October-November-December 2018

By Invitation Only

by Phil Enlow

Sweet Sound

by Ken Yonish

Help! I'm Struggling to Come to Faith

Answer to Letter

PDF Version

MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles

Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of Jesus! It’s hard to believe we are once again nearing the end of another year. It has been a year of both blessing and challenge.

I am often reminded as I observe the world scene of the unfolding reality of what the Lord so dramatically revealed in our midst about 50 years ago: the final loosing of Satan before the end of all things. We see the effects of it on every hand.

God’s people need to realize that the increase of satanic power means that they will feel increasing pressures of many kinds. Satan is angry. I’m so glad that God’s grace will carry His people through no matter what may come!

Once again, the lead article is an edited version of a message preached last year and recently used on the TV broadcast. It highlights some simple truth about both the gospel and the church Christ promised to build. What a glorious hope we have in Him!

Bro. Ken Yonish has contributed a wonderful article on worship that I hope will be encourage every reader.

The other article is a reprint of the answer to an incoming letter from a lady who, as the title indicates, was struggling to come to faith. May it shine a line on Satan’s tactics in discouraging those who would respond to the gospel message.

We wish all a wonderful season remembering our Savior’s birth and a spiritually prosperous new year. Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow