thank You, for every time You’ve been among us. Thank You! But that isn’t what I need. I need You now! We need You this morning. We need You today.
You think of the situation that the Church in Laodicea got. The Lord didn’t say, you’ve gotten into error. You’re doing this, you’re doing that, you’re doing the other thing. What had happened, they had gotten so complacent, that Jesus was not really in the midst! He wasn’t active!
They were carrying out…they were saying the right words, doing the right things, going through their daily lives. We’re God’s people—we’re God’s people, and Jesus was outside. We need Him. Think about, especially going into a meeting. But it isn’t just for meetings. I feel my need. Anybody here feel your need?
( congregational response ).
Thank God that there’s a capacity to feel a need! But I believe with all my heart God wanted to do something for Moses that would enable him to handle the situation. But in order to get there, the only way was to come to this place of desolation!
And I want to tell you this morning, if you’re there, don’t you wallow in that and think, oh, poor me, I’m nothing, I’m no good, I’m this, I’m that! Of course, you’re no good! That’s why we need a Savior. You know, from heaven’s point of view, we aren’t! But I’m so thankful that’s irrelevant!
We sang so much about the cross this morning, and how Jesus paid it all, and with His dying breath said, it is finished! God wants us to learn how to rest in that, how to…for that to become the defining factor of our lives, that Jesus paid it all and He’s real, and He’s alive and He’s with us and He’s among us. Oh, how easy it is to descend into something else.
Folks, we need to be…we need to be crying out when we’re aware of it. But we need to be thankful when God brings us up short…and you can’t feel Him, you don’t know where He’s at, you don’t know what’s going on, you’re facing something that you can’t handle, because the truth is, we can’t, not God’s way.
I’m so blessed, and I believe the Lord was blessed, because Moses acknowledged what the Lord had said, but now he’s beginning to ask. So, what’s the content of his asking? Is he just saying, God bless me, go with us? He’s saying, first, teach me Your ways!
Do you know that’s at the heart of a relationship with God? How many people are there in the world who want God’s blessings, as they define blessings? I want a comfortable life. I want a better job, a better house, more money, perfect health. God, give me Your blessings! But here’s somebody who gets it, who understands this isn’t just about what God can do for me to make me feel better. This is, God, I want to know Your ways.
Do you see the difference? How many of us willing to cry out, oh God, I just…I’ve got my ways, I’ve learned how to face life in certain ways, and there are ways I think about things, and ways I look at people and situations, there’s a way I react. But God, I know that my ways aren’t Your ways.
The Lord said to the prophet, My ways are not your ways…as high as the heavens are above the earth. But you’ve got somebody that comes to this place where they’re someone after God’s own heart. They’re gonna be saying, God, I just don’t want you to be with me and make me feel good, I want to know You, and I want to know Your ways.
Do we not see that in others in the scriptures? David was a man after God’s own heart and you constantly have this sense…God, I want to get close to You. God, I want to know what You’re like. I want to become more like You. Oh God, help me.
You know, that comes from a heart that first of all is willing to take that low place, and say, oh God, I’m not as great as I would like to think of myself. I’m not this wonderful person I would like to think that I am. God, I’m a sinner. Left to myself, there’s not one good thing that I could do.
I don’t know if we realize…you know, again, Moses is thinking about a people, groups of people and all that, and says, what else is gonna distinguish us if You’re not with us. But he’s basically saying, we are basically like everybody else. But do you know that comes right down to individuals?
How many of you ever look at the news and you see some horrific situation, where wickedness just really comes out, and there’s some horrible crime, some horrible war, whatever it is…some event, and you see human nature at its worst come out…how many of you can look at that and say, there, but for the grace of God, go I?
You know, the Lord in His mercy has allowed most of us, I think, to be in situations where we were trained and taught, and we learned how to manage human nature, so that it doesn’t really come out in all its ugliness. Thank God! You wouldn’t have civilization! You wouldn’t have anything.
I mean, what do you think would happen if suddenly the power went out…society collapsed? What do you think would happen? It would be chaos! There would be armed gangs who would rape and pillage and kill and do whatever they wanted to do. It would be horrifying. Boy, I thank God for keeping the lid on!
But folks, God will do with His own whatever it takes to bring us to that place where we can say, oh God, I cannot possibly look at me, I cannot possibly begin to think of myself as adequate. But, oh God, the only thing that can possibly make me any different than anybody else on the face of this planet is You, and I want You.
See, this wasn’t just acknowledging a fact. This is, oh God, please come! I’ve got to have You! Do you ever feel that kind of a…almost a desperation? You’ve been in a situation where you just feel so desolate and so weak, you just cry, oh God, help me! By the way, didn’t Jesus do that? Ah! “…Strong crying and tears…” (KJV). He prayed and God heard Him.
You know, I believe with all my heart that’s what God is looking for from a lot of us. We, so easily, get complacent and even proud. And God wants to bring us to this place where He can come and just…He longs to take us in His arms and show us how incredible He is and what His purpose is for our existence! And we’re just so…things are cool, got my life, I know how to handle stuff. Oh God, we need You! God, we need You!
January 8, 2023 - No. 1579
“Leave Your Cage” Conclusion
January 8, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1579 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Everything about human nature, from the time that Adam and Eve sinned, has involved a fear, in here, that this is all I have, this is all I know. I cannot lose this or I have lost everything.
What was the first reaction of Adam and Eve after they had sinned and Jesus, it was…the One we now know as Jesus, was the One who came walking in the garden, to come down and fellowship with them and share the glory of what had been created, what did he do? What was his reaction to that? It was fear. It was hiding. It was a sense of, I’m afraid. I can’t handle this.
What is…ever since, the human race, the most inborn instinct that we have is to cling to our life in some form. And it’s not just laying it down in what we call death. It’s laying it down in every aspect as we live. We just don’t want to let go of self. And fear is the tool that the Devil uses.
There are a gazillion…I mean, you could write an encyclopedia, I suppose, about all of the lies the Devil tells us. But I’ll tell you, fear is…fear is part of the human equation, isn’t it? We are afraid to let go. And I guarantee, if you’ve walked with the Lord any length of time, there are things where you have learned to say, yes Lord, I surrender. And the result of that is what? It’s peace, isn’t it?
But do we not sing songs like, “The Secret Place”? “There’s a place in my heart, where even I don’t go….” And we don’t want to even let the Lord in there. We’re just afraid. We’re ashamed, we’re…or it’s something that’s so deeply rooted in us, we just can’t let it go or we can’t really believe God would love us. What are the…I mean, the lies just go on and on and on. This is Satan’s attack against every one of us.
And, one of the biggest ones…I mean, it could be so many things, but one of the biggest things is a performance-based thinking. I mean, we’ve certainly talked about this enough…where I cannot conceive of a relationship with God that is not somehow based upon my performance! And since my performance is not very perfect, where does that leave me, most of the time? That leaves me in a place of shrinking back, hiding. I can’t really go to Him now. I’ll clean up and then I’ll come see you later, Lord, when I’ve gotten things right.
I mean, you can couch this in so many different ways, but it’s the same basic thing, where we cannot really…we get so bogged down in all of this that’s going on and all that we feel and the sense of unworthiness that we forget all about the greatness of the One that we are serving and what He has done. We forget what Paul said in Romans 8, that “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us…all things.” (KJV).
And somehow, we are stuck in the Old Testament, trying to win our place in heaven. And so many times, we get stuck in these places where there are areas in our heart we’re afraid to let go. But when we’re afraid to let them go, does that not keep us down in Satan’s little jail cell? And if we’re down in that realm, does he not have an access to us that he wouldn’t if we got out of there?
And so, what you wind up with is a vicious cycle, of staying in a weak place. Because of our weakness, we fall into whatever the weakness is, and then we can’t go to Him…because of the weakness. And round and round and round it goes. And there’s always this sense of distance between us and the Lord, and we’re afraid. We don’t realize the hold of this earthly mentality, this earthly nature. How readily does it cling to our prison cell and call that home.
I mean, you see it in so many places, the fear that absolutely bound people. The Israelites were so afraid when they saw the giants and heard about the giants, I guess. What did they want to do? They wanted to go back to Egypt! Now they spent a long time down there, years and years and years, toiling in slavery, crying out, oh, God, deliver us, and when He did, and when they saw what it meant, even though it was obvious that God would be with them, if they only had their eyes opened, they were ready to go back.
And I’ll tell you, God is going to put us in situations where it’s gonna look scary. The devil is gonna focus our attention on how fearful this is, what the prospect is of reaching out and knowing You better. God, I can’t afford to get too close to You. I’m too…I’m too something. I’m too dirty. I’m too unworthy. I’m too…oh, poor me. You wouldn’t want to be around me.
You see how the devil works? That’s all he’s got! The One who’s on our side is the One who formed those stars, who came down, calls us brothers! See why this needs to be in context? He goes on to talk about how He, “…has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. (NIV). He can understand. He calls us to a throne, over in chapter 4, of grace and mercy.
And yet, here we are, oh God, I’m afraid. And we’re listening to the voice of the enemy. Why was it that David could face Goliath as a young man, all by himself, and the rest of the army was shrinking in terror? Just fear, unbelief?
There are so many sides to this, I don’t even know where to go with it. But I just…I just pray that God will somehow get this across. I’ve thought of so many things and they just vanished out of my mind. That’s perfectly all right. I’m not afraid of that. God is so faithful to help His people.
But God wants us to lift our eyes out and realize what is really going on. The devil is talking you and me into staying where we’re at, rather than reaching out. Oh, I can’t…this, that or the other. We’ve got a thousand and one reasons for staying where we’re at, and all we’re doing is clinging to self, whether it’s pride, whether it’s unbelief, whatever it is, whatever the particular flavor of that lie is. And I’ll tell you, there’s a God who wants to reach out.
( congregational amens ).
And He’s not saying, you down there, what’s the matter with you? Get with it! What is it that drives out fear? Is it a tongue lashing? It’s, “…perfect love casteth out fear.” (KJV).
( congregational amens ).
And you go to 1st John and the context of that. What he’s talking about is a legalistic relationship with God, where my performance is what determines my confidence toward God. And if I don’t measure up, I’m afraid, and I don’t want to get too close to Him, because I know how He’s bound to feel about me because of this. I can’t get close to Him now.
Anybody here who ever gets in that place, that would admit it? But there He is, knowing exactly where we’re at and what we’re made of, calling us to come, not because we deserve it, because we need Him! It’s love that reaches down to the lowest of the low, and says, I have the power. I made the stars! You don’t think I can help you?
You don’t think I care? I showed you that on the Cross! I went to the Cross in your place, and you’re afraid I won’t like you now? I knew what you were all about. I knew everything that was wrong with you.
And yet, we struggle, don’t we? I’ll tell you the answer I believe with all my heart, really is hinted at more in this passage…than it is in other places, with where He goes at the end of this chapter and the beginning of the next chapter, because you had that transitional word ‘therefore.’ He’s laid out a whole lot of truth. Here’s what God has done. Here’s who we’re dealing with. Here’s where we’re at. Here’s the reason we’re in trouble, and it’s because we’re afraid and we’re gonna cling to what we know, instead of letting that go. We better look at Jesus.
It says, “Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling…” (NIV). What are we supposed to do? “…Fix your thoughts on Jesus—fix your thoughts on Jesus…” I’ll tell you, the more we look at Him, the more we’re gonna see the immensity of who He is, and His power and His love, more than anything.
What did Paul pray in Ephesians chapter 3? He says, I want you to get it. I want you to understand the immensity of His love, the height, the depth and all of that. I want you to explore that, because when we do that it sets us free from that fear of letting go and of trusting Him.
Oh God, I can’t let that go. I can’t even bring that into the light, let alone let it go. I can’t admit that, even to myself. I can’t…you see where we’re stuck in our little cage. I started to talk about how…where we stay becomes our comfort zone. That was something that Shelly shared the other night, or Michelle…sorry.
( laughing ).
Your adult name! I remember her when she was Shelly. But what a blessed testimony that was the other night of how God will take us to places that are not in our comfort zone. But the very fact that we have a comfort zone tells us exactly what he’s talking about here. My comfort zone is, I’m afraid of anything else. Don’t ask me to get outside of this. I’m comfortable here. It’s not great but it’s what I know and I’m okay. I’ll get through. I’ll muddle through.
And the Lord’s saying, I’ve got better for you. You’re in a cage, but the door’s open, for crying out loud! I mean, how many times have you seen, or heard about situations where perhaps an animal was kept in a cage? And there they are, and week after week, and month after month, and year after year, all they can do is pace back and forth, and that’s all they know, and they get fed and all of that. Then one day, the door is open. Well, what does the animal do? Generally, he’s just gonna keep on doing what he’s been doing.
But Jesus has opened the door and invited us to step out and here we are listening to the voice that makes us afraid to do anything different, to come to Him as we are, and know that He will receive us. When I say as we are, I don’t mean clinging to my sins and wanting to continue in them. I mean, oh God, I need help! I need You, Lord! I need You to come and change me and do for me what I cannot do!
Sometimes God has to let us really get in the mud before we’ll really come to that, and realize it’s that serious. We just need Him! But I’ll tell you…everything about salvation, it’s so awesome, on the one hand, but we fight it all the way! Don’t we? Do we not fight God all the way home?
( congregational response ).
There is that in us that resists, that fights, that holds back…that defaults to unbelief, sometimes stubbornness, a lot of stuff! God is so…He’s the only One that knows how to get past all that. He must laugh sometimes. But I’ll tell you what, I believe He’s grieved sometimes. But I believe He laughs, because He knows what it’s gonna take.
But folks, we don’t understand the half of what He’s delivering us from. You know, Jesus came and lived an earthly life and here we are, our nature is to fear death, but He took up His cross long before he went to the Cross. He lived for the will of His Father. He did not live to gratify human desires and all those kinds of things. He lived for God and then He willingly laid down His life, the very opposite of our nature.
How did that work out for Him? Did He not show us the very pathway to glory? It does not come from preserving self, staying in the cage of fear. It comes from reaching out and worshipping God and letting Him have His way. And I’ll tell you, there is a God who will not only open the door of our cage, but will walk in there and say, I know how you feel but let’s get out of here. You don’t have to listen to that voice anymore!
( congregational amens ).
I did not give you, “…the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and…” self-control. (KJV). I’ve given you everything that you need. Get out of your cage. Understand what’s happening and why you’re where you’re at, and why things are such a struggle. It’s because you’re hanging onto yourself and you’re doing it because you’re afraid.
How many movies do you see on TV where you get into situations…why are you acting that way? And then somebody finally opens up…because I’m scared. And that’s almost the last thing you would have expected them, judging by how they were acting.
We do so many things to cover up what’s really…what the real problem is. We’re afraid. We don’t want to let go. But I’ll tell you, God has shown us the way in His Son. He has opened the door where we can let go, because there’s nothing that stands between us and a Holy God. Jesus has removed that barrier forever!
We have the right to come to Him, to say, Devil I don’t have to listen to you anymore! That voice that causes me to feel afraid, I do not have to listen to that anymore! He didn’t give me that kind of a spirit, and I refuse to listen to you. Father, I trust You! Lord, I trust You with my heart and my life. Do what’s necessary.
Look at David in Psalm, was it 139? He goes on and on and on, talking about how God knows everything about him. Now, to most people, that’s a scary thing. I mean, we’re just so stupid, that we’ll go along and there’ll be something that nobody knows about, and we’ll just kind of keep it hid, almost like God doesn’t even know about this one. I mean, duh!
But here’s David coming to a place where he realizes God does know everything! He knows it before I know it! And He thinks about me. His thoughts are like the grains of sand. So, what is his reaction to that? Is it oh, my God, I am terrified, because I know I’m not perfect? Oh, God, help…no! He says, oh, this is awesome! It’s wonderful! Lord, since You know everything, search my heart. Lord, if there’s anything in there that isn’t right, help me. Bring it to my attention.
Do you sense the trust? Do you know, the closer we get to Him…the way the devil would paint it is, the closer we get to Him the scarier it is, because we can’t possibly measure up to that. We’re not spiritual. This is only for the super saints. But the reality is, the closer we get to Him, the more we understand about His love, His mercy, the provision of Christ. It’s exactly the opposite of the way the devil tells every single one of us every single day. God is inviting us to leave our cage.
How about that for a title? “Leave Your Cage.” But the cage is simply this, we are afraid to die and that simply means, I am afraid to let go of this, of me. This is all I’ve got. It’s what I know. I’ve developed a coping mechanism with the world.
The world will not teach you trust, will it? It won’t take long before you’re gonna realize, hey, if anybody is gonna pay attention…if anybody really cares about me, it’s me, ultimately. And so, I’ve got to fight to carve out a little space for me in this world, where I can cope and I can handle it, and it satisfies my needs up to a certain point. At least I’ve got a place, a little castle, and I’ve built a moat around it and I won’t let anybody get but so close. That’s human nature.
And the Lord says, let it go. Let me in. Let me have it. And I’ll bring you out into a large place. You don’t have to live that way anymore. Come out of your cage. The One who made the stars stands beside you with His arm around and says, come on, let’s get out of here! I’ve got a better place and we’re going there. And I have the power to take you, and I love you. To Him be the glory! Praise God!
January 1, 2023 - No. 1578
“Leave Your Cage” Part One
January 1, 2023
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1578 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I came into, yesterday morning, still didn’t really have much of a clue as to what this was about today. But, I don’t know, I had just a germ of a thought, and just tried to ask the Lord to kind of set it in its context. I’m gonna go ahead and read, and skim my way through the first couple chapters of Hebrews, certainly a very familiar scripture. But, mainly because it’s the context for the thought.
It’s always good, I believe, to have a knowledge of scripture, itself, but we need to see, I believe with all my heart, the thought that the Lord has stressed to me this morning, because I need it as much as you do. But we need to see it in its context. We need to really get the big picture.
That’s what we’ve been singing about this morning. The big picture is not about us and how we feel and how we’re doing. The big picture is the greatness of our God, and who He is and what He’s done, because if we lean on that, we’ve got everything we need. Praise God!
So the Book of Hebrews was written to Jews. They had known, of course, the traditions of the Jews and their religion that they inherited from Moses. It was one of following laws and trying to attain righteousness before God through that means.
And, that was not what God had in mind. God always had planned a New Covenant that was not gonna be like the old one. This was a covenant in which the sins would be put away and everyone would know Him in a personal way. It was a divine provision that came through Jesus Christ.
And, for one reason or another…you know, we have a hard time leaving what we know…leaving stuff behind. Every one of us comes to the Lord with a context of our lives and what we have settled into, and sort of, this is my place, this is who I am, this is who I’m about. It’s hard to leave all of that. And that really is an underlying thought in where I’m going with this.
But this was the problem with the Jews. They were having a hard time letting go of the old and really understanding what God was doing, and the greatness of it. And so, the way the writer begins the book, he begins by comparing Jesus Christ with angels in the beginning, and then he compares Him with Moses…and you know, there’s a comparison going on so we can see the superiority of what God is doing now.
It makes it easier to say, yeah, this is what God’s about. Leave the other behind. This was always intended to point to that. So, the first part He is comparing the Son of God with angels, and so he says…and the reason he’s doing that, by the way, is that angels were very central to the ministration of the Law in the Old Testament. In fact, he says in one place, it was ministered by angels, and how much greater, then, is what we have now, because that was ministered by Christ who is greater than the angels. So you get the logic where he’s going with this?
“In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” (NIV).
Boy, that’s a good thought that we all need to wrap our brains around, if we can even begin to do it. How easily do we sink into our littleness and forget who our Savior is? You know, it’s wonderful to think of Him and to remember Him as the One who walked the shores of Galilee and had such a compassion for sinners. And we see His heart…we see the heart of God, really, in Him and through Him, of course He was one with that. But we see that in Him.
But to realize Who this really is! You go back before there was a world…He is the One who spoke the Words. He is the One who created everything. I don’t know if you remember several years ago, we used a…we must have portrayed it, or literally projected it. But I did a comparison of star sizes to show just the greatness of the universe.
And, we came to a point where there was one star that they know about that is so immense that if you put it, if you centered it where our sun is, which is 93,000,000 miles from us, we would be way inside of that star! The surface of that star would be out somewhere near Jupiter.
I mean, you talk about the immensity of the universe and the amazing things that were executed by Jesus, the one we know as Jesus. He was the One who built that star, and all the innumerable stars beyond that. And you know, our sun is a very ordinary little star, on the grand scheme of things, and yet more than a million earths, if that were just a hollow globe…more than a million earths would fit inside that.
I mean, you can go on and on and on describing the greatness of the universe and the fact that nobody’s ever really discovered the end of it. And it’s not just the number of stars, it’s the number of galaxies of stars, every one of which probably has a hundred million or more stars in them. I mean, this is the One who literally fashioned that. He built that star that was so great and put it in its orbit and set it in motion.
This is Somebody…this is not some small being like we tend to think of Him. We humanize Him and bring Him way down, almost, and hope He can get us through. But, I’ll tell you, this is Somebody who, from the foundation…before the foundation of the world, was there with the Father. He is the Creator. So, you know, we need to set our issues in the light of who He is.
And, it’s not only that…and of course, you want to know what God is like, again, we’ve said this many times, you look at Jesus. God, in His essence, is a Spirit who fills all the universe. You could never see Him. He’s just too great. He’s in another realm. But He focused all of His goodness, all of His being in the Person of His Son so you could find out exactly what the Father is like. You just look at Him. He is the exact representation of the being of the Father. Okay? So, there’s an absolute oneness.
But it goes beyond that, doesn’t it? He sustains everything! You want to know why the stars stay in their orbits? Because He says so. That’s what He says. He sustains, “…all things by his powerful word.” You think His Word is powerful enough to help us today? Praise God, I want to be listening to this. I face the same issues that you do. But I’ll tell you, we’ve got Somebody who is on our side, who is absolutely undergirding everything that we are about here this morning.
Without this Person, we are helpless! This is not religion here. This is a person. His name is Jesus. He represents the heart of the Father in carrying out the purpose that He conceived before the world was. Okay?
So now, he begins to talk about His superiority to angels, because God never said to an angel, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.” And he goes on and talks about that…does that comparison over and over again. He’s greater than any of the angels.
And then verse 8, “But about the Son he says, Your throne, O God….” You know about the deity of Christ…there it is. “But about the Son he says, Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever…” Now, this world won’t, but He will. “…And righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”
And then, he goes on about the creation. He says, “In the beginning, O Lord, you…” This is Jesus he’s talking about, remember. “…You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.” But now, listen to what he says. “They will perish, but you remain.”
It’s not just, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” He won’t. There’s an eternality about Him. There’s a temporiness, even about the material creation that we are a part of. It fell into corruption because of man. That’s what God is rescuing. But look at how he describes this, the poetic way. He says, “They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed.”
I mean, you know, doing away with this universe and coming up with another one is like God changing His clothes. Roll it up. Okay, I’m done with this. It’s worn out. Let’s put on something better. But what He’s gonna put on will last forever.
“But you remain the same…” That means, He’s the same, here. Jesus Christ is, what? “…The same yesterday and today and forever.” And of course, the command of the Lord, the blessing of the Lord…he says, “To which of the angels did God ever say, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet?” Okay? So you get the idea pretty plainly that Jesus is way superior to the angels.
Okay, so that is where he goes here with this. He says, “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” That was the danger he saw. “For if the message spoken by angels was binding…” He’s talking about the Law. If that was binding, “…and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” This is destiny stuff, here. This is what everything is about.
“This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.” So God didn’t spare anything to give testimony to what He was doing. The testimony was His Son, the resurrection of His Son, the witness of those who saw all this, and then on top of that, the supernatural intervention by their being able to do miracles and all kinds of signs and wonders that came along.
And God saying, yeah, listen, this is My Word, this is My Covenant. Signs and wonders were never meant to be the center. You don’t worship a sign. The sign is pointing to something. And the sign was pointing to the message that God wanted men to get. That’s His heart, okay?
And, of course, then he talks about how God’s purpose is not to take the world that is to come and give it over to the angels. That’s not theirs to run. God’s purpose from eternity, has to do with man. “What is man that you are mindful of him…” Now, he’s quoting from the Psalms. “…The son of man that you care for him?”
David is just kind of looking around and saying, my God, it almost doesn’t make sense to me. Who are we that You should care about us like this? “You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet.”
That’s a key word. Put everything under his feet. I mean, that was God’s idea in the beginning. That was His plan, that He would create this amazing creation, all the creatures that there were, and all the stuff in this world, and we would be absolutely in charge of that. There wouldn’t be a single thing that would not be under our dominion — until we decided we were gonna do it our way. Then everything went to “hell in a handbasket.” But anyway, and He, “…put everything under his feet.”
Now, listen to what he says. “In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him.” I see…God is trying to make an emphasis upon this. This is our…this is the destiny, this is the purpose for which mankind was created in the beginning. We were created to be His sons and His daughters, to rule over a creation and not mess it up.
All right, “Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him.” Obviously…pretty much…it’s a pretty scary world, isn’t it? And boy, I’ll tell you, mankind worships this world, don’t they, some of them? Oh, I’ll tell you, it’s a good thing to be a steward of the world and to have respect for the creation. But I’ll tell you, when you start worshiping that, when you start serving this, as though, oh my God, we’ve got to preserve this, God’s already marked a day when He is gonna burn it up!
This is not what it’s about. There is something to come that we won’t have any problem trying to keep. It will be perfect. We will be able to rule over it and enjoy it. And there won’t be any death, there won’t be any pain, there won’t be any suffering, there won’t be any of this stuff. That’s where God is going with everything.
So, rather than seeing everything subject to man right now, what do we see? “…We see Jesus….” Now, what about Him? “…Who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”
You want to know how He did it? God was there. It was God who was in Christ, “…reconciling the world to himself….” But think of the One who fashioned that immense star and all the galaxies, who put them in their orbits, designed all of this, willing to come down and live in human flesh like we have…to Him be the glory—to Him be the glory.
Boy, we won’t humble ourselves over the littlest thing, and look what He did. And He didn’t do it for people that were worthy. He did it for people who were in rebellion and darkness and every possible thing wrong. Do you see His heart? His very name, Jesus, means, God saves. It comes straight from the heart of our heavenly Father who is loyal to His original purpose.
So He comes down, and He doesn’t come down and wear a crown, at least not the kind that we would expect. He wore one of thorns…represented the very curse that was upon this creation. Made lower than the angels, so that He could taste death for everyone.
You know, isn’t that our greatest enemy? The Word calls it the last enemy. It’s gonna be destroyed one day. There won’t be any more death. But this is man’s greatest enemy, what we fear the most. That’s where we’re going. But anyway, He came down to face, and to taste our greatest enemy.
So here’s what he follows up with that. He says, “In bringing many sons to glory….” Oh my God! To take somebody like us, and so work in us that one day we could stand there radiant as the sun…I mean, so bright that a natural person could not even look…would have to get out one of those filters you look at when you see an eclipse or something. They won’t even…they’ll be able to not even look at us—they won’t be able to look at us.
Do you think we’re gonna stand there and say, look what I did? We’re gonna say, oh my God, how great Thou art, how great Thou art. Lord, to take somebody like us and do that. What an amazing God You are! “…Bringing many sons to glory….” I’m so glad, “He didn’t bring us this far to leave us.” You know, we sing that song. He is able to bring us every step of the way, all the way to glory.
“…It was fitting….” This was the right thing for God to do. “…It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect…” or complete, “…through suffering.”
It’s amazing that, as great as He was, as amazing as He was before the foundation of the world, doing all that creative stuff, this glorious, all-powerful being who could do all of those things, He still wasn’t all that He needed to be to help us. It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t complete, until He was willing to taste death, and to gather upon Himself all that was wrong with us, all of our guilt, and stand there in our place.
And, it wasn’t just what He did at the cross, it was all of His life living out a life, where He was willing to live in a body like we have, and yet trust God and lean upon His strength and live a perfect life…never sinned.
What an…but doing it in the context…doesn’t it say, was it chapter 5, “…he learned obedience….” There was something He didn’t know without coming down here. It’s one thing to sit up there and say, well, I know what it is to obey God, sure! There wasn’t anything in Him that didn’t want to.
But to come down here, and to partake of the flesh that we all have, that doesn’t want to obey God, and have to learn how to say, I’m gonna do it anyway. “…Not my will, but yours be done.” That’s what it took for Him to be complete, completely able and ready to be the kind of Savior we need.
Isn’t that an interesting word that he uses there? The ‘author’…where else do you see that word? How about in chapter 12? “…The author and finisher of our faith…” (KJV). It happens to be the same word in Greek. You want to know where everything originates that will carry us through? It originates in Him. But He so willingly, lovingly shares all that He has, all the He is, so that He can bring us, not just to this point and say, well, now it’s up to you, but all the way through until we stand there before Him.
You see the greatness of what the author here, and the Lord through the author, is sharing with these people. Do you want to stay down here and walk in that religion that just leaves you helpless and hopeless to ever measure up? Do you want to try to be righteous by keeping laws?
Look at what Jesus…look what you’re walking away from. This is what it’s all about! This is what the entire purpose of this creation is about! It’s God gathering a family and this is the way that He’s doing it. He’s gonna bring us out of a state of sin and death and rebellion, and absolutely change us into His sons…I mean, there’s a birth that happens there. All right?
“Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.” (NIV). So now, it’s not just simply a relationship with a Savior and a bunch of people, this is a family thing. Now, what’s he conveying by that? What’s the relationship with the Son to the Father? I mean, it’s a dumb question. Obviously, he’s born. He literally shares his life. There is a family relationship.
But that is the relationship God desires for every single one of us, as inconceivable as that sounds, that we too, should be born of His Spirit and be able…have that capacity in us to grow up to be His children, just like His Son. I know…it’s just…I don’t get it, I’m here in the middle here and it doesn’t feel it, doesn’t look like it.
See, that’s where we’re at, that’s what we need to overcome. But do you see how important it is to get the big picture, before you start diving into the issues of life? Oh, we need to see that He calls us brothers and sisters! And He’s not ashamed! That’s what it says. “So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.”
There are so many times…if I go by how I feel and how I perform…Lord, how in the world? You’ve got to be ashamed to call me a brother. How in the world could you not despise me right now? But it says, He’s not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters…of course, that word takes in both.
And of course, he quotes some Old Testament scriptures in support of that. “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises. And again, I will put my trust in him.”
Isn’t that interesting? Instead of being up here looking down, He’s down here saying, I’m trusting Him, too. God calls you to trust Him. That’s My place, too. I’m trusting My Father, and His purpose, to carry out everything that’s in His heart to do. But I’m not up here looking my nose down at you. I am down here with My arm around your shoulder, to lead you there. That’s a different picture, isn’t it? But isn’t that what He’s trying to convey? Why would he talk about us being a family, and Him being our brother, if it wasn’t meant to convey that.
But do you see what it takes to be part of this? You’ve got to be born of His Spirit. This is what the writer was concerned about, that these people would still stay in the realm of religion. Which religion am I gonna practice? Am I gonna add Jesus to this, or am I gonna…where am I gonna land here, with my religious practice, because by that, I expect God to accept me?
That’s not what it’s about. We’ve got to come the end of everything where we just say, Lord, there is only one hope that I have…that You will impart to me brand new life that I wasn’t born with. I need to be born again.
December 25, 2022 - No. 1577
“Divine Nature in a Broken World?” Conclusion
December 25, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1577 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Someone who is so great that He could breathe out galaxies was willing to come and show me what it means to be a son of God. You think of the humbling. This is not acting humble. This is genuinely coming to a place of rest in who I am and realizing there is a God. He does fill eternity, but He’s just not some sort of vague entity. He has a purpose. There is a divine purpose that was formed in His heart before everything else happened.
God knew the course this world would take when He created it, when His Son created it. He is spoken of as crucified for us before the foundation of the world. I mean, you see this, the outworking of something that was in the heart of God. God has a purpose!
And our problem is we’ve got our purposes, and they are at cross purposes with each other and with His. But here is Jesus…though He was all that He was, yet He was willing in the heart and the purpose of God to come down and simply be what it took to fulfill the heart and the purpose of God. And that was to make Himself nothing.
Oh, how we struggle with such simple things. And how the Lord would bring us to a place of rest and submission. When you think of trust…I think there’s a scripture…I haven’t looked up some of these, but there’s a scripture in Hebrews 2 that talks about Jesus having a trust in His Father.
I’m standing alongside my brothers, and my trust is in Him. Isn’t there a scripture along that line, showing that in so many ways He is not just up here, but He’s down here as a Brother? Now He’s the greatest Brother we’ll ever have, but nonetheless, He’s taken His place by our side in order to lift us up to what He wants.
But, think about the trust, the sense of, I’m willing to put My life in Your hands, to put everything, all of My purposes aside. Lord, it’s…I didn’t come to this world to do My own will. I came to do the will, He said, of My Father.
Isn’t that what the Lord wants to produce in our lives, where the ultimate value in our lives is to be found in being His child and being the object of His love, and having an actual place in a divine purpose for somebody that great…where He knows about us, He thinks about us, He plans for us?
Yeah, I know getting to where we’re going can lead us into some dark and difficult places. Look where it led Him. And the reality is His motive for doing that was not so I can be somebody. It was so that we could be somebody. You see how what Paul is telling the people there and exhorting them was literally demonstrated by our Savior.
If you want to know what it means to have divine life, my God, it’s not sitting around singing happy songs, and expecting God to pat us on the back for it. It’s not just having a happy service so we can go out and everybody feels good about themselves, and then they go off and live their lives. God is really…God is looking to produce a transformation in us that can only come as we will humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and let Him do the lifting up.
But when He lifts us up, it won’t be an ego trip. It won’t be this sense of, okay, finally, I get to be who I really wanted to be in the first place. I hate the way it happened, but I’m here. Okay.
No. That will be gone! If we submit ourselves under His mighty hand, God’s gonna burn that stuff out. It won’t be about us anymore. It will be about Him. We’re gonna stand before Him one day, if He gives us any crowns, we’re gonna say, whoa, here’s where the crown belongs. I’m gonna cast it at His feet. He’s the one who did it all. He’s the one who earned it all for us. To Him be the glory forever and ever!
( congregational amens ).
This One who was willing to come to earth as He did, made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. I mean, what were the values that He taught His followers? Do you want to be the greatest among your brothers? How do you do that? Be a servant. A servant is the greatest one in His economy. It’s exactly the inversion of human values.
And He didn’t come to be served but to serve. You think about the demonstration at the last supper, when He took off His outer garments, wrapped Himself with a towel. That was the garb of a servant. That was how they went around and did their thing. And He went around and washed their feet. You think of the humility that was demonstrated in that.
But it was more than humility. It was a care for somebody else. It wasn’t just, hey, I want to show you how humble I am. This is somebody who was so focused on them, and out of that experience He said I’m showing you how I want you to be toward one another. I want you to be about helping one another.
You’re gonna be down here in this world. There are gonna be a lot of ways in which this world is going to affect you and your walk in it. And I want you to be all about helping one another through, lifting one another up, helping one another with each burden, with each one’s burdens. What an amazing demonstration we see in our Lord. Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! I got a little of my voice back. Praise the Lord! And so, all of this…and He goes through His whole life and comes down to the end, “…being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death.” (NIV).
Now, in the first place, this is a, this is the Spirit of One who, again, is not here to do His own will. There’s this obedience, this trust, this relationship with His heavenly Father, where…I know His heart.
See, we struggle with trust. Just be honest. We struggle with the very principle of trust. But think about this One who trusted His Father. Did He have a basis for trusting His Father? Yeah, He was there in the beginning. He was party to the plans that the Father had from the foundation of the world. He knew what His Father was like.
He could see what was going on in this ugly world. He was interacting with it through Israel. He saw it. He saw them rebel. He saw the constantly human nature rising up and corrupting everything! But He also knew His Father’s heart. And so, there was a 100 percent trust that enabled Him to obey.
Don’t we have a hymn that says something like that? “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.” Kind of simple, isn’t it? But do we not see that demonstrated in our Savior? This was not an acting job. He came into the place of danger.
He had every opportunity, if you will, to exalt Himself in some way that was outside of God’s purpose. What was one of the devil’s temptations? Yeah, carry You up on to the high place of the temple. You say You’re the Son of God, throw Yourself down! Let’s let everybody see who You are. That wasn’t God’s way. That wasn’t God’s purpose, God’s heart.
And I’ll guarantee there were so many times during His life…I mean, we know He was tempted in every way such as we are. Isn’t that what the scripture says? Don’t you know there were voices trying to talk to Him and pull Him and push Him in every direction, but the simple path of obedience to His heavenly Father and trust.
But I’ll tell you, He relied completely on the grace of God. See, that’s another way He’s our example. He didn’t come here with His own strength. He emptied Himself. He became a man. He became as dependent upon the Father as we are.
But yet, for Him, that was not a resignation to something unwelcome, as we might think of it. This was, I see, I get it, I know the path of life. I get what’s wrong with this world. I know I cannot give vent to this body and the nature and so forth that I see around me, that I feel. God is gonna give Me the strength to get through.
God is gonna give us the strength to get through, if we will, because I don’t have it. I need God. If Jesus needed His Father, if He needed the grace of God to do what He did, do we not?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah! That’s God’s plan. But isn’t that part of humbling ourselves and taking that place that is only rightfully ours…one of rest and dependence and humility and faith and all these things that we don’t have to put on? We’re not trying to put on a religious cloak here and act a certain way. We’re saying, God, put this in here. Change the way I look at life and the world and myself.
But He didn’t just humble Himself in the events of His life. He humbled Himself to death. Now, think about what that represents. Now, I know He died because of my sin. He took to Himself the guilt of everything that I have ever done, every evil thought, every evil deed, and yours. And He took the guilt of that and received the punishment that was due to me.
But it represented something much deeper than just that. He just didn’t die ‘for’ sin. He died ‘to’ it. It represented the ultimate rejection of corrupted human nature, that virus, that spiritual virus, if you will, that has infected the human race beyond cure. There is only one remedy for sin, and that’s to kill it. He died to it.
He was completely willing to give up His life, because He knew there was something beyond. He had the promise of His heavenly Father. Oh, praise God! Do we have a ground to stand upon when we think about God’s purpose for us to follow in His steps?
( congregational response ).
You see the steps that He took to get to where He is now? That’s the path for us, too. Now I don’t have to die for the forgiveness of my sins, but God has called me to die to sin! That’s central to salvation!
But there was a way of looking at life and a way of looking at the world that He saw…He saw it for what it was, no illusions. This is a sin-blinded, cursed world. I reject it utterly. I am willing to lay this body down in death.
I started to say, do we have a ground for hope in that? What about Hebrews chapter 6? I’ll just refer to some of these. I’m not gonna turn to every scripture, but…we’re told, by the writer there, that we have two things that God wants us to find rest and hope in.
And those two things are unchangeable. That means you and I can’t change it. That means the Devil cannot change it, and that means God won’t! What are those two things?
One of them is the unchangeableness of His purpose! Now, that goes all the way back to the beginning. I guess for you, the beginning is down there, isn’t it? I keep forgetting which way you’re looking. We’re a left to right culture here.
So, all the way back there in the beginning, He had this purpose! This is not something where I’m going to try it, see how it works, and then, we’ll make it up as we go along. This was an immutable, unchangeable purpose! That’s part of the rock that He wants us to be able to step upon and find hope and comfort!
And all that Jesus did in coming into the world was an expression of the outworking of that purpose that He said was not going to change! Folks, you want something that you can put your hope and faith in, that will never change? God says, look to My purpose, submit to it, become a part of it, become an expression of My purpose not yours. You want hope that’s gonna go beyond the struggles and strivings of this life that’s gonna end? Yeah, you look to My purpose.
But He said there were two things that were unchangeable. What was the other one? His Word, His promise! He’s got this purpose. Now, He comes to a place of expressing that purpose and, by the way, God cannot lie. That kind of helps, doesn’t it? You’re talking about somebody who, not just doesn’t, He cannot! It’s not in His nature to lie!
So, He has an unchangeable purpose, and then, He expresses that in a promise. Folks, we have got a hope that goes beyond everything you know in this world, and it all was carried out through the life, and demonstrated in the life of His Son. Man, what a hope that we have today! Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
Praise the Lord! I hope that’s where your hope lies! God will make that real to you if you’ll let Him possess your heart, because that’s what it’s about. Jesus was completely obedient and humble, and had given everything into His Father’s hands, and think who He was, and think who you are.
Good grief, do we struggle and strive to be something in ourselves, and how vain and how empty it is. Here’s the Lord of Heaven, like I say, who spoke galaxies into existence, willing to come down here and live the way He lived among us, and demonstrate His life and His nature. My God!
But as I was thinking about some of this, what does this mean in our lives, becoming obedient to death? Is that not what the Lord does in our lives when He allows the challenges and the difficulties of life to arise in us? What does that tend to do to you when stuff happens? What does it bring out? Does it bring out your glorious divine nature?
( laughter ).
Not typically. God uses it to bring out the reality of stuff that’s buried in here, that needs to be changed!
( congregational amens ).
So, what do we do? Do we choose to cling this? That’s what…that’s me! You’re getting down too deep…or do we cover it all up and pretend it isn’t there? Or do we say, oh, Lord, give me grace to let this go and to die to it…to humble myself to die.
See, for us, it’s a very progressive kind of thing that goes until our toes turn up. For Him, it was an incredibly compact event that took place over hours. I can’t imagine. Only the grace of God and the perfect Lamb of God could go through such a thing for me. Praise God that He did!
( congregational amens ).
But oh, do we not see in Him, not only a demonstration of what it means to be His child, what He’s looking for from us, this faith, this trust, this surrender, this embracing of a new way of thinking, this humbling ourselves to die. Where is it leading?
Oh my! All we have to do is look at Him and see where this led. Because after, “He humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Wow! Do you know what the name Jesus even means? It means God saves! It’s not just Savior, it’s God saves! In other words, this is…His Son was the very expression of God’s heart! This was His whole purpose in the beginning, was to have a people who would choose life, who would know what life and death was about and sin and all these things, but would choose to let Him remake them into people who could live with Him forever, be totally free from all of that.
Do you see the path that God has laid out for us? Do you see the demonstration of that path? Who do you think you are? Oh, do we jockey for position in life. Do we not, by nature, seek for our place and our…and chafe if somebody looks at us cross-eyed. We want people to notice if we do something. All these issues that just flow out of human nature without us even thinking about it…folks, do we need to be changed?
Do we just sit back and say well, thank You, Jesus, You’ve forgiven my sins, and now I get to go to heaven…and not understand what it’s about. But He means for us to learn to do exactly what He did, and say, Father, I’m in Your hands. I can’t fix what’s wrong with me. I need You to come into my heart. I need You to come into my life. I give You it in its brokenness.
I’m not gonna try to come and deserve this, because I don’t, nothing I could do. It’s just as I am. I come, and I give myself to You, Lord, and I’m looking to You to reproduce Your nature in me. Help me to humble myself and to put my trust, because I know there are gonna be times, I know there are gonna be times when it’s not gonna look good, it’s not gonna feel good. It didn’t for Jesus, did it? But there was this sense of looking to His Father.
Think of how He learned obedience. How did He learn obedience? By the things He suffered! Yeah, the things He went through taught Him what obedience was, because obedience has to happen in the context where something is pulling you the other way. Otherwise, you’re just going with the flow.
See, here He was with the things that would pull Him the wrong way and yet, here’s God’s will, and I choose that. Not only do I choose it, I recognize I don’t have the strength I need to do that. And so, in every sense, I am submitted to Him, I’m willing to take my place in that great plan that He had in His heart before the foundation of the world.
( laughing ).
Get the direction right again. Folks, do you want to be in your place? Do you want to find your place? I’ll tell you, we’re gonna discover that it’s an awesome thing. We don’t have to worry about who we are, what people think about us. I don’t know how else to express it, but I just sense…I mean, isn’t there something deeper in this than we’ve typically tended to read?
Is this not relevant to the day and the time and the season that we’re talking about? This is why He came. I thank God for the angels and the shepherds and the wise men and all of that, but what did it mean? He didn’t come to give us a behavior example, on a superficial level. It’s not the ‘what would Jesus do?’ kind of thing. He didn’t come to bring peace on earth. He came to bring judgement to this earth, but to rescue a people out of it, purely by grace through divine power.
Thank God! I want to walk in the steps that He laid down, and find grace in His sight to humble myself. I know there’s a lot of work He’s got to do. The more I learn, the more I say, oh God, You’re the only One that could be up to this. I see the depth more and more of what I am, but I know Your promise. I know Your purpose. That’s where my hope lies. And if they put a gun to my head and said, will you deny Jesus, may God give me the grace to say, He is Lord. Thank God!
If they do that, all they’re doing is threatening us with heaven. You know, how can we lose if put our hope in the One that’s eternal. I’ll tell you, every other philosophy is just about lifting up human nature and trying to make it something it isn’t. This is the one Savior who’s come into the world and tells us the unvarnished truth, and loves us in a self-sacrificial way to lift us up. I want to be like Him, don’t you? Praise God! To Him be the honor and the glory!
( congregational amens ).
Praise the Lord!
December 18, 2022 - No. 1576
“Divine Nature in a Broken World?” Part One
December 18, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1576 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, praise the Lord! Good to see everybody this morning. This is the season when the world is focused, in some measure, upon what we’ve come to call Christmas. And, I know for many it’s just a holiday, it’s sentiment, it’s family, it’s gift giving and partying and all of that. I believe there’s a remnant of people though, that understand, in some measure, what it really is about.
And, I appreciate the Lord emphasizing this morning some of the truths respect to His coming. I found, as I’ve been thinking about the service today, my mind going to an unusual scripture, at least unusual to preach on an occasion like this, and that’s from Philippians chapter 2.
You know, Paul, when he talked about the coming of the Lord into the world, he didn’t spend his time talking about angels and shepherds and mangers and wise men and all those kinds of things, and I’m thankful that we have the record of all those events, but Paul was much more focused on the significance of it. And, one of the things you’ll find throughout his writings, in one form or another is Jesus being held up as our example. And so, Paul is exhorting the Philippian believers and he’s talking about what it means to be the church.
You know, we’ve talked about that lately. It’s not…we’ve made passing reference, I guess, many times to the fact God has not called us to a religion. It’s not a matter of learning how to do church and how to…this is how we do stuff. This is what we say, this is how we…and all those kinds of things. We can package what we think we know spiritually into a whole bunch of externals, and think we’ve got it.
And we can get to a point where we have nothing, because that’s not what it’s about! There is a living presence of Christ in His people! And there are changes that come, not from the outward, but from the inward. And so, Paul is talking about a real…what it means to be followers of Jesus, what His coming is meant to demonstrate to us. Thank God for what He accomplished, but there is a living demonstration that I pray that God will help me to understand in a deeper way.
And so, his exhortation to the believers that sets up this is, “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit…” (NIV). And that’s a fellowship based upon the Spirit. This is the fellowship of a shared life. This is you and me, as fellow believers in Christ, being literally connected as the parts of a tree are connected one to another. They don’t just have a common denominator, they share a life. Or as a body, my right hand and my left hand share the same life, and hopefully, the same intelligence behind them, and so it doesn’t make any sense for them to be at odds, does it?
( congregational response ).
Okay, so if this exists, if this relationship exists with God and with us, okay, “…if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded….” Now there is a…this word…this ‘minded’…there’s a certain word in the original that occurs two or three times in this passage and you see it through the New Testament. And it has to do with a way of looking at life.
See, this is how we look at life, how do we see ourselves, how do we think about the world and about our place in it and who God is and who we are and what life is about? See, there has got to come, there’s got to be produced in us a like-mindedness, not just a collection of ideas we agree on, but a…something more fundamental than that.
What is it that really drives us? In other words, every one of us could profess to believe ‘this or that,’ in terms of our doctrine and ideas that we sort of ascribe to, but if that isn’t what literally drives our life and controls how we act and react…see, that happens on a deeper level, then what good is this out here and on this superficial level if something hasn’t happened here to change us so that we automatically, almost, act and react the way we’re supposed to?
You see the connection between this and what we’ve read so many times in Romans, chapter 12…that we’ve been called to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice. There’s a death that has died, there is a presentation, there is a submission to the Divine will, and for what purpose? How are we transformed?
( congregational response ).
There’s a renewing of the mind and it’s not simply, again, pouring new doctrines in the place of old ones, this has got to be…this is way down deep! Every one of us is driven and controlled in the way we act and react because of a body of ideas that have imbedded themselves in our psyche, and I’ll tell you, we need some deep healing!
( congregational amens ).
We need some things that are beyond just, hey, ‘go by the word.’ I’ve heard that expression. Well, Praise God, it takes more than just an acknowledgement of something that is true, if down in here it isn’t true to us. See, we need something that really happens down in the depths of our soul.
But what he’s talking about the…what is needed to truly represent Him and to truly follow His example, there has got to come a like-mindedness. It doesn’t make any sense for one to be pulling in one direction and another another, and is claimed to be having fellowship with Him. That’s not coming from Him, is it? Okay?
So, he’s saying, “…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love….” Where’s that gonna come from? Huh? See, all of this has got to come from Him. And as we read this, it’s almost going to sound like Paul is saying this is how you’re supposed to be, go for it, do it…like, do it in your own strength.
But you have to see this in the context of what salvation is about in the rest of scripture. Nothing that God encourages us to do, instructs us to do is ever meant to be done in the strength of human nature. It’s impossible! Always there is this underlying sense that salvation is about giving ourselves to God as hopeless sinners who cannot fix ourselves, and God must do it, or it won’t be done.
So, get that. I mean, don’t anybody think of this as, oh, my God, I’ve got to be this, I’ve got to try to do this. This is not that at all! This is simply a description of what it means, where God is going with what He’s doing in us. Praise God!
All right, so, “…having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” And, if you go back to the original and some of the other translations, that word ‘mind’ occurs there again. You’re gonna have the same mind, okay? Being one in mind. Boy, that’s a tall order. I mean, there’s no way you can bring people together that way, in the natural. God has got to do this—God has got to do it. Okay?
Now, he describes, a little bit what that means. He says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit….” I don’t have it in front of me. I think the NLT says something like, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.” I think that’s a pretty good way to put it. Is that right, Carl? Hey, I actually remembered something. This is scary. Praise God!
But is that not a description of human nature? I mean, we are, fundamentally, all about self and we tend to bring that self-centeredness into our Christian life. It just kind of comes along for the ride! And that’s why we need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, ‘cause it ain’t natural!
( congregational amens ).
I have got to have some major help! And you see it everywhere in religion how people are bringing ego and self and self-seeking into the church, and right into what they call the church, at least.
And God is wanting us to get to a point where it’s just not about that at all! It’s not about who I am. I don’t have to impress anybody. I don’t have to do anything of that nature. I mean…we are all about our self-image. How do people see me?
I mean, you think about the battles that kids fight, and we all fought when we were in school. I mean, what is your life about at that point? Oh, I want to be ‘accepted.’ Well, what is the price of acceptance? It’s going along with the crowd. Well, where’s the crowd going?
( congregation response ).
Yeah! It’s not a good place. My God, we are gonna have to get our sense of identity from someplace other than the crowd. I mean, and we’re gonna have to be willing to stand against the spirit of the world. We don’t have to do it in a bad spirited way, but we’re gonna have to stand for something that’s different.
And we’re gonna have to get our sense of self-value and worth…I mean, how many people are just consumed with me and my place? In a way, I’m getting ahead of myself here, but this will become a little more plain in a minute because of how he develops this. But my God, don’t we just try so hard to put on a front and try to cause people to think of us in a certain way—a certain favorable way.
You know, I was thinking about…there are cultures in the world…I was thinking about this particularly in the Orient, and almost the highest cultural value is ‘saving face.’ How many of you’ve ever heard of that? Yeah, it’s like my image before everybody else. My sense of identity, my sense of worth in the eyes of others is the highest value and my God, if I get caught…I mean, how many people have been caught in something shameful and have lost face and the result is so critical to them, they take their own life over it?
But we’re not so free from that here! This is so intrinsic to human nature that we need a Divine Savior to set us free from self-seeking in any form. I mean, I don’t care if you’re up here or out there or wherever you are, my God, it’s how did I look today? How do people think of me? God, I can’t be who I really am because then they’ll think bad of me. And God wants to get us down to where there’s a freedom to be ourselves and to look to Him.
But you know, even in that, you can be so obsessed with self in a different way that you’re still…it’s all about you! Me and how I feel and how I look. I mean, you can almost make a prideful thing out of being humble. You know, am I projecting the right humbleness here? And where’s the focus when we’re doing any of that? It’s on us!
I’ll tell you, God has a way of bringing us to a place where we have an identity in Him, that is not founded upon who we are in human society. It’s completely free from that. And that’s where God…where Paul is actually going with some of this.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit…” (NIV). And this is again…we’re thinking something of ourselves that doesn’t make any sense in the light of eternity. We have an opinion about who we are and what we’re about and our worth and our value and all of that. My God! If we could see and understand and see our place in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t be about that—it wouldn’t be about that. Praise God!
But anyway, but in humility…now what do we do in contrast to that? “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” So, there is a focus in the purpose and plan of God where our focus shifts from me to you.
Somehow, as inconceivable as it seems, the focus of God’s nature is not on God. Now, yes, it’s appropriate that we should worship Him and praise Him and fall at His feet and give Him glory and all of that, but for us, we would tend to think of someone who would feel that that’s the right thing to do as, oh, that’s an ego trip! But it ain’t an ego trip with God. It’s the reality of who He is and we would…and we need to glory in Him because of the expression of His nature, which is entirely focused on our welfare!
( congregational amens ).
The spirit of love…excuse me, my voice is going away here. I guess I’m gonna have to not shout at you today, and that’s probably a good thing. But anyway, His nature is so other-centered that that’s all that matters to Him and that’s what He seeks to impart to us so that we get our highest joy out of giving to somebody else and lifting them up and seeing them be blessed and strengthened.
( congregational amens ).
My God! Does that come naturally to anybody here? Oh my, do we need help and we need deliverance and we need strength. So, “Each of you…” in light of that, “…should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Now, he comes back to the same Greek word in this next verse. He says, “Your attitude…” And, like-minded, the purpose, one in purpose, the attitude, they’re all the same original word, and they all have to do with the same thing. This is the way I see myself. This is the way I see my world. This is how I fit in it. This is my purpose. And so, this governs how I react and how I relate to people and to life, itself.
And I’ll tell you, what we are going to see, in Paul’s words, is how does Divine nature live in a broken world? Because, is that not what we’re called to do? We’re called to be transformed so that our nature is that of Him and not of us, but we’re called to live it out in a broken world. How do you do that?
All right, this is where the example comes in. This is where we have to have the same…he calls upon us to have the same attitude, the same way of looking at everything that Jesus did. Now, “Who, being in very nature God….” And how easy is it to just blow right over that? I mean, here we’re talking about somebody who is the Son of God. We’re talking about somebody who is the highest! Under the Father Himself, but apart from that, He is the highest and it just talks about His deity as though, okay, we just blow right on by that because we believe that, that’s a doctrine we accept. It’s wonderful. He was up there.
Do you ever really stop to meditate on who He really was? My God! Because, the measure of what He did, is really defined by who He is. You remember what He prayed, in John chapter 17? Part of His prayer was this, “…Father, glorify me…” With what? “…The glory I had with you before the world began.”
Now, I don’t know how to explain this, and I’m not even gonna try, but there was a time, for lack of a better word, before the world…he says it that way, anyway, when there was just the Father and the Son. I mean, this was a glorious, powerful, unimaginably great Being! Do you know…do you ever stop to realize who He was? How did God create the world?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! Who was the One who actually did it?
( congregational response ).
It was the Son of God! Now this One we’re talking about coming as a babe in a manger was back out there speaking out galaxies! The stuff that the scientists…their minds are blown with the incredible vastness of the universe, here’s somebody who was there who made it happen! That’s incredible! Everything was made by Him! Nothing was made without Him!
And we see that in several places. When you talk about the Creator, He’s the Creator. He’s the One who was there. He was the One who was glorious! I mean, even the devils that Jesus encountered in His earthly journey, recognized this. They would speak up and say, I know who You are. You’re the Holy One of God! He said, be quiet. Are you come, “…to torment us before the time?” (KJV).
I mean, they recognized who He was. This is the One who created me. Oh, my God! He may be in flesh right now, He may be in a humble place, but I know who He is! You know, there are several places in the Old Testament where we see visual revelations, if you will, of God. Now, we talk about the time when Isaiah was caught up and saw the Lord, “…high and lifted up.” Who did he see?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. How do you know that? Because no one has ever seen God, no one ever will see God. I mean, it’s plain in the teaching of the New Testament. God is a Spirit who inhabits Eternity. He is…there’s no place where He is not, is a simple way to put it. He’s not a being. He’s not an old man sitting in a chair somewhere, hurling thunderbolts and doing this and playing games, like they show on the cartoons. My God, He is a Spirit that inhabits Eternity.
So how does He make Himself known to a creation where we are individual beings in His image? There’s enough likeness to Him that He can call us being created in His image. But how does He relate to somebody like that? When He’s some…we’ll never see Him, like seeing some figure somewhere, because it’s the Son of God who has made Him known!
He is the exact image, the exact representation, in this translation here in one place, of His being. He is God, focused in an individual, to where we can see all of the Divine power and the Divine attributes in this one being. That’s how I know that the One Isaiah saw is the One who later came to be known as Jesus.
What about when the seventy elders of Israel, at Sinai, were called to go up into the mountain, and they were called to see the God of Israel? And they saw a visual representation. I don’t know what in the world it was, but it was visual. It says they saw the God of Israel, And there was something like clear pavement under His feet. I don’t know what they saw or how…anyway, God revealed Himself. Who was that? See, that was Jesus!
What about when Moses said Lord, “…Show me your glory.” (NIV). I’ll tell you, the representation of glory was so great on that occasion that Jesus said…that God said you can’t see my face and live, but I’ll show you my back parts. I’ll put you in the cleft of the rock. You know, the line on the hymn comes from that. I’ll cover you there with my hand and then when I get to a certain point I’ll let you see the back parts. You’re gonna see some of My glory, but I can’t…you just can’t take it.
I mean, you talk about somebody who ‘is’ somebody, doesn’t have to try to pretend, doesn’t have to lord it over anybody, because He is something great! I mean, isn’t that the problem with human nature? If you get somebody who is great, how do they use their greatness? They tend to use it selfishly! They tend to acquire power and then use it in a corrupt way to oppress others and impress others. This is the world we’ve been called out of.
But you know, when we think about Him coming into the world, think about who He was. Think about how people reacted when they saw Him. Every time there was this incredible…when they saw anything of the Divine, there was this incredible sense of, oh, my God! He is so beyond anything I could ever imagine. This is not just like some great human being. This is oh, wow!
And in the light of that, suddenly we begin to get a sense of our place in the scheme of things and realize who this One is. So this is somebody who didn’t have to toot His own horn, didn’t have to impress everybody. And yet, you think about how He was willing to leave that behind and to come into this broken world.
At one point, He was a single cell in His mother’s body. The One who spoke galaxies into existence and there He was. He just willingly came down to that level. And then grew as an embryo and came to the point where, yes, He was born, and obviously He wasn’t born in a palace, was He? But all of that was just meant to demonstrate Divine nature in a broken world.
December 11, 2022 - No. 1575
“A Call to Go Deeper” Conclusion
December 11, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1575 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I thought about something that I’m gonna…I guess I’ll do it right now. I don’t how long this is gonna go, but we’ll just see. But here are some scriptures that I’ll guarantee every thoughtful Christian has read and said, boy, that sounds amazing. That’s way off in never-never land. I could never be a part of that. Or how does that work? I’m just gonna read the scriptures, and you can look them up later if you want.
John 15 actually is part of that passage. It says, “If you remain in me…” verse 7. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (NIV). Anybody ever sat there and wondered? I mean, that was really the question the other night. How does that work? How…I don’t get this. I mean, I know it’s in the Word. I’m supposed to believe it.
We sing songs based on some of these. But do you think God actually wants to bring us closer and closer to a place where this actually works? Was He just spouting words that sounded good, or are they meant to actually have a practical effect in our lives? Yeah, I believe they’re meant to be practical.
John 14:12-14, “Very truly I’ll tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Anybody ever read that, and your basic reaction is, yeah, right? That certainly doesn’t apply to me. I won’t ask you again for a raising your hand!
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Aha! John 16:23-24, “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I’ll tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
“Truly I’ll tell you…,” Matthew 21:21-22, “Truly I’ll tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree…,” which He cursed, and it died, “…but also you can say to this mountain, Go, throw yourself in the sea, and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Then a parallel passage in Mark 11, “Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Truly I’ll tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, Go, throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I’ll tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that you Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” That’s important, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
There’s no way to do any of this other and not have a forgiving spirit. All right…other words of Jesus. Matthew 18, “Again, truly I’ll tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am in with them.” And the Greek says they ‘are gathered,’ as I’ve have pointed out in the past.
1st John 5:14-15, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.”
Everybody ready to throw up your hands and say, this is beyond me? This is nice. This is nice theory, nice theology and all that. We can affirm that Jesus said this, but it doesn’t have any practical bearing on our lives. How many of you think that the Lord has more for us?
( congregational response ).
But, you know, there’s a problem with how we approach things like this, especially in western society. We are very logical, or we think we are. But we’ve got to understand something. We’ve got to bring it down to a formula.
And you know, when you’re growing up as a human being, we learn about the world in which we live. We learn how things work. We learn what to do if we want to produce a certain result. And you know, we’re all about understanding something and feeling like we can do it, and there’s a sense of control. And one of the problems that has recurred and is widely true in our day, is people trying to find a formula for getting spiritual stuff to happen.
And you know, it’s almost implicit in the question that was asked, because that’s one way that people look at this. Okay, what’s the secret? I know what the scripture says, but how does it work? I don’t quite understand where does…how do I get faith…and how do I know what to ask for, all these logical questions that rise up.
And many people have, absolutely, turned to this, and I think God has been merciful in many cases…but have tried to find the formula for spiritual stuff, and it’s not a formula. Did Jesus go by formulas? See, isn’t He the perfect example? How many times have we talked about how He did what He did, that He didn’t do by His own energy?
Again, it was the Father in Him. We’ve quoted that scripture. But how did He know what to do? How did He know what to do? The Father showed Him. Yeah. There was a…there was such a connection, a living connection between Jesus and His Father, that He knew what to do in every given situation.
How in the world did He manage to go into, how did He go into the pool at Bethesda, for example? How did He know to go in there in the first place? The Father showed Him. And when He got there, and saw all those people, what did He do? How many did He heal? One man. How did He know to do that?
See, there was a purpose, and yet, He’d go to another village, some place up in Galilee, and heal everybody. Or He’d go to Bethsaida, was the village, wasn’t it? Late in His ministry, after He’d been so badly rejected, disbelieved in that town, and a blind man is brought to Him, and He leads Him out of the town. He prays for him, and the first prayer is not enough. He prays for him a second time, and finally, his eyes are opened.
Boy, do see the effect of unbelief in all that going on there? And then He says, don’t go back in there, and don’t tell anybody who’s going in there. Folks, we’re getting pretty darn close to that place in our world today. God is still reaching a remnant of people. There are people that He’s reaching. Thank God for every one. But I’ll tell you, the unbelief, the rebellious, willful unbelief in our world is getting to that point.
Maybe that’s a reason why we’re not seeing more signs and wonders here, because that’s not the essence of it. Boy, to some people, that’s all it’s about. I mean, you think about how people have tried to bring the things of God down into the realm of the natural, things that we can think about, reason, we can see, we can touch.
And so, you’ve got people that are all about the supernatural. They’ll look at this and say oh, yeah, that’s what we’ve got to…if we can’t see something that’s really supernatural, if we can’t feel something, if there isn’t an excitement, then, God’s not here. Is that true?
No, it’s not. Folks, the presence of God is so much deeper than that. I guess it’s a different purpose, but I’m gonna go ahead and tell you something I’ve told you many times, but it illustrates what I’m talking about, because I went through a period…I guess I was in my graduate school, a year after college.
And I was around a lot of these people that emphasize feelings and experiences, and of course, I wanted that. And somehow, there came to a weekend when…you know, it seemed like everybody around me was just doing great. They were happy and exhilarated, and I was not. And so, frankly, I just got mad at God.
And I just went into a spiritual pout. Emotionally, I just stopped, stopped trying, stopped caring. And, I’ve told this story many times, but…several days, I think it was like, maybe, on a Wednesday after that. This didn’t go on a long time. I went through the motions. I just kind of…but, inside I was dead. I just didn’t put forth any effort. There was nothing coming from me.
But down deep, I knew. Where did that come from? See, I…there was no human energy going into this at all, but God had put something down in here that was a conviction, that I knew better. I knew He was real. And I knew I could not equate Him with feelings and experiences.
And I finally…I just prayed a simple prayer. Lord, if I never have a feeling, I’m gonna serve You. And I did not have any feelings to go with that. I didn’t feel any different in some respects. I felt a peace, perhaps, I guess would be fair to say. I knew things were okay, but I didn’t have any feelings to rise up and say, yeah, that was right! See!
Oh, how we look for signs. We want to know that…we want to be able to see something or touch something or feel something to know God is real. So much religion is about that, where the presence of God and the anointing is equated with preaching that is just, basically, somebody worked up into a frenzy and pouring out words, and that’s supposed to be the evidence that God is in it.
Well, I mean, God can be in a lot of things on occasion, but I mean, for people to equate that with God’s presence and God’s anointing, that’s just a form. Folks, there’s a danger. We are so constituted, that form so quickly becomes what we go by. We’re not immune to getting to the point where we do the right stuff in our behavior, but it’s not as connected to the vine as we might like to think it is.
God doesn’t want a form. God doesn’t want something that just…that we know what to do, and we know how to behave, because it’s so easy to come in here and think that everything is right.
The Pharisee’s were convinced they were right. They obeyed the law meticulously, zealously! And yet, they didn’t have what they needed. But even as believers, do we settle for just doing the right stuff? I thank God for the measure of life that God has blessed us with. I believe He’s with us, and I believe He’s helped us.
But oh, how many times in history have you had a move of God start out with great life and power? Then, you go back in a generation or three, and what’s left? They handed down the form.
See, folks, we are so geared to what we see and what we do and the formula side of it, that it’s so easy for us to think, oh, if I’m doing the right thing, God will show up. God is looking for a heart relationship with Him. And I’ll tell you, if He gets that, He can train us and teach us, and bring us into the reality of what He’s talking about here.
How many of you would like to be in a place where you could be so close to Him that a situation would arise, and you would know how to pray? Yeah, that would be a wonderful thing, wouldn’t it? I believe many of you have experienced that kind thing. I’m not talking about something that’s just totally foreign. God has, many times, helped us in prayer.
Aren’t we promised that? We don’t know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit will help us, “…with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (KJV). Yeah. God offers so much to us that we just simply try to bring what He gives us down into the human realm where we know what to do, we know how to do it, and we think that’s what He wants.
But the thing is, you can do that and miss the inward connection that He’s really looking for. God is going to have a people in the darkest hour of earth’s history, who walk with Him, who learn that being…that abiding in the vine is not something that just happens when we turn on the spiritual switch.
It’s gotten real quiet. It’s a lot to think about, isn’t it? But how does the Lord feel about us in all of this? Is He mad with us? No. There’s such a heart of love that reaches out. Like we sang the song, “Just as I Am.”
So, what do we do with this? Do we just give up in defeat, throw up our hands and say I guess this isn’t for me? I’m just so bad. You know, what are you looking at when you think that way? You’re looking at yourself. If you look at yourself, you’re not gonna be very encouraged, not if you’re honest. I never am.
But I’ll tell you, the Lord wants us to fix our eyes on Him, and if we do, we will see a heart of love and mercy, that longs for us to know Him in a deeper way, that has the power to bring us to a place where we can be so in harmony with Him when we pray, that we can more and more know how to pray.
We can pray, and it will be not just us uttering words and Santa Clause requests of God, but there’ll be…it’ll be something that God wants to accomplish, and He means to do it by using us to pray and to speak the words.
When the Father created everything, how did He do it? He gave the job to His Son, and the Words were spoken by the Son. They had power to do what needed to be done. God wants to speak words through us. God wants to speak powerful, creative words through us.
That doesn’t mean we chase signs and wonders. That means we just come into harmony with Him, whether there are feelings that are high or low or whatever the circumstances are. We just simply yield ourselves to Him and say, oh God, just live through me, and I don’t have to be anxious. Oh my God, am I doing it right? Where am I supposed go now? What am I supposed to do next?
Lord, have mercy. I remember some poor guy that I knew in college, and I guess, today, they would say he has PTSD. He’d come out of the Korean war at that time. That’s how long ago this was. And oh, he was determined to be led of God!
But I mean, the guy was so obsessed with being led of the Spirit. He had to be led of the Spirit to go to lunch. He had to be led of the Spirit to go to the bathroom, just about. I mean, it was such an extreme. The enemy had just brought him into this anxious, extreme.
You know, I believe we can rest. The Lord wants us to have a spirit of rest. Our heart is, Lord, I’m Yours, I’m yielded, I’m open, I’m listening, I’m not obsessing, I’m not being anxious about it. I believe if You want me to know something, You can help me to know it. I can have that conviction that’s deep in my spirit that has nothing to do with feelings, because I’m not always gonna feel like…you know, exhilarated.
But yet, You can do something that is eternal whether I have a feeling or not, because it’s not about any of that. It’s not about being a scholar. It’s not about being a sign and wonder producer. And yet, God can do all of those things. But it’s just a people that know Him, that walk with Him, and know that that’s what He wants.
Do you really believe the Lord wants to walk with every single one of you, that He loves you, that He starts by accepting you where you’re at, but He says I’ve got more for you? You have the right to walk with Me and to look to Me, and I will teach you, just like that little child is nowhere near ready to get on the football field.
Just like that, but I will start where you’re at, and I will teach you, and I’m gonna bring you to a place where some of these things are real, and we know them, not because we’ve learned a formula, not because we’ve worked up something we call faith or worked up and emotion, but because there’s a deep conviction in our hearts that we know Him.
Paul didn’t say that I may know more about Him, did he? He said, “…that I may know Him…” Yeah! “…And the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” And it had to do with experiencing resurrection life.
But he also said…I’m not gonna open it up, but you remember what he talked about…that I’m not there yet, basically. I’m forgetting what’s behind. I’m reaching for what’s before. “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God….” Paul hadn’t entered into all of this, and yet, look at all the amazing things God did though him. And yet, here’s Paul reaching out and saying, there’s more.
You think God wants us to be just satisfied and say, well thank God, we’ve got a good place to go, and we sing good songs, and we’ve got people who love the Lord. That’s wonderful. But God wants a relationship with every single one of you, and with me, where divine life can flow in whatever way He has designed you to express it, and eternal results will happen.
Folks, I believe He can teach us to pray. Let’s just start where we’re at, not worry about it, not be anxious about it. Say, Lord, You know where I’m at. I’m just gonna talk to You, Lord, and I’m gonna bring my concerns.
But you know, even in that…I can’t remember what I said the other night. I think I may have mentioned the Lord’s Prayer where you’ve got to start with oh, “…Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (NIV). See, the very foundation of the relationship is not what I want in my earthly life. It’s all about what Your eternal purpose, Your kingdom, and my place in it while I’m in this world.
I’ll tell you, we come on that basis, and we relate to Him as we are called to do, I’ll tell you, there’s no limit to what God can do. We hear about miracles and amazing things happening in other parts of the world. If God purposed to do it, and it were needful here, He can do anything. We’ve seen Him, over the years, do miraculous healings that weren’t even talked about, instant ones.
I’ve seen it myself. I won’t go into some of it, but I know these things are real. But I also know that God wants to establish a relationship. He will never give you a formula for living the Christian life other than abide in the vine. Praise God. Praise God!
It’s something to think about, isn’t it? I’ll just ask you all to pray with me, and just ask the Lord to teach us these things, to teach us to live for Him and to live in a living relationship with Him that just doesn’t get switched off when we walk out of here, but rather, we’re conscious.
You come up short, praise God. Lord, help me. Thank God for the blood. We sang about it this morning. Thank God that we always have a place to go, that we can always come to Him and know that He understands.
At the same time, He’s my help. My God, we can’t just cut ourselves off because we haven’t measured up in our own eyes. Again, what are we looking at? We’ve got to get beyond the point where we’re just obsessed with how I’m doing and how I’m feeling and just say, Lord, You know all about that. You love me. You loved me before the foundation of the world. You knew my name. You planned for me.
Help me to let go of all this junk and just say, Lord, help me to find Your plan, and live in it, and know that You’re gonna do what You’re gonna do. And I’ll tell you, the whole body of Christ is gonna benefit. That measure of light that You’ve given to me is gonna be for the benefit of everybody else, and theirs is gonna be for the benefit of me, as well.
This is simple, and yet, it’s profound truth. Folks, do you want a form, or do you want Christ? I want Him, don’t you? I believe He wants us, too. That’s the most wonderful thing. Praise God!
December 4, 2022 - No. 1574
“A Call to Go Deeper” Part One
December 4, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1574 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! Good to see everybody this morning. I appreciate the Lord’s mercy and His presence today, and I’m just trusting Him. It seems like, many times, He’ll bring me to a place where I feel my weakness in an extra special way, and I certainly do this morning, but that’s good. Paul gloried in his weakness. He said, thank God I’m weak! We…that’s kind of contrary to the way we tend to think, but the reality is it has to be the Lord’s strength, doesn’t it?
I’ve had a lot of thoughts and I’ve tried to organize them and that hasn’t really worked so, I’m not gonna worry about it. But you know, there was an interesting question posed on Wednesday night. I don’t remember the exact words, but it had to do with prayer and faith, and essentially the underlying question is, how does that work? How do have faith? How do we pray? How do we know what to pray for? Do we say, God if it’s your will, or do we say, yes, Lord, do it? There are so many things that I doubt any of us really knows about prayer like the Lord wants us to.
And you know, the more I’ve thought about it, the reality is, the underlying issue has to do with everything in the Christian life. It isn’t just prayer. The reality is the Christian life is meant to be entirely a supernatural life. You think of the things that the Lord has, basically, told us to do as Christians. I mean, we’re full of instructions…they’re full of instructions, in the New Testament.
I mean, you can go through and see things like…familiar scriptures like Romans 12, where we’re told to, “…present your bodies a living sacrifice…” (KJV). And, I’m just gonna refer to some of these scriptures. I don’t know that I’m gonna spend a lot of time in each one. But, he talks about the reality of how we, as individuals, are to present our bodies, but yet it’s to be a corporate sacrifice.
Totally contrary to human nature, we are to become one people, our lives are to be given to Him to work in, to change us so that we can be the kind of people He wants us to be. And, he talks about the various gifts and abilities and how focused they are on everybody else. And that’s human nature, isn’t it!? That we’re meant to put others first, others ahead of ourselves and, basically, the purpose of our lives becomes not about me, not about what pleases me, not about just satisfying my natural desires, but becoming a means by which other people can be blessed and helped.
That is…I mean, how contrary to human nature is that? Anybody here that…naturally you’ve got the ability to do that? No! We have no ability. In fact, if something originates in me, or in you, it has no power to do anything that will last beyond this world. At best, it will not last beyond this world.
You know, I guess I probably jumped ahead a little bit. But, I’m gonna go to the scripture that came to me as, the more I thought about what we talked about Wednesday night, the more my mind went to a scripture that we’re familiar with. And I don’t think we even need to turn there, necessarily, but it’s John 15, where Jesus is introducing to the disciples what their life is gonna be about.
It’s not about, here are My instructions, go do it. It’s an organic life. It is a life which we literally get from God and it is expressed through us. And so, He uses the vine and the branches as a picture of this.
And He says, just as a vine without the branches cannot bear fruit, “… no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine…” He said, “…ye are the branches….” The Father is the One who does the planting. In other words, there’s a source of supernatural life in Him, that if we are connected to it, we can bear fruit that will actually last beyond this world.
Wouldn’t that be nice? Praise God! How many of you want to actually have something happen as a result of your life and God working in and through you that lasts beyond this world into eternity? That’s what we’re called to, folks! This isn’t religion. We’re called to something that is supernatural and I believe…I sense, in my own spirit, God wanting to get us into a deeper place in Him, where we actually learn how to be vessels in His hands so that we can do something.
And of course, the scripture, I guess, that brought my mind to that passage in John 15 was, “…apart from me you can do nothing.” (NIV). That’s a sobering thing. But you think about the issue that was brought up the other night about prayer. And think about it in this context. Apart from Me, you can’t pray.
Yeah! Think about that. I mean, we can mouth words. We can do all kinds of things and call it prayer. The Pharisees did that. But if we’re gonna do what God is talking about when He says to pray, it’s got to have something more behind it than just human thoughts and wisdom and desires and energy and all of that. It’s got to have God behind it!
( congregational amens ).
But the reality, as I began to say, is everything in the Christian life is that way! There’s not one of us who can be what God wants us to be unless it is supernatural. And that’s what I believe God seeks to teach us.
And again, I’ll go back to this. It mentions…in Romans 12, it mentions all the different gifts and abilities that God gives, and they vary. But now it comes down to verse 9 and you begin to get the character that God seeks from us. It says, “Love must be sincere.”
Oh, we’re good at, you know, putting on a front, but God wants something that, absolutely, is genuine, that comes from the heart. If we’re going to represent Him, if we’re going to be an expression of Him, not an imitation, but if we are literally going to be an expression of His love in the world, man, it’s got to come from Him!
( congregational amens ).
It’s got to have a supernatural source. But yet, here is what God tells us to do. “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” As God defines those things, by the way. Okay? “Be devoted to one another in love.” Oh, how we…how many human corruptions do we have of that? How much pretense is there? God wants to eliminate that. And, I’m so thankful…I mean, this is a theme that seems to come up all the time, but I see God wanting to teach us, in a deeper way, than perhaps we’ve gotten.
( congregational response ).
Yeah. This has got to come from the heart! It’s got to be a divine work of the Spirit of God, in the heart. We cannot manufacture this. This Word is full of scripture and full of instructions that we have no power, under heaven, to carry out, unless we come to a place where God does it in us. All right?
“Honor one another….” Oh, here’s a good one! “Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Oh, we go up and down and all over the place, don’t we?
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So, there’s where prayer comes into it. You see, it’s all part of the same package. You can’t just say, oh, prayer is a separate subject over here. Prayer is an integral part of every aspect of the Christian life, in this world, that God seeks to give us. And oh, I’m confident God wants to take us to a deeper place than we have known. Okay? All right?
“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Oh, it gets really into some deep territory here. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” I won’t ask how many people have sort of imagined in your mind a situation where you’re done really, really wrong and, man, there’s something that rises up in you and you want to just pronounce a curse on somebody. Okay, I won’t make you raise your hands.
( laughter ).
But I mean, that’s human nature. That is what naturally comes out of our lives. Folks, when we are…you take a person that’s genuinely saved, they’ve got a new heart down in here. That does not automatically eliminate the possibility of our living too much in the old nature.
See, that’s what the Christian life is about is learning to live by the new nature and not the old, and it does not happen automatically. It’s something God works in us and we have to grow in it. And, oh, far too often we are operating in the energy of the flesh. All right?
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Again, what’s the focus? It’s not selfish, is it? It’s with somebody else. “Live in harmony with one another.” Okay, if they’ll get along with me and do what I think they ought to do, we’ll be just fine, thank you. Is that what it’s talking about?
No, you see there’s got to be a quality in here that’s willing to put up with each other in our imperfections, willing to love, willing to seek for peace. That’s the object, is to have peace. I don’t know if it’s in this passage or another one.
Well, yeah, it says, “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” That’s the scripture I was thinking of.
“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. On the contrary: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
How many of you think God wants to bring us to a place where these are the characteristics of our lives? Yeah. Anybody here got room to grow?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah, we do. And you know, he does get into gifts of the Spirit. You can read passages that go into that. I’ll go back and read some of this. I guess that was the question in my mind…how much to get into all of this. But, Paul writes, back in verse 3, “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” Where does faith come from?
( congregational response ).
Aah! So, if we’re gonna have what he calls faith, in the scriptures, we’re gonna have to get it from Him. Now, that takes a lot of the burden off of me to try to manufacture faith. How many of you have ever tried to do that? See, that’s where some of these questions arise. What is faith? How am I supposed to feel when I have it? Where do I get it? Do I work it up? Do I just decide…you know, all these natural questions.
We are absolutely wanting to bring these things down into the human realm and into the realm of human ability and think of it in terms of behavior, and activity and what we do. But oh, if God could help us to see what He’s so ready to help us with! Praise God! All right?
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Do you know you don’t belong to yourself; you belong to everybody else? Do you know our purpose as individuals is not just to live for us and have this wonderful, private relationship with God and that’s good enough? My purpose is to become a vessel through which God can help you.
But your purpose is also to have…to be a vessel, that in whatever way God has equipped you, you are meant to be a vessel that transmits divine life to others in the Body of Christ. There’s no human being that can manufacture that, folks. We need the Lord! You see how this goes beyond just prayer? You see that God wants us to live a supernatural life. All right?
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith….” And you know, you have to say this because religious culture out there…prophesying is not saying, “yea, I say unto you, thus sayeth,” you know, it’s not this showboat kind of thing. I mean, God could speak like that, I guess, if He wanted to, but that’s not the point.
Prophesying is simply giving out words that come from God! They could be for instruction, for teaching, for exhortation, for all these things. It’s simply speech that doesn’t originate with a human being, but is inspired by God and actually transmits His life.
Isn’t that what Jesus said? And wasn’t that the difference between His words and everybody else’s? They could expound scripture, at least they thought they were doing it. But Jesus spoke words that His Father told Him to speak.
You see the relationship there. He wasn’t coming up with this. It wasn’t like the Father gave Him a plan and said, here’s what You’re supposed to do, go do it. There was a hand-in-glove relationship with His Father. It was organic. It was life, and so, He literally was being a vessel through which the Father was actually doing the works.
He said, “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” (KJV). That was the way that Jesus did what He did. Do you think it’s meant to be different for us?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Anybody here got something they need to learn? Yeah. Anybody got room to grow? Yeah. “Prophesying…if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement.” (NIV).
You know, encouragement could be done on a human level, but again…I’ll say again, this is not something…we’re not talking about just something that happens in the human family, where you say, hang in there, you’ll get it.
You know, we can do that on a totally carnal level. It just originates in human energy and it has no power to do anything beyond this world. But I’ll tell you, when God comes with a word in season to somebody in need, that has the power to penetrate the heart, to energize the spirit and to actually produce fruit that will last forever.
Isn’t that what Jesus was talking about in John 15? I’ve called you, I’ve ordained you, He said, “…that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” (KJV). Folks, I want more of that—I want more of that.
You know, it’s tiring trying to “do religion” in human energy. Man, that’s exhausting. And it’s fruitless. We need God! We need Him as we’ve never needed Him before.
“…If it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” (NIV). And then he goes into the part that we’ve already read. God means to put us together in an organic, living relationship to give us power. Individually, we’re different. We can’t all be the same, but everybody is necessary to the health and the welfare of the whole.
God has called you, as much as He’s called anybody who ever stands up here that’s actually called of God. He has called you to be a part of the Body of Christ, and you matter! And He wants you to come into a place of greater freedom and effectiveness.
November 27, 2022 - No. 1573
“Ready for Midnight” Conclusion
November 27, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1573 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: The Gospel has gone out. Thank God, to some degree it’s still going out! But the Gospel has gone out as a witness to all nations, but we are seeing a separation take place. We are seeing God call people out, but we are seeing people on a…that are exposed to that truth rejecting it and saying we are going to chart our own future. We have our own plans. We embrace that. And, from God’s point of view it is darkness—it is gross darkness!
And the fact that it’s midnight, I think, is significant. You know, the Jewish day, technically, began at six o’clock in the evening, went to six o’clock the next day, so the night portion of it was from six to six, isn’t it? Midnight is exactly in the middle of that. I don’t think that’s an accident. I think God is saying this is an appointed time in the middle of the darkness of night. And what He’s saying is, all that has been unfolding all these years, it’s coming to a climax, when the only option, the only thing left is judgment!
One of the other things that’s really significant about this is it says the bridegroom was a long time in coming. I think it’s something the Lord wants us to be aware of. I know some of you, who were here when the Lord visited us so powerfully so many years ago, remember how it was and how intense the presence of God was. How…I mean, things that were being revealed were just amazing, but the presence of God and the manifest presence of God was just powerful.
And oh, it was like, oh, He’s coming, certainly, within five years. We’re right at the gate. It’s just about over. All God was doing was showing us what was coming without giving us a time frame. What happens when the time just sort of seems to drag on and you don’t see the fulfillment of what we’ve been talking about? How many people did we have who came on the excitement of what was happening, who didn’t stick around when it just kind of went on?
See, God is wanting a faith that looks past every circumstance. And He has told us specifically that it’s gonna seem like He’s delaying. Is He? No. He knows exactly the time. And I’ll quickly read a scripture that we know over in 1st Peter…2nd Peter, rather, chapter 3, because this deals with this specifically. And it reveals something about why God would even allow a delay to happen. I’ll just look…verse 3 is a good place to pick up.
“Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.” (NIV). That tells you what’s behind the scoffing. Okay? “They will say, Where is this coming he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. but they deliberately forget…” It’s a choice. “…That long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and earth was formed out of water and by water.
“By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgement and destruction of the ungodly.” Do you believe that?
It’s nice…we like to believe the sweet things that just give us help and comfort and all of that, and thank God for every one of them. But this is truth, too. This is reality. This is the world that you live in. This is the world our young people are growing up in. You better understand it. I mean, your destiny depends on understanding this and walking in the light of it.
“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise….” You get that? “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with…” Who? “…Patient with you….”
I believe, on the one hand, He’s certainly giving people all the opportunity that they could ever…I mean, no one can go there and say You didn’t give me a chance. There’s…I’ll tell you, God’s judgement is gonna be just. But I’ll tell you, the patience is with us. I’m so glad He’s patient with me. Aren’t you?
( congregational amens ).
Oh, thank God. He is gonna continue to prepare everyone that has been born of His Spirit who will look to Him, and drink in of what He gives us, because I don’t have what it takes to stand in this kind of darkness, but He does.
( congregational amens ).
He is faithful. He is not slow! Okay? “Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God is not in a hurry to pour out His judgement. Jesus wept again over Jerusalem. That’s His heart! But there does come a time, when it absolutely reaches a climax, and there’s nothing left to do.
If you have a world full of people, who have made their choice, who have no capacity for God, and this is a temporary world, what’s the point of going on? There is no point. And this world, like I say, is destined for something that he’s gonna be talking about here.
“But the day of the Lord…” This is the day. This is midnight. “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” That is unexpected. “The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.”
I mean, what are you living for? What matters? Thank God. I don’t…you know, in the natural, I don’t look forward to the trouble and the difficulty that may well come. But I find myself saying, Lord Jesus, come. Lord, whatever it takes, let that day come. Reach everyone that has…that can possibly hear the message. Reach them, Lord! Help us to do our part and be part of that, but Lord, oh, God, wind this thing up. You get older, you realize there’s nothing to live for here. You might as well say just Lord, come.
Praise God! I hope the young people can get this. I was one of the younger people when all this was happening, and we’ve got some of them here this day…to this day, that are still with us that got it. Some of them have gone on already to be with the Lord. But oh, every generation, this needs to become reality in your heart and in your life. This is the world in which you have been born. This is what it’s about. If you miss this, you miss everything. This is what it’s about.
“That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.”
I’ll tell you, there is a time frame. We are watching two harvests come to fruition. The harvest of wickedness of people who’ve chosen their own way, and the harvest of righteousness of those who have given and surrendered their lives, lock, stock and barrel, no conditions, into His hand, looking to Him for the salvation they cannot engineer in themselves. That’s it.
And I’ll tell you, God is going to make manifest whether that is really in the heart or not. And that’s one of the things that makes this passage concerning. I don’t believe that anybody who’s really and truly been born and sealed of God’s Spirit is gonna be lost. But the reality is, there are people who sit in churches who will profess every one of these things, because the foolish virgins were also there with the wise. They were there to look for the bridegroom. They were expecting him. They had the knowledge to go with all of that. They had the intentions that went with that. What they didn’t have was the oil.
Oil gives light. Of Jesus, it was said, “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (KJV). Folks, he’s talking about the oil of God’s Spirit. He’s talking about the reality of a born-again heart. And I’ll tell you, even when there is a darkness that causes people to come to a place where they’re asleep, in a sense, I’ll tell you, if you don’t have this, you don’t have anything to wake up to, because there is a time when it is too late.
That’s the message of this. When God closes the door, it’s closed. When God closed the door of the ark, it was closed. I’ll tell you, you think about the people that rejected and killed Jesus, the condition of…the condition of people who thought they were serving God by killing the Son of God. Do you see what darkness is like?
Folks, that’s the spirit that is engulfing our world. When God withdraws His Spirit from influencing people, what happens? He withdraws it because they say no, repeatedly. What happens to people’s hearts? Do they just…are they just an empty vessel? No. I’ll tell you, devils rush in, and you see the manifestation, in one form or another, of satanic power, satanic deception, satanic wickedness, satanic hatred of God, hatred of you and me!
But oh, thank God, He’s gonna bring us to the end of the age. He’s never gonna leave us. But folks, the fact that they could be in a state of darkness, and actually slumber and sleep tells me that…it reminds me of what Jesus said. “…In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” It’s when you don’t expect Him! Conditions had become such that they weren’t even thinking, oh, this means the Lord is about to come! They were just kind of looking at the conditions.
But I’ll tell you, if we have something on the inside, if we are doing what Ricky was talking about and listening and growing and learning and becoming one, and just aligned with Him completely, whatever the conditions are when voice comes, there’s gonna be something there that’s capable of responding, capable of fulfilling the place that God has opened for us.
I don’t claim to be able to explain every little detail. I don’t think I need to, but do you get the heart of the message there? The reality is a warning to people that sit in church pews, and affirm all of the right things and do all the right things, and even sit there believing they are ready for the bridegroom to come! But they have never, ever faced the need of their own heart and never surrendered to Jesus Christ. He has never come in and sealed them by His Spirit. What a horrible thing.
So many others will have already fallen off to the wayside, but here is a time when, at ‘the’ critical moment, when the Lord says, it’s time, they’re not ready. That’s a pretty sober warning, and I pray that anybody here, anybody that hears this, will cry out to God and say, oh, God, search my heart. Lord, I need You. I want to be a part of Your kingdom, and I have no power.
God, show me the corruption of my own heart and my own need, and then, show me the Savior and what He has done for me by bearing every sin upon His own back, shedding His blood so that I can be completely free from sin. The way was opened to see You and to become part of Your kingdom, Lord. That’s what it’s all about. Don’t be one of those that comes to that day, and it’s all over.
You know, there’s a scripture toward the end of Revelation that says, “He which is filthy, let him be filthy still.” I don’t remember all of it. There were about four different things. He that is unrighteous. “He that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”
There’s a point in time when your condition is fixed, when choices have been made, and the Lord says, okay, that’s it. Your destiny has been determined by what you have chosen. Oh God, reach out to people that are in need, because there’s still a day of grace. There’s still an opportunity. We see the Word going out. We see that there are people coming.
But we also see the condition of the world and the way darkness is unfolding and spreading. It’s very, very real. We see the politics of things, and all these political battles and cultural battles that are going on, but do you see what’s really happening?
There are two kingdoms. God and His kingdom are reaching out. That’s more real than what we see and touch. That’s what will last. God’s kingdom is reaching out and convicting hearts and drawing them into His kingdom. But there is another kingdom. Boy, its day is short. Thank God! But he knows it’s short, and he’s angry about it.
So, I just…I’ll do the same thing as Ricky does. I just put this in the Lord’s hands. He is able to save those who call upon Him from the heart. Don’t find yourself, don’t fool yourself into thinking you can sort of adhere to Christ in some fashion without ever surrendering your heart and your life and being born of His Spirit. Don’t fool yourself. If you do, the darkness will overtake you. If you walk in the light while there is light, God will give you light, and you’ll have what you need.
( congregational amens ).
And of course, he comes to the end of this and says, be ready, because you don’t know! So that’s a warning to those who do believe! It’s exactly what Brother Ricky was saying. We need to be taking in and realizing things aren’t always gonna be as they are. We need what He’s giving us, and He is preparing us to stand in an hour, the greatest hour of darkness the world has ever known.
But I’ll tell you, the light will be enough. Don’t worry. That day will come when He sends His angels. Again, what a picture that would be. Can you imagine Him showing up in the air, and all of a sudden, angels being dispatched everywhere, and flying down and taking hold of somebody’s hand and leading them up into the air?
Folks, when that’s done, when the last one is removed from the earth, what purpose is there in going on? There’s nothing but fire, and then judgement to follow. You know, our paper is the Midnight Cry Messenger, Midnight Cry Ministries. That’s where this came from. I was just thinking as I came into this service. I can’t remember the last time I preached on this passage. But it’s real, and this generation needs to get it. These are the words of Jesus. They aren’t mine.
And if they are not a warning of what’s coming, and what we need, but also an encouragement, I don’t know what they are. So, if there’s somebody here, and you’re just, you’re here, and you’re kind of going along, but it’s never gotten down into here, be warned. There will come a time, if that does not change, when you will not be able to change. Now is the day of salvation. Now. It’s when He speaks that we need to hear. So, I just pray that God will touch the hearts of everyone to whom He’s speaking today. May God bless you.
November 20, 2022 - No. 1572
“Ready for Midnight” Part One
November 20, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1572 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I was just thinking recently, that it’s been a long time since we’ve really talked a lot about the end of the age and the things that the Lord has shown us. We’ve made reference to it. And you sort of feel like, well, everybody knows that. But you know, generations come and go, and, you know, these are truths that we need to have fresh in our minds, especially as we see things unfolding.
( congregational response ).
There’s no question we see the things that God showed us, so many years ago, unfolding. He didn’t…He revealed to us the loosing of Satan, but He also revealed that we were at the eleventh hour of earth’s history and showed us what was going to happen in that last hour and how it was gonna turn out.
And here we are, in the middle of that, watching it unfold, and we need to be aware. We need to live and walk in the light of what God is showing us. And, amen to what Ricky has said. In a way, I’d love to have that at the end of this, but we’ll see what the Lord has.
But anyway, he has already read this passage in the King James. I’m not gonna reread it. But anyway, what Jesus has been talking about is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now, I think most of you realize that among the Israelites, among the Jews, their concept of a kingdom was a very earthly one. In fact, that’s what you get with natural people. They’re thinking in terms of this world. The world is planning on how is the human race gonna go forward?
Well, Israel had prophets that were sent to them. They rejected them, but yet, there was a message that promised a kingdom, a Messiah who would establish a kingdom, and it would rule over the world. And what God was doing was concealing His purpose from the devil until it was time.
And it was a kingdom that was very real. But it’s not a political kingdom. It’s not…Jesus said, the kingdom of God doesn’t come with your careful observation. It’s not something where you’re gonna be able to see, there it is, or, there it is. Or there’s the headquarters. This is the organization. It’s none of those things, none of those earthly things. It’s a kingdom that is more real than any kingdom that exists, because this world is going to pass away.
Everything about this world, as we’ve said so many times, is totally temporary. And how often do we live as though this is what it’s about and it’s not? But anyway, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. And you know that when John came, and then in the ministry of Jesus, they proclaimed the Kingdom.
And it absolutely came forth on the Day of Pentecost. The Kingdom was Jesus Christ reaching out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. How many of you know that the lost sheep was not all of Israel? He looked some of them in the eye and said, “…you are not my sheep.” (NIV). But He also said, “…other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring…and there shall be…” (KJV). How many folds?
( congregational response ).
One fold, one shepherd. God had in mind a kingdom that was very real, that was established in the hearts of people who were born of His Spirit, of the very life of heaven, and they would come, first from the remnant of Israel, that were really His sheep and not the others. Judgment was coming upon them. But God was establishing a kingdom and it burst onto the scene on the Day of Pentecost, with great power. And it began to reach out among the remnant of Israel.
Then it began to reach out among the Gentiles. And Jesus said, that the kingdom, “…this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” So, there is a process. God has allowed this world to exist with all of its corruption and all of its sin, but in the midst of this, His purpose has always been to call out a people, to bring them to a place of genuine heart repentance and faith in His saving power, so that we might receive a life that has nothing to do with anything you can get in this world, nothing you can get by any of your own efforts, but a supernatural life that is born into the heart.
That’s exactly what Ricky was just talking about. Folks, if people don’t have this, they don’t have anything!
( congregational amens ).
You don’t have anything! And that’s a lot of what this passage is about. But anyway, He talks about the…He pictures the kingdom in some places as a…like a crop. You plant it, and it grows up, and there comes a time of harvest. It is a limited deal where when the purpose of God is finished, that’s the rest of His purpose for this world. There’s no more reason for it to go on. That’s why Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (NIV). Boy, I want His Word, don’t you?
( congregational amens ).
I need His Word! I need it this morning! I need it every morning! We need Him! Thank God for His promises, for the hope that we have in Him!
But anyway, that’s what He’s talking about. But now in this context, Matthew 24 and 25, He’s talking about the kingdom, not just as it’s gonna be spread…He does mention that, but He’s talking about the end of the age.
And He pictures a time when, contrary to popular doctrine, Jesus is going to come, not in some secret rapture. He’s going to come openly, with a loud trumpet and angels will be sent forth to gather his people out.
Folks, what do you think happens when that’s over? There’s nothing left! He tells you what’s gonna happen to those left behind with Noah. That’s in chapter 24. You look in 17, He brings Sodom into it.
But He prepared…made a preparation to rescue His people. Every single one of them were rescued, in Noah’s day, and made safe and removed from the scene, and then judgment fell.
And what happened to those who were left behind? Every single one of them died. That’s where this world is headed. That’s how serious this is. It’s not about churchianity. It’s not about fixing the world. His kingdom is not of this world.
And folks, that’s one of the things that…we need to see this. We need to see that God’s purpose is not to fix the world. It’s not to fix America, much as I’d love to see things happen in a different way. That ain’t…that ain’t what’s gonna happen. We need to see past all of the issues of this world and say, what is it really about?
I’d be glad if…my hope is not in a political party, it’s not in a political leader. I may have my preferences as to how I would like things, from a practical standpoint to go on, but that’s not whereon my hope lies.
As a matter of fact, if we understand the scriptures, we know it’s not going to go…God’s not going to save America. God’s not gonna save the world. There will never be that kind of peace on earth. He’s never coming down and imposing His government on a lost world that has rejected Him. That’s not going to happen. There’s only one thing that’s gonna happen. And that’s when He comes. He will rescue His own and destroy the rest.
( congregational amens ).
It’s so plain in the scriptures. I’ll tell you what happens is, people will develop their own rules for understanding the Bible, believing they can understand it through study. Then they’ll look at the Old Testament and say, aha, it says this, it says that, and then they’ll build a whole system of ideas on that, and then they’ll go to the New Testament and try to fit it all in. That’s what they’re doing.
Folks, I want to look at the revelation of Christ unfolding in the New Testament, when the…when the thing that was a mystery now begins to be unlocked. Then you can look back and see what the prophets were really talking about. Yeah, they were talking about Israel, but who is Israel? Who is a Jew?
You know, I wrote an article on that way, way back. Folks, God doesn’t see Israelites, He doesn’t see Jews the way man does. “Though…the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.” (KJV). “…He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly…but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly.” And so forth.
There are so many…the truth is so plain, and I believe God wants to re-establish, or wants to refresh our minds about some of these things. The one thing I don’t want to do, I don’t want to get to the point where we stand up here and just simply regurgitate our doctrine so that we can make sure we’re all right theologically. That’s not what we need.
We need God’s heart. We need God’s message, because this is relevant to what we’re doing right now. It’s not just about believing the right stuff about what’s gonna happen down there. This has relevance today, and the things that Ricky was talking about, that’s at the heart of it. Because that’s why the Lord wants these things to become real, not so we can be theologically correct, but so that we can have a relationship to Him and walk with Him and have what we need to be ready for all of that!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! So, He’s not just talking about the Kingdom of Heaven, but He’s talking about the kingdom at that time. And as He unfolds this, we’re seeing some things that are coming.
Deception is certainly one of them. Ricky referred to that. There’s a powerful deception and it’s one that God allows. We’ve talked about this from 2nd Thessalonians 2, how God allows there to be a spirit of deception in the world that is so total that mankind is just totally blocked from having any further capacity for God, or truth.
You watch it…are you not seeing this happen? And it’s gonna get worse, and it’s going to unfold and we’re just watching it. I don’t know what the timeframe is. But I know…I know what God has shown us and I believe it’s happening and we need to walk in the light of it and live in the light of it. So, that’s one thing is deception.
You’re gonna see persecution, in a greater and greater way. I don’t know exactly how all this is gonna play out. But we just need to be ready to say, Lord, I’m gonna serve You and trust You with whatever comes. You’re gonna give me the grace with whatever You call me to walk through, but I am Yours, unconditionally! I’m not Yours as long as life goes my way and I can ask You for what I want and get what I want and just make my own life in this world. I am Yours come hell or high water!
What did it cost Jesus to follow in His Father’s will? That’s what it costs you and me! To lay down our lives and give them to Him unconditionally, but with the promise that as we do that from the heart, that He will, indeed, share His very life with us. There will be a spiritual resurrection to a life that can never die.
( congregational amens ).
Folks, that is what the issue is and that, boy, as we come down to the end of the age, it’s going to become more and more apparent who’s on what side. “…Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Or grow cold, “…the love of most will grow cold.” (NIV). Depending on the translation. We’re gonna see that.
We’re gonna see family members betraying other family members. That’s happening in other parts of the world, right now. Folks, Jesus did not come, as He said, “…to bring peace, but a sword.” And He’s gonna divide, sometimes, in the middle of families.
Boy, it is gonna…God’s gonna prove the reality of those who have the goods, who’ve given Him their hearts, because anything short of that is gonna come up short. That is the unfolding message.
You know, right before this, He talks about how there are servants to whom responsibilities have been given. Okay? And how they carry them out is pretty revealing, because there’s one who’s a faithful servant. And even though there’s a delay, seemingly, he just goes on and he does what he knows to do because it’s the right thing to do.
Folks, we’re gonna have to walk by faith. We’re gonna have times when there are no feelings and it doesn’t look very good, but I’ll tell you, God’s Word is still true. And just as we have so many examples in scripture, of this principle of somebody walking when it didn’t look right, didn’t look good, but yet God honored faith. And so the faithful servant just kept doing what his master had told him to do, came to the end and was rewarded.
But what happened to another ‘servant,’ quote/unquote? He began to say, wait a minute. This is kind of going on and I’ve got other stuff I’d like to do. And so, he began to eat and drink with the drunk and began to party, began to just…anyway, he didn’t…acted like anything other than…he acted like anything other than the faithful servant. What happened to him? He was out the door.
What happened was not somebody who had it and lost it, but somebody who never really had it in the heart. Over and over again that is the message! That is what God is getting at! It has to be something that is real in here. If it isn’t, something is going to bring it out. Okay?
So that’s the context. That’s the time that He’s talking about. What’s it gonna be like as we get closer and closer to the end? All right? Now He’s talking about…He makes use of a…the custom of how a wedding was carried out in their day. And I want to be very careful not to try to make something out of every little thing, but rather to get to the heart of what He’s talking about here.
You know, a lot of times you had these elaborate ceremonies where the wedding party would be gathered and then the bridegroom would then make a very special entrance. And, I remember, very, very plainly, being in India. One of the times we were visiting Timothy, Brother Jimmy was with me on this occasion, and he had put us up in a hotel in a city that was actually on a beach. We didn’t go into the beach, but I mean, it was a, you know, reasonably nice place.
And we had become aware that there was some kind of a wedding scheduled, but we didn’t know how it was gonna open up, or how it was gonna unfold, and what the traditions were. And so, we woke up on Saturday morning, and just about daylight, all of a sudden, we heard what sounded exactly like gunfire!
Well, we knew there was potential danger. There were people who didn’t like Westerners, didn’t like Christians and we said, oh my God, what’s happening? Well, what it turned out was, the bridegroom was arriving on horseback with firecrackers! That was part of the ceremony.
But Jesus is taking, basically, something that was part of their culture and talking about being ready for the arrival of the bridegroom, and that became a picture of the arrival of Jesus Christ at the end of the age. Okay?
Now, one of the things that…I mean, there are so many parts to this, I don’t want to belabor them, but of course it’s at midnight, isn’t it? The center of the story is at midnight. How many of you know that there is a point in time when God calls it midnight? God has a schedule. He knows the day, the hour. He’s the only One that does know the day or the hour.
But there is a time in which every process is absolutely fulfilled, and there is a darkness that Brother Ricky was talking about, that is enveloping our world, and it’s no secret. I mean, it’s no surprise. God has told us. If you have people that absolutely harden their hearts and continually say no to God, in here…some of them can be religious, but nonetheless, there is that inward resistance to really surrendering to Christ, there is a darkness that grows until it…you pass the point of no return and only judgment follows.
Is that not what happened in Noah’s day? The thoughts of men…the thoughts and intentions of men’s heart were what?
( congregational response ).
“…Only evil continually.” (KJV). There was no capacity anymore! They had resisted the voice of God, because He said, I will no… “…My spirit shall not always…”
( congregational response ).
So, what does that tell you? Had God just sort of left them alone, or had He been striving? Yeah! There had been an outreach.
I’ll tell you, my God is merciful! He had been reaching out, but they had been saying no, and they reached a point where there was no more capacity. Even then He said, yet it’ll be an hundred and twenty years. Isn’t that amazing? But you see the process unfolding, of darkness, and what happens when a civilization says no.
What happened to the Jewish nation when Jesus came? He came for the sheep, but what about the rest? Jesus said, “…your house is left unto you desolate.” And when His disciples showed Him the amazing construction of this temple, this magnificent building, He said, “…there shall not be left here one stone upon another.” And He talks about the time of destruction when their enemies would shut them in, and there would just be utter destruction, utter wrath poured out upon that people.
I’ll tell you, that’s the destiny…there are two destinies. Either we’re gonna…either people are gonna be part of God’s Kingdom, or they are going to literally be under the wrath of God.
( congregational amens ).
People don’t want to hear that, but we need it. We need to have a realistic message out of…that is true to the Word of God. Jesus didn’t hold these things back! He wept over Jerusalem, but He still predicted their downfall, predicted that the wrath of God was gonna come upon them.
And as we pointed out recently in a service, He even said, you’ve embraced the heritage of this lost, rebellious culture—this religious culture. You’ve embraced it! And so, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna send you apostles and prophets. And some of them you’re gonna kill and you’re gonna persecute them. And what I’m doing this for is because I want the guilt of all the generations to fall upon this generation, and then wrath is gonna be poured out.
Folks, we’re seeing that…that principle play out in our world today. The Gospel has gone out. Thank God, to some degree it’s still going out! But the Gospel has gone out as a witness to all nations, but we are seeing a separation take place. We are seeing God call people out, but we are seeing people on a…that are exposed to that truth rejecting it and saying we are going to chart our own future. We have our own plans. We embrace that. And, from God’s point of view it is darkness—it is gross darkness!
And the fact that it’s midnight, I think, is significant. You know, the Jewish day, technically, began at six o’clock in the evening, went to six o’clock the next day, so the night portion of it was from six to six, isn’t it? Midnight is exactly in the middle of that. I don’t think that’s an accident. I think God is saying this is an appointed time in the middle of the darkness of night. And what He’s saying is, all that has been unfolding all these years, it’s coming to a climax, when the only option, the only thing left is judgment!
November 13, 2022 - No. 1571
“You, God, and the Devil” Conclusion
November 13, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1571 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: No matter what we face, even if it’s to die, even if it’s pain, even if it’s persecution, or some other form of difficulty, He knows about it, He’s with us. It’s not something that we have to fear.
We do not have to bring the worries about things that might happen in the future into the present and carry them like a burden. You have the right, He invites you, He tells you to cast it upon Him.
This is not, if you measure up, maybe I’ll help you. This is God’s instruction to every believer. You’re going to worry about things in this life. But we don’t have to! We have the privilege of carrying…of throwing them! Say, God, You take it. I can’t handle this, but it’s not my job to handle it. It’s yours.
My life is in Your hands, as we sing. Is it really? You know, if it is, we don’t have to carry that burden. Oh, may God help us…to wake up to such simple truth…we’re familiar with these things. But how many have really got this nailed? See, this is only the first part, this is us and God.
But, if we get this right…the more we learn to humble and cast, with respect to Him, we’re gonna have what it takes to get into the next paragraph. I need that, because if all…if I have to deal with is, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him…” (NIV). Okay.
But if I haven’t got that first part nailed, or I’m working on it, I’m learning that area, in that area, I’m gonna have a problem with this. Because I’m not facing the devil in His strength, I’m facing it in my own. I’m trying to stand. I’m trying to do this, and it doesn’t work, folks. The devil has got power, and he’s got an ally in our flesh, that agrees with him. And all he has to do is keep looking for those weak places. May God help us.
And this is not written to unbelievers! This is written to believers, where the devil, if we will fall into the habit of yielding to him in certain areas of our lives, he will gain a hold. He will do damage to our spiritual lives. We will not be all that God wants us to be. There will be things that He wants for us but we are making choices not to stand.
Folks, every one of us…it is quiet. Every one of us needs this, don’t we? How reminiscent of Ephesians 6 this is. He uses that word ‘stand’ several times…stand, stand, stand. But doesn’t he begin it with His power? That’s a good thing because I don’t have it. But you know, when I am looking to Him, I have it.
But listen to what he says, “Resist him, standing firm in the faith….” Now, if you would say that in many circles, standing firm in the faith means standing firm on the doctrines that my group professes. “…Standing firm in the faith….” I know what the faith is, and then they’ll recite the Apostle’s Creed or whatever their particular statement is, and they can nail the theology of it, they can describe it, they can understand it, they’ve got it nailed, they’ve gotten it mastered in their minds, I’m firm in the faith.
Is that what it’s talking about? No, there’s something a whole lot deeper that than. Yeah, we need the knowledge. It’s good to know what is true. But folks, I don’t need a faith in a creed. I need a faith in a Person! I need a confidence! I need something that reaches out to Him and says, Lord, I know in spite of what I feel, in spite of what I see, I know You’ve got this! I know You have allowed me to come into this place to work in my heart to help me.
This is part of the deliverance. This is part of why I need to humble myself, put myself in Your hands, so You can change me! I’ve got to be willing to do that. But Lord, right now it doesn’t look good, right now it doesn’t feel good. But that’s no excuse to stop standing, because there are going to be times, like we’ve said many times in the past, when faith is all you’ve got. But faith is enough—faith is enough! That’s what the Lord wants us to learn, to believe Him, no matter what.
And I’ll tell you, that alone, just that dynamic of us having to face the devil, and not feeling like there’s any help, but believing in Him anyway because of our relationship to Him and what we know of Him. We believe Him anyway and we stand in that!
Man, the devil has no answer for that! Whether that comes out as quoting the…quoting the Word like Jesus did, or however it comes out, God can give us the strength to stand and say, I don’t care what you say, Devil, God is true. He is faithful. He is my God and I’m trusting in Him in this moment.
Faith is an active trust in the living God, that what He says is true! It’s pretty obvious from scripture and experience that God has determined, He has planned, I guess is a better word, to gather a family out of a broken world, and obviously…that family is going to need to stand against something! We’re gonna have to overcome something!
There are going to be difficult choices, where we’re gonna have to choose to follow God and choose to reject something else, reject the world and our own nature. He’s not just simply calling us out of a passive little world where everything is sweet and lovely. He’s calling us out of a broken world where we are at war with a relentless enemy who has real power. But folks, He has greater power!
( congregational amens ).
There is no power greater than God! And I’ll tell you, those who align themselves with Him, we have everything that we need, to stand. So, when he’s talking about standing, resisting, firm in the faith, he’s not talking about just believing certain doctrines, he’s talking about a confidence in the Person, just like Abraham exhibited time and time again. “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” (KJV).
But anyway, these are not new truths. But, do you see the connection, though, as you move through this dynamic of us relating to God, having a foundation built in our lives where we’re confident, we’re surrendered, we’re looking to Him, we learn how to not dwell on things we can’t control from the future or the past, but just trust Him in the moment! And now we’re face to face with an enemy. We’ve got something to stand on. We’ve got someone to whom we can look. Praise God! Anybody here need that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. Every single one of us that’s serving God needs what he’s talking about here. All right? But not only that, Peter wants to encourage us, “…because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (NIV).
How many times have we said before, one of the devil’s big tactics is that, you’re the only one, or God has somehow allowed you to be singled out because, and then you fill in the blank about whatever that negative reason is? Folks, this is how, this is the pathway to the Kingdom of God.
Did not Paul go back to encourage new believers with the words, “…we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (KJV). The way into the kingdom is going to be through opposition. We’re gonna have to be willing to fight, and in the fighting thereof, as we draw it and do it by His strength, we are changed. There’s something that happens to us that actually makes us fit for what God’s purpose is.
This is not God somehow losing control and trying to vainly bring us through. This is absolutely God…Satan is God’s servant and doesn’t…doesn’t like the idea, but He absolutely…the Lord knew all about this. He has purposed to bring His people through everything this world can throw at us.
And so, in the middle of this, the other end of this sandwich, in verse 10, “And the God of all grace…” (NIV). Aren’t you glad it uses the word all? It’s not “some.” It’s not a little bit. It’s not, I hope it’s enough. This is all grace! Grace is that divine help, without which I cannot serve God! It’s God…this is God’s mighty hand reaching down and saying, here’s the strength you need in this circumstance. The God of all grace is there.
But, are we looking to Him? Do you see why our part at the beginning of this is so important? Are we willing to take that humble place and say, yes Lord? I get that my life is not about me. It’s not about what happens in this world. It doesn’t revolve around me. It revolves around a purpose that goes way beyond this world. You’re the only one that can get me there, and I humble myself into Your hands because that’s what my life is about.
Folks, if that foundation is laid in a heart, we’ve got everything we need to stand in this hour, whatever hour, because God is a God of all grace, “…who called you…” See, now we’re back to God and you. “…Who called you to his eternal glory in Christ….” Praise God!
So, while on the one hand, we’re living in the world and He brings us through…He gives us what we need to get through the circumstance, and He makes us stronger, and He has a place, a time when He’s gonna lift us up and make us something more.
But oh, look at the final end. It’s glory, folks! There’s gonna come a time when you and I will shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father. And, we’ll look, we’ll bow…if He gives us anything at all, we’ll cast those crowns down at His feet and just worship Him forever and ever.
After 10,000 years we still have, no less…no fewer years, do we? Just like we sang this morning. Some of the songs were just…wonderful selection of songs this morning, about what God has given us, what He’s done for us.
But He’s called us, to eternal glory in Christ! This is His purpose, again, from the foundation of the world, He knew your name, He called you, He wants you to be part of His kingdom! What is our place? To humble, to cast! Two things! They’re big things, aren’t they?
But you think about how he begins that paragraph: “…The God of all grace….” That means when it’s tough for you to humble yourself, it’s tough for you to cast, we have every right to look to Him. He’s not sitting there saying, what’s the matter with you, get with the program. I’m just gonna go away and leave you for awhile until you get it right, and then you come and we’ll talk.
This is, I know where you’re at. I’m here to reach down with all of my strength, all of my might. Just put your trust in Me and I will help you right where you’re at, and I’ll give you the strength you need for today.
Can we let go and let God have His way? We sang that this morning. What a perfect, fitting way to express all of this. But just trusting Him. He’s promised His strength, His mighty hand. It’s not against us, it’s not to suppress us, it’s for us! To lift us up! Bring us to a better place. Do you need to be in a better place? I do.
“…Who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while….” So that must be part of His purpose if that’s…if He says that, unless the Devil’s just stronger, do you think? No! This is part of what it takes for us to become what He wants us to be.
Jesus went to a cross. That cross meant He was renouncing His life in this world. He was renouncing the world itself, and the devil who rules in this world. He was willingly laying it all down. But He knew that when He did, His Father was going to bring Him forth with a brand-new life that the Devil could not touch.
That is exactly what the Lord has called every one of us to, take up our cross. It means laying down your life and turning your back on it, giving it to Him, giving Him your future, your plans, laying it every bit on the altar, and saying, God, I want Your plan, not mine. I want Your life, not mine. Your purpose, not mine. Your will, not mine. Just grant to me the strength to be able to stand in that and put my trust in You when it doesn’t feel good. Praise God!
Because there will be times when we suffer. And again, that may be painful but it could be anything where we’re saying, no, to this old nature. It’s crying out to have its way and you’re saying, no. Because that’s not what God wants. That’s not pleasing to Him.
Oh God, give me the strength, because this has got to be power on power, folks. There’s a power in sin. There is a power that the Devil has. I need some power that’s better than that. That’s what God is offering in this. Praise God!
You, God and the Devil. So, what does He do in the process of this? He talks about the eternal future, but now he’s talking about what happens here on earth in this dynamic as we look to Him, as we face off with the battles, as we stand upon the foundation He has laid, which is perfect, what’s going on?
“…After you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you….” Now, who’s doing this? He didn’t say, come on, restore yourself. This is humbling ourselves under His mighty hand, trusting in Him. He’s going to be doing something that is eternal, that is supernatural. He’s gonna change me. He’s gonna restore me! He’s gonna, “…make you strong….”
Anybody here feel strong this morning? I’m strong, but in Him. I’m weak in every other way. I’m weak in myself, but I’m strong in Him. Thank God!
“…Make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever.” Isn’t it interesting? “To him be the power….” Do you see that…the concept of power at the beginning, His mighty hand? Now he comes down here, “To him be the power….” That’s what I need in my life. Anybody here need that this morning?
( congregational response ).
So, you see what the devil’s…the devil’s part in this. He is simply going to go around and try to gratify his evil nature by working on human beings and drawing upon their lusts, their earthly desires. He’s gonna try to feed on that, to somehow try to satisfy his nature. That’s the world we live in.
But God has called us out of that world, given us a destiny you and I could never achieve on our own. He’s given that to us. Thank God! He’s promised to take us there.
What does He ask of us? In this passage, what is he asking of us? What is our part in this, you, God and the devil? Humble and cast. See that would be a good title too, but I’ll stick with the other one. Humble and cast.
And this, like I say, is more than just that…what happens when we come to Him and give our lives to Him. It’s got to start there. But this is every day. This is when we get up in the morning and have that conversation with the Lord. This is recognizing who I am and who He is and what my life is really about, and what the world is about.
You know, he talks about being alert and of sober mind. Folks, that means thinking straight. That means seeing the world through God’s eyes so we’re not just caught up with the world. It’s so easy to go to sleep, so easy to get affected by what’s going on in the world, what your friends think, what…what’s going on. And going to sleep and not realizing what’s really going on. I’m so glad we don’t have to be afraid, but the Lord wants us to be alert.
I don’t care…the strongest saint is gonna be attacked, is going to have to contend with the devil one way or another. But God’s promise is that His hand is there and it’s mighty—it’s mighty! And there is grace that is stronger…the same grace, the same strength that brought Jesus out of, as we’ve said, out of the tomb, gave Him a life the devil couldn’t touch, set Him on a throne far above all the devil’s power…and He did it for us.
Jesus didn’t need that! He was already in that place. But He came down here so we could join Him, He could bring us to that same place. And He wants us to begin to experience that more and more in our day-to-day lives, right here. And He’s promised to be the one to do the work if we’ll just humble ourselves in His hand and say, God, I’m yours. Do what You need to do in me.
You know, it sounds scary in a way, if you’re thinking about, oh my God, what’s gonna happen? What’s He gonna touch? But God wants us to see His heart, His character, His mercy, His love…to see this, being under His mighty hand, not as a horrible, joy-killing kind of experience, but…one where He loves us enough to do what He’s done to bring us out, to give us a hope and a future. Praise God!
Well, I haven’t said anything new that you haven’t heard before this morning. But, do you see how the three characters in this little drama play out? There’s the devil doing his thing, but…before it, there’s the humbling and there’s the casting. And down below we see God at work to fulfil an eternal purpose and us becoming stronger and stronger and stronger in Him.
And if we’ll just humble ourselves to the process, God is going to do everything that’s needed. My job is not to engineer, it’s not to gear up my will and somehow…it’s to say, oh God.
Think of what the Lord said to Peter, “…when you were younger you dressed yourself and you went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” There are a lot of things we would like to avoid in this life. But God’s gonna bring us through whatever He has purposed, whatever is written in His book, He’s gonna bring us through it, and it’s gonna be okay. Because He’s gonna be with us and the end result is gonna be beyond imagining.
When we stand there and we’ll look back…isn’t it interesting that Peter says, after you have suffered a little while? Doesn’t that bring back the words of Paul…he talks about how temporary, how short this life is and how eternal that is. And where was Paul’s focus? It was on what was eternal. And all these little…these afflictions that were just for such a short time, he could see that they were pointing him to something that was eternal and that was what mattered.
I pray that God will lift up our eyes to show us what our part is in this dynamic, to put our entire trust in Him, and to realize that whatever God has called us to stand up to and to do in this world, He will be with us! We do not have to be afraid! When the devil ministers fear, you can take that bundle and just pitch it to the Lord and He will be glad to have it, because He’s not worried.
And He wants us to have that perfect rest and peace. And I’ll tell you, “…the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds…” (KJV), as Paul says in Philippians. Praise God!
Again, nothing new but…anybody need this this morning? I do. I’ll tell you, God is so wonderful, so faithful. This is one mighty hand I don’t mind submitting myself to, because it’s a hand that loves me…it’s the hand of One who loves me with an immeasurable love, and has my best interest at heart. Whatever it takes to get there, He knows and He is faithful. To Him be the glory!
November 6, 2022 - No. 1570
“You, God, and the Devil” Part One
November 6, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1570 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I’m just gonna go ahead and read most of a chapter just as a setup. And it’s a familiar one in 1st Peter chapter 5.
And, I’m blessed, and I was gonna say amazed, but there’s no reason to be amazed with the Lord, in this sense. The songs that we sang are just so in harmony with what I believe the Lord wants to say.
And once again, I think…was it Matt the other night that said, it seems like we’re saying the same things over and over again, yet from a slightly different point of view, and it’s kinds of…the Lord’s just kind of filling in the gaps. Sometimes I believe the Lord wants us to really continually focus on an area of truth until we get it in a deeper way, because we don’t get it just hearing it once or twice. I don’t, at least. So, let me just read this.
“To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” (NIV).
I’ll stop right there. Now, I just…I read the first part, because it’s hard to disconnect the context that Peter writes. He goes from one thing into another, into another, into another, and there is a connection. But my focus was not on the elders part, but still that’s real truth, isn’t it? Because God calls us to be shepherds, not to be bosses, but to be elder brothers who watch…watch and serve the others.
And then, of course, he says, “In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders.” And then, I was gonna make this snarky comment. We all know that the height of human knowledge and intellectual achievement comes when people are in their upper teens, right?
( laughter ).
And…if people are really smart, they spend the rest of their lives realizing and learning that they didn’t know what they thought they did, and their elders were not as clueless as they thought. And that tends to really come home when they have kids that are just like them.
( laughter ).
But truthfully, we need to recognize that we don’t know it all, and part of serving the Lord is being willing to listen and being willing to learn and humble ourselves. But it’s interesting that he says, after this comment to the younger ones, he says, all of you. So now he’s addressing, not just…he’s addressing the elders too. He’s addressing everybody.
And there is a characteristic of our relationship one with another that God is looking for. And it’s not strife, it’s not pride, it is humility. “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
And what we’ve read up to this point…the passage up to this point kind of sets up where I was intending to really focus this morning. Nothing new, but I hope the Lord will connect some dots. And, I thought one possible title would be “You, God and the Devil,” Because if you look at the next little…next three paragraphs, the way it is in the NIV, basically those are the characters that are involved.
And there is a way, there is a relationship that…how God seeks us to function as Christians, and how it really works, because if you were just to isolate the passage on the devil and disconnect it from what goes before, you would miss something very critical. But yet, if you were to disconnect that from the passage that follows you would also be weeding out stuff that’s really, seriously important.
So the foundation of what Peter is seeking to lead his believers, his readers to understand about serving God and living in this world, is really focused upon, what is our place, what is our responsibility in this equation where you have the three characters, if you will? And basically, verses 6 and 7 lay it out.
He says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” There’s a lot in that, and I don’t want to take the time to unpack it all, but…I’ll bet you, the natural reaction to anybody hearing something like that and knowing what it’s like in the world, would be to say, that sounds pretty negative.
Does anybody get that…the sense of humbling yourselves under somebody’s mighty hand? In this world, that’s not a good thing. That means that somebody is imposing their will upon others for selfish purposes, and the person who is under that, loses their freedom, they’re not able to do what they want, they’re servants to somebody else’s agenda, and it’s not about them, it’s not about their interests, it’s about the interest of the one who does this dominating…has his heavy hand upon you.
But I’ll tell you, the sense that I believe God wants us to get from this is exactly the opposite. It was interesting to me when I thought about this passage. Why doesn’t it just say, humble yourself under God’s hand? There’s a reason why that word ‘mighty’ is in there. Frankly, I need somebody with a mighty hand, because I am pretty powerless in this world. And if I’m gonna go into this section where I’m gonna have to deal with the devil and the reality of him, there’s got to be some power somewhere that I don’t possess.
Now, isn’t it interesting the parallels between this passage and many things that Paul wrote. “Finally…be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” And he talks about our warfare not being against flesh and blood, but principalities and…powers. See, there is some real power at work in the world.
And God has power, the devil has power…we’re pretty weak. We’re in a position of great weakness. I need something that I simply do not have. If I’m gonna be able to move forward in this passage, and enter into what God has planned for me, I need something.
And, you know, that humbling…there’s a lot in that, but certainly it is the opposite, as he says right above that…it’s the opposite of human pride where we feel like, number one, I want to do what I want to do. That’s human will and pride that says, I have my own ideas. I’d like to get God to help me, but I’m the one who’s basically…I’ve got to chart my own course. But here is God seeking to bring us to a place of submission.
And it’s not one where, He comes down with that mighty hand and forces something to happen, is it? He says, humble yourselves. God is not looking for people that He can just dominate and force into His mold, and take away…steal all our joy and steal all our freedom. He is looking to lift us out of a dark, weak place and bring us into a place that is amazing.
And you know, I thought many times about the scriptures in the Old Testament that talk about God bringing out His people with a strong arm and a mighty hand. Was that mighty arm and strong hand meant to intimidate them into submission? No! It was a strong arm against their enemies, anything that would hinder…there was a strong arm that was for them, not against them. Not to force some kind of submission, but God is seeking a willing submission of our hearts and our lives.
I’ll tell you, there’s no way to enjoy the relationship that God desires, until we come to that place willingly. And I understand it’s a process of learning how to be humble in His sight. Think about the man who wrote this, and what he went through while Jesus was being arrested and then crucified.
There was a point in time when the Son of God, the One that he knew was the Son of God, warned him that he was going to deny Him. He said, no. That sounds real humble to me, doesn’t it? No, you’ve got somebody who’s pretty self-confident, and very mistaken.
And then, Jesus warned him again, you better pray, because temptation is coming. I don’t remember the exact words, but you know what I’m talking about. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” And Peter just kind of…yeah, I’ve got this.
Oh God, do we need to get rid of that ‘I’ve got this,’ because we don’t got this! When it come to this equation of us and God and the devil, we need Him! And we need to come that place of just completely surrendering and realizing that we don’t have what it takes. That’s the starting point for that relationship. Praise God! I want to come to that place.
And I’m gonna throw something out at you that might be disturbing, but I believe it’s absolutely the truth. There’s a reason why…if you step back into the previous paragraph, he says, “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
Now we’re not just dealing with this private relationship…or, okay, God I’m humble. This has to be reflected in our relationships one with another. There is no such thing as having, as being in a place where, I’m good with God, things are great, but now that person, I just can’t get along…I can’t stand them. There’s a conflict between me and them. I’m resentful, I’m holding this against them. We just don’t get along, and I’m…you know, you get what I’m getting at.
If you are upset with any other human being and it lodges in your spirit and you’re…you just go on and you’re upset, you’re upset with God. It absolutely breaches the very foundation of what Peter is talking about.
Man, God…I need grace. I need help, because…well, think of what John said. If we don’t love our brother, whom we have seen, how can we love God whom we have not seen? I pray that God will help us to make this equation, and to realize how interconnected this is. There’s no way to have a right, free…the relationship God seeks with Him, and not be right with one another, not do our part.
Now if somebody else has a wrong spirit, that doesn’t mean you have to. You know, we’ve said this many times, no one has the power to “make you mad.” Being mad, and embracing any kind of a negative spirit toward someone else, that’s a choice you’re making…to yield to human nature, to yield to the voice of the serpent. But oh, how many people there are that just vainly imagine they’re just fine with God…but, out here it’s a different story.
I mean, the Pharisees are Exhibit A. They were confident of their relationship with God. I’m good with God, but I despise these people. I hate Jesus! He’s threatening our position! But I’m good with God. No, there’s no way that can be. Folks, if we’re gonna have a…if we’re gonna really have a relationship with God, we need to see that played out in our relationships with one another.
I know that those who serve the Lord any length of time, you know this. You know what I’m telling you is the truth. But boy, we need help, don’t we? And part of it is humbling ourselves to the reality of this truth and saying, oh God, this is true, and I need help.
Again, that picture of the grandmother in that last Kendrick movie…coming to a place where she realized she needed to…she needed to forgive the father of her granddaughter. And just crying out, oh God…You’re gonna have to help me. That’s a good place to be.
And I’ll tell you, when you talk about the mighty hand of God that’s there, what’s that about? Why does He have a mighty hand? Is it to crush us when we don’t do right? I think a lot of us sort of think that. Man, if I mess up, oh that mighty hand is gonna come down. No, this is a mighty hand, not to suppress, not to beat, this is mighty hand to lift up, to reach out with words of encouragement, with words of instruction. God, help us to be willing listeners!
( congregational response ).
Because again, this is not God saying, I’m gonna humble you whether you want it or not. He says, you humble yourselves. God is looking for people who will respond to Him and to His purposes.
And what is His purpose in this statement? “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand…” Why? See, where’s God going with this? Is He just using us for His own selfish purposes? Or is it ultimately to bring us to a higher and better place?
Now, how many of you think that higher, better place is a prideful lifting up? They did good for a while…now, I gonna really…no. Once God sets us free from pridefulness, from all the things that would cause us to react in the wrong way, I’ll tell you, we can be lifted up to a better place. It’s a place of freedom from all of that.
Man, don’t you want that peace that’s on the inside? There’s a peace that comes from that. Praise God! I’m sure it’s always the case when I see something in the Scriptures, that I’m the one that needs it. But always, the Lord tells me, reminds me that I’m not the only one, that God’s people need this. We need to understand this dynamic of how we relate to God and where the devil fits into all this, and what’s really going on.
But God wants every one of you to willingly recognize that this is not a God who’s a monster in sky. This is not a God who’s a tyrant, who just wants to take away all your joy and crush your dreams and…just use you for His selfish purposes. This is a God who sees your need, a need you may not even see properly. But He, with sacrificial love, has reached down, and reached out to you. And His purpose in extending that might, that power, is to help you and to lift you up.
Think about what Paul prayed, in Ephesians chapter 1. He asked for knowledge and wisdom to be given to the folks. But one of the things he wanted them to know was the “…incomparably great power…” of God. And one very key phrase in there, he says, ‘for you.’ Let that sink in. The power that God has demonstrated through what He did at the cross, what He did at the empty tomb, what He did to set His Son on a throne, is exactly the power that is available to every single Christian today!
( congregational amens ).
It’s for you! When He sends His mighty hand, it’s the mighty hand to give you strength, not to crush you, not to punish you when you don’t measure up. This is a hand of love that’s always going to be reaching out, to give you what you don’t have, because if we don’t get this, how are we gonna go out and face the devil? Peter found out the hard way, it don’t work, if we do it in our own strength.
But oh, what a blessed place God calls us to occupy. It’s just a place of peace that comes from surrender. And built into humbling ourselves before Him, is a sense of trust. You know, God calls upon us to believe in what He has done for us, to understand what the cross was about. It’s a place where One died for us so that we could be reconciled, so that we could have a relationship with Him. Praise God!
It’s like my dad said to somebody very early in his ministry, he was still a young man, before I discovered America, I guess. But he said, you know, you can trust somebody who died for you. Praise God!
I know every one of us is in need of learning this, in a practical way. Certainly, there’s this place of really coming to the Lord and realizing what He’s done for us, hearing His voice calling us out of our sins to give our lives to Him; that’s an event! There is a passing from death to life! But then, every single day He calls upon us to make that choice! Praise God!
I need to make that choice right now. You need to make that choice right now. Lord, I need you and I’m looking to you. Please help me right where I am. Praise God! Praise God. What a place to which He’s called us. It’s not a matter of, here’s a program, read my book, do what it says, and everything’ll be good. I need the Person. He’s real. He’s alive and He is intimately interested in me, and He calls for a spirit of trust and humility before Him.
October 30, 2022 - No. 1569
“Just As I Am” One Part
October 30, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1569 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I don’t have any particular scripture in mind, but just thinking about what’s been said, I wonder how much we really believe some of the things we sing and claim? Do we really believe that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from, how many sins?
( congregational response ).
All of them. Do we really believe that we can come just as we are? You remember the song that, who was it, Jim, down in Florida, used to sing about how he messed up and then he wanted to go to the Lord, but he just went and messed around, blew another day and before he finally felt confident enough to go. Like we’ve got to make up…make up for it. We can’t go when we’re in need, which is what the scripture tells us.
And what’s been said this morning is exactly right. How amazing is it that the holy, pure, righteous, anything you want to…any adjective along that line you want to use, God of the universe, the essence of what He desires is relationship with us. And how easy is it for us to just kind of muddle along in our lives and not really get that?
You know, even the Law…you think about the Law that was given under Moses, and it certainly dealt, in a lot of ways, with the worldview of the Israelites, and how they viewed things, and how they did things, and trying to bring them more into line with God’s ways.
But when you boil it all down, what was the Law about? How did you summarize the Law? “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…and…thy neighbour as thyself.” (KJV). It all comes down to that. And if you get the very life, the very Spirit, the very nature of God operating in us, man, there’s gonna be a power that will enable us to be something other than what we are.
But oh, how we walk…a little bit at arm’s length, some of it is just self-will, some of it is carelessness and getting involved. You know, I read the news, but I don’t read the news because I’m expecting good things. I just want to…I want to know what’s going on. I want to be aware, but if you read it and it causes you distress, don’t read it.
( laughing ).
Don’t look at it. But I’ll tell you what, God wants to be real to us, in this hour. And somehow, like I say…I don’t know that I really have anything other than just pointing out God’s faithfulness to want to be with us! And how, even in the wilderness, God’s presence was there.
And there was a way to deal with sin. They dealt with it through sacrifices that they had to repeat. But, look at what God has done for us! There is one sacrifice for all! And it sets apart everyone who is being sanctified.
I’ve thought of one scripture. Let me see if I can find it real quick. Praise the Lord! Is it 9, 10, somewhere along in there in Hebrews? Yeah, “For by one…” Hebrews 10:14. “For by one sacrifice…” (NIV). Well, he…let me go back and read this.
“Day after day every priest….” Now these were the Levitical priests that Steve was referring to. “Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins….”
What an amazing statement! Praise God! When you and I mess up, we don’t have to go and say, oh God, I need a sacrifice for my sins! Please provide one. It was provided once, for all! That’s the hope that you and I stand upon, rest upon this morning. We don’t have to wait. We don’t have to…I mean, it’s been done!
You know, I can sort of visualize, under the law, the Mosaic Law, where someone would come and they’d feel the guilt, perhaps this was something personal, and they would offer the sacrifice and it’s like, I can’t really feel right until I offer the sacrifice.
Folks, we can feel right the moment we turn our hearts to Him, because it has been offered one time, for all! Thank God that we don’t have to wait and somehow re-qualify ourselves. Nobody here ever does that, right? You know what I’m talking about, because I certainly do. All right?
“But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God….” Oh, I love the reference Steve made to us, being in heavenly places with Him. You remember that in Hebrews? I mean, I’m sorry, in Ephesians? That thought came to me in the course of the end of the week, and like I say, I had a lot of thoughts and none of them really went anywhere, in terms of trying to put a message together.
But, think of where we are. Where are you today? Are you in a very earthly place? Do you know He has opened the door where you and I can be seated with Him in heavenly places? You remember how Jesus talked about the Son of Man who is…in heaven? There was a relationship that actually…He was in contact with heaven. Even though He was on Earth, there was a connection between Him and heaven that He called that being in heaven.
Folks, we are in heavenly places in Him. We have an authority. We have a place of acceptance. We have a place of victory if we’ll just…if God will make it real to us. Can we not ask Him to say Lord, I need this to be more real to me?
I need to spend time with You, and believe that I can come to You, and that You love me, and that in Your process of time You’re going to unfold my understanding, and You’re gonna build my faith, so that I can rest in You, and I can enjoy what You have given to me, because, as we sang this morning, “He’ll Give you Everything.”
Well, He’s not talking about Cadillacs and earthly possessions. He’s talking about everything we need to be a part of His eternal purpose. It’s already there. The riches are there. We don’t…we’re the ones who don’t tap into them. We’re the ones who get so involved in how we’re feeling and what’s happening in our lives that we don’t…we’re not connected to the source of everything! Praise God!
I’m talking about me just as much as I am you. But folks, the Lord is constantly—I sense Him constantly reaching out, wanting us to get ahold of these things. It’s not that we don’t affirm them as doctrines that we believe, it’s that we don’t enjoy the reality of what we say we believe. Do you really believe that when you feel that disconnect, that you can go just like you are?
You know, one of the lines of thought that I had and just didn’t pursue it…how many of you’ve read through the Psalms and been made very conscious of the fact that David, not only believed in God, in some general sense, but there was a real connection? There was a fellowship.
And it wasn’t just that, I know who You are, and I worship You and I’m doing all this. It was something where he could talk to the Lord very honestly about how he was feeling. Oh Lord, how long? Lord, I’m in a bad place. Lord, I’m feeling this and I’m feeling that.
Do you realize you can go to God when you’re feeling bad and say, God, I feel bad? And He’s not insulted. We can be at rest in His presence. He knows exactly what’s going on.
His Son was here. He knows what it is to feel sadness, to feel pain, to feel everything you and I could ever feel and to the nth degree. This is something that I certainly feel my need to get a hold of in a deeper way, but what a blessing it is to read.
This man didn’t even know…I mean, he saw something was coming, but he didn’t know the things that we know. Jesus hadn’t come yet. He saw him like afar off. He knew that there was a Redeemer coming, but…to be able to have that kind of a sense of God and the relationship that he could have with God, where he could just come and be himself.
And that’s not doing it in a rebellious way, but I mean, he was absolutely just…Lord, I’m having a rough time. What’s going on? Where…I’m trying to call to You- and I don’t hear.
You know, Psalm 13 we’ve used so many times. “How long, LORD?” And then he introduces that awesome word, ‘but’—’but,’ and then he expresses a confidence and a faith.
You know, there are times God is gonna put you and me in places where that’s how we feel, and He doesn’t show up and change our feelings? And that is not an indication that something is wrong. That’s an indication that God is seeking to bring us to a deeper place where our faith is more effective, because if your faith depends upon what you see and feel, it’s not really faith, is it? We’re going by something else.
But to have a revelation, to have God make Himself so real to us on the inside, that we can have a confidence in Him, regardless of what the circumstances and feelings look like. Folks, God is going to be putting us in places, we’ve said this many times, getting us ready for our place in this hour of earth’s history. He is going to be putting us in places of great need.
Look at what He did in the wilderness. He brought the people into places where there was no human answer. Anybody here in a place like that? Yeah. Well, nobody…you act like everybody’s doing great in your life, or everything is going great in your life, or else you’re just afraid to raise your hand.
But folks, every single one of us is going to be put in places where there’s no human answer. Is that because God’s angry at us? Is He…is there something wrong and that’s why He’s allowing us to get in this terrible place? How many times have the…I was thinking about the Israelites when they went out of Egypt. Of course we knew there’s a whole bunch of them that were rebels, and they were purged out, but still God was with His people.
And He led them to the Red Sea. How many of you remember in “The Ten Commandments” when Pharaoh rode out with his chariots? And he sits there and looks at the situation. He said, boy, their God is a poor general. But their God knew exactly what He was doing. He was bringing them to a place where all they could do was just say, Lord…and the people themselves didn’t even know to do that, but Moses did. And the Lord told them go forward. Okay.
( laughing ).
There’s a whole lot of water out there. And then he has this little stick in his hand that he’d used as a shepherd. You know, that’s all God is looking for from us, just to use what we have, just to be who we are. And there are situations where God’s gonna put us in where all we have to do is just look to Him and trust in Him and He’s gonna do something that we could never do.
We are so good at trying to work things out, and fix things, and make them better. Oh, how we need to just learn how to rest in the Lord. And He took them out into the wilderness, things we’ve heard many times, in a place where there was no human answer. And yet, was God faithful to give them their daily bread?
You know where that daily bread is for us? It’s hearing His voice—hearing His voice. You know, I remember Brother Ricky, and most of you will remember this, preached a message, oh, a few years ago now, where he talked about having a conversation, where we’re talking to Him and He’s talking to us. And as we go through our day, there’s this communication going on.
And it isn’t like we’re putting on airs and trying to be religious. It’s just, here’s where I’m at, Lord. I’m looking to You. But also having that listening ear that we talked about last week. Having an ear that’s able to hear when He does speak, because it is a small, still voice, many times. And didn’t the prophet say you, “…will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.”
I believe the Lord wants to lead every single one of His children. And He wants to be real to you and to me in a deeper way. And sometimes He does withdraw His presence, doesn’t He? And He does it…I’ll tell you, if He withdraws His presence and you feel that and it makes you…it draws something out of you, I need Him. That’s a good sign.
If the lack of His presence causes you to feel a need and a hunger that causes you to say, hey, God, where are You? What’s going on? Man, that’s an awesome thing! What an awesome sign, if you will, that God’s done something in your heart, if feeling your need draws you to Him and causes you to go out and just talk to Him and say, Lord, help me.
And even though He doesn’t always come with lightning and thunder, I’ll tell you, He can bring us to a place where what Steve was talking about happens. There is that little…that voice of peace on the inside. Oh man, do we need that.
You know, we are…we think a lot more of our own abilities than we have any right to do, and I believe God is absolutely…He knows the end from the beginning. Doesn’t He talk about the end as though it’s already happened? Wow! You want to put your faith in something? My faith’s not in America. It’s not in the world. It’s not in anything. My faith is in the One who said that I’ve already been glorified.
( congregational amens ).
Man, I don’t look glorified or feel it and you can get around me, you’ll know I’m not. But I’ll tell you what, we’ve got a God who is able to finish what He’s started. When He says something, it’s as good as done! And He longs to make Himself more real to every single one of us. Isn’t God awesome!
( congregational response ).
To be able to actually invite people like us…this is not for the super-spiritual giants someplace. This is for you and for me, where we can actually go to the God of the universe and have that relationship that is real. We don’t have to be afraid. We don’t have to come to this place where we measure up in our own eyes, but we just come as we are and know that He has already provided a way of full and complete acceptance.
And I guess I never did get to that verse I was gonna read. I will read it. I got distracted there when I was in Hebrews 10. Anyway, “…and since that time…” talking about the sacrifice, “…since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.”
Man, that’s…you look at what the loosing of Satan that was mentioned this morning, and all the things that are going on. Don’t worry. God’s allowing that to happen, but there will come a day when, boom! That will be done away, and done away forever.
But here is the—here’s the key. Verse 14, “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever…” That’s in the past tense, isn’t it? “…He has made perfect forever…” Who? “…Those who are being made holy.”
Isn’t that interesting? You’ve got people who are in the middle of a process, something happened back there that’s already determined the outcome. Folks, that gives me hope. That makes me want to just come to Him and say, Lord, I know You’ve got stuff that needs to be done in my heart and my life.
Lord, I’m just…I give You myself. I humble myself in Your hand. I draw near to You. I know that You’re the One who knows my destiny. You’ve already set it up in motion. Help me this day just to look to You and to talk to You and to listen.
And I’ll tell you, what a privilege we have! Oh my God! You’re talking about what Steve was talking about. The privilege we have that nobody else in this world has, those who know Him: to know the Creator of the universe, to have a hope that doesn’t rest in what happens in the world or even what we can do, but just yielding ourselves into His hands and listening to His Word, and growing.
Don’t worry, He knows what you and I need. He knows the place to which He’s called us. He knows the purpose for which we’re here and He’s, “…able to do…more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” To Him be the glory! Praise God!
October 23, 2022 - No. 1568
“Daily Salvation” Conclusion
October 23, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1568 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Bother Phil Enlow: Do we have stuff to be working on?
( congregational response ).
Do we need daily salvation? Yeah. I pray that…and I hope you’ll pray too, that God will give us a consciousness of these simple things, because if we’re gonna fulfill this awesome picture, in the first part of chapter 4, man, we can’t just live out these other values, if you want to call them that. We can’t just live out human nature.
But oh, the power of the human tongue to help and to minister or to hurt and to tear down. May God help us to come to a place where what comes out of our mouth is for the benefit of somebody else, that has a compassionate spirit when you see somebody in weakness and need, instead of running them down and walking away.
Oh, we have the power to help and to bless. Isn’t that what Jesus did for you? Did He see your need and despise you, or did He come down to your rescue? Thank God! I want to be like Him, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (NIV). Thank God this isn’t a question of God just walking away from you because your need is so great, but I’ll tell you, God can be grieved.
I wonder how many times we just persistently give into human nature, and that’s the clothing we wear, and the Lord is just sad, because He knows what He has the power to do, and He calls us to look to Him, to lay hold of this new life. It’s created to be like God, and here we are, it’s buried somewhere in there, and all people see is this old human nature.
Then he…this scripture I was referring to a minute ago, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” Man, you look at the world today. It’s angry. If stuff happens to somebody, they can’t let it go, bitterness, rage. I’m justified in feeling the way I did, because they’re so wrong, and I want to straighten them out and make sure they get it.
And all God’s wanting to do is change us and set us free. Oh man, you’re gonna destroy your health. Your mouth is gonna verbalize all this stuff. It’s gonna sit there and eat on you. It’ll destroy your life if you hold that kind of stuff in. May God help us.
You know, I was thinking about the picture of that grandmother in, praise God, “Overcomer.” I know many of you have seen the movie. And she had held a spirit of bitterness toward the father of her granddaughter, who had been a, just a drug addict, wasted his life, a fool, walked away and left her holding the bag. Her daughter had died. And she was just full of bitterness, had no power to forgive him. As far as she was concerned…he was concerned…or she was concerned, he was as good as dead. She didn’t want anything to do with him. And God began to work on her heart, and help her to understand that she needed to forgive.
But do you remember when she cried out? She said, oh God, You’re gonna have to help me. Did you know that the Lord will help everyone who cries out to Him? We don’t have to live with this kind of stuff. It doesn’t have to stay down in here and be buried and sit there and eat on you.
And so much of the time, we just pretend it’s not there. There’s stuff buried in every single one of us that God wants to shine a light, like the song we sing, He’s gonna take me in that room I don’t want to go in.
But you know, it leads to freedom, if the Lord can heal that and give us the grace, the supernatural strength to let go of everything like this. You think of the Lord forgiving us. Oh my! May God deliver us from whatever is eating on us, whatever is sitting in there.
I’ll tell you, if your reaction to certain situations is just to boil over and to boil over, that kind of tells me something. That didn’t come from nowhere. You know, when Mount Vesuvius erupts, it’s because there’s stuff in there. It gets under the right kind of pressure, it comes out! So don’t pretend it’s their problem! It’s you!
( congregational response ).
If there is boiling anger and rage that comes out of you, it’s because it’s in you! God wants His people to be honest about such things, and say, oh God, I need to be delivered, and I want to be a different person. I want to be the person You created me to be. But I need You to help me in the daily things that happen in my life, because that’s where this has to play out.
You can’t just come and sit in church and smile, and everything’s great and grand. If this doesn’t work in the arena of life, what good is it? See, that’s what Paul’s dealing with. He’s laid out this glorious picture, but now, it has to work out in real life.
And so, the opposite of all this bitterness and rage and anger is, “Be kind and compassionate to one another….” Again, the focus is on somebody else, and even when they’re in a place of great need, do we react by, what’s the matter with you? and anger, or do we have a compassion when we see somebody in need?
When Jesus went out among sinners, He didn’t go railing against the sinners, He reached out in mercy and love. He didn’t deny the sin. He didn’t soft pedal what was wrong, but He had a spirit of compassion. He saw need, instead of something that just needed to be rejected and condemned! Thank God! No hope for me if it had been any other way.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” How many of you remember the words of Jesus? If you won’t forgive, then neither will your heavenly Father forgive you. Whoa! That’s some serious stuff.
And I’ll guarantee there’s gonna be situations where you, like that grandma, you need God’s help. But He’s there, if we’re willing, if that’s what we want and we know, oh God, I need Your help! I need this…some of that life, right now, to come out! I need it to be in charge! Oh God, help me. He will.
Follow Christ’s…I mean, “Follow God’s example, therefore….” Now, here’s an awesome verse. I thought about this verse last week. We were talking about God’s love, and this is one I never got to. But here’s a good place for it, because right in the middle of talking about all these terrible human qualities that we need to get rid of, how does God see us?
Listen to this, “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children….” Okay, all you liars and thieves, all you bitter, angry people, God is saying you’re dearly loved children! I knew what I was getting into when I reached out to you in salvation. I’ve got what you need! But I want you to exercise faith, not just at the beginning, but today.
You’re gonna confront a need that comes from your human nature. It’s gonna come out today. But when it does, I want you, first of all, to be honest about it, and I want you to remember that I love you. It never changes that. And I want you to come to Me and realize that I have…that My life isn’t like that. You can put this other off. You can say no to it in the power of this other life. Put this on. It’s there.
Do you believe in it? It’s wonderful to believe that Jesus died for my sins, but do you believe in the life that He’s given you? See, that’s what the daily salvation is about. All right?
“…As dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immortality….” He’s getting real plain here.
Boy, that was a big part of heathen cultures. It’s a big part of our culture today. God gave you all kinds of natural desires in your body, but they’re not to be used the way people use them, for self. You don’t mess with this. You don’t go places on your computer when nobody’s around, that you wouldn’t want someone to looking over your shoulder.
May God help us to be honest, and say, God, I want to be pure. I want to be Yours. I want to be set free from whatever it is that pulls on me, whatever it is, Lord. God, give me the purity that I need. It’s just not in me to do this. Lord, I’m helpless in this area.
You may be. There may be areas where you’ve just yielded to the point where you’re helpless, but you’re not helpless…He’s not helpless. And if we cry out to Him from our hearts, I’ll tell you, God can lead us to a place of victory and purity.
Thank God that it’s in the context of being dearly loved children. Isn’t that amazing? You think about that. You think about some of the stuff that we Christians get into, if we’re honest! And yet, God calls us dearly loved children. What an amazing truth. All right?
“…There must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed…” See, you’re getting into these two different things. It’s either stuff that’s all about me and my body, or it’s out here and something I can possess. “…Because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.”
Again, other ways that we use our tongues that just don’t really accomplish anything, do they, except to be negative? God, help me. There’s a lot of stuff I’d like to be really negative about in society today. Phew! But I pray for grace to realize the Lord’s on the throne. All right? Let me jump down. Okay, I’m over here.
All right, “For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Now, in the first place, he’s talking about somebody where this is the characteristic of their life. Their life is given to these things. It’s not talking about a genuine Christian with a weakness that they want to overcome. This is talking about somebody whose life is defined by being one of these things.
Isn’t it interesting he calls greed idolatry? Now, I’ve been to India a number of times, and I’ve seen real idols. They were literally things that people bow down and worship as gods. But I’ll tell you, there are a lot of people right in Moore County who have gods that are just as real. Their fancy house, their whatever it is, their car, their possessions, their bank accounts, and they worship them. I mean, they have such a hold on their lives. I thank God for what He’s given us, but we need to be content with the things that we have and say, thank You, Lord.
( congregational response ).
That’s not what we live for. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness…” (KJV). And the necessary things will be added. Thank God we’ve got somebody Who watches over the sparrows. He hasn’t forgotten about us either, has He? All right? You’ve got all these kinds of people. This defines their life. They don’t have any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.” (NIV).
Did you ever see a weblink that takes you some place where somebody’s doing something really ugly, and you want to kind of see what it’s about? Lord, help us. There’s some part of us that’s kind of feeding on some of that. May the Lord, help us to be sensitive to what He’s saying in our lives and honest about it.
Aren’t you glad that when He tells us all these things, it’s not in a spirit of condemnation, but it is in a spirit of, these are things I’ve sent Christ to deliver you from, and I’m here, and I love you? My love is not at risk here. Thank God. All right?
“But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Boy, is that not true?
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
That’s kind of the section that I had in my mind. There’s more that follows it, but…don’t you see the Lord reaching out into our lives? Is everybody here free from every bit of this? You’ve just graduated? You’ve grown?
The reality is every one of us needs this. If you don’t need it so much in one area, you need it in another. If you don’t need this today, you probably will tomorrow. But God’s gonna be continually shining His light. That’s how change happens. He’s got to shine the light, and we need to be honest and humble and say, Lord, thank You for shining the light there. Thank You for giving me Yourself so that I don’t have to yield to that. I don’t have to say…I don’t have to say yes to it. But I can say to You. And Lord, I need You.
But I can’t leave this without noting, again, the context that follows in chapter 6, because how many of you know this isn’t just a quiet little transaction between us and the Lord? How many of you have had battles this morning? Yeah. We have got a devil that is devoted to bringing down every human being he can, to cause them to rebel against God, to give vent to their fallen nature.
He’s gonna take everybody down with him. He knows he’s going down. But he hates God. He hates what’s right. And he hates you if you’re a Christian! And every one of us is going to have to learn, not just have this nice little sweet transaction between us and God…thank God for that, but, also to resist the devil and to be strong, not in our own strength, but in the power of His might!
( congregational response ).
See, you’ve got to put the whole context together to see where Paul is going with that section we just read. It’s gonna be a battle. You know, I was reminded again this morning of something I hadn’t thought about in a while, and that’s Pilgrim’s Progress. You talk about salvation being a process.
Yeah, he got in the gate. Thank God he was in the Way. But he had a long journey ahead of him, didn’t he, before he reached the City? And he had all kinds of battles, and there was one pitched battle he had with self. At the bottom of a hill, he got down into a place where he was in a place of weakness, and all of a sudden, he had a bloody battle with self.
Anybody ever been there? Yeah, we need the Lord, don’t we? And this is a kingdom for which we’re gonna have to fight. But we don’t fight in our own strength, but we have to fight. And so, when we reach these places where we’re dealing with something where we need daily salvation, we need God’s deliverance in a particular area, the devil’s gonna jump in, and he’s gonna do everything in his power to stop you and me from doing what we know we ought to do.
And we’re gonna have to say, God, help me. Help me to put up that shield of faith to believe You and not the devil when his fiery darts come, to be willing to take out that sword of the Spirit like Jesus said, and said, Satan, “it is written.” Because it is!
And I’ll tell you, God’s Word will stand when this world is gone. That’s where we have a place to plant our feet and say, Devil, I don’t have to listen to you. But folks, we’re gonna have to be able to stand. We’re gonna need the armor that he’s talking about. There’s a reason, that after putting all…after all these exhortations about what it means to live for God, and the things of the flesh that we need to start saying no to and be aware of and grow in grace in, that he comes to this section about the warfare.
And we realize this is not simply a quiet deal between us and God, but there is a devil that’s gonna fight you with tooth and nail. But thank God, He’s given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
But are we willing to rise up and say, God, give me the grace and the strength to stand? You have…look what You did for me. You stood. The devil did everything he could to stop You from doing what You were doing, thought he had won, but You won. And You won for my benefit.
And all the power in heaven and earth is in Your hands, and it’s available to me right now in my place of need, in this little portion of my daily salvation. And I have the right because of what Jesus did, because of the blood that was shed, to stand up and say, no, Devil, you can’t have my life. It’s given to Him.
And this issue that has bedeviled me, this thing where I put on my old nature, and this is how I’ve presented myself to everybody, I’m gonna, by faith, take that off and put on that new one, and say, Lord, change me. Give me the power to express Your life and start living for other people instead of just self.
I’ll tell you, the more we do that on an individual basis, you’re gonna see God take individual lives and begin to mold them together. He’s gonna pour out gifts. We’re seeing all of these things in a measure, but God’s gonna fulfill the vision of what He gives us in chapter 4, and all of it before that.
Oh, we have an awesome God! We have an awesome God Who’s given us everything we need and promised the outcome. I want to cooperate with the process. I need daily salvation, don’t you? There are things, every day, where my nature wants to behave in the wrong way. I need saving from that, and He has made a way through all what He has done and what He’s given us in Christ.
May God get the glory from our lives. May He awaken us so that we’re not living lives of self-defeat and self-deception, when we think we’re one thing, and we’re just denying what we really are, instead of saying, Lord, shine Your light. I know You don’t shine it out of condemnation. You shine it out of love so that You can deliver me, so that I can be free. Thank You, Lord, for what You’ve done. Help me to lay hold of it, today, by faith and grow.
You know, I’ve often thought, and I know many of you have if you heard Brother Thomas years ago, talk about the need for growth, and the fact that it doesn’t all happen in one little experience. And so, his advice was simply this. Start where you’re at. Start with what you have and what you don’t have. Just start.
We can all do that, can’t we? That’s all the Lord’s looking for. Praise God! He’s not saying, what’s the matter with you? You should be up here. Get with the program.
Just start. Deal with the issues of today. Didn’t the Lord say today has enough trouble of its own? The Lord knows the process, and He’s able to help us, so praise God. Isn’t the Lord good?
( congregational response ).
October 16, 2022 - No. 1567
“Daily Salvation” Part One
October 16, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1567 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I’m afraid that in modern Christianity much of it is…some of it’s real but so much of it’s not. But the concept of salvation is almost an event. And you come to a place where you realize you’re a sinner and Jesus paid for your sins, and so you put your faith in His forgiveness, and then you are saved. Well, there’s a truth in that, where that’s real and where there is a genuine transaction with heaven and where Christ not only forgives sins, but there’s a new birth that happens. There’s a new life that’s imparted. Yeah, so in that sense, salvation is an event, but salvation, really, is a lifetime!
( congregational amens ).
It is a process. There’s a scripture, in one place, where the translation, the newer translation says, “…to us who are being saved…” (NIV). It talks about the Gospel, I believe that’s 1st Corinthians. The Gospel is foolishness to those who don’t believe. “…But to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” So really, you’re talking about salvation as a daily thing.
And that’s where I see God wanting to work in me. Again, I don’t think this is just for me. But I sense His seeking to bring me to a deeper realization of the fact that there is a process in which I need to actively believe Him, and believe Him in the face of real needs. It’s wonderful to believe Him in the face of my need, when I come to the realization that I am a hopeless sinner, who has no power to do any better, that I have a load of guilt that I can do nothing about and then I see that He has done it all.
( congregational amens ).
He has…Christ went to the cross in my place, and then I come to a place where my faith is exercised in Him. But there’s faith that God wants you and me to be exercising every single day.
In fact…you know, I made this point, out of Romans 5, a number of times, that it’s not the death of Christ that saves us, according to Paul. The death of Christ reconciles me to a God. See, I was God’s enemy, and I needed to become His friend. I needed to be reconciled. I needed that gap, that barrier that separated us, to be gone. His death accomplished that.
But he says, while we’re reconciled by His death, we’re, “…saved through his life!” So, now you bring that into the context of salvation being a process. It’s that new life that has to find some expression in me. That’s what changes me into His image.
You know, salvation is not just a ticket to heaven because He’s forgiven my sins. I’m not fit for heaven. He’s got some work to do to get me ready. But He’s up to the task, isn’t He? So, Paul paints, first of all, this glorious picture of what God has done for us, and then he comes to the place…the verse we quote so often. “Now to him…” the end of chapter 3. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine….”
Do you sometimes get to a place where you can’t even imagine something changing? But He’s able to do, “…more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…” It’s not my power, but it’s His power. Praise God!
And He’s not gonna stop working, is He? Not in His people. “…To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!” So, that’s the context. A very quick summarization of it, but we’re familiar with the scripture. That’s the context that sets up everything that follows, because what follows is, now what about our place in this? What do we do with this? What is God looking for from us?
And of course, the first part of this chapter 4, up to verse 16, I believe, is again, a big picture. Paul is painting a picture of what the body of Christ is about, how in broad terms it’s meant to function.
And it’s really…you could look at this, almost, as a utopian dream. How many times do you think back, oh, isn’t that wonderful and I acknowledge that, but it’s like…okay, now back to reality? As though that’s…yeah, I see some heads nodding. And I believe God wants to get this beyond a utopian dream, that okay, this is something we acknowledge, theologically this is what we’re supposed to be, but in reality it just ain’t happening. At least, not quite like this.
But I’ll tell you, God has called us, and this is the picture. “…I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Then he states the simple picture, the fact: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.”
And then he talks about how Christ came down, and accomplished everything that the Father gave Him, and when He went back, He had a different position. He was in a position to share God’s love, to share God’s life with you and with me. Not just to be with us…remember He told His disciples the Holy Spirit is, “…with you, and shall be in you.” That’s what’s changed! Oh, God has been able, through the blood of Christ, to cleanse the human heart, as wicked as it is. To reach down to the lowest of the low and make us clean in God’s sight, so that He can come in and live! Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
So, he talks about how Christ ascended to heaven and now He’s in a position to fill everything. Oh, Praise God! I’ll tell you, there’s coming…there’s coming a creation that will be so full of the life of God that’s all there’ll be. Everything else will be done away with. It will end.
Then of course, then he gives us the picture of the order in which God has set up. And we used to hear about apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers, and I want to drop this in because I think this was…there was a certain amount…I don’t know how to put it, exactly.
You know, one of the things that’s bedeviled the church, from the beginning, is this clergy-laity business, where you’ve got two classes of people. You’ve got the clergy and they’re up here, and they talk to God and then they come down and tell us what God says. And we’re just the ordinary people. What you have here is gifts that God has given, not to elevate a special group of people so we blindly follow them, but rather that they have the ability to impart what we need so that the whole body functions!
( congregational amens ).
I mean, you listen to some of the folks today who emphasize this kind of stuff, and then you listen to Peter, writing to the other elders, and said I, “…who am also an elder…” (KJV). He puts himself right there beside them, not above them, talking down to them. I just pray that God will help us to find the perfect balance where God can give whatever gifts He wants to, to whomever He wants. And we can respect those gifts. I mean, if somebody comes in and has the gift like the Apostle Paul, we need to recognize that.
( congregational amens ).
But God doesn’t give anybody a gift to be lifted up above everybody and be some kind of a dictator. We need to understand that Christ alone is the head of this church!
( congregational response ).
Lift Him up, and absolutely function under His headship, using…allowing all the gifts to be developed and exercised. And God has got a place for every single one of you and His place, His purpose for your life is that some aspect, some portion of His life and His nature will absolutely flow through you so that somebody else can benefit—others can benefit.
It’s not about selfishness anymore. That’s the very thing that God is doing away with. That’s human nature. But God has got a picture here where He is absolutely doing something that is miraculous. Okay, so that’s the utopian version of all that.
I just…I’m amazed when I think about what Paul is writing here and how high-blown and awesome and wonderful it is, and yet, then you come to a section that reminds us that Paul is not writing to super-spiritual people. These are people just like us. And he wants…and he’s writing to people who have just come out of heathen religion, heathen life. There were all kinds of sinful lifestyles. This is who Paul was writing to!
Again, these aren’t theology students. These aren’t special people who have paid a lot of money, gone off to this retreat because they’re hyper-spiritual. These are ordinary people. That’s what this message is for. And I just pray that this is something we will get. I don’t care who you are and what sewer God got you out of, or whether you may have lived a good life. I’ll tell you, we all come out of the same sewer!
( congregational amens ).
We all need a Savior! Praise God! There is One, that He has provided, the perfect Savior! But Paul, after he’s set up all of this amazing truth, this vision of where God is going with everything, now he gets down to the nitty-gritty of getting there, because you and I have a part to play, don’t we? It’s not just that we exercise faith to get our sins forgiven, it’s that we learn every day to deal with the issues of the day and exercise faith for God to save us from what we have been, and make us fit to walk in what He’s given us here.
( congregational amens ).
You see? That’s what I need. I don’t need to get up in the morning and say, well, I know it. I understand the thing. God’s gonna do it. Hallelujah! Let’s go about my day. God has got something that He is going to do in you and me, every single day, if we’re tuned in, and if we’re aware and if we’re honest. Okay?
So, first of all, he does give, again, a general principle here that sets up all the details he’s gonna go into. Verse 17 of chapter 4, “So I tell you this…” (NIV). So, again, everything he does is built…is a conclusion based upon what he’s already said. You know, he started chapter 4 with, based on all that God has done, here’s where we’re going with this, that we need to be the body of Christ. You need to learn how to be the body of Christ. And he talks about that and then he says, “So….”
Do you get the connection? This is not disconnected truth. In order for this…for what he’s just…the vision he’s just laid out to actually come into reality, this is gonna have to happen. Okay?
“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do…” Or, you could just say the people of the world who don’t know God. “…In the futility of their thinking….” In other words, they’ve got ideas as to how things are, that ain’t going nowhere.
“They are darkened in their understanding and separated from…God because of the ignorance that is in them….” Now, if you were to stop there you could say, oh, good, I know what the solution is. They’re just ignorant. We’ve got to go inform them. I wish it were that simple. You read Romans 1 and you see the picture Paul paints there. This is very parallel to that. All right?
It’s the ignorance…they’re, “…separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.” That’s the problem, is when God confronts a human heart, and the human heart goes like this and resists. And you do that long enough, as we’ve said many times, you’re gonna get to the point where there is no more capacity to even hear God’s voice. And there’s nothing ahead but judgment.
“…Due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity…” See, there’s what we just said. “…They have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.” See, you’ve got people who just simply respond to their bodily desires, in any way they feel like it, or they’re all about possession. What I can control, what I can have and call mine, and that makes me feel like I matter and I’m important. Those are very common characteristics of human nature. All right?
It says, “That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
I mean, obviously you could easily build a sermon on that verse, and it’d be full of truth. In fact, I think we did one time. There was a sermon, or a message that we brought that was literally titled out of that, “Created to Be Like God,” something to that effect. But the fact is, that when we look at what God has done for us, it is so much more than the forgiveness of sins. There is a new life that has been imparted.
And he likens what the Gentiles do and what we’re not supposed to do to like wearing clothes. And there are clothes that we are to put off and we’re to put on something else. The reality is, what is it that people see in us, when we’re out here? Because that’s what comes out. It comes from something. How do we act? What are our attitudes? What are the characteristics of our life? What do…how do people see us? What affect do we have on other people?
And I see God wanting to fine-tune and work in all of us. But this is what salvation is about. This isn’t just us. This is every Christian that’s ever come to the Lord. And you know, again, we’ve talked many times about the Greek present tense, which is the simple present tense is a continuing thing. It’s not an action. It’s not something that’s done and over.
If a child grows, that’s not an action where they’re little and all of a sudden, boom, they’re big. But rather, there is a…they grow, and you see this gradual process that happens. And when the…it blows right over this, in verse 23, “…to be made new in the attitude of your minds….” Really, it’s be being made new.
See, there is…it’s like Paul says in Romans 12, we are being transformed, “…by the renewing of your mind.” Here, he talks about the attitude. But there is a life that we are able to put on. Now the question is do we do that? And this is what daily salvation is about, where we are confronted with a whole lot of situations that provoke what comes out of our human nature.
Now, how many of you know that if we don’t think about it, we will automatically react to life and to virtually everything based upon our human nature, which is always all about self, all about what I want and what I feel? And for that to change, in a practical way, there’s a lot that goes into that. Man, do I need the Lord?
( congregational amens ).
Do I have any hope of seeing this kind of change? I’m so glad that the message here is not, here’s all the bad stuff you’ve been doing. Stop it! You know, reform yourself! I’m sorry, the nature I was born with is way beyond reform. You can’t fix it! But God’s purpose is to give me a brand-new life, and that life is created. Didn’t he say we’re a new creation? Brand-new creation. It’s created to what? To be like God!
How many of you who really know the Lord, and you’ve been born of His Spirit, do you realize you’ve got a life in here that was created to be like God? In other words, what Paul is about to get into…do we have the resources for that or has God just sort of thrown us to the wolves and say, you’re a mess, go fix it?
Oh, thank God! From beginning to end, what God has given to us is so supernatural that we just don’t get it. And so often, we don’t connect what He has done for us. We don’t connect it with everyday life, and we just blunder through and act out…and the ‘clothes’ people see are coming from the old nature, and we don’t even realize it. We just do what it’s our nature to do and think, well, that’s just the way I am. It’s my personality, everybody knows that.
Oh, how many excuses do we make and yet, here’s Paul saying, no…you don’t live that way anymore. God’s given you the ability, in Him, to be a different kind of a person.
So, now he’s going to talk to these super-spiritual people here…and it’s very obvious they’re just ordinary people, aren’t they? That’s an encouragement to me that God reaches out to people like that, because I need—I need Someone like that. Oh my…apart from Him I’m a sinner without hope. But in Him, I have a perfect hope, because His name is Jesus! And Jesus—the name Jesus means God saves! It comes from Him.
Man, I believe in Him, don’t you this morning? That’s what God is seeking from me and from all of us, to exercise a practical faith in these little, daily things, so that we can actually participate and experience what He’s talking about here.
How many of you believe that God wants to bring us into a better and better picture of what He’s talking about in the first half of chapter 4? Where you see the Body of Christ, and every member is participating, and every member is a vessel through whom God gives life to others, and together we grow up, “…unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (KJV). Do you believe that’s possible? Do you believe we can move in that direction? Praise God!
Okay, “Therefore…” Again, you’ve got this connection back to everything he said. Everything leads to something else. “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” (NIV). Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be sensitive to the Lord and have Him help us in this simple area like this, where there’s just a truthfulness and an honesty about ourselves?
My God, such a simple thing. And yet, how many of us blunder through life and justify this and justify that, and are unconscious of this and that? I want the Lord to shine the light where it needs to be shined, don’t you?
And you know, the devil could just make you afraid of that. But since God’s given me everything I need to overcome that, and to pull me out of that, that’s not a cause for fear. That’s a cause for thanksgiving. because the only way to get victory over anything, ultimately, is to face it!
And folks, if in one way or another you are a liar, don’t deny it. Say, God, work in my heart to bring me closer to what You want, because when I act in any way that’s deceitful, that’s not coming from You, is it? That’s not an expression of that new life that was created to be like God. That’s just my old nature trying to serve self.
October 9, 2022 - No. 1566
“In All Things” Conclusion
October 9, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1566 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew…” (NIV). I’m not gonna get into a long discussion about, you know, God’s sovereignty and man’s will. But I’ll tell you, we have a choice to make, when God calls, when God deals with the heart and God knows those who will surrender.
But what a picture is painted here, because when we’re in the middle of something, it’s awful easy for the Devil to sow all kinds of questions and doubts and sense of weakness, sense of need, all the things that would militate, that would fight against our restful confidence in God’s love and His purpose.
But listen to the language that we’ve used so many times, and those he predestined…oh yeah, “For those God foreknew he also predestined….” See there’s this sense that, I’m gonna take charge and I’ve got a purpose that’s gonna work out and it will happen! There’s not a devil in hell that can stop what I have purposed when somebody commits their life into my hands, it is in a safe place. I will bring them to that place where one day they will walk in a brand-new world and Jesus will walk among us as our elder brother.
What an incredible picture! Praise God! And the certainty that God is communicating in this scripture. If God predestines something, is there anybody that can say, no you can’t do that? No!
“And those…” in verse 30, “…he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified….” And that’s a simple word. It means He makes you righteous in God’s eyes, takes away…just removes sin from the equation. Praise God!
“…Those he justified, he also glorified.” What a way to put that! To say something like that, that hasn’t happened yet as though it has happened, that’s the certainty God wants His children to have, once they surrender their lives unto His hands and He comes in to stay and to seal the heart.
Folks, we have every reason, no matter what we experience, Covid or otherwise, to just say, Lord, I’m in Your hands, my life is in your hands…we sing the song. What a blessed place that is. And I feel like many of the things that we have experienced, in these last few weeks, have been to move us along in that direction.
( congregational amens ).
You know, God knows what’s ahead. We’ve said it many times. We’ve had it easy here in America. He talks later in this passage about, you know, persecution and famine and nakedness and peril and sword and a whole lot of things that are worse than any of us have ever experienced. And I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who will bring His people through, and will be with us.
But the only way to get there is to experience Him in real things, where we can look back and say, you know, that was tough, but God was with me! In the darkest time, He spoke His word to my heart, gave me the strength to believe it and it carried me through! It brought me through that dark time, and I am better for it and God has given me a real, living experience of His faithfulness. Praise God! Praise God!
I’m gonna move from this scripture just for a moment to another one that we read periodically that we really love. And that’s in James, the beginning of James. But I had this come to me, I don’t know how many different times. And I’ll read it in this NIV translation. But that’s not how it came to me because I grew up with the King James.
But…verse 2, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds….” Now of course, we don’t consider it pure joy, but the Lord wants us to see it…if we could see it through His eyes, see it through His heart, and really believe that it is His heart toward us, doesn’t that make a difference?
( congregational response ).
My God! Can’t we say, thank You, Lord. I know where this is headed. I’m just anticipating that, and Your strength is with me right now to help me through this.
All right, why are we able to do that? “…Because you know…” Here’s again, is something we know, and this is the kind of knowledge again that is cumulative. You go through something, you gain some knowledge, it’s more than just theory. Then you go through something else, and you go through something else, and knowledge increases. And God wants us to come to the place where we could have the knowledge that would enable us to say, Praise God, in the midst of something that wouldn’t naturally bring forth that response.
“…You know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Now this kept coming to me over and over through these last few weeks. And it was King James language: “…Let patience have her perfect work….”
And patience and perseverance are two senses of the meaning of the original. Because it conveys perseverance as in not giving up, continuing to put forth an effort to resist. But it also conveys the idea of time, that this is not a push-button deal, that this is gonna take some time in order to accomplish what has to be accomplished.
You know, and the obvious example that we’ve used many times is, suppose you want to be a weight lifter, and you’ve read every book that you could about weight lifting, you understood the science of it, you’ve looked at videos, you went to seminars. Would any of that make you a weightlifter? No.
Weightlifting…the very essence of weightlifting is exerting your strength against resistance. There simply is no way for muscles to grow and to become stronger unless they are literally exercised against resistance. And if they’re gonna grow really strong, the resistance is gonna have to get stronger, isn’t it? I mean, that’s what weightlifting is all about. How much can I lift?
Is it any different in spiritual matters? We’d like it to be. Every one of us would probably like to come to a place where we could come down to an altar, have someone lay their hands on your head, and just put in there whatever it is you need.
But it doesn’t work that way, and the Lord has used this particular period in a unique way, to cause us to have to face things and patience is that word that kept coming to me, this is something that’s gonna take time. You need be…you need to stand in your spirit against this thing. You need to have a constant confidence and trust in Me, but you need…the devil’s gonna be talking to you. Has the devil been talking to anybody?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. But there needs to be a stand that you take in your spirit when the devil starts saying…this is a time for self-pity, it’s time for self-indulgence, because of your self-pity…you deserve that. Nobody ever experiences anything like that I know! But whatever it is, that would cause us to draw back, or let go, or be tired, or give into something when it comes to the simple stand of faith and saying, no, God is faithful! I am trusting in Him!
( congregational amens ).
I will not give in. I’m gonna stand in the face of whatever the devil tells me is going on. I am His and that’s the end of it.
( congregational amens ).
Folks, how many of you got that in you to do that? Zero. Man, we need the Lord, don’t we? We need the Lord.
But do you see how this dovetails with what Paul had said over in Romans 8, that there is something that God is gonna…I mean, we’re here for a reason. Part of the reason is to let our light shine. But obviously, God’s purpose is to change us from people who fit in with this world, to people who fit into the one to come. And every single one of us needs a lot more change than we think we do.
( congregational amens ).
And so, when these things are allowed by God to work in our lives, what He’s looking for is simple faith that puts their trust in Him and says, God, I am one with You in this. I thank you for it, I understand what’s going on. My flesh doesn’t like it, my flesh gets weary, all these things that I have to battle, but Lord, I’m on Your side in this thing. I want to let this have its complete work.
Lord, help me not to cut it short. Help me not to bail on You. Help me not to accuse You of doing wrong because I don’t like it! All of the things that the Devil tries to bring about in our minds and hearts. But, oh what a faithful God we have!
( congregational amens ).
What a merciful God we have! You know, when you stand back from it and you’re not sitting there feeling the immediate effects, doesn’t it make sense to say, yes, God, I want this…I want the full deal. I don’t want to stop short. I want perseverance to have its full effect.
Let me go back to read this, “Let perseverance finish its work…” (NIV). There’s the time element. There’s where things aren’t gonna be… there’s no push-button solution. There’s no way to get to God’s goal in this thing except by submitting ourselves and trusting in Him and looking to Him, and keeping on doing that, because there’s a work that’s happening that cannot happen any other way. How many of you want to be what the Lord wants you to be?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, that’s a dangerous desire, isn’t it? Because it means there’s parts of us that… it means we’re gonna have to die. And we’re gonna have to learn His ways and be willing to let go and let God have His wonderful way. That’s what all this is about. So over and over again, I kept having that, “…let patience have her perfect work…” (KJV). Let patience have her perfect work.
( laughing ).
And then you get up, and a couple of days later, and you’re weak and wobbly and hanging in there. “…Let patience have her perfect work….” Over and over and over again that scripture came. But, do you think maybe, just maybe, there was a good reason for that? Anybody else have the same need?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, sure, we all do, don’t we? Another scripture that came to me, that we’ve heard many, many times. You know, it’s not a matter of just hearing new stuff, but it’s a matter of God making the old stuff real, so that it becomes something that we can stand on, and know it’s real, and know…and just be able to stand when somebody else is struggling, maybe even be able to help somebody who’s struggling, because we’ve been there.
( congregational response ).
And we know God is faithful! We know that this scripture, whatever scripture it is, it’s real, because we’ve experienced it in our lives. There is no substitute for that.
Another scripture the Lord brought to me a number of times was in 1st Peter 5, very familiar scripture, where it says, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (NIV). In verse 6, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”
And of course, in the process, us being human, we’re gonna be anxious about things. So, he says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
But I can’t tell you the number of times that that scripture came to me. And again, is that not, does that not dovetail with the other things we’ve said? Because if God is at work, in all things, He’s at work. He has a purpose. He’s working it out. And, I’m to let perseverance, patience, have its complete work so that I’ll be what He wants me to be.
Isn’t it appropriate that he says, “Humble yourselves…under God’s mighty hand…”? That’s not natural. But oh, what a peace and what a rest there is when we’re just able to say, yes Lord, whatever. I just want You. I just want Your will for my heart, for my life, your purpose for my life. There’s nothing else worth living for.
But you know, the Lord has to let you experience stuff before you get that. If it’s just theory, that’s all it is. But I’m so thankful for God’s goodness in everything that has happened.
I think I’ll just go back briefly. Well, another scripture, I’ll quote a couple of scriptures. There’s one in 1st Thessalonians, chapter 5, I think, that talks about…that’s giving a whole of instructions, a whole lot of words of exhortation, I guess, is the word I’m trying to reach for. And he says, “In every thing give thanks.” (KJV).
That’s another thing that is a good exercise. When we’re in some of these ‘all things,’ and we’d rather they didn’t happen, and they’re not pleasant, and we’re in that place where the devil is beating on us and whispering in our ears, one of the things that God calls on us to do is to say, thank You, Lord. In all things. And, of course, I’ve had people actually express this. Yeah, I’m supposed to give thanks ‘in’ all things but not ‘for’ all things.
( laughter ).
Anybody ever heard that? Unfortunately, if you will go over to Ephesians, chapter 5, it says specifically, “…giving thanks…for everything…” in Christ Jesus. (NIV). You see, it takes, it takes faith.
You think of what Jesus went through in His life, to accomplish the Father’s purpose. Now, the Father’s purpose in Him, I mean He was like Jesus. I mean, He was Jesus, He never sinned. But yet He had to experience all of the things that we experience. And yet, facing the cross, I thank You, Father.
There was this sense of praise, of thanks, of confidence, of rest, of being willing to push forward, willing to wait on God and to receive the strength even to do it, to pray for three hours when it was necessary. All the things He went through and yet there was this sense, God, I know You’ve got this! I know what Your purpose it. I want to be part of that, come what may, Lord, whatever it costs.
That’s what God is seeking to bring about in our lives. And so, I don’t care what it is that you and I experience, that’s at the heart of it. And I want to listen, and I want to learn the reality of these scriptures, because again, what carries us through things in the future is what we’ve already learned and what we know because we’ve been there, and done that.
But anyway, one point probably needs to be made, because the reality is, all of these things, giving thanks, humbling ourselves, trusting Him, you know, rejoicing, being glad, all these things that we’re exhorted to do, again, not one of us here has the natural ability to do any of that! And so, one of the deep lessons that I see the Lord trying to teach me…I hope I’m learning in a measure, is the simple reality that every need is meant to draw me to Him because the unsearchable riches of Christ are there!
Listen to what he says back in Romans, chapter 8. “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”
See, that’s one of the lessons that it’s not easy for us to learn. We are by nature self-reliant. Every time we feel a need, I’ve got to do something, I got to, I got to. Instead of saying, Lord, I have no resource for this, but You have promised. Everything I need is in You.
Again, going back to the unsearchable riches of Christ. Anybody here have needs that the Lord would draw your mind away from your ability, and your sense of need, and all your sense of self-pity, if that’s there? To say, I have what you need. I know you don’t have the ability to humble yourself. I can give that to you if you’ll just ask.
See, you don’t have because you’re not asking. And a whole lot of your asking is self-centered. And the Lord wants us to have a confidence.
And you know, when we feel those needs, many times, that’s when the devil tries to paint a picture that would cause us to say, well, I can’t go to Him now, I don’t deserve it. This is happening because I did something. That’s a lie from the pit of hell! And God wants us to wake up and realize that. Now, if there is something that we’re conscious of, that we need to confess, praise God! But we’ve got a place to go!
( congregational amens ).
“He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (KJV). We confess our sins, there’s a sense of agreement with God about it. God has made provision for that! No devil in hell could ever rightly accuse you and me of anything that would ever separate us. That’s what this whole passage is about. Praise God!
But do we get this? Do we really live as if this is true? Or do we just say, yay, Jesus, that’s wonderful! And then go on as though it’s not true. See, we’re in the process, aren’t we? We’re in school. But the Lord is so loving and so patient with us. Thank God!
But the reality is, and this again, is something that came to me many times…it’s come to me many times these past few weeks. “…How will he not also, along with him graciously give us…” How many things?
( congregational response ).
“…All things.” What is your need today? Is it for strength against temptation? Is it for courage? Is it for the strength to just stand in faith? Whatever it is, He is the answer!
( congregational response ).
That’s why He gave us the parable of the…praise God…the vine and the branches. Where does the vine…the branch get its ability to do anything? It gets it from the branch…the vine. Anyway, you know what I’m trying to say. There is a source outside of ourselves that we need to…that God wants us to learn to tap into. To let go of self in every form, whether it’s self-effort, pride, no matter what it is, we just need the Lord!
( congregational amens ).
And He is faithful and loving and ready to step into every life. I appreciate God’s faithfulness. I appreciate the opportunity to get to know Him in deeper ways.
( congregational response ).
You know, we need to be able to rejoice and look at things through His eyes, don’t we? I appreciate His faithfulness!
October 2, 2022 - No. 1565
“In All Things” Part One
October 2, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1565 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I just wanted to share some simple thoughts. I don’t know how long I’ll be up here, but, scriptures that we know are often are the ones that we need the most. And sometimes I think we can react and think, oh, I’ve heard that a million times. But the thing is, we need to hear what God says when it is relevant to our circumstances. It’s not just a matter of having a head full of Bible knowledge, we need the Lord in very personal, very real ways.
And several scriptures that have been quickened to me repeatedly, and one of them certainly, everybody has probably thought of this one at one time, is Romans 8:28. You know, where it says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (NIV).
Now there’s so much rich truth in that, you can’t really exhaust it. But, things that have been quickened in a special way…one of them is the word ‘know.’ What do you think he means by that? Is this the kind of knowledge you can get by reading a book or hearing a sermon?
( congregational response ).
See, there’s only one way to acquire the kind of knowledge that he’s really talking about here, and that is by experience, by having to go through something and experiencing God’s goodness in very practical ways. There is a knowledge you gain by that, you cannot gain any other way.
And so, I see the Lord’s goodness in allowing these ‘all things’ he’s talking about, allowing them to come into our lives and then turning our hearts to Him, speaking to us. I just pray that God will give us better ears to hear, where we’ll be more ready to listen and ready to open our hearts and say, Lord, I know You’ve got this. I know You’re on the throne. I know that there is a reason, there is a loving purpose behind this place that I’m in.
You know I was thinking about the ‘all things.’ And we tend to trot this verse out when something happens that we consider to be ‘bad’ and unpleasant to us. But the truth is, everything God uses.
( congregational amens ).
You know, sometimes He lets us go through an easy place, and it’s to see whether we’re gonna go to sleep and be careless, because we need to learn that kind of a lesson as well. And so, really…’all things’ means all things, not just all bad things, as we measure them.
But, you know, I was thinking about how God allows things in our lives. It’s not like God is literally just manipulating every little thing that happens, but He sure does allow stuff, doesn’t He?
Many times, He allows us, and I know everybody here, if you’re honest, can testify to this…He allows us to experience the consequences of our own choices. And they aren’t always good choices. But isn’t it wonderful that God can even take those things and turn them around into spiritual growth if we’ll just listen, and give Him our hearts?
These are such simple things, but they are so basic to what the Lord is doing. And so, I praise Him for knowledge, but I praise Him for the increase in knowledge, because we don’t know much. We’re in the process of being changed, aren’t we?
( congregational response ).
And that change happens…how did Paul say in another place? He said, it happens, “…by the renewing of your mind.” And the problem is, we come into this world and just even in growing up…even if we grow up in church, there’s so much of our thinking that is geared to this world. We see things through the eyes of the world.
We see the things that are valued by the world, things that are important…earthly security, earthly welfare of every sort. I mean, the list goes on and on, and that’s the way we see ourselves, and we see others, and we see our place in the world and everything. It’s just kind of a comprehensive…well, we call it a worldview.
Frankly, our worldview needs to change and that is not something that happens with a push-button experience, doesn’t happen with a series of lectures. It happens in life. As life happens, God uses everything we experience in order to change us. How many here need to be changed?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. How many have learned in the last few weeks that there are changes that you thought you had, and God needed to do something more than you realized. Aren’t you glad He’s in charge and He knows?
( congregational response ).
Praise God! We’ve got an awesome God. And all that He does is not for our hurt, it’s not for our…for anything other than His purpose. And that was another thing that really continually came back to me. That whatever God allows in our lives, it’s to serve His purpose.
And our problem, much of the time, is that we have our purposes. We have things that we seek. We have things that we value in life, and that has nothing whatever to do with God’s purpose! God’s purpose is not to fix the world. It’s not to make…give us a pleasant little cozy nest in this world where everything goes the way we would like it to.
His purpose is expressed, of course, in the next verse. And it says, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he…” the Son, “…might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”
What a picture that is! How many of you are just like Jesus right now? I don’t see any hands, and I certainly couldn’t raise mine. I just…I see, every single day, I see areas where God is at work and needs to work. And I feel my need and that’s a good place to be. Isn’t it wonderful to actually understand, in some measure, that truth? It enables us to surrender to His purpose.
You know, I was talking about the ‘all things,’ and one of the things that…that should be obvious to you, if you’ve known the Lord any length of time, oftentimes the Lord allows the devil to do stuff, to have his way, up to a point…thank God, God has His hand on that. But the Lord stands back and allows the devil to do stuff, and then turns it around and uses it for our good!
Think about Peter, and the obvious examples we’ve had in scripture of Peter…had to go through what he went through, but when he did, he came out of it strong, he came out of it with a faith in Christ, he came out of it knowing that you can be at your worst, and He will still love you and pick you up and forgive you, and receive you. What an incredible lesson that…and it was just a few weeks later that same man was able to stand up in the power of the Spirit and proclaim the Gospel on the Day of Pentecost.
Folks, it doesn’t matter what the Lord allows the devil to do in our lives and how badly we fall in the mud, if we will lift up our hearts to Him and put our confidence in Him, He has a way of turning that around and absolutely allowing us to grow and become stronger, as a result of that! I thank God! How many need this?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. How many of you have fallen in the mud and you’ve wondered, oh how…when things happen, how the devil has a way of interpreting all those things, some of those ‘all things’ that happen. What did you do to deserve this? Is God mad at you? Is God upset with you? What did you do? You made a bad choice and now you’re reaping, and God’s just standing back there waiting for you to get it right. God’s waiting for ‘you’ to get things right, and then He’ll come back.
Oh my God! What an awesome God we have that is right there! But, oh how desperately do we need to absolutely go through real stuff, of every kind, whether it has to do with failure or pain or time, or whatever it has to do with. There is no substitute for going through something and experiencing what God is talking about in this scripture. Folks, if we’re gonna grow up, if we’re gonna become like Jesus, we’re gonna have to go through things that we don’t want to go through. And I praise Him, because it’s His purpose.
You know, who’s he talking about in this scripture? He says, those who love God. Folks, there’s not a human being on the planet that naturally loves God! It’s not in human nature to love God. You can be religious, but I mean, in terms of having the power to truly love God as he’s talking about here, that’s supernatural.
And doesn’t he go on and talk about those He’s, “…called according to his purpose.” You know we had a message on this a long time back, I don’t remember when: “By Invitation Only.” Do you know the Kingdom of God is by invitation only? People don’t just decide, I’m gonna serve God. God has to be actively at work, convicting and calling somebody to repent.
Do you remember what Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, when they said, what are we gonna do? You know, they were convicted about their sinfulness and their rejection of the Lord that had been sent to them. And Peter said, repent! That is a one-eighty. That is a renunciation of everything that we have stood for, our sins, our ways, our earthly life! It is a willingness to be baptized, which is laying that life down. It is willfully, willingly giving up that which we cannot keep in order to gain a life that we cannot lose.
( congregational response ).
And the promise of God to everyone who responds in true, humble repentance and faith to that call is the forgiveness of sins, to be absolutely right with a holy God, and to have Him come and impart His own life into us. Praise God! That’s what this is about. Then the work of transformation has a foundation! It isn’t—it isn’t, here’s a list of things I want you to do, work at it. This is absolutely a supernatural thing.
But you know, the problem is we don’t always understand. This knowledge he’s talking about is something that only comes over time. And I would guarantee I’m not the only one that has come through what we’ve just…some of the things we’re just going through still, trying to get strength back.
But these things have roused in us a sense of need, a sense of…oh God, I thought I had this…you know, I thought I had this, and I’m running into this, and I’m running into that feeling, and wanting to go this way, wanting to give in to self-pity, wanting to…you know, put forth an effort and then…I’m tired. And Paul says be not, “…weary in well doing.” (KJV). Praise God! Do we need the Lord?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, we need the Lord, don’t we? We don’t have what it takes. But He is so utterly faithful and committed. What an amazing, simple scripture that we have heard so many times. Praise the Lord!
And we know! Do you know this? That in all things…even when God lets the devil work, like He did with Paul. Remember, when Paul was doing good, doing everything he knew to do, there was no particular wrong or sinful thing that God was trying to correct in Paul, but He wanted…but Paul saw, or God saw a need in Paul.
How easy is it for us to be prideful, when we experience the good things of God, and it’s like He is shining His light on us, and aren’t we wonderful? And God wants us to never lose sight of the fact that we are objects of His love and mercy, that He never gives us something because we have earned it and we deserve it, and we should be lifted up in our own thinking.
And so, God sent a demon, allowed a demon to go and harass Paul, and Paul prayed and couldn’t get rid of it. That was one of those ‘all things.’ Paul was concerned about that. He wondered, God, I don’t get this. Something we’ve talked about many many times, until finally the Lord gave him the knowledge that he needed.
And he shared that with us. He said, Paul, I’ve got to give you a lesson here. Your pride was kind of in danger of getting in the way. But I want you to understand something. I know you feel weak right now. Anybody here feel weak? Yeah. I know you feel weak, but I want you to understand that when you’re weak, you’re strong. Why? Because you’re consciously depending on Me, and My strength is inexhaustible. Praise God!
That’s one of the things that God wants to teach us. It’s so easy, theoretically to talk about the “…unsearchable riches of Christ.” Okay…how does that affect me and my everyday life. What difference does that make? See, that’s what the Lord wants us to get, in deeper and deeper ways.
And I can testify that the Lord has…has come in many ways, and I’ve been in spots where I’ve tended to give in, I’ve tended to feel bad. And, the devil’s talking, and…why, when is this gonna be over? And, of course, who knows?
But I’ll tell you, God is so faithful. Just to give a word of testimony…this might be a good thing to have this morning. I shared this with the fellows the other night. But, I kind of reached a low point, and I think it had to come with energy production, coming from here, I just didn’t have any.
And I felt so weak on Labor Day, that in the evening I didn’t feel like I could get through the night. I didn’t know. I had to have some help. I had to have some answers. And so, I took my first, and I hope only, ambulance ride, because I didn’t want to sit in the waiting room.
But I experienced something that I can take absolutely zero credit for. And that was, “…the peace…which passeth all understanding….” Truthfully, I didn’t know what was gonna happen. I even made the mistake of commenting to Sue, before I left, I said, well you know, maybe the Lord’s gonna take…maybe this is the Lord’s time, He’s gonna take me home. Who knows? That didn’t help her through the evening.
( laughter ).
I was in perfect peace, and she was at home not knowing what was going on.
(laughter ).
Bless her heart. I shouldn’t have said that. But, I honestly felt that. I mean, that’s supernatural. If you can be in a place where you think there is a real possibility, I might die, maybe this is the Lord’s time, and to feel total peace! It’s okay. If that’s what Your will is, I’m good with it. And that didn’t come from me, I guarantee it.
And so, I just kind of relaxed in the hands of the people who were doing whatever they were doing. And, the Lord answered the need…gave me an IV infusion, which was enough to kind of get me over the hump a little bit. And just one little notation the doctor made in the report kind of put me on the track of where I needed to go. And so, a couple days later, I think my fevers were even gone.
So, I just praise the Lord! My strength is nowhere near back, but we’re on track. And the Lord knows what He’s doing. But what an experience! I mean, it’s wonderful to read about how we can not be anxious and take our petitions to the Lord. And, “…the peace…which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
What a glorious theory that is! Oh, how nice it is to quote that. But to experience it at that time, and to know that it’s real! Folks, that’s the confidence God wants to give every one of His children, regardless of the circumstances.
I mean, how could Paul talk about, for me to live is Christ, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” And have…you know, it’s just like, this is the way it is. If it’s my time to die, I’m good with that. How many can honestly say that? See, it takes grace! I know I’m not the only one who’s ever experienced this. But, you know, if we really have, if we really see our lives, and our lives in this world through His eyes, and His purpose, not ours, yeah, you can have that.
I mean, you look at the three Hebrew children in the Old Testament, and how they were able, not knowing how it was gonna turn out, to say, Nebuchadnezzar, we are not bowing to your image. “The God we serve is able to deliver us…” (NIV). But if He doesn’t, we’re still not bowing.
See at that point, they didn’t know. As far as they were concerned, they could just be tossed in there and burn up! And yet, there was a humble submission into the hands of a loving heavenly Father.
Is that a place that we need to be able to be brought to? Yeah. How do you get there? We’re gonna have to let the Lord take us in His time and His way. He will use all things in our lives if we will tune, in and say, Lord, I want your purpose and not mine.
September 25, 2022 - No. 1564
“Two Temples” Conclusion
September 25, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1564 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You want to know why things are happening the way they are now? More and more people are saying no. Thank God there are people who still are gonna say, yes.
(congregational amens ).
But more and more, people are saying no. “For this reason…” (NIV). This is why. “…God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie…” All right? “…And so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
Now, this is a case—one of those cases where the NIV gets it right and the King James gets it wrong, in one little, tiny point. You read that in the King James, it’ll say, they will believe ‘a’ lie. The Greek says, ‘the’ lie. What’s the difference?
See, this is not just believing a whole range of stuff that’s wrong, that’s a lie. This is believing the lie that goes right back to the beginning, that your destiny is to be your own god. You have these desires for a reason. They’re born in you, not to be denied but to be fulfilled! You’re supposed to follow that. That’s your destiny, so give yourself to it. That’s the lie! Whatever form that takes.
And I don’t know exactly how this is gonna unfold. I don’t have any dates. I don’t have any of that. I just know that God wants us to be alive and awake. But I’ll tell you, if the devil…to the extent the devil accomplishes what we’re talking about right here, and he gets the broad mass of humanity to, basically, reject God, reject the Gospel, and embrace ‘the lie,’ he’s gonna be able to manipulate this world any way he wants to.
He is a master manipulator, and it will not be hard for him to bring about a global society if that’s exactly what he wants to bring out. I know that’s the driving force behind the people that are ruling things in this planet right now, the money, the power, the philosophy. That’s where it’s headed. That’s where they want to take us. We’ll see what God allows.
But I’ll tell you one thing, there is a temple that is being built and occupied. It was designed to be God’s temple, but man is occupying it. Lost, rebellious man is saying, I am God, falling for the same lie that felled Lucifer in the beginning, who says, “I will be like the most High.” (KJV).
And again, Paul is writing this because he wants God’s people to understand this. Didn’t Paul, back in the first letter to the Thessalonians, talk about, you’re not in darkness, so wake up. Don’t get drunk like those who are drunk in the night. That’s what’s going on. There is a drunkenness with this spirit of delusion that God is allowing because people have rejected truth!
It’s going out with more and more force and more and more clarity every single day, and God wants His people to wake up and say, wait a minute. I don’t have to be a part of that. There is a temple that’s being built.
And I’m just…I’ve gone back and forth on this, trusting the Lord to…I don’t think I’m gonna have time to really go into the other. But do you know, there’s another temple? Do you know God has a temple? Do you understand what’s happening here?
Go back to the beginning. God’s purpose was to live in human beings, to actually live in us, to make His home—to make His home in us. But man said, no, this is my vessel. I will do as I please. I will be my own god.
But God has a people that He is gathering in this hour. We’re not being gathered into cathedrals and buildings as though they are the…that’s what God is after. God’s heart is to live in human beings.
Look at what he says…look what Paul says, in a couple of places. 1st Corinthians chapter 3. This is something that needs to be fleshed out at some point, but he’s talking…he’s talking to the believers there about the building of God’s church, the building of what God wanted to do and how it has to be on the foundation of what Jesus did! It’s not on the foundation of who I am as a human being trying to be me. It’s the foundation of Jesus Christ who shed His blood, gave His life up for me so that I can give myself to Him.
Any other foundation, you haven’t got a foundation. That’s what’s gonna hold people. I’ll tell you, if you don’t have this…if that foundation is not laid in a human heart, you will succumb to the spirit of delusion that is enveloping this dark world. How many times have we said, when you get to that day when Jesus comes, there will be such a radical difference between those who are caught up in glory to be with Him and those upon whom fire rains.
You know, I gave you my secondary title last week. “Glory and Fire” or “Fire and Glory.” That’s where we’re headed. But oh, praise God for the glory that’s coming. But Paul says in verse 16 of 1st Corinthians chapter 3, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple…” (NIV). That’s pretty plain language. He’s writing to Christian believers and said, don’t you understand? Don’t you get this? You are God’s temple! “…And that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?”
And then, he’s talking about people who would come in and mess with that in some fashion. “If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together…” you together, “…are that temple.”
How many of you remember what Jesus said that was so misunderstood? The religious leaders said, show us a sign, as to why You’re doing all this. He said, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
Of course, they thought He was totally nuts, because they thought He was talking about the building that took 46 years to build. You’re gonna do it in three days? But it says that the disciples understand later on after He was raised from the dead that He wasn’t talking about a building. He was talking about His body.
See, God’s not looking for buildings like we think of them. He’s looking to live in human flesh. And at that point in time, Jesus was God’s temple on earth. His Father lived in Him, and that’s where the expression of everything He said and did came from.
But you know, there’s a glorious prophesy. I’m not gonna try to unpack all of it, but I’m just gonna refer to something that’s come back to me a number of times over the years. This goes back to the Old Testament. How many of you remember the prophecy about, there would be a messenger go out, but then the Lord, whom you seek, will do what? “…Suddenly…come to his temple.” What’s he talking about? When did the Lord come to the temple Paul is talking about? Yeah, that’s what, but when?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. How about the day of Pentecost? All of a sudden, the Lord came to His temple. I believe, by the way, it happened in the physical temple not in the upper room. I can easily prove that. But nonetheless, it wasn’t God…or Christ coming by the Spirit to the physical temple, it was the real temple!
And boy, before that day was ended, that temple was 3,000 members strong, and it became just filled with His life and His power! And there was a unity, there was a power that God exhibited, because it was His temple. Folks, God has called us to be His temple in this hour, when the spirit of rebellious man is occupying the mass of humanity! God still has a temple.
( congregational amens ).
You and I are that temple. I’ve heard a lot of expressions recently that I absolutely agree with. It’s the organic nature of the church. The church is not an organization, any more than your body is an organization. It’s living. It’s interconnected. There’s a shared life that animates, that makes us what we are and gives us power to be alive!
Folks, the only thing that gives you and me power to have anything to do with what God’s purpose is, and eternity is God living in us. That’s what the church is meant to be about. And I’ll tell you, God wants us to see what’s going on, but at the same time, to understand, what He is doing that affects me? He wants to absolutely live in us to the point where we grow up as His temple.
How many of you remember Ephesians chapter 3? Or is it the end of 2, I think? First of all, I’ve got to find Ephesians. There we go. Now I won’t take time to go through all of this, because we’ve seen it so many times. But basically, Paul is dealing with the fact that He’s working out a great purpose. He’s called us. He’s enabled us. He’s done everything that’s necessary to make us what He wants us to be. All right?
Now, he deals with the fact that there are Jews and Gentiles, and where does that fit in? And Paul says, that’s a thing of the past. God’s made us one. He broke the wall down. By the way, He’s not ever gonna rebuild it. God doesn’t have a separate purpose for them, than He has from us. It’s all His purpose for His people, Jew and Gentile alike.
But listen to what he says, in verse 18, “For through him…” through Christ, “…we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers….” He’s writing to Gentiles here…didn’t know anything about all this coming in. “…You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people….”
All right? Let’s go on and see what he says. “…And also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together…” In Him! “…The whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”
You want to know what the church is about? There it is. Anything else is just a religious organization. Folks, God has called us together, and I pray that He will give us a fresh understanding, not only of what’s going on in the world so we can be aware, but also of who we are.
We sing the song every now and then, “God is Building a House.” And I am part of that house. “…Building a house that will stand.” Folks, that’s what He’s doing with our lives.
And I had the thought come to me…this is probably where it needs to go in the future. I wonder how much God is at home in us? That’s a sobering thought, isn’t it? Do we, maybe, just need Him to work in us a bit? A big bit…but He’s faithful, isn’t He?
But do you see, God is building us together, to be something that is living…that’s as living as a body, which of course, is the other illustration that he uses in the scriptures. We are literally the body that He lives in. Every one of us is a part of it. He’s designed each one of you to fill a certain place in that.
What other purpose do we have in being here? You see, you come to that day that’s coming, you’re gonna be in one camp or the other. I certainly don’t want to be in the one that’s unaware that He’s coming, and all of a sudden, fire falls. I want to be one that’s looking and ready and understands what God’s purpose is, what He’s called me to, so that I can be part of that.
But I want Him to be more and more at home in my life. I want my life to be more and more an expression of what He wants and His character and His Spirit. Do you think, maybe, the Lord just has a little bit of work to do to get us to where He’s more at home with us? And not just here in the assembly, but I mean outside.
Do you see where the two temples come in? There’s so much more that could be said, and I just…I feel like, maybe, that’s what needs to be said today. I confess I wrestle with these things. I’m trusting the Lord’s in this. The devil fights it. I think that’s what’s going on…because I’ll feel like I’m on the right track, and then all of a sudden…I’m not so sure. But I know that God wants us to understand the things that are going on in the world, so we’re not fooled like the world is.
( congregational amens ).
We’re not dismayed by it. We understand where it’s going. We can pray for those who still have a capacity, who haven’t said that final no. We’re here for a reason to bear witness to the Light, to live out the life of Christ for anybody that can see that Light.
But we’re getting nearer and nearer to that time that he’s talking about here, and we need to live with the knowledge of that. And it’s like I quoted that part of that chorus last week, living with eternity’s values in view. God has called us to live for something that’s eternal.
I think it’s something that I said this morning. We rely naturally on human strength to accomplish things that have to do with this world. That’s how we are constituted. But God is bringing His people to a place where we don’t rely on ourselves anymore, but we learn to let go and rely on Him, to do His will and preform what He wants to do through us, so that what happens, as a result, is not just something that will burn up when this world burns up, but it will last into eternity.
Do you realize the power, the potential that lies in the simplest, smallest, most unimportant, by human measurement, one that’s here…if you’re His, you have the power, by yielding to Him, to have things happen that will have eternal results, every single one of us, because it’s not about us? It’s not I, but Christ that lives in me.
That’s the whole secret of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s building Him a temple. And oh, there’s gonna be a time when that temple will rise, and it will be finished, and like the artist, the ultimate artist that God is, there’s gonna be a day when all that He’s been doing, the veil is gonna be pulled back, and He’ll say, this is what I’ve been doing—this is what I’ve been doing.
Where do you want to be on that day? I want to be part of that. I want to let Him do whatever He needs to do in me to get me ready for that. He’s doing it. To Him will be all the glory.
( congregational response ).
But that is the day that’s coming fast. We’re, well, more than 50 years out of the 60’s. A lot of us didn’t think it was gonna go this long. I don’t know how long it’s gonna go. It doesn’t matter. God knows! I know there is a day coming of glory, and I know there’s a day coming of God’s justice landing upon a wicked world that has chosen to rebel against Him! But oh, there’s gonna be glory for those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. Is that a faith worth dying for?
( congregational response ).
Living for, dying for, whatever, because that’s all Jesus lived for. That’s all He came to do was to make it possible for you and you and you and me to be part of this. Praise God! Thank God for what He’s given to us through the Gospel. Oh, thank God!
And I’ll tell you, the further we go, the more we see evil arise, we’re gonna find ourselves in more and more difficult places. We’ve said many times, just look overseas, and you’ll find believers who have everything worldly taken from them, sometimes their lives. But there’s one thing they can never take, and that’s Jesus!
And He has promised to be faithful to the end. May He give us the grace to be faithful to the end. That’s what it’s gonna take. But I’ll tell you, when we lose everything that men value in this world, we still have Him.
( congregational response ).
And it’s gonna be okay, because He’s gonna finish what He started. To Him be glory. Two temples! Which one are you a part of? I want to be a part of the one that’s waiting for that day, because I know what’s coming. I know it because He rose from the dead, and He sits on the throne. He rules, and He reigns, and no devil in hell can stop the purpose for which God raised Him up. To God be the glory!
September 18, 2022 - No. 1563
“Two Temples” Part One
September 18, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1563 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I want to go ahead and just read a passage that we’ll look at today, at least in part. And, I’m going to do my best not to comment as I read. I think I will just try to read it. That’s hard for me to do, but I’ll do it anyway!
Beginning in chapter 2 of 2nd Thessalonians, “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
“And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
“But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.” (NIV).
One of the things you notice, as Paul looks forward to the end of the age, he sets forth the simple truth that there are two kinds of people who will meet the Lord. There will be those for whom it will be the day of days, when all of a sudden, “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…” (KJV).
I don’t know the exact timeframe. The twinkling of an eye part is that our bodies will be changed. But whatever the timeframe will be, we will meet the Lord in the air and be there with every single believer in God, from all history. We will be there, and we will be glorified, unveiled, so that everyone can see, not what we have been, what we have deserved, but what God has done…
( congregational amens ).
…in spite of us. We’ll see the product of his mercy and his grace. But for the world, it will be a day of sudden shock and destruction. And we set this forth last week. In spite of popular teaching to the contrary, it is…this is something that happens at once. It is one day that affects two groups of people very differently.
But there’s a pattern, and there’s something Paul looks at. There’s a level of darkness and deception that he tells us will be at the end of the age. He says there’s something going on right now. It’s there, and you may see it in a measure, but there’s a restraint upon it, because God has a purpose He’s working out. It doesn’t say that here, but that’s the underlying thought. God has a reason, because the only one that can stop this is God. And if He doesn’t, He has a reason. Okay?
So, there is a restraint upon what will happen at the end, but there is also a period, at the end, when darkness will be released, and we will see what he’s talking about here. And it is an unprecedented level of deception.
And yet, we have seen this pattern throughout history, have we not, where there will be a timeframe in which God will speak to people, deal with them, and people will respond in one of two ways. There will be a small remnant who will receive what He says, and serve Him and believe in Him, but the majority will say, no, we want our way, we are going to live our lives the way we please and serve our own desires.
And there comes a time when that condition is so fixed that it cannot be turned around. You read Romans 1, and I’m not gonna take the time to read through it right now, but those of you who remember what Paul lays out in Romans 1, this is what he lays out. God will hold men responsible for what truth they know, but what they do with it.
And the reality is, the majority of people will know enough about God to be responsible, but they will say, no, get away, I am god of my own life. And that will become…that will precipitate…that will bring about a condition where God finally says, all right, I’m taking my hands off and I’m gonna let you wallow in your deceit, but judgment is coming.
And so, you see this period…this principle of God making himself known. It could be to a city. It could be to a nation. It could be to an empire. In Noah’s day, it was the known world. However many people that encompassed, there was a world of people who reached a point, as we pointed out many times, where every thought was evil. They had no capacity for God.
And do we not see the mercy of God? Even then, there was a waiting. There was a period of time when God waited. You wonder why God’s letting things happen and why He’s waiting? He has a reason.
( congregational amens ).
There are things He’s doing that will become evident when that day dawns. But for the world, it is mercy. No one’s gonna be able to say, You’re wrong, You are unjust in how this is turning out. Now, I can’t answer every ‘what if,’ but I’ll tell you, we serve a God who will do what is right.
( congregational amens ).
And everyone will have to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is, not just that He’s Lord, but that He has done right, and he has leaned way over towards mercy. Justice will happen, but oh, the mercy of God that has been held out to an unbelieving world will be just incredible! And we will bow before him because of that!
And so, we see the day come when God moves some out, by way of the ark, in that case, and judgment fell, and everyone left behind died…a very simple pattern. And that’s what Jesus said is gonna happen. It’s gonna be like that.
And of course, He uses two examples. The other one is Sodom. In this case, you had some cities, in a particular region, that had gone so far with the pursuit of their own lusts, their own desires, that they…I mean, they were ready to molest angels. They didn’t care. All they thought about was their lust. That’s all they lived for, was what they had given themselves to, and it had reached a point where there was nothing else to be done but to eradicate that. Judgment fell.
And over and over again you see the pattern. And again, everyone who was left behind, what happened to them? They all died, didn’t they? And so, you see the pattern, in various ways, happening.
It happened to the nation of Israel, when God sent the prophets over and over and over and over and over again with the same message. And some of them they killed. But they renounced and they rejected prophet after prophet after prophet and pursued their own ways until judgment came. There was nothing left to do but for God to judge.
And he raised up a wicked nation, a wicked empire, Babylon, and empowered them to come and to destroy Israel, because of their sin and their wickedness. Even then there was a restoration, of sorts, wasn’t there? God did bring a remnant back.
And we see the pattern again, repeated, in the New Testament, in the ministry of Jesus, coming as the messiah, the very one their prophets had promised was gonna come, prophesied was gonna come. There he was, and they recognized him not. They were completely blind to the point where they absolutely killed him, absolutely persecuted him, rejected him in every possible way, and then when the gospel went out, they were the main instigators of persecution to stamp out this terrible thing that’s happened.
And what happened? The very thing that Jesus said was going to happen. In fact, what he said was…it had to do with their heritage. Not only was that generation guilty of the sins that they committed…see, they were absolutely guilty because they embraced a heritage of sin. They said, we’re doing the will of our fathers. We’re following the religion of our fathers, but their fathers were the ones who killed the prophets.
So, Jesus said, I’m going to bring the guilt of all of these generations upon this generation. And he sent Rome, a wicked empire, but still, they became his instrument to completely obliterate Jerusalem, the temple, all of it was completely destroyed in ad 70. I’ll tell you, judgment is real.
( congregational amens ).
There was a lot…a lot of time went by, but there was a time there where darkness had so taken…taken the nation that judgment was the only answer. And thank God, it wasn’t all the Jews, was it? God had his people.
They were the only ones he really considered Israel in the first place, the ones who were born of Abraham’s faith. You read Romans 9 and you’ll get a clear picture of that. God had a people that he rescued and it was to them that Jesus was sent and they became the very foundation of what we enjoy today. Thank God!
I’ll tell you, God never loses His own. He always has a remnant, and that’s what’s happening today. But Paul was looking forward to something that, even though things were terrible in that day, there was a restraint, as we said. God was not allowing that evil to become all that it would be. And so, you have several things here that need to be brought out, I believe.
One of them is this expression, ‘the rebellion.’ Now, the Greek is very clear. There’s a definite article there. It is not just rebellion in some vague general sense. This is ‘the’ rebellion. This is a point in time when the human race, as a whole, begins to say we will not serve God. We will pursue the interests of man. We will follow our desires, our dreams. This is our planet.
And I’ll tell you, many of us are of the conviction…the things the Lord showed us, and I won’t go into that particularly…that we have seen this in our lifetime. We have actually entered the period that Paul was talking about and that’s why we’re seeing such a crazy world.
That’s why…how many of you listen to a news report of something, and your reaction is, how in the world can they possibly think that way? What planet are they living on? Well, this is the answer to that. Paul wants us to understand, because one of the things you see about this last time, before the Lord comes, is a world that does not understand. They are completely enveloped in darkness. Their minds are blinded to the point where when he comes, it’s a total shock.
But of the people of God, he says, “…you…are not in darkness…” (NIV). That day won’t surprise you. And of course, we’re encouraged to be awake and to walk in the knowledge of that. That’s why I believe God wants us to understand some of these things and understand what’s going on around us, because it’s very real.
But I believe that this rebellion was a point in history when God began to take his hands off and allow man to express himself. And I know folks who lived through the 60’s, particularly. You will remember the spirit that was loose. It was a whole younger generation said, we reject the values of the older generation. We are going to pursue free love, free sex, drugs, whatever we please, we’re gonna follow our own desires, and I see people who are of that generation going like this. Yeah, you remember what it was like. And you remember the prevailing atmosphere. In so many areas there was just disruption, rejection of the past. If you’re over 30, we’re not gonna listen to you anymore.
Well, the children and the grandchildren of that era are the ones driving the culture of our day. And this thing has been unfolding, and God knows exactly how it’s going to unfold. But there are several key things. I don’t want to try to unpack all of this, but I want to get to one thing, because if there’s one central thought I want to get across…it may sound crazy right now, but it would be this.
Perhaps this is a good title, “Two Temples.” Because, one of the keys in this passage is there is a reference to the temple of God, is there not? Okay? What in the world is that about? Now, if you listen to popular teaching, they will teach that there will be a temple, a physical building, literally erected in Jerusalem, and it will be considered, somehow, the temple of God. Don’t ask me how, but nonetheless…and then there’s going to be some key man, who’s going to walk in there and say, I am God, serve me. Is that what he’s talking about?
( congregational response ).
You know, in the Old Testament they did have buildings, but that’s very…but even in the Old Testament you had the sense that that’s not really where God lives. That’s not what He’s looking for. You remember when they hauled…was it Stephen, before the Sanhedrin and he made this long, impassioned address going back over their history? And he says…he refers to the temple and yet he says, but God does not dwell in human temples, or in buildings made by hands.
And what does He do? He just doesn’t assert that, he quotes Isaiah, where in Isaiah chapter 66, where the Lord talks about who He is, “…where is the house that ye build unto me? And where is the place of my rest…but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.” (KJV).
God’s not looking to dwell in a building. Heathen temples were built to honor heathen gods. But I’ll tell you, God is not looking for a building to say, this is my temple. God designed humanity to live in. From the very beginning, that was His heart.
Was not…He’s a spirit, he doesn’t have a body. But he longs to live…His home is meant to be here, in the human heart. He designed human beings so that we could live in perfect harmony with Him. We can be all that he designed us to be and yet live in harmony with His power and His purpose, in a spirit of love that will last forever!
I’ll tell you, when you talk about something happening in the temple of God, what you’re talking about here is not a building, and it’s not just a man. There’s no man—there’s no one man that could live in humanity. Think about that. When he talks about the temple of God, he is talking about something that comes into possession of humanity, at least the broad spectrum of humanity. He’s talking about a kind of a spirit that takes over.
Now go back to the original. Go back to what happened in the garden. There were two ways that were set before the people, before Adam and Eve. Both people, I guess. Those were the people. But anyway, it was the tree of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. One way was the way of life. One way was the way of death.
God’s purpose is revealed in the tree. What did that represent? That was God himself. That was his own life that could have breathed life—eternal life into them, to live forever but in a condition of harmony with him. But they chose the other one.
And the foundation of the other one was what? It was a lie, wasn’t it? It wasn’t just, “…you won’t surely die…” But, “…you shall be as gods.”
And do you see what Paul’s getting at? He’s using language that, no doubt, he explained in a greater way when he was actually with them, but he’s referring back to something. He said, I’m telling you something is coming. There’s gonna come a day, when something that is actually going on right now is not gonna be a secret any longer. It’s gonna be right out there in your face.
Man is going to, absolutely, assert his own deity. He’s gonna say, we’re going to the stars. This is our planet. We’re gonna manage it. We’re gonna save it. We’re gonna bring everybody together. We’re gonna bring out justice. I mean, all the issues that come into play here.
What’s really at the root of it? It’s rebellion. What kind of rebellion? It’s against God, but it’s more than just rebellion against God. It’s declaring I am God! And what happens is you have a generalized condition that happens in the human family, where people more and more are encouraged to, basically, assert their own godhood. Okay?
It’s interesting to me how this happens. It says, “the coming of the lawless one…” (NIV). See, he pictures this as a man. Now I don’t know if it’s going to be an individual who will embody this, but there ain’t no man that’s gonna climb in the human family, in the sense of what he’s talking about here. And if there is such a man, he will only be able to wield influence because of the conditions that exist in people’s hearts. Either way, this is a generalized condition where people have said, no. All right?
“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie…” and this is interesting. “…and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.”
That’s why you can’t look out and say, well, it’s one thing. This is the issue, this is the issue. It’s a range…it’s whatever appeals to human nature. For some people, it is as simple as just unfettered sex. Just be plain. I get to do whatever my body says I ought to do. Nobody has a right to tell me…to stop me, or even make me feel bad about it.
But for others, it’s pride. It’s trying to gain power. It’s trying to gain wealth. It’s trying to…I mean, every form of human, natural, fallen desire is being appealed to, in some fashion. And what happens is once people embrace that, and shut their ears to the gospel, there comes a point when God says, enough. My hands are off.
And I’m not only going to take my hands off, I’m gonna let you be deceived. And he calls it, I think, in the King James, a strong delusion. Here it is, “…a powerful delusion.” He tells you why people perish and why people get in this condition. It’s not because God says, that’s your destiny. I just decided that. No! It says, “They perish…” the middle of verse 10. “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” You want to know why things are happening the way they are now? More and more people are saying no. Thank God there are people who still are gonna say, yes.
( congregational amens ).
But more and more, people are saying no. “For this reason…” this is why. “…God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie…” all right? “…and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
Now, this is a case—one of those cases where the NIV gets it right and the king James gets it wrong, in one little, tiny point. You read that in the King James, it’ll say, they will believe ‘a’ lie. The Greek says, ‘the’ lie. What’s the difference?
See, this is not just believing a whole range of stuff that’s wrong, that’s a lie. This is believing ‘the’ lie that goes right back to the beginning, that your destiny is to be your own god. You have these desires for a reason. They’re born in you, not to be denied but to be fulfilled! You’re supposed to follow that. That’s your destiny, so give yourself to it. That’s the lie! Whatever form that takes.
And I don’t know exactly how this is gonna unfold. I don’t have any dates. I don’t have any of that. I just know that God wants us to be alive and awake. But I’ll tell you, if the devil…to the extent the devil accomplishes what we’re talking about right here, and he gets the broad mass of humanity to, basically, reject God, reject the gospel, and embrace ‘the lie,’ he’s gonna be able to manipulate this world any way he wants to.
September 11, 2022 - No. 1562
“Something Worth Dying For” Conclusion
September 11, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1562 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Is it worth everything, to be born again? See, we sing these songs, but there’s something about the ease of life in America that kind of puts it, makes it vague. Before it’s over, it’s not gonna be vague anymore. We’re gonna understand what it costs to follow Jesus.
But I believe with all my heart that God is with us, that He loves…He loves the people here more than we could possibly know. And He is here to be faithful. He is here to empower us to be His people in this hour.
So, Paul’s message was, basically…Paul wasn’t able to get back, that was part of the problem. That’s one of the reasons he was writing these letters. He kept wanting to go and encourage the people and he was able to send Timothy to find out how they were doing.
And his motivation was, well in verse 2 of chapter 3, “We sent Timothy, who is our brother and co-worker in God’s service in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith…” (NIV). Why? “…So that no one would be unsettled by these trials. For you know quite well that we are destined for them.”
What an encouraging message! “In fact, when we were with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted. And it turned out that way, as you well know.” And so now, this is why he was sending Timothy to find out how they were doing. And, he had a good report, and he was rejoicing and praying for them, night and day.
Verse 10, “…We pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith. Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you. May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.”
Now you get another picture. He’s not coming alone, is he? Didn’t Jesus say there was gonna come a time when He would be openly coming? You’ll see it later, in some other things that He says. But it would be a very open coming and He was going to come with all the holy angels. Praise God!
Won’t that be something…all of a sudden to see that happen? Just when everybody else thinks it couldn’t.
But anyway, then he encourages them about Christian living, and how God wants them to live, and live a holy life, don’t get off into sexual impurity, for example, of that society they were living in which was very much given to that…kind of like America. We need to ask God to help us to live the kind of life that He wants us to live.
And I thank God, it’s by His strength and not by ours. And he exhorts them to love one another. These are some of the things that God is looking for. He’s looking for people who are willing to live for God in the middle of a world that’s going the other way. And to have a love one for another. That’s the essence of what God is looking for.
You know, we could sit here and try to make sure our theology is pure. But ultimately, it’s about relationship, isn’t it? It’s about the presence of Christ in the midst of His people. Thank God! But now, he gets to the subject at hand. Because as I say, these people living with nothing much to live for in this world, Paul wants them to know where this is headed and what the end of it’s gonna be. Okay?
“Brothers and sisters…” verse 13, “…we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death….” So, now there’s the concern and a question that could possibly arise in somebody’s mind, okay, I know about the coming of Christ, what about those who have already died? What’s God’s plan for them? Where do they fit in? And so that’s the question that he’s answering.
Paul wants them to understand how this is gonna play out. So that, “…We do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so….” Now, that’s a conclusion, isn’t it? Because we believe this, and so, there’s something that grows out of that.
“…And so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.” Boy, isn’t that a wonderful word, ‘with Jesus’? Doesn’t that make it worth everything? Didn’t Paul talk about, “…to be absent from the body…” is, “…to be present with the Lord.” (KJV).
Oh man! Is there anything that you love about this world that would…that you’d say, oh I’d rather have this than be there with Him. Man, that’s gonna answer every, every issue that could possibly ever arise, to be with Him.
But in this instance, you have people that are still spirits, souls, whatever you want to call them. They don’t have the body, they left the body in the grave. And so, Jesus is saying, or Paul is saying, Jesus is gonna come and those who are…He’s gonna bring with Him all of those who have previously died.
Okay? He “…will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede…” not go before, “…those who have fallen asleep…” or those who have died. “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command…” There’s nothing secret about this, is there?
( congregational response ).
“…A loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.” I’ve had people ask me, well, which is it? Are they gonna come out of the grave or are they gonna come from there? I think God can figure that out. But you know, I had this thought. When Jesus rose from the dead, God didn’t give Him a substitute body, did He?
( congregational response ).
The body that He had, that was buried didn’t stay in that grave. God literally brought that out and transformed it into the one that it would become. And I’ll tell you, those who have gone on…we’ve had so many over the years that have gone on to be with the Lord.
Don’t worry. God’s gonna bring them, and there’s gonna be somehow, someway or other, there’s gonna be a union with whatever’s left of them from an earthy standpoint. God’s gonna take that and transform it and they’re gonna be just like Him, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we know from 1st Corinthians chapter 15. Praise God!
What a hope that there is! Praise the Lord! So, suppose they do shoot you? Well, in the first place, we’re gonna be with Jesus! Nothing could possibly be better. And when He comes in that triumph at the end, we’re with Him, and then we experience the same transformation that Jesus Himself did. He was the firstfruits…then we are transformed.
Man, what a hope! What strength to live by. If you really believe the message, and I’m not talking about being convinced because some person convinces you, I’m talking about the Holy Spirit gets down into the depths of your being and you know it! You know it because He’s put the conviction there.
Folks, that’s what’s gonna carry us through. We need the reality, the same reality that these believers had, when they were being persecuted and killed. So anyway, so they’re gonna rise first.
“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.”
Remember the words of Jesus. I love this picture, when He said He’s gonna send the angels out to gather the elect. Won’t that be something? To literally be minding your own business and all of a sudden this begins to happen. And you see the dead raised and all of a sudden, an angel comes up, and takes you by the hand, and you’re transformed, and suddenly you begin to rise up into the air. And there’s Jesus, and there are all the saints from all ages. What a picture!
Man, there’s nothing secret about this. But see, this is a day—this is a day that’s coming. It’s real. It was a conviction that they were willing to die for. This is the day that’s coming but it doesn’t just affect us, does it? It affects the world. So, what’s the deal, what’s gonna happen to the world on this day? And that’s what he goes into next.
“Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
That’s a sad thing. You know, you put all the scriptures together and you see this picture, you could see where people would say, God, the awful things people are doing, why do You let it go on? Why is there so much trouble in the world? Why is so much evil allowed to express itself in the world? And then you find out, God’s being patient. He’s not willing, He’s not anxious to do this. He’s anxious for everything…every one that could possibly hear and respond to the message to come.
Folks, He is not going to…He’s not gonna close the door until the last one is in, and He knows. But I’ll tell you, every time the Gospel comes to a human heart, they make a choice, don’t they? And sooner or later…there are two ways set before them. That’s what the Gospel does. Either you’re gonna go your way or you’re gonna go Christ’s way.
And I’ll tell you, the way…your way leads to death. Christ’s way leads to life. But oh, you know, right at that crossroad, it doesn’t seem like there’s that much difference, but you go down the road a piece and you find out. You see where the world is headed, and you see what it’s gonna be like.
That’s some of what he gets into in the second book. But, basically, for you it’s gonna be awesome, He’s gonna come in the clouds and you’re gonna gather in the air. For the world, Satan, destruction is gonna come. And the Lord has shown us some of those things in the past, specifically.
“But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.” Thank God, we can have light that we need every single day. “You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.
“For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet…” governing our minds and our thoughts.
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us…” He died for us, “…so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.” There’s that ‘with Him’ again, isn’t it? “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
And he goes on and gives them instructions and encouragement about being patient and rejoicing and praying and giving thanks and all of those things. But an interesting little part, down at the end, that comes right back into the coming of Christ, his prayer, in verse 23 of chapter 5.
“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Okay, that’s a great prayer, isn’t it? Sure hope it happens. Verse 24 says, “The one who calls you is…” What?
( congregational response ).
“… Faithful…” And what?
( congregational response ).
“…He will do it.” Folks, you put yourself in His hands, He who started that work is going to continue it, until when?
( congregational response ).
The day of Jesus Christ. See, he’s talking about this same day that’s coming. There’s coming a day, folks, that all this is gonna be wound up. And this was the hope that Paul continually put before the people there. Yes, I know things are bad, but look what’s coming!
You know, I thought about this, when he’s talking about people that have died, and here he’s writing to these people about the coming of Christ in the first century. And here we are, and He still hasn’t come. And you got people saying, well, where is the promise of His coming?
But I’ll tell you, when you’re talking about the goal of serving Christ in this world, either way, it is pointing to that day. Whether they died and have been gone 2,000 years…been with Him for 2,000 years, or whether we’re here when that trumpet call comes, that is the day that we’re pointing to. That is the hope, that’s the reason we can keep going. Thank God!
Well, it’s very obvious that I can’t get to a whole lot more. But let me just go ahead quickly, and look at a little bit of 2nd Thessalonians. I struggled a lot with this because there’s so much truth in it, and I don’t want to just belabor this.
But anyway, Paul says, in verse 4…he’s talking about how they’re doing, and says, “Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance….” There’s another word. What did Jesus say, those who persevere, those who endure to the end will be saved. Where do we get the power to do that?
( congregational response ).
From Him. Thank God! If we’re willing, He’s able! “…perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. God is just….”
This is the question. Again, why does God allow all these things, these terrible things to happen? When is it gonna be made right? Surely, if He is the King and He is the Lord of all, surely there’s gonna come a day when He’s gonna put things right, and there’s going to be a justice, for your people.
Do you remember the scene in Revelation, about the souls under the altar crying out, oh God, how long before You put things right? And the Lord said, wait a little longer, there are some others…again, I’m just paraphrasing.
So, he says, “God is just….” Don’t look at the world and say, where is God’s justice? It’s there. And when it lands, there won’t be any question. “He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.” So, there are two things that are gonna happen, There’s gonna be relief for God’s people, and trouble poured out, wrath poured out upon the wicked.
So, when is this gonna happen? “This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.” All happening at once. Do you see that? Do you see how he’s putting these two together where you don’t have this, well this was back here and that’s gonna be way out here. This is one event. One clear day when all of a sudden, everything will be absolutely made right, and there will be an end.
There’s no reason for life to go on here. When God calls every one of His people, and they’re His, and everyone else is sealed in their sins, what’s the purpose of going on with life on earth? There is a resolution that has happened in the human heart. That’s what we’re waiting on.
That’s what the condition was in Noah’s day. Every imagination in the heart of everyone outside of Noah’s family was only evil, all the time. And God even then, gave them more time. Boy, we got a patient God to put up with this world! But God’s gonna fulfill His purpose, isn’t He? And justice will happen.
“He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.” It’s not a matter of just believing it, it’s obeying it. Because when it comes to being right with God or choosing the way of evil, it’s a matter of obedience. It’s not just believing doctrines and ideas. There is an obedience that God is looking for. It is basically, repent or perish!
Do you want to break down what the Gospel is about? It’s turn from your own way and surrender your life to Me and let Me make it what I intended it to be in the beginning, or you’re gonna perish. He that preserves his own life will…
( congregational response ).
…Lose it. Those who lose their life for me will keep it for life eternal. That’s a very plain, simple message, isn’t it? All right? “They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed.” Same day.
“This includes you, because you believed our testimony….” What is a tremendous scripture here, and I think I’m gonna probably wind up with this, because chapter 2 goes into a lot more. And there are things I want to unpack at some point, if the Lord’s in it.
But listen to what he says here, “With this in mind…” Understand, Paul is saying…understanding where this is going and how it’s gonna play out, and what the conclusion of all this is, “…we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power…” Boy, that’s a key phrase. Listen to that. Listen to everything he’s saying there, and think of it in the light of that little phrase. “… By his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.”
Think of this in the context of things that have been said lately. God’s called us to this time in history. He’s called us to live for Him, to live Godly lives in an ungodly world. And He has stuff for us to do. How does that happen? By His power!
And God is looking for a people, and you see where this is coming from, your every desire for goodness. There’s a response, there’s a desire coming from the people. Oh God, I need to be changed. I have this need. I have that need. Oh God, help me!
So do you see, it’s not just God just magically doing stuff, there is a response that He’s bringing forth out of the hearts of His people, to be like Him. And God is saying, I’ve got the power if you’ll just want Me. I will be there, and you’re gonna be able to live for me in the midst of a black world, that has turned itself completely over to Satan’s power. That’s where we’re headed.
But I’ll tell you, there’s gonna be a people that God will enable to serve Him. Some will die for their faith, others will stand and be there. They’ll be among those who will be there on that day when the trumpet sounds. But there is a power that God has available. If it’s in your heart to want to serve Him, He’s got the power! Don’t you be afraid! He’s got everything that it takes!
But it’s not just being something, and living for Him, living that kind of a life, it’s your every deed, prompted by faith. So now, you come right back to the thought we’ve given out of Daniel’s prophecy, “…the people that do know their God…” (KJV).
( congregational response ).
“…Shall be strong, and do exploits.” There are going to be things that God wants His people to do in this hour…in the face…I mean, did not Paul…was not Paul sent into Thessalonica in the midst of persecution, from persecution? He jumped right back into the fire. And his message was, serve Him! It’s worth serving Him, if you lose your life, it’s worth everything to know Jesus. And the people there heard the message and were convicted in their hearts and embraced it, in the face of that kind of a message.
Boy, is that different from what we hear in America? We need to hear this. Listen to what he says, “…your every deed prompted by faith.” (NIV). In other words, God is gonna be giving us faith to do things. He’s going to be laying things on our hearts in the midst of all this that’s going on in the world, and we’re gonna have to put our trust in Him.
But we have His power to enable us to do whatever He gives us to do. We’re gonna be a…we are a supernatural people in a broken world. And God wants to make Himself more real. This is not just a little religious organization with its own traditions. We need Jesus in the midst of this congregation.
I believe He’s here. I believe there’s something that He wants…there’s a seed maybe, and He wants to plant, because right now you look out and, here we are, we have freedom to meet here this morning. Will it always be this way? No, it won’t. But Jesus will always be faithful.
And no matter what happens, no matter where He calls us, what He calls us to go through, what He calls us to experience, if He calls us to lay down our lives for Him, that hope remains. That there will be a day when the skies will be split, when the trumpet will sound and Jesus will come, His holy angels, everyone who has gone before.
Man, the sky will be full, won’t it? It’ll be brilliant light, the people of the world will be in panic mode, and we’ll look up and say, this is what we’ve been waiting for! This is the end of it all, all of this will be forever passed, all evil and death and sin will be all done away! And there’ll be nothing forward…nothing going forward but to be with Him forever and ever and ever. And to experience His love.
Folks, this is what God wants to plant and grow in every single heart and life. And it’s not just an individualistic thing, either. Because Paul’s message in the midst of this is not just endure, but it’s love one another. Walk together, look to me. Do we have a faith worth dying for?
( congregational response ).
It’s available to every single one of us.
September 4, 2022 - No. 1561
“Something Worth Dying For” Part One
September 4, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1561 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know it was about a year ago, roughly, we had a service on “What is Happening?” And my mind has kept going for quite some time now to that general area of truth, because we’re not living for Christ in a vacuum here, we’re living in a real-world situation. And I believe God wants us to understand that situation, perhaps better than we do.
One thing that we have, in a sense, working against us, is the relative freedom that we have in this country. Now that’s disappearing, faster than, I think, a lot of us realize. But that’s not my subject. It’s not a political commentary or anything like that, but the reality is that we need to understand what it means to be a Christian, not just an American Christian, because it’s so easy for our focus to be in the wrong place.
And somehow my mind has repeatedly been drawn back to the book of…the books, and I’m not gonna turn right there right now…but to the books of Thessalonians, because Paul was dealing with a situation that was not at all uncommon, in that day, namely, that when they went out, they didn’t go out into a friendly world, did they? They went out into a world that was absolutely under the dominion of demons, who operated under Satan’s power. They worshipped idols, and the devil had no interest in Jesus and the message of Jesus coming in and rescuing anybody.
You know, Jesus said, “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail…” (KJV). In other words, Satan is gonna be trying to close, enclose His people, and Jesus said, that ain’t gonna work. I’m gonna reach in there and get Mine. And so, the ministry of the Gospel is really a divine invasion. We’ve said that many times. But it is Christ reaching into Satan’s strongholds and rescuing people for His eternal kingdom, His eternal purpose. And I’ll tell you, when the people went out to minister, they understood that.
You know, when Paul went to the city of Thessalonica, and founded the church, I believe it was his second missionary journey. I know it wasn’t his first because he was traveling with Silas. And you remember how…what happened in Philippi, which was the city right before that? You remember how the crowds got stirred up and they were thrown into prison, and they were beaten.
And we sing the song about at midnight, how the Lord sent an earthquake, rescued them, and used it to minister the Gospel, to strengthen the believers there? Well, I mean, persecution for Christ was simply something they expected. It was not…oh my God, this is unusual, this is terrible. This was just the way it was.
And so, they didn’t think twice about…oh my God, something’s wrong here. They said, this is right. We’re doing God’s work, and this is what we can expect. That’s not a mentality you and I have, is it? I believe the Lord is emphasizing these things for a reason, because we are getting closer and closer to the end, and we are seeing things unfold that are unfolding with increasing rapidity every single day.
You know, one of these days, I’ve had in mind to read some recent headlines and they’re actually a couple of months old now. I collected them a while back. And they’re headlines that would have been unthinkable when I was growing up, and some of you who are of that generation. They just show how deeply Satan is growing his power in the world.
And don’t think he’s gonna continue to be a friend, or that he’s ever been a friend…but don’t think that society is gonna be a friend of those who serve Jesus. When the Word of the Gospel comes, it is absolutely an attack against Satan’s dominion, and he will fight with everything he has.
I thank God for the freedom we have had, but in a sense, it’s hurt us in some ways. And I believe the Lord wants to strengthen and purify His people, and He’s gonna do it. I thank God for His faithfulness.
So anyway, they finally let Paul and Silas out of prison, and they met with the believers, and then they left, at the end of Acts chapter 16. Let’s just quickly go there to when the church was founded. “When Paul and his companions had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia…” (NIV). Yeah, that’s right. “…They came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue.”
Now Jews had been sent through…I mean, they’d been scattered through the Roman Empire. And so, almost every place you went that was of any size, there was a Jewish synagogue. And, you remember, the Gospel was first to the Jews, wasn’t it? God was gonna reach out to His people first and give them the hope and the message that the prophets had prophesied was coming. And so, this is what Paul did first. He didn’t go to Gentiles. He went to the Jews because God was still reaching out…still is, by the way.
“As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead. This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah, he said. Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of God-fearing Greeks and quite a few prominent women. But….”
See this is what happens whenever the Gospel goes out. “But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city.” And so forth…they go looking for Paul and Silas. They can’t find him. They persecute somebody else. And so, basically, Paul and Silas were there at least three Sabbaths…we’ll say generously they were there in this city for about…for a few weeks, perhaps.
Can you imagine going and starting a church in that kind of environment, and having it succeed? Think about what the message was? Think about what the message is that’s going out in so many places today. Prosperity gospel! Serve Jesus and life will be better for you here on earth. You’re gonna prosper. Everything is gonna be great. You’ll have plenty of money.
It didn’t sound like the message Paul preached. That was not the context. And if you go to his letters, which I think I’m gonna go ahead and do right now. Let’s go over to 1st Thessalonians. I’ve had so many ways in my mind of going over this, and there’s more than I want to try to get into today.
So, I’m just gonna try to, I think, go through the book of Thessalonians, because there is a theme there, that I believe is important. There is a theme that recurs, and it has to do with the coming of Christ, because if you are serving God, and the Gospel has come to you, and there is a conviction about who Jesus is and you are literally putting your…you’re staking everything on who Jesus is, and now they’re coming and killing you, man, you’re gonna have some…you’re gonna have to have something.
You’re gonna have to have something that’s very, very real, but also there are going to be certain questions that the devil’s gonna plant in your mind. How is this gonna come out? Where is the Lord headed with all of this? I mean, you know, look at what it’s gotten for us. You remember how Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 15, and he was talking about the truth of the resurrection, and he made this point. He says, if all we’ve got to hope for, just to paraphrase him, if all we’ve got to hope for is in this life…
( congregational response ).
…Yeah, we’re of all men most miserable. That doesn’t make any sense. There’s got to be something more that we’re living for than what we have here. Okay? That’s at the heart of the Gospel.
And I believe we, above all, need to understand that going forward. There’s a reason why the Lord puts this on our hearts. We’re gonna need something more than we have had…I don’t want to phrase it in a scary way. But we’re gonna need a deeper understanding of what it means to serve Jesus, than perhaps we have had, because simply of the environment in which we live.
We can look across the world now and see places where it is…it’s a death sentence to place faith in Christ—it’s a death sentence. North Korea…their tradition has been, if one person is discovered serving God, they don’t just persecute that one person. They get their entire extended family and place them in prison and work them to death. That’s happening this morning…it’s night there, but anyway, that’s happening today in that particular region of the world. And other regions of the world, it’s that way. Folks, it costs something to serve the Lord.
You know, Jesus, when He was sending out His disciples, He didn’t basically say, I’m sending you out into a friendly world. The Jews have all…I mean, the Israelites have all been waiting for this message! Thank God, there were some that were! It’s just like the Gospel going out into the Gentile world. Not everybody’s gonna hear it. The majority will not hear it, but the Gospel sword is cutting…absolutely is dividing society in ways that we don’t even…we don’t see, because it’s sort of murky and free and all that, and we can kind of live our lives without fear of persecution.
But, folks, this is an anomaly. This is not the way it has been throughout history. When Jesus sent His disciples out, He said…everybody’s gonna hate you. The world is gonna hate you. Everybody…you’re gonna be persecuted, you’re gonna be brought before authorities. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you when you answer their questions.
Do you think that I’ve come to give peace? You know, we sing, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” But you’ve got to understand what that is. Peace on earth…yeah, to people, to follow Him. We can have a peace in our hearts. Thank God! But did He come to bring peace on earth? No, He came to bring a sword. He came to divide families. He came to divide father from son, daughter from mother.
Now I thank God where you’ve got families that serve the Lord, but you get the point. Jesus did not come to absolutely bring ‘everybody’ under His…no, He came to give a message that was an uncompromising…you need to lay down your life, you need to serve Me, and you need to put…you need to move away from what this world is living for.
And when you do, the people that don’t receive the message, the people that reject this message, they are going to go radically in another direction, and you’re gonna be in trouble in this world. You’re gonna have a lot to face.
And that was the case with these folks. And you think about what it takes to go in with a message of who Jesus is and what it means to serve Him, and oh, by the way, when you do, you’re gonna be persecuted. They’re gonna kill some of you.
And it’s a matter of a few weeks…man, you’ve got to have some supernatural power going on there. You’re gonna have to have something that will absolutely reach down into the depths of men’s hearts to give them that kind of conviction.
Folks, do we have that? I believe it’s there and I believe the Lord is nurturing it in a deeper way. But I feel my need of being more ready. So, I’m just gonna kind of skim through so that we can get an overview of what Paul’s message was to these people.
In verse 2 of 1st Thessalonians chapter 1, “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Wow! How many churches could you say…could you describe that way in America? And here’s a church that was founded in a matter of weeks, in the middle of terrible opposition. People had already died for their faith when he wrote this. It’s gotten quiet. Praise the Lord! I hope the Lord’s in this. But I believe, it’s His burden, it’s part of it.
“For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you…” Now how did he know that? “…Because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.”
Folks, if the Gospel does not come with that, what does it come with? All you’re doing is convincing people of ideas. Human words have no power. We need God to invade…now He will use human beings, but we need God to impregnate those words with His power and His Spirit, so that they reach all the way down into the depths of a person’s being, and give them the kind of faith that enabled these people to stand up against the threat of death.
Folks, that’s what we need, in a deeper way. We need an understanding of what it means to serve the Lord, because that’s the world into which we are sailing. We’ve said it many times. And I don’t know if we realize. If you’re paying attention at all to the news, you know that the seeds of the kind of control that the devil is seeking to establish…they’re happening now.
There are plans being laid and unfolding just as fast as people can do them. There are mechanisms that are happening in our society right now that will absolutely begin to, like a coiled serpent, begin to tighten the coils, and tighten the coils, and tighten the coils. It wouldn’t take much for you and me to be on the outside looking in, at best.
Now I believe God is gonna be with us. I believe He’s called us, like we’ve said so much lately…He’s called us to this particular time, and He’s got a reason for our being here, and He’ll be with us to the end. Thank God. “He is faithful to the end.” And we sang that this morning. All right?
And he talks about, “You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.”
Does that sound like a modern revival campaign? You welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering. What a testimony. Okay? And so, they became an example and everybody’s talking about…do you see these people? Let’s be encouraged by the way that God has enabled them to stand.
Wouldn’t you like to be people like that, that the Lord could point to and say, now that’s what I’m looking for. We need Him. I need Him. I don’t have any of this in me. But He’s got everything that we need. Praise God! All right?
And so, the Word is…in 9, “…They themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.”
Okay? One theme that…the theme that I see throughout this book, and it’s a very appropriate one…. If you’re talking to people who, basically they’re serving Christ and as a result of that, they’ve got nothing in this world, but trouble, wouldn’t you, if you were in that position, want to know how is this gonna turn out? Where are we going with this? Give us some foundation, a solid foundation for having a hope that can motivate us, enable us to go forward with joy and expectation, because right now, it don’t look too good.
You know, Grandma just died the other day, and somebody else was a young person, and they killed them! Where is this going? What’s the Lord’s plan for this? How is this all working out? This is an awesome message of a kingdom that’s coming, but right now it doesn’t look like that.
And so, Paul deals with this repeatedly. He keeps coming back to this theme of how this is all gonna come out. And I’ll tell you, one of the things I see…and I’m not gonna fight about theology particularly, but I’m gonna share my convictions. Because I believe with all my heart, one of the things that the devil has done, particularly, in this country, is absolutely confuse the expectations of what’s coming.
I mean, in most places, many places, you’ve got these long charts where they’ve got it all figured out as to what’s gonna happen and when and how long it’s gonna go on. And, for them history goes on at least for more than another 1,000 years, on this planet. And that’s their expectation.
Boy, Paul didn’t know anything about that. There is a simplicity that unfolds as he’s talking about this. And he’s talking about to wait for His Son from heaven! Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath. There’s both wrath and rescue happening, all at the same time, as you’ll see it unfold.
And Paul refers to the fact that we’ve previously suffered and been treated outrageously in Philippi, toward the beginning of the next chapter. “…But with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition.”
God, give us that kind of courage. It’s wonderful to be able to come here with the freedom that we have. But what about when we don’t have that freedom? What about when they start taking it away from us in various ways? Are we gonna have the courage to say, wait a minute, I’m serving Jesus, I don’t care what comes?
Because, you think about these believers…we think of the…we have a saying, ‘something worth living for.’ In fact, we sing a song, don’t we, the ensemble? God’s given me something worth living for. And I thought about that. I thought about several possible titles. But I’ll tell you, what this is about is something worth dying for.
Is Jesus worth dying for? You think about how He achieved victory over the devil. How did He do it? He died, didn’t He. He gave up the only thing, the only avenue by which the devil had any access to Him, His earthly life. He gave it up, but He gave it up in the expectation of the promise of God. And as a result, He came out of that grave victorious over sin, death and the grave, and the devil, all of it! He has the keys! He has the power to set free forever all those who put their faith in Him.
But for these people, it meant death, literally, in many cases. And suffering for those who didn’t die. It was no easy thing to serve God. Folks, what does it mean for us to serve Him? Is He worth dying for? If they came and put a gun to your head right now, and said, deny Jesus, we’ll give you a million dollars and we’ll set you up on easy street, or else…if you’ll just deny Him.
Folks, what was Paul’s testimony? He said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is…” What? “…Gain.” See, Paul had already given up his life. You know, when we come to Christ, we’re basically surrendering our life.
Isn’t that what baptism is about, by the way? What are you doing when you’re being baptized? You’re surrendering, but you’re dying! You’re saying, I’m willingly going into a grave, symbolized by the water. And when I come out, there is a new life. That life is what I’m receiving. That’s what matters. That’s what…from this point on, my life is absolutely pointed at the Kingdom of God, and symbolized by the coming of Christ. I mean, that’s the day that I’m looking for. And so, Paul continually lifts up this day that’s coming. All right?
I wish in some ways I’d written down some of these Scriptures, but I want to just kind of go through this. And, he talks about how he worked among them. I don’t want to read it all, but how he labored among them.
And he says, in verse 11 of chapter 2, “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”
Thank God, for what God has given to us! But now, here…now listen to this also. “And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.”
You see, there’s something that actually has to accomplish something. Words are just ideas. But there is a power that God wants to impose…put into our lives. I forget the word I’m trying to use. But God wants to literally minister divine power that has life-changing power into a human heart that will open their heart to His Word. Praise God! That’s what I need! Because I haven’t got the power to do what He has in mind, but He does
August 28, 2022 - No. 1560
“Paul’s Passion” Conclusion
August 28, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1560 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Oh, I’ll tell you, Paul was walking close enough with the Lord that when the Lord spoke, not only did he get it, not only did the light go on, but he immediately agreed and said, most gladly, I’ll glory in my weakness! Thank God, I get it now! I understand. I am so…I am so geared up to the truth that I need to have Your strength come forth! And if that’s what it takes, then let it happen, Lord! Let death work in me so life can work in them!
But folks, that isn’t just for preachers. That’s for every believer. And there’s something very real about this that I feel like the Lord wants me to understand in a deeper way. I know He does. I mean, if Paul was in this place where, I’m putting the past in the past, and my eye is on the future, I want to know Him.
Like, Paul, get real. You don’t know Him? No, there is a knowing that doesn’t end. In fact, I’m not sure it ends here in this world. But as long as our story is still being written, there will be things that we need to learn, and you only learn them personally! You know, there’s one simple illustration I think we can all understand. If you were setting off into a dangerous wilderness, which would you rather have, a book written by a guide or the guide?
( congregational response ).
( laughter ).
See, a lot of people have a book! But we have the Author, who longs to walk with us personally so that we can know Him! But boy, I’ll tell you, by nature, we’re not too comfortable with that, if we’re honest.
You think about how it was in the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned…and how did their personal contact with the Lord happen after that? Did they go looking for the Lord and say, oh Lord, help us, we’ve sinned? The Lord came looking for them.
Isn’t it awesome we’ve got a God that, in spite of everything that’s wrong with us, He’s the One who seeks? He’s the One who reaches out. And they hid themselves and covered themselves with their own efforts. The Lord had to pull them out, but that’s…we see that everywhere in Scripture that the heart of God…He made us for fellowship, He made us for deep, personal interaction.
I mean, we see it reflected in…even in human society, as messed up as it is. One of things that’s most valued by people that get it, are these real relationships where we don’t put on a mask and pretend with one another, but all of a sudden, you can be open with somebody, and there’s an acceptance, and there’s a love, and there’s a depth to that interaction. We see that reflected. Is that not a reflection of the heart of God who made us in the beginning?
( congregational response ).
He wants us to have an unbroken fellowship with Him! And as we do, as John says, our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, but it’s also with each other. There’s a fellowship that happens when He is…His Spirit just fills everything.
God, help us to see what Paul was talking about here. I want to know Him. I understand that in order to know Him, there’s some dying that has to happen, that I don’t even understand. I’m gonna go through things, and I’m gonna find out, oh my God, I see, I get it. There was something in me that was holding me back and hindering me from Your purpose for my life. And so, Lord, I gladly let it go.
But oh, how easy it is for us to draw back, to hide. We wouldn’t even sit here and admit it most of the time. But we can be in a place where we’re not all that comfortable with being close to the Lord. Now it’s gotten quiet. But am I telling the truth?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. There are so many things that the Devil uses, so many lies that he plants, pulling on human nature, for us to feel like He couldn’t possibly be interested in somebody like me. Look at me. Look at all that’s wrong with me. Oh yeah, somebody over there, they’re doing great, but me…there are a thousand and one different ways where we just don’t quite feel like we can be close to Him, because…and it’s always some deficiency in us, or some imagined feeling that He has toward us because of what we aren’t, or what we are in a bad sense. And isn’t the Gospel all about Him reaching out to sinners?
( congregational response ).
Don’t we sing, “Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me…” and so forth? Thank you. I appreciate all of you who have still got your memory. We sing these things, but yet, how many times do we pull back? We look at ourselves and think I can’t be close to Him right now, because I messed up again.
And here’s the Lord saying, I get it. I know everything about you. You didn’t seek me. I came looking for you, because I knew you. I had a plan. I wrote your story before the world ever was created, and I know how it comes out. This very Book talks about, as the verse we quote so often, “…he which hath begun a good work in you will…perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (KJV).
Folks, our story is, indeed, continuing to be written. But there’s a way that it’s to be written, and it’s to be written through a relationship. You know, I mentioned the danger of religion. Religion versus relationship…I don’t know if that’s…that’s probably not the title, but anyway, we’ll work on that.
But think about the church of Laodicea. You know, Jesus, in the revelation to John, sent letters, messages to seven different churches in Asia Minor. One of them was Laodicea. Now several of those…in several of those churches, the message was, you’re entertaining heresy, or there’s a false prophet or prophetess or something that’s going on. You’re embracing error in some ways! And you’d better get rid of that. Repent of it.
But in Laodicea, there wasn’t any of that. They were believing the right things. They were doing the right things. They lived in a comfortable, prosperous city. But what was their problem? They were…well, He described them as “lukewarm.” He said, I wish you were one or the other.
You know, if you really get in a bad place, God can wake you up and say, wait a minute, you’re in a bad place. They thought they were in a great place. What were they measuring by, though? We’re believing the right things. We’re doing the right things. We’re not entertaining bad people. What’s wrong? We’re living good lives. And they missed the one thing without which, everything else is meaningless. “Behold…”
( knocking ).
“…I stand at the door, and knock….” If anyone opens to me, I’ll come in, and we’ll eat together. Do you see how this ties in with what Paul’s talking about? It is a personal interaction, moment by moment, day by day, where Jesus is close and not somewhere way off there, doing stuff we don’t understand.
We may even resent it a little bit, or just feel…I’m such a mess. He couldn’t be close to me. He is right there! Has He not promised, I will never leave you? I will never forsake you. One of the great truths of Scripture is that He’s always there. The problem is we’re not tuned in.
I often think about the Scripture in the Psalms, where David wrote, enter into His presence. In other words, His Presence is there. He says in another place, where can I go from Your Spirit? It doesn’t matter where I go, You’re there. The problem is, we don’t enter into His Presence. At your lowest moment, your worst moment, He is there, and His heart is reaching out for you to open up to Him and show Him your heart.
Some of the songs we sang this morning are right on point. Open up your heart to Him and say, oh Lord, help me right now. Help me to see what it is that You’re seeking to show me. Lord, help me to be honest with my need and not to be afraid to come to You!
The scripture that we’ve used so many times, that we’ve heard so many times about us having One in heaven who represents us. But He’s One who’s been here, who can, “…be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.” He knows what we are, and we can come to Him, not when we’re feeling good and feeling good about ourselves. Yes, then too, but we can come to Him in a time of need, the very time when Satan will say you can’t be close to Him now. You’ve got to fix it, get it right and then we can kind of scoot over a little bit and maybe feel a little bit closer.
Where is your Jesus? Is He somewhere out there, somewhere, vaguely? Jesus wants to be the “…friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (NIV). The One that we can come to, and know in every single moment of every single day, that He is love, He is faithfulness. He will be faithful to the end. I mean, how many songs have we sung today that were right exactly what the Lord was trying to say? He’ll be faithful to the end.
We come to Him as our great High Priest, and the first thing is mercy, meaning you don’t have to worry about deserving it. What He’s looking for is a heart that wants to have fellowship with Him and sees and feels the need, but the Devil says you can’t go now. He says, yes, you can, because I delight in mercy.
Isn’t that what He said through the prophets? The Lord delights in mercy. That’s the thing that gets Him up in the morning…if you want, the ability to show mercy to people who don’t deserve it but long to reconnect with Him.
And He says you can come, and I’ll gladly extend mercy, but I’m not gonna stop there. You just don’t need a merciful attitude. You need help. And I’ve got the help that you need. You know, put this scripture about knowing…knowing Christ, knowing Him in a very personal sense. Put all the other things Paul has said in the context of this one central thing, and it begins to make more sense.
Think of Ephesians 3 where he talks about the unsearchable riches of Christ! Everything you and I could possibly need is there, stored up, available, ready to come to our help and to our aid! Anybody here need help today?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, I do. Are you going through a place of pain, a time of pain, a time of difficulty? You think the Lord’s mad at you, or is He maybe seeking to maybe bring you to a deeper place? I know there are people here who have been…many who have been in difficult places, things they didn’t understand at the time, and it may have felt, emotionally, like God was a million miles away. And they didn’t know why…and yet, they came to the other end and looked back and realized that God had delivered them from something. God had brought them to a deeper place. There was more rest. There was more peace.
That’s worth everything, folks. That’s worth dying to have. That’s what Paul’s saying. The thing I want to do is find out how to die so I can have all this that He gives me. We just sang the song He’ll give you everything. He’s not talking about Cadillacs and the like. He’s talking about the things that matter! He’s talking about heavenly things, the reality of all the riches that Christ has provided for us, and He invites us.
You know, back in the scripture in Ephesians 3, to come to Him and to realize that He is able to do much more than we can even ask or imagine. We don’t even know how to ask for the stuff, but it’s there, and we’ll never come to the end of that treasury.
That’s why Paul was constantly, I want to know Him. I haven’t got it all yet. I know there are things He’s still working in me. I’m still here, therefore, He’s still working. He’s not done with me yet. He’s got me here for a reason, and there are things that He’s still wanting to accomplish in my life, so that I can have more peace. I can know Him better.
How many of you have been with somebody where you’ve known them, maybe, all your life, and all of a sudden, there’s a different circumstance that comes along, and you see something in there, and you say, I didn’t know that about you. I’ve known you all my life, and I never knew that.
That’s a good reason, by the way, to get to know somebody before you marry them. You understand what I’m saying, but seriously, at best, we are complex creatures, and you don’t get to know somebody just over a week. It is the work of a lifetime to really get to know the depths of a human being.
I mean, when you’re talking about Christ, and you’re talking about us and all that He has set out to change in us, man, that’s a bunch. But I’ll tell you, wouldn’t it be nice to just get up and say I don’t know, I’ve got so much wrong with me, I’ll never get it right, and He’ll never be happy with me.
Do you think He wants us to live that way? Or does He want us to get up in the morning, and say, Lord, I’m so glad? I’m so glad for what You did for me. I’m so glad for what You promised me. I’m so glad that I can walk with You today, and not be afraid, and not to be afraid even to learn things that are wrong with me, because You already know.
And You don’t point out things that are wrong and just say, fix it. You just say, I’ve fixed it. The power of My resurrection is available. I release that power, not so I could look like something, but so I could share God with you!
That’s what Christianity, that’s what real Christianity is about! It’s putting Adam to death and replacing him with God’s life. It is supernatural, and it’s the work of a lifetime, but it comes not out of a book or a religion, it comes from a Person! And that means every single believer has the privilege of getting up every morning and saying, Lord, I want to know You better today.
And I know You’re here, I know You’re faithful, I know You love me, in spite of everything that’s wrong with me. Lord, help me to humble myself under Your mighty hand. I know that if there’s some lifting up to do, You’re gonna do it. But it won’t be to glorify me, it’ll be to glorify You. To God be the glory.
Folks, you can go on and on, I guess, talking about the principle of people who have experienced His faithfulness. Even in the Old Testament, there were people who walked with God, but there’s something that happened when Jesus died and was raised from the dead and seated on a throne. Everything changed! We don’t have to go and offer a sacrifice every time we sin. There’s One we can point to and say it happened once for all. Jesus has paid it all!
( congregational amens ).
We have the right to stand there before a holy God free from all condemnation, not because we deserve it, not because we’ve done anything, but because of what Jesus did at the cross. That’s our foundation, and there is no other. To God be the glory. Praise God! Praise God!
But He wants every single one of you to know how much He loves you, how deeply He knows you, and how much He longs to give you the ‘everything’ that we were talking about.
But it means you’re gonna have to walk with Him without fear. Don’t be afraid to walk with Him. You don’t have to be. That spirit of fear comes from…where does it come from? It comes from the Devil. He didn’t give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control. That’s what I need.
But think about a man like Paul, who had done so many incredible things, written so many incredible things. He’s at the end of his life, and he’s sitting there and saying, I’m forgetting what’s behind. I’m reaching forth. There’s something that is so real. This is what gets me up in the morning, and I want you to be like me.
And he contrasts that, if you go froward in the passage, with people who are just living for this life and living for what they can get out of this world. What a foolish wasteful thing. I don’t care what your earthly dreams are. They are worthless when it comes to eternity.
Now, the Lord may allow you in part of your path to do things in this world, but the heart is going to be getting to know Jesus personally. If this church ever came to the point where it was just about what we believe and how we did stuff, it would die!
( congregational response ).
You can look back in history and see churches where that happened. They started out with life, and they wound up a form.
The thing that prevents that is the individual people, every member of the body of Christ getting up in the morning and saying, Jesus, I’m so glad You’re here. I’m so glad I know You personally, but I want to know You better.
And I want to live with You and walk with You without fear, knowing You love me, being willing to die when it’s necessary, being willing to let You do whatever You’ve got to do to fix me, to change me and to help me to be fruitful in this world, because You do have a purpose for my being here…like we talked last night, last week. Whenever it was. Praise God!
Like I say, you could go on and on talking about this, but I think we get the general idea. I want to know Christ. Yes, to know the power of His resurrection. You want to know some power? It only come from dying. If the Lord poured His power out upon us right now like we are, what would we do with it? We’d use it selfishly, wouldn’t we? In order for God to do a lot of the things that He needs to do, He wants to do through us, He’s gonna have to have us more and more out of the way.
Isn’t that what happened with His Son? Was there anything in His Son that clung to a selfish, Adamic nature? No. He lived for what His Father…there was a one-to-one fellowship. I know the Father, and He knows Me. That’s the relationship Jesus wants with us…with you right now, and with me today.
“…The power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” In other words, being able to live a resurrected life here.
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
So, how do you get there? Believe the right doctrines? Read the Book? All these things have their place, but if they don’t…if these spokes don’t all come into this hub, the Person of Jesus Christ and a relationship with Him day by day in the practical affairs of our life, all the rest of it is just religion.
May God open our eyes and open our hearts to be willing to say, Lord, I want to walk with You. I want to know You. I realize it’s gonna cost. But, oh, the reward of walking with You and knowing the power of Your resurrection, becoming what You made me to be in the first place. Lord, the peace that comes.
You know, we talked during convention about Jesus’ invitation to “…take my yoke…learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Do you see how all that dovetails into the same thought?
Paul understood what the Christian life is really about, and I pray that we will in a deeper way. And I’ll tell you, there is so much God wants to share with you and with me. May we open our hearts and see how it happens, and learn to walk with Him. Praise God.
August 21, 2022 - No. 1559
“Paul’s Passion” Part One
August 21, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1559 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: As is so often the case, I feel like I probably am not going to say anything absolutely new, but I’m praying that the Lord will make it new and make it fresh.
But I guess, a place to start would be to ask a simple question. What was it that got Paul up in the morning? You know, you think about when we say something like that, we’re talking about, what’s your purpose, what’s your passion, what is the thing that really defines what your life is about?
What would you say was Paul’s life about? I mean, it would be easy to say, well, he was a great teacher. He was the one God used in the New Testament to really flesh out what the Gospel, what the New Covenant was all about, and how…what the Christian life was about, the principles that govern it, the principles of building churches, and he demonstrated that as an apostle.
I mean, he could say, well, my passion in life is to go out and start churches. My passion in life is to preach the Gospel. My passion in life is to…win souls, or is to write…is to become the…is to probe the mysteries of God and just be able to expound them and help other people. I mean, you could…there are a lot of things that he did as part of his ministry and part of his life.
But I think there was something else that got him up in the morning. And we find it, I believe, in Philippians, chapter 3. And I would remind you of the general historical context of Philippians, because Paul is not early in his ministry. Paul is late in his life. Okay?
Paul has already been miraculously converted. We know the story of how the Lord met him, miraculously, when he was setting out to persecute Christians. And he met the Lord, and the Lord absolutely opened his heart, shined the light, as Paul said, into his heart, which is what has to happen to anybody. God has to shine something down in here, or we don’t know. But God did. God called him, turned him around.
We know he spent something like three years on the backside of the desert, undoubtedly getting to learn to know the Lord. He went back to Jerusalem and boldly preached until they were about to kill him, and so the disciples sent him off to…back to his hometown of Tarsus.
And sometime after that, the Lord began to reach out among the Gentiles, first through Peter. And, then there was a church that was founded…my mind just went blank, but anyway, there was a…you all know what it is. There was a church that was founded where they were first called Christians and a whole lot of Greeks began to come in. Gentiles began to come in, and the disciples, or the apostles, sent Barnabas to go and to begin to help these people and teach them.
Well, the first thing Barnabas did was to head off to Tarsus. And he found Saul, as he was known then, and brought him and they began to minister over a period of years. And it was out of that fellowship that the Lord said, separate me Paul and Barnabas, “…for the work to which I have called them.” (NIV).
And their story then began to go out into the mission work. And you remember how many things that Paul went through, including at Philippi. One of those places he was stoned, left for dead. He was persecuted in every possible way you can think of, and yet, there was a persistence of carrying out the Word of God.
He was faithful to go back and establish the churches. He was faithful to write to the congregations in Corinth. We have all those early letters. And then, of course, he took the offering back to Jerusalem. I mean, it’s a big story. I won’t go into, obviously, all the details.
And there he ran into trouble. He was persecuted, arrested, sent before Roman governors, and spent…this is over a period of years, now.
And finally, he felt like the thing he needed to do was to appeal to Caesar, and so that set him on a course to Rome where…and on the way they were shipwrecked…had to spend the winter on a heathen island. And you know, one thing after another and he finally gets to Rome, and then he’s in his own hired house…at least they didn’t put him in a prison, but he was in a hired house, under Roman guard, for like three years.
So, I mean, this is a real easy life, right? One thing after another…that’s just skating over the surface of what his life was like. And so, Paul is writing, not from the perspective of a new, zealous believer who’s just been excited to meet Jesus, and now I’m gonna go forth and serve Him. Here’s what my life is gonna be about.
This is a seasoned veteran. This is one that God used to unfold and unlock what matters in the Christian faith. And I believe that he unlocks the passion, the one thing that is the center…you know, we…back in the old day they used to have cartwheels. And the ones I’m thinking about were the wooden ones, you know with a center?
( congregational response ).
The hub. Thank you. And they had spokes coming out. And in a way, I feel like the things that I mentioned, like serving God, witnessing, establishing churches, winning souls, writing, teaching, all these things are like spokes. They all are part of the wheel. But they’re not the hub, they’re not the center. What is the center? Okay?
So anyway, I’ll go ahead and backtrack because I want to…the beginning of chapter 3, because I want to just touch on the alternative here, because Paul is looking back on his background as a Jew.
And he’s partly doing this, in this context, because there were people running around, trying to bring people under the Law, to the point of circumcising the men, to the point of dietary laws and all kinds of things, so he’s warning them against that. And he says in verse 3, “For it is we who are the circumcision, we who…” Do what? “…Serve God by his Spirit.” By the way, how do you serve God?
( congregational response ).
Ah! A little secret dropped in there, isn’t there? Because there’s no way you and I have the power to serve God. We don’t know what to do and we haven’t the power to do it if we did know! We need supernatural help!
The Gospel is not religion! The Gospel is supernatural! It is a divine invasion. These are things we’ve talked about many times, but I feel like it just…the Lord wants to emphasize this in a little different way this morning. But anyway, “…we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus…” That’s the only thing I’ve got to boast about.
( congregational amens ).
I can’t look in the mirror and see a single thing that I can say, yeah, that’s good! I can see Jesus! I can see One who gave everything to save a sinner like me! To Him be the glory!
( congregational response ).
Praise God! All right? “…Who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh.” Oh, folks, we can read that all day and think we’re good. It’s not that simple. We are complex creatures who, by default, put confidence in our own natural abilities. And it is part of…it is central, I would say, to the journey of life that God has got a job to do to change us, and to make us fit to actually be lights in this world. Praise God, he’s just talked about being a light, I think, in the previous chapter.
But anyway…so, he says we, “…put no confidence in the flesh—though I myself have reasons for such confidence.” And then he lists all of his credentials, in the Jewish faith. “…Circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin…” and so forth. His, “…zeal…righteousness based on the law….”
There wasn’t anything that anybody in the Jew’s religion could point to and say, you’re guilty. He kept it, zealously, all of his life. Folks, there is a lot of religion out here, that is outward. And I feel like that’s one of the things that the Lord is wanting to steer us away from, because you can “do it right,” you can believe all of the right things, you can do all of the right things, and be as lost as the worst sinner, anywhere, in a heathen jungle or skid row, you name it, or the red light district, you name where you think the sinners are.
Folks, the biggest sinners, in this world, are probably sitting in pews this morning. And I believe that God wants to get to the essence of what the Christian faith is about, because there are a whole lot of people…you walk in…what’s your faith about? And they’ll give you a doctrinal statement. They’ll give you their history. They’ll give you the things they stand for and their ways of doing things.
And, you know, you grow up in that, you can believe all that, you can do all that, but Jesus pointed out the simple fact that there are going to be many on that day who will say, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name….” Didn’t we cast out devils? Didn’t we do many wonderful works? And what’s Jesus gonna have to say?
( congregational response ).
Depart from me, you workers of iniquity. “…I never knew you….” Never knew you! It’s not, I knew you and then you lost it. I never knew you. And the word ‘iniquity’ there, in the Greek, is lawless, meaning they were in charge. Nobody tells me what to do. That’s the bottom line, is nobody tells me what to do.
Now, you can give me a religion to practice, and I will do it. I’ll decide and I’ll do it and I’ll decide how I’m gonna do it. But there is…I mean, I’ll tell you, the danger of anything, I don’t care how much life it may have, at some point in history, the danger of that becoming religion is real.
And the essence of what it means to serve God is not all of the spokes coming off, but it’s the hub. And I believe Paul had a…had it down in what he says here. All right? So, he lists his credentials.
But then he says, “But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.”
You could go through a whole lot of people’s lives, and you would ask them what’s your passion, what is it that gets you up in the morning? And based upon what Paul said, every bit of it, if it’s not what he’s talking about here, every bit of it is garbage! The hub, the center has to be what Paul…what got Paul up in the morning. What is it that got him up in the morning? All right? What did he say that was the most important thing?
He says, “I want to know Christ.” I want to know Him! Think about, again, the context of this! This is late in Paul’s life! You’re gonna say, well, what’s the matter? I thought you knew the Lord!
You know, there is such a superficial view of “knowing the Lord” out there, in many places, not everywhere, thankfully, but in many places. You know the Lord? Well, what they mean is, they had some sort of event, where they prayed a prayer, and maybe it was real. Let’s just suppose for a moment it was real. But their idea is okay, now I know the Lord. And that kind of is almost like the end of it. Now I’m gonna do the right stuff and I’m gonna just sort of wait for heaven one day.
Oh, my God! Is that what it’s about? Here’s Paul, at the end of his life, and he’s not sitting there in a rocking chair, looking back and saying, whew, I’m so thankful for all the Lord’s done. This has been a wonderful life. I did this, and I did that, and He used me to do this, and used me to do that.
Paul is looking forward, isn’t he? You can go ahead a few verses and he talks about forgetting what is behind and reaching for…there’s something that was before Paul. There was something that got him up in the morning that was more important than anything else.
Even writing to these people, he wanted to communicate the core of his being and his value system. Is it ours? Is it mine? God wants us to get this in a deeper way, what it means to know the Lord, and knowing the Lord is not just knowing ‘about’ Him.
( congregational amens ).
It is so easy for us to have a faith that basically believes a whole lot of stuff about Him, accurate as it may be. And we might rejoice in those truths and say, oh, isn’t that wonderful! But there’s something deeper that Paul is talking about here.
I think everyone here is well aware of the difference between knowing someone and knowing ‘about’ someone. You could have a wonderful, encyclopedic knowledge about some figure that is not here, that you’re not interacting with on a personal level. And you might know a whole lot of stuff about them, but do you know them? The reality is, no, you don’t. The kind of knowledge he’s talking about here can only come from one-on-one interaction.
And here’s Paul, late in his life…surely, he knew so much, and he experienced so much. He’s expressed it through his letters, out his whole life. And yet, he’s come to a place where he says, I want to know Him!
Think about the implications of that. If Paul had not arrived, as he says in a few verses…I count not myself to have laid ahold of all this, but one thing I do…this is the thing that got Paul up in the morning. My life is defined by this simple thing: I want to know Him.
I want to so walk in harmony with him, on a personal level, one-to-one, that He can steer me through life. He can walk through it with me. I can see myself and He can change me. He can do everything He needs to do in my heart, but it only happens when it’s a very personal, intimate thing.
Boy, there’s so much related to this. I just…Lord, You say this how You want to do it. And it would be easy to suppose, on one level, that knowing the Lord would be like walking through a meadow, and having Him show you all the flowers and all the birds, and the breezes are warm and pleasant, and He’s explaining all of this. Oh, it’s some euphoric experience where I’m just…isn’t this wonderful?
Was that how it was with Paul? No, it wasn’t. Paul went through all kinds of suffering, all kinds of difficulty. I mean, the testimony we just heard is exactly on point. Our path is a winding one. Our path is one designed by God, personalized to our needs and to His purpose.
It’s very simple, but very profound truth. It’s awfully easy for us to blunder through life, sort of having a little bit of mental acquaintance with this, but without really appreciating it in the moment.
Now, listen to what that meant to know Christ. “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection…” Oh, that sounds great! Power, yes! There are a whole lot of people out there that are just all about power, power, power, more power.
Well, I thank God for the power, and there is. It’s real. There is a power. The same power that brought Him out of the grave is available to us, through Him! But in order for that to work, there’s some other stuff that’s got to happen. That’s the stuff we would just as soon bypass. Okay?
I want, “… to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings….” Whoops! That’s kind of…He did all the suffering, we don’t have any of that. Folks…it goes on and says, “…becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”
You know, the first time I read that, I’m wondering what in the world. Do you mean Paul was uncertain as to whether he was gonna be raised from the dead one day? No! Paul’s talking about the ability to walk in the world in resurrection life.
It doesn’t happen just because you believe the right doctrines, and you go to church, and you sing songs, and you do all the right stuff. It doesn’t happen because of that. It happens with people who walk with Jesus and are willing to die to obtain that life. There is a cross to bear and it’s a cross that we carry daily.
And Paul…things we’ve taught so many times…how many times did we see Paul talking about the reality that in order to fulfill the calling of God on his life, in order to be able to impart life and blessing to others, he had to do some dying, because there’s stuff in Paul that got in the way.
Anything in your life gets in the way of what our sister was talking about? The answer is yes. You can shake your head this way. Yeah! Every single one of us has got stuff that we were born with that’s got ahold of us and we don’t even understand it.
Think about the testimonies of Paul that we’ve referred to so many times. The time, in 2nd Corinthians 1, where he thought he was gonna die, and he finally, the Lord helped him to realize, hey, I was trusting in myself, and the Lord wanted me to trust in Him.
You know, mentally, that’s not a complicated thing. Spiritually, psychologically, that’s major, because our default is to trust in ourselves and rely upon what we got in Adam! And it takes more than classroom theology for us to get that.
And think about what it took for Paul to be able to come to a place like this and realize what got me here was not better theology, and more zeal for God, it was knowing Jesus personally, walking with a Person. Oh, my! God help every one of us. This is major, folks.
I want you think, for a second…well, let me refer again to the Scripture we’ve used so many times in 2nd Corinthians 9, 10, somewhere along in there, where the Lord allowed him to go, for a period of time, through a time of great distress, and he said it was a demon, basically. He called it a thorn in the flesh, but it was a spirit that was allowed to harass him and make his life miserable.
Now, the Lord allowed this and did not explain it right away. And of course, Paul, with this relationship with the Lord, he prayed. He talked to the Lord about it. He talked to the Lord. And the Lord allowed him to go through a period of questioning, wondering, and feeling like, Lord, I want to serve You. This is getting in the way, and I don’t understand.
How did Paul come to understand that? Well, I’ll tell you one way he came to understand it is very simple. He didn’t get mad at God over it, and go pout. How many of you have done that? I won’t ask for hands. Lord, I don’t understand. What did I do? And yet, here he is, humbly looking to God with a genuine desire to be used of God.
And finally, his ear is so sensitive, so tuned to the One with whom he was walking and getting to know, that when it came time, the Lord was able to whisper in his ear and he was able to hear it and receive it. “…My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (KJV).
August 14, 2022 - No. 1558
“Finding Our Purpose” Conclusion
August 14, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1558 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: He has done it, folks! Are you relying on that in a practical sense, or is this just doctrine? This has got to get beyond doctrine with every single one of us, that God has laid a foundation, that you and I can stand upon. And our sins can be gone! End of them!
God is the One that’s put them away! He’s not asking me to do something to qualify myself. He qualified me! That’s what Paul said in Colossians. Jesus is the one who qualified me. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (NIV). What’s the gift of God?
( congregational response ).
Faith. Think about that. You know we think of salvation…but, faith…the very faith that I need to exercise in order to be saved, God has to give that to me!
( congregational amens ).
Oh, wow! This sounds a lot like surrender, doesn’t it? Since I don’t have any of this, I’m gonna have to come to God based upon mercy. My nature wants me to deserve something, so I can feel good about myself. And God has fixed it to where if we know Him, we’re gonna have to come on His terms. And it’s by mercy. That’s the only claim that I have. God have mercy upon me, a sinner!
Do you remember how Jesus…what Jesus spoke about this in the temple one day? I don’t know if He was in the temple or just talking about the temple. But He talked about the Pharisee who came in there to pray. He said, Lord, I thank You I’m not like everybody else. I’m not…you know, I do all this, I fast twice a week, I tithe all of my…you know I do all this, I give to the poor, and I’m not like that old tax collector over there.
And the tax collector was so convicted of his need, he didn’t even lift up his eyes, he said, God, be merciful to me, a sinner. What was Jesus’ point? Which one did God hear? He heard the cry of that man who came with an honest heart and said, God, I have no claim upon you. I come because You have offered me mercy. God loves mercy! And oh, and that message is all the way through the Old Testament. Praise God! And certainly, through the New.
All right, “…and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” And most of the time, when people quote this scripture that’s kind of where they stop.
But I want to tie this in because the next verse is the one that I forgot to use last week, and I think the Lord is the One that caused me to forget it. Because here we are, being called to live for God in a particular time in history…how do we do that?
And this is the answer. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Man, that doesn’t sound a bit like religion to me! Does it to you? This is something that…it’s just apart from Christianity, churchianity. We need, I believe we need to get a handle on this.
And the thing that I sensed out of what we talked about this morning is, God has got to lay the foundation. If we’re constantly going back to what He’s saved us from, as though that somehow disqualifies us from any of this…man, that’s a burden God never meant for us to carry! Because Jesus carried that burden to the cross!
( congregational amens ).
It’s gone! Oh, may God help us to get that, to believe it, to see it, to understand that He set us free from the past!
( congregational amens ).
And He set us free for a reason! But how in the world am I fit to do anything? Well, I’m God’s handiwork. Are you His handiwork? Is He working on you? He’s got a lot to change, doesn’t He?
( congregational response ).
You know, you see that imagery in the Scripture about Him being the Potter and us being the clay. Remember a message I preached years ago about “Be the Clay”?
( congregational response ).
How contrary that is to human nature, just to say, God, I don’t know. You are the One who made me. You made me different from everybody else, my experiences are different, my personality is different. But my purpose in the Kingdom is unique. There’s no one else exactly like me, thank God.
( laughter ).
But You’re the one who knows the reason You created me in the first place.
( congregational amens ).
You know. And I don’t even know how to…I don’t know what to do, let alone how to do all of that! God, You’re gonna have to do the changing. And so, you see where Romans 12 comes in. present yourselves, “…a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (KJV). Or spiritual worship, act of worship, and then the change begins.
Allow Him to renew us by…change us by the renewing of our mind. And then that leads right into the passage about the function of the Body of Christ, doesn’t it? But this is the thing. We’re God’s handiwork, and we’re gonna have to learn how to let Him work.
And you know, if God’s gonna do some sculpting on you, doesn’t that mean He’s gonna have to do some cutting and some things that aren’t gonna always be comfortable? And how easily does every one of us fall into the trap of supposing that if things aren’t going rosy, according to our definition of that…and you know, if God loved me, things would be different. No, because He loves me, He’s gonna work on me and change the things that don’t fit His purpose for my existence!
How easily do we listen to the voice of the devil when we don’t feel good, and things don’t look good, and we say, God’s mad at me? God’s…you know, this or that…every one of us fights that battle!
( congregational response ).
May God help us to so be grounded on the foundation, and to learn how to stand in those times and say, God, Your Word is true, and I am trusting You with this circumstance! I know You love me! I know You’re working in me, things that I don’t even understand, but I surrender, Lord. You have my full permission to change me any way that I need changing. That’s a dangerous prayer.
( congregational amens ).
He just might answer that.
( congregational response ).
But if we’re going to fulfill the purpose for which we exist, is there any other way to get there? Think of what God has to work with when He starts…a lost, helpless, hopeless, blind sinner. And yet, because of His love and mercy, He reaches down to the gutter-most and brings us to the uttermost. And then He begins to shape us for that purpose.
You know, we’ve talked about these things so many times. You see it all through the Scriptures…with the major characters of scripture, Moses, and Joseph, and others that God had these tremendous purposes for, and what He had to do to shape those vessels to get them ready for that.
You and I, don’t we need to have that sense of a vision? Lord, I’m here for a reason, and I want to know what that reason is. And I want You to do whatever it takes so that I can fulfill that. I can be a vessel for Your use.
Now God doesn’t call everybody to preach. You know, we have this idea about what it means to serve God. Every one of us, as we’ve said so many times, is a servant of God. And sometimes the most powerful, important thing anybody can do is to pray! Prayer is not giving a list to “Santa Claus” in the sky! Prayer is something where we learn over time, and by experience, we learn how to yield ourselves to the inspiration of God’s Spirit who knows what we need to pray for.
( congregational amens ).
And then when we do that, we yield to that, and we begin to speak as God anoints…we don’t just need an anointing here, we need anointing in prayer! When we do that, God can take you and cause you to affect something that’s happened on the other side of the world. There is power, there’s divine power that’s released. You don’t think that matters?
( congregational response ).
That’s at the heart of the Kingdom of God. If God has called you to be a prayer warrior, you may just be one of the most important people in this place. But, just speaking to somebody, just the interactions…I heard so many lately that just blessed me so much. How God is causing us to break the mold. We have this idea of just coming in here and sitting and listening, and going and living our lives. God, break that!
( congregational amens ).
God show us why we’re here!
( congregational response ).
Give us a vision of what it is that You want to do, and how You want to do it, and make us willing! And make us able to do it! But Lord, I’m gonna have to be Your handiwork and be willing! You’re gonna have to do this because it’s not in me to do it.
But what is it that makes this possible? It’s not just that God has done away with our past. It’s not like, okay, now you’ve got a fresh slate, I’ve wiped your guilt away, now let’s start over. Well, if I just start over with what I had to begin with, that ain’t gonna get it. I need something brand new, and so that’s why he goes on and says, created, “…created in Christ Jesus to do good works.” (NIV). Man, I need to be a brand-new creation. I need a new life, I need a new heart. That’s the heart of the Gospel!
( congregational response ).
Anything short of that is not the Gospel! There’s nothing that I’ve brought into this world that I can take and say, all right, Lord I’m here, I’m going to use these abilities and I’m gonna help Your kingdom out. I need to be a brand-new person. And only God can do that. Are you willing?
Lord, help me to see what You have done in me and to realize, to reckon on the reality. You read Romans 6 that Steven was reading a while ago, and you’ll read how we went down, and something was left in that tomb. We rose up to newness of life so that we’re able to serve Him. There is a new life here that we need to reckon on!
We don’t reckon on it enough! We still reckon the old is there. And so, we live like that. Every one of us! I’m talking to me. But God is teaching us. He’s working in us. We’re His handiwork. I pray that we’re further along this week than we were last. I pray that God is continually teaching us, and I see the evidence of it in so many lives. I praise Him for it.
But oh, may God give us a vision of what it takes to serve Him in this hour. We’re gonna have to be His handiwork. We’re gonna have to walk in the newness of the new creation, in Christ Jesus! That’s where the good works come from. They’re not good if they don’t come from Him!
If I’m being religious, is that good? No! That’s just self-righteous, do-gooding. There are a whole lot of things that, you know, you could say they have a beneficial effect in a sense, temporarily, on an earthly life. But you know, we talked a couple of weeks ago about the fact that we can’t do anything of any eternal value unless it’s Him doing it in us. Do you believe that? I do. There’s nothing I can do to help Him out. I need to allow Him to do it in and through me.
Again, you come back to what Jesus did. Did He do anything that He didn’t see His Father doing? Do you see where we need to be? We need to be a people that say, God, I want to be in tune with what You are doing. You’re the One who has a purpose. You are the One who’s working out a sovereign purpose! You’re going to reach every one of Yours!
Jesus Christ said, “…I will build my church.” That’s a pretty positive statement. All these things, we have a part to play in that. I don’t know fully what my part is. I mean, it appears that I’m to be here doing this at this point. Some of you, God’s gonna lay His hand upon you, He’s already done it, in varying measure.
But this isn’t all there is. Can we be in a place where we say, God, I’m beginning to get a picture how Your Kingdom works. There is a sovereign purpose that You planned before the foundation of the world. He knew about this service back then. Do you understand that?
Do you understand how great He is? He knew who was gonna be here this morning. He planned it all out. I want to get in harmony with that. I want to be able to say, God, show me what You’re doing, and show me my place in that, and enable me to cooperate with You in whatever way I need to.
Now, some people, you’ll give a message out like this, and they’ll say, yes, that’s what I’ve been waiting for! I’m an apostle after all! I’m gonna go out…you know. And what you have is a whole lot of selfish ambition and vain deceit and all of those kinds of things that you see as words in the scripture. I believe God can show us who we are, and what we are, and it will be right.
I remember Brother Thomas, many years, some of you will remember way, way back…Brother Thomas would preach a message on finding your place in the Body. Do you think we can ask him and say, Lord, what’s my purpose? What’s my place? Show me what You have…show me why You created me.
Because it’s not just to sit here, believe doctrines, carry out activities, and go to heaven someday, and basically live my life…it’s not that. God has a reason for me being here. What is it? I want to be engaged in that. I want to be one of these that can actually shine a light in a dark world that’s gonna get a whole lot darker.
Your purpose for me might be to be a martyr. But are we here to preserve our lives? Or have we laid them down to belong to Him? See, that’s the Gospel. If it’s anything short of that, if you’re clinging to that old life from which He saved you, that’s not a good thing. We need the newness of His life.
And here’s the amazing thing, the last part of that, “…which God prepared in advance for us to do.” You know, God knew in eternity past, who you are. He allowed you to experience what you’ve experienced. He reached down in grace to lift you out of the condition, and out of the…change your destiny.
But He has a reason for your being here, that He knew about back then. You are not a ‘nobody.’ You are not a digit. You are not simply a number sitting in a pew. You are God’s child and God wants His people to call out to Him and say, God, why am I here? I want to know, and I want to surrender my life to You, to make me what You want me to be, Lord!
( congregational response ).
Sometimes it means just waiting. And I know many of you’ve heard Brother Thomas’ testimony of years ago. When he started out in his ministry, he was a powerful evangelist, with a tremendous anointing on his life. And the circumstances changed, he wound up here, shepherding a bunch of you…some of you older ones. I see some smiles. It was a long time ago.
And, one day, he was sitting there thinking, God, what’s wrong? Back there You blessed me, there was power. I went out and I saw results and I saw…and here I am sitting here, shepherding a bunch of sheep, and not all of them even appreciate it. What’s wrong? Did I go off the rail somewhere? Am I out of Your will? What’s going on?
And that’s when the Lord quickened to him that scripture about what the Lord said to Peter. “…When you were younger you dressed yourself and you went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands…” And another will gird you and carry you where you don’t want to go.
Now, I don’t recall from the experience or the testimony that anything dramatic changed right then. It did later, didn’t it? The Lord visited the church in a mighty way. But Brother Thomas’ place at that time was simply to humble himself and do what God gave him to do in the moment and just wait. Because God was working.
He was God’s handiwork. There are things that God can only do when we’re just waiting on Him, and looking to Him, and willing, but not running in ourselves, not thinking I’ve got to do something. That ‘got to do something’ is just another way of trying to earn it. I just need Him to show me what to do and be willing when He says it.
It gets down to something that’s awfully simple, but it’s so contrary to human nature that we have a hard time getting it. But think of the reality, because you can talk about the grace, being saved and not by works and all of that, but if we don’t see where God’s going with this, we’re missing the point.
God did that for a reason, to get us to a point where, we could stand upon that foundation, and be the people He designed us before the creation of the world to be, in a dark world. It’s not just about believing in Jesus and going to Heaven. He’s got works planned for us to do.
Do you think He planned all that Moses went through? Do you think God had some wonderful things in mind when Moses had to run off into the wilderness and hide from Pharoah…and wait 40 years? God had plans Moses didn’t know about, and God was getting him ready for that.
And do you think God had plans when David was running around the wilderness hiding? Yeah, God had plans. God has plans for you, and you, and you, and you, and me.
( congregational amens ).
And I agree with what I heard Brother Steven say several times this morning, we want to finish well. Well, finishing well is not running in self-zeal. Finishing is saying, God, I’m yours. I’ve reached the point in my life, I don’t know. I’m not gonna sit here and try to get a committee and plan something. But I want to be open. Lord, I want to think outside the box. I want to be open to anything You might bring us to do. I don’t know!
Now you know, men would say, yeah, we need to innovate! We need to get a committee. Let’s come up with a program. No, we don’t need…we just need to hear from Heaven. And we need to exercise it, and we need to do what He gives us to do, with the ability that He gives us to do it, and it will be Him doing it instead of us trying to help Him out. He doesn’t need our help. But He longs to involve us.
Remember a message we had years ago, “Participating in His Purpose”? Seems like the Lord brings that thought back in so many ways, to me, to all of us. Do you see where we need to be rock solid on the foundation? If you’re struggling with the foundation, how in the world is verse 10 gonna amount to anything?
I’m constantly, oh, that means somebody else but me, I couldn’t be that. Jesus Christ has paid it all! Every last thing that needed to be paid, He paid! Our sins are gone! May God help us to get that and rest upon the foundation, and trust Him for the strength of a new life to live for Him.
But in the meantime, Lord, we could be asking, why am I here? What is my place? Show me what Your purpose is for me. I certainly can be praying. I can be looking to You. I’m not gonna run around and try to do something. But, Lord, if You show me, if You lay a burden on my heart, help me to…help me to follow that.
And help me to walk in harmony with the Body because you can have some wild-hair thing going on in your own head. I mean, we know how the devil works. But see, there’s a safety in the Body of Christ where we can say, yeah, I sense that. The Lord’s witnessing to me a witness of peace.
I don’t know, I don’t know why I’m preaching this, in a sense. I don’t have anything particular in mind. But I have this in mind, and I know God, again, put us here for a reason. We’re here for a reason right now.
And I pray that God will lay upon every single one here the burden of saying, God, I want to know why I’m here. I’m not here to live out my earthly life. I’m here to live out the life You gave me, the brand-new life. As long as You leave me in this world I’m here for a reason. Help me to find and experience that reason, so You have a vessel through whom You can live in a broken world.
( congregational amens ).
Is there any other reason to live? There’s no other reason to live. May God give us that grace to humble ourselves, to allow ourselves to be His handiwork without listening to the voice of the devil, when it’s not pleasant. And then realize God’s put a brand-new life in here.
Oh, praise God! He’s not trusting in my ability to live for Him. He gave me a brand-new heart and a new life. That’s what the Gospel is all about. So, thank God. I guess I’m gonna go rambling here in a minute. But…do you see how this ties in with things the Lord has said lately? We’re here for a reason. Let’s set our hearts to discover that reason and to walk in it and just trust God.
Do you think He’s going to be faithful to that? Do you think that’s what He’s revealed in His Word? I know it is. Let’s just trust Him, like I say, think outside the box. Don’t put limits on it and say, oh it’s got to fit in with our style. It needs to fit in with His program.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! To God be the glory!
August 7, 2022 - No. 1557
“Finding Our Purpose” Part One
August 7, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1557 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: It’s amazing how many times I come to a men’s meeting and what I have on my heart is already there and it’s being expressed. I think it was more so today than usual. But I’m trusting the Lord this morning, more than usual, I think. And that’s a good thing. Because I believe the Lord is wanting His people to be set free, to be able to live for Him and serve Him in this time.
You know, last week we talked about Satan’s dream and God’s purpose. And kind of toward the end, we got to a point where I was saying something to the effect that God has allowed us, He has ordained that you and I live now. We weren’t assigned to the 1800s or to some other period of history. God has us alive now and it’s for a reason. And I believe we are, coming closer and closer to the end of the age. I don’t have any dates for you. God told us just to be ready, didn’t He?
( congregational amens ).
He didn’t say we’re going know the time. We will know the times and seasons. And I believe we can see the way things are shaping up. But I don’t know what all God has. But I do know that He wants a people who are alive and awake…
( congregational amens ).
…able to, as we’ve heard in the past, make the midnight cry and say, He’s coming, be ready. But also, He’s not done…He’s not done sharing the Gospel with people and reaching out and changing hearts and lives.
( congregational amens ).
There will come a time when that voice will cease, people will have made up their mind, and the scripture in Revelation will be fulfilled where the voice said, let him that is sinful, be sinful still. I’m paraphrasing. Let him that’s righteous, be righteous still. There’s gonna come a time when everybody will be in one camp or the other. But I believe with all my heart, God is reaching out.
And I believe the things that Brother Steven shared, and shared downstairs, and others did as well, are very, very central to that. There’s a scripture that I’m going to get to, that I thought about last week and I realized after I sat down, hey, I meant to use that scripture. Well, that’s kind of the one that comes back now, because it has to do with this very thing, about God’s people being here for a purpose and a reason…this is not just happenstance.
And the Kingdom of God does not consist of ‘the ministry’ and ‘the people.’ as though you’re just digits sitting there listening. God wants…God has a place in His Kingdom for every single believer.
( congregational amens ).
And He wants us to learn how to enter into that. Christianity has been institutionalized. It’s been turned into man-made traditions and organizations, where we have this structure and everybody just learns how to fit into the structure and do the stuff, believe the doctrines. God wants to set His people free, not just to run here and there, but to be free to follow Him.
You know, I’ve said many times, Jesus didn’t do things the same way twice. We tend to do them in the same way a thousand times. But I believe the Lord’s helping us, don’t you?
( congregational response ).
Because we don’t want to jump in the other ditch, and everybody run off doing their own thing and it’s just us doing it. That’s the other side of it. But I believe with all my heart there has to be a foundation. And, I guess the scriptures that we’ve used so many times, but they’re needful…there’s not a person here who knows the Lord, who doesn’t fight the battles that Steven describes. Every single one of us fights. And whether it’s a particular thing in our past, or a thing we’re dealing with today, we are in need of salvation in some fashion, every single day.
( congregational amens ).
Now, being born again, that’s a one-time thing, but I’m talking about the growing and the changing and the things that God needs to do in our lives. I don’t know anybody here that’s arrived. I certainly haven’t. And I discover things more and more that the Lord has to deal with. But the thing is, if we ever forget the foundation, man, it’s a rough battle!
( congregational response ).
How many know what I’m talking about? If you forget who you really are in Christ and what He has done, and that begins to be compromised in the slightest in your mind, then there’s an issue. There is room for the devil to work. And the way he typically does that, is not to say, oh, that’s not true. He just says, that’s not true of you…because, and then he will enumerate his arguments.
And God wants a people to come to the place where we put all of our hope in Jesus, period! End of story! That stain ain’t coming back! Once the bleach goes in, the stain is gone! God has thrown it into the sea of forgetfulness.
And you know you’ve heard the expression, ‘don’t go fishing in the sea of forgetfulness.’ God has forgotten the things that are a part…that He has cleansed. And thank God, He did it! Anyway, I’m just gonna go ahead and read some of this scripture that we’re so familiar with in Ephesians. How many times have we heard this? But how many times do we need to hear this? I need this this morning, do you? Anybody here?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. Verse 3, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us…” (NIV). Now I want to stop and say, don’t you have this “gospel for everybody else but not for me” in your mind when you read words like this. ‘Us’ means ‘us.’
Paul is talking…now think about for a minute who Paul is that’s writing this. Think about his past. Now he declared by the inspiration of the Spirit that he was the worst sinner ever. So, don’t you think of yourself that way. That title has already been taken and God saved him, and turned him into a mighty servant of God. God can do anything, because it’s not our power, it’s not our virtue, it’s not anything that’s in us.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will….” Everything comes out of…do you see that? Do you get the sense of that? That everything comes out of His heart. Not one part depends upon us.
( congregational response ).
Thank God! It comes from Him, doesn’t it?
( congregational amens ).
All right. “…To the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have…” That’s a present tense possession, folks. “…We have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance…” or agreement with, “…the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.”
Wow! Paul’s just struggling for words there, isn’t he? If you look in the original, this is a run-on sentence if there ever was one. He just doesn’t know how to end the sentence!
“With all wisdom and understanding….” Boy, I’m glad He understands, don’t you…aren’t you? And He knows how to figure out every problem, the ones that cause us such trouble. “With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will…” again, based upon His good pleasure, “…according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”
Wow! I don’t see anything in there that depends on some virtue in me, or some knowledge, some ability, some anything. This comes from the heart of our Creator! God help us to reckon on that and remember and include ourselves in all the us’s of this passage. I’m preaching to me, as well as to you. Praise God!
“In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we…” Where’s he going with this, in other words? “…In order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.” It’s certainly not for ours. We have nothing to boast about, do we?
( congregational amens ).
“And you also were included in Christ….” Now this is the experiential side of it. You know, we see the heart of God before time, but there has to come a point in history when this becomes personal. And I’ll ask, has it become personal with you? If it hasn’t this needs to be the one thing you’re concerned about. Praise God!
“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel…” or the Good News, “…of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”
Praise God! Simply put, that means if you’re His, if you’ve really been born of His Spirit, God put a mark on you, that no devil can counter! That mark says, that one’s mine! Devil, you can’t have him. You can’t have her.
( congregational amens ).
I’m guaranteeing, not only their present, where they’re at right now, but I’m guaranteeing how this is turning out.
( congregational amens ).
See, that’s…we’ve got to see this through God’s eyes. That’s why Paul’s expressing this. He longs to see the Ephesian church share the vision of the reality of what God had given to him. Praise God! All right? “…To the praise of his glory.”
And then of course, his prayer…I’m not going to read all of this, but the prayer that he has, that God would open their wisdom and give them the understanding that they needed to really appreciate the power of God that is available to be at work in us.
What is that power? How do you…what do you compare it to? How do you see it in action? Well, what Paul says, is we see the power of God in action by what happened when Jesus was in that tomb, and all hell meant to keep him there! And all hell couldn’t do it!
Folks, all hell can’t steal you from Jesus if you belong to Him! Do you belong to Him? Have you given Him your heart and your life? That’s the key. But oh, the power that God expressed, not just to bring him out of a tomb, give Him a new life, a life that cannot die, but He didn’t leave him there! He has caused Him to ascend into the heavens, and to sit on a throne.
I’m sure that…I don’t think it’s a chair sitting in heaven somewhere, but whatever it is, it’s a place of authority! Jesus…we’ve quoted this so many times, where Jesus said, all power, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” And that’s where he says, go therefore. So, everything flows from the heart and the purpose of God, accomplished at the cross, and made known to us.
Folks, if you are building your life on anything else, you’re building on sinking sand. If we are sort of acknowledging this in a vague sense, but not really embracing it as, this applies to me. I was one of the ones God was thinking about all back there. Oh my!
If we’re going to be the people of God in this hour, we’ve got to get the foundation right, because God said in the prophets, he was laying a foundation in Zion. And this was a sure foundation! This was not like the religion that was prevalent in the day, that was just a bunch of man-made rules. This was God’s foundation and those who put their trust in that would never come to ruin, never be ashamed, never come to the place and say, boy, I was a fool to trust in that.
Man, we’re gonna have our eyes so opened one day that we will just fall down in amazement at the mercy and the grace of God, and what He’s done for us! So anyway, but the thing that always gets me out of this particular passage…I’m gonna get to the next one. But the thing that always gets me, he comes down to the end and he talks about the power that he expressed through Christ and what He’s done and then he says basically, He did all that for you!
He wants you to know that that power that’s in Him is available to us. May God help us to avail ourselves of it and believe it! I’ll guarantee, there’s not a person here who knows the Lord, who isn’t struggling with something in your life.
( congregational inaudible ).
Yeah. Let’s just be honest. We need the Lord!
( congregational amens ).
And I pray that the Scripture that Brother Steven read, in Romans 6…God has given us a place where we can walk in newness of life. But we need to get this! God needs to reveal it to our hearts in a deeper way so we can actively believe it, and receive it.
You know, it is a process, isn’t it? We know that. But…we need to see the foundation, so we constantly go back to that and realize, hey, I’m on a foundation. I don’t care, the winds and waves are blowing, the doubts are coming, the Devil’s trying to flood my mind with this and with that, but my foundation stands sure because I didn’t place it, I didn’t build this foundation!
This isn’t something…this isn’t philosophy that I came up with to make me feel better. This is something God did! The greatest power in the universe! The only real power in the universe.
Okay, so where were we, from a real experiential standpoint, when the Gospel came to us? Did He go out and look for good people? Yeah, there are no good people, not by God’s standard.
“As for you…” chapter 2, “…you were dead in your transgressions and sins….” Dead is kind of a serious condition, isn’t it? This is not somebody who could help themselves. This isn’t a deal where God says, here are the principles, here are the rules. You follow these, and everything will be good. Your life will be better and you’ll have a purpose in life. This is somebody who is so far gone, so out of…beyond help, they’re dead.
As far as the purposes of God are concerned, “…you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.” And that’s what we’re seeing in the world. It’s taken over.
“All of us….” All of us! Now Paul’s including himself, isn’t he? All of us! “All of us also lived among them at one time….” Now, I don’t care if you grew up in this church and you’re a good person. Again, there are no good people, by the true standard. But sometimes that can mask your need.
If you have a real past and you’ve been out there, you know, there’s an appreciation for what God has done for you. I mean, I grew up in the providence of God, I grew up in a preacher’s home. That doesn’t make me any better than anybody else. I have the same nature, the same need.
But you know, sometimes you can grow up and not realize your need. You know, the greatest thing God can do for you is to let you fall in the mud, sometimes, until you see, oh my God, I’m a sinner. I need a Savior!
( congregational amens ).
I pray that if that’s you, if you don’t know your need that God will show you out of His love and mercy, show you that you need what we’re talking about this morning. Because you do! The world is full of people who’ve said, no.
“All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh…” That’s one of the biggies that the world is after. Oh, if it feels good, do it, follow it. “…And following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.”
That is a pretty good description of the condition of the world. Now I know there’s a time when people who come along in ignorance. But I’ll tell you, there’s a time when God shines the light one way or another upon a heart, and that’s when people begin to be truly responsible. I’m gonna let God sort all of that out.
But I know that there is a…the condition of the human heart is beyond our ability to understand. I don’t think we really get it, particularly if we’ve grown up in a comfortable environment, and we hear the Word of God and we sing the songs, we just don’t have any idea what’s really going on here. But I’ll tell you, this is a desperate, desperate, needy world. And it’s only God that can do anything about it.
“But because…” What is the cause of what He’s doing? “…Because of his great love for us….” Not because He found something good in us, He didn’t. Not because He saw potential in us. Oh, if I recruit that one, they can help Me out in My kingdom. My God! We have nothing but ourselves to give to Him!
( congregational amens ).
Nothing! There’s nothing I could possibly present and say, Lord, here it is. I’ll trade this for eternal life. “…Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy…” He, “…made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions…”
Who did all this? Suppose God had just stood back and let things…let events play out? There is not a single person who’s here or may ever hear this, not one single person who would ever escape the condition that prevails in this world. And the end of that condition is death. That’s it!
And you wouldn’t even know it. You would think you were living for some valid purpose. I’m trying to make myself something. I’m following my desires, I’m trying to be happy! And you have no idea what’s going on. But God intervened!
( congregational amens ).
Thank God! He’s the one who took the initiative, because without His initiative, we would have nothing! “…Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” And I’ve got to put this in, because I’ve seen over the years, I feel like grace has been misunderstood. It’s just a kindly, accepting attitude on God’s part. Grace is God’s intervention!
( congregational amens ).
His grace is what works on my heart to make me aware of my need! It’s the influence and the power of His Spirit at work in my life. You can call it grace because I don’t deserve it! But grace is a real force, that invades my life, convicts me, and then not only convicts me, it gives me the power to believe!
I don’t even have the power to do that! That’s why the scripture says, “To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” (KJV). Today is the day of salvation! That’s the only answer, because if God stops dealing with a heart, you don’t have the power to do it. You don’t even want to, let alone would you have the power if you did. I need God’s help!
The only answer that exists is for God to invade my life, show me my need, empower me to believe. Now He doesn’t overpower my will if I’m hard-hearted and resist it! You can do despite to the grace of God! But oh, praise God, that He has the will and the heart and the motive and the love that brings Him to that place of reaching down to me. because I don’t deserve it, and I could never deserve it!
“…It is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us…” (NIV). This is past tense, folks. We don’t see ourselves the way God does. God has put us in a place that we don’t see. “…God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…”
But why? Why did He do that? “…In order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” And this isn’t going to end. Ages to come.
I don’t have any idea what God’s planned. But I know it’s gonna be good. And I know there won’t be any sin, there won’t be any death, there won’t be any sorrow or sickness or age or anything else. It’s gonna be exactly what God wants.
And we will walk with Him in white because He had done it! He has done it, folks. Are you relying on that in a practical sense? Or is this just doctrine? This has got to get beyond doctrine with every single one of us, that God has laid a foundation that you and I can stand upon, and our sins can be gone!
July 31, 2022 - No. 1556
“Walk With Me” One Part
July 31, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1556 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know I was listening to Ben, as he prayed at the beginning of the service, and he just about prayed what I was thinking…for the service tonight.
But I’ve also been very, very conscious, that during this meeting the Lord has emphasized simplicity in a very special way. He’s not looking for theologians, He’s not looking for people who delve into the mysteries, who’ve got to get every…there’s some secret I’m missing so I’ve got to delve into it and find it, get a secret revelation. There’s so much of that that goes on in the world.
But there is a simplicity such that a child can know the Lord, and be what He wants them to be. And I want to be that. Didn’t Jesus say, unless you become like a little child, you won’t even enter the kingdom of heaven? We are so full of pride, so full of a false sense of self-ability, self-sufficiency, I guess, is the word I was trying to use.
But I appreciate the Lord emphasizing such simple things as being wholehearted, giving Him our heart. And once He has our heart, He can do everything else. All the issues of life flow from the heart, don’t we read in Proverbs?
And then how Jesus invites us to learn from Him, because He is the polar opposite of what human life on earth is. We’re filled with unrest and He wants to give us a rest.
And you know, I don’t know how well I conveyed some of it the other night, but the central thought of why we are at…why we have something other than rest is very, very simple. It’s our old nature fighting God. He says go this way and we say, no, I want to go that way.
In a thousand ways, we are resisting the simplicity of Him just…just learning from Him and saying Lord, You’re in charge. I’m not the one running the show here. And I yield myself to You and I trust You. And I’m not looking for it to be any other way.
And, even if I don’t like the way we go, from a natural standpoint, I know it’s right, because You’re the One that I’m learning from. That’s certainly how Jesus did.
And you know, Ben, in his prayer, used a phrase that came to me very distinctly this afternoon as I was just thinking about the service. I wasn’t looking for a particular something, but the simple phrase, ‘walk with me’ came to me. I mean, what could be simpler than the Lord saying, walk with me?
You know, we think of life as a journey, often. That’s the way it’s pictured, and that’s what it is. We each have, in one sense, our own journeys and yet, the Lord has intersected those journeys.
But, life is a very short journey. Young folks, you’re gonna learn that, if the Lord tarries. But it’s basically a journey from a mother’s womb to a grave. And the heart and the culture of our world is, what can I get out of it? How can I be happy? How can I find meaning? How can I find purpose? How can I gratify my own natural desires? A thousand and one things that all come straight in and center in self and what self wants.
Salvation is all about delivering us from that, because I think I said this last night, or one of the nights, you are not an accident. Not one of you here is an accident. God created you on purpose, and He loves you, made you like you are, so don’t try to be what you aren’t. Don’t say, I wish I were like them. You be you. You’re special in God’s eyes. God made you to be you, and He has a purpose and a plan, a road map for your life.
And wouldn’t it be nice, wouldn’t it be wonderful and wise, if we could get that to such a degree that we just say, yes Lord? I have only one job in this life, ultimately. Now you may give me things to do, but I mean the basic, guiding principle of my life needs to be so simple that…God, what do You want me to do?
You know, many of you will remember Brother Thomas giving, I think, what would probably sum up his greatest instruction or word of wisdom as to what we ought to do. How many of you remember what he said? “Seek God and do what He says.” It’s real complicated! But that was the guiding principle of his life.
But I think of people in the Bible that we read about. And one of them was a man named Enoch. And he lived in between Adam and Noah and the flood. And we don’t read a lot about his life other than he had a family and he was the father of Methuselah. And Methuselah’s grand place in history is the oldest recorded man in history, and that’s all we remember about him. But what do we remember about Enoch?
( congregational response ).
He walked with God. I mean, what a testimony about a life! He didn’t build skyscrapers. He didn’t do this, he didn’t do that. He simply walked with God. And there was a relationship that…it wasn’t just, he visited God on Sunday, and then went about his life. Every part of his life was lived with a God-consciousness, a sense that God was not only with him, but God had a path for him to walk, had something for him to do.
And we don’t have a record of any great works that he did, but he certainly did the one thing that mattered to God, that God made a special record of this, for us, for all time. God was so pleased with this relationship that He had, that Enoch is one of the people who didn’t die! You know, you’ve heard how the preacher described it as they went for a walk one day, and the Lord finally said, hey, we’re closer to My place than yours. Let’s just come on and go to My place.
( laughter ).
I don’t know. That’s one way to put it, I guess. But whatever it is, wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of a relationship? Do you realize that’s what He wants from us? We’re the ones who are kind of fearful and push Him…you know, hold Him at bay a little bit. We…part of it is self-will, part of it is fear. It’s a lot of things. But our nature doesn’t want that simplicity.
But God…that’s what God’s calling us to. And He loves you! He wants to have a relationship with you and with me. And He has a plan for our lives.
I’ll tell you, that’s something that young people wrestle with. Especially, because you’re setting out in life and you see a world out there, and it tells you what you’re supposed to do, and you feel desires, and you have abilities.
And, of course, the world says, follow your heart. Develop your abilities. Go out and conquer the world. Make your mark. Be happy. So many different ways that the same thing is put. But it boils down to a simple thing, it’s your life and your plan. I’m gonna go out and do what I think is right and meaningful, and basically, under your breath, you’re saying nobody else has the right to tell me what to do, this is my life. And that is so destructive, so wrong, not to realize that God created you for a reason!
( congregational response ).
He has a place. He has a journey for you and me to walk, and the end of our journey is not a grave! The end of our journey…that’s the beginning! That is graduation day when they put us in that tomb! Thank God! I like it when some saint goes on to be with the Lord, and instead of talking about them passing or dying, they graduated! They don’t have to be here anymore. God called them home, and their life, their path goes on forever and ever. Don’t you want that kind of a path?
( congregational response )
As I was thinking about this, I was remembering a man who made a tremendous mark on the world that was very unexpected by his friends. You remember…those of you who are old enough will probably remember the five missionary martyrs, in South America? I think it was Ecuador, but it was someplace in that region.
And they were seeking to reach a totally unreached tribe, deep in the jungles. They had to ride in an airplane to get there, and land on a jungle river. Sue and I and some others actually had the opportunity to touch that plane and you wouldn’t believe how small it was. It would easily fit on the platform, easily! And we could take it and rock the frame. I mean the frame was dug out of the sandbar, years later. I can’t believe five guys got in there.
But they had a vision…but Jim Elliot was the most famous of these guys. And Jim Elliot was a man of unusual talent, ability. He went to a university. And he was one of these guys that everybody expected to go out into the world and do wonderful things, great things! And when he told his friends and acquaintances that God had called him to be a missionary, they called him a fool! What a waste! And he was the one who penned the words that have been so oft quoted. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
( congregational amens ).
And even…a lot of people would say, oh, what a waste! They went in there and they were killed immediately! And I remember, vividly, when this happened. Boy, the word went out throughout the Christian world, and it was an earthshaking event! And more people went to missionary service because of that, not shying from it. God used them in a powerful way! And decades later, in the following decades, God took the Gospel into that heathen tribe, saved all kinds of people. And some of those people who were saved were the people who did the killing.
( congregational amens ).
And God saved them, took them out of heathen darkness, total demon rule. And one of the things that came out, decades later, from one of the men who was the leader, one that killed them, was that when they killed them, they saw angels. Man, God was right there. That was their path. Man, I want that path.
Did not Paul say…I quoted this the other night, I think, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (NIV). You have to know the reason for being here. This world is not about what you can get out of it. It’s about God’s purpose, and you and me being here! And our destiny is not anything in this world, it’s out there.
Oh God, I want that to be the testimony of my life, in some fashion, that I walked with Him! You know it’s walking with Him…that means that He’s the One in charge. He’s the One who says, this is the way you need to go.
I remember…some of you may remember, years ago, there was a book…I believe it was, of some sort, that came out in certain religious circles. And of course, the world was such a terribly, busy place. And they were trying to come up with some spiritual wisdom for people who just lived these busy lives. People in the cities, they’re going and they’re coming, and they’ve just got constant activity. And the name of the book was, “Are You Running With Me, Jesus?”
( laughter ).
I mean, talk about getting it backwards! The hope of the Gospel is not Jesus coming down to walk with you through your plans!
( congregational amens ).
He’s got His own plans.
( congregational response ).
And there is no other place where you’re gonna find rest, where you’re gonna be in the center of what God has purposed for your life, until everyone of us just asks one question, every day. Lord, what do You want me to do? Lord, I just want to walk with You. I want to have this relationship, this conscious—consciousness.
I remember Ricky…Brother Ricky preaching on this, having a conversation with the Lord. You remember that service? Yeah! That was special, because that’s what the Lord wants. He wants us to be able to breathe up our heart to Him and have a hearing ear. I often pray that. God, give me a hearing ear, so that I can discern when You’re talking to me. Do you know that God wants to…wants us to walk with Him to the point where we can actually hear His voice, and know what He’s saying to us?
But what an awesome testimony that that was for this man of God, Enoch, in the Bible. The whole character of his life, Enoch walked with God. And that was enough. That was all God was looking for. Oh, how complicated this is. But how we resist it!
Oh, you remember the scripture we’ve heard so many times about…from Isaiah 50, I think it is. All you who, “…compass yourselves about with sparks…” (KJV). And you walk in the fire you’ve built. In other words, you’re making your own plans. You got your own agenda, and that’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna lay down in sorrow.
But there’s another kind of people who obey the voice of the servant of God. They’re listening for His voice. Of course, they were under a system where they had to hear from God through prophets, and so forth. I’ll tell you, that’s the glorious thing. We can know Him individually! We all know Him, from the least to the greatest! That’s the New Covenant we’re in.
But basically, the heart is there where we’re saying, oh God, I want Your plan! I need to know…God, these plans that I have for my life, these thoughts about what I might do, Lord, I lay them at Your feet. God, I have no plan except to say, what do You want me to do?
Man, there is a surrender, but there is a surrender that brings peace to the heart. Oh, God! This is true for every one of us. I mean, you can get so busy in your life, and so involved in the things you think you have got to do, that we forget to just step back, take a deep breath and say, Lord, I’m not here to do what I think I need to do. You have promised to lead me.
Sometimes He could take you to a dark place where it looks like…looks hopeless, but you know, we just need to look up and say God, I am still in Your hands. You still love me.
( congregational amens ).
Lord, help me to just start where I’m at and begin to look to You. I’ll tell you, I’m so glad that God…He knows what’s wrong with us! He knew what was wrong with you and with me when He set out to save us!
( congregational amens ).
And it didn’t stop Him! How many of you get to a place in your Christian life where suddenly you come face to face with something, and you realize, oh my God, I didn’t know that was in there? I didn’t know I was so bad! Oh, Lord! How could You possibly have anything to do with somebody like me?
He said, “…I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (NIV). There’s something in the heart of God that gets a special joy out of taking something that is worthless in this world even, and making something out of it that will bring Him glory, and praise, and joy forever and ever and ever. There’s nobody too low for God to pick them up and say, you are my child. I have plans for you.
But oh God, do we need this! You know, we heard last night so much about the end of the age, and how we need to be ready. And people that aren’t even…that don’t even have oil in their lamps, they don’t have Christ in their heart, they’ve never settled the question. Do you belong to Christ, or do you belong to this world? It’s never been really answered. The door is there, but have you gone through that?
You know, you’re not born physically until you pass out of your mother’s womb. There’s an event. There’s a time. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic one. I mean, in the spiritual sense. But I’ll tell you, there is a time when we pass from death unto life!
( congregational response ).
And if it happens, you’ll know it, because there’ll be peace in your heart! And as people are looking on, they’ll know. You’re not gonna have to go out and shout it. They’re gonna see that there is something different in your life. But oh God! That’s part of the message that was there last night. I pray, I just call on God to bring you…that whatever’s stopping you, that you’ll step back and look, and say, is this worth throwing my soul away for? That’s the issue!
( congregational response ).
Let’s tell it straight! If you choose something other than Christ and His purpose and His plan for your life, you are choosing destruction!
( congregational amens ).
You might get a little bit of temporary pleasure out of this world and then it’s over! And you have thrown your soul away. And God loves you too much not to tell you the truth. Oh God! Help us, Lord!
And of course, we also were made aware that we’re living in the time that is…where that is approaching. We do not know the day nor the hour, and I am not gonna speculate. There have been too many idiots out there who try to calculate dates. Sorry for the word, but it’s the truth. Misled individuals, whatever.
( laughter ).
God has not fixed it to where we can calculate dates. He just says be ready! That’s all I need to do. But it’s be ready, if He should show up tonight! Wouldn’t that be awesome!
( congregational response ).
But it’s also be ready to stand in an hour of darkness! But you know the people who are gonna be able to stand are the ones that are walking with Him. You remember the scripture that Ben quoted in his prayer? I mean, like I said, we could have just said, there was my sermon.
( laughter ).
But he referred to that verse in Daniel, where Daniel was prophesying a time of terrible trouble that was coming in Israel, and it happened. About the second century BC, somewhere along in there. There was an evil king who came in and sacrificed a sow on the altar, desecrated it, took over, and compromised so many people.
But Daniel was looking forward. And he said, “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong…” and take action, is the sense of the Hebrew there. (KJV). They’re not gonna be paralyzed by the darkness. Folks, there is a darkness that is more than the absence of light. Or more than the absence of…more than wrong ideas. There is a spiritual power that’s very, very real!
( congregational amens ).
And it is swallowing up the world and it’s because God is taking His hand off progressively. And He’s taking His hand off because men do not want the truth. And there comes a time when God says, all right. And that is a form of judgment, when you are left to the mercy of demons.
But you know, He’s called us to live in this time? And it was said last night, very plainly, we’re not called to go live in a cave, and hide out and wait till Jesus comes. He’s gonna have a place for us. There could be people here who suffer in prison. People are doing it, all over the world, right now.
I don’t know where your path or mine takes us. But I’ll tell you, there’s one thing that matters in this world, and it’s people who are willing to walk the path that God has chosen! You know in Hebrews 12, there’s a scripture we quote so often. And it’s the one where we’re to, “…run with perseverance the race…” That is…
( congregational response ).
“…Marked out for us.” I think the NIV puts it. I like that. It is a…there is a path. There he calls it a race. But either way, there is a way that God has already marked out. He’s planned, this is the way where you’re gonna be able to go and serve me in a broken world. You’re gonna become what I want you to become. You’re gonna do what I want you to do. Your life is gonna be filled with purpose and meaning, because what you do will last forever. It’s gonna have eternal implications.
Everyone around you, just about, is gonna be out there wasting their time on stuff that’s gonna wind up being burned up, and they’re gonna lose out completely. But I’ve got a path that I’m calling you to walk it…or run it, in this case. It’s a race.
Man, that’s the one I want. That’s the one I want! And I’ve got to look to Jesus to do it. I mean, you look at other examples. This obviously isn’t very organized, but that’s all right. I rarely am. But you look at Jesus Himself. Again, do you think that was the way He lived? The Father had a purpose and a plan, and He went to His Father every day and said, what’s on the agenda today?
What do you think He was praying about? He says, I only do what the Father shows me. Somehow, the Father was able to communicate what He was supposed to do, where He was supposed to go. Some days the disciples were expecting Him to go this way and He went this way.
Often that was the case. Why are You going through Samaria? Why would You go to such a place? God knew about somebody in need, and He sent His Son, and His Son had a sensitive enough heart to say, I’m not here to do my own will. I’m here to carry out His plan. He’s already marked out a path that’s gonna fulfill a plan He had in His heart before the world was.
That’s my job. That’s the only job I’ve got. I don’t have to sit there and study to be a theologian. I mean, God may have people that want to…that He teaches, and all of that. There’s a place for some of that. But that is not the heart! The heart is just somebody who says, I’m Yours, Lord, and I need You to lead me. And I’m willing to let go of my life and my will and my plans, lay them all on the altar and say, what do You want me to do?
Is that the defining characteristic of your life? It’s a sobering question, isn’t it? Isn’t that a simple message, a simple word? And that’s what the Lord would say to me, and to every one of us, tonight. What do we take away? How do we go forward? How do we face our own issues, the issues of our lives? How do we get from here to there?
How do we walk…how do we find out God’s plan for us? How do we walk in it? How do we even realize He’s got a plan? Seek Him with all your heart…but walk with Me is His word to you, tonight. Just walk with Me. I’m here. I know you, inside and out. I know you better than you know yourself, and I’ve got a loving plan for you.
You can muddle around, you can strive, you can try, but you’re gonna just waste a lot of time and energy, when you could just come to a place of rest, and just say the defining characteristic of my life needs to be this simple…I’m just gonna walk with Him.
July 24, 2022 - No. 1555
“Satan’s Dream and God’s Purpose” Conclusion
July 24, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1555 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Think about this from the devil’s point of view. Here’s his dream, and now, all of a sudden, the Son of God was in his grasp, and he thought he had won, and all of a sudden, he realizes He’s gone! He’s gone to heaven, and I can’t get to Him, and the message is going out.
Man, if I were the devil, I would do everything in my power to thwart that. But what did Jesus say on one occasion when they accused Him of casting out devils because He was in league with the devil, and it was just all a big trick…is what they were saying? He said, how can Satan, if Satan is against himself, his kingdom won’t stand. His kingdom is divided. How can Satan cast out Satan?
I’ll tell you, the only way that can happen is if you’re gonna rescue somebody from a strong man, you’re gonna have to bind the strong man and then you can go in and spoil his goods. You’re gonna take something from him, I guess, in this case.
You see what Jesus was really saying about what was going to happen in world history? Do you think the Gospel would have gone to the ends of the world if Satan had had unfettered access to be able to do that? No. He wouldn’t.
That’s something the Lord has revealed, I believe, in a particular way, but, I don’t need special revelation, I can see it in the scriptures. Because that’s what we need to go by ultimately. We need to go by the fact that in order for the Gospel to go out, there had to be a restriction, a divine restriction on Satan’s ability to oppose the Gospel. Praise God!
And we call it the binding of Satan. I’m gonna go to something that will be…like I say, I have mixed feelings about trying to get into all of this, but I’m gonna go ahead and do it anyway. Well, look at the scripture that we use so times in Revelation 12. You remember how the child was born, and Satan, the dragon, tried to kill it, and then, it was caught up to heaven, and then, there was war in heaven? Do you remember what happened? What happened to Satan?
( congregational response ).
He lost a place in heaven. He was cast down to the earth and became aware that he only had a short time, and so he was filled with wrath, with anger. But the Word tells us in verse 10, “Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (NIV).
Do you see the victory that was won there? And Satan literally lost a place. There was a restriction that was placed upon Satan. Now, here’s one that really, a lot of people, I don’t believe see, and that’s in Revelation chapter 20. Considering the time, I’m jumping out on a limb here, but I’m gonna do it anyway.
You see that prophesy of the 1,000 years. Now, if you were a Jew reading this, what would you assume, hearing about a kingdom that was established and rule and authority for 1,000 years? What would you assume by that? It’s a natural, earthly kingdom. Okay?
This book of Revelation is filled with symbols, and a lot of people think, oh, if it’s not literal, if you can’t touch it or see it, it’s not real. It’s just a vague…oh, it’s real, all right. But a symbol stands for something that is very, very real. Folks, this is real, but it’s not the way people have taken it. There was a restriction placed upon Satan.
“And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.”
Well, now, you could read that and say, oh, praise God, the influence of Satan is gone! Life is gonna be glorious and wonderful! You want to know what the binding was about? How do you know what the binding was about? How about looking down to the loosing? Think about that. If you want to know what this restraint upon Satan was really about, look at what happens when the restraint is released.
And you come down to the end, verse 7, “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out…” To do, what? “…To deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and…” To do, what? “…To gather them for battle.” And so forth. He goes around all over the world, and he encompasses the camp of the saints.
He’s got a…this is Satan being allowed one last opportunity to try to fulfill his dream. Throughout the ages…you know, Rome eventually fell, the great empire. There have been other empires. There have been other people that have risen up and tried to dominate the world. Hitler was certainly one of them, and no one has succeeded. Do you wonder why? Do you think, just maybe, Christ in on His throne and says, no, it’s not time?
( congregational response ).
We’re not there yet. There are people that I’m reaching out to right now. The Gospel is going out in power, and Satan, you can’t do anything that I don’t let you do until the time. Folks, the era in which we live, we are seeing in our lifetime the unfolding of the last loosing of Satan.
See, this kingdom that he talks about is real. There is real authority, but it’s in the spiritual realm. It’s real! It affects life on earth! But it’s not a political thing where you’re gonna have a reporter go in and interview Jesus and say, what’s your policy about this, and how’s, you know…I mean, get real. This is not that kind of a kingdom.
He reigns! But He’s on a throne where…beyond the reach of every devil. And every time he has tried to stop the Gospel from going out, God has overruled. In fact, many times, it’s when things are most difficult that the Gospel has gone out with the greatest power.
You know, in China, they thought they had squelched the Gospel, they had stamped it out with the great cultural revolution. Then all of a sudden, God began to raise up a younger generation, and they began to go out, and all of a sudden, you wound up with something like a hundred million people who are Christians in a place where it could cost you your life.
We keep getting reports out of Iran. Do you think Iran is a tough place to be a Christian? The word coming out of Iran is the mosques are empty! And Christians are meeting in little groups in homes! I’ll tell you, God has a way of reaching. His power reaches past what the Devil does!
But we are in that last time when Satan is being allowed to go out into the earth, and to seduce men with his lies and to try to gather them together. You want to know why the world is in such upheaval? Obviously, he’s used this disease. It’s become an instrument of control, greater control. You can argue the merits and demerits of this, that’s not the point.
But Satan is being allowed to do so many things. There are natural disasters that are happening. And seemingly…I mean, there are economic issues that are just…we see our society being torn apart because groups are being pitted against one another, and it’s just nothing but anger and hatred and name-calling on both sides.
That’s part of the world we’re living in. The devil is being allowed to tear apart the fabric of our world, because he has a dream. And, for a short time, God is going to allow him to, seemingly, fulfil his dream.
I don’t know exactly what that’s gonna look like for us. I haven’t got a neat little chart that tells you when and where and exactly what’s gonna happen. But I do know what the Lord has showed us. But what I see in the Word is enough. He is being allowed to pursue his dream. He’s being allowed to do something that he couldn’t do for almost 2,000 years. And suddenly, okay, it’s time. We are in the last hour of earth’s history.
And I guess, if I had to bring this down to what that means for us, first of all, we need live with a reality of what’s going on. One of the things that we are encouraged to do, because I’ll just refer to a scripture you know about. 1st Thessalonians 5 talks about how suddenly things are going to end. Absolutely, out of the blue, as far as the world is concerned, they will have no clue what’s about to happen, and suddenly, Christ will appear!
And we know from putting all the scriptures together, it means the end. It means the end of planet earth. God’s gonna gather His people, and disaster will fall upon this planet, and judgment will follow. But what does He say to us? It’s high time…I am gonna look it over. I’m gonna look up the scripture. 1st Thessalonians 5. I want to get it right.
“Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” That’s pretty sober language, isn’t it?
“But…” glorious but, “…you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” Praise God.
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep…” That is, whether we’re still alive or have died prior to this. “…We may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Folks, God wants His people to be awake.
( congregational response ).
Interesting…I can’t remember exactly where, but one of the scriptures I read was a piece in Isaiah that talked about how God has to deal with the wicked. And basically, what it says, the paraphrase is, if God blesses the wicked, they don’t get it. They don’t learn anything about righteousness. They don’t appreciate it. They just take it for granted and think it’s an affirmation of what they’re doing.
The only way the wicked could possibly learn about righteousness is to be judged, and to suddenly face some form of judgment, and now, all of a sudden, oh my God! You know, something’s wrong. And in that context, God can actually reach some people.
You wonder why things get difficult? How else is God going to reach those that He’s going to reach? And you’re gonna see the same thing that we’ve seen throughout history. You’re gonna see people migrating into two camps, and it’s gonna become very evident the further we go which camp somebody’s in.
Right now, there’s still a scattered remnant. God knows His people. And I always, I pray this often, God, I want to be just as open as I need to be to every brother, every sister. I also want to be discerning, because I’m not smart enough to figure all this out. God is. We need Him!
( congregational response ).
Do you see the connection with things that the Lord has emphasized lately, how much we need to be walking with the Lord, how much we need to be looking to Him in a practical sense, allowing Him to live through us?
But you know, I got way into this before I suddenly said, my God, this is the logical next step for what we talked about last week. Because now, the question is, okay, what do we do? Do we just hunker down and find a cave somewhere and wait this out? Okay, Jesus, You’re here.
Here’s the thing that jumped out at me as I was thinking about…the more I was thinking about this. Do you think it’s an accident that you’re here? Do you think that it’s an accident that you and I are alive at this very moment? If we serve a God who plans and purposes the way it is described everywhere in scripture, then God has a reason for you being here and you and you and me. We’re not just here as digits, numbers on a page, numbers…you know, some vague membership in a vague kingdom somewhere. There is a reason we’re here.
How many times have we heard it referred to? Was it Ruth? Not Ruth. Esther is who I’m thinking of. Esther found herself in a very, very unlikely place, a Jewish girl as the queen of a heathen empire!
But yet, when the time came, that there was an evil man who had a plot against the Jewish people, guess what? She was right there! And her uncle said, who knows whether you have been brought to the kingdom for such time of this? And she had a critical role to play.
Jesus came into this world in the fullness of time. It was an expression of God’s heart and God’s purpose. He was there, not by accident. This is His time. And we talked last week about how Jesus lived when it came time, especially, for ministry. He says, the Father is working, and I work.
He didn’t get handed a handbook of what the Father wanted Him to do and go out and do it in His own wisdom. His whole ministry was devoted to just seeking God, walking with Him, basically saying, Father, what are You doing? What’s Your plan? And if there wasn’t something to do right then, He didn’t do it. He didn’t try to figure it out. He didn’t try to plan. He just listened to what His Father said, and He did it.
And by all human reckoning, it didn’t make much sense. You would think after He had gone to a few places and healed everybody that was sick, that that would define His ministry. My God, look what God’s doing. Let’s go out and organize this, let’s…but He’d leave there, and He’d go to some out-of-the-way place and heal one person. He’d preach to crowds, and He’d preach to one person. And when He healed them, He didn’t even do it the same way.
You know, we’ve talked about that before. There was this relationship that I believe God wants to bring His people to, where we know we’re not accidents. We’re not here to do our own thing. We’re here to be alert and awake, to realize where we are in history!
Satan has tried, throughout history, to fulfill his dream! Jesus went to a throne and said, you’re restricted to what you can do! You can’t fulfill your dream, until I’m done sending the Gospel to the ends of the earth. And now, at the end, okay, go for it.
In the very context of what Satan is being allowed to do, God is finishing His job. We’re not supposed to just sit here and watch the devil and see what he’s doing. We’re here to look to God and say, God, what are You doing?
( congregational amens ).
Because we are absolutely called to the Kingdom for such a time as this. It doesn’t matter who we are or who we aren’t, how big or how small our place is, every one of us has a place! Every one of us can rest in God, and speak as He speaks, and act as He acts. May God help us to seek Him.
Many times, we refer to the prophecy, it goes right back to Daniel. One of the things the Lord showed him out of the Book of Truth was that there was going to be a wicked emperor come around. It was one of…it was a descendent of one of the generals that had been under Alexander.
And he came into Israel with great anger, and he absolutely desecrated their temple! He took a hog and slaughtered it on the alter and rededicated the temple of God to a heathen god. I don’t remember which one. It says, he corrupted many because of flattery. He came in, he knew how to manipulate the people.
But what did it also say? “But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” (KJV). Firmly resist him, take action. The original is so simple. It’s just, take action is a pretty good way to do it. They’re not going to be paralyzed by fear. They’re going to be able to say, God’s still on the throne. We’re here for a reason. God, just show us what to do! Give us the courage and the faith to do it, and to do it with the energy You supply.
That’s kind of simple, but it’s kind of hard for us, isn’t it? Oh, man, we want to jump in there. We want to get it done. We want to see a need and fix it! And God said, I have a plan that has been unfolding from all eternity. “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” (NIV).
We don’t know His times. We don’t know His ways. We can’t do God’s work. God has to do His work, but the glorious thing is He wants to do it through us. He has a people that He longs to work in harmony with and through, just as He did His Son, just as He did the prophets, just as He did ordinary people in the New Testament. It’s not who you are in the natural. It’s who He is.
( congregational response ).
But oh, I’ll tell you, it’s not gonna be long. You see it unfolding. I don’t know how long it’s gonna take. Things could just suddenly gel. It’s easy to see what’s happening in America. It’s not the America we grew up with, those of us who are older especially. Young people, you have no idea…how it’s changed.
But Satan is being allowed to capture the hearts and minds of those who just don’t want God. Some of them want religion, but they don’t want God. They don’t want Christ to rule in their hearts.
And I’ll tell you, when you start down that road, it’s darkness, it’s deception, and all Satan has to do is just to tear apart the fabric and then raise up a hope presented to humanity. Here is your way forward. We’re gonna get together. We’re gonna govern the planet together. We’re gonna be united! Justice for everybody!
You’re gonna hear those kinds of things. You’re hearing them now. But I’ll tell you, it’s happening under our eyes. Don’t you just go to sleep and think life is gonna get back to normal. There is no normal in this world. We are on a track. We are on a trajectory toward the coming of Christ.
As the Word says, it’ll be an absolute shock to this world. But oh, what an awesome thing it will be for those of us who are alive and remain. If we’ve gone on, we’ll come back with Him, to meet those who are still here. But if you’re still here, oh my God. Won’t it be something to have an angel fly up to you, take you by the hand and lead you up to be with the Lord forever? And your body will be changed like that. That, I can’t wait for.
( laughter ).
These old bodies are getting more and more wrong with them. But there’s one coming that nothing will ever be wrong with it. We’re gonna stand there, and we’re gonna…we’re just gonna be blown away with the greatness of His plan.
Yeah, I know there’s a lot of terrible stuff happening in the world. But God is allowing men to taste the fruit of what they have chosen. There’s no way He can bless the human race and bring them out of what’s going on. We’re gonna have to see…we’re gonna have to see iniquity for what it is, but that’s another story.
But anyway, maybe that’s more than enough for today. It’s a big picture. But do you see Satan setting out on his dream and God continually interrupting it all the way along, until He really interrupted it at the resurrection? And, all of a sudden, there was a period of history when Satan was restricted from his dream. He was allowed to oppose the Gospel but not to unite the nations! Okay?
And then, at the end, there’s this little period of time when he is allowed to pursue his dream, but we know how the story ends. It ends suddenly with the coming of Christ, and then the judgment and then eternity.
I’ll tell you, you need to be on one side or the other. You are on one side or the other. You could be sitting here, and you’ve never, never really opened your heart and seen who Jesus is, and how much God loves you and His purpose for your life. I can’t do that for you. I pray God will…I pray that God…I’ll tell you, if God lays somebody on your heart, pray for them. It makes a difference. Sometimes, we want to jump in and try to fix it and try to get somebody. We need to say, God, You are the One who…You’re the only One that can change somebody’s heart.
( congregational response ).
Lord, do it. We can’t be dismayed by how people react or don’t react. We’re gonna have to say, God, You know. You know every one that is Yours, and every one that is Yours will stand there in white one day because of what Jesus did, because of the heart and the purpose of God. Praise God!
I mean, you could go on and on talking about this, but I’ll tell you, we have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this, not because we’re anything, but because of the heart and the purpose of God. You and I are alive today, not in the 1800’s, or the 1500’s, or whatever. We’re here now, because God, in His purpose in eternity, knew about this time and ordained that you and I live right now.
We need to live with that awareness and say, God, help me to fulfill my purpose as a part of Your purpose. May the purposes for which I live align with Your purposes.
( congregational amens ).
That’s what God is looking for from His people, and I believe He’s gonna draw a people together more and more, that will live in harmony with that eternal purpose. Satan has his dream, but God has His purpose. We know which one wins. To Him be the glory! Praise God!
July 17, 2022 - No. 1554
“Satan’s Dream and God’s Purpose” Part One
July 17, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1554 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I had…we’ve had a lot of services, over the last while, that really cover the ground of Christian living, how we serve God in the world, in a practical sense and a lot of the principles to do that—that are involved in doing that. But I’ve had on my heart for a while, and maybe this is the time to begin, to set that a little bit more in its context, because we’re not just serving God in a vacuum, are we? We’re serving Him…not only in a broken world, but at a particular point in history.
And you know, the people of the world have their own worldviews. The one that seems to be prevailing, in a general sense, is a man-centered, forward-looking, we’ve got to get together and solve the world’s problems for the future of mankind and we can do it. And, it’s very much a way of thinking and working and conducting your life. And more and more you see that happening. And of course, obviously, there’s a lot of turmoil and people resisting that, but nonetheless, that’s kind of the prevailing spirit that’s going on in the world right now.
But I believe with all my heart that Christians need to understand the times. We need to know where we’re at in history and why things are happening. But more than that, what is our place in all of that? Because, again, we’re not just sitting here trying to muddle through the Christian life and then go to heaven one day, although that’s part of it. God has a reason for things happening the way they do.
And, I don’t know…I thought about painting a big picture, and sometimes I like to do that. I know it’s difficult to do. I’ve had so many scriptures come to mind. They’re all…most of them are familiar to us. But, I’m gonna try and trust the Lord to help me to paint a picture that will show us what’s happened throughout history, and where we’re at. And then, in the light of that, that’s where we go forward to what is our place and our purpose in it.
But we know, of course, that God had a plan before the foundation of the world. We’ve talked about these things many times, and it was to have a family that was in His likeness, that shared His values, that shared His holiness, His purity, His character and everything. He created a world that was pure. There was nothing wrong with it. Everything was as it should be. There was no death. There was no sorrow, no suffering, no…nothing like that, none of the curse that we see today.
But He created man in His own image, gave us a choice, and part of that was because He’s not trying to raise an army of clones. We’re not just robots. He wants sons who know good and evil and absolutely make a choice—a choice against all odds. And so, He allowed what has happened.
We know the story about how He had high-order angels—very powerful angels that He used in the creation. He gave them jobs to do that were specific in carrying out some of the ordering of creation. But of course, the story begins, very quickly, in the beginning of Genesis that one of the key angels that He had given such great power to rebelled against Him. And decided he wanted to be his own god. And so, things have unfolded ever since, according to that.
And of course, he seduced our first parents into throwing off God’s supposed yoke, and embracing his own philosophy that you are your own god, and that’s how you’re going to find your highest meaning in the world. And frankly, if you look around, that’s pretty much how the world lives. That lie still holds.
There are other things I’d like to go into, and I swear almost every aspect of what I’m talking about you could make a message out of, but I’m gonna try, by God’s grace, to, as I say, to paint a bigger picture.
If you want to see a summary of what God says about what happened in the beginning, look at Isaiah 24, familiar scripture. I’m sorry, Isaiah 14—Isaiah 14. One of…hopefully we will see this in a minute. One of Satan’s efforts, to fulfill his dream, had to do with the kingdom called Babylon.
Now Babylon wasn’t even really on the map when Isaiah prophesied this. It wasn’t significant. Let’s put it that way. It was sort of there, but it wasn’t a really significant kingdom. And yet, Isaiah was able, by God’s foresight and knowledge, to see what was gonna happen, that there was gonna be this great kingdom of Babylon that was gonna rise in the earth. And his prophecy looks beyond just the kingdom to its fall.
And one of the interesting things about God, when He prophesies something, when He inspires somebody to prophesy something, there is meaning embedded in that, that goes way beyond anything we could figure out, anything that the prophet himself understood. And so, we’re seeing, not only something that happened in history—in our history, but we’re seeing things that are going to happen at the end of time.
So anyway, God is looking past the human beings who were involved in Babylon and in verse 12, He says, “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star…” (NIV) – Translated Lucifer in the King James – “…Morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
“You said in your heart, I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
The heights of the north…there’s a…in this particular translation that uses Zaphon, that was apparently a Canaanite mountain that was worshipped as sacred. So, it became a symbol of where Satan established his throne over the world, and over the heathen religions of the world. But you see from God’s point of view, looking way past the physical nation of Babylon, He’s looking at the real inspiration behind it.
And we see what happened, in the beginning, where this servant of God, fell to the earth. And we know, from Revelation 12…you see it in symbolic picture as a dragon—a great dragon. And what did it say about the dragon when he did what he did, when he fell from heaven? His tail dragged a third of the stars of heaven.
In other words, I believe it didn’t all happen at once, but I believe, over time, there were many other angels that God gave jobs to. Go down, watch over this people. Go down and watch over this particular nation and this particular nation. And, one by one all of these angels rebelled—joined in the rebellion and became the heathen gods that they worshipped. There were real entities—real spiritual entities that absolutely existed, and they had real power.
And so, Satan began to gather his kingdom. I guess if I had to title all this…praise God, it would be, “Satan’s Dream and God’s Purpose,” because that’s what we live in the middle of. Satan had a dream when he rebelled against God and he has been working relentlessly, ever since, to fulfill his dream, but yet, there is an overriding thing that we need to ever remember, as God’s people, that God has a purpose! There’s nothing Satan can do about it.
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! And so, just look down, for example. I mean, this is everywhere in Isaiah. What a powerful…this is where my reading is right now. That’s one reason that this came to me. But, down later in the same passage, he’s looking at this particular point to the Assyrians, which was another…this was an empire that preceded Babylon.
Verse 24, “The Lord Almighty has sworn, Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen. I will crush the Assyrian in my land; on my mountains I will trample him down. His yoke will be taken from my people, and his burden removed from their shoulders. This is the plan determined for the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all nations. For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Praise God! Praise God!
You know, we know that…I’m not gonna try to go into…there are so many questions you could branch out into. But we know, from later on in Isaiah, that God even created the Devil. Now, He didn’t tell him to be the Devil, but He knew what was gonna happen. And God, absolutely, is using the evil of this world to help to shape us. And so, God knows what He’s doing.
You know, we’re gonna get to the end, we’re gonna realize that God hasn’t made any mistakes, that all the terrible things that have happened in this world have served His ends and His purposes.
But anyway, we see Satan setting out to rule over mankind. And you know, we remember the ancient world, up until Noah’s day, there was a handful of people that God continued to reach out to, to move upon hearts to cause them to realize, hey, I’m God. But most men began to serve their own lusts. They lived according to what they could see, what they could feel, what appealed to them naturally, and they blocked out…you read Romans 1, you get a pretty good picture of what happened. They knew about God but they rejected Him.
And so, there came a day, when it looked like Satan had won. There was one man and his family, Noah, who found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and he walked with God. What a testimony! May God grant that that be our testimony, regardless of what happens in the world.
( congregational response ).
May we be some who walk in the spirit of Noah, who walked with God, regardless of what happens, because a lot of stuff is gonna happen. But I’ll tell you, God is on the throne!
But even in that terrible time, we see God stepping in. In other words, Satan has been pursuing his dream ever since, but God has continually overshadowed and overruled everything that Satan has done. Thank God! Oh, and we know how the story ends, don’t we? Praise God!
But anyway, we see how that unfolded and God reached a point where judgment was inevitable. He raised up Noah, gave them a provision to build an ark, to preserve life, and what happened to everybody else that was under judgment, as we’ve said many times? Every single one—every air breathing creature, for that matter, on the planet died.
And God started over. And then He commanded men to go out and replenish the earth, and instead they listened to a demon-inspired leader by the name of Nimrod, and they gathered in a particular place in the near east. It’s probably Iraq, today, somewhere in that area. And they decided they were gonna build them a city and a tower whose end would reach to heavens, “…lest we be scattered…” (KJV). We don’t want to be scattered. We want to join forces. You see that spirit at work still? It’s that same spirit.
But God said, We’ve got to do something about this. If We don’t intervene right now, nothing is gonna be withheld from them, “…which they have imagined to do.” And so, God stepped in, and He absolutely confounded their languages. All of a sudden, they woke up one day and they couldn’t understand each other. Different families…everyone spoke in different languages and so, the end result was everybody wound up having to scatter.
And people began to…people did migrate all over the world and that’s the way God intended it be, in the first place. Because He wanted people to be, basically, aware of Him and seeking Him. Always His heart has been to reach out to the human race.
You know, I remember mentioning this one time. How many of you are aware that there is a painting, I imagine it’s someplace in Europe, of somebody’s conception of the Tower of Babel? Anybody remember that? Yeah, there’s a famous painting. And this is what they imagine the Tower of Babel looked like.
Well, guess what? The European Union built themselves a headquarters, and it is an exact replica of that painting of the Tower of Babel! That tell you something about the spirit that’s driving the world today? It’s coming straight out of the heart of Lucifer. It is still part of his dream, to rule over mankind and to unite them.
Now obviously, in the ancient world, it was a communication problem and people were scattered. You would have a powerful nation rise up and they couldn’t influence people too far away because, you know, they didn’t have the internet, didn’t have transportation, didn’t have the stuff we have today.
But anyway, there were nations that rose up and became powerful in varying degrees. Egypt, until God dealt with them. Assyria became a pretty strong empire within its particular reach. But over time, there came to be four major empires that were raised up, one after the other. Daniel was in the middle of one of them and that was Babylon. God raised up Babylon and He raised them up, basically, to carry out His judgment against Israel, against Judah, at that particular time.
They had absolutely rejected God, and were serving heathen idols. They had done worse than the people God sent them in to displace. And so, judgment came. That’s a theme you see in the early chapters of Isaiah. You see God allowing…dealing with a nation, allowing it to go so far, and then its wickedness gets so great that finally He raises up somebody else and makes them strong and puts it in their heart to go over and conquer them and carry out God’s judgment.
And then, later on, you see God dealing with the very instrument of His judgment and saying, you went way beyond what I wanted. I was trying to make Myself known to you and you thought it was because you were great. And now I’m gonna have to judge you.
And so, God is continually intervening. Every time a nation tries to get too big for its britches, God steps in. I’ll tell you, we’ve got a God who rules!
You remember how He taught Nebuchadnezzar? Oh, wow! Did Nebuchadnezzar learn a lesson that he’d tell the whole world about it? God has a way of making Himself known. The seven years that Nebuchadnezzar lived as an animal until God restored him to his throne.
The fact that he got restored to his throne is pretty much of a miracle! I mean, you want a guy to walk in after being seven years living like an animal and say, okay, I’m here to take over again? I mean, the very fact that God saved his place is a miracle. But oh, what was his conclusion at the end of this? There’s a God in heaven. He rules. Nobody tells Him what to do. He rules in the affairs of men, and I want everybody to know about this God. What an amazing God we have!
But the Lord revealed to Daniel a lot of things that were going to happen. How many of you remember we had a message, oh, several years ago now, called, “The Book of Truth”? And, what it was, was simply this. God sent an angel to Daniel in response to three weeks of fasting and prayer. And when the angel got there, he said, God sent me as soon as you began to pray, but I have been engaged in battle with the Prince of Persia.
Now, do you think that was a human being? No, this was a battle in the unseen realm. This was a real battle with a real enemy. And God was basically invading enemy territory. You know there are battles being fought right now that we can be engaged in? God has purposes that He is working out in the earth and He wants us to be engaged and aware. That’s the kind of…that’s the thing that I sense more that God wants to make real to us.
But in any case, he arrives and basically says, I had to fight and Michael, the archangel, the great angel came, and he helped me to fight, so now I’m come to tell you something. And what he’s gonna tell him were things that were going to happen in the future. And he says, I want to show you things in the Book of Truth.
How many of you know when God writes history, it’s not just things that happened, it’s everything that will happen? Do you know history has already been written?
You know, some people will take that and say, oh well, God’s determined everything, so we just sort of sit back and let it happen. No! God has a way to…think how great He’d have to be, to be able to foreknow every choice that every human being makes and to weave out of that a perfect purpose and a perfect plan, in which people will either be a part of His kingdom or they will be destroyed. That’s what it’s coming to. That is how…that’s how real. That’s what’s really happening on this planet. God is absolutely bringing things down to a conclusion.
But anyway, we see these empires that Satan was able to raise up, Babylon. God allowed him to do that. And then Babylon reached a certain point. You remember Belshazzar and the feast? You’ve been, “… weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” And it was that very night the Medes and the Persians came in and took over, and their empire prevailed over the known world of that day.
And there came a day when it was time for God to intervene. They got too big for their britches. They thought their gods had done it and they were so great, and they were wonderful. And God says, time to intervene. He raised up Alexander the Great and the Greeks, who conquered the known world.
Amazing story when you dig into the details of everything that he was enabled to do. But he was a heathen man, and out of his kingdom four kingdoms arose as soon as he died. He died in his thirties. Started out as a teenager, died in his thirties, and four generals split into four kingdoms. And they were at war with one another.
And then eventually Rome came into power. And Daniel was told all about this, particularly in chapter 2, if you want to look it up. There was this tremendous prophecy of what was coming and the different kingdoms that were coming. And one of the things it says was, “In the days….” I’m gonna go ahead and open that up, if you don’t mind. A lot of these scriptures I should have written down so I could easily turn to them, but that’s…chalk it up to old age, or something.
Verse 44. He just told about all these kings and all these kingdoms, “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.” (NIV).
Wow! You talk about God’s overreaching plan—overarching plan. I don’t care what the Devil’s dream is. God has a purpose that is being worked out. It is being worked out as we sit here this morning. I know many of you are like me. If you read the headlines at all, you look and say, how in the world could such a thing happen? How could people think that way? It makes no sense! The world has gone crazy.
People are afraid. They don’t know what…I mean, you got people that are progressive and then you’ve got people that are on the other side that have just as bad a spirit, many times. Folks, we need to have the Spirit of Christ and see what He’s doing!
( congregational amens ).
Because our job is not to fix America! Our job is not to fix the world! Our job is to live out the kingdom that he’s talking about here. It’s the Kingdom of Heaven. That’s the one that will last!
( congregational response ).
You remember the scripture, we need to go ahead and read it, because this is back in Isaiah. Isaiah, chapter 9. Oh, how many wonderful, awesome prophecies there are in the Book of Isaiah of what was coming! He prophesied against the people and against the sins of the people, but always there was this sense of looking forward!
And there were things that they didn’t understand, at the time, but God was…it was like God was launching a missile, that creative word that was gonna bring something—gonna make something happen at the appropriate time. I’ll tell you, God knows what He’s doing, knows how to do it. Isn’t it awesome that He involves us?
( congregational response ).
I mean, here was a man named Isaiah. He wasn’t anybody special, but God put His hand upon that man, and put words in his mouth and he faithfully gave them out and they’re recorded for us as well.
And look at the things that God has done. I’ve made this point before, but think about this. When the apostles and others went out to preach the Gospel in the first century, and they read the scriptures, what did they read?
( congregational response ).
The Old Testament. The Gospel is there! Once God opens your eyes to see what that was really about, and it wasn’t just about a natural people, natural kingdoms and all that kind of stuff…what was really in the heart of God that was coming.
Look at verse 6 of chapter 9 that we read so many times. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
Wow! I don’t see any wiggle room in that. I don’t know how in the world the devil manages to deceive himself, but he is one deceived guy. And you know, we’ve made the point many times how God hid what He was planning. His purpose was unfolding. He was interfering enough with the devil so the devil couldn’t fulfill his dream, but all the while He was setting something in motion that was gonna last forever. And I’ll tell you, it came at the exact point in time when God sent His Son into the world.
July 10, 2022 - No. 1553
“Learn From Me” Conclusion
July 10, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1553 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: We are the ones who make trouble for ourselves by the way we react to the things that God designs and allows in our lives. Let”s let that sink in. Quit blaming the stuff that happened ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, or whenever. Stop blaming the people in your life. You look in the mirror and say, I”m the one. Jesus experienced a lot more than you and I did. How did He handle it? Oh, yeah, but He was the Son of God! Yeah, He was a man, too. He came down to experience every temptation, everything that we experience. Did He not?
( congregational amens ).
Thank God, He showed us what it”s like to do that without sin. Thank God for the Lamb—the spotless Lamb! Praise God! But He doesn”t just say, learn from…I”m gonna give you a course in this. I”m gonna teach you the concepts and then you go out and do it. Learn from me!
How did He do what He did? There was a…not just a union with the Father, in the sense that He agreed with him. He did that. That”s a key right there. We fight God. So many times in our lives, He”s trying to do something, we”re fighting Him. We don”t even realize we”re fighting Him because we think we”re right, and He doesn”t have any right touching that. Or, it”s not really Him, or something. You know, there”s always some excuse to deflect. But see, not only was Jesus in complete agreement with his Father about everything…that”s a pretty good prescription for peace, isn”t it?
( congregational response ).
He was in agreement with the Father, but He was dependent upon the Father, because the reality is even when we know what to do, we don”t have the power to do it! God wants us to take that place. It does something in us that nothing else can do. You could get people to be religious and proud of it. But for us to take a lowly, humble, dependent, needy…the only hope that I can have is mercy, that is as contrary to human nature as you can get. But that is what salvation is about.
Do we want to enjoy what Jesus is so freely offering to all? This is how it happens. And I just pray that God will burn this truth into my heart, because it”s so simple but it”s so hard! We are so stubborn! We fight so hard, “cause it”s the way we think it”s supposed to go! God, we”ve got to go this way! What are you taking me this way for? Why don”t you fix this?
You know we can even get where Paul got. How many times do we use the scripture where the devil began tormenting Him and He went to God about it? God, get rid of this guy! And finally, the Lord said, “…my strength is made perfect in weakness.” (KJV). And Paul saw that there was a reason God had allowed that.
And what did he do? Did he say, all right, I”m not happy about it? No! Thank God for what you”re doing! God, I get it! Because my heart is to agree with You, to be useful to You. If this is what it takes, then okay, Lord, I get it!
Man, do you see Jesus pictured in that as well? You think about the Son of God. You think about somebody who was there, with the Father, before the world was, before there was any such thing as a creation…a glorious, divine Son of God, speaking galaxies into existence. And now there He is on earth dependent upon his Father for everything. What a place He took!
And his life is characterized by what He said, “…I am gentle.” (NIV). Think about how He treated the people around him, and how they treated him. And yet there was this gentleness, this compassion. They saw God in him. It was real! It was alive! “…I am gentle and humble in heart.” Does that describe you?
( congregational inaudible ).
I don”t think it describes any of us very well. We are proud and stubborn.
( congregational inaudible ).
See, I got somebody here who agrees with me. I know you all do.
( laughing ).
You all should. Because it”s the truth, isn”t it? Oh God, do we have stuff to learn to get to this place where we can just let go. Aren”t you glad God doesn”t dump it all on us at once? Oh my!
But you know, if we are just willing to get what Jesus is saying…the simplicity of it. To get up in the morning and look to Him and say, my place today is not to figure it all out. It”s not to chart my course. It”s not to do all the stuff that the world tells us to do, or my own nature drives me to do, or just to seek this because I like it, or I want it, or I think I should go this…God, I give you a blank check. Lead me.
Do what is needed in me today! Open my eyes to my own needs! Open my eyes to where I”m not being gentle and humble in heart, because that”s the big, great need that we all have. Every single one of us needs to come to a place…praise God, where we can just let go and find rest for our souls.
I believe there are saints of God in history that have come to a deeper place than most of us. And you read their testimonies and you will discover that in every case it was a surrender. It was coming into a perfect alignment, a more and more perfect, let me put it that way, alignment with the Father”s will, where we have a heart that trusts Him, enough to say, God, I don”t know what is right or best for me, and You do, and I”m giving You a blank check.
Work in me. Help me to surrender issue by issue, and learn from You how to handle life so that I can be this kind of a person. This is what You long for me.
What am I fighting for? My way! And some of us are more stubborn than others. But we all are stubborn in our own ways. Oh God, give us the grace to let go and have what He offers.
I was thinking of the scripture we preached three different messages on one time, where God…well, let me look over at it. It”s in Isaiah 26, the promise of God. “You will keep in perfect peace…” in the Hebrew there it says, “peace, peace.” You will keep in peace, peace, “…those whose minds are steadfast….” We don”t go this way and go that way based on our feelings, and how things look. There”s a steadfastness.
There”s a consistency. Lord, I don”t care whether I”m on the mountain or I”m in the valley, I”m trusting you! That”s where I”m headed! I want you! I want your will, period! There”s a steadfastness that doesn”t bend with the wind, doesn”t react to every little thing, everything that goes wrong that we don”t like. “…those whose minds are steadfast…” why? “…because they trust in you.”
( congregational amens ).
“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the rock eternal.” Man, you want a rock? Do you think we”re gonna need a rock in this world?
( congregational response ).
You don”t see it. It”s so close to coming apart that all God would have to do is say the word and everything would collapse in our society, and the world. We were talking today at lunch, it”s a house of cards, folks. I”m not saying that to make people feel afraid. But the reality is, we have no security in this world…except Him.
( congregational amens ).
Do you want to face this, the stuff in this world without him?
( sighing ).
You”re pretty blind if that”s the way you feel. May God open eyes. But I want to be one of these that comes to Him with these burdens and realizes this is not how He wants me to live. It could be a hard heart of self-will. It could be a reaction to somebody.
It could be fear. Fear is a burden people carry. God didn”t give us the spirit of fear. He doesn”t want us to sit here and be in a state of anxiety about what”s gonna happen to me? Praise God! We ought to be able to say with Paul, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” What do you lose if you die?
( congregational response ).
Paul says, it”s gain.
( congregational amens ).
Man, that”s a ticket out of here. I”ll tell you, there are plenty of times… you know, getting a little older, you start thinking, oh my God, how long do I have to live in this place?
( congregational response ).
Part of me just says, God, take me on, I want out of here. There”s nothing here. I mean, you”re young, you don”t realize a lot of things, but you get a little older, you see the vanity of this world.
And especially if you see it at all with God”s revelation. God wants us to see clearly, through his eyes so that we can walk with Him and learn from Him. But, you know, as long as we”re here, there are gonna be people who are gonna have to stand in this darkness and this storm. We”re going to need Him.
( congregational amens ).
We”re gonna need exactly what Jesus said. Yes, there may be times we”ll fight battles. We may have to go say, Lord, if there”s any way I can get out of this, take it from me, take this cup from me. But the bottom line has always got to be, nevertheless not my will but thine be done.
( congregational amens ).
If that is the bedrock conviction of our hearts, and it”s not just a religious saying that we have, but it”s something that God has birthed in here, man, you”ve got what you need. Did you happen to notice that when Jesus got done praying that, what happened? Do you remember? Angels came and did what?
( congregational response ).
Strengthened him! You know, what did…what did Isaiah say about the fact that we do get weary sometimes. But those who hope, or those who rest in the Lord, wait on the Lord, different translations, anyway, those who wait on the Lord will do what?
( congregational response ).
They”ll, “…renew their strength.” And then all the different ways that that”s manifested. How many of you need your strength renewed?
( congregational response ).
How many of you need a deeper rest in your life? How many believe it”s there?
( congregational response ).
Are you beginning to understand what the issue is? Go look in the mirror and say, if I have a heart of unrest, God didn”t give it to me. I can”t blame the devil. Jesus had to deal with the devil and He had rest. How did He do that? Well, He was aligned at all points with his Father. He said, didn”t come to do my will, I came to do his.
And so, at every point, it was God, Father, what do you want me to do? I have no agenda here, no “dog in this hunt.” Lord, I”m just…Father, I”m here to do your will. Help me to be just surrendered and aligned with You and trusting in Your strength to be able to do what You want me to do.
At every point, He was just connected to his Father…His will, His might, His actions, every part. That”s what the Lord wants us to learn from Him. The more we do that, the more we”re gonna be what He wants us to be in this broken world, to one another, to people outside. As long as the Lord”s got us here, He has a reason!
( congregational response ).
He made you and me with a purpose! There”s not a single person in this place that”s an accident!
You were made by a gracious God on purpose, Who loves you and has an eternal purpose for your heart. But right now, He”s got you here, got me here. Yeah, there are battles. Yes, it”s a tough world. But He is right here with us, and He longs to bring us to a place where we can have, in spite of everything that”s going on around us, we can still have a rest in here, because we”re in harmony with him. And I”ll tell you, God”s looking for that kind of a person.
But think of what He offers us. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened….” is that you tonight? Well, He”s inviting you. What are you carrying tonight? Bring it to him. You know, like the old gospel Song, take it to the Lord. “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.” Some of you remember that one. I hear Livera. I know she knows them all.
( laughter ).
Absolutely. Praise God! “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you….” Take it…it”s not saying I”m gonna impose this on you and force you to do. No, He wants a willing heart that says, God, I want to be connected to You. My safety is being connected to You and surrendered to Your will! I”m not safe trusting myself!
( congregational response ).
It doesn”t work! Oh, that”s the hardest thing in the world to find the grace to realize what our real problem is. And what God…the lengths God is willing to go to take somebody like me, and refurbish me, refit me, change me completely, replace the old me with a new me. And make me able to walk with Him in a totally different world. Man, that”s worth everything, isn”t it?
( congregational response ).
God wants us to go out of here with a deeper sense of rest. But not just the rest, like it”s an experience, a passing experience. He wants this to become more of a characteristic of our lives because we learn how it happens.
We learn how Jesus managed to stay in a place of rest. How did that happen? He spent time with His Father. He walked with Him. He sought His will. He did it. He trusted His Father in everything, and He understood that the supply of the Spirit that He needed to do what He did came from His Father. He said, it”s the Father in me doing the works. Well, Christ wants to be the source of our strength and the source of all that we are. He”s able to share that same life that was in Him with us.
( congregational amens ).
That”s what gives us the power to be something that we are otherwise not and could never be. “Take my yoke…” that”s a voluntary thing “…upon you and learn from me…” that”s the school-of-hard knocks, that”s not a classroom “…for I am gentle and humble in heart…” and what a positive promise, “…you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Oh, praise God! This world”s burden is nothing like this. It”ll give you burdens all right, but it”s nothing like this. And I don”t care what you achieve here, it”s going up in flames. And your life will be gone. But everything that we do in Him…peace is gonna be…is gonna reign with us forever. Love, joy, peace are the first three fruits of the Spirit. They”re going to be with us forever!
Do you think there will ever be any disharmony in the new creation? Perfect harmony! We hardly even know how to describe that! We are so full of disharmony in this world we can”t even imagine what that must be like! To be in perfect harmony, every need met, fulfilling the purpose for which we were designed in the first place. That”s what God longs for every person here, starting with me, to experience in a deeper way. Do you want that tonight?
( congregational response ).
Praise God! Then we”re gonna have to do what He says here. Come to Him. Do you feel…have you got a burden weighing you down? Learn how, by faith, to bring it to Him. Realize He means you.
( congregational response ).
If you”re weary and burdened. He just says, “…all you who are weary and burdened.” Are you a part of all? Yeah, so am I. This is simple stuff, isn”t it? I mean, how many times have we heard this scripture? But have we heard it? Have we really heard it? God wants us to hear it with our hearts, and say, yes, Lord. I”m willing to let go of my way and just put myself in your hands and learn.
And I thank you for the rest and the peace that You”re gonna increasingly impart to my heart. And I pray that other people will see it and experience that, taste it. And they”ll want what I have, because it isn”t a “what,” it”s a “Who.” Praise God! I”ll tell you, the Lord is so faithful to us. Think about…He”s looking for hearts but He”s longing to give every single one of us a deep rest in our souls. Are you a candidate for that tonight?
( congregational response ).
Praise God! Well, we have His promise, don”t we?
(congregational response ).
July 3, 2022 - No. 1552
“Learn From Me” Part One
July 3, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1552 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Praise God! I appreciate so much His mercy and His presence with us. I believe that God desires to do something special for His people in a time that is growing increasingly dark. We’re gonna need Him like we’ve never needed Him before. But I am confident, and I believe He wants us to be confident that He is with us and will be with us till the end of the age.
And He doesn’t want us to face life full of fear, full of uncertainty, full of all the things the devil wants to minister to us, but He wants us to have a peace and a rest. I had a…you know, last night was…we talked a whole lot about…what did we talk about? Praise God!
( congregational response ).
Being wholehearted, yes. That was a…this is very connected to that. And I had a scripture come to me, toward the end of the service, but I didn’t feel like it was time for me to get up and I believe the Lord ended the service exactly the way He wanted to, don’t you?
( congregational amens ).
Yeah. He did it, and that’s what we want. We want Him to lead and to direct what we say and who says it. And, it isn’t about personalities. It’s about the One personality we worship. You know, if He isn’t here, we’re just practicing religion. We need Him to be a resident Lord over His Body, ministering to us out of His heart and the Father’s will. And that’s my desire.
But anyway, I just was thinking about this and it really does connect to what was said and it’s a very familiar scripture in Matthew 11, beginning in verse 28. But I’m praying that the Lord will just make it fresh, make it relevant to where we’re at, because there’s a need.
I mean, we can affirm Scriptures like this all we want to and sing about them and say they’re wonderful and praise God that this is true, and, unfortunately, it doesn’t often connect to our daily lives the way God wants it to.
Jesus said these words, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (NIV).
Now I don’t think, if I were to ask a question, how many of you have just gone through today with perfect peace in your heart, there’s just been a deep rest and nothing has troubled that rest or interfered with it at all, it’s just been awesome? I don’t think I would get any hands.
So, I dare say we need some of what Jesus is talking about here, in a practical sense. He desires to bring us to a place where we can have a peace regardless of what is going on in our lives, regardless of what’s going on around us.
Now, how many of you believe that Jesus, in His earthly life, given all that came against Him from the devil, from the people, and ultimately His own crucifixion, how many of you feel like He went around with a feeling of anxiety, and, what’s gonna happen, and I don’t like this, and it shouldn’t be that way? And yet, every single one of us deals with that, don’t we, in one degree or another?
You know, I was thinking about this. There’s so much you could bring out and I’m just trusting the Lord to emphasize what He wants to emphasize, to make it fresh. But you know, one word jumped out to me. Now the first place, we asked last night, what does the Lord want from us? And you might…this might be an answer to a question, what does the Lord want for us? What does He desire that we experience? What does He want to give us?
And we can say, oh, He wants to take me to heaven someday, wants to forgive my sins, and all of that’s true. But I mean from a functional, practical, this is what my life…this is the characteristic of my life. What does He want for us? I would say…wouldn’t you say this is a pretty good picture, right here?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. Come to me. And the word that jumped out at me, as I was beginning to think about this, is ‘all.’ Now all…of course it is qualified by those who are weary and burdened, but I mean it’s not qualified by anything else. It’s not limited to the worthy. It’s not limited to people who haven’t done this or that, or this is wrong with them, or that’s wrong with them. This is just ‘all’ who are weary and burdened. I dare say that would apply, in some measure, to everyone here.
( congregational amens ).
We carry burdens in our lives. You know, we mentioned last night the Scripture about, “…casting all your care…” (KJV). “…Your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (NIV). And, I keep…every time I use this scripture, I have this picture in my mind from the old “Dick Van Dyke Show” and I know I’ve used this many, many times before, but he was a master of physical comedy, still is, I guess. He’s still around.
But he would walk out of the room in that show. And his wife would be telling him to put something down. Maybe that was the scenario. And so he’d put it down and he’d walk out and then his arm would reach back and grab it, and walk right out with it, in perfect harmony.
But you know, we don’t do it quite as a comedy routine. But the reality is we bring our anxieties to the Lord and then we take them away with us. And we just go right on. Okay, I cast them upon You. But if you cast them upon Him it means you’re not carrying it anymore. It’s His now.
It’s…I mean, how many times have you found the faith to have a real situation and a need, and somehow the Lord helped you to bring it to Him and then to walk away and say, Lord…it’s Your job now? This is what You told me to do. I gave it to You. This is Your battle, not mine. I’m not gonna worry about this anymore. I’m gonna go on about my business.
Man, that’s a place that God desires to bring us to. Is that not what His Word says? Do you think He gets joy out of watching us carrying life’s burdens and being anxious and angry and all of the emotions that we carry? Of course He doesn’t!
And yet, you see this verse…we’ve often used…heard this used, and I think it’s an accurate way to use it, that coming to Him to find rest is about salvation. Learning from Him is the Christian life. Well…if I could honestly say that I never have a burden and I never have a care, then I don’t need the first part of the verse, right? Yeah, we all need it! Yes, it’s true that there is a salvation rest, because if you are looking, if anybody who hears this is looking for a place of rest and satisfaction out of this world, you’re an idiot! Excuse my language!
( laughter ).
( laughing ).
You’re a fool! You’re blind, at worst. You ain’t gonna get it here. You know, we are in a world that is at war with its Creator, that is built on self and self-seeking! There is no way to ever acquire anything resembling real peace in the heart! If you’re living for yourself and what you can get out of this world, you might acquire a pleasant emotion for a short season. But it’s gonna be gone, and then you’ll feel more empty than ever.
Oh, my God, if there’s somebody here who’s in that place and you’re still on the fence and you haven’t really made up your mind, this is God’s invitation to you!
( congregational amens ).
Isaiah described the people of the world and he said there’s no rest for the wicked. “…No peace…for the wicked.” There’s no way to find…to fill the empty place, the void that God put in the human heart. He didn’t make you to live for self. You weren’t designed for that.
And when we do it it’s just like using something in the world for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed. It isn’t gonna work out. God longs to give peace to the human heart and as long as His direction is this way and you’re going this way, trying to find some way to fill that void, you will never, ever do it.
( congregational amens ).
Until you come and you lay every bit of your life at His feet and say, it belongs to You, it no longer belongs to me, you will never have peace!
( congregational amens ).
Oh, the peace that comes from being reconciled with God! Only Jesus’ blood, as we’ve sung tonight, only that can erase the sins that have separated you from a Holy God! Oh, praise God that we have a basis because of what Jesus did! For He could give such an invitation, come to me, I have the power to give you peace! I can make your heart so free as if you had never, ever sinned!
( congregational amens ).
Praise God! Praise God! Our guilt can be gone! That’s what the Gospel offers. But you don’t get it if you just…if you’re hanging on to this and hanging on to that. There’s got to be a surrender! You’ve got to come to Him with a free and open heart.
Obviously you can’t come and bring your burdens and hang onto them and expect what He’s talking about here. God wants to give you and me rest. But oh, it’s the same principle when we’re…we find ourselves in those places. God longs for us to take advantage of the simplicity.
I mean, we talked last night about how simple all of this really is. Isn’t this simple? You’re running in your own strength. You’re reacting like a person out of the world. It’s your human nature in charge, from a practical standpoint? Be honest about it.
If it weren’t your human nature, what is it? It’s not Jesus. Oh, it’s that bad devil! Yeah, but you’re listening to him. Jesus had to deal with a bad devil, too, a whole lot worse than we did, and yet there was a peace. Where did He get that peace? What is that peace? What is it, really?
It’s peace with God! It isn’t a place of just personal, self-centered satisfaction, somehow. This is what…this is coming into a place of harmony with our Creator, where we’re willing to surrender to the purpose for which He made us, in the beginning. Only He can do that.
I’ll tell you, when we come to that place of surrender and faith, we have peace with God, as Paul said so plainly. Do you have that? Oh, praise God! Praise God!
Boy, I’m in need of this. I mean, every single day there’s something. There’s something that gets to me. But you know, we’re…I’m trying to think how to say this. But the thought, very distinctly, came to me last night that virtually, everything that robs us of our peace, robs us of our rest, is because of something in us. Don’t you go pointing your finger at somebody else in your life and say, it’s their fault! If only they would stop annoying me then I would stop being annoyed!
( laughter ).
Well, is that how Jesus handled it? Did He try to rearrange His environment and the people He was around to straighten up and fly right so He could have a peaceful life? That’s not what it’s about, folks. God wants to give you a peace that will stand strong in the storm, and there will be storms!
( congregational amens ).
The reality is if we’re not at peace, there’s something here that God needs to set us free from. It’s that simple. That’s why Jesus said, “Take my yoke….” Yes, we need to come to Him, be willing to lay it all down. But we’ve got stuff to learn. We think we know so much. We think…we have so many ways of identifying the source of our trouble, and it’s always out there, somewhere.
And God says this is what I want to fix. I want you to have My peace. And do you think I’m enjoying watching you go around in a stew all the time, upset about this, and upset about that, and struggling, and fear and everything else but peace, everything else but rest?
Oh, He longs to teach us. We just don’t want to be taught. That’s the problem. We don’t like it. And we’re so quick when God does something in our lives to try to bring something to our attention that He wants to set us free from, man, we’re good at, like I said, at pointing the finger, and complaining to Him about that person and how they’re annoying us and whatever…it goes on and on.
You could apply this to every kind of emotion, every kind of situation. But the reality is, God’s looking in here and He’s putting His finger. That’s why I need to walk with Him. I need to have a walk with Jesus every day. Yoked to Him, there’s a connection that I’m not gonna walk away from.
You know, one scripture I thought about was from Paul’s testimony. I believe it was the third time he gave…well, you have the account of his conversion, when Jesus met him, on the road, revealed Himself to him and then he tells the Jewish Sanhedrin in chapter 22, I think, of Acts…26, I think he’s talking about…to a Roman ruler, or a ruler, anyway. And in that particular occasion, he said the voice said to me, “…Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against…” The pricks, is what it says in the King James or the goads or the…what do they call it…now what they have?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, anyway, whatever it is that you stick in a horse to make him go that way? Well, Paul’s life was defined by such a strong, religious, self-will that even God Himself, or Jesus Himself couldn’t prick him to make him go this way. He was gonna go this way come hell or high water.
But we are the ones who make our own trouble. Ooh, don’t tell me that. We are the ones who make trouble for ourselves by the way we react to the things that God designs and allows in our lives. Let’s let that sink in.
Quit blaming the stuff that happened ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, or whenever. Stop blaming the people in your life. You look in the mirror and say, I’m the one. Jesus experienced a lot more than you and I did. How did He handle it? Oh, yeah, but He was the Son of God! Yeah, He was a man, too. He came down to experience every temptation, everything that we experience. Did He not?
( congregational amens ).
Thank God, He showed us what it’s like to do that without sin. Thank God for the Lamb—the spotless Lamb! Praise God! But He doesn’t just say, learn from…I’m gonna give you a course in this. I’m gonna teach you the concepts and then you go out and do it. Learn from Me!
How did he do what He did? There was a…not just a union with the Father, in the sense that He agreed with Him. He did that. That’s a key right there. We fight God. So many times in our lives, He’s trying to do something, we’re fighting Him. We don’t even realize we’re fighting Him because we think we’re right, and He doesn’t have any right touching that. Or, it’s not really Him, or something. You know, there’s always some excuse to deflect. But see, not only was Jesus in complete agreement with His Father about everything…that’s a pretty good prescription for peace, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
He was in agreement with the Father, but He was dependent upon the Father, because the reality is even when we know what to do, we don’t have the power to do it! God wants us to take that place. It does something in us that nothing else can do.
You could get people to be religious and proud of it. But for us to take a lowly, humble, dependent, needy…the only hope that I can have is mercy, that is as contrary to human nature as you can get. But that is what salvation is about. Do we want to enjoy what Jesus is so freely offering to all? This is how it happens.
June 26, 2022 - No. 1551
“The Purpose of Hardship” Conclusion
June 26, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1551 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Every bit of what He did was for us. Like I said, you cannot get any more opposite from human nature than what God is seeking to do in us. How easy is it for us to turn the Gospel, so-called, into something that really is self-centered? If I’m not seeking earthly blessing, I’m seeking self-satisfaction. I’m spiritual. I’ve arrived at this particular level in my life, and it’s good. I’m just blessed. I’m soaring like an eagle over life.
And here’s Paul going out with the same spirit that was in Jesus. And Paul’s motivation…I think it’s evident from all of his writings, Paul’s motivation was not so Paul could become something great. I mean, Paul didn’t go out and say, boy, if I do all of this and I write all of these great letters, think what they’re gonna…history is gonna remember me! I’m gonna be the Apostle Paul! Wow! They’ll be preaching…they’ll be talking about me for centuries to come. Isn’t that awesome?
How many of you think that even entered into his mind and heart? Somehow, he was brought into such a knowledge of what the Gospel is really about and what being like Him is about, that he got his purpose for being, not by what he could do for himself, but what he could for others. It’s not about me.
It’s about allowing God to put to death those things in me that are not like Him, but for what reason? I mean, why, when he talks about the hardships, we can ask the question, why? Why hardships? Is it, simply, so God can make something great out you, as an independent somebody? That is not the picture you get out of God or His nature. It’s not that at all. Jesus came, not for Himself, but for others.
You know, you could do…if human nature, to the extent that human nature got in on this equation, you could be like Paul and go out and be so…and understand I’m supposed to be sacrificial. This is supposed to be about others and not me. You could do all of that and resent it. Wouldn’t that be kind of natural? Yeah.
And then, if something bad happened, you’d look up and say, God, I’m serving You. What’s going on here? I don’t get this. I just sacrificially gave of myself to so many others, and what do I get out of it, but more trouble, and suffering and whatever? Something’s wrong. I don’t like this kingdom. I don’t like this.
Your human nature ever kick in with thoughts like that and feelings like that? Sure. It does for all of us at one time or another. But oh, isn’t that the time we need to do what the scripture says and humble ourselves under His mighty hand and say, wait a minute? God, You know what You’re doing. And all this is revealing is how little that I am like You.
Think about Jesus and what He went through. Do you think, in any of what He did…as I say, none of it was for Him. He didn’t have to do anything to be who He was. He was already the divine Son of God. Every devil knew who He was. But He came down here to suffer all that He suffered for us, to the point of laying down His life, and not just laying down His life, but with suffering.
Now, do you think that He ever came to a place where He said, okay, Father, I get it. I know where You’re going with this, and I’ll go along with You, but I sure don’t like it. See, that’s kind of how we would tend to react, sometimes.
But my Bible says that it was, “For the joy set before Him he endured the cross.” (NIV). There was something that was so real to Him that He saw past all that was wrong with this world, its self-centered culture, the things that motivate people down here. He saw past all of that. The only way we can have an eternal kingdom where there will truly be peace and love and joy and all those things, all that’s got to be done away. And the only way I can do it is to do this.
But I don’t do it with resentment. It’s not like…I mean, you think about those for whom He did this. He prayed on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Have you and I always been grateful for what He did? The answer is no. No. There’ve been so many times when we’ve been uncomfortable with it, in one way or another.
And you think about the people of the world and the lack of gratitude, of having…being so blind to what He did for them, they could actually oppose Him and oppose us. Talk about blindness!
But how much of it afflicts us? And yet He, knowing what we were like, knowing how ungrateful we would be at times, He said, I’m doing this, and I’m doing it with joy, because I know how this turns out. I know the Father’s plan, and I am 100 percent with it. You know, God wants us to be 100 percent with the Father’s plan.
So, here was Paul, getting and understanding what Jesus was doing, and what motivated Him, and had given himself to God, and saying I’m willing to go out and spend…to spend and be spent, so that You can use me to spread this message of love and mercy to others. This is not about me. It’s not about what I will achieve for myself. It’s about what You can do through me.
How many of us live that way or think…even think that way? I believe the Lord’s helping us.
( congregational amens ).
I’m thankful for everything that I see Him doing and experience Him doing, but doesn’t God want to take us deeper? I mean, why in the world do we spend time wallowing under the devil’s oppression, feeling sorry for ourselves? Doesn’t that tell you that self is kind of at the center, right about then?
Wouldn’t the Lord be pleased if we would rise up and say, wait a minute. Not only am I a child of God, not only am I dealing with a defeated foe, not only do I have God’s promise and God’s provision to stand up against this and to resist it, and to stand fast like Paul says in Ephesians 6, but there’s a reason that I’m doing it that goes beyond what happens to me.
How many times have we read from 2nd Corinthians, chapter 4? That’s why I say I feel like I’m saying the same things over and over again, but I think we need it. I think I do. Paul talked about, to summarize what he said there, Paul talked about the amazing revelation that God gave him, what God had done for him.
But then he goes into a section where he talks about how he was persecuted. He was perplexed. He went through all kinds of difficulties, things that absolutely were an opposition that he had to go through. There were difficulties, the kinds of things he was talking about, the hardships that he was talking about to these people here.
He had to go through all of those things, and he didn’t say…I managed to get through, and here I am, God got me…it was none of that! This was someone who had such an understanding, such a vision of what God’s purpose, His loving heart and His purpose were, that he was able to say, I’m doing this, and I’m not doing it so I can be somebody! I’m doing it for you!
Death is working in me, but life is working in you, and that’s what it’s about! The entire purpose of my life is that God can so work in me that I become a channel of His life to somebody else.
That’s what the Kingdom of God is all about. I pray that God will get us to, bring us to a level of understanding where we get over the self-centeredness that afflicts us all, starting here. We quit complaining. We learn to lift up our heads.
I know we go through some of these things, and they’re real battles that we have to fight, and you can’t just sort of flip a switch sometimes. But oh, we need to see the heart of God in what He’s seeking to make out of us, and the blessedness of this.
You know, like I said, you could look at this and say, okay, I’m willing to even be sacrificial, oh God. It’s not really what I want, but I’ll do it anyway, because I know it’s what You want. So, okay, I’ll go along. Folks, God doesn’t want people to go along, God wants people who share His heart, who realize how His Kingdom works.
And so, here’s Paul saying God has put me in a position where I can actually have God so work in me that things of my old nature begin to lose their hold, and because they’re losing their hold, now He can work through me, and life can pour forth. Man, it’s worth everything for that to happen even if I have to get stoned for it to happen!
Whoa, that’s a measure of grace that most of us haven’t reached. But it’s there, and God wants to bring us to a place where our thinking changes. That is a ‘fur piece.’ For a lot of people, that’s a bridge too far. They’ll like a gospel that’s about them and making their life, especially if it makes their earthly life better and gives them a ticket to heaven. Whoa, that’s great! But this kind of thing where I lose my life, and the purpose of my life is not about me and what I can get and all the happiness I can achieve in this world. It’s so that God can use me as a channel to somebody else.
( congregational amens ).
That is a whole different ball game. How many of you believe God’s bringing us to that, and teaching us His ways? How many believe it’s worth it?
( congregational response ).
You know, I’ll just read some Scripture that I know we know, and kind of read through it. We used Peter recently, 1st Peter, but over in chapter…praise God. There are so many different places you could go, but let’s just look in chapter 4 and read some Scripture that kind of highlights this.
But I want us to see it freshly. You know, my prayer is that this won’t just be more information just regurgitated that we’ve heard before. But that God will actually impart something this morning that will give us the strength and the heart and will to do what He’s talking about.
( congregational amens ).
If it’s just words, we don’t need that! You can go read it. But we need God to speak! Here, now! And make this live in our hearts, give us a literal impartation of His Spirit! We need…you know, I remember Dave Wilkerson saying he didn’t want a visitation. He didn’t want a divine visitation. He wanted a divine habitation where God comes to live.
( congregational amens ).
That’s what we need. But beginning in verse 7, Peter writes, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply….” Above what? All, well, that’s kind of the most important thing, isn’t it? Why? “…Because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
Man, if you’re looking for anybody to be perfect around you, quit looking. I mean, if somebody’s trapped in a sin, we know we’re supposed to help them with a humble spirit. But if you’re trying…if you’re just constantly aware of people’s faults around you and fussing about it, grow up!
( congregational response ).
That’s not God’s love. “…Love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to….” Do what?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, so that I can be somebody. No, “…to serve others.” How many times have we pointed out that the body is composed of so many different elements? And not one of them is self-centered. Every part of the natural, healthy body is designed to perform a function that helps the whole body, and in turn, the rest of the body gives it what it needs.
Folks, that’s God’s economy, where we so live for other people, that we just become a part of something that is so much bigger than ourselves, and God builds it together. But He doesn’t forget about you. He just wants you to stop being so self-centered! Be like Him! Be like Jesus!
And I’ll tell you, when we…when that becomes the heart and center, the most important thing is, God, I want to be a channel of life to others. I want them to be better because I’m around them. Not because of who I am, but because You are in me reaching out. You’ve given me certain abilities and certain gifts, and my job is to use them, not so people will think better of me, but so that they will be strengthened. But in return, God is gonna be working in them, and they have gifts that I need. Everybody has what they need in God’s economy.
“…To serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace….” Stewards of God’s grace. That’s where you get what you have to offer anybody else. It’s got to be what He gives, “…in its various forms.”
And so, then he enumerates, “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.”
Now, do you see, in the context, the Scripture we often use? “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” You think Jesus was happy with the price He paid? The answer is yes.
( laughing ).
Yeah. The joy that was set before Him. There is gonna be an eternal…there is an eternal joy that fills His heart, that says it was worth everything that I went through down here, because of the result. And look at all the brothers and sisters that I have, that through Me, the Father has brought into fellowship with Him. He’s put away all of their sin. He’s given them a new life and a new heart.
And He’s preparing them so that we can walk together in a kingdom forever and ever as brothers and sisters unto our Heavenly Father. That’s worth everything!
But oh, our vision is so limited to what we’re experiencing in the moment down here! God, deliver us! And when the Devil whispers, and we’re tired, and we start yielding to that, God help us to wake up and realize why we’re here and what God’s seeking to accomplish, why these hardships exist.
“If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” We’re rapidly coming to that place in our society. “If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”
And so forth, and he goes on. I don’t want to read every little thing here but, he has this passage where he talks to the elders, and this is something I’ve used many times. I’ve used it talking to pastors overseas, because you’ve got this idea among so many that the elders are way up here somewhere, and here’s all the rest of the people down here.
And that’s not the picture Peter paints. It’s brothers who have a God-given responsibility to watch out for others. They don’t do it by commanding people and having a kind of a dominion spirit over them. They’re shepherds! They do it because they’re willing, not because you have to talk them into it.
They’re not lording over everybody, look at me, I’m big, you have to listen to me. This is one who leads by example and says, I want you to be like Jesus. And I’m not gonna just tell you about it, I want to live it before you. God, help me. God, help every one of us.
( congregational amens ).
We’ve got so much to grow…so much room to grow. But anyway, there’s this sense of, not of lording it over but of submission to the heavenly Father to fill a place that is one of service, and willing to pay the price, willingness to pay the price to do that.
“In the same way…” verse 5, “…you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders.” But in the same way as what? Why would he use that phrase right there? He’s just talked about the elders. “In the same way….” In other words, being an elder is one of submission. Your needs are more important than mine. You see? And I’m having…I’m having to yield myself to the Father’s plan, and so with others.
And so, every member of the Body of Christ has a place, but it’s always one where we’re here not to get, but to give, and to do it with the ability that God gives. God, help us to understand some of this, understand why the difficulties come. Satan’s gonna oppose you, in every way. But anyway, All of you…submit one to one another.
“All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” And this is where you have that Scripture. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
And then he goes into being alert, aware of the devil, and all he’s gonna do. Stand fast against him. Understand that everybody else goes through the same thing. Don’t sit there and say, well, I’m so bad. This is because of…you know, we listen to so many reasonings of the devil. You know, that’s all he’s got to work with?
( congregational amens ).
All he can do is accuse, and try to repackage you, and try to redefine you according to his terms, so you’ll sit there and…poor me, I’m defeated, I’m no good. I am a child of the King, not because of any natural qualification. He has qualified me to be shared with the saints in light. He has qualified me! He has! To Him be the glory! Devil, you have no right.
Isn’t it interesting, though, that when you go to that scripture in Revelation 12 that we’re so familiar with, there are three things by which we defeat him? It’s the blood. That’s the only answer I’ve got for sin. It’s what He did.
But it’s the word of my testimony. It’s got to be such a conviction that it can come out my mouth as a conviction. The Devil has no answer for that.
But there’s a third element there. Do you remember what that one is? We don’t love our lives unto the death, “…so much as to shrink from death.” Depending on the translation. See, there are things in here that have to die, and that’s what God is accomplishing.
But again, the purpose of all of that is not self-centered so that I can, then, be somebody spiritually in the Kingdom of God. It’s so that all these things that are hindering me from God’s purpose in being a servant to you, will be eliminated.
But that’s just as much true for you. If you’re one of His, if you’ve been born into this Kingdom, God has called you to a life of laying down your life, so that His life can flow through you to others. The form in which that takes will vary with the call of God, but every bit of it has to come from the grace of God!
I feel like God wants to get us to a place of greater freedom and greater understanding of His purpose. We’re coming into a meeting. I feel like, in a way, this has been scattered, but I’m just trusting God to get what He wants across. Do you get the picture a little bit? Is this making any sense at all? Paise God!
June 19, 2022 - No. 1550
“The Purpose of Hardship” Part One
June 19, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1550 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You know, I was very conscious, not only in my own spirit but in hearing about others, as how much the enemy has oppressed. I believe every time we move forward, every time the Lord begins to work in us, and we sense His working, the enemy goes to work as well. And, isn’t it something that even though we know and have heard so many times the truths relating to this, when it comes to real life, we still go right down into the same valleys?
And it’s like…you know, and my reaction to that is, well my God, here we need to preach the same things we’ve been preaching over, and over, and over and over again. And we do, but we need the Lord to really get in it, and intervene so that we can actually move forward. I believe we are. I believe He’s helping us.
But you know, we need to realize, again, how it works. Last week, I think, we talked about how God burns, puts gold in the fire, to burn away the stuff that isn’t gonna last so that the stuff that will, and is worth something, is purified. And He certainly is doing that. But Lord, we need to…we need to realize, I believe, in a deeper sense what it is that God has called us to, and to seek God.
And, it’s not just for ourselves, but for one another. I believe we’re doing that, but I believe God wants to take us further. We’ve had so many references, recently, to God taking us to higher ground. We need to know what that is, because there is a cost. There is a price to pay to serve God in this broken world.
When Jesus talked about following Him, did He not say that you need to count the cost? That was a very clear message. It wasn’t like, this is gonna be a breeze, this is gonna be…you’re gonna step out of a difficult world into a wonderful, glorious, easy, comfortable life and then you’re gonna go to heaven one day. It’s often the opposite. And we need to realize that, and I believe we need to grow in grace and with this understanding.
But I believe we need to see this whole business in a deeper light than perhaps we have, because everything about the Kingdom of God could not be more contrary to human nature. And it’s awfully easy for us to go along and not realize how much we are living and reacting according to the old nature. And God sees and He knows, and fortunately He understands and is very patient, with working with us and helping us to set us free.
And we come kicking and screaming a lot of the time. I mean, you think about…when I was thinking about it the other day, here I am. I’ve preached this stuff and here I am, listening to the wrong voice and sort of sunk down. What I’m thinking about, of course, is me. It’s all about…life is all about me, didn’t you know that?
( laughter ).
Yeah, this entire world, this universe, revolves around me. I mean, forget about you guys. No, but that’s human nature. That’s how we all think, when you break it right down. Even people that are known for their charitable works. If you really broke it down as God sees the motives of the heart, you would find self at the center, somehow. Whether it’s self-righteousness trying to make up for guilt, whatever it is, there’s something there where self is on the throne, or it’s seeking recognition for all this wonderful stuff I’m doing. God help us, and He is.
So, God’s gonna have to put something together or else I’m not gonna be up here very long. But anyway, my thoughts went to something that Paul taught and emphasized on his first missionary journey. You know, he and Barnabus, on that particular journey, set out. They were anointed. They were chosen of God.
It was by revelation they went out. I mean, God literally spoke, supernaturally. “Separate me Barnabas and Saul…” (KJV). I’ve called them to do something. And so, they set out on this journey, went from city to city, and began to preach.
And, because of God’s…I believe it was appropriate that wherever they went, they first went to the synagogues, because the promises of the Scriptures had been given to the Jews. It was never for them alone, but God didn’t want to just bypass them.
This is what the Old Testament has been about, was Paul’s message everywhere. And he went through and he said, we are preaching the fulfillment of what God spoke through all the prophets. And these words were sent to you and so we want to bring you the Good News of what God has done.
And of course, then he had to tell them what happened in Jerusalem and how their religious leaders rejected the One that was sent. They crucified Him. But God raised Him from the dead and we’re here to tell you all about it. And we’re here to preach a forgiveness of sins that you cannot find under Moses’ law. This is so much deeper. There is a putting away of sin, once and for all, through the Gospel, where you had to keep on going, time after time, you could never get a clear conscience through Moses’ law. But now, the promise of God has come.
And in every place, there was a division among the people. I’ll tell you, the Gospel is a great divider. When people hear it, they either say, yes, and they surrender to it, or they go their way, and they wind up among the lost. And so, in every place where they went, there was this division.
And, many of the Jews…some of the Jews would stick with Paul and learn more and others would get jealous of all the attention that Paul and Barnabus were getting. And so, first thing you know, there was persecution stirred up in every place. But in every place, Paul reached out, not only to the Jews who would listen, but to the Gentiles.
And they had crowds come in. One place it said almost the whole city gathered. And so, you had this dynamic going on of a message that divides and a persecution and opposition arising against Paul and Barnabus.
And so, they went…one of these occasions was when he was stoned, and left for dead. I mean, literally, how would you like to be preaching the Gospel and all of a sudden, they take you out and they stone you and it looks like you are dead? And then the crowd takes and drags your body out of the city and dumps it and leaves it, believing you have died.
Would it be worth it to serve God? Yeah, we say, yeah, because we know to say, yeah. But, emotionally that’s not so easy, is it? But here was Paul, willing to do that, and it doesn’t say anything other than the disciples gathered around him and he went up…he got up and went back into the city and continued to preach.
Seriously? I mean, this is an amazing call that was upon that man’s life. So anyway, they reached the point where, all right, this journey, we believe, has come to an end. And what they did was to backtrack through all the places where they had already preached and been persecuted, but they went back to encourage the believers.
They went back to appoint elders. I mean, you didn’t have this great, long, drawn-out process. These were brand-new Christians and, in every place, God was able to put His hand upon some that were a little bit wiser, a little bit more mature, and could help to watch over, like big brothers who were able to watch over others, and encourage them to walk together.
But one of the main messages that he said was recorded in Acts chapter 14. I don’t know how much scripture I’m gonna actually turn to, but we’ll see. Like I say, this is very…not organized, but that’s okay. So anyway, “They preached the Gospel in that city…” verse 21, “…and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.”
Now here’s the key that he…here’s the key message. What would you want people to know? What message would you want to leave with people in your encouragement, as to how to stand and what this is all about? His message was this: “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God, they said. Paul and Barnabas….” Then it says they, appointed elders, and so forth, “…with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord.”
But think about the essence of what Paul was saying. Think about how that contrasts with the message of what it means to come to God that you hear in so many places today. Come to God and you’ll be blessed. Your life will be smooth. God will prosper you, this prosperity gospel that is so utterly foreign to the scriptures.
But here is a message where if you’re gonna follow Him, it’s going to be a hard way. You will experience opposition! And you might as well get ready for it. It isn’t necessarily outward persecution, but folks, if we are sailing into and against the wind, should we not experience some of that?
We ought to be encouraged, rather than discouraged if we experience the opposition of Satan, however it comes. We should be saying, hey, Satan is concerned here. It’s not that he’s concerned about me as a human being. He’s concerned because God is beginning to get a little bit more of an influence in my life and I’m beginning to matter in this world.
You know, we are called to an amazing Gospel. And a lot of times we have emphasized how God has to work in us. There’s so much in us that is there, naturally, that is in the way, and it becomes a contest, in a way, where we have this brand-new life that’s imparted.
Like we said so many times, religion cannot do this. No form of self-effort can accomplish what the Gospel is meant to accomplish. I don’t care. We have to come to a place of surrender, of letting Him have our heart and our life so that He can change it, because He’s the only One that can.
But once we start down that road, the rest of our life you’re going to live in a world that is absolutely opposed, in every possible way, to what God means to accomplish. God has ordained that it be this way. This is absolutely central to what He means for us to be.
Now, I’m not saying anything we haven’t said many times before. But, I kind of want to take it a little bit further, if the Lord will help me. But you know, we’ve emphasized so many times how there are things in us that He needs to change.
And you know, you think about hardships and things that happen in the spirit. Many times, there are things that are happening in your heart. I believe there are people, right here today, and you’re struggling. And you’ve experienced a lot of pressure. And there’s opposition and Satan has planted thoughts in your heart about yourself and who you are.
( congregational response ).
Yeah, isn’t that kind of like normal? That’s where we’re at, folks, in so many ways. But you know, we think about hardships in the spirit are a little bit vague. It’s awful easy to go around and put a smile on your face and not be seen.
But I’ll tell you, you think about someone in the natural world and they’re having to fight through a storm. It’s like saying, if you’re gonna get to the destination I have for you, you’re gonna have to go through some storms. You’re gonna have some winds and waves when you cross the water. You’re gonna have hurricane force winds blowing against you at times. Yes, there’ll be times when it’s calm and quiet and peaceful, but don’t you be dismayed when the winds blow and the storms come.
You know, one of the things that I’ve found…the Lord seemed to draw my attention to it. It’s nothing new, really. But as I was beginning to feel some of the feelings that I know you experience as well, it was like, all of a sudden, I said, wait a minute! I’m a child of God! I am loved and chosen before the foundation of the world! I am seated with Him in heavenly places. Devil, who do you think I am? It’s not who I am, as though I am important. But it’s what God has done!
And here’s one of the things that we need to realize, is that when we are in those times when we are giving into…everybody can have negative thoughts, but when we sort of embrace them and begin to give in to self-pity, when we begin to give in to, oh, I’m so bad…I mean, that can be part of it. Oh, I’m such a failure. I’m this, I’m that. Who are we listening to? There’s a wisdom that is coming into our hearts and minds. Where is it coming from?
( congregational response ).
It’s coming from Satan, who of course, always tells the truth, doesn’t he? No! See, that’s the thing. You know, Revelation 12 talks about the accuser of the brethren, and we think oh, he’s accusing me of sin. This is an accusation that you’re worthless. You just proved it by what you just did. God couldn’t care about somebody like you. You’re a failure. You have no hope.
On and on and on and on the lies go, and the more we yield to that…and of course, the thing is, if you are already tired, as some of us are, we’re getting a little bit older and there are infirmities that begin to kick in. And now all of a sudden, you’ve got something else to deal with.
You know, I’ll tell you, right to the point where we turn up our toes, we’re gonna have things that will oppose what God is doing in our lives, and instead of those things being our enemy, God is actually using them to accomplish what He wants.
( congregational amens ).
But of course, when we’re in the middle of it we don’t see it that way. And so, we’re sitting there fighting. We’re sitting there fussing. We’re sitting there giving in. And, all of a sudden, all of our attention becomes focused on us.
And so, that was the thought…that was one of the thoughts that the Lord brought to my mind, particularly concerning me. It’s like, wait a minute! Let’s step back from this scene a little bit. I’m sitting here feeling sorry for myself, living in this little negative fantasy, whatever it is, whatever the particular issues were, and who am I listening to? And, what is he basically telling me that I am? He is absolutely attacking my identity in Christ!
The reality is, every one of us has shortcomings! Every one of us is, in ourselves, weak! Every one of us is unworthy. None of us does it, gets it all right all the time! But thank God that He has given us a perfect Savior!
( congregational amens ).
One who has taken every bit of that into account way before He ever saved us, knowing what our needs were! Oh, my God, what He’s done for us! We’ve got to step back and say, wait a minute! How did they overcome him? By the blood of the Lamb! It wasn’t by any virtue in me! And the message of the Gospel is, not that He has built a bridge that takes us almost to the other side if we can just build the rest of it. It goes all the way!
( congregational amens ).
But the price of going on that bridge is surrender…to where I recognize, I hear the call of the Gospel. It reminds me of what I truly am in myself and how much I need Him. I have no way to expunge the guilt, or the weaknesses or all the things that are wrong with me. All I can do is lay them at His feet and repent and turn around and say, oh God, save me. Give me a new life and a new heart. Do what is needed in my life. Lord, fill me with what You’ve given me.
Oh, what an answer for the devil—to the devil! And he’s angry! He knows his time is short! That was what the Lord was trying to give me a picture of. Let’s examine the players in this little drama here. You’ve got a devil who knows better than we do how perfectly he was defeated at the Cross and at the empty tomb! He knows his time is short! The scripture says in that very passage. He is angry! He’s, “…come down…having great wrath, because…” (KJV). Why? “… Because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Do you sense that in the world?
( congregational amens ).
We have a satanic spirit that is seeking to absolutely destroy this country, through division, and the world. So many things…I’m not gonna get off into that. But I’ll tell you what, we are in a world…the devil is absolutely throwing out everything that he can—every weapon that he can to destroy, to confuse, to do what he can while he can because he knows his time is short. Oh, I love the line in the old Martin Luther hymn. “One little word shall fell him”.
( congregational amens ).
Think about a tree that’s being felled. All God has to say is, it’s over! And he’s done! He’s done! He’s fulfilling a divine purpose right now. Oh, God’s sons and daughters are growing up having to learn how to stand, not because we’re anything in ourselves, not because what we can do in ourselves, but because of His grace, that we open our hearts to, and it fills us with something that he cannot stand against. Praise God!
But I’ll tell you where I fall down and I think all of us do, at times. I know we do. This is…none of this is for condemnation. We all experience these things. But oh, don’t we need to step back like the Lord helped me to do the other day and say, let’s look at what’s going on here?
Look at who I am because of what God has said and what He’s done. I’ve got to go by what He says, not by what the Devil says or what I think, even. I mean, if I look at myself, I’m not gonna find anything to find any…I’m not gonna find any basis for hope, or confidence. The further I go, the less confidence I have in myself, and that’s an awesome thing! Because it turns my heart to Him where my only hope comes from. And that’s a perfect hope! Praise God! Praise God!
And so now, I can come to a place where, instead of sitting there and just drinking and wallowing in those lies about who I am and how bad I am and how hopeless life is and what did I do to deserve this? And I’ve been trying so hard and it’s getting harder, it’s getting worse! Something must be bad wrong!
And here’s Paul going around saying, “…we must through…” many difficulties, whatever it was in that particular passage. Yeah, I got it right here, “…hardships…” ah, there we go. “…through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” (NIV).
Oh, I’ll tell you, those hardships drive us, if we react correctly, instead of driving us into depression or whatever, they need to drive us to the Lord and say, oh God, You know all about this. You know, we mentioned several weeks ago how in all these things God will always make a way—the Lord will make a way. Yeah. He always…that’s His promise. Oh, we need to be going to Him and rising up.
I think I’ve said this before but, how many times, if we’re really honest, and we’re in a hard place are kind of a little resentful? Now it’s quiet! Did I touch a nerve? Yeah, isn’t that a human reaction? Yeah, because after all, if the universe revolves around me and something bad is happening, that’s not good! And yet, in God’s economy, it may be exactly—it is exactly the thing that I need.
June 12, 2022 - No. 1549
“Gold in the Fire” Conclusion
June 12, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1549 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: You can’t fix Adam! You and I were born with Adam’s life, and you can’t fix it! It’s so corrupted, there’s only one thing you do, is kill it. But what He offers us is another life.
Have you ever experienced that? That needs to be the cry of your heart, that you come to a place where you know you have been born again of His Spirit. He has imparted the very life of God to you, shared it with you. You don’t deserve it. I don’t either, but He’s given me a brand-new life. Praise God!
Every life that’s part of this world will perish but this is a life you cannot kill! You go on, later on in this chapter, the end of the chapter and the beginning of the next one, it talks about how it’s immortal, it’s God’s own immortal life! What an amazing thing to possess! What is there in this world that you could possess that’s greater? Nothing! Nothing!
And that gives us what He’s talking about. He looks back to see what’s He done for us. He’s given us this new birth, but to what purpose? A living hope! That means I can come here this morning and it doesn’t matter what’s going on right now, in the middle of my life and what it looks like, what it feels like, I have a hope that goes beyond that!
( congregational amens ).
It isn’t dependent upon my perfect performance! It’s dependent upon a God who cannot lie! You read Hebrews 6 again, and you’ll read about a God who speaks, a God who cannot lie, who can look us in the eye and say, I have planted in your heart a hope.
And it’s not a just wish. We think of hope as a wish. This is an expectation of something that is as solid, that’s more solid than anything you see. It’s more real. I’ll tell you, we got to have something supernatural in here to have that kind of conviction. You can’t just psych people into this. I don’t want to psych anybody into anything. I want you to have an encounter with the living God…
( congregational amens ).
…where He will impart to you His own conviction, His own life on the inside, where you know that you know that you know that He’s real! And He will do it!
I know many of you know what I’m talking about. But if you don’t, oh my God! Cry out! It’s, “…a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (NIV).
What a glorious song we sang this morning about the power of what God did at the resurrection. How many times have we talked about all hell would have kept Him in there! And even His followers were completely disheartened. It’s all over, I don’t understand what’s going on. And a Roman guard standing there with a sealed tomb. And all hell, the unseen world, ganged up on him, having a party, saying, we have won! And in the face of that, God said, no…time to come out. And death itself could not hold him!
( congregational amens ).
In the natural course of events, every one of us is gonna wind up in a tomb. But this is a life that we saw come forth in Jesus Christ that you cannot kill! It’s real! Praise God!
That’s the…I mean, you can go back in history and look at that even from an intellectual standpoint and people have tried to do that, trying to disprove the Christian faith and wind up coming to faith because they couldn’t! God has given us so many witnesses. If there’s any honesty in a human heart, you’re gonna wind up with a conviction that Jesus Christ is real, that God’s word is real, that truth is real, that this world is gonna pass away and we need to be connected to Him.
( congregational amens ).
“…A living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead….” That authenticated everything that he had said, everything that God had promised. And the result of that is, “…an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.” Remember how Jesus again, talked about the treasures of this world and how they’ll pass away? But here’s a treasure that you cannot pass away. Let me ask you this, does Jesus deserve an inheritance in that kingdom?
( congregational response ).
You think? Yes. But we’re fellow-heirs. See, that’s God’s purpose. It’s not just for Him as an individual, He shares that with everyone who puts their trust in Him! He has the power to make us fully fit for that! That’s what life becomes all about, is getting us, taking us from what we were, transforming us on the inside, making us ready to inherit that for all eternity!
( congregational response ).
If you’re His, you have an inheritance, that no demon in Hell can possibly do anything about. Praise God!
( congregational amens ).
“…It can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you. Do you think the Devil can go up there and do anything about that?
( congregational response ).
He can talk…he can try to talk you out of it, discourage you, but that doesn’t change what’s true up there. God has done something no devil can stop. Praise God!
All right? Now again, who’s he talking about? “…For you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power….” Again, faith is not just some vague thing that I work up or come up with somehow. This is a supernatural thing that God produces in the heart, but it also releases God’s power into my life. And there is a protection, there is a shield.
In fact, doesn’t Paul talk about the shield of faith? Yeah, there’s something that stands between me and the efforts of the devil to take me down! And it’s not because I have anything, it’s because of God’s power! I don’t have any power, do you? I can’t stand up to any of this. But my hope and my confidence are not in anything that I am or that I’m capable of doing, it’s in Him! And He is faithful! That’s what Peter is conveying here. What an amazing picture. Praise God!
We, “…are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.” So, you see, Peter on the one hand talking about where we’ve come from and how we got here. God reached out in mercy to awaken us to our need, to bring us to a place where He could beget in us His life. And he points to the future and says, look what I’ve got for you. There’s nothing that could ever touch that!
All right, now you come back to the middle. That’s what this is about, because we need to understand both ends. Folks, if you’re trying to be a Christian in your own strength, you need to go back to the starting line. You need God to do something supernatural in your life. And I’m not talking about some spooky experience. I’m talking about a reality. You’ll know. You’ll know when God has done something down in here. There will be a witness of His Spirit and yours. But, praise God! In this, “…in all this you greatly rejoice…” And there’s the word though…
( laughing ).
…That follows that. Though. In other words, this is awesome. But there’s something you have to deal with that kind of gets in the way here that’s coming against that. Though. All right? Where was that…oh, there we go.
“…Though now for a little while…” Thank God, it’s only a little while. Like Paul said, you know…all this that I’m going through, it’s just for a little short time but what’s coming is forever. You can’t compare the two. How do you compare, eternity with a little bit that we go through? Of course, it doesn’t feel like that sometimes, does it?
“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.” So obviously, with a God that has prepared all of this, has planned all of this, this has got to be part of His plan, right?
Do you think this is just sort of happening? Is this happenstance? Is the devil kind of coming in here and saying, I get to mess up God’s plan, I get to fight against it? God has absolutely placed us in an arena for a purpose. And everything He is doing in us is absolutely central to where we’re headed.
But, it’s not only that, it’s central to us living here and being effective as Christians. I sense the Lord’s burden to get us ready. I mean, the stuff…the kind of stuff that we heard about with Brother Kumar is not just for folks some place off in another part of the world. We don’t know what God may call upon us to face here. With the spirit that is over-running our society and transforming our culture into an anti-Christ culture, don’t you sit here and think the American way of life is just gonna go on and on and on and on. We’re gonna to need something that’s real down here.
( congregational amens ).
And folks, if you’re trusting in Him and you’ve given your life and your heart to Him and your eye is single to Him as a source of truth, you’ve got what you need. And regardless of what we may experience in the flesh, what He’s given us is real and it will hold. Okay?
But then he goes into something that’s interesting. This is kind of what drew me to this passage in the first place. “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
God is gonna do something here to demonstrate how real He is and how great His power is, that there’s nothing here that can separate us from the love of God. Read Romans 8 again. Nothing can separate us. All the things the devil can throw at us, nothing is stronger than this.
Interesting that he compares our faith with gold. And you think of earthly substances…and gold would have to be near the top of the list of those that are pretty indestructible. I don’t care how hot the fire is, gold ain’t gonna suffer. Gold is gonna stand there. In fact, gold is gonna get purer, the hotter it gets its gonna get purer, isn’t it? You kind of see a little bit of an analogy going on here?
And yet, there is a fire coming. Peter talks about it, particularly, in the second letter. There is a fire coming that is so hot, gold itself will not stand up to it. Folks, you want to live for something in this world? Seriously? If even gold won’t stand up to it, what else will? That’s God’s Word, isn’t it? That’s sobering.
But yet, there’s enough of an analogy that we can understand something of what God is seeking to do in our daily lives. There are things, there are imperfections, there are areas of need. You know, we’ve talked about it so many different ways, how God needs to transform our mind and all of that.
But folks, there are so many things that we have…that have become a part of our life, part of our thinking, part of how we live and react, that just doesn’t come from God. And just like the impurities that you put gold in the fire in order to burn them out, we need things that will burn them out.
We don’t just sit in a seminar and God says, here’s what you need to do, here’s how you do it…good, I’ve got that. It doesn’t work that way anymore than if you bring gold in there and say, look, gold, get rid of that junk that’s in there so you can be pure. There’s a process that makes it pure.
And this is one we prefer not to have. But the reality is, if God is going to purify that amazing faith that He has put in here, it’s going to have to go through stuff. And it’s gonna have to stand up to something that’s very, very real. And that something is gonna have the power to burn up the stuff that God wants to get rid of in you and me. Anybody here got any of that?
( congregational response ).
Yeah. I mean, you think about how we sing on Sunday about all the wonderful things that we have in the Lord and then we go out and the simple circumstances of life, produce all kinds of reactions that don’t come from faith. We get angry. We get discouraged. We get…you go on, and you name all the things that we’re prone to. We react to so many things in life…discouraged, weary, hopeless.
I’ll tell you, we’re gonna go through life, God is going to deliberately bring us to places where we’re gonna need to stand in faith. The Word of God is full of those examples. Abraham didn’t become the Father of Faith by simply going to a seminar and learning about it. He had to stand up under real-world issues.
And I’ll tell you, there are places we get in this world, where God will be silent… seemingly. And a thousand voices will be screaming in our heads saying, it isn’t so, you’ve done something, you’re bad, God doesn’t…maybe God doesn’t even exist, this is all a fantasy! You’re gonna hear those voices. Everyone here has heard those voices.
And I’ll tell you, at that time, that’s when we need to ask God to keep our eyes single and say, God, I need Your help! God, give me the strength to stand and simply believe You even when it doesn’t seem like it, I don’t feel it, nothing! I have nothing to go on that’s natural. But I know what You put in my heart! I know who You are.
See, Abraham just didn’t believe…we’ve said this many times. He just didn’t believe what God said, he believed God!
( congregational amens ).
It was a character issue. I know the character of the One who has talked to me, and whatever He tells me is right! And then what an amazing demonstration of that faith came when God told him to sacrifice his own son. And he got to the point where the knife was raised and he would have done it. Phew! And he didn’t have the Bible!
We’ve got a God who will lead us in so many ways. You know, Brother Steve was telling me last night about going through some stuff and how the Lord brought him. God leads us along. You know, there are times when God leads us beside the still waters and in wonderful meadows. And there are other times He leads us in dark valleys, the valley of the shadow of death.
But what does David say based on his heart experience? He said, no matter where I’ve been You’ve been with me. You’re walking right beside me. I didn’t even feel that You were there. There were times in his Psalms that said, oh God, where are You? I reach out, I can’t find You. What’s going on? I don’t understand. But somehow, there was something God had placed in the heart.
Is that in your heart? It needs to be. God wants to give it to you. He wants to give you that anchor in your soul.
Think of Jesus, at His weakest point and the Devil comes and says, “…If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” What did He say? “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (KJV).
Now he didn’t say that when he had just finished a nice meal and was feeling good. He’d just finished fasting for 40 days, and he was hungry and he was needy and he was at his weakest point. But somehow, his eye was so single, that conviction of his heart was so real that he was able to say, these natural things are not what I live for. This isn’t what I go by.
You know, God can take care of those needs while we’re here, but there’s something that’s more important. I need to live by what comes out of His mouth.
( congregational amens ).
And I’ve got to say this again. This has to get beyond words on a page. I thank God for every word that’s on these pages. And we can search them, and we can read them. But it’s got to get beyond my intellectually…taking hold of what it says here and trying to cobble myself a religion. I need a living relationship with a very real God who talks to me!
( congregational amens ).
And so do you. Because I don’t live by just the natural resources, I live by what He says. And I’m not talking about some spooky experience, I’m talking about the fact, that many of you could testify to, you were in a dark place and suddenly, finally, God spoke. It wasn’t a long speech, but just a quick word. It could be three, four or five words. But suddenly peace took hold. And you knew that God was real and that His Word was more powerful than anything you were experiencing at the time. Folks, that’s the kind of a God that we need.
( congregational amens ).
That’s the kind of a relationship we need. God wants a people that will walk with Him because we’re headed into difficult territory! Just living in this world is difficult enough. But we need a God with whom we walk.
We need the same thing Noah needed when he walked with God and God showed him what to do and protected him and brought him through in spite of the condition of a world that was headed for judgment. We’re in that same situation today.
And the God who was with Noah, the God who was with Abraham is with us. And we need to be with Him. We need to be saying, every day, when those voices scream in your head, and wanting you to give up and wanting you to go this way and believe this and believe that, we just need to cry out and say, oh God, I believe You, help my unbelief.
( congregational amens ).
And sometimes it’s gonna take standing. Sometimes it’s gonna take just standing in faith because you know what He has said to you in the past. But I’ll tell you, we have a God who knows how to speak in the present when there is a need. You and I need Him! In whatever situation you find yourself in, that would cause you to do something other than rest and trust and believe in this God who has called you out of darkness into light, and has set before you a hope that cannot be countermanded, we’re gonna need to have a heart that looks to God, consistently.
We stand by faith, we look to Him, we know where our help comes from! And whether it comes on our timetable or in the way we think, we’re gonna say, God, I know who You are. I need Your strength. I can’t do this on my own, but Lord, I receive this.
Do you know the effect of that is the same as putting gold in fire? Do you know there are things in our lives that lose their power over us when we stand in faith when the fire is burning? God is literally setting us free. That’s what he’s talking about.
We read the end of this passage, “…Even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” You see the process there? See, Peter’s talked about the beginning, he’s talked about where we’re going, but now we’re in the middle, we are receiving something.
God wants to impart something to me that I don’t have! There is no other way but for me to have to stand in times of difficulty, and praise Him anyway, and just look to Him. But I’ll tell you, what’s gonna get me through is the same thing that got Jesus through. I don’t live by earthly provision, whatever it is. I need to hear from heaven.
You could tell me all this stuff, but I have one source of truth, and it comes ultimately from God. And I’m gonna listen, and I’m gonna trust Him to speak to me exactly what I need, when I need it, and that is gonna be the anchor for my soul. I’m convinced of who He is and that He is truthful and faithful. And no matter what you say, Devil, I’m gonna stand, and I’m gonna put my trust in Him and He’s gonna bring me through.
God is gonna take His people through. But He wants us to understand what’s going on right now. So that every single day, instead of…we’re allowing God to deal with us. We’re allowing God to bring circumstances to allow us to go through valleys and difficult places, and they will bring up the conflict between ideas that come from the other source, and His truth.
And what we need to do is to cry out to Him and say, God, I believe You and I’m gonna stand fast, and I am looking to You for Your strength. Give me the wisdom I need, speak, if it’s just a word or two, whatever I need to give me the confidence to stand in this time.
And I’ll tell you, God’s gonna to burn that stuff up that’s held you captive, and me. God’s got a plan for that. It ain’t gonna…it’s not gonna be here. You know, there’s gonna come a day when nothing that afflicts you right now that’s ungodly, it won’t be here. But God wants to do something about a lot of it right now. And He knows how to do it and He’s faithful to do it. Praise God!
So, I want to be…I want to have my eyes single. I want to have a heart that says, Lord, I know that I’m in need. I know how I got here. I know You called me even though I don’t deserve it. I know what You’ve set before me, but also know that You’re with me right now, and I need to hear Your voice. I just want to hear from You, Lord, because You are the only source of truth that I trust. Whatever this world tells me is gonna lead me to destruction, but I need You.
And I’ll tell you, there is a God who is faithful to His promises. He is faithful to you. It doesn’t depend upon your strength or wisdom or any natural quality that you have. You can be the smallest child who puts their trust in Him, and you are stronger than the greatest giant in the kingdom of darkness, because it’s not you, it’s Him in you. Praise God! Do we have something to rejoice in this morning?
( congregational amens ).
We also have things to be sober about and to realize where we’re at, and what God has laid before us and how we get from point A to point B. But I’m so thankful He’s going with us.
( congregational amens ).
He’ll never leave us nor forsake us. And He is faithful. To Him be the glory. Praise God!
June 5, 2022 - No. 1548
“Gold in the Fire” Part One
June 5, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1548 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Well, it seems like the Lord arranges every time I’m supposed to be up here for me to feel especially weak, and it seems like that’s kind of the way it is…the way it’s supposed to be, if we read the Word, because we’re not supposed to be running in our own strength, and I certainly don’t feel like I have any.
But I’ve had a lot of thoughts, and again I’m trying to, I’m asking the Lord to help me to bring them to a focus that He wants, to express His heart. And as is so often the case, I don’t know how much I’m going to say this morning that is truly new. But it’s not what’s new that we need, it’s what’s real, and what’s relevant to where we’re at.
And, I guess, as good a place as any to start is in the beginning of 1st Peter. And, you think about the man that God used, think about where he was when the Lord found him as a self-confident fisherman.
Some of you have seen the…that series of movies that have been made about the life of Jesus and the…and so forth. And, Peter is quite a rascal. I don’t suppose…I don’t think they’re off in picturing him that way. He was self-willed rascal.
And you think about what the Lord had to do to him and how the Lord was faithful to him, in spite of all of his human weakness, all that was wrong with him, and the catastrophic failure that he went through. And yet, God blessed him, brought him through, made him a pillar in the church, and a blessing to us yet here today because of his writings.
You know, if God can do that for Peter, He can do that for any of us. And we need to lift up our eyes and see who it is we’re serving and what this is about, and have a confidence. I mean, for people who knew what Peter had gone through, and to see him in the role that he’s occupying, encouraging and instructing others, with a confidence and with an anointing, what an encouragement that needs to be to all of us. And it’s what it certainly would have been to them.
So let me just read a little. I think I’m gonna go ahead and go against my instincts here and just read and then I’ll go back. It’s hard for me not to stop and comment every other word, but anyway.
“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” (NIV).
Wow, there’s a powerful, powerful picture of where we’re at in Christ, what He’s done for us, and how we got there, and where we’re going. And, of course, Peter’s focus in the middle of it is, okay, we see the past, we see the future, what about now? So that’s kind of where he’s coming from.
Now, just to set it a little bit in context. You know, different people have different places in the Kingdom of God. And Peter’s place was to minister to those who were Jews by birth. And so, when he talks about the exiles, he’s talking about people who were Israelites but lived in foreign countries.
How many of you remember that on the Day of Pentecost, there were people who had gathered in Jerusalem from many other countries? And they had been so assimilated in those countries that they actually spoke their language and so, the miracle of them speaking in all of these languages was very apparent.
But these weren’t Gentiles, these were Jews. And so, Peter’s ministry was to reach out to those who had been born as Jews and knew the Law, but needed to realize what God had done for them and how He had fulfilled everything that was foretold in the Old Testament, and now was coming to pass.
And all that had been hidden that the prophets themselves, he says later in this chapter or the next chapter…he said they hadn’t even understood it. But here, now, it’s being unlocked. In fact, he says it right after the passage I read. The Spirit that was in them didn’t realize, didn’t understand, they didn’t fully understand what they were prophesying. But now it was time for it to be unlocked, and revealed to everybody. And so, that was the hope that he was going forth to proclaim. All right?
So, who is Peter addressing? Who is he writing this to? He’s writing this to those, “…who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God.” And of course, I won’t say a lot about this. There’s a whole lot of debate in Christian circles about the relationship between God’s sovereign election, on the one hand, and man’s will and responsibility to respond on the other.
Well, the truth is in the middle. There is not a person alive in the history of this world who has the power, or even the inclination to come to God and surrender unless God works with the heart. We are dependent upon Him to come and speak to us and convict us of what is true, and of our need of Him.
But God does not simply come and overpower somebody and say, I pick you and I don’t pick you, and you don’t really have any choice in the matter. We have a responsibility to respond. And God knows, God knows ahead of time those who will. And so, He works in harmony with what He knows.
But I’ll tell you, we have a responsibility. And yet, isn’t it an awesome thing to have the security of God’s overshadowing choosing? Thank God! I want to be one of those chosen. Praise God! I don’t begin to deserve it, but He has chosen.
And I just praise Him, because that’s my security. It certainly is in nothing I can find in here. It’s in His heart and His purpose. Folks, if you are His and you know you’re His, wow, you have something to shout about this morning.
( congregational response ).
I don’t care what’s going on in your life, what you’re experiencing…even if you were experiencing all the things Brother Kumar is experiencing, we have reason to lift up our eyes and to rejoice because of what God has done.
But it’s interesting how he characterizes this. The foreknowledge of God, but it’s, “…through the sanctifying work of the Spirit.” What is he talking about? This is how it happens, in other words. God has to go to work on the heart. What does sanctify mean?
( congregational response ).
It’s to set apart. Because you have a human race that is marching like lemmings toward a cliff, toward certain destruction. There is no future for this world. I don’t care what you try to do, what mankind tries to do. He can go conquer the stars if he wants to, if he thinks he can. Nothing is going to alter the future of this first creation, which we were born into.
Folks, we need God to rescue us completely, and it is because of the influence of His Spirit that begins to set one apart who responds to the voice. You remember how Jesus said, “All those the Father give me will come to me.” But in the same passage, He talks about those who have heard His voice. There has been an influence of God and those who have heard and responded to that, they’re the ones that have been literally set apart from the destination of everyone else in this world. Praise God!
Oh God, just continue that work. I don’t even know what I need. But I serve One who knows what I need and loves me in spite of everything that is wrong with me, and that’s a bunch. Praise God! That’s true of you, too, though. Praise God! The sanctifying work of the Spirit! God is going to continue to set people apart.
And I want to challenge people. Has God ever set you apart? Has God truly become so real to you, have you heard His voice? Has He become so real to you that that seals your destiny and you have turned from a different path, the path in which the world walks? But now you’re walking His path and you’re looking to Him and you’re trusting in…you see past all of this world and all that it seems to offer. I’ll tell you, if that doesn’t happen, that’s beyond serious—that is beyond serious. This is real, folks. But only the…only hearing His voice can do that. Praise God! Praise God!
And of course, the result of this is not just a mental acknowledgement of certain ideas, there is an obedience that comes with this. Do you remember when God spoke to Abraham, what was it that set him apart? He believed God, but he didn’t sit there and say, yeah, I believe You. He packed up and obeyed.
Folks, we need to have a heart that we allow God to mold so that we become…so that our values change. Everything about us changes. That’s when God sets somebody apart and they become His and not their own.
You know, there’s a…I just, it seems like I come into this…almost a sense of conflict, in a sense. Lord, who is this focused on, because I’m aware that there are saints who are in need of encouragement and instruction. But there are always people among us who need what we’re talking about and don’t know what I’m talking about. They don’t have a clue. I just pray that God will speak. But I also pray that when He does you will listen!
( congregational response ).
And realize who it is that’s talking to you, because…well, I’m jumping ahead in a sense. But one of the words that’s gonna come up in this passage is faith. And if you listen to a lot of people’s ideas, particularly unbelievers, who are looking on and they’re seeing all this…people talking about faith. To them, faith is just a blind belief, and ideas that just make us feel better about life. We’re trying to cope with life, and it’s scary. And so, we just latch onto some ideas that somebody found in a book, and we just blindly make up our ideas…I’m gonna believe that. That doesn’t even come close to what real faith is.
( congregational response ).
That doesn’t even come close. I’ll tell you, faith is a supernatural gift of God, that happens in the heart of a believer who listens to the Word of God and embraces it from the heart. God literally imparts a life force into you that gives you a conviction that will hold!
( congregational amens ).
Folks, we need that conviction in this hour like we have never needed it before. Folks, if you don’t have that, you cry out to God, because there’s a God who said, who promised that if we would seek Him with all of our hearts, we’d find Him. He is not looking for any to perish. There’s a heart that reaches out to anyone that will listen and humble themselves and reach back. God wants to impart to you a gift called faith. And it is a supernatural ability to trust God and to surrender your life into His hands and to know that there’s something beyond this world. Praise God! Praise the Lord!
I’ve had so many thoughts come and so many scriptures…praise God! Lord, You organize this, because I haven’t got it organized, but that’s all right. He knows what He wants to say. But always, I have this sense that I’m talking to two classes of people. I’m talking to people that’ve not come to this yet.
How many times have we seen, over the decades that I’ve been a part of this church…we’ve all seen? Young people grow up in the church, and to all intents and purposes, they’re just flowing with us and believing what we believe, and yet they grow up to a certain point, and they choose to go the way of the world.
Folks, we’re gonna have to listen. We’re gonna have to hear the voice of God. There are only two sources of wisdom. And we live in a world that is ruled over by the powers of darkness. There is a kingdom here whose absolute aim and purpose is to destroy…to steal, kill and destroy everything that God has set out to do. And they use every trick in the book, to make the wisdom and the appeal of this world seem to be the reality that we live in, that we need to live for!
And we need a God who can break through that darkness and show us the truth. There are only two sources of wisdom. And you’re either gonna get it from God or you’re gonna get it from the world. And we live in a world…how many times have we said this? But it needs to be constantly emphasized. We live in a world where darkness and deception are flooding this world like never before.
( congregational response ).
Folks, we need to be so grounded in what God says, that we are able to recognize what’s going on and where the wisdom is coming from. You can’t just listen to your worldly friends. You’ll have worldly friends that say, I’m a Christian. And they’ll give you wisdom that comes straight out of the mouth of Lucifer sometimes. Folks, we need to be grounded.
And as we’re going forward, we’re gonna need something that’s real, because we’re going to…we are on a trial here. I guess that’s what’s going on. The Lord is gonna make manifest those that are His and those that aren’t. And I’ll tell you, you don’t have to be strong or smart or a whole lot of things to stand in this. We just need God.
( congregational amens ).
It’s all based upon Him. But I’ll tell you, if we are going to be self-willed, if we’re gonna just listen to this and listen to that and not really focus on Him, we’re gonna be in a world of hurt. It’s interesting…I’ll just refer to these, to some of these scriptures that we read about in the words of Jesus. He warned at one point, about those who would seek earthy wealth. And He says, it’s all gonna burn up. You need to seek for heavenly wealth. You need to seek for that which will not pass away. “…Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
But it’s interesting what He goes right on to say about the singleness of your eyes, or the health of your eyes, depending on the translation. Folks, what we are looking at, what we are considering to be the source of our truth, quote-unquote. Everybody has their own today. But there is only one source of genuine truth, and His name is Jesus, and He was sent to give us the knowledge of God’s will, God’s purpose, and to open up a way where we can participate in that.
But oh, I’ll tell you, you can’t come here and listen and say, yeah, yeah, and then go out and listen and follow your own heart and follow your own ideas and the wisdom that’s coming in from the news media and the education. And today’s education, so much of it is corrupted. You go to most colleges today and you’re gonna be brainwashed with a philosophy that hates God.
You’re gonna have to…if you go, you’re gonna have to have something on the inside that will hold you. You’re gonna have to have an anchor for your soul. And you’re gonna have some battles if you try to go into some of those places. They don’t want you there, some of them. I know it’s not a hundred percent bad everywhere. But I’ll tell you what, the world is being overrun with doctrines and ideas and things to live for that have entirely to do with this world.
And everything that they talk about will pass away! Or else, Jesus is a liar! He didn’t mess around when He talked about it. But oh, how He talked about the need for our eye to be single! Is your eye single? Not just when you come in here, but when you deal with the day-by-day issues of your life, is your eye single?
That is, I know where, I know who I need to be listening to. I know where my wisdom, my true wisdom comes from. I know where truth comes from. And whether I feel it, or whatever is going on in my heart and my life, I am committed to Him.
You know, we used the Scripture recently about seeking wisdom, but not having a divided heart, not having a heart that’s uncertain which way it wants to go, like we want God to lay His cards on the table and then we’ll decide. This is an absolute commitment. God, I know…I know enough about You to know that I can trust You absolutely.
( congregational amens ).
Nothing short of that is faith. Nothing short of that will get you through this world. That’s world, that’s the situation we find ourselves in. And God has arranged it because, you see what we read about, the incredible…incredible picture of what God has done and where we’re going with that! It’s just amazing, it’s beyond belief, that He could take people like me, and you, and give us anything to hope for. Thank God! Thank God!
Thank You for the sprinkling of the blood that means that the sins that I committed that separated me from a holy God, He took care of it! I could do nothing about it, but He did! Oh, what a heart! I can trust somebody like that.
You know, I remember my dad witnessing to somebody way, way back. I guess this was before he even met my mother. And, his comment to somebody who was kind of an unbeliever said, you know, I can trust somebody who died for me. Simple statement. But it’s exactly the truth. Somebody who’s willing to do what He did for me, how can I not trust Him completely? How can I not put my faith in Him?
And I’ll come back to this. I want to drop this in again, because just hearing about this and saying, oh yeah, they believe it, it must be so. I don’t want anybody here to ever have second-hand faith! God doesn’t want you to have second-hand faith! Doesn’t want you to do anything on the strength of what I say or what anybody else says. God wants to be real to you personally and He will if your heart is open to Him and you’re reaching out to Him.
You will have a source of knowledge that the world cannot give you, no university can give it to you. There is a wisdom that God can impart to the human heart that is stronger and more lasting than everything this world can offer you.
And even though, many times, it leads to difficult circumstances, like we saw Brother Kumar’s experiencing right now, even though, it leads to death itself in this world, it’s worth everything to know Him! Because this is not the end! This is gonna have an end, but this is not the end for those who put their trust in Christ. This is only the means to an end. Thank God!
“Praise be to the God and Father…” in verse 3, “…of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy….” That’s the only ground I can stand upon today. I cannot begin to come and say, God, I’m a good guy, You ought to receive me.
Are you willing to come on the ground of mercy? Or, do you have so much pride that you’re just not willing to come down and realize you need Him as much as the worst murderer, sinner, dictator? You need Him as much as Hitler did. So do I. There’s nothing that we can offer to Him. It is on the ground of mercy.
Are you willing to come that way? Because that’s the only ground we can come on. God, I couldn’t possibly deserve it, but You have offered me mercy and I am willing to come on that ground. I renounce any claim to goodness. I just come because You have offered me mercy. To Your name be glory and praise!
( congregational response ).
But He’s given us a new birth! Folks, how many times have we said, you can’t fix this? You can’t fix Adam! You and I were born with Adam’s life, and you can’t fix it! It’s so corrupted, there’s only one thing you do, is kill it. But what He offers us is another life.
Have you ever experienced that? That needs to be the cry of your heart, that you come to a place where you know you have been born again of His Spirit. He has imparted the very life of God to you, shared it with you. You don’t deserve it. I don’t either, but He’s given me a brand-new life. Praise God!
May 29, 2022 - No. 1547
“A New Heart” One Part
May 29, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1547 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: I confess, I was waiting for Brother Steve to come up, and he’s sitting there saying, oh no! He shared a wonderful thought with me before the service and I thought that he was going to feel free to get up, but maybe this isn’t the time. I don’t know. But, I just, I’ll share the germ of a thought.
I don’t know how long this is gonna go. It may just…it may be just something short. But Steve was mentioning something about the heart and how critical it is that we be turned to the Lord. It’s a very simple thought.
You know what the Lord is looking for from each of us is a lot simpler than we often make it. You don’t have to be a theologian to be a Christian. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar. You don’t have to have a long doctrinal statement and just get every little thing in exactly the right place. God is looking for a certain kind of people.
And you can be one of those people if you’re very small, very weak, don’t have any strength, don’t have any human resources. In fact, you’re better off if you don’t. If you have human resources that the world values, the chances are about 100 percent that if the Lord brings you to Himself, He’s gonna have to do something about that, because, we can’t come into the Kingdom of God and function based upon what we are naturally. We just haven’t got it. And, the sooner we realize that, the better off we are, the freer we are.
What a burden it is to carry the idea with us that I have to come up with something. I have to be strong. I have to measure up. I have to do this and not do that. I have to know this, and oh my God, I didn’t know that! Lord have mercy! You’ll wear yourself out!
And the Lord is looking for the simplest of things from every single one of us and it’s simply our hearts. And I thought of, as Brother Steve was sharing what he shared…I won’t go to the scripture that he particularly used, but it reminded me of something that happened be in my Bible reading today, and it had to do with the life of Asa.
And Asa was one of the early kings of the Southern Kingdom. You remember how Solomon went off track and because of that, the Lord allowed the kingdom to split? The northern tribes went off and did their thing and never did serve God after that. A remnant, interestingly enough, a remnant of the people in the north that actually wanted to serve God migrated south, became part of the Southern Kingdom.
And, where they had serious ups and downs, they had some kings that did serve the Lord. And Asa, at least for a while, was one of them. And early in his…ministry…his kingdom, he faced a tremendous challenge from…I think it was the Cushite army…I didn’t look up any of this, so I’m kind of getting back into what I read this morning. But basically, he faced an incredible army.
It sounds a lot like Jehoshaphat. You know, we talk about that particular incident in the scriptures. This was sort of like that…an overwhelming force that came against him. And Asa, in 2 Chronicles 14, verse 11, “…called to the Lord his God and said, Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.” (NIV). That’s an interesting thought. I mean, you think in terms of a great battle, but every one of us fights battles. If you’re a kingdom…if you are one of His children, if you’re part of the Kingdom, you’re in a battle!
( congregational response )
If you’re His, you have battles. This thing we call the Christian life is not a cakewalk, as we say, it is warfare. And the warfare is not against flesh and blood. It’s not even against, entirely, against our own nature, although it certainly is, we absolutely war against the powers, and they’re very real, that rule this planet.
Do you see them getting loosed and more and more in control of people? Every single day the headlines tell us that. But anyway, the thought out of this particular scripture, at this point, is a very simple one. Do you feel powerless tonight?
( congregational response ).
Yeah! I think we can all put up two hands, if we’re honest. If you’re thinking about things that God seemingly requires of us, we are powerless. So, God is not looking for power from you, or me. That’s a freeing thing, if we can realize it. He’s not looking for any kind of, like I say, human resource from you. So, if you’re weak, that’s not against you, that’s actually for you.
“Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” Whoa! That’s a strong prayer, isn’t it?
( congregational amens ).
That’s a good one. We can come in the spirit of that in a lot of situations…as we gather as a church and we sense the devil trying to come against us in some fashion, trying to divide, trying to bring down.
You know, Sunday we made a point of praying one for another and resisting the devil, because we are in these battles. But you know as we do that, we need to realize that we’re not just sort of throwing words into the wind. We are talking about a very real God who has won, through His Son, a very real victory that He wants us to experience in a very practical way!
But oh, does He respond to a heart that says, oh Lord, You are our God, we rely upon You! I mean, it’s more than just a doctrine. This has got to be something that proceeds from your heart, not just from your lips. These are not magic words.
But if this represents your heart, then that is everything, folks! You are in a position above the greatest theologians on the planet, the most religious people, the strongest, the wisest. God didn’t call that kind, did He? He called the weak and the mighty…I don’t guess the mighty. He called the weak…don’t mind me, just don’t get old.
( laughter ).
He called the weak to show up the strong. You remember the scripture anyway, in 1 Corinthians chapter 1. And, how God chooses the weak things of the world, things that are despised, to bring to…things that are.
( congregational response ).
That’s right. To bring to nothing things that are. Because everything we have is what we have in Christ, and that absolutely levels the playing field. We may be different in our function, in our calling, but everyone who is part of the Kingdom of God stands on the same ground! It’s the ground of what God did through His Son, and if we rely upon that, we are in a position of strength, in this hour, regardless of what happens in the world around us. Folks, that’s what God is looking for and I pray that that describes you tonight.
( congregational amens ).
Because if it is, boy you are in a favored place. So anyway, you go on and you read how God struck down the enemy and they had a tremendous victory. And down in the next chapter, “The Spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded. He went out to meet Asa and said to him, Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.” That’s real simple stuff, folks!
( congregational response ).
We’re living in a world of people with divided hearts, at best. At best! How many people in the world want God, in some fashion? I mean, many are just turning altogether. But I mean, even those who are religious and want God, in some fashion, many of them—most of them, I would say, are hanging on, in some way, to their own life, their own will, their hearts are attached to things in this world, and the devil has a wide-opened position—he’s in a wide-opened position to absolutely bring them…bring people down, bring people into total captivity.
Folks, I want to be in that safe place. There is a place of safety. There is a place where I don’t care how small, how weak you are and what happens to you in this world…they could kill us, and we’d be the winner for it!
( congregational amens )
Because, we serve One who’s already defeated death! Death is not our enemy anymore!
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, sin and carelessness and a divided heart, that’s the greatest enemy that anyone of us could have. We need a heart that says, God, I am Yours come hell or high water, sink or swim, I’m Yours, Lord! Just take my heart and mold it. Give me that new heart that You promised, that’s really…that is the heart, literally, of the New Covenant.
Oh, what a better Covenant that is than a bunch of laws that we can’t keep anyway. But a new heart and a new spirit that God supernaturally puts in us? Man, that is everything! And you’ve got everything that there is if you have that! And you lift up your…you lift up your heart to God…if you’re feeling your weakness tonight, you lift it up and get your eyes off of that, onto the One who gives you strength.
( congregational amens ).
I’ll tell you, one of the things I’ve had to learn, in a new way, I think, in a deeper way. It’s something that I’ve known for years, theoretically…that’s our problem, we know a lot of things, but to learn them? One of the things I’ve learned is what Paul learned in 2 Corinthians chapter 12, that, “…when I am weak, then I am strong.”
It’s one thing to say, I’m weak, but I guess it’s okay. I know, God, what you said. I don’t like it much but…you know, think of how Paul reacted to that. He came to the place where he gloried—gloried in his weakness! You want to find something to boast about? That’s not human nature, is it? But folks, I am so glad tonight to tell you that I am weak and helpless in myself!
( congregational amens ).
But I’m gonna tell you, I’ve got a mighty Savior! I’m not trusting in what I am. I don’t care what your need is tonight. God will meet your need and He will draw near to you if your heart gets undivided, if you’ll just give it to Him. What are the issues that the devil would use to pull on your heart and say, no, you need to be attached to this? You need to be attached to this. You need to worry about this or worry about that. Give it to God!
( congregational amens ).
What did he say in 1 Peter chapter 5, was it? “Humble yourselves…under the mighty hand of God…” (KJV). And He will lift you up at the proper time. I’m paraphrasing a little bit. But then he also says…I can’t even remember what he says now.
( laughing ).
( laughter ).
Yeah, the next thing is, “Casting all your care…” Casting how many of your cares?
( congregational response ).
“…All your care upon him…” Cast them upon Him! Praise God! Just, here it is, Lord, I’m not gonna carry that anymore. That’s up to You. You handle that.
We aren’t very good at doing that. We’re very good at affirming that idea, but doing it is another story. But oh, God wants us to be free! Are you free tonight? We can occupy a place of freedom.
And, as I say, I think the Lord has helped me, in a measure, this year. I’ve experienced a lot of weakness, and yet, I feel more peace than I’ve had in a long time. Just to say, Lord, it’s okay. I get it. I see what this is doing. I see what it’s about. And I’m thankful to You for it. Lord, I’d like to feel differently. I’d like things to go differently, but, the thing that matters most is my heart and Your plan and what Your purpose is. It’s not so that I can be something. It’s so You can be something in and through me. That’s the only thing that matters.
Oh, God wants to take our lives and make something out of them, but He needs our hearts, doesn’t He? Praise God! Praise God! Well, you know Asa went along pretty good for a while. He responded to what the Lord had said and anyway…I haven’t read all of this…I guess I went through it this morning, in a different translation. But anyway, toward the end of his life things changed. You know, I want to finish well, don’t you?
( congregational amens ).
We have a tendency to kind of let down, and kind of go off a little bit when we get older. God wants us to be stronger in our spirits as we get older, even when our flesh gets weaker. Do you know we can if we’re willing to humble ourselves under His hand and say, God, I want Your program? I want Your plan for my life, whatever it is. Whatever it is, Lord, do what You have to do in my life to make me what You want me to…that’s the only thing that matters! I don’t care what your heart is attached to in this world, it will burn up!
( congregational amens ).
It’s so simple, but we don’t see it that way! God wants to open our eyes to where we can say, nothing here really matters! Yes, I have responsibilities. I’ll take care of them, but that’s not where my heart is. Didn’t Jesus say, where your heart is…or, “…where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” I got it backwards. Praise God! I think Jesus knew what He was talking about, didn’t He?
( congregational response ).
So anyway, we come down toward the end of Asa’s reign, and all of a sudden, he has a problem with the Northern Kingdom. They come attack him, and things aren’t looking so good. So, what does he do? Does he run back to the Lord and say, oh Lord, this is your battle? No, he didn’t do that, did he? He made his own plan.
He got a bunch of the treasures that belonged to the kingdom and shipped them off to a heathen king and said, hey king, we need some help here. Here’s a bunch of gold and silver. Will you please change sides and help us against this enemy? And he said, yup, I’ll do it. And so, he came and absolutely he attacked the enemy, the Northern Kingdom, and the battle went the way it was supposed to.
Verse 7, “At that time Hanani…” (NIV). This is in chapter 16. I don’t think I said that. “At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.
Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand.” Real complicated stuff here, isn’t it? “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
( congregational amens ).
What a simple principle! I’ll tell you, if people understood the real heart of what God was saying, through the prophet right here, wouldn’t everything kind of fall into place? The answer is, yes. Praise God!
Is your heart divided? You know, we’ve mentioned, several times recently, we’ve called attention to that scripture in James, where James asked, does any of you lack wisdom? Well, what was the principle that was enunciated there? Yeah, you better…if you’re…basically, to paraphrase, if you want God’s wisdom and you’re asking it, even if you ask Him, you better ask with an undivided heart.
Because…I’ve said this…I’ve put it this way several times, who are we to think that we can get God to lay His cards on the table? Here is my plan. Can I get You to agree to it? Who are we…
( congregational response ).
…To have a plan, is right, but to question the Almighty God? And it’s not just that He’s so great and grand, but that He’s a loving God. He’s revealed the kind of a God He is, that all…that His heart is for us, to bring us to the greatest place that anybody could ever reach, and here we are, needing wisdom, and we’re basically saying, I’m not 100 percent sure I want His plan. I’m asking for wisdom here, but I’ve got my ideas, too.
God, I want Your plan, period! And I want it in such a sense, my heart is so pure about this, I agree to it before I even know what it is. That’s faith. That’s trust. Do you trust Him that much?
I’ll tell you, if we will open our hearts as He begins to deal with us, He will begin to give us the ability to do that. You know, the heart is something that needs to be molded, and we need to learn how to walk in truth and in victory. But I’ll tell you, God…I mean, you and I…the heart we’re born with is wicked, isn’t it?
( congregational response ).
There’s nothing good about it. And if you think differently, God has to open your eyes. You don’t see yourself as God sees you. I’m so thankful He loves us anyway, aren’t you?
( congregational amens ).
But oh, my God! We need to come with our heart and say, God, I don’t even see my…I don’t understand my own heart. I don’t trust it. Didn’t Solomon say, “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool.” (KJV). Whoso trusteth…you know, you listen to Hallmark…follow your heart.
Well, I like some of their movies, but I see past a lot of their theology, if you want to call it that. Praise God! I need to follow His heart. He’s got the heart that knows everything, loves beyond my ability to imagine, and is He not worthy? We sang the song. Is He not worthy of our trust? Is He not worthy of just handing our hearts over to Him, and giving Him a blank check to do what He needs to do in our lives?
Wouldn’t that be a good thing, right now, just to be able to say, Lord, here’s my life, here’s my heart? Take it. I give You a blank check. Do whatever it takes to make me what You have designed me to be so that I can be that with You forever! One day you and I will walk with our Savior, in a brand-new creation! He will be forever our elder brother and together we will worship God…
( congregational amens ).
…From whose heart all of this came! But oh God, May He lift our vision from all this nonsense that’s going on in this world, and all the things that would appeal to us, on the natural level, and say, God, I want my heart undivided! Give it to me! Work it in me! Do whatever You need to do! Praise God!
I wasn’t even planning on getting up tonight, so maybe that’s all that’s necessary right now, and maybe there are others who will weigh in. But, what a simple thing, isn’t it?
Sometimes I think the devil tells us we just need that other secret little revelation. Maybe that’s the problem. I’m missing out because there’s some secret, wonderful, new revelation that God’s gonna give, and then we’ll be able to…He just needs our heart! Praise God! You can chase revelation all you want to. If God says something real, that’s one thing. But I don’t need to chase secret knowledge. I just need Him! He has everything I need! He is everything I need! Whatever I lack, He is!
No one else has ever lived the Christian life. Jesus has! His plan is to live it in me, but I’ve got to give Him my heart for that to happen. And I believe He’s gonna be faithful to every one. There are people here that have needs. You’ve come here with needs. I have.
We’ve got Somebody Who’s right here, and His eyes are ranging across this congregation, not just around the world. What does He see when He looks at your heart? Good question to ask, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just say, Lord, You see even what’s wrong with my heart, but, even with what’s wrong I just give it to You, Lord. Fix it! Fix my heart! Do what You’ve got to do! I do what I know to do. I just give it to You.
That’s all we can do. Can’t we just give up and trust in Him? What else is there to salvation when you really break it down? Isn’t it just handing over our lives to Him and trusting Him to do what we can never do?
( congregational amens ).
Does that not put us, as I say, all in exactly the same place? It doesn’t matter, whether in the eyes of men you’re big, or little, or strong, or weak, or pretty, or ugly, or whatever. None of those things matter. God doesn’t look at any of that. He looks at one thing, looks at your heart. What does He see?
And I think I’ll just leave it at that, and just trust God to convict and encourage and do whatever He needs to do based on individual lives and hearts, because He knows what He’s doing! To Him be the glory!
( congregational response ).
Praise God!
May 22, 2022 - No. 1546
“What is Your Life About?” Conclusion
May 22, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1546 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Paul, as I said, was here for one purpose. After he met Christ, there was only one thing that he lived for. Lord, what do You want me to do? I do not belong to myself anymore. I belong to You.
And I’m gonna ask you the question—ask a question again. Do you really think that this is only for Paul? Or, does that not apply to every member of the Body of Christ?
We’re not all apostles, obviously! We’re not all anything. We have all the variety of gifts and abilities that God has distributed, but these principles apply to everyone.
Didn’t Paul write, I think in one of the Corinthian letters? “…Ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (KJV).
What are you seeking? What’s your life about? What’s the driving vision and burden that you have for your life? Where do you see yourself going and for what reason? These are serious questions, aren’t they?
( congregational amens ).
They’re ones we need to ask ourselves. On one level, this is a question that has eternal ramifications for someone who has never really, really surrendered to Christ. But there are ramifications for every single believer.
Why do we do what we do? You can do the right thing for the wrong reason. And we need to understand. You know, I mentioned…I’m sure I mentioned it here, but where I grew up, we often had messages that were geared to the young people to get them to come to the place where they’re willing to surrender their lives.
It’s not just a matter of coming to a place of salvation, but…because the truth is, how can you have one without the other? But still, the emphasis was basically, you’re standing at the crossroads of life. Where is your life going? What’s it gonna be about? Are you going to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, to do His will, or are you just gonna keep doing yours?
And of course, many times, the emphasis was on, are you willing to be a missionary if God calls you to be that? Or, are you willing to be a minister? There was all of that in there. But the basic principle, the basic center of all of that was, are you willing to do God’s will?
I’ll ask you that today. Is that the governing principle of your life? God, it’s not my life! What do You want me to do? What do You want me to be? How do You want me to live? Change me at the heart level! Impart to me the very ability to do what You’ve called me to be!
Is there anything else that can be called real Christianity? And the answer is no. We’ve got a lot of churchianity in this country. Thank God He has a people in spite of it, that He knows that are His. But my God, don’t we need Him? Don’t we need to have a purpose in our lives that goes beyond living a comfortable okay life, not getting into trouble, not doing a whole lot of bad stuff? Young people, what’s your purpose? Where are you going? What do you want in life? You have to face that.
( congregational amens ).
Have you ever met Jesus? Has He ever taken possession of your heart? Because it’s not a matter of just you trying to conform to what I say. God, help you. It could never be that. I’m in need of the same salvation you are.
But on the off chance that Jesus is actually inspiring some of this, these are His words, not mine. And they’re not spoken to try to be a tyrant in your life. They’re not spoken out of any ill motive, but out of pure love because of what He has…what Jesus died to share with every one of us.
Now, the outworking of that is the polar opposite of human nature. It could not be more opposite than what God has called every single Christian to. It’s not about you. It’s not about me, in the sense that we usually think of it. It’s not about what I can have, what I can do, how I can be seen in the eyes of others, how well I can think of myself, none of that. God, deliver every single one of us from that kind of self-centered thinking.
Here was Paul, knowing that in order to do the will of God, he had to be willing to go out and suffer the things that he suffered. He had to be willing to be hated everywhere he went. There were going to be people that were inspired by the devil to absolutely oppose him, to have him beaten, to have him thrown in prison, to have…have him stoned one time, left for dead. On and on and on, there was constant pressure.
Boy, we don’t like that. We think something is wrong. How many of you have been tempted to think that something is wrong? Here, I’ve been asking God for more, and instead, all hell breaks loose. And I’ve had nothing but trouble.
Yeah, I see a lot of people who said, yeah, I get it. I’d have to raise my hand, too. It’s awful easy. See, that’s human thinking. What we ought to be saying is, thank God. If we’re stirring up the devil, if he’s upset, he has a reason to be upset. That’s a cause for rejoicing for saying God is hearing, and He’s answering my prayer, and the devil is scared, “…because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
And the devil knows that! He doesn’t want me to know it! He doesn’t want a people who are in touch with Him, doing His will, knowing that if we’re gonna go through the doors He opens, we’re gonna meet with warfare.
There are all kinds of things going on where the devil has…and the devil will pull on every opening that he has in any life. He does it, “…to steal and kill and destroy.” (NIV).
You remember when Jesus was about to go the cross, He said the devil, “…is coming. He has no hold over me.” Why? Because every part of His being was surrendered to the will of God. There was no way that He could get to…to Him, to Jesus. I wish we could say that about us, but that’s what the Lord’s working on.
You know, the things that the devil has marshalled against us, or he marshals against us when we’re going through some of these times of reaching out for more. Sometimes it’s just temptation. Are there weaknesses that the devil’s just had an extra…put an extra bit of emphasis on the last little bit? Would you admit it?
( congregational response ).
There are weaknesses that the devil still probes and still works on. And all of a sudden you wonder why he’s putting a little more effort into that? Yeah, he’s scared. But God lets us experience battles so that we can experience victory.
There’s an old chorus that I remember hearing many, many years ago. And…’how can we be overcomers unless we overcome?’ Somehow, we want to be shadow boxers, learn the theory, and man, I’m an overcomer.
But, to be an overcomer means there are real battles to be fought. There is a real enemy that we need to stand up against and overcome! And the Lord is putting us through the paces. We’re gonna see him pulling…because he has a hold on a certain life, you’re gonna see the devil rise up in varying ways. We’re gonna need the Lord. We’re gonna need to pray. We’re gonna need to look to God for strength and for discernment.
But God is gonna use the battles that He puts us through to make us into the very thing that He wants us to experience. And we are going to see, as I said, people are either going to listen to the devil and walk away, because of his deception, or we’re gonna wake up and be part of the Kingdom of God and part of…and someone that God can actually use.
Now, Paul was somebody that God could use. His life was laid down. It’s not mine anymore, it’s Yours, Lord! He talks about a great door being opened! To whom does God open doors…the kind of door he’s talking about here? There is an opportunity for advancement of the Kingdom of God, and here it is, Paul.
So, what did Paul do with that? Of course, he went through it, didn’t he? He absolutely responded to God! And he went through that door knowing that there would be opposition, knowing that he was walking into a battle! But he said, this is the whole reason I exist. This is the meaning of my life. It’s not mine.
You remember the Scripture in Revelation in one of the letters to the Philadelphia Church, about how the Lord said, I open, and no man can shut. I shut and no man can open. You know, we talked recently about how this entire existence is a process of God working out a sovereign purpose. He has His times. He has His ways. He has what He wants to accomplish, when He wants to accomplish it, through whom He wants to accomplish it, and He is the one opens doors and closes them.
Sometimes, there are seasons for waiting! Sometimes, there are seasons for going through a door! Folks, it’s not our plans, it’s not our ability. It’s not anything but simply saying, God, show us what to do. Give us the power to do it.
( congregational amens ).
And give us the conviction to go through knowing we are going into battle! Lord, help us. We can’t do anything without You. But the only thing that will matter on that day is what I’m talking about now! You can amass everything in the world, and it will all be burned up and worthless! But the simplest saint who says here’s my life, use it, and God literally touches other people’s lives through that life, that will have eternal value.
What’s your life about? Do you know that God has a purpose for your life and yours and yours and mine? It’s to say, Lord, I don’t even know what to do. I don’t want to live for just an earthly purpose. Lord, I just give myself to You, and I don’t have any ambition in this. I don’t have any…it’s not a matter of me seeking a place or trying to be this or trying to be that. It’s just, Lord, whatever, I’m Yours.
And then, having Him work and change and deliver us from that drive of self-seeking. And we’re gonna have to go through stuff that will cause us to have to die, to let go, to face things that we don’t want to face about ourselves, all the things that we’ve talked about so many times.
But God is going to mold a people that will be able to do, along the same lines as what Paul did, not necessarily being an apostle and doing those kinds of things, but we are called to be members one of another. Every single one of us has something that is from heaven for the rest.
As I thought about this, I thought again about the point that I made a little bit ago, of how easy it is to think of deeper life as just a private, personal thing. Again, think back to what we’ve referred to Philippians 3 where Paul was talking about one thing I do, and oh, my goal in life is to be this high eagle Christian.
But why? What purpose is there in that? Is it just so I can be a Christ-like person? Is it just about me and my spiritual advancement and achievement? Is that what this is really about?
But how easily do we think of it in those terms. Why did Jesus come? For Himself, to be a great somebody? He came to be a servant. He endured everything He endured, not for what He could achieve, not for what He could be, but for what He could give us.
Can you think of anything anymore contrary to human nature? See, you could actually appeal to some people and say, oh, just come and be this super Christian. But you start throwing in the second half of that, “…and there are many who oppose…,” and you realize it’s not just a smooth, easy way.
Okay, Lord, I don’t really like it much, but I guess if that’s what it takes. “…All things work together for good…” you know, to those who love God. I’ll put up with it so I can be what You want me to be. If that’s all there is, that stops way short of God’s purpose for your life and for mine!
Again, why did Jesus do what He did? Why did He put up with this? Why did He suffer and die and put up with everything He had to put up with to do what He did? Why did He do it? Was it for Him or for us?
Oh, you know, I can do a lot, I can go through a lot if it benefits me. That’s the amazing thing when you think about Paul. You think about some of the things that he said. I guess I’m just referring to them, but you want to go back…you want to back up in Philippians. I’ll go ahead and look at a couple of those things.
You cannot read Philippians 3 and that all Paul sought to do and to be without it being in the context of what he said in chapter 1! Now this case, where was Paul when he wrote this? Now, you’re afraid to say, aren’t you?
( laughter ).
He was in prison. Now, he was in prison in Rome writing to the Philippian believers. And some of them were tempted to be timid about their faith, because look what it gets you. Paul is cautioning them don’t you dare give into that, because I’m not here living for me. This is not about what happens to me.
Let’s see, verse 20. “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (NIV).
Now, again, you could read that and say, Paul had this vision of what he could become. It’s about me and my relationship, and I’m going to have this glorious love fest with God, and that’s what it’s about.
Is that what it was about? You go on a little bit, and he says, “If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me.” Oh boy, more work! “…This will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but…,”
Ha! There’s a good but, isn’t it? You see what’s in control there? This is what I would like. How many of you would just love to have this be over? You know, you go through times, and you say, God, what a burden life is here, and what You have for me is so much better. You can just come and end it right now if You want to. Take me on. You can see that yearning in Paul, the realization of what lay ahead.
“But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.” Why did Paul do what he did? Why did he put up with all the stuff that he put up with? Because Paul wasn’t living for himself. Paul was living for the people to whom he was sent. It wasn’t about Paul. It was about allowing the Spirit of God, the life, the power of God to flow through Paul so that others could be helped and lifted up.
Is that revolutionary? Is that why we’re living? Yeah, we’ve got a ways to go, if we’re gonna grow up in the Lord. I believe there’s a measure of that. Thank, God. But I believe that our thinking…if we’re gonna start thinking about deeper life and higher ground and all of that, we need to see what that higher ground involves. If it’s not about me laying down my life so that life can flow to others, it’s not higher ground.
( congregational amens ).
It’s not the ground that He has set forth for us. I thought of an old hymn. I can’t remember whether…whether we’ve ever sung this here or not, but I know I sung it growing up. Anybody know the hymn, “Channels Only”? I guess we haven’t sung it then.
( laughing ).
But anyway, this is a pretty good expression of God’s purpose. “How I praise Thee, precious Savior, that Thy love laid hold of me; Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me that I might Thy channel be. Channels only, blessed Master, but with all Thy wondrous pow’r flowing through us, Thou canst use us every day and every hour.” That’s the chorus.
“Just a channel full of blessing, to the thirsty hearts around; to tell out Thy full salvation, all Thy loving message sound. Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me, a clean vessel in Thy hand; With no pow’r but as Thou givest graciously with each command.” Wow! Powerful words that capture it.
“Witnessing Thy pow’r to save me, setting free from self and sin; Thou who bought me to possess me, in Thy fullness, Lord, come in. Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit hearts that full surrender know; that the streams of living water from our inner man may flow. Channels only, blessed Master, but with all Thy wondrous pow’r flowing through us, Thou canst use us every day and every hour.”
Why did Paul do what he did? Do we kind of see it a little deeper? Is that what we want? I believe God is calling. And I tell you, when He opens a door and we go through it, don’t expect to be unopposed. Don’t be afraid. Ask God for the courage. Think about the Israelites and all they had to face and what the Lord told them. Be courageous. Don’t give up. Don’t be afraid. Oh, by the way, be courageous.
( laughing ).
He knows what we’re made of. But folks, if you’re looking for a trouble-free way to the Kingdom of God, you’re in the wrong kingdom. The devil is going to oppose. It is a warfare, but it is one where the war has already been won at the cross.
( congregational amens ).
Thank God, and greater is He that’s in us than he that’s in the world. If we will put our trust in Him, and lay down our lives for Him, He will work, and He will accomplish His purpose, but we’ll also be part of it. That’s where He’s going with all of this. May God continue His work in us to take us to whatever deeper ground and higher ground that He wants. Praise God!
May 15, 2022 - No. 1545
“What is Your Life About?” Part One
May 15, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1545 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: Every week it seems like I go through, in a sense, the same thing. We have a service and it seems like the Lord blesses and it’s connected to what’s been going on and what we’ve had before. And then I come to this next week, okay, now Lord, and I just feel empty and nothing’s going on and then I’ll have a thought and before…and as it develops, I suddenly say, hey, you know, this actually is a kind of a continuation.
And I feel like this may be one of those occasions as well. I believe the Lord wants to take us deeper, don’t you? We’ve said that so many times. And, we’ve certainly…I believe many of us have prayed, and prayed from our hearts, Lord work in me, change me, mold me and make me into what You’d have me to be.
That’s a dangerous prayer, because the Lord will answer it, but He won’t answer it in ways that we always expect. We think that’s gonna be peaches and cream, and we’ll sing a song about, “There is a place in God where rest is complete,” and we’ll sort of imagine that in an earthly sense where all conflict is gone. We’re just…oh, this is wonderful! And, how many of you know it’s not that way?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah! It isn’t at all. And I had a scripture come to me the other day and I just kind of meditated on it ever since. And it comes from 1st Corinthians chapter 16. Paul was writing to the Corinthians, as we’ve said many times, and he had a lot of problems with a young church that had come out of heathen darkness, the people had. And they didn’t know how to be Christians. They didn’t know what it was all about. And so, he had to do a lot of teaching and explaining, dealing with issues.
And, you know, that’s kind of the way it is. There are always going to be issues, aren’t there? But anyway, he was writing to them. And, how many of you know where he was writing from? Where was Paul when he was writing this letter?
( congregational response ).
No. No, he wasn’t in prison. Well, it actually says here. In chapter 16, verse 5, I’ll go ahead and read a little bit. “After I go through Macedonia, I will come to you—for I will be going through Macedonia. Perhaps I will stay with you for a while, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go. For I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit; I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits.” (NIV).
And, you look in the bigger context, you see that he’s actually got in mind going to Jerusalem because he wants to take an offering, because the saints there are really in a desperate situation with poverty, and oppression by the religious leaders there.
But anyway, here he says, “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.” Now, I’ve had so many thoughts. Only the Lord can bring this together in what He wants to emphasize.
Part of it is a great deal of what Steve said. But how many of you, in the process of saying Lord, take me deeper, have discovered that it stirs the devil up a bit? Instead of pressing forward and suddenly finding yourself in a pleasant meadow somewhere, spiritually speaking, you find yourself at war and you find the devil getting upset.
You know, if we’re not upsetting the devil, what are we doing? We’re living in enemy territory. The Kingdom of God exists with opposition, and if we’re not experiencing it, something is lacking. And it’s not that we go out and try to make trouble, in a carnal sense. But I mean, just simply pursuing what God wants is gonna stir up trouble.
So anyway…I’m jumping ahead in a way here because I wanted to emphasize different parts of this. But there’s one word that interests me there. Just at the moment I’ll comment on it. He says, a door, “…a great door for effective work has opened to me, ‘and’ there are many who oppose me.”
Now, if it were you and me, I think we would be inclined to say, ‘but’ there are. And as we talked about this before where, there’s a great difference between ‘and’ and ‘but.’ ‘But’ is kind of like the controlling factor in a situation. I’m doing good, ‘but.’ Or, I’m doing all this, ‘but’…as though all this opposition is now in charge.
But Paul is recognizing that they go hand in hand. If I’m doing anything, if I’m actually making progress in the Kingdom of God, instead of just marking time and sitting in place, there will be opposition and I recognize that and I just embrace it. It’s part of the deal. I accept it.
And I believe, with all my heart, as God moves here, as He brings us into a deeper experience of Him, we are going to have battles with the devil in many, many forms. And we might as well just get our minds geared up that that’s the way the Kingdom operates in the world. Okay?
Now, one of the areas that I wanted to go back and talk about, was that the fellow who wrote this…now we all know that Paul was not always Paul. He was, at one time, Saul, the Jew, and he describes his own…I mean, we see, in several places, his own background described as a Pharisee of the Pharisees. I mean a leader, an up-and-comer, who had given everything in his life to a certain course of action that he believed was the right one for him.
He was right with God, right with man, zealous for the religion of his fathers. He was an intellectual. He was a lot of things. But he was a rising star in the Jews religion of that day. And something changed.
Folks, how many of you know something has to change? Regardless…Steve was talking about this a lot this morning. You can grow up in this church and have nothing. You can grow up in this church and wind up in the Lake of Fire. Because it isn’t just a matter of the outward and the religion you embrace, the ideas you embrace, the behavior and all of that stuff. We need the Lord!
And there came a day when God’s purpose began to prevail in the life of this man named Saul. He had gotten letters of introduction from the leaders in Jerusalem because he’d heard that there were Christians in Damascus! The very idea! I’ve got to do something! So, he said, give me letters. I’ll go take care of business here.
And so, he was on his way to Damascus with a group of soldiers, I suppose. Anyway, they were people who were gonna help him in the process. And something happened. Has something ever happened in your life? It doesn’t have to be dramatic like this. I mean, Paul was suddenly surrounded by a great light and heard a voice that said to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” (NLT).
I mean, talk about a shock! “…Who are you, Lord? …I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” (NIV). Whoa, what a truth that unveils! Whatever the devil does to you, he’s actually doing it to Jesus. And you know, we need to see the connectedness of the Kingdom of God.
But here was a man that needed something…needed a direction in his life! His life was going the wrong direction. And so, Jesus interrupted his life and there was a revelation that penetrated, not just the mind, not just the intellect! Paul, I want to correct…or Saul, I want to correct your ideas. This was one that went to the heart!
Has Jesus ever penetrated to your heart? Or, have you just gone along? You see the need that was there. Would he ever have been the person he became if something had not happened at the level of his heart? This was a man that was brought into a relationship with Jesus Christ, where Jesus was not simply “a savior I believe in.” And, good, I’m going to heaven one day. This was somebody who came to be in charge!
And he came to a place where he understood that his life was not his own to live as he saw fit. It belonged to Jesus Christ, for His purposes, and His purposes alone. Now, is that just for somebody like Paul, as he became known? Or, is that a truth that applies to every single person, who would actually have a living relationship with Jesus Christ, and have an eternal hope? That’s how serious it is.
And this is only part of what I’ve thought about, but I just cannot get away from this aspect of truth. This man who wrote this, was somebody who had a basketful of stuff…we read about it in Philippians 3, of all the things that he…that in his life he valued and gloried in, as though this is what makes me somebody that matters. My life matters. This is what I want to live for.
You know, a lot of people just live for whatever pleases them. This guy went way beyond all of that. And yet, he was on the road to fire, and didn’t know it.
Folks, we need the Lord. And we need more than just following along with the religion of your parents, or what you hear the preacher say or any of those things. It has got to come down to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ that transforms your heart, because if you don’t have His life in you, you don’t have anything. If He’s not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all.
( congregational amens ).
And contrary to what you will hear in some places, if He’s not Lord, He’s not Savior! We are seeing a great division in our world. We’ve said…this is something that’s not new. We’ve said this, many times. But it is a radical one! When mankind stands before a Holy God, there will only be two categories. You will either be robed in white, because of what He has done, alone. Or, you will stand there, having lived your life, on your terms, doing what you want, and you will lose it! It’s that simple.
And we have a culture today that is absolutely inspired by Satan. It is attacking every value, every idea, everything that has to do with Bible truth, with Jesus. We’re gonna see it chipped away, and we’re seeing it step, by step, by step. We’re seeing the rebellion absolutely unfold, and oh God, do we need to see past it and have God open eyes!
And I’ve heard, many times, burdens expressed by different ones for young people. Folks, those burdens aren’t just I don’t want him to get away from me. I want him to be identified with me. These burdens are coming from the hearts of people who know what they’re talking about. They have been there. They’ve been where you’re at, if you’re a young person.
This isn’t just for young people, but it sure affects them, because many of them are on the precipice of life, the staging area, whatever you want to say. There are roads that stretch out ahead of them. And oh, my God, how easy it is to have our plans, and to somehow imagine that I can live out my plan and it’ll be okay, and Jesus is good with that, as long as I don’t get too far out. You know, I don’t start robbing banks, and dealing drugs, and something that’s obviously evil.
Do you know what the essence of sin is? It’s not a list of ‘sins.’ Those are symptoms. The essence of sin is self on the throne! There’s nothing else! If you have self on the throne, you will have some of these evil acts come out. But they flow from the heart of someone who says, it’s my life, I will do as I please!
And there are plenty of people who live outwardly, exemplary lives, but self is on the throne! And there comes a place where God says, all right, I’m gonna let you have what you want. I pray that God will implant a godly fear in the hearts of everyone who hears this! Everyone, period! That you’ll see just how important this is.
What would have happened to Paul, to Saul, the Jew, had Jesus not intervened? What would have happened if somehow he had said, no? My God! This man had absolutely flipped 180. And Jesus absolutely revealed Himself and sent Ananias to him to pray after he’d gotten to Damascus, when he was blind.
And, here was a man who was afraid to go until the Lord explained, hey, this is somebody I’ve chosen. You’re gonna pray for him that he’ll receive his sight, that he’ll be saved, he’ll receive the Spirit. And I’m gonna tell him how many things he’s gonna be suffering for Me. Whoa, what a wonderful life!
But you know, you read through what Paul shared with us about what it means to really be a member of the Kingdom of God—a part of the Kingdom of God, and you’ll see a man that has a different view than a whole lot of folks.
You know, a lot of folks, they think of a deeper life, they think of going deeper with God, and it’s like it’s this magical place where I come into this peaceful, wonderful existence. And, you know, there’s an aspect of it where we have this deeper, personal relationship with God. Yes, there is a deeper peace. All of those things are there. And then you read about Paul and all that he went through, and how does that fit together?
You know, so many people have taken the one side…some of these sides of it. Some of it is the outward. Let’s back off and say that. We’ve said it many times about the prosperity gospel. If I’m…what God really wants from me is to prosper me in this world and if I will just believe in Him enough, I’ll have plenty of money, I’ll have perfect health, and I’ll be successful in everything I do, and that’s the sign that I am in favor with God.
Well boy, Paul must have really been on the outs with God because he sure didn’t experience much of that. That wasn’t the course of his life at all! The purpose for which he lived was something completely different.
What’s your purpose? When you’re looking ahead to your life or, right now…like I said, this isn’t just young people, this is everybody. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What’s your purpose? Or, are these truths only for the special ones?
( congregation inaudible ).
Yeah. But here is Paul…and you remember in that passage in Philippians 3 that we’ve referred to so many times. If you read that, you could almost zone in on what he says. I want to know Him. This is one thing that I do. I want to, “…know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” (KJV).
And, “I press toward the mark for the prize….” You could almost conceive of that in a very private, personal sense. How many of you know there’s a difference between private and personal? Private is just about me. It’s like me going into a cave and having this glorious lovefest with Jesus, and that’s what my life is about. Find a monastery somewhere and just have this glorious, personal sense of something with God.
I’ll tell you, you could almost get that from those verses unless you see them in their context. Is that what Paul…is that why Paul did what he did? You know it isn’t. What was the reason that Paul did what he did? Was it just so that I could be a very special Christian? I could be a successful Christian. I could feel better about myself. Other people could look at me and say, wow, there is a model Christian! Isn’t that wonderful?
We are so geared to being self-centered, self-seeking. How easy it is to bring that into our spiritual lives and think that this relationship with God is about me and how I feel and how effective that I am at just being the kind of person You want me to be.
Lord, just guide my thoughts here. I feel a burden I can’t even express. But I believe God has a deeper—much deeper sense of what He wants to accomplish in us, and we see it in Paul. Paul, as I said, was here for one purpose. After he met Christ, there was only one thing that he lived for. Lord, what do You want me to do? I do not belong to myself anymore. I belong to You.
And I’m gonna ask you the question—ask a question again. Do you really think that this is only for Paul? Or, does that not apply to every member of the Body of Christ? We’re not all apostles, obviously! We’re not all anything. We have all the variety of gifts and abilities that God has distributed, but these principles apply to everyone.
Didn’t Paul write, I think in one of the Corinthian letters? “…Ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” What are you seeking? What’s your life about? What’s the driving vision and burden that you have for your life? Where do you see yourself going and for what reason? These are serious questions, aren’t they?
( congregational amens ).
They’re ones we need to ask ourselves. On one level, this is a question that has eternal ramifications for someone who has never really, really surrendered to Christ. But there are ramifications for every single believer. Why do we do what we do? You can do the right thing for the wrong reason.
And we need to understand. You know, I mentioned…I’m sure I mentioned it here, but where I grew up we often had messages that were geared to the young people to get them to come to the place where they’re willing to surrender their lives. It’s not just a matter of coming to a place of salvation, but…because the truth is, how can you have one without the other? But still, the emphasis was basically, you’re standing at the crossroads of life. Where is your life going? What’s it gonna be about? Are you going to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, to do His will, or are you just gonna keep doing yours?
And of course, many times, the emphasis was on, are you willing to be a missionary if God calls you to be that? Or, are you willing to be a minister? There was all of that in there. But the basic principle, the basic center of all of that was, are you willing to do God’s will?
I’ll ask you that today. Is that the governing principle of your life? God, it’s not my life! What do You want me to do? What do You want me to be? How do You want me to live? Change me at the heart level! Impart to me the very ability to do what You’ve called me to be!
May 8, 2022 - No. 1544
“Specific Faith” Conclusion
May 8, 2022
Transcript of message from TV Broadcast 1544 — taken from Closed Captioning Text
— Brother Phil Enlow: My God, we need God’s leadership every time, every day, in everything. And I believe there’s a supernatural life, and effectiveness that we could have, if we would take the time to get with the Lord and say, God, I am Yours, I need You!
Think in this context of the Scripture we’ve used so many times, about…in Romans 12, about a people who offered themselves together now as one sacrifice. Though we are individuals, yet together, we present You as a living…ourselves to You as a living sacrifice. We know that we don’t even think right, but we’re willing for You to change our way of thinking.
What’s the result of that? You go right straight into a description of the Body of Christ, where each member is able to minister life, divine life, one to another.
And that life takes many forms. It could take the form of performing a miracle. I still have this, vision is a strong word, but I mean, I still have this picture in my mind, of how God wants to, would love to have a people for whom supernatural things would be so ordinary it wouldn’t even be a big deal.
It’s not that we consider it unimportant, you understand what I’m saying, we wouldn’t glory and focus on that. When God does something supernatural, it’s not meant to draw sign seekers and become the center of attention. It’s meant to point to the Son of God and what He did on the cross so that people can find eternal life!
How many times have we said, you could raise somebody from the dead but if they don’t get spiritual life, they’re gonna die and face Him in the judgment? We need…we need the Gospel. And all these things are just part of the life of God’s people living in the world.
Of course, you’ve got some people that…they’re not experiencing very much beyond just believing the right stuff and saying the right prayers and all of that. And they believe that all this supernatural stuff is gone. It was only for the New Testament era. Once we had the scriptures that’s all we need. We don’t need that.
That’s a bunch of malarky. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (NIV). That’s just an excuse for unbelief.
But you’ve got others that so glory in that, that that becomes the center. And it’s not that hard for a spirit of deception to get in. And it certainly isn’t about all of God’s people becoming prophets and running around. God, we’ve too much of that going on. We got a lot of these would-be prophets that are out there, making grand pronouncements and then they don’t happen. They’re either prophesying out of their own fantasy or the devil’s getting in it.
But I’ll tell you, my God pictures…gives us a picture of what His people are meant to be like. They are a body, they work together. When there is an expression of something for which we need to know the source, there are gifts of discernment. That’s kind of important, isn’t it? Just because something supernatural happens doesn’t necessary mean God made it happen. We need wisdom, we need discernment, even in ministry! “Let the prophet speak two or three, and…”
( congregational response ).
“…Let the others judge.” (KJV). There is a discernment. There is a wisdom. I don’t have the right to stand up here and demand that you recognize anything in me. I’m trusting God with that. If this isn’t Him, you need to tell me. But I believe that God wants to bring a people who are so interconnected, they’re so connected…they’re just as connected to Him as Jesus was.
Now, you and I don’t have the place that Jesus occupied in the Kingdom, but we have a place. It’s one designed specifically for you and specifically for me.
But I get back to this that I believe with all my heart God wants to bring us to a place where we can more easily exercise specific faith. We can be connected to God in such a way that He can give us faith to do something very specific. And it could be praying for the sick, it could be, you know, something on that line. But it could be so many things, where we’re literally moving in God. I mean, that’s all it is.
We’ve seen a measure of that in the past, in the history of this church. And the point is not to go back and recapture. The point is…Lord, what is Your purpose now? We exist in a particular point of history. You have something…You are working. Right now, You are working. You’re working in this community. You’re working in this body of people. Lord, we want to be part of that and not just simply, blindly muddle along, following our traditions. We need You, Lord.
Shouldn’t we be a people who cry out, who actually believe this? You know, part of the problem that I’ve always had I guess is, yeah, that’s great for somebody else, but I don’t feel it, I haven’t had this experience or that one. I mean, this is great for somebody, for some special people, but for me?
I believe with all my heart God wants to minister to us a faith, that a life of connectiveness to Him and to His purpose is for us, as individuals. So that when we pray and say, oh God, lead us to that higher ground, I want to know what this is about, and I want to be a part of what You’re doing.
I don’t know how, and I’ll probably make a lot of mistakes. But God, I believe this is for me and I need You, Lord. Show me how and help me to love and be sensitive to my brothers and sisters, to encourage them, to lift them up. Lead us into this. This is not selfish ambition, trying to be somebody. This is just saying, Lord, I want You to be You.
( congregational amens ).
And just like…Father, like You, when You were working in that day, Your purpose was to work through Your Son. But even then, it wasn’t just Jesus. He sent out a bunch of others and gave them power. And they came back rejoicing, “…Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name” And they were all happy. And Jesus said, don’t rejoice in that. Rejoice that your names are written above.
See, it’s so easy for us to glory in the wrong thing. That’s where our thankfulness needs to be. God, you’ve made me Yours! That’s worth everything…that’s worth everything this world could possibly offer. Let it go. If I have that I have everything.
But while I’m here, Lord…you know, I was thinking about this. I confess, this is something that I struggle with. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Thinking about where I started with this, in James 5, praying for one another that you may be healed. I know there are people who seemingly have that kind a faith. I’ve seen it operate.
I have seen very specific, very…there’s no possible way to explain the result other than God miraculously intervened, there was no possible medical explanation. I’ve seen God do that. I know it’s real! I know He still heals!
Now, the purpose is not just to make life on earth easy and fix every problem, but there are things God wants to do and He wants to use a people to do it. That’s what it comes down to. Look at a couple of the scriptures, couple of scriptures where I believe God recorded them so that we could be encouraged, and realize this just isn’t history.
This is for us, here, this morning to be able to go to God and say, Lord, I believe this is for me. I’m not there. I need You to teach me about this. I need to get close to You and spend time with You and learn Your ways and have You teach me how You do stuff, have you teach me how to walk with You and how to infuse, or allow Your faith to be infused in me in such way that You can tell me to do something and I can do it and something will happen. Do we need the Lord?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, we do. But listen to what Peter said on the Day of Pentecost. “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (NIV). But he didn’t stop there, did he? He said, “The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
Has God called you? Has God called you to His kingdom? We’re not talking about called to be an apostle. We’re talking about, has He called you into His kingdom? It’s for everyone, that we can have a life that is described in the New Testament church. We’re gonna have to the Lord do it. We can’t work it up. We can’t do anything except, oh God, here I am. Lead me to a place to where what I’m doing is what You’re doing in me.
What did Jesus say in John 14, I believe it is. This is where…the scripture we’ve used many times, but I just want to focus on it just for a second. In verse 8, “Philip said, Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us. Jesus answered: Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, Show us the Father? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?”
That sounds like a pretty close relationship, doesn’t it? “The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority.” Lord! I don’t want to try to speak anything and say, God, this is what I think, and I need to get people to somehow agree with me. I want the words to be what He wants. “Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing…” What? Whose work?
( congregational response ).
“…His work.” His work! His work, that’s the essence of everything. God is working. And so anyway…but he comes down, in verse 12, and says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
How many of you have read that, maybe all your life, and said, yeah, yeah, that’s fine for somebody else, some other time, some other way. That’s just not me. I could never be part of that. Do you think that’s true? That we’re just supposed to relegate that to some other time, some other place, some other way. It couldn’t possibly apply to us in any practical way. Do you really think that’s what we’re meant to get from this?
Or should we be able to go to God and say, look at what You said, Lord. I know I’m not worthy. I know I’m not capable. I know there’s so much in me that needs to be changed in order for me to be a part of anything, actually be useful to You. But Lord, I believe, this is what You said! Lord, I’m gonna come to You, and I’m gonna look to You, and I’m going to ask You to work in me so that I can be a part of what You’re doing, instead of trying to get You to do my stuff, and how I think things should happen. I need You, Lord. It’s kind of quiet. Either I’m missing the Lord or you’re just really thinking about this.
( congregational response ).
Is this the truth? Is God calling us to something deeper?
( congregational amens ).
But do we have a basis upon which we can go to God with some actual expectation that He will hear us?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, we do! We can go, and say, Lord, this is what You said. Lord, I am one of the weakest of the weak, and the most unworthy. But Lord, I rest, not upon anything that I am, but upon what You have done. This is all based upon Jesus, based upon Your provision, Your plan, Your purpose! It’s what You have made me, not what I could possibly be in myself. Not any plan I could come up with. Nothing of me, Lord! I just want to get to the point where it’s just You in me doing Your thing!
I believe God can bring forth, and is going to bring forth, a people who live out the purpose and the plan of what He reveals in His Word. I recognize that there are people who live in unbelief about these things and people who just go to seed and go off in a never-never land here. Don’t you believe God can help us to find the middle?
( congregational response ).
To find the scriptural balance where we’re serving Him in…we’re worshipping Him in spirit and in truth?
( congregational amens ).
Not one or the other?
( congregational amens ).
We need both! God is gonna lead us. That’s one of the things, when I look back, as much as the church went through so many years ago, I’m amazed at the degree to which God enabled Brother Thomas to keep his feet on the ground.
( congregational response ).
The stuff that was happening. Oh God, is this You? What do we do? How do we handle it? And there was always that sense of crying out to God. God, we want to do, we want to hear everything You’ve got. But we also don’t want to be deceived. Lord, You’re gonna have to help us here!
( congregational response ).
And always, we’re going to lift up the Word of God! It’s going to have to square with this! And I believe God honored that stand. Was he perfect? No. Am I? No. Are you?
( congregational response ).
( laughing )
No, we need the Lord, don’t we? But we’ve got a God who is faithful. He’ll start with us right where we’re at, and begin to teach us how to walk in His will, how to know what He’s doing. Where He can say, this is what I’m doing, I want you to do this. And this is how I want you to do it. I know you did it this way last time, but this is how we do it this time.
And God’s gonna begin to express Himself in ways that we haven’t seen. And it isn’t always gonna be the spectacular stuff. But it could be—it could be. Like I say, wouldn’t it be neat, wouldn’t it be something to be able to see God do miraculous things and we don’t run around, wow!
But just say, thank God, You’re still the same God, the same God that was in Jesus doing the things that He did, the same God that was with the early church and the apostles and doing the things that were done there. You’re still here, Lord! You’re still just as real today as You were then. And God, we just honor You and praise You. Help us to humble ourselves, never to glory in who we are but to glory in You.
( congregational amens ).
I believe You’re real, Lord! I believe You want us to taste this, and come to that place. I guess “Specific Faith” is as good a title as any. I often struggle with titles. But, I believe God wants to bring us to a place where we can so operate within the, with the knowledge of what God wants and with a sense of who we are and who He is, and what to do, that we can have faith to do something very specific. Isn’t that what we see in Jesus?
( congregational response ).
Yeah, it’s exactly what we see in Jesus. And yet, there He is saying you’ll do greater works than I have. And instantly the unbelief sweeps in. But I believe God wants to deal with that, little by little, if necessary. And just help us to say, hey, He actually meant that!
And He didn’t just mean it for people somewhere else, He meant it here, in our midst. Help us, Lord. Help us, Lord, to get in harmony with what You’re doing, because You are always at work. And the question is, is what we’re doing part of that, or is it just us doing it? I believe God’s with us, don’t you? I believe He’s helping us.
( congregational amens ).
I believe He’s giving us this to encourage us.
( congregational response ).
Not to condemn us in the least. But to lift up the hope that He has for us and it’s real. I believe it! Thank God!