January-March, 2025

by Phil Enlow
Walk While Ye Have the Light
by Charles Sammis
Valley of Decision
by Phil Enlow
Midnight Cry Messenger
Editor’s Letter
Dear Saints,
Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! Our apologies for missing the 4th issue for last year. Hopefully this one will get us back on track.
The main article was inspired by a message I preached over a year ago and that was used recently on the TV broadcast. I felt specially led to deal with truths regarding the Bible subject of destiny.
Not only is there a destiny for this present world, but for each person in it. What could be more important? And how easy is it for us to become so distracted by everyday life that we fail to properly reckon on the “big picture”?
The other two articles are reprints on subjects related to destiny in the sense that men’s choices are very critical, particularly as the end draws ever nearer.
Once again, we have seen changes take place in politics and world affairs. Some are happy and others in distress. We need to always remember who really rules! There is One on a throne far above this cursed world Who is finishing the job given to Him by His Father. That job is to build a kingdom and to put all His enemies under His feet.
There are many “seasons” here on earth. They come and go, but earth’s destiny remains unchanged. May we all live with that conviction and seek the Lord’s leading and will through it all.
Despite that dire end, scripture also speaks of a “harvest” at the end of the age. The end is not all about darkness and destruction. It is also about God by His grace rescuing a people from Satan’s dominion and bringing them into the kingdom of His dear Son. Col. 1:13.
I believe that God wants His people, not only to know about the harvest, but also to be involved in it as He leads and enables. He alone knows how to reach out and reveal Himself to men’s hearts. There is plenty of evidence in many parts of the world that such a harvest is taking place. He has promised not to lose even one He has foreknown. John 6:37, Rom. 8:28-30. Sounds like prayer would be a great place to start! Let’s pray for one another, desire to know and do His will, and stay true to the end.
Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.
Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow