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Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor’s Letter

Dear Saints,
Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! Easter is upon us as I write this. How wonderful it is to focus afresh on the glorious victory won over sin and death at the cross, followed by the empty tomb! A glorious foundation was laid for us when Jesus declared, “It is finished,” before he willingly laid down his earthly life for us.

In so doing, Christ became, not merely our “substitute,” but our “representative.” True faith in him means embracing, not just his death in our place, but rather our death through him. At the cross, every true believer died. Every true believer by faith joins the Savior in renouncing sin, the world, and their life as part of the world. In him we become a new creation.

Of course, we still live for a time in these mortal bodies and remain very much aware of the physical world around us. What a mess it is! Every day brings fresh reminders of its true condition. It is a world living under the dominion of sin and the deception of the devil.

Of course, we would very much like our earthly lives to be smooth and pleasant! We desire things to be stable and predictable. Yet we also know, from both the Word and experience that such is not the case.

The main article in this issue was first published many years ago but seems particularly relevant to this present time. We as believers need always to understand that our lives here are temporary, meant to serve an eternal purpose.

In fact, when we step back from everyday life and consider what scripture teaches, we see that the only reason this present world exists at all is to serve God’s eternal purpose to have a family with whom to share a new perfect creation. Literally, all else will pass away.

How easy is it for us to focus on “saving America,” or “peace on earth” as we think of it. I thank God that we on earth can experience God’s peace on the inside despite the reality that in the world there will be trouble. By all means, pray for leaders and governments, but my hope is in Christ alone and His eternal purpose, not in what happens down here.

The other main article is another one by Bro. Thomas from many years ago. It unlocks truths involved in the process of “bringing many sons to glory.” May we truly allow the Lord to transform our thinking to conform to His truth and purposes.

Just a quick reminder that this year’s convention will be here in Southern Pines, June 19-22. Consider joining us! Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow