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Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! This issue of the MCM finds us rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness and at the same time trusting Him to faithfully see us through the challenges of life He so lovingly and purposefully allows. How clearly is that truth expressed in Rom. 8:28-30. Everything He allows works together to help fulfill His purpose: that we be conformed to the image of Jesus. And — it’s as good as done! That’s what was accomplished on the cross! Everything truly was finished!

A few weeks ago we had another wonderful Youth Camp over at Lake Waccamaw in eastern North Carolina. We had a great group of young people, most from our assemblies but many as well from other relationships such as home schooling and musical groups.

There is always a lot of fun when young people get together but more importantly the Lord was there and met with many. Besides devotional gatherings with the different groups the general meetings were very special and informal with many participating. And the singing sounded like a heavenly choir! Pray for the young people of today. They face a lot of challenges the way things are going in this world. And, they are the future! God is able to shape them for all He has planned.

Speaking of the way things are going, it should be obvious to anyone that things are progressing just as the Word of God tells us they would. Spiritual darkness is growing. Fear and uncertainty about the future in every area of human life are growing by the hour.

With that in mind we are reprinting a couple of articles that address these issues. They are more timely than ever and deal with the need for people to hear and surrender to the Lord’s voice while He is still speaking. More and more, those who will not hear are being turned over to the darkness they have chosen. At the same time the Lord is gathering His harvest. Not one He has foreknown will be lost!

Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow