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Other Q&A's:

What do You Mean, The Remnant Church?

The following question was posed to us by way of e-mail: “Can you show me from the Bible how you are the remnant church? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and response.” I believe the answer would benefit others.

Thank you for writing. If by your question you mean to imply that we believe that we – that is, Midnight Cry Ministries and the few assemblies that are directly connected – are THE Remnant Church, let me hasten to say that such is not the case. Just as men are unable to identify God’s Kingdom on earth (Luke 17:20-21) so it is with the “Remnant Church,” for they are one and the same.

I am aware that different people use this expression – as is the case with many religious expressions – to mean different things. Although the actual expression does not occur in the Bible, the concept is everywhere plainly set forth, both explicitly and symbolically, namely: the number of those in the earth who actually belong to God, His elect, is very very small compared both to earth’s population and also to those outwardly professing to be His.

In Noah’s day, despite 120 years of preaching and warning, eight people were saved (Gen. 6-8).

The entire history of Israel is one long litany of general apostasy with a sometimes almost invisible “very small remnant” of true believers. Isaiah 1:9. Elijah thought he was alone, but God revealed that He had 7000 left who had not bowed the knee to Baal (I Kings 19:13-18). See also Isaiah 46:3, 10:20-22, 56:8, 65:8-10.

Jesus plainly taught the same thing. In Matthew 7:13-14, “many” enter the wide gate, but “few” the narrow one. Both are “gates” people enter expecting to find heaven at the end of the road. See verses 21-23 where “many” will be rejected as workers of iniquity who had expected a home in heaven.

In Luke 12:32, Jesus referred to His followers as a “LITTLE flock” to whom it was the Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom.

In Luke 13:23, the disciples, perhaps having begun to grasp this truth, asked Jesus directly, “Lord, are there few that be saved?” Jesus’ answer (verses 24-30) makes it rather plain that while MANY will be religious – that is, they will “seek to enter in” – they will find themselves shut out as “workers of iniquity.” The true entrance to the Kingdom is a “strait,” or narrow gate.

Several times Jesus pointed to a condition of general religious darkness and apostasy at the time of His coming. In Luke 18:8 He said, “… when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

The time of His coming is compared to Noah’s time (Matt. 24:37) – a day of great apostasy in which God’s program consisted of a final period of warning coupled with specific instructions that resulted in a tiny remnant of believers being preserved during a great day of destruction. Whereas in Noah’s day it was water, our world is “reserved unto fire” (II Peter 3:7). The tiny remnant of true believers today will be preserved through the coming destruction – a destruction that will be totally unexpected for the world at large – and will inherit “new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (II Peter 3:10-14).

See Heb. 9:28 where the writer says that Christ’s coming is “to them that look for him.”

Read I Thess. 5:3-4 where Paul contrasts the world at large, in darkness, totally unprepared for sudden destruction, with “brethren,” God’s family, having light and not being surprised.

The entire passage of Romans 9-11 portrays natural Jews as consisting of an unbelieving majority and a believing remnant. Only the remnant were considered by God to be Jews (Rom. 2:28, Rom. 9:6-8, Gal. 3:29). See Rom. 9:27-29 and 11:1-10 in particular where the contrast is drawn between an ELECT remnant and the rest who are blinded. That blindness occurs as a direct result of their RELIGION.

See II Thess. 2:1-14 where a similar contrast is drawn. Most are swallowed up by “strong delusion” resulting from “power and signs and lying wonders” after a “falling away” or apostasy. (It is not difficult to account for Jesus’ warning in Matthew 7:21-23 in the light of what Paul said here.) Paul’s “brethren,” on the other hand, are “called,” “chosen to salvation.”

The midnight cry is to awaken sleeping virgins and involves the message, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye OUT to meet him” (Matt. 25:6). There is presently a work of the Spirit to “finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness” (Rom. 9:28).

I believe we can echo Paul’s statement in Rom. 11:5: “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” This ministry is to them, scattered abroad in the systems of men, known of God, needing to be awakened, warned and prepared for the momentous days ahead.

May we Become Affiliated with You?

From time to time we receive an email from someone who, in one way or another, says that they would like to join us or to be “affiliated” with us. Some would even like to start or be considered a “branch” of Midnight Cry Ministries in their particular part of the world. While we rejoice that some are finding spiritual blessing and strength as a result of this ministry I feel it is both necessary and profitable to comment on this type of request.

After the church of Jesus Christ was born on the Day of Pentecost the only affiliation that existed was simply those who believed in Christ and had been made one with His people. There were only two kinds of people: those who were in Christ and those who were not. Every believer was automatically affiliated with every other believer simply because they were born of the same Spirit. The outward manifestation of that was that they continued together in fellowship with one another and with the apostles. The relationship was spiritual and not organizational.

Today’s world is full of religious denominations and organizations of every sort. People are not just “Christians,” but “Baptists,” “Methodists,” “Catholics,” and so forth. There is no scriptural justification for any of this. Christ is not responsible for the many denominations and divisions that exist in his name.

Such organization as we have exists solely for simple practical reasons like owning property and dealing with the business aspects of broadcasting and things like that. We are not a denomination. We are not seeking to bring everyone under our particular religious name. Our desire is simply to seek the Head of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to carry out such ministry as He directs and enables. Whatever spiritual blessings result from the ministry come from Him and not from any virtue or ability in us.

We recognize that every true blood-bought, born-again believer is our brother or sister in Christ. Over the years the Lord has established all sorts of “fellowship” relationships with brothers and sisters in many parts of the world. We welcome everything the Lord does in this regard and desire to be both channels and recipients of every blessing that comes from Him.

We have no “branches” of Midnight Cry Ministries in any organizational sense beyond the four assemblies established by Bro. Thomas who are directly involved together in the ministry. We do have a number of individuals and families in other places that in one way or another the Lord has made spiritually one with us and we rejoice in this! However, the emphasis must always be upon the spiritual bond and not on an “organization.” We also are in contact with ministers in many parts of the world and — within the limits of the things the Lord has called us to do — we rejoice in every opportunity to be a help and an encouragement to them and to their people. We encourage every true God-ordained ministry to do as we seek to do: simply to seek God and do what He says!

Some who write do so out of an honest heart, desiring spiritual fellowship. Some, however, write hoping that we will provide some form of support — often financial — of their ministries. This is not the way of divine blessing. I often think of what happened early in the ministry of Bro. Thomas. He was among a religious group that recognized in him an evangelistic gift and had offered to support him in a traveling evangelistic ministry. Suddenly, that offer of support was withdrawn and Bro. Thomas cried out to the Lord wondering why it had happened. The Lord drew his attention to Jeremiah 17:5 where it says, “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.” The Lord was showing him that he had been trusting more in these men than he had in the Lord Himself.

There is so much of this in religion today and we would encourage every true minister of Christ to look to the Lord Who has called you for every need related to ministry. He is not poor! He delights in those who trust in Him. See Jeremiah 17:7-8. Carnal religious aspirations are one thing, but whatever is truly of Christ, He will support and back up.

We welcome every spiritual bond of fellowship the Lord brings about. That is all the “affiliation” we need! Beyond that it’s a matter of seeking God and doing what He says.

May God bless you,
Phil Enlow

Help! I Need Deliverance.

It is not unusual for someone to write us expressing a need to be delivered from demons. Oftentimes they will recount symptoms that make it evident that demons have indeed found a home and are actively tormenting their victim. We should not be surprised. As 1 John 5:19 says, “…the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” That is the world we live in.

There are only two kingdoms, both spiritual. One is the kingdom of darkness ruled over by Lucifer and the other is God’s kingdom ruled over by the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no such thing as neutral ground. I once met a man who insisted that he didn’t serve either God or the devil. He was deceived, blinded by demons. As Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 4:4 – “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

In Eph. 2:1-3 Paul wrote to those who had become believers, “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath.”

Apart from the power of the gospel and the saving work of God through Jesus Christ all men are helpless prisoners of Satan and sin leading to death. Heb. 9:27 tells us that “…man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”

The symptoms of Satan’s rule are as varied as his victims. Some may appear to be leading happy, successful lives while others suffer terrible torments in body and mind.

But Satan cannot simply walk in and take control. He requires our cooperation. James 1:13-15 says, “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

To gain control Satan must appeal in some way to our natural desires, desires that have been corrupted by sin, that center in some form of self-gratification. Just as a fish is caught by a shiny lure, little imagining the consequence, so do we humans little imagine that in following our natural desires outside of God’s loving will and purpose we are inviting all-too-real evil powers to make their home in us. How easily we are deceived and enslaved.

And with that slavery comes much trouble. The pursuit of self-gratification carries a very high price. Satan gives nothing away. In one way or another he seeks to use, abuse, and destroy his victims. And thus people find themselves in places of mental, emotional, and physical torment of one kind or another and they understandably want deliverance from their trouble.

Most people have no understanding of the real source of their trouble and thus run to any and everything that promises relief. Religion, psychiatry, positive-thinking-self-help – it makes little difference. Focused on “self” alone they just want to make the “bad stuff” go away leaving them free to enjoy life. Some even turn to the occult world, not realizing that their slavery to the kingdom of darkness will go from bad to worse.

Then they hear about Jesus and his power to deliver and so they inquire. Sadly, in many cases, they simply want Jesus as “deliverer” but not as “Lord.” They just want him to make the bad stuff go away without their having to give up their lives to serve him. There’s no such thing. Jesus is not in the business of helping people serve themselves and Satan with fewer symptoms!

We’ve had some really sad cases come across our path. A person will come to us and say something like, “I’m a spirit-filled Christian but I’m having terrible trouble being tormented by demons and I can’t seem to make them go.” Something’s wrong! You can’t be filled with God’s spirit and demons too! Demons can’t stay where God resides.

Cases that fall into this category can be among the most difficult. A religious demon – yes, there are demons that specialize in religious deception – has convinced the person that they are saved. They “walked the aisle,” had an experience, spoke in tongues, whatever the details may have been. But that religious demon is the key to the whole problem! He becomes untouchable, not to be questioned, and so the door is left wide open for all his wicked buddies to come in and torment the victim who just can’t understand why the demons won’t go. But don’t dare tell the person the real problem! They become highly offended. What a wicked diabolical scheme!

The simple fact is that if demons are in your life – you let them in. You probably didn’t realize it but they are there with your cooperation. You will find no help apart from a total surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of your life. Either Christ will possess your life or the devil will. It’s that simple.

If there is an area of your life you are not willing to surrender, a sin you are not willing to let go of, then you will remain under the devil’s power. You are compromised. You can beg God to deliver you till you are blue in the face but nothing will change. There is something in your life you love and desire above God and He will have no other gods before Him. Exodus 20:3.

The hour is late and the devil’s hold on the world’s people is growing steadily deeper. He knows his time is short and he is angry. Rev. 12:12. God has, through the gospel, set before men an uncompromising choice – it is either Christ or the devil – all the way.

I thank God that in spite of this dark picture there is glorious hope! He demonstrated His love by sending His Son into the world – while we were yet sinners – to fully deal with the sin that separates us from Him and to utterly defeat our enemy, the devil. Rev. 12:10. Hebrews 2:14-15. Romans 5:8. Colossians 2:15.

That one hope is that you believe the good news from your heart, surrendering your life, all of it, to Christ as Lord, trusting completely in his sacrifice on the cross as payment for your sins. God will accept nothing less. Don’t make the mistake of spitting on what Jesus did by trying to “deserve” salvation through some effort on your part.

Demons will try anything they can think of to hold onto their victims. When a man has obvious problems his life will often revolve around trying to “fix” his problems through some form of self-effort. Nothing is more deadly to true deliverance. The key is not to “try harder” but to stop trying and give the problem completely to God. Salvation is not some form of “self-help” but a divine deliverance of one who is both helpless and undeserving.

Demons will prod a person to resist occupying such a place – for obvious reasons. They know the power that Christ has. They know it better than we do! But they also know well that when we are “trying” with human strength we are not “trusting.” Either Christ is a mere “cheerleader,” inspiring us to help ourselves or he is a deliverer of the helpless. You cannot mix the two.

Another thing demons will work hard to accomplish is to keep us from coming to God as lost, guilty, helpless sinners deserving judgment. Oh no! Not me. I’m not all that bad! Oh yes, you are. You just don’t know it. We all come the same way or we don’t come. The very best thing that can happen to us is the thing Satan fears most: that God will thoroughly convict us of our lost and undeserving state and empower us to heart repentance and faith in Christ. By nature we will do anything to avoid such a surrender yet it is the only path to deliverance and life.

Many people want to get demons out – but don’t really want Jesus in! Oh, they don’t mind being religious, so long as they remain in charge. Nothing short of surrender will do.

Jesus has all power in heaven and in earth. Demons are terrified that we will truly come to realize that. There is a battle to be fought in coming to Christ. But the real battle is not against Satan so much as it is against “self,” that nature we were born with that wants its own way. Satan will stir up “self” with a thousand arguments and fears to defend itself against the claims of the gospel. If you listen and resist you will remain a slave no matter how religious you are.

But if you are one that needs deliverance and salvation don’t let anything stop you from calling upon the Lord Jesus Christ from the depths of your heart. Base your calling upon his promises. Surrender any issues that rise up. When Christ truly comes in demons will have to go. In him you will have authority over them – and they know it. Stop listening to their lies and start standing upon God’s word.

Another thing: faith is something God gives; it is something He enables us to exercise. Where there is divinely-enabled faith there will come a point when we stop asking and begging and start thanking. Think about it. If you continually ask you are saying God hasn’t answered yet. Faith reckons on God’s promise and counts it as done. God honors faith. Don’t get stuck endlessly begging.

To the extent that anyone stands upon the ground of their own “righteousness” or self effort they will fail. But if we come to God on HIS terms and not ours He will hear our cry and answer. Our true need is not just for “deliverance” or some formula for successful living; it is a Person. That Person is the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son. If we have him we truly have all we need.

Rom. 10:8-13 says, “‘The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,’ that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, ‘Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.’ For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile — the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’”

Of course, it is not enough to merely call Jesus Lord; he must truly be Lord. Matt. 7:21-27.

If you are one who is concerned about someone else who needs deliverance God might just want to use you as an instrument to help them. The first thing to consider is where do you stand? Are you truly born again or merely religious? Have you truly bowed in surrender to Jesus as Lord or do you merely call him Lord? If you are truly a Christian are you compromised? Are there sins and weaknesses you are unwilling to bring into the light and be honest and repentant about? Start by letting God deliver you from any strongholds of the enemy in your life.

There is a perfect provision in Christ for us to stand before Satan himself clothed in the righteousness of God. Satan cannot stand the light of God but we have the privilege of walking in it! 1 John 1:5-7. We cannot fight demons in our own strength but they must obey the Christ who lives in us. You can pray in faith. Don’t think your prayers have no effect. The devil feels them. Don’t go by appearances.

Ultimately the person in question will have to either surrender to the claims of the gospel for themselves or else resist and reject it but we can pray in faith that God will penetrate their darkness with the light of that gospel. As you pray, consciously ask the Lord to anoint you to pray. It is not what we do; it is what Christ does in and through us that matters. In Christ we have authority over the devil and he knows it. Don’t be intimidated or discouraged. Persist, not in badgering the person to change, but in prayer. God answers prayer. Ask God to quicken His promises – and then stand upon them no matter what the devil tells you.

We are in a battle, the battle of the ages. Thank God, Jesus Christ is the captain of our salvation. He has never lost a battle and He will never turn one away who truly puts their trust in him. John 6:37. The call of the gospel is to cast our lot with Christ 100%, holding nothing back. Where Christ is Lord, demons will flee in terror and defeat.

Help! I'm Struggling to Come to Faith.

The following is a reply to one who wrote a long letter detailing the struggle in coming to genuine faith in Christ and salvation rest.

Dear _______,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus! Wow! Thanks for writing and sharing your experiences and thoughts in such detail. Like you, I hardly know where to begin, but I believe I should begin by saying that you should be greatly encouraged. It is very evident to me that God has been working patiently in you for a long time and that He has given you an understanding of many things that few understand. That is not a cause for pride but rather for gratitude and hope.

In several places you recount things the Lord has said to you at various times (in spite of the fact that you are not sure it was the Lord). It was. Early in your letter you quote the Lord as saying, “I know I am not all you need, but one day I will be all that you need. But you can’t get yourself there, only I can do it in you.” That’s exactly right and you ought to remind Him of His promise – and thank Him daily for doing what He has promised.

Towards the end of your letter you summarized what you believe the Lord is saying. I won’t quote it all but I believe it is exactly what He is saying and that you ought to believe it!

You use the word “struggle” frequently. In the first place not everyone’s experience is the same. We are all different and God works according to our need and His purpose. It might encourage you to know that John Bunyan, author of the great classic, Pilgrim’s Progress, went through a terrible protracted struggle in coming to faith. What he gained as a result of that struggle is everywhere evident in his writings and ministry later on.

It seems obvious to me that much of your struggle is being orchestrated by Satan who is understandably terrified at the truth God has revealed to your heart. He is throwing up every hindrance he can muster to prevent your laying hold of the hope God has set before you.

One hindrance involves the multitude of religious “voices” you are subjecting yourself to. As the Lord told you long ago, not everything that appears to of Him actually is. Believe it! I’m not in a position to issue a blanket condemnation of _______ (surely there is something on it that is good) but the few times I’ve had opportunity to watch (usually on overseas trips) it has been obvious to me that much of it is religious “garbage.” As you point out several times, the message and emphasis is often very different from what the Lord has revealed to you in various ways. Why is that? Surely these voices are not all from God! God is not the author of confusion. If He isn’t then who is? Shouldn’t we go by the Word of God and recognize that the source of much in Christendom today is really demonic? Yet it is allowed to influence you and side-track you from what God would make real. Wouldn’t it be better to stop listening to so many voices and stick with the Word of God, thanking the Author for revealing it to you and working it in you?

Another recurring theme in your letter is your addiction to self-effort. You know you can’t, but you can’t stop trying. You’re afraid to stop trying, but also afraid that you will “let God down.” Guess what! You and I will always fall short through self effort. You’re trying live in Romans 7. Self-effort is rooted in unbelief, pride, and self-righteousness. You are no different from every other sinner. In ourselves we are all unworthy, helpless, guilty, and in need of mercy. But that is exactly what God offers!

Yet Satan keeps you on this “treadmill” through the fear of what will happen if you “stop trying,” as though acceptance by God depends somehow on your efforts and if you stop trying and then fail God will reject you. Satan knows that this is the very reason we need a Savior in the first place! Your addiction to self effort is fueled by reasonings such as you express. You need to go to the Word and use it to answer the devil.

Isn’t that what Jesus did in His temptation? Even the Son of God didn’t attempt to debate or reason with the devil. He simply gave Him the Word. Satan can always come up with some kind of rationale to prop up his lies but he has no answer for a simple stand on what God has said. The truth is that when we don’t do that – and none of us does it perfectly all the time – aren’t we really saying that maybe God is a liar after all and that His Word isn’t reliable? We’re left caught in the middle, trying to evaluate what God says, what the devil says, and trying to come to a conclusion through our own powers of reason. Not a good place to be! Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Matt. 24:35.

Closely related to this is that Satan works to keep you on the treadmill of “analysis.” Perhaps you have heard the expression, “paralysis through analysis”? It simply means that because we can’t understand everything, we are afraid to do anything! Did not Jesus say, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it”? Mark 10:15. There will always be things you cannot fully explain but must leave in God’s hands. That is trust, the kind of trust a small child has in a loving parent.

The idea of trusting God is an area Satan has concentrated on – as he once did with Eve. He paints God as untrustworthy and plies us with the ridiculous fantasy that by not trusting God we can somehow remain “in control”! Get real! Since when have you and I ever been “in control”?! So he has you caught between the fantasy of control and the fear of what might be.

And he has succeeded as he did with Eve in getting you to question God’s character. What does God have to do to prove Himself? He sent His Son to die for us – in spite of the fact that we were hopeless sinners, utterly undeserving. He gave up His Son for you; can you not give your children to Him? You can’t guarantee them anything in this world, let alone the next. And His concern for them is focused not just on this present world but ultimately on eternity. What better hands could your children be in?

God has not given us a spirit of fear – but there is one influencing you to doubt God. Why do you not steadfastly stand on the Word of God in the face of such a damnable lie? Are you not believing Satan – a liar and murderer – more than God? I do not say this to condemn but to shine a light on the enemy of your soul.

You refer to entering into rest and that is exactly what Jesus offers. Matthew 11:28-30. In Hebrews 4:10-11 we read, “… anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest….” That sounds like a contradiction but it isn’t. The work from which we are to cease is our own effort to make ourselves acceptable to God. The effort to enter that rest refers to overcoming the obstacles that would hinder us from resting from our own work. That means recognizing these tactics of Satan’s and resisting him with the Word of God. It is a battle of truth verses lies. Which will you trust? Where will you stand?

Another area of hindrance I see in your letter is in the area of what you are expecting. It’s almost as if real Christians are beyond faults and difficulties. Therefore as you focus inward and observe needs the devil is always in a position to say, “IF you were a Christian it wouldn’t be this way.” And so coming to a place of rest is always somewhere “out there,” some other time and place, etc. We can be so self-critical and analytical that we never really come to faith. When that happens we are looking in the wrong direction! As long as you are in the flesh you will always see faults when you look inward. It is not that we are dishonest and unaware of need but our focus needs to be on Christ who came to save sinners. If you are looking any other direction then, like Peter when he tried to walk on the water, you will sink. Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus reached out to rescue him!

Another thing Satan is holding over you is the fear of past sins. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid to be what you are, a sinner? Are you afraid that the blood of Jesus won’t be quite enough to cover your sins? Is it pride, not wanting to face the depth of your own need? Are you afraid of what those you have hurt will think of you? What? Satan has you in “jail” over this, terrified because he knows better. He knows perfectly well that there is freedom from the past in Jesus, that His blood can make the vilest sinner clean! Satan will invoke fear and pride regarding making things right with those you have hurt, because he knows that if you trust God – however those involved react – you will be free!

Take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and fight through these obstacles. The God who has helped you thus far won’t abandon His promises to you. He will help you. In Matt. 11:12 Jesus said of the kingdom of God, “forceful men lay hold of it.” That includes women! Let the opposition of Satan encourage you. He is afraid. He knows the power of the gospel. Don’t let Satan define what it is you expect to “happen.” Take it a day, an issue at a time. Stand on the Word. Like a child entrust each issue as it comes to your Heavenly Father – and THANK Him. (And don’t let the devil argue that He isn’t your Heavenly Father because you don’t measure up, etc.) Let God do the saving, a day at a time.

Always answer the objections and reasonings of the devil with the Word. What else do you have to stand on, your own powers of reason? When the devil tries to tell you that you have no right to expect anything from God remind him of the woman who said to Jesus, “Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.” Quit trying to deserve what you get from God. Rely instead upon the cross and the One who died there. He paid the price in full for everything God offers.

Don’t fall for the lie, “God wants me different.” God wants you as you are. It is His job to change you – and that doesn’t happen all at once.

I guess I could go on but those are essentially the thoughts that came to me. As I said at the beginning you should be greatly encouraged that God has so patiently worked in your heart and mind – and that the devil has fought all this so hard. Don’t be afraid to let go. He is faithful.

In Christ,
Phil Enlow

A Cry for Sexual Purity.

Answer to a brief message from a young man struggling for sexual purity against pornography.

Thank you for writing. I am encouraged by your desire for purity. The Lord desires it for you too. There is a lot that could be said but I hope with the Lord’s help to point you in the right direction. Please read Romans 7 and 8. Then read chapter 6. Ask the Lord to give you understanding. Paul talks about two different ways people go about serving the Lord. One – described in detail in Romans 7 – is to try with natural human strength to obey God’s laws. That doesn’t work. We all have a sin principle in our flesh that is too strong for us. All of us!

But there is another way. God’s plan is for Christ to literally come to live within us by the Spirit. Then we overcome, not by trying hard, but by in faith yielding to Christ within. Then in his strength we can rule over our bodies and serve him. Has Christ come in? Have you ever truly given everything to him and surrendered to him as Lord? That is the only starting point. Then it is a matter of learning and growing in faith.

One of the key battlegrounds for all of us is our minds. What do we think about? Satan will attack our weak areas by constantly injecting thoughts that lead in the wrong direction. It is only through Christ that we can take control of our minds. We don’t have to just yield our minds to any thought that comes along. One of the keys is to think about positive, profitable things. If we just let our minds “drift” along then the battle becomes trying NOT to think about bad things. Instead we need to consciously think about good things, particularly the things of God. He wants to be close to you and for you to learn to live in His presence. If you are occupied with talking with Him about everything and listening to Him and thinking about the Word of God and His wonderful promises your mind will be too busy to dwell on sinful things.

Many times our sinful actions involve activities: things we do and places we go. Think about the patterns, the habits that precede sinful actions. Sin doesn’t just happen. It is like a seed that is planted and then springs up. It is also like an animal being enticed into a trap. Something appeals to him and when he gets too close the trap springs shut and he is caught. For example suppose an alcoholic habitually goes to a certain bar to drink with friends. Wouldn’t it make sense for him to stay away even from the neighborhood where that bar is? Why even go near it if he truly wants to be free? Satan is very clever to get us into a weak place where he knows we habitually fail. He gets us to presumptuously trust in our own strength to resist as in, “I can walk past that bar and I’ll be just fine.” Don’t flirt with sin. Be honest about personal weaknesses. You’re not that strong. No one is. That’s why we need a Savior.

1 Thess. 4:3-5 says, “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God.” NIV. It wouldn’t make sense for God to declare something to be His will for us knowing we couldn’t do it – and not make a way for us! The answer is Christ, not just for forgiveness, but also as One sent to live his life within us and change us from the inside out. Galatians 2:20.

Seek God from your heart for understanding in these things and ask Him to teach you His way of living and overcoming. Like it is when you turn a ship around everything may not happen at once but there still is a change of direction. God will help you if you truly want to be helped. Remember 1 Thess. 5:23-24.

In Christ,
Phil Enlow

What About Eternal Security?

The following is the e-mail answer to a man who had been engaged in an ongoing debate with his father on the age-old question about “eternal security.”

Thank you for writing. Greetings to your father! Obviously, the question you raise is one that has long been debated and one I can hardly settle in an email – but I’ll at least share some thoughts, perhaps as a sort of framework, as the Lord enables.

I believe it is very important that we take ALL of the scriptures into account and see what is, indeed, the broad witness of scripture. And it is also critical that we acknowledge our need of the Lord in the understanding of His Word. He is, after all, the Author, and He’s still around to help those who look to Him from the heart!

There are plenty of scriptures that picture a place of security in Christ – John 10:27-29, Eph. 1:13-14, just to mention a couple that pop to mind. However, experience and observation have tended to cloud the issue. We live in a day of great apostasy where multitudes practice a religion that uses Christ’s name but in which He is not involved! Many of these subscribe to a calvinistic tradition, yet their adherents give no evidence of a true work of God’s grace. Their hearts are unchanged; they have become merely religious.

One hallmark of much religion in our day is “easy-believism,” by which I mean that a “belief” in Jesus is taught, yet there is no true conviction of sin, no genuine work of the Holy Spirit. Many of the preachers minister, not by the anointing of God’s Spirit but by tradition and human ability – and some are not even saved. When religion combines “easy-believism” with a belief in “eternal security” the result is a deadly delusion. Only a miracle of God can awaken someone from such a condition.

Another thing that causes people to doubt a belief in the security of the believer is when they observe someone that they have every reason to believe is a true believer, yet who falls away and returns to the world. I can easily see where a thoughtful Christian who has an inward conviction about living for the Lord and who observes these two types of conditions could conclude that it is possible to “have it and lose it.”

Although it is difficult to properly express it in a letter, I strongly believe that there is a place of security for the believer. There is such a thing as being sealed unto the day of redemption. The Book of Hebrews was written to people who had grown up in the Jews’ religion and then become acquainted with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The burden of the writer, expressed over and over, was not that they might get it and lose it, but that they NOT STOP SHORT OF IT. Heb. 4:1 is the clearest expression of this but the truth is throughout the book.

The comparison is made of God’s dealings with the Israelites after He had brought them out of Egypt. I’m sure that there were times when the people gave every appearance of being true believers – yet almost a whole generation perished in the wilderness through an evil heart of unbelief. Only God can see the heart. John addressed the same problem in I John 2:19. No doubt what he said of those who went out was designed to help those who wondered how such a thing could happen. They knew these people! They had sung together, prayed together, etc. But at heart they were unbelievers and it took just the right thing for them to turn and go out. Notice that John DID NOT say that they were of us but stopped being of us! Notice also that Jesus, in Matthew 7:21-23, in speaking of some on the judgment day DID NOT say he had once known them but now didn’t. He said, “I NEVER knew you.” Could He EVER say that of someone who had once been genuinely saved – and then “lost it”?

One reason there has been so much of this over the centuries is that Satan loves to plant false believers among the true to sow confusion. In fact, Jesus said His kingdom would be like that – wheat and tares, not always easy to tell apart, separated at the end (Matt. 13).

One thing I would like to point out from Hebrews is the oft-quoted Heb. 6:4-8. Surely it is obvious that IF one could fall away from genuine salvation – they COULD NOT, in fact, be renewed to repentance! Notice how the writer compares those who fall away to earth that receives rain yet produces thorns and briers. The point made is that many are exposed to a true work of the Spirit of God and have a taste of God’s kingdom, yet in the end it never truly possesses their heart and they are eliminated. This is consistent with his warning throughout the book against “an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God,” “neglecting so great salvation,” and coming “short of it.”

I can’t say I have any blinding revelation on the verse in Rev. 3:5 about being blotted out of the book of life. However, I will say that this needs to be understood in the light of the rest of scripture! For one thing – this verse has to do with “overcoming.” I seem to remember from I John 5:4 that “…whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world….” Once again, I believe we are dealing, not with people getting the genuine article and then “losing it,” but with people MISSING IT for one reason or another.

I believe that one area of confusion has to do with the very nature of salvation. Many appear to think of salvation as a sort of “thing” you either have or don’t – perhaps like a certificate or a ticket to heaven! The way you describe your father’s belief below makes salvation almost sound like “taking on a tenant” – Jesus – later kicking Him out – then inviting him back in, etc., etc. I believe that both of these concepts – and others like them – miss the truth by a wide margin. It is true that genuine salvation involves – sort of! – a “ticket” to heaven, and that Jesus does, by the Spirit, take up residence in the heart of His own. But salvation is much more than that!

First and foremost, salvation is a BIRTH! It is literally being born of God’s Spirit. It is the beginning of a new life, an eternal life. It is just as real as is the physical birth that launches us into this present world. We can no more be born, unborn, reborn, unborn, reborn, etc. spiritually than we can physically! Think about it!

Read what Peter said about this in I Peter 1:23-25. Notice the two kinds of life: corruptible and incorruptible. I would ask you this: Can God die? No! The very essence of His life is immortality. When someone is truly born of that life they partake of that immortality. Read what Paul said about our calling and about the gospel in II Tim. 1:8-10.

One of the things I love most about the gospel is that the FOUNDATION is not me, what I do and how well I do it – but Christ and what He perfectly did on my behalf. That’s the only source of rest I know. I cannot add to nor can I take away from what He did for me. I can’t “mess it up.” It’s enough to do the job. My place is to embrace the hope in Christ from my heart and then rest in Him. Notice that that’s what Hebrews 3 and 4 is about: rest. The gospel is a promise of spiritual rest to those who have “ceased from their own works.” If I am in any measure dependent on my own spiritual efforts then I might as well give up right now! I can never measure up. But! – He measured up perfectly – and His perfect righteousness is placed to the account of all who trust in Him.

Of course, the same grace that brings salvation also teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and so forth (Titus 2:11-14). That is what is so often missing in what many people call “grace.” It has become an empty doctrine, a vain tradition. When people are truly sealed unto the day of redemption, God finishes the job He starts. And He saves all kind of people – not just some we might regard as “spiritual.” I’ve met plenty of “spiritual” folks that were totally phony and I’ve met some pretty carnal people who missed out on a lot of blessings yet had real faith in their hearts when it came right down to it. One thing is for sure: the Lord knows them that are his.

There certainly can’t be any true rest if one labors under the idea that they might mess up and “lose it.” On the other hand, believers are definitely exhorted to “depart from iniquity.”

I believe that it is helpful to distinguish between the foundation – the “legal” basis if you will – of salvation, and the practical Christian life between genuine conversion and heaven. The only foundation is Christ, pure and simple. Real salvation involves a divine work in the heart that enables one to surrender, repent, and trust wholly in what Christ did at the cross. When God seals such a one with His Spirit, they are sealed! He then goes to work on them according to His purpose. A genuine believer can experience many things, even miss much that they could have had from the Lord, but real God-given faith does not just “go away.” In fact, real faith is – literally – the faith of the Christ Who comes in to live! Galatians 2:20. It does not originate with us! I’ve seen people truly come “the hard way,” and suffer much, yet in the end, real faith was evident – something they just couldn’t get away from. I’ve seen others, when the trial got hot, rise up in bitterness and run. God has a way of manifesting the true condition of the heart.

But those who are truly in Him are secure: He will never betray their trust though He sorely tries them at times. Phil. 1:6 – “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

I hope both you and your father will just prayerfully consider what I’ve said. We – all or us – have a lot to learn! I’m thankful that the Lord is both a willing and a faithful teacher!

May God richly bless you!
Phil Enlow

The Problem of Evil.

An Emailed Question:

I recently had questions asked to me concerning how the Bible states God’s love for us but at the same time there’s death, destruction and misery in our lives. They want to know how he can be a loving God when all of the above are going on in our society. Another question asked was why doesn’t God show himself now so there will be proof of his existence. What do I tell them? I have tried explaining that he wants us to have the faith to accept him and he is trying to get our attention. What else can I tell them? Thanks for your help.

Those are very natural questions for unbelieving man. We can only go so far in giving answers that will satisfy man’s intellect. At some point one must personally encounter God and experience a measure of revelation concerning His character.

The Bible does indeed clearly set forth a God of great love and mercy. It also sets forth a rebellion against Him led by Satan and his angels. In the beginning, man chose to join Satan’s rebellion resulting in the entrance of sin and death with all of its terrible implications. God, in His wisdom, has permitted this for a time to fulfill a larger purpose but that time is rapidly running out. There will be a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. It won’t be long.

During this present evil age, God has purposed to call out a people for Himself through the gospel. Through grace He reveals Himself to them that they might repent and bow the knee to Jesus Christ. From that point on He works in them to prepare them for His ultimate purpose. During that process we must continue to live for a time in this evil world – and yet live for Him. We can only do that as He lives IN us and gives us His strength and faith.

None of these things make any sense to someone who has not seen them by revelation (I don’t mean some great supernatural experience — just an inward knowledge imparted by God to the heart, usually through anointed preaching).

Several things are clear:

  • Natural men cannot understand the things of God. I Cor. 2:14, Rom. 8:7.
  • Men are in no position to even understand, let alone judge God. Rom. 3:11, Rom. 9:20.
  • God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Heb. 11:6.
  • A knowledge of His goodness comes only from a personal encounter. Psalm 34:8, Jeremiah 29:13.

There is a point beyond which we must be willing to lay down our questions and trust Him because of Who He is. It takes more than intellectual argument to bring that about. One must be willing to seek Him honestly from their heart. That’s what God is looking for! He won’t disappoint someone like that.

See also Deuteronomy 29:29.

May God bless you,
Phil Enlow

What Does God Mean to You?

The following letter is in response to a 15 year old girl named Elizabeth. She wrote saying that her mother had given her a summer project to write to people in many parts of the world to ask the question, “What does God mean to you?”

Dear Elizabeth,

“What God means to me” is potentially a very large subject! I’ll try to condense it, however, and get to the real heart of it. I thought of something Jesus said in prayer to his Father in John 17:3: “And this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

It is one thing to be aware of certain facts and beliefs about someone. It is something else to know them through personal acquaintance. Men may believe, as a matter of religious doctrine, that God is loving, gracious, merciful, constant, yet being the object of God’s love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness through ongoing personal experience goes beyond words! Men live and die believing this or that but knowing God is forever.

Yet God in His essence is beyond human power to know. He is too great, too high, too pure, too far removed from our base existence. Were it not for His own sovereign initiative we could never know Him. He chose to make Himself known to us by sending His beloved Son to this flesh and blood realm to be a perfect expression of His Father. That is why Jesus said, “… and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Still, most men remain blind to the glory of God that was revealed through His Son. They love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. They hate and resist divine light when it comes. They crucified Christ and would do it again, the religious leading the parade. How is it that some do come to know Him?

I could tell you from the Bible that coming to know God is not based on human merit but I can do more than that! As I examine my own heart I am utterly at a loss to account for His favor. I find no reason that He should love me above the vilest sinner upon the earth. It is by grace and grace alone!

Grace is a choice to extend favor to someone without reference to any deserving on their part. I find that for His own reasons He chose me before He even made the world. He has plans for me beyond my power to imagine, plans that will be forever unfolding long after this world has been forgotten!

He knew about all of my sins — and dealt with them perfectly and completely at the cross. His Son is alive and on the throne and prays for me — and I need it!

Knowing Him brings rest. I know that it is not because of what I am or have done or will ever do that He loves me. He has blotted out my sins. He has given me His Spirit to dwell in my heart. His hand is upon me to finish what He has started. Who can withstand Him?

I deserve none of this! If there is any goodness or righteousness in me it is the fruit of His doing. I have no grounds for pride. I can take no credit.

I can, however, love Him back. He has given me the power to do that. I can cooperate with Him that His light and life in me might become evident to those who have eyes to see. Yet all the glory goes to Him!

My prayer for you is that you too might come to know Him and His Son. If there is in you a true desire to that end, cherish it! It didn’t originate in you.

You can be like Cornelius in Acts 10. Cornelius had a desire toward God yet all he could do was to pray, do what he knew to do, and wait. In God’s time He sent someone to Cornelius, someone who was divinely chosen to give out His living Word. Through that Word, the God to Whom he had been praying and Who had seen his heart made Himself known to Cornelius and Cornelius entered into eternal life!

Many are they who preach religious sermons; few who have the Word of Life. Hold out for the latter. Religion without Christ is a deadly trap.

He knows all about you and loves you anyway! Nurture any desire you have towards Him. Keep your ears tuned for His voice when He calls.

Our lives here are so brief — and so meaningless if in the process we do not come to know Him. All that men live for apart from Him will in the end come to nothing. If He should interrupt your life to turn your feet from the world’s way to His — bow to Him in loving surrender. You’ll never be sorry!

In God’s love,
Phil Enlow

Can a Christian be Demon Possessed?

The following is a response to a sister who had become concerned that her past tongues experiences might have been demonic. One question she asked concerned whether Christians can be possessed. Her question was occasioned by the article “Tongues Should Be Tested.”

I believe the issue of “possession” vs. “oppression” can be something of a “red herring.” We know that the devil can’t touch the salvation of one truly born again, sealed by God’s Spirit. However, the New Testament is full of warnings about the devil and his wiles. These warnings are not written to unbelievers but to Christians.

It is safe to say that the devil greatly hinders a lot of Christians through their ignorance of the word and his activities. Paul spoke in II Cor. 10:4 of “strong holds.” He warned in I Cor. 12:3 that “no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed.”

Spiritual gifts are exercised as we, moving in harmony with the Lord’s will and call, yield ourselves to the inspiration of His Spirit. The devil counterfeits God’s Spirit at every opportunity. The doctrine that every Christian should be filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues is a false doctrine. It has given the devil lots of opportunity to deceive. On the other hand, there IS a true gift of tongues. It is portrayed as one of the least gifts and not for everyone (I Cor. 12:30).

It is certainly possible for a genuine Christian to unwittingly yield to the inspiration of a religious spirit. That is one of the reasons why we need the gift of discernment in particular, and the protection of Christ in His Body in general.

I have no way to know whether your tongues were of God or not. Even IF they weren’t, I am confident that the Lord doesn’t want you to panic or be fearful. He loves you! He is not mad at you! All of us have more bondage in our lives than we dare realize. The Lord wants us to take His yoke and learn of Him that we might find rest unto our souls. That is a process, one that His sovereign grace upholds. He is both able and willing to finish what He has started in us! Phil. 1:6. In Christ we have perfect righteousness! The devil can’t touch that! Praise the Lord!

If you remain in doubt in the matter, you have every right to resist the devil with the blood, with all your heart and consciously put yourself in the Lord’s hands. Then stand on God’s promise in James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Then thank God that the devil has fled!

We live in an hour of great lying signs and wonders and the sheep need to know that the devil is in the sign and wonder business and not just swallow up anything that comes along claiming to be of God. He will guide us safely through as we look to Him from our hearts.

As I said in my brief note yesterday, the Lord knows your heart and is aware of your desire for Him. Look to Him with confidence and rest and learn as He teaches you along the way.

Your brother in Christ!
Phil Enlow

Is My Experience or Such-and-such a Prophet of God?

The following is the answer to an e-mail raising questions about something the person had experienced when a “prophet” had come to town.

I believe that the Lord desires to help you, not only with this, but also with all the uncertainties you may encounter as you go along. He has promised us wisdom (James 1:5-8).

There are many so-called “prophets” circulating in the land today, but I fear that there are few men who have truly been called and sent and anointed by God. And signs and wonders and experiences don’t prove anything (Matt. 24:24). It’s important for the Lord’s people to be able to tell the difference. In John 7:16-17, Jesus gave us an important principle that God honors. He said, “My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

This principle not only applied to Jesus in the days of his flesh, but also to any who purport to represent God. The question concerned the source of the doctrine (“teaching”) that Jesus was giving out: was it from God? or did it just come from Jesus speaking on his own? Only what comes from God is worth anything! The promise was that we can know! There is a condition attached to this promise, however: our will must be to desire the will of God. If we have a genuine question about a ministry and our heart’s desire is to know the truth and do God’s will, then the promise is that we can know. God will bear witness to those He has sent and we can know it on the inside.

For example, someone could go through the motions of seeking God about something, but really, on the inside, have their minds made up. If you, for example, have some kind of experience that you become emotionally attached to, any “seeking God” will likely amount only to seeking something to prop up what you already desire to believe. You may get your “confirmation” but it won’t likely be from God! That is why so many religious people are so deceived and blind.

He can help you with this question if your heart’s desire is to please Him. Just pray to Him as honestly as you know how (in your own language!) and let Him know you are looking to Him. Be as neutral as you can about the issue: surrender it! If it is truly of God and good for you, He’ll let you know. Don’t be in a hurry. Real faith is willing to wait on God. He knows when the time is right!

How can you recognize God’s wisdom and that which comes from another source? Read James 3:13-18. God’s wisdom results in a true peace and rest on the inside! His wisdom is not characterized by a lot of unrest and uncertainty!

I truly hope that you seek the Lord in faith concerning what you have experienced. Don’t be fearful. His love is a constant. He knows where we are at and just desires that we be willing to learn and grow.

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