August-October 2021

Afflictions of the Righteous

by C. Parker Thomas

A Great Mystery, Part 1

by C. Parker Thomas

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MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles

Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus! Finally, we are enjoying some cooler weather as fall has begun.

Here at the Bible Tabernacle in Southern Pines, NC, we finally experienced an outbreak of the Covid-19 virus that caused us to suspend meeting together for several weeks. We thank God for His overshadowing mercy as most are in the recovery phase and, to my knowledge, no one has needed a hospital bed.

We are prone to wonder when things like this happen but Rom. 8:28 is still in the book! The Lord is working in His people to accomplish HIS purpose, not ours, and He knows far better than we what we truly need. And, His grace is always sufficient!

A few weeks ago, I spoke on what’s going on in the world in the light of scripture. When I began I referred to a newspaper cartoon I had recently seen. In it one of the characters was running frantically to the left shouting something like, “Run for the hills; the world’s gone crazy!” Then a couple of panels later he came running back the other way shouting, “I can’t run for the hills; the hills are on fire!” That’s a pretty good picture of the world situation at present as the end of the age unfolds.

I believe the Lord is preparing His people to stand and also to be a part of what He is doing to complete His purpose in the earth before He burns it up and brings all men before Jesus in judgment. May we be aware and cooperate in all He is doing. He is faithful!

I believe it is time to once again share some of Bro. Thomas’s writings. Both articles were written many years ago but remain very relevant to where we’re at today.

Surely it isn’t hard to see where, “The Afflictions of the Righteous,” fits into the present scene! I’m glad that the Lord does indeed deliver His people. We know how it all turns out and whatever the Lord ordains in the meantime will be for our eternal good as we trust in Him.

The other article, part 1 of, “A Great Mystery,” addresses the basic nature of the church as revealed in scripture. Sadly, what men call the church has become the product of human effort and rule. Christ said He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He never told us to build Him a church!

The true church is meant to be a literal expression of Christ by the Spirit, operating by supernatural enabling according to the various gifts and callings He ordains. Most often what men call church is nothing more than human organizations, often devoted to maintaining religious traditions, governed by politics and human ability, and operating according to the ways of the world.

I believe that God has a true remnant in the earth. May He awaken His own to seek Him as never before that Christ may have a body on earth through which He can speak and act. There is nothing lacking in His purpose, His promises, or His provision. As James put it, “You do not have because you do not ask God.”

Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow